i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
199 posts
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 7:18:53 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Andrew couldn't believe the others actually did it. He couldn't believe they'd just vote to trust the other Ward. The only saving grace was that the other Ward trusted them.

Along with the Weakling Ward, they're herded onto a platform. As they descend, Andrew looked around awkwardly. For once, the streamer didn't run his stupid mouth. If the Weakling Ward knew of his vote, they'd surely kick his ass.

Finally, the platform stops, and they're forcibly unloaded. As the platform rises again, a hole is left over. As Andrew looked down, he suddenly found himself shoved into the darkness. The good news was the landing was soft. The bad news was that he was in the filth.

Andrew shoveled as much of the filth as he could fit in his hands towards the bowl. He toiled away, trying not to think about what he was grabbing at.

That was when he heard the screams, and the beating. When the figure stepped into the dim light, Andrew's eyes widened beneath the mask.

"Oh fuck!", Andrew hollered, before the chained beast rushed him.

The streamer attempted to run, only to fall, as his Toxic Chain was anchored to the ground.

"Fuck you, you ugly assholes!", Andrew cursed, before being repeatedly kicked by the Ogerpon. Andrew covered up as best he could, before something inevitably drew his assailant away from him.

"Fuck.", Andrew groaned.


notes: Andrew is in disbelief that they'd vote to trust each other
Finds himself shoved into the pit
Looked up to see the chained Ogerpon
Noticed his Chain tethered to the ground
Began cursing the Ugly Ward
Freaking out as Ogerpon came for him
Gets the shit kicked out of him
It's All Oger Now!

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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
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Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 7:31:57 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
Their fate remains dreary. Although she remains weary of her surroundings, the assassin's focus shifts from her companions to the platform that moves to their floor. It seems there were others here as well, a large group of prisoners from a different floor they're quickly joining as their guards corral them unto the platform like cattle. There's several she recognises among the group, but it's the familiar head of red hair that calls her to attention.

is among them. A spark of light in the darkness of her inner doubt; the assassin does not need to wonder what she has to do when it comes to this person. Protect. Contracted, but it may be one of the only things she can hold on to right now-- her duty compels her. Her loyalty demands of her. The first thing Kyrenai wants to do is waltz her way through the crowd, but her instincts halt her from doing so. Not yet. She tries to make eye-contact with , but something seems off about her employer... enough that she fights her instincts long enough to get closer to the councilwoman. Close enough to react if something were to happen, but not close enough to make it look out of place.

Attracting unwanted attention is the last thing she wishes to do right now. So as the platform descends further down, she keeps an eye on several people; , , , , and . As they reach their destination she lets herself be pushed around forcefully, allowing the shove to move her right beside . The mask hides the shift in her eyes. Recognition washes over her as they're moved closer to the hole leading to a lower floor.

Something stirs beneath, growling, and as it moves in the darkness the fumes waft towards her. They're hidden by a the sweeter scent of mochi, but it's undeniable how the stench of death lingers beneath it. Whatever is below them doesn't bode well. She waits as one by one the other prisoners are forced down the hole.

It is only once is tossed down that Kyrenai rights herself; without a semblance of doubt the assassin moves with her, jumping down the hole before the Okidogi can grasp for her. What she expected to be a hardened floor proves surprisingly soft; sticky even, but she knows as she moves that it's not only rotting mochi that broke her fall. Remnants of less fortunate prisoners lay beneath her feet. Walking across their corpses almost feels like a déjà vû to the assassin; maybe that's why she isn't losing her footing as she moves.

They have a job to do, but the sudden movements and growls echoing from the darkness are what keep her from doing them. Instead she makes her way towards her boss, trying to have her eyes adjust to the darkness as quickly as possible. "Ms Livy, are you okay?" Kyrenai asks, trying to help the woman in any way she can. Unlike Penny's, the toxic chain dangles freely around her neck, but she knows better than to tamper with it in the hopes of freeing her. She hasn't yet forgotten what it did to those who tried.

When something rushes past them, Kyrenai immediately takes up defensive positions, intent on shielding . A first vine lashes out from the darkness, cracking down upon her back. A hiss is all the culprit gets from her, every time it lashes out again. Every time it tries to reach for the councilwoman Kyrenai intercepts, leaving a multitude of welts across her arms, legs and torso. One even manages to hit her face, leaving a gash on her cheek, yet the assassin doesn't flinch.

She does not move to attack. Does not let her guard down one bit, and tries to single out the attacker in the dark. The dark that has steadily become more visible as time passes and her eyes get used to the limited lighting; whatever light filters through the hole above has become enough. When she sees the Ogerpon's state of being, a hint of pity filters through.

A mistake.

In that single moment the Ogerpon does what it does best and attacks again, this time coming in with a kick. Kyrenai steadies herself and stands-- something underneath her feet gives way. Her entire body shifts; she can dodge and mitigate the damage, but that would leave Penny open for the full burnt.

A grimace forms as she throws the thought away. Never. When the Ogerpon's foot sinks into her abdomen something breaks, a sickening crack followed by sharp pain. Breathing becomes torture as the Ogerpon's foot remains lodged against its target; Kyrenai grabs its leg and with whatever power that remains tries to toss it away from her. Her body screams and she screams with it; a forceful, angered growl before she sinks down, clutching her chest. She doesn't need to examine herself to know her ribs are broken, but how many remains to be seen.

As long as the menace doesn't return.


- Weakling Ward
- Notices on the platform and immediately resigns herself to meatshield duty
- Tries to make eye-contact with her
- Jumps down after Penny instead of being thrown
- The corpses give her déjà vû
- Will stand her ground and protect against Ogerpon so stays unharmed
- Gets lashed by vines + kicked -> results in broken ribs
- Grabs Ogerpon's leg and tries to throw it

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 7:50:24 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar


Imprisoned Investigator--Premiere Prisoner

Elaine almost found herself breathing a sigh of relief the moment that the vote for their prisoner's dilemma was announced. The fact that a majority had chosen trust on both wards was a good sign. No matter what the reason was, the 'dummies' had chosen quite the logical option.

After all, there was no real advantage to forsaking the other ward. Not from the options presented at least.

Moreover, the terms that their punishments would be more "managable and survivable" was enough to make Elaine shudder at the possibility of what the other punishment that would have been planned for them was.

But that all seemed to wash away as the entire ward was corralled onto a platform and further into the depths of the facility. The moment the entire group had gotten close enough, they had been thrown into the new dark space. Elaine was no exception to that. Much like the others, the green brute tossed her in as well, though she was lucky enough that she stuck the landing properly enough that she shielded anything internal. She may not have landed on her feet, but there was hardly any lasting damage and barely more than a couple scrapes.

So, as the punishment commenced, she did exactly as instructed. True to her own nature, she had ended up finding one of the mangled corpses first.

Elaine sighed. As much as she hated that she was helping to commit the crime of disposing of a body and toxins, there was not much else she could really do in this state.

"I'm sorry."

She had seen how one of the corpses had come to be, through a display of absolute brutality. But the other corpses, she had never seen before. In all likelihood, other dissenters who had been made an example of.

She could not linger around the corpse forever.

She would focus on picking up the forgotten pieces of mochi while picking up pieces from the ground while continuing to examine what remained of the bodies. Observe for any strangeness. Any information. Perhaps she could fashion the ribs or bones of one of the corpses into a weapon.

While they were out of the view of the light, she needed to come up with some advantage while enduring the punishment.

However, it was all interrupted. She had heard the sounds, but she had been too tunnel-visioned. Though it was hard to observe the world around her like this, it was her fault for not paying enough attention to her suroundings.

It was a simple, yet savage blow to her chest and stomach. She had been discovered by whatever it was that had been let loose to run amok her. This had been different from when she was tackled in the wards. It had thrown all of its weight into her, tossing her back a few feet.

Elaine scrambled back to her feet. But she had been barely back to her knees when a vines lashed out at her. She sidestepped to barely avoid it, but her chest and her gut screamed from the pain. She felt like she could cough up blood at any second.

Not to mention, dodging it had only angered it. Could she fight back at this point?

She heard a sound coming from behind her and reflexively turned back just enough to throw a fist behind herself. However, her fist passed by something else. Its foot swung directly into her chest before her fist could even make contact.

Flying back, she landed in a net of vines that promptly wrapped itself around her before flinging her back down to the ground.

Was this what it felt like to be dying? She could feel her consciousness flitting in and out as she lay on the ground. It was like everything kept flashing to black.


She rolled onto her stomach and slammed her hands onto the ground.

Don't mock me!

She hacked and coughed, feeling the pain in her chest and her belly worsening with every disturbance of her diaphragm. A hot ache spread throughout her entire body.

But she pressed down. Her arms straightened. Her torso straightened. Her legs straightened. Eventually, she had come to realize it.

Though she felt nothing short of pure agony.

Though she felt like she could tumble back to the ground at any second.

She had stood.

And it wasn't just that. The fact that she could take her chance and stand back up meant one thing. The assailant had clearly been frenzied enough to attack her in rapid succession, not giving her even a moment to rest. The fact that it wasn't attacking her meant it got tired of her and left for its next victim.

She was free again. For now.

She was aching. She felt weak. She felt like she could cough up blood into her mask at any moment.

But she couldn't dawdle here. She had to work through this. Otherwise, there was no telling what else could happen to her or the others. For the time being, she could only hope that her cellmate and her friends had been able to avoid this ghastly fate.

"I need to find something."

She had begun to examine the corpses again as she continued to work on the 'punishment' meted out to them.

She was a weakling. But there was a snowball's chance in hell she would let that stop her here. She had not given up on anything. Not yet. She would find something. She had to.

  • Weakling Ward
  • Elaine examines the corpses as she cleans up mochi. She gets in close to at least move them somewhat to the disposal.
  • She gets thrashed by Ogerpon though she attempts to and fails to get one good punch in
  • She stands back up, battered and dizzy and feeling like she's by death's door.
  • She continues her work and continues to examine the body for abnormalities/clues or parts she can scavenge
  • She worries for her cellmate, Violet, and Kyrenai's safety though she has no clue where they are

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,045 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 14:03:58 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

Their imminent fate drew near. As votes were tallied and the monkey meditated in a goofy way, Andrea reached down in order to give a reassuring headpat. “Yes, Ettie, we are pack. Pack stays together…”
Trust prevailing, the weaklings and dummies descended to the dark depths of this penitentiary of prisms, where the third member of the dastardly trio was revealed. The discovery of a never-before-seen species of canine would have probably delighted the late , however this dog was NOT a good boy.
The prisoners were instructed to clean this new room. Tottering about in darkness, Andrea quickly discerned that the floor was littered with mochi along with something else that nearly caused her to vomit again; human remains.
“T-think happy thoughts! Think h-happy thoughts!” The girl frantically wiped her bloodied hands against her Kitakami outfit, before a bestial growl interrupted her mantra. It seemed their wardens were intent on breaking not only their spirits, but also their bodies…
“It’s… the ogre! From the simulation!” Exclaimed the young PokéManiac in awe. She would recognize those horns and that green tunic anywhere. Just like in the RKS Simulation, the ogre was rendered feral by the Toxic Chain. In spite of, or perhaps due to its blindness, it indiscriminately attacked people in a mad frenzy.
Rooted to the floor thanks to the bonus punishment decreed by the Ugly Ward, the dragon fanatic yelled in vehement denial. “You’re lying! They would never do such a thing! Stop trying to tear us apart!”
Her shrieks drew the attention of the blind ogre, who rushed towards her. A bloodcurdling scream accompanied the lashing of thorny vines against bare skin. The woman’s shirt was torn and stained with red, her back bearing new scourges alongside the faded scars inflicted by .
“W-wait…” Before the creature could seek its next victim, Andrea held onto its vines with every bit of her remaining strength. “Y-you don’t know me, but I know you… we met at the Festival of Masks… and I befriended you… we bought you candy apples with … I gave you upsies so you could watch the fireworks… and then you played Magikarp Fishing with … so please, you don’t have to do th--”
A brutal kick sent her flying, only for her chain to pull her in the opposite direction, choking her. Having failed to sway the possessed ogre to their side, the utter dummy of a girl laid face-down on the filthy floor, her battered body shaking and twitching.



- Dummy ward[break]
- No Pokémon, no Sygna Suit[break]
- Perceives Okidogi[break]
- Refuses to believe that the uglies betrayed them[break]
- Talk-no-jutsu with Ogerpon fails[break]
- Andrea is vine whipped and then kicked[break]
- Pain T^T



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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
309 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 14:39:33 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea could only feel chill running on her spine as they were brought to somewhere else. New places were new bad news for certain, and when the 'punishment' was shown to be a mere 'clean up', Thea felt a vague relief at first... She tried to stay close to her friend and cousin, but the false sense of relief was betrayed by the sounds of something more eerie and dangerous looming.[break][break]

"... Eris! Hey! You, watch out!" She called for , also looking at that was possibly going to be the first person she would go for as soon as she noticed the danger, and also at that was near them before the sudden change of place.[break][break]

"Ack-?!" Before she could reach for Eris, Thea felt the Toxic Chain yanking her, nearly crushing her throat with the abrupt pull and forcing her to fall on her back as she had a coughing fit. "Wh-What the hell..?!" She tugged the Toxic Chain that was tightly wrapped around her neck, struggling to stand before the voice of the Megalopolan caught her attention, with the mention of the Ugly Ward's decision.[break][break]

"Th-They believe—" Thea's face distorted in disgust and anger, not at the Ugly Ward, but at the thrall trying to deceive them. "You are just trying to shove us against each other!" She roared in agreement to 's words, albeit mostly muffled by the mask. Even a dumbass worth of Dummy Ward could put the pieces together, if they were forced to trust or forsake the Weakling Ward, it was only natural the Ugly Ward was forced into some fucked up dilemma as well.[break][break]

Thea's heart sank as she saw Andrea being attacked with a strong kick that has sent her flying, and the worst part was that she couldn't even move to try to check on her, or on any other fellow Wardmates. A sense of guilty and helplessness ran over her mind again. "Eris! Protect yourself, please!" She yelled, pleading as she reached for her cousin and her friend, that were at least within her reach. "Cass, stay on my back, we need to cover each other!" She said to , feeling her heart rushing as she heard the steps of the Threat approaching. "K-Kay, stick close—"[break][break]

Her eyes darted around, spotting a blur. It was there, it was— "KAY!" Thea called for , noticing who was the next target of the blinded wrath. She didn't waste a second to throw herself in harm's way to protect her cousin, throwing a kick and a body slam against the beast... Which barely did anything aside from averting its attention from her cousin to herself, propmting a retaliation that came in the shape of vines slashing and wrapping around her leg and slamming her against the ground, forcing the air out of her lungs before she was stomped and kicked while still on the ground.[break][break]

She tried to gasp for air, but only a weak cough escaped her lips as she curled, feeling a metallic taste running on her tongue. Words couldn't leave her lips, but she tried to stand as quick as possible, even if she failed at first. She had to protect them, she couldn't let them get hurt![break][break]





  • Tried to reach for Eris, Isaac and Ettie, but failed due to Toxic Chains

  • Called out on the Megalopolan's lie, agreeing with Andrea

  • Sticked close to Cass and Knight

  • Seeing the angry beast was going for Knight, Thea tackled it to protect her cousin

  • Thea is swapping her Success (66) with Knight's Failure (1) (with Bear's permission)





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July 11
Castelia City, Unova
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
64 posts
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TAG WITH @michaeldavis
Michael Davis
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 15:23:13 GMT
Michael Davis Avatar
Shock finally began embedding itself into the deep recesses of Michael's mind and body. The image and sound of Eimyrja's Pokeball being crushed looped over and over in his head. His heart, mind, and soul remained on the verge of giving up. Salty tears would have drowned the mask if the Cadet were given the chance to cry and mourn for the loss of his partner.

Memories of the Charmander pushed Michael forward. His vow to escape and find justice against those responsible coaxed the embers of determination and hope. Mourning turned to motivation. He lost his first Pokemon, yes. But what did he still have? The rest of his team. The friends he made on his journey. The goal to make the world a better place by strengthening the harmony between humans and Pokemon. Michael resented being placed in the Weakling Ward. He would prove them wrong. He would remain strong through all of this. If Eimyrja was somehow still alive, he had to survive for her and reunite. And if she wasn't? There would be Hell to pay.

The blood-mixed tears dried beneath the facade that hid Michael's expression from the rest of the prisoners. As one Megalopolan came to retrieve him, he forcibly snapped his hand away and rose on his own. He and the others shuffled onto the platform. He held solace knowing that the prison failed to turn the wards against each other, at least to his knowledge. Once the Dummy Ward joined, Michael attempted to breathe the fires of camaraderie into the others before they descended into the pit below.

"Our Jailers want to break us," he reminded. "We can never let them win. Even if we don't win a battle of strength, we must win the battle of wits and survival. They tried to turn us on each other, and we proved them wrong. No matter what happens, no matter what they promise, we're stronger together."

Whether his speech would inspire or fall on deaf ears, the crowded platform ground to a halt. Okidogi, in all of his brilliant brawn and glory, chose Michael as one of the prisoners to violently throw off of the platform and into the pit below. Even with such a short fall, the impact on his left shoulder bruised the muscle and bone. In defiance, he grit his teeth in a refusal to show any signs of agony through pained cries. Like an obedient prisoner, he got right to work. He did his best to not let his squeamishness get in the way of the task, whether he was grasping old mochi or dead bodies.

Then, the Punishment of Dummy Ward commenced. Fighting masked menace outright could lead to punishment. Diverting its attention could lead to punishment. The only viable option? Double—No, triple his efforts. The sooner the Prisoners cleaned the pit, the sooner the punishment would end. When Dummy Ward's chains fastened them and made movement nigh impossible, Michael took it upon himself to clean in their stead.

A sudden force smacked against Michael's head. His ears rang, his vision blurred. Fresh iron whetted his tongue and gums. The world was spinning as Michael fell to his hands and knees from the Ogrepon's attack.


-Michael attemptts to instill hope
-The Cadet attempts to quicken the pace of the cleaning by helping others
-He gets his beatings from Okidogi, then from Ogrepon

Punished Pokemon:
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July 19th
Fortree City
student (private school)
Single (not looking)
163cm height
163cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
190 posts
Knight Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @knight
Knight Naito
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 15:38:35 GMT
Knight Naito Avatar

A platform transferred them to a lower level in... whatever place this was, and Knight jostled together with the others, looking around but at a loss for what to do. It seemed best to just go with the flow and see what would happen next.[break][break]

Hey, maybe this was just a very realistic and elaborate nightmare! He shouldn't have had cheese before bed...[break][break]

But in the pit of his stomach, Knight knew that wasn't the case. He stayed close to Thea and Cass as more people join them, and Knight wonders if they were sharing the same fate right now.[break][break]

It sounded like there was a lot of machinery around as Kay listened to the clanging of pipes and tried to look around but it was just endless darkness. He hoped Thea was feeling okay and reached out to hold her hand -- if she wanted to.[break][break]

As soon as they all exited the platform, it rose again and disappeared. Knight frowned as he was certain he heard something below them and looked at his friends, "Do you hear that?" He whispered, trying to be as quiet as possible. [break][break]

Something was lit up, and Knight craned over everyone to see... Was that a mochi bowl? What was going on? Did they have to make mochi now?[break][break]

"Cleaning..." Kay frowned. He had a sinking feeling that there was more to this than met the eye but what-- Oh. The explanation came and Knight let out a shout as well. These weird Pokémon had some messed up ideas of what they should be doing. Why pit them against each other? If they needed them to gather or sort resources, to clean things up, wouldn't it make more sense to keep them healthy?[break][break]

No, they seemed to enjoy inflicting punishments on them![break][break]

Instinctively, Knight reached for where a Poké ball would normally be attached to his pouch, only to remember he had neither and no way to defend himself or his friends. Thea called out for someone, and Knight turned to see -- just a kid. Just a kid like them. [break][break]

How was that fair?![break][break]

And then another creature entered into the fray and caused confusion and hurt around them. Knight tried to stick close to his friends but he was shoved by someone else, unseen, and singled out. The creature seemed to make a bee-line for him and he threw up his arms to protect himself.[break][break]

But it wasn't necessary, as something blocked the inevitable attack -- "Thea! Thea!" Of course his cousin would protect him. He winced as she was slammed against the ground and hurried to her side. Luckily, it seemed the creature had moved on (for now) and he helped his cousin to her feet, "Why would you do that? You got hurt..." Because of him...[break][break]

There was a lump in his throat and Knight gave his cousin a gentle hug, "Thank you." [break][break]

But Cass' words caught his attention, and he realised someone else had spoken up as well. Knight kept an arm around Thea as he turned to them and sought answers.[break][break]

"You know that Pokémon?" He asked both Cass and the woman he didn't recognise, hoping that in the confusion of what was happening they would be free to answer him. He checked on Thea again and once he was certain she would be (kind of) okay, he started to clean up. [break][break]





knight has a bad feeling about this, guys[break]
is mad (but grateful) that his cousin sacrificed herself to save him (thea's success is traded for knight's fail, approved by shiv)[break]
helps thea up / offers support if needed[break]
asks cass & andrea about the pokémon attacking them[break]



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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
144 posts
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TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 16:35:03 GMT
they're given another menial task; maki is starting to grow tired of these things. nevermind the physical torment, the mental anguish of doing the same things over and over is going to be the thing that breaks people... sighing, she gets to work, going down on her hands and knees to start sorting through the muck. the mochi pieces are somehow more disgusting than the bits of decaying flesh, as she picks up and puts everything in its proper place.

then comes the growling. she ignores it at first, but when the masked creature shows itself, she's quick to try and avoid it. usually her reaction time would be quick enough, but she's hampered badly by the toxic chain. grimacing, maki is pulled into place, left a sitting duck for punishment. the only thing she can do is try to twist around the toxic chain, ignoring the pain from straining it, to avoid the beast.

unfortunately, it's not enough. she's buffeted and beaten by the assault, though she doesn't cry out or show any sign that she's in pain.


maki begrudgingly gets back to work.
her toxic chain hampers her, but she tries to avoid the attack anyway.
she fails!

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 16:58:53 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
After he had cast his vote for the Dummy Ward, Oscar made the mistake of looking back at the screens. He had hoped that their respective masks would do better to hide their identity, but to his dismay Oscar would pick out multiple prisoners that he recognized. , , , , people he cared for and did not want to see hurt. Yet the damage was done, and as Oscar heard more voices announcing their decisions Oscar could not help but frantically shake his head.

"No--no I didn't know. I didn't know!" Oscar's distress distracted him, and by the time he noticed the two guards approaching him and Navy it was nearly too late to escape their wrath. But he still could if he could just drop Navy to the ground. That was all he had to do, let go of Navy and step to the side.

There was nowhere to go, being tethered to everyone else ensured that there was very little wiggle room.

Just let go

Oscar shivered, "Hey he's just delusional you don't need to..." Oscar let go of the person in front of him and tried to back away.

Drop him

Oscar realized what was coming and tightened his grip on the ailing man that hung over his back.


The first strikes were delivered to Navy, causing Oscar to fall to his knees. Yet he hung on for as long as he could, trying not to be pushed to the floor. The blows were too intense, and soon Oscar would topple over with Navy falling to his side. They were both beaten indiscriminately, with every strike feeling heavier than the last. It had been a very long time since Oscar had took such an unbridled beating, and all the while he would be giving himself lashings within his mind.

What were you trying to prove? That you're a good person? Was it worth it?

Oscar's body thrashed under each baneful strike.

You were never meant to do good. The sooner you accept that...

Oscar gurgled as he felt blood filling up within his mouth, his teeth clenching to hold the deluge back.

...the sooner it will stop hurting.

And then it was over. It had only been a minute but the ferocity of the onslaught had made it seem like an eternity. Oscar breathed slowly, wincing under every heave. He wanted to lay there forever, just bleed on the floor and die quietly. That was not an option though, never was. Oscar pushed himself to his feet, struggling against nausea and cramps. He buckled once or twice, but he managed to stand up after an immense effort. Without a word he would grab the hand of the person in front of him once more, followed by the hand of Navy. He no longer had the strength to carry him.

Their bird lord took flight with the daisy chain of ugly prisoners attached. Oscar could not concentrate on the absurdity of such a feat, he was far too dazed. His mind was blank as they arrived, falling to his knees as his legs refused to land gracefully. Everyone's masks popped off a bit, revealing Oscar's cut up face. He looked up, his eyes darting around the room before resting upon the person that stood in front of him. When he realized who they were, he let out a long wheeze. "Priam...?"

His dear friend had been there all along, how could Oscar not have recognized him? He stared at him for a few seconds, until his body remembered how severely beaten it was. The nausea became overwhelming, and Oscar would scramble to the side as far as he could so he could vomit properly. At least it did not get into his mask.

As Oscar recovered, a familiar voice would address the prisoners. Oscar looked upon the crying mask, its beauty would have been enticing if not for the man that stood before it. Wearing a Toxic Chain of his own was none other than General Velmos. Oscar looked to Priam and then back at the general, they had both seen him safely secured within a cell--how did he escape? Plus Oscar had thought that they were on good terms, what was he doing with this evil bird?

Oscar got his answer the longer he listened, Velmos did not sound like himself. Was he brainwashed? Perhaps by the giant chain that was pumping a mysterious fluid into his throat? Seemed a little obvious when he thought about it. But now was not the time to think, the Ugly Ward had a reward to claim. One by one they were dragged to the mask to look at--something. Those who struggled were violently forced to look into it, there was no point in resisting. When it became Oscar's turn, he willingly looked into the mask to get it over with.

What he saw was his greatest desire. Ever Grande was burning, the seat of the League had been demolished. Airships bearing Rocket's insignia flew overhead, dropping bombs onto what little life remained. The view was so clear, yet Oscar was far away. He was standing atop a black tower, watching with crazed glee as the war was finally won. He began to cackle joyfully, reveling in the glorious future that Rocket had promised. A Toxic Chain still hung by his neck, yet it felt weightless. It was a part of him, as easy to maneuver as his own arms. Its importance was ingrained into Oscar's mind, and he found himself unknowingly laughing within the real world as well.

Until he wasn't. Oscar was suddenly staring at a white tile wall as hot water poured over his exposed body. He could not remember how he got there, or how long he had been standing under this shower. He did not mind the temperature, nor that others could probably see his uncovered form. He just stared at the wall, his mind fixated on the future.



--Oscar gets the shit beat out of him, too proud to drop . He is not happy about it.
--Within the chamber of desires Oscar recognizes and then throws up. Those two occurrences are not related.
--Oscar clocks Velmos, and willing looks into the mask. His greatest desire is for Rocket to destroy the League and finally take over Hoenn.
--Oscar liked his vision so much that it's all he can focus on as he showers.
--Ugly Ward.
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 17:05:34 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



The votes were eventually tallied, and like the rest of the weakling ward, he was forced onto the platform. With the dummy ward already on the platform, it was a tight fit. So much so that he felt himself pressed shoulder to shoulder with those already him. As the platform descended, he stood stiffly, trying not to think too much about how closely he was pressing on those around him.
There was a reason he hated crowds. He hated the chance of brushing up against someone—the psychical contact that could come with being in a crowd. He tried to distract himself from the claustrophobia that tried to creep up on him, but the darkness they descended into didn’t help.
Refusing to give into the rising panic, he curled his hands into tight fists, tight enough for his nails to dig into his palms hard enough to draw blood. This would be enough to push through the panic. However, even without the risk of a panic attack, it wasn’t like he relaxed his posture at all.
Throughout the rest of the ride, he maintained his stiff posture, looking straight ahead and not trying to strain his eyes to see if he could recognize anyone. Though he was pretty sure he knew some of the people already, He was pretty sure he recognized the voice as earlier as well as .
The idea that people he cared about could be here as well was almost too much to bear. He had been able to ignore it earlier, but now that he had nothing to distract himself with, it was hard not to think about it.
When they finally reached the bottom and were forcefully shoved off, it took all of his willpower not to tell their captures to fuck off, instead choosing to simply glare at their captures as he barely managed to keep himself from falling. Though, due to the mask, he was unsure how effective the glare was.
When he and the others were shoved once more, he instinctively threw out his hands to break his fall when he failed to maintain his balance this time around. As one of his others twisted under him, he grunted in surprise but otherwise didn’t make a sound.
“Assholes,” he huffed when he noticed the two wardens’s high-five.
He would then turn his attention to the Megalopolan speaker as he began to tell them what was expected of them. Again, he had to bite his tongue to keep himself from saying what he wanted.
Which would’ve been something along the lines of telling them to clean it themselves because none of them were their momma.
Instead of saying what he wanted at the risk of painting even more of a target on his back, he simply got to work.
However, upon being told that the ugly ward had voted for the dummy ward to receive more punishment, his decision to keep his mouth shut wavered, and before he was even aware of it, he was speaking.
"Funny, I don’t remember it being mentioned that the ugly ward would be voting as well,” he said, tone-scathing.
Before he could say much else, the sound of a door sliding open drew his attention. Suddenly more alert than before, his eyes scanned the darkness around him. The scream of a prisoner barely got a reaction from him; his only reaction was to look in the direction the sound had come from.
Annoyingly, it was hard to see anything. Anger at the warden’s momentarily forgotten, he resumed working. However, as he worked, his gaze continued to scan their surroundings.
He could hear even more of his workers getting seemingly attacked by something, causing him to be on high alert.
While he couldn’t see any of the others get attacked in the limited amount of light, he was close enough to Elaine to notice when she got attacked. At first, he was rooted to the spot, unable to do anything as some strange creature started to beat on her.
It was only when the creature stopped beating on her and seemingly went off somewhere else that he would snap to his senses and make his way to his cellmate. Not even hesitating, he crouched down by his cellmate, checking her over just to see how hurt she was.
As preoccupied as he was with checking his cellmate over, he failed to notice that the creature had come back. It wasn’t until he was forcefully knocked away from his cellmate, the back of his head hitting the ground and making him momentarily see stars, that he would realize the mistake of assuming the thing had gone off. Hadn’t his father done exactly the same thing, pretending to leave only to come back?
Since he was dazed at first, the creature was able to deliver blows that bruised his ribs. Coming back to his senses, he curled into a fetal position, protecting his head, face, and neck from any stray hits with the vine.
Throughout the beating, he didn’t make a sound. He didn’t so much as flinch. Eventually, it would seem the creature grew bored, probably due to his lack of response, and went to go beat someone else.
Part of him wanted to go after it and ensure it didn’t do this to anyone else. And yet, when he pushed himself back into a sitting position, he realized trying to protect others from the creature wasn’t the best idea.
While he could ignore the pain, blood loss was another matter entirely. Loose too much, and you were basically done.
Still not wanting to be at risk of another attack from the creature or one of the wardens, he simply got back to work; however, that didn’t stop him from glaring balefully at the wardens while he worked.
Though he wasn't bothering to hide the fact that he was glaring at the wardens while he worked, there were other things on his mind. Like Elaine having been subjected to a beating before him. That also got him thinking of the possibility of and being here.
He hoped he was wrong. But if he wasn't, he prayed to any higher being that would listen and say that they would be spared any beatings as well as anyone else he had grown to know before ending up in this predicament. [break]
[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL;DR: Gets corralled onto the platform [break] Uses pain to distract himself from having a panic attack due to the close proximity of people, he really doesn’t like physical contact [break] Is none to happy about the rough handling but doesn’t openly show how annoy he’s getting [break] speaks out against the fact they weren’t told the ugly ward would be voting [break] Witnesses his cellmate get beat [break] Goes to check on [break] Is attacked by the orge after having thought them gone (the orge played dirty) [break] gets whipped with the vine but doesn’t react [break] resumes working after beating is over [break] Hopes that , , and anyone else he has previously met doesn’t suffering a beating like he has (though would rather no one else suffers but knows he’s probably already pushing it by hoping those he has come to know doesn’t get hurt)



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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 17:05:45 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilots eddiepp"]

this all was worth this, i won't let you down




The gentle touch of someone's leg against his own was the only thing Eddie consciously processed in the flurry of what came next. The wards had voted to Trust and their punishment was to commence, but at least a burden shared was a burden lessened. He shuffled over with the rest of the prisoners in a haze as they were lowered into the darkness, and Eddie hardly flinched when the dog chucked him into the depths below. Violence was the language of their jailers, and he was becoming quite fluent in its tongue. [break][break]

The assignment was made clear and the additional punishment of another ward was laid bare. It was strange, really; Eddie should have been indignant that any of them were forced into this impossible decision or that they had to face this nightmare at all, but quite frankly, he couldn't bring himself to feel much of anything anymore. Since he had woken up in this place, Eddie had been saddled with horror upon horror, and the death of a friend was a precipice he couldn't pull himself back from. For a man who felt so deeply and strongly, this new hollowness sank into his tender heart like a knife; even the brutal execution of one of their fellow prisoners hadn't gutted him so irreversibly. [break][break]

There was nothing to be done about it now, though. He had a job to do, more horror to face, and at least the pricking numbness made collecting the remains that much easier to bear, even if he still felt guttural revulsion as gore slipped through his fingers like fetid rivers of sludge. The pit was mercifully dark at least, so he didn't have to look at what it was in his hands until he tipped it into the bowl in the center of the room. But in the darkness of the pit, an assailant had come for them. [break][break]

He had heard it distantly as he returned to collect another handful of muck. There were shrieks and desperate pleas, and Eddie whipped his head around just in time to watch some poor redhead take a tremendous kick, just to be yanked back by her chain like some sort of macabre tether-ball. Were he a better and stronger man, he would have ran to her, but in this moment, Eddie was about as useful as the human refuse strewn across the pit they worked in. [break][break]

Probably less so, actually, for all his rubber-necking served to achieve was to draw the diminutive ogre's ire. [break][break]

It dashed towards him with quick strides, feet pattering across the floor as it's chain-wrapped head came into view. It swung a heavy cudgel at a figure to the right of him and caught nothing but air as it whirled through the darkness. Eddie probably should have been afraid as the creature growled low and lunged for him again in it's violent fury; the lashing vines it extended could break skin, and a strong enough blow could shatter bone. But Eddie was so tired of being scared. Maybe if it struck him hard enough, he'd get to finally escape this nightmare, one way or another. [break][break]

He was entirely resigned to this fate until a familiar body shoved him out of the way, [break][break]

“Whuh-?” [break][break]

In the depths of his despair, Eddie had almost entirely forgotten the cellmate at his side, who had remained at his side even as they were plunged into the Stygian bowls of this fresh new hell. It was the cellmate he told himself he was going to look after, who had instead looked after him, even now as they tumbled away from their assailant and landed in more of that fetid muck. [break][break]

As Beau stooped low in the darkness next to him, feeling him over for any injuries, Eddie just nodded numbly in acknowledgment. He had to focus, shape up; just because he'd lost one friend didn't mean he could afford to lose another to this hellish place, [break][break]

“I... I'm fine. I think,” Eddie managed unsteadily, peering at Beau through the darkness of the room and the obfuscation of the mask's visor, “Just gotta get my head on straight.” [break][break]

A task more vital than ever, he thought. If he were to lose himself again in that mire of all-consuming despair, it might not be his own head on the chopping block next time. [break][break]


[attr="class","oocnotes"] [break]
The disassociation returns like tenfold now that Stella is dedge [break]
Is resigned to his fate and tries to clean like a good bean [break]
Beau saves Eddie from getting kicked apart by Ogerpon [break]
Eddie has a Ludwig the Accursed style "my guiding moonlight" [break]
moment and tries to stop being such a sad sack, for Beau's sake if nothing else [break][break]


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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
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Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 17:22:23 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Zev watched with stony apathy as two Megalopolans punished for his ravings and for defending him. It was a pity the guards did not pummel the other objectors in turn, but perhaps they thought it was enough to make an example of two. Zev didn't care, in the end. [break][break]

What mattered was that they were going into the Chamber of Desires at last. As they traveled down that long hallway, he steeled himself for whatever awaited them at its end. [break][break]

And after what seemed like an eternity, they reached it. Everyone's masks popped off, revealing their faces. Zev quickly scanned the circular room, taking stock of the other prisoners. The majority were members of Team Rocket, but some of them—like and —were important League personnel. [break][break]

Remembering the question had posed when she'd woken up, Zev tried summoning his armor to cover the back of one hand. As before, the Toxic Chain around his neck began to constrict. Before it could hurt him, he stopped. [break][break]

"It's definitely the chain, not the mask," he murmured to his wife, trusting she'd know his meaning. [break][break]

The room itself was difficult to observe, for the kaleidoscopic colors and lights obscured and distorted its other features. Zev tried to look for another exit, but a familiar voice arrested his attention. He looked toward the machine in the chamber's center and saw none other than Velmos standing beside a crystallized mask. [break][break]

How had the Megalopolan general been compromised? What about Cotillard? [break][break]

Velmos directed the prisoners to look into the mask and witness their true potential. Internally, Zev scoffed; he already knew his own. But when it was his turn to peer into the mask, he did so without objection. What he saw did not surprise him. [break][break]


Blood. Splatters of it across the floor and walls, pools of it beneath cooling bodies. weeping as he bent over the corpses of and . Zev saw himself standing nearby, encased in black crystal, a purple Toxic Chain wrapped around his neck. Raising a clawed hand, he put an end to the sounds of sobbing. [break][break]

No more inane expectations. [break][break]

Blood. Streams of it dripping through the drain in the floor of 's office. Steady hands pushed the broom to collect 's shredded remains. The laws that governed Team Rocket demanded obedience to whoever seized power. Zev sat in that seat now, a purple Toxic Chain curling around his neck. [break][break]

No more hierarchy. [break][break]

Blood. A trail of it from star to star, universe to universe. The broken bodies of Quanto, Holo, Winter, and other DRK Triad agents at his feet. A purple Toxic Chain sprouted from Zev's neck as he beheld Necrozma bursting with light, freed at last from its ancient prison. [break][break]

No more cages.


He stepped away from the mask, reeling from how real the visions had felt. Emotions roiled within him, a mix of ravenous greed and arrogant self-assuredness. His thoughts continued to dwell on the images seared into his mind, even as the guards ushered the Ugly Ward into a large, communal shower. Only when the water turned on did he snap out of his musings. [break][break]

Wordlessly, Zev stripped out of his clothing, revealing a muscular physique riddled with numerous scars. He didn't care if the others stared; he was not going to wear wet clothes out of that chamber. Carefully, he folded his uniform and put it aside in a neat pile with 's before letting the near-scalding water wash over him. [break][break]


TAGS & ugly ward[break]
– Zev is in the UGLY WARD.[break]
– Tries to use his Avatar powers again once the mask comes off to confirm it's the Toxic Chain, not the mask itself, that's preventing their use.[break]
– Willingly looks into the Wellspring Mask and sees versions of him casting off the metaphorical chains that currently bind him and Necrozma: people's expectations, Team Rocket's hierarchical structure, and the DRK Triad's meddling.[break]
– Removes his clothes to shower.



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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
736 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 18:27:19 GMT
[attr="class","pilotsb desiree"]

i’m afraid they’re gonna find you[break]
and there’s nothing that i can do




Strength would be needed to fell ten guards as strength existed as another glimmering fractal the guards wished to deprive of their victims. "Strength.." her words trailed out in response to , imbued with malice; she did not know what to believe watching the shattering of the orbs. The shattering of the bear's they sought to save when the chains first had sought to take root. It ultimately took strength to betray the urge to lunge forward and suffocate those who stood around her with retained authority for committing such a heinous act.. and to avoid kicking while he was forced to mourn.[break][break]

Was it that he was selfish like the rotted others, too, or that the pain of watching the creature of the forest he had loved be reduced to nothingness was too much to live through? A tug to the heart led her to side with delusions rather than accusations- but those who forsook existed as vipers in her mind, vipers that would retain themselves over the souls of whimsy at any given moment. Was this the true purpose of forgiveness, not for the petty, but for the wrenching of souls in the wake of the preservation of one's self?[break][break]

".. pomme," a wheezy cough cut to Howard like a nauseous whip, ".. take it back."[break][break]

But the votes had been cast- and being one of trust was the popular choice, a softer cell in the bubbling stream of tampered ethereality. To remember those who had chosen the other choice, which felt like signing a ballot of the cosmos rather than a traditional candidacy.. would be difficult, but she would do her best to attempt. Taking up the sword of ivies meant being one with her words- and she promised to remember. Of course, when it came to , she definitely would. It left a slit in her heart unlike any other.[break][break]

It felt like a betrayal- surrounding herself with souls that did not share the same kiss of the mind. She wished to turn and return to her cell to not look at those that bore serpent fangs. Yet, the corralling of the bodies onto the platform and the lowering brought upon more work. Strength. Strength was something that could keep the muscles going, quite similar to the words she envisioned behind her optics when she was set to perform show after show. Encore after encore- but a show like this one was angry, confused, aching.[break][break]

Pained. A selfish pang of her led her to seek out on the tightly packed platform, one she knew she could trust. Another that had been pleaded for. She tried to shift as it lowered to pick up more, to what she believed to only be a temporary separation from Pamplemousse.. but more and more came upon, those that wore masks that differed. One of the fellow captives, led upon by the recognition of her brightly colored hair, was one that she could not bear to see.[break][break]

One she could not bear to refrain from recognizing. Weaving her hand through a slit in the sardine pack, she shakily placed it upon the shoulder of for a quick moment. A moment that felt like an eternity spent by the grinding of wheels and the lowering of string. "I um," a jolt of nausea cut through her attempt to talk quietly, ".. six of them, Genny.. Six voted to forsake you.. and I don't think I can forgive them." Knowledge could cut through the walling between those she loved and those she now lived beside- for all she knew, they could have been already under its control. That would explain it- the selfishness, the rot.[break][break]

That would have to explain it, the pain was too much to believe Howard could say those seven letters instead of the five without being tampered with. But strength needed to prevail now, always now- strength to remember the forsaken characteristics, strength to fill up that bowl with the squelching mass of mush and sharp protrusions. Strength to play the game- and she would play it, this was something far easier to contend with than the rotted in the room. As soon as she heard that they needed to fill the bowl, she filled her arms up against her chest with a scoop and started a bitter-adrenaline-filled sprint to empty the contents inside.[break][break]

But the game was not so easily played by those punished by those granted the ability to experience the chamber of desires. She flung to the ground into the pile she had grabbed, cloaked in the mush, shackled. Stripped of all the vanity she had been left with, she now was left to exist as a quivering body stained in purple- and then came the ogre.[break][break]

A kick for the bitterness. A kick for the numbness. All the hard work she had forced herself to endure painstakingly in hopes of gratification of the captors, and the wardens.. and this was the outcome, brought upon by those that she had not yet been let look into the eyes. A kick for the vitriol, a kick for all the mistakes she had committed.[break][break]

Divine punishment- unescapable through atonement, forced to endure with fiery aches and trembles.


DUMMY WARD ♡[break]
♡ listens to jack/pamplemousse, supports strength sorta kinda verbally but moreso physically in her soul due to all the pain in watching the voting/watching of poke-mulching. ♡[break]
♡ but restrains herself in p much verbally/physically assaulting howard for voting forsake even if she rlly wants to.. ♡[break]
♡ focuses on remembering all the six who forsook and is pretty pissed, tries to return to cells. ♡[break]
♡ but gets corralled on the platform instead WOO! ♡[break]
♡ seeks to go to andrea to hug her bc emotions:tm: but then sees.. genevieve. ♡[break]
♡ does not know what to say so instead she basically snitches on the forsakers in the dummy ward. :turgle: ♡[break]
♡ channels bitter malice and anger to play the mochi fill up game. scoops a bunch right off the bat and tries to sprint to fill up the bowl as fast as she can. ♡[break]
♡ but then she gets shackled and pulled to the ground, falling into the pile of mush! is probably slathered like peanut butter baby but magenta mochi mush idk. ♡[break]
♡ then ogerpon shows up and kicks the shit out of her! is on the ground quivering in agony! ♡


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 20:07:01 GMT
priam conrad Avatar

the voice of the beaten prisoner beside him shakes him to the core. he attempts to look away, but he remains frozen in place. he shudders, but eventually, he finds the strength to remains steady amid the situation.

this had been his reality before. this will be his reality from now on.

"y-yeah," he smiles, shrugging his shoulders as he attempts to be optimistic for despite everything. "what bad luck we all have, right?"

the sight of velmos brings a reaction from oscar, understandably so. "at least he doesn't seem to have a grudge on us," he comments with a humorous tone, thankful that they received no power tripping from him after capturing him during the war.

regardless, everything was still left up to the whims of their captors and they are forced to experience their desires.

priam sees himself at the beaches of slateport, lagging behind the first wave of rockets aiming to overwhelm hoenn's forces during their initial invasion. he cheers and yells, supporting from the back while others spearhead the initiative.

he sees himself at a burning tower, going against a gym leader despite the recent death of his favorite pokemon. he doesn't seem unperturbed, and even managing to hold well. he wasn't soft, nor was he weak.

the vision cuts to a giant celesteela. it's just him and his arcanine, while his druddigon lays dead on the ground, stomach pierced through by a hyper beam from the ultra beast.

he then goes to a gym with a friend, stealing a specimen of a shadow pokemon from the gym leader. with it, he manages to procure an important reference for the research of artificially enhanced pokemon.

priam helps blow up a concert hall with the tree of life and escapes, narrowly condemning a few people to their deaths as a response to their overzealous mission to get him.

with the arm of the giant guzzlord, he participates in the bastardization of life itself and makes an abomination out of it with the sap from the same tree they blew up.

priam takes his guzzlord to demolish an entire tower to once again break the laws of nature to revive his gabite and--

priam participates in kidnapping the councilman with the help of--

priam helps oversee the production of genesect with--

priam leads rocket to the secrets of the world--

priam deliberately sabotages league--

priam stops the--



priam is happy that he is able to do all of these without breaking his spirit. he is fortunate enough that he can smile through everything and not find anything wrong. his parents may not have raised him like this, but he is proud that he is doing his best given his situation.

yeah, this is the best he can do with his situation. anything more or less will make things worse for him, especially since he's so well adjusted within the organization already. the great priam definitely doesn't need to change!

the priam that comes out after peering through the mask doesn't seem much different than the one that came before. the same hyperactive, optimistic grunt remains.

escorted to the next room, he meets those who go to shower with bright-eyed curiosity. there were no words that leave his mouth though, since a rocket grunt knows when to keep quiet and when to hog the attention to himself.

scalding hot water pours down on his bare skin, having forgone clothes to fit with the crowd. liquid drips down from the showers, tracing the toned sculpture of his body. size isn't everything, but priam wouldn't be shy to show off in this crowd now that he sees his competition.

  • tries to be optimistic
  • looks into the mask
  • priam's desire is to find normalcy in his daily life (being well-adjusted to rocket life)
  • showers with the rest, but doesn't talk bc it's awkward



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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,871 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 23:07:54 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","calcifet elise"]


The holy sword only protects the king,[break]
It is the king's power that protects the country.




The votes were cast. She hears that the Dummy Ward would be getting most of the punishment and feels terrible for those in that ward. While she did vote to trust the Dummy Ward and the same went for the other, one couldn’t help but feel that they’ll have to endure the same punishment now. When they were all getting corralled together with the prisoners of the Dummy Ward, the royal ambassador sticks with her cellmate and tries to look for her cousin.[break][break]

Standing onto the platform with the rest of the prisoners, it goes down and down. Deeper into the pitch-black darkness until she can’t see anything. As the platform goes up when she gets off, Elise gets tossed into the floor below. Her hands feel something and she has to pick out which were the mochi that she has to clean off the floor until it’s spotless.[break][break]

Noises come from the darkness as she turns to see a green and orange colored Pokemon in the dim light. She doesn’t know what it is, but it appears to be blinded and attacking those who were doing their work. Elise proceeds to try to pick out the mochi on the floor and place them in the central bowl lit up by a lamp. [break][break]

“We need to get to work, Noel.” The Galarian Ambassador urges as she tries to pick up more of her share of the mushed up mochi and get them inside the bowl in the center. While the child-like Pokemon attempts to strike at her with vines, Elise is fast enough that she avoids the attacks and lets the vines hit the air.[break][break]



♔ Weakling Ward[break]
♔ She's taken to the platform.[break]
♔ Notices the strange looking green and orange Pokemon.[break]
♔ Elise gets to work in mochi clean up.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP