i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 0:25:00 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Focused on the task of walloping the innumerable Nihilegos swarming around—with some distant part of her mind marveling at the fact that she was fighting Ultra Beasts hand-to-hand—Aurelie grunted in pain when a chest-high Stealth Rock slammed into her. The loud pop and acute burst of pain from her right shoulder told her she'd dislocated it. Again.

This always happens when I'm beating someone up, she thought with a humorless mental chuckle. Maybe I should stop being so violent? Mmm. Nah! I just need stronger shoulders.

She fought on, gritting her teeth tightly against the familiar pain knifing through her shoulder. What she couldn't ignore, though, was the sudden, overwhelming surge of sheer TERROR released by 's Toxic Chain power. Aurelie's mouth went dry, her breaths grew rapid and shallow, her pulse pounded in her ears, and all she could think of was how much she wanted to run away.

So, she did.

Bashing a final Nihilego in its translucent dome, the redhead fled past the other prisoners, the charging Ogerpon, the flames from its mask and someone else's chain, and the floating Stealth Rocks. She didn't even feel the cuts and bruises she earned in her headlong flight, her mind consumed by overpowering panic. It was almost a relief when the floor crumbled, carrying her away from the Terror's source.

Almost, until a huge piece of falling debris crashed into her leg, which bent with a sharp snap in a way no leg should normally bend. Aurelie landed groaning in the breeding pit below, the fog of fright melting in the agony of her broken ankle. She struggled to stand, lost her balance, bit off a scream, and then dragged herself upright using the selfsame piece of debris like a temporary crutch.

As the Toxic Chain slithered off her neck, the redhead gratefully reclaimed her reawakened Pokemon, thankful that they seemed well and unchanged. Out of the corner of her eye, she spied the distinctive Bloodmoon Ursaluna of emerging from another tube. Despite her exhaustion and injuries, Aurelie smiled.

"Laurent, use HEAL PULSE please," she murmured to her beloved Gallade, who bowed gracefully and began emitting healing energy toward her and anyone nearby. "Ahhh, that's better. Thank you..."

She leaned tiredly against the wall, letting the hated mask drop off. Her brow furrowed with curiosity as her eye fell on the windows along the sides of the breeding pit. Did they show the outside? Could she find out where they were?

Reaching out one tentative hand, Aurelie slid the metal panel off the nearest window and peered warily at what was revealed.



- No longer in the Ugly Ward!
- Got her shoulder dislocated by one Stealth Rock
- Affected by Jayden's Terror attack, runs headlong into the pit, and breaks her ankle
- Reunites gratefully with her Pokemon and asks her Gallade to use HEAL PULSE
- Notices the windows in the Breeding Pit and tries sliding the metal panel off one to look outside

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
817 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 0:26:35 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

The fire continues to burn on, raging on like a monster made in flesh. Genny's body moves erratically. The gun fires behind her, Genny's fuschia eyes firey zoom to the side, as she turns to see not only assisting, another young lady in the fray ( ). Sheriff kept her covered. With and giving more assistance, it made sure that Genny never got even a scratch. She kept going.[break][break]

How many times had the tentacles stung her? How many times had she gotten assaulted by STEALTH ROCKS? It didn't matter. She HAD to keep going.[break][break]

If the fire ever got too low, she'd die. The poison would pump to her heart before long. She was prepared for that eventuality. This was the way to keep everyone safe. But as soon as she was able to land, and sees him, she had a revelation. She didn't want to burn out.[break][break]

"Izzy," it pulled her back for a moment. Just a moment. One Nihilego tried to come, taken care of by all the support given. Another tried to get in the way. Genny snatched it and threw it away. "Any day with you," her honey-glazed smile not unlike one on a spring afternoon. She could feel the dying flame in her heart. Too much. Too many. She takes a knee. Of course. Her heart beats harder with him. The poison was going to push through more and more. It was dependance, not liberation.[break][break]

Gravity finds its way to snatch Genny, and she's falling. Down below. Unprepared, her eyes grow closer to shutting.[break][break]

She hits the ground. Atop of tentacles, rocks, and the fall, the potential concussion she had earlier in the week was too much. She could feel herself fading into ash. Just like the vision. She can see around her... tubes? Tubes of Pokemon. She can see them. Her Pokemon. Sleeping. She'd made it. Reunited finally.[break][break]

"Come on," she clinches her teeth. "Move." Her eyes are still that fuschia swirl, as she weakly shakes. With two shaken hands pushing against the ground, she struggles and fights it. Every second, her mind wants her to lay to rest, and her mind doesn't stop. Not for a second. By sheer force of will, she gets onto her knees. By further pushing, she throws a fist to the ground, and pushes herself further and further upwards. She throws her head up to look over everyone, in time to see a burst from a tube. A wave of force that shrivels and kills the toxic chain from her own body... and then, the toxicity leaves. She stumbles.[break][break]

"What...?" she asks, eyes focused ahead. What was happening? She could feel strength come back to her body. She forces herself to stand. And before long, her Pokemon wake up. And they run to her. Ky first, then Shale. Sherwood, Akane, Speedy. And finally Ajax. For the first time in a week, tears of happiness fall down her cheeks. "You're back... you're all okay. Thank goodness!" The hugs come in. An Aggron encapsulates an Aerodactyl, a Zeraora, a Shellos, a Grovyle, and a Fennekin all at once with Genny in the center.[break][break]

It's more good news. won out in the end! The toxic chain on the little Ogrepon was gone. The pride she feels in her heart then. The way it only confirmed it. That there was something at the end of this path of strength. She wondered... what about the others? Her mind snips to , , and .[break][break]

It doesn't take long to get her stuff back. Maybe not as a Ranger for the moment, but she gets all her equipment back.[break][break]

Seeing those heading into battle, slowly pushing outwards, she looks hopefully towards , and smiles. "Hey. By the time this is over... let's get something to eat. I'm done with mochi for one lifetime." And then, returning her Pokemon to their balls, she leaves just Ajax the Aggron.[break][break]

She pulls on her DYNAMAX BAND.[break][break]

"Duty calls," she muses. If she could stay with him right now, she would. But her mission isn't complete. To be the shield of the people of Hoenn from the threats. The threat was still in play. With one kiss to his cheek, she turns and walks, grabbing at her wounds. She looks back to him as she walks.[break][break]

"Join me for the next dance?"[break][break]

To help hold the line, she returns Ajax and DYNAMAXES, letting a giant iron wall sit near the front, prepping a MAX STEELSPIKE to any hostiles who come, as she finds her way through the crowd. And finds two of her friends.[break][break]

She chimes to her Desi and Yuina, tossing the remnants of the mask away. "Girlygang!" She looked like hell, but so did everyone. With Ajax at the front of the room to assist in the forces, it let Genny relax. "I'm glad you're all okay." Gloss' Heal Pulse feels incredible. Genny can breathe again. "We should go somewhere together. I could use a vacation sooner than later."[break][break]

Planning for the future, meant that she'd be here to enjoy it with everyone.[break][break]

She no longer felt weak.[break][break]


, , , , , , , , , [break][break]


- Weak Ward, LETS GOOOOOOO song[break]
- So much damage. Genny is slowly burning out. But seeing as Sheriff, Andrea, Baki, Paxton, and Ille are all doing their best to keep this under control, and Izzy is there, she's feeling she can.[break]
- Got damn though. Seeing Isaac is making her heart beat harder. Worse circulation. Naur. Oh well. They fall in. And Genny goes through hell to get back to her feet.[break]
- Azelf willpower wave gets her toxic chain gone. And she can breathe again. Her Pokemon race to her, and heartfelt happiness in hug.[break]
- Getting her stuff back, she goes up to , and tells him to join her for the next dance, as she leaves with Ajax the Aggron out.[break]
- Upon reaching where everyone else is prepping, DYNAMAXES Ajax immediately and preps a MAX STEELSPIKE for hostiles, and meets with and . Happy to see them alive. That Heal Pulse helps her out. Maybe Genny could use a vacay.[break]
- Why am I writing death flags?



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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 0:41:19 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
It wasn't a soft landing, a jolt of pain running through Hideo's legs as they hit the ground. Nothing broken, but he was gonna be feeling that tomorrow.

And he didn't have time to mull over the pain, nor to look for who it was that called out to him before he jumped down: pulled him and along.

He could hear fluid around him, muffled by glass. Eris's words were quick to tell him what these were: those tubes everyone's Pokemon were in. The ones he and had found in their dreams.

His Pokemon were in these tubes.

How dearly he wanted to look for his Pokemon, to free them. To once more be able to know what was going on. If he could just get his Beheeyem out, then he could easily find the rest…

But Azelf's calls reminded him of his mission. He didn't have the time to go from tube to tube - nor did he know how to actually free them from their glass prisons.

He couldn't rescue them as he was. He wasn't strong enough to help them.

Hideo swallowed his regret, and followed Eris along. Azelf's calls were getting stronger, enough so that Hideo could find his way there even with Eris's guidance (though not without perhaps running into a vat or two on the way there).

He knows when they've reached Azelf - but the sounds of fists against glass tell him it's just as trapped as every other Pokemon. He knew it was a fruitless endeavor - he already knew they didn't have the strength to break through this glass.

Yet his hands search around anyways, trying to find a way to open this tube. "Azelf!" he shouted, "You gotta wake up! Please!"

He'd been looking for Azelf for so long. A year and a half, and now it was right in front of them.

For a moment, he felt a familiar sensation on his arm. It'd been years since he last felt it, but he knew it was right where Uxie's mark had been.

A familiar voice rang through his head. The same one he'd been hearing the past couple days.



With that, Hideo could feel the chains around his neck break off - and with it, he lost that sense telling him where other chains were.

But he couldn't be more eager to take that mask off his face and finally breathe easy again. He reached for it, ready to pull it off - only for a tail to push it right back on.

He only knew the source because it told him as much: Uxie was back…and was keeping his face hidden?

He didn't think to ask why, instead turning his attention back to Azelf…who he could guess was in a bad shape, from what Eris was saying. "Uxie, you gotta help too!" Hideo begged, as if Uxie wasn't already about to help heal its sibling.

The Legendary floated down to Azelf, taking its free hand. Uxie's body glowed, a Wish flowing from its body to its sibling - a wish to be reunited, to be a Trio once again.

Hideo turned to , who'd offered to give them a ride. "Just…we'll come when Azelf's alright," he answered. "Little guy's gonna need some help…"

He'd have to find his other Pokemon, once Azelf was safe and stable. With any luck, his Beheeyem was already gathering them up.


Oof ow the floor is made of bone-hurting juice
Gotta go tho
Hideo wants to find his Pokemon - but prioritizes the goal he's spent the last year and a half on
Tries to find a way to open Azelf's tube
Can feel his mark come back
With Azelf out, tries to take off mask - but Uxie appears and stops him
Declines 's offer top go, wants to wait until Azelf is good (and then find his Pokemon)
Main Action: Sticking with Azelf, as Uxie tries to heal Azelf with a Wish

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,833 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 0:46:48 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar

Fire and chaos erupted just above them as and Yuina leapt into the dark depths below, and where it seemed they may have avoided some serious glancing blows, the structure of the prison itself could only bear so much. The fall was daunting, Yuina could only stand the feeling of free falling for so long as she clutched Doug's hand, but wishing for a landing came with its own set backs.[break]
Yuina landed, hard, stumbling, it was impossible to see and focus on where the ground was, there was no preparing for it. She came down on her legs, on her hands and knees, broken body unable to take too much more. They'd already gone through so much... How much more could any of them possibly take before their bodies couldn't weather any more? Another question Yuina shouldn't have given to the universe, debris rained down from The Feeding Pit above and in trying to recover from the jump she couldn't get out of the way in time.[break][break]
There was a pained, strained scream, Yuina slumped to the ground when a chunk from the debris above came down and hit her shoulder, a crack, numbness... She couldn't support her weight on her right arm any more. It was only with Doug's help that she could get up off of the ground and out of the way of all the other debris, everyone else falling and jumping to the depths from the hearth fire above.[break][break]
It was always difficult to understand the sheer enormity of the ship they had been trapped in until Yuina glanced around and saw dozens and dozens and dozens more Pokemon suspended in the same green liquid as they were in the dream scape... And there were doubles upon those dozens... A matching set of every one of their Pokemon... Yuina ached to know that her own Pokemon were alright, she needed to see them open their eyes, anything...[break][break]
There was a red flash, then one of the tubes burst in a shower of the green liquid, but instead of it being a mark of a threat to come, the energy, the same energy of will that bid them all to this place freed them...[break][break]
Yuina drew in a full breath, the toxic chain gone around her neck, and where she felt so much relief, like focus coming back slowly after a blood rush had pooled in her vision, there was also... A longing emptiness still... Was she pining for that vision still? Or how familiar the feeling of the chain's influence had become with nothing else to focus on? The chain granted her a connection to her anomalous existence, a connection to 'time', to her mystery, and it was more than she had gotten in the entire time she'd spent in this life thus far... Then it was taken away from her as if she'd been taunted with its power just as that voice that called to her within the distortions lorded over her... She didn't ask for a connection to 'time', but when she had it, could it have helped her solve her mystery? Take her back to a time before she lost everything...?[break][break]
She didn't have time to dwell, even though she fought herself over knowing the toxic chain was wrong, it was... right? ... was free of his chain as well, and was now empowered again. He would have given her enough of his energy to heal her as if they'd never gone through this in the first place, if only they had the time (if she could have kept her brief influence...) ... When she could move her arm a bit and at least feel the tips of her fingers, that was good enough, there were so many others.[break]
"Go, go I'll be okay, there's others who need you more right now," she urged, with a small hint of a lie. She needed him more than anything, with as confused and divided she felt, as if there were still tinges of magenta at the edges of her vision... But she didn't matter, not right now, not when there were so many other lives at stake. (Others that truly had influence, others that weren't an anomaly...)[break][break]

So much chaos, the haze was still so heavy... It wasn't until Yuina heard the voice of an angel amidst everything going on, and the barking of Daikenki looking for her that she felt like the magenta began to fade, just a little bit more. Yuina blinked heavily, first finding beside her, a sweet promise, unyielding love... They wouldn't die here, and now they were together...[break]
"Desiree...," Yuina breathed, and everything fell away for just the briefest moment, as if they were tucked away within their own flower petal world... Then her Pokemon found her, Daikenki, Kano, Rasza... This was real, she could do things and it mattered with or without the toxic chain (time mends all things... can't have it back...). Yuina blinked furiously again, reaching out to clutch Desiree's hand. Tight. She couldn't let her go, and they needed to get out...[break][break]
"No dying, promise," Yuina trembled, but said it with a squeeze of her hand, bidding her Pokemon closer, until she heard screams in the very near distance. They couldn't manage to lose any single one amongst them, rocket or not, Yuina bid Desiree with her to make sure that no one was getting hurt, that a threat hadn't come to them and they didn't know.[break] Instead though, what she found was.... unsettling and disturbing. A woman that she recognized from her ward was trying to take a Megalopolan child away from those that were hidden. Yuina had the briefest, smallest flash of anger still, the hisuians that died at the hands of megalopolans didn't deserve to die the way that they did, but looking at the child, an actual kid... She couldn't feel anger. They were just a kid, was she mad at every civilian in Hoenn that didn't take a stand for the league or against rocket? When they were only trying to live a life...[break][break]
She couldn't let it happen. Yuina bid Kloa the Zoroark forward, and the fox hissed with malice as he disappeared from their plane and came into contact with the woman and the child, using Thief to try and take him back.[break]
If Yuina was able to return the child to his family, she hoped to garner maybe trust, or at least cooperation as she and Desiree moved into the room. Yuina began check the windows, trying to open the metal, to see if she could see out while she spoke out to the otherwise frightened Megalopolans that did not bear a toxic chain.[break][break]
"I don't want to be your enemy, we're prisoners like you, and we want to get out. Please, we can work together, we should try while we can...," Yuina pleaded, they were just people, from the first night they were in the dream scape it was plain that they were being held here too, and for far longer. In this moment, rocket vs league didn't matter, hoenn vs megalopolans didn't matter... All of their lives were at stake.[break][break]
"Do any of you know anything that can help us get out? Do you know where we are, what kind of ship we're in if this is your technology? What about anything about the tera crystals, are they being used to power the ship, or a time space distortion? How were they getting loaded onto the ship, that could be a way out, we can use any information that any of you have," Yuina spoke directly, but tried to give as much compassion to their situation as she could. They were each other's last hope, was there anything that they could do to help each other finish this before more lives were lost?





- Kloa the H!Zoroark is active[break]
- Roll Outcome Injury: Falling debris from The Feeding Pit. Let's just keep beating up the same shoulder lol, Yuina gets hit good in her right shoulder, there is an audible crack, much pain, can't much move right arm now[break]
- Toxic chain is gone, Yuina feels empty. The chain gave her a connection to the mystery of time, and then it was taken away from her just as quickly as it was granted. She almost wants it back...If it would help her find out what happened to her... If it would help them escape...[break]
- With some of 's healing, shoulder still really hurts, arm is pretty sore and tender, but it'll do for now[break]
- The lingering influence of the toxic chain makes for some very intrusive thoughts[break]
- is an angel, she's lying. Yuina won't let go of Desiree now, and they're going to work together[break]
- Screams? Someone is taking an actual child? Kloa the H!Zoroark uses thief to try and take the megalopolan child back[break]
- Should Yuina be successful in gaining the child back, she hopes to gain the smallest amount of trust, or at least cooperation with the megalopolans. They don't deserve to be here any more than they do, and she has questions[break]
- Key questions pieces: Do they know where they are, about the ship or tera crystals, or a time space distortion? Yuina wants to break the time loop[break]



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July 11
Castelia City, Unova
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
64 posts
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TAG WITH @michaeldavis
Michael Davis
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 1:44:12 GMT
Michael Davis Avatar
With explosions and eruptions thundering around the Feeding Pit, pieces of rubble and debris fell like hail on a stormy day. An inanimate maw forms via a hole in the Pit's floor. Michael narrowly escaped the pull of gravity as pieces of stone crumbled beneath his feet. Though distracted by the sudden escape route, he failed to avoid a large piece of stone that fell from the sky above.

A heavy crack splits Michael's mask apart as a rogue piece of debris smacks against his forehead. The blunt force trauma alone knocks the Ranger Cadet unconscious. His limp body falls from the ledge of the hole, succumbing to his injuries and submerging into the dark expanse below. Droplets of blood also fall with him, dripping from the wound he wears as a crown.

If left unassisted, Michael's body crashes against the cold floor of the Breeding Pit. The heavy impact further harms his contused ribs and leaves his arms embedded with scrapes. The pain is enough to pull his consciousness from the claws of slumber. Slowly waking, he struggled to get up, head pounding from the concussion. His newfound sight, unimpeded by the mask that suffocated him for so long, was greeted by his Pokemon team; Cobalt the Seadra, Dusty the Dustox, Jaws the Carvahna.

The Cadet's vision blurred from the tears that now streamed down his face. There was a deeper tug of joy and relief, however, when his eyes laid on a particular Charmander.

"Eimyrja, everyone...You're okay."

Convulsions overcame his chest as quiet sobs echoed in the Breeding Pit. Tears of joy streamed forth, unbound. Michael opened his arms, and every one of his Pokemon tackled him, each emitting cries of both joy and sadness in this incredible reunion. The overwhelming emotions were almost enough to dull his pain.

"I missed you so much!" he cried, unable to stop the tears now. "I didn't want to believe I lost you. I stayed strong, for all of you. I'm so happy that you're all okay! Eimyrja, I'm so glad that you're alive...I almost believed that I got you killed!"

The feelings began to dull, now. Michael took this moment to observe his surroundings. There appeared to be clones in the tubes filled with emerald liquid. He could only wonder what their purpose was. Even if they were a product of the Megalopolans, they were still innocent and deserved a chance. He harbored no feelings of ill will toward the unborn clones.

Michael collected himself. Most ofhis injuries healed, save for a massive headache, and the effects of poison no longer afflicting him, he and others explored a separate room in which Megalopolan adults and children cowered.

"Guys," he spoke to those who would listen, "Whatever the Wardens and guards did to us, I don't believe it's their fault. They're being controlled by the Toxic Chains. These Megalopolans don't have Toxic Chains. I believe they're innocent in all of this. We need to help them."

Spying his clothes and gear, the Ranger housed all of his Pokemon, save for Eimyrja, in their Pokeballs for safety. Michael then swiftly changed into his Ranger outfit; a symbol of his personal freedom and his ideals as a person. Like a phoenix, he rose from the chains of imprisonment.

The commotion above reminded Michael that this was all far from over.



"Let's get ready. I won't let you be in danger again. We've got this."


-Blunt Force Head Trauma, badly bruised and scraped from injuries, possibly healed by
-No longer Poisoned
-Advocating to spare and help the Megalopolans
-Preparing for the battle to come

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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
144 posts
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TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 2:11:32 GMT
if maki hadn't recognized zev's voice, it would have become obvious who he was once he tore his mask off and took back his powers. maki only nods, following after him, only stopping to confirm her own pokemon were in good health. it's a shame about her aurorus, but at least it wasn't her froslass or her houndoom that was chosen. she knows she can rely on them to carry out orders without question, so they've become integral to her survival strategy. for now, she keeps her houndoom at her side, and she remains near zev in case he needs anything of her.

not that she expects to do much here, surrounded by dynamax pokemon bursting with energy. she wonders for a moment if the structure isn't going to come tumbling down around them, entombing them forever.

before she can even do anything, though... she takes another step forward, and pain blossoms in her chest. it's enough to make even her stagger, as she realizes her roll from earlier may have damaged her ribs even further. maki staggers, her breath escaping her. it's not the worst pain she's ever endured, but for right now, it renders her rather useless. her fists clench in frustration, and she grits her teeth, waiting for the agony to subside.

then there's pressure against her leg. she looks, and her houndoom is pressing against her, almost... in a comforting fashion. she doesn't understand, and she just blinks. what are you...?


maki remains with for now, waiting for further instruction.
unfortunately, her injuries flare up, and she's not able to do much else.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 2:49:08 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The slide down the tube entered a slide-- which would of been fun if it wasn't for the destination as Zachary saw the flow of goo grow thicker. He held his breath and prepared for the sticky plunge! [break][break] SPLOOSH!![break][break] Zachary opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by a disgustingly sticky goo. He felt the urge to vomet and quickly tried to get out. He was in some kind of vat-- but luckily as he pushed against the surface, it began to open for him like pulling a membrane off something. He soon broke free along with the others, landing on the ground. [break][break] Violent coughs followed as Zachary caught his breath, covered in the sticky goo. "I was right... that did suck..." Zachary groaned as he struggled to get to his senses. He was already in pain from all he suffered-- but as his vision cleared, and thanks to his magical eyesight-- he soon saw them. [break][break] And his heart stopped in both shock and disbelief. [break][break] They were there. All of them! His pokemon-- and the others from the other prisoners. They were all trapped in the vats-- and seeming to have duplicates of themselves. If it wasn't for the toxic chains, Zachary wouldn't have been able to tell them apart as his STargazer eyes saw them apart. More so, his eyes glowed-- and the aura surrounded the Pokemon alone, indicating they were the original of the pair! He stood there silent for a moment, as he saw each one. Dizzy, Happy, Tarot, Jumanji, Prophet... [break][break] His breath caught as he soon saw the black Umbreon floating there as well. He knew him upon sight. [break][break] Anubis! The Pokemon he thought dead, alive inside the tank, curled up feebily in the vat. "He's... He's alive... " Zachary gasped, unable to stop the tears in his eyes. [break][break] It was then that the sound of cracking came. Zachary looked to see him-- Azelf in the tank, and his awakening from his slumber! A powerful, mysterious psychic force pulsed outward! The moment it met Zachary-- he felt an odd feeling in his body. Following that-- the sound of a crackle came from around him, as his Poison chain grew brittle and crumbled before his eyes! [break][break] The chaos unfoled and the pokemon all broke free as Zachary rose up from the confusion. Finally having enough, he gripped the sides of his mask and with a vicious pull, tore it off finally, removing the remaining parts of the chains that held in place! [break][break][break][break] The removal of the mask gave Zachary that spark of hope back as he felt more and more like his old self. As his Pokemon emerged from their respective pods-- they soon saw Zachary, and Zachary looked to see them. Before he could say anything-- Dizzy, Happy-- all of them ran towards them, huddling and hugging him. Even his Kadabra was happy to see his trainer, despite how unruly he was. Zachary hugged as man as he could with his arms, happy to see them all, unable to hide his tears. But most of all, as his Umbreon returned to him... Zachary teared up more, unable to hold it back. "Anubis... thank god!" Zachary sobbed and hugged his Umbreon tightly, after thinking for so long his friend had been killed. It almost didn't feel real. "I... I thought I'd never see you again! Ah...!" [break][break] ANubis looked to Zachary, having been completely oblivious to the idea that he was in mortal danger. Easing his trainer's emotional tears, the Umbreon nudged his fur against him and licked his cheek to dry his tears. [break][break] Slowly, Zachary pulled himself together and wiped away the last of his tears. Nearby-- he had found them. His Pokeballs, all easily marked by the Roman Numerals on each ball for each Pokemon. He also found his Jacket along with the other room-- containing his Tera Orb as well! As everything unfolded, Zachary knew he had to recall his pokemon. "Okay, guys! I need you to go back for now. We are in a lot of trouble and I'll call you when I need you, but for now, come back!" Zachary ordered. One by one, he recalled his Pokemon, but stopped at the last one-- Happy, the Mime Jr. [break][break] "Happy, I'm gonna need your help with the fight up ahead. Can I count on you?" Zachary asked. [break][break] "Mi-mi-mime!" Happy cheered, expressing his willingness to help. Despite being a Mime Jr-- he was tougher than he looked! One of Zachary's best Pokemon.[break][break] Zachary looked to see that Azelf was in the care of two others-- trying to heal it. As much as he wanted to help Azelf-- he knew there was other things needing attention. For all of them! He had faith in and the others with him to heal Azelf. Reluctantly, Zachary decided to head back to join the others... as the big fight was to come. "Azelf... please pull through. And... thank you..." Zachary said. He wished to help. However the gentle tug from Happy on his pant leg made him snap out of it. Happy looked up with both concern and earnest--, knowing they were in danger. [break][break] Drying the last of his tears, he got to work. If would follow, they could come back up but he also needed his pokemon too. Now armed, and wearing his coat again, he ran back up to join the others. [break][break] They were all preparing, sensing something dangerous coming their way! The time was now to act! "Let's do this, Happy--- wait, when did you get that?!" Zachary stopped. [break][break] In Happy's little hands, he held a little mask. Something he picked up from the room that contained all their gear. As if to act cool, Happy dawned the mask, looking like some sleek noir thief among the prison. "Mi-Miiime!!" Happy cheered, as if to say "It's Showtime!". [break][break] [break][break] Happy hopped up to the rest of the Pokemon, as Zachary joined besides , and others he knew. "Guys! I'm glad you're all okay!" Zachary said as he looked to Happy, probably the smallest of all the Pokemon in the jailbreak awaiting the enemy! "Happy, protect us! Use Reflect!" Zachary shouted. [break][break] A twinkle shined in the Mime Jr's eye as he adjusted his little mask. With a happy cry and spin, he soon pushed his tiny hands out and a glow extended forward! . The wall of light appeared, and solidified. Whatever enemy would appear, Happy was intending to give all his new friends a fighting chance and wanted to protect them. With Reflect active, at least half of the enemies's would be absorbed. While not looking it, the Mime Jr. was a menace in battle! [break][break]



Zachary falls through the tube and awakens in breeding chamber. [break]
Zachary finds Azelf, and his pokemon just like in the dream. Soon he sees Azelf sets them free and frees Zachary from his chains and mask! [break]
Zachary looses the ability "Stargazer" and is free from his chains. [break]
Reunited with Dizzy and all his buddies. Cries and hugs Umbreon/Anubis as he finds he is not dead. Recovering his Jacket, Pokeballs and Tera Orb, Zachary picks Happy/ Mime Jr to have out. [break]
Unable to help Azelf as he wishes, he leaves him in the care of the people already attending to him-- and goes to help the others prepare for battle. [break]
Zachary and Happy join the others as danger looms closer. Happy/Mime Jr dawns on Phantom Thief Mask for flare and prepares for battle! Happy uses Reflect! 1/5 turns of physical protection to all members of the raid.

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 4:50:33 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar


Reckless and Restraintless

It was all gone. Perhaps, that last moment where Elaine had landed safely, sparks flying out of her legs as they gracefully slid down the wall and touched the ground of the breeding pit that was its final embers.

The chains had been poison that robbed them of their wills and encroached on their bodies, but thanks to that last spurt, they had given them the power to stand back up. Even if it was but a pittance, it was a gift through and through.

"Well, it was never truly mine to begin with."

The Toxic Chains merely fell to the ground as if they were fruits drained of all vitality.

In that moment, however, though she felt the last of that power vanishing from her, she had also seen the greatest restraint she had left no longer be a part of her. She took the mask off her face and then stared at its back for a moment. It was no longer attached to her. It was no longer stuck as if it were her appendage.

She could finally drop it and never pick it up again. So, she did. Without a moment's hesitation, she smiled and merely let it fall off her hand. She did not look back on it nor did she stamp upon it. She would not let that damned object even have that shred of dignity.

She had told Ever that this was merely one hell, but that hell was falling apart at the seams and purgatory seemed to be ever closer in reach.

After taking one last gaze at the ogre who had finally found her home with a new friend, she walked away. It was hardly her place to intervene, even if she was the one to fully destroy her mask.

"I wonder if I should apologize to her. I hit her and that mask quite hard. Maybe someday."

But not today. They may have been out of harm's way for now, but the storm would fast approach and there was no guarantee of how long this calm would last. She quickly grabbed up all of her belongings.

Pokeballs. She had never been more glad to see all of her Pokemon alright and in her hands once again. She had to treat them all to a good meal and grooming once they all got back. The week had to have been a killer on them too.

Her Mega pen and journal, safely together.

Her clothes...bereft of her shoes, socks, and her blazer.

"I guess...I did probably take those all off when I went to sleep, huh. Guess I can't get rid of these sandals just yet. Ah...screw this. Sieg! Cover me for a moment."

After releasing Siegfried, she hid behind him and immediately tore off her current clothes and put her regular clothes on in a quick, roughshod manner. She couldn't button up her shirt or its sleeves, tuck her shirt into her skirt, or tie up the ribbon, but that would have to do. At least she had her underwear on. Even if it was roughly placed.

She had seen beat her to the punch at one of the windows, so she merely went to another. As she walked, she issued one command.

"Use Future Sight now. It's not over just yet."

As she moved towards one of the windows, she attempted to slide open the panelings covering the window.

As she did, a thought arose. She hadn't seen since the floor collapsed. Nor had she seen or since the two of them had exited from the feeding pit.

"I hope they're alright," she muttered.

  • Leaving Hotel California
  • Elaine takes no damage and lands safely (RNGesus bless)
  • Leaves Ogerpon alone with Andrea and Thea, questioning if she should apologize for the rough treatment she gave at some point
  • Recovers her Pokeballs and belongings, proceeds to speed change while not fully dressing up
  • Commands Gallade to use Future Sight while she opens up one of the windows
  • Wonders how her companions through this ordeal are doing

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 4:52:30 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Shielding and OGERPON from STEALTH ROCKS with his great speed, Josh worked tirelessly despite his leg injury. Under his watch, he swore to keep them safe, deflecting and shattering several sharp stones. For each one he batted away, two more approached him. Seeing things in slow motion strained the powers of Josh's TOXIC CHAIN to the point where his concentration broke for a split second. And that was all it took for a series of stones to stab him in his left arm, the heat-seeking rocks exploding on contact.

He could no longer feel the throbbing in his leg, for its thumping was drowned out by his left arm. Just beneath the wrist halfway to his shoulder felt like it had liquid iron injected into it, causing him to wail in paralyzing pain. Before he fell to the ground, it crumbled away, causing him to land hard on the BREEDING PIT below... and on his bad side, at that. The remaining STEALTH ROCKS within him crumbled, though the damage had already been done. Blood dripped from every puncture the rock-type attack left, his left arm visibly convulsing as it hung limp. The impact had been so hard and at such an angle that the mask he was wearing shattered, though the Champion was in too much pain to feel his red, sweat-covered face begin to dry.

With searing pain in his arm, his leg felt good as new by comparison. Crawling in the neon light, there were hundreds, if not thousands, of Pokémon. As he scanned them, the light of an EXPANDING FORCE shattered his TOXIC CHAIN, the world around him traveling at the speed of sound by comparison of what he had adapted to under its power. While the venom had left his body, OKIDOGI's cut was still there, though now it could begin to heal.

Were these the tubes from the dream? Where were his Pokémon, and were they all okay? Where was his RAINBOW FEATHER?

Those questions would be answered as the EXPANDING FORCE not only destroyed the TOXIC CHAINS, but ripped open holes in the tubes containing the prisoners' Pokémon. Josh's electric-types crowded around him, their eyes beading with worry. All he could do was yell and screech, he was in so much pain. Horrible memories of his grandmother's last days flooded his mind, particularly the moment he stopped inside her hospital room three days before she died. All she could do was scream. He knew she was trying to say hello, but could not manage it from how much pain she was in. That person was not his grandmother.

That must have been how his Pokémon felt seeing him in a condition where he was about to bleed out.

Mastema took flight quickly, raining LIFE DEW over Josh. Anyone else hurt would be able to shower in these waters if they wanted to. Its waters provided temporary pain relief, but it would be far from permanent. Even after his pain had been soothed to become bearable, the Champion still could neither feel nor move his left arm.


A barrage of STEALTH ROCKS have exploded on and around Josh's left arm, causing severe trauma to it. The healing and rehabilitation process will be slow, tedious, and induce great hardship for Josh. He will lose the use of his left arm until JUNE 17, 2024, and will suffer EXCRUCIATING PAIN if not regularly treated with Pokémon healing. Furthermore, after that time, any tasks that involve the use of his left arm will be made more difficult. All of his Pokémon will have all of their RACING PARAMETERS reduced by one rank, and actions taken using his left arm are LESS LIKELY TO SUCCEED. This injury can be removed no earlier than NOVEMBER 17, 2024.

As Josh experienced meaningful consciousness for the first time since the explosion of STEALTH ROCKS, he saw a glistening object in Raikou's mouth, lowered to the same level as his good arm. Grasping it, he breathed a sigh of relief. His RAINBOW FEATHER, Swift's vessel, was still intact and in good condition. One of the first things he heard was 's voice. "You're... here too, Zachary...?" Josh huffed. "I'm doing far from alright," he gestured to the massive blood pool beneath him. "I need to get out of here and to a hospital, now."

With Mastema's help, Josh struggled to his feet, having difficulty walking without his left arm to help his balance. Tripping over debris on multiple occasions, she noticed in her Sygna Suit. "Andrea... where did you... find that?" he asked his Gym Leader friend. Were she to divulge that information, he would head to the back room, retrieve his possessions, withdraw his team except for the theraputic Togekiss, and do his best to change into his MANECTRIC Sygna Suit. He would need to suit his team up with their saddled, too... and so with only one arm might prove to be incredibly challenging...



- The Nihilego's STEALTH ROCKS explode after being lodged into Josh's left arm, DISABLING IT and inflicting a LONG-TERM INJURY upon him (see above).
- Josh crawls about the Breeding Pit floor as AZELF frees his Pokémon.
- Josh's Pokémon free him and surround him as he bleeds. His RAGING BOLT returns his RAINBOW FEATHER to him.
- Josh greets and reports his injury to him.
- Josh attempts to change into his Sygna Suit with only one working arm.
- MAIN ACTION: Josh's Togekiss uses LIFE DEW to heal him and ANYONE ELSE WHO NEEDS IT.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Raikiri       Zeraora        Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 8:56:05 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Overstimulation was a difficult thing to parse. The fall itself was suitably short and fortunately something she could manage with a quick roll upon impact. But once that was done, she had a lot to parse, individually. Hence, she blotted out most of it. Seeing one set of cloning tubes was enough to grasp the concept as superficially as she could. There were just too many people and Pokemon around her to truly and fully grasp them all. Instead, she focused entirely on her Eevee, which she would always recognize among many, suspended in one of the tubes.
Briefly, she tried getting that open, even smacking the chain against it. But to no avail. Sighing softly, she allowed her trainings to take over, took a deep breath and decided to not let herself fall into any lull or slump, just because there did not seem to be any imminent danger. They still had to move on. After all, the others above, Elaine, were fighting to keep their back safe. They had to make the most out of that time.[break][break]
Hence, she darted away, looking for anything of use. While others more closely connected to the Atzelf, she managed to find the storage room reasonably early, finding her gear swiftly but dismissing her nightgown. As much as she disdained these prison clothes, they were easy to move around in while preserving modesty.
Not that the latter counted much. She was pragmatic enough to not care. But at the same time, finding time to change and everything just to not have that help was just a waste. Instead, she simply swiped her mega wristband and pokeballs, alongside her comms device that she usually kept close even when sleeping in case of emergency. She’d managed to get at least that when some wave crashed over them – after which she could all but hear the liberation and headed out again, to be greeted by her own Pokemon as they came to. For once extremely glad to see them, she distributed some pats before recalling those that still needed a break, promising to only call them out if needed. Her Iron Crown though seemed unwilling to even rest, its gaze furious. Just not at her. She had to rein it in from just going on and destroying any tube it saw.
It was as she held the large Pokemon’s head to calm it down that she noticed someone else moving about. Well, she had noticed them all. But she had trained herself to, in situations like this, keep her mind from overload by only focusing on those she knew.
And this one, she could not help but. After everything that happened, Violet decided to simply screw it. There was no point in only making some perfectly calculated response, in trying to not stand out in a place and situation like this. There had been too much death and pain lately. It all didn’t matter.
For the moment, she allowed her own inner mask to fall, much like the exterior one had with the chain. There probably was more fighting ahead. But that was not here yet. They had a moment, at least. And that, she simply desired to share.
Hence, much like in the dreamscape, she would get from behind again. Only this time it was not a somewhat careful hug from behind intended to show compassion and help someone from falling to despair. For once, she just pretty much glomped the girl from behind, almost pushing them both out of the window but showing enough restraint to not to do that, at least.
Violet did not say a word at all, trusting in Elaine to recognize her and trusting in the motion to convey her feelings anyway. Instead, she would just take a deep breath, briefly putting her weary head to rest, refilling her mental energy before whatever would happen next might happen.[break][break]
It kind of hurt, given the sorry state of her ribs still. But that just did not matter.

  • Landing somewhat safely
  • Takes in the situation, tries to free her Eeeve to no avail
  • Finds the gear room and resupplies, deciding not to put on her night gown and just leave it there
  • When the wave comes, reconnects with her Pokemon, keeps Iron Crown from smashing all the tubes
  • Glomps Elaine when noticing her




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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 13:57:19 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilots eddiepp"]

alive with love tonight




It was all over so quickly. [break][break]

One minute Eddie was panting through the blood that had started to pool in his mouth and the poison that churned in his veins as he watched sock a Nihilego so hard that the jellyfish was sent spinning back like a balloon caught in a gale. In the next, there was a sudden burst and the floor collapsed beneath them, and the jagged STEALTH ROCKS that hung around them joined their descent like malevolent little comets, raking Eddie's skin as they all descended into freefall. [break][break]

Maybe this wasn't such a bad way to go. Eddie had always wanted a warrior's death, or something like it. It was a nice thought, of his life extinguished in some beautiful blaze of glory, to perish like the phoenix and be reborn as a burning memory in the hearts of the people he loved. But for once, such a glorious passage into the next life had lost a bit of its luster, because Beau was falling alongside him too, and weren't they supposed to meet up for a day at the beach back in Dewford once all this was said and done? [break][break]

When he finally met the cruel ground below, Eddie realized he had never been so happy to have the air knocked out of his lungs in his life, because it meant that he had, in fact, not perished in the fall, and that he was very much alive. He groaned in pain as he forced himself to sit upright, trying to find Beau through the wreckage, [break][break]

“Beau, buddy; you alright?” [break][break]

Eddie winced as he pushed himself further to his feet, taking one shaky step, then the next, until he noticed the green glow of the strange tubes that populated the room they had landed in. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and stared with some amazement. This was... weird, weird as fuck. But probably no weirder than anything else he had run into since he had been imprisoned. As he peered at the tubes of green goo, there was a sudden glint of copper and green that caught his eye, and before Eddie could think further of his cellmate, his feet began to shuffle urgently towards one tube in particular, [break][break]

“Stella?” [break][break]

No, it couldn't be. She was dead, right? Eddie had seen it himself, her Poke Ball smashed with a mallet. She couldn't be here, couldn't be alive... could she? [break][break]

Eddie moved faster, and faster, until he found himself sprinting, pain surging through his body as tears began to roll down his bloodied and dust-covered cheeks. Even the sudden burst of light of the distant EXPANDING FORCE only served to embolden Eddie with renewed vigor as his TOXIC CHAIN crumbled to dust and the poison was expunged from his veins. As he closed the distance, the Copperajah came into clearer view, moving down the tube and emerging from the gray membrane at its base. Not just any Copperajah, though, as coal-black eyes opened with the weariness of a freshly-woken dreamer. [break][break]

Stella. Stella, for star. [break][break]

Tears turned to outright sobs as Eddie charged up to hug the Copperajah's trunk, [break][break]

“Stella, it's you! I can't believe – God, fucking God, Stella, I'm so goddamn sorry.” [break][break]

The Steel-type rumbled, low and reassuring, because this certainly wasn't the first time that she had had to comfort her crybaby of a trainer. Her TOXIC CHAINed twin was left ignored by her boy, though the Copperajah herself would slide those dark eyes to regard her clone with some pity. Eddie could have forgotten that the whole rest of the prison existed, until Stella's rumble turned to a more urgent trumpting. [break][break]

Eddie looked up suddenly, wiping the tears from his eyes, as he saw the other prisoners grabbing their stuff, [break][break]

“Oh shit – Beau!” [break][break]

Unsure if Beau had followed him during his breakneck sprint, Eddie would confirm the safety of his cellmate before retrieving the rest of his items and team. It was a little frustrating that there was no Poke Ball for Stella to return to, but hey, it sure as shit beat the terrible alternative. [break][break]

UsJB|M18 [break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"]NOTES: [break]
+ Really struggling by the time the floor breaks [break]
+ Initially resigned to die in the fall 'til he remembers a convo [break]
w/ his cellmate :^) [break]
+ Worried about Beau at first until he catches a glimpse of Stella [break]
+ Immediately drops everything to find her, has tearful reunion [break]
+ Suddenly remembers Beau, confirms he's okay b4 grabbing his stuff


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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,511 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 21:13:02 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
[attr="class","space annal"]

idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword




"stop, stop, don't!"[break][break]annalise turns, regards with the impassive expression of a prey animal not yet aware that a trap is being sprung — and then he's gone, sent to the floor by . she's no more prepared for the invisible rope that yanks her off of , or the bruising grip on her wrist, or the slap that follows an admonishing "back off."[break][break]the sting snaps her out of her frenzy, but 's subsequent shove stops her from retaliating. she falls onto the rumbling ground with a grunt, her breath leaving her in an instant. in the chaos, she feels the blistering heat of 's flames against her exposed skin — [break][break]a hand grabs hers. her eyes, still glittering with purplish intensity, snap up from the ground, softening once they find the sickly face of . she looks like a teenager, by all accounts. she shouldn't be here. [break][break]annalise starts to get up, but the floor gives way beneath her. her stomach does a flip as she tumbles backwards against nothingness, fingers slipping out of 's. she braces for hard ground, for pain, but the impact that rises up to meet her is startlingly soft. [break][break]"paxton?" his name rolls off her tongue in hoarse, wide-eyed acknowledgement. he'd told her that he'd help her if she got hurt, but she hadn't expected him to keep his promise with so much happening around them. "thanks."[break][break]she gets her feet underneath her, wincing at the pain whispering beneath her adrenaline. her attention is tugged toward the sound of azelf's tube bursting open, watching its expanding force wash through the chamber. with it, the ebbing of power as her toxic chain withers and falls from her neck. [break][break]annalise has little time to dwell on the loss, drawn toward the tubes as her pokemon emerge. her body aches, but she finds the strength to hobble up and throw her arms around her altaria's thin neck. even this moment is fleeting, unable to be savored with the threats lurking somewhere above them. she parts, reluctantly, follows others in the pursuit of the rest of her belongings, and recalls all of her pokemon except her aurorus.[break][break]she shivers from her burns and from the chill that rolls off the ice-type's body, steaming as it comes in contact with the hot prison air. her aurorus prepares to fire a refrigerated hyper beam at whatever threat comes next.[break][break]

[attr="class","oocnotestwo"] slapped by and burned by sadge [break] has hand held by then the floor caves in [break] caught by [break] loses toxic chain + poisoning [break] reunited with pokemon and delicious accessories [break] aurorus is gonna use ice-type hyper beam on whatever is coming down these wards thx to refrigerate ability [break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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september 12
hammerlocke, galar
but you know
that you're toxic
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
238 posts
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TAG WITH @diana
Diana Cavendish
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 22:11:04 GMT
Diana Cavendish Avatar
[attr="class","diana"]Before she began to climb into the flesh tube, one of the NIHILGEOS had unleashed STEALTH ROCKS onto the playing field. And while the majority of the dagger-like protrusions managed to avoid piercing into her, a few of them embedded into her legs.

Diana let out a shriek of pain, reaching out with flailing hands as she tried to pull at them. Blood streamed down her legs, her skin torn, shredded, from their vice. ”Fuck!”

Her teeth sunk into the bottom of her lip as she began to crawl through the fleshy tube, leaving a trail of blood behind her and whimpering cries that only could hear as they travelled through the tube to the other side. How she managed to stand again escaped her mind. Perhaps through pure adrenaline, though her knees shook as she helped him pull through.

She did wonder, though, if the green liquid below would cause her legs to become infected. It would be something she’d suffer later.

Diana looked around the BREEDING ROOM, finding that her mask was loose from her face. She quickly threw it off, finding it easier for herself to breathe once more. That’s when she spotted her Pokemon, and then…

”Remiel. Look!”


But why were there two of hers? What were they doing to her dragons? What were they doing to his Pokemon?

She found that if she attempted to attack the tubes that held Cadbury, but no ice shot out from her palms. It seemed that her power had disappeared. But from the corner of her eye, she spotted the dangerous-looking beast. BLOOD MOON URSALUNA.

”What is that?”

- injured by STEALTH ROCKS (long term injury to her legs)
- escaped via the flesh tubes to the BREEDING ROOM
- spots her pokemon + ZEKROM
- wtf is that @ BLOOD MOON URSALUNA
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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
341 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 2:12:22 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

One minute, he was fine.
One minute, he was brawling with the opposing Nihilego, batting away their seeking tentacles with his fists, blow after blow barely managing to beat back his aggressors. Not just his - Eddie, behind him, was struggling - was it the chain? He didn't care, he couldn't care right now, focused as he was on keeping the other man - and as many people in his vicinity as he could - from coming to further harm.
Each blow he brought to bear with his chain-augmented strength sent his opponents backward, and each blow brought him a step closer to smearing these jellyfish across the nearest wall. He saw red. He wasn't going to let these things get away with what they'd done, not any of them, and if the Nihilego happened to be the closest things for him to vent his rage on, well, he wasn't going to complain about that. They'd be first, then the rest.
A sudden, shocking deluge of ice-cold water snapped him abruptly from his tunneling fury, and he sucked in a startled breath. The Nihilego were at bay. The Ogerpon's mask was doused, then - shattered, gone. The hell was starting to subside, almost as though the Feeding Pit was holding its breath.
Then he was falling.
He couldn't maneuver, couldn't turn his head to see what had happened, where the floor had gone, whether Eddie was alright, nothing. Then he hit the ground, and a piece of rubble from the floor above landed on his left arm just afterward. The hunk of stone was large enough that it ought to have pulped his limb completely, but even with the reinforcement of his Chain's assistance, he felt - and heard - at least two good cracks.
Yowling, he rolled to shove the offending masonry off with his free arm, and yeah fuck, his arm was broken in two places. Still, it looked like it would hold as long as his Chain kept up its magic. He didn't really want to think about what it was doing to his body otherwise, but as it turned out he wouldn't have to worry about that for long. Azelf's liberation dissolved his chain, and with it the sole buffer he had between his nerve endings and an incredibly aggravated left arm.
Tears sprang to his eyes as the pain came into focus, and his arm hung limply at his side. No time for a sling, no time to check for setting - there was Eddie, and he flashed the man a thumbs-up as he ran toward his - his pokemon. His pokemon! He pushed his way through the Breeding Pit floor and came to rest not far from his cellmate, staring at his chain-wrapped Kubfu, suspended in a pod. "I'm getting you out of here, little brah," he growled. "I'm getting you all out."
And so he did. His progress hampered by his useless and searing arm, he managed to collect his possessions and - all safely accounted for in their pokeballs - his pokemon. Turning to focus on the gaping hole in the ceiling of the Pit, he called out Nemo, his Swampert, who was promptly surrounded in a cocoon of Mega Energy before bursting forth with a bellowing cry.
It was time to get even.



Falls through floor![break]
Floor falls on him and breaks his left arm![break]
Signals to Eddie that he's okay, collects his things.[break]
Releases Mega Swampert, ready to fight.




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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,932 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 3:48:47 GMT
Navy Avatar







Despite everything, despite the poison coursing through his body and the danger surrounding them from all sides, one thought intrudes upon the sheriff: everything’s going to turn out alright. Hope is just as deadly a poison as hemlock, but he drinks it all the same. He prefers the way it tastes on the way down.[break][break]
The floor cracks. Will awakens, and with it comes an end to this brief resurgence of Galarian skill. In its place, all he can think to do is shout one word.[break][break]
Baki!” He runs to her, runs through the stealth rocks. They tear through his leg before he even reaches her, digging into the side of his left thigh in a series of grievous slashes. He clings to her just as the floor gives out from under him, and he too falls with the rest.[break][break]
A harsh snap comes before the pain. Prying himself from , he tries to put weight on his left leg. It hurts, hurts bad, but he remains standing. His eyes survey countless prisoners, many of whom seem familiar now that the mask is off.[break][break]
There’s no time for banter with or as they finally find the Pokemon they were looking for. is preoccupied after his stellar showing above. Oblivious to their inner turmoil, he simply trusts in , , and to lead them.[break][break]
He has to arm himself. Even injured, even sick, a warrior has to fight.[break][break]
Looks like our Pokemon are here.” He states the obvious to Tsubaki and . The tubes drain and six of his best come out to meet him.[break][break]
Hattori is the first to find him, rushing through the crowd. His little shinobi runs up and almost tackles him over. Stoic as Hattori fancies himself after a year of battle, he still cries grateful tears, happy to see that both Navy and Tsubaki are alright.[break][break]
It’s alright, Hattori. I’m here.” He shakily pats the Greninja on the head, grateful for the affection. “Uh, Oscar, this here’s my Greninja. Guess that means-”[break][break]
The rest come. Shuwen simply nods, throwing Navy some pokeballs. In the chaos, the Urshifu took the liberty of finding his gear. In his other hand is a squirming Megalopolan, one wearing his sygna suit. The alien is quickly divested of the suit and sent running.[break][break]
Up come the rest, Roland with his silent robotic stare and Arthur with a dragon’s quiet dignity. Thin Lizzy screeches, shaking her tail in delight. Standing at the back, silent eyes observing Navy, is Vortigern – his black dragon.[break][break]
Looks like the gang’s all here. You guys mind helping me change?” Whether they help or not, he eventually pulls himself into his sygna suit. The sync stone hums to life, trying to decide which Pokemon it will synergize with for the coming battle.[break][break]
I need a clear head. He thinks, even as Vortigern offers him easy strength. One by one, to make space for other combatants, he returns his Pokemon to their balls. Only Arthur is left, the Kommo-O’s scales clanging in growing fervor.[break][break]
Something’s coming.”[break][break]
There’s little time to investigate, nor does he see a reason to do so. Instead, he allows his soul to meld with that of Arthur’s. The warrior stands up straighter, carrying himself with a dragon prince’s dignity. Arthur, suddenly spurred by paternal instincts, hovers near Tsubaki.[break][break]
Wearing the golden armor of a Myrmidon, his own scales clanging, he walks up to two people he recognized before. @eddie and look as ready as ever.[break][break]
Got your backs.” Navy smiles weakly at Beau. “Dewford guys gotta stick together.”[break][break]
All the while, Arthur’s clangorous soul resounds for the coming battle. Navy feels the dragon prince’s excitement, Arthur’s eyes scanning all the impressive fighters gathered here.[break][break]



notes about this post

Gets cut on some stealth rocks running to Tsubaki. Holds her while they fall and tries to soak the injury for her. His leg gets messed up in the fall. Enjoy that limp, Navy. His Pokemon find him. His Urshifu returns his equipment to him. Navy puts on his sygna suit, synergizing with Kommo-O. Tells Tsubaki/Oscar to get ready. Offers to back up Eddie and Beau. Sygna suit is active. Sygna themes: Fighter, Adventurer, League. Mood: Brave. Kommo-O uses clangorous soul.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP