i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 6:24:42 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
The moment he realizes is tailing him on a BRAVIARY, Remiel reaches up to his earpiece to establish communications with the gym leader. "Let me handle this, Alexei! As a gym leader you should be supporting the others!" He firmly states. Though, despite his efforts to go alone, he is abruptly joined by another.

" reporting in here! I'll be helping protect his royal majesty on the way!"

The title nearly makes him wince when it comes from her, especially considering she was under no obligation to regard him as such. Nevertheless, there's little he can say or do before she rides his TAILWIND. Instead, Remiel finds himself chuckling at the goofy expression she gives him.

"Do try to keep up then, will you?"

Their banter, however, is cut off by a command from before it can ever truly begin. The royal grimaces at the sound of his voice and, primarily, the fact that the man was within his right to ask this of him. Regardless, there is reason in his words. Though that wouldn't keep the crown prince from taking his peek.

"Copy that."

This is all says in response before teleporting to the tomb's entrance in a flash. He catches sight of the strange MAGENTA LIGHT pulsing therein before Fernando's GYARADOS seals it. Turning to see catching up, he asks: "Did you see that?" Before the loud gong of TING-LU's bowl signals the beginning of the end.

✦ ✦ ✦

The crown prince bears witness to the RUINED SWORD and ZACIAN's struggle before, suddenly, everyone is siphoned into the former. He is not spared the intense vertigo that comes as a result. In fact, he collapses onto ash-covered grass afterward as his Roaring Moon staggers to get back up on four feet. When the two begin to regain their bearings, however, Remiel quickly comes to realize where they are.

chimes in first. “Cousin, are you doing alright yourself? It appears that we are in Galar as of right now, but I do not see any sign of Zacian here."

“Where… what is this—place? asks afterward.

"We're in WYNDON STADIUM... but why?" He answers, wide-eyed as he looks around and soaks in the strange feeling in the air. And where had gone?

The statue and its SPECTRIER mount do not go unnoticed either. His first instinct is go straight for the landmark.

Amidst the small pockets of people congregating after the surprise teleport, however, the royal catches sight of a panicking being tended to by a SLOWBRO. When he is approached by two others ( and ) Remiel quickly returns his ROARING MOON to its ball and summons a HATTERENE to help.

"Is Rowan okay? Has he been injured?" He asks, his Hatterene matching his concern as she steps closer. Upon seeing the effects of the AMNESIA administered take hold, however, Remiel raises a hand. "Let's give him some space as he comes out of it. Rowan... it's going to be alright, I promise," The crown prince softly states, one Galarian to another. "We're going to get to the bottom of this."

Taking a step back, and redirecting his attention to the haunting scenery they inhabited, makes a strange request of his Hatterene when it is clear her LIFE DEW has no use here. "MAGIC POWDER me."

And, with a strange smile that dwelled between curiosity and teasing, Aethelwyne does just so with a glittering sweep of her hand across the front of his face. Remiel inhales deeply as she does so, then does his best to withstand whatever side effects may take place as he closes his eyes to try and establish a PSYCHIC connection to this place.

What is the nature of this realm? Is it an alternate reality? Did the DRK TRIAD have a hand in this?


responds to and ; wonders where is
heads over to and

HATTERENE casts MAGIC POWDER on in an attempt to briefly harness minor PSYCHIC abilities
tries to see if the MAGIC POWDER will help him discern the TRUE NATURE of this 'GALAR'


* the second roll was 95 and i got the proof HERE

🍒 using X1 SALAC BERRY
🧥 is wearing a black ensemble with reinforced padding and a knightly sword

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 6:49:23 GMT



THE WHERE OR HOW DOESN’T MATTER. questions, that while important, do little for him in this desolate land. while the others seek companionship to ail this mysterious displacement, fernando surveys his own situation.

his GYARADOS is no longer useful. the sight of ’s DRAGONITE, is evidence enough that he has been replaced. at least, until the rocket comes under attack.

instead, he opts for something more rugged. a pokemon that allows him to be mobile yet robust. a comforting source of heat against the dead backdrop of a region brought to ruin. it’s none other than his HEATRAN.

the constant calls for confirmation over league comms show they have a general handle on the situation. the constant reaffirmation from means there’s little left for him to handle. the discipline for those who stray out of line? has that too.

so, he slinks away from the general group. takes a fuller look over the field at large as STEALTH ROCKS are set in his wake. going against the grain of grouping brings him closer to , who he barely recognizes.

everyone else is gathering at the center,” he prods, the faint lines of an accusation fledgling behind his statement.

- returns GYARADOS when he sees 's DRAGONITE
- summons HEATRAN
- surveys the perimeter[
- encounters and indirectly asks why he's not with the group

- used 1 SALAC


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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 6:59:05 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
UNFORTUNATELY, THE KALOSIAN AND HER MOUNT MISSES THEIR TARGET; Selena can now only watch as the entrance to the Ancient Tomb becomes blocked by the STONE EDGE. Fortunately, Lucifer's attack also hits the Ting-lu, if not for 's ROCK SLIDE joining in the riot.

But in a split second, everything turns black and the only thing she remembers is being dragged into the fragmented rusted sword. The next thing she knows, she’s already in a colossal stadium. This is definitely Galar, she thinks. The larger-than-life arena is unmistakeably Galarian.

But everything is bleak.

She surveys her surroundings and realizes almost half of the people are gone. Only a few remain: most of which are familiar faces she already recognizes. At the center of the open field, a wooden statue of a Pokemon mounted on a horse in the middle of the open field.

Selena instructs Lucifer to TRAILBLAZE again towards the statue as she carries herself running towards the group that just casted the AURORA VEIL.

"Right. Let’s not afford any more destruction on our side.” Selena blends in with ’s group, placing herself under the protection. After all, she’s still a civilian’ in the eyes of the League and everyone else—better use this opportunity in the meantime to survive.


- Disappointed about the outcome, but does not have time to react because they are transported to another place
- SELENA observes her surroundings, sees the stadium and the wooden statue in the middle
- UMBREON uses TRAILBLAZE towards the statue, revving up
- SELENA AND UMBREON joins in the group near the statue ( ) and under ’s AURORA VEIL

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the hiker
april eighteenth
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the bullet lies
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TAG WITH @francie
francie myrtle
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 12:32:39 GMT
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"oh ho!" francie starts back the banter with a grin, wiggling her brows as she absolutely slaughters his accent and adds, "he's a clevah boyo!"[break][break]

's order and 's taunt have her leaning into tilly so that there is little to no wind resistence. she tucks and tilly catches up to the roaring moon just in time to enter with . but she barely sees anything before suddenly there's a bell toll so loud she can feel it in her jellies.[break][break]

everything stops. there's nothing but that bell.[break]
her heart beats in rhythm.[break]
the darkness around her begins to burn at the edges.

finally, she's awake. she gasps as she comes to, lurching up. she's on the floor of stadium seating. she's never been here before, that much obvious as she looks around. beneath her is not cement, but something like; it's breathing.[break][break]

"tills?" she turns, looking at the aerodactyl with a soft expression. the aerodactyl had instinctively wrapped around her during whatever transport. she gave the beast a hug before getting up, standing on the bleachers and returning her aerodactyl with haste.[break][break]

she'd need somebody with a bit more mobility within the stadium, so she releases her hisuian arcanine. he gives a sniff and his fur bristles, unfamiliar land causing him to be tense. she mounts him with a hop.[break][break]

" checking in," she glances around as she accesses the coms. "everybody alright?"[break][break]

she doesn't realize she was asleep longer than most, but when she lays eyes on everybody she's beaming. closest to her is and , to which she immediately gawks and points at . remembering him from the ultra deep sea adventure.[break][break]

"it's you!!"[break]

+ wakes up late oops[break]
+ returns AERODACTYL[break]
+ pulls out and mounts HISIUAN!ARCANINE[break]
+ checks in on coms[break]
+ recognizes next to who are closer to her than most



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he | him | his
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october 21st
lavender town, kanto
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a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 22:18:53 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

Everything happened so fast. Maverick called out for his hell hound to attack the strange pokemon without much thought to it. After all, he was ordered to protect Zacian. And, it seemed like he wasn’t alone. However, the attacks only seemed to create some chaos as harsh rings sounded out with each hit. Seemingly, not effecting the Ting-Lu as much as Maverick thought it would.[break][break]

Suddenly, the strange pokemon retaliates back. Without warning, a massive burst of energy rings out. It forces both Maverick and Azula to the ground, unable to withstand the blow. He grunted in pain, squinting only to see Zacian break free and attack the creature with all its might. called out for his wellbeing, the burnt scarred man too stunned to reply. In the end, it was all a fruitless attempt. Maverick blacked out, unable to withstand the power that pulsed through the area.[break][break]

When Maverick wakes, he was lost for words. He’s never been to gala, but he could tell where he was by the many stories and newsfeed that he watched and read about. Pain rippled through him, crimson gaze swept the area as he got to his feet. Everything ached, from head to toe. Azula, the massive six foot seven HOUNDOOM, was quick to rise and stumble to his aid. She wedged herself under his armpit, helping the man to his feet as he help steady her too. “What happened-“[break][break]

His gaze fell upon the statue, eyes widened when he recognized the wooden figure underneath the thing on top of it. “It’s… spectrier,” he whispered in shock. It was the horse he had and traded away so long ago. Oh how he missed the horse. But, what was on top of it?[break][break][break][break]


[attr="class","bottom"]@teamzacian at route 120.[break]
quick reply! maverick spots the spectrier statue.[break]

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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 6:41:15 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Route 10 (Approaching Wyndon) - Pokémon Sword and Shield


THE MORE EVERYONE EXPLORES WYNDON STADIUM, the more it seems like an anachronistic piece. Against some of the bleachers, old, rusted halberds rest. Heavy footprints remain dug into the ground, seemingly made by something heavy and plated like a sabaton. Pokemon tracks can be found here too. Something four-clawed.[break][break]

Through the darkened skies, and his UMBREON act as a guiding light. A healing MOONLIGHT descends upon the stadium, gracing the new Elite Four member and those who come to shelter within it. enters beneath the lunar lamp, his XATU stretching its wings to confer a WISH upon them. joins too. Her MEW courts the moonlit stage, casting LIFE DEW to rejuvenate them from their TING-LU-inflicted injuries. Such healing assists as her FLYGON sets her down.[break][break]

As the League gathers, ’s ROTOM stands watch. Electric bolts arc around its body as it prepares to lash out against any hostiles. He walks alongside , and . Through ’s ability to SIGHT SHARE, he would see through LATIOS’ EYES that the region has been decimated. It is a murky vestige of what it once was. CORVISQUIRE remain perched on sullied gray rooftops—and in the far distance, the several beams of magenta can be seen through the ash rain.[break][break]

When ’s DRILBUR begins to dig in the stadium’s tunnel, it does so with pleasure. However, ’s URSHIFU detects immediate danger. It pulls the DRILBUR back with a burly hand and attempts to bring everyone against the wall as a spout of POISON erupts from the hole. A THUNDER WAVE is loosed from the ROTOM, shackling an incoming globule before it splatters and fizzles against the floor…[break][break]

responds to ’s comms. Enlightened of their new location, he prepares his UMBREON for any attacks. As ’s IRON VALIANT prepares a NIGHT SLASH, its trainer discovers a piece of old parchment by the ominous light of his Paradox Pokemon’s blade:
𝖎𝖓 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊, 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖞 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌'𝖘 𝖘𝖜'𝖗𝖉 𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖙'𝖗𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒. 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖙𝖍 𝖆 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖍, 𝖜𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖙 𝖋'𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙 𝖙 𝖙𝖔𝖔. 𝖕𝖔𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖌𝖚𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖚𝖑𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖉'𝖗𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖌𝖚𝖊 𝖉𝖗𝖚𝖓𝖐.[break][break]

OOC: please dispense this information to other characters.

Within the same field, calls out to . These two trainers, former Elite Four of Hoenn, ascertain each other’s conditions within this “ghost town”. As ash and soot fall by their feet, soars above on SALAMENCE. He notices a quick exchange occurring below.[break][break]

An OCTILLERY owned by fires a precise GUNK SHOT. It strikes as ’s calls upon her BASTIODON to PROTECT him from further attacks. While ’s DRAGONITE soars above, it discovers another piece of parchment waddling against a crushed bleacher seatboard. It reads:

𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖐𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖔𝖓 𝖇𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖉 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖘𝖒 𝖉𝖊𝖊𝖕 𝖘𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖗𝖔𝖙 𝖚𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖊𝖑𝖉𝖘. 𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖇𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖘, 𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖔𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖍 𝖆 𝖐𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖕𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖜𝖍𝖔 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖇𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖕...[break][break]

OOC: please dispense this information to other characters.

Others launch attacks too. ’s MILOTIC snakes toward , scales glimmering as ’s ILLUMINA SABLEYE uses SPOTLIGHT. ’s GYARADOS lunges toward ’s OCTILLERY with a CRUNCH—but is promptly redirected. It clashes against ’s MILOTIC’S PROTECT, but in the process, is able to find a spiky, red-orange feather.[break][break]

hurls a FIREBALL, a fiery power from his RESHIRAM’S patronage. The destructive projectiles soars straight for and , but the former’s recuperated LUCARIO manages to tackle them and itself out of the way.[break][break]

By , , and stand. The League officials are guarded by the future Head Ranger’s TOGEKISS’ SAFEGUARD. A shimmering glow forms around them, as , and arrive to meet with them.[break][break]

In the process, ’s GRENINJA discovers a half-eaten SHADEROOT CARROT... and finds as directed. Before the frog can take her down the stadium’s higher levels, the detective witnesses shift guises. She attempts to scream… but her voice can not carry. Can not pierce through the cacophony of skirmishes occurring around the stadium.[break][break]

To be in this Galar is a surreal exercise in homesickness for and . She attempts to protect as ash scatters across their hair. Despite @vanilla’s company, is alarmed to see her in this dangerous space. He reunites with her as joins on the field.[break][break]

Nearby, begins to panic. His return to this wretched region conjures a ceaseless dread. drops everything to assist him. Her presence is almost enough to ease ’s panic—but she notices perhaps, a contributing factor to his unease. A small pool of poison has stained and seeped into his shoe. Should assist him with his GENGAR, may be able to navigate his wave of panic.[break][break]

calls upon her UNOWN-N to detect any portal openings. FOr now, the Pokemon detects little shift in that regard, but due to the nature of this world, it can sense that something had torn into its skies once before… Similarly, attempts to discern what this realm is. Though unconventional, the PSYCHIC ABILITIES of his HATTERENE allow him to gain some intuitive thought, disconnected keywords… memory? Feeling? What is this place made out of?[break][break]

’s ABSOL attempts to FUTURE SIGHT—but due to the nature of this realm, divining the future seems impossible. Perhaps, what has intuited is connected to such a frustrating outcome.[break][break]

To conserve their strength, and have their GALLADE & VILEPLUME heal. In the dewy moonlight, they nurse their wounds and anyone else, should they be privy to their blessings.


OTHERS EXAMINE THE EMPTY TROUGH. As watches on approvingly, ’s SOBBLE spouts water into it. Steadily, the trough fills with cool water for to drink from. and add to this offering. Treats and berries adorn the edge precariously as joins in watch.[break][break]

In the process, discovers a fallen feather, left by something who knows what. It is a spiky black feather, torn ragged by fast winds.[break][break]

As attacks are thrown, is quick to act under ’s UMBREON’S MOONLIGHT. His ALOLAN NINETALES conjures an AURORA VEIL around the statue and those nearby. Wintry wisps dance around it as the man surmises if this is similar to an INTERDREAM ZONE. A close guess, though not entirely right. The radiant winter curtain allows the statue to be saved from stray damage from the fights occurring around.[break][break]

joins this group by , , and . Her UMBREON stops beneath the veil as touches the statue. She sees no carvings, save for the ones made to depict a regal bunny and its steed. However, in cracks, she may hear or see purplish liquid eating away at the wood.[break][break]

Similarly, ’s SWAMPERT may be able to hear it too… a poison nibbling away as ’s CLAYDOL stands guard. comes too, a previous gym leader to survey the statue—but he would not be able to discern the same sounds. The toxic hue.[break][break]

’s ABSOL helps lead her to and by the statue. Compared to her previous memories of this place, the stadium is a far cry from its previous grandeur, forgotten and sagging with loneliness.


THE COUNCILMAN, surveys the desolate stadium. His HEATRAN scatters STEALTH ROCKS to provide enclosure and barricade—and as he approaches and his CHERRIM, he would notice that something glowing on his arm, through the fabric of his sleeve should he be wearing one. joins them on her HISUIAN ARCANINE, seeking those familiar as the world around them sags with soot and decay.[break][break]

Something or several things in this realm seem to cause ’s LEGENDARY MARK to react. Exactly what, he’s unsure. However, it glows brighter upon the arrival of an unfamiliar Pokemon. It is the same Pokemon ’s LUCARIO notices—and it alerts its trainer and the man beside him, , of its inevitable arrival.[break][break]

A GRIM NEIGH forces all conflict to halt. An eerie wind blows across the stadium: a morbid fanfare for a King who has lost his kingdom.[break][break]

CALYREX rides in on its noble steed, a SPECTRIER, its green fur billowing behind it like an arboreal cape. Unable to speak by itself, it quickly seeks four trainers. , , and are hoisted up by PSYCHIC ENERGIES, their limbs dangling limply by their side as the Pokemon trots in front of the statue. (CHOSEN BY LOWEST ROLLS PER FACTION)[break][break]

In this state of possession, they can perceive everything the CALYREX says through their mouths.[break][break]

“many thanks for your offerings. my loyal steed has been starving. little grows in this land by nature’s hand, and i have no talent for producing goods from soil.” Though the CALYREX does not speak, the lips and jaws of the four possessed trainers move in puppet-like unison.[break][break]

From , and ’s angle, they would see a glowing crystal embedded in the CALYREX’S GREEN BUD OF A HEAD. would be able to feel his LEGENDARY MARK glowing in reaction to it.[break][break]

“i sense all of you are not native to this somber reminiscence.” The SPECTRIER huffs as it hungrily eats the treats left by and . “mayhaps you can save my kingdom yet...”[break][break]

The Pokemon of the four possessed trainers whimper or look on with concerned faces. To see their bodies float and speak in terrifying harmony is a distressful sight to them too. Schlop, schlop, schlop. The SPECTRIER bears no mind to their unease and the unease of those around. It drinks the water left by JONESY, THE SOBBLE with gratitude and greed.[break][break]

“i am calyrex, high king of this ruined kingdom. i beseech you all to set aside your differences… to grant me one favour..” The royal Pokemon breathes heavily. “restore the hero of many battles. i sense her presence somewhere in the realm… you must create stories of heroism that will bring her back. to do so, i will grant you dominion over galarian cities… the ones that are left. ballonlea. hammerlocke. circhester. motostoke..”[break][break]

The CALYREX stops the possession of , and . They drop to the field floor—though they may choose to land gracefully should they so desire.[break][break]

An energy forms between its paws. RADIANT PETALS form from its hands and shoot out across the region—soaring to several locales, ones that feature the same magenta beams and his LATIOS have seen and ones that attract the glow of ’s LEGENDARY MARK.[break][break]

They land in the following locations previously mentioned: BALLONLEA, HAMMERLOCKE, CIRCHESTER, and MOTOSTOKE.[break][break]

Using the final body of , the CALYREX speaks once more: “ask me anything you’d like to know and i will answer if i can… then let me know where you would like to go.”[break][break]

Eventually, 's body is relinquished too.


EVEN NUMBERED ROLLS will allow the question to be answered. ODD NUMBERED ROLLS will cause the CALYREX to ignore your character because of its snobbery. Should a character be chosen to have their question answered, the CALYREX WILL POSSESS THEM to answer them.[break][break]

Your character must indicate which location they would like to go (either verbally - or oocly, in which case, the calyrex will forcibly send them there). Assume other characters or the CALYREX itself have described the locations to them should they not know what each location is like.[break][break]

Choose your location wisely. The characters who go to one city may not be able to meet others in another city for some time.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


MAY 27TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

has not posted and should she miss subsequent rounds, she may be kicked from the event.[break][break]

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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played by


shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
122 posts
part of
TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 6:51:40 GMT

Well fuck. [break][break]

Having her party rained on isn't nice, and she gets a taste of its bitter effects in the form of COURT CHANGE. The fear starts to settle in a second time, but she doesn't falter - at least she tries not to (after all, there's nothing scarier to her than a future where her children will never be able to grow up. Maybe it's what's keeping her walking forward in this scorching hell). [break][break]

Her response comes late, delayed, possibly paralyzed despite her attempts to compose herself. Thankfully, the alolan ninetales at her side is aware enough to drag her over to where others gather, and Sheba has to pull herself back together after the shock. "thank you, shiro." she grunts, fingers against her forehead, beneath ice white bangs. [break][break]

MOONLIGHT descends and helps to heal, and helps to soothe, when she can finally move her own feet. [break][break]

and this respite doesn't last long, because something so bizarre happens. [break][break]

"shiro, back." she commands the pokemon. the ice fox returns to her trainer's pokeball, and a large, bipedal fire fox takes its place. "psychic, keep their landings soft." she's still trying to shake off the bewilderment, but it's no time to grumble. a veil of blue envelop , , to help them land against the ground, softly. [break][break]

piercing blue eyes give an unknowing glare to the possessed body. yes, she is unnerved. if she had to choose, she'd decide not to ask - but she can't exactly be picky in this situation, now can she? "who is your hero, and what have they done?" [break][break]

if it wants them to tell stories, they need to know who it is they'll be talking about. [break][break]

she watches as the lights go up, and her eyes narrow, and her brows furrow. "we'll head to motostoke." she grumbles, softly. she was always curious about their industry and technology, anyways.




  • DEPHOX uses PSYCHIC to catch the possessed people
  • Sheba asks who the hero is
  • motostoke roads take me home

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedsword

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
part of
TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 7:03:26 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

Various more people come to and gather, and as battle commences he hears a female voice on the comms. Paxton tenses at Katherine's assurance, hand flexing before he took a steadying breath. "Understood, Councilwoman ." The fights rage on and as the SPOTLIGHT grows, Paxton readies another rounds ready to stop Rocket's approaching- [break][break]

But something else does it for him. A small, almost imp like deer creature with a balloon like head appeared on a pretty purple horse. He takes his finger out of the trigger well but looks through the scope at the statues and then at the pokemon. Another sudden jolt runs through him as he spots for a moment, only torn away form her sight when the trainers begin to float and speak in horrifying unison. [break][break]

Perhaps it is awe or disbelief that stops all the factional fighting. Either way, the little king speaks and they all listen.[break][break]


He frowns trying to pull and recall if he'd ever heard of such a thing. But he memorizes it for later. The High King of Galar demands their favor. Storytelling. And while he's a little rusty, with so many others around he's sure it'll be easy for them. He gets to his feet, rifle pointed down, still tense with so many unfriendly around. Streenstrup is returned in favor of his shiny Magnezone, Joules. The dual type floats protectively near their trainer. [break][break]

"What universe is this? Are we in some kind of future?" he called out, eyes on the mounted king.

There's a pause before he adds in a shout. "HAMMERLOCKE!"



+ @many taggus | SHRIEKINGGG and ready to get my shit rocked [break][break]


- shots fired hell yeah yeah [break]
- memorizes what calyrex looks like for later [break]
- sees eris [break]
- asks what kind of scenario they're in [break]
- picks HAMMERLOCKE [break]



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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 7:42:12 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"and you're here with me! i'm sure you're also jus' waitin' for excitin' stuff to happen and swoop in at the last moment for that glory, too, boss!" he answers in jest before the appearance of .

"hi, hi!" he greets her with a casual wave. "oh, right, you mentioned before the winner gets to earn a request from the other person? you left before i could cash it out! don't think i forgot 'bout that, hehe!"

he grins, but in a friendly manner.

as his legendary mark lights up, he quickly picks up his cherrim and turns it to face himself. "sunny day!"

an artificial sun appears to light everything up as another source of illumination. it doesn't, however, stop people from being able to notice them. at least flower gift is active now.

he looks around for the source of the reaction. it was the seal stone last time, but the weird pokemon controlling other trainers seemed to be the culprit this time.

his attention is taken away, and for a moment, he forgets about and .

"take me to whichever place brings more challenges!" priam shouts, raising a hand instinctively with the arm covered with his mark.

he notices what he has done, and slowly, he retracts his enthusiasm alongside his arm. he folds it, running a hand over it, as he finally blurts out a question that has plagued him for a while now.

"and, uh, can tell me exactly what this is, um, for..."

  • priam is in his sygna suit
  • chitchats with fern/francie
  • cherrim uses sunny day
  • asks what his legendary mark is for
  • flower gift/lucky chant active
  • no preference for locations



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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 7:50:55 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Knowing that Megan was hale and healthy allowed Johanna to move onto what was happening nearby. She moved closer to the statue just in time for all the weirdness to unfold.

She watched as Calyrex finished its entrance upon its steed.

The Grim Neigh of the steed disrupts Claydol’s intentions, letting the psychic energies it had built up petter into nothingness.

Johanna’s eyes go wide as she watches four trainers being possessed by the Calyrex. Yet she listens to the words it offers them, grim as they may be. The task it placed upon them was daunting, but not impossible. Especially IF they could set aside their differences.

But first a choice had to be made. She pondered which city to pick. But the only one she knew was Ballonlea. She knew it only because she had visited the place a few times to study Fairy type Pokémon care.

She sent Megan a quick glance, before she tried to find some measure of eye-contact with Calyrex as she spoke up. “I will go to Ballonlea.” Johanna answers.

“As for my question. I would just like to know. Is all of this real or is it some kind of vision?”


- Join's everyone at the Calyrex Gathering.
- Picks Ballonlea
- Ask's Calyrex "Is all of this real or is it some kind of vision"

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played by


Mika, Mick
october 30th
mauville city
5’11” height
5’11” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
130 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mikael
mikael rosenberg
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 14:00:03 GMT
mikael rosenberg Avatar

[attr="class","header"]YOU WERE GONE TOO SOON


The young man with Selene remaining on guard made his way in the direction he had seen the statue. As he got closer he could see people fighting. The seen had him let out a long drawn out sigh. Sure he wanted to put a stop to team rocket as well. But was now really the time or place.
The common stopped as a strange Pokémon appeared and he watched with shock as four people rose into the air and began to talk in unison. Well he supposed he could do that. He didn’t see much point in being at each others throats at a time like this anyway. None of them would get anything done if they were just at each others throats.
While lost in thought he failed to noticed the pokemon let the four people go before possessing someone else. He did hear what they said though. That gave him pause as he considered the Pokémon’s words. That was kind of a loaded statement. There was a lot he wanted to know.
Like why did everyone he cared about have to die? Or why couldn’t he have died instead. Or why he got to live while they didn’t? Or what was the point of everything? Those were thoughts that often ran through his mind but not ones he really wanted to ask in front of a lot people. And besides he really shouldn’t burden people with his problems.
”If we do this will we be sent back home?” he inquired since that hadn’t exactly been covered. He only knew of the places they spoke of due to travelers guides so it didn’t really matter to him. ”We’ll go to Circhester,” they said at last.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL;DR: Arrives where everyone else is his umbreon in tow[break]
Notices possessed people[break]
Ask his question after some inner turmoil[break]
Decides to go to Circhester



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
part of
TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 21:31:39 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The moment Vincent growled a warning, he realized that they weren’t alone—the approach of something riding a ‘valiant steed’ made his blood run cold the moment his own incessant, prickly feeling about the ‘g-dar’ suddenly went to all fucking hell.

See, if there’s one other thing Alexei’s good at—it’s easily discerning ghosties. And that thing the bulb-headed rider was on? Definitely reeked of ghostly vibes. Ugh. Was that why all the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck were prickling like crazy?!

“F-f-f-f-fuck,” he hissed, biting down on his tongue and trying not to scream because that was a fucking ghost horse the other… was it a Pokémon? was riding on!

Even if he did fancy himself as a collector of lore, a vast majority of what he kept track of was (hilariously) ironically from the region that he left twelve years ago, now…

Either way… the Lucario was still growling a warning, arms ready and poised to throw out some kind of attack when he made a shushing gesture in the dual-type’s direction.

He wondered what his boyfriend would think of this… this entire thing had he been here. But alas… he was here for the both of them—and possibly the entirety of Fortree at this point.

He would risk a question, then.

“Why were all the other… all the other places laid to waste, was there something hidden in those locations?”

Maybe… just maybe, if he could get to the place closest to Spikemuth he would have to check on something—but barring that, he would prefer to be sent to Hammerlocke—when things came down to the wire.


holy shit is that a G H O S T horse?!
• r.i.p. Alex’s ghost-dar it’s not gonna shut up anytime soon (Spectrier is setting off the HEEBIE JEEBIES okay?!)
• takes a risk and asked a question
• choosing Hammerlocke—as this js the closest location to Spikemuth (look Birddad has another reason why he wants to check out Spikemuth but in order to get there, he has to get somewhere close to the location? Maybe?)


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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
part of
TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 22:21:55 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]greyson nods to each person that enters - , (hesitantly), , and finally . his attention on the group is short enough to discern a quick appraisal of their health, before his gaze falls on the inevitable conflict happening within' the stadium. while team rocket was certainly a massive threat, wanton violence would only invite inevitable chaos. still, he was duty-bound to assist, now more than ever.
"let's try and reinfo-" his words are cut short, eyes widening. the moonlight becomes the perfect spotlight to put and 's possession center stage.
"what.. the.. fuck.. he voices his incredulity in a soft whisper. what kind of power would it take to forcibly suppress the ego of a person like this?
eyes drift instinctively from the human-puppets to the rose colored streaks. the comets of power were a guiding light; an emphasis to a story that continued to wrack his brain.
save zacian? create stories of heroism? did this strange, bulbous headed creature intend to challenge them? no, his words from before - a chance to restore its kingdom - resonate.
he turns to .
"we need to make sure we're not choosing the same option." was there a time limit on choosing? anxious energy floods through him, thumb cracking the knuckles of the same hand.
he looks to and , the former finally gaining control of his own facilities.
"i'll take these two with me." both were troublemakers through and through. "hopefully , , and are spreading themselves evenly too."
the comms were too chaotic for a more strategic consensus, but 's words come through thankfully clear.
he turns a contemplative gaze onto the man, debating whether or not to approach. if had spoken to him about their argument, he'd likely not be a welcomed party still, they stood together on the battlefield, so hopefully that counted for something; nevertheless, he warns himself off from approaching.
"can you all make anything of the riddle?" his mind goes inevitably back to the interdream. was this a peek into the past, or a hint to their present? did it reference this entire thing as zacian's dream, and this ruinous creature as her nightmare?
people start flooding the comms-link again with their questions, so he tunes them out.
"we're going to ballonlea." they didn't have to follow, but they would - he knew that for certain.
his attention shifts back to the high-king.
if this world was similar to the hoenn ruled by kyogre, then this might very well be a peek into their future. he asks his question.
"how do we prevent ruination?"
he only prayed that the strange pokemon would give him a real answer.




[break] greyson considers the riddle, musing its meaning to himself.[break]
recommends to callen they SPLIT UP[break]
choice: balloonlea[break]
question: "how do we prevent ruination?" [break]



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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 22:56:25 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

Skyler acknowledges someone's approach in the back of her mind, put aside to be dealt with later. Probably just some do-gooder civilian caught in the crossfire, she thinks, or a Ranger attempting to offer help.

What she doesn't expect, however, is a nuisance. And that's exactly what she gets.

Johnny pushes them out of the way just in time, slamming Skyler against the stadium wall none too gently. Air is knocked out of her lungs by the impact, coming out as a raspy wheeze.

"The fuck d'you think you're doing?!" is treated to a withering glare, molten silver cut sharp and precise. Lips curl over incisors in a snarl. "Building fucking sandcastles?" 

In other words, piss off.

Poison bubbles forth from the open gash in the ground. Johnny huffs, keeping the worst of it from hitting any of them. is treated to a gentle pat from the Urshifu and a concerned once-over from Skyler. He looked, both quickly decided, the most frail out of them.

The whole situation is nearly enough to distract Skyler from the main entertainment. Nearly. Despite having positioned herself quite a distance away from the statue, Calyrex's stolen voices nevertheless reach her.

"It's Galar, 'course it'd have to be a high king." Was anywhere around? She'd have to tell him she'd met his ancestor - and that it was nearly as big headed as the prince himself. 

In the end, Skyler doesn't have many questions to ask except those of a more practical nature. "How do we get out of here?" 

Her eyes cross the small distance to find 's. Unfortunately, Skyler had never spent much attention in her Geography lessons; she knew nothing of the names being spouted from the deer's mouth.

She shrugs, a dare dangled from the curl of a smile. Adventure had always been their, Skyler and Angelo's, high.

"Circhester, I guess." 


urshifu is out
skyler is pissed at
urshifu pats and skyler holds herself back from doing the same
asks calyxrex a question: how do we get out of here?
chooses circhester

[newclass=.skyler] [/newclass][newclass=.skyler b] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler i] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler a] text-transform:uppercase!important; [/newclass]
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played by


April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 0:06:25 GMT
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[attr="class","rowwtw"]Gradually, like a storm subsiding, the panic began to recede. Rowan's breaths, shallow and rapid moments ago, started to deepen, albeit with an occasional shudder. He could feel the tightness in his chest slowly loosening its grip, granting him some much-needed relief. [break][break]

As his senses returned, Rowan became aware of his surroundings. The Slowbro and Gengar that worked to calm him with their moves, the voices of and reassuring him. Perhaps he wasn't as alone as he'd assumed, a comforting realization.[break][break]

"Thank you, all." Renewed calm allowed Rowan to push himself to his feet, unaware of the poison that seeped into his shoe as he properly took in the dilapidated surroundings. A small amount of embarrassment set in as he saw and , having just broken down in front of the two royals.[break][break]

There wasn't much time to process their situation, as the mysterious legend rode into view. Rowan had heard tales of this Pokémon, stories and poems but nothing tangible. Calyrex, the High King. It asked them to put their differences aside, and the direness of this situation seemed to call for it. The renewed calm afforded to Rowan by his Slowbro and 's Gengar brought clarity, and with it peace.[break][break]

"You called this a reminiscence. Does that mean this has already happened, or can we still prevent it?"[break][break]

An important question to Rowan, knowing whether or not his home was already gone, or there was still a chance to save what he once held dear. When the question of his choice of location came, there was one that stuck out more than the rest. The home of , and the father he'd never met.[break][break]

"Circhester." Rowan said aloud, looking to , , , and in case they wanted to follow.[break][break]


[attr="class","rowwttag"]@rustedsword [break][break]

· Rowan was soothed by his Slowpoke, the Gengar and Serena.[break]
· Didn't notice the poison seeped into his shoe.[break]
· Asks his question of Calyrex.[break]
· Chooses Circhester.[break]
· Used x1 Salac.[break][break]


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