i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 16:19:14 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
340 for @pinklan
Locke's face lit up, looking at the offered phone with a wide smile. "Sure!"

One selfie later, and the ship was-blessedly-docked and unloading her passengers onto the mysterious island. They returned La-La with a gentle pat on her snout, promising to bring her out again in the morning. The hike was as beautiful as they'd hoped-the path lined with unique flora untouched by man, and the evening air light and serene as they all shuffled further and further away from the beach. There was a notable lack of Pokémon present, but perhaps the crowd had simply scared them into hiding.

Most unusual-and disappointing-was that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't seem to get a decent picture of any of it. The plant life came out blurry and unfocused, the cabins glitched on their screen, and the people were nigh-unrecognizable. Worse yet-in the time they spent fiddling with their phone, most everyone had already partnered up-including the few present they felt comfortable asking.


Locke turned here and there like the odd one out on a school field trip, trying to pick out any familiar face that wasn't already accompanied by someone else, and finding only strangers or people he'd only ever met once or twice.

One did stand out, however. A violet-haired man stood at the very edge of the crowd, looking as though the boat ride here had treated him even worse than it had the courier. Locke tilted his head back, gears turning as he tried to think of where they'd seen the man, before the image of an elderly Delibird struggling in the cold floated hazily to the front of his mind. Right, back in the winter…

And he still didn't know sign language.

The other man didn't seem much better off than him in terms of friends here, though, so maybe it was for the best that quietest of the bunch stuck together. With that in mind, he awkwardly approached @artemis with a small wave.

"Erm-Hi again! Do you, uh, need a bunkmate too?"

- See ya !
- A nice relaxing hike
- No pictures :(
- Asks @artemis to bunk with them
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 16:57:19 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

nagi goes stiff at both times when sweeps him into a hug. like a petrified cat, or maybe a block of wood, he holds himself still as the weight of andrea's arms settle around him — and then with a dexterity he has hitherto not been known to possess, he extricates himself from the constricting circle of her arms and steps away.[break][break]

"... yeah, sure," he answers at last. his voice is the diametric antithesis to andrea’s — bone-dry and crumbling, threaded through with the sort of bewildered resignation a person might muster when facing down a herd of charging tauros. her enthusiasm is a force of nature unto itself. “as long as you keep to your side the tent.”[break][break]

he meets ’s eyes, giving him a quick nod of acknowledgement as they part ways, and scans the crowd for the tell-tale shock of long, red hair that he has come to associate with . the malfunctioning electronics threw a wrench into his planned method of record-keeping for this business-vacation trip — but this time, he’s prepared. [break][break]

if the tiered tea rooms had taught him anything (besides a crash-course introduction to hoenn weird), it’s that there’s only so much space on his arm for him to scrawl impromptu notes on. [break][break]

he pulls a notepad and pencil out of his pocket. the skin on his left forearm lives to breathe another inkless day.


[attr="class","ooc"] @ PINKAN [break]
• woomies with ![break]
• he's taking notes like a good jr journo.[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-litwick"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 17:20:56 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Might as well be comfortable.

Nobody spoke to Gwyar the entire way to the island. He tried not to let it damper his mood, if only for Gawain's and Raki's sake.

The sight of the island's phenomenally tall cliffs dashed away any such feelings, filling the blonde's chest with excitement instead. It looked like something right out of a movie or comic strip; inspired the imagination and filled him with a desire to explore.

As the ship was tied to the pier and they descended, Gwyar took stock of their surroundings as he followed behind the Ship's Captain. Raki, too, looked around with open curiosity, though Gawain followed without ever looking up from his GameGirl™, simply letting his feet follow the emotions of the crowd.

They follow the captain through the sandy beaches, the winding rocky road, and finally- The Pink.

There was no other way to describe. So much pink, by the King of Harvest's noggin'.

'Tis all rather beautiful, though Gwyar wonders how long he could hang around such a colorful forest before growing tired of it.

Eventually, they reach a lone cabin in the pink- with a suitably pink haired ranger inside it. One suitably pink haired, unhappy to see them ranger.

Mercifully, she calmed when the Captain intervened on their behalf.

"A pleasure, Head Ranger Zinnia!" Gwyar supplies cheerfully for the group when nobody else says anything.

A moment of awkward silence later, they had been led to a sprawling campsite and left alone to be adults about things.

Given he hadn't attracted much attention before, he didn't expect any different this time. For the moment, the man simply set down his bags and moved closer to the fire. Gawain stayed by the bags while Raki leapt off Gwyar's head and began running around the camp, waving at everyone present.

For his part, Gwyar sat on a log by the fire and slowly moved his sunglasses to set them on his hair, humming at the Head Ranger's words.

"None that I can think of at the moment, no." He said simply, before smiling and nodding at her. "Yes, we'll follow the rules. Good night, Ms. Zinnia."

Turning his gaze back to the fire, the man hummed. Well, here he was. Now... what? How to go about enjoying his short 'vacation' to the fullest...?

He looked around.

A few vaguely familiar faces were present. A single very familiar face was there as well, but given the way she and the man near her interacted, he wasn't comfortable getting any closer than whatever several dozen meters were between them.

Just when he thought he might actually regret his choice to be there, someone spoke to him. A vaguely familiar voice, which he immediately placed as soon as he saw the owner's face.

"Ah! Mr. Connors! Long time indeed!" He said, smiling broadly as he stood, holding out his hand for the man. "How good to see you again! Hm? Ah, no. I'm was feeling rather shy on our way here, so I've not spoken with anyone."

Well, that was certainly one reason.

Gwyar tipped his head, smiling.

"Did you wish to 'bunk' with me?" He asked. "I would be happy to, if so!"

-talks to Zinnia cause no one else will.
-Raki the Riolu is running around saying hi to @everyone. Feel free to interact.
-Gawain the Gallade is standing around playing GameGirl™ and Porkymon™.
-Gwyar's chatting with .

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 19:18:11 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

”Ha.” A smile brightens Mars’ expression when saving the candid shot so expertly taken by , the same smile that lingers when seeing him approach. ”Looks like it. I hope the facilities are nice, there wasn’t much information online.”
Being volunteers as they are, Mars expects no five star experience, but surely there’ll be some decent cabins where they can stay for the night or something, right? Well… apparently not. What’s worse: once they get off the ship and begin walking into the unusual island, it becomes clear that aside from the lack of service, phones don’t work at all in this place. Some sort of magnetic interference or something? That sure doesn’t seem safe.
”Is your phone acting up too? Guess you won’t get much footage for the show.” The comment is made in a nonchalant manner, even if this much does annoy him. After all, people like are here due to their jobs, and in his own case, what’s the point in volunteering if he can’t get any pictures of himself being the great philanthropist he is? Just doing it for the sake of helping? Lame. Oh well, at least it can be a stepping stone towards building a good relationship with the people of the island, which may be useful in the future.
With that in mind, POG Bank’s CEO seems all too pleased, a hand being raised in greeting when seeing . They had said they would meet up on the island, but apparently, tents are only meant for two people, which means they would have to part for now. Shame.
Smirking, Mars looks at . ”Don’t think it’ll compare to the last time we went camping together, but… bunkmates?
It had been more like glamping, to be fair. Which he’d much rather have over the inevitable back pain that comes with sleeping in a tent.
Trying not to think of that and finding himself distracted by the sight of a waving Riolu (it's adorable and it makes him think of his own, shame he can't take a picture of it, huh?), Mars turns his attention back to Pinkan Island’s Head Ranger, bearing a cordial smile that comes as easily as ever:
”Thank you for having us, Miss Zinnia. Before you go, I did want to ask: is there a particular reason why our phones aren’t working properly? Looks like something about the island may be making them malfunction.”



[break]-Bunking with Barnaby🌟
[break]-QUESTION for Zinnia


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
887 posts
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TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 20:32:56 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Josh watched carefully as they pulled into the island. It was no wonder it was considered dangerous and little-populated despite the attraction to the idea of pink Pokemon. Most of the island’s sides were cliff faces, and scary, jagged looking ones as well. It wasn’t the most welcoming entrance to an island he had ever seen, to say the least. So! Foreboding start to their second honeymoon. Sounds about right given their luck. But then Izumi spoke up. All of this fuss about a pink island and Izumi didn’t think to bring her Metagross? Josh turned to stare at his mind-addled wife with a look of pure and utter disbelief.

“You WHAT?”

Oh… Oh geez. That was… Well, that was an opportunity missed. Wasn’t it? The Ranger brought his hand to his face and shook his head at that. Well, if this place didn’t try to kill them, maybe they could come back? Either way, they disembark and are soon in a forest, where it seems like they might have to fight before the misunderstanding is cleared up. This was definitely not a red flag or anything. Once that was settled, Josh couldn’t help but look around, curious about their surroundings. Though he did notice very long silver hair that could be nobody else but @amor as well as a head of blonde hair on that reminded him of some sort of medieval television show he had watched with the kids. Something about a really old commander who looked like he was 20, slaying horse lions and a blind dragon. Maybe this guy was the actor?

Eventually they settled in, and it was time to start pitching tents. Izumi recommended they get one as far away from the others as possible given… Well, last time they had a honeymoon, they went on a trip to Alola and came back with Izumi carrying twins.

“Aye, I doubt anyone wants to hear you when “you know” begins" the blonde remarked cheekily as he bounded off to grab a tent and get them posted as quickly as possible. They would just have to talk to Amor once they were settled. What was he doing here anyway?



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no preference
november 25
Brighter than tomorrow and yesterday
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TAG WITH @lilith
lilith eirwin
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 0:24:22 GMT
lilith eirwin Avatar





[attr="class","hanalyrics"]into the unknown
[attr="class","hanalyrics2"]pinkan island

[attr="class","hanatext"]Night falls quicker than she expects, but perhaps, that's due to her spending more energy than usual trying to keep up with Toshi's antics. By the time they hit the shores, she's half-awake, arms filled with a still rather excitable Wooloo and attention drawn right to her unfamiliar surroundings.

Safety lies in the unknown - Her guard is down as she carefully trails after , humming softly as she looks around. The malfunctioning phone she has is somewhat a concern, especially when she takes into account that her friend's device isn't working either - And by extension, possibly many more. Then again, barely anyone contacts her and she lacks any reliable contacts to reach out to; Nothing changes with this.

The crackling of fire nearly drowns Toshi's voice out, but she snaps back just in time as she crashes right into him.

"Sorry..." She murmurs, pulling herself upright before she takes a rough tumble. "I think it's already becoming that for me..."

Movements rustle all about the campsite, cheery voices greeting one another as they grab an unsuspecting bunkmate for the night. Taking a deep breath does nothing to quell the pit in her stomach as she turns to Toshi with a quiet plea.

"Can we... bunk together...?"

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 2:52:23 GMT
"I'm sure they'll at least have small cabins or something similar." Barnaby assured Mars as they began to collect their luggage. He swung a large duffel bug over one shoulder while those around them deboarded the ship, stopping momentarily to scan the island's shore before departing with the rest of the passengers. Gabrielle walked obediently by his side.

Their trek up the beach was fairly short-lived, considering the rush to make it to camp before sundown. There was no dawdling allowed, despite how much Barnaby wanted to stop and examine the many vibrantly pink blooms, buds, and berries. As they walked he plucked one of the berries from its cluster and idly inspected it before pocketing the fruit in his bag. He would have taken a picture of it had not just questioned him about his phone.

"Let me check..." A quick scan of the device showed the screen to be almost unusable: constantly glitching and sputtering, which made Barnaby worried for his ROTOM. "Doesn't look good. Come out for now, Esprit." Immediately the little electric ghost zapped to attention beside him.

Barnaby then turned to Mars with a dejected expression, saying sullenly, "I suppose the trouble I went through to borrow 's drone was all for naught."

He didn't have long to sulk, though, before they arrived at their campsite. Tents surrounded a central fire, where several volunteers had already taken a seat. Given its remote location, Barnaby wasn't too surprised by their accommodations, but still.

At least his bunkmate would be someone he enjoyed sleeping with. This turn of events actually reminded him of their conversation in Petalburg Woods, about how they both weren't fans of tent-camping. Yet here they were, at it together. The universe seemed to have a sense of humor, at least.

"Of course~ As if it's even a question." Topping his confirmation off with a wink, Barnaby went to set down his luggage in their tent before returning and finding a seat by the fire. His PERSIAN curled at his feet, near the end of one of the logs.

"It could be a safety measure." He offered to , who he hadn't interacted with since Christmastime. "Would be quite the liability if one of their volunteers got attacked in the night." With a pleasant smile he added, "Good to see you again, by the way, Ambassador Calcifet."
• bunking with mars
• talking with remy

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August 22nd
Goldenrod City
Pokéathlon Athlete
Rising Star
my howling heart is yours
to do what you will
6'2" / 187 cm height
6'2" / 187 cm height
don't dry with fakes or fears, 'cause you will hate yourself in the end
249 posts
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TAG WITH @toshiaki
Toshiaki Macallan
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 3:08:47 GMT
Toshiaki Macallan Avatar
[newclass=.avatar]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.avatar img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Having so close wasn’t bad per-say. Still, Toshiaki felt bad seeing her so uncomfortable to the point that she’s practically clinging to him. No way he could let her bunk with a stranger.. His lips shift into a concerned frown, but before he could properly answer her, tugs onto his collar out of the blue.[break][break]
He blinks. Woah. Seems like he’s more popular than he thought![break][break]
Toshiaki smiles, apologetically. “Ah, sorry.. My friend just asked me here. But if I see you around we should defineitly adventure together!”[break][break]




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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 4:50:33 GMT
Deleted Avatar

it takes a while for artemis to manage to pull himself away from the railing even after the ship lands. he thinks he's probably one of the last ones off, still feeling awful from his seasickness. honestly, he just wants to curl up, but he still has to text and let them know they're all okay-

fuck. there was no signal. inwardly apologizing to his friend, he makes a note to send a flurry of texts explaining the situation as soon as he can.

the two-person tents only serve to make him miss reve more already. is the only person he really knows here, and....he doesn't like the idea of sharing a tent with him. honestly, he would rather be far away from him- but apparently his old best friend has other ideas, even if they're just to taunt him.

'i'd rather not.' is signed just as easily, despite artemis' temptation to respond with i hope you die instead. either way, mint doesn't seem interested in sharing a tent with him, either, if the white haired stranger is any hint. his attention is pulled away from them quickly enough, though, at the arrival of , asking if he needs a bunkmate.

he moves to sign out an answer, on impulse, before he remembers that they hadn't known sign language during their last meeting and nods instead. vaguely, he's aware of the man mint had asked answering- and pushes down the urge to feel smug about this whole thing.

it's what he deserves, honestly.

- last one off the ship and is still seasick
- tries to text reve but uh oh! no signal. L.
- is tempted to tell mint he hopes they die.
- agrees to bunk with locke
- is tempted to be petty about mint not having anyone to bunk with rn
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 6:16:34 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Bon Voyage
The pink, red, and purplish flowers caught Elisabeth's attention immediately as she disembarked, watching the petals sway in the tropical breeze with a peculiar fascination. The wine-dark blooms didn't immediately register in her mind as any species of flora she recognized, and the knowledge -- far from vexing her -- delighted her entirely.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" she murmured appreciatively to , only for this Zinnia woman to interrupt the moment with her bluster. Elisabeth's eyes narrowed in faint disapproval behind her sunglasses before the Ranger collected herself and apologized, and the florist likewise relaxed her glower, returning once more to a sunnier disposition.

The suggestion of sharing a tent with Gigi was more than acceptable, for Elisabeth detested sharing the company of strangers. She brought her duffle bag of belongings before the tent that her companion had chosen, the shade of the darkening night drawing over them both with the comfort of the cool night air.

"Hm?" she replied, blinking down at her cell phone at the ivory-haired woman's comment before shrugging. Truthfully Elisabeth had forgotten she had brought her phone until this very moment; the lack of cell service bothered her not in the least. "One less distraction for this adventure," she said with a grin, breathing in the scent of the salty sea air as she closed her eyes.

It was nice, enjoying the moment like this.

  • Examined the flowers!
  • Silently judging Zinnia for being RUDE.
  • Bunking with bestie .
  • Cells don't work? NBD, lol.

[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
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luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 6:47:51 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


As soon as they step foot on the island, Luka falls in love.[break][break]

It's so pink![break][break]

The flowers, the trees, even the sky! Roseate hues match the apples of her cheeks and the curled tresses that fan out behind her while they walk. It feels like a scene out of a fairytale, picturesque and perfect. She even has a prince by her side...[break][break]

The fact that they can't use their phones is troubling, but she shrugs it off as quickly as . After all, they're out in the middle of nowhere, so it's to be expected. This is a good chance to unplug and unwind, though she's disappointed that there won't be any photos to commemorate their trip.[break][break]

But their guide, however cute, isn't quite as sunny and cheerful as the rest of the island seems to be. Luka forgives this easily enough— it must not be easy to arrange something like this on an otherwise uninhabited island. Remiel's comment, however, earns him a bit of side-eye.[break][break]

"Of me? Really?" Lips purse as she considers this, watching the ranger's back, her hurried- almost impatient- stride. "It's the hair, isn't it," she decides with a pout. "Not everyone with pink hair is related, you know!"[break][break]

She bumps his shoulder, but that's the extent of her good-natured teasing. Luka's hand finds his, and they fit as though made for each other. And together, they wander towards a campsite that holds the promise of a merry fire, delightful company, and a wonderful evening.[break][break]


Their tent is chosen, bags safely stowed away. And after throwing on a hoodie when the sun begins to set, Luka joins Remiel around the campfire. Like a parasite, she's unable to stay away from him for too long. Her saccharine affection is about to become everyone else's problem.[break][break]

"Wow...that looks so good!" Luka curls against Remiel's side, peeking over his shoulder while he sketches. "So pretty! You're so talented..."[break][break]

She offers a smile and a little wave when he joins them. Her head rests against Remiel's shoulder while they talk, though she can't help but chime in eventually.[break][break]

Monsieur Finch has a good point," she chirps. "It could be dangerous! And anyways, we probably shouldn't go around eating strange berries...even if they do look really good." She wonders, vaguely, if they taste anything like pecha. That would be nice...


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 6:58:11 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Had he been seen by ? Or was it merely an illusion as most would not recognize him with his hair tied back in a pony tail with sunglasses on lounging on one of the tanning chairs. To those on the outside it would look like he was being cold, and antisocial, but the truth was much more mundane. He had simply fallen asleep on the boat ride, and as none had approached him to wake him he stayed completely klonked out with Adontis, his Pikachu, curled up on his chest until the boat docked. He hadn't gotten to take in any of the incredible sights as they approached, and was only stirred awake by the veritable shift of everyone else. With a yawn he, and Adontis woke up, and he gave his Pikachu an affectionate pat on the head.

"Are we here?" he asked lazily as he got up, and seeing everyone going to gather his things decided he should do the same. With Adontis perched on his shoulder he made his way down to his room gathering his things, and changing into a more appropriate outfit he took his luggage, and followed the crowd. Doing his best to blend in for the moment keeping his sunglasses on, and his hair in a new attire, he didn't feel like talking to others at the moment so instead he just walked along, and took in the pink scenery.

It was quite odd, but the fact that everything here was pink he knew would drive him to insanity if he were forced to endure it alone. Thankfully he had friends here amongst the crowd. When he tried to snap a picture with his HoloWatch it wasn't working, and he frowned. He would have to talk to about this. Normally his tech was impeccable so for it to malfunction like this was a problem if he wanted to record this place.

"Troublesome....I'll ask him about it later." He said as he continued to hike, and Adontis on his shoulder continued to oohhh, and ahhh at everything around them. After fifteen minutes they came to a clearing, and there was a woman there who seemed hostile. She seemed to reach for a pokeball, and Amor reached for the one on his hip that contained his partner Draco. However the captain seemed to de-escalate the situation, but he kept his hand on it just in case.

After being given their instructions, and told to not wander off, and they would start work tomorrow he finally let his hair down. Taking off his sunglasses as the sun was already setting. It would appear they were going to need to find bunkmates thanks to the housing situation. Josh would probably bunk with Izumi, and Amor personally didn't want to be near the married couple at night. He wanted to get some sleep, and if this was some sort of second honeymoon, asking them was out of the question. Tapping his cheek as he scanned the place fortune would favor him as approached him with the offer.

"You have saved me from the awkwardness of asking strangers to bunk with me." He laughed easily, and nodded at the man. "That would be fantastic, cuz aside from you. I only know the honeymooners." He said with a chuckle, and tilted his head to the direction of Josh, and Izumi. "You already got a tent picked out?" He'd ask with a tilt of his head. Adontis tilting his head to the opposite side as well.

Amor wears his sunglasses at night
Bunkmates with lets' go!
Pokes a little meta fun at
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May 18
Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
oh, i was lost, but now i am found
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TAG WITH @ceejay
CJ Mizikar
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 17:52:33 GMT
CJ Mizikar Avatar

An overwhelming surge of pleasure makes CJ’s gut twist up and their heart miss a beat as the excitement writes itself across ’s face. “Yeah, see ya,” they say, lifting their glass in a brief farewell to the professor, before settling in to let the smile linger while leaning against the railing of the ship.
Never one to be attentive to a single thing for a long period of time CJ felt their eyes drawing to the horizon and the ocean around them; they watched , whom they felt like they should recognize but couldn’t quite place, interact with their Lapras, and it brought a small smile to their face.
They weren’t particularly fond of the ocean, what with having absorbed some of Jeannie’s latent thalassophobia, but they couldn’t deny the lure and appeal, either. They let their head tip back slightly in the sea breeze, lulled by the lift and fall of the boat on the waves, looking for shapes in the water below.
With the corners of the sky tinged coral like a faded picture, the sea turned dusky, the dark ocean mirroring the gloom of night as it threatened to emerge. The water here is never still, churned and stirred by the perilous presence of distant whirlpools and turbulent ocean currents, but the ship’s captain does a good job of mitigating the dangers and getting them close to shore.
And what a shore it is; CJ is distantly reminded of Jurassic Park as the massive cliffs of the island face emerge; towering structures of brownstone and granite, stained and worn by wind and water. As the ship docks, CJ feels like they’ve gone back in time, and they get flashes of a different movie (Kong: Skull Island, to be exact) when they take their place in the disembarking queue, having crumpled their cup and placed it in the recycling bin like a good environmental soldier.
They have a backpack of essentials-- extra clothes for weather-related hazards, clean undies, tablet toothpaste, and then their first aid-cum-crash kit, stuffed with vials of epinephrine, packets of VetSpon, suture and sterile needles, and a number of other items for use in an emergency. It never hurts to be prepared.
They fall in line quietly with the rest of the explorers, hiking boots crunching on the fragments of granite as the sand rises and turns into a walking path, slicing up through the cliffs. The echo of the wind and waves is near deafening, even as they leave the sea behind. But the startling pink hues that cover near every corner are as far a cry from desolate, lonely island as CJ can imagine; it looks like a sakura convention threw up everywhere, and as the rocks give way and the area becomes forest, the variation in color becomes more apparent.
“It’s a candy forest,” CJ murmurs, torn between wanting to reach out and touch everything and minding their P’s and Q’s (leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but pictures). Speaking of pictures, CJ fishes their phone out to try and take one and finds it inoperable. Their mouth presses into a thin line of disapproval, but somewhere deep in their gut they feel almost vindicated.
“Yep, definitely Skull Island. Coulda seen that coming.” Not for the first time, they wonder, if their continuous comparison of real life to pop culture was a telling take on just how much pop culture they imbibed.
The group presses into a clearing, staggered here and there with small buildings. It looks like a summer-camp. They’re met with a less than welcoming introduction to Ranger Zinnia who, to her credit, does not look like either a summer-camp counselor, or a serial killer, which CJ definitely expected. CJ follows Zinnia’s gaze up into the sky, where the glorious sunset is made paler by the presence of such vibrant flora; they’re left with the characteristic summer-camp warning of Do Not Wander, and then it is up to them to find a place to bunk for the night.
CJ immediately becomes a sweating ball of anxiety, a long history of being picked last for stuff and things emerging to the forefront of their memory. Outwardly, though, they stick to their Key Life Plan of fake it ‘till you make it; portray an extrinsic example of cool and nonplussed and people will get the impression that you are actually cool.
Still, they were torn between following the rules like a good little ranger and sneaking out to explore the island-- and possibly get grievously wounded or ruin the trip for everyone in the process. It was a hard decision.
People start pairing off immediately and CJ is forcing themselves to remember to breath and not panic. Still, real recognizes real, and they notice a few other stragglers seemingly having a rough time meshing, like , though their hopes are dashed when she gets snapped up by , whom, again, CJ recognizes but doesn’t, at the same time.
Pretending to be looking at the surroundings, they make their way over to the fire, a slow mosey that directly contrasts the rapid beating of their heart. Holy shit, they’re going to be only person without a bunkmate. Why does this matter so much? It doesn’t, it doesn’t, it doesn’t--
“Monsters, probably,” they remark offhand to , whom they overhear talking. They flash the dark-haired stranger a grin. “Or, like, the trees eat us. Something macabre like that.” helpfully suggests that it’s a safety measure, which makes the most sense, but, “C’mon, where’s the fun in that?” Their tone is a jaunty lilt, as they steal a seat, elbow on a knee and chin in hand. “Safety is boring.”


+ (wearing) [break]
this is just a big word diarrhea because i love describing scenery. anyway, CJ has anxiety, realizes their phone isn't working which is not surprising, and is chilling by the fire talking to , , , and whomstever else came up [break]
still no bunkmate nickisadge



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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 22:03:06 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar instantly became distracted as his phone began to go haywire. He would never admit it but he was staring at the screen, waiting for confirmation from . Was he scared of being alone on this god-forsaken island doing volunteer work? Uhh--OF COURSE NOT! Oscar Clayton? Scared? Fuck you for thinking that GET THE FFFUCK OUTTA HERE!

Oscar squeezed his phone as lagged into oblivion and eventually just shut it off. He let out a string of expletive words under his breath, looking up by happenstance in time to see a far-off Mars wave to him. Surprised, Oscar raised his hand back but did not move to join him. There were too many people in the way, he will see him on the island. 

They arrived soon after, and Oscar shuffled along with the rest of the volunteers off of the boat. He had been carrying his backpack this whole time, but it was only after they had begun hiking that he felt it getting heavy. "Fuck--I even packed lite." He cursed to himself as he instantly became worn out. Being sick must have really gotten him out of shape. 

They arrived at the campsite, and Oscar exhaled with relief. He dropped his bag and used it as a seat, not really paying attention to anything happening around him. By the time he decided to look up, he realized that tents were being claimed and people were pairing off. "Shit!" He exclaimed, quickly grabbing his bag and searching for someone to pair with.

Alas, his go-tos were seemingly taken right away. Even the strangers around him were snatched up; was Oscar really going to be alone? His insecurity bubbled up, repressed memories of being picked last for team sports in high school began rapidly rising to the forefront of his mind. He shook his head, dispelling his anxiety. He was a grown-ass man, he built the fuckin' Infinity Generator surely he could find a god damn bunk mate. Oscar pressed forward, looking for an unclaimed tent. If he simply found a place to bunk, a bunkmateless mate would surely appear to bunk--with him.

--Oscar is searching for an unclaimed tent, hoping that a bunkmate will come out of thin air.
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2022 15:45:42 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
For someone who had been bold enough to meet up with a group of strangers from the internet, venturing into waters aboard a warship, was incredibly awkward. Angelo half expected the young woman to Sandshrew curl up into her shirt at any minute now.

Nothing wrong with going on solo trips.” Angelo does it all the time, after all. Not just for work but in pursuit of his passions, also. It's how they met and how he ended up here. “You're here for you. Enjoy it.

Although a part of him laments the absence of on this particular excursion. She would've like this. Campfires, mystery islands and all.

After listening to do her best to broach the subject of bunkmates, Angelo's response is short, sweet and casual. Much like the smile on his lips. “Sure. Sounds good. I've already reserved one.

He jabs a thumb towards the tent with the Wingull perched atop, its beak aggressively clicking together at any poor adventurer that attempts to enter.

Don't worry, he won't be joining us. Snores like an Ursaring.

notes: going to be bunking with

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP