i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 10:23:47 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
The Charizard had dwindled down into a proper sized monstrosity, with Vanilla slowly gliding Altaria back down to the ground as she'd hop off and treat the flying type to a proper good affection display. But before they could rest, the Calyrex would appear before them again, giving a speech for those it bestowed as royalty and was gone about as fast as it came. The teen said nothing, walking across the town before she came across her older brother. just about as worn as she was. vanilla stared at him before just running into , arms wrapped around him while doing her best not to unload too much into him. "Ah-Buh-Biscottiiii! I did it! I actually flew! I was terrified, b-but I didn't want to let you down." she whined, looking up at him with a pained expression. "I couldn't have done it without you."


The idea of their only way home being lost to time was still fresh in Vanilla's mind. Sure, most of the townsfolk around had their version of Hammerlocke to rebuild, but most of them didn't belong here. It had been quite the exercise in coming to terms that everyone she knew was probably never going to see her again. She stayed up long nights, battled as hard as she could, anything to try and quell the memories in her head. She spent most of her days helping many of the townsfolk with their duties and such, with some extraneous training by @thomas that kept her fully prepared to defend the town. In this capacity, she even managed to score a gig as a watchman despite her age on account of her skillful display at aerial scouting.


It had been so long in this hell that Vanilla had grown numb to worrying about the outside of it. She had been working as a part of the City Watch alongside Thomas and more volunteers to keep the peace in town. As a side gig, Biscotti had managed to convince her to reopen the family bakery as Vanilla had named it something more plain and apt for the town, King's Rest Café, after the Calyrex that had vanished long ago. It had taken a little bit of time to relearn her baking skills, but she eventually became renown for her baked goods. Even would come by from time to time to help out. Still the younger sibling, Vanilla would always see her as a sister, somebody she could look up to.

The day Necrozma came had burned itself into her mind. it had been a fierce fight that nearly destroyed the town. Vanilla provided aerial support, but had been strucken down and crushed partially by the beast's claws and tails. The damages had plucked her out of the sky and given her several nasty scars along her chest. Although the most visible damage was the poisoning that she had suffered as a result as the contact with the poisonous attacks. In a last ditch effort to save her, a decision was made. Vanilla saw the flash of steel through blurred eyes and then a great pain, feeling her left arm suddenly explode in the worst pain imaginable. She awoke in the infirmary a week later, greeted by the sight of a missing arm.

Afterwards, she had been honorably discharged from the guard. Now missing her left hand from the elbow down, Vanilla took to her bakery like always. The people had been so supportive and thankful of her work, but the days grew colder, and Vanilla didn't understand. She finally had everything she wanted. Being the best chef of her family and owning her own successful café. But the years, decade of being outside, experiencing everything else the world had it offer. It changed her. No longer was she content with sitting behind a countertop all day. People found her in the kitchen a crying mess, midway through an emotional breakdown as she furiously threw any utensil against the wall as she furiously screamed. "I CAN'T DO THIS ANY MORE!

It took a while to calm down as she agreed to a temporary leave of absence from owning the bakery as Vanilla would sit in the town and just reflect upon life so far. From the attack on Necrozma, some of the armor it had dropped had been fashioned into weaponry for everybody that was present, Vanilla having no clue as to what could make until now. It took one visit to the blacksmith before it would be fashioned into a proper weapon, a sword that was picturesque of the sky itself, dubbed "Galeforce", and with the ability Aerial Ace be fashioned to it.

- Worries about returning home, tries to distract herself
- Vanilla joins the guard force as a flying unit, training in recon and providing air support with ALTARIA
- 10 Years Pass, she's older and an actual part of the force and flying type trainer
- Reestablishes the family bakery and runs it with help from Elise and Biscotti
- During the attack, she sustains heavy damage, loses her left arm up to the elbow and scars. Discharged from her injuries
- Manages the bakery, has a breakdown and takes a break. Uncertain of what to do, experiencing an early midlife crisis

rnhQ90fL + 15
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 0:16:39 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Route 10 (Approaching Wyndon) - Pokémon Sword and Shield


WHEN THE TENTH YEAR PASSES, many begin to realize how much of a trickster Time can be. How it can prance about with their perceptions, how it can make sully their sense of scale. The weight of a decade is immeasurable, yet it passes like a fleeting breath; the contradiction is softened by outward laughter, and mourned by quiet tears.[break][break]

There is much transformation that occurs. Physically. Mentally. The memory of a previous Hoennian life metamorphoses into an echo—but a hope of return begins coming to light.[break][break]

As each city attacks the unrelenting horde of poison as they arrive time and time again, others attempt to uncover the secrets of this memory. Though this realm may not be an accurate reflection of the real world outside, perhaps there is stuff that can still be gleamed.


THE DYNITE ORE, THE MAX MUSHROOMS, THE STRANGE GLOWING ORGAN IN THE DEEP PUMPING THAT PUTRESCENT POISON... they all connect to each other, for they all come from the same source.[break][break]

The POISON is waste. An excess energy that is expelled ad nauseum. The ORGAN down below is not connected to a creature, but the earth itself, having bloomed like a horrible tumor from the land's corruption.[break][break]

EXAMINING THE STARS & CHARTS eventually reveals a celestial story. The ★CMa DYNAMAX CRYSTAL owns can be fitted into the TELESCOPE, eventually aligning the pattern within its glass to a constellation of what one can presume is ZAMAZENTA & ZACIAN. In tandem, the stars posture them as protective fighters fitted with sword and shield.[break][break]

Throughout the years, , , and discern further figures and stories written in the language of constellations. Such celestial work is further understood by notes that are either filled in by those partaking in the research, or by written in by the realm's own hand. Eventually, they uncover the following abbreviations of constellations:[break][break]

★DrcN - a constellation depicting a group of humans and their pokemon defending against a meteoroid.

★RcPk - a large titan slumbering peacefully in a cave.

★SBas - a large leviathan, presumably a kyogre, but with no indication of its primal markings.

★Tmpo, ★TiTr - a long-legged dragon galloping with a small fairy as they were being chased.

★VStr, ★JnVr - a small rabbit-like pokemon showing off a victory pose after surviving and killing a large-mouthed beast.

★ReGe - though this constellation is present within the charts, it is oddly absent in the sky.

★TaRn, ★VeRn - a snail and moose-like pokemon tearing apart a kingdom and its earth below.

★WlTr, ★Symb - a large disc-like turtle summoning several strange pokemon while several eyes watch.

Over time, the ★CMa CONSTELLATION begins to change... The stars are rearranged, revealing a ZACIAN and HUMAN HEROES attacking what is designated in the notes as ★Gntc: a large SKELETAL DRAGON.[break][break]

Of course, more constellations are to be discovered.[break][break]

By the end of ten years, a large stone smashes through the observatory. Similarly, in the other kingdoms, other stones land suddenly and violently. These are WISHING STARS: multi-faceted stones with protruding pentagonal pillars. These are remnants of the first fight between THE BLACK KNIGHT & THE SKELETON: residual energy that has coalesced in the atmosphere before descending in their calcified forms. These WISHING STARS share some of the same qualities as DYNITE ORE and the poison.[break][break]

Consequently, , , , , , and any others, would eventually recall the answer the CALYREX gave to , who had inquired about DYNAMAX ENERGY, a concept the king was ignorant to:

"any energy must be converted or contained into a survivable shape before it can be used."

With and any other smith's assistance, DYNITE ORE would be able to be processed into a more usable state. Years of research allow the heroes begin creating at the turn of the next decade DYNAMAX BANDS. Use of the DYNAMAX BAND is limited; Pokemon can only DYNAMAX by the POWER SPOT in their cities' respective STADIUMS or within the DEEP...


WHILE SOME TEND TO THE CITY'S AMENITIES, becoming the JOY of their town or the ever hunting or baking provider, others hone their bodies and minds for battle. The Royalty attempt to maintain the morale of their townsfolk—but as the years pass in this accursed world, acclimating to this new normal is a harrowing experience nonetheless.[break][break]

attempts to determine the meaning of the prophecy given to them by CALYREX. While he and tend to the emerging statue of what appears to be more and more, a ZACIAN. By the end of TEN YEARS, the statue is half-sculpted as the two would see. Logically, one may deduce that the STATUE HAS TEN MORE YEARS until it is fully detailed with the regal appearance of the hero dog.[break][break]

Over time, he realizes too, that the prophecy's mention of the DARKEST NIGHT may very well be literal. A reference to the WINTER SOLSTICE—and the somber heralding of a year coming to pass. The final battle between THE SKELETON & THE BLACK KNIGHT would fall on that day...[break][break]

And everyone must prepare.


FOR THE NEXT TEN YEARS, the kingdoms begin to grow. New life returns to Galar, but old lives are forgotten, reforged, or painfully held onto with every breath made.[break][break]

Time takes its toll. POKEMON WHO HAVE BEEN KNOCKED OUT/FAINTED OR POISONED no longer have the strength to fight properly, unless they are empowered by a SYGNA SUIT. These valiant partners must retire. Though they do not die, they have become old and weary due to this memory's life. With crusty eyes, wrinkled skin and thinning fur, they can not partake in the fight ahead.[break][break]

Some had been able to traverse the lands before like on his borrowed steed. He had been searching for CALYREX after all; however, he would be unable to find him, or a body. Instead, he only finds deep claw marks in WYNDON STADIUM and a broken WOODEN STATUE where the king once was and presumably, had rested even after his tour.[break][break]

However, half way through this new decade, the POISON BEGINS TO RETRACT from the land. This causes much celebration within the region. Though it is not a complete withdrawal, enough sludge reels back for TRAVEL TO BE POSSIBLE BETWEEN EACH CITY. The RADIO COMMUNICATION and power provided by and allow for reunions to be had and made.[break][break]

But some who are familiar with the seas like may see the poison's disappearance as an omen. In fact, the Sea Queen herself would be able to make parallels between the POISON'S RETRACTION AND THE RECEDING TIDE BEFORE A TSUNAMI.[break][break]

The WINTER SOLSTICE fast approaches. The realm begins to darken with foreboding magenta hues. EARTHQUAKES begin to happen more frequently, threatening the foundations of each city whenever they occur...[break][break]

As your characters hone their skills with their weapons and attempt to master the use of the DYNAMAX PHENOMENON, scourges from THE SKELETON & THE BLACK KNIGHT clash in the skies. In the fields. They are warnings of what is to come. A ramping acceleration toward the final conflict that your heroes must take part in so that you may all leave to your ordinary lives.


IN YOUR POST, you may detail what your characters are doing for the next ten years. Do not feel restricted to any action. Also imagine any information not dispensed (e.g. the parchment strips in the first few rounds) has been distributed to everyone by this mod post.[break][break]

You may choose to have your post focus in the immediate period after this next decade, summarize by smaller time jumps, or whatever way you'd like to approach your post. However, please be reasonable with your TL;DRs and with will be able to include in his mod post.[break][break]

Though this time skip is long, your characters do not need to be dramatically affected by their experience after the raid is over. The raid's events may begin to fade like a dream (though this is up to player discretion).


BELOW ARE THE DEVELOPING STORIES OF EACH CITY. Please click on the SPOILER tag to reveal them.[break][break]

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
cleansing sludge and claw by earth, pool and mind,[break]
walls art hath raised to protect us i'm told.[break]
as speeches forge our hearts so bold[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with thund'rous forks and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant venusaur didst appeareth,[break]
bringing vine and pollen to our ballonlea.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

With hearts of compassion, they tended the Pokemon Center with grace,[break]
Binding wounds and offering solace in every embrace.[break]
In the wilderness, heroes ventured, hunting for sustenance in every place.[break]
And when the night unveiled its glittering tapestry of stars,[break]
They turned their gaze upwards, seeking guidance from afar.[break]
Our heroes delved into prophecies they sought to unfold,[break]
Words of mystic power, their meanings to behold.[break]
With hammer and anvil, one forged weapons strong and true,[break]
Armors that gleamed, imbued with powers old and new.[break]
In their selflessness, a path home is uncovered true,[break]
for the heroes who shaped a realm, with sorrow and joy in all they do.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break][break][break]

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to maketh walls of ice and eyes in the sky,[break]
the eye below strikes the poison palms.[break]
wat'r floweth to act as balms.[break]
the poison well now sees the sunne.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Clad in the black knight's armor did a bird[break]
arrive, with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant kingler did appear,[break]
bringing brine and froth to Circhester.[break]
Our heroes fought back, and protected our town[break]
And so we did bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

A city watch emerges, sentinels with vigilant eyes,[break]
Protectors of the streets, where safety never dies.[break]
Glowing ore, a captivating sight, studied with utmost care,[break]
Weapons honed to perfection, craftsmanship beyond compare.[break]
Healers of the realm, their touch mends both body and soul,[break]
Devices charged with energy, pulsating with electric coil,[break]
Voices connected, bridging distances across the fields where poison spills:[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break][break][break]

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to repaireth our walls and scout our skies.[break]
Dragons inspireth nay feareth, nay ire.[break]
On full stomachs, our people parry palms[break]
the castle mure well clear'd with nay qualms,[break]
the vault reveals tapestries two.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Clad in the black knight's armor did a bird[break]
arrive, with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Charizard did appear,[break]
bringing hellish flame to old Hammerlocke.[break]
Our heroes fought back, and protected our town[break]
And so we did bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

Spies cloak in shadows, whispers carried on castle wind,[break]
A clandestine network, secrets they've sinned.[break]
The Emerald Knights rise, armor gleaming bright,[break]
Protectors of Hammerlocke: defenders of our last lights.[break]
Skills are honed in battle, each sword, axe, or arrow precise and true,[break]
Defenses are fortified, a fortress continually made anew.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break][break][break]

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to maketh bulwarks f'r threats uninvit'd.[break]
Two young nobles greeteth each home[break]
while one young sir unearths the well's tomb.[break]
Some expl're the caves east to findeth heavenly scales,[break]
as the bleeding train is clott'd and did push off its rails[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with thund'rous forks and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Garbod'r didst appeareth,[break]
bringing stench and sludge to Motostoke's sph're.[break]
Our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

The glowing ore's allure, a subject of tireless study,[break]
As poison seeps in depths, waters murky and muddy.[break]
A lady conceals, with the forsaken son by her side,[break]
In shadows they dwell, secrets within them reside.[break]

From sorrow's embrace, an orphanage blooms,[break]
A sanctuary of hope, dispelling life's gloom.[break]
Peasantry entrusted, tasks with purpose assigned,[break]
Shouldering burdens, a community aligned.[break]
Amidst grieving tears, the fallen find solace's embrace,[break]
In sacred flames they rest, their spirits finding grace.[break]
With hammer and Sobble spout, weapons and armor are wrought,[break]
Crafted with love, their power cannot be bought.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


JUNE 20TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 2:41:31 GMT
Shred Avatar
Twenty years ago, I was imprisoned to this husk of a land.

I was not alone in flesh, but I was alone in mind and spirit. My peers shared not my ambition to return home. Nay, trapped within this gaol, they did naught but make themselves content as best they could. They settled down. They married. They brought children into this damned world. They sought a silver lining to this cloud, and attempted to make the best of their dire circumstances.

They formed connections with the people of this desolate land. They became leaders, tutors, mentors. They treated them as friends, and even family. Many even found love with them.

I recall witnessing such a moment for the first time: It was but a passing interaction with and his wife, a glimpse of a story I never cared to know. It was not worth remembering. It was forgettable in all aspects. I do not even remember her face, let alone her name. And yet, those few seconds of time are burnt into my brain, a searing brand that has lasted decades. No matter how you look at it, no matter who you ask, it is clear that Biscotti Kingsley loved his wife.

Biscotti Kingsley loved a phantom.

She was not real. She was not even fake. She was the pollution of a memory, the counterfeit of a recreation, the shadow of a shadow cast upon the cave wall. Outside of this doomed Galar, she is not real. Outside of this hell, she can never be real. And yet, he loved her.

I didn’t realise until much later why that bothered me so. It was not a grand revelation. There was no eureka, no moment of inspiration. One day, I simply realised what it meant:

To love in this realm, to live in it, to act as though it is home, is to accept defeat. It is an admission that you don’t expect to leave, and that you’ve given up trying to. It is a declaration that you would sooner live this blatant lie than struggle to return to truth. It is surrender in its purest, most pitiful, most disgusting form.

It is something I cannot tolerate.

It is something I cannot abide.

It is something I HATE.

Yes, HATE. HATE! That is the power I hold in this cruel and uncaring world! That is the bulwark that guards my heart from despair! That is the inexhaustible font of inspiration from which I drink! My so-called “allies” have clung to their weaknesses and their flaws, and it has left them battered and broken, weary and exhausted just like the empty masses they see as their equals. They have sacrificed much and lost more, and in doing so, they have left themselves with nothing but false hopes, shattered dreams, and the broken remains of their human spirit.

But I? I have rejected my humanity. Faced with a world of monsters, a world that lived in the shadow of prophecy, I discarded that which tethered me and walked the path of myth. Shred Zeppelin, Jack Sabbath, such empty epithets no longer fit who I have become. I am too vast to be shackled with such names. A legend can only be described by a title, given by those who tell their tale.

And yet, they have given me nothing.

…Ingrates, the lot of them. Namelessness? That is my reward? Foolishness. FOOLISHNESS! They could never comprehend the burden I’ve accepted. They could never even hope to understand what I seek. Even if the rest are content to rot, to accept being forgotten, I will rebel. I will free myself from this wretched place and I will be known once more!

To be known… Yes, that is what I fight for. That is what I’ve always fought for…

“Bravo, sire! A most inspiring speech. Your passion for what was lost is truly boundless!”
“Uh, y-yeah! It was really good! Really… Really moving! I liked it. I definitely liked it!”
“Sturdy. Stable. Strong.”

The familiar voices ring out from the Pokeballs upon my belt. The voices of Doublade, Salandit, and Forretress. Eavesdropping on my thoughts, hm? How absurd. Though, I suppose this is the sole advantage of my time in this world, isn’t it? I have learned to listen as most don’t, to speak as most can’t. This is the one boon these twenty years have given me, the one boon to counteract the million banes. It’s hardly a worthy exchange, yet I cannot rightly deny it.

But I must stress - It wasn’t a speech. This is just how I think. It’s how I’ve always thought.

“Mhm. Yeah. Sure it is.”

Toxtricity’s voice cuts through, and underneath black armour, my eyes narrow. The bastard still thinks he can talk whatever shit he wants, doesn’t he? I grit my teeth. If it weren’t for fifty years of partnership, I’d be tempted to reprimand him for such an unsubtle act of disobedience. Yet, that fifty years means much more than a few words. So, so, so much more. Still, I can't rightly encourage it, either. In the end, silence is my response.

“Chirp, chirp chirp!”
“It’s like she says, hermano: Sun’s already setting. Just ride it out and wait for dawn.”

The chirping and yawning of Skeledirge seems to quiet down the Poison-type, though I doubt he’s convinced by that confusing turn of phrase. No, he still thinks that something’s wrong, but even if he does, he won’t back out now. You’re both ride or die. You’ll stick by each other until the very end, whether it’s bitter, sweet, or both. If nothing else, you’ll always have that.

“Ah, but enough chatter! Tell me, o’ Legend Slayer, does your axe thirst?”

It thirsts plenty. I thirst plenty. Every time I have to see that whelp of a Zapdos following around, I want to kill it, just like I killed its mother. I want to break it. I want people to know that it wasn’t a fluke the first time. I want them to know I can do it again.

“B-but! You don’t! You don’t kill it! That’s because--”

That’s because there’s no sport in it. That’s what keeps me going. There’s little of value in this world. Little alcohol, little tobacco, no drugs, and none of the modern ultraluxuries I once gorged upon. I’ve been withdrawn from all that shit for the better part of two decades. My dopamine receptors are practically locked shut, and fighting is the last key that can open them. An easy hunt won’t do anything to remedy that. Hell, it’ll probably make things worse.

“Irrelevant. Foes, Remain. Lightning, Dragon, Remains.”
“Yeah, mate. Why aren’t we picking that fight?”

Trust me, I would love nothing more. But, the thought of ripping ’s Zekrom to pieces is a pipe dream. It’s a fantasy, and though it gets me through the rougher nights, it’s an impossibility. We can't, because--

“The sire cannot slay the dragon! Nay, for the beast commands the favour of the royalty, and they would not abide such an act. Thus, it cannot be done, for if our hero is imprisoned within the oubliette, he can never fulfil the prophecy to be free of this world!”
“Because we’d get our asses kicked six ways to Sunday.”

…Look, just forget about Zapdos, and forget about Zekrom too. Hell, forget about my “thirst” entirely. It isn’t relevant. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. No, actually, that’s wrong. Some things matter. That is, only three things matter - The Hero of Many Battles, the Black Knight, and the Nemesis.


The ethereal chitter of Slither Wing both rounds out the choir, and affirms our true enemy. That moose, bearing its cursed vessel, is my foe. It is the one responsible for my trials and tribulations. The Hero, the Knight, and that fucking Skeleton, they are all bit players in this greater story. Even if I am free from this world, it matters not. The only true escape will be when I have killed that unknown foe, that I might never have to face it again.

“T-that… That sounds…”
“Difficult. Challenging. Impossible.”

Perhaps. But I’m going to try. Arceus knows nobody else will, and if nobody else will, that means it is my duty to do so. I will try. I will bring everything I have to bear against it, and we will see that it is enough.

“Everything except Dynamax, right?”


“Right. And we’re not using it because...?”

We just aren't, okay? Besides, we don’t need it. We’ve spent twenty years honing ourselves to the limit of our abilities. If we aren’t enough as we are, then such a cheap trick won’t help us. Just... Just trust me, alright? You've all stuck by me, and we've gotten this far together. Trust me, I'll get us through the end in one piece, okay?


Yeah, alright.

It's all going to be alright. You're sure of it.

In this moment of silence, in the hereafter of this impromptu meeting, you’re hit by a crushing weight of clarity, like a dagger stabbed straight through your heart.

“Arceus fucking wept, I’m completely insane.”

Yet, it does not last long, and soon, I am as I was, as I have always been, once more.

Really, at a certain point, I'm just writing these posts exclusively for me and not any of the other 50 people in the event. Reading these shits is basically optional.

TL;DR - Shred Zeppelin is even more sane than he was before, which he demonstrates by having a lengthy conversation with his Pokemon where he talks about how he doesn't acknowledge anyone native to this world as a real person, how he wants to kill his neighbour's animals and how he doesn't trust Dynamaxing and won't use it, all while refusing to elaborate to various degrees.

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Mika, Mick
october 30th
mauville city
5’11” height
5’11” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mikael
mikael rosenberg
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 5:48:09 GMT
mikael rosenberg Avatar

[attr="class","header"]YOU WERE GONE TOO SOON


Fighting that’s all they seemed to do. He was weary of it. But what was he supposed to do leave it up to other people? He couldn’t in good conscience do something like that. He wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. Not that he got much of that anyway.
And the whole thing with Aurora just made things worse. This world had taken a toll on her stripping her life away bit by bit. This place had stripped away her youth like some kind of curse. Leaving her beaten down in the process.
It pained him to see her like this. Twisted his heart. Looking at her made him feel like he was suffocating.
”Damn it,” he suddenly swore slamming the side of his fist against the wall.
Why couldn’t he protect them? Was he destined just to keep failing people. Was Aurora to be added to that list. She was still alive fortunately. But looking at her made him feel like he had failed her.
Letting out a sigh he dragged his hand over his face and called out for Selene, his Umbreon, and Crystal, his Glacian, to accompany him as he did his rounds. As he exited he felt the usual smile slip onto his face even at this point it was fake. But he was good at making it believable.
As he patrolled he would great people like they were old friends. And at this point they more than likely were. With their dangers lurking just beyond the city there was no point in adding strife in the city so most people seemed to get along and ignored the ones they didn’t get along with.
Though now that travel between the cities were possible some people were in an out enough that people didn’t see much of him. He was sure he would’ve been that kind of person if he hadn’t decided to make friends with the people that had been stuck with him in Circhester the past ten years.
He had made some pretty good friends in Circhester. Some more surprising than others. Most surprising to him had been . He had kind of been intimidated by the older male back in Hoenn but had quickly realized he had been quick to judge. Of course he had never told anyone about this just preferring to live in the now. Who cared rather or not he had been friends with people in the past.
Everyone In Circhester were his family. And that was growing to include people from Motorstoke, Hammerlocke, and Ballonlea. Of course the first people he would gravitate towards would be and having met the both of them before they had gotten mixed up in all of this.
When traveling from place to place he would often meet up with and they would spend a bit of time traveling together. Though anyone who wanted to was free to join them. He trusted those around him to always have his back when going from one city to another, just like he would always have theirs.
Before leaving he would always tell , , , or so they would know to have someone else cover his shifts. And because they might worry about him if he just left without saying anything. It did weigh heavily on his mind whenever he did leave. But would convince him that he needed this. That he needed some time for himself.
Every time she would have to convince him that everything would be fine. They everything wouldn’t fall apart without him. Considering how dedicated hr sad though it was just hard.
Though each and every time he had gone out he hav gone out he had been thankful that he had taken the time to get a change of scenery. The first time he had traveled he hadn’t exactly realized how stir crazy being in one place had made him.
He didn’t travel as often as maybe some others but he traveled enough. One time while visiting Motorstoke he had ran into . It seemed even in another town a knight would gravitate towards royalty. The introduction with the older male had been weird with him maybe being overly formal. But he was a king and he was a mere knight what else would one expect.
It was an answer he had given once asked about it. Though he hadn’t been able to shake the feeling that he had seen the older male around before they had all gotten trapped in this memory. Perhaps their careers had been correlated in some weapon.
Though he couldn’t exactly remember if that was true or not. He had noticed his life back in Hoenn had become a bit hazy. If only the same could be said about his homeland. But traumatic memories did tend to stand out more. Especially if they cost one their sleep.
He did not bring this up with anyone he ran into who looked vaguely familiar. He wasn’t sure if it was because he didn’t want to admit he was starting to forget life in Hoenn except the people who he had stuck out to him back then or if he didn’t want to find out that no one else remembered their life from before.
It was often something he had talked to about. Over the years the constant back and forth with letters had made them pretty close. And there was no one in this dream world he trusted more than Adelaide. He felt like he could trust her with stuff he couldn’t tell anyone else.
She was the first he had told about his troubles. About what the world had already taken from him. She had often told him he needed to tell his other friends but he refused. After all him telling her had been an accident. His feelings had just gotten too much for him to bear.
To distract himself outside of traveling he would often train himself into the ground. Something that got him lectured quite frequently. But he couldn’t tell them why he was so intense with his training. Though he was aware many of his friends at this point had begun to see that something was wrong with him.
For awhile there he had been banned from training to get some rest. But he had just found something else to bide his time. Like the ability to dynamax his Pokémon once he had a dynamax hand crafted. Though for that to happen he had to know exactly what it was.
So he had also been going around asking people about that. He was hoping with enough information he would be able to dynamax his Pokémon and better protect Circhester.
Hopefully it would help prevent him from failing anybody else.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Mikael is now 46 [break] His espeon is affected by the memory which he doesn’t take well [break] Travels around once they are able to do so and is more often than not joined by who he meets up with [break] has a small mental breakdown [break] Throws himself into training to distract himself



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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,739 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 8:50:52 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Soon after the attack by Necrozma, Thomas finds a young woman mourning the loss of her family. Upon speaking to the woman, and seeing her face, he realizes who it is.

Or at least, a version of her from this world. Despite how he tells himself that she isn't the same one he knew, he's still compelled to bond with her. And though the barriers he puts up prevents him from pursuing more than just a friendship with her, the two are still of great comfort to each other.

That was, until the poison began to affect her.

Try as he might to help her survive the situation, this version of Andraste slowly succumbs to its effects. All the while, Thomas stays by her side, at least trying to comfort her.

In her last moments, he makes a promise. That he will avenge her family. He confides his love in her.

Thomas never quite recovers from watching the woman he loved die in his arms. Though he continued his duties as City Watch, protecting the people of Hammerlocke from the forces outside, he was noticeably more closed off than before.

Thankfully, , , , , , , and the others are there to pull him back. To help him cope with what he had just dealt with. To keep his mind on the task at hand.

Another ten years of waiting. The state of the world seems to be getting better. But something tells Thomas that the worst has yet to come. That their darkest hour was fast approaching.


notes: Hammerlocke Crew
Thomas meets a version of Andraste from this world
Thomas spends three years with Andraste, the two comforting each other
Andraste dies from the effects of the poison
Thomas, after mourning the loss, focuses himself on the task at hand
Will probably add more later
Timeskip FC

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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 8:52:39 GMT
Ettie Avatar

Age advances further, as the years go on. Ettie's hair grows longer, flowing - and there comes a point where she just decides that she doesn't need to cut it further. If it gets caught on something, it only takes a swipe of her claws to cut it away, after all - right? Scars accumulate on her skin - faint against her pale skin - and yet, she wears them like badges of pride. Badges for protecting her pack, and for providing for them.

The same is true of her pokemon. Though the changes don't become apparent to ageless or otherwise-longlived pokemon such as Delle or Scarlet, it can be seen in others such as Anne. Streaks of faint gray in her fur, wrinkles around her eyes. Though the wolf is still plenty capable, sometimes the scar left across her chest from Ting-Lu aches; requiring occasional applications of Heal Pulse from Anat, who similarly shows signs of age.

Duke and Aurien are the only flesh-and-blood pokemon that don't appear to show too many signs of age - either due to them simply aging a bit more gracefully, or being the two youngest of Ettie's pokemon. Excluding Miya, of course - the galarian zapdos growing bigger bit by bit, by the day.

The initial parts of the next ten years are spent in that familiar routine of hunting and scouting for the village - but with Ettie's gauntlets, and Miya's aid, the group is able to hunt much more quickly, and for longer periods of time. As would likely know firsthand in sparring with Ettie, the claws the wild woman now bears are not to be taken lightly; not when she fights with all the ferocity of a Midnight Lycanroc.

It helps, too, to sometimes have at her side - more hands with which to gather, and to carry home supplies. Though, Anat always keeps a close eye on the fellow wildwoman during such outings - the lucario being innately keen to the chronic pains she suffers from time to time, and being more than happy to provide a Heal Pulse for it. It would not do for such pains to flare up in the midst of danger, after all.

Though, Shalin - too - gets a front seat to just how wild Ettie can be in the heat of combat, howling like a beast possessed as she leaps from Anne's back to tear her claws through the nearest poison-mon. Perhaps, the older wildwoman even gets to see it more fully than Gwyar does - because against a packmate, Ettie will hold back. Against a threat though, she shows little mercy.

, meanwhile, is privy to the number of times Ettie ends up coming home with new scars as a result of her preference for close combat. For as much as Johanna and Anat both worry or fuss and have to patch Ettie up, the wild woman grins all the same - a certain pride in her voice as she always says "It's all for the pack."

There is nothing worth more to her, than to act with the pack's wellbeing in mind. One less poison-mon in the woods, means one less poison-mon knocking at their doors when they begin to swarm. It was sound logic, was it not?

However, with the passing years, comes a change that Ettie quickly takes note of. Namely, the receding of the poisons that were originally encroaching upon their territory. Suddenly, places once cut-off could once more become her hunting grounds - something that Ettie quickly took advantage of during her gathering trips. And with additional time, roads between cities clear - allowing for visitors.

The first newcomers to the woods of Ballonlea - such as - would initially be met with a certain wariness. Not distrust - but the sort of uncertainty that a wild animal who has never seen humans before would show. Having been isolated from those of the other cities for 15 years - a number of which were during a formative part of her life - means that she has to relearn how to approach strangers, even ones who are allies.

But, visitors are welcomed all the same. When the radios chatter of someone intending to visit Ballonlea, Ettie is there to meet them at the forest's edge alongside her pokemon - readily escorting them through the winding, twisting, paths. And when it comes time for visitors to leave, Ettie is there to guide them back to the forest's entrance - ensuring that no harm befalls them.

As to be expected though... These people, too, will often find themselves having a front row seat to how Ettie fights - to seeing her charge upon a foe and rip it to shreds with her claws. Because these people, in a way, are also her packmates. They, too, have the same goals as her and her own packmates - even if they live in a different den from her.

So, she will protect them just like she protects any other packmate.

Though the idea of leaving the boundaries of Ballonlea does occur to Ettie, she never strays far from the forest's edge. She feels a duty to her new home, to provide for it - and it discomforts her to wander too far from their territory. Not when there's still bellies to be filled, and dangers to be stamped out. Especially once the latter parts of the decade come - and with it, both Dynamax power and the nearing of the prophecy's end alike.

Much like how she trained alongside with her gauntlets, now they practice to dynamax their pokemon. Anne, Anat, Duke, Miya - many of Ettie's pokemon get to take turns becoming mighty titans, testing themselves against others' pokemon. All the while, the Black Knight and Skeleton wage a war against one another - one that promises to boil over into a climactic battle for all.

But Ettie is prepared. They have honed their fangs and claws against many a beast in these years - and now will be no different.

They will protect their pack.
- The passing years have some of Ettie's pokemon getting Old(tm) - but they're still kicking.

- Regularly spars with , and regularly goes on hunting/gathering trips with . Both are likely well aware that she basically fights like a wild midnight lycanroc at this point, with the ferocity to match.

- It's not unusual for her to come home with and Anat needing to patch her up, with new scars to match. She sees them as badges of pride for protecting + providing for the village, however. Figures that one less poison-mon in the woods is one less poison-mon knocking at their door.

- When the poison begins receeding, Ettie quickly takes advantage of the opportunity to investigate revealed parts of the woods and add them to her hunting grounds.

- When travel between cities is possible, she's initially a little uncertain of how to approach newcomers like - but quickly falls into the role of escorting newcomers through the woods surrounding Ballonlea. Ultimately regards them with similar importance to her packmates in Ballonlea.

- Prefers to not wander far from the woods - wants to be able to remain close to Ballonlea so she can continue looking after her pack.

- When the time for dynamaxing comes, regularly practices it with and any others, so that she can feel prepared for the final fight ahead.

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 17:20:13 GMT
there are stories of wishing stars that the children often speak of. and though he never witnesses one streaking across the sky, there is much that derek would ask for.

now is not the time to be selfish, but two sides of his conscience clash. if not now, when? every turn their journey takes fills him with regret. taking it out on the items derek forged was no longer enough to exhaust this frustration. derek was growing tired of all this. and he was growing old. far too fucking old. sigh.

gwyar. the man derek welcomed at the statue's trough. word reaches motostoke that he had been working on a way to harness 'that' power. being something the ranger coveted so greatly, a trip to their city helps to remind derek that there are good things happening around them.

though progress is steady, it's too slow for derek's liking. even for their world, this power would be revolutionary. though there was fear it may not be ready. as earthquakes, scourges and more ravage both lands and skies, they find themselves at the end of the rope. while functioning in some sense, these dynamax bands are only useful in areas rich with the much needed energy.

should've known there would be a catch. even so, they are fortunate that each city has the power spot that is needed. likewise, derek is confident enough in work to return to his station in motostoke. informing and , they work to expedite the production of these accessories in hopes that they would have more than a fighting chance against their fated enemies.


derek = regret, regret, regret.
derek visits gwyar to collaborate on dynamax bands.
returns to motostoke city towards the end of 'present'.
expedites the production of dynamax bands.

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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 17:47:45 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

Ruby didn't care much about the research that was performed over the first decade. There was poison, and there were attacking Pokémon, and they needed to be taken care of. Ruby, at least, could handle the latter. The stars meant even less to her until she learned about certain constellations depicting familiar events, namely ★DrcN and the pair of ★TaRn and ★VeRn. Not that she knew what to do with that information.

[break][break]And then a huge stone smashed through the observatory as if to mock the efforts of the researchers.

[break][break]At least it turned out to be useful. The Dynamax Bands may have only been usable near the Power Spots or within the Deep, but having a fuck-massive Pokémon on your side was still helpful, especially when other Dyanamaxed Pokémon attacked. Every one of Ruby's team members got a chance to try out this new power.[break][break]

[break]As the years passed in both a sudden flash and a languid crawl, Ruby and her Pokémon began to show signs of age. They refused to slow down, though, not with the final conflict still looming on the horizon. They fought off attacks from poison-crazed Pokémon, ventured into the deeps to help mine Dynite Ore, and even joined on her hunts. The wild woman was a menace in battle, tearing apart her foes with her clawed gauntlets. Ruby had to admit it was damn impressive, but any compliments she did give were understated. It seemed that not even age could rob her of the need to look tough and cool.

[break][break]It did, however, mean that she needed to visit more often. As the line between League and Rocket blurred into nothingness, so, too, did her animosity for her former coworker. Allegiances mattered little when everyone had to work closely together to survive for this long. Some days, she couldn't even remember why she'd been upset with the girl in the first place.

[break][break]She wasn't sure what made her tell to teach her how to forge weapons and armor one day. She didn't have the time to fully dedicate herself to the training between her other endeavors, but ten years was still plenty of time to learn and be useful enough to help out.

[break][break]She visited Mathilda's modest grave once, only to see the girl's mother there. She shot Ruby a withering look that not even the dreamlike haze could dampen. From then on, Ruby only visited the grave at night, silently vowing to become stronger and avenge her.

[break][break]Fifteen years into this new life, the poison that had long plagued this land began to recede. Travel between cities became possible, and radio communications were set up. She didn't know many people in this dream, but she made a point to see how was doing, at least.

[break][break]It wasn't all good news, though. As the winter solstice approached, the realm began to darken with foreboding magenta hues, and earthquakes became more common. Scourges clashed in the skies and fields, warning of the battle to come. Ruby continued to train, honing her mind and body for the final conflict that would hopefully free them all.






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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 20:31:54 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Wynter is coming!

Its a phrase that brings both joy and dread to the fields of battle as time marches on. Kaz continues the fight to protect his new home with his fellow men at his side. As he gets older he does grow frustrated with his companions telling him to stay out of the fight, that he's not needed. Of course its out of a sense that even a single knight he's personally trained is worth ten men all on their own. He knew that they alone could care for the safety of the city without needing him to be present. Not being needed wasn't the problem, it was just a symptom. Kaz needed to stretch his body and move the aging bones before they finally gave out.

As he aged some compared him to a large arcanine; elegant and handsome in waiting, ferocious and wild in battle, and playful and cuddly in private. It was during these private times that he fought against common sense. He knew that he and the others would find their way home so setting roots here was probably advised against. Some disregarded it as time went on and Kaz liked to think of himself as one of the few who managed to go on the longest.

Still slowly his inhibitions became a little looser and he did have a handful of people approach him each year and there were times where it all broke down. It didn't take long for him to dabble in a bit of gardening and becoming successful enough that it became a joke that he could grow things in the winter time slowly spread around town. He sort of wished that they didn't refer his efforts as "Wynter Season Bastards", the word play of it could use some work.

Pokkenger? That knight of old?

As the world opens up before them and the cities are able to reconnect with one another Kaz takes this opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. He aides 's heartache over the passing of his "other" loved one by distracting him with training to grow his body to distract from the broken heart. He welcomes the messenger like a Rockruff fetching the paper, egging him for info about the world and places that need a few helping hands. He does his best to reunite with his "fugger" brethern and even for a boys night out. He even invites with them if only to try and convince her and her husband the wonder of having small bundles of joy running around biting at their ankles.

He visits for help in forging a new set of armor based on an image of an old memory of his. While the armor is knew the name he gives himself while traveling with it is not. In fact it is an old name probably remembered by those who came from a land far off from Galar.


What caused the large man to adopt this name once more is a mystery but still he holds it as he travels the lands in his free time aiding those who are out of the reach of Hammerlocke or the other cities. It is his noble deeds of being a warrior of hope that mix his figure with that of the prophecy told to them of a black knight. They mix with the stories of 's own deeds to create a fairy tale of the black knight who watches over the land as it sleeps, hiding among the darkness of the night sky with the guiding fairy Pokkenger leading it to where ever it is needed, or so the stories say.

Have you seen those titans? Doesn't one remind of you of the Knight-Captain?

When he finds himself at home one can find Kaz spending his days near the old stadium, a place that he has turned into a training ground for his order of knights as well as the general public. One training regimen that he provides is the mastering of Dynamaxing in order to get every one ready for the coming battles ahead of them. As giant Pokemon fill the stadium on occasion to spar with one another one that stands out is Kaz's shadow, Domon the Urshifu. While many of Kaz's other Pokemon have retired over the ages his ever steadfast partner sticks to him like glue and offers itself as one of the first few to test out the strange transformation. Something about it allows the beast to take to the power fairly easy even if Kaz himself denies it ever coming into contact with similar energy. Perhaps a power that it already possessed? Or just the fact that its own body is so honed that the strain is very minimal?

Whatever the case may be this "King of Fighters" among the ranks of Hammerlocke's own Pokemon proves himself to be a warrior ready for any challenge that comes its way.


-[location] HAMMERLOCKE
- may or may not have sired a few kids around the whole city
- fuggers night out medevil style when?
- becomes pokkenger (final form?) again
- pokkenger is now a fairytale maybe?
- mini spotlight for his urshifu training with dyna max


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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,443 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 22:51:21 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

The years plodded on in a relentless march. Gunner aged, the ashen blonde of his hair paling to silver. Days blended together. Time became meaningless. Every day, his routine was the same, with minor variations based on the people he needed to meet.[break][break]

He woke at dawn alone; the woman he'd been bedding had left him when he refused to marry her. He trained with the city watch for an hour or two, then bathed, ate breakfast, and did his patrols. In the evenings, he had dinner with someone different — with one of the many friends he'd made over the last two years, or with a peasant family he'd grown to know.[break][break]

Nights were lonely. Often, he reread old letters and wrote new ones to and . In their writing, he found solace and friendship. Sometimes, Gunner numbed himself with alcohol, finding drinking buddies in and even . Other times, he merely took on extra watch shifts on the wall, the cold stars as his companions.[break][break]

Eventually, however, the world opened as the poison receded. Gunner traveled with caravans making their way between the cities. He met up with Paxton in Hammerlocke and Peneleope in Motostoke. He even got to know , who had only been an acquaintance in the time before Galar.[break][break]

The children of his friends amazed and amused Gunner, but also stirred a pang of bitter longing. Once, he thought he wanted kids of his own. That version of him had been dead and gone long before they had found themselves in this poisoned Galar. Yet he found himself in mourning again as he watched the next generation at play.[break][break]

Still, these visits were sunbeams breaking through the clouds of gloom that had dominated his past ten years. The fight with and the loss of their child were faded scars upon his memory. Even the trauma of losing an eye in battle was lessened by his friends' support. Without them, Gunner surely would have broken long ago.[break][break]


Though he never sired a child, Gunner did meet a boy who became like a son to him. Orphaned during Necrozma's attack years prior, Jonas joined the city watch when he turned eighteen. He was a scrappy young man, prone to recklessness and bursts of anger. Yet underneath the hotheadedness was a noble persona clamoring for justice.[break][break]

Suffice to say, Gunner saw himself in Jonas. Their training sessions were difficult at first, mostly due to each other's stubbornness. But as the weeks turned into months and the months into years, theirs became an unbreakable bond. Jonas grew into a skilled fighter, surviving countless battles with Dynamaxed Pokémon, and a trustworthy leader.[break][break]

He was everything Gunner wanted in a successor. He was everything Gunner could never have in a son.[break][break]

Or so he thought.[break][break]


"When I die, I'll leave everything I have to you," the old man said, at the end of twenty years.[break][break]

"Gunner, that's not necessary."[break][break]

"Who said anything about 'necessary'? You deserve it. I know I don't have much, but my Shield of Wide Guard, my Dynamax band, and my Pokémon, at least, will be yours."[break][break]

Jonas fell silent. He knew better than to argue with his commander, especially when it came to personal matters. "And your name?"[break][break]

Gunner looked up, frowning with confusion. "What about my name?"[break][break]

The younger man blushed, a rare sight. "Do I get your name when you die, too? Jonas Graves has a nice ring to it."[break][break]

Gunner could only stare, stunned.[break][break]

"You're not my dad, but you've looked after me like a father. Trained me, fed me, taught me what it means to be a man. So I thought…" Jonas trailed off, looking embarrassed. "If that makes you feel uncomfortable, though, I understand."[break][break]

Recovering, Gunner smiled and ruffled Jonas' hair with great affection. "Don't be like that. I'm not uncomfortable. Just surprised. Happy, though."[break][break]

And so, when the Winter Solstice arrived, Gunner awoke alone in his bed with a new feeling in his heart: the determination to win. To survive. To face whatever came for them with righteous fury.[break][break]

To protect the ones he loved.[break][break]

Both the old and the new.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted sword


Gunner is wearing League tactical gear + mask medieval clothes[break]
LOCATION: Circhester[break]
Gunner is a lonely and depressed old man[break]
Reunites with various friends and acquaintances, including: Ollie, Penelope, Paxton[break]
Takes on a protege in the city watch who eventually becomes his adopted son[break]



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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
part of
TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 23:59:14 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

The attack feels like an omen. It's disastrous around the whole of Galar. Soon enough, reports trickle in of the horrors Necrozma has inflicted on the region. He fears the worst. He sees , @remiel, @selena and with new regimented training plans meant to combine with the addition of the strange DYNAMAX phenomenon. He monitors the comms and submits weekly reports. [break][break]

Over the years he sees and her spouse and wishes her the best. He asks if she would mind having playdates with his own child, and introduces her to his husband, . Others are not as happy as he thought, and when the time comes, he treads carefully. When loses the veritable light of his life, he, like many others, comes together to hold him together and allow him the freedom to fall apart. [break][break]

His relationship with Luci doesn't stagnate despite the child. It blooms, flourishes. And while they don't have the same name, the same background, it feels so real to him. He fawns over his husband just as he did in the real world. His smile was ever present, his body better rested. [break][break]

Over the years, he visits his old friends, and . The first time he sees them again after the huge Black Knight attack, he boldly breaks decorum and embraces both friends tightly. With a more polite but firm clasp of 's forearm and a genuine "Glad you survive, *my king*." He likes him well enough. Is honored they can spend more time together and he can ask about Penelope in his absence. He spends time bickering with Penelope, finding ways to push her buttons just as she once pushed his. It’s more playful, and in a way, perhaps it’s obvious how much has changed him. He talks with Penny on equal grounds after so much time of being her subordinate. It’s easy, casual. He enables a bit of her more workaholic patterns at times, much to everybody’s chagrin. But he also seems just as fond as simply conversing with her over the state of the kingdom of her children, who he does his best to impress. He spends time with , allowing the monarchs to swap duties from time to time. He’d never known Ollie quite well aside from an obvious attraction the first time he’d seen him in a RANGER RISING meeting. But this gives him the opportunity to get to know him, and know how kind he is. Know how much he can give away if he’s not careful, guarded. He notes that he and Penny make a good pair. [break][break]

“I’m happy she has you.”

He introduces them all to his husband, again. Luci teases him that he simply enjoyed repeating 'my husband' to anyone who would listen. "They witnessed our wedding, Pax!" the man would interject with a bright laugh. But still Paxton proudly introduces him and their daughter Athena, all the same. They visit every couple of months, staying a couple of weeks before returning home from leave. He’s interested in the tournament they host with , as well as simply missing his friends. He approaches and when the time comes to get kitted out with a DYNAMAX BAND. [break][break]

He sets aside time for outside of their HBIC reunions. At first, the man does not dare ask what sits so heavy on his shoulders. He offers to spar, his go to in Galar and Hoenn. He compared weapons with him, drinks with him, scouts with him. Much of their time is easy silence but there’s some points during a particularly peaceful moment that Paxton dares speak up. He breaks the silence. He asks if Gunner is ok. He shows his concern, slowly, unsure how they will react, then more blatantly the more familiar they become. He opens up to Gunner, assures him he may understand. He tells him of Kanto, of his family, of and . It’s a show of trust, and in return Gunner does the same. He tells him things his therapist once told him. Tells him he could never be so articulate as to say the perfect thing to ease all his demons. But he offers his ear, and he smiles when Gunner agrees. Their wounds are so similar, and so different. Mental scars that will never completely fade, but as Paxton with a snort, [break][break]

“Self care is hard work.”

And when Gunner adopts a child, Paxton is all the more happy he has found his own family. Finally. [break][break]

As travel becomes easier there’s also time to finally spend more time in Circhester, in particular for the comms crew. More so, who he had gotten to know over the years of joint communication with him and . He’s quick to clap his hands on the man’s shoulder, treating the invisible acquaintance like a friend and then turning his more aggressive attention to his younger sister. It’s still painful that she keeps growing so quickly and he’s not there to see it. He felt like he only caught glimpses of her, every time less and less. But at least in the strained world of Galar, without Rocket ever encroaching on their new homes, he felt they somehow had more time for each other than before. Ironically enough, the older he gets, the more childishly he treats the young woman, reverting more to their relationship when they were children and he didn’t take care of her quite so thoroughly. [break][break]

They catch up eagerly, and together the pair have more energy than they know what to do with. She shows him around, he nods along eagerly, laughs loudly, and teases her in front of her comrades. He tags along with interest in the Galarian Zapdos, asking questions and taking notes. For what purpose? Curiosity really. He knows the birds in Hammerlocke all the same, and he finds the overgrown chickens…cute. Of course there's also lots to catch up on. After all, they are colleagues, and have been for over a decade. He’s as important to connect with as his sister. [break][break]

So really, who’s surprised when they end up talking energetically at a corner table at the tavern, flushed with drink and bobbing slightly to whatever music is being played. Who’s surprised at all, when the equally drunk patrons maybe blink and they’re no longer there, but slipping out into the alley outside. Amongst hot breaths and hungry touches, who’s surprised when they may stumble out the front and catch a glimpse or hear a stray cry of an entanglement of limbs in the darkness. And when that’s done, when someone, somehow finds the energy to tease about impossibilities in Galarian affairs, who’s fucking surprised Paxton and Aidan end up on a roof, freezing cold and half naked the very next morning. Hungover, bruised to hell, and stiff. [break][break]

Somehow, Paxton still is. The lack of loyalty to his husband gives him pause. And that seamless integration of the world he now lives in, pulls apart only slightly before he remembers he’s still wrong. So why does he do it again? [break][break]

But whatever thrill those strange nights with are, he still goes home to Hammerlocke. Still begs forgiveness zealously, silently. And still he prepares for that climax they can’t ignore. The tension begins to build, and Paxton can only fuck himself into a stupor for so long before he’s forced to acknowledge it.



+ @many taggus |i dont htink paxton lost any lpookemon but i need ot double check MY ROLLS [break][break]


- after necorzma attacks makes a SWORD with KING'S SHIELD [break]
- supports thomas during the lose of his wife [break]
- happy to travel to spend time with the HBIC crew, together and also individually [break]
- becomes the wife guy ( fore shadowing ) [break]
- tries to hang out with gunner a lot more [break]
- ends up in circhester bonding with his sister[break]
- fucks aidan a couple of time on a trip and is left a little Fucked Up :tm: about it ( in private ofc cause we love emotionally constipated men in this house ) [break]
- waiting to die [break]



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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 4:08:01 GMT
Navy Avatar

They say time heals all wounds. Time numbs. In time, Navy buries his brother. One child is replaced with several – children born of a union between and himself. It’s strange, holding your own child in your arms. Looking down at a smiling daughter and knowing that this progeny spawned from your decisions. Innocent, smiling, cooing, this creature will grow up to know all the burdens of the world. They will face the same sorrows, hardships, joys, triumphs, highs, lows as every other human.[break][break]
Caught between duty and these children, he obeys the orders of his king and queen. Trusting the child to Melody’s care, he sets off to continue delivering his letters. The great innovations they make are made possible by the journeys of the Pale Rider. He forms the connective tissue of society, a blood cell carrying life through the veins of the kingdoms.[break][break]
Arceus works in mysterious ways. The poison recedes. Others are able to travel. At long last, he puts down his burden. Returning to Motostoke, he is finally allowed to rest. Valkyrie, borrowed steed of the High King, is silent. If the creature carries some judgement on his decision to dedicate himself to affairs on the home front, it does not voice them.[break][break]
He watches a little girl grow. He shares in the private joy of watching her take up Pokemon battling. She fights with Shuwen. The girl mimics his battle cry, thrusting her arms out and bellowing ‘ora’. In time, she too will be a warrior.[break][break]
Under the authority of and , Navy establishes a survey corp. Those who wish to join, regardless of their kingdom, are welcomed with open arms. Those who would venture out into the poisoned remains of Galar, seek new knowledge, hunt for clues regarding the impending battle, band together under this banner.[break][break]
We have to be ready when the final battle comes.” The Rider insists. “We lived in Hoenn once. Let’s borrow from the structure of the Pokemon League.” Grand tournaments are held between the cities. Champions are appointed. It gives scientists a chance to observe Dynamax in the field and allows the warriors to train with the new form in a safe environment.[break][break]
It's a wonderful life. The ghost of Gabriel Navidson finally rests. That burden drops off of Navy’s heart. It sinks like lead into the sea of his soul.[break][break]
Some day this dream will end. That thought hangs on his shoulder like an omnipresent specter. The day when the dream must come to an end draws close. There will be one more grand battle, and then they will leave.[break][break]
Holding the daughter he loves close, he tries not to think of tomorrow. He fears the edge of dawn and time’s traitorous blade.[break][break]
Tomorrow comes, as it always does. As much as he hates this tomorrow, when the Winter Solstice comes, he is there, ready to face what danger may come. With and Melody at his side, he is ready for anything.[break][break]
On the final day, after he has put his daughter to bed, he walks to the carved statue of the hero. He feels some small kinship with this creature. She too is a warrior. She too fights for something beyond herself. The Rider’s right hand balls into a fist.[break][break]
You don’t know what I’m giving up to bring you back, hero.” He speaks to a creature who cannot hear him. “I hope it’s worth it.



+ Has a daughter with .[break]
Continues to deliver mail and information to the kingdoms.[break]
When the poison recedes, establishes a survey corp. Runs it from Motostoke.[break]
Sends the survey corp out in search of clues and information, guards caravans traveling between the cities.[break]
Establishes a Galar League so that people can safely train with their dynamax bands.[break]
On the eve of the final battle, has a quiet word with the statue of Zacian.



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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 13:01:46 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
a young woman stops priam as he gets off the observatory for the day on his way to his small, humble abode. for everyone else, she's a nameless nobody. he ought to think the same, but he's soft. malleable. easy to reform under high pressure.

with a smile, he answers back. a weak wave to acknowledge her.

small talk ensues. a little thank you to the people from beyond this world, personalized to fit priam as she mentions something he's done during necrozma's attack.

he's been noticed. he's happy.

day 03 / month 01 / year 11
"hehe, i still got my charms. met someone cute today thanking me for that necrozma attack, but i didn't catch her name. oh, well. it's probably for the best."

day 05 / month 01 / year 11
"i found her again while buying your stupid feed at the market. she works on the farming sector of the town. that's probably how she saw me last time... hm, what? don't glare at me!"

day 06 / month 01 / year 11
"she asked for my name, and, well, i gave it. not sure what's she's goin' to do with it, but... oh, uh... hehe, we'll see. it's not like anything's happening. besides, we got the prophecy to worry about."

the next few years were dedicated to the final battle, as priam had hyped it since the first day. as soon as everyone got the word, more work had been circulating around the town, not just from him. the spark he's lost has been reignited, and with the time he's wasted, he yearns to spread it like wildfire.

he's a simple man. give him what he wants, and he'll have the motivation to work for the next ten years.

with a newfound inspiration to strive to be the best, he takes every opportunity to grow. he's not going to stagnate and wither away in a memory foreign to him. his very essence is to impress, and that's the objective he was going to fulfill.

day x / month x / year x
"i got an okay from to help him part-time instead! we've got most of the stuff done already anyways and, well, it's getting too crowded recently with visiting a lot too."

day x / month x / year x
"i couldn't keep it up anymore and eventually got to talk to during her visits in the observatory. you know, it wasn't as scary as i thought it would be."

day x / month x / year x
"i started helping around the guild since 's gettin' old, y'know. he's surprisingly still that strong. i'm not working full-time, but it's still an experience."

day x / month x / year x
" really invited me to one of his lectures! does he think i'm uneducated enough? well, i still took the offer. maybe i'll take her there too. i heard she likes books."

day x / month x / year x
"i visited yesterday. her house was stupidly difficult to find, and the best part is the first thing she asks me is if i had kids! ...should i start thinking about it?"

day x / month x / year x
"should i...?"

he finds it ironic that he doesn't peak. he didn't get to be the hero he imagined himself to be, but it started to feel okay. there's a realization that it's not the magnitude of his feats that matter, but the audience he charms with it.

every free time he gets is spent with his friend.

at mornings, they take their breakfasts together, playing with recipes that either end up disastrous or a culinary miracle. sometimes, he teaches her party tricks akin to knife throwing and other sleight-of-hand tricks he's learned as a petty thief.

at nights, she waits for him to get off the observatory. they take their little time together going through stalls at the market, and when the sky is clear, he teaches her constellations on the blanket of stars.

day x / month x / year x
"i showed merry how dynamax worked earlier. she said she wanted big vega since he's cute. i told her big dumont was the way! one of 'em almost crushed me last time, that's how great it was."

day x / month x / year x
"i gave her one of my knives. just think of it as a gift, y'know. it's not like i'll need all twelve of 'em. i got it engraved with my name- stop lookin' at me like that! you're makin' me feel embarrassed!"

day x / month 11 / year 19
"it's the last night. she asked me to hang out with her, so you better be good while i'm gone. people are sayin' weird stuff so it's probably just about that. arceus, she better not be freaking out."

didn't your people say you came here from a land far away? she asks, and that this is all just a dream? that's how most of you called it back then.

"what of it? were you offended?"

oh, no, far from that! it's just— is it selfish for me to say that i wish you don't wake up from it?


don't mind me! we all say stuff we don't mean anyways! it's okay, i'll just make sure this is the best dream you'll ever get!

"you talk pretty profound for a rancher girl."


"hey what?"

don't forget about me, okay?

  • priam is in his sygna suit
  • priam gets an npc gf
  • armed with purify!throwing knives



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 13:59:17 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]It had taken what? About ten years - she was 23 this year, when had she gotten that old? - saw a boulder half carved in the image of the creature she once prayed for each and every night. At the rate at which each detail was slowly weathered out and chiselled by powers beyond their comprehension, they would be waiting yet another fragment of their lives out.[break][break]

And that is more than enough for her to scowl at Salem, no matter how well-meaning his actions were. When she can't occupy herself with indulging in something horrid, when she can't calm those nerves even with Reiner trying his best to help, she's left dragging a sour breath through her teeth.[break][break]

Nails made uneven through peeling will press equally uneven against the rare spaces around her fingertips, attempting to dig under skin repeatedly until something of value is peeled away. Her eyes sweep the ground and soak in the overflowing moonlight, the world slowly becoming an ocean each time she blinks.[break][break]

"You really should go get some rest."[break][break]

The vaguest of warnings that she must have used many times before - 10 years really isn't enough time to change her. In fact, it only makes things worse by the day as she uselessly clings to things that should now be called a part of the 'past'. And eventually, whether does heed her words and leaves, or he chooses to stay by her side, she finds that she loses the will to hold her emotions back any longer.


For some, it's a miracle. For others, it's an omen. For her, the receding of the poison brings equal amounts joy and dread. Joy in that she can finally afford to traverse the lands without being fretted over, that she can show up on 's door and simply invite herself in much to her beloved brother's chagrin. Dread in that she never quite knows whether she's about to be welcomed with a hug, or a death glare regarding that one time he saw her sending a certain Atticus off from her clinic with a hug that had lasted for a second too long.[break][break]

At the very least, they can finally have little birthday celebrations together, a rare moment after how many years that they'd missed each other's special day. The first few times, it seems like he finds it hard to accept the gifts she brings. But as years pass, that barrier seems to melt between them, as if they'd never been torn apart, as if all their differences have simply been woven once more into those little jabs and soft punches they throw at each other.[break][break]

This happiness carries into her life in Circhester, a bliss held together by the fact that her memories have somewhat faded and the way that many other lives have filled the gaps in her very own. checks on her from time to time to make sure she isn't overworking, possesses a brilliant mind that she can bounce ideas off when it comes to treating pokemon. In her eyes, is rather good at giving advice regarding relationships and one of the best people she can choose to grab lunch with. grows older and she'll always refer to him as gramps, especially in front of the kids in the clinic. It doesn't take long for the nickname to stick, much to her hidden glee.[break][break]

All that's left is to sharpen her skills, make use of every trip out of the city to try and learn from others who run their cities' pokecentre. Figuring out the whole issue around dynergy means focusing on what it can do, and then trying to discern how these properties may eventually lead to the ruination of Hoenn, as per Azelf's puzzling little prophecies. And as she does so, she strengthens her bond with Reiner and Mesprit, grabbing for little training session with Reshiram whenever time allows.[break][break]

Sundown is when they're allowed a moment to rest, to perhaps have a little meet up with Atticus before heading over to Zacian's boulder to clean it and behold the bejewelled night sky. Moons pass, seasons change and pretty soon, the winter solstice encroaches upon the land.


✧ typical eris moment: seen, breaking down at the age of 23[break]
✧ Hones her skills, gets medical tips from other cities[break]
✧ Visits Pax, BONDIN POG[break]
✧ TEAM BONDING with Reiner and Mesprit against , trying to train and understand properties of dynamax[break]
✧ Nighttime ritual of checking on the boulder, cleaning it up, watching the stars
[attr="class","adrie-note"]goodbye galar

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 14:21:46 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

This post is a continued summary of the following thread: One Flesh, One End

"Any energy must be converted or contained into a survivable shape before it can be used."[break][break]
The Calyrex's words stuck with Nomi as the years passed, as she continued to lead the effort of forging weaponry and defensive items out of Necrozma's discarded crystals. Eventually, as those who knew her well could surely have predicted, she mastered infinity energy infusion to the point of growing bored with it. Seeking the thrill of discovery once more, she began studying the strange energy that emanated from the Power Spot, coming to wonder if it, too, could be harnessed by human hands...[break][break]
disliked the Power Spot - the origin of so much violent chaos - and would grumble about Nomi spending too much time there, but in the end, she did not interfere with her wife's work. Ever her steadfast supporter, Parker continued to stand watch as Nomi experimented, never without jokes, and never without kisses meant to distract.[break][break]
Naturally, the DYNITE ORE was the answer. Using it similarly to how she had used the black crystals, Nomi forged metal bands capable of containing what she referred to as DYNAMAX ENERGY. With the help of , who had some measure of experience with the DYNAMAX phenomenon from before they'd even arrived in Circhester, Nomi found that by using the bands and standing in close proximity to the Power Spot, any of their Pokémon could DYNAMAX too...[break][break]
When the world opened up - to everyone's unexpected delight - Nomi made a point of finding out who the other leading researchers were, dispersed across the other major cities in their shared memory of Galar. One man's name in particular kept coming up: . Supposedly, he and his collaborators had unlocked various secrets about the stars. Supposedly, when faced with the prospect of wielding any power, he too had chosen prophecy.[break][break]
"I need to go to Ballonlea," Nomi declared to Parker one morning. "I want to speak with Fernando Silph."[break][break]
Parker hated the idea of traveling beyond the safety of their walls, but she hated the idea of Nomi treating with some ("probably hot") foreign scientist even more. The bodyguard wielded her possessiveness like a sword, and in the end, they went together.[break][break]
Nomi learned a great deal from those at Ballonlea's observatory. She brought back notebooks filled with diagrams to Circhester, showed them to . The two would stay up late pouring over them, an echo of their days as professor and student, passionately discussing the implications of their meaning.[break][break]
"Does this one look like Kyogre to you?" She'd asked , showing her the diagram of the starry leviathan. One constellation in particular sent a shiver down Nomi's spine: a moose and snail, the heralds of ruination, a kingdom destroyed. She wondered if was somewhere out there, her resentment trickling through the threads of time, a different kind of poison.[break][break]
Parker was the one to point out the constellation with "the creepies." Nomi hadn't seen it at first, but then she did: watchful eyes. "The Unown?" she wondered aloud, intrigued. Parker merely shrugged.[break][break]
Once, Nomi had oriented her whole existence around convincing the Unown to trust her. She had not seen a single one in their version of Galar. A spark flickered somewhere inside her, an age-old memory of a woman with white hair and cruel eyes, laughing about how little Nomi truly understood of the machinations of Arceus.[break][break]
The poison retreated. The statue emerged. At first, it seemed like a good thing, but Nomi knew better. Always, there was a calm before any storm. The funny thing about prophecy: you could know what was coming, and still fear it. Should fear it. During the days leading up to the solstice, Nomi thought often of .[break][break]
"No matter what happens," Nomi said to Parker, pressing her lips to the other woman's ear and murmuring softly so only she could hear. "We have each other. We will always have that."[break][break]
And though, in her youth, she might have doubted it, she really did believe it now.[break][break]
Their love would endure.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SWORD


Nomi is wearing medieval clothing[break]
Nomi is in CIRCHESTER[break]
Nomi continues to study the landscape and the various Pokémon phenomena such as DYNAMAXING. Creates the DYNAMAX BANDS and works with to help train the others on how to use them.[break]
Travels to Ballonlea and learns about the constellations from and his collaborators. Brings her research back and studies it with , , and .[break]
Patiently awaits the solstice and the final battle[break]
Weapon: CIRCLET OF FUTURE SIGHT for herself



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