i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2024 23:29:01 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

The selection of the DUMMY WARD sent a wave of relief crashing over Elisabeth. Immense gratitude welled up in her, knowing both she and were safe from the sacrificial delusions of others like .[break][break]

If and those like her were willing to defend , a man who'd casually bartered their lives out of self-serving idealism, then she was content to let them play the suffering martyr. Let them oh-so-nobly throw away their power, render their votes meaningless, and villainize Elisabeth for doing what had to be done to keep them all alive.[break][break]

She, at least, would not be a lamb led to the slaughter. She'd licked dirtier boots than Fezandipiti's to survive.[break][break]

Not a word escaped her lips as they followed the large bird in procession, her eyes instead trained on the dark-haired man beside her: "Admin Bee." He's alive, and you're alive, she silently repeated to herself in a mantra. He's alive, and you're alive, and that means there is hope yet.[break][break]

The cool caress of air welcomed her skin as the mask shuddered off, and she touched her face hesitantly, as if wanting to make sure that part of her still remained as it ought to be. Nothing strange revealed itself, and again she knew relief.[break][break]

Until she was startled by the unexpected familiarity of the Megalopolan in front of them. The terrifying nature of the TOXIC CHAIN pumping endless poison into the Megalopolan's mouth filled her with an existential dread, a shiver running up and down her spine in spite of herself.[break][break]

"Velmos?" she whispered, and try as she might, she couldn't ignore the misted look in his eyes. Something is wrong, a tiny voice cried out, something about him is very, very wrong. Every part of her screamed in protest as he guided her to view the world of the crystalline mask, but she knew better than to fight.[break][break]

They'd shown her what happened to those who resisted, and if nothing else, she was a quick learner.[break][break]

Flowers. You can't remember the last time you saw so many flowers.[break][break]

This is a place where no one can ever find you, not unless you want them to. A sanctuary. A little cottage no one knows about but you.[break][break]

You are so wonderfully, perfectly safe here, and everything outside here is so wonderfully, perfectly safe from you, too, isn't it?[break][break]

Only he's here with you. All you've ever needed is him, after all, and his cobalt blue eyes and hair dark as night. He's holding you so tenderly, as if you are the only person that matters in this sad, tired, miserable little world.[break][break]

Secluded as you are, the two of you are all that one another have.[break][break]

He's free from his cage here, just as you are. Nothing can touch either of you. No one would dare.[break][break]

You can be anything or anyone, in this little Eden you've created. You can escape everything and run so far away, not even the Ruinous devil can hunt you down. The ocean's greedy waves cannot drag you back this far inland; the moon's prying eyes cannot find you for the shadow of all the trees above.[break][break]

You can be as radiant and as impossible to catch as sunlight, your only purpose to tend to your gardens and to warm the man you love.[break][break]

You are enough you are enough you are enough you are--


...She'd never believed that lie before.[break][break]

Haggard breathing overtook her as she threw her head back from the mask, dazed and exhilarated by the illusion that had been granted to her. She stumbled backwards, accidentally bumping into as she did so; it was his broad frame that brought her back to reality, sobering up to where she was.[break][break]

The captors were urging her onward, now. They wanted her to continue forward.[break][break]

She saw the figure of moving ahead of her, and recklessly dashed after him, afraid he might escape her line of sight if she waited much longer.[break][break]

The blistering heat of the communal shower baptized her anew in water and steam, her pale skin reddening as she shrugged off her clothing for some meager reprieve from their unhappy state of being. Modesty had its place, but not in hell.[break][break]

She stole a glance at , finally able to see his face after so much darkness, and hesitantly offered him a smile.[break][break]

"We will get through this," she murmured to him, but there was a feverishness to the promise this time that hadn't been there before.[break][break]

It possessed something more dangerous than hope.[break][break]


Prismatic Penitentiary: Ugly Ward (TLDR)

- Doesn't care if she makes enemies in Ugly Ward, is willing to do Fezandipiti's dirty work if it means she lives another day.[break][break]
- Relieved that Dummy Ward got the vote, would have thrown hands if Ugly Ward penalized itself and put her and in danger.[break][break]
- Relieved her face is still her own, and not all screwed up by the TOXIC CHAIN.[break][break]
- Very alarmed by Velmos's brainwashed state, terrified as she's thrown at the WELLSPRING MASK but knows better than to fight it.[break][break]
- Sees a vision of herself and secluded from the world in a little Eden of their own - safe from harm and from harming others. In the vision, she is enough for him, and he is enough for her.[break][break]
- For the first time believes this lie that she can be enough, and that terrifies her into stumbling backwards into .[break][break]
- Still dazed, goes to communal showers and smiles at , happy to see his face again. Tells him they will get through this, but has a manic energy to the promise that seems a little Off.[break][break]
- Didn't want to stay in wet clothes, so make a note in your tracker, Guns.


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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 0:19:22 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Votes are tallied - and the ward is led onto the elevator, shepherded alongside another set of prisoners. Ettie's gaze drifts between those of Weak Ward - although, she then soon takes note of Okidogi.

A canine pokemon - although one with a Toxic Chain. Who is this one? She'd assume that it was here looking for a pack much like she thought Zacian and Zamazenta might be - but... She then supposes that the others must be its pack, right? The monkey pokemon, the bird pokemon, and these other strange chained guards. She isn't sure how much of a 'pack' it truly is with the chains in play, but...

Ettie's examining of Okidogi, however, seems to have drawn the canid's attention. For she yelps as it scruffs her by the chain, and tosses her to the ground below! Thankfully, the landing is softened by mochi and viscera - though she can't help but wrinkle her nose at the sickly-sweet smell in the air as she pushes herself back up to her feet.

Though, cleaning does indeed seem manageable - even if unpleasant. The dark leaves her somewhat unsettled, leaves her longing for sunlight, itching for the opportunity to run around - but she nonetheless moves. She picks up some mochi, what might've once been a disembodied limb, and moves to deposit it in the bowl before she goes for the next armful of filth.

But before long comes the sound of a beast. The sound of something charging into the room with them - and the scream of its first victim. Immediately, Ettie goes on guard - and her initial thought is to try and shuffle away from the sounds, to distance herself from whatever is lurking in the dark--

-- But then, she feels the tug of her chain, as she's tethered to the ground. She's a cornered animal. The sounds - of the beast, of the attacks, of the victims - gets closer by the second, and the closer it gets the more Ettie tenses like a spring.

A spring that suddenly releases, when she catches a glimpse of the beast attacking someone next to her - . She doesn't hesitate to leap upon Ogerpon with a howling snarl - her nails digging into wherever they can find purchase to claw at it! For the first few seconds, the element of surprise is on her side as the beast writhes and flails beneath her, and she growls like a wild animal all the whilst...

... But its strength is superior; as the initial surprise fades, she's thrown off with ease. And upon hitting the ground once more, she feels the bite of a vine lashing against her - drawing out a yelp and whine. She tries to move away, but is at the end of the chain - her only choice is to lay still and endure, perhaps play dead.

Thankfully, it seems that something else draws the Ogerpon's attention, causing the beast to move on. Slowly, cautiously, Ettie picks herself up - pressing a hand to the bleeding wound the vine's lash had left on her skin. She waits until the sounds are far enough away for her to feel safe doing so much as breathing - letting out a soft and drawn-out exhale and whine, before she resumes her work.

As she's gathering another armful of mochi and guts though, she glances to - and softly asks "I-is okay, friend...?"
- Ettie is in Dummy Ward
- As the wards are shepherded, Ettie takes note of Weak Ward and of Okidogi - wonders about the canine, and if the guards/other two Loyal Three are its pack.
- Okidogi yeets her off the platform alongside others - she lands in the mochi and viscera.
- Craves sunlight and the freedom to run - but nonetheless continues working best she can...
- ... Until she notices that they aren't alone in the Pit, and her chain is grounded.
- When is attacked by Ogerpon, Ettie reacts - having just enough chain length to go a little feral by pouncing on it and attempt to claw the shit out of it with her nails.
- Has the element of surprise at first - but when said surprise passes, she's immediately thrown off and lashed with a vine.
- When Ogerpon's attention is grabbed by something else, she slowly picks herself back up and checks in on Andrea, resuming her work.
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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
406 posts
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 1:00:21 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar


The redhead watches the voting process with a thoughtful expression. Occasionally, her eyes flickered up to the crystals above. Where are they watching us from? Knowing that might give her some clues on how to not be seen. A sigh of exaltation emerges as their fate is revealed. Sure, she had volunteered to take punishment, but she didn’t want it. And, until five minutes ago she didn’t think would either.

The penalty, however? That was worrying. These aliens seemed rather inconsistent in their ire. A few wrong words could earn you the same punishment as trying to take a rock.[break][break]

Allowing Leon to take the lead, Aubre climbed onto the platform. His expression warns her there’s a d-o-g coming, and she turns to pointedly stare away from the other warden. She pauses to ask the children if they're all right.


When she first encountered Weakling Ward, Aubre took a moment to reflect on what had just happened. Then, she stepped forward. She bowed to them and offered up a shy smile. It trembles in the face of Okidogi’s shadow—the flickering muzzle all the silhouette she needs. Only its bipedal state keeps it from being crippling. She directs her words to and . “Thank you.” The other ward’s actions meant they faced this next task in solidarity. Even if it had been the right thing to do, it was good to show gratitude.

Maybe it’d make them second-guess forsaking in the future.

A hand snakes into her husband’s as they descend into the bowel of their prison. She listens attentively to the noises around them. Aubre notices the strange design of the lamp. Then, she’s tossed to the ground like a forgotten bag of garbage. Curling inward, she does her best to cushion the fall. Fortunately, something gelatinous cushions her fall. It smells of peaches.


Averting her eyes from the outlines of gore, the doctor begins to clean the mess. Things are picked up and dropped in the bowl. On spotting , the ginger flushes. She offers her husband back his tp. A spike of hurt drives through her chest. What had they done to deserve Ugly Ward’s ire? Her lips are dry. The breathing of the beast draws closer as screams echo around her. “Don’t hurt it!” She even tries to shout out warnings and moves to protect a nearby prisoner. “It’s just as much a pawn as we are!” Suddenly, the cord around her neck pulls taut. As Aubre pulls against it, she’s jerked back.

A noise of pain bubbles out. She takes a deep breath as the Ogerpon turns to face her. Her voice drops low as she tries to calm it. “Hey—” The doctor tries to be encouraging. “Just take it easy. We can help you.” For an instant, there seems to be clarity. A shaking hand reaches out to touch the magenta chain. “Maybe we can loosen it a bit."

Then, it flinches away from her. The chain tightens around its face.

With a shriek, a vine wraps around the doctor’s wrist and jerks her forward. Aubre gasps as the chain tightens around her neck like a choke collar. For a moment, she hangs painfully in the air between them. A sturdy foot slams into her visor. A crack snakes across the glass as the thing lets her go. “!?” She rockets backward like a slingshot cradle before crashing into the ground with a wheeze.

Her neck is already turning purple.

The rest of her does the same as she smashes into a pile of mochi. “Nnngh.” As she tries to sit up, her eyes trail back to the Ogerpon. Her hands curl into fists. “I’ll—” Her voice is a rasp. “I’ll get you out of here."



Asks (, , @erishalla) if they're all right[break]
Gets as far away from the d-o-gi as possible[break]
Thanks the Weakling Ward for trusting them[break]
Listens and observes the area, noting the architecture[break]
Starts working but pauses when the screaming starts[break]
Coaxes Ogerpon forward to try and help its blindness, but ends up hurting it instead[break]
Gets turned into a vine-whip-chain yo-yo until finally being tossed aside[break]

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 2:38:55 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


He's insulted quite harshly by some. But stick and stones, all that jazz.

He pays it little mind, keeping his eyes on the crystals and counting the time until the images of the other wards are taken away.

"Hm. Hm." It doesn't feel great, but nothing good ever came from stewing in the desire to throttle something.

The wardens' time would come.

For now... Shit. They had screwed over the dummies. If they were lucky, those guys would never find out it was them.

He was never lucky though, so... he could only hope this wouldn't come back to bite them all in the ass later.

Not that their asses weren't well chewed already.

He marches up to after the man's gotten the crap beaten out him, squatting down in front of him and... other guy Uh. Spiney. Doug didn't really care about that one— or did he? The guy had stood his ground besides Navy in front of the guards— but he had also been spineless in front of the other inmates earlier.

Eh. The dichotomy of man, he supposes.

"Get up, you two." He says, reaching out to try and help Navy and Spiney back to their feet. "You'll get dragged along if ya linger."

There was something wrong with Navidson— but Doug didn't have the tools or means to treat any sicknesses in prison... yet. Hopefully, it wasn't anything serious right now.


They are flown into the 'chamber of desires'.

It is not a comfortable flight.

They're being lugged around by the neck into an opium chamber, and worse yet, he bangs his shin on a metal panel on the way there.

The hall seems to go on forever.

He closes his eyes and continues counting the time.

Eventually, they come to a stop in a circular chamber. There's a crystal mask at the center, lodged into a machine.

Their masks pop right as they land. For a brief moment, he considers putting it back on, but if the warden doesn't take issue with it, he's sure his inmates will.

He considers doing it anyway out of spite.

Oh hey, this does look like a brainwashing room. He notes dully as noted General Velmos marches up to them and begins to extol the virtues of opium at them.

He doesn't pay the guy any mind, looking around instead and finding the same guy who threatened him... wait, was he the same guy? The woman besides him certainly looked like the same one.

He looks like the King of Hammerlocke.

Whatever, who else was in this shit hole?

Some faces he knew, lots of faces he didn't.

. . . . People he had actually spoken with.

. . People whom he knew of by reputation.


Oh, shit... he really let himself go.

Shock and awe— spiney was former Infinity Energies CEO !

Unfortunately, that was were the good news ended.

There were a few rockets he knew about, and likely a litany more he didn't.

And of course, the most important person—

He squeezes 's hand, smiling her way despite their circumstance.

It's the most they're afforded in this hell hole— but he's glad to see her face again,

Speaking of faces, though. His turn to look into the mask arrives.

There's a trifecta of asshats awaiting to beat his ass into the mask if he resists, so he steels himself for what's to come instead and steps forth.

He steps away from the mask unsure of what he just saw. Was that his desire? Kind of mundane... if not entirely unpleasant.

The same couldn't be said about what came next.

They're shoved into communal showers.

He sheds his clothes without protests.

Almost scalding hot water poured periodically unto them.

Almost burning doesn't mean much to him anymore. His pain receptors barely worked after being overstimulated for so long.

No, the real problem was figuring a way to shield Yuina from this mess.

Unfortunately, there was nothing to figure out.

He could only hold her hand more firmly and try to stand between her and the rest of the inmates' line of sigh.

-counts time.
-sees dream.
-dice roll.
-salac x2
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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,511 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 2:40:50 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
[attr="class","space annal"]

idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword




her mask falls from her face. she takes her first real breath of dingy prison air. her first, burning impulse is to look at those around her, but it's difficult to tear her eyes away from the mask waiting for them in the middle of the chamber. colorful lights wink across its crystallized surface, inviting her closer — [break][break]a new megalopolan steps out of the shadows and the sound of his voice jars her out of it. she blinks at him, frowning at the grotesque TOXIC CHAIN covering most of his face. she's acutely aware that her own remains coiled around her throat, tying her to the men on either side of her.[break][break]one by one, people step forward to peer into the mask. she watches vigilantly as those ahead of her lean in to peer through its eyes. anxiety begins to prickle against her skin as each person pulls away eventually, either unchanged or euphoric. some try to resist looking, but none of the prisoners escape their reward. not even her. [break][break]
[break]rocket is crushed.[break][break]she recognizes them among the dead. , a dark-haired , with his neon visor cracked and darkened, , others. she normally shies away from brutality, but she can't seem to look away now. vindication fills the hollow spaces carved out by her suffering. she feels whole again for the first time since elisabeth lured her in. [break][break]how weak.[break][break]she steps over her body, drawn to movement somewhere beyond her. [break][break]there he is — the man who unmade her. [break][break]crawling backwards through the mud away from her, powerless to stop what has already been set in motion. her TOXIC CHAIN snakes out, tightening around his neck and bringing his retreat to a halt. [break][break]who are you?[break][break]she stands over him, feels his life force fading beneath the purple tether tying them together. [break][break]who were you?[break][break] he struggles for air, pawing at the chain around his neck. she crouches down and slips her fingers beneath his mask. he's as helpless as she had ever been against him. [break][break]she tugs his mask off. green eyes, sharp with fear, stare back at her.
[break]annalise pulls her face away from the wellspring mask, heart beating against her ribs. as she steps out of the way, she turns her head and catches 's eye. a smile spreads across her face at the sight of him — and then she bursts into laughter. [break][break]she's no longer laughing by the time they're herded toward the shower, but the ghost of a smile lingers at the corners of her mouth. she hesitates as others begin to shrug off their uniforms, but the thought of working in wet clothes compels her to shed hers too. [break][break]she stands self-consciously underneath the water, rubbing the grime off of her hands. once they're clean, she shuts her eyes and runs them over her face, through her hair, and lets the scalding water wash everything away.

[break]ugly ward
[attr="class","oocnotestwo"] desire: rocket falling apart, her shit list dying, unmasking [break] laughs at because she knows he's gonna die [break] showers naked pog[break] delulu is the solulu [break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,931 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 3:10:38 GMT
Navy Avatar







Arceus is in His heaven. All is right on Earth. A cold south wind rushes through the rider’s long hair. The call was given, and he answers. Motostoke is under attack. A long purple chain flows behind his Valkyrie as she rides into inevitable struggle.[break][break]
Towering above them is another goliath, a new colossus to slay. Since returning to this peaceful land by the grace of tera and chain, he has seen less and less and less of the giants. His long, tubular gun has started to rust. It only has a few shots left, but it will get him through this fight. The rider raises it high, every attack vector considered, vicious calculus running through his mind.[break][break]
The beast is chained, its giant wings useless. It will only ever dream of the sky again. It is unworthy of flight.[break][break]
Far above, as the giant struggles against its chains with wildfire and claw, he hears the cry of a bird. A howl sounds from the mist. Heroes, true heroes, come to finish the day’s work.[break][break]
Fezandipiti looks beautiful, as he always does. The god-king of Motostoke swoops down, on his back, and cuts open the giant’s throat with razor sharp claws. It falls towards the gate, only to stop in its tracks. A curious monkey stops its fall by force, aided by the rider’s own son, sending it away from those he would protect. Its deathblow comes at the hands of the hero they all fought to save. The green hero-dog crushes its head to a pulp.
…and he is no longer himself. He is brought back to this waste land of reality. His body aches. Words were spoken to him in a haze, most of them words of contempt. The elite’s throat is dry. Everything aches.[break][break]
No,” he mumbles, trying to grab the mask as it is passed to , “give it back. Give it…” He is too sick to fight, and the guards give him another blow. He’s been hit enough to know a lazy hit when it’s thrown at him. They eye him the same way his father looked at a fresh caught Magikarp flopping on the deck.[break][break]
Come on,” he begs again, “let me have it.”[break][break]
Whatever happens next to him is a haze of heat and water. It does not mix well with the pain. His bared body leans against , stripped even of dignity. Above them looms their warden, his chain far more inviting than before.[break][break]
Fezandipiti is in His heaven. As is as it should be on earth.[break][break]


notes about this post

Post starts in media res with Navy's vision. He is back in Galar. Both his Spectrier and himself are bound by the toxic chain. With the help of TRUE HEROES, aka the loyal three, he defeats a dynamaxed Pokemon attacking Motostoke. Afterwards he's back in the chamber of desires, cowed by the beating and the vision. Begs to see it again as it's passed to . Brought along to the showers, stripped of his clothes, leaning like a dead fish against oblivious to the world around him.

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,710 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 5:16:02 GMT
[attr="class","uglytheo prisonertheo"]

i'm standing on the ashes of who i used to be



at first, he sees nothing in the WELLSPRING MASK. he blinks, waiting for his deepest desires to bubble to the surface, but when nothing comes, he's both relieved and disappointed.[break][break]

but, when he turns to look around the room, he notices a discrepancy in the air around them, the rippling of space noticeable. it's only when his gaze lands on does he finally see it—CHAINS around her neck, not the TOXIC CHAIN, but chains he has come to be familiar with after his long tenure in the organization. CHAINS wrap around her neck and wrists, linking her to something in the shadows. as he follows the links around the room, he seems the same around , , , and , he realizes the connection.[break][break]

they are all AVATARS.[break][break]

the links all connect back to him, their ANCHOR, for his desires are simple. they always have been. he seeks to CONTROL so that they may all prosper.[break][break]

embrace the truth, theo.[break][break]

but, as he looks back at the WELLSPRING MASK, he sees his reflection, and around his neck are the same CHAINS, except his bind him not to one single person, but to TEAM ROCKET.[break][break]

he's pulled away by the sound of 's laughter.

no sound nor words escape him as he enters the shower. he strips, wincing at the heat of the water as he cleans the grime off, watching it drag down his body to coalesce on the ground beneath them. his eyes flutter shut, relishing what they are allowed, and when they finally open, he steps out of the showers wearing his desires.[break][break]

you will control them.[break][break]


ugly ward[break]
. theo is a good prisoner[break]
. theo desires to control avatars[break]
. theo showers naked, unashamed[break]
. theo is still bricked up by fezandipiti[break]
. theo stays close to his pookie annalise


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 9:46:07 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][newclass=".emapokemonteam"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
For Cass, there could be worse and better punishments. Clean-up duty and trash inevitably reminds her of her beloved Trubbish again, whose fate is uncertain, but apart from that, she doesn't really have any hesitations about picking up what's on the ground ... ... she better not think too much on it.

The words don't fully register, but unlike some around her, she isn't super surprised that there's been a choice asking one ward to pick one over the other - she barely holds back a snort (muffled by the mask anyway) that this is actually something that makes sense in these messed up mind games. And it quickly also becomes that clean-up isn't even actually the punishment.

The restricted movement is dumb when it comes to efficient clean-up, but as it turns out, this truly isn't the goal here. A creature's set loose, indiscriminately attacking with those chained to the floor having lesser chances of escaping. Cass isn't rooted to the floor because of the Toxic Chains, however - she's just staring at the fleeting shadows with confused recognition, only intensified by 's words - and now she also recognises the other inmate as the one who's done the simulation with her before.

So it is this sweet child or pokémon from the festival- and her heart aches as she sees it reduced to feral agression, sending Andrea flying. Her stomach then joins in the whirlwind, but she still couldn't move despite 's warnings. Her voice calling for pierces her ears, seeing as the creature tackles him, but she manages to dive in just in the nick of time.

But this means, indeed, that the creature is nearby, attacking mindlessly. "Hey..." she whispers, "What happened-" The creature appears beside her in a flash, and she couldn't- there's no room to move, for one, and she ... "Why-"

The air is knocked out of her lungs as it tackles her, pain flooding her system in an instant. It spreads, blocking out other sensory information, fills her with dread as she struggles to keep her mind afloat in an opening-up darkness.

What happens now?

She knows she can't give up, but it's tempting.

tl;dr dummy ward
- briefly goes to work on the clean-up
- is quickly distracted by ogerpon (recognises andrea and the ogerpon), confused why it is here and like this
- gets hit by it regardless of roll, suffering

- SINCE SHE SUCCEEDED, i'm up for her covering someone who failed! just @ me in the server :3

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August 17th
Alto Mare
Time is money. You are a waste of both.
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TAG WITH @leonsettentrione
Leon Settentrioné
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 10:37:19 GMT
Leon Settentrioné Avatar

The rest of the nonsense passed without his notice. He rather doubted any of the assemblage would take his advice, it was the 'dummy' ward afterall, and moreover he simply did not care beyond persistent curiosity. While it was intriguing to see the results, and the reasons therefore, something told him it mattered little. The imbeciles holding them captive did not seem the type to particularly care about the mores of democracy, let alone the will of their slaves.

When the ape halts its movement, the chain on its head rising as it performed a spectacular imitation of constipation, the frown returned. He saw no sign of anything altering within the room, and all within had cast their 'vote', so he could only presume that it was communicating with the others of its ilk. The fact that this seemingly required so much of its tiny little mind dropped its estimation in his mind precipitously. Whereas before he had seen it as a threat, potentially a grave one, now he realized it to be only a nuisance. It, like everything else in this accursed squalor, was quite simply a waste of his time, and he was absolutely furious that he was being forced to suffer through it.'

As they are corralled onto the platform like livestock, it takes every bit of his willpower to not reach out and strangle the nearest guard. At this moment there was very little he wanted more than to watch their blue faces turn purple, bloodshot eyes bulge in their sockets as they desperately croaked out their last gasp before he crushed their windpipe and moved on to the next. Yet, alas, the time was not right, and acting now would only result in little gain for the effort expended. Satisfying, but ultimately pointless. Instead he kept Aubre close to him, one hand around her waist to ensure none dared come near. When the lift rose and the shadow of the canid fell across them he once more turned her into him, sparing her the sight.

His grip tightens as the rest are ushered on, one hand entwining with hers and squeezing with a gentle pressure. He wanted her to know that, no matter what the cost, he would see her out of this. His life and those of everyone else in this pit were a small price to pay for her safety. The guards shove them out and his hair stands on end, hackles raised, every muscle in his body taut with barely restrained rage. Were it not for Aubre he likely would have lashed out then and there, results be damned, but for now he knew he could not. As much as it rankled, as much as he despised it, he had to play along for the moment.

Instinctively he moves to counter the brute that reaches for them, but he's unable to do so while continuing to shield his wife and so they are both thrown bodily from the platform, Leon pulling her closer into him and rotating so that he hits the ground first. Though it is not cold steel that greets them at the bottom, he is nonetheless knocked momentarily breathless from the impact, and it is a moment before he can right himself. The instructions are given, and once more the rage roars through him. It was all just so stupid. So insultingly ignorant that every command made him want to scream in indignant fury. But, again, he calms himself, and though he does not kneel he joins the rest in the menial labor.

A short time later his ears prick, the screech of metal scraping on metal ripping through his eardrums. It is all too apparent that a door has opened, and the thundering footfalls immediately following clearly indicate that it is not for them to exit. The screams that follow bother him not at all, merely serving as a beacon to draw his attention. At first he is unable to make out what has been released on them, but then, as it races back and forth, he manages to catch a few glimpses. What it is he can't quite identify, but he is nonetheless insulted further. Did they learn all their information on torture from bottom shelf horror movies?

Ignoring the cliche rampaging around the room, his eyes first turn to Aubre, then to the direction of the open door. Gears began to turn but before they could snap into place the chain on their necks did so instead, jerking his head back as it connected into the floor at their feet. "STUPIDI BASTARDI DEL CAZZO!!" This time he was unable to maintain his composure, the anger bursting out in a jet of insults as flaming eyes turned upwards towards the distant light. He was going to kill them. All of them.

Before he could do anything rash, however, his wife chose to do so instead. He heard her yell out and somehow, much to his distaste, he knew exactly what was coming. His eyes immediately jerked down to where she was attempting to placate the thing, because even here she couldn't resist the urge to fix the world. "Aubre... Do not..." But it was too late. The beast was startled and lashed out, and it was all he could do to interpose himself between them, the thorny vine digging bloody runnels in his arm as it wrapped around. With his free hand he grabbed Aubre and pulled her close, knowing that the tether made it almost impossible to remove her entirely from harms way. Just as he pulled her against his chest he felt its limbs slam in his back, the crack of bones audible as they were sent sprawling. Unfortunately he'd been unable to shield her fully, and as a rivulet of blood ran across his eyes he turned to see his wife gasping for air. A hot pain rips through his chest when he forces himself up, and he spits out the blood in his mouth as he once more moves, pinning Aubre to the floor until the beast has tired. "Silenzio." It was not going to be quick and painless, he'd decided.
⚰︎ divider made by milky!

*Dummy Ward
*Leon is not a happy boy
*Really wants to do a murder
*Is currently down at least two ribs.

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 14:23:26 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]As everyone declared their votes, Aurelie's lips twisted in annoyance. While she could sympathize with the desire to abstain, she sensed those who voted Ugly were the type who were used to being in power and believed they were smarter than everyone else in the room. She didn't recognize those voters, and she imagined she certainly wouldn't after their misplaced nobility eventually led to them smashing their own bodies into a bloody, flayed, shattered mess under Fezandipiti's beguilement.

For now, though, only the feverish Ugly voter and his luckless cellmate were beaten. Wincing with each meaty blow, Aurelie instinctively reached out toward , whose voice she did recognize, but she was too far away in line to offer comfort or a bandage for his bleeding.

Already sickened by the heat, Toxic Chain, and brutality, she felt an overwhelming wave of nausea when Fezandipiti whisked them airborne. To her shame, the redhead retched up water and bits of mochi as they flew through the seemingly never-ending hallway, turning her head so it landed harmlessly below. After their masks fell off, she gratefully gulped huge breaths of cool air to settle her stomach.

Though, with her eyepatch taken away, like all their belongings, Aurelie hurriedly clapped one hand over her right eye to hide the scars that had undoubtedly earned her her place here.

Then she looked rapidly from face to revealed face, many of which were vaguely familiar—including the haggard yet elegant features of her own cellmate , oddly. Though not as familiar as the Megalopolan general who spoke to them. Velmos? Aurelie thought incredulously. Why is he here? Distantly, she remembered a blond woman ( in disguise) mentioning his name to their captors in Route 119 and their snarled response that Velmos was a traitor and hated turncoat.

The redhead was so startled that she didn't resist or even respond at first when offered a glimpse into the crystalline mask. She caught her breath as an unexpected vision unfolded through its eyeholes.

At first, all you see is a mirror fogged over as if with steam or humidity. Slowly, some of the fog clears to reveal your own reflection. Except that this face features two bright, sparkling eyes, intact and perfect, untouched by fire, metal, or the ravages of sorrow and loss.

You turn around and recognize your summer cottage in Kalos. You bought it after the Iron Lady Forge in Hoenn flourished so much that you could easily afford two luxurious homes, one in each region. takes your hand, nervous but happy, as you introduce him to your beaming parents. Behind them, your little brother and watch TV together as a special bulletin of 's assassination flashes across the screen.

Your family adores Jack, as well they should, and you laugh, talk, drink wine, and eat delicious food long into the evening together. Around the room, your handiwork and your family's are on glorious display, showing a level of artistry that no other craftsmen in the world can match.

There's no stain of faction warfare, betrayal, estrangement, or homesickness on this gathering. Here, you have everything you long for. Family, love, success, art, peace, and a mind and body made whole. Have all your dreams come true? And if so, can you stay here forever?

Drawing away reluctantly from the mask, Aurelie let out a shuddering laugh, her cheeks and eyepatch damp with tears. That's all I want from life, is it? she thought. Not conquest, not power, not even a harem of gorgeous men and women... Just mundane contentment. Just normality.

In the communal shower, she enthusiastically stripped off her sweaty uniform to stand happily naked under the near-scalding water. Accustomed to heat and flames, Aurelie didn't flinch as it poured down her body and cleansed off the grime. She studied her fellow prisoners anew, marveling at their physical beauty and fitness and amused that they had all been sorted into the Ugly ward.

I wonder what makes us all so ugly, in the Megalopolans' eyes, she thought. And...I wonder what everyone else saw in the mask. It couldn't be the same things I saw. And I wonder if it was really a reward...or just another enticement... Her eye lingered on the Toxic Chains that still entwined them all, pulsing a malignant, noxious purple.



- Ugly Ward
- Sickened enough to throw up a little during the flight into the chamber
- Recognizes some of her fellow prisoners, along with Velmos, whom she's shocked to see after she thought the other Megalopolans despise him
- Looks into the Wellspring Mask and sees a happy-families vision
- Removes the prison uniform to shower
- Used 1 salac

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 16:14:39 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

So, democracy prevailed. Expectedly, but also unexpectedly. She had fully expected their wardens to announce that the other ward betrayed them. Yet, the opposite was true. Of course, she had no way of knowing whether or not that was actually true. A double subversion was certainly possible also. But…she figured that it was actually somewhat unlikely. If you cheated in an election, you did so to get the best result for yourself. This seemed like the best result for them.
Well, for weakling ward at least. Apparently, the third wheel had decided to make things worse for their competitor. But that had been a toss-up anyway. Violet barely knew two people in her own ward, none in the others. They were all anonymous faces in the crowd, as far as she was concerned.[break][break]
Honestly, most people were. Even outside of this place. Sure, she took effort to memorize the people she met and such. But at the end of the day? Most of them were, to her, little more than, as the kids would call them, NPCs. It did not make too much difference if one was a mask-wearing warden or prisoner – or some random dude on the street she briefly made eye-contact with.
Vio sighed to herself. This was the lift she had chosen for herself, after all. She couldn’t complain. Plus, this was very much helping in this particular context. When they were moved once more, she could put aside the close quarters, the darkness, the encroaching smell and instead close her eyes, counting. Granted, she had no idea how fast they were moving. But it felt a bit like an elevator. She tried to gauge it by similar-feeling elevators she had ridden, trying to see how far they were moving. After all, the question of ‘where’ in the most literal sense was still unresolved. [break][break]
Memories of a place deep beneath the sea resurfaced for that reason. This place felt…similar. Not the same. But still otherworldly all the same.
However, further thought on the matter had to wait for they arrived for what she had to compare to ‘chasm duty’ from a book she had read once. A frame of reference established, she simply got to work. More memories of a life she had left behind returned. Ones she had not wished to go back to, but now was glad she had. A true, pampered rich person like she often pretended to be would have swooned at all this. But she’d shovelled enough Pokemon excrement as a child to not be too fazed by this. Plus, her recent training was helping with the whole dead people thing.
Unlike others, she did not even think about utilizing these corpses for anything. Not in the dark. Not under surveillance. The enemy had already shown an uncanny ability to find things pocketed before. Violet was unencumbered by such ideas for the time being – which allowed her to notice when something was released into their midst. It came at her. A gasp near her revealed that someone nearby noticed it as well. Yet, while she managed to dive to the side and evade it, the other person seemingly did not even try. Or could not.
Another thing to file for later. Vio still deferred everything for later. Be professional, be observant, survive. Be it someone training to become a ranger, a con woman or a spy, those sorts of tenants remained still. She held onto them tightly. Because she had to.
It was the only way to make it, she presumed. Voices from above cemented this. They spoke of choice where there had not truly been one. The manipulation had to be obvious to everyone. And yet, she could tell that it would work, over time. Even the most obvious manipulation could easily succeed in absolute isolation and with repetition.
Hence, she tried to clean faster, uncaring of what she touched or not. Because they did not have a lot of time. Not today, not at all. At least that was what she could gleam so far.

+ Lots of introspection and observation, does chasm duty while dodging the green furball S2ZTQkmV



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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
part of
TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 17:09:03 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar

There was no stopping it, the true nature of their 'ward' was coming out in spades, the self preservation at its peak. Yuina could only listen, how quick so many others were to pass judgement, even other voices that she caught and began to recognize. Was that ? Was that ? Did it make her as ugly as the ward said they were to feel like she thought better of them? Maybe she herself truly was no different...[break][break]
The votes carried, there was an overwhelming majority, Yuina knew that the handful of them who tried to spare some sense of humanity and mercy now meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. Their choices meant nothing, their voices meant nothing, her threat meant nothing... She was nothing... Yuina could only hope that the other wards wouldn't suffer too terribly for how little her voice mattered. It was clear she wouldn't make a difference here.[break][break]
and his cellmate were unceremoniously beaten, his voice was the loudest, but only just. The wardens and the megalopolans were only trying to prove that sacrifice meant nothing here... And for all of the collective that chose to belay their inevitable punishment, they were proven right. For now... There was zero chance that their lot would come out of this unscathed by comparison. It was only a matter of time, and they still had no idea how long they were going to be held here.[break][break]
Exerting and overstating the control that it had over their circumstances, the bird took charge and took them all by the neck up to their 'reward'. It was stifling, being strung along by the noose that held fast around her throat, but it made no difference at the moment. Yuina was gradually being sucked back into broken silence, her only saving grace still was holding fast to 's hand... If she had to let go, she wasn't sure what she would do...[break][break]

The journey went by in both a flash and an eternity, there was no structural reasoning as to what this place truly was now, impossible to discern where they were, how far they had traveled, if they had even traveled at all... They were thrust in through the final set of doors, stumbling and struggling, now standing within the "Chamber of Desires".[break]
If nothing else, the Megalopolans and the warden remained true to their word, as part of their 'reward' they were relieved of their masks. It was almost daunting, how easily they fell from their faces, attached still by the chain around their necks... A constant reminder of their more permanent circumstances.[break][break]
It was an impossible, insatiable curiosity, Yuina couldn't abstain from glancing around now at the revealed faces of those they were trapped with. So it was , and ... And she recalled . was a kind face that she remembered as well, but there were no others that she recognized... At least in the context of allies or friends. No , no , no ... no , or ... must be elsewhere, for the megalopolans to have stolen the gigaton ball...[break][break]
Instead though, there were other faces that she recognized... , she had only encountered the terrorist once but they'd spent who knows how long trapped in the reverse world together... , the man who tried to burn her alive, who tried to drown her in the ocean...[break]
She only blinked away from the distressing realizations of who was there amongst them when Doug squeezed her hand, her shuttering breaths catching. She had no words to share... What was there to say in this moment? It was both a blessing and a curse that he was there, that they were both there... At least she had the chance to find the smallest bit of warmth in his eyes before they might never have this chance again...[break][break]
The Megalopolan regarded them all, encumbered too by a toxic chain, and the magenta gleam in his eyes was very telling of just how much influence the chain was giving... Were they going to be reduced to the same control? The same covetous belief? Surely the mask, the toxic chain, none of it was true or real... It couldn't be...[break][break]

Thrust into the visions and influence of the mask, Yuina was immediately encompassed by an impossibly overwhelming swell of emotions as she found herself standing amongst a family setting, a domestic life... She felt safe, she felt stable, she felt like she belonged, she felt whole... That chasmic depth that forever held its place inside of her, constantly reminding her of how empty the life of a shadow was, how little she filled out the shell that she was forced to carry and present to those around her... It was like it had been filled entirely, or like it was never there at all... Like she was never lost, never torn into two halves... She was one, single whole person. And she was herself and no one else.[break][break]
The constant fear and pressure of being watched, knowing that threats were out there vying for her... Wait, why had she felt like that? There was nothing that she needed to be afraid of? There were no dangers, no looming threats, she didn't even feel like she was exhausted from lack of sleep or intensive training... Training for what? It's not like she was a part of some organization meant to serve and protect... Protect from what? Nothing was wrong here, and she certainly had no other responsibilities outside of herself and...[break][break]
Her family...[break][break]
Flashes of the toxic chain adorning those around her, a middle aged woman, a middle aged man, three teens or maybe older that all bore a resemblance to her... This... This was her family, these were the people she was meant to care about, the people that she needed and wanted in her life. But... There was something... someone missing? No, that couldn't be right, everything was exactly as it always should be, she could never want for anything here, it was so perfect...

The mask was drawn away, and every millimeter of distance that Yuina felt as she was pulled away from that place tore that chasm open again, deeper, wider, more darkness, more shadows... She was being torn apart all over again, that emptiness bearing down on her, the pain of having that overwhelming vision unabashedly ripped away from her was suffocating, she couldn't scream to protest even if she wanted to.[break][break]
Empty... It was the only feeling that Yuina held in her distant, far away gaze. In spite of it all, she still clutched Doug's hand, almost like a vice, he was the only tangible thing that her broken thoughts could cling to.[break]
The next promised part of their 'reward' did in fact come in the form of one single room for all of them, and the very notion was enough to bring tears to Yuina's otherwise empty and glazed eyes. How debased they were, how degraded... But there was no promise of the opportunity again...[break][break]
She stood as close to Doug as she could manage, one hand clutching his and her other arm held fast across herself. The burn of the water was the only thing that registered any more, melding with the burning tears that marred her eyes. Despite the searing water, she shook and trembled, much like going through a symptom of withdrawals. Her body ached, her shadows seethed at her, feeling that abyss growing darker, larger, deeper still...[break][break]
If she could have helped it, she wanted to be angry, she wanted to be furious at the mask for forcing her to feel what she had been so desperate for all this time... But she couldn't be angry... Not when she was pining for those feelings now in earnest...




- Voting did not go great... Rip Dummy Ward, Yuina realizes that mercy and humanity mean less and less with every passing second[break]
- Forced to go to the chamber of desires, glances at the couple of faces she recognizes both good and bad[break]
- The Mask shows Yuina that she and her past life want the same feelings, but her past life wins out on how those feelings can be obtained. Alexandria's desires are stronger, she wants her family and the life she should have had all along, it's a life that all of Yuina is lost to[break]
- The Mask is taken away, and it HURTS. So does the almost scalding water from communal shower time[break]



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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,086 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 2:22:36 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]Despite her protests, the rest of the prisoners accept their dilemma, no matter how false. [break][break]

Scornfully, she gazes on , , and all those who cast their judgement, seeing themselves fit as Arceus to deliver unto others their fate. A huff of indignation and nothing more, she silently broods on a realization she made long ago-- one she'd come across and discarded, but nevertheless, one that affirmed itself every single time she came across it.[break][break]

People would condemn others for their own benefit. Not out of hatred, not out of spite, but simply because they did not care about others nearly as much as themselves. [break][break]

That was people's greatest flaw, and the difference between them, and pokemon. [break][break]

She's granted admission to the Chamber of Desires with the others, and with it, she hesitates. For all she's aware, nothing in this cold, dead heart wants for anything. However...[break][break]

"Navy, calm down. Please."[break][break]

She wants to assure him it's alright, but not here. This is no place for comfort. She bears his desperate pleas as best she can, swallowing her trepidation and placing the mask to her face...[break][break]

The eyes of a stranger reveal an impossible world. [break][break]

A woman sits behind a desk, writing a messy scrawl in the margins of a ledger. She's been working since late last night, countless mugs of coffee piled up on the table next to her. At her feet is a massive black serpent, coiled around her ankles. Beady eyes stare silently at its surroundings, its only movement the occasional flick of its tongue as it searches for the scent of danger.[break][break]

Beside the woman, a man reclines in a chair. Arms behind his head and feet on his desk, a magazine is propped over his face. It doesn't disguise the fact he's asleep, given his snoring and the occasional murmurs from his dreams. [break][break]

A giant bear enters the room and sets down a plate of scrambled eggs, ham, and hash browns, but the noise doesn't awaken the sleeping man. Next, the bear places another plate next to the woman.[break][break]

"Thanks, Shuwen. Don't wake Navy. Let 'im sleep. Worked a case all night last night, and the night before."[break][break]

She smiles, and slides her ledger across the desk, reaching for the plate of breakfast. Her snake shifts and raises her head, and the woman shovels the ham into its open mouth. [break][break]

"Here, girl. What you've been waitin' for."[break][break]

The snake doesn't argue, but she can tell by her muted reaction she'd rather have swallowed the lechonk whole and felt it squirm in her belly than to eat prepared food. She gently strokes the snake's head, looking over her notes while she eats. Finally, she finishes and sets her plate aside. Shuwen takes it back to the kitchen, while the woman moves to the sofa and drapes herself across it. Her snake follows close by, keeping her eternal vigil.[break][break]

"Think we got a lead. All thanks to Navy's quick thinkin'... or, well... quick punchin'. I'll fill him in once he wakes."[break][break]

She drifts off to sleep, running her fingers across her serpent's scales. [break][break]

The scene is oddly nostalgic, a repetitive rhythm that ebbs and flows. The two wake in the afternoons, stay out til the wee hours of the morning, following their noses as they duck between alleys, creep through the dark, empty shells like monoliths in Slateport's worst neighborhoods, searching for clues, interviewing suspects at the business end of a pokemon. [break][break]

This could go on forever. Perhaps it has. [break][break]

Perhaps it's fated to happen over and over, some recurrence removed from time and space. A little self-contained world, bound to break apart but fall together again, forever. A place at the end of the universe, the place everything leads back to, eternal loop that goes on and on. [break][break]

Some may call it stagnant, or a punishment, or hell itself. [break][break]

She might call it home-- this impossible life that couldn't exist in any other timeline. She'd be content here, a place where nothing important happens, no greater destiny calls on anyone, no hero rising to the occasion. A humble life. [break][break]

A place at eternity's end. [break][break]

Could she bear it? To live this again and again? [break][break]

Yes. That and more. Two weeks, that's all. But it felt like countless lifetimes, freedom at her fingertips, a shadow that stretches to the end of time... if there was a chance she may live those two weeks of peace once more, she would bear a lifetime of suffering just to reach it all over again. [break][break]

Breathless sigh, and her head is left spinning. She'd expected to see nothing at all, but this pain in her chest between where her lungs burn when she's running, a place where her heart should be... what was this feeling...?[break][break]

The others put the mask on one by one, and then they're shepherded along. Stripped of everything, including their clothes.[break][break]

She notes the familiar faces. , , , and . Others she's never seen before, too. But none of that matters. Whether she knows them or not, she doesn't care. [break][break]

It feels liberating being freed after spending so long chained down. [break][break]

And no matter what they do, Tsubaki maintains her dignity. They cannot strip her of that. [break][break]

She's faced a prison's communal showers before. Embarrassment is the goal, the debasement of one's sense of self. Knowing that goal, she does not show even a shred of it. The only thing she wears is a scowl, toward the megalopolans, toward the bird, toward the other prisoners, toward the very notion she must be embarrassed. [break][break]

She does not cover herself, does not even make an attempt. [break][break]

This was how she came into this world. There is nothing to hide.[break][break]


+ [break]
+ Ugly Ward[break]
+ tl;dr - baki's mad at people for putting their own interests first; sees a vision of a place she wants to exist for eternity; is not scared of the communal showers, doesn't even cover herself


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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,086 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 4:13:45 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
's plea was a distant sound, a chime from another time.

There was no need for reason and logic within the confines of grief. It was the emotion that overwhelmed everything, leading to a breakdown of the human heart. There was no need for love or connections when indulging in such a dark sea of feverous sentiment. As millennia continued on, there was simply no need for humanity. Mountains crumbled, civilizations ended, and gods rose and fell, yet grief continued on.

What was grief, if not love endearing? He looked up at Desiree as the elevator whirred to life, a one way ticket to the bowels of torment.

"No." His voice was a whisper. "I will not."

If her only defense of nameless lives was a minute plea, then they deserved to die. A whisper was forgotten, but a shout was remembered. If Doug had to die, then it was only fair that others suffer as well.

Craven. Cowardly. He was fine with those descriptions. Corpses had been called worse, and they raised no objections.

There was no need to care for the lives of the fallen, because time marched on. What were a hundred deaths? Trillions of humans had lived and died over epochs and eons. A hundred was inconsequential. History did not blink when it was writ in blood. Howard applied that to this bloodstained smear of a region that he lived in.

To expect a purveyor of eons to be merciful was foolish.

If the increase of suffering as human life increased was a fundamental law of conflict, then war was nothing more than the inescapable destiny of mankind as a species. Why then did they bother to resist it? If time was a samsara cycle, then what was the point in escaping this flat circle?

Doug would die again and again. They'd be imprisoned again and again.

Bud. Blossom. Wilt.

If mankind wished to welcome in the new, then first they would first have to embrace the end. Their end, here in this prison. It did not matter if everyone here died, humanity would survive. A victory stained in blood was the only victory capable of being earned.

His eye fell upon . He could kill her here. Get it over with. Avenge . It'd be the right thing to do. Yet that was impossible. To kill would be to expect punishment, and Howard could not stomach more brutality. He was too weak for it.

"Get up." He kicked the councilwoman in the side. "If you're my better, than get up. I'm not dying alone. Get up. GET UP!"

He dragged her to the elevator as it began to descend into darkness. When his eye adjusted, he was in a boiler room from hell. It reminded Howard of his first summer job, if not for the screaming ogre.

"What the...!" Howard felt his Toxic Chain anchor into place. This punishment was ridiculous and obscene. If anything, it reminded Howard of his delightful adventures with 's Wo-Chien. There had been a lot of screaming, several gold coins, and a container of bleach. No bleach here. Instead....

"Hup!" He threw a piece of mochi at the snarling ogre.

@weak AND DUMB
telling Desiree to eat dirt
Doomer era
Dragging Penny to the elevator
Throwing a piece of mochi at Ogerpon

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,691 posts
part of
TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 4:14:17 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









Despite yanking on his chains at the sound of calling out to him, Remiel manages to choke out a response. "Wait— no! You're not supposed to be here!" He cries out, forced to knees as the TOXIC CHAIN around his neck smothers him. How had this happened? And how were they going to get out of here? He had no choice now...[break][break]

He was determined to find a way.[break][break]


He takes in every detail of his cousin's status as they descend upon the platform. Knowing she's okay for now, the chained royal spares a moment to glance at the others and try to discern their identities.[break][break]

A messy head of familiar white hair leads him to believe might be among those in the DUMMY WARD but he can't be certain. He doubts yelling out to her would be fruitful either. At any rate, his staring at her and a blonde who could be might catch their attention.[break][break]

However, when they reach their intended floor and are presented with a dark hole in the ground, the chained royal snaps to attention and resists OKIDOGI's initial grab. "What is this!? We were told— URHK!" A swift punch to the stomach nearly causes Remiel to regurgitate his mochi before he's cast inside the pit with the others.[break][break]


Something horrifyingly wet and squishy breaks his fall. Remiel tastes it in his mouth and gags before spitting it out; rotten. Only as he slowly begins to regain composure does he begin to fully register the haunting sounds echoing in the dark.[break][break]

The job he'd been cast in here to perform is secondary to his primary motivation: finding and protecting her. However, when he hears someone's scream almost immediately followed up with a beating, Remiel keeps himself from shouting out to her. Drawing attention to themselves was the last thing they wanted.[break][break]

Instead, he blindly fumbles around through the dark in search of the very specific kimono she'd been wearing. It's hard to ignore the stench filling the air and, consequently, his mask. A few times he nearly feels like he's about to pass out, blindly bumping shoulders with the likes of and without realizing it.[break][break]

Then, in the soft glow of the MOCHI BOWL lamp, he sees narrowly evade the creature's (OGERPON) vines. With a burst of newfound speed, he does his best to quietly trudge through the muck to reach her and her companion before leaning on the bowl for support. Though he doesn't know said companion is yet.[break][break]

"I'm so glad you're okay," He whispers, pulling her in for a hug. Pulling back, he regards with a nod and raises a finger against the snout on his mask. "I got a good look at the creature just earlier. It can't appear to see, so we should stay quiet while we work." He suggests.[break][break]

Guilt compels him to glance into the dark for a moment, hoping and are free of the ogre's wrath. But, eventually, he shakes his head and whispers again before scooping up a handful of rotten mochi. "The sooner we finish, the sooner we're all out of here. And if it tries to strike us, we can try restraining it with our chains... together, alright?"[break][break]

The viscous contents in his bowled hands make a sickening squelch when they're dropped into the MOCHI BOWL for processing.[break][break]

NOTES ♔[break][break]



[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY ⛓️


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP