i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 20:04:43 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

From what Calyrex had described, the attack wasn't carried out by Necrozma, but another being. The description of the perpetrator, a 'skeletal' Pokemon, made him think back to the events in Sootopolis last year. He remembered at the last moment, a skeletal hand grabbed Necrozma, and dragged it through a portal.

Was this what caused Galar's current state?

Upon ending up in Hammerlocke, Thomas looked around. It looked like one would expect of modern Hammerlocke, if suffering from decay. Of interest were the survivors, who looked to be more like peasants of yore, rather than modern day citizens.

"The fuck is going on here?", muttered Thomas?

While the others conversed with the civilians, Thomas got straight to business. He'd recall his Ceruledge, switching it for his Hydreigon. The two would fly over to the Castle, avoiding the poison hands, thanks to his ability.

Eventually, the duo would reach the Poison Spot. He and Kalameet would quickly work together to help clear it out, the Hydreigon using Dragon Pulse to help blast out the debris.

Once all was said and done, Thomas would have his Hydreigon erect Earth Power walls to help fortify the defenses to the city.


tags: @tag
notes: PRIMARY ACTION: Unclog the Power Spot
Hydreigon used Dragon Pulse, attempting to destroy the blockage
SECONDARY ACTION: Reinforce Defenses
Hydreigon set up Earth Power barricades
1 Salac Used

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April 29
103 height
103 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lime2
Megan Whitmore
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 20:11:14 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

Honestly, Megan did not know what she had expected coming here. This place was supposed to be a picturesque place, the kind that one saw in travel magazines that tried to sell you on the idea of going on vacation. She knew because she had browsed those more times than she could have counted back in the day. Working night shifts, thinking of places to one day visit only to never end up doing so for this reason or that. She had gotten out of that trot by now, even seen a good chunk of the world.
But on the other side of that coin was her terrible timing, which led to her seeing many of these places at their worst. This definitely counted. Clearly, this place was more of a gloom wood than a Glimwood and things got worse from there. For the most part, her and Swampert would tag alongside Jo, whacking down those weird hands where they popped up, looking out for other threats. Frankly, aside from Jo she did not really know a lot of these people – and she did not truly feel like talking anyway. Not with that heavy air of death hanging over everything. It reminded her of that horrible minute during their last encounter with the unfathomable.
She did not want to think about it. In fact, she did not want to think much about any of this and instead wanted to invest herself as much as possible into a task. Hence, she soon went about helping others with their own tasks where she could and have Swampert do what it did best, directing it to place slippery moats in strategic locations – i.e. where others told her to put them – and preparing herself mentally for the fight to come.
Megan did not want to fight. Not really. But she had reason to. So, she would. One way or another.


+ sticks by , makes moats and helps out jukyUkyp



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• Lucario Male Steadfast Aura Sphere | Rock Smash | Meteor Mash | Close Combat | Swords Dance | Extreme Speed
• Arcanine Male Intimidate Extreme Speed | Roar | Flare Blitz | Flame Wheel | Crunch | Play Rough
• Swampert Male Torrent Bide | Foresight | Muddy Water | Mud Shot | Wide Guard | Hammer Arm
• Hydreigon Male Levitate Tri Attack, Dragon Rush, Crunch, Work Up, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice
• Gligar Female Sandveil slash / acrobatics / u-turn / knock off / substitute / night slash
• Breloom Male Effect Spore Mach Punch, Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Counter, Mind Reader, Sky Uppercut

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 20:16:06 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Johanna listened as well as she could. Though making heads and tails of all the answers made for a daunting task that she barely managed.

But one thing caught her attention. ’s question and the answer it caused. She sent Megan a worried look. She wasn’t worried about spending a lifetime in this vision; it was the risk she had signed up to as a Gym Leader, but she didn’t want that for Megan. She wanted Megan to escape, to live an average life outside this supposed disaster memory.

But Johanna knew it was a futile endeavor. Megan wouldn’t let her stay in here alone, even if given the option.

And so she returned to the journey to Ballonlea.

Closing her eyes as the teleportation began. And opening them again only when she was certain she had arrived.

The moment her eyes opened to the vivid view of despair, she regretted having done so. This was not the Ballonlea she remembered. The Whimsical Glimwood had turned to despair. She instinctively kneeled to survey some of the flora. Withered as it was, it barely held together as she gently touched it.

She frowned, lips turned thin as she instinctively pressed them tightly together. This place needed help.

Getting back up, she scanned the area for anything she could possibly help with.

But what can I do?

Doubt. So much doubt was welling up within her. What could she possibly do in this situation? And then a flickering red light struggling to stay lit caught her attention. It called to her, as if begging for help. With each flicker the light grew weaker.

Without thinking about it she took a step toward the light, and the flickering increased. She took another step, and flickering increased again. Her heart began to beat quicker as well, as if responding to the call.

Quickly made way to the flickering light and saw, as she expected, a PokéCenter. Worn and torn, run down by the same despair that the rest of the city had fallen to. Standing before the door, she expected it to slide open and welcome her inside. But it did not. It tried, but it could not muster the power.

A sensation of melancholy filled her as a hand instinctively went to the building’s wall. Before she knew it a few tears welled up in her.

“It’s, it’s going to be okay.” Perhaps it was silly of her to believe the building to have feelings, to have personality. But how could she not when it had so clearly been fighting.

She wiped away the tears that had begun to flow, and prayed Megan hadn’t been there to see her be sentimental. She had to focus now. She had to step up to the role of Joy now.

Mother give me strength.

She wedged her fingers in between the small gap that the door was strong enough to make and pried it open. With a timid swoosh did the entrance come open. Johanna entered and scanned the place, it was a far cry from the high standard that was set by her family. Dust covered broken equipment. Tables thrown about. Clear signs of fighting.

Grabbing all six of her Pokémon she released them from the small spheres. They looked about expecting enemies.

“We are fixing this place. Making it a safe place. Got it?” Johanna said, an unusual authority in her voice. She was channeling her inner right now.

“Shadow, Clay. You two fix the place up. Secure the windows and the doors. If what did this -” She gestured to the widespread destruction “- comes back, I want this place to be safe.”

Both Pokémon nodded and went off to work, finding whatever they could use to build a barricade. Clay being particularly smart went outside and began to raise boulders from the ground using ANCIENT POWER to fortify the walls around the PokéCenter.

“Ruby, Anat. You two are on cleaning duty. I want this place to be spotless. Should anyone need medical attention we can’t have them getting sick from all the dust and debris in here.”

Tinkaton and Blastoise went off to work almost as quickly as the previous pair.

“Retnauh, Dorian. You two go find any supplies or equipment that might still be functional. I want it gathered in a safe location.”

The pair of ghosts nodded and flew off to do their job.

Which only left her.

“Okay, Johanna, you go look for a back-up generator. There HAS to be one in here.” She ordered herself and quickly began to use the next few hours overseeing the work of her Pokémon, finding the generator (if there was one) and otherwise cobbling together what equipment wasn’t too broken.

BllTD7zQ -> ->
(Using 2x Salac)

- Johanna takes in the sight. Notices the PokéCenter
- In true Joy fashion, she is pulled there and starts cleaning, repairing and fortifying its wall with ANCIENT POWER Boulders.
- Pokécenter shall be a safe space for all! (🍄PREPARE DEFENSES.)


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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 22:00:04 GMT
Shred Avatar
Yeah, this is definitely Hammerlocke. You remember these streets, though you don't quite remember them looking quite so shit. You suppose that's only natural, though. With Spikemunth dead, all the squalor must have rushed straight out of its husk, down the road, through the tunnel, and directly to its neighbour. The apocalypse is probably just a coincidence.

Jabs aside, you're not quite sure what to do. Transported to an unfamiliar familiar place, surrounded by strangers, straddling the line of your perceived allegiance between League and Rocket, and with no sign of any heroic deeds that need doing. What a pain in the ass. Why the hell can't this be a simple quest? You're hardly in the mood for a bespoke and emergent adventure right now. No, you want to get out of here, before that moose finds you. But, fine. Fuck it. What heroism is there to do?

Well, there's hands in the poison, but getting rid of pests is hardly heroic. They're not grand dragons or demonic ogres, nothing truly villainous. What they are is enough to make you fetch Slither Wing from his Pokeball. Of course, as soon as you release him, he hits you with a hard jab to the gut that you tank moderately well, and you retaliate with a few irritated slaps that he tanks effortlessly, but once that little issue passes you by, he's more than capable of handling any that draw near with an Earthquake. Granted, its a little overkill, but the insect seems to be pulling his punches. Or perhaps the environment is simply unnerving him, putting him on edge, throwing him off his game? Hard to say. You don't speak ancient primordial imagination bug. Point being, the job is getting done.

But aside from pulling the metaphorical weeds, what else is there to do? You hardly have any patience for the frightened and teary-eyed survivors. Nor do you have much interest following the crowds, for as well and good as strength in numbers is, you'd rather not pack yourself tightly into a clump of bodies that'll get mulched by a single attack. No, both Shred Zeppelin and Jack Sabbath are lone wolf types. They work with the pack, but only for their own benefit, and not to their detriment. You'll let them do the heavy lifting of figuring out what the heroism you need to do is. In the meantime, might as well reminisce, yeah?

It's not the best time to take a trip down memory lane, but it passes the time either way. You stroll along down streets you haven't walked since your youth, Slither Wing trotting along close behind, dispatching any of the sludge hands that get too touchy feely. Hours pass, and the sun begins to set, but you're not much bothered by it all.

Despite everything, it's actually quite pleasant, in an uncanny sort of way.

Hammerlocke Boys, We Love Making Noise
TL;DR - Jack Sabbath and Slither Wing explore the ruined Hammerlocke based off his shoddy memory and dispatch any hands they come across with """precise""" usage of Earthquake.

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,892 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 1:06:11 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
What was once a gorgeous city much more worthy of being called Shalin's home than anywhere in Hoenn was a gloomy, tainted wood illuminated only by the faint light of a few glowing mushrooms. It was a place she wished she could have visited. Ballonlea wasn't there, though. All thanks to Necrozma. It was a draft she had just barely dodged, thanks to her arrival in Hoenn the day before Meteno's barrier showed up. Had she arrived a month earlier, she would have been forced to fight alongside the League against Necrozma -- a fight that would have almost certainly resulted in the deaths of all of her closest partners.

Suddenly, a radio message from came over her comms. "On my way!" With that, she and her Flygon flew toward the knight and his Glastrier. "I'm gonna need some room to work! And cover your ears!" Standing hear the Power Spot, Sandy churned her wings in a potent BUG BUZZ. As strong as it was, the shockwave did little to dislodge the poison other than make microscopic cracks in the ice. "Not enough..."

The wild rider took a deep breath. Being in her SYGNA SUIT, she knew what she had to do. For weeks after donning it the first time, she had practiced for this very moment. There didn't appear to be any immediately hostile forces around, making her daring idea significantly less risky. The Flygon lowered her wings, allowing Shalin to step over one of them and allow herself to be lifted into the air on one. She exhaled, then addressed Gwyar once more.

"This is gonna seem reckless, but it's what my Sygna Suit lets me do," she awkwardly admitted as her legs hung from the sides of the green, translucent wing. "I'm gonna switch my comms off so I don't blow your ears out. Here goes!" Putting on her BRAVEST face, she held on tight with all four of her limbs as her prized dragon's wings began beating. "Use your BUG BUZZ, Sandy!" Shalin ordered, every hair on her body standing on end from the anticipation. The SYNC STONE within her suit glowed green, INFINITY ENERGY flowing between her and her insectile dragon.

Shalin and both of her Flygon's wings disappeared into a green blur as a shrill, vociferous whine filled the stadium. It would have been impossible to miss; those close may have been able to faintly hear the girl screaming. Whether it was of fear or joy, it was impossible to tell. The ground-type did not take off; instead, she directed potent, ground-shaking vibration toward the Power Spot in an attempt to shatter the solidified poison preventing its energy from radiating outward.

Shalin had no idea whether what she was doing was working; all she could see was a still Flygon wing alongside a primordial swirl of the various colors around her. Were it not for her suit, the enhanced BUG BUZZ would have seriously messed up the girl's insides. INFINITY ENERGY truly held limitless possibilities, didn't it?


- Shalin answers 's call and heads to the clogged power spot, now frozen by his Glastrier's chains.
- Seeing normal power isn't enough, Shalin pushes her SYGNA SUIT's power as far as she is comfortable.
- With BRAVERY bordering on recklessness, Shalin mounts her Flygon by her wing. Relying on her suit to stave off the dangerous effects of extreme motion, her added weight makes the vibration of the insect dragon's BUG BUZZ louder and stronger... hopefully strong enough to shatter the frozen venom and blow the excess away.


{WC: 501}
{PC: 4}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Shalin          Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Flit            Yanmega           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good
Queen Zing      Beedrill**        Good
Treble          Kommo-o           Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Levy            Milotic           Good

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 2:27:23 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]'s words are a vote of confidence, though they are washed by the answers of the ruined king. The series of people being possessed to get the answers they seek? When it comes her turn, she's still more than freaked out by how easily possessed people are in that very moment. But blink and it's gone, the weight of his words left sitting upon her mind even as she rubs at her elbows and exhales through her teeth.[break][break]

So the skeleton had descended first. Perhaps, what fantastical imagery that @amor had told her held some weight. Then came the knight of pure light to fight the skeleton, where they were either slain or changed by the strange poison that keeps coming up. Last was the dark knight that emerged after the disappearance of the other... Was the black knight a successor? Or the knight transformed?[break][break]

There are many more things she hears, many more answers to questions she'd never have thought of. These will all go into her notebook when she grabs the chance to but for now, she has to -[break][break]

Hold on, did he just say that they had as long as they lived to make things work? What about and ? Or and ? ? Her eyes widen as she looks to Razz, trying to discern just what he thinks of the situation before her nerves get the better of her. No, perhaps, she should focus instead of following his lead as they make their journey towards Circhester.[break][break]

It's a strange city, much stranger than any of those that she's had the rare opportunity of visiting. There will be no beautiful sky to sweep up their bundles of restlessness, only ashen snow that flutters down without end. The streets seem rather barren, the life and vibrance sucked out of this waking memory. Many of the adults are quick to snap out of it, to focus on the situation at hand as they shore up defenses and attempting to tackle the things that plague this land.[break][break]

But she can't. There's simply too much going on for her to understand. What dangers are they supposed to face? How are they meant to create stories? How long will it take to change things? What had Calyrex mea-[break][break]

It all goes quiet for a moment, her heart silenced in the wake of a now awakened spirit.

While Dynergy is primarily used for ceremonial matches that involve Dynamaxing, Galar’s critical infrastructure also runs on this energy source. The previous attack on Motostoke has left many without power and other necessary utilities.

That had been a line that she'd seen in that Macro Cosmos article, one that had leaped out at her in the moment as she swallowed guilt for her actions that day. And now, more than ever, it worries her just that little bit. Calyrex had said a lifetime, did he not? Or at least, implied that they could be staying here for a long time.[break][break]

Would they be able to hold out? How did food and medical supplies get replenished if many other cities were essentially - what she can only assume to be - destroyed? Sure, there seemed to be a pokecentre but that would require energy of sorts to run, wouldn't it? If they were truly living in a realistic situation untouched by memories, then this would become a worry down the line. But if things simply worked like magic... well, it'd be good to find out now before people started going at each other's throat over misunderstandings, right?[break][break]

Tugging at Razz's sleeve, she tries to get him to lean in just to listen.

"I'm gonna go check around town for stuff." She murmurs, rubbing at her eyes with her sleeves as she takes a deep, shaky breath. "We need to make sure we can survive out here..."[break][break]

Recalling her Comfey, Eris shrugs her shoulders back and readies herself with a quiet prayer.[break][break]

"Mes, I'm gonna need your help."[break][break]

The pixie obliges in their own way, releasing their hold over her heart if only to grace her with a brief spark of confidence.[break][break]

This is just like before, she just has to focus on what she can do, keep running and occupying her idle hands before dread eats her up. Making a trip to the various stores isn't hard, and sneaking her way into the storerooms allows her a chance to take a quick look over what food remains in the pantry. And the exploration of the pokecentre... while she may know the general layout of a typical pokecentre, it takes her a while to get around, taking stock and checking on the equipment for as best as her limited knowledge allows her to.[break][break]

When she's done with it all, she reminds herself to meet up with Razz. It's a bit of a walk back, but she'll manage through sheer will alone. Along the way, there seem to be many strange hands that attempt to claw and grab at her, only to be battered away with a Psychic blow from Mesprit. And perhaps, it helps in its own little way, allowing her to buy time for people who'd simply not been able to run.[break][break]

Those who are smart enough escape quick, darting towards wherever safety may lie even without her calling it out. Not that she would really know where those places might be considering how little time she's spent here. And she'll approach those who are frozen to the spot, attempt to coax them by carefully reaching out for their hands and giving them a light tug. In doing so, she wonders whether Mesprit revels in the surging emotions or wishes to change those that radiate from this strange memory.[break][break]

"C'mon, we gotta go somewhere safe for now."[break][break]

✧ Comfey returned! Mesprit is hiding in Eris' backpack to help[break]
✧ Going around town checking around town for food, medical, energy supplies? (Main action)[break]
✧ Checking in the pokecentre if the equipment are still functional (Main action)[break]
✧ Noting them down, and figure out if those somehow replenish themselves (Main action)[break]
✧ Spends whatever time left helping peasants she meets along the way, battling off any stray poison hands with Mesprit's PSYCHIC (Side action)[break]
✧ Trying to make them reassure them, take them to safety. Asking Mesprit to help with emotions?[break]
✧ Will write notes when she needs to or has the time[break]
[attr="class","adrie-note"]goodbye galar

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 3:37:41 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]a hum of understanding escapes once possession wears off once more.

so this is the sword's memory... interesting. she wonders, idly, if memories can be altered or if they are subjected to live through the memory with no way to stop what unfolds.

regardless, there is no time to mull over the possibilities and their subsequent hypotheses. transportation takes hold and the world turns on its axis.

when their surroundings right themselves, they are among mushrooms and whimsical trees. and it is supposed to be beautiful here, she believes, but decay has slowly overtaken whatever beauty this place once had.

overhead, the twinkling stars seem brighter against the darkness around them. her head tilts up to stare at constellations and stars long since deceased. faintly, she wonders if space is as infinite here as it is back home. is the memory connected to their world or is it distant, held within another place of space-time?

no matter.

her head turns as asks if anyone will join him. her body moves quickly, eyes narrowing with sharp focus.

"yeah, i'll tend to the wounded."

and among the peasants, she will spend her time. healing mist holds steady, easing open wounds closed and inspiring the peasantry to keep going. relief has been sought by them throughout their perils and unfortunately, it has escaped their grasp before now. each peasant tells her stories of prior attacks, of narrow escapes from dreadful clutches and poison that ate away at their bodies.

she does what she can to heal them, even going so far as to call for back up from and .

her voice carries over on league comms a moment later.

"anyone able to heal, please come to me at your earliest convenience. multiple injured, additional hands are needed."

the comms channel dies out shortly after and she resumes the art of healing. peasant after peasant, wound after wound...

for those afflicted with poison, she has mew use life dew to ease the pain they feel for she cannot safely extract the poison without the proper tools.

her eyes wander even as she moves from peasant to peasant, hands coated in blood and pink mist. they dart to the mushrooms, to their lackluster forms covered in sludge. do they have any effects? could they aid in the healing endeavor? could... they be edible?

the peasant in front of her begins speaking in a soft, pained tone and her eyes snap back to attention. healing mist coils further and she presses her hands onto the woman's open wound to begin mending skin back together...

rusted sword.

tl;dr |
- passive healing mist up within 5 feet of illie
- wonders if the memory can be altered or not
- transported to ballonlea
- joins to help, focuses on healing the peasants
- asks and to help with the peasants as well
- mew uses life dew to assist with healing the peasants
- can i eat a mushroom?

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 6:23:29 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

He finds himself in a grand city after the interview with this region's "high king" is over. All the information given to them takes a little time to process and so the masked hero takes to the streets to let it all sink in. The walk doesn't help as the state the whole city is in is something that also fights to be in the forefront of his mind the more he sees it. He's almost sick of the color purple the longer he stares at it.

Then a yell catches his attention and already his legs are carrying him as fast as they can carry him. Popping a ball from his belt and letting his Armarouge run right behind him as they soon come across a sight that sends a mix of emotions through both trainer and pokemon's hearts. Before them lay a young woman clutching an eevee surrounded by the strange skeleton hands that were swiping at her and her pokemon. Quickly a pair of them grabbed her by the arm and leg and lifted her up as she clutched her mewling pet with one arm while pleading with the strange appendages to let her down.

"RIDE ON!!!"

The Fire Warrior Pokemon's pauldrons slide down to its hands to form a single sphere that launches a powerful psyshock that rips through the hands tearing them into two and letting the woman and Pokemon fall. Before she hits the ground however she feels something catch her and is met face to face with a mask looking right at her as someone wearing green armor sets her down on her feet. "Get to safety, we'll cover ya!" With those words the green suited figure jumps into the fray as more hands sprouted up and were shot down by the Armarouge all the same and even a few were kicked out by Pokkenger's own strength.

What felt like almost an hour of fighting came to a stop as the area was clear of the poison that sprouted the hands and left with scorch marks from the Armarouge as it returned its hands to normal and looked around with Kaz for the woman and the eevee they saved. It seemed like she had taken his advice and ran as the pair couldn't find a hair or trace of them which did give them a bit of relief. "C'mon. Let's do a little cleaning."

Their patrol takes them to the Castle-Stadium where walking along its outside walls lead to the discovery of a POWER SPOT where more and more poison was spilling through. The source of this poison got the attention of Kaz and his Armarouge who used its psyshock to blow away the poison and crack the exterior of the power spot. Maybe if they dug deep enough they could clog it up at the very least.

-takes a tour of the city with Armarouge
-saves a citizen on the way from the skeleton hands
-reaches the power spot and chips away at it with psyshock -> PRIMARY ACTION

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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 6:30:03 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Ballonlea - and the woods beyond - is dark. Grim. The trees seem almost devoid of leaves - and yet, even then, the criss-crosses of the grasping branches are enough to block the night sky above, only thin rays of natural light filtering down. Pools of ominous poison have formed here and there, the result of something terrible that has since appeared in this Galar.

But Ettie's concerns aren't immediately on the village itself. To clarify, she indeed cared about the village. If she was supposed to do good things or something like that, then she'd be happy to treat this village as her packmates. But, everyone else seemed to have their attentions set on the village itself. She, meanwhile, had her focus more on the woods beyond.

Because this was the pack's territory. And by extension, her territory. She had to understand it, and she had to provide for the pack.

So whilst the others focused upon the village itself, Ettie gestured for Anne to follow her into the wilds. "This way." She spoke softly, a hand drifting down to where Scarlet was sheathed at the small of her back. When her fingers brushed against the hilt and tassels, she could almost feel the way the Doublade stirred. "We hunt."

. . .

The woods, however, were in no better a shape. Anne growled low, an Accelrock carrying her forward as she avoided the grasp of one of those strange, poisonous hands - allowing her to swipe at it with her claws to smack it away. The poison seemed to have taken over portions of the forest, saturating some of the plants that grew there as well. Even once she was clear of the danger though, Anne would Accelrock once again - darting to someplace cleaner.

It took a careful eye from Ettie and a careful nose from Anne - but anything that looked even slightly edible, anything that looked like it could be regrown, was all gathered together. Mushrooms, roots, berries... She also gathered anything that just looked useful in general; herbs that still appeared untouched by the poisons, sturdy branches, abandoned supplies... She would gather as much as she could - as much as they could carry, in the time that the pack had - whilst getting a feel for the layout of the woods.

And when the light began to dim, she returned to the village - ready to share her finds with the peasants there.
- Ettie goes prowling through the woods, both to gather supplies/food, and to scout the surrounding territory.
- Lycanroc uses Accelrock both to cover more ground in a shorter amount of time, and to occasionally fend off the weird grabbyhands.
- Once the sun begins setting, Ettie returns with any food, herbs, supplies, etc. that she and her pokemon can carry.
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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 6:47:32 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Realization. Zacian was that important. Hm. Walsh wanted them, so it obviously meant they were. It just... he would cross his arms over his chest. He didn't want to believe that. Not really. But the lore the king on the horse was pelting, it had him stare with half-disbelief, and half a want to hope it wasn't true.[break][break]

But they were in a sword. At this point, sky is the fucking limit. This place is a farce where things are only as powerful as memories. But his words... universes? Of course, Kep said as much.[break][break]

Thankfully, the duo would be going to the same place. As Haku is on standby nearby... once Ash realizes that the only way out is to bring Zacian back, his heart sinks a little.[break][break]

Great. Outted myself AND helped the lot of us get here. I have a target the size of Theo's on my back.[break][break]

This was gonna be a long, long, looong couple hours...[break][break]


Bad news first. Kep is shot into that beam, and away he goes. Ashley's heart drops a moment, and he goes in, hard. Hopping on Haku, and ordering it out. "Yip yip." And with a SWOOSH, he's inside.[break][break]

And as soon as he reaches the other side, he shoots out on Haku, practically above he smoldering city, broken Poke Centers, walls, weathered in every way. The protective part of him has him panicked, searching the entirety from the sky, as he looks for him. But he has a vantage, and to fly in without any care was a stupid, idiot decision. He needed to take it all in.[break][break]

taught him better than that.[break][break]

Focus, Ash.[break][break]

The Castle-Stadium... something is there. He's not sure what, but its oozing something from below. His eyes travel west. Double doors... what are they for? People are going in there. Why? What reason could they have? He ponders. Then the ground around Hammerlocke.[break][break]

He needs to survey as much as he can. The city... there are peasants? People about? ... he's sure he notices someone familiar at the power spot, but he knows better than to start a fight now.[break][break]

The good news. He finds Kep. Rather, hears him over comms, and Ashley decides to do something ballsy as he sees him from above.[break][break]

He doesn't even think. He jumps off of Haku, and begins falling to the earth, the Dragonite rushing to his side, and falling with him, gripping him from below to gain speed as they dive towards the ground. The Dragonite uses its wings to slow the descent as it had been trained to do, ingrained into its very biology, as Ashley finally lands nearest to Kep.[break][break]

"Need a hand?" Evil Dead one-liners, baby. That's the good shit.[break][break]

Reinhardt was out of commission, but Haku isn't, and he was using that to his advantage.[break][break]

"Outrage until they are nothing left. Clear the area, buddy." Haku nods, and begins to fend them off as such, and Ash decides to answer his question, pulling Kep into a hug.[break][break]

"Well, Smartest Guy in the Room-" He's being playful, and making sure to say as much, as he prepares his pistol to fire at these bastard hands. "-we're in a memory, and those hands are about to mess with these hands."[break][break]

So long as Haku doesn't mind some handiwork.[break][break]




- Regret. That's what this looks like. Regret for basically kicking a wolf.[break]
- See Kep get taken by portal, hops on Dragonite and flies into HAMMERLOCKE[break]
- Surveys the area from above, and does something daring to maybe INSPIRE THE PEASANTRY?[break]
-- I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEE! FREEEEEEEE-FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLIN' (Dragonite with the catch and the fly)[break]
- Lands near Kep, orders Dragonite to OUTRAGE the hands, makes some puns, and is a little sassy. Hugs Kep.[break]
- Time for Ashley's One Liner Era.



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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,445 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 14:18:40 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

The Hero of Many Battles. Zacian, the dog Pokémon with the sword. They were one and the same.[break][break]

"Your stories will allow Zacian the strength to return."[break][break]

Calyrex's answer rung in Gunner's ears as he emerged from the teleportation portal to Circhester. Ash fell down upon him in gentle flakes, settling onto his hair and shoulders.[break][break]

's voice was loudest, drawing his attention. With her were , a few Rangers Gunner did not recognize ( and ), in the Rangers' care, and —[break][break]

"Gideon?" Gunner said, eyes wide behind his mask. "What are you doing here?" But in the presence of two Avatars and Rangers, Gideon was safer than he had been at the Ultra Deep Sea.[break][break]

Regardless of his brother's response, Gunner would turn away. "I'm going to see who I can help around here," he informed his allies. To the Rangers, he said, "I'm on comms if you need to reach me."[break][break]

After speaking with several townsfolk, he learned that monstrous, clawed hands occasionally appeared to drag innocents into poisonous pits. He wandered this other Circhester, his Alakazam, Merlin, attacking the poison hands with PSYCHIC. Another man () was doing the same, and Gunner gave him an appreciative nod as he passed, not knowing the other man was a Team Rocket grunt.[break][break]

Eventually, the special agent made his way to a section of the city without as much activity. A magenta beacon of light pierced the sky from a well-like structure. Figures gathered around the well, working. As Gunner drew nearer, he heard several women's voices.[break][break]

Though he didn't recognize one of them, he saw the faces of the others and froze. One was the woman who had beat up Gideon (). And one was, without the shadow of a doubt, .[break][break]

Gunner's gloved hand curled into a fist, tight with sudden rage.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted sword


Gunner is wearing League tactical gear + mask[break]
LOCATION: Circhester[break]
Checks in with Skyler, Angelo, Razz, and Rowan; surprised to see Gideon there[break]
MAIN ACTION: Attack the poison hands[break]
Alakazam uses PSYCHIC to attack the poison hands[break]
Gunner approaches the power spot where he recognizes Parker and Summer



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the hiker
april eighteenth
ranger officer
how deep
the bullet lies
119 height
119 height
you don't wanna hurt me?
355 posts
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TAG WITH @francie
francie myrtle
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 14:35:17 GMT
francie myrtle Avatar



her gasp echos out into the small makeshift med-tent. she doesn’t realize it, but she’s been unconscious for a few hours now. somehow, during the whole of the teleportation and chaos, she’d fallen unconscious.[break][break]

panic causes her to rush out. she made sure she had all her rock babies with her before heading out and when she does, she’s thrown for a loop. it’s a dark dense place she’s never been before. it smells of moisture and greenery.[break][break]

there’s a threat here, one she is determined to help with. she braces herself, but helps. barricades and defenses is where she focuses her efforts.[break][break]

large rock formations are created. she’s sure to use some of her ground type moves to make sure that they’re solid walls, created without a means for anything to leak out. she firstly builds them to protect the more important areas, like recovery centers and civilian protection areas.[break][break]

it’s the best she can do with the time she’s given. every one of her pokémon pitch in to help, creating the best that they can for those of this new place.[break][break]

her mind still wanders all the while. she’s in a new place, a new time, and that means … well, will she ever get back? what about ? she never really got to talk to him about what happened in the ultra deep sea either.[break][break]

it haunts her. the regrets of not having said.[break][break]

and what about ? is he alright as well? she hopes so.[break][break]

luckily she knows and , they’re a comfort to her in this time. not that there’s much time for chit-chat or comfort in their situation. building up for a war that will come.[break][break]

but she helps. builds walls of solid stone melded with the help of other pokémon within their makeshift band of heroes.

+ relieved to see , worried for and hopes he's ok[break]
+ helps with task PREPARE DEFENSES[break]



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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 15:12:21 GMT
once teleported, derek can't help but complain. "useless rabbit..." while he could appreciate that calyrex tried to help, derek had hoped for more. like how to manipulate dynamax energy into a survivable form. 'eh, whatever.'

they had a job to do regardless. as the group gathered, all of them began to assume one of many tasks. while the others worked what magic they could, derek would leave to rally anyone or anything that would help. or so were his intentions.

few were willing to answer the call, and those that did only appeared to do so out of peer pressure. their pokemon believed in them. the cause. even without their precious power spot.

"what's that?" a generic term, though as it was all pointed out to him? "huh... guess i'll go take a look." while still an unknown, a few of them seemed to suggest having access gave them hope. but their descriptions of it were rather unsettling. "jonesy, stay here where it's safe." no amount of protest would change derek's mind.

text: going to clear out the 'power spot' at the stadium. locals seemed like they'd feel better about their odds if we had access to it...

fielding his steelix instead, the ranger presses through town to the motostoke stadium. the stone, but most of all the lingering poison they found in their way? it's also a little unsettling.

it brings derek back to the ranger's raid on that temple in fortree. the trail of poison he followed. there was an obvious power to that place as well. but if calyrex didn't know... how could it be here? and the ones he witnessed before didn't have hands. 'stop worrying so much.'

even so, he decides to shoot the group another text before getting to work.

text: i dont like this. the poison. an area consecrated with mysterious energy. other than the hands, it feels like i've seen all of this before. back when the rangers had that raid on the temple in fortree.

going against his gut feeling, derek begins to have his steelix handle the problem. the sheer force of it's earth power dares to discard the obstructions in their entirety. all while avoiding contact with the toxin. it's no simple task, taking long enough that derek wasn't able to head back until some time after sundown.


speaks with the natives to try and inspire them
learns of the power spot from a fellow trainer
leaves jonesy where it's safe (fortified pokemon center)
warns the others that this looks like the fortree temple incident
derek attempts to unclog the power spot at the stadium
steelix uses earth power (+sheer force) to move stone/toxin/grass

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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 17:12:45 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

"you will have as long as you live. bringing zacian back can allow this memory's story to end. that is the only way out... i apologize for your predicaments. i understand how harrowing of an experience this may be."

[break][break]"Great," Ruby muttered. So she was stuck here until they brought Zacian back with acts of "heroism." "Wait, every month?!

[break][break]"What—Hey!" she shouted as she and Athena were suddenly grasped by a Psychic force and pushed into one of the beams. She managed to avoid falling face-first onto the ruined grounds of Ballonlea. Poisonous sludge coated the ground, turning the city into a garden of decay and ruin. She looked around at the company she'd almost literally fallen in with. It looked mostly like League... including the familiar face of . She adjusted her bandana mask. Well, this sucked.

[break][break]At least they were more focused on taking care of the city than going after a couple of Rockets. Ruby scoffed to herself as suggested they introduce themselves to the locals. She'd leave that to the ones trying to play knight; she wasn't exactly a friendly face, after all.

[break][break] made her way to the dilapidated Pokémon Center. Ruby hesitated. Part of her wanted to follow the only familiar face in all this mess, but...

[break][break]Athena let out a roar of warning before what looked like a pronged hand emerged from the sludge. It grabbed at Athena, who roared again and dug her feet into the dirt as the hand tried to drag her into the poison. Oh, hell no. Ruby returned the Bastiodon to her Ball, making the hand close around nothing and swivel back and forth, as if it were looking around despite its lack of face.

[break][break]"Delphi, Bulldoze!"

[break][break]The Garchomp came out swinging, stomping her foot on the ground and causing it to shake. When the shockwaves hit the hand, it retreated back into the sludge. Ruby waited for it to come back up so she could hit it again, but it never did.

[break][break]She whipped her head toward another sound, expecting another fight. Instead, she heard... clapping? A child peered through a gap in a boarded-up window, clapping and smiling right at Ruby. A larger figure, probably their parent, came and pulled them away from the window a few moments later. Ruby adjusted her mask again.

[break][break]"C'mon, Delphi," she said, trying to hide her bashfulness. "Let's go kick some ass."

[break][break]Delphi roared eagerly.





  • Fights the hands with Garchomp and gets cheered on by a small child


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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 20:22:06 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Calyrex whisks him away with but a worthless apology and a vague mission in parting. Dumping them in a ruined Circhester where the air bites cold on the skin but the falling ash stings lungs sharper.

Angelo barely feels the chill at first. Fire curls agitated in his chest, fury leaking out in the form of a misty exhale. Barely contained. 

As if I've got nothing better to do then spend my life solving someone else's fucking problems, right? 

Blunt nails dig into his palms. Its only the presence of the familiar faces surrounding him that keeps Angelo's frustrations hidden away.

(And the feel of 's hand taking his.)

, , and ... it eased some tension to know they had a group with a set of good heads on their shoulders. 

If you need anything call,” he tells Skyler, squeezing briefly in return before she slips away. 

Same goes for the rest of you.” He looks towards those he knew before they all have a chance to splinter off on their own. “I'm going to take a look around the town, see what we're working with here. Keep me updated.

With that said, Angelo takes off. Restlessness urging him to keep moving, to distract himself from the sense of feeling caged.

After spending a couple of hours wandering through the streets, getting a sense for the town, he and Latios move on to the skies, invisible. Up there, they scope the damage inflicted on Circhester and the plague that rots it inside.

They land only when the ash grows too thick to see and the cruelty of the air numbs his fingers, his curses shuddered.

To bring warmth back to his hands, Angelo fishes out his journal to chart their temporary homestead.

Really need to ask?” Comes the dry response to 's request when her question for a map crackles into his ear piece. You could almost hear the eyebrow raise. “Don't wait for me, I'll catch up.

True to his word, Angelo finds her some ten minutes later. No avatar ability needed. Its not hard when she's tailed by a looming leviathan shadow.

Ignoring Kyogre, he helps Skyler pick placements for the barricade with his map as reference. While they work, he learns from her about what she'd found out from the villagers. About the attacks.

Someone should keep watch, then. Better if we know when something's coming, so we can prepare.

Tilting his head back, squinting through the rain and ash, Angelo points towards a couple of tall buildings in the distance.

There's only two connecting routes and they're both in the south. Makes sense if I keep lookout from over there.

would later find him on top of one of the buildings he'd designated as a lookout post. Protected from the icy rain by a newly procured coat, hood pulled up to keep it out of his eyes. 

Nothing yet.

Angelo doesn't tear his gaze away from watching route eight and nine, Latios working in the sky to clear away obstructive ash clouds with DEFOG.

Just between me and you. Here's hoping whatever's out there attacks us sooner rather than later.

He wouldn't live his years pacing in a pen.

Wouldn't give them for a memory.



- not the vacation we were hoping for sadge 
- scouts circhester to map the area
- helps locate weak spots for barricades 
- setting up a sentry point
- keeping watch over circhester/routes 8 and 9  
- latios is invisible


setting up a sentry points around the town to keep watch for threats approaching circhester. angelo is on one facing route 8/9.  

latios uses defog to clear the falling ash, aiming to improve visibility. angelo has requested he let him know if latios spots anything.  

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]

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