i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 12:16:32 GMT

from afar, they are granted a level of safety and space the others are not. it's what allows matias to simply watch and observe, not yet threatened by the SPORES or anything else. despite that, he feels an unfamiliar level of PRESSURE.[break][break]

after the harsh sounds in his ear, he pulls out the broken earpiece and drops it to the ground.[break][break]


noticing the black undertones in the PSYCHIC TERRAIN, he looks to .[break][break]

"your terrain's about to fuck us, illie."[break][break]

so, after a quick swaperoo, he finds himself atop his levitating metagross after a MAGNET RISE, free from the sneaking roots.[break][break]

he looks to his allies as his own exeggutor prepares a SOLAR BEAM.[break][break]

"fire at the tree?"[break][break]


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
levitating on METAGROSS with MAGNET RISE[break]
EXEGGUTOR preparing SOLAR BEAM[break]
greyson's COMFEY uses FLOWER SHIELD[break]
greyson's COMFEY currently around matias' wrist[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-metagross"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-exeggutor"][break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-comfey"]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 12:25:52 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

Had it not been been for his explosions getting closer to the tree might have taken a much longer time. Though propelling himself like a jet engine with the Marowak hanging onto him as they got close. Everything getting darker as the familiar pressure surrounds the island. As the Spores come the Masked Ranger creates balls of fire in his hands before setting them off for an EXPLOSION around himself. After Razz goes toward the brightest thing there (). [break][break]

He doesn’t know much about what’s going on, only that the other was asking for help. ”Just what do you need then?” the masked Ranger ask before he calls for another of his pokemon with DRAMPA. For now he gives a whistle and signals to them having Marowak use SHADOW BONE[break][break]




    + Arrives at the tree and Razz uses his own flames to protect himself and Marowak against the Dark Spores. [break]
    + Goes to the brightest thing at the tree with . [break]
    + Ask what he needs for help. [break]
    + Marowak uses SHADOW BONE against any more spores. [break]
    + DRAMPA uses SAFE GUARD to try and protect those around from extra effects.



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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 13:19:04 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

The end of the world is not a genuine concern for Katherine.
She'll live. She'll survive. She'll be very lonely for a time, trapped in her realm, but what's a century or two for a goddess? Sure, she'd prefer if Necrozma didn't destroy Hoenn-- but there are more important things to take care of when you are as petty as her. Namely... Revenge.
You can only imagine how pleased she was to see the ILLUMINA beacons light up the field for her. The army of sparkly pokemon was very much appreciated. To think that after all this time, the criminal organization would still prove to be so helpful for her.
How wonderful.
Seeing as how one issue's been tackled, Katherine releases two other pokemon to join her Gallade. Her shiny Reuniclus needs not an order, but the mere sight of the Ultra Beast by its side urges it to utilize SKILL SWAP, replacing its own ability, MAGIC GUARD with that of the beast.
Blacephalon also emerges, appearing all too ecstatic at the mere prospect of giving his captured audience a firework show, "Go ahead."
A smirk blossoms on her lips as she turns to the clown, happy despite the looming danger. After all, she's grown accustomed to this sort of PRESSURE. She'd be a fool to let it stop her now.
"Give our old team a show. I am sure they missed us."
At the elite four's command, Blacephalon beheads itself with a swift chop to its neck, using its free hand to capture his now decapitated head. Like a balloon, it grows bigger and bigger. Holding back? Saving a so-called ace for the last hurrah?
Even as the word D A R K N E S S rings in her head, even as she throws away her earpiece to escape the screaming in her ear, nothing can wipe that darned smile off Katherine's face.
The JESTER'S DEMISE is inevitable. Blacephalon's inflated head soars through the dark skies and takes advantage of the nigh absolute darkness. Its target may be the tree, but the sheer size of that explosion can only mean one thing: Katherine wants casualties.



💎 kat sends out reuniclus and blacephalon.[break]
💎 reuniclus uses SKILL SWAP to replace its ability (MAGIC GUARD) with Blacephalon's in order to protect the beast from recoil damage.[break]
💎 Blacephalon uses its z-move, JESTER'S DEMISE. It aims generally at the tree, but moreso at where most people (with visible illumina pokemon, ofc) are located.[break]
💎 Katherine and her party are currently not approaching the tree. They're keeping a safe distance for now.

[attr="class","fas fa-moon"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 17:52:54 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle clicks his tongue at what he's seeing: people congregating around the threat with no regards to personal safety. the cryptic message over the radio was more annoying than disturbing considering everything else. 's terrain was affected as well, making kyle skeptical over using his own avatar powers as well.

his silvally seemingly acting on its own was just enough to tip kyle into action however.

"yeah, why not? my mon's reacting negatively at it anyways," he casually answers as he watches his silvally create gusts of wind before firing off air slashes at the target, cutting through the heavy air and carving a path through the blackened snow with sheer force. "i'm going to get close."

as he decides, he takes a pokeball out, revealing a glowing smeargle. a finger points to each of their comfey, provided by , to which the pokemon smears paint with the properties of an illumina pokemon. it's glow emulates the smeargle's glow, being able to pierce through the darkness.

"just in case we split up," he explains.

the silvally, prompted by the innate workings of the necrozma memory within it, starts to continually get its attacks off as it charges at its object of aggression. kyle sighs as he's forced to follow his pokemon, snatching the smeargle and it along with him by his arm.

  • silvally uses air slash at the tree's general direction
  • kyle takes smeargle out
  • illumina smeargle marks their comfey with illumina paint
  • silvally starts to slowly move towards the tree, firing air slashes as it goes
  • kyle follows after his silvally, carrying his smeargle


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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 23:04:11 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

It's not the same as Lugia's Pressure. While at first that had been uncomfortable, now he almost welcomed it. It weighed him down the same as a familiar blanket. Temp knew that if he felt it then was nearby. It made him feel weirdly safe.

This did not make him feel that way, unsurprisingly.

This pressure made him feel sick to his stomach. It was dangerous. While Temp had been around a while, he was usually not directly in the action for this type of thing. Pacifidlog was a long ways away or he was just lucky enough to not be in the wrong place. It did vaguely remind him of the Slateport Bombing, but he'd been mostly safe during that, too. He'd not gotten hurt, only helped to pull people from the rubble in the moment before running.

Darkness spreads. Things are killed. Civilians scream as they flee.

Temp shivers and wonders if this is really for him. He grips his pokeball tight before calling Bite Bite back into her pokeball. He didn't want whatever the hell these spores were getting to her like they had 's pokemon. In fact, he winces and feels tired when some stick to his own skin, sinking inside. Maybe that was his sign to dress more modest in the future.

speaks of a prophecy and isn't far behind. He frowns, mulling over what, if anything, he should do. Even could do in this situation.

"One of Rocket's Underboss died a few months ago." Temp had never known or been close to Chu-e. He only knew what details that Gavin had told him. "I think that's... what's left of him." He doesn't care to explain more. Things start to happen. Too much all at once.

A fist is made.

"I'm not ready to die cause of whatever the hell this is. Any idea what we might be able to do?"

Most of his pokemon can't help here. They're adapted to the ocean, not land, and just used in his Gym besides. In the end, he calls out one of his older and more reliable pokemon. Medi appears at his side, the Medicham, shivering as she looks around the field.

"Medi, see if you can Mind Read that... whatever it is. Be on guard."

- Temp feels the Pressure and waxes poetic about it
- Decides to stay
- Talks to his friends and reveals a few of the details he knows, too
- Returns Manectric, calls out Medicham
- Has Medicham use Mind Reader on Chu-e

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 23:18:02 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
in the face of such a harrowing threat, greyson FALTERS A STEP. it's so small as to be nearly unnoticeable, but the implications send waves of red hot shame coursing through his veins like lines of magma. greyson steels his resolve and tightens one of his hands into a fist, earning a concerned mew from the comfey around it.
he pets the fairy-type effectionally, a nervous half smile hiding the cold sweat that slips down his lower back. after a moment or two, he gets his shit together.
with another spark of light, a whimsicott stands on the battlefield.
"time for defense."
she throws up a COTTON GUARD in the general area, encasing them in a shield of cotton that resembles the ultra beasts head. it was a filter against of that spore like attack. those nearby (, , ) would hopefully he safe under its protection.
then, a FLOWER SHIELD surges up and around him, a thin, translucent veil that could hopefully stop any of the first attacks. should the others wish, their comfeys would respond in the same regard.
with a confidence he projects, but doesn't feel, he follows the champion.
+ cotton guard around them to catch miniscule attacks/be a kuriboh wall like barrier seen when Yugi Whoops Kiba before the final rounds of the Pegasus tourney[break]
+ comfey uses flower shield to anyone who wants it (greyson does)[break]
+ follow kyle into the Shadow[break]
+ death enabled first time manifests in an instinctual step back/fear


[newclass=".greyson"] --accent:#7c98b2; [/newclass]

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
In this and every life
I choose us every time
1m62 / 5'3 height
1m62 / 5'3 height
Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
150 posts
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TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2022 0:52:51 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

And suddenly she's not so alone anymore.

The shrill whistle startles her, and as she turns she sees someone ( ) gesture at her as they call out that they probably shouldn't be there. Which, in hindsight, wasn't all too farfetched– Brynnhildr's curiosity however demanded a satisfaction her common sense did not grant it just yet. There were others gathering around the man with the whistle, so she too decided to abandon her current path for the safer option of regrouping with them. Maybe he was merely an officer of the law in daily clothes, called out of bed to help navigate the chaos around town? Not that the Unovan was planning on tempting fate to find out, however.

Brynn's so absorbed in her current goal of swaying through the masses that she fails to see how the spores are twirling down upon them, a sudden feeling of dread captivating her. The heaviness settles in her chest, and she finds herself having a hard time breathing properly as things beyond her comprehension start unfolding; her breathing becomes slighty ragged, as if she's trying to catch her breath after having run a marathon, while Ari is having the time of her life trying to capture the strange pollen floating through the air.

While she does want to reply, or even react to , and , the eerie feeling is still dominating her body, leaving nothing more than a shakey nod to escape her as reply. And as she tries to look up she realises her muscles too have started denying her service, cramping up soo tensely that she finds herself stuck looking at the ground, like she's a mere captive in her own body. There's a slight panic forming inside of her because of it, easily visible on her face even though it's downcast. In the meantime Bell, who has been trying to nudge his trainer forth towards the group and inside the protective bubble that had been thrown up for the group, is trying its best to keep the spores away with Fairy Wind.



- has joined the party!
- Pressure goes drip drip drip, and Brynn went *POP*
- Is within talking distance with the rest of the group, but is stuck staring at the ground, close to paralyzed
- She is halfway inside the 's protective bubble
- Ari the Joltik is trying to catch a spore, and succeeds! (Oops)
- Bell the Galarian Ponyta is still glued to her leg
- Bell spontaneously uses Fairy Wind to keep the spores away from the people & Pokémon (but mostly away from itself) near Brynn
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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
341 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2022 2:26:04 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar










At 's direction, Beau nods, quickly beginning to unload the heavy bottles of water and following the woman's direction to place them in the rudimentary first-aid station, diverting his focus from the Tree and its erstwhile companion. As he hefts the final bundle up, the Tree surges into activity, the PRESSURE suddenly exerting itself on the area causing him to flinch and tense, nearly dropping his burden.
The attacks, however, are more prominent. As he regards the black spikes of the Tree's roots assaulting those closest to it, he moves into action, hastily unloading the water and instead shooing those straggling observers away - though amid the screaming and frenzied hubbub of retreat from those without a true stake in the proceedings, it must be said that not much work is required on his part.
Left only with those League members stalwart enough to remain, he regards the Tree with a slowly dawning sense of horror as it corrupts nearly every phenomenon around it into darkness. Georgette's question startles him so badly he jerks in place, snapping his gaze to her abruptly. "I, uh - yeah, I'm alright," he mutters, though a silent nod of gratitude is sent her way as her Slowpoke's HEAL PULSE attempts to disperse the unsettling atmosphere around them.
He fixes his eyes on the spores drifting through the air, too far away at this point to be directly concerned for himself, but it doesn't stop his face turning downward in an affronted grimace as he witnesses their effects...all except on a lone Wishiwashi, who seems to shrug the particles off as easily as though they were sea silt. "I wonder..." he murmurs, unclipping a pokeball from his belt and releasing an ILLUMINA STUFFUL who growls audibly as he forms, suffused with faint light.
"There, there, little brah," Beau soothes, crouching to pet the Stufful's head even as his gaze remains fixed on the Tree and its defenses, "Light us up if that starts to get closer, yeah?"


  • Helps evacuate NPC stragglers.
  • Assists Gigi with amassing first-aid supplies.
  • Releases ILLUMINA STUFFUL to back up Gigi's SLOWPOKE, ready to SPOTLIGHT if darkness encroaches their way.





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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2022 2:52:25 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]the pressure around them is, unfortunately, familiar to her. it settles onto her shoulders with heavy fingers and she rolls it off as best as she can.

it still leaves a sense of dread coiled in her stomach as if it's a seviper ready to strike. it simply grows as mentions her mist, as she glances down to find black undertones and roots at their ankles.

the communication line surges with life right after. and it hurts her ears, this pained shrieking that echoes. god, she'll hear it in her dreams... that much she's sure of.


with a sigh, she shifts to move out of the grasp of roots and pulls the dead communication device from her ear. her gallade follows, close to her back like a shield. and a look sent to her flygon spurs it into action. the dragon flaps its wings and works to clear away the healing mist she provided. after all, matias is (unfortunately) right: her mist will fuck them over if she's not careful.

's loaned comfey offers a welcomed flower shield as his whimsicott throws up cotton to defend. she's grateful, really, that they're all together. it's comforting to not be left by herself.

and when moves to surge ahead, a look of concern rises quickly. the dread grows even after his smeargle paints their comfeys with glowing colors.

her mouth opens to speak but... no words asking to reconsider come out. this is their job, realistically... throwing themselves into the fire and hoping to make it out unscathed is all they can do.

"let's go," she murmurs.

her body follows after kyle and greyson, gallade close at her heels and quickly setting up a wide guard for their approach. flygon flutters above, close enough to be reached in case a quick escape into the air is necessary.

- let's goooo boys + illeana
- flygon clears out the psychic terrain with flaps of its wings
- accepts the flower shield from greyson's comfey
- follows after kyle & greyson to approach toward the tree
- gallade uses wide guard for extra protection during their approach

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2022 2:59:40 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

It is . She had only interacted with the Underboss briefly, but he was unmistakable. Her lips pressed into a tight line, dread crawling over her body like a hundred spinarak. Goose bumps rose across her skin and she instinctively moved closer to Killian, a hand reaching out to grip his jacket tightly. As roots rose and impaled the Beheeyem, it disappeaeds in sparkle of dark crystals, consumed by the tree itself. It reminded her of the way the deceased pokemon disappeared when they ventured inside the tree. But this was darker, more unsettling.

The Beast’s expression grew stern. Her brows pinched into a creased line as her jaw tightened. A mass of Rocket and League against a tree and dark figure – the odds should be in their favor.

Then why did it not feel that way?

BLACK SPORES descended around them, shortly followed by DARKNESS. It’s a darkness she’s never seen, not even comparable to the phantom realm. It was oppressive, impenetrable. If she had been at the Teahouse, it may look familiar.

The pokeball plucked off her waist opened to reveal a Mandibuzz. The avian floated above them, barely visible in dark, “Get rid of these!” she hissed, already feeling he sticky spores clinging other bare skin. They’re heavier than they should be.

The Mandibuzz snapped its beak together with a click, her wings unfurled to their full length. A strong wind kicked up the dirt beneath their feet, an attempt to DEFOG the surrounding area and clear it off the hindering spores.

“Killian, what are you doing,” she snapped, as soon as he slipped out from under her grip. The scene she witnessed before her is perhaps even more disturbing than what was transpiring at the Tree, “Killian, no,” she sounded desperate now, begging him to not change, to stay, “Don’t leave me,” despite the grotesque form he had taken she still lunged forward to reach for him but he slipped away into the darkness.


She’ll never find him, “GO!” she growled, commanding to Mandibuzz to follow, to protect. He didn’t need it but it made Lex feel better. She should follow him, but she didn’t. Instead she listens for once and sticks close to , bound to aid him by her duty as a Beast and also by request of her fiancé.


Lex is affected by the DARK SPORES
Mandibuzz uses DEFOG to attempt to clear the spores
Lex sticks close to as instructed


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2022 3:01:53 GMT
jayden cross Avatar



[attr="class","inner"] a terrifying PRESSURE clamps down on his shoulders, making the wear thick and uncomfortable in it's intensity. it's a feeling that jayden has felt before in his lifetime — in his father's touch, in kanto's brutality, and in the capture of sootopolis' unforgiving blight - but it doesn't make it any easier to withstand.

[break][break] inside, his body calls for him to flee or run or do something. all sense and reasons calls for him, at the very least, to make sure that and are okay. but he can't — his gaze is locked on the sight of their late underboss, not only brought to life but pleading to be saved.

[break][break] it's only because of and declan walsh's words that jayden stays in place. the hold his emotions have on him is great; but the hold that rocket has on him is greater. in many ways, jayden is a soldier — a tool. he cannot betray his command.

[break][break] even if it nearly kills him not to do so.

[break][break] 's hail backfires against them and jayden's too closer to the disaster to do anything about it, the DARK SPORES planting onto his body and sapping his stamina. at the very least, the majority of the spores land on his fabric, and his kakashi mask protects his face, but it doesn't make the situation any more ideal. "mint!" he calls. "fall back!" at his other side, he releases his skarmory. "kazan — go!"

[break][break] the pokemon flaps it's wings, and the SPORES immediately stick to him too. however, he lets out a screech anyway and dispels a DEFOG in an attempt to clear the air.

[break][break] chaos descends on them shortly after, a crackle of screams and electricity that makes him pull his comm out of his ear with a wince, as darkness blankets over them all.

[break][break] it's not lasting, as the rockets around him take out their own ILLUMINA pokemon, their light pulsing against the impending darkness.

[break][break] it's the glow of 's wooper that draws his attention then. but it's too late. "eris!" his words fall on deaf ears and countless pokemon die before him, including that of . jayden doesn't have time to feel bad for him, that is if he would even feel bad at all. pokemon were tools for rockets comsumption, after all. or at least, that's what father had always said.

[break][break] it's the battle cry of that cuts through the dark.

[break][break] jayden starts — he reaches for another pokeball to try to aid the rocket beast, but there is suddenly something much more important at bay. the bloated head of 's blacephelon glimmers in the darkness beyond, just visible thanks to the illumina glow.

[break][break] shit.

[break][break] his CLAYDOL is released from his pokeball. "power split and protect!" he points towards the attack gearing towards them, potentially even more dangerous than 's threat.

[break] + jayden is near the tree, with gavin, mint, eris, felix, remy, etc. he is assissted by the light of gavin, eris, and remy's illuminamon that are near them. [break]
+ injured by the SPORES, he lets out his SKARMORY to use DEFOG [break]
+ CLAYDOL tries to protect them from katherine's blacephelon using POWER SPLIT + PROTECT at the attack itself.


+ uses two salacs

[attr="class","bar title"]THE DARKEST DAY

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2022 3:23:42 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
281 for @darkest day
Locke took a step outside of the crowd, only to be tugged sharply back. Shi-Shi had allowed them to see the danger for themselves, but only as a warning. Crimson eyes stared up at them, imploring them to leave. Afraid.

Locke gulped. This wasn't like the Absol at all. But they couldn't stop here. They said they'd be there, they'd promised.

"I'm sorry," they said as they pulled out her Pokéball.

"I'll be safe," they lied as she disappeared inside.

And not a moment too soon. The Hail, which might've been set to aid them, now turned against the crowd, attaching to Locke and people nearby in clumps of Dark Spores. He couldn't feel the effects immediately, but as he stepped forward again the unnatural exhaustion made itself known.

The sky darkened with more than just spores; and as the sun was blotted out by the corrupted Aurora Veil, his Unusual Charm lifted and glowed for the first time in months.


His heart clenched in fear, the darkness and panic around him almost too much to bear. But he could still move forward. He didn't need to see to know where would go.

A little light couldn't hurt though, especially seeing the few pinpricks of Illumina Pokémon beginning to appear around him. Locke pulled out a newer-looking capsule and released one of his Illumina Delibird, one he hadn't even had the time to name yet. He kept the young penguin close by as she Illuminated the area around him, guiding him to the center where he knew to be and calling out for his friend again.

"Eris! It's not safe here!"

- Recalls his Absol
- Summons one of his Illumina Delibird
- Approaches the Tree of Life, where he knows and will be
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2022 4:33:21 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar


He arrived to the chaos later than most, anyone who wasn't already here wasn't coming.

Letting his senses feast on the severity of the circumstances unfolding around him. From Sinister Spores to Impaling Branches and pokémon dying left and right. It was made clear quite quickly most shouldn't have come, maybe no one should have come here.

Those who had the responsibility to protect the region, didn't have much a choice.

Who more so than the men and women sworn to the Rangers. Hoenn wasn't his home but he swore to stand against its threats all the same.

As Head Ranger his shield was to cover four aspects of the region above all; the People, the Places, the Pokémon, the Paperwork.

It was his job to stand in defense of all of it.

Unlike the last calamity to that fell upon the Rangers he wasn't halfway in the grave and all the way in a hospital bed.

Laurs and the Frozen Fowl weren't here, so this time it was on him. Besides that, the charm on his wrist was affirmation enough he was supposed to be here.

Following its wild rattle it lead him to quickly enough, the memory of whom became less clouded and more distinct as he neared. "Jamison!" He didn't consider it a good sign the kid was so close to the Sootopolis Space Tree, considering all the death happening with it at the epicenter.

Turning to his Pignite and Simipour both seemed out of their comfort zones, but ready to help.
() ()

Pointing in the direction of a relative clearing, "Do it, both of you; PLEDGE!" Squaring off from one another, each pokemon mirrored the other ultimately combining moves to make a new result.

He could only sublimate his anxiety over leaving his family practically defenseless without him by leaving the best pokemon he had to protect them in the case that he didn't come back.

Fuck that; in case things got crazy before he came back.

With all the cards on the table tonight, himself and his pokémon would have to make the best of the hands they were dealt.

● tags:
● notes: @darkestday

Half of the Head Rangers Arrive
Charm going crazy, helps find Locke

Used Fire Pledge + Water Pledge
to create a status boon rainbow


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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2022 4:56:04 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


She shouldn't have come.[break][break]
But it's too late— she's here anyways. Foolhardy as her actions might be, there's no going back now.[break][break]
Luka stands resolute even as her knees threaten to buckle under a sudden, tangible wave of pressure— it's something she's felt before, but never so intensely as now. As she gazes at the withering Tree of Life, the sudden weight of it threatens to bring her to her knees. She's kept stable only by 's presence at her side.[break][break]

And even when things take a turn for the worse, she remains. Gentle hands help to guide those that flee, should any stragglers need assistance. And though she chokes on a sob when Remiel's Shedinja meets an untimely end, she doesn't join the number of evacuating citizens. Her eyes meet Remiel's, resolute.[break][break]

"I'm staying. I can't just leave you here!" [break][break]The declaration might be more impactful were she not choking on spores. They settle on her face and in her hair like blackened snowflakes and though frantic hands manage to brush a few away, she can't avoid them all.[break][break]
She's being selfish. And stupid. There's no real reason for her to be here— she has no stake in this fight, is not beholden to the Tree of Life. Her motivations are almost childishly simple, and worse, centered around a man. Driven by the need to protect those she loves, but lacking the means to do so, Luka is more a hinderance than anything else. [break][break]

But she's damned if she doesn't try. The faces around her are masked or strangers, but she considers each life to be just as precious as her intimate friends'. Whatever is going on here is bigger than factions and power struggles— it affects them all. And it's only by working together that they can dare hope to overcome it.[break][break]

She can't force that, and it'd be foolish to even try. What she can do, at least, is offer unending support to whoever might need it, factions aside. Darkness rises, and the light to meet it. Nothing is hopeless so long as she believes, right?[break][break]

Her Chansey emerges with a cheerful cry that almost immediately turns sober. Pressure bears down on her just like her trainer, and Luka lays an assuring hand on her head. She's terrified, half convinced she might have just released her darling Pokemon into certain doom, but to sit back on her laurels is most certainly worse.[break][break]

Though Chansey isn't an illumina Pokemon, she sheds her own light upon the tree and its surroundings. A blinding flash attempts to illuminate the area around them and combat the insidious darkness. Shortly after, Luka requests that the healer set up barriers to protect them: a Light Screen and Reflect bar the way between any incoming attacks. It doesn't have an endless reach, but can hopefully assist those standing nearby.[break][break]

- Impacted by the spores[break]
- Chansey attempts to set up a Light Screen and Reflect barrier to protect those nearby[break]
- Chansey uses Flash



[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2022 6:47:24 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
He was late...It took considerable time to get from where he was to where he was going, and that was the problem even with his fastest pokemon. So when he arrived on the scene the chaos that was currently unfolding around him was to be expected. It had been similar with Groudon, but this....This was different. There was a heavy pressure in the air as if dread had physically manifested, and was doing it's best to tear them all down into the depths of hell. Dark spores were scattering among the wind leaving gaping holes in anything that they touched, the roots of the massive tree were impaling pokemon, and he saw the protective barriers others erected get smashed into oblivion. It was in a word, hopeless. For a moment he froze, but he grit his teeth, and withdrew a Pokeball.

Tossing it into the air to reveal his Metagross, which levitated next to him, right now he was searching for the source of the disturbance in this rapidly devolving mess, but he had no idea what could cause it other than the tree. The only reason he had even made it here was thanks to the charm dangling around his neck. So when the word whispered to him, he grit his teeth again. It was just like what he had been told in his garden, but was this the end? Was this what the prophecy he had been told meant? Was this the mysterious fourth?

He didn't know, but if he didn't do something he was going to die, and so would many others.

"Mercuria use Psychic to keep the spores away as best you can! This blasted darkness...." He'd growl as he released another Pokemon. The darkness that pervaded his senses was a problem, he figured it was weighing down on everyone else as well. Whether this worked or not he truly had no clue. Those spores seemed capable of disposing of any pokemon within a single hit. Amor felt a wrenching in his gut, but he pushed it down. This is what they had trained for during his hiatus. When Magmortar appeared the order he gave was simple. "Kagutsi use Sunny Day!" The giant flame pokemon put its cannon of an arm upward, and then shot a beam of light straight into the air to attempt to lessen the effects of the darkness.

Amor's Charm drew him here (Thanks for letting me join Spiral!)
Amor summoned Metagross which is using Psychic to try, and keep the spores away from them
Amor summoned Magmortar who is using Sunny Day in an attempt to lessen the effects of the pervading darkness.
Amor is observing trying to find the source of this madness atm.

Current Pokemon

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing