i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 2:38:15 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


answered in-character & anonymously

"What is your favorite way to travel?"
I like taking a walk, actually.

"What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"
Life is full of windows and doors. You assume they will always be open to you, but as time passes, more and more close. I wish I had taken advantage of many doors, when I first had them ten or so years ago. I have no choice but to commit to the path I've chosen now.

"Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?"
...No. But I'm the person I had to become if I wanted to survive the life I chose.

"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"
To love is to be vulnerable.

"Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"
All vulnerability is rife for exploitation. Expressing that weakness is a risk I am loath to take needlessly.

"How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."
My father taught me to find light in the darkest places, but didn't tell me that the dark places can swallow you whole. He left me with debt, and a predisposition to addiction and escape.

My mother taught me how to love unconditionally, but never how to temper that love safely. I only know how to love someone at the expense of sacrificing myself.

"What is your go to karaoke song?"
"Zou Bisou Bisou." It's been a long time, though.

"What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?"
Nothing. What would I say? What happened, happened. Nothing I can say would change that.

"What do you think about when you're alone?"
It depends. I try not to think about too much when I'm alone. Though I rarely feel that I am, these days. There are hidden parts of ourselves that we only are forced to confront in the darkest hours of night, alone and interrupted. They are rarely pleasant.

"Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?"
I felt safest in my childhood. But more recently... The mornings I awaken to the scent of sandalwood and lavender on my pillow.

"Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?"
I will choose myself first. Always.

"Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"
Everyone is self-interested. Self-professed martyrs most of all.

"If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?"
...Call me superstitious, but I have no intention of answering such a pointed question, lest it become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

"Do you believe in the afterlife?"
I've seen men return from the dead. I'd rather we all simply died, rotting beneath the earth. The idea of a life of eternal haunting seems cruel beyond words.

"What would the apocalypse look like or feel like for you?"
The ruination of all things.

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played by


leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 4:03:31 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar


all questions answered icly and anonymously

"What is your favorite way to travel?"
"I'm not gonna lie, I kinda enjoy seafaring..."

"What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"
"Bit unfair to ask something with endless answers, isn't it? There's no use dwelling on it, anyways. Better to make the most of what you've chosen for yourself."

"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"
"Can only recall the worst, but, uh... That the worst they could say was, 'No.' They said, 'Ew,' instead. It was a joke, but still. Ow."

"Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?"
"I'd say pretty close, yeah."

"Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"
"Yes. I won't make the mistake of not doing it again."

"What is your go to karaoke song?"
"God, we talking while sober or blackout drunk?"[break]
(author's note: "total eclipse of the heart" by bonnie taylor, but exclusively when shitfaced)

"How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."
"Well enough, I'd say. ...There was the pressure of expectation, but I think it was well-intended."

"What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?"
"...Thankfully, I don't need the opportunity. Hasn't happened."

"What do you think about when you're alone?"
"...What could possibly be missing. The emptiness. The reason for the emptiness. Why it persists, and why I'm so haunted by it."

"Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?"
"Childhood. Couldn't exactly give you a proper explanation; it's just the first thing that came to mind."

"Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?"
"It's...a complicated thing. If there was a way to make sure everyone broke even, I'd do everything I could to make that a reality. Otherwise, I guess my home—this world—takes precedence over anything else. ...It's a depressing thought, honestly."

"Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"
"Self-interest. I hate to say it, but that's just the reality of it. Whether or not it's for good or bad intent, though, is up to the eye of the beholder."

"If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?"
"...Now give me one good reason why I'd admit that, anonymous or not?"

"Do you believe in the afterlife?"
"Absolutely. There's a lot of things that can't really be explained, otherwise. Whether or not I feel like there should be one, though... Well, that's just a lot of nuances that I can't really fit in this little survey."

"What would the apocalypse look like or feel like for you?"
"Emptiness. Eradication. Loneliness."

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played by


december 21st
wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
223 posts
Cain Toman DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 4:16:54 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar


all questions answered icly and anonymously

"What is your favorite way to travel?"

"What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"
"Bold of you to assume they were missed."

"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"
"Also bold of you to assume I took any of it seriously. It's a bit of a waste of time with more important things to take care of, ain't it?"

"Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?"
"No, but I'm who I had to become. Younger me knew what would happen, and that's why I know he'd understand. It is what it is."

"Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"

"What is your go to karaoke song?"
"Yeah, I don't do that shit. 'I See Fire' by that one ginger lad back home is neat, though, I guess."[break]

"How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."
"They never had the chance."

"What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?"
"... 'I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you.'"

"What do you think about when you're alone?"
"Shit that doesn't matter in the in. Like I said, it is what it is."

"Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?"

"Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?"
"It's all down in shit either way, isn't it? If this world lives to see another day, sure. Great. In the end, though, this is my life, and I'll do and side with whoever I need to if it means saving it."

"Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"
"Self-interest. You're lying to yourself and everyone around you if you're not. Everyone's inherently selfish. Everyone's inherently full of shit."

"If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?"
"They'd be six feet under before they had the chance to finish the job."

"Do you believe in the afterlife?"
"No. Deus ex machina as fate intends, maybe, but not the afterlife."

"What would the apocalypse look like or feel like for you?"
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played by


keone basilio, beast
august 5
heahea city, alola
demirom. bisex.
secret agent
love the way
that you move
6 ft. 3 in. // 190.5 cm. height
6 ft. 3 in. // 190.5 cm. height
tomorrow can wait, and i'll be dreaming of you
14 posts
Taika Cadell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @taika
Taika Cadell
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 4:54:58 GMT
Taika Cadell Avatar


all questions answered icly and anonymously

"What is your favorite way to travel?"
"Ugh, man. I know it's not travel, technically, but I love me a good wave or two. I guess walking, though, if you wanna be boring."

"What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"
”Dunno, honestly. I don't feel like I've missed anything. Maybe could've gone down another path, but y'know..."

"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"
"Given: 'Talk it out, and if they're ride or die, you'll make it work together.'
Received: 'ayyy lmao who tf cares just smash and dash'"

"Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?"
"The person I wanted to be when I was younger? Yeah, absolutely."

"Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"
"...No. It's complicated. Not exactly in a position to be able to, but they understand. ...Or at least, they say they do, and I can only hope they're telling the truth."

"What is your go to karaoke song?"
"Ugh, God, there's so many? I guess 'Jericho' is pretty high up there, though."

"How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."
”Well. Extremely well. They're the reason why I've made it this far, why I have the views I have today, and their support meant the world to me growing up. I'd do anything for them."

"What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?"
"When the sun rises, and when the moon sets, I will follow your memory. Rest well, my friend."

"What do you think about when you're alone?"
"Everything, really. My choices. Where I am. It's all really complicated, honestly. I'm content with how far I've come, but...sometimes I really do wonder if it was worth it. If this was worth it."

"Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?"
"Childhood. With my family. The memories are there, but I'm honestly scared about forgetting their voices, by this point."

"Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?"
"Yes. Without a doubt, yes. It's not exactly the ideal I'd want, but it's a dog eat dog world, isn't it? ...Or world eat world. Universe eat universe? You get the point."

"Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"
"Depends, really, doesn't it? There's a lot of things that influence what a person does, and why they do it— and even then, there's always a story behind purpose."

"If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?"
"They'd take away everything I care about. Simple, really. It's why I live the way I do— so they're not caught in the crossfire."

"Do you believe in the afterlife?"
"Absolutely. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but me? Yeah, there's no way you could convince me otherwise."

"What would the apocalypse look like or feel like for you?"
"The loss of everything I know and love."

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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 6:37:14 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar


answered in-character

"What is your favorite way to travel?"
By boat, of course!
"What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"
I try not to dwell on that kind of thing enough to remember specifics.
"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"
Turns out that getting punched in the face isn't a sign of romantic interest! Me and my are just weird. Feel really bad for poor Joey...
"Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?"
It's not exactly how I imagined it but it's close enough
"Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"
I tell them every day! Sometimes more!
"What is your go to karaoke song?"
I usually just butcher whatever of or 's that's been on the radio most recently.
"How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."
My parents loved me and did everything they could for me. They worked hard to make me who I am.
"What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?"
I'm sorry that I let you down.
"What do you think about when you're alone?"
Take a jog if it's nice out. Watch trash TV if it's not.
"Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?"
I feel safe every night in my home.
"Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?"
Yeah, I would. All the people I love are in this universe.
"Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"
Others, but I think I'm in a bad place to feel that way
"If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?"
Hurt my husband. But after I would kill them, so it's really their loss.
"Do you believe in the afterlife?"
All souls are washed clean in Mother's Waves so they can live once again. Life is just a cycle.
"What would the apocalypse look like or feel like for you?"
Lonely and empty. No one or thing around to care about; not even plants.

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MAY 18th
i don't like change
but i'm not afraid
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
when everything is in disarray, i think we'll be okay!
735 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 12:14:10 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar



1. What is your favorite way to travel?
“Boats are pretty cool! Been on a few ferries in my day, and I always find hangin' out on deck to be real comfy if the weather's nice.”
2. What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?
“That's a helluva question, isn't it? I... shit, I guess maybe not takin' school more seriously when I was a kid? Didn't do so great, missed out on the chance to do somethin' better with my life once I graduated. But hey, I'm tryin' ta turn that around some these days, so it ain't all bad.”
3. What's the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?
“Folks don't typically come ta me for that kinda advice, but I'm gonna give it to you anyway. If you love someone, or just got feelin's for 'em, you fuckin' tell them, right here, right now. I don't fuckin' care if ya gotta call 'em up outta nowhere, or if yer scared'a gettin' hurt, you get that shit out in the open as soon as you fuckin' can. If ya just sit and let that shit fester, it's gonna make you god damn miserable, and even if they turn ya down, ya at least get to rip that god damn bandaid off an' move on. That's prolly the best advice I could give anyone.

Oh, and as for worst advice, a guy I used to work with once tried ta convince me that girls like it if yer real mean to 'em. Think he called it 'negging', or somethin' like that? Dumbest fuckin' thing I'd ever heard.”
4. Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?
“Nah. Hurts to admit it, to be honest. But hey, that's life.”
5. Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?
“The hell's up with all the sad questions?! I mean, I guess I kinda have, dependin' on your definition of 'recent'; I try to call up my mom every couple'a weeks ta let her know how I'm doin', and I always tell her I love her, 'cause you can never say that kinda thing too much ta someone you care about. But I should probably try and track down my brothers an' tell 'em the same. I just hate buggin' 'em when they're off livin' their own lives, yanno?”
6. What is your go-to karaoke song?
“Now this question I like! Man, lemme think, it's been years since I've been... oh! There's this one peppy track called Hau'oli City Lights that's a fun little number, and Judgement is a real good song if ya wanna drag a buddy up on stage with ya. But there's this one tune that I've been practicin' at home called Machine Gun Kiss that's a fuckin' blast to belt out! Man, I oughta hit up a place sometime soon so I can just cut loose for a bit; ya got any recommendations?”
7. How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse.
“Both a'them are real salt of the earth people; I think the biggest things I learned from them were how ta work hard and do right by people. Dad's kind of a hardass, though, so I'm sure that explains a couple'a things about me, but mom did teach me how ta keep a house and feed myself. Funny, she used to always tell me that I was never gonna land a wife if I couldn't look after myself first but, uh... yeah, here I am now, 'maidenless', as the kids these days say. Could still cook ya a mean omelet, though!”
8. What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?
“I- uh- what? I uh, hadn't thought about that one, 'cause I haven't lost any of my buddies like that. That's a hell of a thing to think about though... I guess I'd tell 'em that I love 'em, and that I'm proud'a them, 'cause I am. But, I really don't wanna have to think about that, though- can we just move on ta the next question?”
9. What do you think about when you're alone?
“Hey, uh, just ta double-check, you said all of this was anonymous, right? No one's gonna be lookin' at this and know it was me specifically tellin' ya all this? Not gonna post it online or somethin' ta make me look like a big fuckin' idiot?

Really? Cool, cool.

Then I, uh... I guess the biggest thing I think about is all the stuff I fucked up when I was younger. How I probably wouldn't be in Rustboro these days if I just woulda done some stuff different way back when. That I probably wouldn't be alone in Rustboro if I woulda done stuff different way back when. And sometimes, I think about how I'm prolly gonna die alone, and how ain't no one gonna find me but the landlady when the rent doesn't show up one'a these days. I mean, it ain't the sorta thing I think about all the time, but it's the sorta thing that creeps up on ya when ya don't got nothin' else to preoccupy your mind. So these days I just try and find stuff to do to keep my mind from goin' there; goin' to the gym, playin' some old games, that type'a thing.”
10. Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?
“I remember there was this one time when I was little and we had this real bad storm back home. Took out the power for three days, but the worst part was the night it happened; all the thunder and lightenin' just scared the hell outta me. But my big brother, Miguel, he came in and made us a blanket fort in the livin' room, and he got this big picture book I used ta like and read it to me with just this dinky old flashlight to see by. I had been damn near inconsolable up 'til then, and there hadn't been a thing my mom or dad could do ta make me feel better, but my brother made me feel like everything was gonna be okay. And it was! The next day we went out and played out in the mud, which pissed my mom ta all hell, hah! Miguel's good people, and still is to this day.”
11. Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?
“Yeesh, I don't know if I could make that kinda decision. None of the people in our universe deserve ta die, but hell, none of all the other people in all'a the other universes should hafta go out like that, either. But do the other universes even have people in 'em? What if there's universes where it's just all Pokemon? But shit, that don't make it right either... ARGH! This is givin' me a fuckin' headache! Next question!”
12. Gut check; do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?
“Shit, that's another hard one... If I'll be honest, sometimes I try an' convince myself that it's the second one, even when I really oughta know better. I just wanna believe that people are good at heart, yanno? And hell, I know there's a lotta shit folks out there, but that doesn't mean I gotta let that make me think the worst of everyone. So, uh, I'm just gonna go with the second one, even if that kinda thinkin' tends ta bite me in the ass every now and again.”
13. If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?
“Get real close to my heart and find a way to break it, which probably ain't all that hard now that I think about it. But hey, if they do that, then I'm breakin' their fuckin' legs, so don't even think about it!”
14. Do you believe in the afterlife?
“I want to, but I dunno. I try not ta think about that sorta thing too hard.”
15. What would the apocalypse look and feel like for you?
“Huh, probably like the movies, I guess? Fire, brimstone, probably zombies or somethin' like that in there. Just the total collapse of the civilized world, I guess. But hey, maybe it wouldn't be all bad; 'life finds a way', an' all that, and people are a helluva a lot more resilient than they give themselves credit for.”
16. Suggestions for future questions!
“How do you like your steak?”

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played by


May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
543 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 18:26:55 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar


answered in-character & anonymously

"What do you think about when you're alone?"
I think about getting in-shape. Going harder. Working harder. Breaking through my own expectations.

"Do you believe in the afterlife?"
Maybe. My grandmother believed in something like that, but I'm not sure I do. If it does exist, it's not worth it.

"Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."
Who do you want to battle most and why?

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played by


He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 20:06:25 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Answered ICly and Anonymously by

"What is your favorite way to travel?"

A: I prefer to fly, or drive. Teleporting is nice, but makes me nauseous after a few....

"What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"

A: Doesn't matter....I'll get a redo one day.

"Whats the best, and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"

A: Someone told me to be myself once....

"Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?"

A: No

"Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"

A: Not applicable.

"What is your go to karaoke song?"

A: Into the Unown

"How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."

A: They gave me life.

"What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?"

A: I'm sorry....

"What do you think about when you're alone?"

A: Her.

"Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?"

A: When my Dragonair evolved into a Dragonite to protect me.

"Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?"

A: Any universe that doesn't have her I would remake, and destroy.

"Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"

A: Humans are inherently selfish creatures, that is obvious.

"If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?"

A: There is nothing, and no one of value to take from me at this time.

"Do you believe in the afterlife?"

A: Hard not to when there is a portal to it.

"What would the apocalypse look like or feel like for you?"

A: Victory

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played by


Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,065 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 20:16:10 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar


answered in-character by

"What is your favorite way to travel?"
"I love flying, just not on a plane."
"What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"
"Not being there for when she needed me the most."
"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"
"None. I give the best advice. Who doesn't like hugs?"
"Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?"
"No. I'm not a Pokemon yet."
"Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"
"I tell my mom and dad that I love them every day. And Chomper. And Jalapeno. And Meatloaf. And..."

(this section goes on unnecessarily long)
"What is your go to karaoke song?"
"How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."
"I'm grateful to my parents for raising me among Pokemon and introducing me to the joys of cosplaying."
"What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?"
"I'm sorry..."
"What do you think about when you're alone?"
"The big mysteries of our world, like why do Nidoqueen have breasts?"
"Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?"
"When Rayquaza appeared and saved Hoenn from the meteorite. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Lord Rayquaza, and thank you ."
"Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?"
"No, because then it wouldn't be worth it."
"Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"
"There's nothing wrong with people acting in their own self-interest, but they shouldn't be jerks about it."
"If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?"
"Don't hurt me. I will hurt you back."
"Do you believe in the afterlife?"
"I prefer reincarnation. I hope in my next life I get born as a Pokemon."
"What would the apocalypse look like or feel like for you?"
(there is a noticeable pause before answering)

"A world covered in ice."
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played by


the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 21:05:17 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


answered in-character & anonymously (brackets denote OOC comment)

"What is your favorite way to travel?"
  • Anything that doesn't involve the ocean.

"What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"
  • There's no sense dwelling on what we can't change.

"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"
  • I don't know that I've ever been given advice... but I think the best advice I have to give is communication. You can avoid a lot of fighting and headaches if you're on the same page.

"Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?"
  • No.

"Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"
  • I prefer to express care through action.

"What is your go to karaoke song?"
  • I have never done karoake.

"How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."
  • I hope they rot. (They drove him to where he is, and who he is.)

"What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?"
  • You deserved a name. (He posthumously named his Crobat, who died in the Blackout of Slateport.)

"What do you think about when you're alone?"
  • Work, mostly. Or my husband.

"Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?"
  • Safety is an illusion meant to lower our guard. (He never has.)

"Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?"
  • Yes.

"Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"
  • Self interest.

"If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?"
  • Nice try.

"Do you believe in the afterlife?"
  • No.

"What would the apocalypse look like or feel like for you?"
  • I don't know.

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miss monroe
june 7th
verdanturf town
ranger / daycare asst.
cadet / nurse
we came, we saw
we complicated...
5'11" height
5'11" height
mirror on the wall, tell me all the ways to stay away.
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TAG WITH @noble
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 22:23:19 GMT


SURVEY #1, "What is your favorite way to travel?"

I've found traveling by helicopter or the back of a pokemon that can fly is best.

SURVEY #2, "What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"

Confessing my feelings to Dahlia Goode. Studying abroad in the other regions.

SURVEY #3, "What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"

Neither... I work too much. I'll take any pick-up lines you got though.

SURVEY #4, "Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?"

No... But I seem to believe it's still within reach. Wish me luck, will you?

SURVEY #5, "Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"

I don't have loved ones - unless pokemon count?

SURVEY #6, "What is your go to karaoke song?"

Phantogram - Black Out Days & Halsey - Be Kind

SURVEY #7, "How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."

I think my parents did alright, considering how little they were in the picture... But perhaps it is worse than what could've been.

SURVEY #8, "What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?"

I'm sorry I wasn't there for you like you were for me.

SURVEY #9, "What do you think about when you're alone?"

How my mistakes lead me to where I am now - scared to see what's there when I look over my shoulder.

SURVEY #10, "Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?"

I honestly couldn't.

SURVEY #11, "Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?"

I think so. It's not like I have to look in their face while I do it, right? I'm not ready to die.

SURVEY #12, "Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"

I expect them to act in their own interest, but I wish more of us were all a little less selfish.

SURVEY #13, "If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?"

Tear away what little I have left, and somehow make it seem like all my fault - that I deserve to lose it all.

SURVEY #14, "Do you believe in the afterlife?"

It stands to reason...yes.

SURVEY #15, "What would the apocalypse look like or feel like for you?"

When the dust settles, you cannot recognize anything as what it once was - the world, it's people...yourself. It would be impossible for someone to imagine things ever going back to the way they were, no matter how hard they worked.
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July 11
Castelia City, Unova
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @michaeldavis
Michael Davis
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 1:35:46 GMT
Michael Davis Avatar
Answered In-Character

Survey #1
"What is your favorite way to travel?"
  • By Pokemon, of course, if not by train!

Survey #2
"What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"
  • I did have a chance to join the Military, but my parents relied on me to help them with the Ranch. Now, I feel like my work as a Ranger is fulfilling, so I don't regret it that often.

Survey #5
"Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"
  • Almost every chance I get!

Survey #6
"What is your go to karaoke song?"
  • Danger Zone!
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sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 14:09:28 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
NOTE Answering ICly; will also edit it with more answers later when I got more brains lol

"What is your favorite way to travel?"
"It's hard to pick one ... but I do like driving around in a car, or simply flying around on my Togekiss Sylph. Oh, but actually, travelling by boat is also quite fun. You should try it when you get the chance!"

"Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"
"In the interest of others. I know it may not always hold true, but I'd like to think it is."

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2024 10:09:43 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar


answered in-character & anonymously

"What is your favorite way to travel?"
  • dragonback or train.

"What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"
  • far too many to list. many I likely haven't even realized yet. I stay up at night thinking about them sometimes.

"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"
  • "have realistic expectations" and "if it's meant to be, it will be." respectively.

"Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?"
  • not exactly.

"Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"
  • no. they should already know that and I haven't given them a reason to think the contrary.

"What is your go-to karaoke song?"
  • oasis - wonderwall.

"How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."
  • I credit my father for the best. I credit my mother for the worst. though I have her to thank for my cunning, at the very least.

"What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?"
  • I am sorry we robbed you of your soul. I hope you found solace in the fact that you went out fighting.

"What do you think about when you're alone?"
  • my IDEAL WORLD and next steps.

"Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?"
  • under the applin tree reading books. playing in the gardens with my siblings and cousins. father always kept a watchful eye over us.

"Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?"
  • yes. as long as one remains, the others will live on through it. nothing ever truly dies. the cycle will inevitably begin again.

"Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"
  • own self-interest. those who truly act in the interest of others are rare.

"If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?"
  • I suppose harm my loved ones? what is the purpose of this question?

"Do you believe in the afterlife?"
  • I do. the existence of Ghost-type Pokemon lends credence to the idea.

"What would the apocalypse look like or feel like for you?"
  • subjugation. powerlessness. humanity robbed of its vigor and purpose.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2024 18:07:39 GMT
Deleted Avatar


answered in-character & anonymously

"What have been your missed opportunities in life so far?"
"Too many to count."
"Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?"
I could say that "the child i was would weep for the man i've become..." And that would be quite the sob story, now wouldn't it, love? Unfortunately, I never quite had those kind of grievances."
"Have you told your loved ones that you care about them recently? If not, why?"
"How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."
"They're the reason I am the man I am today... So take that as you will."

"What would you say to a deceased member of your Pokemon team if you had the opportunity?"
"What's the point? The dead don't speak outside my dreams."

"How have your parents shaped you? For better or for worse."
"They're the reason I am the man I am today... So take that as you will."
"What do you think about when you're alone?"
"Sometimes it's what I want to eat that evening. Other times it's things that would probably get me locked up in an insane asylum."
"Tell me about a time when you truly felt safe?"
"Not since I was a babe sucking on my mum's tit."
"Would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?"
"Yes. If the other universes were destroyed, it's because they didn't have what it takes to survive."
"Gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?"
Humans by nature are inherently self-interested. We're beasts desperate to survive. We're selfish from the womb to the grave."
"If someone really wanted to hurt you right now, what should they do?"
"They'd have to find me first."
"Do you believe in the afterlife?"
"I believe in the concept of Hell... And we're currently living in it."
"What would the apocalypse look like or feel like for you?"
"All consuming flames."

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing