i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 17:19:42 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Amor listened, and he watched. It would appear that there were some of those among their group that agreed with him, but it wasn't enough. Enough of them didn't listen, they continued to hold on to what they were doing, and he just stared flabbergasted for several moments. Ignoring the sneers of those who understood what he was saying were all that mattered they had only a few minutes to act, and Amor was growing bored of all these antics. It was clear that Malcadena was playing a game with them wanting them to experience failure to some degree, but he didn't know Amor. None of them knew him, and they couldn't begin to fathom how petty he was, and how much he truly hated to lose. He wanted them all to make it back, and since diplomacy failed it was time to swap tactics so he looked at the two that were near him.

"You, boy with the Rotom. Have your Pokemon electrify the terminal from within. We don't have the time to hack it." Amor was a sore loser, he was a sore enough loser that he was simply willing to flip the metaphorical table, and ruin the entire game if that is what it took for him to get his way. "Knight, or whatever you are. Make sure nothing, and no one gets near us, I don't feel like being stopped." He would say as he turned to his Dragonite who was deflecting the attacks of the stray Porygon along with the others, but he had no reason to keep aiding others. "Destroy the terminal, no matter what it takes." Amor had made his choice.

This terminal was more than likely a mechanism that was taking them back up, but with all of them missing parts of themselves, and no one willing to listen to diplomacy Amor felt it would be better to leave them all stranded within this place. So Draco would electrify his claws, and stomp on the terminal before reaching down into it. They were using an electrical attack to make sure the Rotom within would suffer minimal damage if it didn't escape the moment he did what he did. With all his strength he attempted to heave the terminal out of the ground, and hurl it into the vast nothingness, or if some unlucky pedestrian got in the way it would crash into them.

No one could accuse Amor of not having tried to talk things out at the very least first, but when everyone was being unreasonable, drastic measures had to be taken. Such was the way of things, and he was done caring about trying to remain on anyone's good side.

Amor is having his Dragonite yeet the terminal out of his existence, and attempt to destroy it, in order to prevent them all from ascending further because he believes drastic measures must be taken right now.
When diplomacy fails apply violence, if that doesn't work, apply more violence.

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 20:17:32 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Chaos does not end with the conclusion of successfully solved puzzles.

It takes but one indifferent sentence to rip the world further asunder, their trial companions devolving into frantic actions void of thought - desperation and fear reigning supreme.

Ten of them had to stay behind.

That figure would not include himself or .

You really think I'm stupid enough to throw myself into one of those things?

His fingers twist beneath the bars that imprison his wrist until they're locked together, ironclad and infinite like the bands they wore. That they'd weaved together with oaths and visions of a future shared.

Their resolve mutual.

We stay together, remember? We're going home.

Angelo's arm winds around her waist as she tucks her chin on his shoulder, oblivious to Skyler's finger gesture as he seeks out ▇▇▇▇ () without success...

And yet when his gaze finds , he freezes.

There's a tug of a bond there, one that he can't quite explain, memories fuzzy around the edges when he tries to lure the origin to the surface.

But just like with fishing, Angelo is impatient. More so now. There is no time to question why he's so compelled to save his friend.

Fingertips latch onto a pokéball, a decision made without even needing to leave his wife's side.

Beneath 's feet, darkness seeps like a pool of insidious tar, void save a luminous pair of reptilian eyes peering gold through the gloom.

With a lash of an illumina tail around the postman's middle, Locke is forcibly yanked into the inky depths of the Dragapult's PHANTOM FORCE, swept away just after shoves them away from the light.

Away from her smile.

Away from any hope of reaching her.

Locke can hate him all he wants, Angelo decides as his Dragapult reappears with its passenger, but he has done nothing for regret to take root.

This is for his own good.

And yet disappointment simmers within twin blues, searing into his back.



- angelo chooses to live
- dw sky bb, he's not going anywhere
- can't see [REDACTED] sad
- angelo decides doesn't get a choice
- dragapult uses PHANTOM FORCE on locke to teleport them away from
- doppelganger is disappoint!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 0:14:14 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Right, perhaps this was his purpose? Maybe, his death was what was needed. He had no one back home waiting for him. He had long since burned those bridges. His pokemon? Well, at least he could let them return to the real world. He had instead not let them die with him. They didn't deserve that.
With that in mind he releases them from their pokeballs, watching as they looked at him confused. "I'm staying here... You guys go. I'm sorry I wasn't the... best trainer in the world. But I'm hoping once you escape this place, you can find better friends."
They stare at him before giving a trill of sorts. Were they saying yes or no? He couldn't tell. But he hoped they understood.
Ignoring everything around him he made his way to the illuminated platform. Staring at the doppelganger that peered into his very soul. Baying for his life. It was ironic. The thing that would end his journey... would be himself.
So he stood there, wondering if this was truly what he was searching for.
An end to a fruitless journey.
And for a moment...
He felt peace.



+Chooses DEATH and sacrifices himself.
[break]+Steps on the terminal's illuminated platform awaiting his demise.[break]


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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
Bounty Hunter/Ethologist
You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
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TAG WITH @aura1
Yvaine Varron
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 0:19:37 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar
Zoroark pulls through, and she can practically feel the amassed shields as the duo slide into the protective spheres, notified by her partner's subtle grunt that they're in safe territory. The world remains dark around her as the onslaught continues; it's a cacophony of voices, both shouting commands and conversations, trying to overcome the chaos beyond the barriers. Pokémon screams and roars as they try to fight back, or die trying. She cannot see, but she can differentiate without having to, to know what fate befalls some of them. And despite the chaos, she just stands. There's nothing she can do. Nothing she wants to do either; her safety and that of her Zoroark are ensured -for now- and that's all she truly cares about.

A big bang shakes the terminal to its core, and suddenly they're all back where it started, and the one calling himself Maldacena starts talking again. They had succeeded, or so he claimed, and another scan was to follow suit. Yet as it came to be, defected he was, but he still liked to play the Dark Triad's little games. And then came the final issue of the day; they were free to return, but at least 10 had to stay behind.

Yvaine clicked her tongue and shook her head. Of course they were to sacrifice even more. Murmur arose around her, people saying their goodbyes. Silent footsteps around her. Protest, and then once more, the most-familiar wailing of . The raw emotion in his voice was heart-wrenching, even for the mercenary, yet most of the pity she would've felt was snuffed out by the cruelty reigning supreme in her heart. Although hidden from her blind eyes, the scene of Josh trying to take a swipe at his Absol had her own Zoroark react viciously, drawing her attention to the scene. She let her partner lead her to the Absol and her trainer, unbeknowst that he was trying to sacrifice himself also while demanding "them" to return his pokémon to him, for he was not leaving without it. Even if it meant abandoning his other pokémon.

And the moment Yvaine realised that, a raging fire flared within her.

Gently she tapped the Absol's head, her voice ever so gently whispering despite the anger inside her, letting it know she was there to help stop him. Or rather, teach him. "Zoroark, which way?" she asked, to which the beast nudged her in Josh's direction. From the commotion someone had pushed him aside, but his loud voice lead her straight to him. She was up in his face within moments, regardless of how furious he'd react, and drive her fist deep into his gut, not even bothering to hold back as she clutched his back so he couldn't topple over or run away. "You should be ashamed," Yvaine hissed in his ear, her voice as condescending as it could possibly be as she grabbed him by the scruff of his jacket. "Abandoning your pokémon, and wasting the sacrifice of those that made sure you're still breathing, by trying to destroy yourself?! For what good?!" she yelled at him in a most angered lecture, before pushing the young man away from the shining light, and towards his Absol. "Don't let their sacrifice be in vein, you asshole."


- Still blind and a cruel cucumber
- Is not planning on sacrificing herself
- Steps in and mauls 's stomach with her fist (got permission OoCly)
- Lectures him about wasted sacrifices
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 1:15:16 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"HOLD ON, SABER! I'M COMING!!" Josh cried as he sprinted toward the light, reaching with the one arm he had left. Just before his hand touched the column, he suffered a strong blow to the gut as buried her fist there. "Oof!" That stopped him in his tracks, dropping to his knees. She gave him a stern talking to. And she was right. If Josh went through with this, and he was wrong about how the computer's filesystem worked, he would be abandoning the rest of his Pokémon, even sentencing them all to their deaths as they would never leave the confines of their Poké Balls again.

Josh let out heavy breath after heavy breath as Yvaine scolded him for his actions. Her words rang hollow, though; the only words Josh were listening to were those that would bring Saber back. Once the woman let him go and shoved him next to his Absol, the desperate, badly bruised racer started crawling back to the light, continuing to show his sheer determination and force of will to save his Manectric. "But..." Josh panted in between every single word.



As he crawled toward the light despite his severe injuries, Twilight took matters into her own hands. She let out a loud cry and pounced Josh, then flipped him onto his back and slashed across his chest with a vicious PSYCHO CUT that instantly caused him to lose consciousness. She let out a sigh and shook her head in disgust, sinking her teeth into his one good arm and dragging him to the platform where the crowd awaited upload into the real world.

{WC: 281}
{PC: 9}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Josh          Human          KO
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      X-Zone
Resheph       Dragonair      KO


- gut punches Josh, nearly knocking him unconscious.
- Through sheer force of will, Josh continues to crawl toward the light.
- Josh's Absol PSYCHO CUTs him across the chest, actually KOing him.
- Josh's Absol drags his unconscious body to the uploading platform, and the two of them await being uploaded to the real world.
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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 3:08:38 GMT

ah, it happens quickly again. [break][break]

carci is gone, reduced to pixels, to atoms, by a stray hidden power that surprises her when the coat was supposed to cover her entire body. perhaps she just wasn't careful enough, or carci was just a little too careless. either way, the gasp of air couldn't leave the creture's body before it disappears, and something in wendy starts to crack watching an unfamiliar pokemon die. [break][break]

ah, this isn't right.[break][break]

but none of this was right to begin with. everything is plunged into chaos, filled with self-sacrifice, or self-preservation, and she can't quite understand what's going on; one thing's for sure, she doesn't think that the man speaking to them was lying. what was he saying, when the terrain shifts again, and everyone is back? she's still not finished mourning the perceived loss of her pokemon. the pokemon she doesn't remember catching, or caring for, and yet it still feels like something's been ripped out of her again. [break][break]

what was it? [break][break]

sacrifices need to be made, she remembers. no, wendy was never part of these conflict, but she's heard of them, and she's heard of the loss, and she isn't willing (she didn't survive this long for her life to be thrown away, even if living another day will be moot). the monster nearby wears a grin to her lips, whispering, whispering - whispering words that become more clearer. [break][break]

in a nearby, blue light, a woman stands with a grin on her lips. 'join them' she says, with blackened eyes and a familiar (unsettling) smile. [break][break]

'join them in hell.'[break][break]

ah, she can't. no, she still can't. she can't let that monster take her away from herself; there are still so many sins that she's yet to rectify, so many lives she needs to save, so many people she needs to make up to (the crimes of a father and the crimes of herself, and no single death of hers will ever be enough to alleviate her of this punishment). she can't go. [break][break]

so she steps away from the light, hand gently clutching onto the remainder of her head. then, she turns to a man who still looks agitated, still looks upset, along with the noivern who stands by his person. she's making sure not to touch him; he didn't like it last time. and his name comes out of her lips, and it's a bit too familiar. "leo." her voice is soft, still, but she tries to raise it, to grab his attention. what does she say? only what she wants to. [break][break]

"... please don't go." a part of her recoils, voicing her thoughts. but something in her is telling her to reach out of her shell, and to speak up. speak louder. [break][break]

"don't go in." this time, she's stepped in front of him, trying to grab his attention. was wendy always like this?

𓆙 CARCI NO :screamingcat:
[break]𓆙 no she isn't sacrificing herself lmao good luck
[break]𓆙 has recognized her doppelgänger, and tries to step away from it. get the hell away from her.
[break]𓆙 looking to to try and stop him from going in too

cyberchase conundrum

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 5:11:53 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]There was a certain peace that came with knowing the end was coming, that soon the light would claim him and he'd be absolved of sin. Rowan closed his eyes, prepared to cross to the other side, but soon found himself tumbling onto the ground just outside of the pillar as yanked him free. "What are you..." Amber eyes looked up at her, between the tears and strands of hair that hung in his face. "I need to do this, Mel!" How else could he repay all the people he'd hurt? Nothing he'd done until now had meaning, this was the sacrifice that would set him free.[break][break]

"Kotaro, help me up, we're going back..." Rowan reached a hand out towards the Greninja, unable to get to his feet on his own. Kotaro's gaze was fixed on , mind focused on the agonized cry their former master had let out before they'd entered the light. Rowan might have forgotten Gavin, but the Greninja wouldn't and they wouldn't forget the promise they'd made to protect the young Beast. Stepping over to Rowan, Kotaro kneeled down and looked him in the eyes before shaking their head. "Please, help me u-..." The Greninja raised a hand, chopping Rowan in the side of the head and knocking him unconscious. [break][break]


Kotaro rose to their feet, pulling Rowan onto their back and giving Melody a small nod. It seemed as though the Pokémon agreed with her plan to attack, and not give up so easily. The Greninja focused their mind, gathering psychic energies, a golden aura forming around them and their trainer. EXTRASENSORY burst forth from the Pokémon, rings of rainbow colored energy seeking out and attempting to destroy the oncoming onslaught of Porygon.

[attr="class","rowwttag"]  [break][break]

Melody pulled Rowan out of the light. Greninja kept his promise to Gavin, knocking out Rowan. Greninja used Extrasensory on the Porygon.

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 6:00:41 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
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Eva is forced to brace herself as the platform shifts, joining them with the ones they lost to the two other portals. If she remembered her love, she would have immediately went to , but instead she stays near Blade. Bracing herself for what’s to come.


Normally, Eva would be the first to jump on an opportunity like this. She’s been searching for the alternative since she found out about ’s plan.


“LIAR!” she screams, pointing a accusatory finger at the hologram of Maldacena. If he got them in here, he can get them out. He said it himself, this is the cloud. This may feel real, but they seem to simply be a projection of themselves. Or else Eva would be dying of severe hemorrhage. After all they’ve seen, she doesn’t believe a word he says.


“Don’t be idiots,” she scolds the ones lining up to sacrifice themselves. It would be noble if it was all real, “Blade! Take it out,” as Tri-Attacks strike all around them, Eva’s finger points towards her doppleganger. Her whispers are soft in Eva’s ears, ’Told you so,’.


The psychic-types arm blades flash to life, a PSYCHO CUT striking at the doctor’s doppleganger. It’s taking up data, right? Time to delete it.



+ Abilities DELETED [break]
+ Eva forgets how to LOVE and DOUBT HERSELF[break]
+ She agrees this isn’t real, tells Maldacena to fuck off[break]
+ Blade uses PSYCHO CUT on Eva’s doppleganger to DELETE it and free up data to transfer more people back. I don’t have any better ideas -shrugs-[break][break]


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 13:20:27 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Oh, hell.

Why didn’t he kick the manlet in the gut, why’d he choose to shove him?!

(Of course he’d forgotten that Memo was more athletic than he was, limp noodle incarnate.)

“How do you know who I am,” were the next words out of his mouth, the anger still simmering beneath the surface. The last time he’d been properly angry was when—wait, when exactly? He couldn’t remember!

All he was aware of was the fact that he rarely got angry, but when he did, he got angry with a good fucking reason.

“Well, I don’t know what’s causing me to act up like this! I don’t know your name, yet you know me, what in the absolute fuck—” he growled, the anger simmering past endurance. He was like a kettle, fit to burst, blackened at this point.

Where were all these emotions suddenly coming from? What the hell?!

“Well, if you have a big piece of yourself missing, mister I-think-it’s-alright-to-yell-at-a-lady, news flash, I don’t have my fucking heart inside my chest! How am I even alive, talking to you like this?! There’s a big, gaping, empty thing right here, I know you can see it—” he went on, inhaling sharply through his nose as he turned his sightless stare towards the approaching…

Oh no.

Oh he absolutely did not just say that to the young lady (Kaida).

(Normally, Alexei would be fucking terrified of death, mortality, senescence, the whole ten yards you name it. But clearly, due to him missing a very huge something important, that fear had also disappeared with the memories that he was internally struggling to piece together.)

“Again, take him, the ungrateful jackass, and get out of here! Or do I have to—” he trailed off, the eyeless void staring at Kaida’s form, who was trying to grab the other man and pull him out.

It was all…or nothing at this point.

Instinct was driving his other hand to search through the pockets of his jacket again, and after blindly finding the other two shrunken-down Pokéballs with him, he rummaged some more—and pulled something out.

A purple-tipped feather.

The normal Alexei would only use these in absolutely dire situations—life or death ones—but for the first time, he wanted to be selfish. He could feel the stem of the feather curling in the fingers of his left hand as he spun it carefully, holding onto the tip as tightly as possible in case the other two got ideas of trying to snatch it out of his hands.

(It was entirely possible. Thankfully he had the height advantage over the two, considering he was just over six feet tall.)

The anger laced with irony is heavy on his next few words.

“Make him remember. Tell him, the ass… that he has to remember. Slap him if you have to,” he continued her way, shaking himself free from her hold before turning his attention to—

The same sightless void turned back to face the other silhouette that was holding him at arm’s length, angry over such a little thing, over what he was trying to do—what he was about to do.

“I don’t know why, despite this strange feeling rising up inside me, most of me wants to hit you. But something, I don’t know what the hell-ass what, is stopping me from doing it.”

A deep breath, a hiss released through gritted teeth.

“A tiny little part of me doesn’t want to hit you. Why? I don’t know. I don’t know where this is all coming from! What are these things? Just—assaulting me all of a sudden from inside, you crazy little shit—not you, young miss—what—are—these—emotions—and where—are—they—coming—from?!”

What the brain forgets, the heart (or in his case, the lack of one) remembers.

He felt like a dam burst open; the emotions that had been skipped over from the point when his memories had been erased left behind inside him erupting all at once. It was, basically, causing his brain to malfunction like an overheating computer tower.

He doesn’t realize that he’s crying, again, as he says the next words.

“You jackass,” he hissed in the manlet’s direction, “…you have to remember. I don’t know what’s making me say that to you specifically, but you. have. to. fucking. remember!”

Why did it hurt?

Why did these—these emotions hurt him so?

Anger, annoyance, sadness, but nothing to anchor them to—no memories to associate them with, no nothing, just. Emotions. Everything raw inside him, exploding out all at once like a volcano.

“If you know who I am, if you really, honestly, absolutely know me, then you have to remember. That promise. I don’t know why a promise, I just know it’s a fucking promise. Whatever it is.”

The pain inside was eating him alive, but he couldn’t comprehend why. He didn’t understand any of this, it made his head hurt so much, a brief flash of clarity made its way through.

(Maybe it was the only point of clarity he would ever remember of this entire debacle post-memory loss during the entire occurrence that happened here, in the unknown space between reality and digitality.)

The next words came out unbelievably quiet, soft, even for someone like him who was ready to slap him for shouting at their female companion.

“Even if we’re far apart, you promised me… that you would find me. No matter what happened. Even if it was the end of days, the end of the world, at the edge of…of everything.”

(How ironic that they all were facing a potential ‘end of days’ scenario.)

The anger from earlier had evaporated, to be replaced with an aching, seemingly endless sadness that reared its ugly head from deep inside him. Just—these emotions, why were they all coursing through him, at this very moment?

What was making him act like this?

What was up with the emotions just coming in one after another, with no reason whatsoever?! Why—why did the urge to suddenly kiss the other man—

Never mind if Kaida was there, he held onto the feather with his fingers as he reached for the angry manlet’s face—not to strike the other because of how he’d behaved around a young woman—but to leave the softest, most tender show of affection only one who was deeply, madly in like in love with another would give.

What was going on, was this affection suddenly overriding his terror, the fear—before he broke the kiss off with the next words:

“I’m sorry. I really am.”

With a flick of his left hand, he released the feather; pointing the purple end specifically at the two and bracing himself for the burst of air that would come forth and hopefully shove them both away from the pillar of light he was standing in.

“Find me. I believe…only you can do that…Memo.”

• error 404: Alexei.exe has crashed, again
• what are these emotions suddenly surfacing? Why can’t he associate any—oh that’s right, he can’t remember anything! (but the emotions were all left behind)
• they have a bit of a shouting match—more like, 2.0!Alex throws a tirade at uncaring!Memo’s direction
• the various emotions suddenly surfacing from out of nowhere are causing him to act irrationally, brain overheat, cannot compute, what are all these things?!
a brief moment of clarity breaks through the confusion
• 2.0!Alex says something that would maybe, just maybe, have the manlet remember
• while Alex rarely shows affection in public, he breaks all tradition and leaves the other with that promise, tied to the emotion of love, before—
• using another feather to blast both Memo and Kaida away from the portal of light
• total feather usage this time: one
‘find me.’

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 14:12:52 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar




- Gets shoved into 's Phantom Force by
- Lands next to Angelo and
- Suggests that maybe the platform isn't actually the way out, since it wasn't how they came in




They fell back, eyes wide with disbelief-shoved out of the light and into the endless dark before reappearing next to and . They grit their teeth, holding back from snapping at their friend, who was only as concerned for them as they were for her.


He glanced desperately around the room, searching for anything that could stop this-for a way to bring them back-but his new confidence didn't make him any smarter than he was before, and the others seemed more focused on destroying the equipment than using it. He looked up at their approaching destination, trying to gauge how much time there was left-and as he did so, a thought occurred.


"We never rode a platform down."


There had only been the whirlpool and the stretching sensation of-


"We teleported here-or dimension hopped or got downloaded or whatever. So what if this," he proposed to the entire group, indicating to the shaking platform, "isn't the way back?"


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 14:55:53 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
calls him apathetic, an adjective he's never described himself for a while now.

"oh. huh. weird." kyle's usually was self-aware. traits he's been showing now has been an anomaly compared to his usual disposition.

he crosses his arms, chin resting between his thumb and index finger, as he looks down the ground.

"i could be an imposter among us," he guesses. "i wasn't acting like this yesterday, so they could have already disposed the original one and got a replacement."

eyes turn back to .

"they did transform us into data between each trip to a terminal. scan happens beforehand. editing or a reboot of our forms during that time period sounds kind of feasible... i'm just kidding, by the way."

there's a heavy sigh that follows. shoulders slump as he wearily cranes his neck to watch his smeargle kill some porygons firing at them.

"anyways, let's just enjoy the show. it's not like we have all the information to make a good assessment. besides, everyone's having fun, i guess." kyle doesn't do well with a lot of shouting and talking people. "want to take bets on how many theories these people say are right at the end, instead?"

  • kyle has existential crisis
  • personality alteration > reverts to season 1 hoenn kyle
  • pokemon abilities deleted

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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 16:01:13 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar

…And just like that, the cyberscape surrounding them seemed to be calm once more.[break][break]

A short lived reprieve, of course, as those that had borne witness to the spectacles occurring through the last while (an hour? two hours? truthfully, he hadn’t known nor cared about the time they’d spent within the hellscape they’d been dragged into) had been brought back within the same vicinity. The odd man upon the screen appeared once more and spoke his part as if on cue, and partway through his speech, the Stone, like many others, had averted his attention towards the numerous beams and doppelgangers within them as they awaited acclamations.[break][break]

…It was all so obscure.[break]
It was all so ridiculous.[break][break]

The farewell speeches, ridiculously dramatic. The back and forth between some others regarding who should stay and who should go, needlessly dramatic. Logically, even amidst his own skeptcisms within the faces of those who so desperately attempted to offer himself, there had been some part of him that understood why they would go so far, and why they would make such an overly large fuss about matters.[break][break]

Whether or not he resonated with their sentiments, however, had been a different story.[break][break]

And thus did he gaze upon those both upon the platforms and within the beams with some minor sense of pensiveness, though certainly not concern for how they would fare within the aftermath of their own actions. It had been their lives to live, after all; their choices to make.[break][break]

If they chose to relinquish their lives for the sake of both the acquainted and strangers within the terminal and the region itself, then he saw little reason to persuade any of them to do otherwise.[break][break]

”...I never intended to,” he murmured, a discontented sigh of exasperation leaving his lips as stared at the woman intercepting his gaze. Before long, however, he found his eyes straying towards the flock of Porygon that seemed intent upon encircling them. ”They made their decision. Not like we know any of ‘em personally, so if they wanna burn, let ‘em burn.”[break][break]

He eyed the beasts above them carefully, sounding another, sharp whistle to summon his Noivern alongside him. With a certain tension and readiness, he moved and wove through the barrage of Tri-Attacks as well as he could, casting an idle eye towards the supposed exit platform with a touch of ongoing doubt before eying a certain someone within the distance strike forth at her own clone.[break][break]

After little debate, he sounded another, significantly higher and louder whistle through the air, prompting the wyvern to dash towards his own reflection with an Air Slash at the ready.[break][break]

”Everyone here’s data, though, as far as I can tell— and if we need to free space, then it’s delete or be deleted,” he added soon after, glancing briefly towards once more.[break][break]

Needless to say, after surviving the past terminals, he’d far from intended to be among the deleted.[break][break]



  • leo's pre-hoenn memories, optimism, and sympathy + empathy have all been nixed.
  • self preservation is making a guest appearance pog?
  • doesn't trust the need for sacrifice; lowkey judging those that threw themselves so quickly
  • comes to the conclusion that they just need less data on board if the issue is overload
  • orion (noivern, eva. x2) uses air slash on leo's doppelganger


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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 18:34:26 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Useless morons. Each and every one of them. Instead of focusing on the real issue, on their real enemy here, they yell, struggle, and fight amongst themselves. Pathetic.
In his sick, pained, and distressed state, Mars imagines what it would be like to have his pokémon attack them all just to put an end to this stupid display, but even while in such a state he knows that won’t change anything. Hoenn’s real problem maybe isn’t the Origin Point, maybe it’s that people will always do whatever the fuck they want.
Himself included.
Hoenn’s people are chaos incarnate, and the region’s current state is as if a reflection of that.

A few people come up with interesting suggestions about the reality of their situation (like , , and ), but they’re barely heard amongst all the chaos, and truth be told, while struggling to even stand and with his mind caught up in a spinning vortex of information and Unown, even Mars himself couldn't care less about what they have say.
”This place–... ugh... it has done something to us all.” That much is obvious by now, but no one else seems affected in the ways that he is. Do they not see it? Do they not feel it? The Unown whisper into his mind, and to Mars, it’s a strangely reassuring sound.
His own Unown attempts to defend him from the Porygon’s attack from where it stands on the ground, and while watching them with his blurry vision, Mars wonders about what’s really happening here.
”We’re... likely about to run into even greater danger.” He tells those around him despite the effort it takes, mostly , , and . He honestly stopped paying attention to who else may be near them. ”...Prepare for the worst.”
That much is a given, it has always been, but apparently people are either too trusting or set on making things worse.



[break]- Cyberspace is doing a number on Mars
[break]- Chooses to wait to see what'll happen and prepares for the worst because can barely stay conscious rn
[break]- Strangely reassured by the Unown in his head :monka:

[break]DATA LOSS: Mars forgets all about his past before coming to Hoenn, including who he used to be. Additionally, he feels heightened fear.


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 23:04:52 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Before he can really comprehend what's happening, or understand or even gather fully where he is ge felt a harsh shove from behind as his reflection pointed and laughed. His eyes widen, taken bqck in surprise and even weirder his dopplegqnger lets out a glitched stringe of hollow curses and flips off. [break][break]

This is where you feel angry, betrayed. But that's all on his reflection now and he just fell down, discarded by a person he'd thought his friend. [break][break]

And then 's blue ditto slaps him in the face. [break][break]


"What?" That's all he gets out before the ditto flopped onto the ground and got back up. It then began to grow in aize, first transforming into Mint then something bigger, unhinging its goopy mouth as Mint stared dumb founded. Before he can scramble away, the Ditto scoops and swallows him completely as Mint held his breath. Did- did he even need to breath then considering he was looking like bits and pieces of a hologram. He watched through his slime prison the rest of the people trapped fo absolutely fuckinf crazy. At least its quieter here. [break][break]


tagged ▸ ooc [break]
- no left arm [break]
- no abilities for pokemon [break]
- lost FEEELINGS [break]
- MMM WHATCHA SAY falls into the LIGHT [break]
- gets vored by shiny ditto before he can get out of the light like a normal person [break]
- damn bro thats crazy, chilling inside a ditto [break]
- is RECORDINGG while his reflection is bursing out anna




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Laika Boss

June 12th
Lilycove City
Lighthouse Keeper
Shut up and be happy
it's all in your head
5'10" / 177.8cm height
5'10" / 177.8cm height
You will find no hidden agendas in the sea's desire to swallow you whole
220 posts
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TAG WITH @klaus
klaus anchoret
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 1:54:39 GMT
klaus anchoret Avatar

A soft chirr from Klaus's Litwick once struck has the small candle in his arms, his brow furrowing and his voice gentle as he murmurs an almost inaudible, "Hey." He strokes along the side of the pokemon's deteriorating body, bits and bytes sloughing away until naught remains but empty air between his hands.
There isn't much time to mourn - Maldacena gives some explanation that the cloud can't handle returning them to the outside. Klaus scoffs, an incredulous, "The fuck," spilling from his lips. He looks further bewildered when people actually step up for said deletion.
Was this a joke?
Klaus peers at the nearest ray of light, his expression immediately shifting into shock at the practically rabid duplicate that swipes in his direction. He stumbles back for good measure, putting several feet of distance between himself and the image.
Absolutely not.


+ Loses his Litwick oh noes :( [break]
+ Does NOT sacrifice himself



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing