i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2024 22:36:53 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]

[attr="class","lyrics"] not a god's chosen [break] but a god's cursed




[attr="class","postbox"] 'what was that sound?'

[break][break] his answers come in the form of gorgeous feathers, tangled by TOXIC CHAINS that slice through the darkness like a siphoning blade. once more, a mysterious chime echoes through the prison's walls — before that platform ascends from whence it came, leaving jayden wondering exactly where this creature arrived from.

[break][break] and if there were more.

[break][break] but there is little much to question, because they are put to work.

[break][break] more than anyone, the rocket admin is familiar with the concept of PRISON CELLS. while others shout their dissent or protest, no doubt horrified by the sight of mangled bones and flesh as the alluring symphony drags bodies through the cell bars, at the expense of weak human bodies. much like , jayden's gaze is unflinching as he witnesses the countless acts of torture.

[break][break] for him, this is familiar. for him, this is home.

[break][break] now you will work for us. you will sweat. you will bleed. all for us. your hard work will help us get back to where we belong.

[break][break] as his father had ingrained in him, as those like , and countless other high-ranking rockets had reminded him of many times before:

[break][break] all existed for the glory of team rocket.

[break][break] was this much different?

[break][break] immediately, memories flash forth like lightening: the sight of his brother's cell, the snarling jaws of aleks volkov, and the forceful grip of his father's hold.

[break][break] 'was this how his brother felt, all those years?'

[break][break] both he and aleks would've borne an ironic similarity now, sharing the frost-white hair as they did.

[break][break] would notice it?

[break][break] jayden takes the offered mochi as he would have his mother's favored russian pirozhkis, easily, obediently, amicably. the sweetness explodes in his mouth when he swallows, only glancing thus at his other two cellmates to make sure they do the same.

[break][break] 'do this,' his gaze seems to say when he regards in particular, hand brushing against theirs. a gentle squeeze. 'for me.'

[break][break] because he knows that the charlanatan would not have an easy time swallowing their pride, not in comparison to him. and the feeling of resentment that CHIEN PAO's existence should've brought was eerily empty now. there was nothing stopping him from obeying. the chains around his neck were a reminder, as translucent as they were.

[break][break] his head tilts towards , twin-like eyes of cerulean following the soft curve of the fellow admin's back as they are released from their temporary cell. his suggestion is conceded, not that it is needed. jayden knows well how to act the role of the obedient; it was his whole life, just as it was or 's.

[break][break] calculated eyes glimpse towards the familiar sight of and what he believes to be — after all, there are few that he knows to share a familiar gait as the former beast. he even glances towards the sight of someone he wonders is , but for some reason, it is the unfamiliar frame of a silver-haired that he finds himself beside. even though he does not know her, even though he cannot tell if she is a rocket or a league or an alien with bluish skin. something pulls him towards her, flinching as their fingers brush when he reaches for a crystal to polish.

[break][break] he flinches on instinct, the TOXIC CHAINS around his neck sliding away to reveal a tell-tale BITE MARK on his neck. hers. one that he incidentally shares with and .

[break][break] "ah," he says, voice soft. "sorry."

[break][break] the tension mounts as their avian warden strides by, its gaze piercing into his skin like daggers, monitoring his response — or lack thereof. he senses the constriction of the chains around him, their painful grip tightening. seconds tick by, and with them, the FEZANDIPITI drifts away, as though these SCARRED ugly souls were within its direct gaze. almost as if it were orchestrated by fate.




[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] jayden eats mochi and wills to do the same [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] trauma memories of kanto rocket and his cannibal brother [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] thinks he may recognize , , but instead sits near and instead. his neck bite mark is visible for them (or anyone else) to recognize [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] used 1 salac [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] UGLY WARD



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
643 posts
part of
TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2024 22:40:43 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Optimism and hope vanished as the strange monkey pokemon shattered the body of one of the other prisoners. His stomach churned with poison and revulsion. Jack turned his focus inward, away from the horrific scene to a battle of willpower, fighting to keep from vomiting.[break][break]

He felt like his body was on autopilot as he obediently took the proffered mochi even while his mind screamed at him. There was no mistaking it for what he had seen beneath the swamp - for what he had seen from all the poisoned pokemon and toxified peoples of Hoenn. As Diamandis brought the mochi to her mouth a wild urge to slap it from her hands gripped him, an urge closely followed by the terror of what his disobedience would earn the both of them. Instead, Jack nodded in assent at the whispered words of his cellmate before biting into the mochi, following her lead as he still struggled with the fear and the sickness that roiled in his stomach.[break][break]

He was quick to follow her out to the work area, ignoring the others, to kneel beside his one anchor of stability in all this. What a raw deal that a crazy woman is the only thing that makes sense. But she had a plan, and she had given him the protection of a name, so he would stick with her through this. Maybe I am dumb.[break][break]

Every bite of the sharp crystal into his fingertips, and palms, and forearms was a reminder that they yet survived. And every reminder kindled the fires of hate for their captors in his belly; a brilliant glow tinged with sickly green.[break][break]

"Five," Pamplemousse counted the guards and whispered to Diamandis, hiding the word within a series of sickly coughs both real and feigned.[break][break]




dummy ward[break]
– After the prisoner is killed, he is less hopeful and more fearful - finally taking their predicament seriously.[break]
– Jack/Pamplemousse recognizes the mochi from Blood, Mud, and Iron and the events of Poison Patrol but eats it after Desiree's whispered plan.[break]
– Jack/Pamplemousse works at their task and counts the guards.



[newclass=".jackpost"]--accent:#52D8D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".jackpost h2"]font:bold 14px Roboto;color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".jackpost .tag a"]font:15px Poppins;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".jackpost .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,327 posts
part of
TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 0:46:25 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

you believe me like a god, [break]
i destroy you like i am




with the interruption of the shitty alien variety, she scowls behind her mask. her hands itch for pink energy, for something to rip the life from their eyes... but nothing comes. the chains feel tighter around her limbs all the same.


their warden makes quick work of a prisoner, then, and despite herself, she still wants to knock the small animal around. it wouldn't end well - surely - but the urge stays consistent even after she is forced to pluck a mochi off the plate nudges toward her. it stays even as she chews the mochi and swallows it down with a look of disgust.


once this leash is off? she's squashing them all like little tiny bugs.


the tray of mochi is passed off to someone - if she recognizes whoever grabs it, she doesn't make any indicator to show it. and after a moment, she joins in the task of sorting through shards of crystals while trying to ignore their warden, the megalopolans, and even some familiar looking people. she wants to take multiple shards, wants to hide them for use as a weapon, but the most she can do is try to tuck a small, sharp shard into the band of her pants... each movement causes a small little pain as the shard begins to cut skin, but she needs to hold strong - the shard will end up being important to getting out of here, she hopes.

all my homies hate the megalopolans![break]
begrudgingly eats the mochi and[break]
begins sorting shards next to , putting[break]
one small shard into the band of her pants.[break]
1 salac used.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".illie"]--accent: #E37474!important; [/newclass]
[newclass=".pilotsb"]--bg: #222; --accent: #E37474; --url:url(;[/newclass]
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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 0:58:23 GMT
fern delaney Avatar
[attr="class","pilots fernie"]

feel your dirty face[break]oh, don’t it leave that filthy taste?




They think little of the contact imparts, crossing their ankles neatly as his hands settle on their shins. Almost like it’s an everyday gesture. Casual, like sprawling on their couch at him. They wave a hand in the air, flapping at the wrist as they open their mouth to conjure some sort of aggrieved point to make about their current restrictions.[break][break]

But before they can continue any sort of conversation, the grind of gears and levels pull a platform down to their level. Curious, Fern relinquishes their spot on the cot, and they shuffle closer to what they can see. Their fingers close around the bars as they pull their face close to the gap. [break][break]

It’s not a pretty sight, naturally. [break][break]

While and might not give much reaction to the grotesque and gory display, Fern is expressive behind their mask. Throughout the ward, they can hear the gasps and shocked reactions of others kept behind the gates. But Fern’s stomach doesn’t drop, nor do they crumble in dismay or fear.[break][break]

Instead, their nose wrinkles up behind the shroud, lip curling as their eyes give away the distaste they find in the way the creature steps over the mess it made and leaves it behind.[break][break]

Now that is the pot calling the kettle black, their mind murmurs, though Fern has never left a mess behind that is quite so…. visceral.[break][break]

Their eyes follow the fezandipiti with vested interest. It is a lovely creature–with long, feathered wings and a regal posture. But clearly also capable of great cruelty in its sense of allure. Fern makes a mental note to watch it just as keenly.[break][break]

Just because they have rolled with the situation does not mean that they are presently fond of being told what to do.[break][break]

Or that this is their forever home.[break][break]

Something that Jayden immediately picks up on as soon as they are allotted their share of mochi. Like the other admins, Fern shoves the treat in their mouth, but they do not immediately swallow the overly-sweetened rice cake. The cloying peach flavor sits heavy in their mouth, resentful gaze sliding away from their partner and toward the retreating Megalopolan guards.[break][break]

They have the distinct urge to cause another problem just to see if the bird will react the same. Chewed mochi on their tongue, their cheeks puff with the intent to spit it on the ground.[break][break]

And then Jayden meets their eye and reluctantly, they relent and swallow the food down.[break][break]

But not without a baleful scowl.[break][break]

One that persists when they are shuffled out to work. “Yeah, sounds good,” they agree to ’s terms, though Fern doesn’t very much feel like keeping a low profile. They sigh, fishing some of the sharp little shards into a pile that they plop down next to.[break][break]

Their blue eyes slide over the other occupants of the ward, and they’re fairly certain they recognized the familiar gaits and mannerisms of their fellow Rockets as they use the front hem of their kitakami as a polisher. Eventually they hone in on another pair sitting not far off and a lightbulb goes off.[break][break]

“Ah!” Because they cannot do anything normally, and they are honestly unsure of how camaraderie will be regarded by their beaky overlord, Fern tosses one of the tinier shards over toward much like one would throw a pebble at their darling’s window in the middle of the night.[break][break]

“Psst psst!” They look at him, wild-eyed though their sharper grin isn’t visible past the mask on their face. “That you, Harcourt? I thought I heard you bellowing like a ursaring with a splinter not long ago!” Fern takes a quick glance over their shoulder, eyes naturally gravitating toward as he bumps into someone, then toward the guards.[break][break]

“What cell are you in?” If they can make a mental layout of who goes where, that’ll only benefit them, right?


+ this is like soooooo annoying[break]
+ is behaving…. For now[break]
+ finds and tries to get some DEETS[break]
+ 1x salac used


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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[newclass=".pilots .mcredits"]position:absolute; text-transform:uppercase; right: 9px; bottom: 55px;[/newclass][newclass=".pilots .mcredits a"]font:bold 13px/13px 'Poppins'; text-decoration:none; transition:0.7s all; color:#38383885; [/newclass][newclass=".pilots:hover .mcredits a"]opacity:1; transition:0.7s all; color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
part of
Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 1:41:41 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
She nods in agreement to her cellmate's statement. ”True enough. It might look tacky, but I've seen more innocent tokens become true tools of torture before.” Not much conversation is had afterwards it seems; no names are exchanged, and while Violet seemingly continues to monitor her own body's condition, Kyrenai does the same for her surroundings instead. A circular room, crescent at worst. The many voices allude to the amount of cells present, which seem to contradict those allowed to roam freely. Guards, mayhaps, but their chains say otherwise.

When the lift cranks down, her focus shifts to the three beasts upon it. Though the pheasant and monkey counterparts do not seem to linger and continue downwards with the platform, the bipedal canine has remained on their floor, along with several crates. Their workload has arrived, it so seems. And dinner too. When the Okidogi shows what becomes of those that refuse the mochi and its orders, she is certain. The way the bones crack violently before blood splurges onto the floor sounds like a forbidden melody, and the hint of a smile dances on its tunes, tugging at the corner of her mouth. But only for a second. She hides it well.

There it was.

The reason their ‘freedom’ seemed so forthcoming; the body of the poor unfortunate soul also remained. A not-so-subtle warning to those present that they should obey. Part of her is impressed, curious. Part of her feels a resounding fear clinging violently within her chest. It has something to lose now. Something she's reminded of when she bows down to the obedient role and eats the mochi, her body fighting the toxins she willingly injected by doing so. It's not right but she does it anyway… self-preservation. The reminder that she must get out of here alive for Yuki's sake. Strong enough to toss away the pride and stubbornness she normally took such pride in. To become weak for the sake of someone else. To become strong enough to bear it?

Kyrenai leaves those thoughts be when the rocks and their subsequent labour are presented to them. She does not wish to find the answer now, for the answer will be as equally unpleasant as her current predicament. So instead, like a meek lamb, she follows. She does not irk the chain, nor her warden and its guards, and uses the sharpness of the rock to cut part of her clothes into rough strips, revealing scarred abdomen underneath. The strips of cloth are then wrapped around her palms, and between her digits to make sure the most brittle parts remain somewhat protected during their forced labour. Not that she remains without when she starts smacking the rocks together; the most basic of tools, that have yet to become blunt from repeated use. There's no chance to make them blunt before use, as she sees their Warden Okidogi rough-housing a few people left and right. The assassin does not risk it.

There used to be more fight in her. A year ago she would have fought tooth and nail, butted far more heads, but with the masking of her red hair too came the masking of her fiery temperament. Her pride was bludgeoned, and her will to fight a void as dark as her hair currently was. It had been ever since her time in Galar, she thought as she snapped another chunk of dynite ore from its rocky prison. Once mighty and death-defying, she'd truly become a poor excuse of a warrior; moreso in mind than in body. Keeping up appearances was far easier than to accept the struggle. Or face it.

When she ducked to gather the chunks of dynite ore, a familiar voice sounds from closeby. Kyrenai perks up when she hears her name, recognising the younger redhead making her way towards them. Two things she learnt that moment; her cell mate's name, and that she's acquainted with Elaine also. A reason to add a bit more friendliness to her future behavior towards . She smiles at Elaine, and after Violet's hug quickly ruffles her hair, not wanting to attract too much attention to their reunion. ”I'm glad to see you doing alright, consider the situation, Elaine,” Kyrenai's expression is one of genuine affection for her dear old friend as she pushes her chunks of dynite ore into 's arms. ”Just in case,” she mutters, bending over to continue working. Violet was right. If anything, even this little display of happiness could turn on them if the Warden or its guards decided to pay head to it. ”Drop these in the crate, then scuttle back over.” It's all she can do to keep Elaine out of trouble at this point.


-likes the Okidogi's savagery, tries to hide it
-eats the mochi and acts obediently to the given orders
-uses sharp rocks to cut her clothes into strips, bandaging her hands against wounds
-mulling over issues while freeing dynite ore
-is happy to see , ruffles her hair gently -gives her dynite ore so Elaine appears to be working instead of her

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trey, graves
twenty seven
august 18
lavender town, kanto
on a manhunt
fire to a flame
ignite it
5' 10" height
5' 10" height
To infinity, even beyond it; I am a comet, no destination
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Atreyu Hargrave
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 3:08:51 GMT
Atreyu Hargrave Avatar
So: his cellmate was just as confused as he was. Great.

Trey stood there for a while, simply providing company to the girl with him. What else could he do? He wasn't great at comforting people, especially kids. He'd try, though. Allies could be made in strange places, and while this girl might've been young, he didn't know what she was capable of. Hell, she could've been a better trainer than him for all he knew. As he opened his mouth to speak, the descending platform finally stopped at his ward, three pokemon atop it. Dog-like; monkey-esque; feathered. Just like the statues he'd broken during another toxic chain breakout. He didn't have to approach the bars to read the writing on the crates, and even then, one of the guards said it out loud:

The Weakling Ward.

Trey huffed a laugh; offered an unironic smile. They were weaklings, then. Of course he was.

As he listened, irritation bled into his emotions, more questions than answers forming in his thoughts. How had he wronged them, exactly? If anything, he and his family had been wronged, but the top dog would never see it that way, would they? He'd only just arrived in Hoenn and he'd already been captured and jailed, forced to be a grueling employee for... these people and pokemon, whoever they were. He finally recognized the guards as Megalopolans, which didn't help what he was trying to deduce. Were Rockets working with them? Was this another party altogether? He didn't know if Rockets were locked up, too — he was too new to the scene to recognize anyone at all. He curled his nose up at the mochi, having avoided it until now, but what choice did he have? Toxic chains were tethering him to the cell bars; he was being faced with a future and rules he didn't want to abide by. The Three Day War? Had he read about that?

He'd play along... for now.

The grotesque scene of a prisoner being forced through the bars made Trey's eyes widen, pulse quickening as more sweat beaded under his mask. His nails dug into his palms when they were ordered to proceed. Before they moved, the ecologist glanced down at his cellmate, only just noticing that he'd moved to stand in front of her when the inhumane display happened before them. "We'll get out of this," he whispered back, tone firm and resolute despite his wavering emotions. "We've got to try, somehow, some way." It might take weeks — months — but if enough people were willing to come together and fight for a singular purpose...

He couldn't help but wonder how long that hope and resolve would last.

He'd eaten just one mochi, the sickening peach taste still on his tongue, when he passed through the purple chained bars, slinking out into the open with the crowd. Rocks were dumped; people got to work. He felt the stare of the giant black and green dog bore into him as he stooped to his knees, trying to take in the scene with what vision wasn't obscured by the mask.

Tera Crystals. What would happen if a wave of people attacked their oppressors with the largest shards they could find — with the rocks themselves, even — and broke their toxic chains? Would that even phase them; were their motives still true to their cause without the chains' influence? There was too much that could go wrong for that plan to be viable, but scenarios rushed Trey's thoughts regardless. For now, he grabbed a large chunk and smashed it on the floor, which cracked open to reveal a geode-like specimen with more tera crystals within. He would've thought it pretty if he wasn't so preoccupied. Before he can start extracting them, the massive brute of a pokemon sees an opening for mischief and approaches. Unbeknownst to Trey, the Okidogi pulls a large foot back and, with a snicker, lurches it forward, literally kicking Trey's ass. He yelps and falls forward, finding himself with his forearms full of gravel and shards. The mask protected his face, at least. He winces as he reclines to pick out the debris from his skin, taking the time during his idle moments to observe the room. Should anyone act out or do something that might reveal some information, he'd hopefully see it. The more information they could all gather about the nature of this place and its occupants, the more of a chance they'd have.

He couldn't help but wonder what that chamber of desires held, though...


-eats mochi, reassures lucia, steps out into the open
-cracks open a tera crystal geode
-gets booted in the arse by okidogi bc he's a worm
-does a think about how to cheat dat special room
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sleeping beauty
July 15
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she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
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luka chêne
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 3:58:59 GMT
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Her body screams at her to turn away. And yet, as the scene unfolds in front of them Luka remains rooted in place, eyes wide with horror.[break][break]

She’s seen what happens to those who eat the mochi, but the alternative is far worse. So she doesn’t protest when and eat it, even though she wants to. And her cellmate is right. Perhaps it’s because she hasn’t eaten for a while, but the mochi is delicious.[break][break]

”…it’s good.”[break][break]

What would happen if she spat it back out? Her fate would likely be no different from the first victim. Perhaps they can figure out some way to counteract the mochi’s effects? It’s a better option than being sliced to ribbons.[break][break]

The others in her cell are speaking again, but she barely hears them. The words are far-off and vague, like a voice heard while dreaming. It’s only the mention of the bird, preening smugly in front of them, that brings her back to attention.[break][break]

”I…” She tears her gaze away from the mangled remains on the floor and tries to focus on the bird again. Though the surroundings are splattered with gore, their feathers remain pristine. It’s hard for her to think— her head is swimming, and her stomach churns unpleasantly. But survival instinct forces a memory forward; that of a carved statue crushed by Helios not long ago.[break][break]

”I’ve never seen it in person, no,” she says, pulling away from the bars as far as her chain will allow. ”But I think, um…there was a statue of one, I think.” As she speaks she starts to work, methodically polishing tera crystals with her threadbare prison wear. The repetitive swirl is oddly soothing. ”A woman had one of these chains…s-she was worshipping it, I think. It was like she was possessed.”[break][break]

Details swim to the surface with every pass of cloth over rock. She’s quite certain that the creature carved in stone was the same that stands in front of their cells now, mocking them.[break][break]

”Smashing the statue freed that woman…but I-I don’t know if it’ll be that easy this time around.” It’s clear that of the three of them, she’s the one with the most information on this toxic chain phenomenon. It’s an odd feeling, and a responsibility she isn’t exactly comfortable with. ”I, um. T-the rangers have been dealing with this kind of thing a lot, lately. I’m not, like…w-well, I don’t know that much about it…but maybe we can figure this thing out together, y-yeah?”[break][break]



[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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July 9
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Melody Miro
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 4:48:00 GMT
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If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




She shocked, just for voicing disapproval of their meal they're killed in a gruesome matter. She's sick to her stomach as chunks of flesh plop onto the floor. She falls back from the bars holding her in from disgust as it seems like was unaffected by such a scene. However, she bites her tongue at his comments "At least I need to be drugged to become a hinderance." she says as she was well aware of the smart ass mouth he had on him. [break][break]

As he suggests to her to only eat a piece of the mochi, she hesitates as she's being watched. She had to be careful, this stuff was similar to the nihilego toxin that her mother had injected into her. Most likely not from a nihilego but a poison nonetheless, she was faced with an impossible choice. Either eat the mochi and become a slave, or resist and die like the others. [break][break]

She glances back at the prisoner who escaped, looking closely at his body to see if there was any hint of more information. However she just sees a pool of blood, chunks of flesh, and the screams of anguish from his cell mate and she makes her decision. [break][break]

She eats the mochi "Look, they're watching us and like you said, if they can read our thought's they'll see through our deceptions." she replies back "Maybe we just play along as best we can. I dislike you with every fibre of my being but im currently in a forgiveness era." she says as her recent run in with on the mountain was evidence enough. [break][break]

"The only way we'll ever survive is together." she wondered though, was the choice of her being with Amor deliberate or fate. [break][break]

She sits down and starts to work carefully, trying to not injure her hands (the money makers) as she uses her sharp eyes to sort out the gems as best she could. The promise of a visit to that chamber sounded interesting and could provide more information on what was going on. [break][break]



notes about this post

Melody's disgusted by the death she witnesses. [break]
Responds to 's warnings [break]
Eats mochi, she aint tryin to die[break]
Starts to sort through the crystals carefully, trying to not injure her hands. [break]
Using 1 salac, 4 left in inventory

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
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church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 5:46:31 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

asks for water. Naturally helpful, Tempest tilts looks around the small cell. It's hard to spot through the slats of his mask. When he turns back to her, it's with a frown- not that she can see it.[break][break]

"Not unless you want that." Tempest makes a motion towards the grimy looking toilet in the corner. He offers her his hands, large and warm, to help her back up and steady if she would take them.[break][break]

"Do you know where we are?"[break][break]

But then.[break][break]

Someone's head pops much like a balloon, only with much worse sounds. Tempest's eye twitches behind his mask. Yet he does not look away from the mound of flesh that used to be a man. There is a sadness, for a loss of life, but also a frigid acceptance. Losing himself would not suit anyone here. [break][break]

They offer food in the form of Mochi. Tempest looks at it and wants to gag.[break][break]

It isn't that it's some evil confection. It's the sugar. Very slowly, reluctantly, Tempest picks up a single mochi and lays it on his tongue. The reaction is visceral. He almost gags, covering his mouth before any spittle flies out. The sweetness is so sharp it feels like it's biting into his teeth and the roof of his mouth. It hurts. He hates it. What should be a smooth and refreshing center just feels like acid when he bites into it. The unpleasant sensation lingers long after he's forced himself to swallow, making himself feel off balance and upset in a way he can't verbalize.[break][break]

The mask slat clicks back into place over Tempest's mouth and the chain changes. He's a dog on a leash.[break][break]

Shuffled out of his cell, Tempest sticks close to ; he doesn't want to lose his cellmate. Not knowing what else to do, he starts the task given to him. Sorting comes natural, even as the shards pick and prick into his skin. It would almost be relaxing if the monkey didn't keep rearranging his shards to spell out slurs.[break][break]

"I hope my husband isn't in here." He mutters partly to and mostly to himself. He sighs, unaware of being on the floor above him. "And at least we have the little monkey and not that weird bird. The monkey is much cuter."[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]@ PRISMATIC



🔗 temp tries to joke with eva. then is forced to have a Bad Autism Food Time with mochi. munkidori calls him slurs but he thinks it's cute.


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august 12th
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POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 6:42:56 GMT




fernando is brief with his summary, narrating a historic event while a new one unfolds. behind his mask, his eye does not shy away from the FEZANDIPITI’s barbaric display. he in unaffected by the grotesque, unmoved by the depravity.

for his obedience has already been bought.

there is no reason to be zealous this early on. there are plenty of guinea pigs in this penitentiary playpen. without his pokemon, he has no agency. it is better to observe and bide his time. why sacrifice when others will do it for him? the blood on the floor serves as a grim reminder.

prudence is what got him this far.

years of machinations only to be repelled by hoenn’s best.

his mochi is consumed and with it comes the tether to his cell.

an invasion of necessity on their part. for they hunger for resources they do not have.

an uncanny feeling settles as his focus on the MEGALOPOLANS, their TOXIC CHAIN, and their previous words settle in his stomach. like the mochi, it’s gooey presence sticks to his inner walls, unable to be pried off with a simple dismissal.

and a resistance from us to defend our place as the apex predator of our world.

whatever hypothesis nags him, he keeps it to himself. these people are not his friends nor allies. they are just that: people. test subjects for further observation, stepping stones for his own solution. even the scar on her thigh escapes his recognition.

no matter how many times his fingers may have traced their edges, without context, he can differentiate it no better than he can with petalburg weeds.

thank you never-rot,” he repeats, upon leaving his cell.

quick hands pilfer through dirty TERA CRYSTALS, adamant in their cleaning, earnest in his work.

that would require being the best performing ward,” he slips in as he hands clean product back into the crates. like elisabeth, this work is not beneath him. many may question fernando’s ability to do work below his title but that is where they fall flat in their understanding.

his impossible expectation do not come from a silver spoon. they come from shoulders sagged by infinite burden and never-ending effort. after all, he only demands what he can do.

and here, he asks very little. clean diligently, move quick, and please their temporary masters.


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 6:57:08 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









Remiel eyes the LOYAL THREE and their respective cargo warily as they descend: the dog, the ape, and the pheasant. What sort of jailers were they contending with? The one that descended the platform first to preside over them was the larger one, and its bravado was evident for everyone to see.[break][break]

As it unloads the crates, the Galarian turns his attention to the other MEGALOPOLANS on his floor. "Five guards. TOXIC CHAINED." He mutters to himself, briefly turning over his shoulder to eye Cillian. Things begin to get interesting, however, when those crates are opened to reveal the MOCHI he's found above ground on a few occasions.[break][break]

Afterward, he listens to the possessed MEGALOPOLANS words. Though he begins to wonder if possessed is even the right word when they speak of a place where they 'belong'. Was this the MEGALOPOLANS speaking or the LOYAL THREE through them?[break][break]

Whatever the case, the carnage that follows the refusal of the MOCHI makes one thing clear: playing along was the only way to survive... for now.[break][break]


Remiel grimaces at the sight of the deceased prisoner nearby. With a sharp sniff he dispels the odor from his nostrils before picking up a large rock in his hand. He's shuffled towards the center of the ward like everyone else, careful not to bump into his cellmate as they get to work.[break][break]

The clanging of stone against crystal is constant. Remiel only pauses from his to readjust the rock in his hand, using that as an excuse to shift a look at his cellmate and huff. "You've been awfully quiet. Accept your fate, Quinn?"[break][break]


[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY ⛓️


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August 15
4’9 height
4’9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
61 posts
Mimi Hirose DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @mimii
Mimi Hirose
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 7:01:15 GMT
Mimi Hirose Avatar
[attr="class","mango mimi"]
Everything changes when the platform descends towards them. She's able to make out at least three pokemon but she didn't recognize any of them. Nor did she recognize any of the prison guards, now that she was able to get a closer look at them they looked otherworldly...
Mimi listens intently as the prison guard speaks, but was completely clueless as to what he was referring too. "This has got to be a mistake! I never went to war! please let us ou-" abruptly interrupted by another prisoner's outrage to the allegations, Mimi watches with horror as the Okidogi unleashes it's wrath on the prisoner, unable to bear hearing the prisoners dying screams she quickly looks away covering her ears and shutting her eyes, her entire body shaking with fear she's never felt before.
The raw power she was made witness too made her realize that fighting these monsters would be impossible. The cold suffocating sensation of dread slowly inched up her body, threatening to consume her mind, any hope of surviving this hellish ordeal shattered into tiny pieces. If anything gave her hope it would be Marisol, her kind soul acting as a beacon of light in the darkness.

"ok.." responding reluctantly Mimi didn't notice the Mochi until Marisol had slid some over. A few nibbles of the mochi caused her to also fall victim to it's mysterious effects. Slowly she follows Marisol out towards the center of the ward, watching as other prisoners stubbornly commit to the labor as everyone was rendered powerless to the wardens.

Doing her best to not catch the attention of Okidogi, Mimi works quietly besides Marisol. Attempting to separate the rocks from the crystals she tunes out everything around her to focus entirely on their task.

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 7:09:32 GMT





[attr="class","symbol"][attr="class","fas fa-fire"]


Mental warfare was best suited for those bearing worthwhile fortitude. It wasn't for those easily molded by their own misfortunes, or guided by imperceivable whispers of jade beads. Worse of them all, it's especially not for those destroyed by their own fingernails, rebuilt by their ruination.

The longer Penelope spent trapped in that cell, curled up on the cot, the more she could feel her madness pushing further into her skin, clawing for release. Repressed in the anguish of helplessness, even garble became muted in time. As though distinguishing it against the drone of squabble and screams required more strength than she had left in her system. As though she'd been gutted and left emptied by their meticulous spears, no different than fish readied for consumption.

When the announcement first barreled into their ward, she barely held the opportunity to open her redden, dried eyes.

Unlike , whose body viciously reacted to the distortion of cries that erupted from the volcanic splash of blood and guts, Penelope's remained stilled. Knees obediently pressed into the hunch of her chest. She could feel it - the approach of something primal reaching up from the back of her throat, clutching onto every sense of control.


Even here, even now, the voice was more insistent than ever. It overpowered the performance of cruelty, ringing louder than the bloodcurdling cries. It made her veins shift uncomfortably beneath her skin as instincts fought to try again. To dip into the forbidden power and risk the price associated with it.


She doesn't even recognize the shuffling of 's body, nor the horrible stench emanating from the toilet bowl.


Mochi comes and goes.

Work comes and goes.


But she doesn't move from the cot. Whether due to pride or madness, the coveted remained tethered to the wall, eyes peering out into the open ward.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,632 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 6:35:30 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY



Loyal Three Theme


PRISON LABOR SPARES NO MERCIES. Each Warden toys with their patrons, and in spite of their intimidating entrances, their presences are more akin to that of circus ringleaders. They tease, they taunt—and when and speak in defiance of the grand plan...
: "But neither you nor those ships will never find the light you seek."[break][break]

: "You are intelligent, far more so than the chattel assembled here. Act like it. Either devise something worthy of one your caliber, or kill me now because I am not about to waste my time on this pedestrian torment."

... All laugh. The Megalopolans laugh too—even the ones NOT PRESENT WITHIN THE DUMMY WARD, where the Dummies remain incarcerated. Laughter echoes all throughout the wards in a haunting chorus harmonized by futility. Even 's pleas are dismissed with unfeeling guffaws.[break][break]

Further observation of their workspace reveals again, that there are large TERA CRYSTALS embedded within each ward’s ceiling, their faces long and smooth. Glistening and clean, polished like the shards cleans. , as Pamplemousse, counts the guards now that he is out in the open. With this expanded point-of-view, he sees that his ward has around TEN GUARDS. The other wards too, would have a similar number.


IN MIDST THE WORK, TWO REBELS STRIKE AT THEIR WARDENS. Despite the festering warning laying lifelessly nearby, and attack their captors.[break][break]

Upon aggression, their TOXIC CHAINS compress around their necks. Poison courses through the veins like pyroclastic flow, momentarily immobilizing the MUNKIDORI and OKIDOGI'S would-be assailants.[break][break]

With a shit-eating smile, the OKIDOGI whips with its TOXIC CHAIN. It is a brutal beatdown. Each impact is a cantankerous crash of cymbals. A celebration of the Never-Rot's Retainer's blessed strength. As is coerced to be Christ-shaped punching bag by way of toxic flog, the MUNKIDORI toys with its own prey.[break][break]

With mind alone, the monkey slams onto the cold floor. Then he's raised. Then dropped. Raised. Dropped. Though focused, magenta-sheen gliding across a peeved ocular pane, it snickers. Each laugh feels like a verbal rib: idiot! Idiot! Idiot![break][break]

The Megalopolans stay still, save for one or two that eventually move to the deceased. As the punishment is dished out in relentless, embarrassing violence, the remains are mopped up and swept into the hole where the platform traveled/can travel through.[break][break]

Those in the DUMMY & UGLY WARDS would be able to see and witness the viscera plummet far far below.[break][break]

and are not killed. But they have been beaten to an inch of their lives as would discover for the latter. After all, able hands are needed for work.


AND must roll with DISADVANTAGE (roll two times; the lower roll is used) until instructed otherwise. The disadvantage on rolls reflects their physical injuries and the start of their despairing spirit.


A LOUD CRY FROM EACH OF THE LOYAL THREE WARDENS would signify the end of their labour. The Tera Crystal chunks and shards are packed into crates, but the boxes remain unsealed. Unclosed.[break][break]

The designated Megalopolan of each ward speaks: "it is time to determine the results. the never-rot has watched your hard work, but some have worked harder than others... the best performing ward is the ugly ward."[break][break]

All of the Megalopolans, including The Loyal Three, applaud. The OKIDOGI growls, paws clenched into brutish fists. The MUNKIDORI shrieks, pointing at each prisoner with scathing disappointment. Only the FEZANDIPITI expresses composure. Raising a wing to its beautiful face, it exudes a smug aura as if it were saying: as expected.[break][break]

The designated Megalopolan of each ward speaks again: "the never-rot chose the ugly ward for their good behaviour. subsequently, they will be rewarded a trip to the chamber of desires. the weakling and dummy wards have been penalized for misconduct."[break][break]

Above, the TERA CRYSTALS embedded into the ceiling watch as the following trainers are hoisted up by the TOXIC CHAINS tethering them.[break][break]

In the DUMMY WARD, , , , , , and 's beaten body are hoisted. is spared, for has discouraged her from smuggling—and an opportunity to sneak a shard away from prying eyes did not arise.[break][break]

In the WEAKLING WARD, , , , , and 's beaten body are hoisted.[break][break]


The aforementioned trainers are provided a better view of the TERA CRYSTALS on the ceiling. As the same mysterious sound from before echoes throughout the prison, a bright sheen flashes across the TERA CRYSTALS. Every ward can bear witness to the imminent punishment.[break][break]

Like a TELEVISION, the crystals broadcast a scene from a room that is presumably somewhere else in the prison. Strangely, the room appears to be highly futuristic, featuring an assembly line. Screens. Much of the room's details are out of frame. Two Megalopolans are seen in with wooden hammers: the same kind of mallets used to pound mochi. Between them, a bowl or usu made out of Megalopolan metals can be seen. Behind them, a screen can be seen.[break][break]

The designated Megalopolan of each ward speaks again: "thieves from the weakling and dummy wards have been identified. accordingly, these culprits must be punished for their lack of probity."[break][break]

THE TOXIC CHAINS around , , , , , , , and tighten. Their bodies move against their will, forcing them to release, spit, or pull out TERA SHARDS OR OTHER MATERIALS they have smuggled. A Megalopolan moves into 's CELL to retrieve the stashed shard.[break][break]

The recovered shards are placed into the crates—and finally, they are sealed.[break][break]

"if you defy us. if you believe you have any hope of escaping your karmic fates, then we will break you. break you in mind. body. spirit. your loved ones will suffer. they've been imprisoned for too long by you all. is it not just to free them? we will be granting them a mercy in exchange for your malfeasance."[break][break]

Through the CEILING TERA CRYSTAL, everyone would witness the two Megalopolans placing a pokeball into the bowl. One by one, a Pokemon's picture will be flashed on the screen behind the Megalopolans. The Pokemon would correspond to their respective caught-by pokeball—and will depict one of the Pokemon owned by the following trainers: , , , , , , , , , , and .[break][break]

Once the pokeball has been placed, a Megalopolan would smash it with its hammer. First, 's. Then one of 's. Smash. Smash. Smash. Smash. Smash. Each time a pokeball is decimated, the screen behind the Megalopolans switches to another Pokemon. The sound of metal and what sounds like "flesh" can be heard.[break][break]


THE AFOREMENTIONED TRAINERS can determine which Pokemon and their pokeball of theirs is depicted as being destroyed/killed on the screen.[break][break]

Please DO NOT remove the Pokemon from your Personal Computers.

"we are not done. remember, past transgressions have not been forgotten."[break][break]

A final pokeball is set into the stamp mill. A GIGATON BALL. Behind the Megalopolans, the screen shifts to show the mug of a BLOODMOON URSALUNA. The hammer descends. The ball is crushed and the death knell of crunching metal and something meaty concludes the transmission.


THE THIEVES ARE DROPPED ROUGHLY. The UGLY WARD is instructed to come around the center of their workplace. They are told to hold hands and upon doing so, their chains connect with each other to force the prisoners into a fleshy, fuchsia parade. Soon, they will march to the Chamber of Desires, led by their beautiful warden.[break][break]

However, the WEAKLING & DUMMY WARDS are given another instruction by the designated Megalopolan:[break][break]

"for your failures, you must make one last choice today. the weakling ward and the dummy ward will participate in a trust exercise after the betrayal the never-rot has witnessed."[break][break]

The Megalopolans smile, their sharp teeth bared.[break][break]

"both of your wards will be given the same deal. your wards must choose to TRUST or FORSAKE the other ward."[break][break]

The OKIDOGI & MUNKIDORI walk around to each prisoner. They stare into their masks. Jab fingers into their sides.[break][break]

"if both of your wards choose to TRUST each other, both wards will face a punishment that is manageable and survivable.[break][break]

if BOTH of your wards choose to FORSAKE each other, both wards will face a punishment that is brutal and dangerous.[break][break]

if one ward TRUSTS and the other FORSAKES, then the TRUSTED ward does not need to face punishment, while the FORSAKEN ward will face the brutal punishment."

The designated Megalopolan drools, eyes bright with magenta hue.[break][break]

"vote out loud. speak loud. your masks muffle your annoying voices."[break][break]


EVERYONE IN THE WEAKLING AND DUMMY WARDS must vote. Those who don't vote will default to FORSAKE.[break][break]

The majority vote of each ward will determine what each ward votes for. For example, if the WEAKLING WARD HAS MORE TRUST VOTES THAN FORSAKE, then the ward will have voted for TRUST.

The FEZANDIPITI flutters its wings—but before it leaves, the UGLY WARD'S WARDEN raises their voice. They say:[break][break]

"for your spotless conduct, you get to play a little game."[break][break]

The Tera Crystals above, embedded in the ceiling, reveal a split screen of the WEAKLING & DUMMY WARDS. They show the guards, the OKIDOGI & MUNKIDORI tormenting their prisoners.[break][break]

"which ward deserves punishment? vote out loud. speak loud. your masks muffle your annoying voices."


EVERYONE IN THE UGLY WARD must vote for which ward deserves punishment. The outcome of this vote will affect the chosen ward in some way. The impact of this vote may happen immediately or later.[break][break]

The majority vote of each ward will determine what each ward votes for. For example, if the WEAKLING WARD HAS MORE VOTES THAN THE DUMMY WARD, then the ward will have voted for THE WEAKLING WARD to receive punishment.


BELOW IS INFORMATION pertaining to each ward.

THE WEAKLING WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, OKIDOGI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "weak" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.

THE DUMMY WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, MUNKIDORI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "dumb" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.

THE UGLY WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, FEZANDIPITI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "ugly" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.



  • please include TL;DRS and ideally, bold your vote!
  • [break]
  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable).
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • more rules may be specified in the actual event thread.
  • [break]

YOU CAN ONLY POST ONCE.[break][break]

and have missed ONE ROUND. Missing too many rounds will result in no rewards; however, due to the setting and scenario, characters will not be retconned from the event.


APRIL 15TH, 11:59PM PST.

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played by


Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,931 posts
part of
TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 7:12:32 GMT
Navy Avatar







Propped up by , through a haze of delirium, he listens to the proclamation of their new god. They are deemed the winners of some sick contest he did not even understand. For their efforts, they are to be rewarded, taken somewhere where they might rest.[break][break]
But not before being forced to face a choice. Screens flash, showing the others above. Others, cast in the same situation, being tortured. Navy’s grip tightens around ’s shoulder. Even in this sorry state, there is strength in the warrior’s grip.[break][break]
Two figures are shown on the screen being beaten to within inches of their lives. Navy grinds his teeth as he recognizes one and the inevitable reaction of another. does not deserve such treatment, any more than deserves to cry seeing him being treated as such.[break][break]
Nor does he relish seeing be hurt.[break][break]
His heart cries out, begging him to be the first to order the punishment of the weakling ward. Let Melody and the others be spared.[break][break]
No. Not gonna play your game, fucker.[break][break]
His eyes sharpen. Even if he can barely stand, he can speak.[break][break]
Punish…m—” The words are mumbled. Their captors do not lie. It is a great labor to speak through this mask.[break][break]
Me! Punish our ward instead. Make us stay here instead of going to the chamber!


notes about this post

Navy watches in horror as the other wards being tormented is broadcast. He recognizes a few people he's close to from the other wards. His vote is: ugly ward. Let their punishment be having their visit to the chamber revoked.

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