i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON May 17, 2023 15:13:20 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas would find himself joining the fight by flying in on the back of his Hydreigon, Kalameet. He could watch as the sword-wielding canine, and the behemoth with the giant bowl on its head clashed.

Finally deciding that action was required, Thomas would fly in closer, going on the offense, with Kalameet firing off a Dragon Pulse aimed towards the Ting-Lu's legs, in an attempt to stop its march.

Thomas would feel his skin crawl, his every hair standing up, upon feeling the reverbrations of fear. Thomas attempted to focus himself, in order not to be ruled over by the supernatural sense of dread.


tags: @tag
notes: Hydreigon used Dragon Pulse on Ting-Lu, targeting the legs

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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON May 17, 2023 17:57:27 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

Ruby scoffed, the sound muffled by the skull bandana she wore over her mouth and nose. Walsh was such a damn hypocrite, saying he trusted the League's plan with METENO and then turning around and saying he didn't trust them for this "calamity." It was obvious he just wanted the Legendary Pokémon's power. Not that Ruby would ever say such a thing out loud, though. She wasn't ready to die yet.

[break][break]The dogs and the Ruinous Pokémon had already been fighting for a while by the time she arrived. The former's bodies were battered and worn, but they refused to relent. The cervid creature with the cracked bowl on its head, however, looked as though it had hardly been exerting itself. It'd definitely be a lot harder to subdue... if not for the League's efforts to protect and help Zacian. Of course those bastards would make things more difficult.

[break][break]The guy in the superhero outfit () stuck out like a sore thumb. Ruby had heard a bit about the vigilante Pokkenger. He was getting into the thick of it, standing between Zacian and Ting-Lu while his Lucario used Life Dew on the Galarian canine. Seemed like as good a target as any.

[break][break]"Atlas," she said as she sent out her Slither Wing, "Close Combat with that Lucario."

[break][break]Atlas let out a primordial buzz and raced toward the Lucario on all fours. Once it was close enough, it reared up on its hind legs and used its front ones to aim a flurry of punches at its designated foe.

[break][break]Ruby heard a somewhat-familiar voice ring out across the battlefield and turned to see launching herself at another Rocket (, though he was disguised). came in from above to stop her.

[break][break]"What the hell are you doing?!" Ruby shouted toward them. Had the kid lost her mind?!

[break][break]Zacian's blade struck Ting-Lu's bowl, causing the vessel to ring in a way that made Ruby's hair stand on end. Fear reverberated through her bones and made her grit her chattering teeth. She had to fight it. She couldn't freeze up here, no matter how many doubts about being on Rocket's side crept through her mind...






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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON May 17, 2023 19:53:33 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

Who would've thought that joining the Aqua Initiative would come with this much chatter?

Beyond the ruckus of two colliding legendary forces rises a multitude of shouted orders, cries and shrieks. Skyler's been around long enough that she's become acquainted with - even fond of - its tune.

Nothing, however, could have prepared her for the righteous speeches and encouraging voices being spewed, unannounced and unwelcomed, into her ear.

With a swift movement, she mutes them all. Only and remain connected. 

Just in time for the ringing dread to reach them. Fear echoes in the hollow chambers of her heart, nibbling at some of Skyler's bravado. She holds the rising tide of it, tastes its sourness on her tongue.

Hands linked together, would be able to feel her frenzied heartbeat, the way she clings tightly. Nails digging in.

"Always." Her lopsided smirk is for him and him alone, an ode to defiance in the face of insurmountable odds. Together, it says.

"Hear that, professor?" She looks at over her shoulder, gives him a look somewhere between playful and stern. "I'm holding you to those words. No more hide and seek. I will sling you over my shoulder if need be."

It somehow sounds like a promise.

Compared to the mighty Great Tusk (which Skyler can't help but secretly appreciate) and Latias' invisible assault, the bewildered-looking Galarian Slowbro by her side seems downright puny. Skyler pats his head, and he blinks slowly up at her.

Very slowly. Painfully so.

"Alright Blunderbuss, just like we trained."

Blunderbuss cradles the gun arm to his chest, digests the information, and finally holds it horizontally towards Ting-Lu. Just when Skyler thinks this one must've come faulty, a beam of energy is blasted from its gun-arm, aiming to DISABLE the ruinous deer.


mutes her comms (except for and )
galarian slowbro uses DISABLE on TING-LU
2 salac used (i s2g)
[newclass=.skyler] [/newclass][newclass=.skyler b] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler i] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler a] text-transform:uppercase!important; [/newclass]
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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
595 posts
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON May 17, 2023 21:12:01 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar

Despite all the things that had changed within her and around her, it would still seem that Serena had a penchant for finding or involving herself in dangerous situations. If she was being honest, its times like these she felt right at home. After being exposed to all manner of incidents during her time in Rocket it didn't come as much of a surprise. [break][break]

Speaking of Rocket, this would be Serena's first time engaging in a large scale mission like this to thwart Rocket since she left the organization. Not that many would know that, hence the current disguise she was under. She wasn't here as ex Rocket Serena Malcolm, but rather Ranger Cadet Aisha Lennox.[break][break]

She adjusted the comms piece in her ear as information and instruction flooded into her ears. A quick scan of the situation and she realized that plenty of other's were engaging in protecting what she assumed to be the mythic galarian legends. She'd never seen them before but considering Aisha was supposed to be from Galar she familiarized herself with a lot of information pertaining to her new 'home'.[break][break]

The League forces split, some offering protection, other's engaging in battle against Ting-Lu. But Serena was focused on it's destination rather than anything else. It's steady march towards the ancient tomb meant something was there. There were plenty of people here, both League and Rocket, she was sure they'd be able to handle this.[break][break]

With that, she decided to head towards the tomb, but as soon as she took a step a shocking drowning sensation of FEAR washed over her. Flashes of her life zoomed past her eyes before she was snapped back to reality. Serena swallowed hard as her hands balled into fists at her side. What a reminder that despite all of her experience, shit could still get real at any moment.[break][break]

Still, that wouldn't deter her. With a deep and practiced meditated breath, Serena's muscles tense up before she takes off. As she tries to move as quickly as possible she still needs to duck and dodge all the fighting that's happening around her. A light glow illuminates her as she notices that Joker is now at her side. He casts PROTECT to seemingly make it easier for both him and his trainer to get to their destination. "Thanks," she replies with a nod before continuing on.[break][break]




💀 Serena Aisha's open for interaction![break]
💀 TL;DR - Serena is disguised as Ranger Aisha Lennox, makes a dash for the 'Ancient Tomb' before being slowed down by Ting-Lu's FEAR. While Serena makes a dash through the chaos her Shadow Mime Jr. uses PROTECT as they attempt to make it through all the fighting on their way to the Tomb.[break]
💀 outfit | disguise 'ranger aisha lennox'



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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 3:39:08 GMT




the councilwoman’s voice dies in his ear. the perfect prelude to a symphony of battle.

high above, a GYARADOS bides its time. a blue coil loops in anticipation, third party to the skirmish below. those with the audacity to enter melee ranger risk friendly fire. enough of them dot the landscape to deter fernando’s artillery strike.

they stay his hand.

so he watches with his eye. notices the conspicuous outlines of , , , and flee the brave of combat for some greater unknown. they’re dull notes compared to the glaring beacon of ’s ILLUMINA pokemon. between that and the flames of ’s FLARE BLITZ, it’s hard not to identify the odd ones out.

league orders are simple: attack and defend. anything else, anything contrary, means you are a bad actor. those not apart of the operation have been warned. disobedience is met with swift and decisive punishment.

they cannot risk anything else. not after METENO.

calcifet, myrtle, you have company. seal the tomb. prevent the pokemon and team rocket from entering.

they should suffice. an avatar and ex-gym leader is powerful enough. that leaves him to hold the aerial advantage and serve as their eyes and ears. an assessor of the battlefield.


the clang of steel against forbidden castings reach even up here. ears tremble and fear strikes the heart! fernando has to clutch his SYNC STONE to keep his peace of mind. it radiates a faint light, incompatible with his current pokemon.


his pokemon is not as fortunate. dread hunts the rage predator, causing it to descend. its tail flails wildly, eager to ground itself. it wants to be on the scene, fighting, lashing out as nature intended. a pokemon this outrageous always picks fight over flight, whether it’s the terror or in the face of it.

fernando holds onto its pronounced white fin with an iron grip. clings so tight that his hand digs into its hard scale, confident in the pokemon being too preoccupied to notice.


it follows the other flier. hot on the heels of , , and .

collapse the cave,” he commands.

the pokemon lands, swiping its tail at the ground. broken bits of the tomb is repurposed for its STONE EDGE. they’re not here to honor the dead. rather, they’re here to ensure whatever lies in there stays dead.

perfect position for a pincer.

- fernando enters from the sky via GYARADOS
- spots several people running to the ANCIENT TOMB
- orders , to seal the ANCIENT TOMB to slow TING LU's advance
- TING LU's fear affects GYARADOS
- GYARADOS goes to land near ANCIENT TOMB


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blue, murk
october 29
goldenrod city, johto
lost dog (defector?)
death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit.
339 posts
blue murtagh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @blue
blue murtagh
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 3:49:53 GMT
blue murtagh Avatar


Blue isn’t here because she feels compelled toward the cause. She is here because she was instructed to be. The matters of canid and creature of ruination sail over her head. Nothing deeper or more meaningful than the objective that rolls over their radios is necessary for her to apply herself to the task.[break][break]

Except for, maybe, more specific marching orders. An angle.[break][break]

“Sir..?” Her gaze lifts, tilts over to as she waits for him to tell her where to go. Just as quickly, tendrils of fear creep in. The effects of the strange deer-like creature rippling out around it. Even at a distance she can feel it.[break][break]

That fear of inadequacy that she’s so accustomed to. She should not have to ask him what to do. A good associate should know. Should be a self-sufficient worker. Fighter. Destroyer. She’ll be deemed unworthy of time and attention and training. Tossed to the side like unwanted table scraps again.[break][break]

Used. Thrown out.[break][break]

Self-disgust curls tight and takes hold in unison. She can’t look over at her mentor any longer. She feels stupid and foolish enough to throw herself into action without the go ahead. Tension creeps into hee musculature. Poised, ready. She nearly careens in a free fall into the melee.[break][break]

Something stays her antsiness, though. Maybe the need to please. A dog just shy of ya king its leash. At the end of the chain, but not pulling. Not champing at the bit. Not yet.[break][break]

“Fang. Defend.” The lucario beside her throws up a QUICK GUARD, hoping to blockade against Ting-Lu’s current of fear.

+ dislikes the strange provocation of fear from ting lu[break]
+ holds her ground, waits on a more specific directive from theo[break]
+ her lucario is out and uses a quick guard in attempt to block out the…power of fear??


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castelia city, unova
gym trainer
10 height
10 height
hello world, i'm your wild girl
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TAG WITH @athena
athena oswald
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 5:54:00 GMT
athena oswald Avatar
Athena Oswald came to Hoenn to fight god.[break][break]
And holy shit did it deliver.[break][break]
While others might quake at the sight of a legendary brawl unfolding before them, Athena feels nothing but a feral excitement. But it’s not admiration or a zealot’s fascination with legendaries that fuels her. It’s the passion to test her might against such beasts that has her heart racing and limbs tingling, like a current running right under the skin.[break][break]
She doesn’t care for League politics, but all but gives their side permission to take down whatever fucked up creature is fighting the dogs. Athena is one of the first in the fray that rushes the creature, teeth bared in the facsimile of a smile that borders on animalistic.[break][break]
It’s then that the ruinous creature’s fear reverberates around them, and for the first time in their life they stumble. Pause. Fear courses through her but she finds the adrenaline that it comes with all the more exhilarating as a result.[break][break]
“All right,” they shout to everyone and no one, all at once,“Let’s fuck ‘em up!”[break][break]
Riding on the back of her Stoutland, Athena charges into battle. Her own dog joins the giant one fighting against the creature of ruin, teeth bared and glinting with saliva and frost; an ice fang poised to sink into it’s leg should they manage to get close enough.[break][break]



Stoutland uses ice fang on ting-lu


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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,662 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 6:03:15 GMT
ollie morales Avatar



the last time that he'd been by 's side like this had been the battle atop mt. pyre. back then, when things had been simpler and easier. when his emotions hadn't been turbulent as they were now — when he hadn't had to worry about his friendship with , where was being kept hostage, or the betrayal of one .

[break][break] but even despite everything that had happened, ollie was glad to have her at his side. briefly, verdant eyes glanced towards her as she spoke into the league comms, his fingers just so briefly brushing against hers in a display of support.

[break][break] alongside , he shouts, "you heard her. let's keep it back!"

[break][break] a wave of FEAR washes over him momentarily as he looks over those targets that they're supposed to protect. ollie isn't like the others - he doesn't get afraid - but something about today seems off. something about seems off, and while he does his best to ignore it, there is that little part of him that is like a tender wound about to rupture.

[break][break] 'keep it together, ollie.'

[break][break] as much as he tries, the ominous feeling of 's CHI-YU reverberates powerfully through the air. while it gives her numbness, it only empowers the emotions that threatens to surmount him.

[break][break] his hands grow into fists at his side. keep it back - keep it back - keep it back

[break][break] what was the use?

[break][break] he felt ENVIOUS at the people who were able to be in control of themselves. he was begrudging about everyone powerful to put their urges at bay. maybe if he'd been better or stronger, he wouldn't have punched in that apartment. maybe if he was better or stronger, he would've been able to walk away.

[break][break] maybe if —

[break][break] CLANG!

[break][break] the sound of revebrated metal echoes through air, pulsing through flesh. ollie feels it most strongly — while his concerns may have been for the galarian legend first, it's the ruinous fish that pulls him towards it's mysterious brother.

[break][break] he releases a breath as the emotion wraps around him — a FEAR familiar to the one that had wrapped around him in the ULTRA DEEP SEA.

[break][break] "jellybean!" he shouts, voice strained. "go!"

[break][break] his togekiss glows with METRONOME, an attack surging towards straight for TING-LU'S heart.




• ollie is beside and [break]
• he struggles with feelings of FEAR and ENVY thanks to his close proximity to penny [break]
• he tells his TOGEKISS to attack TING-LU with METRONOME



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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,611 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 6:46:46 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar
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The hairs under his Sygna Suit flare up as legends clash against one other, showing off just why they are legendary beast to be wary of. The underline feel of being watched with so many rockets around can't help but rear it's ugly head out, the memory of his brother now in the region suddenly seeming to be filtered into his head. As if the ringing triggered something deep. Though its the psychic push of Salem that reassures him that everything was going to be just fine. [break][break]

At least until decides to run off. [break][break]

This kid was going to make his hair turn white early he just knows it. He briefly thinks before he follows suit, keeping close enough to keep an eye on her as she attacks the masked Rocket ( ). And another Rocket () trying to attack her before Razz gives a familiar whistle to his Salem. Eyes glowing pink as they use SPRINGTIDE STORM against the nearby Rocket's pokemon, targeting mostly at the Gyrados and Nidoking and partially hoping the wind would knock back from landing on @eirs. [break][break]

Rolling with advantage cause Sygna Suit.[break]
Rolls are 95 and 20 in case me modifying code goes whacky

[break]+ Sygna Suit
[break]+ Salem helps provide psychic comfort for Razz to help with the fear.
[break]+ Razz follows into battle.
[break]+ Meowstic uses SPRINGTIDE STORM on 's Nidoking and 's Gyrados, and hopes to also knock back from landing on with the wind from said attack.



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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 11:25:59 GMT



the last time he felt FEAR this pungent and tangible was in kanto. celadon, to be exact, as he stared across the battlefield at resisting forces. he didn't know why he was scared then, nor does he know why he is now.[break][break]

it's unnerving.[break][break]

"you heard the boss."[break][break]

he says before clicking his tongue.[break][break]

"subdue them."[break][break]

his milotic's BLIZZARD looks to slow them down.[break][break]


- SYGNA SUIT active[break]
- with [break]


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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 6:45:10 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Illusions Zacian & Zamazenta - Pokemon Sword & Shield


THE TING-LU KEEPS ITS HEAVY HEAD RAISED. Like a never-ending death knell, the bowl on its telluric head continues to ring.[break][break]

In defiance of this foreboding sound, many attempt to silence it's macabre melody. 's FERALIGATR and 's HYDREIGON fire a HYDRO PUMP toward the TING-LU.[break][break]

When the water strikes, the moose does not stir—but the grasses around its hooves muddy from the sediment disturbed on its body. A WHIRLPOOL formed by 's IRON BUNDLE disturbs the terrain further, slick mud tossed about as the TING-LU channels and channels and channels.[break][break]

However, it seems as if the TING-LU is strengthened by the FEAR manifesting in the hearts of those nearby. When attempts to DISABLE the creature with her GALARIAN SLOWBRO, the move fails; however, she is rewarded with the malevolent red glint of a horrible red eye.[break][break]

It lows and motions towards —and while the ZACIAN is unable to stop the TING-LU thanks to the interference of other trainers—'s LATIAS, from its invisible weave, uses TELEKINESIS to hold it back.[break][break]

The TING-LU lifts a heavy hoof from the muddy terrain and struggles to turn itself to face a larger swathe of trainers thanks to the TELEKINESIS. Held in place, others take advantage of this briefest of distractions.[break][break]

lunges forth with his AEGISLASH'S SACRED SWORD. However, it strikes the heavy vessel in a sparking clash of steel. Once again, the bowl rings. 's CLAYDOL and 's CERULEDGE strike too. Their HYPER BEAM & SOLAR BLADE strike with blinding light, and once again the bowl rings. Rings. Rings.[break][break]

By , commands her ALTARIA to use a DRAGON BREATH. As the fire billows out from the dragon's beak, she attempts to scan the two Pokemon with her ROTOMDEX—but no information can be gleamed by the frowning roto-face.[break][break]

and strike together. A HOUNDOOM summons an unusual cyclone of spring, while a wave of UMBREON'S DARK PULSE casts across the cervid. From above, a LIGHT OF RUIN descends from 's METAGROSS. The beam collides with the vessel, causing it to reverbate with a foreboding timbre.[break][break]

Despite everyone's attacks, the dread rises within everyone. It's an escalating fear that courses in the blood, bores through the bones. As long as one hears it, one can not escape its sensation. While attempts to avoid it, he may realize flight may be futile.[break][break]

In the air, attempts to distract the TING-LU with her FLYGON. Its wings flutter rapidly as the dragon darts about, providing time for 's STOUTLAND to bite into the creature's leg with ICE FANG. Ice crusts around an earthen limb, but it is subsequently melted away by a powerful FLAMETHROWER from 's EMBOAR.[break][break]

Again, the TING-LU remains stalwart. Fear pangs and swims in the relentless resonance. 's SCIZOR attempts an X-SCISSOR through the frigid wind of 's MILOTIC'S BLIZZARD. A ROCK SLIDE from 's BRAVIARY impedes the TING-LU'S movement further—but it barely shifts in its place.[break][break]

Through gaps provided in the fallen stones, the TING-LU glares at 's CHI-YU. In that fiery instant, the Ruinous Pokemon feigns hostility. They split the stage as acrimonious actors, but it is all smoke and mirrors. After all, they came from the same sealed dressing rooms. An ICE BEAM strikes the TING-LU from 's OCTILLERY as he stands guard over the Councilwoman.[break][break]

's VENUSAUR takes advantage of the remnants of TAPU LELE'S POWER. A TERRAIN PULSE crashes against the beast, as rushes forth. Her UMBREON proves to be an awkward and slower mount than expected despite TRAILBLAZE'S momentum. A splash of GRASS-TYPE energy strikes the immovable TING-LU through a gap in 's ROCK SLIDE.


THE BLACK PARTICULATE is small and tough to gather. However, curiosity gets the better of some and in the pursuit of knowledge, many attempt to scrounge some slivers of black.[break][break]

's VESPIQUEN unleashes a few grubs to grasp some BLACK FRAGMENTS. However, 's MIMIKYU manages to throw a gust toward him and his Pokemon to PREVENT him and his Pokemon from acquiring a sample, for she believes there are higher responsibilities.[break][break]

In an attempt to slow those from reaching the ANCIENT TOMB, 's ARIADOS spews a STICKY WEBBING across the field. While 's ADVANCE IS HINDERED, the officer manages to take advantage of the ELITE FOURS' duties and grabs some black grains for her own before 's COURT CHANGE removes the webbing. Similarly, 's SAFEGUARD dissipates from the ZACIAN and shimmers before him instead.[break][break]

With the SAFEGUARD shifted, 's MILOTIC'S BLIZZARD strikes the aggressive ZACIAN, the sword it wields between its fangs whittling away. In the chaos, manages to seize the advantage. With his NIDOKING summoned, a sneaking strike of EARTH POWER slams into the already weakened canine, forcing it to its front legs as the TING-LU bellows.[break][break]

's WOOPER opens its maw. A cold ICE BEAM strikes 's NIDOKING, forcing ice to crawl up its spiked back. 's GYARADOS swings in onto the smaller Pokemon, an ICE FANG striking the WOOPER before leaps to tackle the young girl. Before can reach her, however, 's MEOWSTIC summons a pink gale. A SPRINGTIDE STORM batters 's NIDOKING, 's GYARADOS, and forces away from the girl with a strong gust.[break][break]

witnesses the burgeoning conflict—but redirects her attention to the former Elite Four on battle. While attempts to keep the ZACIAN and TING-LU from clashing further with his LUCARIO, his Pokemon is struck hard by the Rocket's SLITHER WING, forcing the Aura Pokemon back.[break][break]

Entering the fray, 's ESPEON uses PAY DAY. A brutal scattering of coins clashes against the ZACIAN & TING-LU, the effect more apparent on the former. The blue-haired Rocket manages to GATHER 25 PD from the success of his Pokemon's strike: a pretty penny during the pandemonium. Who says one can't make bank in bedlam?[break][break]

Others attempt to HEAL THE ZACIAN'S WOUNDS. 's BLISSEY bestows a HEAL PULSE on the weathered dog, its blue fur fluttering as vigor attempts to return. When 's UMBREON WISHES, 's RALTS joins 's BLISSEY WITH A HEAL PULSE OF ITS OWN. The canine slowly lifts itself from the ground... as the HOWL from 's LYCANROC raises the morale of those who can hear it.


MANY ATTEMPT TO REACH THE TOMB. Before can seal the tomb with his GYARADOS, manages to bolt (literally) towards the cave's entrance. In the minute glance he is able to steal, he can see a piercing, pulsing magenta light deep within the cavern. It is clear that the tomb itself has been disturbed— whether it is due to the CHIEN-PAO & ZAMAZENTA'S struggle nearby, or the TING-LU'S affinity with the earth is uncertain... eventually joins him by the TAILWIND of 's ROARING MOON, the broad wings of her AERODACTYL flapping loudly above.[break][break]

Similar to , attempts to rush toward the tomb too. Her SHADOW MIME JR. casts PROTECT as she sees ahead. Nearby, 's BLAZIKEN bursts ahead in a stunning arrow of flame. While attempts to rush too, she senses the inevitable danger. A SYLVEON'S LIGHT SCREEN is forged for the pugilist...[break][break]

attempts to advance as she steels herself. However, before she can reach the entrance or enter the tomb like anyone else, 's GYARADOS lands despite the fear digging in between its scales. A precise STONE EDGE is aimed at the tomb's entrance, stuffing it with sharp, calculated boulders to seal it closed. For temptation lies behind in its caverns. Temptation that the LEAGUE will soon discover has connection to the pulsing organs of ULTRA DEEP SEA.[break][break]

THE TING-LU FINALLY RELEASES ITS GATHERED ENERGY. From its perverse bowl, a deep bass tolls. The sound tethers to each soul. Each heart that can hear it. Immediately, everyone is thrust to the earth. Whether from standing or from the air, Pokemon and Trainer find themselves drawn to ground as if being drawn to hell itself.[break][break]

The plummet into the earth feels like fear itself barreling down on one's shoulders. Like a stone Bodhisattva crushing one's back. The LIGHT SCREEN allows some comfort as she's forced to the earth. 's GREAT TUSK and its PROTECT briefly allows a moment of breath for its trainer, and before they're tossed downward too. Similarly, 's SMEARGLE endures the initial pang of fright thanks to its TAKE HEART.[break][break]

's IRON VALIANT and its regal WIDE GUARD grants its trainer, and some relief against the harrowing horror that surrounds and spears them. Similarly, 's SWAMPERT prepares a WIDE GUARD that links with 's IRON VALIANT'S, but eventually, all are forced to the ground.[break][break]

While 's TOGEKISS attempts to attack the TING-LU, its METRONOME weaves a DEFENSIVE MANEUVER instead. A SILK TRAP forms before it. A gossamer shield that briefly grants and TOGEKISS some comfort before they too are pushed toward the earth beside , , and .[break][break]

and attempt to protect themselves too. The former's LUCARIO attempts to QUICK GUARD, while the latter's UNOWN attempts to HIDDEN POWER what comes. But it is a supernatural knell. They are forced to the ground, chests pinned to the trembling earth.[break][break]

THE ZACIAN STRUGGLES ALONGSIDE EVERYONE. Its SWORD chips and splinters more as the TING-LU'S VESSEL REACHES THE END OF ITS RINGING. Suddenly, EARTH ERUPTS BENEATH TRAINERS AND THEIR POKEMON to encase them in a claustrophobic stone tomb. The pack is forced away, avoiding the attack and are forced to watch in horror and can not come closer.

Anyone who rolled 1-49 will have their character or Pokemon hurt by the Ting-lu's attack.

However, the ZACIAN is granted healing from 's UMBREON'S WISH. The delayed heal proves pivotal. As the ZACIAN manages to break free from this dreadful gravity, it swings its radiant sword toward the TING-LU.[break][break]

The TING-LU knows what it must do. After all, it has planned this with its infernal feline friend. Suddenly, the TING-LU directs RUINATION upon the SWORD ZACIAN WIELDS. It shatters the sword immediately, malice crawling up its blade and forcing it to decay. It falls as a black, obsidian hunk and the noble canine shifts form into a weakened shape.[break][break]

Before anyone can react, the sword pulses with power. Everyone's heart beats back in response, and with a dreadful vertigo, every trainer and their Pokemon is siphoned into the RUSTED SWORD itself, including the injured ZACIAN.


EVERYONE COMES TO, they find themselves in the middle of a dilapidated sport's stadium. Ash falls upon empty, broken bleachers and dead grass like snow. Those who know THE GALAR REGION would understand this location to be WYNDON STADIUM... but considering the circumstances of their arrival, is this truly the real Galar?[break][break]

The region feels heavy with decay. After all, the region had faced an attack from NECROZMA months ago. The field, the air, the skies... all feel laden with the ichor of resentment and degradation. This is a dystopian world with little life, save for the lucky few.[break][break]

There is no sign of the ZACIAN or the TING-LU.

In the center of the sport's field, a wooden statue stands tall depicting an unknown figure riding what appears to be a SPECTRIER.[break][break]

Before it, an old wooden trough lies low and empty, save for some ash and soot.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


MAY 21ST - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

has not posted and should he miss subsequent rounds, he may be kicked from the event.[break][break]

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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 7:14:48 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

What the hell.[break][break]

Getting the hit on Zacian, that's exactly what Ashley needed, until a Wooper finds its' way to strike Reinhardt, blasting the beast in the back, and Ashley spins on a heel, only to watch coming for him... and he finds his heart sink. "Wai-" is already retaliating with his Gyarados "-a seco-" and has a strong gust from a Springtide Storm "-nd!" Ashley immediately goes to catch his partner, before getting thrown back and sliding on the ground, Reinhardt having taken quite the beating.[break][break]

"You okay?" He pushes a hand through Kep's cheek, and smiles, turning his head back towards Eris.[break][break]

He was just doing his job...[break][break]

Reinhardt moves to shield both boys best he can, doing what he can on such shaky legs, he's not in time. Ashley isn't hurt, which leaves the Nidoking feeling like they did their job, but he can't do his job fully, and falls prey to the earth. Thankfully, the Nidoking just knocks out. But as Ashley returns him, he eyes Kep, and then to Zacian.[break][break]

When the Zacian attempts to fight back, Ash's silver eyes look up, too late unfortunately. Her blade shatters, and he feels guilt like none before as the fear barrels down on him.[break][break]

... and then the panic attack came. His heartbeat is in his ears.[break][break]

And then nothing.[break][break]




"OW!" Ashley grabs at his head, feeling a wet feeling as he grips at it. Looking at the stadium bleachers he woke up in, covered in ash, he looks around him. At this dilapidated horror field. They were... somewhere. It looked like hell, and the stench of death covers the area, oppressing any life it had before.[break][break]

... a stadium?[break][break]

"Sure ain't Hoenn."[break][break]

The Captain Obvious in him aside, he pulls off his hood, as he grabs at his head. Dammit... blood. How hard did he hit the bleacher? Tossing off his jacket and revealing his white undershirt, he ties the sleeves around his waist, and looks around. ... Kep? ... Eris? ... Theo? He rubs at his head. He was still shaky, and he was having trouble deciphering where he was.[break][break]

Throwing out Haku the Dragonite, he pats on the new Dragonite before ordering. "Get some air, I'll go on foot." The Dragonite nods, before taking off, doing a arena scan, as Ash hops over the edge into the dead grassy field.[break][break]

... the hell was that statue?[break][break]

What the hell is going on here?




- Ash attempts to catch Kepler from the throw, and immediately feels regret upon Zacian's blade breaking.[break]
- Reinhardt the Nidoking is outtie 2000. Returned, unconscious. Alive![break]
- Naptime! Ash HITS the bleachers with his hard head. He bleeding. OW. Sure ain't Kansas anymore.[break]
- Releases Haku to take to the sky, and look around. Ashley hops into the arena, seeing the statue.



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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 7:28:42 GMT
Navy Avatar


Flora is simply too angry to know fear. A good night’s rest and ample healing are the cure for what ails Zacian. Yet it, along with all the other great heroes of Hoenn, rush headlong into danger. She shrieks in the language of Pokemon, trying to chide the great hero for being too reckless. Caught in the throes of her anger, she looks at Navy, expecting her trainer to say something to back her up.[break][break]

She finds him with his jaw on the floor. Across the battlefield, he sees Rayquaza, with riding the great dragon. It’s a sight to warm his heart, and kindle the embers of heroism. She bellows a warning to the gathered legends. He takes heart. This battered region has faced calamity and ruination before. They all have to do their part.[break][break]

Yeah.” He says to , finding his smile growing into a grin. “Good to see ya, man. Come on down to Dewford for a match any time.” He’s got a good memory for voices. He recognizes that one.

He recalls Flora and takes another ball out. Just as he’s about to say something inspiring, the ground swallows him whole. ’s attack careens towards the ancient tomb, towards . He was the one who told her to go there. He set her on the path that led to her being attacked by one of their own.[break][break]

Baki, no!” He cries as the ground swallows him up.[break][break]

Of all the places he expected to be today, Galar was so low on the list that it might as well not be placed at all. It’s a far off fairy tale. talks about her homeland a fair bit when they have tea. hearkens to Hammerlocke and its rules for Pokemon battling. Yet…[break][break]

Being here is another matter. It feels wrong. Off. Like they’re all walking through someone’s bad dream of Galar. Hattori, his greninja jumps out of his ball. Sitting by his master’s side, the shinobi surveys his surroundings. Looking up, he sees his trainer in a daze.[break][break]

Sometimes, to protect one’s lord, a shinobi must strike him. Hattori’s webbed hand slaps Navy across the face. In so doing, it snaps the gym leader back to reality. He has to seize the initiative. He has to make some sense of this matter. There’s a statue there.[break][break]

There’ll be time to gawk at the finest stadium in the world later. For now, he has to investigate. Meet up with others. Come up with a plan. Survive. Find Tsubaki.[break][break]

Thanks, Hattori.” He says to his Pokemon, rubbing the Greninja on the head. “Head out of the field. See what’s up outside. Find Tsubaki. You see anything dangerous, come back and let me know.” Hattori bows his head low and rushes off past the other humans, looking for and answers.[break][break]

Approaching the statue, he inspects it, tries to make some sense of the ash and soot. He looks for inscriptions and anything else that might give him hints. Pressing his hand to his comms unit, he speaks.[break][break]

This is Navidson. Don’t know where everyone is, but I’m at the center of the pitch. Councilwoman Livy, Lopez, Melody, you guys alright? Tsubaki, come find me.” He tries to confirm their leadership is intact. Little does he know that is somewhere else entirely.[break][break]

Arceus knows what he’ll find here, but he hopes everyone’s alright, even the Rockets.[break][break]



+ tl;dr: Recalls Blissey, brings out Greninja[break]
Gets a morale boost from seeing (hello from Sword, Eva)[break]
Gets upset that Fernando blasts stuff in 's vicinity[break]
Ends up on the sports field, looking around. Sees others, but focuses on the statue.[break]
Goes to investigate the statue + the trough with soot and ash, trying to see what he can find.[break]
Gets on comms and tries to communicate with , , (who got Isekai'd somewhere else), and [break]
Sends Greninja to investigate outside the stadium and look for



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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,901 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 7:51:11 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Her elder cousin’s voice talks to her on a private channel between her and where they were in communications with one another, warning her a bit that she should keep a safe distance from the Ting-Lu as countless Galarians depended on her. “I will, cousin.” With some steps away from the deer with the bowl on its head, her Ceruledge had struck the strange Pokemon with his shining green blade before the royal also hears encourage her. “And thank you for the encouragement, Ranger Wrynn.” Giving the younger man a smile, her eyes widen in worry as the woman hears the familiar voice of the younger pink-haired girl join her side.[break][break]

“Vanilla, I will have to keep you safe. Please stay beside me for now.” She turns towards and tries to shield her a bit, but the vertigo hits her after the Ting-Lu’s Ruination decays the Zacian’s sword. Her heartbeat is in her ears as there was a slip into unconsciousness…until she comes to from feeling the ground on her.[break][break]

The place they were in looked like the stadium in Wyndon City with the familiar bleachers, but Wyndon Stadium looked like it was in a state of decay much like how the events of the Darkest Day affected the city months ago. “It cannot be… Is this…really Galar?” The royal ponders to herself, wondering if her elder cousin, fellow ranger colleague, and the pink-haired girl were alright. “Cousin, are you doing alright yourself? It appears that we are in Galar as of right now, but I do not see any sign of Zacian here.” Her worried tone reaches in the private channel of communications while Agravain looks around in confusion over their new surroundings.[break][break]

If was there, Elise would try to be near the girl as much as possible…since she may still be worried that the younger girl was putting herself in great danger. She does see the statue of the King of the Bountiful Harvest atop of its Spectrier mount, but this was another question of what was it doing here in the middle of the stadium.[break][break]


@rustedsword [break][break]


- Talks to , , and .[break]
- Wakes up at Wyndon Stadium in Galar.[break]
- Still tries to protect since she worries Vanilla would be in danger.[break]
- notices the statue of an unknown rider and Spectrier in the middle of the stadium.



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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
part of
TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 7:56:25 GMT
the combined struggle of those assembled here does little to deter the enemy from staying on schedule. ting-lu's flex of power ruins the earth, collapsing in on derek and his metagross like many others. if not for the sturdiness of the steel frame that enveloped around it's trainer, derek was likely to have perished. being quickly acquainted with a near death experience so soon was... well, it certainly wasn't new.

but this place they found themselves in? nothing about here seemed familiar. save for that statue, which depicted something resembling a pokemon riding atop a spectrier. "...livy?" derek calls over the comms, unsure if she was still with them as he approaches the trough.

"any idea where this is?"

it tries to follow, but a groan escapes the metagross as it tries to maneuver on a crushed limb. rather than force it to trudge along, derek elects to return it in favor of his sobble. he was sweating profusely, a product of the vast FEAR washing over them. but seeing as he wasn't prescribed any anxiety medication...

"fill this for me." quick to oblige it's trainer in a dire situation, the sobble allowed it's water to SOAK the trough. that derek may take a drink, and splash some over his face to try and calm his nerves.


derek's metagross is injured
derek takes in the desolate scenery of ? ? ?
asks if she has any idea where they were transported
derek switches out metagross for his sobble
sobble fills the trough with water via soak
derek splashes his head in water to calm down/drink

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing