i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 4:09:58 GMT
They did it! But, they also didn't...

Colress demands that ten of them stay behind for deletion.

These words carry a heavy weight and burden. Many think of it as the end. What would that be like? Relieving, probably. Just being gone. But also scary...

Better than suffering Hoenn's end of days, though?

But why would they all fight so hard just to leave ten behind? If that were the case, they probably could've just started with that, no? Did these scans really reveal that to Colress? Or was it something more...

Either way, Derek steps towards the light to find out. He's not keen of the idea that this is it for them. It could be, but if it were at random, or their discretion, how could he foresee ten of them being deleted having such an influence on the outcome of their world?

Maybe if these replications were omnipotent, and would then be unleashed on their Hoenn? Turning to his, Derek makes a request. "Hey! If you end up taking my place, you better take care of Jonesy!" That was his only real worry, aside from the things everyone worried about.

- Derek thinks about what it'd be like to die
- Derek doesn't believe that's the nature of deletion
- Derek offers himself to the light & asks something of his copy
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 4:28:34 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Être un Mirage

Fuck all of them.

The chilling, intrusive thought cut through her mind like a knife, slicing Elisabeth to the bone.

It felt simultaneously like her voice and alarmingly not, so intimate was its cruel whisper.

Better them than you. Do whatever you have to do to survive. You always have, and you always will.

A hand clutched at the Pokeball that had just withdrawn her Goodra, hesitant.

Green eyes cut towards all those gathered. , who had survived a particularly vicious onslaught of the Unown. , who had barely made it out alive from the horrors of the last terminal. , who for some reason, held some peculiar significance to her.

And , who stepped into the light, prepared to dissolve as if he had never existed at all.

So you just run in and die? You just run in and kill yourself for, what, exactly? Don't be stupid.

She could step forward. There were still deletion portals left.

Then approached the light, offering himself as tribute. Then . . . . . . .

You think you're a good person? That you're a martyr of some sort?

One by one the portals received willing candidates, ready to dissipate into the nothingness.

A single deletion portal was left.

Her feet remained frozen in place.

You've never been as selfless as you think you are. Not even at your best.

She had to look away. At something. At anything, except the people doing what she couldn't make herself do.

When stepped towards the light, the stark reality of her own selfishness remained.

This time when that strange voice that was both her own and something frighteningly foreign crooned to her, it was almost tender.

Don't hate yourself for it, Elisabeth. It's why you're still alive.

And though she didn't remember the sheer depths of the depravity she'd sunk to, she remembered enough to know this remained true:

You know how to survive.

Elisabeth walked to in defeated silence, unable to say anything, or do anything, more.

"It's done, then," she managed to say finally, her voice soft and hushed with resignation as she turned to him. "We move forward."

She'd hated herself all this time, but in this moment, Elisabeth finally understood why.

  • Elisabeth absolutely horrified at her intrusive internal dialogue with herself.
  • She's more horrified that the MEAN THINGS her thoughts are saying are proving true in practise, and she's letting people die for her.
  • Woman knows how to survive, she's surviving, trauma be damned. Die for her, peasants.

  • Upper left thigh is deleted.
  • Forgot her ROCKET ALIGNMENT.
  • Thinks she's just a regular civilian florist.
  • Personality altered to match who she was pre-evil arc: kinder, sensitive, compassionate, emotional.
  • Can remember vague things but not why she knows them or feels them.
  • Is very disturbed by intrusive thoughts that whisper of her evil inclinations and past, because she has no context for them.

✿ Cyberchase Conundrum ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 5:26:04 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

It’s too much. One moment he’s seeing the blurry image of get shot down by Unown, calling his name, and although Mars instantly steps forward, terror filling his heart, it’s too late. ”Ba–” He doesn’t even think to call him ‘Bee’, given the circumstances, and truly, it does not matter. He’s too overwhelmed to even do a single thing about it.
The words. The Unown. They’re everywhere.
The four eggs hatch, and Giratina’s presence makes it all too easy to guess what at least two of the other creatures are. But, the fourth? Why does Mars feel as if he’s seen this skeletal dragon somewhere before?
”Agh.” There’s Unown. There’s words. There’s memories. There’s Pokémon. There’s people. Everything that has been deleted. Everything that is. Everything that may perhaps be. It’s all within him, and it’s too much for him to even begin to understand it. He’s unsteady on his feet, he frowns, he shuts his eyes, he reaches up as if rubbing his temples will do anything at all to remedy the throbbing migraine that brings upon both pain and nausea, and then… Then they’re transferred back to the main terminal.
Maldacena congratulates them, but on what exactly? What have they achieved? They have just been his puppets going along with his games. His toys to play with.

Of course. That’s part of the game too, isn’t it? Mars takes a deep breath, attempting to regain composure and approaching , and as he does so, his Unown hops by his side, bumping against his leg as if desperately trying to get his attention. He knows what the symbol is probably trying to tell him. He knows something else is happening. The pain remains. The words remain. It feels as if they’ll remain forever.
He watches as people step forward to sacrifice themselves. Some are expected, some aren’t.
He had known would step forward before she even does, for it would seem that this is her default reaction whenever danger comes. Does she have a death wish? Mars definitely thinks as much.
and surprise him, but he does no more than watch them go, giving a simple acknowledging nod.
asks him to take care of her pokémon, but the memories of his own child aren't there, and perhaps because they aren't, he does not think of stopping her. It’s her choice to make, even if he thinks it to be a stupid one. A hand reaches towards her, patting her head as he has done so many times before, and it's then that he takes the pokéballs with parting words for the young girl: ”We’ll meet again, .”
The rest are of no consequence to him. Of no importance. Sacrifices for the greater good.
In the end, had been right: only a few of them had been useful so far, so now is the time for the rest to be of use. Everyone has their strengths, it would seem. Some people are best at dying.
He nods when approaches, glad to see that the will to survive she had once claimed to be hers remains within her even now. He wouldn’t have stopped her if she had proven otherwise. There's people he knows (or at least hopes) won't be stupid enough to give up their lives when Hoenn still needs them, like , , , and even himself. And, truly, when it matters the most, there’s only one person Mars is sure he could never give up.
”Don’t go.” He whispers to , putting away ’s pokéballs and turning his attention to his Unown.
”...What do they want from me?”
He does not know.



[break]- Reacting to Barnaby ALMOST DYING
[break]- This all this is another game, but doesn't care to stop anyone
[break]- Thinks people choosing to sacrifice themselves is stupid but expects it, sees it as their way to be useful

[break]DATA LOSS: Mars forgets all about his past before coming to Hoenn, including who he used to be. Additionally, he feels heightened fear.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 5:32:31 GMT



THEY ARE ALL FUCKING IDIOTS. that much is proven time and time again. as certain individuals take their positions in the spotlight, fernando reach out for when she passes.

he doesn’t catch her. not when she sneak out from behind him but that’s perfectly fine. he won’t give chase, much too cautious to get too close to their supposed doom.

he doesn’t have to.


his zygarde scowls at the departing head scientist. heavy eyes will weigh upon her shoulders, PARALYZING her from making the worst mistake of her life.

what the fuck do you think you’re doing, reyes?

like a disappointed parent, fernando scours those who would kill themselves willingly. to no surprise, he recognizes some of them. to think these people, people who he regards in some shape or form, would willingly state that they’re less useful than the other forty around them speaks volumes to him.

the ORIGIN POINT has yet to happen. and when it comes, hoenn will need its best. which makes him wonder why the fuck a gym leader is up there.

benoit, clayton, hoffman!" he shouts out in succession. “what the fuck are you doing up there? get down!

the rest he doesn’t recognize and frankly could care less about. is a notable exception but he says nothing since she lacks faith in her own pokemon.


- zygarde uses GLARE on .
- calls for , , and to stand down.

- memory loss of pre-magma involvement with .
- memory loss of ’s involvement with rocket.
- memory loss of collaborations with prior to his neutrality.
- memory loss of encounters with prior to poaching.
- memory loss of prior to her first run as head scientist.
- memory loss of silph fallout.

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 6:01:02 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle freezes, tensed right after he had inputted the answer. he slumps to the ground as the deed was done, clutching his smeargle as he waits for everything to happen.

a certain knowledge gets imparted as kyle finds himself in the same space as everyone else. new rules were explained, and without much thought, people start throwing themselves into the fray.

even as gives him a little teasing nudge, all he gives out is a weak chuckle. "are you telling me to off myself?" he responds lightheartedly.

he has the tools to make a move: the right pokemon and the right conditions to act based on what he's seen on the terminal, yet he can't be bothered to make a move.

kyle just wants to live. risking it all was, well, unnecessary given all the facts shown. all trends point to a happy ending until they head back home so acting on a very farfetched hypothesis was optional at best.

he turns to . "...or do you want me to do something?"

  • having a little chitty chat with matias
  • personality alteration > reverts to season 1 hoenn kyle
  • pokemon abilities deleted

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 6:05:40 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]she’s close to the light when she’s saved by the bell.

it comes as a tingle, first, and then numbness falls.

behind her, she hears ’s voice. and if her body could move, she’d wince at the tone.

glare holds her in place and keeps her rooted out of the sacrificial spot.

it’s now left vacant for another to take…

”nothing now,” she murmurs back toward .

she had been trying to find some way to make up for her recent actions but there’s another way that doesn’t involve death, huh?

with a softer, pleading voice, she tries to shift to look back at .

”can you get me away from this light thing then?”

she’d do it herself but since he paralyzed her and all, it’s the least he could do…

cyberchase conundrum.

tl;dr |
- missing half of torso & shoulder
- forgets memory of after silph co hire
- forgets memory of aqua assembly pt 2 & sea hoenn fight
- loses her empathy
- loses her insecurity
- loses her caution
- saved by
- paralyzed by glare
- fern u gonna help her now? pls say yes
- mobile posts suck bye

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 6:42:02 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Dialga does not look as Gavin had seen it last, though Giratina's familiar visage makes his blood boil. He's still processing what he'd seen when they're transported back to the main terminal.

Sacrifices. Gavin's lip curls.

"You're not sorry," he spits. "Sick fuck."

There's no question that Gavin will remain. Unless his life was the only thing standing in between the fate of his loved ones, he will always choose survival. It's why he'd chosen Rocket to begin with. Mired in his own thoughts, he watches impassive as several nobler souls step up in his place. To see 's sacrifice saddens him, and yet Gavin understands. He's dying. Gavin doesn't try to stop him.

Yet when another figure approaches the light, he can't help but call out.


Gavin realises his brother's intent too late. He's always thought his siblings as selfish as he; why would they sacrifice themselves for a region that had bled them dry? But altruism exists in the youngest Quinn where it has failed the others, and before Gavin can get close enough to stop him—

(He's always too late, isn't he? It had been the same with his sister. Why can't he remember her name?)

— Rowan steps into the light. Gone.

Grief sticks in his throat and he swallows hard around it, closing his eyes and clenching his jaw against the mixture of remorse and anger that threaten to overwhelm. He can't lose it now; Rocket is still counting on him.

Eyes of sharp amber cut across the crowd to fall upon and , and it's to their side he steps. Association with the banker could hardly be considered strange, as they'd cooperated on the puzzle that had led them to this point. Elisa could be passed off as someone known to Mars alone, and Gavin's careful not too look too invested in her well-being. is present, as well, and Gavin acts as if they've never met. Safer for him, that way.

Softly, though, so that only their small group can hear, he asks, "All right?"

Mars has been off; Gavin has noticed, but he's not sure what to do for his friend, except hover protectively and send out a shadowed guardian in the form of his CORVIKNIGHT now that CRYOGONAL had fallen.

"I'll make sure we all get out."

His expression is hard, betraying none of his internal emotions.

Gavin is absolutely not sacrificing himself, no one was surprised.
Gavin groups up with , ,

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 6:53:51 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM
[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]born under a bad sign [break] with a blue moon in my eyes
The CELESTIAL EGGS hatch, and marvels at the sight of its celestial hatchlings: the ones that will help shape existence as humanity (hardly) perceived it. Though it is the 'GOD HAND' that seizes his burning curiosity most. If the mythology was true, then it had the power to...[break][break]

Wait... is it about to... ?[break][break]

Remiel's single eye widens.

Just as he thinks the entity will turn to look at him, however, their surroundings dissipate and their bodies dissolve into data once more. This peek into the primordial past is over. But how will it serve their goals for the future?[break][break]

♔ ♔ ♔

The royal's unblemished hand finds almost immediately after they've rematerialized. It's only when he's sure she's safe, with him, that he takes a moment to reassess their surroundings. MALDACENA returns to greet them, and the lift they stand upon begins to rise as they presumably head home. But the vertigo strikes him heavy... then the newfound trepidation at the announcements made.[break][break]


He struggles even just to express his confusion and discontent, managing only a few unintelligible mutters as he teeters slightly in place. This wasn't fair. Why was Luka here in the first place? Why hadn't he kept her from coming? The situation was dire now. Something needed to be done, or the platform they stood upon would collapse and send them into oblivion... including those he cared about:[break][break]

, whom he'd pretended not to notice, but always kept an eye on.[break][break]

, his good-hearted archaeological assistant who'd struggled with three times as much as adults twice her age.[break][break]

His friends. His pals. His homeboys. His rotten soldiers. His sweet cheese.[break][break]

His good time lads: , , , , , and .[break][break]

And, of course...[break][break]

"Luka... ?"

Her numbers mean nothing to him. They slip off his mind like water off a Ducklett's back. They don't matter. She does. And, though he's too weak and shocked to say or do anything for a moment, except receive her words and her Pokémon, Remiel eventually manages to shake his head in protest. "No. No, you can't do this... we only just⁠—" And, suddenly, she stuns him back into silence with her melancholic kiss.[break][break]

I love you.[break][break]

The words have never stung so sharply as they did now, watching her walk away.
"No, I⁠—" Why did this always happen to him? Was he cursed to lose the ones he loved? His single eye glistens with hopelessness, though that feeling almost immediately gives way to stubborn, fiery denial. "I can't lose you! I won't!"[break][break]

In the time it takes to walk into the light, summons his HUNTAIL and executes a BATON PASS to SWAP PLACES with her. He stands in place afterward, shirtless as the eel hangs off his shoulders again. The items she'd given him are deposited into the Huntail's gaping mouth before it is sent to slither to her side... permanently.[break][break]

Suddenly, he feels ashamed to look at her. He's throwing his life away, after all. Though he does not doubt that it is for a just and worthy cause.[break][break]

"I've lived most of my life with this... gaping hole in my chest. And if you were to leave me like this, I'm afraid it might grow wider and swallow me whole anyway. There's still so much for you to do and see and protect..." And the nagging feeling that he'd lost something he'd been sworn to protect only made him more determined to make up for things.[break][break]

He smiles sadly at her.[break][break]

"I love you, . Go share your sunlight with the world."


summons his HUNTAIL to BATON PASS/SWITCH PLACES with and take her SPOT[break]
🅞 HUNTAIL carries their POKEBALLS in its mouth and is sent to escort [break]
[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick
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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 7:09:05 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

(warning, it's a bit loud)

They had won. They had survived Judgement day and found themselves upon the cul-de-sac once more. They were soon to be released from this hell and returned to their world.

Or so they all thought

But then Maldacena or whatever their name was revealed their true colors as the maddened scientist they were. Johanna wasn’t surprised, yet she felt foolish as she had thought of him perhaps if just a tiny bit different. The victims of his playtime were given a choice, death or release.

She looked around, a lot of people chose death. But there were still vacant spots. tried to pawn his Pokémon to her and , but she shook her head as she said. “You are not the only one who is going.” She turned to “I know this is a lot to ask for. But could you please ensure my friends are well taken care of?”

But as she spoke a Mimikyu jumped out of one of the Pokéballs’ It looked at her. The drawn-on eyes of its baggy Pikachu cosplay glistened with wetness as the creature beneath it cried.

Johanna kneeled down in front of it and spoke with a smile. “It’s going to be okay Cellach. If he is being mean you have my permission to leave him.” The wetness spread throughout the cloth.

Johanna gave the Mimikyu a tight hug. “It’s okay, no shame in tears. But I promise I won’t be gone for long. Remember, death isn’t the end, right?” She placed the Mimikyu down and gave him a wide smile.

Using two of its shadowy appendages, the Mimikyu tried to wipe away tears before returning its gaze to her. It nodded and put on a brave face.

“Haunt you later, then?” Johanna got up and walked toward one of the illuminated spots. Her face ever so slowly distorting due to the immense sadness she was feeling.

She halted just before stepping on, and instead gazed inside where she saw her doppelganger. But it looked a bit weird, not physically but emotionally, as if it both looked forward to and feared the prospect of taking her spot. “So you are going to be the new me, huh? Can I ask something of you? Please look after my friends.” And with that small request made, she stepped onto the illuminated spot and waited for the deletion to begin.

- Johanna says her goodbyes
- Gives her Pokémon
- Makes a request to her Doppelganger
- Goes into the light


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 7:13:25 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The crashing noise was the very first thing that registered within his hearing range—he knew that somehow, the roaring Salamence had managed to stave off the impact of the first, after the winds had very nearly knocked them down to the ground.

However—not everything would go as planned, divine ‘providence’ aside.

The sounds of ‘glass’ shattering echoes all around them, a sign—an ominous sign—that the defensive barrier had sustained too much damage.

Try as the Salamence might to summon up another, he’s smart enough to know that’s not how this shit works, and roars at the young woman—frankly, the only one between their crazy little party of three doing some semblance of good so far—to keep his human safe as he’s struck by a beam of light and just—



The last thing Alexei hears from the draconid is aforementioned roar, before it gets cut off abruptly, like—like something was playing on full blast but the speakers then cut out.

“What… what happened?!” he began, before an equally-loud whinnying noise ripped through the space too close to him, as the guide ‘unicorn’ is also hit by the same beam of light—

The hand fisted into the mane feels like it’s losing traction, as the hairs dissolve and his balance finally gives way, him tipping over to one side (unknowingly if it’s the side Kaida’s on) as yet another loud noise rips through the space, shattering the gloom.

And then, after that moment of silence—the same self-inane voice rings out over everyone’s heads again.

His brain’s too fried, too frazzled to care—he’s not sure where the lady (Kaida) is at the moment, but if anything’s for certain, it’s that the loud roaring noise of the draconid had forever been burned into his ears.

(Maybe it really WAS a good thing he couldn’t see what was going on around him.)

He knows he’s still facing the wrong direction, but, really…

“Young miss…” he began in ’s direction.

Why couldn’t he get that loud, defiant, draconic screaming out of his ears.

If she would turn her attention to him, she’d notice that something was happening. Despite the sightless void of black that she would see, she would definitely notice that he was… he was crying. Despite him not knowing.

What was going on? Why did he feel something wet staining his skin? Honestly, really…

“Thank you.”

That was what he would tell her, first of all.

Djinni forbid what was coming next.

“You… if you can… find, the owner, of that mare. The one… the mare that helped us out…”

His words falter; he could still feel the candy floss-like strings of the Galarian Rapidash’s mane between his fingers.

“Can you… give this to him?”

His fingers slip and fumble across something—something small, and cold, wound around his neck. Instinct was guiding him at this point, sightlessness aside, as he removed two chains from where they rested—one was a battered, tarnished bird whistle; the dark blue metal flecking and fading in places.

The other—a pair of dogtags, one of which was hollowed out and held a Key Stone in its place. The other had a small piece of metal inscribed with his name on it, in both Common and in his mother language, along with his date and place of birth—written not as Fortree, Hoenn; but Mistralton, Unova.

“Don’t…hold it against him…please?”

He could tell she was angry, but there was… the lingering thought of something inside him, something that not even the erasure of his memories could take away from him, the feeling that there was something… something else the other man traveling with their little crew could still do.

Another familiar shout rent the space close to where they were rematerialized, and if would care to take a look, he’d see someone headed right his way, letting the black-and-greenness of his field of vision guide him towards one of the glowing white pillars of energy he could see amongst the gathering of people.

Even if the younger man was shoved aside, mostly by accident, it’s like his feet—sensory deprivation aside—are letting him take this walk across the rubicon, straight into the pillar the other was most likely going to dive into if nobody fucking stopped him.

Before he stepped into the light, he turned around—all he could really see were just figures.

No discernible features.

Just outlines of data that denoted a person standing right there.

Outlines of individuals he didn’t recognize or anything. Individuals he couldn’t recall name or face of. In the end, they were all that—just—figures.

“Maybe I can get a new body out here,” he says more to himself than to anyone else, and while the words that came out of his mouth weren’t understandable by anyone (as he said them in Russian) he walked straight into the light.

• Gabriel the Salamence goes out with a bang, roars in Kaida’s direction to keep Alex safe (haHA)
unfortunately this also meant that their guide point, Zuza the Galarian Rapidash, is also eliminated
• erryone warped back to where they were, at the terminals
• for some strange reason, he seeks out Kaida again, and hands her two things
maybe not everything in his memories was deleted after all, because his emotions are still there…
‘don’t hold it against him.’ (is what he really wanted to tell Kaida, but yeah, he really can’t remember anything so…)
• is headed in the same direction Josh#2 is, accidentally yeets the young man aside
oh djinni above, Alex, what are you doing
• takes one last look around, doesn’t register that his own doppelganger is waiting for him on the other side of the light
• :dorime:


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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,060 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 10:59:12 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
"Nice one, Missy!" Andrea cheered for her Kangaskhan landing a successful Mega Punch on one of the giant hands. However, her cheerfulness quickly gave way to abject horror when she noticed what was transpiring all around her: Pokémon were being crushed into bits of deleted data left and right, like an all-out digital slaughter! It was as if Arceus himself had declared them an enemy.

And if a being as benevolent and perfect as Arceus had turned against them, perhaps they really were the villains...

The girl processed that grim and ugly thought while their group was teleported back to the main terminal. That brief glimpse they got into the intricate inner workings of their universe didn't register to anything other than the auxiliary hard drive that was her subconscious.

Maldacena congratulated them for passing all of the Cloud's trials, a bittersweet victory, for it came at a steep cost: At least ten of them would have to sacrifice themselves in order for the rest to make it back to the Hoenn they knew. Andrea was too shocked by this bombshell the eccentric scientist had so casually dropped to bring up the ridiculousness of such a request. And yet, much to her bewilderment, a bunch of people volunteered to be deleted.

"No! This whole thing is wrong!" The dragon-costumed girl managed to eke out after people had already made up their minds. Her Mega Kangaskhan charged at one of the Porygon firing Tri-Attacks at them, aiming a calculated Dizzy Punch at the digital duck's blocky beak.

"Living is beautiful! Why would you throw it away?" Andrea continued, her eyes tearing up, fogging up her glasses. "So many Pokémon have been lost already... They gave their lives so that we could get back home - all of us! Why should we trust that man who put us through hell for his own amusement?" She pointed where Maldacena's projection had once been.
//MEGA KANGASKHAN uses DIZZY PUNCH on one of the Porygon
//Andrea tries to convince people not to commit sudoku
//She points out that Maldacena is sus and maybe they shouldn't trust him
//Mega evo. duration: 2/3

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 13:38:08 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Amor watched as his beloved Sceptile was erased from existence, and he should have felt something, should have felt pity, should have felt sad, but he couldn't. He felt nothing even as he outstretched his own hand to his pokemon, and watched it vanish.

"A necessary sacrifice."

Was the only thought on his mind as he went back to watching the play before him. The eggs hatching to reveal four primal dragons. Only one of them caught his eye, but before he could do anything they were all suddenly back where they started at the main terminal. That was when the grand finale began as another screen appeared, and like a typical villain from a movie Maldacena gave his glorious speech about how ten of them had to die. Then he watched everyone react, and in a single word. He was disappointed by them all.

Amor had been relatively silent this entire excursion, he had watched observed, and for the most part gone along with the flow. Everyone acted the way they were suppose to, like mice in a maze they were simply being lead along by the nose by the smell of whatever was to be their supposed reward. Amor didn't believe it for a second. He wasn't nihilistic enough to just die, and he wasn't optimistic enough to believe Maldacena's words like the rest of them. How could they accept such a reality so readily? Those few who had immediately gone to the light were idiots, everyone was idiotic, and it was all he could do to not have Draco simply shove them off the platform that they were all standing on. So instead he began to clap. Walking into the center of the terminal he clapped, and clapped. Condescendingly almost.

"Congratulations you have just proven there is not more than five braincells among the lot of you." The emotionless words escaped his data stripped body as his one eye swept along the room as he addressed all fifty people in this room with him. Of course he was either going to make all of them enemies, or he would get through to them. Amor liked his chances. "If your intelligence matched your altruism we would be out of here by now, but that is not the case." And his one eye looked up to the space in which the screen had been. Almost as if he was addressing the game master.

"Everything has been a riddle, everything has been a test, we have overcome it all, and yet here you all are throwing it all away so readily without the slightest thought. Because if you did think about it, you would all realize he is lying to us. He says he can't send us back because it is to much for the cloud." He was almost sneering at their invisible host right now. Amor didn't like games, and he liked losing them much less, so he stood right next to terminal as Draco appeared behind him.

"If it was to much to send us back, then it should have been to much to bring us here, and when we were brought here we were whole. We are no longer whole thanks to our doubles. Names, memories, and much more have been stripped from us by our most gracious host. We are lesser now. If it was a matter of data then it should be easier to send us back now that we are missing so much of ourselves. So he is lying outright." Amor didn't believe for a second that it was impossible for Maldacena to send them all home even if they were incomplete. "So none of you better step into that light, because you will be risking whatever that is, for no reason." He would speak to the entirety of them.

"All of you need to take a step back, and think this through rationally. Why would dopplegangers who have been siphoning pieces of us off be in the light? Deletion is not necessarily permanent, which means we need to pick who goes within those beams much more carefully, and until we reach a consensus no one goes into them. And if we can't reach an agreement."

"Then I'll destroy this terminal, and leave us all stranded within this place, because I am willing to call his bluff." He thought silently to himself.

"Then we'll have to deal with that then, but everyone needs to take a step back, take a breath, and we need to think." He spoke once more to them emphasizing that last word. They were acting far to rashly for his tastes.

Amor says things
Draco the Dragonite appears behind him.
Italics is his inner monologue

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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 15:45:17 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

he has a head full of empty, and an armful of someone else's pokemon.[break][break]

he cradles them gingerly, the pokeballs rolling into the crooks of his arms as he tucks them into his torso, crumpling inwards. i'd like to know which part of me, exactly, looks like a daycare center, he thinks, unbalanced, the stray thought like a stranger’s whisper in his skull, tinged acidic and sharp with panic. mr. mime's hollow pokeball sits heavy in his pocket.[break][break]

he opens his mouth; tries to force emptiness into sound, frustration and exertion painting red high on his cheeks. his lips curl around something disyllabic, maybe come back; or don’t go; or the fuck —[break][break]

— or maybe nothing at all. [break][break]

he doesn’t want to die. [break][break]

the thought shreds a fever-pitch of hot shame through him. [break][break]

he wavers in place. mute, he shakes his head, frantic and furious and futile, again, and again, and again.


[attr="class","ooc"] @ CYBERCHASE [break][break]
• assigned babysitter by chat???? [break]nagi voice: i'm too young to b a father[break]
• holding onto and 's pokemon[break]
• doesn't want to die. doesn't want someone dying in his place. doesn't do anything productive about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 16:00:46 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
With teamwork, they managed to get the answer and do some damage. After the event, he and the rest were back to the place. Aaron looked around and saw everyone there. What he didn't like was what the man had said. Snorting, he knew it was all BS. They got sent here in one piece, they can be sent out in one piece as well. Sneering and growling, he was about to say something when another started in, first chastising them. "Speak for yourself. It would be obvious he was full of shit since all of us got here in one piece, all of us can get out in one piece as well." He still listened to what says.

He still wasn't fully convinced, though. The dopplegangers can be heard, and the Porygon began their attack. Sighing in annoyance, he turned to Frillish, who nodded. Looking over at the stupid Porygon, he let loose with a powerful Hydro Pump at them. Instead of condemning themselves..."The dopplegangers should be more than enough to sacrifice...they were a part of this anyways. If we even really have to. Anyone good with hacking here? And get out of the light...that asshole puppetmaster needs to get what's coming to him." There had to be another way. That douchebag wasn't going to get away with this. He certainly mostly agreed with monologuing guy. But he'll see what happens.


Aaron strikes back at the Porygon with Frillish's Hydro Pump
He agrees with Amor
Wants to hack the terminal. Lacks the skills to do so.
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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 16:36:55 GMT

Protests from the crowd call for a response. Derek rounds to face them, recalling the scenario they witnessed in the future. "You saw it too, Fernando." He was along for that ride, and they both witnessed the corpses of many legendary pokemon that had fallen.

To what, they couldn't say.

But what was a gym leader supposed to do, that they couldn't?

The words of strike a nerve, but Derek isn't here to have an argument. "I'm not about to let civilians take my place, and we need ten to make it work—It's that simple!"

Reaching for his missing arm, he doesn't even know how he'd begin to explain that to Jonesy. Or that he saw the end. Acknowledging all of this causes immense frustration, distress, and most of all the realization that nothing good ever happens to Hoenn.

But maybe the bad things could amount to something.

Besides, it wasn't like any of these people were really his friends. ? Hah. Callan was the only one among fifty people. The rest were acquaintances—Co-workers and the like. They wouldn't be losing much. And neither was he, besides his life. If he really lost his life...

It could be surmised that the data that was deleted or scanned festered and grew in the form of their copies. That gave a sense of continuation. And if they were losing memories, maybe these copies were inheriting them.

Maybe they wouldn't really be gone at all.

Instead of worrying about what these people think, Derek thought about his family. They'd definitely be against this. But the whole point of coming to Hoenn was to show them he could make it. Even in the most competitive region in the world. To make them proud. And, well...this proved to be one hell of a higher calling.

Surely the league would relay the selfless act to loved ones.

Although Derek still had the feeling this may not be the end.

But he can't help but wish he could hold Jonesy one last time.

For comfort, because nobody here could provide that for Derek.

- Derek explains himself
- Derek thinks of the good that might come of his sacrifice
- Derek commits, regretting he can't hold Jonesy one last time
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing