i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 14:04:42 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Dawn of the Darkest Day

Can we have some give and take?

Given the less than ideal circumstances, Gwyar was incredibly grateful to for taking her time to try and heal him while the absolute chaos going around them continued.

"Thank you, truly." He said softly while doing as instructed, lying down on the grass to be treated. He didn't react much when his tattered cloth was peeled back, though his digits subtly dug into the soil underneath as the wound was splashed with water.

He tried to say nothing so as to not distract the gym leader, though his gaze was drawn away from her when the familiar silhouette's of Bewear and Lunatone drifted into the corner of his vision.

His eyes grew wide at the sight.

"What are you doing here?" He called out, looking simultaneously angered and worried. "You should've stayed with the evacuees!"

For their own sake, if nothing else!

Unfortunately, both pokemon disagreed, coming to hover over the healer and the patient. The Lunatone remained hard to read as ever with its blank, sculpted features, but the Bewear's body language was as easily read as a children's book, the large pokemon briefly looking as though he was about to seize injured man in a hug before sighing and moving to stand between him and the large monster in the distance instead.

Gwyar couldn't remain mad when their intentions were so obvious, sighing as he fell still once more.

"I don't wish to hurry you, but..." He muttered again as he looked at Georgette, face thoroughly apologetic. Mercifully, the woman was swift, and soon, Gwyar was bandaged up.

Which prompted him to immediately snap up and back to work, clearly uncaring for wether his wound tore open. That was fine; the bandages had bought him some extra time.

"I truly am grateful." The man said, speech archaic as ever as he folded an arm over his chest and bowed at the gym leader. "I will repay this debt, I promise."

And just then, the gym leader disappeared from his vision as the world turned to dark. And... within that inky black, those same dots of light from before appeared yet again, now fewer and far between.

But though the number of light houses in the dark had diminished, new light came to life in their place, cutting through the dark.

And flying straight at them. Gwyar's heart sank.

"Take cover!" Shouted the man as he tried leaping back, the light swooped down at unimaginable speed and touching the ground right in front of him.

For a brief moment, everything became white. And then, a large silhouette appeared before him, interposing itself between him and the all consuming light.

When the explosion finally ceased and the curtain of darkness fell over him once again, he found himself laying right back on the grass, pain racking not only at the gaping hole in his torso, but at the rest of his body as well, feeling as though he had spent seven days and nights at the beach without a drop of sunblock.

And still, that was the least of his worries as he forced himself to stand. In the inky dark, he could barely see anything, but he nonetheless knew.

"Bewear! To me!" Ordered the man in a demanding voice, waiting for response.


"Lunatone!" He called out again, this time to his psychic type. Even in the darkness, it should be able to find him- to communicate with him.

And still, there was no response. No sound of pained cries, of movement, of his pokemon still being there at all.

The large silhouette from before flashed before his mind, and his teeth clamped together so tightly it felt as though they might grind each other to dust as he clawed at the ground, tearing chunks of grass and soil as he forced himself to stand.

"Bewear! LUNATONE!" He now screamed out; and yet, it wasn't enough; he almost couldn't hear himself over the chaos hidden in the dark. "HUGH! CHEESE!"


And then- the ground underneath him became alight. Complex arrays of runes spread over the soil and broke through the unnatural dark.

And in turn, revealed the shadows burnt upon the soil that were all that remained of his partners.

For a brief moment, the chaos around him ceased to exist as he stared, wide eyed, at the silhouettes on the grass.

And then, the chaos resumed, dropping on his sense like an anvil as his face fell, a crestfallen expression slowly forcing itself past his mask of stoicism; his professional act.

"A- Ah." He uttered before he could stop himself, hand slowly reaching to cover his open mouth.

How long had it been... since he had led a partner to their death?

"Ah... Ah...!" He breathed.

Slowly, gently. In and out. Think, rationalize. His job had always been dangerous. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened. Hadn't he experienced plenty of times, decades ago.

It's fine. They were doing their job, just like he. He had only trained them for a couple of months anyway. He barely even knew them, didn't he?

Yes... Yes...

And yet.

A trembling hand reached for a luxury ball, always kept at his side, before palming it firmly. The device grew to full size as he ran his thumb over it.

Yes. He hadn't known them for too long. But they still deserved better than this.

The pokeball opened, releasing Gawain the Gallade into the unknown battlefield.

Gawain immediately found himself assaulted by the flurry of chaotic emotions that had flooded the battlefield. But he was swift to center himself on the only one that truly mattered to him.

And as he stared at Gwyar, the man's shoulders trembling, his heart enwrapping itself in pitch black, a forebodding feeling fell on the Gallade's chest.

Gwyar breathed in deeply.

"GALATINE!" He roared, raising his hand to the skies. At the same time, his gauntlet came alight, overflowing with power as the Keystone embedded upon it shone the colours of the rainbow. "GAWAIN!"

Galatine launched from the man's shadow and into the sky, gathering life force from the sky, the earth and the moon before it suddenly came crashing back down with blinding speed.

It smashed back into Gwyar's iron grip, cracks spreading over the soil underneath him as the air shimmered around him, charged with Galatine's overflowing power.

Gawain emerged from the dark egg in his empowered form not a second later, standing before his master as he spread his arms wide and swept them through the air, ready to protect.

"We're cutting it down!" Boomed the furious man, taking the first step towards the monster and marching forward as Galatine trembled in his grip with barely contained, growing power, the man coming within the vicinity of Kyogre as if unknowingly drawn while in his fury.

-Bless .
-Screw Necrozma. Hugh the Bewear and Cheese the Lunatone died.
-Mega Evolving Gallade.
-Using Aegislash's Z-move.


aegislash charges for ONE TURN before firing an unblockable attack that is always super-effective.

-Mega Gallade is using Swords Dance.
-Moved within Kyogre's vicinity.
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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 15:43:50 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




000 words

don’t let it take the skin

from your bones



The phone rings in 's mind, and for several tense seconds, Killian fears they'll be no answer. If only he'd been so lucky. Sinister fingers lift the phone from the receiver, turning what should have been relief into dread as Killian's own voice echoes back at him. [break][break]

"No, please."[break][break]

Like a pebble thrown at a sheet of glass, cracks form within the hope Killian possessed for himself. Deoxys was going to use and consume him like Necrozma devoured Chu-e. No trace of the man that was would be left when it was done. [break][break]

He shook his head, trying to shake the pessimism away and repair his ruptured ego. Just because the stories were similar didn't mean they'd share the same ending. [break][break]

The darkness on the other end of the call disagreed.[break][break]


It reached across the line, wrapping its sickly digits around Killian's mind, and dragged him into the void. The admin struggled, clutching his hands to his head. The bush of his brow furrowed as he attempted to break free. Its grip was too tight. [break][break]

He sank into the emptiness, gripped by thousands of tiny hands extending from the depths. Brutal and bloody, their nails dug into the things that made Killian whole. The memories of his mother. His sister, . And the most cherished ones of he swore to never forget. They tore it all away until NOTHING remained.[break][break]


Killian snapped back to reality after what felt like a lifetime. In truth, it was only a few minutes. Enough time for things to change drastically. [break][break]

"I'm....me?" he shook his head, noting the taste of iron and flesh on his tongue. He spat, face twisted in disgust. His eyes fell on the ravished corpse of the Beheeyem at his feet. "What the fuck?" it's then Killian noticed his bloodied hands.[break][break]

Dark brows pinched, his face contorting into a horrified scowl. He killed the Beheeyem. The urge to vomit bubbled inside. But he fought it, pushing the bile back down his throat. Plenty of time to process later when death wasn't knocking on his doorstep. [break][break]

Breathing deeply, the admin attempted to assess the current situation. The returning blackness made that near impossible. Panic drummed a heavy beat in his chest. What if this was still the void? [break][break]

As if aware of his doubts, Necrozma answered, unleashing its Prismatic Laser throughout the battlefield. The searing light honed in on Killian in seconds. Lacking a Pokemon to defend, the beam cleaved Killian's knee from his thigh. [break][break]

TRIGGER WARNING: graphic images that depict gore.


Shock numbs the pain, but it doesn't last long. "Fuck!" he collapsed to the ground. A Gardevoir is quickly released to staunch any bleeding with a Heal Pulse. What a wonderful time for all his karma to catch up to him. [break][break]

The admin spat, freeing two more Pokemon from their balls. Inteleon and Metagross. "Get me up." he ordered. Metagross lifted him onto its back, and Killian took a deep breath. "Take me to Lex. Inteleon, go help the giant fucking whale." [break][break]

Inteleon darted to Kyogre, firing off an ICE BEAM at Necrozma along the way.[break][break]




  • Killian loses his fucking mind and his leg.
  • Released Gradevoir to use HEAL PULSE on his stump.
  • Also released Metagross and Inteleon
  • Currently riding on Metagross to find . Ordered Inteleon to join the others by Kyogre.
  • Inteleon fired an ICE BEAM at Necrozma.



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Shizu, Theo
44 height
44 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
128 posts
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TAG WITH @lime5
Shizue Murasaki
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 18:16:43 GMT
Shizue Murasaki Avatar
Ugh. Shizue lightly held her head, now that the lights allowed her at least a little movement, her strength returning to an extent. Or maybe it was just the spores’ effect naturally diminishing with time. It was best to not confuse correlation and causation at such a pivotal point in time. And it truly did seem pivotal, with things getting more and more crazy. In daze, Shizue had brought out another of her test subject Venpides, which briefly tried to help her get up.

Then more energy was discharged, blasting the area around her, near her, enough to throw her body a few feet away with some cuts and bruises. Once more, a Venipede was taking the brunt of the damage at least, so she survived. Even in the relative comfort of continuing to observe the opposition, which was, by now, already taking more pro-active measures.
Which was telling. If this being was truly utterly superior to everyone around, if they all were but ants to it – why would it even need to expend any amount of energy to swat them away?

With a bit of a cough, Shizue chuckled as she heaved herself up onto her feet somehow, before slowly schlepping herself towards one of those big Pokemon being infused with something. Yes, that seemed right. Oh, wait, this could be more efficient. Sluggishly, she called out her Haunter, so that it could help stabilize her with its mostly gaseous form as they moved towards Yvetal. That just felt right. Even though she did not really know why. Sometimes science was about feelings, after all.

- Another Venipede bites the dust
- Gets briefly ragdolled by the boom
- Gets out Haunter to help her get to Yvetal while continuing to observe
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 19:27:04 GMT
mint frost Avatar




The screaming doesn’t spot, darkness falls, and rainbow fucking lasers shoot out from above. Zucchera yelped, trying to cover for her trainer and his friends, attempting to put up a PROTECT. Unfortunately for the little sheep, the prismatic laser smashed through her shield and vaporized her. The beginning of a scream is cut short and sounds more akin to the squeak of a chew toy, and the smell of burning flesh and singed wool are the only signs that she had ever been there. [break][break]

It’s dark, damn near impossible to see through but the blinking lights of Necrozma. Which is all well and good, because Mint is about to start fucking wheezing. “She-” he choked out, feeling emotion brim in his eyes and sniffing hard to hold it back. If he broke down now they wouldn’t make it out of here. He fumbled with his pokeballs, sending out an Arbok to assist ’ Reuniclus, only to get sniped by another rolling laser as the giant snake tried to move forward in the darkness, their only way to see by following the ‘eyes’ of the beast in front of them. The smell hits again and it's grosser this time, because it marks another pokemon dead. Instantaneously dead. That’s better at least, unlike Shellshocker who suffered, he's sure. [break][break]

He’s defenseless, but the words echoing in his mind are easy to follow. His gaze, though panicked and scared, is pulled towards the legendaries. If their pokemon had no effect then maybe, hopefully creatures that were essentially forces of nature incarnate would. “Thank you, Eris. Wish I could've helped more.” he said as he tossed down another pair of pokeballs. The anxious yipping of his Ninetails and the uncomfortable growl of his Luxray reach him before the pokemon do, moving into his sides by smell. With a hand on Gelatto and Cacio’s head he nodded in the darkness. “Protect Xerneas, we’re running low on options right now!” Mint ordered, goign ahead to inform his friends of his intent as well. Cacio seemed reluctant to leave him, Gelato even more so. The smell of blood and burning is overwhelming here. “I’ll follow soon.” he said fumbling with a pair of glasses in his pocket. The darkness is suffocating, but he hoped thermal vision had installed would still work. Pushing them into place and clicking into the right more, Mint took after his pokemon, ready to pull someone else to support them. As Gelatto moved into position near the life deer, he whined and used SUBSTITUTE in an attempt to protect himself before focusing on Necrozma’s eyes and using DISABLE in an attempt to stop it from attacking. Cacio, for his part, posted himself in font of the legendary, moving closer to Necrozma as he sparked wildely with DISCHARGE.


tagged ▸ ooc [break][break]

- damn zucchera the mareep and fetuccine the arbok got MURKED [break]
- mint is panicking, but gets the instructions clearly enough [break]
- sends out Gelatto the Ninetails and Cacio the Luxray to defend Xerneas [break]
- Gelatto the Ninetails uses SUBSTITUTE and then DISABLE on PRISMATIC LASER [break]
- Cacio the Luxray uses DISCHARGE [break]
- thank the gods for Lulu and her spy gadgets she is really carrying mint's spy career on her back





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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 19:42:19 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Within the darkness of the void, destruction rains down upon those that still stand within Sootopolis's remains in a cruel facade of a million shooting stars.

There would be no chanting of hopeful wishes to chase after their blinding tails, however. Only pointless pleas for mercy and cries of suffering as they plummet, beyond their watchers' control, no matter how much or to whom they pray.

Harbingers of death were oft depicted as beautiful.

Prayers do not fill Angelo's head when he pulls closer to him to give her more coverage within the Klefki's CRAFTY SHIELD, an empty Shedinja shell lifeless at his feet.

There's no time to mourn. Not when what fills his head is the observation of a dying world and the drive to do what he must, to ensure his family made it back home.

(And a glimmer of hope that remains burning deep within his chest that and Latias, far out of sight, were keeping one another safe.)

Go!” He encourages Skyler to go into the PHANTOM FORCE portal first, his voice barking above the chaos, even if he knew she'd never leave without him. “I'm right behind you!

But that doesn't stop Angelo's feet from staggering, hesitating from joining his wife when his eyes catch sight of a blur of blue, plummeting from the skies from its wounds.

His heart falls, too...

He'd do whatever he must, to ensure his family made it back home.

Even if it means dooming another of his pokemon to see that Latios would never die twice.

His last sight before he's dragged into the darkness is of the Togekiss he'd sent to death, flying across no-man's land, LIFE DEW raining upon Latios.

Only for his hesitance to earn him the very same prismatic beam that engulfs his Togekiss. Heat ripping past his side, searing arm and leg.

Angelo staggers out of the portal under Kyogre's floating form, corner of his vision blurring with white hot pain as his flesh crackles and burns.

Yet as he half stumbles and half gravitates bloodied into Skyler's orbit, words strained through painfully clenched teeth, make clear his priorities. “Heal yourself first, 'm fine...

Fingertips dig tightly into one another's arms, lifelines and lighthouse beacons in the storm.

Hollowness in his gut fades when a feeling of determination and reassurance brushes his mind. Angelo turning his head to watch the healed Latios beginning to climb higher and higher, scaling the colossal height of the titan before disappearing amongst the clouds...

Finding his footing through the pain, the pilot reaches for another pokeball - the fight wasn't over yet.

Beneath the shadow of Kyogre's DRIZZLE, the summoned red Gyarados coils around Angelo and Skyler, huge body shielding them from the wicked winds as a full powered HURRICANE howls towards Necrozma.

As razor sharp air storms out to envelop the dark creature, a blur of purple descends. MEGA LATIOS diving down with explosive speed, firing draconic power (DRAGON PULSE) atop the world ender.


- latias is with (pooka controlling)
- shedinja dies
- latios is wounded by a prismatic beam
- angelo sends togekiss to die for the soul bro
- togekiss uses life dew on latios then rip
- dragged around by sky. an every day occurance, really.
- teleported by kyogre
- injured, just a flesh wound
- mind if i share your aqua ring, bb?
- gyarados uses hurricane on necrozma (hurricane boosted from kyogre's drizzle/rain dance)
- latios mega evolves and uses dragon pulse

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 20:14:53 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

The sweet taste of success is followed by the bitter horror of Necrozma's attack. Flora, the Comfey, immediately uses her vines to knock Thomas to the ground, out of the path of the laser, before it can get to him. As Thomas looks up at the Comfey, she gives him one last loving look, and a cry, before turning to face her fate.

Caligula the Tyranitar stared on in defiance towards the oncoming Prismatic Laser coming his way. With one last defiant roar, the Tyranitar would join the Comfey in oblivion. In the aftermath, Thomas can only look on in abject horror as two more of his precious Pokemon are lost to this abomination.

"Caligula. Flora.", Thomas utters, mortified with what was transpiring.

As the runic circles came to life, and the Lake Trio were summoned, a Togetic forced his way out of his Pokeball.

Upon hearing the voice, the Togetic immediately gravitated to Yveltal, his little wings carrying him over to the Harbinger of Death.

tags: @tag
notes: -Comfey knocks Thomas out of the path of the Prismatic Laser
-Thomas watches on in horror as Tyranitar and Comfey are vaporized
-Togetic forces itself out of its Pokeball
-Togetic goes to Yveltal - Togetic is Not Fully Evolved
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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 21:58:51 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar

greyson comes to, surrounded by the ruined landscape created in the wake of a PRISMATIC BEAM. his body hurt, and unintentionally, he groans out the pain. adrenaline floods through him, but still it feels weak, and slow when compared to usual. gaining coherency quickly, his eyes turn towards where rose and ziel had been.
there was nothing left.
greyson chokes back a sob at the death of his two friends. they'd placed their trust in him, and in-doing so, had lost their lives. the grief that touches upon his soul is more painful than the myriad of flesh wounds.
pressure mounts on his shoulders, hauling him up to his feet and urging him onwards. even in the chaos he doesn't miss the lack of a comfey around the man's wrist. that was three. in the time span of mere minutes, he'd let three of his pokemon die.
then something rises in him.
the flood of grief slams into a massive wall — anger. it was directionless, at first. his hand slaps away matias's numbly, heat rising to his cheeks and teeth grinding audibly. some might argue that his comfey had served his purpose — to protect the lives of those under his charge. but did he have to die to accomplish that? greyson knew his anger at matias was unfounded, that he was no less a victim than the three dead pokemon. if it wasn't for the fact a giant made of obsidian and death stood before him, greyson might've focused his attention elsewhere.
so, in retrospect, he was glad that it was.
and set off without him as he stands there for a moment, then two. violet eyes lift take in the entirity of death's incarnation, and behind that veil, hatred stirs. reaching for a pokeball at his waist, he releases the pokemon inside. a behemoth of steel curls around him, her own expression as sullen as greyson had ever seen it.
for a moment he mourns with her, placing a palm against her steel plates. the metal was hard, and cold, sending a shiver down his spine. in an hour, maybe two, and provided he survived, all of this would come crashing back onto him.
but that wasn't his problem now.
mounting the steelix, greyson turns to chase after his friends, and to stand in the presence of KYOGRE. only by the grace of MAGNET RISE does he cross the battlefield quickly enough, wind whipping at his hair and clothes. greyson recognizes faces here, some that had (probably due to in no small part of matias's) tried to kill him moments before. that resentment was buried deep, far enough that he'd remember it only days later.
MEGA EVOLUTION comes the duo in an orb of light, but it's quickly dispersed as the empowered steelix approaches. it elicits no response from the gym leader, nor do the many faces around him.
hovering a few feet off the ground, the duo turn to stare down the great creature of destruction. greyson stands at the apex and atop the steelix's head, fists balled so tightly that his fingernails dig into his skin. resolve settled onto him like a blanket. a situation like this didn't call for a shield, no.
what it needed was a sword.


⤷ espeon and tyranitar DIE.[break]
⤷ comfey on matias's wrist DIES.[break]
⤷ greyson has minor physical injuries, deep emotional ones.[break]
⤷ he gets angry as fuck, hatred coursing through him at the NECROZMA.[break]
⤷ summons STEELIX who MEGA EVOLVES and uses MAGNET RISE to join KYOGRE.[break]
⤷ stands atop the floating steelix's head, STARING DOWN DEATH.


[newclass=".greyson"] --accent:#7c98b2; [/newclass]

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
In this and every life
I choose us every time
1m62 / 5'3 height
1m62 / 5'3 height
Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
150 posts
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TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 23:43:52 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Another piercing headache cripples the Unovan within seconds, pain straining every emotion on her face, but she manages to throw Bell the G!ponyta a glance holding all her intentions. Don't worry about me, keep focusing on them. The Ponyta snorts in disapproval but stays where it is, keeping an eye out for its charges and moving along with them if necessary. And although new words boom through her head like cries in a hollow cavern, she fails to react to them in timingly manner; she does not move herself, feeling the burden of her injuries worsen by the minute, but she doesn't forget them.




Take your Pokémon...

Make the correct choice.

She knows by now all the choices she's made so far have ended in devastating results. Brynn has little fate in the 'correct choice' the voices tell her to make, and her hesitation is noticable to the Pallosand still functioning as a protective dome. She pats it gently and peers outside, to the battle of giants taking place in front of her, and is once again confronted with the insignificance of her being. She was never meant to be here, but she could not get away now either... There's a sigh, and another decisive order finds its way across her lips. The Krokorok is first to hear it; "Go help them... but... be careful.". The sand croc nods and takes the Stufful along, both heading off to aid Yveltal. As soon as they get within reach of Yveltal, Krokorok growls something at the Stufful and runs off on its own, bee-lining it for the giant Necrozma and uses Earthquake once within reasonable proximity of the giant monstrosity, regardless of how suicidal the action could be.

- Brynn doesn't move from her current position (within the former magic circle)
- Krokorok & Stufful go and aid Yveltal
- Krokorok tries to get close to Necrozma and uses Earthquake
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 0:08:11 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

was gone. was nowhere in sight, even as thunder and lightning cracked overhead and filled the vicinity with blinding light.[break][break]

where was ? were her dogs dead?[break][break]

i’m going to die, she told herself. i’m going to die and it was it was all for nothing. the bloodshed, the hatred, the loneliness. she would never make it off this world, never see all of the other possibilities she had almost been able to taste. they’d been so close.[break][break]

she could feel her power dwindling, suppressed by solgaleo, until it felt practically… gone. the feeling was eerily similar to that which she’d felt the day walsh had ordered the eldest quinn siblings to submit to magma experimentation. she felt so very tired, and impossibly empty.[break][break]

as darkrai’s thorned shadow crashed into the ground beside her, necrozma’s PRISMATIC LASER exploded towards the field. when it cleared, noctowl and her unown were nowhere to be found. left in their wake were ashes. she felt burns and cuts from flying debris, only agitating her bonds. powerless and without the hope of unown’s portal, she stared peril in its terrifying, chromatic eyes. [break][break]

then, hope—or at least, light. it glistened runic gold. the lake guardians rose, though unidentifiable from their distance. she was far from all three.[break][break]

take your pokémon… and make the correct choice. the words breathed into her mind. [break][break]

”my pokémon are dead,” she choked to no one. [break][break]

too bound to reach for another pokéball, she was surprised when a second noctowl appeared from a glow next to her, released by the darkrai grounded at her side. with effort, the weakened legendary maneuvered its avatar onto her escape. [break][break]

’go,’ it growled, its shadowy arm reaching in the direction of xerneas. [break][break]

they were off. darkrai followed at the rear, slower than the bird that rushed overhead. loose feathers floated down over the fallen in their wake.


• darkrai crashes into ground[break]
• noctowl, unown die from prismatic laser[break]
• lulu retains burns, cuts, still struggling from spore growths[break]
• darkrai releases 2nd noctowl, sends lulu on it towards xerneas[break]
• weakened darkrai follows behind[break][break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-darkrai"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-noctowl"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 0:32:24 GMT
Before the darkness descended upon them once again, Barnaby took in the raging battlefield: its devastating thunder and sudden downpour of rain, the many combatants slogging through the mud to fight against NECROZMA, and the Legendary Pokémon all around struggling to contain their common enemy.

A foreign voice cuts through Barnaby's mind, uttering only three words:



His head snapped to the left, to the right. ... gather where? Were they not already gathered around the runic circles?

Then, the curtain fell.

Darkness engulfed the the city, cutting off sight; Barnaby was only able to see those around him... until the lasers hit. Flashes of light momentarily revealed the carnage, which unbeknownst to him included the death of his dear Celeste.

A bright beam then struck close to their group, sending rocks and debris high into the air. The impact nearly sent Barnaby to the ground, if not for the protective force of his GURDURR's WIDE GUARD. Unfortunately, the Pokémon sacrificed himself in the process. A bloodied, unrecognizable corpse lay beside the body of a deceased SHELLDER, what was left of Mars' Claudius.

Fabric along his arms and legs had torn in the blast, revealing lacerations of varying severity. Some were small cuts, others were actively bleeding gashes. "I'm fine!" Barnaby called back to , whom he was partially leaning on, adrenaline overshadowing any pain he might have felt. There was no time to worry about his injuries anyway, not when the circles below their feet began to glow once again.

Suddenly, from below the earth three glistening bubbles rose - each containing what had to be the Lake Guardians. Pink, yellow, blue. They looked just like the depictions Barnaby had seen in his college textbooks. He never thought he'd actually experience them in-person, however.



There was no time for anything else. He had to make his choice NOW. It appeared the Guardians were siphoning some of their power to the other Legendaries on the field - which would Barnaby choose to defend?

"Alakazam," He started, turning to his one Pokémon that had survived the PRISMATIC LASER. "Follow the Metagross. Go to Kyogre!"
• hidden identity (masked)
• standing beside mars & elisa at the western point
• pressure from first DE event
• reacts to lake guardians' appearance
ALAKAZAM (can mega evolve) goes to KYOGRE
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played by


April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
341 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 1:52:11 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar










This can't be happening.
The PRESSURE lifts the further he moves with , the further he closes in on . He looks on at the melee, awestruck at the scale of the assault against Necrozma and the almost dismissive, effortless counterattacks that devastate the ranks of all assembled. He cradles Stufful tighter to his chest as Georgette releases her grip on him, slowing as she catches sight of the injured. There's , sans both Raki and the boisterous, delighted attitude that had carried him through the Gym only a short while ago. He's not supposed to be bleeding, Beau thinks, dazed.
There shouldn't be that much blood.
As Georgette goes to administer to the wounded man, Beau frowns, looking about for signs of any immediate threat or any others in need of the same attention, but comes up short. Then the most beautiful beams of light he's ever seen in his life lance out in all directions, and everything goes black for a split second as one impacts the ground near him too close for comfort, throwing him from his feet as he cracks his head on the ground painfully.
He doesn't manage to lose consciousness completely - or he doesn't think he does, at any rate - but stars dance in front of his eyes as pain blossoms through his head. He feels something wet trickle down the back of his neck, but disregards it completely as he struggles to come to a sitting position, one hand leveraging his torso up from the ground while the other cradles his Stufful protectively.
Shaking his head as though to clear it, and not accomplishing anything whatsoever to clear his swimming vision, he peers down at his Stufful with worry.
Strange. The silly thing's managed to fall asleep in his arms in the middle of everything going on. Maybe he -had- been working it a little hard, it was young yet and he hadn't had a chance to train it in earnest...
"No. Oh God, no. Wake up."
That's his voice. Is he talking? He can't be talking. He's too struck by the realization that his Stufful isn't breathing, and there's a three-inch hole in its side from the path of the laser that blasted him off his feet. The wound glimmers with radiant light in every hue, spreading across the motionless pokémon's body until it dissolves into shimmering motes of light that evaporate entirely, leaving him holding nothing at all.
His eyes sting as he stumbles to his feet, his surroundings still teetering unevenly but no longer swimming as they'd been following his impact with the ground. That's definitely blood on his collar and dripping along and down the back of his shoulder, but he still pays it no mind, scrubbing at his eyes fiercely with his sleeve.
"Get that son of a bitch," he growls, releasing Ahab the Poliwrath. The pokémon returns an affirmative, executing a practiced BELLY DRUM to psych himself up before he launches toward Xerneas behind Georgette's Whimsicott, bound for the Bringer of Life.

  • Recognizes Gwyar, injured, before Georgette begins treating him.
  • Knocked down and concussed by Prismatic Laser. Actively bleeding, doesn't care.
  • ILLUMINA STUFFUL dies. This does not sit well with him.
  • Sends Poliwrath to help Xerneas.





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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 1:52:23 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
312 for @darkest day
Locke wasn't quite prepared for how quickly Latias could move. Whether it was the urgency of the situation or just her natural speed, the dragon felt closer to a jet than any Pokémon he'd ridden before (save maybe for his single experience with and Virizion).

Within seconds the pair arrived at their destination, touching down next to -or at least as close as he could get with the small crowd of people who'd also come to the girl's aid. But instead of words of comfort he could only gasp as he made contact with the runes, paralyzed by a familiar white-hot pulsing behind his eyes. More words forced their way into his mind, completing the puzzle had presented months ago with an apparent call to action.


And then the circles disappeared.

Was that it? Did they mess it up somehow? What were they supposed to do now?

The only answer was the return of that crushing darkness, and in the absence of light all Locke could do was try to provide their own. "Lumi-Lumi!" They called as they summoned the Illumise, but both order and the firefly's life were swiftly cut short as light suddenly exploded into crowd. The lack of a body will bring back sharp memories of another bug-type lost to these prophecies-but not right now.

take your pokémon…

Right now the ground beneath them was glowing once again.

…and make the correct choice.

There was still work to do.

"Latias!" They shouted out blindly, hoping the legendary would listen to them on 's orders if nothing else. "Find Yveltal and help it!" The dragon seemed hesitant to leave her charge undefended, but flew out to aid the harbinger of death. A Heal Pulse glowed in her hands, ready to keep the other legendary up and fighting in its final confrontation.

- Brain bubbles go pop pop pop
- Summons Illumise to try and light up the Dark Zone, which is immediately snapped out of existence
- Sending the borrowed Latias to aid Yveltal with Heal Pulse
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 3:11:50 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Jour Le Plus Sombre

It didn't surprise Elisabeth when her Weepinbell fell to Necrozma's greed, like all other Pokémon before it. Any pang of longing she would have felt for the loss had long been numbed by the carnage all around her.

And perhaps it was this melancholy air that led her to choose the Pokemon she did next -- her Gengar burst forth from her Pokeball in a billowing sweep of shadow, grinning menacingly by Elisabeth's side. Whatever strength the Ghost-type's presence would have given her had long faded, the reality of her eventual death one that the Rocket feel more like a Grim Reaper than a trainer.

"Support Kyogre," she ordered quietly, aware that the action likely spelled doom for the newly arrived Pokemon. "Quickly."


Were the words spoken meant to inspire hope in this hopeless situation? Elisabeth registered them, but could think of little solace they brought. Everything had fallen to chaos and suffering.

It would take a miracle to change that, it seemed.


  • RIP Weepinbell.
  • Sending GENGAR to KYOGRE.
  • Heard the prophecy.

The Darkest Day ✿ Outfit
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 5:07:15 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Through the darkness and the range of attacks launched towards the intruder, it’s hard to see if Lex’s pokemon actually did any damage. The question is answered with through it’s retaliation. The darkness is broken by the powerful PRISMATIC LASER. Its flash is blinding, and the sheer power of the explosion sends her flying backwards. The world around her spins, the screams and voices of other muddled as her head pounds. Warmth drips down her cheek, fresh blood from where she smacked her head against a rock.

“Killian,” he’s the first thing that crosses her mind, not the bloodied corpses of the Abomasnow and Golurk that were torn apart by Necrozma’s attack. He’s not there. It takes her a moment to remember that he went off on his own.

Light returns by the blessing of three small sprites. The ocean titan appears beside them, but Lex doesn’t pay much attention. The Beast blinding grabs one of the dwindling pokeballs from her waist. She’s not sure who it is. When the red light flashes before her, the shape of a female Gengar appears. Her mischievous smile spreads. She takes her place beside the others that have joined Kyogre.

As her vision clears, she stands, stumbling briefly before finding her balance. Through the new light she sees a familiar Metagross racing closer, “Killian!” Relief washes over her . . . he’s ok . . . right?

Golurk dies
Abomasnow dies
Lex releases Gengar that uses Shadow Ball

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 5:11:10 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


The Prismatic Laser is devastating even at a distance.[break][break]

Luka throws her feeble body over Mousse, but of course she's too late. The Wigglytuff's lifeless form lies limp in her arms as the pair is blasted backwards, skidding over ruin and rubble. Her clothes catch on sprouted thorns, paper skin battered and bleeding— but she's still alive.[break][break]

She shouldn't be. She doesn't deserve to be. If she could take the place of Mousee or Fueille, she would in an instant. Thoughts that haven't surfaced in months overtake her once again and she doesn't have the strength to bury them.[break][break]

And now, as the darkness creeps in, she is well and truly alone. Her Pokemon lost, abandoned by her lover, Luka curls into a ball and sobs an infant's endless wail.[break][break]

She rises only when the darkness is pierced by an archaic light, runes illuminating the pitch blackness all around her. Untouched by charms or prophecy, she only registers the lake trio as an abnormality, their meaning lost on her. And yet she still finds them strangely compelling, tiny bubbles of hope amidst the darkness.[break][break]

There is hope, therefore I live.[break][break]

Luka staggers to her feet, rivulets of blood draining from open wounds as she stumbles towards the closest of the lights. There are figures there, though she cannot make out any faces. , , and a few fellow injured...she doesn't bother with greetings or niceties. At a time like this, it can certainly be forgiven.[break][break]

She hovers there, still silently grieving, until voices raise in a compelling call.[break][break]


She can't.[break][break]

She can't have any more stains on her conscience or blood on her hands. She can't willingly lead her Pokemon to an uncertain fate, where they may suffer and die. Each partner is dear to her; not a mere tool that can be used and discarded on a whim.[break][break]

And yet, on her own, she's nothing. No power, no strength; not even the intelligence to think herself out of this situation. It's with a deep feeling of resignation that Luka realizes her only way to help is with another potential sacrifice. She chews her lips so hard it draws blood, but eventually summons her Florges from a love ball.[break][break]

"I need your help. But...it's dangerous," she tells Tuile with a sniff. "If you go...y-you might not come back. I won't send you out there if you don't want to go."[break][break]

Soft petals ripple with understanding. Tuile seems to understand the situation, feels the call to action more deeply in her soul than even Luka does. An unknowable energy draws her to Xerneas, and with a chiming cry (and pat on the head), she leaves Luka's side to join the legendary.[break][break]

As she floats towards the deer, small flowers bloom amongst the desolation. A grassy terrain extends around those who have joined Xerneas, the soothing vegetation healing smaller wounds and invigorating the healthy. Florges clasps her hands together and makes a Wish as well, a future blessing should things take a terrible turn.[break][break]

- RIP Wigglytuff[break]
- lost in the sadness sauce[break]
- Florges joins Xerneas and creates a Grassy Terrain for the pokemon around it, and makes a Wish[break]
- Luka joins the group at the bottom of the map (, , etc)


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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