i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 24
Sootopolis City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 7:04:09 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


Cyberchase Conundrum

With her trainer un able to see everything going on the Zarude knows shes the one that needs to keep on guard. taking in everything and seeing such gods attacking one another. "What is happening?" Raziel ask out loud hoping for an answer from anyone around him. As the only think he can hear is creatures roaring and the voices of others of something about a Donphan? [break][break]

Though for now he just keeps his trust in his Zarude to keep him safe as he can't see anything with his good eye deleted. When the Unown come to attack Zarude uses GRASSY TERRAIN to heal all those around the terminal and if any were using grass moves to power them up. All both could do is allow others to solve the puzzle that Razz couldn't even see to help answer.

3vOp8Gsg [break][break]


[break]+ Sorry pain makign hard to focus. [break]

[break]+ Zarude helps Raziel toward the puzzle
[break]+ Raziel just lets others answer as he can't see anything
[break]+ Zarude uses GRASSY TERRAIN to help heal any who might get hurt by the Unown


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 14:34:16 GMT
Deleted Avatar











there's a strange sense of nothing as the shift before them changes into something else. none of the fear she should be feeling, only a sense of finality that comes with the stillness of everything around them. the forms of the pokemon they had just been fighting moments before lay still, lifeless, alongside trainers and their beloved companions.[break][break]

the stranger seems worried enough for the both of them as aries starts to move towards the corpse of the much larger creature. everyone else seemed to be going towards it, and—[break][break]

lights. not unlike the ones spearing through the bodies of the pokemon, crimson and, if not for the circumstances, aries would have thought them to be almost pretty. they’re not, of course, like this– aries moves to withdraw syl, knowing that the luxray’s attempts to save them could do nothing in a situation like this and trying to save the blue pokemon.[break][break]

the stranger does a well enough job in making sure neither of them follow the fates of the bodies, using their kingler to protect them both, and pulling aries out of the way of a beam of light. aries gives them a nod and moves closer to the kingler, almost relieved and mind racing to figure out what they can do to help.[break][break]

- i'm sick sorry if this doesn't make any sense[break]
- aries feels nothing fear-wise at the sight around them[break]
- withdraws syl the luxray in order to protect her[break]
- is pulled closer to and stays near the kingler.[break]
- trying to figure out how to help (but i can't think of anything oocly rn)[break][break]




FOR @tag




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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 19:38:40 GMT



FOR ALL THEIR POSTURING, it seems none are able to prove contrary to fernando’s assessment. they plead to move on and the same happens in TERMINAL SIX. solves the puzzle and the rest fall in line with her answer. only two prove go against the grain—albeit in their defense, the similarities are striking.

fernando also ends up in that situation. the decay and looming destruction proves too demanding for him to come up with a suitable answer. but what sets him apart from those that had accosted him is that he is self aware. him not knowing the answer has no impact on whether or not puts in the right one. in the same vein that eliminating the source of the DARKEST DAY does not prevent the other thirty or so people from continuing onto their terminals.

they are all just a small piece of the equation.

and in the sprawling solution to this hoenn’s end, fernando finds several missing pieces as well. TAPU FINI is the obvious deviation but that much makes sense to him. even he’s unaware of where the tapu really is, presuming it to have perished at the hands of team rocket. more importantly, is the absence of MEWTWO.

as long as the universe exists, MEWTWO will be his contingency. as long as life can be supported, it will spring forth from the pokemon’s body. it may take centuries… but it will persist.

that is what he wished for. it is why they reside in the TOWER OF BABEL.


fernando calls upon another legendary pokemon that remains missing from the crucified futures.


concentrated blasts soar to meet the meteors half way, hoping to prove more fruitful than the eventual plan of blowing up METENO with sheer brute force.


- notices TAPU FINI missing (unless unintentional oocly).
- notices MEWTWO missing.
- has ZYGARDE use DRAGON PULSE on approaching meteors.

- memory loss of pre-magma involvement with .
- memory loss of ’s involvement with rocket.
- memory loss of collaborations with prior to his neutrality.
- memory loss of encounters with prior to poaching.
- memory loss of prior to her first run as head scientist.
- memory loss of silph fallout.

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 3:14:25 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM



🎼 NEW THEME SONG - "Weakness" by Yuki Hayashi, Pokemon Journeys OST


THE CELESTIAL EGGS continue to shake. With every quiver and quake, surges of energy cascade across the ground.[break][break]

's BEHEEYEM links with nearby companions, allowing the blind trainer with a sensory understanding of the chaos. He runs toward , leaping over rippling waves and evading beams of HIDDEN POWER. The INTERPOL OFFICER deflects HIDDEN POWERS with his AEGISLASH, rallying the child to his location before they meet in a swift union of steel and psychic.[break][break]

Others are not so lucky. As hostile UNOWN swarm about like clouds of creation, their HIDDEN POWER ATTACKS manage to strike 's LITWICK. Valiantly, the candle Pokemon protects its trainer from several shots before succumbing to a strike from an unseen angle. With a cry, it fizzles into blocks of DELETED DATA. 's SHADOW CRYOGONAL protects from subsequent deletion as well with a BANEFUL BUNKER. Cold air wafts from its shape; however, a HIDDEN POWER manages to strike it too, causing its shadowy snowflake form to DELETE ITSELF pixel by pixel.[break][break]

Another swarm of UNOWN surges toward the other trainers. , after noting a possible answer, commands his NOIVERN to HURRICANE the glyph-cloud. At full force, their black key-like bodies are caught in the winds, allowing to land an explosive SHADOW BALL. Nearby, 's CURSOLA reflects a beam with MIRROR COAT— but in the resulting spectacle of light, a sneaky UNOWN manages to DELETE the ghost-type coral.[break][break]

's MUSHARNA trumpets a HYDRO PUMP at the swarm too, scattering several into space. A stray shot is fired from the thrown enemies, but she is swiftly protected by 's AEGISLASH and its KING'S SHIELD. Others seek shelter under that steely bulwark. A wave of energy pulses before its segment is nullified by the blade's barricade.[break][break]

While 's SCEPTILE runs across the field with its trainer in its arms, summons his MELTAN. The small Pokemon cries defiantly as a branching THUNDER SHOCK manages to deflect many HIDDEN POWERS.[break][break]

The scattered UNOWN manage to reconvene. As the group rushes toward the terminal, fingers ready to type their guesses, 's SCEPTILE's FOOT is clipped by an incoming egg-wave. The Pokemon valiantly tosses its owner over the hurdle, helping him land next by the machine. Should the man look back, he would see his SCEPTILE reach for him, claw extended before the lizard fades away in DELETION.[break][break]

Everyone attempts to type in their answers. Fingers rush across digital keys, their flat surfaces reflecting underneath, the MYSTRI STAGE PATTERNS.[break][break]

At the terminal, 's GOODRA PROTECTS from incoming HIDDEN POWERS. Beams deflect and scorch the stage beneath them. Before others can strike the terminal-typers from uncovered angles, 's seasoned GALLADE uses Z-MOVE: SANCTUARY. A protective dome rises above and around the terminal, hands slamming against the barricade fruitlessly as the party races against the clock.[break][break]

Thanks to her efforts, the typing is able to conclude. and type in MAGIKARP, but they receive a glaring red error message in response. Meanwhile, , , , and frantically type in MAGMAR as watches.[break][break]

Around them, the searing howls of deflected and missed HIDDEN POWERS sound around them and finally, the terminal's decrypted. MAGMAR is the correct answer and the machine accepts it. Relief bathes over everyone as the attacks halt. The simulation ends.[break][break]

However, this resolution is not without casualty. crumples to the ground, his shoulder and chest shot through.[break][break]

As the simulation dissipates into the familiar digital blue-hued blocks, they witness the eggs "hatching." A brilliant glow consumes each sphere, revealing the twisted forms of old ancient creatures. Two grotesque, eccentric steeds emerge. One in blue. The other in pink. Next, the banished child emerges, unfurling its tendrils like fiendish wings. The last child is one of skeletal form, almost malnourished looking but with the noble form of some draconic shape...[break][break]


Before they see you, the simulation ends completely.[break][break]

And when 's UNOWN returns to feed its trainer the information it has gathered. is sent into shock. In his thoughts, he sees more words. More terms. They flood his body like the blood in his veins. In the process, he sees all that has been deleted thus far. Parts of people. Pokemon. Their memories. Their thoughts and emotions. Nothing too revealing, however, nothing that can identify others, for the whole experience is an excruciating, overwhelming sensation that almost makes his eyes bleed. It's as if his body has downloaded the code itself..


THE 1000 HANDS OF ARCEUS descend upon the party, plunging through the space as if grasping for treasure in a sea. UNOWN scatter around their fingers and wrists like sea-bubbles. Their frenetic pupils fidget and scan possible targets as if they were acting as the hands' eyes.[break][break]

The deafening roars of DIALGA and PALKIA shake the realm around them. As everyone attempts to reach the terminal to place their answers, they are assaulted on all sides.[break][break]

calls out her LAPRAS and as instructed, it PROTECTS against HIDDEN POWERS. However, a HAND snatches her from her feet. The fingers squeeze her waist, but 's GRENINJA is quick to her rescue. WATER SHURIKENS strike against the fingers, loosening the hold for to escape. In the process, her LAPRAS is taken and squeezed by another hand, the siren obliterated into many DELETED pixels.[break][break]

attempts to reach the terminal without folly. Within the PHANTOM FORCE, she and rush through the floor- but the UNOWN are many. And with their all-knowing eyes, they fire a HIDDEN POWER that DELETES the DHELMISE mid-warp. The NAUTICA owners are launched from the ghostly teleport, in front of the terminal.[break][break]

carries bravely through the battle zone. Her LUXRAY erects a circular dome of ELECTRIC DISCHARGE around them. As 's ZARUDE follows, they dash toward the terminal; however, several UNOWN manage to breach the LUXRAY'S DEFENSES after whittling its electric shield down. The LUXRAY buys them enough time to reach the safety of 's RIBOMBEE'S LIGHT SCREEN, but the lion is DELETED with a pained, sorrowful cry.[break][break]

holds her PORYGON close. With her own abilities, she manages to evade hand and UNOWN despite several close calls. Like 's own device, her PORYGON will only be able to record distorted, corrupted audio.[break][break]

However, anyone who hears these recordings would realize they are hearing something otherworldly. Horrifying. Incomprehensible.[break][break]

Nearby, 's KANGASKHAN MEGA EVOLVES. Its child leaps from its pouch, and the two MEGA PUNCH a giant hand away before it can snatch them. She too, tucks into the LIGHT SCREENS erected by .[break][break]

As runs toward the terminal with his SMEARGLE, hands and beams smash and collide around him. 's ZARUDE's GRASSY TERRAIN spreads underneath his feet. As the two continue to run, 's HURRICANE clears the skies with his CHARIZARD. A HURRICANE nullifies several HIDDEN POWERS as 's GALARIAN MR. MIME MIMICS the ROAR OF TIME. Successfully, they reach the terminal, narrowly dodging deletion.[break][break]

The ROAR OF TIME strikes an incoming HAND away, its fingers curling back. However, they are countless. Relentless. A HAND balls itself into a fist and SMASHES the GALARIAN MR. MIME into DELETED PARTICULATE as and witness. 's GARCHOMP manages to TWISTER the murderous hand and other UNOWN away; however, another hand lunges for her body. Her GARCHOMP takes the blow for her, fingers wrapping around its draconic form before it is squeezed into DELETION.[break][break]

also joins those at the terminal. His AGGRON is mighty, PROTECTing its trainer against knuckle and eye. He witnesses being LAUNCHED BY HIS URSHIFU. The man who has forgotten how to walk flies through the violence.[break][break]

In the air, he manages to weave in between the gaps of several HANDS' FINGERS before they clutch him. He soars through the lasers with supreme speed and precision before landing dramatically against the terminal.[break][break]

His MEGA EVOLVED URSHIFU follows behind him. A SUCKER PUNCH smashes several UNOWN into sporadic spirals.[break][break]

As most reach the terminal, finds herself in grave danger. Her LUXRAY's SPRINGTIDE STORM attempts to free the simulated DRAGONS, but only attracts the ire of the HANDS. They lunge for her, attempting to crush, squeeze and flatten her form, but 's PROBOPASS launches into action.[break][break]

A Z-MOVE: SANCTUARY () forms around and . The powerful barrier shudders as the hands continue to clobber the barricade, subsequently saving .[break][break]

However, the barrier will not hold long. Some place their trust in 's answer. Others decipher it on their own. Frantically, , , , , , and type their answers in.[break][break]

And DONPHAN is the correct answer indeed. The puzzle reforms itself to reveal the image of the Pokemon before fading.[break][break]

The deafening bang of slamming fists leaves and 's ears. The simulation begins to fade. However, the scene around them does not disappear until they witness the dimensional network changing. As the SIMULATED DIALGA & PALKIA struggle, the people in this terminal would see flashes of new landscapes in between the webbing of dimensions. New worlds. Ultra Space fills in the spaces of each widening dimension: the intermediary layer.[break][break]

Those who leave this terminal come away with an understanding of the dimensional make-up of this world. Space-time has knotted itself into a complex shape. Pretzel-like. Doughnut-like. Web and bubble-like. The extra connectivity between each face and shape has forged tunnels. Ultra Wormholes between far-flung locales and destinations- but this layer can not be accessed anymore... for now.[break][break]

The DIALGA & PALKIA are restrained once more. The ULTRA SPACE layer flattens again.


@tobias @aries

TERMINAL SIX MAY BE THE MOST DANGEROUS. At the end of all times, JUDGEMENT is made.[break][break]

As flames fall from the ashen heavens, the source of which is unknown, many struggle through the quagmire of devastation to reach the terminal.[break][break]

attempts to keep the composure of his companions. However, some are less willing to receive his comforts. and ask their DOUBLADE & CHESNAUGHT to SHIELD THEM from the incoming balls of flame. For awhile, they do the trick. Valiantly, they deflect attack and collateral debris- but ultimately, the two POKEMON are JUDGED. They cry for their trainers as they are DELETED. is now left with a moveless, ability-less DITTO— but perhaps, it will be immune to future scans...[break][break]

, in the thralls of emotions, rushes alongside them. However, his MANECTRIC saves him just in time as a SPEAR OF LIGHT impales it. Its limp form disintegrates into DELETING PIXELS.[break][break]

Others fall too. They add to the trophy wall left by the end of days. A horrified and their KINGLER PROTECT their forgetful friend, @aries. The KINGLER leaps to block another falling flame and is disintegrated into a deleted spattering of blocks.[break][break]

In a world where all powers have failed, 's FEATHERS fail too. Gales blow against the meteor at full force, but the rays blast through. His SALEMENCE soars forth to protect its trainer, and . The PROTECT manages to stave off a ray before it is struck with another.[break][break]

Another fiery pink beam slams into 's GALARIAN RAPIDASH. With a shriek, the horse buckles and falls. The pastel mane begins to fade like the blue scales of its ally dragon as the two Pokemon are DELETED.[break][break]

Others fare better. Whether it is by skill or luck or a mixture of both is unknown in this desolate landscape. remains close to . Her SALEMENCE roars, PROTECTING against incoming beams as 's ZYGARDE DRAGON PULSES the approaching balls of ruin. Upon impact, they explode spectacularly; however, before another meteor can strike , swings in with his METAGROSS. Aiming to make Petalburg proud, he and his steel behemoth defend against the apocalypse. A LIGHT OF RUIN protects him and from certain injury.[break][break]

is accustomed to the tragedies around her. Steeled by the DATA LOSS, she reaches the terminal on her own terms. Her NIHILEGO PROTECTS her as she makes her way, the ULTRA BEAST a haunting sight to behold as it hovers across the graveyard turned Hoenn.[break][break]

's GRENINJA forms a MAT BLOCK of gore. Flesh and bone erect themselves above the terminal, while just manages to tuck herself under. A MAT BLOCK protects against one meteor before disintegrating- but 's ferocious plea accompanies his COMFEY'S Z-MOVE: HOSPITALITY. Replacing the flesh, a gorgeous protective dome protects everyone within.[break][break]

Underneath, 's BLASTOISE survives. @tobias too, after having dodged many a meteor of energy. Next, , after an impressive blitzkrieg across the war torn path, manages to sneak under too for protection, her speedy ZOROARK instrumental in bringing her to safety after she dodges several explosive impacts.[break][break]

Afterward, the COMFEY FAINTS after giving its trainer one tired, yet content smile.[break][break]

The sky tolls death. Another wave of JUDGEMENT descends upon the world. Surely, no one will survive this. Although 's answer returns with a red error code, , , , , and input the correct submission: KLEFKI.[break][break]

As the heat of the simulated JUDGEMENT nears, the terminal recognizes their answers. Around them, the simulation dissipates. The skyborne assault disappears— and before the whole scene is rendered away, they hear a BIG BANG.


AND AS BEFORE, everyone returns to the main terminal by way of data recollection. They surge through the path and reemerge, rematerializing like reconstructed Lego buildings. With the final three terminals activated, the main terminal whirs to life. The circular platform they stand on, glowing bright.[break][break]

A digital window expands above the terminal. The figure greets you with a smile, eyes sincere or cunning beneath their spectacles.[break][break]


As PORYGON fly around, their beaks pointed toward the party, the CUL-DE-SAC lifts. The platform begins to shoot upward, presumably back to the MIRAGE ISLAND or HOENN SEA. Everyone stumbles alongside their Pokemon. The sudden ascent induces hair-raising sensations of vertigo.[break][break]

However, an alarming synthesized voice alerts them to a dreadful update:


Around the terminal and near the circular platform's edges, AT LEAST 10 SPOTS glow with the familiar light of a scan. Again, a window expands to reveal their captor's face.[break][break]



And the window minimizes away. The platform begins to teeter. PORYGON fly toward them, firing their TRI-ATTACKS due to the platform's deceleration. Even worse, the party can hear the voices of their DOPPELGANGERS...[break][break]

In the ILLUMINATED SPOTS, should one peer at them, they would see their doppelgangers eager to seize them once and for all. To delete one's self would mean condemning one's self to death. To delete one's self would mean saving the others and perhaps, Hoenn itself.[break][break]

As recovers, continues to feel pangs of pain in the depths of his heart and the recesses of his mind. His non-levitating UNOWN tends to him, or is it alerting him to something? As if he's on the cusp of discovery. Of realizing something... more.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please include the PKMN SPECIES' NAME in the tl;drs alongside their nickname for my convenience.

Do note, there are almost 50 CHARACTERS participating in this event. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.[break][break]

NOTE: as long as ONE ANSWER INPUT by a character is CORRECT, a riddle will be considered solved.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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5'10 height
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 3:30:19 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]Rowan eyes one of the spots of light from the spot where he was sitting, a million thoughts flowing through his mind. "I'll do it." He spoke up, making sure that he could be heard over the murmurs. "I'll be one of the ten." There was only one thought that mattered, . Although he wouldn't be able to see his boyfriend again, his sacrifice would mean that they would continue to live on, even if that was without him. "Help me up..." Kotaro nodded, gripping Rowan and pulling him to his feet. [break][break]

"Mel, I need you to do me a favor." He spoke softly, looking towards his friend. "Take care of yourself, okay? Tell Adrian, I'm sorry, and that I love him." Amber eyes lingered on for a moment, still unable to remember the man, but knowing there was some connection to be had. "You all fuck the Dark Triad up, yeah? Don't make my death for nothing." Rowan smirked, his eyes shifting between those he knew: , , , , and . [break][break]

"See you all on the other side." All the pain his life had caused people like , at least he could make his death worth something. This was his final act, to redeem his soul.[break][break]

And so, Rowan and Kotaro stepped into the light.[break][break]

I'm sorry.
[attr="class","rowwttag"] [break]
Rowan offers himself to the light.


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 3:41:26 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
The battle was thwarted, and for but a moment the true nature of their reality was revealed to the group. As Oscar looked upward, he would gaze in awe at the splendor surrounding him. All of this waited outside of their world? It was so vast, an endless frontier to explore. Could they reach this bizarre plane? The prospect made Oscar excited, choked up even. However it was not to but, not as long as Palkia and Dialga were bound. 

Abner was forcibly withdrawn, and Oscar was pulled back with the others to the main hub. As they slid past their doppelgangers again, Oscar once more came face to face with his clone. It looked--manic. Was that what Oscar looked like to others? This was why he did not smile anymore, if the clone's grin looked this creepy Oscar could not imagine how he looked. 

The reappeared safely in the hub, and apparently it was time to go home. Or maybe not, the devious scientist that guided them had one more trick up their sleeves. Ten must day to save the rest, because of course. Chaos erupted around Oscar, the porygon that surrounded them wasting no time in attacking. Oscar was about to drag himself to safety, when a light would appear in front of him. It was one of the data-lights, and through it he once again saw the manic face of his clone.

At first Oscar thought he should crawl away, after all up until this point he had done everything he could to not die. However, his thoughts went back to earlier--when the League attacked and Oscar did nothing for his fellow Rockets. He had always cared about his own survival, but what good was that when the people he cared about got hurt? If they could live to continue the good fight--well Oscar would want them to do so. Besides, he had like--a year to live anyway. He had unfinished business, but would know what to do. would take care of Genesect, he was sure of it. His fellow Rockets would work together to keep GMH out of the wrong hands, surely someone among them could handle it.

Right then, it was decided.

They all had to live, what happened to him was inconsequential in the grand scheme. His mind moved to that beautiful dimensional tapestry they witnessed in the Present Terminal. He seemed so small in that moment, they all did. Time to do something big. 

Oscar crawled toward the light, hoping not to draw attention to himself. Staring into the wide grin of his clone, Oscar slid himself into the light.

--Oscar's exiting existence.

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 3:45:54 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Don't be scared. She refuses to shake even as the hands claw and slam at the barrier. Instead, she readies herself for the end, only to find that it never comes. The space warps, endless loops and dimensional wormholes filling her senses as she watches the world pass by.[break][break]

And they're eventually returned to reality, a little shaken by the travel but ready to move at a moment's notice. Of course they've learnt more about their reality and with this, they're meant to go home. But happy endings often linger just out of reach.[break][break]

"There's no way you're going alone." She rolls her eyes at , pulling her pokeballs from her pocket and giving them one last look. She presses them against her forehead, muttering a small prayer before turning her attention back to and handing them over. "Take them home, if you can..." Spoken with a quiet smile, Eris pulls out a third pokeball and prepares to recall Reiner.[break][break]

But he refuses.[break][break]

"Reiner." Her voice is weak. "Don't..."[break][break]

He stands his ground, his gaze unwavering.[break][break]

"You have to go back..." Her arms wrap around him, pulling him into a tight hug. "Go back home, okay?"[break][break]

He pulls back with a growl then reaches a paw out, carefully moving her hand and guiding the pokeball back to her pockets.[break][break]

"Cmon buddy, please." The request comes a little stronger but her hands struggle to fight against his force. "We don't get to come back."[break][break]

He doesn't stop, shaking his mane out and letting out a low rumble. Then he turns towards the light, wrapping his tail around her arms. She tries to open her mouth, to think of something that might change his mind but when nothing works, she falls silent and gets to her feet.[break][break]

"One last adventure."[break][break]

With that, they step into the light together.
- Eris volunteers and tries to give her pokemon to [break]
- Stepping into the light with Luxray
[attr="class","adrie-note"]a hohohomicide but its not december || into the cyberverse


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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
part of
TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 3:46:24 GMT


so, here they are. ten lives to save the entire region, possibly world. it feels surreal to even be stood here let alone debating whether or not to sacrifice himself.[break][break]

he looks around at familiar faces, reflecting on past experiences and memories that he may never get to live again. people he may never get to see again. and after moments lost in his thoughts, he comes to an obvious conclusion.[break][break]

there's no way matias is going to sacrifice himself for these people.[break][break]

he glances over at , locking eyes before gesturing at the circles. maybe the champion would like to sacrifice himself?[break][break]

- gl everyone...[break]

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-charizard color-shiny"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 3:46:36 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar



ten people need to be deleted.
it's hard to convince people to die, she thinks, so she'll help some of them along. as long as she leaves here alive, that's all that matters. she looks around the platform, finds that familiar shock of blue hair, the lithe frame of the man who has been taunting her throughout this bullshit, and walks over to him. [break][break]it's unceremonious. she puts a hand between 's shoulder blades and shoves him into the light. moving away, poke ball in hand, she looks for the other man who almost fucked everything up — . [break][break]
it's them or me, she convinces herself, moving through the crowd.
[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]

+ pushes  into the light (w/ kimmantha's permission)[break]
+ lf: [break]


[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]



[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]




[newclass=".annalluck"]margin:0px auto -10px; width:450px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:#2b2b2b; color:#ddd; text-align:justify; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #232323; text-transform:lowercase; letter-spacing:0.2px; font:12px 'Roboto'; position:relative; overflow:hidden; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 3:48:48 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","postbody"] colorless light rippled above as he and work to PROTECT their comrades. it's a firework of glimmering hues - red and purple and blue - that crashes into the shield, a soundless barrage of attacks as the meteorites rain down on them. it seems to work, but only for a moment.

[break][break] the sound of his duoblade CRYING out in pain pierces his heart, seconds before the duoblade itself disappears in a mess of pixels and color.

[break][break] "we have to move!" he says, urgently to and , before they're smashed alongside the collisions. before they're a sack of meat, discarded in the sea of dead bodies along with everything else.

[break][break] it's the pulse of 's comfey that saves them, but only with a sacrifice of it's very own. JUDGEMENT falls upon them just as the sky parts, and the simulation brings them back to the central terminal.

[break][break] light burned in his eyes as they are transported back to the central terminal, seemingly in one piece. he looks around at the others to make sure, but even as he does, he can't help the guilt and hurt that sings in his bones. his duoblade dead, deleted, disappeared. because of him.

[break][break] he thinks of and the eevee that he made him murder at fourteen. he swallows.

[break][break] it's only a second after that he watches push into the light - too late - that he realizes. his eyes widen.

[break][break] it's too late to save him.

[break][break] "take this!" he calls, tossing his MOVELESS ABITYLESS DITTO into mint's wanting grip. "cover yourself with it!"

[attr="class","jayooc"] + tldr
[break] is emo about his pokemon's death (emotion triggered: on)
[break] throws ditto at .
loses part of his TORSO (crop top era?)
[break] jayden forgets HESTITATION and CAUTION. he learns EMOTION?!


+ his pokemon forget THREE MOVES EACH. current moveset below: [break]
— samurott - aqua jet, hydro pump, ceaseless edge [break]
— ditto - no moves [break]
— duoblade - sacred sword, protect, shadow sneak (DELETED)

[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]

@ @cyberchase

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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[newclass=".luck .postbody .jayooc"] width:250px; margin:15px auto 0px; font:10px 'Roboto Mono'; color:#fff; border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:5px; [/newclass]


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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 3:56:39 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]okay well…

fuck this scientist dude.

the fourth, and final, scan of the day spells disaster. deletion. death.

and for a moment, her eyes lock onto ’s back. it’d be so easy to just… push.

her hands rise and reach for him.

they twitch against his shoulders before shifting him to the side. manhandling out of the way, illeana steps up and takes one of the circles.

and when she’s on the circle, she looks to with a grin.

”watch my golurks for me, please?”

the smile grows sharper teeth.

”i have some unfinished business with the bitch that calls herself my doppelganger.”

this isn’t sea hoenn all over again. not today.

no, this is a win for illeana reyes and a redemption of her past mistakes.

it won’t erase her transgressions with the primal crystals but it’s a start.

bye gamers :byeguys:

cyberchase conundrum.

tl;dr |
- missing half of torso & shoulder
- forgets memory of after silph co hire
- forgets memory of aqua assembly pt 2 & sea hoenn fight
- loses her empathy
- loses her insecurity
- loses her caution
- almost wants to push but doesn’t
- sacrifices herself
- take care of the golurks pls tysm
- mobile posts suck bye

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
part of
TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 3:57:38 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Of course, the situation wasn't over. Nothing was ever that simple. Ten beams of light. Ten sacrifices for the others to allegedly escape.

Thomas wasn't afraid of death, and was willing to throw himself into the fire, if necessary. But something didn't feel right about the situation. He had been through something similar during that nightmare. Three elevators, and a sacrifice. Only it turned out to be a cruel joke that ended in the deaths of several of their Pokemon, his included.

Who's to say that this wasn't just another cruel trick?

Nevertheless, he watched as others stepped into the light willingly.

What if sacrifice was the correct answer?

Thomas would turn to , giving him one last nod, before stepping into the light, putting his life on the line again.

notes: -Thomas reflects on the past
-Thomas contemplates if it's a trick, or if there's something more to deletion
-Thomas finally decides to sacrifice himself
-Thomas gives Matias a nod before heading into apparent oblivion

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 3:57:54 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



Ten have to stay behind? That's easy. It's not even a question.[break][break]
In fact, part of her relishes the chance to finally play martyr.[break][break]

The only thing Luka regrets are the people she needs to leave behind. most of all. Her hand slips from his with a melancholy smile and cradles the remaining half of his face.[break][break]

"I have to stay," she whispers, voice trembling like a leaf on the wind. "Watch over my Pokemon for me, okay? And..." There are mysteries still left for her to solve but she won't be the one to piece them together. That's fine. Someone like him is far better suited for such responsibility.[break][break]

"Trois cent quinze, quatre-vingt-dix-sept, deux cents, quatre cent quatre-vingt-dix, quatre cent quatre-vingt-onze, huit cent vingt. Er...three hundred fifteen, ninety-seven, two hundred, four hundred and ninety, four hundred and ninety-one, eight hundred twenty. Remember those, okay? There's a bunch of pictures on my phone of a book that I took back in the fall."[break][break] She presses her phone and three love balls into Remiel's hands. "They're some kind of travel logs. You should find some of the same numbers there, I think. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out from there."[break][break]

If he tries to argue or protest she shakes it off. Luka simply leans in to kiss him one last time, then backs away with a sad but resolute smile.[break][break]

"I love you," she says, and steps into the light.[break][break]

- sacrificing urself for the good of hoenn just girly things[break]
- or maybe shes just depressed girl highkey needs some therapy[break]
- instructs to find her pictures of the log book and search for the numbers from the terminal photos[break]
- gives him her pokemons


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 4:00:16 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Eh. Figured it was coming. Why not?"[break][break]

Kiryu looked at Isaac as if he'd grown a second head. This wasn't the trainer she knew. He cared for others, sure, but not like this. If he was ever going to throw himself into the fire, it'd be with passion and drive behind it. It'd be screaming for fate to fuck off at the top of his lungs, charging in guns blazing. And it'd be with every intention of coming out the other side in one piece, with a defiant smirk on his face as he asked everyone why they were so worried.[break][break]

This was different. This was surrender. This was acceptance. This was the knowledge that the world was fucked and someone needed to die. This was the path of least resistance, an easy end to both to his own troubles and those of the group as a whole. This was a decision that she knew hew trainer would never make in his right mind. Not this quickly, this easily, this quietly.[break][break]

Her bellow was low and mournful as she grabbed Isaac by the shoulder. She dug her heels into the simulated ground, clenched her claws around the hem of his shirt, tried desperately, oh so desperately to hold him back. Yet despite her best efforts, he took that first step forward.[break][break]


As he took his first step towards the spot of glowing light, his doppelganger rose from the shadows to meet him. By now, the data download was so far along that the two were practically indistinguishable. The doppelganger's arms spread wide, as if beckoning the original forward. However, his eye told a different story. Disgust and hatred radiated from every facet of the wide-open eye. It was bloodshot now, as if it hadn't blinked since Isaac had arrived here. Worse still, it twitched in place as if it threatening to burst from his head at any moment.[break][break]

Your eyes[break][break]

Kiryu was a massive mountain of steel and stone, the veteran of hundreds of battles, more of a leader to Isaac's team than Isaac himself. Despite this, she had never felt more powerless. Isaac took step after step, and she was being dragged behind him as if she wasn't even there. Her feet desperately stomped at the ground, trying to pull him back. Her tail swung back and forth as she tried to maintain her balance. Her mournful howls turned into increasingly desperate roars. Yet Isaac's stride continued, unbroken.[break][break]

You'll be here soon[break][break]

For just a precious moment, Isaac stopped. Kiryu let out a cheer, eyes widening with excitement. However, he didn't turn back. Instead, he just looked towards his belt, taking tally of the Pokeballs that were lining it. He unfastened them, one by one, and rolled them towards and . "If you're not going anywhere, take care of them, okay?" he asked, as Kiryu's jaw dropped and pain welled up in her eyes. "I trust you. You seemed nice enough."[break][break]

Ichi ni san shi go fun[break][break]

That was all Isaac had to say, wasn't it? Some of these people put their hopes in others, but those had been snuffed out god-knows-how-many years ago. Some of them had friends, brothers in arms, loved ones that had made the journey with them, but who could love a man with no name or no face? Some of them tried their hardest to keep the good fight going. But why fight when the inevitable hung right overhead? Gods were mad. Gods were restrained. Gods struggled, and screamed, and died. Isaac didn't want to die screaming.[break][break]

Tokidoki, hontou ni netai[break][break]

Isaac's doppelganger spread his arms wider, reaching out towards his original self. Tears were now welling in the corner of his stolen eye. The sheer force of the eye's quivering left the doppelganger's features twitching and contorting. It made no effort to correct this, leaving its face even more of an uncanny mess. Nonetheless, no matter what its own stolen eye had to say about it, it awaited its completion in stoic silence.[break][break]

Demo, kono waado dekinai[break][break]

Defeated, Kiryu hung her head. She stepped away from Isaac, instead standing a protective guard over Watson and Duster's Pokeballs. If Nagi, Johanna, or someone they trusted came for them, great. If anyone got grabby, she would slam them into the ground, roaring all of her grief and her pain and her hurt and her helplessness and her mourning into their face. How dare they, after what she had lost?[break][break]


It was now or never, now. Isaac stood before the point of light, staring his doppelganger in the face. Its expression contorted in a million and one ways. A sick, perverse excitement. The desperation of a man facing his own death. Rage, rage, unyielding rage. Wide-eyed disbelief, and wider-eyed fear. In contrast, Isaac's face was unreadable. Could he even form an expression anymore? Did he even remember how?[break][break]

Oyasumi, oyasumi[break]
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream

Finally, he looked over his shoulder, turning towards Kiryu. The smallest hint of a smile spread across his face, and the slightest ember of warmth flickered in his eyes. Kiryu could barely stand to look at it. "Guess this is goodbye, huh?" he asked, voice quiet and small and somehow the most audible thing in her world. "Thank you. For everything."[break][break]

Oyasumi, oyasumi[break]
I know that it's hard to do.

And with that, he lingered at the precipice, waiting for the inevitable's embrace.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,920 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 4:04:49 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
As the simulation faded, Josh found himself on the ground next to his Absol. He stood up and listened to the scientist's words. As he was listening, he noticed a void on his belt; Saber's Poké Ball was missing completely, absolutely nowhere to be found. Once he came to the realization his Manectric was gone, he started wailing even louder than he did when they were in the simulation. "YOU BRING SABER BACK RIGHT NOW, YOU ASSHOLE!" the Pokémon racer shouted, pain coursing through his throat. "YOU HEAR ME?! NO ONE!! AND I MEAN NO ONE!! TAKES. HIM. AWAY. FROM. ME!!"

As Josh ran toward the platform the fourth scan was to take place on, Twilight tackled him back to the ground. With sheer determination, he crawled out from underneath her. "No, Twilight! You save yourself! I'm NOT LEAVING WITHOUT SABER!" The enraged Pokémon rider took a swipe at Twilight, which was her clue to back down. For the first time since joining Josh, she showed her emotions and shed tears for her trainer.

Josh genuinely believed that if this dimension worked like a real computer, Saber was still out there somewhere, in another sector. And if there was still a hope he could recover his Manectric from this system's Recycle Bin, or wherever deleted files were stored, he would do it. He charged the image of his doppelganger and awaited the fourth and final scan, Twilight leaving a trail of tears behind her as she walked to the platform leading to the outside world. Even she had second thoughts, though; she prepared a PSYCHO CUT in case his trainer really was ready to throw his life away for his Manectric...

{WC: 257}
{PC: 8}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Josh          Human          Critical
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      X-Zone
Resheph       Dragonair      KO


- Josh realizes his Manectric has been deleted.
- Rather than escape with Twilight, Josh feels Saber is in some kind of Recycle Bin sector, and wants to dive into that sector to recover the Manectric before the system completely de-rezzes him.
- Josh charges the light leading to his doppelganger, ready to be transported to the Recycle Bin sector and find his Manectric. (Note that he has not actually reached the teleporter yet)
- If no one pushes Josh aside, his Absol will Psycho Cut him to unconsciousness and drag him to the platform to be uploaded back to Mirage Island.
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Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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