i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 22:59:29 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Like before him, Gavin ventures into the distortion with Rocket interests in mind. Sightings of powerful Pokémon and strange phenomenon? If there was power to be had, best they seize as much of it from the League as they could.

A Goomy follows him in; Gavin takes no notice.

Not until, in the middle of a harrowing clash with a strange white Zoroark, a bolt of otherworldly lightning slams down into the poor, helpless dragon. Gavin would've given the pitiful creature up for dead — but it glows, and shifts, and evolves into something that resembles a Goodra. Resembles, because there's something strange about this one.

Naturally, Gavin takes advantage of the poor creature's shock to nail it with a luxury ball.

Like a tick, his Eelektross latches onto the strange Zoroark and drains it dry, giving Gavin an opening to back out of the rift as it starts to become more unstable. Fearing that this might warp somewhere else as the Spire had in Sootopolis, Rocket's underboss backs out to go make his report.

Caught a strange Goodra with moves I didn't think it could learn. Will allow the scientists to run tests.

Goodra -> Hisuian Goodra.
(Fully evolved it with a shop post before using the distortion to FORME CHANGE; just using the 'evolution' as flavour if that's OK!)
Goodra learns SHELTER and STEEL BEAM.

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 0:46:55 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

The recent report of an abnormal phenomenon happening in petalburg city has drawn the scarred man’s attention away from his normal daily routines. Warm crimson colored orbs widened at the sight of a massive doom like bubble that inhabited that area. A sense of unease washed over him as he approached the exterior of the dome, taking mental notes of the strange colorful vortex that created the barrier. Bizarre noises seemed to be emitting from inside of the bubble, only making Maverick even more curious in what it was.

For a few minutes, the ex gym leader hesitated outside of the barrier. Eyes narrowed in an attempt to see into the dome, but everything was blurred out and unrecognizable. He grunted to himself, gaze shifted to his oddly colored typhlosion when she let out an unsettling grumble in response to a series of loud electrical cracks that skipped across the exterior. It was clear that this was something out of this word, surely nothing could create this kind of thing.

Taking in a deep breath and motioning for his shiny typhlosion to follow, Maverick pressed on into the void. Eyes closed, expecting something to shock him or hurt him in some kind of matter when he made his way through. Surprisingly however, the barrier itself didn’t do anything. But once in, loud screeches of creatures and otherworldly uproar filled his ears and sent a dangerous aura through him. Gaze opened, shifting over the terrain to find out what in the hell was going on.

His gaze fell upon a law dropping massive genger with eyes burning red. The trainer quickly dropped down low, moving to hide behind a tree in hopes it didn’t spot him. The ghost and poison type turn on a dime, but didn’t seem to notice them as it stomped around and screeched to the heavens. Maverick couldn’t believe his eyes.

Out of the blue, a brilliant flash of light shined behind him. Without thinking, his gaze turned as the light began to dim. To his disbelief, his once shiny typhlosion had changed. Sort of. The creature still had the same body physique, the once pinkish first on the top was a blue gray and the flames a ghostly pink.

“What- What happened-“

A shrill of a screeched erupted from behind him, gaze shifted to see that the genger almost hovering over him. Maverick cursed under breath, stumbling back and falling on his bum again. A hiss followed after, crimson robs shifted to see a pair of angry luxio approaching as well. Why were these pokemon so aggressive? What was going on? Maverick continued to back away, unsure if he would be able to run away fast enough.

The typhlosion roared back, standing her ground as she stood between her master and the wild pokemon. A ghostly aura called to her. Taking in a deep breath, she summoned several spheres of ghostly flames and hurled them at the genger. It stumbled back, shirking in pain. Maverick swiftly got to his feet, astounded by this new move. Another around of warning hisses could be heard as the gengar started to recover from the surprised attack.

“Come on,” the scarred man mumbled in a growl, ushering his new beast form to run, “Let’s get out of here before the gengar attacks us again.” Turning to flee, the man darted towards the edge of the barrier in hopes to escape before they get mulled by these savage creatures in this thing. He will investigate this new form later.

for @n/a at petalburg city. records. shiny typhlosion changes into shiny hisuian typhlosion, learning infernal parade and wild charge.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 2:49:28 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
This Distortion thing was fucked up! Super fucked up! So fucked up I could use so many words and it would be, like, really fucked up. But I need to go too bed and I wanna hurry and shove this post out. So I won't use those words.

Temp was going not for Rocket interest but to keep an eye on the local wildlife. He didn't know what this thing was and he was sure that other Rockets were better equipped for this kind of thing.

For the most part, Temp has a good time. Many other people had cleared the way, meaning he really only saw the strange environment and the tail end of clashes from others.

But, in his pokeball, something strange was happening. Temp would later find his Qwilfish changed and odd... just... a real fucked up fish...

form change: qwilfish > hisuian qwilfish
level tutor: barb barrage
ty uwu
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August 10
Mauville City, Hoenn
16 height
16 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
52 posts
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TAG WITH @bbbunny
Ann Nickolette
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 2:55:53 GMT
Ann Nickolette Avatar

heart of steel
stand and fight live by your heart




written for TAG


She doesn't want to be here, why would she? Only dumb people recklessly approach an enigma place such as that whatchamacallit entry-like place where mysterious and unknown pokemon roam around. 'Great, it is not like I have memorized all of Pokemon that exists currently and now the world wants me to remember more' Ann groans after witnessing the scenery. If it wasn't for the sake of chasing Zee that got chased by a wild pokemon which leads her to Petalburg Wood from Mauville city - Yeah, it was a long chase - and carelessly jumps to the realm. "If I have spare money, I would bet on how fast those filthy adults exploit this new realm" Ann murmurs looking for Zee then her eyes widened when she saw the transformation that is happening to her Zorua. At first, she thought Zee is going to evolve to Zoroark but the body changes into something slightly different yet still similar to how a Zorua would look like. What was once a black and red color for his fur, now it has turned into white and red. Something about it feels creepy. "Zee...?" Ann carefully calls out to him. She feels tearing up as she has grown up with Zee when she was still a child, playing together and frolicking around while also sharing their difficulties together. But, now Zee completely changes into something that she doesn't know. Does this change only affect his look or it actually effect what is inside. That thought made her anxious. [break][break]

Ann slowly and carefully reach her arm to Zee's head and slowly patted it and she let out a sigh of relief when she notice the usual dorky smile and purr from Zee whenever she got patted by Ann. "Please don't change" [break][break]

NOTE: [break]
- Zorua turn into Hisuian Zorua

[attr="class","curragebot"]NOTES [break]



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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,621 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 4:42:03 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
close encounters of the fourth kind...

[attr=class,bulk]It was exactly the sort of worldbreaking event that Hoennians just couldn't pass up. He'd been in Rustboro when the headline reached his phone across social media: Strange distortions in space-time... Alien species of pokemon running amok...
Aside from the routine end-of-days spiel, it was a glorious nugget of information that brought him just before the threshold of the unknown expanse shortly after.[break][break]

Cautiously he steps inside, a pokeball at the ready...

Eyes light up like beacons, and he can already see an obnoxious difference in the aura of the pokemon. If modern pokemon were a prismatic assortment of hues, then these were clean slates, pure chromatics that held more power than complexity.[break][break]

While exploring the area he realizes very quickly the pokemon are openly hostile. They make no attempts to hide, as they have not needed to. Adrian sees no reason to fear them either, releasing Sirius at his side to escort him safely through.[break][break]

While Siris takes them along the river to grab a drink, he notices the unusual species of Basculin, before the snap of a twig causes him to look abruptly over his shoulder. Dressed in alabaster, a strange species of Stantler approaches Adrian, standing tall with a regal disposition. You've gotta be the oldest Stantler here, huh? I didn't know they could grow beards... But his eyes see something strange in the aura around the weird deer's antlers; the onyx spheres seem to bend the aura around it. It senses the disturbance in reality Adrian is causing, and has approached him, perhaps thinking to make Adrian leave... Or simply to understand what was calling out to it.[break][break]

"...Sirius, time to battle." The kingly forest creature does not stand down from the challenge, and the resulting battle leaves Adrian feel... not himself. Every clash sends reverberations through the distortions, some of which affect him. But there is no reality where the weird deer triumphs over such a massive warhound.[break][break]

But they are not without their own wounds to lick. Sirius suffers a gash along its side that just misses anything vital, and must be returned to its pokeball for the remainder of his stay. In its place an Infernape fights, while they are scented by an indigenous species of Arcanine that stalks after them. Perhaps it meant to come to Sirius' aid, but it instead finds two foreign bodies, finding in them a threat to the natural order.[break][break]

Adrian feels the heat radiating off of their battle, neither willing to back down on the intensity of their flames. They do not resort to any other method of attack, bound by some unspoken code to see who burned hottest. In that battle, they both awaken something in the other that brings out a raging fury that only stokes the battle fervor further. Both pokemon collapse from sheer exhaustion with no clear winner.[break][break]

The longer he stays, the more attention his interactions attract, and every battle is a hard won victory that leaves his team weakened for the next encounter. And if that wasn't enough, he can feel something slipping away; the very air seems aware he doesn't belong here. And with that he departs for the far edge of the distortion, and the present. With his pokedex app he catalogs the information for public use.[break][break]






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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 7:29:00 GMT
Deleted Avatar

What a wonderful world!


"Hm, I wonder what I'll find in here..." Cat had thought aloud, her inner explorer had gotten the better of her, a curious cat indeed whom had happened to be in the area when she'd witnessed the strange occurrence. The pink-haired Galarian, not one to shy away just because of some "danger", had brazenly stepped through into the distorted Petalburg Woods. She'd looked like someone on a leisurely stroll, a pecha berry cookie in her mouth as she looked around.[break][break]

She'd mostly wandered around the place, she could feel something was weird about the place, but she had no idea what exactly was weird about it, it was different yet the same in such a strange way. Though she'd found out rather quickly why it was dangerous, overhearing the sounds of aggressive wild pokémon in the distance, perhaps it wasn't safe to stay in here for too long.[break][break]

Cat had been ready to take a step out, when she'd been greeted with a sight, a... Growlithe? Sitting in place in front of her, tongue out, panting, it seemed Catalina had caught its interest. Yet Cat hadn't had time for that! It was dangerous! She'd mouthed a sorry as she was about to head past, though a moment's hesitation and had anyone been on the other side of the distortion, they'd have seen young Catalina, holding up a peculiar Growlithe in her arms, cradled like a baby, a pecha berry cookie in the fluffy doggo's maw.[break][break]

She couldn't leave a poor stray pupper to fend for itself, could she?

@ @ @

[newclass=.freezybunger b]color:#f099aa[/newclass]


"Catching" a H!Growlithe! Forme Changing Cat's Gacha Growlithe!
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 12:23:28 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Though her senses are dulled by sadness and grief, there is no mistaking that shiver that runs down her spine. It forewarns her of danger, her eyes tracing the skies as she and her party of new pokemons are devoured by a strange space-time distortion. If it isn't bad enough that a storm surges above head, her attention draws thin when her Zorua starts to whine and Reiner begins to bristle at the presences of threats.
Over the hills, she swears she sees the arms of those pokemon that had chased them through the bamboo forest and nearly managed to kill them. Overall, not the best company to be in for the long term, especially considering how many pokemon that had originally been sitting here had grown aggressive.
"Cmon," she beckons, scooping the poor Zorua into her arms and climbing onto Reiner's back as she watches the roots of his fur start to bleed white. "We need to get out of here before something really bad happens."
- Forme-changing Zorua to H!Zorua
[attr="class","adrie-note"]space-time distortion

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 15:13:00 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Since he was all the way out here already, might as well—

He blinked. He thought he was seeing things, at first—

Before the darkness suddenly engulfed a particular section of Petalburg Woods, with him in it!

Lars had no idea if he was alone, or if there were other people, but one thing was for sure: whatever the hell this was, it was nasty, and he had to get out of it, fast!

The only problem was that the Decidueye scout he’d sent scouting along with Ro hadn’t returned yet, and now he was frantic with worry. Hell, even the deity was unreachable—was there something within the distortion that caused the ‘link’ they had to suddenly not function?

“Where is that companion of mine—” he hissed, still hiding in the tree that he’d climbed when the space-time around the place started to warp and well, distort

Just as he was about to climb down and out of the tree to start searching for the two on foot, a speck of sparkling silver caught his attention—it was Ro!

However, the Decidueye that was riding on the silver beast’s back didn’t… didn’t exactly look like the same Pokémon that he had earlier prior to this strange outbreak.

“What happened?!”

All he got was a confused mishmash of garbled white noise from the Metagross as Ro hovered close enough for him to hop on. Once he’d hopped on, the Metagross then flew as fast as he could, against the wind, eager to get out of the strange space as quickly as possible.

Lars was still staring in shock at his Decidueye. It looked… it looked like those weird statues one would find at some of those shrines around the Johto region, prayer statues? He wasn’t too sure…

? the decidueye transforms into h!decidueye! move set changes into aerial ace, aura sphere, leaf blade, roost from nasty plot, growl, feather dance, shadow sneak

? the h!decidueye learns triple arrows & spikes!

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March 5th
Castelia City
Model / Art + Design Student
The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
183 posts
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TAG WITH @hailee
Hailee Jacobs
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 20:20:20 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
Now Hailee wasn't a stranger to strange shit going down in Hoenn. Just about everyone that lived here knew better in that department. But despite being well accustomed to seeing downright peculiar stuff on the daily, there was absolutely no way Hailee could've been prepared for this.

Out on a patrol she and her Lilligant came across an odd sight. Why, the weather had been perfectly clear yet a moment ago but the moment she approach this suspicious looking dark dome the skies clouded and thunder rumbled. Her Lilligant got nervous and clung to her as Hailee tried to reassure her that everything would be okay.

She might have gone on about her business had she not spied one or two brave (or idiotic, take your pick) souls venture into the unknown. Right into danger for all she could know. This darkened dome was an anomaly, something that was not meant to be here. But as a Ranger it was her job to make sure people stayed safe.

"Ain't this some bullshit..." she muttered to herself. She would've preferred to distance herself from all of this. She wasn't very well equipped to handle the unknown. "Well, we have to." she said as she looked down at her Lilligant. Saria seemed to take a moment to muster up the courage before nodding and stepping into the distortion with her trainer.

As soon as they enter they're attacked by wild and aggressive pokémon. "Shit!" Hailee says as she and Saria dodge out of the way. Just as Hailee was about to give her orders she realized a strange light take over Saria before her form changed. "S-Saria?" the Lilligant seemed just as confused as she looked at herself.

This was an entirely different form than what they were used to. "What?" Hailee said before the pokémon around them prepared for their next move, not willing to give them the chance to catch up on the situation. "We'll talk about how adorable you look later, let's deal with this first." Hailee said to Saria who nodded in agreement.

Fight first. Ask questions later.


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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 21:09:54 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
It shouldn't come as a surprise to the good ol' captain when she loses her way between the tall boughs of ancient trees. Though GPS coordinates glare at her from a cracked phone screen, they are of no use to her here - not when most of her electronics had given up on life some time ago.

The reason for it looms large and ominous, a thick membrane of darkness that extends well past the local canopy in a dome-like shape. Reality crackles and flickers around it, as if locked in perfect discordance with itself.

"Just another day in Hoenn, huh?" A calloused hand pats the Samurott by her side, who doesn't look too impressed. Given the last few months, surprise is equally absent in Skyler's expression. She tests the barrier, fingers sinking past the miasmic surface. When they return mostly unharmed, Skyler shrugs and steps in.


She doesn't expect the claws that slash the air inches from her face. Instincts alone allow her to duck and roll away from a snarling mouth of razor-sharp teeth.

Samurott launches forward with a snarl, claws sinking past fur to draw blood. She seems unaware of the darker coloration that spreads across her body, crimson blooming in sharp relief. CEASELESS EDGE darkens her blade as it sinks into the opponent's flesh, eventually scaring it off.

Skyler would only notice the changes after, away from the gloom of the rift. Unbeknownst to her, Phione shudders in its pokeball, the space-time shifting trickling past the flimsy curve of pokeballs to imbue it with a new power...

- samurott > forme change > turns into hisuian samurott
- samurott > level tutor > learns the move ceaseless edge
- phione > level tutor > learns the move take heart
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 22:01:48 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

Things in the wild had been acting up. So naturally as a Ranger Razz is at the seen, kneeling within the grass to try and see what he could find. For awhile nothing seemed wrong and he was becoming skeptical of the claims.[break][break]

Until it finally happened...[break][break]

Around the area he was in a dome appeared, and inside became dark and wild. As suddenly the pokemon that were there before were gone. Most of them replace. Some be normal pokemon he's seen, others being larger than usual and not only that but some were attacking. One being an odd looking Avalugg. As it tries to attack with a BLIZZARD. Razz and Salem manage to get out of the way in time but Sable isn't as luck as she is struck. "Sable!" the ranger cries for her as he moves toward her to take the zoura seemingly frostbitten over. [break][break]

Cold and struggling... how?[break][break]

Once more its about it attack but Salem takes the lead as he uses psychic to grab one of Razz's pokeballs and calls on the infernape, Cynder. Seeing their comrade hurt in such a way there seems to be a Ranging Fury that takes over as the Infernape attacks the odd looking Avalugg. After it's defeated it seems to disappear and other pokemon show up. Though thankfully the team up of Salem and Cynder was enough. Though as time goes on stuck fighting Sable's colors go from black to white. At first Razz thinks something is wrong until a Gengar comes at them trying to attack. [break][break]

Worn down from the other pokemon Salem and Cynder seem in danger themselves and while Razz is prepared to do something, its Sable that saves the day. using some move he is unfamiliar with with BITTER MALICE to take out the gengar with ease. And with one more pokemon beaten Razz decides they need to leave now. [break][break]


[break]+ Shiny Zorua form changes to Shiny H!Zorua
[break]+ Zorua learned Bitter Malice
[break]+ Infernape learns Raging Fury



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August 22nd
Goldenrod City
Pokéathlon Athlete
Rising Star
my howling heart is yours
to do what you will
6'2" / 187 cm height
6'2" / 187 cm height
don't dry with fakes or fears, 'cause you will hate yourself in the end
249 posts
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TAG WITH @toshiaki
Toshiaki Macallan
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 23:01:08 GMT
Toshiaki Macallan Avatar
Hoenn was just full of surprises! So when Toshiaki heard there was something amiss in Petalburg woods, he just had to go and check it out for himself! His inner adventurer demands it. Reaching the depth of the woods the young trainer stands there, baffled. He witnesses the crazy scientific phenomenon unfolding before him all he can do is gawk, jaw slacked down in pure awe. [break][break]
“This is … SO COOL!”[break][break]
Everything inside the distorted space felt warm, yet cold? It excited him, right done to the bone. Apparently he wasn’t the only one reacting to the distortion in time. [break][break]
The pokeball attached to his belt shivers and shakes, until Growlithe pops out into the open, howling loudly. Toshiaki panics.[break][break]
“Buddy? What’s wrong-”[break][break]
And just like that, a white glow envelops the canine Pokemon. He looks.. different. Toshiaki once again is left in silence. [break][break]
He scoops up the fire dog in his arms, who affectionately kisses it’s trainer’s face over and over. He smiles, and laughs softly.[break][break]
Maybe.. Change is good. [break][break]

Redeemed: Form Change!
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2022 0:26:06 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
189 for @tag
We’ll deliver any package through rain, sleet, or wormhole!

That stupid stupid tagline.

”Gogogogogo-” Locke urged Shika-Shika through the woods, his frantic order ending in a screech as they avoided yet another explosion of lightning. It was nearly impossible to see in the unnatural darkness hanging over them, leaving him to rely on his Stantler to guide through whatever fresh hell had descended on Hoenn today.

Three more Pokémon suddenly appeared in their path; a Rhydon, a Steelix, and what looked like some kind of orange Decidueye. The trio immediately turned in their direction with clear malice in their eyes. Though Locke tried to steer Shika-Shika to the side, the Stantler ignored him, charging at the other Pokémon head-on.

And then Shika-Shika began to change.

His fur turned white and grew out rapidly, and his antlers nearly doubled in size. Psychic energy hummed around the new Pokémon, forming a shield around the pair as they bashed through the line of aggressors. In record time, both trainer and mount tore through the forest and out the other side, dirty and covered head-to-toe in foliage, but unharmed.

Well, physically, at least.

Stantler evolved into Wyrdeer! (using type one evo from pc)
Wyrdeer forgot Captivate and learned Psyshield Bash! (using level tutor from pc)
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2022 0:50:19 GMT
Monkey see, monkey do.

Derek needn't give himself any other reason to head inside the distorted realm.

Some were strangers, and others were a familiar sight to see. Though separating them were...pokemon? Aggressive ones at that, relentless in their assertion of dominance over the land. Loosing his own pokemon to combat them, one immediately seemed to experience an abnormality thanks to the distorted reality they were in.

He was almost going to ask his Zoroark if it was okay, but the pokemon let rip with a move he'd never seen, fending off an attacker and riddling them with frostbite.

Another pokemon came, this time an Infernape — Just like the one he brought! Only, it used a move he'd never seen or heard of before. On Derek's Infernape, to boot. Must've had good reason to attack one of it's own kind...

"It's no use reasoning with it, fight back." Ridden with rage for it's (ancestral) brethren, Derek's Infernape mimmicked the move that had just knocked it on it's ass.

"Huh...nice one, Infernape."

Monkey see, monkey do...apparently.

- zoroark became h!zoroark
- zoroark learned bitter malice
- infernape learned raging fury
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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2022 2:34:57 GMT
It was supposed to be a simple assignment in Petalburg Woods. Barnaby and Tomás, along with the journalist's STANTLER. STANTLER made an excellent pack-Pokémon on overgrown terrain like the type they found themselves traversing.

Suddenly, a shrilling cacophony enveloped Barnaby and his STANTLER in blue-black space. Tomás was blown clear of the distortion, pushed back into the nearby trees.

It was chaos. All around rocks and vegetation whipped past, slung by a torrential wind. Barnaby barely stopped himself from falling to his knees by clinging to his deer Pokémon's neck. Unfortunately, the STANTLER was also having a difficult time too.

Her knees wobbled with effort, every ounce of energy put into remaining upright. She looked to Barnaby for help, her eyes wild and scared. Her nostrils flared in fear and she bellowed a low, worried sound.

"I-it'll be alright, girl. We'll just—"

Then, a shift. STANTLER pulled away as if zapped by some invisible force. She screamed, her voice dripping in what could only be described as pain. Barnaby could only watch as the chaotic energy surrounding them honed in on his Pokémon, swirling around it until its entire form was obscured.

Crackles of electricity stemmed from the middle of the vortex. But just as soon as it had formed, the wind dissipated, revealing... something wholly different than the STANTLER that had been there just moments ago.

Psyshield Bash
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing