i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON May 6, 2024 16:23:52 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

Amid the surreal city dreamscape, a message cuts through, reaching Roy and stirring a mix of empowerment and intrigue inside of him. Although the words remain elusive, their purpose is clear: to escape, they must delve deeper into the prison's depths, returning to the feeding pit and confronting the plant-like creature that never sleeps.

Awakening abruptly from his slumber on the cold floor, Roy senses a sudden shift in the air. A surge of energy courses through him, dispelling some of the brain fog that had clouded his thoughts. Flexing his fingers, he marvels at the sensation, as if he was seeing his hands for the first time. The distant sounds of commotion beyond their cell walls draw his attention. Rushing to the bars, he braces himself against the solid pole, attempting to observe the unfolding chaos.

A moment of revelation strikes as Roy removes his hand from the bar, finding it slightly bent from his touch. The ability of his toxic chain had activated.

"Let's go," Roy declares, addressing his cellmate on the cot behind him. "I think this is our chance."

Harnessing his newfound strength, Roy bends the bars far enough to make a doorway through. As the remaining megalopolans scramble to thwart the escape from the Dummy Ward, Roy leaps into action. His forearm sends the first guard he sees crashing into the wall, followed by a well-aimed punch at another assailant. With a blend of kicks and punches, he maneuvers through the swarm with ease. His knuckles go unaffected by the onslaught, fueling his relentless assault on the ward. The barrage continues relentlessly until they reach the feeding pit.


[attr="class","pkmnlgndsnote"]toxic chain: gives super strength. wakes up. tells this is their chance. fights megalopolan guards until they reach the feeding pit.


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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON May 6, 2024 20:19:38 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Another day in hell. Andrew awoke as usual. Only this time, he felt someting odd. Like the faintest bit of willpower.

The day starts as usual. Mochi, then being hearded into the center of the prison. Once again, their Wardens descend down the platform. A boiling resentment is felt towards the 'stupid monkey.'

Then all hell breaks loose. The prisoners begin to attack their guards, taking control of their Toxic Chains. Andrew, having a cheap shot on a Megalopolan Guard, jabs the alien with his Toxic Chain. Upon making contact, a searing pain brings the guard to his knees. The guard screams, clearly in excruciating agony.

With a demented grin, Andrew rushes into the fray, attempting to strike down as many guards as he can with his Toxic Chain. If he had the opportunity to do so, he'd attempt to strike the Munkidori in the back. But for the time, all he could do was attempt to dodge anything thrown at him, while using the crowd to keep out of its line of sight.

Payback's a bitch. And he was more than eager to administer it to his tormentors.


notes: Andrew feels the Willpower, and control of his Toxic Chain
Upon seeing the others start to revolt, begins to attack as well
Swinging at Megalopolan Guards with his Toxic Chain
Ability: Victims hit by Andrew's Toxic Chain are administered a poison that induces agonizing pain.

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON May 6, 2024 23:29:18 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]As ever, where the League self-righteously spurned Aurelie, Rocket embraced and supported her. While avoided her, keeping a bitter distance between them, and sought her out. The former's encouraging words, as well as the latter's news and theories, kept her going despite the misery of their day-to-day waking existence.

Especially when she received word of a planned prison break. She had heard the voice in her dreams urging her to reach the bottom of the prison. She could only hope something there would help them avert the desire she'd seen the last time she gazed into the Wellspring mask: a vision of a restored Ultra Megalopolis, shimmering with the dazzling incandescence of three completed, crystalline masks and strengthened with an unexpected Power Spot.

At the announcement that the Loyal Three would choose another best-performing ward, Aurelie felt her anger rise. Rather than releasing it in a burst of temper, though, she let it warm her with its energy and drive back her fear and pain. She gritted her teeth, quivering with suppressed rage, and forced herself to work as normal, cleaning and polishing the crystals.

Until the platform descended and the chamber erupted into chaos as the uprising began.

As the prisoners lashed out with fists, feet, improvised weapons, and even their Toxic Chains, Aurelie sprang to her feet with a vengeful snarl, inflamed with long-stoked ferocity. Her eye was fixed on the Megalopolan who still carried her machete around. If she could get her hands on that...

But a swift movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. The Megalopolan guards were fighting back, and one aimed a vicious attack directly at the back of 's back. Without even thinking about it, Aurelie lunged protectively in front of her.

"Don't even think about it!" she hissed. The redhead swung her arm up to deflect the blow, her elbow brushing against her wildly swaying Toxic Chain.

Suddenly, the Toxic Chain split into two and began spiraling of its volition down along the length of her arms and around her hands. In less than a second, the noxious chain writhed and transmuted into "gauntlets" that were shaped like powerful lion's paws with wickedly sharp-looking unsheathed claws.

Aurelie stared in shock. Abruptly, she remembered how her Toxic Chain changed under Route 119 into a lion's paw protruding from her chest. Is this related? she thought. It has to be, right?

Now wasn't the time to wonder about metaphysics, though. The attacking Megalopolan seemed just as stunned as she felt. Aurelie slashed at them with her newfound claws and was rewarded with a spray of blood, the crack of bone, and a very satisfying scream.

Battle fury surged like a fire in her veins. She whirled to face another guard, teeth bared in challenge and strange Toxic Chain-formed clawed gauntlets raised. "Who's next?"



- Ugly Ward
- Inspired by other Rockets to stay strong
- Gladly fights back against Megalopolans and defends Freya from getting backstabbed
- Toxic Chain ability: Turns into a pair of huge gauntlets over her hands, shaped like lion's paws with sharp claws

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 3:54:16 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar


Imprisoned Investigator--Despairing Detainee

Time passes on as it ever does. Seconds to minutes. Minutes to hours. Hours to days. The march of time was inexorable and the erosion of will that came with it was inevitable. No matter how much time passed and no matter how much she hardened her heart, it was inevitable that it would be worn down.

Time passed.

Torture continued.

Investigations answered.

Wills eroded.

If resolve was akin to a flame, the embers were barely still lit. Yet, in that final day, for the first time, she felt those flames rekindling. It was not like it was billowing again. In fact, it was still a struggle to keep them from being snuffed, but it was once again a tried and true flame in her soul.


That was the message that had rung out through everyone's dreams and that was the goal that everyone's surges in willpower had directed to. When the time came, there was no need for further words. She immediately ran forward.

Her legs felt lighter than they ever had. The pain from the beatings almost felt like a mere aches at this point as adrenaline washed over her. They were not enough to stop her. Not when she had gotten the momentum rolling.

As she did, the first thing to get in her way was one of the Megalopolan guards. In that one moment, her eyes fixated on a single point on the guard's neck. Without another word, she got into a half stance before driving her elbow towards that point. She had not fully learned the martial arts she had been taught, but for that moment, the strike almost felt natural. Even as her arms moved, she saw arcs of electricity flying out from her limb.

In that moment, she grinned. The situation was still far from ideal. It was still desparate, but they now had a means to fight back. It wasn't just her. In the next moment, she found herself shielded by 's chains.

"Good to finally be working together like this, Kyr."

The Green Beast of the Loyal Three stood before them. As she saw it, she looked it dead in the eyes.

"I refuse to falter here. Not to you."

Her eyes focused on a single point on the enemy's body as she said that. Pokemon or not, she could still strike it.

"None of us will. We'll go beyond simple weakness right here!"

In that moment, she aimed to strike once again with her palm and elbow--this time at the warden that had tormented them for a week. As sparks flew from her arms and legs, she had hoped to strike and use the impulse from the contact to throw herself back towards the platform.

And we'll crush you all.

  • Weakling Ward
  • Toxic Chain Ability: Precision Striker-Allows Elaine to view and detect weak points on living beings and inanimate objects and strike them with the exact necessary force for what she needs. Any extra above her own strength, speed, and reflexive gets supplemented by the Toxic Chain symbolized by harmless arcs of lighting flying from the afflicted body part.
  • Elaine strikes a Megalopolan, ends up behind 's shield
  • She then attempts to strike Okidogi and throw herself back towards the platform
  • Nothing put pure infighting


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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 6:58:40 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Perhaps there was something in clinging to those hopes, that the mask had stirred before. Because today, something felt different - a feeling that those of the ward seemed to share. Ettie was restless - forgoing food to instead pace in the cell, eager to move, to prepare herself. When a guard passes near the bars, she pauses her steps to stare. Assess.

As if they were the prey now, rather than her - which was closer to the truth than they might realize. Because as the elevator begins to descend, a flurry of action begins amongst her wardmates - her pack - and Ettie is prepared to join in the chaos!

With a howl, she charges forth without a care - and as she does, she begins to change, in subtle yet undeniable ways. Sharper teeth, proper claws, quicker movement and reflexes - Ettie begins to truly embody every bit the beast she is at heart! Amidst the madness, she finds herself joining , , and - the wildchild nudging her mask aside and flashing them a bright and sharp-toothed grin. "We hunt." She states simply, eagerly.

And hunt she does - for when guards draw near, Ettie snarls and tackles into the nearest one! The two tumble to the ground, and the wildchild immediately makes a bloodbath; driving her claws into them with reckless abandon to tear their Toxic Chain out of the way, so that she could sink her teeth into their throat!

She feels the way the guard thrashes beneath her - the way that their chain attempts to slam against her. But that simply encourages her to tighten her jaw around their jugular, to bite down harder and harder until something gives. Only then does she decide to pull her teeth and claws away - and if she approves of the taste on her tongue, she eagerly swallows whatever she's managed to draw or tear away.

When Ettie finally rises from her prey to seek her next target, she is more likely than not a disturbing sight; blood across her face - particularly around her mouth - covering her clawed fingers, streaked faintly in her hair, dripped on her clothing... She's a bit of a mess.

But, she cares naught about that - in fact, she seems to relish the thrill of the hunt and combat. All she cares about is moving with her pack - to the elevator, as it soon reaches their level.

Once the elevator does arrive though, Ettie is met with an encouraging sight. "Josh-friend! Elise-friend!" and are familiar sights as always, and seeing they're okay warms her heart...

... Although, would they regard her with the same relief or cheer, to see her still covered in blood (even if it's thankfully not her own blood)?
- Ettie is Dummy Ward
- Toxic Chain Ability; Wolfchild: Ettie becomes more like that of a Lycanroc - enhanced senses, enhanced physical capabilities (particularly speed,) as well as sharper teeth, claws, and slightly pointed (but still humanlike) ears. Her chain - particularly around her neck - gains spikes like that of a Lycanroc's.
- Ettie is restless as the day of escape comes, from that bit of willpower - ignores the mochi and instead spends the day pacing, ravenous for a little something else.
- When the prisonbreak begins, Ettie charges forth eagerly, ability manifesting as the physical changes begin. Joins , , and 's sides, and eagerly declares to them that 'we hunt'.
- When a Megalopolan guard nears, Ettie mauls them and quite literally goes for the jugular.
- Follows everyone onto the elevator as it arrives - happily greets and (though is covered in a concerning amount of blood, especially for a child.)

Salac'd a bunch; final roll 62/97/59

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July 19th
Fortree City
student (private school)
Single (not looking)
163cm height
163cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
190 posts
Knight Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @knight
Knight Naito
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 11:17:21 GMT
Knight Naito Avatar

Honestly, the lack of a prize from the laughing hour hurt Knight more than being laughed at.[break][break]

He was brought out of his own thoughts by Cass' words as she explained what she had seen, "A dream? Or something more?" He asked, feeling uncertain about what he should consider real or not in this place.[break][break]

There's no sense of how much time they've spent here, and it was beginning to feel just a bit endless. He looked at Cass and Thea and hoped they were holding up okay. [break][break]

If only he could protect them.[break][break]


When Kay awoke with a jolt the next morning, he hadn't expected the chaos that befell the prison and yet... Something about it seemed predictable, too. [break][break]

Something shone on the ceiling of the cell and Knight took a second to realise it was their tears, but they've been transformed and look more like the crystals they had been sorting before.[break][break]

His brain wasn't made for cryptic puzzles like this![break][break]

At least he had the sense to pocket his mochi before the signal sounded. [break][break]

"This seems--" Would be he could manage before Cass urged them to move. Something is odd with the toxic chain that has now wrapped itself around his arms and chest, part of it forming something akin to a shield from his left hand. Knight frowned as he followed his friends, trying to make sense of everything.[break][break]

"Is your chain weird too?" Kay asked Cass and Thea and hoped he wasn't alone in this. A sudden, harsh sunlight caused his steps to falter as he squinted at the unexpected brightness. Could it be possible that they would escape from this hell?[break][break]

He pushed himself to move, walking past those weird tubes from before but Knight was determined not to look at them. He flexed his left hand and the shield there grew in size. Enough to protect him and his friends if he needed it to -- at least, that was what Kay concluded with a smile.[break][break]

Any attack thrown their way, Knight would step forward and attempt to block with his new toxic chain armour and shield, making sure Thea and Cass stayed behind him. It seemed to even block psychic attacks from their cruel, Monkey warden, "Hurry up! The platform is close!" [break][break]

Knight made sure he could help as many people as possible until the last possible moment -- then he needed to jump onto the platform himself. [break][break]

Breathing hard from the effort and dropping to one knee, Knight hoped he had done enough to help...[break][break]





still butthurt he didn't win anything haha[break]
pockets his mochi for later[break]
makes a break for it with cass and thea, heading to the platform[break]
uses his toxic chain ability to protect them + anyone else who needs it![break][break]

toxic chain ability: 'knight in toxic armour' -- his toxic chain has stretched to cover his arms and chest to act like armour, while from his left hand the chain has formed a large shield. it's able to deflect attacks, both physical and psychic, but drains stamina from the user and so requires recovery in order to be fully effective between battles.[break]



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[newclass=".knight .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]··
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 13:36:43 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar



[attr="class","oocnotes"]> WEAK WARD[break][break]TLDR[break][break]✦ Nomi successfully reaches the Unown Dimension, but finds toxic chains instead of Unown - this finally ignites a rebellious defiance in her[break][break]✦ Azelf's gift of WILLPOWER helps shape Nomi's TOXIC CHAIN ABILITY: the power to see the weakest points in organic beings and inorganic objects[break][break]✦ Realizes what her power can do when she sees the weakest part of 's boulder right before he successfully smashes it[break][break]✦ Uses her power to relay to where to hit the guards in the feeding pit, helping clear the path for their escape to the lower floor

Wherever her teleportation took them, it wasn't the Unown Dimension. Eerily empty, lifelessly devoid of the familiar rhythm of dancing Unown, it was a hopeless place: an infinite expanse of endless darkness. Toxic chains wriggled forth from the void like bulbous worms, attempting to seize her. To she hissed, "This isn't right."[break][break]
Waking from the dream within a dream - after she had been forced to return them both to the prison - she stared across her cell at 's stoic form and felt, for the first time since they'd been captured, an entirely new emotion. It surged forth like a whirlwind, taking her breath away.[break][break]
She was so incredibly angry.[break][break][break][break]
A spark ignites a flame that burns a single blade of grass that starts a forest fire.[break][break]
Something stirs beneath the lake.[break][break][break][break]
One last day of work![break][break]
Nomi watched pummel the orichalcum boulder over and over and over. He'd been trying for so long, each desperate attempt more futile than the last. This time, however, there seemed to be a soft glow emanating from within it...a tiny crack in the metallic sheen, tendrils of light peaking out. Nomi blinked, wondering if she was hallucinating. No, there was definitely a spot on the boulder that was brighter than the rest.[break][break]
"He should hit it there," she pointed, voice a murmur. "Right there."[break][break]
And when he did, sunlight burst forth like the dawn.[break][break][break][break]
Down below, in the feeding pit, the energy of revolution surged. The Visionary's TOXIC CHAIN didn't feel quite so heavy and oppressive anymore, now that she could see again. It wasn't the same as looking through Kallistatus's eye, it was a different sort of sight - something she'd DESIRED. It was the knowledge she'd needed all this time: an inherent understanding of how to escape. How to win.[break][break]
They'd labelled her WEAK, but it was their weakness that would be exploited now.[break][break]
"His left knee is his weakness, an old injury that never healed right," she directed , as a Megalopolian guard attempted to intercept their path. The Elite Four's sphere of siphoning made quick work of the alien, thanks to her guidance, and the two sprinted towards the platform.[break][break]
She had never been a fighter, but there was more than one way to be strong.[break][break]




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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 14:54:34 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Caesar salad.[break][break]

Like a sleeper agent hearing their activation phrase, Pamplemousse downed his mochi and sprung up behind Diamandis. The time for watching and waiting had passed, now was the time to strike at every weakness, every crack, every break in the armor.[break][break]

As Diamandis twirled out of the cell with ethereal grace, Pamplemousse's own toxic chain grew an eye in its distal loop. Impassively, Pamplemousse looked at it, seeing himself reflected in the soft brown hue of an eye very much like 's. Pamplemousse shrugged and eased out of the cell, the eye hovering over his shoulder, swiveling to and fro like a dutiful sentry.[break][break]

As Diamandis acrobatically flipped away from a prison guard that swung at her, Pamplemousse grabbed the Megalopolan and pulled him to the floor, slamming their captor's ahead into the unforgiving stone with an uncaring expression. Through Jack's eye, he saw another guard closing in behind him. Waiting until the moment before the Megalopolan struck and aiding by the vision provided by his toxic chain, Pamplemousse dodged before shoving his attacker off balance.[break][break]

Where Jack may have sought out or rushed around helping and protecting others, Pamplemousse headed for the central platform with a single-minded focus of doing as much damage as possible along the way.[break][break]




– dummy ward[break]
– pamplemousse defends diamandis as he follows her toward the center of the ward, attacking any guards he can along the way[break]
Toxic Chain Ability: an eye at the end of the toxic chain that gives pamplemousse greater range of vision than he would have otherwise



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,884 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 16:02:15 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh shook his head after leaving the CHAMBER OF DESIRES. Deep within his subconscious, did he still have desires to be the Cavalier - Raikou's Avatar? Despite ' warnings? Despite lightly chiding him about it? Despite his horrible injuries that led to leaving him the RAINBOW FEATHER that would serve as Swift's vessel? If he were to join the AQUA Initiative as Raikou's Avatar, he would not be able to avoid the front lines, where he was grievously hurt.

Why? Why did he have those visions?

"...Today's the day," Josh whispered to , TERASTAL TEARS from the out-of-body experience empowered him. With trance-like focus, the world around him seemed to crawl ahead, the movements of others slowing to a crawl as though time itself had slowed. Others who observed him would not see what he did. When his morning Mochi was delivered, his cellmate may have noticed Josh the delivery and reaching for it almost before it was there, and with increased speed of movement, too.

Was this a taste of what being the Cavalier would be like? There was so much he could do with his newfound power. With the reaction time of a Ribombee and the speed of his legendary steed, he could become a blur of blades and claws... if he could find his legendary steed. "...And we're not leaving without Swift," Josh added.

Once they were on the platform, it was showtime. Wielding his now-rigid chain like one would a sword, his eyes glowed a sickly purple as he was able to observe the minute motions of the Megalopolan guards in front of him. Each of their counterattacks were futile; Josh saw them coming as though time around him was slowed. They would see him moving out of the way the moment they began making their motions. He sliced and diced his newfound weapon about, disabling the guards around him would not be difficult. "Now, Michael! We've gotta find Swift!" He took off with great speed toward the hall he remembered the tubes being in, leaving his cellmate in the dust without realizing it...



- Weakling ward
- Josh reiterates to that today is the day.
- Josh grabs his last serving of mochi with almost instant reflexes.
- When the platform descends, Josh wields his chain against the prison guards, smacking them repeatedly to create a diversion for others to escape.
- Josh dashes toward what he thinks is the hallway with the tubes. There's got to be a secret passage to the bottom in there...
- TOXIC CHAIN ABILITY: Josh's chain turns rigid like a sword. It grants him INCREASED SPEED and SUPERHUMAN REFLEXES/REACTION TIME.·
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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 16:18:02 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

Defeat briefly gripped Nenet as the tears all but washed away in their next shower followed by the silk's confiscation. Frustrated as she met with Zev once more in their shared dream, a new plan was hatched to find another method, and soon they were storing the tears in a groove in the cell floor.
One night a soft voice whispers in her ear, and she views a strange silhouette in the tears that she cannot seem to place. It's a Pokemon - or something like it - but which or what she isn't sure.
"Today's the day. Get ready."
Nenet nods, a faint determination managing to claw its way up from the recess of her battered psyche. She falls in line as they begin their work, her hands moving with route familiarity across the shards to polish their surfaces. She gasps softly as an explosion rockets through the area and Zev bolts to his feet - she's slower, though nonetheless hauls herself up.
Though not as quick to act - she instead assess their position and those around. Meanwhile Zev attacks immediately and then shoves Nenet forwards. Taking his queue she bolts towards the centre of the room as directed, running directly into a Megalopolan guard. The toxic chain connected to Nenet springs to life; and spring to life it does. She does not hesitate to accept 's help, and with a burst of vitality it whips towards the nearest guard to disable them.
Nenet's toxic chain entwines with the Megalopolan's own toxic chain, coming together as one, before Nenet's disconnects and she bolts by; immediately the Megalopolan's toxic chain begins to bubble as it outgrows itself - what is unrestrained growth, a burgeoning of life, but a another term for cancer?
Not stopping to view her handiwork, she continues on her way towards the centre, her hand grasping after Zev's to ensure he's following behind before she releases him.


- Ugly Ward.[break]
- Changes tactics and stores her tears with 's in a groove in their cell.[break]
- Doesn't recognise Azelf.[break]
- Attacks with Zev when he stays it's time.[break]
- Accepts Theo's power boost!.[break]
- Her Toxic Chain latches onto a nearby Megalopolan's and causes unrestrained cell growth ie cancer.[break]
- Goes to the centre of the room as instructed by Zev.



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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 17:28:27 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Tears. Of course, she would not have found that on her own. How could she? All this time, even though she had played model prisoner, that was the thing she had not given her captors. She could cry on command if needed, but she could also hold it in. And she kind of had to. After all, people like Elaine depended on that, at least in her mind. They needed someone stable, someone reliable. To cry in front of them….this was just not the place. Maybe after. It always was maybe after. But after rarely ever came. No matter how much the cracks started showing, she still glued them together to form a proper mask, much like those supposedly being created by the dynite.
Only this one was hers alone. A mask that she was not born to wear, but had decided to wear nonetheless. It was getting harder and harder with time and honestly, had it not been for the information regarding tears, it probably would have worn her down. But that was what she needed. A path forward. She could not see where and how it would wind, but it existed. And that was all that mattered to her.
…or was it? The moment that things started to get moving, when all hell broke lose around her and others came to utilize their chains in fanciful ways, she found herself oddly stopping. It wasn’t that her willpower was faltering, no. She felt as invigorated as anyone else, even though her ribs still hurt. That was why Kurenai and Elaine fighting for her was quite useful.
But while they so instinctively understood their chains, hers seemed different. It wasn’t restraining her much in that moment, no, but it was also not becoming a weapon or a shield. At least not on its own. Why? Why was it always like this? She kept getting into these situations and sure, she did her best and everything. But she was never the one that did the big thing, whatever it might be. Sure, not everyone could be. But at best, she felt like she was contributing something nebulous. Her talk with the admin had just reminded her of that. She never made an impact, it felt.
And here she was, just standing behind that shield, while others turned their chains into swords and other things.
Or rather, into themselves? The thought came to her as she watched Kyr, the stranger that she had nonetheless perceived as quite protective of others, and Elaine, the detective that always sought to find the right angle to attack a problem for. Sure, those were not their solely defining traits, but they were certainly not much of a reach. It made sense, after all. These effects, at least from as brief a glance as she was getting here, were so individualistic, they had to react to something.
If so, what was hers? Who was she, anyway? She had worked a lot in the science department and was able to quickly think things through here. But she was no scientist. She had lived as a con-girl for a long time, but even she could not pretend that this was still who she was this day. She tried to become a proper agent for Rocket, but she still showed concern for a detective that would probably turn her in if she found that out – tearfully, maybe, but almost certainly still.
As always, she found more and more arguments for what she wasn’t, rather than for, well, what she actually was. Even though she had by then told a certain someone that it was fine to choose who you wanted to be, she had always done so in a kind of half-hearted manner. There was always an escape route, always something else to fall back on, plausible deniability, all that jazz.
But then again, she had felt so alive when she had just winged it with that secretary. When she had just taken authority that was not hers and used it for herself.
Violet blinked.
Right. She eyed the nearest Megalopolan that had been downed, but not knocked out or killed. Striding towards him with purpose and simply trusting in others to keep her safe, she flung her own chain towards his, connecting to it. Somehow, she just knew that it would work. Much like she had back there. Even if she was just assuming this authority, it still was hers as long as he believed it. It was that simple. “You there. Stop slacking and show me how to get downstairs,” she ordered him, receiving a simple gesture towards the pit in the process. That was all she needed from that one, so she let him down again, chains relaxing and separating. “I don’t think we need to defeat them here. Just push them back and get to the pit to get down. That’s what the Azelf wants.” Naturally, she did not put that as a question to her allies and just assumed they would go along with it. Even if no one else listened, she figured those two might. No, they would. Because that was her now.

+ protected by and struggles to understand her own toxic chain but ultimately figures out that it is [break][break]Toxic Chain Assumed Authority: A chain with the ability to link up with another's chain and put her will against theirs, trying to assume authority even if she has none[break][break]Uses that to get a hint towards going to the pit and tells the other two to bail and go thereOf9SE5gq



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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 19:51:43 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar


Leon’s pride made him ignore the warnings from all corners and not just his captors. Even the imprint of her own punch did little to deter him. She begged him to play along. “Leon, please. It's getting angry. Why not save the fight for something that matters?” The lip-smacking was followed by flashing eyelids and the visible narrowing of eyelids. The psychic type’s sneer shifted from curdled milk to rage.

Still, he did not listen. Was this what he felt like?

So, she demanded it with tears in her eyes. “That pride is going to get you hurt. You need to stop.” Even without the paranoia, Aubre would have seen the trainwreck coming. And, yet, her husband was her equal in stubbornness. They just chose different moments to display it. Her when morality was on the line, and him when threatened with indignation.


Again, those warnings fell on deaf ears—ones that had almost been rendered deaf for good. As her husband’s feet left the floor, Aubre rushed toward the two nearest guards with a strangled gasp. “Leon!” One of them wrapped an arm around her chest as the other tugged on her chain like a dog’s leash. “No! He didn’t—” Thwamp! “Punish me instead!” She struggled.


Forgetting the mask, she went so far as to try biting one of the guards.

Up and down he went. Like a child’s ball. Thwap! Crunch! Squelch!. She could feel each snap as he hit the rockhard floor. Every one of those impacts reminded her of a memory that threatened to dribble away. Her daughter’s first strangled cry as Aubre turns to him for reassurance. All the pain and hurt as she finally pieced it together. The cool hand on scorched flesh as he tried to rouse her after the attack.


“Stop! Stop! I’ll—I’ll make you pay for this!” With a final CRACK, the guards release her. With a yelp of his name, she runs to his side. His eyes are blank—stuck staring at a dirty ceiling a million miles from home. “Leon!” She drops to her knees in a pile of crystals. “You—you idiot! Get up. You can’t just leave me here.” The pain is lost beneath her tears as the shards dig into her bare legs. She wraps her bleeding hands around his now limp one. “I’ll—I’ll marry Ezra if you don't!” She didn’t have any paddles, so she had to pray that would be enough.


Tears dripped onto his cracked visor. A few rolled under her mask to her mouth, the cleared vision ignored. In one of these, she spies Azelf.

Then, the chain rears back like a cobra, forcing the dutiful wife back. Suddenly, he gasps and arches his back. Relief runs through Aubre’s body as she goes in for a blood-covered kiss. One that ends with a frustratingly audible clink. “Let’s—let’s get you up.” Hurting more than ever, she tried to do the work for both of them. If he couldn’t swallow his pride, then she’d choke it down for him.

And that pain? All of that frustration? It’d roll down her cheeks onto her waiting tongue.


The mysterious Pokemon’s words serve as a beacon. They force her off her knees as she supports her idiotic husband through their work. The voice in her head grows as she reaches for it—like a drowning victim a life preserver. “Do you hear that?” They help keep her warm as she covers his broken form with a blanket.

Her chain grows over her shoulder like a cape. Its tattered strands spread until they hover around her ankles. The purple hue shifts to a deep, vibrant green—the color of springtime grass. A rush of cool air tells her the mask is free. It falls to the ground with a clatter. She wanted these monsters to understand their crimes. To truly understand what cruelty was: forcing a wife to watch her husband (though estranged) be broken on the floor, breaking people’s confidence, and enslaving them.

It was just like she saw in the mask: a world where people truly understood each other. One where she knew why Leon had almost thrown it all away. This vision just reminded her how divided the world was. It wasn't something Aubre could fix.

Ominously, the guard announces that the last day has arrived. Aubre hesitates for a moment as the chime signals the escape. It’s now or never.. With a deep breath, she grabs her husband’s arm and tries to pull him to his feet. We need to go! Move! Come on you idiot! The poison in her veins lends her extra strength, the willpower from their united patron steeling her limbs. "You think you can walk?"

Encouraged by ’s move, Aubre takes the opening to slide behind Munkidori. “Let’s see how you like this.” A tendril explodes from her cape to wrap around Leon’s hand as two more went toward their attackers. The first jab hits a Megalopan in the gunt as the other aims to draw a line across the simian’s chain. Into that connection, she pumps all of her husband’s pain and hurt.

She throws hers in too.

Guilt at failing him and being his burden. The worry of a mother deprived of her child. A feeling of frustration woven with despair as powerlessness threatened to crush them beneath its feet. The despair as she realized how heavy he was and how far the platform seemed.

Maybe they’d understand that.




Tells her husband he's playing with fire (an ironic cautionary statement coming from her)[break] Serves as Leon's crutch throughout the weak. Works without complaint, her rage slowly growing. [break] Encourages Leon to get up and supports him when the time arrives. [break] Tries to give Munkidori and a few other guards a taste of their own medicine.[break] Struggling to carry Leon as he has at least seventy pounds on her[break]
Toxic Chain Ability - Taste Your Own Medicine: Aubre is able to make others feel the emotions or pain of others by touching two people in succession with her chain. Broken ribs? You can now feel what those feel like. Despair? Eat it up. The point of it is sharp, so she can also use it for offensive purposes. These tendrils hang from her back like a shredded cape and wrap around her head in a hood. It offers also offers limited defense abilities. Think Doctor Strange.

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July 11
Castelia City, Unova
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @michaeldavis
Michael Davis
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 19:57:05 GMT
Michael Davis Avatar
Michael endured what only felt like an eternity in this forsaken prison of the Enthralled Megalopolans. During his imprisonment, different aspects of the Ranger Cadet weakened. Physically, he was beaten and bruised by Okidogi and the creature, respectively. Despite the hinderances, despite the mental, physical, and emotional daggers trying to chip away at his psyche, Michael continued on. Despite being branded a weakling, he marched ever forward, counting the minutes for retribution.


These words lingered, resonating in Michael's head on loop as he awoke. He, and the rest of the prisoners, would make it to the bottom of the Prison. They had to. They must!

The sounds of liberation echoed. This was the signal to break free and escape this Hell. This very sound stirred the fires of Michael's soul, turning embers into a glorious blaze. His deepest desire was to help others. And now, even at his weakest, even in a time most dire, his burning passion would manifest.

The Toxic Chains attached to the Cadet's body wrapped around his arms and hands, soon erupting in an aura flames. Heat poured from Michael's body while embers danced around him like faeries of fire. And, somehow, the very flames that covered him did not burn him.

Megalopolan Guards who attempted to combat Michael would be met with emblazoned fists that may leave scorch marks on their bodies. Each blow to the enemy was personal, delivering strikes with near-bottomless torment, pain, and justice powering each one.

Seeing Joshua head off at incredible speeds, Michael sought only to head after him.

"We have to find all of our Pokemon!" he reminded, chasing after his friend, despite how impossible such a feat may be.

Then, Michael saw that his Warden, Okidogi, was in his path. Josh may have no issue slipping by, but the Ranger Cadet had other plans. He poured every ounce of his determination and willpower into a powerful haymaker aimed at the bottom of Okidogi's jaw.

"Get out of my WAY!" he roared, attempting to deliver a satisfactory blow!

Whatever the outcome, Michael would try to continue to follow in their search for Swift.


-Weakling Ward
-The Cadet attempts to follow and will try to punch Okidogi in the jaw with a mighty uppercut before continuing on to help his fellow ranger with the rescue!
-Toxic Chain Ability: Burning Passion
Michael's burning passion to help others is personified as his Toxic Chains wrap around his arms and hands. They create an aura of fire, which Michael uses to battle the foes who dare to stop him and the others from escaping. He is determiend to help everyone escape!

Punished Pokemon:
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
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5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Thea Naito
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 23:17:37 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea's heart sank when trying to touch Ogerpon's heart didn't seem to work. Even with others trying to give a hand, it seemed hopeless at first, even if she felt a bit grateful she wasn't the only one trying to reach out for it. Yet, another show of gruesome display was set in front of their eyes. More brutality, more suffering and torture, constantly reminding them of the horror of their kidnappers.[break][break]

More and more time passed, with the routine becoming harsher, and yet, Thea was unwillingly getting used to it, despite the forementioned display. Enough to keep her mind straight for most of part, especially when distracting herself with her cellmates and the familiar faces... And by the time the last day approached, every second holding onto hope weren't in vain. 's words brought wide open eyes from Thea, that believed in her beloved friend, as absurd as everything sounded. After all, the situation was already absurd in the worst way possible, so one good absurd thing could happen to balance things out, right?[break][break]

... And so it did. The Toxic Chains, the ones that held them hostage for so long, were now working on their favor, and Thea nodded. "They are acting weird... But that's our chance—!" She said, feeling the chain wrapping around her limbs, spiraling around them, but not in a tyranical and restraining way. Instead, it felt like an encouraging embrace, one that chanted that everything would be fine.[break][break]

As the break occurred, 's efforts to keep them safe brought a proud smile to Thea's lips. Her cousin fought for them, and as he left an opening by shielding them from the evil monkey, Thea tried to close the gap, feeling her body's energies renewed out of nowhere. "Let us go ALREADY!" She threw a punch on the monkey, and whoever would dare to approach Thea or her loved ones. She didn't care about the retaliation, she didn't care if her body couldn't muster the strikes she was going for. She bruteforced, using raw dumb power against that big brain wannabe monkey that was mockering her cousin. There was even a small hint of vengeful feelings on the first few strikes, before Cass hurried them up for a escape. Snatching her cousin in a princess carry, she complimented him proudly: "Great job, Kay! Rest up, we will need your help again!" She rushed, still feeling as energetic as ever, but still... A worry continued to crawl in her heart.[break][break]

There were many others to escape, and Thea's eyes shifted around, trying to see , , , and many other familiar faces she had spotted through their endless torture days. Still... If their Toxic Chains were freed... Perhaps... "Cass! Do you see that Pokémon? The blinded one?!" She asked, noticing her friend also cared for the poor Pokémon.[break][break]




  • Covering her friend and carrying her cousin. Trying to open path for people to escape.

  • Keep an eye open for Ogerpon, is it still around?

  • Tries to bruteforce her (and everyone's) way out while bonking the Monkey and anyone who comes close to her friends and familiar faces!

  • Toxic Chain Ability: Only Over My Dead Body - Thea's Toxic Chain resonates with her desire to stay strong until everyone is safe. The Toxic Chain enhances her endurance and stamina, allowing her to stay resilient and alert far above her usual. While protecting or helping someone, this ability powers up to the point even grave injuries will be suppressed (such as holding a broken limb tight and together, or forcing a wound close) until Thea is done with the task, which may cause a delayed, albeit more severe, pain/consequence later on.





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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,837 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 2:10:14 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar

'Time' went on, and moving between both the waning consciousness of her waking body and the maddening focus of her dreaming mind was going to truly be Yuina's end if there wasn't an end in sight...[break]
The dreaming was the only escape, falling asleep and waking again to a form that wasn't injured, starving, empty save for the toxins that the chain fueled... At first it was pleasant, if not daunting knowing that they would be forced to wake eventually... But the ticking only became more and more vexing. It wouldn't stop...[break][break]
But she didn't dismiss it... It was both knowing from experience that anything that seemed amiss or out of the ordinary shouldn't be dismissed, and perhaps her own insistence to find things out for herself that kept Yuina occupied as she tried to discern what it meant. Over the 'days', it was more a concept of talking at Doug rather than talking with him, volleying different thoughts and ideas of what it was she was feeling, what focusing on the 'time' passing could mean.[break][break]
It was all as if there was a clock somewhere, with a clock hand that would tick, but with every tick there was no tock, it was stuck... Not even ticking back and forth, just ticking over and over again in the same spot, ticking for nothing...[break]
That was exactly it, a clock ticking over and over again, it was still maintaining 'time', but the 'time' wasn't linear. It felt like 'time' was stuck, because it was... Stuck in a never ending loop that would cycle back to where the clock hand began, only to tick and tick and tick, and return, repeat...[break][break]
Coming to understand what it meant though did not bring any relief, in fact, it truly only raised more concerns... For even as a message was spreading that their one chance might be heeding their dwindling hopes, if this time loop couldn't be broken, would they not just be trapped back in this endless cycle?[break]
Yuina tried to discern anything else that she could any way she could, perhaps even before it might be too late. How did they become trapped in a time loop? What had caused it or formed it, and what was maintaining it? Did the megalopolans figure out how to utilize tera crystals to manipulate time barriers? Yuina remembered how much power, how much energy was being transferred between both the Tera Crystals and the Space-Time Distortion beneath the swamps on Route 119, surely there had to be a connection between the two...[break][break]

Returning to the waking world is jarring. What had become routine, finding emptiness in being lost to the chain, longing and an insatiable need to give in to the wills of the chain, The Mask, to feel fulfilled... Something felt different? Even as her distant eyes found again, where she had been loosing the idea of him more and more with each passing 'day', the tears that he was collecting from them both... Something was happening... Her lost mind remembered the message being passed through the dreamscape, it was real? Was this chance real? The feeling of Willpower coming to her as they were removed from their cells...[break][break]
Their chance was real, and they couldn't waste it.[break][break]
The chaos was immediate, the message, the mission, had resonated with everyone. The toxic chains began to change, forming with each of them, donning a power just as the wardens had flaunted... Yuina found herself revitalized by a show of force that Doug gave, his chain dispersing like the scales he was capable of utilizing. It was far from everything that her body needed, but it was enough... She could feel herself coming back to some state of being as the mask fell from her face, her own toxic chain feeding into the will and desires that flooded her.[break][break]
Yuina glanced at a Megalopolan coming towards her, even though the rest of them were momentarily separated from the true will of the toxic chains, the Megalopolans were not, and they attacked without cause in spite of knowing that they too were trapped here... She panicked, she didn't have her seamitar, she was maybe only just strong enough to fend them off, but in a moment of focus as she honed in on the figure rushing towards her, she watched them flicker and set back in a stance and distance they had been in just seconds before... resetting like they had been caught in a time loop...[break][break]
With the open opportunity, knowing now where they were going to step, how they were going to lunge forward to strike, Yuina was able to meet their movements and catch their feet with hers, rendering them unstable and knocking them to the ground.[break][break]
Yuina could feel it, in this however brief moment of clarity, that interference of time, and she was awake... And she could feel the chain fueling her desires in a way, her desires for a time before she was lost, a time when she knew all of who she was, time... Was the great leveler for everything, nothing could escape from time. Time was what took her away, but time could also give her everything she truly desired if she allowed it... Time was ever lasting, and in due time... Allowing herself time... She would be okay...[break][break]
Fighting together with , and any other of their ward who looked to take advantage of their foes being caught in a time loop that set them back and made them vulnerable to prediction, Yuina too rushed through the ward to make their way to the elevator. But still, she couldn't stop worrying... How were they going to break the time loop?





- Ugly Ward[break]
- Rolling with Desparing Disadvantage[break]
- Yuina spends time in dreamopolis understanding that they are caught in a time loop
- She tries to understand anything else that she can, before it's too late. Primarily, what might be able to break the time loop, and do the tera crystals have something to do with powering or maintaining the time loop?[break]
- Waking up sucks, but wait, the message was real and true, is this actually their chance to escape?[break]
- Toxic Chain Ability: Drawing from Yuina's desires for a time before she lost herself, and knowing that time can truly grant her everything that she desires if she lets it, Yuina's toxic chain sets an adversary back in time by a handful of seconds in a time loop[break]
- To the elevator![break]



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP