rangers rising

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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october 12
petalburg city, hoenn
botanist / petalburg capt.
ranger captain
you sigh look away, i can see it clear as day. close your eyes so afraid, hide behind that baby face
239 posts
wren rourke DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @wren
wren rourke
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 15:07:42 GMT
wren rourke Avatar

Wren's eyes are round as he listens to the challenge poses, then slowly looks toward across the table. "Maybe...you think he'd buy it?" It's probably a dumb idea- trying to convince another captain that there's a bit more to the brownies. But before he can either make the attempt, or just introduce himself, he's pulled back into his chatter with . Maybe he'll give it a go in a minute, but also only if he can get Ollie to bail him out if the joke goes awry. "Is that nice?" he asks Paxton, head tilting. His eyes go bright with an enthusiastic nod. "Oh, yes! It's a lot, but I'm trying to keep up. I was in classes over in Slateport, but I'll be heading out to Ever Grande soon to really get more into everything and-"[break][break]

The scraping of Ollie's chair, and his call for attention cuts Wren's babbling short. Despite his scattered behavior, he listens as attentively as he can manage- trying to put faces to the names announced, and clapping along with the rest for the promotions given. It would do him well to retain everything he hears, but Wren is fairly certain he won't get it all immediately. At some point, an envelope is placed in his hands and he holds it curiously as takes over the meeting. For the most part, he's coming into everything fresh, but even he doesn't fail to notice the tension that suddenly begins to thicken the room as Fortree comes into talks.[break][break]

Rather than speak to something he barely has a grasp on, Wren sits in silence with a small frown. Looking toward with a questioning look as to what they'll do from the Ever Grande end.


+ belated post is belated[break]

+ is skeptical about 's suggestion that he try to hoodwink specifically [break]

+ continues conversation with , tho hushes for the announcement and cheers along for and [break]

+ acts like he knows wtf is going on



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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,663 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 15:58:02 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

he laughs at . "yeah, of course. you should try it too!" oops. maybe he'd get in trouble for that one.

"maybe," ollie then says, turning to with a grin. "doesn't hurt to try." before he can get further into this little joke of theirs, however, time is up and it's time for the meeting to begin.

[break][break] congratulations eventually fill the room to varying degrees, soon the attentions falls to and the true reason they've all gathered here today. the heart of the issue.

[break][break] the AQUA assembly.

[break][break] lars had filled him in on some topics prior to the meeting, just bits and pieces really, so it isn't really as much of a blow when he hears the news that has fallen from his seat. it's unfortunate, and a bit saddening, but such is the way things tend to be in politics he supposes — swift and without remorse. he doesn't envy or even his sister for having to be entangled in it.

[break][break] his eyes flicker to the different captains that speak, most notably that of who makes a solid point. lilycove is the closest to mt. pyre, so it only makes sense. "i agree with lance." with a nod towards the other he adds, "of course, evergrande is happy to lend a hand if needed — thanks to our position by victory road, our rangers are skilled in dealing with rough terrain." his eyes flicker towards — warm, a show of silent support. he needn't worry; ollie would be sure that the rookies wouldn't be put in harm's way.

[break][break] there are a few questions that are better fielded to about primal nodes and since ollie only knows vaguely about them, he doesn't bother addressing them. they all bring up good points, however.

[break][break] it's only when some contention raises on the locations - specifically fortree - that he pitches his opinion.

[break][break] "i get why everyone's worried," he said, referring to fortree. "maybe our councilwoman can give some insight, or help us craft a strongly-worded letter." he gives a laugh. "maybe even request a meeting with ?"

[break][break] it all seems to be fun and games until it's not. seriousness breaches ollie's tone then, something that looks like a stranger on a person like him.

"but i don't think we have a choice in the matter," he says, with a shake of his head. he glances towards their head ranger for confirmation. "it's already been decided by the big bosses up top. plus — " this time, he flashes a grin, throwing a fist up in the air. "don't look so morose! we're rangers. we're strong! fortree and each of these locations will be safe in our capable hands, as long as we all work together."

[break][break] this time, he addresses , their newest captain. "i'm sure the league will. maybe we can even work with the gym leaders and officer precincts too of our respective cities to offer additional support. right, ?" a wink is given to their part-time ranger, who also happens to be part of lilycove's police force.

[break][break] lastly his eyes fall upon . "evergrande can lend it's forces to rustboro too. after all, petalburg and the woods will be a big area to cover."

[attr="class","ooc"] + ollie offers assistance to MT. PYRE due to evergrande rangers being skilled in rough terrain (thank you victory road) [break]
+ he offers assistance to bo too since rustboro has both the city and woods.

[attr="class","fas fa-heartbeat"]

# rangersrising

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 16:14:23 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

"Mmm...I like it." he said to , his smile placid. He was content where he was. Gods knew he kept busy regardless. "I've not been to Evergrande for work yet but sounds tougher than Lilycove." Any city was a cake walk compared to having to deal with Victory Road nonstop. The event organizers began to move and Paxton fell silent, politely waiting. He clapped along with the rest, turning to look at and and joining in on the chorus of congratulations before settling down. [break][break]

As began to mention of 's paternity leave he's quick to offer another 'Congrats!' out of politeness. He remembered them from work with the Crystlablooms. He nodded along to the explanation, pausing only at the slip into another language. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the man isn't being polite though. And a quick google search later would reveal the Lars' audacity later. He ate another sandwich, letting the Head Ranger finish. [break][break]

His eyes move over to at her outburst. And then back to , as the captain spoke up as well. He snorted when 's name was brought up. mentions a punishment and he tilted his head curiously. He waited for to speak before then looking over at when he followed up. Paxton raised his hand and nodded. "I don't think the precincts will care but I also don't speak for them either. Tha's on the Head Ranger to coordinate." he said with a small shrug before looking back at the more emotional rangers present. "It's not just individual cities at stake, it's the entirety of Hoenn. The staff from Fortree and even Head Ranger showing his own bias, while Petalburg is pulling double duty is unprofessional at best." he added. was shouldering both with a lack of staff. Had to blow. "It comes off as self obsessed when you only care about your own city during a crisis that spans beyond you." Not caring for a response he picked up another little pinwheel, his last one, and ate it.


+ lmao im not listing these tags [break][break]
- talking with wren [break]
- congrats @ anna and memo [break]
- lmao rangers triple duty damn that sucks [break]
- lmao the dahlia slander [break]
- lmao its wild out for fortree pour one out [break]
- tl;dr #dealwithit [break]
- obsessed with these lavaridge pinwheel sammies [break]




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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 17:23:32 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Julia laughed more at 's suggestion that she use that nickname on their Head Ranger. "I'll think about it." She probably wouldn't—she liked her job too much to risk that—but it was still funny to think about.

[break][break]"I'll have to give it a try the next time we hit up the arcade," she said to . She looked down at his phone to watch the chart video he'd pulled up. The first few seconds didn't look too bad... and then the fast footwork started. There were some off-beat notes that Julia didn't know the name of later on, too. "Man, if that's 'not too bad,' I'm scared of what the really hard stuff looks like." She said it with a smile, but how the heck did anyone learn to move their feet like that? Julia was a fit, coordinated girl, but high-level SSR still eluded her.

[break][break]She perked up a bit at Josh's mention of being transferred to Mauville soon. She'd have to ask him about that later. For now, the more serious side of the meeting was beginning. She sat at silent attention as began to speak. Apparently, the other Head Ranger was on paternity leave? But more importantly was the incoming meteoroid. Julia's fingers tightened, making the edges of her map crinkle. Installations were being set up in the marked locations to send the meteor "elsewhere," and her heart sank when Laurence explained how they would make the local populations go "crazy."

[break][break]Four out of the five locations had large concentrations of wild Pokémon around them. The Rangers would need to defend the installations. They'd need to disrupt the habitats they'd sworn to protect. Normally, that'd be more than enough to draw Julia's concern. But she knew before Laurence even said it that Fortree—her home—was the fifth location.

[break][break]Another Ranger () spoke her outrage before Julia could. There was a flying sanctuary in Fortree that would be affected by this, and that was definitely bad, but Julia had other concerns. Concerns that echoed: The people of Fortree were in danger. Not only that, but he brought up the point that Fortree seemed targeted, something that Julia wouldn't have thought of.

[break][break]"Yeah, why Fortree?" Julia asked, echoing . "Why put all those people in danger? We're going to evacuate them, right?" But Arceus, what an effort that'd be to uproot an entire city. Her parents would be fine, but other people had small children and elderly relatives to take care of. How would they cope? And where would they even take them?

[break][break]She appreciated 's optimism in this situation. Heck, normally, she would have added to it with her own. But she couldn't stop the dread creeping into her heart like tendrils of ice. Why? Why was she so scared? Why couldn't she trust in her own power and the power of her fellow Rangers to make things right? That's what they did, wasn't it? This was what they had to do to protect the region, so why did it feel so awful?

[break][break]All those dark, gross feelings swirling inside of her coalesced at 's words. Julia had never even met him before, so it wasn't fair to make a judgment call on him. And he was totally right. But none of that mattered in Julia's clouded mind at that moment.

[break][break]"'Self-obsessed'?!" Julia snapped. "We're worried about our homes and families! How is that 'self-obsessed'?!"

[break][break]But it was selfish, and Julia knew it. The whole region was in danger. If something wasn't done, everyone, not just her family, would die. And yet... and yet...!




  • Starting with some light-hearted interactions with and .
  • Julia's being irrational, and she knows it, but she's scared and angry, so she snaps at despite not knowing him.


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Zuzu (Josh only)
she / her / hers
april 17
Lavaridge, Hoenn
senior ranger
always look ahead, but never forget what you left behind.
412 posts
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TAG WITH @izumi
Izumi Yamamura
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 17:41:12 GMT
Izumi Yamamura Avatar

She felt her husband’s hand squeeze hers gently, and she looked over at the spiky-headed Chocobo man who was trying not to lose his shit.

“Hey, J… you’re looking pretty pale there,” she began quietly, gently returning the gesture with one of her own.

“I’m—I’m here, okay? Don’t panic.”

And then the meeting proper began. Good news, before the bad—

Oh boy. Oh, holy—

Having been assigned to oversee ’s Ranger training despite their differing locations, she understood at once why the older man was concerned at the choice. Another one () brought up a point, and she suspected that there may have been something else at play here…

Looking at the two new Ranger Captains, she made a mental note to grab their numbers and add them to the group chat later.

“Given Lavaridge’s proximity… we can volunteer our manpower, no matter the size, to the Desert,” she spoke up after a few moments of considering what she wanted to say, before looking at her husband.

She then gave Josh a look that said, ‘And besides, our moms are more than enough protection for Lavaridge while we’re away, right? I mean—’

Giving another glance, she then fished out her own phone and sent the other man a message.

‘Hey, I heard what’s up. I can get you set up in Lavaridge for the meantime, if you’re fine with that? I can ask my husband for help with your kids and all.’

• the hubby is trying not to panic, she manifests her calming aura
• settled down for the meeting and then—what in the absolute hell?
• speaks up for the small Lavaridge force
• sends a text message, an offer of help for the other parent

+ other tags mentioned above!

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
1,207 posts
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 17:51:56 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar

“I guess,” Memo said, fixing with his brightest smile, "you could call it being self-obsessed. You would be wrong. But you could call it that.”

He looked at , , , his Fortree (and not-so-Fortree) Rangers, buoyed with pride.

"I won’t argue the necessity of Fortree's place in the plan. The time for that is past. We’ll do what we have to do to the best of our abilities. But my job, now, is to take care of Fortree, it’s citizens, and its environment. It is not my job, with all due respect, to account for Petalburg’s lack of staffing, or whatever the case there may be. Of course, we’re all going to work together as a team. But it is inarguable that the threats facing the people of Fortree are larger than the other locations. It is the League’s responsibility to plan accordingly for its citizens.”

He looks at . His heart hurts. He wants to soothe all their concerns and make them his.

"Of course. Evacuation will be our first priority. Buildings can be rebuilt. People cannot. So we’ll need places for them to go, organization to get them there.”

> here's how this is gonna go
> they're going to get special treatment because they're the only human populated locale to be affected.
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December 23
Oreburgh City, Sinnoh
Widowed, Not Looking
5 height
5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
37 posts
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TAG WITH @sacha
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 18:45:25 GMT
The cadet was about thirty seconds from flying across the table at Paxton for the sheer stupidity that came out of their mouth. In fact, his grey gaze slid very slowly in the other ranger's direction and he made a point to hold it. He reminded himself to take a deep breath in and then out, that infinite patience coming into play in that moment.

The feeling was further spurred by Izumi's text, which the man looked at before letting his gaze flick to . He nodded almost imperceptibly, accepting the help that was being offered him.

Memo's words calmed him further, though he didn't quite relax, instead nodding along in agreement before he spoke again. "It is amazing to me that the lives of children, parents, civilians, and our own elders rank lower on your list of priorities compared to being... Understaffed," Sacha said honestly to , using his fork to tap absently on his plate. He didn't hide the irritated curl of his bottom lip.

"That is the opinion of the young who have much less to lose," the man said calmly before looking to Memo, "Thank you for easing my fears, Captain. I appreciate it."

- Sacha is choosing violence today, verbal and potentially physical.
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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
887 posts
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TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 19:08:29 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Things were getting hectic fairly quickly. While Izumi tried to help him calm down, none could easily calm down the escalating tensions throughout the room. Capped off by saying that the objections were unprofessional, and then snapping at him. Then stepping in, and well... Finally, the Senior Ranger stood to his feet.

"If I may."

It was spoken calmly, but firmly. Just loud enough to ring through the crowds. Josh was generally soft-spoken, so this would likely come as a surprise to and perhaps even his wife at his decision to actually speak up, much less speak in a way that would catch attention.

"Nobody here has a lack of care for civilians or Pokemon. And if any of you secretly do, you're in the wrong business and I recommend you quietly excuse yourselves" he made bluntly clear as he gazed around at the Rangers scattered around him. "There is a reason that this is a meeting, and not simply a briefing. We were all called here for a reason, and that reason is because you are all considered to be the brightest and most diligent protectors of Hoenn, its people and its Pokemon. The concerns of all here, I have no doubt, hold merit."

He took a deep breath. Okay, it had been a little while since he'd had to do this. But if there was a time to shake off his nerves and find his confidence... It was now.

"What I will NOT have in this meeting is us fighting amongst ourselves, slinging accusations and undermining one another. The purpose for this meeting is for us to convene, put our heads together and find the BEST solution for this issue. Because if Head Ranger Anderson didn't expect to hear your concerns and opinions, and if he didn't expect to have to amend his plan in order to account for issues he hadn't thought of, then it would have been a lot easier to just send us a video instead of calling us all here. And I have confidence that he was chosen for his position BECAUSE of that willingness to hear people out and adapt to find the best way to protect ALL who reside in Hoenn."

He shot a look to then. A blank one, but strong in his gaze. If he proved Josh wrong here, there would be hell to pay.

"I have a family of my own. A family I love and cherish greatly. I have Pokemon that have been with me for upwards to a decade. I understand the importance of these bonds of family, of friendship. And how they need to be protected. And I would not put my faith behind the Head Ranger if I did not think him capable of protecting them. So let's do just that. Let's keep this -shit- civil, and let's find the best way to go that keeps our people safe. And that means putting ideas together, coordinating and making this happen."

With that, he cleared his throat. "Once we're all ready, I have also brought equipment I hope may be useful to the Rangers in this mission. Though that presentation can come when that time is allotted."

- Dad Mode.

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February 14th
Icirrus City, Unova
Does it matter?
Slateport Ranger Capt.
Ranger Captain
166 height
166 height
Don't know, don't care.
518 posts
Tam Fawley DOLLARS
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Tam Fawley
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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 19:29:26 GMT
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Tam is pretty damn sure no one has ever described him as eager to do anything before, and the comment makes him wonder if that’s the image he’s giving off. He sure hopes not. Eagerness doesn’t suit him at all. Has he seemed too enthusiastic about helping? Ugh. He had only spoken up first since he didn’t want his rangers to end up having to travel too far from Slateport and their duties in the city.
As for Mount Pyre, though…
Honestly, above all else, Tam is thankful to . Offering to help with patrolling Mt. Pyre had been logical because of how close the mountain is to Slateport and because of and ’s recent experience with the Shadow Pokémon attack, but at the end of the day, he’d rather not send his rangers there right now. They’d be better off in Granite Cave. His own experience with places like those will be of use, even if he has to push past the inevitable memories and discomfort.
With that in mind, he shrugs.
”Sure, Lilycove can have The Cemetery.” This time, he uses the codename had given the place, since he’s speaking to another captain. ”Slateport will take Granite Cave.”
He would mention how he had thought Lilycove might help Fortree given that they’re so close, the former is where the Head Ranger is stationed, and Fortree seems to be a concern to said Head Ranger above all other locations. He would, but the topic of Fortree seems to be causing a whole lot of explosive reactions right about now, and Tam would much rather not get himself involved in all of that. He’s not here for arguments.
Instead, he turns to :
”I'm guessing Petalburg and the forest? If you end up needing back up, let us know.”
And with that said, he returns his attention to eating pizza, refusing to get himself involved in whatever other discussions may be going on.
A mental note is made to contact to discuss Slateport civilian evacuation plans for when the meteor comes, but he’s also sure the councilman must also have his own contingencies in place and will get in touch about ranger involvement if needed. Tam does like being in the loop when it comes to those kinds of things, though. With both his city and the region as a whole. It’s important.



[break]- Slateport takes Granite Cave
[break]- Agrees that Lilycove should take Mt Pyre
[break]- Offers Bo backup for Petalburg if Rustboro ends up helping at that location
[break]- Thoughts of Slateport situation
[break]- Eats pizza


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february ninth
celadon, kanto
former kanto champion
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
180 posts
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TAG WITH @calliope
Calliope Marks
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 19:52:13 GMT
Calliope Marks Avatar
Callie was having a great time with her pizza, sweet tea, and other assorted bits of food. She was mostly running everything out.

Then the arguing started.

Finishing her bite of food, Callie politely wiped her mouth before saying her own piece. She used to help lead battles in war. She knew how to carry it.

"I agree with Concordas." She leveled everyone, either way they argued, a withering look. was free from her glower. She agreed with what he said as well.

"Shut up and do your job or leave. Get your dicks out of your hands and stop pissing over what town has to do what. Just be glad you still have a town to protect."


Picking up another slice of pizza from her plate, Callie squinted at it before chomping into it. Trying to ignore her surroundings once again and enjoy her meal.
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Doc Cox
April 12
Castelia City
Combat Medic
It's not easy having yourself a good time
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Jax Cox
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 19:53:50 GMT
Jax Cox Avatar
Jax nearly missed this exciting and turbulent meeting, though not without good reason. As soon as he heard that this was a potluck, he knew exactly what to do to make a good impression with his fellow rangers. He shall make some of his world famous pies! Delicious desserts that everyone could enjoy!

For two days in Jax worked with his birds to bake perfect pies for the event. It was no easy task, he was still baking all the way up until this very morning! His voice ended up shot since his birds respond best to singing and he had to sing his orders for them constantly. Do not fear though, he may be late due to his last minute preparations but there was plenty of pie for everyone!

He made this loudly known as he pushed a cart full of steaming pies into the middle of this very tense and serious discussion. It did not help that announced, "I brought PIIIE!" with his usual sing-song glee. Jax 'read the room' too late, and quickly tried to pull his cart out of the way before anyone got mad at him.
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she / her
March 16
Snowbelle, Kalos
could we stay in bloom?
163 posts
Zahra Belsky DOLLARS
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Zahra Belsky
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 21:05:32 GMT
Zahra Belsky Avatar

Now this - Seconds of pure cheer and whatever unnecessary hype immediately being set ablaze by some horrible doomsday topic. Sure it's important to talk about and all, but this is why she hates attending parties. The drama that ensues is honestly... mildly disinteresting.[break][break]

There are smart ones, those who understand that people and pokemon will be devastated no matter what city or areas they choose. There are those who understand that there isn't any time to fight these decisions, that it's probably more well-spent planning on evacuation and how to shelter those who have been moved. Then, there are those who's words are clouded with emotions - Understandable, with what they risk losing and all but honestly...[break][break]

What do they care more about? Their homes? Or their lives?[break][break]

For once, in her coffee liquor-stained outfit and sleep-deprived state, she flicks a glare towards then , her lips curling with disgust at the tone he uses. As for and , there is a softer gaze, one filled with more raw emotions as she pushes down the guilt of putting them through this.[break][break]

She'll apologise later when she's certain she won't see them crying over dead bodies.[break][break]

"Are you here to stir the pot or tell us what we need to focus on doing?"[break][break]

Her words taste so bitter. She forgets how much she hated being placed up upon that stage to address the crowd. But she's already started, so she has to wrap it up with whatever clarity she has left.[break][break]

"If you have time to draft up whatever strongly-worded letters about your displeasure on the chosen cities, you have time to start evacuation people and setting up temporary shelters. If you truly cared for your family... people or pokemon alike, ensuring their safety first is our best bet."


@ rangers




damn they really have their priorities straight huh


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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 21:15:58 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar




[attr="class","frlandslidetop"] Ranger Rising

Ah so this is where it was all going. [break][break]

And while Razz is happy for the newly appointed Captains, it seems like they were about to be put to the test now with how they handle the situation now. Especially seeing how his city is one that is at a key location. Though it seems like while several of the Captains were keeping it together like and . Most cadets weren't, and it seems like even the Elite wasn't on board. Though it was the coward who stepped out () that struck a cord with him. [break][break]

And while seems to do well with handling the situation, he does lose some points with Razz as he seems to put a contest of size between Fortree and Petalburg City. Razz stands up wanting to say something those some of his nerves get to him at first, silent until Salem gives him a thumbs up. [break][break]

"Listen up everyone!" he calls because he knows he needs to get attention as much as he hate it. "While there is doubt about the choices of these locations, know that they were choosen based off the information there, and while its understand that the points there will cause some pokemon to act out of character ALL the council had faith in our Rangers, more so than some," Razz states as he gives a glare. [break][break]

"I know when the Megalopian war happened I was only a month out of the green jacket, and I watched as the aliens had killed those, but guess what I knew my job as a Ranger and to ensure the protection of the people we stood up together, and you lot need to stop focusing on the cities being in danger because I can tell you right now that if we can't hold these forts... Its not just going to be the cities at risk and all of Hoenn can say good bye.[break][break]

Now you can be a coward like the man that left,"
Razz points toward the door, "Or we can get out senses together and ensure we're ready."



+ Outfit Ref


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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
1,117 posts
boruta maher DOLLARS
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boruta maher
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 21:16:13 GMT
boruta maher Avatar

’s question was met with a shake of his head as he finally set his fork down. did he know what had called them here for? ”nope. not a clue.” he kind of hoped there was money involved, but realistically, he figured this was much more likely to be about their impending doom.

it had played a part in why he hadn’t been very social coming in. he had been a ranger for too long to know there was nothing good coming out of this meeting.

he opened the envelope immediately. unsurprisingly, it did not contain a check, but a map. bo set it aside and waited for an explanation, not looking disappointed, because he’d known better.

he clapped for and and smiled at ’s presentation of the shortcake. ”congrats!” he called out.

then, took the floor. to hear about gave him mixed feelings. on one hand, he could hardly blame him for being with his family—especially when not being there for his own had been bo’s single greatest regret—but still, with the region under constant attack by outside forces and alien monsters, the loss of head ranger game felt terribly critical.

by the end of the announcement, captains began discussing aid on the opposite side of the region from his own, which would need his full attention. criticisms and the beginnings of an argument ensued. it seemed many of them believed they were there to air their grievances, but from what he could read, decisions had been made.

while he agreed with that his responsibilities were to his home and his station first and foremost (he was captain of fortree, after all), he was left wondering: petalburg was still inhabited, so why was fortree’s threat greater in terms of the entire region?

it was a question which would likely only throw gas on a steadily growing fire, so he kept it to himself, and waited patiently to confirm his own city’s responsibilities.

to ’s offer of ever grande’s help, he finally responded, ”i appreciate that morales, but ever grande city is all the way on the other side of the region, and you guys have league headquarters to protect. if you really think you have the excess manpower, though, we may take you up on that—that is, if i'm correct in assuming rustboro would be largely responsible for the petalburg area...” his eyes passed to , as if to hear his opinion, but there was little break in the chaos yet.

when broke away to address him, he raised his hands in uncertainty but nodded anyways. ”same to you and slateport—but i’m guessing we’ll have our hands pretty full.”

had the right idea. his eyebrows raised, and he almost nodded, but he stopped himself in the name of being professional.
ranger meeting / + green shard
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,920 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Sept 15, 2022 0:22:55 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Thanks again, ," Josh answered. If anything, he was a bit too antsy for his Ranger uniform to be shipped from Lilycove to Mauville. If he knew about this meeting sooner, he would have arranged to just pick up his uniform earlier in the day. "I'll be transferring out of Fortree around the first week of September. I'm gonna miss that sports bar on the west side, but I'm sure I'll be able to have lunch there while on patrol hours or something. It'll be convenient for me; after all, with my Gym to tend to, it's going to cut down on travel time so much. Don't get me wrong; I love the wind in my face from traveling on a Pokémon. It's just that ever since the promotion and being approved for the Minor League, my time has become a lot more valuable." Josh briefly turned his attention back to Julia. "Uppers are something else, aren't they? And to think, it goes up to 20."

took the floor, the Head Ranger clearly nervous about the difficult speech he was giving. When he gestured toward the envelopes, Josh took the cue to open his, finding a map of Hoenn with several areas highlighted. When the grim subject matter came up, Josh tried to distract himself with his dessert plate. While the sweets were great to taste, he wasn't enjoying them. There was just too much on the racer's mind.

The speech left Josh with a lot of questions. Elsewhere? Where else could the meteor possibly go? There was no way even every ordinary psychic Pokémon on Hoenn, all working together at the same time, could teleport away a piece of space debris probably a mile wide and hurtling toward Hoenn at probably twenty times the speed of sound. What could the League possibly have planned?

When Josh heard about one of the anchor points being Fortree City, he was at first furious. The first thing he wanted to do was let out a scream the moment Lars was done speaking. He was okay with the first four anchor points, as they would have a minimal effect on human lives. He was about to make a big outburst when spoke before he could. He listened to his superior's speech, followed by 's. Right at the end, the racer caught a glimpse of leaving the meeting suddenly.

"That was uncalled for!" Josh stood up and pointed at Razz. "I get this situation is serious, and that every single one of us needs to do our part in making sure Hoenn gets through this mess with as little disruption to its people's lives. We need to work together, from Head Ranger , to , who is one of the big reasons I'm even here in the first place, to Captains , , , and most importantly, to all the rank and file like , , and EVERYONE ELSE HERE THAT MAKES HOENN WORTH SAVING! That ESPECIALLY includes our newest recruits! I personally saw to 's recruitment into the Rangers, and I swear to you he is not a coward! You step outside and APOLOGIZE TO HIM RIGHT NOW!"

He took a moment to take a deep breath and collect his thoughts. "I've seen a future of Hoenn, and I know some of you in this room have seen that same future. A future where Hoenn is nothing but a grey mass of earth against a black, starry sky, night or day. A future involving mass death of trainers and Pokémon in an extinction-level event. But that is a future, not the future. Not our future. There is only one group of people that decides OUR FUTURE. And that's ALL OF US!"

With a deep breath, he flopped back into his chair. "I'm so sorry you had to hear that, Julia," he whispered to his friend before stuffing more Pecha cobbler into his mouth.

{WC: 656}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Blitz         Luxray         Good
Twilight      Absol          Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good


- Josh interacts with and
- Josh listens to ' speech, followed by 's.
- Josh notices Matt walking out of the building, and absolutely SCATHES for his uncalled-for behavior.
- Josh vaguely references the events of Terminal 6 of Cyberchase Conundrum.
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing