i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 2:18:20 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
"what the hell?"
it's the only words he can mutter, here and now, as he watches people throw their lives away. the urge to play the hero rises in his own chest, but he stifles it, burying it in the rubble of self-preservation.
greyson didn't want to die, he'd fought tooth and nail this entire time not to die. went round-for-round in the DARKEST DAY, against GROUDON, and so many more other conflicts he'd lost count. to survive all that, and then throw his life away here? it was preposterous.
so why were these people so willing?
's attempt is rebuffed by , thankfully enough — the damned fool of a woman.
's reasoning makes sense, in a way — sense of duty or some other — but his eagerness to throw his life away will only leave a void that the league must fill, and his shoes are not that simple to follow after.
there's a sea of faces he doesn't recognize — civilians? rocket? league members he hadn't met yet? it didn't matter, didn't it? what in the arceus fuck were they thinking?
the anger from before begins to kindle, sparking with such a quickness that it surprises him. he looks down, as if expecting to find the source of it, only to come 'face-to-face' with the digital clone. it sneers at him, a boyish face that seems menacing; conniving. his anger finds a point of focus, and he stomps angrily against the clear floor beneath him. it does nothing.
, and 's safety were a concern, but he couldn't must the energy to look for them. they weren't offering themselves at the pyre of sacrifice — then again, he couldn't see everyone, with the massive fucking crowd — so his concern wasn't immediate.
he stands there, simple and mouth slightly agape, dumbfounded at the eagerness to which these people would throw away their lives.
and the only thing he could think about every single one of them — they were selfish fucks. let someone else deliver the news to their families when this was all over.
it wouldn't be him.



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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
Bounty Hunter/Ethologist
You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
207 posts
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TAG WITH @aura1
Yvaine Varron
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 2:35:53 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar
"Tenacious, yet foolish little bastard..." she muttered underneath her breath as she heard the dark-haired youth continue, even despite the damage she'd already done. Well, at least she'd tried. She wasn't his babysitter, and if he didn't care to listen to a voice of reason, then... well, then he should continue and be deleted as he wished. She'd care for the ones he'd leave behind.

But it seemed there was no need for that. An attack echoed nearby, and Josh's scrabbling died down moments after. Something was dragged past her, but with the way Zoroark reacted -or rather, lacked reaction- she knew it was nothing she had to worry about. Instead she called her partner to attention again, so that he could become her eyes once more, especially so when she heard a voice ever so faintly mention to prepare for the worst. Perhaps the only good thing about losing a sense is the way her other senses picked up the pace to make up for it. "Let's focus, just in case..." Because the one who'd spoken those words could probably see more than she could at this point.


- Still blind
- Eavesdropped on , is now expecting wurst worse
- Zoroark is ready to react to unforeseen events
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 2:43:56 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

she had dreamt about the eye of a greater god once. it had glared down upon her until she burst into flames and fell to ashes. she trusted the unown so much less now.[break][break]
predictably engaged with arceus, and lulu let her go, only making sure porygon had a good view. what she hadn’t expected was to go flying over her head and into the terminal. where he landed in a heap, she looked over to assess. he seemed… fine, more or less.[break][break]
with the correct answer inputted, the scene around them changed. the glimpses of other worlds reminded her of dialga’s strands of time. in awe, she asked down at , ”are you seeing this?” was he still awake? she was too captivated to check.[break][break]
and then, they were in the main terminal again. they’d made it to the end of the game.[break][break]
or not.[break][break]
she didn’t spit at their captor, because it hadn’t helped last time. fuck him.[break][break]
people started sacrificing themselves, and regardless of whether this was real or not, she wouldn’t step in the way of those offering to be their safety net.[break][break]
at least, not most of them.[break][break]
her own brother was first. she didn’t know that well. guilt, for being absent most of his life, was what had kept her eyes on him. without it, there was little left. she let him go.[break][break]
went towards the light next. brilliant as she was, she had also proven herself to be a liability time and time again. she watched as their underboss patted her on the head and sent her off.[break][break]
then, snuck himself a spot. she didn’t care that he was already dying. ten minutes of the man’s genius was worth a whole life or two to her with these stakes. what about all the passwords she was going to need?[break][break]
“oscar!” she called through the chaos. ”no!”[break][break]
and then, , a favored tester of hers, was in the light. she hadn’t seen push him. ”get the fuck out of there!” but it was too late, presumably. as he was consumed by ’s ditto, she turned away, confused and pissed off. ”shit…”[break][break]
while doing her best to dodge tri-attacks as decisions were made, she finally spotted the league’s head professor —the one she hadn’t met yet—doing something smart. doubling down on her theory from earlier, lulu promptly followed suit while she had the chance. [break][break]
’you deserve it.’[break][break]
her doppelganger’s words fell on deaf ears.[break][break]
”her. steal her data if you can.”[break][break]
releasing her porygon from her arms into the rain of assault, its psybeam shot towards the barrier for lulu’s copy.

• reacts to people sacrificing themselves[break]
• porygon attacks doppelganger with psybeam, trying to steal data to replace missing body parts[break][break]
• lulu has forgotten guilt and shame[break]
• lulu is missing lower half of skull and mid-torso[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-poipole"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-alakazam"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-porygon-z"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 3:21:24 GMT
The pain was fleeting. It disappeared as quickly as his pixelated flesh. Ephemeral, like the time they had remaining in this digital realm. Even as their group descended into chaotic squabbling, grandstanding, and talk of martyrdom, all Barnaby could manage to do was lean back and sit where he'd been teleported. was barely given an acknowledging nod.

Was he alright, though?

His hand rose to absentmindedly touch his chest, feeling for parts of himself that simply weren't present anymore. All that was left were two large holes of empty space: hollow voids which mimicked his current mindset.

Barnaby's expression - or lack thereof - was vacant. Devoid of emotion in the face of Maldacena's ultimatum. The only thing that barely cracked his stoic demeanor was . His eyes softened, the hand at his chest moved to reach out to the approaching ROCKET underboss... but it stopped before fully extending. Instead, he lowered the arm to help himself shakily rise to his feet.

"I won't. It doesn't matter, anyway." He whispered back, leaning in close to Mars. "Even if they don't die here, the end is coming soon."

Cobalt eyes flicked to the anxious-looking UNOWN at 's feet. Whatever it was trying to convey, Barnaby had no idea. Even if they were to discover answers here, though, what good would having that information do?

The apocalypse was already upon them.

Still, to extend their time a little longer seemed worthwhile. It would give enough time to say a proper goodbye, perhaps. With this in mind, Barnaby released his CHARIZARD to act as a buffer between them and the attacking PORYGON. It swatted away incoming beams with electrified THUNDER PUNCHES.

"Here," He offered an arm, should Mars need it in his compromised state. "Whatever happens, however bad it gets... stay with me."
• using ROCKET persona (BEE + black hair)
• circular hole in his chest where his heart would be
• another hole through his right shoulder/chest!
• loses his HOPE
• doesn't sacrifice himself
• asks mars to stay with him till the end

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 4:20:11 GMT
luka chêne Avatar




Faster than she can blink, Luka is transported away from the light and the promise of self-martyrdom. She reels in place for a moment, dizzy and disoriented, until horrifying realization dawns on her.[break][break]

"Why did you— Remy, you can't!"[break][break]

Her shouted protest joins the cacophony around them, almost lost amongst the noise. And rather than accept his sacrifice Luka pushes herself forwards, frantically hurrying back to what should be her place.[break][break]

's confession is the only thing that stops her. Luka freezes mid-step, mouth agape and eyes widening to saucers. Her heart lurches— but for some reason, it's not with joy. Instead it feels like it's breaking all over again.[break][break]

And it makes her all the more resolute. It's a noble thing, to die for love. Perhaps they're just as foolish as Romeo and Juliet, but isn't that oh-so romantic?[break][break]

She doesn't release her Pokemon to help her— she knows intrinsically that they'll try and stop her too. Instead Luka tries to force Remiel out, using whatever strength remains in her frail limbs to push him back to safety.[break][break]

"People need you, Remiel! Galar needs you, especially now. You can't leave an entire nation hanging like this! And I—"[break][break]

Does she really need to say it? If she disappears, some people might miss her. Some might mourn. But her life is inconsequential, a transient thing. She's not a prince, not an ambassador, not a gym leader or champion. She drifts into other people's lives like a petal on a stream, and her exit will be just as quiet.[break][break]

"Besides," she reasons, eyes suddenly bright with a faint spark of hope, "I saw— that is, Ume's future sight predicted a system failure!" It's a long shot, but maybe it's enough to convince him to give her up. She continues to tug insistently on his arm, to shove her way into the light while her double cackles and goads her on.[break][break]

"It might...maybe that means that we still have a chance. That no one will be deleted! But let me be the one to take this gamble, okay? Please." She elbows her way beside Remiel and tries to shove him out of the way. "You have so much more to live for."


- bruh moment[break]
- trying to fight for the right to die lmao[break]
- remembers the system failure might mean that they don't get deleted?


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 4:54:50 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM

[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]All of this [break] is temporary



The end.
It feels eerily surreal to stare at their promised future and the implications it brings. Death, carnage, destruction, a promise of having everything taken away from her...
Each victim of Terminal Six stares fate straight in the face. The fact they all choose to continue and believe that there's even the slightest chance of survival can only mean one thing: they intend to defy their destiny.
There isn't a more suitable candidate for the job than a goddess, is there?
Katherine draws a final breath inside the simulation of the destroyed Hoenn with her eyes closed, and when they open, they are back in the main terminal.
As expected. Her answer was correct.
Katherine only listens during Maldacena's speech. She dares not to interrupt it, focusing on each word as if it alone might hold the answer they're all searching for. But she isn't convinced that the man is speaking in riddles, at least, not this time. There is only a final task to fulfil, one that she intends to see through.
It is precisely why it should come as no surprise that Nihilego and her choose to protect the terminal from potential harm. Energy surges from their fused body, enhanced through the power of the Z-Move PROTECT: SANCTUARY. Inspired by 's creation, a protective dome erects around the terminal in an attempt to defend it from potential harm.
"Ten lives do not matter in the grand scheme of things," plain and simple. "Their sacrifice won't be in vain. Stand down." is addressed directly. Scarlet eyes peer down at the man, judging him for all his mortal, human compassion.
For his mistake, even.

- protects the terminal with a z-move
[break] - tells amor to stand down since this is bigger than all of them (except for her ofc)


[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 5:01:47 GMT

Another reset.
Zaps of static nipped her legs as they rematerialized back at the origin point. They ceased as the last of her particals combined and she fully assimilated to the new environment.
"Now what," she murmured, close enough to 's ear. It was hard to stay calm, especially now, and the creepy ass scientist wasn't helping the this already high stress situation. Fingers dug deeper into her arms as mentions of an exit took flight, followed by the dreadful realization that not all of them could safely escape. 10 had to stay behind. 10 had to die.
Penelope gulped.
"Do you think anyone is actually going to--" Her whispers to were curtailed by the first volunteer, then the second, and third, and so forth. Was that enough? Would they start forcing people to sacrifice themselves? A nervous tremble made way up her spine and her blood ran cold.
How would they decide? By occupation? Utility? Spots of white clouded her sight, turning her vision into a hazy mess of grainy gray -- like static from the TV.
Would she be forced to go up there?
Would she be forced to die?
Without thinking, she took a small step backwards, further from the daunting light. It taunted her from afar, disparaging her every choice, action, and own morality. Was she even good enough to live? Weren't there others who deserves survival far more than she did?
But...she didn't want to die. Not yet. Not now.
So, with closed lips and widen eyes, she kept to the shadows.


[attr="class","ooc"] @charname [break]

- Penelope Reverted to 15 year old self [break]
- does not sacrifice herself

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 5:52:31 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
How contrite that someone would try to stand in his way. Even worse was that they were some form of abomination, but their plan was already fully. 's roton was already in the terminal protecting it from him would do little. Amor sighed exasperated at the womans words, and he met her gaze coolly. He could listen but he knew that he was right.

"Unfortunately with me being correct and you being wrong standing down isn't an option. But I'll take it into consideration." He said before taking out a Pokeball returning his Dragonite and releasing his third and final pokemon. Zeraora. One should never reveal their hand to early just in case.

She had used a Z-Move which was troublesome but not much. With Stryker on the field and a barrier in his way it was as good time as any to test this out. Rolling a sleeve up there was a crystal on a bracelet around his wrist. It began to glow with power and an aura surrounded his Zeraora.

"Gigavolt Havoc, destroy the barrier, the floor under the terminal it doesn't matter." He commanded his pokemon as its first lit up with an unusual amount of electric energy, and when it was finish collided its Z-Move against hers. Besides even if Amor couldn't destroy the terminal, that rotom could. "Better luck next time princess." came the sardonic reply to her words about their lives. Her actions meant she didn't listen to what he said earlier which was a pity. 

He was already planning to punch one God in the face. Ehat was one more. 

Amor calls out Zeraora named Stryker.
Uses his Z Crystal to use Gigavolt Havoc to attempt to break Sanctuary. 
Calls princess sarcastically


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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 6:58:00 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


Cyberchase Conundrum

There is so much going on, and even with no eyes Razz can feel just how bright things are. For now he figure's he'll ask people what went on after and he lets out a sigh of relief as he can only hope that is all over. [break][break]

Though dread comes along when the man claims that he demands the lives of 10 of them because apparently their 'file was too big.' Something that was a bunch of bullshit in his opinion. And while normally he probably would have because besides his pokemon, he doubts he would be missed. Everyone in his life would choose someone else over him every time, hell even his own family wouldn't choose him. [break][break]

'Never a use to anyone are you?'[break][break]

he hears his own voice and Razz is just confused, unable to see he misses the memo that their doppelgangers are around, while Razz hears a hit he doesn't know whats going on. There is action everywhere, people yelling about how others shouldn't be sacrificing themselves, none of these people Razz can actually tell who is doing on. [break][break]

Knowing this might be too much for herself Pitch returns herself for Cobalt to come out to see the action around them. And to defend their trainer from the surrounding Porygon, as well as make sure their trainer didn't do anything stupid Cobalt would use EXPANDING FORCE to make sure everything would keep away from their trainer.



[break]+ Razz can't see shit and doesn't know who is trying to sacrifice themselves or even where otherwise he'd try.
[break]+ Zarude calls for Metagross and returns herself.
[break]+ Metagross uses EXPANDING FORCE to keep porygon and doppelgangers away
[break]+ Metagross prevents Razz from going too far and doing anything stupid

[break][break]+ so much happened in such little time idk whats going on anymore i can't keep up lol


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december 21
freelance job-runner
we are stood, and somehow calm, inside the madness of this storm
22 posts
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TAG WITH @lethe
Lethe Ascelin
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 7:00:06 GMT
Lethe Ascelin Avatar

what the fuck.

lethe watches in horror as their kingler is deleted before their eyes, with not a thing they can do about it. shit, shit, shit. they need to move.

not much time is allowed for that, though, as the incoming attacks cease and the scene stops existing. a bang makes lethe almost raise their hand (the one they have left) over their ears, and they find themself back in the main terminal. they cover their eye for a moment, while they wait for it to adjust to the brightness of the glowing platform, not wanting to pile on a headache to everything else. their heart pounds with the anxiety of the moment.

listening to the speaker’s voice, they feel their blood run cold. ten people. right.

they aren’t sure how the others want to decide this, and for a moment the image of drawing sticks comes to mind. they turn to stare at the glowing spots, contemplating. this doesn’t make their decision clearer; they are frozen in fear, feeling stuck to the ground beneath them by blood heavy as lead. they couldn’t move if they wanted to, they think. no, they know. they know they should go for it; there’s no one back at “home” who will really miss them, after all. their family in galar hadn’t even noticed that they’d left, not until it’d been too late and they were long-gone. but dread has frozen them in their tracks. they feel almost that they can not breathe, and the news that some will return home has brought no relief to the predicament.

they look to the one they’ve relied far too much upon this entire time, trying to get a hint of what she plans. in a stupid moment, they’re tempted to reach for her hand — as little physical comfort as they’ve gotten in their life, they still crave it.

the doppelganger voices still haunt them, and for a moment they think they will be hearing them for the rest of their life.

nothing much tbh lethe is like. anxious as hell and doesn’t feel like they can move as a result.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 7:02:03 GMT
Deleted Avatar











as everything around them goes to chaos, the stranger’s kingler seems prepared to jump to save them– and, just as quickly as the crab pokemon had tried to help, trying to block a flame, it’s just…gone, with a few remaining blocks where it had been. again, there was a feeling of what should have been horror and worry, a feeling that the nothingness aries felt, on some level, wasn’t right.[break][break]

she doesn’t have much time to worry about it, fumbling with a pokeball as another surge of fire comes closer, and–[break][break]

there’s nothing. a big bang, and suddenly they’re surging through the air, rematerializing on yet another terminal– and, knowing their luck, yet another riddle. maybe it’s the lack of worry when they know she should feel it, or the fact of the matter being that they were just reconstructed, but the thought just serves to make them annoyed.[break][break]

she hated riddles before, and it’s going to be so much worse now.[break][break]

her thoughts are pulled away by the news of being congratulated, and, on some level, she finds herself relaxing. just a little– just until she hears the rest of it, the fact that not everyone can go. some people have to stay behind, it’s for the better of hoenn. and, from the looks of things, not everyone is prepared to, for some reason or another.[break][break]

inwardly, aries starts to say a goodbye to the pokemon she’s left behind, the ones she has with her now, and starts to move to a light– until she catches sight of their strange “friend”.[break][break]

they look terrified. it’s enough to stop aries in their tracks, and, before she can even think about it, she’s moving back to their side. other people have it handled. for now, they can try to work on comforting this stranger. if they need to they'll step into a light later.[break][break]

“hey. it’ll be okay. we’re going to be okay.” well…good enough?[break][break]

- also nothing much tbh[break]
- aries plans to step into a light and sees the stranger's () reaction[break]
- stays to comfort them (or try)[break]
- decides if they really need to they can step in later



FOR @tag




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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 7:04:46 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM
[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]born under a bad sign [break] with a blue moon in my eyes
"Luka, please— stop," Remiel calmly refutes, standing resolute against her efforts and words as his hands endeavor to gently keep her own away. That nagging feeling in the back of his mind flares when she mentions GALAR, but he suppresses it almost immediately.[break][break]

Perhaps it's a bit selfish, but he's made his decision. All that matters to him now is . Though she seems rather insistent on taking her place there again, despite his insistence otherwise. "You can't be here... " He says, hoping she'll stand still for just a second to hear him. "This is my decision, and you can't expect me to just stand there and watch you get deleted... I can't. I won't."[break][break]

News of a possible system failure intrigues him, no doubt, but it's still a gamble... though, ultimately, one that he won't let her take alone. Lowering his arms, then gently grasping her hand in his own, he sighs. This is it then, innit?[break][break]

"I'll have nothing as worthwhile to live for without you... don't you see that?"

He cranes his neck downward to nuzzle his nose affectionately into her hair; then pecks the top of her forehead sweetly as they await their fate.[break]


stands in place upon a CIRCLE with ; decides they'll do it together if anything[break]
[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick
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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 12:02:04 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Callan watches the circus unfold before him and remains silent. Threats of violence, justifications, people tossing each other in and out of portals for deletion. A moment's relief floods him, they were a lot braver than he was, or a lot more impulsive.

His friend actively chooses to put himself on the line, in this regard he understands just marginally why he would pick his duty instead of putting others on the line. He is half inclined to convince him to step out, but refrains. He was an adult, he could own his decisions.


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 19:49:36 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM



🎼 NEW THEME SONG - "Weakness" by Yuki Hayashi, Pokemon Journeys OST


PORYGONS SWARM THE ASCENDING PLATFORM. Their angular glares and pointed beaks point toward their targets. Deadly beams fire, aiming to pick off any Pokemon or trainer as a bonus.[break][break]

However, while some debate their fate in all-consuming lights, others motion to retaliate until the bitter end.[break][break]

's FRILLISH hovers about, firing a HYDRO PUMP at a swooping digital bird. As another attempts to spear the child with its body, 's MEGA KANGASKHAN DIZZY PUNCHES it; the PARENTAL BOND between mother and child ensuring the attacker's confusion. It fidgets and glitches, spiraling about in the air.[break][break]

As is knocked out, 's PRIMARINA stands on its white tail fins. A SPRINGTIDE STORM deters any PORYGON from reaching them in a swirl of petals as 's METAGROSS pulses an EXPANDING FORCE outward from its trainer who is being cut with self-doubt.[break][break]

Similarly, 's SMEARGLE protects its owner as he speaks to . The dog swings its inky tail, and a SKETCHED SPATIAL REND knocks a PORYGON away as it fires a beam that soars toward their destination above...


OTHERS FIGHT AGAINST THEIR DIRE CIRCUMSTANCES by spitefully testing their doppelgangers. and assault their digital doubles with their Pokemon. An AIR SLASH and PSYCHO CUT from their NOIVERN & GALLADE land against smiling reflections. attempts to recover her stolen data with her PORYGON too, the lower-half of her skull glitching. Ultimately, little effect transpires; in fact, should the attacks make contact, whatever deletion occurs on the other side of the numbers is swiftly recovered.[break][break]

After all, this is THE CLOUD. Data is stored. Replenished. Corruptions are disposed of so that the proper data can replace them. It is a valiant effort, if not entirely unnerving for they see the stretched smiles of their copies.[break][break]

Others freeze. Paralyzed by their anxiety, and @aries cling to each other. While the former is unable to cope and manage, the latter is able to seek what is within their control: their ability to comfort. is comforted instead, by 's decision to continue on, while consoles her friend, as the chaos eddies and pools around them. While 's trauma bubbles up in her chest, her theory and wager is lost to the turbulence of human panic and Pokemon frenzy. To reason in chaos is an exercise in futility.[break][break]

watches his friend sacrifice himself, a plea for him to stop stopping just before his tongue can sing the words. After all, who are we to make decisions for another?[break][break]

thinks about the future. Whatever is coming, he understands they must hold on to any power they have. Any body willing. His frustration at and falls on deaf ears, but is saved. For , however, he succumbs to his fatigue. To him, to acquiesce to one's self to death in this foreign plane is unfathomable. Thankfully, those he holds close, and , remain safe. By the now mentally immature , grasps onto 's POKEMON, trembling as the stress and desperation bruises his cheeks.[break][break]

Nearby, rescues with his DRAGAPULT as is left to enact her final farewell. His seafaring wife, , prevents him from saving anyone else and a defiant middle finger is swung toward her doppelganger. performs rescue too, haranguing after she thrusts her fist into his gut.[break][break]

Nearer still, an emotional drama is played. The actors of , and engaging in a constant seesaw of death and undeath, their hearts colliding like meteoroid and planet. Others are more firm with their decisions. denies self-sacrifice. too, "trauma be damned."[break][break]

Closer to the center, attempts an a drastic measure. His DRAGONITE is commanded to tear the main terminal, the central machine that is powering their ascent, apart. However, the rampaging dragon is stopped by and her NIHILEGO's Z-MOVE. A SANCTUARY erects itself around the terminal, protecting against the dragon's claws. The dome shimmers with each strike as admonishes the young CEO.[break][break]

However, retaliates. A Z-CRYSTAL SHARD is smashed, allowing the DRAGONITE to GIGAVOLT HAVOC the SANCTUARY, smashing against the protective barrier. The barrier does its job, and after the surge of electricity dissipates the dome, the terminal is exposed.[break][break]

's ROTOM attempts to "hack" the terminal, but it finds that MALDACENA is correct. Transferring this amount of data to reality at this speed and density would be a disastrous attempt. The scan would kill the "real" counterparts and transfer their data to their copies, after which, the copies will be uploaded into Hoenn instead. However, the ROTOM finds a peculiar string of text: monroe.copy.upload. has asked a good question indeed.


THE TUG-OF-WAR OF LIFE AND DEATH places duress on the terminal and the process itself. As witnessed with her Pokemon's FUTURE SIGHT, the prophesized text, "SYSTEM FAILURE", manifests above the ascending, rickety platform. It is accompanied by a blaring alarm that pierces the hearing like an Excadrill's blade.


Suddenly, those left in the pillars of light disappear. The torn bodies of , , , & (together), , , , @tobias, and are erased. Their Pokemon, should they have been left with others, would notice the absence of their trainers immediately, for when a beloved's life is purged from reality, this temporary recess of existence acts as the deepest gash of the heart. There is no body to recover. No body to mourn. Despite the panic, there is a sudden hush.[break][break]

However, when the scan attempts to consume after he is pushed by , the blue-haired Rocket finds that he is completely unscathed. After all, 's DITTO, devoid of any move or ability, has wrapped itself around him like a jelly condom. Curiously, the scan can not detect and the DITTO too, is saved.[break][break]

However, 's rescue of , 's interference and 's ROTOM have tampered with the terminal's operations. Glitching segments manifest in the air, fragmenting the space in corrupted RGB hues. SYSTEM FAILURE continues to ring out as the whole platform quakes. The platform maintains its speed, but if the process if interrupted in its middle, how will everyone turn out when they are uploaded back onto the other side?[break][break]

In midst the bedlam, 's mind wavers in and out of lucidity. Occasionally, 's soft pleading voice reaches him, but it is swiftly overtaken by the sounds of thousands of chirruping UNOWN.[break][break]

Suddenly, is wracked by another flurry of pain and confusion, which hears vividly. If he isn't already, he crumples toward the floor. Sweaty palms lay flat against the teetering, platform. Lines of data travel from the terminal and the edges of the platform. They move toward him like beaded snakes and when they reach his fingertips they do not stop. They infiltrate his body. Surge into him. The coding of the world, shapes of Unown-glyph, seeps into him and runs across his body.[break][break]

This horrific affliction of would ultimately prove to be MALDACENA'S UNDOING. For when their captor visited BARISTACATS & BONE APPETIT! LAST AUGUST and noticed an anomaly, they thought it to be the absence of their ally: ASSASSIN R. He had been accosted by 's CURSE on MT. CHIMNEY a few days prior after all, the resulting injury delaying his return to his food stalls.[break][break]

But in fact, there was another anomaly. The anomaly of the UNOWN REPORT being distributed without being under the watchful eye of one of the DARK TRIAD. Such information should have never fallen into the hands of this Hoenn's inhabitants. And now, this report swam in the synapses of 's brain.[break][break]

[attr="class","chosen"]YOU ARE MODIFIED
the unown have modified , the architect.[break][break]

mars receives the following perks:[break][break]

  • mars receives 10 infamy.
  • using UNOWN, is able to manifest inanimate humanmade objects or constructs or tools into reality. these objects can only last for a brief period of time, must remain within 30 feet close to him, and can be no bigger than himself. he can only create one object at a time. when an object is made, the preceding object disappears immediately. should the objects be struck by a Pokemon, they will be destroyed.
  • the only exception to the above is 's ability to make a temporary duplicate of himself. it will mirror his actions or perform a single order commanded by its original before expiring after a brief period of time.
  • can TELEPORT.
  • 's UNOWN can act as his sensory familiars, which means he can PSYCHICALLY LINK with any of his UNOWN on the field to see what they are seeing like a spy camera.

A SURGE OF STRENGTH returns to . As the data traverses throughout his conduit body, it cycles back to the terminal in this man-to-digital circuitry. The UNOWN whisper nonsensical sounds that translate into words he has remembered. He has learned. The entirety of the UNOWN REPORT embeds itself within his psychic space, and suddenly, the whole platform glows. Illuminated. Enlightened.[break][break]

restores the data previously lost. Reverts the deletion that has occurred all around him and as the terminal ascends to a blinding light above, the future-forged warning of SYSTEM FAILURE shifts signage: SYSTEM RESTORE.[break][break]

As the terminal ascends to the real world, the blinding light is all encompassing.


EVERYONE FINDS THEMSELVES MANIFESTING ON SAND, for they have returned with the MIRAGE ISLAND itself. Pokemon once thought to have been deleted have returned, their expressions a mix of relief and surprise. Deleted body parts, memories and emotions are restored as well, for when the sea's briny winds tickle the senses and skin, there comes with it, a sense of bodily completion.[break][break]

However, perhaps, more importantly, are the people. Those who have sacrificed themselves have returned to the beach. Their domed Hoenn. When they look to the sea, there are no more whirlpools. Just vast, unbroken blue.[break][break]

Those who have attempted to RECORD ANYTHING will only have been able to document corrupted, distorted audio such as the one below:[break][break]


In the aftermath, many may desire to return home. To flee. To discuss. What they have witnessed below and what they have learned about the world around them may have caused the pliancy of perspective... or the doubling down of ambition as the region's survival quakes with incertitude.




THANK YOU EVERYONE for participating in Cyberchase Conundrum! I hope you enjoyed the story and that this offers a springboard for many plots, relationships for you and your characters.[break][break]

Due note that you are free to be creative with the after-effects of bodily deletion, memory loss, emotion or personality adjustments. However, people's comfort levels in regards to such things may vary. Please be sensitive to that if plotting involves the aforementioned.[break][break]

You are ALLOWED TO POST IN THIS THREAD still, but I will be archiving this thread by AUGUST 29TH with a post including REWARDS.[break][break]

Lastly, the UNOWN REPORT has officially "concluded." However, feel free to continue reporting UNOWN to it. Occasionally, I will update the report with interesting words that may be plot relevant at the time![break][break]

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 20:13:03 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas would flash a cold look, before continuing on his way.

The last thing he remembered was the light tearing him apart, deleting him completely. Then the next moment, the former Elite Four would wake up on the beach where this all started. Fingers would dig into the sand as he pushed himself up to his knees, then his feet. The Kalosian grunted, processing his surroundings.

Was this some sort of plane for the deleted? Was he in the afterlife?

He would look around and see those who had also offered themselves up to the light, as well as those who chose not to sacrifice themselves. So either they all survived, or it was a trick.

But most importantly, he would spot his faithful Hydreigon, alive and well.

"Kalameet!", Thomas called out, rushing up to the three-headed beast, boots leaving deep impressions in the sands. The two reunited in the middle, Thomas giving the dragon the biggest hug he could muster, while the neck arms of the beast wrapped around him in an embrace of its own, the center head licking the trainer affectionately.

"I thought I lost you!", Thomas said, not letting go of the dragon.

notes: -Thomas shot Fernando a cold look, before stepping into the light
-Thomas wakes up on the beach
-Thomas silently processes his surroundings
-Thomas spots his Hydreigon, happy reunion ensues

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing