i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 18:41:08 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

The first laughing hour had been mostly an act, of course. Their opposition was all but forcing them to do it and she had been worried that this was a special kind of punishment related to the dream at that point. The kind of situation where one made fun of a spark of hope being believed in or such. Yet, she obviously still did it. By that point, Violet had already decided on the role to play here – that of an obedient prisoner that simply did as she was told. And for someone that could cry on command, laughing, especially when it was expected to sound forced, was all the easier. It was simple.
Life itself was simple when one was simply told what to do. By the second laughing hour, she allowed herself to let out something genuine, too. Feeling by then that they truly were given a respite and opportunity in the dream, she decided to let go a little more. Of course, she did not direct it at those she was supposed to ridicule, but rather at their captors, who for once seemed oblivious to something happening beneath their collective noses. There still was a chance of this, too, being some elaborate scheme, but that did not matter. They gave her an opportunity let loose in a small manner and she took it. As simple as that.
Granted, by the third laughing hour, the laugh became more strained, given that she was nursing an injury sustained during the punishment time, her ribs protesting for every laugh. But she still did it. Heck, she’d even been tempted the one time that she had been the one being laughed at. Yet, thanks to her training, she knew better than to let that happen. Violet was not rebelling, but she was refusing to even appear broken. Even if that would make things easier on her. It just was not the role she wished to play, that she needed to play.
So, she refused. Mostly due to the solace offered to her by the dream. Without that, it probably would have been more effective in wearing her down. But the blessing of the dreamscape allowed her to simply put all of that aside. To just obey and observe during the day. To not think until the time came for it during her sleep. That was when she could think unimpeded. Make choices. Make decisions.
And one of them was to trust in someone she knew. There were other Rockets around, but like what always happened in these kinds of events involving a lot of people, she’d ended up with her antithesis. Heck, one she had sought out on her own, even though she had finagled it to a choice encounter of sorts instead. But that was just Violet. She knew that the others were probably working their own angles, so she pursued the one that seemed most fitting to her. Hence, she was watching the suspended will, alongside someone who seemed to be losing heart.
Since this was a dream, she decided to put a certain amount of caution aside and simply hugged Elaine from behind, more profoundly reciprocating a gesture she had been forced to ignore before. “Well, the wardens certainly have. But this is probably not,” she replied to the question poised, thinking that there was more to it than someone simply being a bit sick in the head. No, she had her own suspicions. “If anything, it’s no coincidence that this one is at the core of something that allows us to replenish our minds and willpower, as cold and distant it might seem,” she continued, hugging tighter as if to contrast the distancing words.
“I know you don’t trust yourself completely these days. But you can believe in me. And I know you won’t break. Because you are here. Because this place exists. Because I am here for you. As are the others here close to your heart.” She sighed, briefly. Vio was not someone who liked to share much, but she had to admit that things were a certain way. “And I am not just saying that. I have faith in you.” Another half-lie, another role. It wasn’t just here, in this prison that she felt that way of course. The feeling that always crept up when she was spinning her wheels in one way or another. The reason why she had chosen to take a path of taking advantage of others after running from home instead of becoming a recluse.
Because Violet, or rather, Mina back then, was lacking something inside. The hollow feeling that these days she filled by playing roles, obeying the taskmasters, observing what details she could for her role as a spy. And trying to offer assurance in her role as…whatever she truly was to Elaine. Those roles had always helped fill the void within her heart. They would have to help the growing void in this place, too.

+ Main action: Laughing Hour and assorted tasks, playing model prisoner sdnD9UMG



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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 20:05:38 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]In the dream world, Aurelie's heart was certainly working overtime during this encounter with Jack. At first, it soared at the sight of him and the sensual sweetness of his skin on hers, his lips against hers, and his firm, comforting arms around her. Then, her heart warmed when he pulled off his shirt and slipped it over her head to cover her a little better.

However, her heart sank seemingly into the pit of her stomach when they both saw their own Pokemon suspended in glass displays through a window, confirming they were both trapped in the Megalopolans' mysterious, sadistic prison. She'd already guessed it from Jack's presence here and his words, but it was disheartening nonetheless.

"I'm really here," Aurelie sighed softly, holding him close. If she could have stayed in his embrace forever, she would have. But there was an urgency to Jack that made him keep moving and looking around.

Hand-in-hand, they explored the city. At one point, Aurelie and Jack met up with his cellmate , whom he called Diamandis. Together, they searched through the city for something they never found, for Ultra Megalopolis was nothing but a hollow, soulless shell, waiting for people's lives to fill it.

Then, Diamandis disappeared. But Jack determinedly kept moving, kept exploring. What drove him, Aurelie couldn't guess. They ran into other trainers along the way, people she knew and others she didn't recognize, and questioned some of the Megalopolans, but they never lingered long in one place.

Finally, the redhead gasped, "Jack, please! Let's rest a while. I don't know when we're going to wake up, but..."

Tugging him to a stop in the shadow of an overhanging awning, Aurelie pulled him around to face her. "If you're in the Megalopolans' prison just like I am..." She swallowed nervously. "I know you're not in my ward. I'm in the Ugly ward."

She hesitated, and he could feel her fingers tighten around his and then very slowly relax, as if by force of will. "Which ward are you in? Weakling or…or Dummy?" A flush of guilt and remorse rose over her face as she looked at Jack. With his torso bare, it was clear he was no weakling.

"Because I know we voted...I voted..." Aurelie couldn't continue. She couldn't bear to tell him she'd likely voted for his punishment. Yet, the flush on her skin said enough.


- Ugly Ward
- Post 1 of 2, not main action. Removed incorrectly placed rolls with Shiv's permission!
- In dream world, keeps exploring the city
- Tells Jack what ward she's in and that she voted for Dummy

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 0:01:16 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
in dream-shred’s embrace, as he attempted to comfort her over her unconscious dog, her shoulders went rigid. she was not much of a hugger — except for a rare few lately, and only those close to her heart.[break][break]

but did not know her, really. like miss flynt in his own dream, his idea of her was just that. ’wise, powerful, and beautiful’ were high expectations.[break][break]

how dare he love her so? how could he?[break][break]

the clang of breakfast startled her awake. she jumped again when she noticed real-shred sitting next to her on the floor. how long had he been there?[break][break]

”did you have the dream too?” she asked over miserably-eaten mochi, before watching in horror as he was summoned along with others by their ruthless warden.[break][break]

her eyes homed in on the rock he was expected to lift. it was all a sick joke. still, she hadn’t the power to resist the toxic chain that choked out laughter at his attempt.[break][break]

”i wasn’t laughing at you,” she’d assure him later. or at least, she hadn’t meant to. ”it was this damn chain, i think...” though over time she would find she resented it less and less, in those earlier moments, she was able to speculate.[break][break]

”that dog pokemon looked surprised to see whatever that boulder was.”[break][break]

days went on, or felt like they did. though she’d evaded beatings in the first round of the pit, she was not so lucky the next time, nor was she spared from the humiliation of the laughing hour after so many wounds.[break][break]

let me burn, she’d told shred. and burn she did.[break][break]

eventually, their suffering waned for a trip to the chamber of desires, where she too was forced to peer into the wellspring mask:[break][break]

in this vision, the dream machine has been destroyed, for it is a bastardization of the realm its inventor sought to emulate. an insult to gods, and the natural order of the multiverse.[break][break]

the wounds of the leaking interdream zone are healed, the border between reality and imagination made whole again. it preserves the integrity of both realms, and what doors might have been mistakenly opened to and from universe 820 through the mist are shut again.[break][break]

the tera crystal has been returned to space, blown up into dust.[break][break]

hoenn is far behind her – but a souvenir has been taken: the eternal floette does not rest, powering her ship through deep space with an endless supply of infinity energy.[break][break]

her houndoom sits beside her, and a noibat on the dash, feet swaying contentedly as the stars go by. a map it holds onto shows many planets already visited.[break][break]

they travel the outskirts of the cosmos, in search of the edge of the universe and what might lie beyond it – but it is not the destination she sees. it is the journey, and the means to embark upon it.

through the steam of the shower that burned her skin after, she stared distantly, quieted by the vision of her ever-changing desires. she would not only escape that prison, but rocket too, and the world itself.[break][break]

however, by halfway through the week, it began to feel like somehow, it was not escape that would get her there. she was right where she ought to be. the never-rot would aid her in her wishes.[break][break]

until she slept, when the chain on her mind was loosened, and like others, she was free for a time.[break][break]

she explored, with a greater sense of purpose and determination, towards the center of the city. on her way, she would run into as he searched for rockets. the sentiment was mutual. they would all get through it together.[break][break]

perhaps only together.[break][break]

she discovered the azelf suspended in the strange liquid, and first met with , to find he shared her theory on the tera crystals as a way out — but they’d all need to wish it in unison.[break][break]

going to communicate the idea to others, she found first, lingering near the azelf too.[break][break]

”priam?” it had been a while. ”that mark… you’re connected to azelf…?”[break][break]

she wondered if priam was an avatar perhaps, but there was no time to interrogate him.[break][break]

”you know—never mind. we need to sway the tera crystal in our favor. head scientist rose agrees that if we all wish for an escape from the prison and for azelf to awaken, we may be able to change things on the other side!” her words were hurried, and she was leaving as quickly as she’d headed over. ”wish for it, priam! wish hard, and wake it up!”[break][break]

as their time in dream megalopolis waned, she urgently shared the theory with others she could find. she even called it out at from across a street, before disappearing down an alleyway.[break][break]

it was there that she bumped into someone else she’d been looking for: dream . she had to tell him, before they awoke under the toxin’s spell again.[break][break]

”there you are. listen, we’re running out of time. there’s an azelf over there.” she pointed towards the central skyscraper. ”we need to wake it up…”[break][break]

as with priam, and greyson, she’d share the theory: that they all needed to work together, and set aside their differences — at least, for a painful but small amount of time.[break][break]

∙ asks shred about dream, points out okidogi looked surprised by boulder[break]
∙ chamber of desires vision: dream machine is destroyed, interdream zone closed, and tera crystal blown up into dust. travels deep space in ship powered by eternal floette, visiting planets and searching for the edge of the universe.[break]
∙ finds people in the dream and shares theory that they all need to unitedly wish for the awakening of azelf and their freedom to change the tera crystal’s effects in their favor (main action) – related thread with here: awakening[break]
∙ wasted two salacs lol[break]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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september 12
hammerlocke, galar
but you know
that you're toxic
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @diana
Diana Cavendish
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 0:22:00 GMT
Diana Cavendish Avatar
[attr="class","diana"]Everything began to grow blurry. It was as if Diana was being drawn into a slumber, being pulled away from this warm world. Her head swivelled between the two women, and finally, her blue gaze locked onto ’s. Instead of the ice she’d been carrying with her, he’d see something akin to the lake they would frequent together as children.

”No. I don’t want to leave. Please, wait-!”

Cold, hard floor was the first thing her senses recalled. The second was the ache in her body from sleeping on the concrete floor. And finally…

Tears. They were not like normal ones, thick and crystalline and oddly beautiful. They rolled down her face like a river, threatening to soak the previously clean outfit that had been provided to her. She touched her face, threatening to wipe them clean.

It was that made her stop. who spoke bravely to bring about hope in this nightmare. She wondered… how could she be so brave? Was she unfeeling, or was she just better at hiding these feelings than she was? Her glassy eyes trailed to , wondering how she was faring.

”How can you be sure? How can be sure?” Diana asked quietly. But, even if she didn’t receive an answer, she decided to cooperate. There were other places she’d rather be than rotting in this prison, hoping for a wish she could barely taste and hold on to. She would have to trust Ameena.

As the week cycled by, Diana learned that the one spot she didn’t want to stand at was the LAUGHING HOUR. Laughter was pulled from her lips as each of her fellow ward members were yanked from their cells for humiliation. Her heart wretched, but she couldn’t stop the laughter. It was as if the toxins burned her from the inside if she didn’t, and the laughter was a source of relief for it.

More crystalline tears spewed from her eyes.

She could handle the pain and torture of work. Being struck by the equally terrified creature, clawing at the dark, was nothing compared to her turn at the LAUGHING HOUR.

Howls of laughter, fingers pointing at her, as Diana’s beautiful face was contorted into a series of outrageous figures and ridiculous masks. If she tried to lift her hands, they were pulled back to her sides as the laughter grew. She could hear her fellow cellmates laughing at her too.

”Look at her. She was royalty. Did you know that? She’s the ugliest princess I’ve ever seen.”

”No wonder she abandoned Galar. She could have burned it down with a face like that.”

”Do you think that’s why left her?”

The crystal tears. They soaked her uniform as she sobbed, enduring the pain of humiliation and assumption for the hour. She attempted to scoop them into her hands, lifting them up as if her tears would be enough to become a sort of offering to FEZANDIPITI to make it end.

”Please, beautiful one. Make it stop. Look at the tears I’ve cried for you.”

In her heart, she desperately reminded herself of Ameena’s request: ”I need you to want to be free more than anything you have ever wanted.”

[attr="class","dianatag"] &
- questions ameena's intentions but agrees to go along with it
- endures the LAUGHING HOUR (primary point)
- gathers her tears for FEZANDIPITI as an offering: "look at the tears i've cried for you"
- remembers what ameena's requested her to do
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.diana] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.diana b] color: #A59DED; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.diana i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.diana u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.dianatag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.dianatag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 2:31:40 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Aurelie's revelation squeezed down on his chest until he felt like he was suffocating. He tried to justify her betrayal but it was clear she was too ashamed to even admit it aloud even asleep. The sound of static filled his head as he recalled ' plea to their ward to not forsake the others, his own voice voting to trust.[break][break]

"I'm a Dummy," he answered her flatly, the smell of his own vomit mixed with mochi filling his dreaming nostrils as the memory of being beaten by the strange creature flooded his mind. The dream around him popped like a doomed soap bubble.[break][break]

His eyes fluttered open, returning him to the dismal cell.[break][break]

Pamplemousse remained still as Diamandis moved closer to him, ignoring the ache in his back from where he had fallen asleep sitting against the wall of the cell. He tilted his head to the side to listen. With Jack the gesture may have been quizzical but for Pamplemousse it was simply focused. He pondered her words, unperturbed by the prophetic phrasing.[break][break]

In a quiet tone, he conveyed what he had seen in the dream with Aurelie: their pokemon in stasis, megalopolans and other trainers, familiar faces spotted in the crowd. Jack fancied that he had even gotten a fleeting glimpse of , but unsubstantiated glances were easy for Pamplemousse to ignore. Pamplemousse was dedicated to his duty to watch and wait for the time to strike; he would not be distracted by the detritus of someone else's life.[break][break]

The smell of vomit and mochi filled Jack's mind again at Diamandis' mention of the red-haired woman, . Instead, Pamplemousse turned to look at Diamandis and asked in an even, businesslike tone, "Do they exist upon the ugly or does the ugly exist within them?" He turned away from her before asking, "Why are we here, Diamandis?"[break][break]

Pamplemousse wasn't sure what he meant and Jack was too distraught to care.

[attr="class","tag"] &


– dummy ward[break]
– jack feels betrayed after aurelie reveals she voted to punish the dummy ward[break]
– pamplemousse reports to diamandis on what he saw in the dream[break]



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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 3:29:00 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

it is not the mochi that breaks her. it is not the circle of ridicule, the feeling of her muscles aching under impossible weight. it is not the endless scraping of filth from the floors, a monster marring wounds into her side. none of it could compare to the dream.


it does not come back all at once, though she's not sure if it would be better that way either. it's like a fog is lifting - like she's back in the ring with king, knuckles to her head, blood pouring down her front, that hideous pink mist curling like smoke from her nose. 

the second time she dreams, when she recollects herself, she screams. she shatters glass and tears into the earth so that she does not rake furrows into her own skin. and that perfect future to her perfect world dissipates slowly, promising return. 

say ahhhh.

and then she awakens and all of her miseries are okay because they are a means to an end. they are a means to her perfect and happy little future and no one can take that away from her. no one can ever hurt her again - 

how do you feel, being put together?

dragon in a cage, scratching at the walls, head in her hands, holding onto the dwindling remains of her own sanity, no one there to tell, to understand, to know, to feel, to stop this, to let her sleep on and on and on and 


she wakes to the pulsing h̵͈̗͗o̶͖̤̓͘r̷̤͔͛̽̆r̸͙͙̯̅i̷̦̙̾b̵͍̉l̸̤̍̏̌ȩ̶̣̩̌ beautiful chain around her neck and she strokes it h̴̢̪̩͝a̷̳̜̍t̴̺̰͚̾ė̶̅͜f̶͍̟̄͌̕u̵͇̐l̵͉̼̳̈ľ̷̡̨̥̚ÿ̵̧̛͕̖̕ lovingly. as the fog settles, lashes fluttering, tears slip down her cheeks and she thinks í̴̖̊͘ ̴̮̤̿͘w̴̧̛̥̏͜i̴͍͘l̶͍̈́͊̊l̴͉̇̕ ̶̨̢̉̓ͅe̴̬̒s̷̖̗̺͑c̵̩̠̟̑a̶̞̼̔̽p̷̥̣̈́̕̕e̴͙͍̟̓ i am weak.
freya dreams & collects her tears

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 5:38:00 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
[attr="class","space annal"]

idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword




in her dreams, annalise knows the desire swirling around in her head isn't real. she finds people in neon-lit streets, some of them familiar and others not, and tells them not to look in the mask, to not believe their toxic chain is salvation. the wellspring mask doesn't show the future. she knows it doesn't.[break][break]but each time, consciousness rushes back in and this certainty crumbles like gravel off a cliffside, plunging her back down into the dark. she wakes up in a panic, sitting up on her cot, fearing fezandipiti has seen the dreams that aren't her own. [break][break]they can't be her own. [break][break]the toxic chain is her only way out of this prison. it promises her escape and whispers revenge each time she looks at . he will die. she will be happy. it gets her through days subjected to laughing hour, through beatings endured from the creature she and saw in rks.[break][break] and then, at the end of each day, she eats and lays on a hard cot and feels her delusions slough off her mind as sleep claims her body. [break][break]each night, she searches for her pokemon. each night, she finds them as she left them a dream before — suspended in a glass display, unresponsive no matter how hard she hits her fists against the glass. this time, she leaves them to venture deeper into the city in search of something that could be of use to them. [break][break]a tower protrudes above bright buildings, giving purpose and direction to her wandering. she finds its base. she finds a pokemon she's never seen before suspended within, unconscious like her pokemon. fingertips touch the glass, eyes searching for vulnerabilities in the casing. she sees none, but she does see someone on the other side of the display.
[break][break], his figure refracted in the strange fluid between them. in her dreams, her hate is the commanding influence on her mind once more. and yet —[break][break]"calcifet."[break][break]— should she warn him? to better her odds of escape?[break][break]her mouth opens again, but her thoughts muddy. she can't really hear the words as she speaks them, can't tell if she's taunting him for being trapped here or offering him help. just as she comes to understand her dream is disintegrating, she feels tidal wakefulness break over her. [break][break]she shoots upright in her cot, heart hammering as her heretical thoughts blunt against the absoluteness of her toxic chain. tears drip through the bottom of her mask, landing in protectively cupped palms. [break][break]

[break]ugly ward
[attr="class","oocnotestwo"]• main action: DREAM/WAKE UP[break] enduring prison life via delulu[break] goes to sleep and tells people the mask is bad!! and visits her pokemon [break] wanders deeper into dream city and finds azelf[break] sees on the other side of the azelf display & tries to talk to him but wakes up [break] panics because she keeps telling people the mask is bad in her dreams but she doesnt want to lose her poggie toxic chain privileges when shes awake [break] collects tears [break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 6:55:45 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

All things cycled.[break][break]

With , time briefly wound itself backwards. A heady rush of affection spurred her onwards, aching for the opportunity to even brush her hand against his own, and aching all the more to see his face unmasked.[break][break]

But time marched painfully forward, too, and that cycle continued onwards to its inevitable conclusion.[break][break]

"Love has made you dull-witted and slow," her own voice would deride her in her dreams, inflamed by the presence of a slumbering grudge. "That man will leave you, as all of them leave you, if you love him much more."[break][break]

Barnaby had already begun to distance himself from her, ever since that first visit to the Chamber of Desires. No matter how she reached for him, or how softly she implored him, a cold indifference had formed between them that she couldn't explain, despite the vision the WELLSPRING MASK had promised her.[break][break]

All the intimacy they shared had seemingly been erased, locked behind that crystalline mask like a vault. Yet Elisabeth couldn't seem to stop herself from repeating her nightly ritual, pressed against the bars of her cell as she strained her eyes to see his silhouette in the distance.[break][break]

"How many times have you known this thankless self-sacrifice? How many times must you repeat this cruel lesson, that no one cares for you but yourself?"[break][break]

Other prisoners found solace in their dreams. She watched them, sometimes, running to fellow inmates and exchanging useless sentiments as if they were precious, sparkling jewels to hide from their captors' prying eyes.[break][break]

attempted to raise her spirits, but she shrugged off that false bravado, utterly numb to it. Part of her preferred and her hostility; she liked the implication she wasn't a toothless Pyroar left to languish in a circus tent.[break][break]

Instead, she leaned against the glass wall that housed Wo-chien, closed her eyes, and attempted to dream within her dream.[break][break]

"And what will you do, when you cease wallowing in self-pity? Obedience has not saved you. Did it save you back then, when you played the good wife oh-so-beautifully? How long did you suffocate your dignity before you realized you'd forgotten how to breathe?"[break][break]

Waking offered no reprieve, either. Fezandipiti sabotaged her attempts at returning to the Chamber of Desires; the Feeding Pit left them miserable and beaten; the Laughing Hour humiliated them, no matter how well any of them performed for their masters.[break][break]

A rigged game was no game at all. This was torture, masquerading as punishment.[break][break]

"Power has made you soft and complacent. Have you forgotten already where your true strength lies? Do you believe without that creature's influence, you have none at all?"[break][break]

Nothing that remained in her felt strong. Bruises littered her arms and legs from the beatings, while her jewel-roughened hands were riddled with cuts. Her lips had become parched, thirsting for anything besides the mochi she'd been forced to sustain herself upon.[break][break]

She was alive, though it was hardly living.[break][break]

"You fear your captors, when you should DESPISE them."[break][break]


When she awakened during one of the last of these string of pointless days, the seed of spite had been nurtured enough for its thorns to take root in her heart.[break][break]

There had been a moment when she'd accepted the role her late husband had given her, when she'd embraced the narrative of the scorned madwoman. Gone were the polite smiles and pleasantries in front of company; her tongue loosened, forgoing restraint; flirtations once meant to anger turned into vengeful affairs designed to harm her, him, and anyone unfortunate enough to be involved.[break][break]

In some ways, this moment was the same.[break][break]

It started with the mochi. She'd managed only a single bite before she began to gag, the sight of the lavender dessert enraging her. Before she realized it, she'd thrown the remainder of the plate against the wall, watching it smear the purple goop all over the cell.[break][break]

She didn't spare a glance at for his reaction. All she could do was laugh at the sight of the ugly gelatinous glob, all-too-aware of Fezandipiti's glare behind her, reminding her: This will be your responsibility. You will return to The Feeding Pit, and you will suffer.[break][break]

Strangely, bizarrely, she found she didn't care.[break][break]

Work beckoned her again, as it had beckoned her all those days before by extending the leash of her TOXIC CHAIN forward. She stared down at the dirty, rough, glittering jewels awaiting to be polished, but that wasn't the impulse that spurred her onwards.[break][break]

She picked up a single jewel, weighing it in her hand, and glanced over at . Indifferent as ever. Uncaring. Unaware of her in every possible way.[break][break]

Without thinking, she threw the shard at him, letting it lightly bounce off his shoulder.[break][break]

Look at me, her eyes begged him. Anger flared up in her, its origin difficult to place and its flames even more difficult to smother. See me. Look at me, damn you. I'm still here.[break][break]

She threw another rock in his direction, watching it loudly clack against the hard floor as she waited to see if he'd react in any way. And then another. And another.[break][break]

Until Fezandipiti's large wing buffeted her from behind, thwacking against her skull with a satisfying crack. And she knew then, before she locked eyes with her beautiful and terrible captor, what her crimes would amount to.[break][break]

Elisabeth didn't attempt to be efficient in the Feeding Pit. She suspected nothing, at this point, would have protected her from that strange creature's beatings. Bruises welted over bruises, her body finally numbing itself to the lashing pain.[break][break]

Besides, the true punishment would come later.[break][break]

Elisabeth was the first selected for this Laughing Hour. Her TOXIC CHAIN was yanked forward as Fezandipiti demanded she play jester, her face contorting and twisting in ways that it had only ever known when in the throes of agony.[break][break]

She shut her eyes, the cacophony of laughter around her familiar enough that it didn't instill any new dread inside of her. An old voice, instead, chilled her from within the depths of her mind:[break][break]

"It gives me no pleasure to punish you like this, Lisa. But you give me no choice."[break][break]
"Do not test me. Neither of us especially enjoys it when you do, you least of all."[break][break]
"Why must you insist on being so stubborn? If you behaved like a proper wife, I'd never have to..."

Lies, lies, lies. If it didn't matter what she did, she might as well take what little pleasure she could yet attain. Her unclouded eyes snapped open, that initial spark of skepticism bolstering her as her absurd expressions contrasted with the ice in her eyes.[break][break]

"Laugh at me. Laugh all you want. I will remember it later. I will remember all of it later."[break][break]

"And my grudge will fuel me, long after hope runs out."


[attr="class","ooc"] [break][break]
Prismatic Penitentiary: Ugly Ward (TLDR)

- withdraws from her after the Chamber of Desires, and she begins to lose hope.[break][break]
- Ignores dream!'s attempts to rally, prefers dream!'s accusations because they make her feel powerful.[break][break]
- Lingers near Wo-chien in the dream, and its grudges stir her own spiteful and defiant spirit, reanimating her with a reminder of how she survived her marriage.[break][break]
- The skepticism she's retained allows some of her spiteful personality to escape while waking, making for petty attempts of rebellion: throwing her and 's plate of mochi, throwing the Tera Shards (to get 's attention), being beat by Ogrepon for being slow in the Feeding Pit.[break][break]
- ACTIVITY: Is made to endure The Laughing Hour as punishment for her behavior, soaks in the laughter as a source of resentment to fuel her later. Hope runs out, but grudges are FOREVER.


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 14:15:53 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He had been busy since that first sleep....Every night he had done his best to meet with the others. Those he didn't meet with he tried to spread whispers within the cell. He had a way for them to get out, a way for them to fight back, but it would take all of them. So he approached first as they were cellmates.

"I think....I have a way for us to get out....But you have to trust me....Can you do that?" He'd ask her before going on to explain his plan in hushed whispers. "The dreamscape you've seen it too? If we can get everyone in all wards to pool their collective desire in a similar manner....We have a chance at freedom....But you have to want freedom more than anything else you've ever wanted....More than food, water, or life...." He understood that he sounded like a raving lunatic, but he needed to get as many people to agree to this as he possibly could. , and were already on his side from their meetings in the dreamscape. But three did not make an army....

"It might take time....But trust me....I've not let you down yet...." Despite the lingering feelings of resentment he felt towards her, despite the fact that he wanted to make her writhe in agony as she had once done to him. There was no reason for it here, no reason for it now....They would settle their score one day, and it would be in glorious combat, but until then, they had to trust one another, and trust was a currency that was extremely rare.

Through the week he would make his way to , fury broiled in his veins at the man having chosen to forsake the other ward, but it had still worked out for the time being.

"I need you to desire freedom more than the air you breathe Howard....I think we can create a similar situation as we did with that Regidrago Remnant....Our desire, and the Tera Crystals...." He let the other man fill in the blanks. "I've already got others in the other two wards working to this end as well...." Amor had been patient, he had found a chance, a slim chance for them to succeed, so they had no choice but to bet it all. "See if you can convince some others...."

There was only a few others in the ward that he could try to convince, but if he got Melody, and Howard....That would at least give them three from here, and the others who heard of his plan via osmosis.

Let this work....Please let this work....

Because if it didn't he could be leading them all to their doom.

Amor has a plan and he is trying to get as many people on board with it as possible.
Main post later!

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 15:07:15 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
The morning brought Oscar to his breaking point. After a frantic breakfast of Mochi, was called upon by their warden. Oscar tried to help him over, but the warden had other plans. The great bird flung pheromones into Oscar's face, forcing a feeling of reverence to constrict his brain. He dropped Navy instantly, with the knowledge that it would please their glorious master leaving a warm feeling in Oscar's stomach.

That warm feeling faded as Navy was forced to play a fool in front of the entire ward. Oscar felt remorse for contributing to the man's suffering, even if it was against his will. Yet he could not express it, the collars would not allow such negativity during the 'laughing hour'. Oscar was forced to laugh, like a virus would force him to cough. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he struggled against the words and chortles that wretched from his lips. He had no control here, and he doubt he would have any control again. Except for in...

Oscar's days were numb, following the routine forced upon him so that he may sleep peacefully. He had initially written off the dream, yet its consistency became the one thing that kept Oscar from shutting down completely. At least here he had control over his thoughts and desires. There was nothing he could really do here, but just being able to think for himself was worth the day's struggles.

Oscar mostly hung out with , who seemed concerned about that mark on his arm. Oscar had always thought it was a tattoo or something, he did not know that it had actual significance. They would visit the Ultra Tower often, looking up to try and catch a glimpse of Azelf. When he had first seen it during their first night, he thought his mind was playing tricks on him. Yet multiple prisoners had claimed the same vision from within the dream, including Priam.

"There has to be a way inside." Oscar said to Priam during one night's excursion. "Maybe we can have tea with it or something." Oscar still was not convinced that this dream was real, but having something to work toward would give dreaming further purpose. He would need purpose if he was to survive.


--All this despair causes Oscar to go into auto pilot.
--In the dream, Oscar hangs out with Priam.
--Oscar searches for a way to get inside of the Ultra Tower.
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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 16:29:30 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


Noel wakes up drenched in sweat. His breaths grow heavy as he stirs himself up from the floor. The Toxic Chain wraps tight around his neck once more, waking him up in a frenzied mess. It was easy to forget what was real and which side was the dream. But no, this pain was real, affirming Noel's fear that he truly was stuck here for who knows how long. Over on the other side, things were much nicer, while it was an unknown world, there was no pain, no strife to go through.[break][break]

He almost wished he could remain there forever.[break][break]

No... This was the reality he was living in and he needed to face it. As he calms himself down, he looks up to see sleeping peacefully on the faulty cot. He wondered what she was experiencing in her dream, hopefully, something pleasant to ease her mind.[break][break]

Soon the cells would open up, and their days would begin, each one more or less the same as the last. Eating their disgusting mochi, working on whatever task the wardens required of them, and facing their ridicule for their amusement. The only solace being able to sleep at the end of each day, where Noel would spend his time guarding over his Shaymin companions; hoping, pleading for someone or something to set them free.[break][break]

Each time was the same however. No matter what he tried, there was nothing he could do to save his Pokemon, only being able to watch them as they float in their tanks, suspended in an eternal slumber.[break][break]

One day, that started the same as the rest, he is suddenly called to enter the Chamber of Desires. Why the wardens deemed him worthy of entering was something that he couldn't fathom an answer for.[break][break]

He follows suit behind his captors, along with others that they had chosen. Fear grips tighter onto his heart with every step he takes into the hall leading up to this so called "paradise". Unsure of what to expect, he would steel himself for whatever would be found ahead.

[attr="class","notes"]Post 1 of 2. NOT MAIN ACTION[break][break]
Begins the routine every day[break][break]
Every time he enters the dream world he looks over his Shaymin to protect them[break][break]
Is taken to the Chamber of Desires

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 18:37:22 GMT





[attr="class","symbol"][attr="class","fas fa-fire"]


There wasn't a decision to be made.
Once you take a hit, it's natural to return. To crave what was lost. But, to dream is to live, and to live is to suffer, here, through the grueling hours of manual labor.
And so Penelope picked away at the crystal.
She scrapped away at the mochi.
Anyone who cared enough would notice the change in demeanor. Still crazed, but now energized, the councilwoman became one of the first to enter every room they were forced into and the first to leave. Hungrily racing to return back to that dreamscape of loosened collars and still-breathing possibilities.
"Look into the mask and you'll see your deepest desires."
It was a gift for good behavior, they told her ward. A token of appreciation. But never had she been given a gift with a muzzle of a gun pressed into the back of her head.
Still, she accepted the proposition, as did the others, and sank her face into the mask's outstretched arms, allowing reality to form under a new god and brush.

When awoken, it was not in her cell, nor the showers they were promised. It was at the end of a long table with familiar faces huddled to her left and right, each one closer to a mirror's reflection than a person. Behind, at the furthest stretches of her vision, screens populated her view.[break][break]

To the left, images of the street were broadcast. Infested by chaos, she could see more crimson than grass. People were weeping below waving flags of black and red. Beside the live videos was a map, offering context to this unwinding tale. It showed nearly half of the cities conquered under Team Rocket's rule. Their masses falling one man, one idea: .
The voice was familiar. Soft, considering the circumstances. Reminiscent of . Still, The Coveted refused to listen, gaze hurriedly sweeping towards the right of the screens. The right was populated more by headlines than pictures.
This voice grabbed her attention, however, harsher this time, more becoming of . Turning, she finally regarded the table with a thorough look over.
On the surface, it held no discernable differences from the AQUA meeting gathered last November. But that couldn't be right. Because was missing, and deep down, The Coveted knew she was the reason for that change. And received some change as well, looking less with certainty as she normally would, the pink nearly drained from her cheeks.
"Commissioner," Another strong voice came from her right. There was no mistaking its candor, nor the dwindled radiance. She turned immediately, facing with smothered confusion.
"The people are growing restless," he informed, nodding towards a newly transmitted video of gathering protests. Probably more Rocket scum. "we need a reason for 's death and quick. They still see her as a saint - not the traitor that she was."
And then it clicks, all at once.
It was you.
You cornered her, you filled her with envy beyond the extent of anyone's capacities, and you broke her down to the point of no return. With that opportunity, in front of the league, you snuffed her out. Smeared her name with images of corruption and HATRED, reducing her accomplishments as acts of concealment. And in the ruins of her legacy, you built your own.
Hoenn was yours.

Penelope pulled away from the mask distraught. Blood soaked her hands, invisible and real all at once.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

- Penny has been REENERGIZED BY CHIYU POWERS[break]
- Penny goes to mask of desires room [break]
- Penny's desire ended up being a world devolved into chaos between rocket and the league. She is personally responsible for Dahlia's death and Eva's demotion/disappearance. She is commissioner now.


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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 22:38:31 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]"I didn't know you were here! I wouldn't have voted for Dummy if I had..." Aurelie burst out, reaching her hand out for , but he was already fading from view and evanescing away from her outstretched grasp.

She was left with an empty hand and an aching heart, one that wondered, Why did I say anything? She'd wanted to know what ward he was in, in case it ever became possible to meet somehow outside of dreams. I should've just asked him, instead of telling him where I was. Why am I such an idiot?

If she had known he was in the Dummy ward, if she'd recognized him somehow through the ceiling Tera crystals, Aurelie knew she never would've voted for Dummy. She would've happily inflicted punishment on a dozen strangers, rather than someone she cared for.

But she hadn't known. She hadn't seen.

Aurelie awakened from the dream crying—not that strange, given the anguished note the dream had ended on. What was strange were the tears she cried. They sparkled on her fingers like faceted gems, capturing and refracting the light with unexpected brilliance. Puzzled, she cupped the tears in her hands and laid them on the table, feeling somehow that they were more precious than ordinary tears.

Like Tera crystals compared to ordinary gems, she thought. Or Steel-type Pokemon metal compared to mundane metal. Maybe these tears have special properties too...maybe?

After that dream, it seemed somehow fitting to be subjected to the torments of the forced laughter during the Laughing Hour, the tedium of polishing tera crystals, and then the brutality of the feeding pit. She was a fool and a monster, and the degradation and beatings seemed an apt punishment. During the next seven days, she endured it all, even standing in the center of the chamber with no eyepatch, her scars revealed for all to see and mock.

Sometimes, Aurelie tried speaking to her cellmate , who seemed to have withdrawn into herself, a silent husk of a woman. She would feed her if she seemed sluggish, cajole her to sleep, talk to her about plans or dreams. The white-haired woman seemed lost in her own thoughts, but maybe she heard. Maybe.

In a corner of their cell, the redhead assiduously collected a hidden stash of mochi, clothing threads, and ordinary rocks or pebbles gleaned off the floor. She still held out hope of building something that could help them. It was a small hope, but it was all she had.

The red-haired smith eagerly welcomed the chance to visit the Chamber of Desires again. Peering into the Wellspring Mask been the only note of happiness she'd experienced in this prison. What Aurelie saw there on her subsequent visits, though, stunned her.

Rather than the vision of cozy familial contentment she remembered, she saw instead dreams of League victory and prosperity on her second visit. Aurelie gasped and recoiled, appalled. On the next visit, she beheld dead bodies seeping blood, with more sprayed across the walls and ceiling in sanguine splashes. On the last visit, she saw a scene of joy and love, a romance she didn't know but could still feel deep in her heart.

This isn't what I saw before! These aren't my desires, she thought, haunted by what she saw. This mask... Is it collecting our desires? Why? Are they giving it power somehow?

So many questions, so many wounds and bruises, so many regrets, and so many tears. When would it end? And how would it end? Or was this to be her life forever, until their captors killed her?




- Ugly Ward
- Endures everything, clumsily tries to take care of Freya, and slowly loses hope
- Main activity: Visiting the Chamber of Desires and seeing the desires of others, much to her surprise

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,211 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 0:07:57 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","nikki109"]Like a moth to a flame. Navy is right, she is easily drawn in to the mysteries and secrets that encapsulate this world. And like a curious Delcatty that can never get its fill, she will never rest till she obtains the answers she so wishes for.[break][break]

Where is Azelf?

Silent, still and encased within this impenetrable glass.[break][break]

Why then does she feel so lost upon receiving this one?[break][break]

Frozen in place. A blink. Time slips her by and steals her voice. And when she awakens, she remains nothing but a prisoner in this hell.[break][break]


Come night once more, branded with fresh new cuts and bruises, she falls into a deep slumber. To her surprise, she finds herself standing where she'd last been. And yet, her heart doesn't flutter with that joy of discovery. It bleats, it aches and it makes the cold wall that separates her and Azelf that much more apparent.[break][break]


Silence is her friend. Embracing her like dark, murky waters until it drowns out every other sound.[break][break]

"Why are you here?"[break][break]

The crack that she hears is of her own making, her knuckles screaming for all the effort she's put into her punch.[break][break]

"Wake up..."[break][break]

It will not open. The way forwards has never once opened.[break][break]

"Wake up!"[break][break]

She awakes, the world a blur as tears sear her cheeks.[break][break]


Be it frustration or lucidity that drives her, she remembers that must be interested in this. So she finds him, each and every dreaming hour, without fail, and brings him all the way to the tower.[break][break]

He talks, a lot more than she does. He's patient, persistent despite their previous interactions. Both in the RKS simulation and here. It must be unwavering hope on his end, to ask a sleeping pixie where it is. At the very least, his presence stops her from doing something stupid.[break][break]

Guard dog, second opinion, just company overall. She is whatever he needs her to be in the moment, offering a few words of her own to Azelf when asked.[break][break]

"Mesprit and Uxie are here too." As if that would incentivise it in the slightest.[break][break]

"How did you end up here?" As if there'd be an answer if she continued to pester it.[break][break]


She'd been cocky, hadn't she? Assuming that they'd even be able to save it? She'd expected hardships. She'd expected obstacles to stand in their path. But she'd ultimately been arrogant in assuming that finding Azelf was going to be this miraculous turn of events where things would mostly go their way.[break][break]


And here she stands, helpless to do anything for friends and family just within her arm's reach. Useless to divinity that could do far more to save itself than she ever could.[break][break]

"I must be going insane."[break][break]

Disillusioned by just how close to gods the people of Hoenn have been.[break][break]

Why do they continue to stick with us? Of all people?

That had never mattered in the slightest. Their schemes and hearts were always theirs and theirs alone to peruse. Right now as her two palms press up against the tower, this is the closest she's ever been to Azelf.[break][break]

"What can I do for you?" A whisper. "What do I need to do to get you out of there?"[break][break]

She breathes because she hasn't yet given up.[break][break]

"I'm going to free us. All of us. I don't know how, but I'll try."[break][break]

Time's up. The world begins to fade in pieces.[break][break]

"So please, watch over us."[break][break]

One final prayer. Meaningless words that safeguard what remains of her will.[break][break]

Salt taints her lips and tongue as she rises to the ache of flesh and bone. Waking to this bleakness has become routine. Madness and despair awaits them on the other side of this cage, but she will not break.[break][break]

[attr="class","nikki103"]dummy ward
[attr="class","nikki103"]fucked up
tl;dr - prismatic fuckery: dumb ed.[break]
✦ dreaming, visits azelf each night[break]
✦ first time seeing it, too shocked and overwhelmed to react[break]
✦ second time, questions why it's here, yells at it to wake up - winds up waking herself up[break]
✦ next few times, she brings to the tower, watches how he interacts with azelf, guards him from potential danger[break]
✦ god it's been a journey[break]
✦ has so many questions, realises deep down that none of them will be answered right now[break]
✦ vows to free all of them, she hasn't given up[break]
main action: collecting tears doesn't sense anything about the tears while still caught up with her dreams, but licks them away since she can't wipe 'em with her mask on (slurp slurp)


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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 4:17:44 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Today's torture begins right after the dream. After filling her stomach again, already tired of the peach mochi, they'd be let out again. Their warden had a new game; a boulder-game meant for three of them. Three of the prisoners, randomly picked ( , , and ), followed by adding in the poor guy beaten half-to-death yesterday ( ) for added cruelty in humiliation. But, when she's forced to laugh, and forced to chant, she audibly spits to the side.[break][break]

Her head still hurts. She can barely see out of one of her eyes, and she can feel the dried blood in the back of her head. But after the laughter, she looks at the Megalopolan speaker.[break][break]

"You first," she mutters under her breath. Ruthlessness is mercy. She'll become the monster soon enough. The light in her eyes, as she glowers at her target. One day soon, she'll plan until there's nothing left to chance.[break][break]

And for the next few days, repeatedly, she would find herself in the cycle. To put it bluntly, she was failing behind on her work, because she kept trying to find ways to take advantage of what was given to them. Any advantage, to turn. Even if she had to use this chain on their guards, she would. But, she's not at her best. She gets more, and more ragged. No matter how much work she does.[break][break]

tries to keep her on her feet. To keep her in there, but every night, she is crying herself to sleep.[break][break]

She's so weak.[break][break]

In her dreams, she looks for them. For , for , , , , , and . She desperately looks for , heck, that girl from before, ? She keeps looking. They're somewhere here. They have to be. But every road leads to nowhere.[break][break]

She's so pitiful.[break][break]

She wants revenge. She forgets, for a moment, what she learned from . The path of pain, it was too much. She couldn't see the light at the end. Is this what was meant for her? Was this the end of the road for her? For all of them? Can she not save a single person, and watch them all die before her?[break][break]

Every day, she stumbles harder. Her only escape is in her dreams.[break][break]


The Chamber of Desire



And then the day came. She was given a chance to peer through a mask to see something beyond herself. Though she resists at first, the mask is placed over her eyes. She's crying, screaming in resistance, when she sees it.[break][break]

The world is on fire. The buildings of Slateport City, falling and crashing into the massive seaport city. The sky rains fire from above, meteoric, with the infernal blaze everywhere. The flag of Rocket stands tall, the Megalopolan threat now taking everything. Her legs wobble. The screams, she can hear them.[break][break]

And yet. The clouds part, and the sky of red hot fire gains its blue again, like a wave to come back to the world, the shine of the sun pushing its way back through everything. Where the path of power ends, she can see her. Longer orange hair. Rocket's flag burns, the Megalopolan threat dismantled, and carrying those who need to be protected, to be saved. She could save them all. looks happy. She saved Hoenn, she made a difference. Her eyes, filled with tears, as she throws a hand out.[break][break]

"Come back! Please!"[break][break]

Like a tunnel of black, warping it all away, she can feel it leave her fingers. Getting up onto her feet, she runs to her. To , where Genny finds things she's wanted. The ring on her left hand. Her friends. She can see her Girlygang. Her eyes well up more. The laurels of a heroine, surrounded by those she loves most. Seeing an older , happily next to the her. To make it to the other side of the path to power. The struggle and strife, all of it was worth it in the end. It's okay. It was going to be okay.[break][break]

She wails. She wails so loud. She wants it so badly. The desire to protect everything, everyone she cares about. But she's SO WEAK.[break][break]

And then.[break][break]

The older Genevieve walks in front of her. Her Ranger uniform torn and battered, bruised and ripped, as she holds the hand out to the younger Genevieve.[break][break]

"You can do it too."[break][break]

"You're not weak."[break][break]

"No matter how tough it gets, you'll get through it."[break][break]

"So stand up."[break][break]

Genny wanted it more than anything. She holds her hand outwards. With a clasp downwards, onto the wrist of the older Genevieve, she feels herself being pulled upwards.[break][break]

She feels it burn inside of her. The sun upon the older Genny's back, onto her feet.[break][break]

"You have two legs. So get to walking. And when you're strong enough, run. And when you're stronger still, sprint."[break][break]

The older Genny, upon closer inspection, looks like she's covered in scars, a body burning in real time before her eyes. To protect everything.[break][break]

Even at the cost of everything.

, , , , , , , , [break][break]


- Weak Ward, Inspiration Song, [break]
- Wakes up. Witnesses torture and pain. Marks her Megalopolan target. He's soooooooo gonna get offed.[break]
- Crying to sleep every night. She's barely holding on, Hideo. But she is.[break]
- MAIN ACTION: Chamber of Desires[break]
- Sees a ruined Slateport, and everything on fire. An older Genny brings the sun back, and bathes everything in a blue wave over the burning sky.[break]
- She wants it. She's too weak. God, she wants it all to be okay. She's crying for it.[break]
- Older Genevieve walks closer. With a hand held out, says she can do it. And the older visage starts to burn in front of her, riddled in scars.[break]
- She'll do it for Hoenn. She'll bear the weight, take the pain, burn. She'll die to ensure they can live if she has to.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP