i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,212 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2022 5:00:09 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CHASE FOR THE SILPH CUP




MAUVILLE CITY [break] Multiplex [break] Difficulty: ★★★★☆☆[break]
COURSE RECORD: 04'17"208


MAUVILLE CITY GYM'S ATMOSPHERE was nothing short of electrifying. On any normal day, a modest crowd would be watching Leader 's Gym Challenges. Today was different. Fifteen of the most talented Pokémon racers in the region had gathered at the Gym's MULTIPLEX course to prove which one of them was the FASTEST IN HOENN, take home substantial prize money, and punch their ticket into the prestigious Platinum Class.[break][break]

FANS CLAMORED for racers' autographs, photo opportunities, and even simple small talk with their idols. in particular was inundated with waves of fans after winning her first and only race in Mauville Bay. She was without a doubt the crowd favorite to win the race. And what a crowd it was, too; every single seat was filled. The weather was mild and quite dry by Hoenn standards, which was quite the relief for the racers and all staff involved with keeping the event running smoothly. There was not a cloud in the sky, and the sun was high above the sky. No one could possibly ask for better weather.[break][break]

PLATINUM CLASS RACERS RAY BROOKS AND JODY SUMMERS called the action from the skybox, their dulcet tones broadcast on Hoenn's largest sports television network, PSPN. Coverage was also being mirrored on several social media networks, as well as authorized commercial and personal accounts on various streaming services. Such channels included, but are not limited to, one of the Pokémon League's official competition channels, Mauville Gym's channel, and the personal ChuTube channels of and . Combined viewership across all media was in the low six figures, many online communities abuzz to see the inaugural race of a possible new league.[break][break]

AS TIME COUNTED DOWN to the start of the race, the event's Master of Ceremonies took the microphone to welcome the crowd to Mauville Gym, dropping the names of several large sponsors, including 's SILPH CO. He went over the rules of the race before calling each of the competitors by name to take their positions, in the order they qualified in during the time trials. After each name came applause, whistles, and cheers of varying intensities, depending on popularity and time trial results. The racers were expected to line up, standing next to and not on their Pokémon, when their names were called.[break][break]

"Qualifying in fifteenth place, from Fortree, Hoenn, and Lilypad, his Gogoat!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in fourteenth place, from Fortree, Hoenn, and Chester, her Dodrio!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in thirteenth place, your 2022 Drift Waterway Silver Class Champion, from Pallet, Kanto, Head Professor and Hestia, her Rapidash!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in twelfth place, from Saffron, Kanto, Elite Four and 3Head, his Dodrio!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in eleventh place, from Sootopolis, Hoenn, and Cobalt, his Metagross!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in tenth place, from Goldenrod, Johto, and Topaz, his Arcanine!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in ninth place, your current Hoenn Pokémon League Champion, from Verdanturf, Hoenn, and Wil, his Arcanine!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in eighth place, from Lavaridge, Hoenn, and Buffaloman, his Tauros!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in seventh place, from Fortree, Hoenn, and Nana, his Arcanine!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in sixth place, from Rustboro, Hoenn, give it up for Captain and Dodo, his Dodrio!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in fifth place, from Rustboro, Hoenn, let's hear it for Councilwoman and Steel, her Steelix!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in fourth place, from Slateport, Hoenn, edging out the Councilwoman by thousandths of a second in the Time Trials, give it up for and Kjoll, her Onix!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in third place, from Freezington, Galar, give a warm welcome to Sir and Llamrei, his Rapidash!"[break][break]

"Qualifying in second place, from Goldenrod, Johto, and Mauville City's very own Gym Leader, let's hear it for and Saber, his Manectric!"[break][break]

"And qualifying on the pole, from Mistralton City in Unova, Hoenn's very own Fortree City Gym Leader and Birdfather, give it up for and Azula, his Rapidash!"[break][break]

After the racers lined up, the opening ceremonies continued. "And now, please rise for the Hoenn Regional Anthem, performed by TERAVOLT member !" While the historic ballad was a bit outside of the metal band's usual fare, the patriotic performance received thunderous applause from the large crowd.[break][break]

Once everyone had lined up, the MC continued, "And now, will say the most famous words in all of Pokémon racing." The wealthiest man in all of Hoenn took the microphone and inhaled deeply, his booming voice amplified through the Racing Grounds' loudspeakers.[break][break]

"Ladies and gentlemen, mount your Pokémon!"[break][break]


PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure of your character's actions or the disqualification of your character from the race.[break][break]

The Silph Cup Guidelines can be referenced here.[break][break]

Before you post, you must lock in your Pokémon, moveset, and rank selection in the sign-up thread.[break][break]

You can only use ONE MOVE at a time. Remember that moves that could conceivably be used to make your Pokémon go faster are PROHIBITED DURING THE FIRST LAP OF THE RACE.[break][break]

Please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) OOC note with a summary of your character's important actions.[break][break]


Missing too many posting rounds will result in YOUR CHARACTER'S DISQUALIFICATION.[break][break]

You are ALLOWED TO POST MULTIPLE TIMES THIS ROUND, but be mindful of giving others space & time to post within reason and with consideration of the deadline.


OCTOBER 19 - 11:59 PM CST (9:59 PM PST)[break][break]

NOTE: The moderator post may not come immediately after the deadline, but it will come within 24 hours of the deadline.[break][break]



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November 10
Gym Challenger
Rocket Elite
Nicodemus Unken
107 height
107 height
Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
315 posts
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TAG WITH @galaxy
Matt Vice
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2022 5:12:06 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar
Matt was not normally a man to actually show he was nervous. Well damn, he was nervous. This was a lot of people. Wasn't the race that had his nerves wound up, it was all the people watching. It made him feel itchy. So naturally, with his beloved being here, he gravitated towards him.

"You excited, babe?" He asked cheerfully, scanning the crowd for the the other three he knew- before he about snorted when he saw Isaac. "I'm gonna smoke you, dude." He teased the other man, obviously Matt was just trying to be in good spirits! Though as he spotted Julia, he gave her a friendly wave.

"Hey! Good luck!" He called, before looking at Josh. "You, I wish no luck on." Matt already starting the taunts, he just could not help himself. The competitive side was showing- and it was definitely showing for Nana. The arcanine had her head high, looking so smug- she was making up for Matt's shot nerves.

Though Matt's face soured the minute he had heard Razz's name. Nico would see it clear as day at how quickly he went from having fun to looking utterly pissed off. He jerked Nana's reigns, moving himself to the other side of his boyfriend to be as far away from that man as possible.

The scowl on his face was not leaving any time soon it seemed. "The only thing I want to do in this race is beat his stupid face." He muttered, glaring off to the side. "Lily's looking good, did you get her groomed up before the race?"

Pokémon: Nana the Arcanine

Moveset: Extreme Speed | Flare Blitz | Play Rough | Crunch | Reversal | Retaliate

Ranks: Speed S (5) | Endurance D (1) | Reaction C (2)
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Slateport Ranger Captain
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,262 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Razz Kingsman
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2022 8:37:27 GMT
Razz Kingsman Avatar

He is going to kill Rosé. [break][break]

He isn't sure how, he isn't sure when, but someday he'll get back at the bastard for signing him up for this. The man claimed there were a shortage of jobs but HEY! Silph Co was sponsoring an event and wouldn't it look good for a Silph Co Representee to be taking part? Which for Razz no, no it would not but Rosé is annoyingly persuasive. [break][break]

Whatever he was here now and while there were some people he was very unfamiliar with such as and . He is slightly more comfortable that there were more faces he recognized than didn't. As while the crowd dies down in cheering as his name is called after famous Elite Four Member, , the cheers of Salem and a few of his pokemon on the sideline did feel louder. [break][break]

Its enough to get a small chuckle out from him as he taps on Cobalt to check if they were ready. Already they were imitating the sounds of a motorcar with their mouth. He isn't much for trash talk, or talking in general as a whole but he at least attempts socializing with . "Hey this is like that one uhhh gameboy game of yours right? Uhhh..." he looks up as if trying to recall the game Kyle brought while they were guarding something against the 'Mightyana Gang' all those months ago, "Warioo.... Racer?" he fails to recall the name, hand helds weren't really his thing. [break][break]

Cobalt the Metagross

psychic, Agility, ice punch [break]
flash cannon. magnet rise. stomping tantrum

Speed C | Endurance B | Reaction B


+ @
[break]+ Mention Past Event
[break]+ Razz is annoyed from being signed up
[break]+ Razz interacts with



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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,625 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2022 9:21:38 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

The Giant Golden Steelix shone in the bright sunny light. Like Elinor, it bathed in the attention it was given right now as cheers upon cheers washed upon them and the rest of the contestants. Elinor waved back at her adoring fans or at least those who seemed particularly enthused when her name was spoken.

Some might wonder why a person of her status was partaking in this. But so often did people forget that if the common folk and those in power grow too far disconnected the seeds of discontent could so easily be sown by those who wished to take advantage. Doing this, was but one of many ways she could show that the Council was just ordinary citizens like everybody else.

As she gazed around at all her opponents, she had to admit that she wouldn’t get this victory easily. She gave a small greeting wave at and as she looked from one side to the other. Kaida even got a small approving nod at her choice of Pokémon.

The Steelix began to growl impatiently. But Elinor quickly halted it by placing a calming hand upon its side.

SPEED STATS: Speed B / Endurance C / Reaction B
- Just looking around and enjoying the attention
- Waves greeting at Boruta and Kaida


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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2022 17:01:06 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Kjoll was so happy, and Kaida couldn't be prouder.

There wasn't many opportunities for the giant rock-type to fully utilize his powers. He was too big to run amok in forests, too protective to abandon Kaida during battles, and too important to let go loose for a long period of time. A place designed to let him run wild and win was too perfect. As the Onix let out a rumble as his place was announced, Kaida remembered the giant was only about as old as her.

and her Steelix were waved back to, Kaida's lips pulling up in a slight smile. An ally, possible friend, very important person. One big, good Pokemon. She wondered briefly if Kjoll would be overwhelmed by his larger evolution, patting him reassuringly.

was also an ally, and she clapped for him, her brain noting she would face no threat from being near the electric type. Wayward sparks and speed would not throw off Kjoll's determined march onwards.

It was that Kjoll unleashed a huge bellow for, Kaida's teeth showing in a savage smile and she laughed, "That's enough, Kjoll, we don't want to scare the people." A friend of her and her Pokemon, with his very good Pokemon. For him to hear, she spoke, "Don't worry much, Kjoll and I will win. It'll be good for the Rangers."

Confidence was always her angel and devil. This time, she wasn't going to let it fail her.

TLDR: Kaida is with Kjoll, and interacts with , , and

Pokémon: {Kjoll} the {Onix}

Moveset: {Stealth Rock, Rock Polish, Dragon Breath, Curse, Protect, Ancient Power. Has Z-move Living Wall!}

Ranks: {Speed: D Endurance: B Reaction: A}

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played by


Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,212 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2022 2:58:03 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh's skin was tingling. This was it - the biggest race of the season. Not just that, either. This was the race that could get a brand new racing league on the map. Right now, the closest thing Hoenn had to a racing league was very loosely organized. This and the Mauville Bay race were the only two all year that were organized enough to get any kind of coverage. And this race was way bigger. It was being televised everywhere.

Several members of the Leader's inner circle were at the race, too. A line of fans with front row seats begged Leader Devlin for his autograph, which he obliged a couple dozen of before joining his friends alongside Saber. While the Manectric didn't have his Raikou costume on (the producers wouldn't allow it), he did wear one part: the purple thundercloud saddle. That was going to be a permanent part of Saber's gear. Perhaps he would be able to use the old saddle on another Manectric he caught in the future.

"I'll be honest, everyone; I have Beautiflies in my stomach, ugh," the Gym Leader lurched to one side. He was still in a bit of pain from what happened at this very location around two weeks ago. The pain was bearable, but it did spike at times. It was going to affect his ability to race, but he didn't care. He wasn't going to miss this for the world. About the only thing he'd trade to miss this was Raikou at his side - the real one - and even then, he'd have to think about it.

"Julia, take a look at this." He had the Hoenn League's livestreamed coverage up on his phone, Ray and Jody analyzing each of the competitors. By coincidence, they were talking about Julia right then. He pointed to the viewership; it was in the mid-five figures. And that wasn't even counting TV ratings. "The League must have promoted the hell out of this race." He leaned toward Julia's ear and whispered, "Just don't tell Matt. He'll have a heart attack."

He turned away to greet Isaac, then Nico and Matt. "Excited?" he asked the three of them, also showing Isaac the viewer count if he wanted. "I wasn't bringing anyone but my best partner here. Saber's Quick Attack is gonna carry me to a victory and let me punch a ticket to the pros!" How long he would last in there was another question; the difference was akin to College Division 1 vs the pros in any other sport. The speed difference was night and day.

Josh put his phone away as he walked to Matt; if the meeting in Lilycove taught him anything, he knew the budding Ranger had social Beautiflies of his own. If he found out almost fifty thousand people were watching him online, he would want to withdraw. He couldn't have that... not unless it came with a race-ending accident that he could use as an alibi. And even then, semi-intentionally or even intentionally going out of bounds and being eliminated from the race would look terrible for ratings.

"Nico, Matt! This might give you an idea of what my Gym is like! Looking forward to eventually seeing you there! If you can get through this, then my Gym Challenge will be a cakewalk." He wasn't kidding, either; Multiplex was a difficult course. It had a little of everything; sharp turns, a half pipe, a big slide on the backstretch (it was a jump, but special accommodations had to be made for the Onix and Steelix in the race), patches of unstable terrain, and even a field of spikes to weave around. All of this, of course, was public knowledge, as the course had been previewed several times during the pre-race show. "Nana looks super excited!"

Then, as he was making small talk, he heard Nico's name being called. "Hey Nico, you should get going! They're already having us line up." As names continued to get called, one in particular disgusted him. Razz. "Wait, what? What the #&%# is he doing here?!" Now, this race wasn't just about winning. He had to show Razz who was king of the track. Winning didn't matter as much to him anymore; what mattered more was finishing ahead of that pompous buffoon.

Josh, like many of the other competitors, did not know the results of the time trials. Every name that was called, and wasn't his, caused his smile to grow. He and his Manectric started walking toward the starting grid in anticipation of his name being called.

{WC: 762}
{PC: 1}

- Josh arrives at the scene and interacts with , , , and
- Josh is upset is in the field and pledges to finish ahead of him
- Josh starts to head toward the starting grid in anticipation of his name being called
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november 14th
elite four
a life
to live for.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,180 posts
part of
TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2022 16:26:31 GMT

there are a few familiar faces joining him.[break][break]

to his other half , he wishes the best: "good luck, love!"[break][break]

to his fellow sword of justice, he wishes slightly less: "eat dirt, lopez!"[break][break]

to everyone else, he isn't too pressed.[break][break]

- talks to &


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-dodrio"]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,757 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2022 21:01:19 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
 Another race, how exciting! She swore she wasn’t going to make this a habit but . . . she couldn’t pass up the opportunity! This time, a land course was set and she could proudly ride a Rapidash, just like her mother use to. It would mean more if the pokemon came from her ranch back home, but Hestia was certainly a special one regardless.

“Right back at you, dear. You should have a nice view from behind us,” she grinned, shooting a wink as they lined up beside each other as their names were called. Ahead of them, she spotted a familiar face: , “Hey, Josh! G’luck, man!” she shouted, releasing one hand on the reins of the shiny Rapidash beside her wave at him.

Hestia was getting anxious, and the mare tossed her head with anxious vigor, “Shhh we’ll be starting soon enough!” she stroked the side of the pokemon’s neck to calm her as they waited to mount their pokemon.

[newclass=".eva"]--accent:#298A08; position:relative; [/newclass] [newclass=".eva blockquote"]width:350px; margin:0px auto; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:40px 70px; [/newclass] [newclass=".eva blockquote b, .eva blockquote i"]color:var(--accent) [/newclass] [newclass=".eva .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:470px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #298A08; [/newclass] [newclass=.eva .milkcredit]font:bold 15px poppins; transform:rotate(90deg); position:absolute; bottom:25px; right:41px; color:rgb(65,65,65); text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #222, 1px -1px 0 #222, -1px 1px 0 #222, 1px 1px 0 #222; text-transform:uppercase;font-weight:bold[/newclass] [newclass=.eva .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]


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played by

Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2022 21:09:23 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Julia felt a bit starstruck in this arena packed with adoring racing fans clamoring for a moment with the best racers in the region. She could barely believe that she and Chester were among them. She wasn't nearly as popular as someone like Eva Morales, who was practically being swarmed by fans, but she still had a few people, mostly friends and family, approach to wish her luck before the lineup. Under one arm, she held a simple red racing helmet, a gift from her father.

[break][break]There were quite a few familiar faces among her fellow competitors, too. Hoenn's Champion himself was here, as were Elite Four (whose nickname for his Dodrio got a giggle out of Julia) and, of course, Eva Morales. She recognized Kaida from the Rangers meeting a few months back, and Fortree's own Gym Leader was here, too! Seeing made a frown flicker on her features, but it was just that: a flicker. Julia was determined to focus on the race and on having fun, not on whatever sour feelings still lingered over her fellow Ranger. Plus, some of her friends were racing with her! How awesome was that?

[break][break]And what an array of Pokémon on display, too! It was great seeing two other Dodrio on the track, something that Chester took notice of with a mix of excitement and competitiveness, but seeing the variety on the track had Julia excited to see how the race would unfold. Especially with Pokémon like Metagross, Onix, and Steelix. She hadn't expected any of them to be particularly fast, at least above ground, but the fact that they were here meant they had to be. She almost wished she were a spectator so she could see how they performed without having to focus on actually running the race.

[break][break]"Good luck to you, too!" she called back to with a wave. She stuck her tongue out in mock disapproval at his words to . "Don't worry, I'll wish you luck," she said to Josh. "You okay? Not the nerves, but... you know." Much as Julia tried to stay positive about, well, pretty much everything, it was hard to ignore the fact that just two weeks ago, someone had attacked Josh in his own Gym. No, there was no use mincing words: someone had tried to kill him. She still didn't understand why. Was it because he was a Gym Leader? Because he wanted to bond with Raikou? Julia couldn't think of any other reason that someone would want to hurt a person like Josh.

[break][break]She let her focus move to Josh's phone, which was playing a stream of the race coverage. Oh, hey, they were talking about her! Plucky Ranger new to the racing scene, optimistic in the face of hardship, considers her Dodrio one of her best friends... Yep, that was all true! She followed Josh's finger to the view count and let out a low whistle. To think that that many people were watching this race... Julia's nerves buzzed with a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

[break][break]"Gotcha," she whispered back with a conspiratorial wink. "Oh, check out what I got!" She held her new helmet in both hands.

[break][break]She found when Josh did. "Hey, Isaac!" she greeted. "Looks like you found a fast Pokémon for this!"




  • julia's got a new racing helmet!
  • a few familiar faces, good and bad
  • more dodrio! whoo!
  • wishes and good luck, worries over the latter a bit
  • greets , blissfully unaware of who was responsible for the "attack" on josh


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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,340 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2022 0:08:47 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]It was insane that Isaac was even here.[break][break]

In any other circumstance, in any other situation, Isaac would've found an excuse to bail. After what had happened, after everything had gotten so out of hand, after what he had done, he wanted nothing left to do with Mauville or its gym. Maybe being here was a risk. Maybe it wasn't. But just the fact that he stood in the same spot as before left him feeling sick to his stomach.[break][break]

He couldn't duck, though. This wasn't gym leader nonsense. This was race season, the passion that his friend feared he had to abandon. This was something that he had flat out been asked to attend, and even join if he had the mettle for it. Did he fail Josh by going, or did he fail Josh by staying away? The question was agony. But ultimately, Isaac knew he had to try.[break][break]

was the first to acknowledge his presence. Isaac flashed him a cocky grin; by now, even outside of the mask, they'd returned to their usual sense of banter. Good. Shy Matt just felt wrong. "You've been on that other kind of smoke too much if you think you'll stand a chance," Isaac teased, before offering a fist for the guy a place past him to bump.[break][break]

And right behind him? Oh, you know. The fucking Hoenn champion.[break][break]

But they weren't lined up quite yet. There was still a little bit of time for mingling, and it wasn't very surprising that and alike made a beeline for him. He shot grins their way, even as the specter of his sins against them tied knots in the bottom of his gut. "Great to see you guys. Not that I'd expect you to no-show," he teased. "You could say I've got a little bit of speed on my side these days, too. Buuuut I'm playing with my cards close to my chest on this one."[break][break]

A lot of other people were all too proud to parade their Pokemon around before the race. Isaac didn't really roll like that usually. Yet, when faced with two of his good frienemies . . . "Ah, what the heck. I can give you guys a little preview," he said, shooting Josh and Julia a wink. A Pokeball hit the ground, and in a flurry of sparkles out emerged Isaac's Tauros, Buffaloman. "Check 'im out. He's a mean, green speed machine."[break][break]

It was almost time to go to their positions! Isaac walked Buffaloman towards his designated placement. "Good luck out there, guys!"


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / @


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
fortree gym leader
gym leader
חקל דמא
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2022 2:00:26 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

How in the flying hell did he qualify for—what?


He wondered if was watching this.

Him, racing on the back of the shithead Rapidash he… he may know by extension.

(Well, to be honest it was Zuza who knew this Rapidash of his by proxy, having been introduced to his Rook—Corvisquire by now, but of course he didn’t know that at all.)

The list of names that had joined the race—well, it was a showdown among the best and brightest fastest this side of the region…

So many familiar names. Hell, he was surprised was here!

“Well, we’ll see about that!” he replied her way, this grin on his face as he already had his aviator goggles perched in his hair, ready to clap down when the starting gun went off. “Also… I think we have to talk later. Like, after all this. About something, I just realized.”

Either way, Azula was absolutely nothing like Zuza at all, he was certain. He was well-aware of that fact, and he knew that unless his ‘Zu shaped up they were going to be in a lot of trouble.

“Good luck to ya,” he continued her way, giving her a two-fingered salute before running a nervous hand through the not-quite-pastel mane of his mount, hooves stamped impatiently on the ground—ready to race!

Speed: C
Endurance: B
Reaction: B

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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @nicodemus
nicodemus unken
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2022 15:50:08 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar
A variety of calls both ‘mon and human filling the air with an unbearable amount of noise pollution. Cheers from excited fans especially created a dull roar, underlying the noisy steps, stomps, and cries from nearby ride Pokemon that shuffled all around im. Standing close by Lilypad’s side, Nico could not suppress the humbled amazement he felt as fellow ride contestants loitered in the area, waiting for the race to begin. So many large Pokemon, all displaying a diversity that he had not expected. Rapidash were a fitting Pokemon to see in these events, and although the presence of these horses was unsurprising, bearing witness to the fire whipping off their backs was always special to him (one of them had been colored differently! An amazing sight). Dodrios, other Arcanines, an Onix, a Steelix!! A few times, Nico required a mental reminder to stop staring, awkwardly avoiding eye contact by quickly whipping his gaze away before anyone noticed his lingering gaze. Especially after noticing who owned the Metagross, and realizing he was staring way too much at the shiny Steelix especially.

It took quite a lot of willpower to prevent himself from staring or doing double-takes at the Pokemon Champion…

Nico held tight to one of Lilypad’s reigns, his expression stone faced and only relaxing upon settling on Matthew. The only man he knew at this place. ”Yes, definitely am … excited, sure.” He affirmed, watching the other greet and display his competitive side. This was a side Nico didn’t see too often, as their “competitions” usually devolved into showing off and flirting, far from acting like true rivals. But despite his paramour’s strong, competitive spirit, Nico remained silent, allowing a content-looking grin to linger on his face.
Although Nico really did not know anyone else, he did recognize a few acquaintances, ones that made his calm smile more genuine. received a friendly wave, pleased to see Matthew recognizing and greeting friends. Though admitting his nerves allowed him to feel more at ease… Nico held back a chuckle as he was asked the same question again, ”Yes, I’m excited.” He’d reply simply and coolly. Beside him, Lilypad made an eager sound in agreement, forcing Nico to step aside, keeping her reigns slack as she bounced twice on her front hooves. ”She’s excited too.” He added, stepping closer once his goat had calmed and stopped stomping her hooves.

Expectations for this race were low, at least as far as Nico and Lilypad were concerned. She was no racer, and a Gogoats natural speed was rather low, along with absolutely no useful priority moves. They would be lucky if they weren’t last due to sheer inexperience; however, seeing other mounts that were even more unusual had set the blond at ease a little. He was indifferent to the crowds, had his chin held high, and held a soft tone as he answered his fiancé, ”I did brush her a little, but she might be looking good cause of the sunbathing we did.” He replied, smoothing down a few of Lilypads leaves as he did. ”…Pay the competition no mind, love.” Was all Nico had to say regarding Matthew’s scowl.

Hearing his own name announced caused Nico to jolt, having forgotten to expect the announcements. Grateful for Josh’s instruction, he went to mount his Gogoat, securing his foot in the holster before lifting himself to smoothly swing his leg over her back. Lilypad moved forward once she felt her rider was secure, her head held high as the other contestants were announced.

OOC: Lilypad the Gogoat - - Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Bulldoze, Horn Leech, Growth, Synthesis
Nico stared at all of your Pokemon with amazement, exchanged pleasantries with his pals, and took his place in the lineup.
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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2022 17:46:41 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
his eyes dart around to look for quirks in the surroundings, just to nitpick a bit as he lets his mind run absently. idle thought is ended with 's engagement.

"you can say that," he opens up as he's about to wind up with a long exposition of one of his favorite games. "we're allowed to sabotage in that game unlike this. it would've been nice too, considering-"

the voice of interrupts him.

"...considering i've always wanted an excuse to blow him up," he ends.

as soon as the abrupt babbling of kyle ends, he turns around to the direction of the voice. there, he sees the sight of the elite four and his dodrio.

"die!" he shouts back, with no filter on to hide the fact he's talking trash.

short and sweet. he would've said more, but the race was about to start.

Speed A
Endurance C
Reaction C

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
INTERPOL Agent / Police Deputy Chief
Lieutenant Officer
With daughters!
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,254 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2022 18:25:09 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


It's a race.

He ignored the brief, rising cheers of the crowd as his name rang out from the announcer's lips.

"I must be losing my mind." He hummed at Llamrei as he patted her long mane of hair, chuckling.

The world might well end in a few weeks, and he was wasting time on a race instead of preparing for the conflict that would surely occur?

Well... yeah. He was bored as sin. And it had been a while since he had taken Llamrei on a proper ride anyway.

The equine snorted at his words, stomping the soil beneath them with her hooves.

"Yes, you are right." He said as he swung himself up atop his Rapidash, patting her side and smiling. "Now that we're here, no reason to not win."

He didn't know half the people present on any level; he hoped they would get used quickly to the sight of his ass.

Speed S
Endurance C
Reaction D

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august 12th
retired ranger captain
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boruta maher DOLLARS
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boruta maher
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2022 3:50:49 GMT
boruta maher Avatar
it was packed. he wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting, but it had not been the thunderous crowd present.

making his way onto the track, bo led his dodrio past familiar faces. a wave was given back to , and his gaze briefly, curiously lingered on head professor , who seemed to be the crowd favorite. did the scientist also have a career in racing?

stopping in line with everyone else, bo waited until the go ahead was given, before mounting the three-headed, mean-looking bird at his side.
silph cup race
tldr: bo enters w/ dodrio, mounts when prompted
b / c / b