i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Jan 1
castelia city, unova
hella lesbian
rocket beast
give me grief, give me violence
239 posts
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TAG WITH @marza
Marza Volchitsa
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 16:03:10 GMT
Marza Volchitsa Avatar

Many things happened after that moment (none of them good). Maybe it was karma for giving so much shit or for not paying attention at the last Rocket meeting or for all the broken things she'd left in her wake throughout the extent of her very bad life.
First, involved the headstone she unfortunately tripped over (very gracefully, mind you). The sound of Fern's laughter was stifled, but she could still fucking sense it. She was just about to tell him off, his secrecy be damned, when the second unfortunate circumstance happened. It involved getting fucking shot. Or nearly.... it counted... it touched down. It hurt like hell and, if not for the mask on her face, might have blown her damn jaw off. She tasted blood on her tongue.
"Son of a bitch!" Secrecy had never been her forte and it was time to retire the notion that rockets were sneaky. She wasn't sneaky. This felt like a personal attack from Arceus and she was about to make it everyone's problem. She wasn't sure if the bullet hit Fern in the process. She cast a glance back, face feeling hot with blood and mask chipped on the serrated edge. Only then, her eyes fixated on the sky as the third problem announced itself. She could just make out the dark impression of a massive bird before it was swallowed by a twister. Her dumbass bird. "Kuru..." There was no warning him, no stopping it. She didn't enjoy the feeling of powerlessness and barely had the moment to process it. Only the sight of the dragonite, its rider out of view.
The fog rolled away, revealing not one, but two identical men. Under normal circumstances, it might have been unsettling as one was clearly not human. Righting herself, she finally locked eyes with , and decided she really didn't care anymore. Her temper was fried, she felt feral, rabid with it. "Big fucking mistake." She pulled the next pokeball and Vishna, her aggron, filled up the space between them, blocking him off.



- mask[break]
- Marza is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day [break]
- Still located at D5, partnered up with (pray for him)[break]
- Currently down a pokemon after her corviknight vanishes in 's attack[break]
- Sees and decides to make her problem his to deal with[break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 16:39:10 GMT
fern delaney Avatar

Okay, so maybe he shouldn't be laughing at his partner for tripping. Particularly when it's more than likely that he'll catch hell from for it later. Once they make it out of all this. If they make it out of this, he adds silently to himself, though he does his best to immediately ignore the pessimistic thought. Either way, he pays for it inadvertently when a gun shot zips through their area - nicking Marza and digging into the soil at his feet. Once again, he has to slap a hand over his mouth to avoid giving himself away. He's definitely focusing on only happier thoughts now. It was like he though the risk into existence.[break][break]

His mouth opens to hiss whispered words to her - whether it's an are you okay? or a I can't believe you almost got me shot! is anyone's guess. But he ducks back into place behind a boulder jutting outward from the mountain side when the fog clears just enough to see a masked man approaching. Definitely never anyone they've seen at meetings or at the base. Cawing from above reveals a partial reasoning for why there's brief clarity through the fog as Marza's corviknight gets swept up in the heavy winds. Fern tries to pin point the source, but can find none. Must be the guy with the strange gait approaching. Or so he automatically assumes. He knows there are others in place all over the mount, but he is the only one directly in range. fault, yada yada, something or other.[break][break]

What he is entirely over, however, is the return of the fog and the obscurity to his vision. Quietly, he recalls Cecilia to her pokeball as he hears Marza address the approaching stranger. A quick glance around the corner reveals a second figure, identical to the first. Huh, must be twins. Releasing his decidueye, Fern gives her a little pat. "Clear this up, please." Mabel gets to work sweeping the surrounding area with DEFOG.[break][break]

A perfect moment for his debut.[break][break]

"Marza~" he trills as he steps into view, not far behind her with Mabel hovering ominously over his shoulder. "For once, I think your lack of decorum is rather justified. All that fuss over a little stumble." A hand lifts, fingers waggling playfully at . "Hello, there. If I were you, I'd be wary of her wrath." He grins, cheshire cat wide.

[attr="class","ooc"] mask[break]

+ fern cannot BELIEVE he almost gets shot for marza's tripping!![break]
+ watches kuru get swept away by 's and notes that as something to keep an eye on[break]
+ from his hiding spot, notices 's ditto approach, and then gunner himself as the fog breaks briefly.[break]
+ recalls his dragapult and sends out decidueye, uses defog because he's tired of it coming back!! clears up the immediate area[break]
+ makes his dramatic reveal!! and backs up marza for a 2v1[break]
+ also tagging for continuity purposes[break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon dragapult"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 18:54:01 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Amor let out a small "tch" noise as he was suddenly surrounded by flames, and someone spoke to him. He had managed to sneak this far, but it seemed that he, and his Sceptiles luck had run out. Though when he saw the source of the voice he grew intrigued. His files of this person in particular were horribly incomplete, and while he wanted to go to the crystal as fast as possible, this was an invaluable moment to collect data. Though the ability he just used was something Amor was wholly unfamiliar with. They still had time before the disruption of the point needed to happen, and he had several ways to just zip on over there if they needed him to. Though he was noticing as he clicked on his comms that those weren't working as needed.

Seeing the fire was something he was wary of, and so he returned Vilu into it's ball before releasing his Dragpult, Zahak, and he faced the man who had decided to stand up to him. This would be a fun experiment to see what happened. Knowing that had a way to detect lies Amor would simply start off their fresh meeting with one.

"I'm not here to fight the League." Came a creepily cheerful robotic voice from the suit, and he kept his sword drawn. Zahak stayed within close proximity to him, since their opponent could seemingly summon fire, it wasn't far fetched to believe that he could manipulate it either. Which meant in the worst case scenario Zahak was there to help him escape, or protect him. Whichever came first.

He wanted to save his ace card, of mega evolving Vilu for later. This was just Data collecting, and he would leave whenever he gathered enough, or felt he had.

"But I will play with you for a while...." Came the creepy distorted voice from under the helm. Amor was perhaps having a bit to much fun in his new persona.


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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 19:51:07 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

He doesn't get time to take another shot, chaos erupting on the field. Even worse- the strangest thing ever. He's launched off his perch with suddenness and force. His world is a swirled of mist and rocks and unable to control his descent as he's pulled down by gravity and his equipment. Joules is rough landing, but they salvage their load out and their trainer, dropping Paxton onto the grass as he ungraciously slid off his partner. Bruised and battered, but fine overall. [break][break]

He takes a second to come back to consciousness before getting up with a start and immediately checking himself and his gear. Anything he might've lost or dropped. Joules' multiple eyes are on their surroundings, beeping slowly to calm their trainer and assure him nothing was coming. Yet. Nothing had come out of the primal point. Yet. He returned Joules, swapping out with a funky smaller pokemon, who bobs and looks around all too quickly. "Hopper, get me to position C4." he said, as the Porygon let out a strange cry before TELEPORTing them to the cliff side. He stayed low, his pokemon imitating him as they got a better look at the immediate vicinity. The polygon bird incarnate shimmered, preparing a MIRROR COAT while their trainer set up the bipod once more as they spotted a target, and did his best to shoo them off. [break][break]

The rifle lets off another shot, casing clicking against rock as dirt flies up in front of 's path, intent of leading her a specific route like a rat in a maze.


+ @a lot of people sorrryyy [break][break]
- farted off primal point [break]
- gets back up to C4 [break]
- Hopper the Porygon uses MIRROR COAT [break]
- Paxton shoots at Johanna to divide and conquer. [break]





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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 23:11:48 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
annalise steels herself to see something horrible inside her meowstic's portal to the future, but the end of the world doesn't materialize in front of her eyes. she squints against painfully bright light, leaning forward to see some kind of hidden clue beyond the sight of the ground shaking.
as the future sight fades, she reaches for her mic to relay what she's seen. there's no familiar feedback when she opens comms, but she speaks regardless:[break][break]
"henderson here, i — "[break][break]
an otherworldly roar cuts her off, sending a rippling shockwave down through the shuddering mountain. she and her meowstic stumble over unsteady ground, scrambling to keep their footing as the earthquake subsides.
[break][break]this isn't what i saw, she thinks in the shrinking moments before a second roar rings out and she's being flung into the dirt with a yelp. her meowstic tumbles a few paces ahead, tumbling over herself until she comes to a face-down stop.[break][break]
annalise gets to her feet and dusts herself off. she has some scrapes from being thrown onto gravel, but nothing that she needs to bother with.
she can hear battling beneath the cover of fog, but she's slow to engage. it isn't until she sees and pulling away from that she gives a parting glance at those who remain near the primal crystal. she promises herself that she'll be back once she's routed these two away, but she hopes those who remain won't be overwhelmed in her absence. 
"hey!" her meowstic is an emboldening presence at her side, now-unkempt fur fluffed up. "give up and go the fuck home!"
they don't seem to heed the warning, but that isn't surprising — they're here on a mission just as much as she is. with a steadying breath, she slides down the slope to meet them, ball in hand to level the playing field.[break][break]
[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]
+ has a that's so raven moment[break]
+ tossed from the primal crystal[break]
+ moves toward d5 to engage with and [break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 2:28:04 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
Temp is confused by the reaction. It shows on his face; he'd wandered into tigther scenarios than this and helped out before.
But, well, this was kind of expected in a way. He had prepared for this!

"I'm just doing what I was asked! Why am I being arrested?" A handful of salt is taken from the bag and thrown on the ground as if this proves anything at all.

We will be vague here because I am not sure if Noble is joining in yet.

But what matters in the end.

Is that Temp makes the executive choice that he doesn't want to be arrested and his pokemon taken from him.

But something else also makes a choice. And all at once Temp is whipped off his feet by a strange blast. He loses his bag of salt cause fuck that thing.

The most important part of this is that he ends up close to .

And eyes lock.

His fingers twitch as he tosses out a pokemon, a Jolteon.

"Bite his dick off, Shocker!"

Covertly, tries to signal . He doesn't know that the comms might not be working....

And after he's managed to stumble out of his previous match, however that may go, there is another meeting of the eyes...

With of all people.

He makes a face, knowing this is probably a fight he couldn't win. Katherine was out of his league even during his peak at being a Gym Leader.

His dad didn't raise a quitter, though, so Temp just snarls out a smile and grabs for another pokeball.

"Think I can hold you off till my hubby gets here." He jerks his head back at . May as well make allegiances known while he can!

- first eye lock with callan!
- second eye lock with katherine!

- tells kat he is married to gavin ic LOL

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 3:12:22 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

[attr="class","kat-tags"]for PAAA. MT PYRE

[attr="class","kat-lyrics"]All of this [break] is temporary



She recognizes the roar.
The earth trembles, and MT.PYRE's summit quakes in defiance as though rattling against a god's demand. Katherine, too, loses her footing then-- stumbling forward while still obscured by a blanket of fog. She'd be nauseous by this point if it weren't for her experiences with the distortion world's vortexes and chaotic gravity.
Nevertheless, she rises and reclaims her spot, unwavering despite the interference of one pesky god. Giratina's voice then echoes in her mind, its whispers incoherent and vague as ever. After all, the ramblings of a wrathful draconic god rarely carry sound logic. It tells her what she needs to know, however.
This isn't good. But this is the end of the world, so it's sort of only stating what she already knows: things are bad, and things are about to get worse.
There's a narrowing of Katherine's eyes before she finally meets 's stare with her own. The Malevolent's wicked, scarlet eyes pierce through the fog, burning with as much fire as they did the day she nearly incinerated .
"Can you really? Hrm, let's see how long you'll last then, traitor!"
The irony of the elite four using that title is indeed lost upon her.

- Katherine's fit. (HBO please don't sue me)[break]
- Katherine locks eyes with !



[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,663 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 4:22:36 GMT
ollie morales Avatar


[attr="class","mainbox"] his twister strikes the stray bird, knocking it out of the sky with swift easy. however with the ripple of the fog, the corvilknight disappears before he or his dragonite can follow up with a secondary attack. there's no confirmation about who the bird belongs to, but it's presence is enough to indicate that the battle has started.

[break][break] before he can contemplate further, however, a harsh cry screeches through the air and ollie has to grit his teeth, thighs tightening around his hold, as he is rocked from his perch in the air.

[break][break] 'what the fuck was that?'

[break][break] he hears 's voice crackle through the speaker, but their head ranger's voice is impromptu cut off. their target fowl forgotten, ollie switches gears immediately. he searches through the fog for his friend and though it takes him some time, he finally spots her several moments later.

[break][break] engaged in battle with two unfamiliar faces.

[break][break] rocket.

[break][break] "anna! i'm coming!"

[break][break] he sweeps down on his dragonite, speeding towards them as quick as possible.



[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] uses SURPRISE ATTACK to intercept battle with vs. / . [break]
[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] moving towards d5



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played by


November 19
CherryGrove City
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
32 posts
vivan flores DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @vivan
vivan flores
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 9:06:32 GMT
vivan flores Avatar
Vivan was worried that there may have been some rockets sneaking around the base of the mountain. And with so many league members near the primal point, she decided it would be best for her to keep a look out for anyone suspicious. However all she was met with was an unbearable silence and a low field of vision.

The only thing to do was really wait, and move towards the primal point. Vivan nodded towards her quilava and the pair cautiously strolled through the fog. Completely unaware of the presence that was lurking towards them. Out of nowhere a man appears from the fog. Her heart rate spikes with the sound of the gun cocking.

Panic rising she assesses her enemy. He was disguised much taller than she was. However what calmed her was Elio's childish demeanor, scoffing at his mockery she didn't indulge the man in conversation. Given his behavior Vivan assumed that he was fairly young, early twenties.

A piercing screech cuts into the air - once again surprising Vivan. Though she knew she couldn't worry about that now with an opponent in front of her. Relief washes over her when the weapon is withdrawn.

"A battle you say? Fine with me." Eyes narrow as she speaks with a serious tone.

TL;DR Locking Eyes with Elio

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 13:42:24 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
"It's for your own safety, sir." Callan replies to , if there was no wrongdoing on the vaguely familiar civilian's part and he was just here onaccident, he was sure there wasn't going to be an issue. But nothing was being left to chance, at least on his end, this meteor event needed to go smoothly unless--


An explosive bellow in the air, wind knocks Callan off his train of thought as he and are knocked several steps down closer to where their mysterious acquaintance was. Smoke rolls through the air, thick and black, spreading out from the crown of defogged area between the three of them. The roar ends, and the disorientation tapers as Callan presses into his microphone, "What just happened?" His voice raises, though not by much, just enough to hear concern.

But it was in vain, communications were cut off, Callan searches the nearby area to check if was still alright, but before he does, he hears the words of violence no man ever should hear.

"Bite his dick off, Shocker!"

"Oh HELL no, Tsuki, with me!"

As his Umbreon turns to face Quinn's Jolteon, the field was clear, rain was in the air, and his dick staying safely attached to his body as the familiar creep of danger rolled gently against his spine. Signalling the start of battle.

+ and will face each other!
+ and are invited to participate!

[googlefont=Playfair Display]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 16:11:45 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Tension grips Gavin's muscles as he watches two figures approach his husband through the fog. Though he cannot hear their voices, he can see that things aren't going as they'd hoped. He radios his husband, expecting a response.[break][break]

He gets none.[break][break]

"Temp," he repeats, firm. Then, "Anyone?"[break][break]

Silence is split by a terrifying roar, earth trembling beneath his feet. Gavin braces himself to avoid stumbling. I've heard that sound before. He'd never seen its origin, but it had been at Sootopolis.[break][break]

His comms remain silent and Gavin makes a choice as he sees fighting break out.[break][break]

"We're going in."[break][break]

Eelektross' GASTRO ACID could be useful in such a situation, but with the advantage of rain...[break][break]

Gavin clicks his tongue.[break][break]

Eelektross lunges with a VOLT SWITCH and in a swirl of miasma, Gavin emerges from the fog to confront the League officers attempting to arrest his husband. He recognizes Elite Four and gym leader .[break][break]

Lugia appears with a haunting cry that echoes across the mountaintop.[break][break]


Lugia takes a moment to RECOVER after the first battle. Gavin catches his breath, rain-soaked and scowling.[break][break]

We need to get to the primal point...[break][break]

But before he can, he catches his husband's voice and the chilling response of . Gavin's loyalty to Rocket is great, but his loyalty to his husband overpowers all else.[break][break]

"Already here, love." He steps up, eyes narrowed. "We know who the real traitor is, Fairburne."




⁠— Gavin locks eyes with & after launching a surprise attack.[break]
⁠— After, will lock eyes with for the 2v1.


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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played by


June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
241 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 19:27:28 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oliver got yeeted off his cliff from the harsh scream and ground trembling. He had stayed put after seeing approach the former gym leader to arrest him. Looking around, he didn't see anyone that needed any help as of yet. So he figured he was just guard the Primal device. Not knowing who or what else was in the fog. He just ran towards it. Upon getting there, he had his Rockruff use another Stealth Rock around it. Just in case someone slips by him. Now just to keep his eyes out for whoever else was lurking in the fog...


Oliver gets tossed from his perch, but gets up and is now by the Primal Point.
Rockruff uses Stealth Rock to surround the point so it's protected.
Oliver has yet to lock eyes with someone.

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,613 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 20:27:22 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

Well that was a lie if he's ever heard one. Though he doubts the other was really trying to hide the truth. Not that there was much to debate for that, the Rockets were here for a fight and if that was the case then Razz had no choice but to oblige for now. [break][break]

The flames that surrounded the other turned from their purple hue to a more blue one. And unlike before where Razz would hold back as he was there to identify lies rather than punish them. This time would be different.



[break]+ Razz locks mask(?) with @amor
[break]+ Battle Thread Here



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Mad Dog of Rocket
May 8
Pyrite Town, Orre
Night Club Owner
Marionette Accardo
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
822 posts
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TAG WITH @dorian
dorian westcliff
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 21:32:21 GMT
dorian westcliff Avatar

For a moment, Dorian couldn't believe that he managed to avoid being spotted by the League forces, despite flying in on a Charizard.

Dorian hears the strange roar, followed by the brief loss in balance. This causes his eyes to widen, but as he regains his balance, his composure is also regained. He continues to take to the skies above, looking for a victim.

That's when he spots . and her Glastrier. Even from a distance, she looked to match the description of the missing daughter of a potential ally. Seeing his opportunity, Dorian attempts to get the jump on her, and her Glastier with his Charizard's Flamethrower. The spread of fire was mostly an attempt at burning up the area around her to cut off escape routes, but also to harm her steed.

notes: Dorian is surprised that he stayed hidden, despite his high profile Pokemon
Dorian is startled by the sudden loss of balance in the air, but quickly regains his composure
Dorian chooses for a Surprise Attack (10MP)
Charizard uses Flamethrower, mostly to cut off her escape routes, but harming her Glastrier is a bonus

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2022 0:09:30 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]it all happens in quick succession: future sight bringing confusing tendrils of feigned clarity right before a cry vibrates the air -- no, space -- around them.

between the sound of a turbulent wave and the smell of salt and being flung from her feet, there's little time for her to make any move toward the primal point.

she knows, perhaps deep down in a childish form of longing hope, the cry is what she's been looking for with bloody hands and crumbling mental fortitude.

and for a moment, she considers saying fuck the mission...

greed has not gotten her very far, however.

she's still tossed into the dirt, head banging against a rock as she settles into the dust. and as the fog continues to spread, pink mist tendrils oozing between the spaces, she grimaces.

"fuck," comes in a hiss. it's pained, as if she's already injured and the fight hasn't even begun. classic illie, am i right? "everyone okay?"

on the other side of comms... she finds nothing but eerie static.

the head scientist rises to her feet, then, with a look of determination -- or is it desperation?

if her head is starting to bleed from a small gash, she doesn't notice. no, she's already set her sights on something unseen, something unknown. and it doesn't quite make sense, truthfully, the way she begins to slowly make her way back to the primal point. there's a sense of necessity, as if she has to get to that damn point even if it'll kill her.

in the end, she doesn't make it very far.

her bronzong rings a high pitched warning but it's too late -- she's already caught.

her head whips around to find a dhelmise ensnaring her from her desperate path and as her face twists into a dirt marred scowl, she's locking eyes with a man (). with the lull, she becomes acutely aware of the faint warmth trickling down from her temple.

"what do you think you're doing?" stopping you... isn't it obvious? "get out of my way."

paaa: mt pyre.

tl;dr |
- ya yeet
- hi pp head!
- trying to head back to the primal point
- locks eyes with as his dhelmise ensnares her (ooc consent :freeloader:)

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing