i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,441 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 20:39:39 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

Before Gunner could land his Sygna Suit-powered THUNDER PUNCH on his simian foe, psychic waves from Munkidori slammed into him. He stumbled backward, clutching his head with both hands. The world around him swam for a tense, dreadful minute before his vision started to clear. [break][break]

Then shouts rose up around him, voices he didn't recognize. Multiple seized him, too many for him to count. Twisting his body, he tried breaking free from their grasp, but to no avail. His assailants overpowered him, shoving him to the ground on his knees. [break][break]

When Gunner looked up, he finally saw who they were: Rocket soldiers, masked and armored, pointing various weapons at him. One drew a long blade, a machete of sorts. [break][break]

A surge of adrenaline flooded Gunner's veins. Once more, he tried to break free and run, but the other Rockets shoved him forward, forcing his head onto a block of stone. The machete rose high into the air above him. He screamed vile curses. [break][break]

Sunlight flashed on the blade as it cleaved toward his neck. [break][break]

Suicune's PRESSURE shattered the illusion. Gunner blinked, sweating, heart racing in his chest. He took a few seconds to process what had happened before a renewed fury swept through him. [break][break]

Turning to regard Munkidori with contempt, he recalled his Typhlosion and summoned his Zoroark—though the fox emerged in the form of a Salamence thanks to its ILLUSION ability. Energy released from Gunner's Sygna Suit as it deactivated. [break][break]

"Give it a taste of its own medicine, Mordred," the agent ordered. [break][break]

Flapping his wings, the Zoroark-turned-Salamence reared back its serpentine head and unleashed a NIGHT DAZE at Munkidori. [break][break]


TAGS [break]
– Gunner is at LOCATION O-4. His SYGNA SUIT is inactive.[break]
– Experiences a false death where he is summarily decapitated by Team Rocket.[break]
– Snaps out of the vision thanks to Suicune's PRESSURE. Swaps out Typhlosion for Zoroark (illusioned to look like a Salamence).[break]
– Zoroark uses NIGHT DAZE on Munkidori.



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miss monroe
june 7th
verdanturf town
ranger / daycare asst.
cadet / nurse
we came, we saw
we complicated...
5'11" height
5'11" height
mirror on the wall, tell me all the ways to stay away.
133 posts
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TAG WITH @noble
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 20:55:43 GMT

mirror on the wall, tell me all the ways to stay away



[break] [attr="class","imgavatar"]

Even as they face one another in battle, Petra clings to the past—The question she has no answer for. What happened to my Uncle? Someone who went through the trouble of supporting her, whether it be with money or influence, now pursued her violently by means of a mega-evolved aerodactyl. Why?

"You should be helping us, Uncle! Why them?!"

It doesn't make sense. She was his family. His blood. How long had he been working with them? Did Ulysses view her as a failed project for having left Team Rocket? If so, why hadn't he approached her to come back? And if he didn't actually care, why support her growth? She couldn't ask, and Uncle more than likely wouldn't tell. Yet Petra had to wonder... Did he really intend to kill his niece?

And could finding out help to construe an answer?

Regardless, Petra is without time and unwilling to risk her life so hastily on a whim. The prior pokeball primed in-hand swiftly answers the provocation, ushering forth her Blastoise—which mimics the foe as it also mega-evolves to match their strength.

"Guard!" The desperate bark prompts Baldwin to turn his back on the Aerodactyl, with residual energies of this evolved state merging to PROTECT them from the rock head and more.



petra summons her blastoise, baldwin[break]
blastoise undergoes mega-evolution to match ulysses.[break]
blastoise uses protect to shield petra (and those closeby?) from rock head/etc.

@ulysses, , ETC.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 21:09:18 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Climbing the regirock was ironically much harder for the mounted Oscar than it was for the free climbing Howard. As the 'terrain' became uneven and unstable, Calvary would dig its razor sharp claws into Regirock's skin--like a mountain climber slamming their hooks into a cliff-side. Oscar leaned back, his grip tightening around Calvary's mane as their strenuous climb gradually turned vertical. They were making steady progress, but Howard was far ahead thanks to his lack of burdens. Perhaps that was for the best, Oscar would be more helpful staying behind him during this climb--to catch him if he falls.

Plus it would keep Howard from directing his crazy toward Oscar...

Yet even with the intention to protect his friend, Oscar could not help but feel as though he were in grave danger. Attacks were coming from all sides, and the rocky titan would sway with every new blow. Oscar had faith in the strength of his counterfeit-entei's claws, but not so much in the integrity of regirock's body.

Oscar could feel the danger around him, which only intensified as sharp scales began to rain from the sky. Calvary roared, summoning a shield of fire to protect itself and its rider from the endless volley (Burning Bulwark). Even still, Oscar shivered as the climb continued. The harsh cloak of Death seemed to be looming over him, and this time he did not have the reliability of Prime for protection. This would have been so much easier with Prime...

Oscar shook his head, accidentally tossing aside his hood and revealing the full form of his skull-like helmet. Prime was not here, and Oscar did not need it! He would not fear death today, not when he had so much to prove! "Keep going." He hissed between gritted teeth, urging his steed forward. "Don't stop climbing, keep going." Calvary quickened its pace, its morale briefly boosted by its master's encouragement.

But then everything turned red. Oscar looked down, gawking at the bubbling dynaenergy that began to envelope regirock. The barrier--how did he always forget about the barrier? As it grew nearer, Oscar could do nothing but brace for its embrace.

"Aww this is gonna suck!"

Oscar screamed as his body felt the intense voltage of the energy. He had never felt it directly before, but now he knew exactly what Howard went through when he was caught in Registeel's Dynamax Cannon. The pain was excruciating, and yet neither he nor his mount could afford to stop. "Keep going!" Oscar screeched, red lightning ripping through him like phantom blades. He wanted to die, he wanted to let go and fall out of his hell and splatter against the ground. But he could not, he would not. He refused to give up on Howard--on himself.

Blind to anything but the act of climbing, Calvary pushed upward through the pain as its master continued to cry out his agonized orders.


Meanwhile, a genesect was quickly approaching the city. It was only capable of being within its drone form, as its only purpose was to provide speedy deliveries to the field of battle. Oscar's package was on its way...


--Oscar is staying behind in order to catch him if he falls.
--Gouging Fire uses Burning Bulwark to protect itself and Oscar from 's scale storm, climbing ever upward toward Regirock's head.
--As the duo is consumed by the dynamax barrier, Gouging Fire fights through the pain to continue its climb--spurred on by the desperate cries of its master.
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Mad Dog of Rocket
May 8
Pyrite Town, Orre
Night Club Owner
Marionette Accardo
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
816 posts
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TAG WITH @dorian
dorian westcliff
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 21:14:19 GMT
dorian westcliff Avatar

Before Dorian can celebrate the damage being done on Regirock, he and Count Paddington find themself being flung into the air by the behemoth. The Shadow Armarouge attempted to defend Dorian from the worst of it, taking the brunt of the hit. Despite this, Dorian is battered by the blow.

Thankfully, he is saved before he can fall. He finds himself teleported to the ground, laying in pain.

"E-Eris!?", Dorian utters. "You shouldn't be here!"

Count Paddington landed nearby, grunting in pain.

Dorian then turned to the other person coming to administer first aid, putting themselves between the two. The presence of the Aggron isn't missed on Dorian.

"Why-are you helping me?", he asked the individual, hissing from his teeth in pain.

That was when he spotted the Toxic Chained simian. He recognized the beast from the description of one of the three 'Wardens' who imprisoned his bosses.

"I'll make you wish you stayed dead, fiend!", he called out to the Munkidori, nodding to his Shadow Armarouge. The corrupted knight unleashed a Psyshock at his adversary.


notes: -Dorian is flung into the air by Regirock
-Dorian is teleported to M4, while S!Armarouge is flung there
-Dorian is shocked to see Eris
-Dorian questions Eris and El
-Dorian spots Munkidori, recognizing it from the descriptions given to him post-PP
-S!Armarouge used Psyshock on Munkidori

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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
709 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 22:06:36 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

Family moment; you gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me.” [break][break]

Eddie glowered at the slender sycophant () and her Zoroark, and watched helplessly as the flames of its BITTER MALICE lapped at the Sword of Justice. [break][break]

In the grand scheme of things, Eddie never thought himself as a hero of any tale. Sure, a guy could dream, imagine himself as a glorious font of justice in a cruel world, but the soldier standing there, fists balled as Terrakion stood its ground, knew his place in this story. It wasn't as the protagonist, the central figure in this clash of good and evil. Eddie was a sidekick, more or less. A bit character, sometimes, comic relief at others. [break][break]

But as he reached for a Pokeball at his waist, Eddie understood something else; just because he wasn't the leading man in this whole song and dance didn't mean he was helpless. Every man of La Mancha had their Pancho; every d'Artagnan had their Musketeers, [break][break]

“Lemme handle this, bud!” Eddie called to Terrakion as he flung a Pokeball into the fray, “I got this!” [break][break]

An Incineroar burst onto the field with a fierce snarl; Eddie stood as a bellicose mirror of the big cat as he eyed their foes, [break][break]

“Daisuke, let's give 'em hell!” [break][break]

Man and Pokemon lunged in concert as they entered the thick of the fight as one. The Incineroar raised an arm as it raced forward to strike the ghostly fox down with his DARKEST LARIAT. Eddie barreled toward the slender woman who had been so intent on sucking up to her gray-haired superior. [break][break]

He wasn't sure what he was going to do, exactly; maybe just carefully incapacitate her, somehow, because Eddie knew he didn't have it in him to hurt her, but he couldn't just stand by and let these bastards take down anyone else. He had to do something, anything, to stop these people from tearing apart this world he so desperately loved. [break][break]

Nearby, Terrakion watched with cautious vigilance as it stood over the felled , eyes narrowed in appraisal of the orange-clad man. There was a fine line between heroism and foolishness; on which side would Eddie land when the dust finally settled?



eddie feels bad that terrakion got hit by the previous attack [break]
terrakion hangs back while eddie sends out his incineroar [break]
daisuke the incineroar uses DARKEST LARIAT on himiko's zoroark while eddie charges her [break]
terrakion stays by noah while it watches eddie be a self-righteous moron lmao [break]
still at J5 [break]
open to interactions! [break]


[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
736 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 2:24:08 GMT

[attr="class","angel desireeblooms"]






“Revenge for taking its life last time, no doubt,” she said softly yet painfully, eyes spinning delicate webs of darkness within, “.. it is a monster- a marionette to an evil being, a small, rotten peach. And the peach.. had once been a marionette to a rotted Megalopolan General.. they captured us, used us.. tried to kill us..”[break][break]

She bit her lip at the last part, as she had tried to kill all of them, too. As sand struck the singes on her skin she tried and tried to push the thoughts away of reminiscence, but to no avail. So much that, despite her previous wishes to be a guiding light of crystalline to those she deemed to be innocent and kind-hearted, it allowed her to be swept into the skies. Them too- save for the cross poison of the young boy and the flinging off of the pokemon rider.[break][break]

The thought of dying like her father, flung from the skies to meet his untimely demise on the street fifty stories below her crimson-tainted penthouse.. She could not entertain it. She wouldn’t, even if it appeared as if all odds were stacked against the collective’s favor.[break][break]

“We will live,” she whimpered as the chain constricted, “.. the world of love, the world of roses.. may sometimes need thorns.. do whatever you can, please..”[break][break]

Attempting her hardest to stretch her limbs as far back as they could go on the beast, she wanted nothing more but to grab a wing. To pluck a handful of feathers- would that cause it to begin a descent? Even with the reverberations of whatever it was that was providing support to the bird from places she could not see?[break][break]

During this, Diancie peered upward with fear in its gemstone pupils. They needed to get down, they needed to be beside it once more- no clouds, only sand. Only diamonds.[break][break]

Holding its hands outward and raising from the ground once-deep, buried gems, it attempted to establish links within their composition- to fling them into the skies, one bird, five stones. An ANCIENT POWER to foster safety for those in the new age of the world. [break][break]


🌸🌿 NOTES 🌿🌸
🌺 location: C3[break]
🌺 tldr: desiree explains the lore of fezandipiti somewhat, and then later, tries to give comfort in the trio's situation. during the bird rise, she tries her hardest to pluck a handfull of feathers from fezandipiti's left wing while diancie attempts to strike the bird down with an ANCIENT POWER of risen, once buried gems below petalburg.[break]
🌺 salac: x1


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 2:28:56 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","devil scorned"]


GRUDGES poured out from Elisabeth as the vines snapped, the detritus falling towards her and blocked belatedly by a summoning of a thicket of thorns that buffeted the blows from striking human skin.[break][break]

A fury sparked in her, one that screamed a desire for aggression reflected in the ochre color of her eyes. It took her only a moment to notice the shift in the Bug Catcher's disposition as well -- one that reminded her of how , and had all looked when Tapu Fini's BERSERK FOG had altered their minds.[break][break]

Except this time, there was no such fog to blame. Curious, that.[break][break]

Tapu Fini's attentions remained elsewhere, primarily preoccupied with annoyance at the barrier that had been erected. The SURF summoned towards the Dynamax Barrier crashed down with all the rage of the seas, hoping to drown the REGIROCK with it -- paying no heed to Doug, , or , however the attack might land.[break][break]


- This flash raid is kicking my ass, rip. Short posts forever.[break]
- Elisabeth notices her GRUDGES make AGGRESSIVE (per discussion with EBC!)[break]
- Tapu Fini uses SURF on Regirock's barrier, and doesn't really care if it affects those nearby (, , )



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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August 22
Dewford City
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
200 posts
Yuan Wright DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wright
Yuan Wright
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 2:58:58 GMT
Yuan Wright Avatar

[attr="class","leprowright1"] -----



He curses as he feels his footing slip and he almost has no doubt that he would be falling had it not been for grabbing hold of him to keep him on top. For the briefest of moments he questions why he followed the kid up here. He didn't have strong enough pokemon for this, he couldn't mega evolve, no terreraing, not even a sygna suit to keep up with the lot round him. So why the hell did he come damn it?[break][break]

A question he couldn't think too much about as from above he sees pink scales coming down from above and Wright forces himself up to takes the scales for both him and Priam behind him. "Just keep focusing on reenforcing Regice got it!?" he tells the young beast as he grunts in pain. If nothing else he can do this for the kid as it seems like he was the only one able to aide Regice in all this. If nothing else he could always get this kid's word about his performace so there would be no way he could be moved to the boring branches of Rocket again. [break][break]

"I'll aide with taking out the barrier," he calls out now that his Ultra Beast has returned from his trip around the rock titan's legs before it bounces it's head balloon from one hand to the other before aiming it at the dynamax shield. The blacephalon trying to take advantage of 's Sunny Day to power up its FLAMETHROWER.






+ + All Rockets Comms
[break]+ Nearly falls off Regice if not thanks to Priam.
[break]+ When the Pink Scales of come down, Wright moves to take the hits for Priam so he is uninterrupted from reenforcing Regice.
[break]+ blacephalon uses FLAMETHROWER against the dynamax Shield hopefully powered up by 's mon SUNNY DAY

[break][break]+ Atop Regiice cause Mag bullied me

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[newclass=.leprowright1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,061 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 4:14:34 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


The battlefield was already a symphony of misery— but it could be worse.

It could always get much, much worse.

He senses it, the corruption, from the moment it enters the energy pool— but he does not know what it is. What to do with it.

Not an hour had passed since the new boon had been released— and much like the boons before it, he had little to no real control over it.

His body just did what came naturally— and what came naturally was an unending hunger, a bottomless greed. It took, and took, and took. Consumed, consumed, consumed it all.

Every single grudge, down the hatch.

The whole world seemed to fade away.

Tapu Lele didn't quite fall in with her sister, but she didn't oppose her either, working with her to create a parting in the flowing water for her toy.

She simply hung around her, her expression a blank, neutral mask that Tapu Fini would recognize as... distaste.

For centuries, war zones had been feeding grounds for the pink deity. In time's past, she would fly through battlefields raining down her healing scales upon the miserable men down below, restoring them to their full health, saving life and limb... that they may continue to inflict misery and death upon one another for a bit longer.

This battlefield, too, was to be a banquet.

It was supposed to be.

Tapu Fini, however, would recognize her sibling's expression as Lele's equivalent to finding a hair in one's plate.

Tapu Lele felt a stench in the air— as if a strong, pungent spice had been accidentally spilled all over her meal.

Cyan and Magenta slowly drifted over to , boring into the woman as if seeing right through her.

A disgusting, ruinous stench was pouring out her sister's toy—

And into hers.

His body glowed. Truly and blindingly, the shades and hues rising through a swift spectrum of purples, magentas and pinks, before reaching a blinding white.

Overflowing energy arced through the air with audible crackles and snaps as the rain of scales accelerated violently into a storm, tiny scales being phased out entirely for massive single chunks that tore through the air like debris.

The features of people around him began to meld together— he could scarcely tell any one person from the other.

Manekin after manekin attempted to ascend the moving mountain beneath him, growing closer, shouting words that he couldn't quite parse and assaulting his overflowing vessel with even more emotion.

Fucking— fucking—!!!


Massive chunks of scales launched towards those ascending the rock colossus, descending upon the streets below violently.


-Doug does not know how to control his new powers. He continues to absorb the weird grudges without end.
-Tapu Lele's war banquet is ruined after she finds a disgusting slug on her plate.
-Tapu lele uses psychic to prevent Doug from getting swept by Fini's surf, otherwise does not interfere with her sister.
-Tapu Lele is looking intently at .
-Doug's vessel is overflowing and he suddenly finds himself feeling very aggressive for some reason...
-He vents his aggression on everything down below, raining down big fat chunky scales on everyone nearby.


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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 4:29:57 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

The glee of battle, the heart pumping action, the suspense of not knowing whether he’d survive the next exchange, being on the backfoot. Once upon a time, Kouji Matsubara had lived for it, to sharpen his teeth against those who stood across from him on the battlefield, that Kouji was long dead now.
Looking at Gaius, he couldn’t help but wonder…
Had he been like that once?
”I ain’t got time for you bud, there’s people to deal with.” Such as Doug, such as Regirock, such as the many other dangerous League people there were. But he didn’t back off, he didn’t try to run. Kouji faced his opponent head on, because that was the only recourse for him.
His stance was loose, perhaps that was what allowed to stand when the first punch of Gaius’ managed to strike him square on the jaw, his knees almost buckled but he kept them steady and returned a strike with his knife. They exchanged blows, dancing at the edge of oblivion with each and every exchange.
But this wasn’t a battle to delight in for much longer, Kouji sharpened his focus and dashed in, ready to take as much damage as needed to get this over with. His opponent wasn’t weak, he wouldn’t get away without a scratch, but he slid forward with his lead foot; his front knife was just a feint, his leading arm was just an offering; the real attack came from behind.
As Lucario struck with extreme speed, Kouji's Dracovish was forced to return the attack with Psychic Fangs, taking advantage of the sandstorm around them in order to almost swim through the air itself and deliver the harsh bite.



Kouji continues to fight Gaius, taking hits as he gives nicks back.[break]
Ponders on his own change while fighting gaius, whether he ever looked like that when enjoying a fight, and his lack of joy when it comes to combat now.[break]
Goes for a deep strike, ready to be hurt in return[break]
Dracovish takes the Extreme speed hit, and returns a Psychic Fangs




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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 7:15:00 GMT




whatever response fernando strums up is drowned by the constant SANDSTORM. any further attempts to declare anything verbal is met with a mouthful of sediment. which is fine, there is little to chatter about when the world comes apart at the seams. who lies in front of him doesn’t matter compared to the rampaging giant.

at least until they turn on him.

a weary hand shields his eye as he trudges closer to the REGIROCK’s area. his ZYGARDE remains by his side, weathering through by keeping low and close to the ground. although they can perceive little, the glow of a DYNAMAX BARRIER bleeds through the curtain of brown grains.

they hike over the fallen REGI HAND as the ZYGARDE gathers LAND’S WRATH from underneath. the pokemon looks to land a blow against the pokemon’s feet and footing, disrupting the land and concaving it inward. if it doesn’t get blocked by the DYNAMAX BARRIER that is.


- approaching REGIROCK area from H3
- ZYGARDE uses LAND'S WRATH to destroy ground under REGIROCK
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December 25
Hammerlocke City, Galar
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadeyrn
Cadeyrn Osmond
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 7:33:04 GMT
Cadeyrn Osmond Avatar
[attr="class","glizzy cadet"]

         The Shadow Ball really did it. Although Cadeyrn felt relieved, he didn’t lower his guard. This was their moment to escape, and he didn’t hesitate to follow after his lady. Perhaps he should be a bit more grateful for the other person’s attack—they wouldn’t have had this opportunity without it. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

        Ivy followed closely but kept her pace carefully measured to avoid leaving a trail for Kiro to follow. Cade was still a bit confused. “Wardens? I don’t understand.” All he could see or thinks was a toxic chain on the odd pokemon, and his face paled as he recalled the past. Would he have to deal with his emotions being manipulated a second time?


         “Ivy, return!” He called back his Dragapult, relying on his second in command. His Tyrantrum, all muscle and power, sneered and roared, charging straight at Munkidori for a Head Smash.


         • cade is relief for the moment to escape and follows elise to N-4[break]
• cade don't why elise means by the wardens but think of his past with toxic chains has him nervous[break]
• Cade switch out ivy for his Tyrantrum attempts a head smash on Munkidori[break]XJPLJ1ho[break]




[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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October 26
Celadon City, kanto
7 height
7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @himiko
Yamaguchi Himiko
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 8:52:55 GMT
Yamaguchi Himiko Avatar
"Let me put in a way even you can understand: it's a members only club, and you're walking in with your shitty looking tourist trap shirt and a thirty dollar hair cut." Himiko stood before Eddie as he was trying to butt into the boss's business, the Kanton woman scowling at the muscular man. It this was going to be her little stand against a more powerful opponent, then she would put everything on the line. All for the chance at getting able to return to home. Ulysses gave her the blessing to fight Eddie, even giving her a pat on the back. The reassurance that she needed. "I'll give it my all for you, sir!"

She would get this done.

"Don't disappoint me, meathead. I'll make this a lesson worth remembering." Himiko teased, the Hisuan Zoroark lowering itself as its challenger would appear before it, a fearsome Incineroar with its eyes locked onto the ghastly beast. Onna let out a menacing hiss as the two began their attack on one another. The fire-type ran towards the Zoroark, with the Pokemon raised its arms to meet the Lariat head on with her own SHADOW CLAW. She raised her arms to meet the move head on, her claws catching the swing as the forces against one another. The resulting shockwave had caused both to clash with one another.

Out of the corner of her eye, Himiko caught sight of Eddie approaching her with ill intent. The woman moved her hands behind her head, fingers tucked behind the curtain of hair she wore. The Salandit tucked between her necks spat out a dribble of poison and quickly ran its toxic tongue across her nails, coating them in a visible violet color.

"You're not one to sit back during a Pokemon battle, a man after my own heart." Himiko waited for Eddie to approach her, ready for a fight if Eddie would want to give one. She hadn't been on the level of a black belt, but her time in Kanto did give her some self defense. "Unfortunately, you're about to pick a fight with somebody who dabbles in poisons. Are you sure you want to try physical combat? One poke and I'll have you choking on your vomit."



• Invigorated by Ulysses's support, ready to fight!
• The Zoroark uses SHADOW CLAW to catch the Incineroar's Darkest Lariat mid-swing to catch it off guard
• As Eddie approaches, she has the Salandit apply poison to her nails and to ready to strike back

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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 22:15:35 GMT
shiv Avatar






FOR THIS FLASH RAID, heavy moderation will not occur unless required. There may be instances where the thread "freezes" for several characters to interact, etc. Below is a list of summarized actions from the participating characters, including some resolutions of actions.


[attr="class","prompt0"] returns LUCARIO and is knocked out by FEZANDIPITI's CROSS POISON. His TREVENANT leaves its pokeball in a rage.

[attr="class","prompt0"] turns on , , and due to being CHARMED. Her SYGNA SUIT sets up a NORMAL ZONE: an area that empowers NORMAL-TYPE ATTACKS. A BOOMBURST brutally strikes , , and their Pokemon, before her FLYGON faints from exhaustion. The SYGNA SUIT & NORMAL ZONE deactivates.

[attr="class","prompt0"] attempts to explain what FEZANDIPITI is and comforts the trainers around her before 's attacks.

[attr="class","prompt0"]FEZANDIPITI hoists , , and high into the air. However, 's TREVENANT erects a "tree dome" of branches (HORN LEECH). As branches attempt to strike or skewer the bird, 's DIANCIE uses unearthed gems to strike the bird down with ANCIENT POWER. Their combined efforts manage force the FEZANDIPITI to let the four trainers go mid-air. manages to pluck a FEW FEATHERS. is able to purge the effects of being CHARMED.

[attr="class","prompt0"] hides behind a nearby boulder to avoid the incoming projectiles. Her QUAQUAVAL manages to gracefully dodge through the incoming stones.

[attr="class","prompt0"]Undeterred, endures the incoming rocks successfully due to his SYGNA SUIT. His UXIE manages to tank the projectiles too. Defiantly, they retaliate with .

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s QUAQUAVAL and 's UXIE use AQUA STEP and MYSTICAL POWER to force the OKIDOGI into a disadvantaged position.

[attr="class","prompt0"] takes advantage of their assistance to TERASTALLIZE OGERPON with the TEAL MASK. With heightened speed. With dazzling green light, OGERPON swings its IVY CUDGEL toward OKIDOGI...

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s SUICUNE assists with pulling him and some others out of the macabre FUTURE SIGHT. The Beast cuts the CORRUPTING RED CHAIN from the TOXIC CHAIN "infection". Using its PRESSURE ability, SUICUNE and using his AURORA BOREALIS ABILITY, guides himself—and the party.

[attr="class","prompt0"] fights through her fear and advances with AZELF. The Lake Guardian defies MUNKIDORI with an EXPANDING FORCE, staving off the monkey before it can properly take advantage of the death visions that descend upon the party.
[attr="class","prompt0"]'s twisted vision of and is broken by 's intervention. His AGGRON uses MUD SLAP on MUNKIDORI. Meanwhile, is also freed from his vision of decapitation by Rocket hands. His ZOROARK is called onto the field in the guise of a SALAMENCE and uses NIGHT DAZE on MUNKIDORI. Although their POKEMON's ATTACKS miss due to the raging SANDSTORM and MUNKIDORI's EVASION, it grants an opening for .

[attr="class","prompt0"], liberated from her vision, fights back tears as her GLASTRIER charges with an ICICLE CRASH. It FLINCHES the MUNKIDORI successfully.

[attr="class","prompt0"] and arrive. Immediately, they are able to take advantage of the situation created by the aforementioned. 's CALYREX SHARD uses PSYCHIC on MUNKIDORI, striking the monkey out of its stupor before 's TYRANTRUM joins with a HEAD SMASH...

[attr="class","prompt0"] is pulled out of the vision upon the chain's severance. She runs toward REGIROCK and away from her "feared future".

[attr="class","prompt0"] manages to snap out of the vision due to 's intervention as well. They follow a fleeing while recognizing who motions to assist. offers medical assistance, while their AGGRON prepares a METAL BURST.

[attr="class","prompt0"] falls out of the sky, but is saved by and her MESPRIT's ALLY SWITCH. He questions and . His SHADOW ARMAROUGE, which had been flung to their location by REGIROCK, fires at the MUNKIDORI from afar with a PSYSHOCK...

[attr="class","prompt0"]' supports from the sidelines. His CHIKORITA uses a LIGHT SCREEN, creating an intimidating frontline of defenses for the ROCKET BOSS and 's fight.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s ZOROARK clashes with 's INCINEROAR. A SHADOW CLAW clashes against the DARKEST LARIAT—and for a moment, the mid-swing hit is successful in catching the feline off-guard. However, the INCINEROAR's brute strength prevails and strikes the ZOROARK hard.

[attr="class","prompt0"] and confront each other. 's claws are poisoned by her SALANDIT. Should Inmedias and Madda desire, can be POISONED sometime in their ensuing fight.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s BLASTOISE is summoned and MEGA EVOLVES. The turtle uses PROTECT to save from ULYSSES MONROE's AERODACTYL's attack.

[attr="class","prompt0"] fights with , going toe-to-toe as he contemplates his enjoyment of fighting. He risks a deeper attack, while his DRACOVISH endures an EXTREME SPEED. His DRACOVISH strikes back with a PSYCHIC FANGS.

[attr="class","prompt0"] will be able to strike successfully (if desired), but will also be able to strike him back successfully. ' LUCARIO will be able to dodge the PSYCHIC FANGS (if desired).

[attr="class","prompt0"] recognizes how her GRUDGES make more aggressive. Her TAPU FINI uses SURF on REGIROCK's DYNAMAX BARRIER. As the SURF crashes on the barrier, the spraying waters douse, but do not harm and .

[attr="class","prompt0"] tries to control his new powers while absorbing the GRUDGES. His TAPU LELE is able prevent him from being swept away from TAPU FINI's SURF. Filled with aggression, showers empowered SCALES onto the DYNAMAX BARRIER. The immensely powerful scales strike , , , , , and . However, and are able to weather the scales better due to the DYNAMAX BARRIER and the GOUGING FIRE's BURNING BULWARK.

[attr="class","prompt0"] takes the brunt of 's SCALES for , severely hurting him in the process. As continues to fortify the frozen Giant with his SAMUROTT, he uses TRAINER MOVE: PHYSICAL SHIELD. His SYGNA SUIT activates to protect the REGICE further.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s BLACEPHALON uses FLAMETHROWER against the DYNAMAX BARRIER.

[attr="class","prompt0"]In the air, maneuvers in bombastic style. He recalls and then redeploys ALOLAN EXEGGUTOR in mid-air for a soft landing successfully. In the process, SEED BOMB batters the DYNAMAX BARRIER.

[attr="class","prompt0"] calls upon his AVALUGG. Through the sands, it uses a MOUNTAIN GALE to hurl icy chunks that crash against the DYNAMAX BARRIER.


[attr="class","prompt0"] advances after receiving no response from . She ULTRA BURSTS and fuses with her NIHILEGO. In this empowered form, she fuels REGICE with DYNERGY. Desiring to poison and kill the REGIROCK before it can fall into 's hands, the two scale the REGIROCK, scrambling toward , and with POISONOUS TENDRILS. The two leave poisons on the REGIROCK as they climb...

[attr="class","prompt0"]As scales the REGIROCK with , he witnesses the Admin's desperation and/or deteriorating mental state. He fights through the painful DYNERGY with his GOUGING FIRE to act as a safety net in case falls.

[attr="class","prompt0"]Thanks to the efforts of everyone around him, in spite of the SCALES & FEAR, continues to climb as the DYNAMAX CANNON is loosed at the same time as his and the REGI STATUE's "heartbeat" while 's 10% ZYGARDE uses LAND WRATH to destroy the ground beneath REGIROCK...


THE REGIROCK'S DYNAMAX BARRIER GLOWERS RED as it is assailed by those around it. Scattering particles of DYNERGY fall from the barricade with every segment shed. Eventually, the DYNAMAX CANNON is launched. Empowered by 's ULTRA BURST, the resulting beam can be heard from all parts of the city. Before it reaches the REGIROCK, several things occur:[break][break]

Up this high on the Giant, and will see a large crack in the REGIROCK's BODY, near its collar or breast. Looking inside, there is a hollow space.[break][break]

Before the DYNAMAX CANNON LANDS, 's 10% ZYGARDE razes the ground beneath the Legendary Giant. The REGIROCK stumbles, causing to lose footing. He falls, potentially into the line of fire of the REGICE's DYNAMAX CANNON should fail to catch him.[break][break]

The DYNAMAX CANNON strikes the barrier and is able to DO MORE DAMAGE to it; however, it is not enough. One segment remains.[break][break]





THE MAX ROCKFALL MAKES LANDFALL. When it does, the upheaved earth and stone crashes upon PETALBURG CITY and immediately destroys several districts. The earth blisters violently from the impact. Two parallel ridges of earth form like smaller mountain ranges, terrestrial scars, as the slab crumbles apart. EVERYONE ON THE MAINLAND will be able to feel the devastating impact: an EARTHQUAKE that rumbles throughout the region as a testament to the power of Giants.[break][break]

The SANDSTORM is sustained further—but before the REGIROCK can act again, another one of 's GRUDGE-POWERED SCALES strikes the barrier.[break][break]




In a serendipitous turn of events, the DYNAMAX BARRIER shatters and the REGIROCK begins to show signs of reverting. Before the reversion begins, it is POISONED by and NIHILEGO who are fused together by way of their ULTRA BURST. The SANDSTORM becomes a deathly purple as IT CARRIES POISON & SAND.[break][break]

THE MUNKIDORI IS BRUTALIZED BY 's TYRANTRUM & 's CALYREX SHARD. The Monkey shrieks as it is launched, and it shrieks again upon being struck by 's SHADOW ARMAROUGE'S PSYSHOCK. It lands with a grievous wound, its lanky body bleeding through matted fur. However, the POISONOUS SANDSTORM quickly thickens.[break][break]

With a conniving smile, the MUNKIDORI rises to its feet. It regenerates, a swirl of purple mist gracing its body. The monkey dances, waving its arms and chain to demonstrate its loyalty to its stranded lord as the SANDSTORM masks its escape.[break][break]

STRUCK BY HORN LEECHES & ANCIENT POWER, the FEZANDIPITI looks worse for wear. The TREE DOME erected by is a frustrating cage—but as the SANDSTORM GROWS POISONOUS, the Warden gains a second wind. With a quick strike of its wing, it breaks through the TREVENANT's branches and soars into the air for imminent retreat. From its beak, a MOONBLAST forms before surging toward , , , and .[break][break]

The strengthening SANDSTORM is quick to cover FEZANDIPITI's departure, but not before the Bird makes gesture to honor its allegiance to the Poison Puppeteer.[break][break]

THE OKIDOGI IS STRUCK BY 's OGERPON. Newly TEAL MASKED, the Pokemon strikes OKIDOGI CRITICALLY. The Dog howls as it is clobbered and catapulted however. Its broken body lies on the ground briefly. But slowly, like a zombie reanimating, the OKIDOGI recuperates. Its chain begins to swing and as the Dog rises to its feet, it roars.[break][break]

The EARTHQUAKE from the REGIROCK's MAX ROCKFALL is followed up with a STOMPING TANTRUM from the OKIDOGI. Flapping its arms, it reaffirms its fealty to the pecha and flees in the thickening SANDSTORM.[break][break]

ULYSSES MONROE CACKLES DURING HIS FIGHT WITH . His MEGA AERODACTYL flips away from the PROTECTING MEGA BLASTOISE as and embroil themselves in battle. 's TERRAKION stays by and hoists his body onto its back. As the fight continues, the bull watches the man from Cascarrafas punch his way into the Sword of Justice's heart.[break][break]

"c'mon petra! grow some balls! mega evolving into a protect? come fight me! bare your fucking teeth little girl!" The Mega Aerodactyl soars into the sky as the earth rumbles violently from the impact of the MAX ROCKFALL.[break][break]

The SANDSTORM becomes embroidered in poisons as ULYSSES MONROE smiles through ' LIGHT SCREEN.[break][break]

"would you look at that! time's a tickin', petra—"[break][break]

The MEGA AERODACTYL calls upon a ROCK SLIDE. Large stones fall toward and her BLASTOISE... and his INCINEROAR. Should Inmedias desire, she may have TERRAKION act this round too, in order to protect .[break][break]

"—and I don't play fair!"


You MUST ROLL using the roll command. SALAC BERRIES can be used for REROLLS.[break][break]

For this round and in general, low rolls will not always equal failure. Rolls be used to help shape the narrative and determine how intermingling actions pan out.



ATTACHED BELOW is an updated map of Petalburg City and Route 104.[break][break]

(click and drag to a separate tab for full image)




THIS IS A RAID EVENT where characters post every round, attempting actions and/or responding to prompts or scenarios present within provided MODERATOR POSTS. Oftentimes, characters must make use of the ROLL command, which can determine the success of actions and/or create narrative tension.

This event is "DEATH-ENABLED". However, one should not worry too much about Pokemon or characters dying. Depending on player action, these high stakes can potentially be navigated without loss. Regardless, players can collaborate with me if they would like to craft dramatic moments like sacrifices, if it is able to be integrated into the event well.[break][break]

IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to take advantage of this event to connect with new characters and to step out of your comfort zones. These events often act as a springboard for a variety of plots in its aftermath, with consequences that impact the wider site narrative and/or setting.[break][break]

Considering 's current health, this event will likely be SHORT, HAVE QUICKER TURNAROUNDS & HAVE LESS DETAILED MODERATOR POSTS. It is up to you to develop your stories, your dramatic moments, and more in response to the scenario presented.[break][break]

The plan is to conclude this event by the END OF AUGUST.[break][break]

Do note that this is A ROCKET VS LEAGUE faction-based event.



  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable).
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • more rules may be specified in the actual event thread.
  • [break]





, , and have missed ONE ROUND.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
255 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 0:50:07 GMT


battle of petalburg: main event

Airi's piercing azure eyes widens with fear as she watched the Cross Poison making contact with Aaron's body, the impact of the attack causing him to get knocked down before fading to black. Without any hesitation, the Ranger Nurse rushes over towards him to assess his injury. As much as she wants to help the others fight against the massive bird, she needs to shift her attention to caring for Aaron. She kneels down next to him and carefully positions her body over his body a bit to protect him from the Boomburst. She lets out a painful cry as the powerful attack strikes her body and rips cuts in her uniform. Her arms and cheeks are also covered in minor cuts. Bean soon leaps in front of her to block the rest of the attack to his best ability. After regaining her composure, Airi removes herself from hovering over Aaron to carefully check his breathing and pulse. Thankfully, he still seems to be breathing. Unfortunately, before she is unable to completely tend to his wounds the enraged bird takes them hostage in the air. It does not last too much long thanks to her colleague's ability to think fast to force their opponent to free them. Airi reaches out to hold Aaron's body against her own body as the pheasant drops them in midair. "Hurricane!" Airi calls out to her Dragonite. The Dragonite lets out a growl as she summons a less powerful storm of wind as an attempt to soften everyone's landing. [break][break]

Despite the weakened Hurricane, Airi still finds herself landing down on her side a little too hard as she sacrifices her body to be used as a shield for Aaron's body. A sharp cry escapes from her lips as she feels her the left side of her ribcage becomes slightly bruised from the impact of the fall. She curses under her breath, but fights through then pain to shift her focus back on Aaron. She checks for any spinal damage before gently using her strength to roll him over into the recovery position. A few low grunts escaping from her mouth as she endures the pain from her aching ribcage. "Hang in there, Aaron. You are going to be okay," she whispers to him. She returns her Dragonite back to her orb and orders her Swampert to keep guard and prevent their opponent from attempting to harm Aaron or her as she tends to his wounds and to stop any the sandstorm from making Aaron's injuries worst. Bean creates a Protective shield around Airi and Aaron.


She puts on her disposable gloves before using fresh dressing to cover his wounds. She applies pressure to his gashes for about five to ten minutes as she waits for the bleed to cease. At the moment the blood stops oozing out of his wound, Airi switches her gloves, then starts to clean his wounds with saline solution, then gently the wounds dry with a clean cloth. She takes a few seconds to monitor his breathing and pulse as she sterile her hands and grabs her suture kit. She anesthetizes the wound with a cream before she starts suturing his wounds, blocking out everything else happening around them. Eventually, she finishes his sutures and wraps them with new dressing.


"Alright, the rest is up to you..." She whispers, taking out a Poke Ball to release Latte. The Gardevoir lets out a soothing cry as her eyes rest on the injured teenager. "Latte, use Heal Pulse to finish healing him up." She instructs her trusted partner. Latte floats over to Aaron, extending her dainty hands in front of her body, releasing multiple light pink sparkling waves of healing energy towards Aaron's body.


A deep sigh sounds off from Airi's lips as she takes a moment to clean up her area and pack up her medical kit. There is nothing more that she can do for Aaron right now. She has to trust in her Gardevoir's healing powers to restore him back to good health. Her deep azure eyes soon take sight of the Moonblast heading towards everyone like a brilliant comet blitzing through the dusty sky. "Bean use Hydro Pump!" The Swampert breaks the protective barrier then fires a powerful jet of shimmering water towards the Moonblast.





  • Location:

  • Airi uses her body to protect Aaron from the Boomburst. Her Swampert stands over them to take some of the damage. Airi has minor cuts and scratches from the Boomburst.

  • Airi protects Aaron during flight. Airi has her Dragonite use a "soft" Hurricane to try to soften everyone's fall. She uses her body as a shield for Aaron, injuring her ribcage.

  • Airi starts to tend to Aaron's injuries: stopping bleeding, cleaning wound suturing wound, then wrapping the wound. Latte uses Heal Pulse to finish healing Aaron's wounds.

  • Airi has Bean use Hydro Pump to counter the Moonblast.






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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP