i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
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an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 13:08:48 GMT
Callan Young Avatar

He was dust. A single mote of existence in a universe far larger than he was.

For all his grandeur and bravado, for everything that he had managed to climb himself up to, the gravity of the cosmos was infinite and sought to swallow him whole.

Crystallized fractures fromed into slivers and lines in mid-air, rending outwards in his eyes as the energfy from Palkia fires forwards.

"KING'S SHIELD!" Callan roared, as Dawn, his Aegislash moved to act.

A thousand crystalline fractures cover his eyes as a large crest forms in front of him, cyan blue light outlining the ward against Palkia's beam of death. The impact shatters reality itself, like pieces of eggshell falling from reality, peeling back the infinite void as it swallows his Aegislash whole in black wippling energy.

And still, the Pokemon holds to protect its master, as its body is rended asunder, the steel in its blade and shield mottle and warp as it screams.

Callan could not bear watching, he clicks his Pokeball, a foolish action perhaps, but Dawn refuses to enter as it weathers down the ensuing void. Callan oculd but watch in horror as Dawn gest bent more and moreuntil finally, the fractal energy dissipates the world seemingly repairs itself, the cracks reforming into empty air once again. Dawn collapses, critically injured, as Callan rushes over to administer first aid, crushing a max revive onto the dying Aegislash.

Overhead, the spirits of the dead return, the combat is loud, the violence is clear, but Callan's focus remained on Aegislash.

Only when the rings of Unown chain back Palkia, and the man attempts to retreat, does Callan give his reply. "Maybe. But it's not your choice to make either."

Callan lets up his Pokeball, releasing Bowie.

Z-Energy courses through the Toxtricity's body, a gleam of the bracelet forming ethereal blue light surging behind the illumina Pokemon. Bowie rends out its hand, extending it outwards as it strums against its vocal cords. From beneath the earth, a vortex of Z-Energy explodes behind Callan, blinding white as a spire as a tombstone unfolds behind him, unveiling a massive, skull face amplifier and speaker.

toxtricity plays a song that bestows renewed strength to those nearby it. affected pokemon will see their health restored, parameters boosted, and cleansed from previous status effects.

There were many moves that were used against Father Winter. 's Neverending Nightmare, @isaac's Beat Up, 's Dragon Rush, 's Black Hole, 's Wood Hammer, @elio's Hyper Beam, 's Shadow Hold, 's Hyper Beam, 's Darkest Lariat, 's G-Max Terror.

All those nearby, all those Pokemon, all those moves, would be drastically increased in power as Callan's Toxtricity let loose the hardest guitar riff known to the Pokemon World. A shred sequence filled with Z-Energy, improving all base parameters of nearby ally Pokemon and healing everyone within the vicinity of their wounds.

The chaos that would unfurl at Mt. Pyre would be amplified to a hundred, whether graceful or malign.


+ Callan's Aegislash defends Callan and faints, heavily injured.
+ Callan ignores the resummoned to stabilize his Aegislash.
+ "no u"
+ Toxtricity uses TERAVOLT TURNABOUT
+ All nearby allies's (aka. not Father Wynter) base parameters and boosting their move power.
+ All living allies are healed partially, if not fully.


[googlefont=Playfair Display]
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Jan 1
castelia city, unova
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give me grief, give me violence
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TAG WITH @marza
Marza Volchitsa
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 15:34:11 GMT
Marza Volchitsa Avatar

“Son of a bitch.” She'd only just started to stand because of Fern's insistence. He knew how to get her going and there really was nothing more powerfully motivational for Marza than her own competitive nature. “Guess you get your bragging rights, brat.” Today, hadn’t yet finished fucking her over, it seemed. Part of her knew she was probably going to die, but dying had never really bothered her. What bothered her was the idea of losing. This felt a lot like losing.
“Stay in there, you stupid buzzard.” Her hand closed down on Kuru’s pokeball, which vibrated and shook violently at the impending consequence. Almost immediately afterwards, her vision went black. All she knew was that she could feel it. Then, it was cold.
Maybe it was the collective will of Marza’s fury that made her not quite willing to let go of it all, or it was some circumstantial spirit voodoo she didn’t care to acknowledge. Either way, she pulled free of whatever vacuous space existed after it all, to find herself still standing on the mountain. This place was fucking cursed, great. She couldn’t even die right.
Bodies of pokemon and people riddled the ground, maybe they were suffering the same after-effect of whatever the hell this was. There was something exceedingly grotesque about seeing yourself after you’ve died. was gone by then, thankfully. She looked so goddamn weak that it was hard to look at. Kuru had busted free and the corviknight was standing over her like a stoic steel guardian. In reality, he was probably debating how long was proper to wait before eating your dearly-departed trainer. He almost looked a little sad about it.
Truthfully, with her wounds, she’d be lucky to live either way. Even then, she figured she wasn’t quite done yet. The pain returned upon contact, a rending sort of pain. Fern had patched up the knife wound to the point it’d stopped bleeding, but now the rest of her was in a pretty shit state. Kuru made a cooing noise that didn’t befit a 7-foot death metal bird. “Yeah, I’m not dead yet, big fuckin whoop. Give me a fucking break already.” She pressed against the bird, using his size to lift herself up.



- mask[break]
- marza, you know, :’3 died for a second [break]
- her own bird maybe contemplates eating her[break]
- she’s back before he can try and barely operating, but still has a foul mouth[break]
- tired of this fucking mountain, omg pls universe give her a good roll.[break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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July 9
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5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 15:58:52 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




Rowan?! She paused as her concentration broke at the sight of her friend. That slight break was enough of a crack to line up a shot on Melody with SPATIAL REND. Her body was battered and bruised. Cuts lining up and down her body. On top of that her Lapras begins to RETURN TO NORMAL. The injuries it sustained being too heavy and it FAINTS. as Melody immediately recalls the Pokémon into it's container. [break][break]

She looks towards rowan, spotting a familiar looking Pokémon. She didn't have time to piece it all together as pure unbridled chaos unfolded around her was too distracting. She watches as thousands of souls fly past her, specifically SHE SPOTS SOME FIREY ONES IN THE SHAPES OF V fly past her. [break][break]

However suddenly, a familiar bonking lines up on her stomach as her gaze looks downward. "Relicanth..?"she said as tears began to well in her eyes. This had to be a joke right? A cruel trick the dark triad was playing on her? More mind manipulations? No, Rowan just experienced something similar, it had to be real. [break][break]

It was indeed real, Cobalion lands behind Melody after he heard all the commotion, giving up his chase on VELMOS and his stakataka. He stared at the fish as well, completely befuddled by its reappearance. Melody clutched the fish tightly, gasping as the cuts on her arm bled a little bit but she gritted her teeth through the pain. [break][break]

"I wont let you go, not again." as Cobalion began to resonate with her feelings. "Cobalion, what do we do to those who mistreat their pokemon?" she asks as she watches Palkia struggle to break free of the chains. She looks to , hoping he could understand her desire without words as she looks towards Palkia. Cobalion's gaze straightens again, unleashing it's sword and responding to Melody's will. "We punish them! Bring him to justice cobalion! Free palkia!" she orders as cobalion performs IT'S Z-MOVE, CURTAIN CALL UPON THE CHAINS HOLDING PALKIA in tandem with Illeana's NEVER ENDING NIGHTMARE [break][break]



notes about this post


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Melody's mega lapras faints! Recalls into pokeball[break]
Melody watches the souls fly past her TAKING NOTE OF THE FIERY V ONE[break]
Relicanth returns to melody, sob. [break]
Looks at and eyes at him to help her ass [break]
Cobalion returns to Melody after chasing velmos and USES IT'S Z-MOVE, CURTAIN CALL ON THE CHAINS RESTRAINING PALKIA[break]
Using 1 salac

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 3:13:16 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

As he, much like his comrades rush to the Primal Point, reality seemed to ripple and wobble. A loud cry signals the end, stopping in his tracks as if his body sensed its own demise. He mouthed a warning to , one of the people closest to him in this assault but nothing comes out. He is too far from the edges of 's mist, having been eager to take his place next to Joules. [break][break]


Pieces of himself are quite literally ripped to shreds. Any thought or situational awareness is destroyed, thoughts blanks as he is overcome with unsurmountable pain. Any sort of scream that would've been pulled forth by animal instinct is turned guttural, and gurgling hos throat ripped out form him by mysterious powers. He fell forward, head tilting down to see some of the carnage. Legs, broken and smashed, mangled in different directions, pieces of bone soaked in blood jutting out like broken glass. Entrails hanging loose as his torso separated crudely. Patches of himself go flying forward, one arm left hanging by sinew, the other flying forward and smacking a blood soaked ground. It's a flash, gone in an instant but also so painful it feels like he will never. fucking. die. [break][break]

And in a feeble attempt for his mind to come to terms with the pain, to lick metaphorical wounds before he passes he is relieved he may finally get a good night's sleep for once, and end whatever nightmare Hoenn presented him this time. [break][break]

Amidst all this is the frantic, almost too fast to understand beeping coming out of one shiny Magnezone. Joules, beeping- no, shrieking in their own way an SOS signal. The pattern repeated over and over again, frantic, desperate as one and then all three eyes turn to the corpse and rush to it's side. All focus towards protecting the Primal Point forgetting in overwhelming rage and grief. [break][break]

The explosion sets Joules off once more, though the dual type unleashes another PROTECT, this one solely with the intent to cover their trainer's massacred body. The rift opened like a gate, and Joules is defensive as things pour out of the rift, with one particular coming far too close for comfort. [break][break] [break][break]

It hovered over the pokemon's charge, lowering slightly until stopped by menacing sparks. "Your mission, Joules." came a soft voice, echoing and faint. Though the voice progressively gets stronger, the wisp of light growing in size, mud and dust gathering slowly but surely. [break][break]


A skeleton formed under the cover of a strange power, a body regenerating while looking down at another. Muscle, skin, hair. The soul glowing at the point where Paxton's heart should be, before blinking out of existence. A resonating thump, echoed out with one final burst of light before a heart started beating. The first gasp of air, and the first sight. Horror. Carnage. Though rejuvenated in a way, with thoughts clearer and mind calm, seeing himself broken is something he knew he could never unsee. He doesn't want to see it, throat clenching with emotion before he turned to Joules who moved in close, shaking and crying for their trainer. [break][break]

Calls from his colleagues echoed around, and it took mere moments for Paxton to throw himself back into the fray, setting aside the gory sights for later. He lets out Baldwin, the sentient keyring and joined the other's efforts. "Prevent escape!" he ordered, as the Klefki used FAIRY LOCK in order to add to the array of moves preventing Father Winter and Palkia's escape. [break][break]



- a lil body horror never hurt nobody anyway ( paxton ded ) [break]
- Joules the Magnezone sad af [break]
- Paxton rezzed [break]
- Baldwin the Klefki used FAIRY LOCK on Father Winter + Palkia [break]



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harper beck
august 11
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rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 7:46:40 GMT
fern delaney Avatar

One minute, was there, trudging behind him and complaining loudly as Morticia lifted him higher up into the air. The next, she was gone. Actually, a lot of people were. Rended to pieces with apparent ease, just like that. He howled her name down to the ground, but his haunter didn’t stop moving forward, pushing him toward the primal point, and soon that was all he could think of again.[break][break]

It seemed luck was on their side—no one seemed to notice their approach. Too busy wrapped up in their own conflicts to watch him drop in from above. But something was wrong. “Pull up, pull up!” he barked, and Morticia peeled back just in time as the primal point fired in an explosion of light, and then bounced back to make the explosion a legitimate one. Everything seemed to shatter in crystalline fractals, as the dome above them cracked and split simultaneously. Something whizzed in their direction, and though Fern’s hands stretched out, it was the haunter’s larger ones that snagged the fracture of the primal gem.[break][break]

Once it was handed over, Fern turned it in his hands as it hummed with residual energy, bright and warm to the touch. This was…good. This would be of use. He tucked it into his pocket, and as he did so, Fern began to notice that he was no longer in the air alone—suddenly the cacophony of hundreds of confused souls was filling the space.[break][break]

The shimmery outline of her serpentine body twirled around him. Ceci?” As if in play, as she did when she was no more than the undersized dreepy who could fit in the cup of his sixteen year old hands. He could not touch her, but he could still feel the sensation of her broad forehead pressing to his. The prickle of warmth that seeped from the spot. Fern let out a shaky laugh, breath choked and vision blurring. “I didn’t make it to you in time..”[break][break]

A trilling, reptilian coo echoed through him, ethereal and scolding, and Fern knew to shut up on the spot lest he be subjected to more scolding. “Alright, alright.” The dragapult fluttered back, watching him with wide, citrine eyes that never once blinked. “I don’t suppose you want to sneak back to the mortal coil while you can, hm?”[break][break]

It felt like a bit of a disservice to ask, but he wasn’t ready to say goodbye just yet. Cecilia twirled around him and Morticia one last time before dissipating to nothing in the hazy air, and the crack in his chest felt as fresh as it had the moment she’d tumbled off that ledge, blown back by that staraptor’s attack ( .) That was an answer for him—it was time for her to move on, and he would need to accept as much. Still, there was no quelling the grief he felt, despite the relief of seeing her one last time. A wound that would take insurmountable time to heal over.[break][break]

Fern patted the spot between his haunter’s ears as she continued to LEVITATE in the air. “I guess that’s that,” he said, sighing with the intent to turn his attention back to the world upending itself beneath them.[break][break]

And then that trill.[break][break]

Loud and resounding, like a whooping victory cry as Cecilia came shooting through the air again—that time solid and tangible and real out of spatial opening from PHANTOM FORCE. She twisted in a spiraling corkscrew sailing above them, and then dropping down below, in obvious indication and Fern couldn’t help but let out a whoop of his own, a grin plastering across his face despite the pain it wreaked on his busted nose. “Shake me loose, Morty.” The haunter did as obliged, tilting so that Fern dropped into open air, only to land on the dragapult’s back as he called Morticia back into the safety of her pokeball.[break][break]

“That’s my gal,” he praised as Ceci chirped in gladness at having returned to her body. It was almost too easy to forget about everything happening around them, but secured on her back now, Fern was reminded of the spirits lifted and tangled around them in their confusion over being pulled loose from whatever dwelling held them at rest. The conflict tumbled on below it, but Fern was too focused on the spectral beauty of it. Pokémon and humans alike, treading that now-blurred line between eternal slumber and lives once lead.[break][break]

Perhaps there was more to it, though? Bright wisps of flame shot by them, and Ceci sailed out of the way. Once at a distance, Fern noted that V pattern, marked it down in his mind to revisit later. Maybe he could ask if he knew what it might mean. It was the odd shadows that pulled free and diverged, though, that spurred him into action again. “Tail one, yeah?” Cecilia obliged and darted after the nearest shadow, trying not to lose sight of it, as it soared away.[break][break]

He had only proven up until that point that he was useless on the ground, in a fight that he didn’t have much personal stake in. But maybe this was where he could prove his worth. Maybe this was what he could do for Rocket, and even if it surmounted to nothing, he still had the shard, right? An idea formed in his mind then, and Fern fished the piece of gem loose from his pocket again. He didn’t rightly know what a little piece like this might do. He didn’t know the first thing about its properties. But maybe the energy housed within it was tied to whatever had come through that spatial tear.[break][break]

Like a homing signal? Maybe? Fern fixed his sight ahead, still chasing that elusive shadow, hair blown back and eyes watering from the wind. With the primal shard curled in his hand, just to see what might happen, if anything.


[attr="class","ooc"] mask[break]
+ where tf did go?? [break]
+ continues to fly toward the primal point, but it fires first [break]
+ his haunter catches some of the primal gem HOLLAAA[break]
+ reunites with the spirit of his slain dragapult, ceci[break]
+ ceci returns to her body and PHANTOM FORCES to fern![break]
+ fern notes the V-shaped flames and the dark shadows among the spirits. Instructs Ceci to chase one out of curiosity[break]
+ wonders if the energy in the primal shard will act like a homing beacon to whatever came out of the rift :3c
[attr="class","poke-sprite pokemon dragapult"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 8:37:25 GMT
A myriad of explosions rock the mountain as Derek draws closer to the summit, throwing him around like the little insignificant thing that he was. Tossed to the ground, rogue debris collides with his figure as circumstances make a ragdoll out of him. The gym leader only comes back to his senses as the ignition of the PRIMAL CRYSTAL signals the beginning, or the end of the League's great journey. And what does he see? Their splintered reality, with dimensional fabrics interloping and finding their center within the one they called home. Seems like it worked.

But the others? Fractured portions of their former selves, gradually serving as a means to reunite them with familiar faces that were, until now, beyond reach. Distanced by death, their appearance spelled something worse than their arrival would feel to those who missed them. Derek can't help but raise a hand to shade his sight from the primal crystal's glaring radiance, reluctant to believe what is happening before his very eyes...

Fire spouts from the Charizard's opened maw, desperate to assert it's claim to life on this plane once more. And as it stands over all from atop the peak, it bears witness to the injuries of it's master, and the DRK Triad's cruelty.

Without words the Charizard tasks itself with delivering Palkia from evil, diving down towards the creature and readying the claws of it's dominant hand before issuing a decisive strike upon the CHAINS bound to it's figure.


- Derek's Charizard (Apollo) comes back to life
- Charizard uses SLASH on the CHAINS binding PALKIA
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 19:43:54 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Everything was happening so quickly, but Amor had decided to pick a fight with one of the three God's from his homeland despite the overwhelming odds. If he had calculations they were going as planned because everything was incredibly out of proportion, but once you lived in Hoenn long enough that became the norm. A pang of fear crossed his heart as he hoped he didn't get desensitized to such things, otherwise his awareness of danger would be heavily impaired. That was when it happened. Suddenly, and without warning tens upon tens of wounds just opened on his body, and he was forced to the ground on his knees bleeding profusely. The pain overloaded his nervous system, and he thought he was going to pass out, but through sheer stubborness he did his best to refocus his vision, and that was when he saw it.

Despite all odds he had finally made it to this place, to the peak, and when the shard of the crystal flew towards him he reached out to it. His reflexes were to slow, and it brushed his fingertips as it raced past him. He was about to give chase before he saw another Rocket Operative catch it, and he slowly stood up. Amor felt like he was going to die, his suit was in tatters, his helm had a large cut in it revealing one of his eyes. How much longer would he be able to retain consciousness he didn't know. The mission had been a success, but something else happened.

Before him stood a beautiful gate, adorned with lights that shined like stars. Amor didn't know what it was, but he wanted to walk towards it, and so shakily he tried despite the obvious danger. It was so beautiful, and the blood loss was causing him some manner of delirium. Reaching out with a shredded arm he saw a familiar visage.

A blonde woman, in a white dress was standing at the top of a set of stairs waiting for him. Beckoning to him. Whatever that place was, that was where he wanted to be. For the briefest of moments, time seemed to stretch on for eternity before him. Every second became meaningless, and he wanted to be with her once more. That was when he felt a large hand on his shoulder gripping him firmly, and keeping him rooted in place. Turning his gaze he glared at the interloper only to realize it was his own Golurk.

How far had he walked to an unknown place, and he when he looked back she was gone.

Pain, regret, anguish, sadness, overloaded his already stretched system, and he felt like he might collapse from the sheer weight of it all. That was when all their shouts, and attacks returned his senses to him.

"Oh that's right...." He mentally told himself, and bottling it all up for the time being, he returned his Golurk.

He saw what everyone was trying to do, but they were doing it all wrong.

"You're all idiots...." They were trying to block the wrong targets. Palkia, and Father Winter weren't the right targets to seal.

Releasing his Gallade.

"Imprison those Unown!" He gave the order before coughing up blood from the wounds in his helm. Those Unown were the one pokemon that no one was paying attention to. They were also the ones that were the real problem, and Amor knew they had Teleportation capabilities from how they manifested suddenly, and seemingly out of nowhere.

Amor had no proof, or hope that it might work, but the Unown were this enemies real weapon, and he had figured that out in the Datascape. Sealing them would hopefully prevent this mans escape, but he could only hope in the end.

"Walter is going to scold me for getting hurt again....Adontis will be mad as well...."


Amor gets Omae wa mo Shinderu'd (But he's still alive)
Amor is bleeding profusely from lots of places now
Amor sees a dead person in that dimension
Amor returns his Golurk
Amor summons Gallade
Gallade uses Imprison on the Unown specifically.
Banned moves if it works are Protect, Teleport, Stone Edge, Mean Look, Imprison, and Psycho Cut

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 22:36:29 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
"ol — !" [break][break]
— lie comes the rest of his name, reduced to a quiet grunt against his uniform as he pulls her into a crushing hug. she wants to collapse into it, wants to give up to her fatigue and distress and just unravel — but there's no time.
"i'm okay," she finally answers once he pulls back, the confirmation dragged in with a breath. "are you okay?"
she looks away, eyes darting as she scans the fog, and spots among those who have made their way up toward the peak. beneath bruised ribs, her heart squeezes. she takes a hesitant step forward, looks back at ollie to excuse herself in a few words, and then abandons all kindness of trying to spare greyson the bloodied sight of her.
"greyson!" she comes to his side, reaching out to put a worried hand on his arm. her lips part and the questions pour out in breathless succession: "where've you been? are you okay? are you hurt at all? i tried calling you but this place is a deadzone and my comms aren't working!"
her attention gets pulled away by father winter and his coin toss. the resulting tails fills her with mixed emotions that boil away into horror as palkia's spacial rend tears through pokemon and people around her.
the sight of , or what remains of him, makes her jerk her head away and put her hand over her mouth. her trembling fingers are little deterrent to the nausea in her stomach, so she instead uses them to keep the hair out of her face when she finally heaves.
the primal point is fired. her gaze follows the trajectory of the beam because it's safer than looking at the carnage around her or closing her eyes to the dangers around them completely.
"oh my god," she manages, voice small, as the meteor disappears and the subsequent hunk of rock is destroyed by rayquaza. her heart leaps into her throat as the beam bounces back to the crystal. she doesn't even have time to wonder if it's going to kill them before the shockwave of another explosion takes her off her feet. again. [break][break]
overhead, she sees the dome glisten, then shatter like so many pieces of glass. just like that, the fears that kept her up at night for months on end are just gone. [break][break]
favoring her injuries, she gingerly gets back on her feet and sees a rift has taken the place where the primal point had once stood. spirits, she thinks, mill about beyond the spacial fracture. people, pokemon, even moltres, to her surprise. she doesn't see return to his body, but his initial gasp for air makes her head turn before her brain could bring on a reminder of the consequences. [break][break]
"holy shit!" [break][break] he's alive. and single-mindedly throwing a pokemon into battle after being scattered around mt. pyre moments before. despite every cell in her body begging her to give up the ghost and retreat, despite the legendary towering over them, she finds her resolve in her colleague's strength to keep fighting. [break][break] she won't let that happen to him again. she can't.[break][break]
her fist clenches at her side and infinity energy arcs off the mega stone set into her ring like electricity. cotton candy pushes off the ground with a hard beat of her wings that displaces some of the pink mist she'd been roosting in. enveloped in harsh, white light, she flits up above palkia.
she rematerializes as a mega altaria and fires a moonblast at the unown tightening around the legendary's neck.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]
+ reunites with [break]+ meets up with pog[break]
+ not v happy to see 's body[break]
+ mega evolves her altaria[break]
+ m!altaria uses moonblast on the unown around palkia's neck[break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 23:07:28 GMT
The scent of blood and burning flesh permeated Mt. Pyre's summit. PALKIA's attack was a devastating one - to those unlucky enough to have chosen the wrong side of Father Winter's coin. Barnaby, miraculously, was spared the death that came to many of those around him.

What he was allowed to witness instead was a great exodus of souls leaving the bodies of the departed, human and Pokémon alike. Spirits of the damned seeking the afterlife. If he wasn't seeing it with his own eyes Barnaby would have thought he was going crazy.

Perhaps he was in a way, because even as this incredible phenomenon was happening, fighting still waged all around him. Explosions and flashes of light persisted at the peak near the primal point as both factions tried desperatly to fight for their goal. Barnaby strained to find in the madness, but failed to locate him. Despite his years of training, panic began welling in his chest.

And then many things happened at once. The primal point fired, leaving a massive chunk of crystal behind where the meteoroid had been. Mere seconds passed before an enormous dragon of a Pokémon appeared and smashed the crystal into pieces, sending shards falling down to Earth. As the shards of crystal fell, the dome surrounding Hoenn shattered in a similar fashion.

Somehow, with all of this happening, Barnaby also noticed the spirit of what looked like MOLTRES flying west, toward Mt. Chimney, along with several fiery wisps in the shape of a "V". Somewhere nearby, Barnaby's GALLADE was also one of the many souls to be resurrected, although they would find one another at a later time.

Right now, Barnaby's full attention was on the retreating Father Winter and PALKIA. It seemed, at least for now, the factions were of the same mind. League and ROCKET alike rushed to subdue the DRK Triad member and his chained Legendary Pokémon. Seeing 's DHELMISE attempt to restrain PALKIA prompted Barnaby to join in.

"Blast Burn on the Unown! NOW!" Barnaby yelled above the din around him; his MEGA CHARIZARD responded immediately, fire pooling in his throat.

• hidden identity (masked)
GALLADE is resurrected nearby

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 23:48:07 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar



He’s no stranger to the sight of SPATIAL REND, but while the first time he had encountered the move he had been far enough to avoid great harm and had even had ’s healing abilities on his side, this time his injuries would have been grave if it had not been for the Hatterene that broke out of her pokéball and stood between him and the blast. She acted as a shield and fainted as a result, her purpose served.

Attacks upon attacks. A Primal Point fired. Souls returned to this mortal realm. He sees Moltres’ flames, he sees the ‘V’ shaped sign, he sees the four eerie creatures, and much more than that. What he does not see, however, is the pair of souls that have an exchange deep within Mount Pyre’s woods, far from its summit. A dark haired woman kneels before the long lost shield that is the Marzán family’s coat of arms to this day, slowly being restored to the broken carapass that had been stolen by and that should be nowhere near this place. Natalia asks one thing of Ancile, her voice a whisper as eerie as this spectral form of hers: protect him.

It’s not thoughts of them that fill his mind at that moment; not thoughts of the blood that flows through his veins and of what has been lost because of them. It’s thoughts of the here and now; of the Unown, of Palkia, of the meteor, of Hoenn, and of the people on this mountain that he’d rather not to lose. , , , , , , and perhaps even a couple among the League’s ranks as well. What are they all doing? Have they lost their minds?

”Stop. You can’t just use violence to solve every fucking problem.” If Team Rocket comms were to work again, they might hear Mars’ voice and the anger in his voice. If not, they would perhaps see him looking up at the meteor and then turning his gaze towards Palkia and the Unown. The being of space withstands attack after attack, as do the symbols that intend to hold it captive. Do they really think they can break the chain of Unown without harming Palkia itself? The sight is familiar, and it is tiring.

”If you’re really here, if you’re really watching, then do something about this. Free Palkia.” This time, his voice is but a whisper, not spoken into comms but meant for someone much different. Mars does not wait to find out if the Being of Willpower hears his call or not. Instead, he TELEPORTS over Palkia, quickly creating a levitating platform to stand on – high enough to avoid the attacks aimed at the Unown.
"Palkia. We’ve met once." Not really. If anything, the Lord of Space had blindly attacked him when he had attempted to open an Ultra Wormhole. Had Palkia known who was responsible for that? ”Work with me and I will do what I can to set you free.”
The words are spoken so Palkia doesn’t lash out at what comes next, for his attention turns to the chain of Unown then. The Unown-? floats by side always and through its gaze Mars sees what he himself sees as well. There’s only one answer. Time and again, when Unown are concerned, there has only ever been one answer: one way to work with them.
”UNOWN. I AM YOUR ARCHITECT. LISTEN TO ME.” Where had he gotten that from? It just feels right to say it, and it's through his psychic connection to his own Unown-? the Mars attempts to communicate with the rest of the symbol pokémon there. He attempts to change their destination and intent. He attempts to get them to take Palkia somewhere safe. But, where would Palkia be safe from the Dark Triad, from the League, and perhaps even from Team Rocket? Nowhere in Hoenn. Nowhere in this world. The choice is based on the elimination of other options.
Of all entries written in the Unown Report, one rings loud and true through a psychic bond:




[break]+ We're using Azelf's prophecy for Mars bc it hits the THEMES bby
[break]+ Hatterene comes out of her pokéball to shield Mars from the blast and FAINTS
[break]+ The centuries old Aegislash that is coat of arms of the Marzán family is revived somewhere in mountain, making a promise with the soul of Mars' wife
[break]+ Mars is very tired of people in Hoenn trying to solve everything with violence
[break]+ He tries to appeal to Azelf to get it to help since this reminds him of the red chain
[break]+ He then calls to the Unown and tries to use his connection with them (and the Unown Report) to get them to change their intent and take Palkia somewhere safe. He TRIES to communicate a single Unown Report entry to them: HISUI.
[break]+ SALACS USED: 3



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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 23:53:49 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

Voices rang out from all directions around the focal point, many of them either angry or confused. Some even dared to test Father Winter, aiming their attacks at the trickers. Though, it proven a waste of time. And as the coin was flipped, the chance only meant fifty fifty on whatever was about to happen.

Suddenly, the dragon of time unleashed its attack on them all. And in the moment, it felt like life was about to end. Maverick braced for the impact of Palkia’s wrath. Thought as he turned his head and closed his eyes to accepted his fate, a shrill of a cry ran out just inches before him. But the blast, made it hard to see what had happened.

It was only after his cloths were rip to shreds, barreling handing on his burnt scarred body did the man feel like he just escaped death itself. He squinted harshly as the loose dirt and dust began to settling, crimson colored orbs fell upon the thing that had saved his life. And for the moment, the ex gym leader was silent in disbelief.

Orbs flickered over the lifeless body of his beloved hell hound that laid before him, portions of the creatures fur ripped off its flesh and large dark red liquid pooled around its body. Her chest cavity didn’t move indicating life. Her eyes, closed for good. Was she really dead?

Still, Maverick was quiet. Cries, shouts, thunderous doom, and so much more rang out all around him. It was all ignored. He fell to his knees, shaking hand reached out to touch what little fur that remained on her shoulder. The memories they shared came flashing before his eyes, liquid began to fill them in sorrow that the man had literally just lost his best friend in the whole world. One that never left his side, willing to kill her life to save his.

However, the man didn’t shed a tear. Instead, pure rage fills him. His fist ball up tight, facing himself up and casting a dark flare in the direction of Father Winter and his beast. Everyone who was still standing attacks while others tried to heal those who need it. And just as Maverick reached into his pocket to summon another one of his pokemon to blast the murders, the primal point activates.

The shock wave of raw power makes the man stumble on his feet, wide eyes as he watched the events unfold. Souls from different realm flew about in chaos, some fleeing into other dimensions while others darted for their bodies if they were here. One soul in particular got the man’s attention, watching as the ghostly form of his beloved canine leaped and bounced around him for a moment before jumping into the mangled body before him.

The body heals partly, enough to hold it together and keep the canine alive apparently. However, she has yet to fully recover and who knows if she ever will.

Instead, the burnt scarred man summons another beast as the chains grip polkia. The single strike urshifu materializes within seconds. Beating his chest proudly before the panda took in the scene. “No time to explain,” the man growled darkly, hand rose to tap the mega stone on him, “It’s time to show how much we have grown.” The Urshifu eyed the man, spotting the canine and then gaze swept the area. Death, destruction, and utter chaos. He roared once more, letting the mega evolution take effect and powering him.

Within seconds, the mega evolution took place. And when complete, it was time for action. Maverick’s eyes fell upon the one who really killed his canine, Father Winter. “Use Wicked Blow.” The beast rushed forward in the direction his human has demanded him to go with a point of a finger, his arm flexes and becomes surrounded in a dark purple aura. Once close, the creature aims to hit the human or any unown that stands in its way.


for @paaaraid at mt pyre. azula the houndoom dies protecting maverick. maverick is a mad boi. azula gets resurrected but mav is still a mad boi. saitama the urshifu (single style) is summoned, mega evolves, and uses wicked blow on/towards Father Winter/unown. as i said, hes butt hurt. xD using one salac berry because the man needs a break. xD

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz
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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2022 17:43:18 GMT

A swirl of empowered abilities spiraled up toward creator of space and his captor. Penelope only witnessed from down below, eyes wide as they following every projectile, every bullet, every word that spewed out from their side of the field. Her fingers curled further into the steel beast. While their moves were hitting their mark, something -- for whatever reason -- gnawed on her.
It nipped at her stomach, tearing and clawing like an animal beckoning for her attention, refusing to be ignored.

"Somethings wrong..."
But, before she could share these thoughts, Palkia's SPITAL REND hit, sending devastation across the field. In the midst of the chaos, Penelope attempted to cough out a hollow ,"CAREFUL! STAND STRONG! DON'T LE-"

But, again, she was stopped, this time by the sharp stench of iron that ripped through her nostrils, forcing her attention to her left, then her right.

"Oh my god."

Tremors rode up her legs and her chest squeezed tight. She couldn't bare to look to her left, where once stood, or to her right, where hopefully remained. Or, even down at herself, where cuts and scrapes raked up her legs and arms.

It was then the barrier shattered. The bridge between life and death was mended, allowing for all the pent up spirits of the past to pour back into their world. They flowed out, in ravines, branching off to different parts of the region or world, to where they supposedly belonged. It was in that moment Penelope felt the urged to look upward, back to the sky.


The name burned in her mind like a flickering fire, warm and bright, and everything they needed to shudder off the raging blizzard before them.

This was it. This was the moment.

Smiling at 's battle cry forward, she sent gestured for her METAGROSS to contribute to the efforts, issuing out a beam of pink PSYCHIC energy to help hold down the spatial god from zapping away.


[attr="class","ooc"] @charname [break]
- Watches everyone fight [break]
- :O at the people being hurt [break]
- notices the dead, especially moltres :O [break]
- fight fight fight [break]
- uses PSYCHIC to help keep palkia down

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

Edited: didn't roll oopsie
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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
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Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2022 22:44:05 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
As Palkia's swirling madness of energy toils and condenses faster and faster, panic grips her chest. She's made it up the stairs before either coin nor attack have met their destinations, as she only had to traverse a single flight of them, but she knows she cannot make it across the distance as Palkia's Spacial Rend reaches its pinnacle, not by her own strength– unless...

The Lunatone behind her sees how the assassin turns to shout an order– an order that's blurred by the deafening sound of Spacial Rend tearing through everything and everyone. Some fall like flies, their blood like crimson snow staining the hallowed ground. Man and mon alike; those who remain standing only stain Mt. Pyre further, and for a moment the assassin's world slows.

Out of her reach Kyrenai sees her charge be among them; she stands, but unlike the assassin, all but unharmed. A silent voice whispers in her ear as the sky above her shatters, and time once again starts moving.

"𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚌𝚞𝚜."

It draws her gaze up, and among the many lights and flickering flames she hears it again, right in front of her, yet so far away. The deep voice of a mentor long gone. Yet when it speaks again, it has become another-- younger, one that makes her suck in a breath any other would mistake as her reaction to seeing all the lost souls escaping.

"ɖօռ'ȶ ʟɛȶ ʏօʊʀ ɦɛǟʀȶ ɖɨֆȶʀǟƈȶ ʏօʊ"

She bites her tongue, eyes squinting at the lights calling out to her. Not one, but many. All familiars. All people no longer there. She saw them 'leave' for the light years ago.

"Don't make me remember my past." she bites back. "You know it hurts." but she doesn't say.

The souls have become vague silhouettes in her mind. They stand before her like a conclave, ready to judge her at a moment's notice, and when they speak -as one- she nods slowly, as the reality of chaos seeps into the foreground once more.


Kyrenai does not see how a single of the flames remains as the rest disappears, nor how it flees with all the others; tailing Moltres' soul towards Mt. Chimney. Her focus is elsewhere, and as she manoevers between the many others present at the top, weaving her path like a spider among the leaves, calmth chases away the panic. She cannot let her heart take over. Her tread is calm but steadfast, haste banished from her mind-- she cannot change what has already been done.

A soft click and her cloak comes undone as she approaches from behind, dropping it on the councilwoman's shoulders, her hand lingering for a moment as she apologises, solemnly.

"Sorry for being late," she says, "And forgive me for not staying."

And she moves on, her eyes fixated on the restrained Palkia. She hears call for the League-affiliated to target this father Winter, but she disregards the order entirely-- she will take orders from only one. For now, at least. Instead she draws her sword, and flicks the blade in a wordless order; her Lunatone humms quietly as it stays at 's side, reinforcing Kyrenai's blade with Psychic, ready to pull its weight at the right moment.

"Don't let the chains that bind you 𝒹𝑒𝒻𝒾𝓃𝑒 you, Palkia."

Like , she too aims for Palkia's red chain's links, the Psychic-enforced blade trying to wedge itself between the Master of Space and the chains that bind it. She would not allow it to be a slave to the man's whims any longer. Even if it meant getting up close and in its line of fire. After all, one never knew what a cornered beast could do. Be that Palkia or Winter.


- Kyrenai tries to reach but fails
- Is speaking with her after-life demons
- Apologizes to Penny for being late
- Lunatone uses Psychic on Kyrenai's blade to strengthen it
- Reinforcements for  , trying to cut through the red chain

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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2022 7:19:38 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

Should he really be standing here still while everyone out there were fighting for their lives? Why should he involve himself with the world around it? After all problems outside his current vicinity were still problems, along with the size and scope of what was happening right in front of his eyes, it was sure to come bite him in his ass if he didn't do something himself right now, even if in the end it didn't matter. He'd have a clear conscience for once in his life. As he took his first step into the future a chill could be felt throughout his whole body, a light from one of his pokeballs opening up as his Alakazam broke free and stood between the man and what looked like a rip in reality itself, eating and ravaging at everything in it's path. His pokemon protecting him as best as it could but still fainting in the process. He had not time to try and understand what the hell was actually happening. He had to find the one person he knew, the person that would command him to do the right thing.[break][break]

The chaos and barrage of sounds around him as he moved to try and find the one and only . He didn't care about what was happening, he was fully focused on his task at hand, the man who had played with everyone's fate there was sure to have his own comeuppance coming and Aidan wasn't about to take part in that, it wasn't his place, as far as he was aware nothing had even happened to him because of his choice. As he moved through the chaos and battle filled areas looking for his target, like searching for a pin in the middle of thousands of pins. There were people still in combat, others helping injured pokemon, massive pokemon he had never seen everywhere. Then the beam, the only time Aidan would pause in his short adventure, as if in slow motion he'd watch the clash between the beam and the meteor. A sense of relief before the grim realization that they hadn't fully stopped it, but that's part of it. Plans never go perfectly either way.[break][break]

As the beam reflected back and everything became a deadly rave, as if the world around him had become embrace by crystalline layers, spirits of the past, those he had seen die, those he had killed himself, those he had failed to save, everyone staring him, as if they wanted help. It was true that he felt regret about every single person that had lost their life under his eyes or by his own hands but he knew he couldn't do anything for them anymore, he had accepted their fate, they should accept their fate. It was foolish to look back upon the past if it meant you would make mistakes for your future. [break][break]

The first step he had to take towards this new future was to move on from the loss and make his way through towards Mars. He had to do this fast before regret took him once more. Letting out his Scizor out of it's pokeball. "We need to move fast!" He'd say as he would also allow his pokemon to MEGA evolve. Running his way through the ghosts of the past till he had reached Mars and the gargantuan legendary pokemon that had been entangled with things he had no idea about. "Hey bud! Hello! I have no clue what the fuck is happening but is there anything I can do to help!?" Hopefully he wan't about to receive the full lore dump, it really felt like they din't have the time for that right now, a lot was happening around them.It was already a miracle he had made it this far. As much as he was impressed by the stature of a deity in front of him he had to keep his composure enough to not look and sound like a complete idiot. [break][break]





  • Alakazam protects Aidan from the Spatial Rend and FAINTS.
  • Releases and MEGA evolves his Scizor.
  • Regrets not being able to help the spirits.
  • Makes his way towards the only person he knows there.
  • Willing to help Mars.


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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2022 7:29:17 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
there's comfort in the sight of - , , , and the rest, too - but mostly anna. she looks like shit, absolute shit, but she's alive, and that's all that matters.
"anna," his voice is soft, smile bright but... somewhat wavering. she'd been here fighting for her life, and he'd... held his position. he pushes past her question, to the most important one. "are you okay? who did this to you?" on his shoulder tubby chirps, a faint violet outline indicating its GRAVITY.
"i'll find the-"
his words are cut, as is space, as the SPATIAL REND warps reality. in one singular moment the pokemon on his shoulder is there, then it's gone. fur, blood - gone.
he's but a moment to process before the force of... something, knocks him on his ass. groaning, pushing through the haze in his mind, he puts himself on the palm of his hands.
"what the fuck was that?"
was it his lethargy? his lack of spatial, danger awareness? or was snubis simply too tired to write an engaging scene? could be any, really. but, he stands there, mouth agape, as the world changes before him; as anna engages the legendaries capture; and even as the spirit world begins push into this one.
what the fuck was happening?

[attr="class","notes"] & others[break][break]
> tubby the steel electric thing dies.. rip[break]
> sees Anna-Chan again....[break]
> does nothing but O_o


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing