i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,200 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 16:01:05 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]STEEL CHEF 2024 CONTEST




THE STEEL CHEF 2024 COOKING CONTEST IS BEING CONDUCTED IN LILYCOVE CITY, sponsored by the Iron Lady Forge run by . In this year's contest, all participants will be tested on their knowledge and mastery of the unique flavors, cooking techniques, and traditions of different regions. Each contestant may bring one (and only one!) Pokemon partner as an assistant.[break][break]

Judging will be performed by well-known Lilycove restaurateurs and chefs, who will assess each dish based on taste, presentation, technique, and creativity. The winner will be crowned the STEEL CHEF.[break][break]

The Iron Lady Forge will supply high-quality, hand-forged chef's knives, cleavers, paring knives, tongs, kitchen shears, and other essential culinary tools crafted from the finest steel to be used by any interested participants. All participants will be able to take home a favorite knife or utensil from the Iron Lady Forge if they choose.



ALL THOSE WHO CHOSE TO SIGN UP and enter the cooking competition will be ushered into a large warehouse near the Lilycove City harbor reserved for the occasion. Those who took part in the very first Steel Chef Cooking Contest or the Bubble Tea Brewing Showdown will recognize this warehouse being used back then as well. Inside the warehouse, all contestants will be assembled within a high-ceilinged, cavernous kitchen space equipped with numerous rows of prep and cooking stations, each featuring a small card labeled with the name of a contestant.[break][break]

Once all contestants have entered the kitchen, you are greeted by a red-haired woman with an eyepatch over her right eye and a Polteageist hovering beside her: , the host of this contest. She performs a low, sweeping Kalosian bow with a flourish, before raising a microphone to her lips.[break][break]

"Welcome to the Steel Chef 2024 cooking contest, everyone!" she exclaims, her voice warm and friendly and her eye sparkling with enthusiasm. "It's my honor to host this contest for a second year, and I can't express enough how much I appreciate you all for signing up and wanting to participate and compete."[break][break]

She beams radiantly at you all in evident excitement. "I hope you're all looking forward to this contest as much as I am! This contest will last for four rounds, in which all of you will test your culinary skills and knowledge to create four delicious dishes for our judges to sample and evaluate.[break][break]

"Which of you will reign supreme? Who will become this year's Steel Chef?"
Aurelie asks rhetorically, before breaking into a playful grin. "Let's find out! This year, instead of focusing on ingredients or themes, we're instead going to explore...regions![break][break]

"How well do you know the regions of the world? And how well do you know their cuisines? Let's embark on a culinary journey together and enjoy the results!"
[break][break] She tilts her head to one side, her grin turning mischievous.[break][break]

"So, for the first round, I'm going to ask you to create your very best..."[break][break] The redhead pauses dramatically and clears her throat, creating a moment of suspense, before continuing, "Kantonese dish! I'm talking about a dish of any kind...entree, appetizer, dessert...inspired by the flavors and techniques of the Kanto region."[break][break]

A shadow crosses her face for a moment, before she shakes her head and clears her throat again. Directing a meaningful glance up at the clock mounted on the wall, Aurelie concludes, "You have one-and-a half hours to complete your dish. And your time! Allez!"



ALL CONTESTANTS have been brought into a large warehouse near the Lilycove City harbor reserved for the occasion. Inside the warehouse, you find yourself within a high-ceilinged, cavernous kitchen space equipped with numerous rows of prep and cooking stations, one for each chef to use.[break][break]

Each prep and cook station features a gleaming stainless-steel countertop, stainless steel sink, gas stove, and electric oven. At the front of the kitchen is the presentation area, where the judges will sit together at a long table when tasting and appraising the contestants' dishes.[break][break]

A hallway to one side of the kitchen leads to the equipment room and pantry, which contain all the materials, cookware, and ingredients that contestants might need. Planter boxes line one wall of the pantry, filled with fresh herbs and greens that chefs can harvest and use in their dishes.[break][break]

The rest of the pantry is filled with shelves, refrigerators, and bins of fresh produce, meat, seafood, spices and seasonings, dairy, breads and grains, and kitchen staples (eggs, salt, sugar, flour, butter, several different types of cooking oil, cooking wine, and more) to help chefs bring their unique concoctions to life.[break][break]



TO PARTICIPATE, please read the following questions carefully:[break][break]

  • To join the contest, please post before the deadline specified at the bottom of this post.
  • The Steel Chef 2024 contest will feature several rounds with deadlines.
  • Each round will feature a prompt to fulfill.
  • Each contestant must post once per round and make a roll at the end. If you miss a round, you won't be disqualified, but your chances to win will be lower. The roll will represent the judges' opinion of the contestant's dish.
  • At the end of the contest, the contestant with the highest roll total will be the winner. Therefore, please add up all your rolls at the end of each post.
  • Winning the contest will give your character a Clever Pokemon Contest win.
  • Like Shiv, I will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. Unlike Shiv, I'm arbitrary and capricious and will tag and mention people as I darn well please, including high- or low-rolling characters or characters who have the moxie to incorporate green eggs, purple shrimp, eldritch horror, or Eevee flavoring into their creations.



THE FIRST ROUND PROMPT is the Kanto region.

  • The dish your character creates for this round must be inspired by the KANTO region. (OOC note: I will accept dishes from any region of Japan. In addition, simply because I like how "Kantonese" looks a lot like "Cantonese", I'm also accepting Chinese dishes, particularly of Cantonese origin. I realize I'm arbitrarily conflating two different, albeit related, culinary traditions here, and I apologize if this offends anyone!)
  • In your post, please reference your character's favorite Generation 1 Pokemon.
DEADLINE IS[break]JULY 15, 2024 AT 11:59 PST



The winning contestant will receive a Clever Pokemon Contest win and ribbon.[break][break]

In addition, every participant will receive a special prize for posting in each round:[break][break]

  • First round prize: 1 gacha ticket
  • Second round prize: 1 TM/TR
  • Third round prize: 1 shard (your choice of color)
  • Fourth round prize: 1 salac berry


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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
795 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 16:17:27 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Kantonese food was not one she indulged in often, but there was a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant in Mauville, tucked beside a rotten alleyway, that produced the most decadent broth in the world. She had hired their team to cater an important meeting at her company, and the business relationship formed had resulted in her getting the details on her favorite bowl. [break][break]

So she got to work recreating it. She pulled out some Slowpoke tails, one of the underrated pokemon originating from Kanto. She favored psychic types naturally, but the Slowpoke was seen as a lacking pokemon. However, her first encounter with them had been the variant species in Galar. They had a considerable battle prowess, and thus she held Slowpoke in high regard. And, in this circumstance, the flavor and texture of their tails was going to put her over her competitors. [break][break]

She chopped up the tails while her broth simmered. The tails went in easily, along with the Tangela noodles. Once everything played well together in the pot, she poured a generous portion into the bowl. The blue-pink coloring looked satisfying, but the added chopped green onion pulled the dish together.

TAGS – [break]

NOTES – Kantonese food (Japanese ramen) & favored gen 1 pokemon (slowpoke)[break]cybq6Cn4[break]


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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
709 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 16:45:04 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

Eddie was giddy with excitement as their gracious host announced the terms of the competition. This was admittedly a bit of a trek from his somewhat recently assigned post in Dewford, but that's why Eddie had left some of his heavier hitters behind to keep an eye on the island in his stead. Besides, it wasn't like he was the only guy with an interest in keeping the place safe, so who would care if he took a day trip out of town to rustle up some grub? [break][break]

With that small bit of personal reassurance in mind, Eddie was free to indulge in a favorite hobby alongside some new friends. He grinned at one such acquaintance at their own workstation and flashed a thumbs up, [break][break]

“Good luck, bud!” [break][break]

Maybe Eddie shouldn't have been so chummy with a guy he had only met twenty or so minutes ago, but the Cascarrafan couldn't deny his own gregarious nature, nor could he hide his pure delight as a can of ice-cold beer came whizzing toward his head. He caught it effortlessly and popped it open with a satisfying crack! while he considered what dish to make first. [break][break]

Kantonese food, huh? The first dish that came to mind was one that would pair wonderfully with a crisp and refreshing lager. Setting his drink down, Eddie glanced around the room to formulate his plan of attack, [break][break]

“Blanche, see if you can figure out where they keep the rice, alright?” [break][break]

The Hisuian Growlithe was off with a bark as Eddie made his way to one of the fridges. Silken tofu, ground beef and pork, fresh ginger, and green onion were all pulled out and carried back to his workspace. Blanche barked again from somewhere near the other side of the pantry, and Eddie swung by to grab his favorite carb and some necessary seasonings. One last trip to the equipment room and they were off to the races, [break][break]

“This is gonna knock their goddamn socks off,” Eddie gleefully assured his Growlithe as he whisked together some of the seasonings, “You think I oughta go heavy or light on the doubanjiang?” [break][break]

Blanche whined a little at the thought of skimping out on such an important ingredient, [break][break]

“Yeah, you got a point,” he acknowledged as he tipped the bowl of combined seasonings into the simmering pan of ground meat, “If they can't take the heat, then they oughta get outta the kitchen, right?” [break][break]

Besides, the tofu would help cut that tremendously, because otherwise this stuff was hot enough to keel over a Tauros. The next ingredient joined its brethren in the bubbling pan, and before long, the whimsical chime of the rice cooker announced that the dish was ready to be plated. [break][break]

A scoop of rice, a hearty ladle-full of the good stuff, and voila! Eddie grinned as he placed the bowls full of food for the judges' appraisal, [break][break]

“Hope you folks like it hot, 'cause this mapo tofu's about as hot as it gets!” [break][break]


[attr="class","bottom"]tl;dr [break]
eddie snags a beer from lars, talks to his dog, makes mapo tofu [break]
fave gen 1 pkmn is tauros [break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,073 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 17:02:42 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Hm. Hm. Hm. Hm."

Howard Slayte, local archaeologist, poor person, and chef extraordinaire looked at his contestants. Someone must have really liked his boba tea from the contest, but Howard couldn't really see why. Poverty didn't taste delicious. Meanwhile, and forged delicious dishes. It made sense that Ameena knew how to make Kantonian cuisune—the sun never set on the Galarian Empire, after all—but Eddie? He was going to town on that rice.

"Ah, splendid!" Howard clapped his hands together. "I'm fucked!"

His Colossal lumbered forward with a massive armful of meats, onions, and a few skewers.

"How do you know how to cook?" He frowned at the Colossal. "Don't you eat like, rocks and shit?"

The beast belched coal dust into his face. The frown deepened as Howard mucked around for tinfoil and a flat tray, before severing onions, meat that looked suspiciously like Raticate, and a few choice berries.

He unceremoniously tossed them onto the Colossal's back and kicked back.

"Wake me up in..." Howard checked his watch. "Five minutes."


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 17:11:50 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

If they’d met sometime before this contest, oh, they would definitely have had a crapton more stories to share over some beers!

Who knew that his illumine Rotom’s freezer would come in handy as he’d expertly tossed the ban of ceer can of beer towards ’s direction before giving him the thumbs-up gesture; acknowledging that (at least for the moment) they were going to be rivals in the kitchen.

Kitchen… heh. Okay, so this was… probably not going to be his best all things considered (why didn’t they draw the pastas category? That would’ve been a huge boost to his shattered ego in the kitchen) plus he had to think fast… what was he going to make?!

Idly, his mind flashed towards the thought of Magikarp sashimi, but that would be too much of a cop-out because it would just involve catching fish and salting them just right and serving them in slices, right? He was here for a challenge, mamma mia!

Scouring his panicking brain (which was going through all five stages of grief at once, goodness, how was cousin going to react when she saw him in the kitchen like this) for ideas, he eventually settled on one—however it would be a dish in ‘several parts’ because he would need to make the fried rice first.

Hopefully there was day-old, or at the very least cold rice stocked in the fridge that he could use! He would then make a mad dash for where the cold ingredients were stored, and returned much later with a small container that had the promised cold rice ingredient.

“Okay, so I can’t fuck up something this simple, right?” he muttered to himself sweating like a criminal on trial.

Fried rice was simple enough to make, right?

Okay, so it was oil in the… in the big pan first (he knew better than to use a shallow frying pan) and got to work, relying on late-night memories of watching this certain chef make a certain kind of omelette a certain way—

The sounds of sizzling rice and oil would hit the air while he got busy, chopping up the rest of the vegetable ingredients needed for the ‘fried rice’ component of this dish.

Once he was satisfied with the fried rice he made… it was time to… tackle the egg. And yes, it was time to make the ‘omelette’ part of the dish he was planning.

Now here was to hoping he didn’t fuck up the egg flip… it was the egg flip that would determine if he would succeed or not!

All the while, his illumina Rotom would be hovering beside him, keeping the cans of beer cold as he reached over to take a quick sip before doing some strange motions with the frying pan, and attempting to do that fancy-ass flip…

Will he succeed in making the ‘omurice’?


• his dish is omurice
• watch him have a meltdown in real time! favorite pkmn hilariously mentioned, is Magikarp (Magikarp-line to be exact since it’s Gyarados but I had to make it fit in the context of the prompt so)

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july 14
laverre, kalos
i just want to
get to know you
5'4" / 162 cm height
5'4" / 162 cm height
guess i didn't quite think it through
36 posts
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TAG WITH @bash
bastion blythe
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 0:08:22 GMT
bastion blythe Avatar
Striga doesn’t think it’s cool or neat that they’re in a cooking competition. Striga doesn’t think much of anything is cool. Her favorite food is raw meat.

Bash ties his apron on and dries his palms on its rough, canvassy surface. He is beginning to regret putting ‘Paldea’ as his cuisine of choice. Like a schoolkid sitting down for an important test, he had the thought: I do… know how to do this, right? I’ve made food before. I can do this.

The host calls out the starting region, kanto, and Bash flashes Striga a thumbs up.

“OK, we can do this. I have kind of a big idea for this, so who knows how it’ll turn out, but if we can pull it off--,”

Striga is not listening. Striga is clawing at a package of fish and tittering angrily because it is not presently in her beak.

Bash swats her away and, after both human and owl re-wash their hands and talons (and beak), he unwraps the fish and sets it on the clean cutting board. “Okay, slice this up in, like--,” he cups his hands together, “ shape?”

He’s forgotten the word. Striga seems to understand fish, though, because she begins to pare it down, while Bash gets to work seasoning his (pre-cooked, we ain’t got time for that!) sushi rice and slicing mango, He arranges everything on a huge rolling mat, then exhales evenly, and begins to roll it up.

Wrapped in seaweed, it looks like a giant, green log, until he slices a piece off, revealing cubes of mango, dots of roe, rice, and slices of fish arranged in a Sandshrew’s face… or, at least, a vague estimation of sandshrew’s face. The mango gets the scaly texture pretty on point, he has to admit.

“Tada! Giant Sandshrew sushi.”

Served with eel sauce, for dip action.


round 1 dish: futomaki (giant) festival sushi.
like those cookie dough logs with shapes in them, but not.
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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 3:03:42 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Elaine was hardly the greatest chef. Hell, she was hardly a good chef by any stretch of the imagination. But a cooking contest felt like a nice reprieve after all of the nonsense she had recently been through. Regardless of her skill or her perceived lack thereof, she wanted to give it her all.

"That seems to be everything." After pointing over all of the ingredients she had picked out, she smiled as she placed her hands on her hips for a moment. Everything was prepared for her here.

She had wanted to try ramen, but getting the appropriate broth ready was paramount for a good serving and something she had no confidence she would be able to do in the short time allotted.

"Jeanne. Chop the cabbage. I'll get the rest of the batter finished up."

So, instead she went with a different route. It was a Kantonian variant of a dish her Growlithe seemed to love. She had seen another one of the contestants with a variant of Growlithe and had to wonder if that one would love this dish as well.

"I've never cooked Monjayaki before, but I guess there's a first time for everything." Wiping the sweat off her brow with her forearm, she looked down at the almost complete batter. "Flour, salt, water, pepper, and the konbu are in. So next..."

She picked up the cabbage that her Pokemon had so dearly sliced for her and dropped it into the batter before dropping the aonori, ginger, and agedama into the batter. After stirring it out, she looked to the now heated griddle by her side. "Take out the cabbage, drop it onto the griddle, let it cook and soften."

Speaking out the steps, she continued to cook until she eventually came to the final step.

With the metal spatula in her possession she spread it flat, added some chopped scallions on top, and then let it thicken a bit before taking it off.

Though it may have been best fresh off the griddle, that didn't mean she wouldn't try and serve it on that for the judges. It would definitely be a strange choice, even if she wanted to maintain an optimal crisp on the bottom.

In the meanwhile, she couldn't help but wonder how the man who threw expensive bread was doing.
Prompts: Dish is Monjayaki, favorite 1st gen Pokemon is Growlithe

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fen (mille)
dee/dem/der, they/them
march 9th
mossdeep city
office worker (cracker)
5' height
5' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
443 posts
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TAG WITH @fenelle
Fenelle Miller
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 16:44:46 GMT
Fenelle Miller Avatar


It's actually fortunate how things turned out for Fenelle. has seemed rather embarrassed about not having anything to transcribe the spoken announcements properly, but dee actually doesn't mind ... since it means that one more of the autism gang could be on stage. Porygon's floating next to dem in a tablet, currently displaying variations of beep boops that it seems to use to communicate with the actual contestant - Magnemite.

Dee readies demself next to the other contestants, and since this is a civilian appearance, dee actually makes an effort to awkwardly smile at the others before glancing towards the side where the rest of the autism gang would be - a Ralts, a Fuecoco, a Vanillite and a Milcery, all looking like they'd really like to storm the stage. Seperation anxiety is honestly something dee should consider working on.

Ready? dee signs and asks der pokémon, oh, actually more Magnemite- oops. Still, they both confirm and the show would start! Aurelie does an amazing introduction, from which Fenelle might or might not take some mental notes home ... and then, it's baking time! Oh, eh, cooking time!

As now, Fenelle's secret objective would also be revealed ... really pushing the intersection of cooking and baking. For the first task, it's actually easy enough - immediately, dee moves to prepare some Baozi, specifically Cha siu bao that dee knows is coming from Kantonese cuisine. Dee meticulously prepares the dough, before moving onto the filling which, really, is the lesser exact science of the whole thing. As long as it comes out okay, that's alright - but if the dough's bad, the whole dish will just die. (In der eyes. The best calories come from dough, in der opinion.)

Dee lets Magnemite control the steamer, which might or might not be a good idea ... and gets ready to present the end product!

dish cha siu bao / baozi
fav gen1 pokémon don't make dem choose between porygon and magnemite please

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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,869 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 18:03:22 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","mmilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



The Calyrex shard fusses a little bit with his outfit when Elise ends up having him wear a chef’s hat and uniform as her assistant. Complete with a pair of sunglasses, the ambassador thinks that he’s good to go as far as the disguise is concerned. Charles is her assistant Pokemon for cooking at this year’s Steel Chef Cooking Contest and one that she plans to win this time![break][break]

When the first round had a prompt of making food from the Kanto region, Kantonese food was something that her mother’s family indulged in often when they were able to cook it. “Alright, Charles. We should make my late mother’s favorite which is chicken egg fried rice.” She smiles at the Calyrex with his chef’s hat and she’ll get right to cooking with a wok.[break][break]

(And no sane person would use an insulation stove for this.)[break][break]

Throwing in the rice into the cooking wok, she would first whisk a full egg yolk in the glass bowl with chopsticks before chopping the spring onions and the garlic to put into her rice. Charles helps in adding the chicken broth to the rice while the whisked egg yolk and the chopped spring onions were thrown into the rice. [break][break]

She sees the Calyrex help to chop up the chicken pieces to put into the egg fried rice and she helps to put the pieces into the wok filled with the fried rice and the ingredients all together. After the chicken egg fried rice was done from some wok tosses, Elise turns off the heat and pours some of the chicken egg fried rice into a plate for all of the judges to try.[break][break]

“It is a favorite in my family: chicken egg fried rice. A recipe from my mother's side that's been passed down through generations.” The Galarian ambassador takes a small bow as she gets another plate of her dish and gives a spoonful to her Calyrex. He gives a content “Cro-rown!” when he chews and swallows down the rice.[break][break]

“I’m glad you liked it, honey.” She gives him a warm smile like she’s a mother who’s proud of her kid liking what she cooked for them. The ambassador is sure that her Gengar would like it too.[break][break]





Prompt: Kantonese food (chicken egg fried rice, a family favorite in mine) & favorite gen 1 Pokemon is Gengar



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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 8:52:43 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El, admittedly, was a bit biased as to their favorite Kantonian pokemon. Having had Bibidi by their side for this long as equal parts attentive service pokemon, loyal friend, and motherly confidant, it was safe to say that those of the Alakazam family held a special place in their heart.

And for that reason, was there any surprise that Bibidi would be their partner for this contest? With ample use of Teleport, Telekinesis, and the like, it only took her and El bouncing thoughts for her to set off gathering the ingredients and tools they needed.

Which, as Bibidi gathered, El would work to prepare some of the first ingredients - pulling up a chair at the sink so that they could get some rice going without straining their knee. They wanted to make a katsudon bowl of some form, something that they felt they could present in an aesthetically pleasing fashion. Heck, they could even try something other than the usual tonkatsu for this, if they so wished!

(There was also something that could be said, about the first meal they made being a katsudon bowl - and the similarities to how a student might traditionally eat some before a major test.)

As Bibidi blips into view next to El, they'd smile and pass her the bowl of rice. "I can start cutting some of the ingredients, if you can put that in the rice cooker and get some breading ready." They spoke - to which she nodded, already getting to work.

If they kept at this, they'd have plenty of time to make the dish look great, on top of tasting great!
Alakazam, Katsudon Bowl
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,020 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 12:27:16 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

How did Tempest keep getting away with this? The disguise of Davey Jones really was the gift that kept on giving. After his showing last year, it would feel insane not to come back and cause more problems at this Steel Chef contest. It had been so much fun![break][break]

Already, Hati was at 's table as she had been last year. When the Coalossal wasn't looking, she would drag off various bits of meat or veggies to munch on. The little Eevee slipped to and fro like water, much like the Vaporeon she might someday be. Temp actually wasn't paying much attention to her, busy humming to himself as he chopped with all the confidence of a man who loved to cook for his husband.[break][break]

A nice seafood dish... maybe that spicy octopus he made for sometimes?[break][break]

Rice was washed and thrown in the cooker to steam while he went to work. Careful chops of fresh Octilery, an eye searingly hot sauce brewed up on the stove. Cook and coat the octopus, then serve in a bowl over top of the rice. Add garnish. It would be delicious.[break][break]

Pleased with himself, Tempest placed his prepared bowls before the judges.

[attr="class","tag"]@ STEEL CHEF 2024



🔗 dish: nakji-bokkeum ;; pokemon: vaporeon


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 12:51:34 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]Truth be told, she's a little intimidated as to how fast everyone seems to be diving right into their cooking. After all, every second counts in a competition like this. As she waddles to her own work bench, she's glad (but also simultaneously upset) to see that they've placed a stepstool right there for her.[break][break]

"I ain't that short..." She murmurs, looking to her little Wooper buddy that's decided to accompany her for this culinary conquest. Nessie smiles wide like a Ditto, idly swaying side to side in such a fluid manner that Eris has to stop and wonder if she's really looking at a Wooper and not a mischievous copy.[break][break]

Ah, but she needs to focus! A Kanto dish? Chazuke, curry rice, tamagoyaki... What should she even make to present to the judges? Will they even like what she makes? A dish from home, a dish from home...[break][break]

"Ah, I guess I could try that."[break][break]

Potatoes, onions, carrots, beans, thin sliced beef. Maybe some shirataki noodles? Oh, and she can't forget to grab the sauces for the stock! As she juggles all these ingredients back to her bench, she's already muttering the steps to herself over and over. Cut the vegetables, fry the onions and beef...[break][break]

The condiments are somewhat of a mystery to her.[break][break]

"How much of each did momma put?"[break][break]

Nessie looks at her with wide eyes, ready to tip a bottle of mirin right into the pot. This contest sure won't let her look up any recipes to check, so all she can do is follow her gut instincts and sense of taste to balance it out![break][break]

[attr="class","eris103"]uh oh sisters
[attr="class","eris103"]steel chef
wow eris is REAL BAD at taste testing

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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
313 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 23:28:20 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar


hell’s kitchen

Cooking was a science, and Alba was nothing if not a scientist.[break][break]

…No, wait. Baking was a science, cooking was an art… And Alba was nothing if not, uh… someone who could keep himself alive with his homemade food? He wasn’t a professional chef by any stretch of the imagination, but goddamnit, he was going to cook like his life depended on it.[break][break]

For his Kantonian dish, he’d decided on tempura, not out of confidence in his own abilities, but more in the hopes that his weakness for deep-fried food would carry him where his lack of culinary degree couldn’t. And hey, he’d managed to make it edible once at home, so surely he could make it again here?[break][break]

“Hey, can you quit staring into space like a Clefable? Pass me the rice, if you would.” Grains float across Alba’s workstation as he prepares his batter, dropping down neatly in the waiting bowl. Mix it, but not too much, then dip the seafood in and deep fry, but not for too long… After that, he had to make the dipping sauce, but that came after making sure the tempura didn’t burn, or the pot didn’t start flinging boiling hot oil at him.



Making tempura![break]
Favourite Gen 1 Pokémon: Clefable




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may 7th
hau’oli city, alola
rooksexual (demi)
lilycove gym leader
gym leader
his hands keep turning into birds and flying away from him. eventually the birds must land.
1,736 posts
lam logan DOLLARS
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lam logan
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 1:20:10 GMT
lam logan Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia lam"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


Back at it again![break][break]

Surely he had in the bag this time around. He wasn't exactly the most proficient boba tea maker, but surely he could hold his own in a normal cooking contest, right? (That was pretty suspect. He was decent in the kitchen at best, not exceptional.) He just had to believe that he was an iron chef out here in the kitchen nook he was sent to. Lam wandered out with a short wave, his psyduck toddling along after him.[break][break]

Peaches was much more of a crowd pleaser - waving her flippers and soaking up any attention or cheers that she received with flustered, preening PSY YAAAAI.[break][break]

When they're given their orders, Lam looks down at Peaches. "Kantonian, huh? So you've got this one, right Peaches?" The psyduck balked, blinking up at him with round eyes before raising her flippers to press them against her head. Lam was quick to lift his own hands in resignation. "Nah, you don't need to get yourself in a tizzy, I was kidding." Sheesh, talk about dramatic.[break][break]

Her theatrics were quickly revealed - as soon as he relents, Peaches waddles in place. Right as rain within seconds. But was fine, he supposed, because she was one of his very favorites.[break][break]

"C'mon then, help me get the stuff. We're makin' okonomiyaki."[break][break]

As a vegetarian, it seemed like the natural course of action to pick a dish that didn't rely solely on meat, and could have it as an additive by choice. "It's a simple dish, but we don't need to do anything super dramatic to make it enjoyable." Lam plucked up a head of cabbage and handed it down to Peaches. The primary ingredient. Snagging the other necessities, they made their way back and commenced shredding up the cabbage.[break][break]

Once that was done, he mixed the shreds up with some chopped scallions. More shredded veggies soon followed: zucchini, carrot, and rounded off with some shiitake mushroom.[break][break]

In another bowl went eggs, flour, and baking powder, along with some salt and pepper. Once that was whisked together, he combined the two bowls and charged Peaches with mixing the two together.[break][break]

Heating some oil in a pan, he poured the mixture in (after giving the batter a few more stirs,) and let it take a nice pancake shape. Patting it down with a spatula, Lam left it to sit before turning to mix together a few ingredients for a sauce to drizzle over it.[break][break]

It was a quick mix of ketchup, soy sauce, and oyster sauce - something he busied himself with until Peaches tugged at him and pointed. "Oop, good catch!" Moving back to the pan where the cake had started to firm up, he carefully pried at it with a spatula until he could flip it over and let the top side turn golden brown.[break][break]

Once it was slid onto the plate, he drizzled with the sauce and some mayo. And voila! Proudly, Peaches marched the plate of okonomiyaki up to the judging table.


[attr="class","nametag"] SZ8Ant6Z


[attr="class","icon-flying"] we makin okonomiyaki!! [break]
fav gen 1 pokemon: psyduck of COURSE!!



[newclass=".lam"] --accent:#acc77b; [/newclass]

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 2:29:25 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar stared at his ingredients shelf, unsure how to proceed. He was not a chef, so it was an anomaly why he had chosen to enter this cooking competition. Maybe his addiction to contests made him blind to premise, thus dooming Oscar to partake in a contest with which he had zero skill. Then again, he did alright in the boba contest. Perhaps he shall pull off a similar miracle, although this time absolutely successful.

Oscar was unfamiliar with Kanto cuisine, with the majority of his knowledge centering on sushi. He was reluctant to make such a dish though, as he was certain that it would be very common among his fellow contestants. Yet as he struggled to think of an alternate dish, Oscar decided to say 'fuck it' and go for the easiest option.

He pulled out rice, seaweed, fresh Magikarp, and cucumber. For the cucumber and Magikarp, he would look to his shiny starmir--whose name escaped him thanks to their relatively recent addition to his team. "Uh hey star man, cut up the fish and the cucumber--please." The starmie would obey, Spinning Rapidly like a buzz saw before laying into its assigned ingredients. Meanwhile, Oscar prepared the seaweed and rice so that he may easily wrap the diced fish and cucumber to create a lovely sushi roll. With his dish finished, Oscar would hastily drop off his dish and hope for the best.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP