i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 16:41:37 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]the third scan comes, goes, and leaves her hollow.

she forgets the in between, the important, the her, and it’s difficult to understand where the pieces go. where do the parts of her go when they’re taken?

do they even still exist at all? did they ever…?

her eyes glaze over in a soft, muted red. not as sparkly, not as alive. and in her doppleganger’s reflection, she finds herself faced with paranoia and discomfort.

something about the face… she detests it. and yet for the life of her, she can’t understand why.

”don’t be a moron,” she snips at . the rest of her group has already rushed forward and yet, she lingers over the options. it provides enough time for her to dig claws into fernando’s decision without a single ounce of maybe i shouldn’t do that… ”cut the shit and move.”

and with that, she steps forward before finally skimming the options.

past. present. future.

well… the future is the only option that doesn’t come with an overwhelming sadness or anxiety attached to it.

she steps toward the future terminal without considering otherwise, steps overwhelmingly sure and confident.

cyberchase conundrum.

tl;dr |
- missing half of torso & shoulder
- forgets memory of after silph co hire
- forgets memory of aqua assembly pt 2 & sea hoenn fight
- loses her empathy
- loses her insecurity
- loses her caution
- picking terminal 6: future

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 17:02:05 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
The end of the world--no, the multiverse?

...there was a multiverse?

Oscar suddenly had a headache, if he had known that today would be so existentially complicated he would have stayed home. I mean, they could not possibly be serious right? Who would buy all this conspiracy theory crap? Certainly not Oscar, but then again this place was pretty fucked up. Limb stealing clones, complex data simulations, whoever this fucker was they had a ton of resources at their disposal. Maybe just enough to find a way to confirm these wild theories of his.

Three more paths opened before them, and Oscar was about to ask which path they should take. However he would not get the chance, as the third scan slid by undetected all hell would break loose within the HUB. Lulu became caught up with a brawl between several opportunistic League members, among them being Fernando and Matias Silph and good ol' Katherine. Oscar's face scrunched as he suddenly found himself at an impasse. He wanted to help the Rockets they were assaulting, but he for sure did not want to draw attention to himself if they were going scorched earth. What was he going to do? Probably walk away, no one would blame him for picking self preservation in this environment. he had to help. How could he call himself loyal if he refused, he simply had to intervene.

Now most in attendance lost meaningful parts of themselves to the scan, creating dramatic interactions and allowing for insight into the true nature of their personalities. As Oscar tried to step forward, he would discover what was stolen from him to be much more--stupid.

Oscar forgot how to walk.

His legs buckled, causing him to fall forward onto his face. He pulled himself up, finding that he could stand fine but if he tried to step forward his legs would just lose control. Four times he tried to take a simple step forward, and four times he would fall to the ground in an increasingly distressed heap. "Fuck--FUCK---ACH NO WHY!?" Oscar became distraught, the most basic of human functions had abandoned him! Eventually he realized he was not going to get anywhere on his own, so he pulled out a pokeball and released some backup.

What emerged was a pokemon of unbridled power. Abner the Urshifu blinked at the light of this mysterious dataspace, his eyes drawn immediately to the brawl taking place nearby. As he beheld the violence, his maw contorted into a manic grin. At long last he was called upon for battle, he had waited so long to test his strength against proper opponents. This shall be a truly savage clash! 

Before he could jump into he fray however, Abner felt a tug on his leg fur. He looked behind him and was baffled to see Oscar laying on the ground! Oscar pulled on Abner's fur to bring himself upward, his tone desperate as he beseeched his legendary bear. "Abner! Abner please you gotta--you gotta carry me! You gotta carry me Abner! I can't walk man, I can't walk! My legs are like jelly man! Hold me Abner! You gotta--you gotta hold me!" Abner's face drooped, his expression more than a little unamused. Rolling his eyes, the mighty warrior reluctantly scooped up his master and held in in his arms. Like a fuckin' child.

Oscar sighed with relief, "You're the best Abner. Okay ummm--forward! Down the middle? Yeah Terminal 5!" That's where some of his comrades went, right? It would probably be a good idea to make sure no more random attacks took place. Abner growled lowly, stopping forward toward the Present Terminal. He looked longingly toward the freaky bitch in the jellyfish battle-suit, wishing desperately to at least punch it a few times. Alas, his duty was to be a glorified transport. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

--Oscar forgot how to walk.
--Oscar's Urshifu is carrying him in its arms, like a bag of potatoes.
--Oscar is heading toward the Present terminal.
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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
Bounty Hunter/Ethologist
You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
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TAG WITH @aura1
Yvaine Varron
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 23:22:20 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar
The intent was well-met, but in the end her resolve was only that; resolve. Neither the mercenary nor her Gliscor had the power to halt the beasts in their assault, and all they do is buy a meager amount of time for a familiar face to save the day. Gwyar, she remembers; though they met only briefly, and she didn't quite stick around to find out more. Yet here he was, keeping the Zacian at bay and even vanquishing it back to the data realm, while she and the others were unceremoniously smashed into the dome further ahead. The pain was numbing as she slumped to the ground, her vision blurring, unaware that part of her face had disappeared, instead leaving a hologram of datalines and numbers where once skin and eyes were.

The dome breaks away, and she can faintly see the blueish colors fading, but is unaware of what looms beyond. Fear however remains, not because of the Porygon she cannot see, nor of the situation aparant, yet rather because the darkness in her vision is creeping up on her. Yvaine's aware her sight is detoriating rapidly, and that she cannot do anything about it; not even when she calls out to her Gliscor, who had been forcefully recalled by the system in the meantime. She can barely discern the new puzzle laid before her, and therefore decides to stay clear of it; whatever the files held will remain a mystery to her... until a voice starts speaking.

The very moment the Dark Triad are mentioned, Yvaine perks up, listening intently to the information given. Suddenly all the chaos starts making sense, for as much as she's giving thought to it. She's quick to realise she has little power in doing anything to aid their cause, but she takes note of the Dark Triad's goals before the voice disappears.

And then, the third scan completes itself. Rather than losing more of her body, the fear and panic keeping her senses keen and her instincts at the ready die down, making way for an eerie mental calmth. Losing her sight, the darkness in which she currently finds herself... it all means very little to the mercenary now, as the concept of fear leaves her being entirely. A sense of purpose and cold takes its place, and she knows; if sacrifices must be made, she will gladly make them. Though they will not be her own. There's a glare as she hears a voice underneath her, and she stares down at her doppleganger, and the weakness they soo eagerly display. Even though it is herself, a perfect copy of her own, it disgusts her greatly, and her focus shifts back to Josh Devlin, asking whether they are fine, and choosing the Future Terminal heading down.

"So be it." she says shortly, watching as the vague forms of and disappear from her view. She lets them go, rummaging in her jacket to pull a cloth from a hidden pocket, and covers both her eyes completely. Better to continue in complete darkness and rely on her instincts, than to rely on the shades of a world she does not know the details of. "Zoroark, be my eyes." The Illusion Fox' pokéball breaks free, and the Zoroark immediately takes its place beside her, knowing exactly what it has to do. After all, it had been trained to act as her eyes from an early age. "Follow the one in yellow being dragged along, and remember both their scents; they'll be our shields if things go wrong." It's a softspoken order, nigh a whisper, but the Zoroark hears it and nods, leading its trainer towards the terminal her targets have chosen.


- After being slammed into the dome, loses part of her face (diagonally)
- Bad eye goes blind completely, and loses about 70% of her remaining eyesight (only sees vague shapes and colors)
- Dark Triad makes Yvaine go D:<, but she will remember the info
- 3rd scan makes her lose her sense of fear, and amps up her cruelty! Yvaine is now out for blood
- Blindfolds herself as the rest of her eyesight fades away (90% lost)
- Calls Zoroark out to be her eyes
- Follows after and towards Terminal 6: Future
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 0:56:55 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Maybe Isaac should have been furious at the knowledge that either his universe died for the greater good or dragged the whole multiverse down with it. Maybe he should have been furious that the one person in their corner wasn't interested in their lives or their safety, but instead in using them as some kind of testbed for science experiments. Maybe he should have been furious that they were being broken apart, bit by bit, part by part, thought by thought, while an army of increasingly complete clones swam beneath their feet.[break][break]

Yet the Isaac that felt such things was no longer here. His anger, his spitefulness, the fight that made him strive onwards and onwards, those were all gone. Instead, Isaac felt a tranquility that he hadn't known since he was a child. The words of his hated father? Oh well. That was his opinion. He was free to have it. The inevitable doom hanging over their heads? Well, if it happens, it happens. Even the agony that pulsed through his eye socket ebbed down to little more than a dull numbness.

"Thank you for the offer. But I'll be alright," Isaac said, turning to and politely smiling. "This is gonna pass too, y'know? Might as well roll with it."[break][break]

He looked down at his feet, noticing the clone that had taken the place of his shadow. One of his eyes was but a digital replication, a flickering image atop a false body. The other eye, however, felt different. It burned with rage, with hatred, with righteous indignation. It stared into Isaac's soul, pierced through his mind, burrowed a tunnel through the socket that once held his other eye with a single-minded focus. It was negative, destructive, a burden holding him back. It was positive, inspiring, a mantra that kept him moving forward.[break][break]

As Isaac looked down upon this hateful stare, he could only feel pity.[break][break]

Whereto next? He felt no need to run from his past. Why would he? However, he didn't feel a yearning call towards it either. He wasn't particularly invested in the future one way or another. After all, it wasn't like they'd have much of one where they were going. There was neither curiosity at what lied beyond or existential thread at its inevitable end. Again: meh.[break][break]

That just left one option. Isaac kicked back, relaxed, and let himself drift towards the present along the wave of the crowd.[break][break]

TEAL DEER[break]
Isaac forgets his spite.[break]
Now with nothing to fight for, he listlessly drifts along to the present.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M MEGATHREAD


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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 2:20:13 GMT
He'd been teleported to the fringes of the platform, away from the terminals where others more familiar with the information presented took the lead on solving the next puzzle. Soon the voice of the observer - Maldacena, as he identified himself - confirmed the group's success. But he didn't stop there... in fact, he went into heavy detail about the peril of the multiverse.

It was a lot to process with little time to do so. Almost immediately, was targeted and a fight ensued.

In the tumult and chaos of the battle, Barnaby was decisively separated from his companions. His eyes scanned the crowd for the likes of , , , and other familiar ROCKETs.


It was like the flip of a switch; as if a light had been turned off, leaving a tepid darkness in its wake. His face stilled, emotionless. A void replaced where his heart would have been. Unsettling, gaping, crippling.

Barnaby felt the loss immediately. Now, he was tin man, scarecrow, and lion all in one. A husk where hope once resided.

Why did it matter? The terminals, the rush to return to their world.

It was all too much, anyway.

How could they possibly rectify a problem spanning across multiple universes?

They were all just human. Flesh and blood, fragile and pliable to the whims of a higher order. Why even try to fight against such a monumental force?

It was all futile. There was no hope left for them.

He needed to find . Needed to be with him in the small amount of time they had left in this universe. To the PAST, where good memories could be remembered before the end took them all.
• using ROCKET persona (BEE + black hair)
• circular hole in his chest where his heart would be
• loses his HOPE

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 3:26:53 GMT

Arcs of yellow and orange rippled through the air, nipping at the bottom of their feet. Thanks to the Milotic's swift SAFEGUARD, they all fizzled upon contact against the barrier, resulting in puffs of gray smoke.
"Nice one," Penelope laughed, half surprised it worked out. But, before she could revel in celebration, a flash swallowed the group and spat them back out in the origin point.
A total reset.
Despite her babbles of confidence, high-strung posture, and placid expression -- Penelope Livy, head reporter of HBS, wasn't like everyone else. She wasn't a toughened trainer with years of experience tucked under her belt. Instead, her role within hoenn's sprawling storylines was that of an untouched narrator. The one person in the room that will always come back unscathed, as their survival is necessary for the story to continue being told.
Today she lost her role, though, and became the one thing that both excited her and sent a chills down her spine: she became a player in this unfair game.
The silence of realization ravaged her throat, stealing away her ability to speak. To communicate. Her eyes would only follow the familiar faces disperse into the crowd; going one way, another. The rest as well.
When another voice emerged, overtaking the crowd, she listened intently, eyes widening and dilating to the tale they unraveled. It explained so little, and yet, opened the possibilities for so much. However, as the third scan slid down her body, it wasn't curiosity that twitched in her stomach, or drive, or passion, or any of the emotions that made Penelope who she was.
In its place was a ball of anger; fear; regret; apathy. Hormones that hadn't infected her body since her late teenage years were now running rampant inside, like a disease rotting every piece of confidence she had previously cherished about herself.
Arms wrapped around each other, hunching forward, the small woman hobbled down toward TERMINAL 5.

[attr="class","ooc"] @charname [break]
kinda a bad post but EH [break]
going to terminal 5 [break]
Penelope (basically) REVERTED BACK INTO HER TEENAGE SELF[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-ditto"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,613 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 3:32:45 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


Cyberchase Conundrum

"Thanks," Razz mumbles to Skyler as she offers to help heal his injuries as he offered up his hand. Wasn't the worse as he is sure some others were hit more than him in their terminal. But he was greatful that someone actually thought of him. [Break][break]

Though it's not like the heal would do much for what he would lose next. After the revelation of what was happening to Hoenn and their place in this multiverse timeline another scan happens. And while he feels no pain during the scan it's as of the texture of his body has been removed and leaving nothing but wireless on where his good eye would be.

And just like that he couldn't see with the scan taking his left eye and where Rocket had taken his right he was as blind as a woobat. Then suddenly chaos around him as battles could be heard left and right but he couldn't tell by where or who. Unable to avoid any danger on his own Razz grabs a random PokeBall of his and out comes his Zarude. At first seeming confused at the chaos but when sees their trainer's eye understands to take them out of it as they pick Razz up a d use GRASSY GLIDE to avoid the battle. [Break][break]

Why everything was going on didn't make sense and while he does here both 's and 's voice about continuing on he gives a small "Wait," but he hears nothing back. They already went ahead and he can't tell where or even where he was suppose to be going. He gives a moment to think of and now having moved he wasn't even sure if she was still around. "Just calm down Raziel" he mutters to himself before having his Pokemon follow and as he thinks the monkey Pokemon saw where they went.



[break]+ Razz lose his good eye and becomes blind.
[break]+ Unknowingly forgets his fake name.
[break]+ heads towards same terminal as and towards present


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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 3:38:12 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


For some reason, the look on 's face makes her want to cry.[break][break]

But beckons for her and there's no reason for her not to heed his call. Luka reaches up to seek out his hand once again, searching for some kind of comfort amongst all this chaos. This place might have taken memories and body parts, seeking to strip them down to bits of data, but they can't take what makes them human.[break][break]

Love. Kindness. The warmth of another's hand in your own. Even though some might have lose the ability to feel them they're still there, beating like a second heart.[break][break]

Luka takes Remiel's hand and, for a moment, thinks that maybe everything will still turn out all right.[break][break]

- this sucks man[break]
- going to terminal 4: past


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 4:21:51 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

He knew he was getting in the way of... something. But he couldn't for the life of him figure out what or why. knew they were together, right? Had something happened that he didn't know about? Or had something happened that he might have possibly forgotten about...

Avoiding the anxiety that comes with that thought, however, Remiel snaps back to reality after has spoken her piece. "Yes, knowing the future is tempting, I know. However... I feel a pull towards Terminal 4. I can't explain it, dove, but whatever future they wish to show us... I know we can change it for the better. The past, however, that never changes."

And he firmly believed that.

If growing up in... wait, where had he grown up?

He squints and takes a moment to really think about it. Ironically, wherever he'd grown up, it had taught him that history was humanity's greatest teacher.

Despite wincing at the sight of 's empty torso, he waits to see if he'll join them upon Guavafang's back. When he departs, however, Remiel stews in regretful silence. But, before long, he takes 's hand and carefully pulls her up so she may wrap her arms around him from behind and sit tight.

With a gentle spur of his legs, he prompts the Noivern to crawl across the invisible ground towards TERMINAL 04 like a skittish iguana. Its blue aura (DRAGON DANCE) from before continues to glow around them like a harmless flame, in the meantime.

is sad to see go; pulls up onto the SHINY NOIVERN they will ride through TERMINAL 04: PAST


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 10:23:19 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM



🎼 NEW THEME SONG - "Battle! Colress: Remastered ► Pokémon Black & White 2" by ZAME


AS EVERYONE’S IDENTITIES AND DATA ARE ALTERED, conflict erupts within the digital realm. Although memory, body, and emotions are lost to the thievery of the Cloud, perhaps, what is left is the true self. The uninhibited heart. After all, the region is brimming with tension underneath the surface. Has been for a very long time.[break][break]

It is only natural that when everyone is literally below Hoenn, that the tension would give way to valid, inevitable discord.


THOSE WHO MOVE INTO TERMINAL FOUR would slowly find their surroundings converting and reconfiguring to what appears to be a churning turmoil of chaos. Perhaps, they are in the deepest reaches of a young space. Simulated.[break][break]

In this celestial sea, they float before gaining footing on a flat glowing step. A staircase materializes that everyone ascends. Eventually, you all reach the summit: a platform with intricate glowing designs.[break][break]

One large circle takes the most real estate; however, four smaller circles surround it with lines that jut out from their shapes to point toward the center.[break][break]

Suddenly, a large grey creature, the full size of which you can not discern, emerges from underneath the platform as if awaking from ancient slumber. Its eyes are red circular outlines; no pupil, only ominous space. To stare upon this beast is to stare at a cosmic horror. One that sprawls across the platform like an astral mist- and before anyone can react, it disappears.[break][break]

In its stead, four gargantuan eggs remain on each of the four circles, swarming with hordes of circling UNOWN.[break][break]

THE TERMINAL'S GENERATOR is found in the middle of this platform. Should one reach it, they would find another riddle they must answer in order to power the main terminal. A digital keyboard emerges on its projected screen:


C:\u820\maldacena>WHO'S THAT POKEMON?_[break][break]


C:\u820\maldacena>TYPE YOUR ANSWER BELOW_

SUDDENLY, the eggs begin to crack open. From the eggs' bases, powerful waves of energies surge across the ground. HUNDREDS OF UNOWN begin to attack as well, HIDDEN POWERS firing from all angles. While attempting to reach the terminal and while solving the riddle, you must avoid deletion from this bullet hell assault.


TRAVERSING DEEPER INTO THE FIFTH TERMINAL with every step causes your surroundings to darken degree by degree until you all walk on sheer darkness. Everything else has faded away, save for the people that you have come here with.[break][break]

After some walking time, the area ahead of you brightens. You see the Hoenn region, hanging in the air, as if you were a God watching the world like scholars surrounding a globe. As explained, it is encapsulated by the jutting dome of "The Cloud".[break][break]

Suddenly, on either side of the party, brilliant beams of shining energy collide against Hoenn's dome, the blue and pink colors scattering across the barrier. However, the colors travel. They travel across the region itself and spread outward into the empty expanse into an invisible webbing dotted with orbs: the dimensional network.[break][break]

Beside everyone, a simulated DIALGA and PALKIA appear.[break][break]

They use ROAR OF TIME and SPATIAL REND once again against the dome, as if attempting to correct the region's dimensional orientation. would recognize the nature of this attack. One that he had encountered when tampering with a SPACE-TIME DISTORTION with awhile ago.[break][break]

Before the two legendaries are able to correct the chaos, several gargantuan appendages lash out from the dark. They look like white hands with bony knuckles, golden-yellow tips on each finger like fake nails. Around two fingers, a spiky golden ring adorns.[break][break]

They constrict the DIALGA & PALKIA. It's a purposeful act: choking and restraining them to hinder and interrupt their power. Around them, UNOWN swarm in frenetic patterns. Every time the two beasts' attacks land on the dimensional chaos, UNOWN scatter about.[break][break]

Leashed by these disembodied hands, they struggle and scream in their fruitless endeavor to correct what they believe are their respective domains. The struggling DIALGA & PALKIA do not take notice of you all yet.[break][break]

THE TERMINAL'S GENERATOR is below the hovering Hoenn region. Should one reach it, they would find another riddle they must answer in order to power the main terminal. A digital keyboard emerges on its projected screen:[break][break]


C:\u820\maldacena>WHO'S THAT POKEMON?_[break][break]


C:\u820\maldacena>TYPE YOUR ANSWER BELOW_

SUDDENLY, more of the "hand-like structures" appear. Their arched digits aim to strangle those they grasp. These disembodied hands are accompanied by HUNDREDS OF UNOWN who attempt to HIDDEN POWER any trainer. Any Pokemon.[break][break]

While attempting to reach the terminal and while solving the riddle, you must avoid deletion from this blitzkrieg.


@tobias @aries

AS YOU ALL ENTER THE SIXTH TERMINAL, the digital world around you slowly shifts with every step. Each digital block converts, changing color and shape like the PORYGON that peek and stare from the corners of tall formations.[break][break]

Eventually, everyone finds themselves treading ashen earth. The scorched world is marred by chasm and withering. In time, everyone will come to realize that this is Hoenn. Perhaps, in the end days.[break][break]

Around them, they see the dead. People and Pokemon. It is as if Mt. Pyre has tipped over and spilled itself over the hellscape.[break][break]

Massive spears of glowing light stand erect in the charred dark. The closest one is plunged through the lifeless body of a Xerneas. Another is struck through the ribs of a Kyogre. West of the leviathan, a Groudon and Zekrom can be seen impaled too, their bodies dangling mid-shaft.[break][break]

Many others can be found like this: Articuno, Yveltal, a Shadow Lugia, Ho-Oh, an Origin Forme Giratina, Reshiram, Darkrai, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Suicune, Uxie, and a Mesprit, among many others...[break][break]

However, even worse perhaps, are the strewn forms of Hoenn's many fallen trainers and their other beloved companions. Everyone was affected by this futile struggle. No one was able to stop it. After all, the ambitious and invested have contributed to the fall of all things.[break][break]

THE TERMINAL'S GENERATOR is found embedded within the massive corpse of an Unbound Hoopa, a creature only , , and would recognize or know of. Should one reach it, they would find another riddle they must answer in order to power the main terminal. A digital keyboard emerges on its projected screen:


C:\u820\maldacena>WHO'S THAT POKEMON?_[break][break]


C:\u820\maldacena>TYPE YOUR ANSWER BELOW_

SUDDENLY, the crimson sky is illuminated by thousands of falling beams of light. Like meteors, they collide with the land, incinerating anything they touch.[break][break]

While attempting to reach the terminal and while solving the riddle, you must avoid deletion from this apocalyptic onslaught.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please include the PKMN SPECIES' NAME in the tl;drs alongside their nickname for my convenience.

Do note, there are almost 50 CHARACTERS participating in this event. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.[break][break]

NOTE: as long as ONE ANSWER INPUT by a character is CORRECT, a riddle will be considered solved.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 11:35:13 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM

[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]All of this [break] is temporary



The DATA LOSS that corrupted Katherine's personality is the sole reason she is not freaking out as the digital world converts into a dystopian Hoenn.
There is only absolute confidence, lack of fear and, above all, stability. Nihilego feels it too-- not a moment is wasted by either it or its host. They float above the digital floor, scarlet eyes peering outside through the jellyfish's translucent skin.
Even as Katherine's stare crosses the fallen bodies of multiple legends and gods, she does not falter.
She does not hesitate.
When her eyes finally rest upon Giratina's lifeless corpse, she takes a moment longer to continue. Still, ultimately, that too fails to deter her from focusing on the future itself—Theirs, not the machine-made one.
The picture is examined, and the riddle is read silently. A barrier of PROTECT surrounds the malevolent as she types her answer: Klefki.
"Focus on surviving," she instructs those closest to her. Whoever they may be. "The riddle's been answered. It shouldn't take long." She says, undisturbed by the ray of light that shatters the first layer of her barrier.


- katherine does not seem disturbed by the fact literally everything and everyone she knows is dead[break]
- focuses on reaching the terminal by using PROTECT[break]
- Klefki is the answer she uses for the riddle!


[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 11:36:38 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
the appearance of two pokemon finally gives kyle an opportunity to let his smeargle sketch the move. the fight at least lasts long enough for it to finish and to give kyle the clarity to move away from the incoming problem.

kyle runs to the terminal, carrying his smeargle, as he leads the charge. he's alone, so he's going to be much less of a target than a crowd would be.

another riddle was given to them. by now, the pattern forms for them, showing that the answer was neither history, math nor any other subject. if anything, it's closer to a trivia night.

general consensus from the earlier riot suggested that it's fine if people made mistakes. it was alright to not be careful as long as your heart is in the right direction. it was okay to be wrong.

kyle takes one glance at the puzzle, and then decides on the answer before consulting anyone else.

he's just doing his best so no one can blame him on it.

  • smeargle sketches spacial rend
  • yolo runs to the terminal with smeargle
  • kyle answers donphan
  • terminal 5: present
  • salac x3
  • personality alteration > reverts to season 1 hoenn kyle
  • pokemon abilities deleted


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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 12:13:42 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
As Callan stepped through the world around him changes. Digital ash covers his body, the smell of ash covers his nose, as does decomposition, covering the area in a film of thick grey, were the odd lumps of bodies as those who walk through traverse the future the simulation projected towards them.

Overhead, crucified forms of what seemed to be the forms of Avatars. It was a moment before the others joined, he had come through earlier, and so had missed the events of what seemed to be a severe dispute between several of the groups. Callan paused as they catch up.

Whatever horrors here that were committed felt infinitesimal compared to what he felt he had lost.he knew this was a simulation, for the most part, the threat of death was very real, but this simulation was not.

At least, he had to think that way. Why else would this Maldacena show them these visions, if not to change the future?

As they reached the terminal, Callan crossed over to take a look at the final riddle, as meteors began to fall down over the corpse of Hoopa, Callan instinctively released his Pokemon out. His Greninja pressed it's palms together, using MAT BLOCK. massive, rough hewn titles of bone and flesh sprouted from the Unbound Hoopa's corpse, compounding onto one another until it fanned out like an ugly umbrella, sheltering everone directly underneath the terminal from meteors. Hopefully it would last.

Callan turned towards the terminal as a Nihilego fused inputs the answer. He does not comment on the way that she appears within the jellyfish, simply assuming it acted similar to some kind of alien battle armor.

Klefki. Callan was slow to see it, but does immediately once he recognizes the gold key pattern. "Nice work." He says to her. WIth that out of the way, it was just a matter of handling the salvo from the sky.


+ Uses MAT BLOCK to create a shelter zone under the Unbound Hoopa to protect those around Terminal 6
+ Agrees with Katherine's answer and does not choose another response.



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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 12:14:15 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar


If the primordial matter of the universe were to take physical form, Mars feels like it might be the being that awaits them in TERMINAL 04. There’s nothing. There’s emptiness. There’s chaos. And then… there’s sigils that are not quite those he has come to know from his encounters with the Lake Guardians. The creature appears: huge and made of astral mist, and then, it’s gone, leaving four eggs in its place…
”In the beginning, there was only a churning turmoil of chaos.[break]
At the heart of chaos, where all things became one, [break]
appeared an Egg.[break]
Having tumbled from the vortex, [break]
the Egg gave rise to the Original One.”

The verses are whispered, having come to mind so very easily. He remembers them from hours upon hours of research, but there’s a feeling that there’s more. More reasons why he knows these words by heart. More reasons why they have meaning to him. More reasons why they’re important. They’re the gospel of the Church of Arceus, yes, but Mars has never followed that religion, so why is it that he knows them so well?
The memories aren’t there, and even if he had the time to search for them, his efforts would be fruitless. There’s no time, though. Unown attack, and it’s the first time in a long time that Mars has seen the symbols as anything other than allies. Is this his fault? Is this because of what he asked of his own Unown? Within him, there’s a deep feeling of betrayal.
”...Fuck.” When Mars tries to get a good look at the puzzle that appears at the worst time possible, his vision blurs once more, allowing him to see nothing but orange and yellow. Magmar comes to mind as an initial thought, and trusting his instincts for the sake of quickly putting an end to the attack, that’s the answer he types before consulting it with anyone.
Meanwhile, Mars had noticed the way his Unown seemed to be struggling to LEVITATE before, but now this has developed into it completely hopping around on the floor. It still counters HIDDEN POWER with one of its own, despite its weakened state, but Mars readies another pokéball. Why won’t these Unown work with them? Is this the kind of power the Dark Triad has over them?



[break]- Hey look it's Arceus.
[break]- Trying to make sense of all this while dealing with side effects
[break]- Feels BETRAYED by the Unown
[break]- Notices his own Unown can't levitate (ability) anymore, it uses HIDDEN POWER against attacks
[break]DATA LOSS: Mars forgets all about his past before coming to Hoenn, including who he used to be. Additionally, he feels heightened fear.


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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 13:53:43 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
the destruction, the death, the bodies strewn about like trophies— it tickled something in the back of greyson's mind. his empathy still existed, dangling on the edges of a frayed wire, but this marred world inspired no fear in him. no, it only brought anger.
he had the morbid thought, for just a moment, to look for his own corpse — to see what demise had befallen him. but, time had proven itself to be a hinderance in this endeavor, so, he washes that thought away completely. still, the image of the gods skewered and left to rot sticks, and likely will, for a long time.
's voice is a stark contrast to the eerie silence of this hellscape, and he moves closer to the riddle, confidence beaming. he hadn't dealt much with the keychain pokemon, and oddly enough, his pokedex didn't seem to work here. however, the creature did slightly resemble a MEGA LOPUNNY... was that an option, though?
he was inclined to believe the avatar of giratina, but, this newfound confidence brought on an EGO. it's hunger called to him, and like an child, he's all too eager to feed into it.[break][break]
shrugging, he inputs the answer. just in time, too, as the heavens descend upon them. a crimson shower, each one as bright and oppressive as a nova. he quickly releases his comfey, narrowing his eyes as he works to discern the safest area — if any.
"need your help, ells." is all he says, and through their many years of friendship, she understands. they race to stand next to , and ellie activates her Z-MOVE, HOSPITALITY.
comfey creates a dome around the immediate area. this dome protects against outside attacks, including z-moves. any damage inflicted on the dome heals those within. comfey faints afterwards.

"everyone, inside!"
at least if it failed, their bodies would be indistinguishable from the rest. there was something poetic about that.

[attr="class","notes"]TERMAINL 6[break][break]> chooses MEGA LOPUNNY :smirk:[break]> uses a DOME/HEALING Z-MOVE w/ 's MAT BLOCK[break]> tells MFers to get inside


[newclass=".greyson"] --accent:#7c98b2; [/newclass]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing