i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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no preference
november 25
Brighter than tomorrow and yesterday
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TAG WITH @lilith
lilith eirwin
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2022 23:16:11 GMT
lilith eirwin Avatar





[attr="class","hanalyrics"]per aspera ad astra
[attr="class","hanalyrics2"]mt pyre

[attr="class","hanatext"]The bet doesn't matter as much as the results. As she watches zip away smoothly to join the fray, call it gut instincts but she knows that things won't go well. And all it takes is a single moment for the world to distort.

She's thrown back by some force, her gaze still fixed upon the creature who would call themselves a god. And her gaze drops with hesitation, resting upon the bloodied and detached arm of a Kirlia, still holding on tight to her sleeves. Her ears ring with such ferocity, her fingers feeling the warmth of the only surviving remnants of Thea as she quietly pries it off.

Faith kills, young Eirwen.

The words echo in her brain, rattling it over the seconds as she climbs back to her feet. Frost covers the bloodied ground, her red-stained clothes bitten by unyielding ice brought forth by a glacial mare. It feeds off her energy, snorting as she climbs onto its back and charging forwards without so much as a command.

Dimensional travelers? Unown? Palkia? A higher god?

All things that this world could do without.

"Fuck it." Her lips bleed red, sharp Icicles swirling around the Glastrier as it gains momentum and launches them one after another.

"Kill them all, Sylvatica.


Tl;dr -
☆ Kirlia dies for our sins
☆ Glastrier uses ICICLE CRASH on Winter, the Unown and Palkia indiscriminately
☆ Kirlia is reviving on the mountain without her knowledge
[attr="class","hanatags"]till the stars burn out

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,624 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 0:24:24 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
fuck around and find out...

[attr=class,bulk][break]"..." In the moments leading up to the attack, Yveltal imparts on Adrian a vexing dilemma; a host of souls are gathered here, all by the interventions of Palkia and its subduers. PALKIA'S SPATIAL REND inevitably reaches him, with Adrian only narrowly escaping. For a fleeting moment he is witness to reality's unmaking as he watches with discerning eyes space—the gossamer tethering all realities—SUNDERED.[break][break]

He braces for that biting sensation accompanying destruction, but it never reaches him only for the fact that one of his pokemon erupts from its pokeball voluntarily. Its body as his bulwark, Adrian manages to weather the attack, but his pokemon does not. He can tell that it was HOWITZER, all while Yveltal is ahead of them, preoccupied by the growing unrest on the mountain... Its obligations are its own.[break][break]

He can see enough to know she is unwell, but not lost to him... Not yet.[break][break]



Around them all they could see the Triad's plan foiled; the failed meteor impact, the humbling of Father Winter... But Adrian has an eye for the host of souls returning in unprecedented turnabout. Yveltal was responsible to them, and by proxy, Adrian too was bound to this service for his part. While many pokemon begin returning to the earth, they turn their attention to FATHER WINTER and the BOUND PALKIA.[break][break]


Yveltal rises into the sky to match the UNOWN's configuration before amassing its coveted power; streaks of violet arc from a crimson epicenter as a massive charge is brought to bear, roiling with a terrible power that howls as it is unleashed. It means to PETRIFY and thus bind them here to this place of power...[break][break]


Where Adrian was concerned, his part in this far from over—he is delayed as something begs his attention at the corner of his eye. On the tarnished steps before Howitzer's urn, something shimmers with renewed life... Withdrawing Howitzer to its pokeball, he is hard pressed to turn his gaze back to the fighting above.[break][break]

As he races up the stairs to join the others, he realizes there is something else racing to catch up with him, running as if on wings... Adrian would not believe his eyes, though they do not betray him. As he reaches the summit where the FATHER WINTER makes his retreat, he hopes to close the gap between them... Enough to weaken him.[break][break]

And yet they are so very far away now... But it is not in him to surrender this chance.[break][break]


tags [break][break]
notes adrian is protected by arcanine; yveltal uses DOOM-DRIVEN DIRGE[break]adrian races to the summit, pursuant of FATHER WINTER[break]"howitzer" returns to his side, giving speed to his chase(?)[break]salac berry count: five of thirteen (5 of 13)


template by punki

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[newclass=.yveltalcredit a]font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;[/newclass]·····
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 3:36:57 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
Father Winter's face smashes wonderfully under Temp's fist. He relishes in the soreness from his knuckles, the cut of teeth and bone against bone. The thrill of violence promises more. Temp wants to strike again so badly. Over and over until Father Winter's face is left a bloody pulp in his fist.

Shame it's taken away. Palkia happens, and even with Bongo trying to intervene, the Spacial Rend ends up ripping him to fucking shreds.

Scrapes and scars weep blood, a large one on his face slicing through his lip. He licks it away and spits. Some of his clothes hang limp from his form and he groans.

Father Winter gets away from him, the bastard, and a lot of shit happens at once.

It's like glass shattering. Temp looks just in time to see his husband get evaporated.

"Cill?" Whispered under his breath, haggard. Then, despite the lingering pain- "BABE!" Kicking off, he dashes for the last place he saw him. In some hope. Just a chance that was still alive.

A chattering from the odd border. Partly see through, Shocker the Jolteon sits as Temp approaches. But he isn't alone; next to the pokemon stands a woman that Temp hasn't seen in twenty years. Skidding to a halt, he momentarily forgets his frantic search.

He sucks in a breath through his teeth. When Temp speaks, his voice cracks.


She's just a beautiful as he remembers. Same as the day she died, except with that ethereal and starry quality like his pokemon has. A smile and wink are offered before she gently pushes Shocker over the threshold; past some line Temp didn't see. The pokemon twitched as it solidified, curling around his legs.

"You got so big..." She smiles, and it's toothy and rough just like Temp's. She has the same dimples. But this place is thin. "I'm so proud of you, son. I love you."

She fades and Temp stares into nothing, far away as battle still wages around him. He realizes, dully, that he can't feel his fingers.

It is anger that pushes him forward.

Lots of people were focusing down attacks on Father Winter. Even more were blasting at the Palkia. If he was going to be alone, he was going to make sure he did something before he joined Gavin in the afterlife. Whistling, he called Bongo to run by him. Right at the Palkia, at the place nearby.

Not in the interest to attack, but to steal.

If they broke that chain, Temp was going to do his best to take it for Rocket.

- sad that father winter escaped his beating
- gets wrecked by palkia
- thinks he sees his husband DIE
- goes to run after him
- meets his dead mom kind of
- Shocker the Jolteon (who died earlier this raid) is revived!
- still very upset that his husband is DEAD
- since so many people are attacking the chain, if it breaks, Temp and his Zarude will try and take it

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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 4:14:50 GMT

she made the wrong choice. [break][break]

but is there a right choice during the fifty-fifty? she can chalk this up to her unfortunate fortune. frankly, she thinks this is all bullshit; this is all dumb, and the stakes are too high for a simple heads or tails. the result is swift and merciless as the distorted, smooth surface of the pokemon arises from a portal. she doesn't quite understand what her consequences are, until the glow of an eerie blue comes from what looked to be a pearl on its upper body. before she knows it, mari's moving on front of her blissey, shielding the egg pokemon from what was certain death. it saves the pokemon; it doesn't save her. maybe she can warn them.[break][break]

"ru--" her lips barely move, and her word never finishes before vision is cut, and the suffocating fog has become darkness. all that follows is a brief scream cut off. [break][break]

it's painless, actually. she was expecting a painful, drawn out death - so it surprises her when she feels nothing at all (she can't even feel the air that went through her lungs) before her body falls to the ground, collapsed, and the life is drained when it slumps against a pink blissey, who weeps at its trainer's sudden death. maybe if she nudges her enough times, she'll return. maybe if she keeps using HEAL PULSE, it'll bring her back. mari doesn't open her eyes with her mangled body and all.[break][break]

maybe this wasn't so bad. she lived a shitty life, anyways. maybe she can atone here. [break][break]

until a brief image of a sickening face crawls out of the pits of hell, with a smile on his lips, beckoning her as he crawls across the spectral plane, fingers with an iron grip on her ankles. "n-no, stop..!" she wants to move, and run, and if you can feel fear in the afterlife, maybe she'd be feeling it. of course, she was going to hell. there's no way she wouldn't be, no? [break][break]

get off me, she thinks in the afterlife, wanting to move, but she can't. this limbo won't let her, will it? the darkness that creeps up to her is relentless, as the fear consumes her as quickly as a man so eager to drag her back into his clutches. no, she wasn't willing anymore; she didn't want to die anymore.[break][break]

if this is what's waiting for her, she doesn't want to die. [break][break]

the despair is catching on quick, until a sudden light from the point fills the air, and the shattering of glass can be heard to her as she watches from the plane, and her eyes are shut before the darkness fades away (before the demon slinks away). eyes open to see a large amount of pokemon standing before her dismembered body, then to her. yes, she recognizes some of them; one of them is a familiar gengar, and the other a familiar clefable. there's a litwick, and a banette, and a zorua. her lips part, and the fluttering of her soul can't contain it. "rinoma, roma--" she starts, reaching towards the pokemon who take her two hands, leading her towards the body that's hurt, and damaged, but not killed. there'll be a nasty scar on her back, though. [break][break]

honestly, it feels surreal. [break][break]

if she could feel at all. there's a brief moment of darkness as her body returns, followed by coughing as she tussles against the blissey. a gasp of air is inhaled too quickly, and it's followed by hacking and coughing as she holds herself up with a hand to the dirt. "s-son of a..!" the woman starts, as her first words back from the border. [break][break]

and although her mind won't remember, her soul does, and when she realizes there are patches of wet dirt beneath her. the back of her hand touches her cheeks, and her touch is greeted by the warmth of tears that fall from her eyes. [break][break]

the injury was healed with thanks of the mysterious power, although now she has a grudge, in spite of the happy cries from the blissey. tears still in her eyes (and being wiped away with a clean sleeve), she gives the pink pokemon a quick pat on top of her head, and recalls the little thing. out comes the gengar, who lets out a bright cry - until he catches a glimpse of his trainer's expression. [break][break]

"don't mind it." she snaps at the ghost, before pointing to the unown, who begin to chain the legendary pokemon with something that makes the poor thing thrash and struggle. "dark pulse them down!"



> mari fucking perishes in front of her BLISSEY and [break]
> papa olson tries to drag mari to hell, her previous pokemon save her and drag her back to the living[break]
> they lead her back to her body and mari's having an existential crisis[break]
> blissey waddles over and starts crying and checking if she's okay[break]
> BLISSEY swapped out, GENGAR is here[break]
> GENGAR uses DARK PULSE on the emerging UNOWN


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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,663 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 4:50:42 GMT
ollie morales Avatar


[attr="class","mainbox"] "i'm fine," he says, when he pulls away from his friend - and this is the first time that he allows himself to feel everything he's been pushing away since the incident. "but tabs, he — "

[break][break] before he can finish her words, however, she pulls away from him and runs over to . ollie doesn't blame her; he knows that there are plenty of more reunions to make. speaking of, he turns his head and sees out of the corner of his eye. he offers a hand to wave to her, before the earth shakes beneath his feet. mt. pyre roars in defiance, under the control of a gigantic horse, that rips out a SPATIAL REND that threatens to tear them all to shreds.

[break][break] "melody..!"

[break][break] his cry is cut short when the pain rips through his own body and he winces in pain, grimacing against the blast. when he comes to, his head is whirling and his vision is a blur. he looks around for his friends, trying to spot at least one of them amongst the crowd, when he sees the form of

[break][break] literally ripped to shreds.

[break][break] his eyes widen. emerald gaze coloring with shock and absolute horror as his mind attempts to piece apart what has happened. that was him, wasn't it? that was —

[break][break] several attacks blast past him as people - both league and rockets alike - sail towards the primal point. the vision of one on her beast clashes with the monstrous pink horse. his heart lurches in his chest as explosions rocked mt. pyre and the primal point fires.

[break][break] thrown onto the ground, ollie can only stare as the beam sails through the skies. he wonders if the others are looking at it too, if they can see the way that it races towards the meteor with absolute conviction. he's staring so hard that it's a wonder he's not blasted to pieces when it ricochets back — but his dragonite is smarter than him.

[break][break] pistachio zooms forward and grabs his bloodied trainer in his grip just as the beam collides, rocking mt. pyre yet again with an explosion. they twist and tumble into the sky as their invisible dome shatters like an old video out of focus, static and electricity crackling with images that ollie can barely recognize.

[break][break] as spirits flow out of the torn rift, both new and old, ollie finds himself just as alone as he always was. tabs is nowhere to be found, not even admist the dead.

[break][break] an ache fills his chest as he points at the malefactor atop the mountain's peak.

[break][break] the one who caused all of this.

[break][break] "stache," he says, cradled against his pokemon's chest. "let's go."

[break][break] the dragonite speeds forward, dropping him just beside and his friends. this time, cradling what seems to be a broken arm, as his friend's farts mist fills the air around them.

[break][break] he glances briefly at , relieved to see him in one piece, before directing his own pokemon before that horse thing.

[break][break] "YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!"

[break][break] wings flapping in powerful beats, pistachio zoomed forward to aid his allies at the endless barrage on the mountaintop. a THUNDER WAVE cracks outwards towards the several spawned unknown, attempting to stop them in their tracks.





[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] ollie doesn't die but his pokemon don't revive :'( [break]
[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] blasted off the mountain top and is saved by his dragonite, who then drops him next to @illie [break]
[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] dragonite uses THUNDER WAVE on the unknown



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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 7:55:42 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar
For a self-made man that amounted to so much within his life, there had been a painstakingly eerie sort of nothing that he’d found himself dwelling within before long at all could pass— within the aftermath of it all, at the very least. What came before an unnecessarily burdening stillness had, of course, been moments of shock and panic, coupled with an amassed number of other emotions, as well, as the odd beast upon the summit conjured its energies and unleashed it upon any and all present upon the mountain that day.

For rather obvious reasons, pain had been what he’d felt, first and foremost, as the Spatial Rend ravaged upon the aforementioned to varied degrees, bringing him to a knee within the midst of several, excruciating moments of agony. It had almost been unbearable to tear away any form of lucidity he’d so desperately attempted to cling onto, though the sights around him had still been more than enough to sear themselves into his mind within those remaining, waking moments of his.

The mangled bodies of those around him.
The mangled bodies of that besides him.

Within his last moments, he’d barely seen Orion beginning to stop within his wingbeats in favor of speeding over—doubtlessly in an effort to shield him—though had mustered through the blast long enough to tap the button upon his Pokeball and keep it closed for as long as he could before he, himself, had joined the littered across the graves within a rather morbid irony.

…And then came the long aforementioned nothing.

It had been a sensation as odd as it had been surreal, truthfully speaking. As morning so commonly followed night, there had been a visage of darkness that had been so swiftly replaced by a sheet of white within his vision; a sight somehow so empty, yet profound all at once as he’d opened his eyes at long last. There had been a white noise blasting within his ears instead, before long (in some way, it contested the selfsame attack used to devastate those upon the mountain), though the similar bouts of annoyance and unease that so commonly associated with it had lacked presence. No nothing-driven craze. No need to seek out something to fill the void.

…Even then, however, to describe the feeling that it brought as peace had been far from accurate.

Not when there had been damn all neither to see, nor account for in any other sort of way. With a sense of curiosity despite the settling, knowing feeling within his soul (he’d known what had happened. it would have been hard not to connect the dots) he briefly sought the space around him. Hues of amber shifted throughout his surroundings in an attempt to seek out any sort of precursor to something else. Anything. Everything.

Nothing at all.

And so did the knowing feeling further root itself down. With a slow, deepened breath, his chest expanded and held itself within its risen form as he closed his eyes. It remained within him for a while lower prior to escaping him within a gradual, almost accepting sigh. So be it. To be shaken by something so sudden—to be so naive within such a groundbreaking event, and upon his home region, nonetheless—had been nothing short of something he would’ve rather not have experienced so close to passing, but if that had been what the cards had dealt to him, then so be it.

And yet within that acceptance, there had been a small chime to finally ring within the back of his mind; to finally replace the abundance of white noise that had so graciously taken to him. Instinctively, he’d turned towards where he’d assumed the source to be, even if no tangible form had continuously evaded him— and past that, there had only been instinct.

The instinct to move forward once more.
The instinct to build himself anew.

So be it.

He’d stared forth within the nothingness for a while longer before allowing that instinct to carry him through, walking along towards the uncertain source before long. It had almost been immediate within those moments, as well. He strode forth so mindlessly that he hadn’t quite registered the feeling of his face against the ground as he blinked; the darkness that took his vision once more; the sudden burst of noise and life (however chaotic it may have been) that filled his ears. The familiar cries of the selfsame Noivern he’d forcefully recalled had been amidst the sounds, as well, and he’d pushed himself up in time to meet his eyes as he readjusted once more to the lands around them.

Shock had very well begun to settle within him once more, but a simple look around had immediately reminded him of the situation at hand. There had been things to do; a battle to hopefully win. He cast a single, quick look around him, spying those around him gradually rising once more (and noting safety of the one accompanying him however long beforehand) before looking towards the drake with a solemn, yet reassuring note.

”...I’m fine~,” he’d murmured, giving his tried and true partner a brief, yet uncharacteristically small smile. ”We’ll talk it out later. I need Berenice real quick.”

Skeptical, and for reasons all too warranted— but after a continuous look of unwavering persistence, Orion had given in and recalled once more, soon replaced by a familiar Primarina that had been all too eager to express similar worry. Before she could be given the chance, though, she, too, had seen the look upon her trainer’s face. It seemed to be all she needed to know.

And so as a familiar whistle—a familiar command—met her ears in due time, she looked towards the very same location he’d pointed towards before unleashing a more concentrated Moonblast from a distance.



  • last minute wall of text? more likely than you'd think tbh
  • leo mcfuckin dies but also undies
  • he's lowkey committed to self reflecting the fuck outta everything after this
  • orion (noivern) is recalled
  • berenice (primarina) is sent out, and uses moonblast on the unown in the distance
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 8:10:28 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

An explosion takes place as the blast from the primal point comes crashing back down. Reshiram flying down in front of the young man to protect him in case there were any problems. Though it seems there were some as when Razz looks up the meteor wasn't completely gone, calculations had gone wrong, or with all the interruptions here something was off. It was dreadful until a green dragon seemed to destroy what was left of it so now they could deal with what was going on around them. [break][break]

Seems the aftermath created something odd around them. Souls of those passed it seems as the clear form of a moltres takes form and flies off. There is a calmness he feels through his bond with Reshiram as it seems like the dragon looks into the past, perhaps seeing the soul of those they have form bonds with in the past moved on in some peace. Though Razz was anything but at peace. [break][break]


Souls past and most he is unsure of, but one stands out. The face of an old police officer which had once forced him to kill. Guilt flooded him as the spirit as first was walking past at first not seeming to notice him at first. This whole thing setting up as one big reminder of why he tried to do good. Because the blood he spilt when he was young, and it seemed like the spirit seemed to recognize him despite his age and the mostly covered face. They seem to come for him before another comes to make the spirit vanish. [break][break]


The Gallade that had given his life to help save . Once again there to protect his trainer in a time of need, even in death and Razz can't help but reach out as if unsure if he had gone crazy through all this. "Don't..." Reshiram seems to warn but its too late, Razz touches his old pokemon and rather than disappearing like the man before Wyn's soul becomes glows before taking off into the sky. The sands near a beach out in Sootopolis seeming to dig down as someone comes up.[break][break]

"What...?" he wants to question but Winter's voice grounds him. There is the roar from Palkia and Razz looks over as it seems to be chained up which fuels him with rage as it seems to remind the white dragon of a previous time. "You're not taking any more!" he shouts and Reshiram acts out on the fueling of hate as the dragon attempts to free the other from it's chains with BLUE FLARE. And while Reshiram tries to free the dragon Razz does what he can to help the escape. Recreating his Terrain of Truth once again around Father Winter, ready to move in the same direction of the wisp should he try to teleport out, or follow any who attempt to take Winter for their own and leave them with a burn.

9kuybIxh [break]


[break]+ Outfit
[break]+ Reshiram sees old choosen humans and seems to feel at peace about things, Razz feels much worse
[break]+ Razz ends up seeing some of the souls of people he has killed in the past and feels guilt
[break]+ Once soul seems to come after until his old GALLADE comes in to interupt
[break]+ Razz touches his Gallade and his soul takes off to his body burried in the sand near his Beach House in Sootopolis
[break]+ When Winter tries to escape with Palkia Reshiram tries to set it free from it's chains via BLUE FLARE
[break]+ Razz tries to reset up his Terrain of Truth so in case of everyone's attempts around him fail he could try to take off in the direction Winter takes off in
[break]+ Or it someone tries to kidnap him and escapes wisp would go after and burn them.



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November 19
CherryGrove City
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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vivan flores DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @vivan
vivan flores
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2022 4:50:18 GMT
vivan flores Avatar

With the incoming attack, Vivan knew that this would be her end. Completely helpless and powerless she accepted death. The relentless attack shredded her body - ripping away an arm and leg but with tremendous pain tormenting her entire being, she doesn't notice her missing ligaments.
As she's thrown against the hardened earth her senses slowly fade away from her.

During her last moments her mind is clouded with regret. Her pathetic resolve was laughable, she should've listened to her opponent - Vivan was never meant to be here in the first place. Now because of her ignorant decisions she was at death's doorstep - utterly meaningless. Tears stream down her face as she begins to think of her family in johto and her pokemon, if only she could be there instead of this hellhole.

breathing raggedly for endless moments, her last breath is drawn.

-Vivan dies from palkia's attack
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 3:00:06 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]



🎼 Battle! Shadow Triad | Pokemon Masters EX


AS SOULS RETURN, FATHER WINTER ATTEMPTS ESCAPE. Chained by a makeshift red chain, one comprised entirely of UNOWN, the ORIGIN FORME PALKIA, Father Winter and his UNOWN-D become semi-submerged in a slit-like rift.[break][break]

Around them, sentinel UNOWN under the orders of both the triad and of ARCEUS, cycle and strike.[break][break]

A battle-worn does not back down from the summit. His AEGISLASH defends him against an UNOWN's HIDDEN POWER, buying enough time for a newly resurrected and his PRIMARINA to conjure a MOONBLAST. After the Fairy-type energy coalesces into a grand body, it is thrown at a swarm of godly eyes.[break][break]

Atop the mountain, the PRIMAL POINT RIFT surges and trembles violently, like a spewing nerve. 's URSHIFU MEGA EVOLVES. A harsh thrust of its arm lands a WICKED BLOW on a cloud of UNOWN and the PALKIA itself.[break][break]

Those who take time to examine the man's retreat will notice that FATHER WINTER is using the ORIGIN FORME PALKIA as his shield...[break][break]

Others attempt rescue. Hailing from Petalburg, 's CHARIZARD lunges in for a sharp SLASH across the UNOWN CHAIN. Immediately after, it contends with an aggressive swarm of UNOWN as a recovering and her GENGAR fires a DARK PULSE to protect the fire-breathing lizard. A THUNDER WAVE from 's DRAGONITE arcs forth, shackling an UNOWN that chases after and his Pokemon too.[break][break]

For Rocket, and his SCRAFTY lead a startling defense. Although it is not perfect, the Dark-type struggling to keep up with the masses of UNOWN, its BEAT UP manages to strike UNOWN after UNOWN like a martial monk deflecting a flurry of a thousand fists... This buys enough time for all of Team Rocket to attack unimpeded. Subsequently, and his CHARIZARD TO MEGA EVOLVE. Roaring, it fires a BLAST BURN on the UNOWN CHAIN. The hottest flames burn and warp the scene with heat shimmer for those looking afar. It is this burning fire that illuminates the chains as a target.[break][break]

attempts to IMPRISON the UNOWN with his GALLADE. However, it does not prevent them from firing HIDDEN POWERS in retaliation. Before they can subdue the defected CEO, 's INCINEROAR breaks through them with a DARKEST LARIAT that rushes toward the PALKIA alongside 's DRAGAPULT. As its trainer snaps from the sight of a dying , the ghostly dragon DRAGON RUSHES toward the chains binding the PALKIA...


AS A TOXTRICITY POSTURES BEFORE ITS TRAINER, scales up. Electricity crackles around him with the clang of revolution. A Z-MOVE; TERAVOLT TURNABOUT riffs through the air, loud enough to be heard across the entire mountain.[break][break]

Those who can revel in the TERAVOLT tune find the muse of healing and inspiration resonate within. and @elio's Pokemon fire empowered HYPER BEAMS. The DRK Triad member again uses PALKIA as a shield. Wailing, the dragon of space takes the blow on its chains and body, UNOWN scattering about.[break][break]

Others join the onslaught with everything they've got. 's ALAKAZAM raises its spoons to focus. Its attempt to ALLY SWITCH with the dragon is not entirely successful; however, the psychic exertion buys everyone time, for the PALKIA is tugged inch by inch away from the created rift of FATHER WINTER'S.[break][break]

's METAGROSS launches a PSYCHIC energy that latches itself onto the PALKIA too. An additional shackle from 's KLEFKI'S FAIRY LOCK attempts to haul the dragon back into the realm, as 's LUNATONE empowers her blade. She strikes at the UNOWN that scatter, but she finds that she must leap out of the way soon.[break][break]

Beside , 's rage is channeled through her GOLURK. Its Z-MOVE: NEVER-ENDING NIGHTMARE soars through the mountainside. It joins the daring strikes of 's COBALION, its Z-MOVE: CURTAIN CALL cleaving justice from the barricade of UNOWN with every strike of its horns. , who joins her, protects her from any retaliation with a MIRROR COATED ARAQUANID.[break][break]

While stands stunned from the very kind of disasters his gym has prepared others for, refuses stagnancy. She calls upon her ALTARIA TO MEGA EVOLVE. As it is filled to the brim with energy, it calls upon the powers of the moon. A MOONBLAST is launched, joining with 's GOLURK'S ATTACK and a G-MAX TERROR from 's G-MEGA GENGAR.[break][break]

finds resolve in this pivotal moment. Denying the past's hold on him, he launches an all-out offensive with his RILLABOOM. He attempts to rush for the DRK Triad member himself, who matches the Rocket's eyes for a moment. There's a startled look to his face, inspired by the sheer conviction of a man he does not know.[break][break]

Suddenly, an ICICLE CRASH from 's Pokemon descends on the UNOWN AND PALKIA with frigid clamor alongside vines and the REST OF EVERYONE'S CONJOINED ATTACKS. A resulting massive explosion expands across the peak, shattering rock and earth from the consecrated mountain.[break][break]

In midst of it all, and blitzkrieg through the cover of chaos. A flash of lightning and malevolent red cuts through like a neon strip.[break][break]

It rocks FATHER WINTER and PALKIA violently, threatening to launch them through to their desired destination, but the newly resurrected SHADOW DUSKNOIR channels a BLACKHOLE. As the SHADOW HOLD from 's SHADOW DHELMISE joins the ensnarement, the PALKIA is held back, forcing its back hooves onto Hoenn soil.[break][break]

The Rocket Boss manages to comfort the Underboss he's by, shadowy wisps still flaring off of his form like torn flags.[break][break]

"don't apologize. the crystal is a simple bonus compared to the intel we're receiving right now..." The Rocket Boss says in response to . His eyes examine the League's elite, their Pokemon, their abilities, their actions in the face of imminent peril.[break][break]


AS THE SMOKE DISPERSES, everyone would be able to witness the dissolution of PALKIA's SHACKLES. There is nothing for to catch, nor is there anything for 's PRIMAL SHARD to catch. As THREE V-SHAPED FLAMES fly across the region, the DARKER SHADOWS pass by and his HAUNTER. When they do, would feel an intense feeling of dread. One that pales his skin and makes the breath shallow...[break][break]

From the ground, a revived, almost-bird-food would feel a similar sensation as she watches them fly by. That is, if she can withstand the pain of coming back into her agony-riddled body.[break][break]

Others are not so lucky. Whether it is due to their desire to pass on, or the fact that the grand gate to the afterlife has now finally been opened, 's body remains cold...[break][break]

and his MEGA SCIZOR had joined during the conflict, protecting from stray debris and attack. The Underboss calls to the UNOWN. Communicates a lifted word from the UNOWN REPORT: HISUI. Unbeknownst to many, the teleportation FATHER WINTER attempted had been sabotaged by his UNOWN-D. D for defection perhaps? For it sensed 's desire to keep it safe... and as the UNOWN CHAIN disperses, the UNOWN-D floats over to .[break][break]

At first, it is cause for alarm and defensive maneuvers from , but it is clear that it is friendly now:
It does not have the same powers it once had due to its severance of connection with DRK Triad; however, will be able to use TWO UNOWN at once in an event if it has Pokemon limitations.[break][break]

This UNOWN can be reported in the UNOWN REPORT.

The ORIGIN FORME PALKIA is freed from all hinderances. However, it is heavily confused. With a horrific roar, PALKIA raises its front hooves. A SPATIAL REND tears into the fabric of this universe's reality. As it readjusts itself, hooves clodding on the earth, the PALKIA seems to have received a hint of lucidity... it grants a grateful gaze to everyone before rushing into its own rift before disappearing.



'S TERRAIN OF TRUTH HAS BEEN SET, wisps of flame ready to detect lie and to pursue dimensional fugitives. However, with the PALKIA and UNOWN-D taken care of, there appears to be no sign of FATHER WINTER. The wisps lift themselves and pursue where ever FATHER WINTER has gone...[break][break]

For it appears that , with the use of his LIGHTNING STILETTO had managed to steal FATHER WINTER. As the Admin attempts to TELEPORT away, he notices that his own body is slick. Wet and hot. He can not go too far too because 's WISPS manage to strike and BURN him, forcing his TELEPORTATION to stop someway on the mountain.[break][break]

It would be a matter of time until and FATHER WINTER is found. That is, whatever is left of the man. In 's hand is the halved body of FATHER WINTER. The DRK Triad member, cleaved straight in the middle from head to toe, had been bisected by his own attempt of teleportation. He remains in 's arms, the residual electricity crackling around him like a funeral pyre's flames.[break][break]

On his face: a smile.[break][break]

Suddenly, is scared by a voice. It should not come from a body cut so clean like this. But FATHER WINTER speaks, gargling in the throes of some supernatural suffering.[break][break]

"just wait... until you meet... my other half..." He says before the eternal silence, save for the scarlet bubbling of trapped air.


YVELTAL AND REMEMBER THE CACOPHONY of battle. The blurred image of PALKIA. Strands white hair and white scleras. However, they strike none. In their powerful charge, they find themselves trespassing the PRIMAL POINT RIFT.[break][break]

It is a sea of fog and smoke. A purgatory of souls. In the dim light of a false gold moon, and YVELTAL would be able to witness spirits flying past old mountains and crossing ancient bridges. The spirit of can be seen, peacefully gliding away.[break][break]

"executioner, do you know of this place? the very ground whereon the soles of your feet tread? this is the border." The YVELTAL says. "the realm between life and death."[break][break]

They advance further, or at least, it feels like they are. The way the smoke billows back and forth like a haunting tide obscures direction and creates illusions of movement.[break][break]

Smoke sheds away from a few mountain faces, revealing large four cracked seals into their sides. The YVELTAL grows grave in mood and halts its Avatar from moving any forth. "something is amiss... the seals have been broken... all of humanity's grudges. all of their envy, hatred and fear... they are now gone from this place. quick, executioner, we must go."[break][break]

And so they leave this place, perhaps to return one day.[break][break]

THE WILDS will include THE BORDER as a possible location in the future.


AS AND HIS PATRON LEAVE THE BORDER, everyone would be able to notice that the rift is still unstable. Powerful waves of energy raft from this new dimensional hole. It is clear that remaining here on the mountain is unsafe for now.[break][break]

As Team Rocket and the League depart, news of the region being saved break into everyone's now functioning communication devices. However, one must question what other dangers they have welcomed into this place. Those who stare up into the sky will still see remnants of sparkling rock and fragment scatter across Hoenn.[break][break]

Perhaps, they may discover an unrecoverable TERASTAL CRYSTAL embedded deep into the earth, unable to be chipped or plucked. Who knows what these crystals seep into the earth. What dreams and desires they whisper to the dead buried on Mount Pyre.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 12:19:57 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for PAAA: MT. PYRE
[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]born under a bad sign [break] with a blue moon in my eyes
[attr="class","ltrhead-text"]Those blasted WISPS from before![break][break]

He'd hoped to have shaken off the last of for the night, but the attempted kidnapping of FATHER WINTER had been interrupted by none other. Hissing with searing pain, crashes into the ground while holding tightly to his capture. The lingering flames that bite away at his clothing and, yes, even the parts of his exposed flesh, are thankfully smothered into dirt then and there.[break][break]

When he opens his eyes and assesses the situation properly, however, the sheer horror of it settles in quickly. His capture has been SPLIT IN HALF, covering him in the blood and entrails that accompanied such a fate. The powerful shock of it keeps the admin's gloved hands clutched tightly to what remained as he stares at an unnatural half-smile cloaked in crackling static.[break][break]

The masked man only begins to snap out of it when he hears Winter speak a warning in his death throes. His GENGAR appears beside him shortly thereafter, lifting him up with ghostly telekinesis as the dead body slumps onto the ground. Set back down onto both feet, Remiel takes a shuddering breath and recomposes himself to better effect than he thought.[break][break]

At the distant flicker of more WISPS approaching, he RETURNS his Gengar to its ball before summoning his SHADOW DRAGAPULT. Mounting the beast, he has it carry the half-corpse of FATHER WINTER in its mouth before summoning a shadowy portal (PHANTOM FORCE). "We're done here..." He mutters, wincing from his many injuries as his shadowy beast whisks them away to his lab.[break][break]



📝 TLDR[break][break]

returns SHINY GENGAR![break]
summons SHADOW DRAGAPULT[break]
SHADOW DRAGAPULT carries the half-corpse of FATHER WINTER in its mouth before they escape via PHANTOM FORCE! Gross, I know.

[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2022 5:44:11 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]As Isaac's team fought their way through swarm upon swarm of Unown, Isaac scanned the mountaintop. The fallen were starting to shudder to their feet. Those still standing were under no further threat. Palkia's restraints, which were supposed to choke it into obedience of Arceus and man alike, only held it back from being able to defend its captor. It was over. Against all odds, they had triumphed. Hoenn and its people, League and Rocket alike, would be safe for now.[break][break]

As he watched the symphony of violence pour through the hole he'd opened up, he noticed a familiar face among the crowd. With all of the destruction being wrought, it would be hard-pressed for anyone to see him slipping over towards . "Sorry. You know I hate breaking promises. But I figured I'd be more use up here," he said, flashing her a cheeky, one-eyed smirk. "You make sure your people get out of this alright."[break][break]

With those last words to a frienemy, he was gone as quickly as he'd come. So, too, was Father Winter, but for a far different reason. Bisected in heinously gory fashion, robbed of his conquests, and even relieved of his Unown. No matter how Rocket's attempts at seizing ground and mining meteor went, Isaac could rest easy knowing nobody could fail harder at invading Hoenn than that.[break][break]

The spite in him appreciated the sight. The squeamishness in him wanted to retch. But he didn't have time for either reaction. The rift was breaking down, and it was getting worse by the second. Isaac recalled Aubrey, throwing Sanford's Pokeball back down at his feet in a single, smooth motion. He ran back towards 's position, the Dhelmise hot on his heels.[break][break]

And so, too, was Kiryu.[break][break]

Isaac turned back to face the Aggron's lingering spirit. There was pain in her eyes. There was hesitance in her movements. Even as she tried to turn away and face the rift, she just kept stealing glances back over her shoulder. Even after her death, even after lingering at the gates of the afterlife, she found her loyalty to her trainer holding her back.[break][break]

"Kiryu . . ." Isaac's voice was soft and fraught with concern. "C'mon. We both know how this has to end. You're the one that said it yourself, remember? That you couldn't come back? You could only visit?" Yet Isaac had seen those struck dead by Palkia shudder back to their feet. He saw Pokemon reuniting with their owners on the far flung corners of the battlefield. He saw impossibly ancient spirits rush out from the rift, their presence as malicious as it was inexplicable.[break][break]

If all of those could return, why couldn't Kiryu?[break][break]

They both knew the answer. There was nothing stopping her from returning to the world of the living. The boundary between life and death had never before been weaker. She had the one of a kind opportunity to turn on her heel and walk away from eternal rest.[break][break]

Yes. Eternal rest. Peace. A chance to, at long last, lay down that weary head of hers. Isaac had put her through so much pain today. He had caused her so much stress and worry in the months, no, years leading up to this. She had a chance to leave her aging body behind and accept the paradise that she deserved more than any human or Pokemon alive. Could he really ask her to throw it all away? Just because he couldn't imagine life without her?[break][break]

"I know you're worried about me. You've always been. Hell, you've been worrying about me longer than I've been alive. But . . . c'mon. Look how far we've come. Contest crowns. Race podiums. The love of my life, and-" He looked towards Ashley, a small, sheepish smile spreading across his face. "-friends I can't imagine being here without. Arceus, remember when it was just us, Watson, and Vivi? Now we've got a damn menagerie."[break][break]

They both knew that all of these had come from a tainted bargain. They both knew that the road to even get here was dark and treacherous, and the road after? Downright perilous. Yet they couldn't let the grey lining mar these silver clouds. The Hoenn region's problems were bigger than even Kiryu was. Isaac wasn't going to burden her with them in her last moments. Instead, they would celebrate the months well lived in defiance of it all.[break][break]

"And I couldn't have done any of it without you. You carried me through the darkest days of my life. And when it went from a death march to a marathon, you kept up like a champion. It's like we've been through a lifetime in these last few months, you know? I can't imagine how tired you've gotta be."[break][break]

Tears gathered at the corners of Isaac's eye, and yet he couldn't stop smiling. "I can take things from here. I promise. And you?" His voice cracked a little, but he forced himself to remain resolute. He had to be strong. He had to convince her that he would be okay without her. He had to convince himself of that, too.[break][break]

"You can finally rest."[break][break]

The rift grew larger and less stable by the second. Even then, Isaac stood his ground, a shell of determination glued together over his grief. All was quiet. And then a small smile spread across Kiryu's face. Her spectral arms wrapped around her trainer. Even though she was little more than a phantom, Isaac could feel her presence. Maybe he always would, even when she was well and truly gone.[break][break]

Slowly but surely, bit by bit, she began to fade. She was one with the rift now, and her eternal rest awaited.[break][break]

By now, the tears were flowing freely from Isaac's good eye. Even his other eye, incapable of sight or motion, managed to find a few bloodstained tears left to squeeze out. Nevertheless, he turned to Ashley, setting a hand atop Sanford's anchor. "C'mon, Ash," he said, amazed he could even find a smile after Everything today. "Let's go home."


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2022 17:34:25 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

There is too much feeling in this place.[break][break]

Any attempt to tap into the surrounding aura to track his trainer leads Faolan only to confusion and stress, foreign entities mingled with the faint sensation of familiarity, and the thick sludge of fear and anger overwhelming all else.[break][break]

He must hunt with sight, rather than sense.[break][break]

He finds before he finds Gavin. The two had not been in a relationship when Faolan had sacrificed himself in the Blackout; Gavin had been with Emma, then. But he recognizes the other man as a friend, someone Gavin had trusted.[break][break]

This one's aura rings of grief and anger, something Faolan tries to calm.[break][break]

He barks, sharp, to get Temp's attention. If only Lucario could speak...[break][break][break][break]

Gavin, meanwhile, inclines his head to in silent thanks.[break][break]

"I'll make sure our agents get out safe."[break][break]

His whistle cuts sharp and high across the battlefield, and Dhelmise ALLY SWITCHES with him.[break][break]

will hear his voice before he sees his husband in the flesh, loud and clear throughout the communications as they come back online.[break][break]

"Rocket; this is Merlino." At Temp's side, the Lucario's ears flick. "Our work here is done."[break][break]

He would remain on the mountain until he was assured they'd all escaped.




⁠— Gavin stays behind to ensure Rocket all get out safe[break]
⁠— Lucario is with


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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2022 21:22:09 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Shades, DRIP, face is obscured by facemask to help hide identity

Silver eyes wild with victory, he watches as Bongo attempts to slam down everything. Between Shithead Winter's shadowy hold helps to ensare the Palkia, the hooves remain here, and as he throws his non-broken arm up, he can't help but fall over and hit the ground with a thud. Bongo twists around to help him to his feet, but Ashley's merely watching the events as an observer.

When Palkia leaves, for a moment, Ashley thinks he sees an old associate. Was that Mars? He looked like he had a new friend. That was neat, at least.

Father Winter was gone though.

Ash looked on, feeling uneasy with no body in sight. Letting sleeping Yampers lie though, there's few things left to do here. He decides not to pursue. Best to remove himself from the situation ASAP.

When Isaac returns next to him, he smiles weakly, knowing he needed his last talk to Isaac. Space is allowed. Ashley and Bongo's eyes are to the skies above. The spirits moving on in that golden sheen. He can see all of them, moving together. Led by the surfing Raichu on her own tail, the moon, the bird, the salamander. All of them are passing on now.

Resolution is weird. It's messy, and it doesn't tie up neatly with a bow like a lot of media would have one believe. He still took his best friend's eye. He still lost Bullet due to a lack of planning. He still let Pluto die to try and even the playing field, desperately trying to press any advantage they could muster. He still let Sushi die. He took Jubilee's life by his own hand. Yet here Ashley is, alive.

That's atonement in some way. Isn't it?

It's nice to see them all one last time. For all the pain, the strife, every little inch of suffering, he feels it all slowly leave his body. They were smiling. They were happy. Is that enough? He can't help but give a hidden wide grin under his mask, his eyes pouring tear after tear now. They could all rest now.

He wipes them away now. Isaac has had his time to see Kiryu off. As she fades away in an embrace, Ashley watches on. When he calls over to him, he nods.

"Yeah. Let's go. I'm tired of this place."

Who was he kidding? He's tired in general. He's gonna need painkillers for this damn arm now, likely anti-biotics for his ear. He groans at the thought of it. Probably bedridden too, he hates being bedridden.


He looks to Isaac's eye again. Yeah. He's gonna have to find some way to make it up to Isaac. Luckily, he's already thinking about how.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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ashley watches his deadmon float away
departs with isaac after he says goodbye
theyre getting paldean food or somethin
or going to the hospital
whichever comes first
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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,445 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2022 16:03:02 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar



So many things happened in an instant. Father Winter vanished. The chains binding Palkia dissolved, and the legendary Pokémon disappeared into a rift of its own making. The other rifts remained open, however, including the one occupying the space the primal point once held.[break][break]

But the chaos died down and the dust settled. Gunner, still sitting on the ground, felt all of the adrenaline seep out of his body. He collapsed, hitting his head against the rocky ground. Before he passed out, he thought he caught the faintest whiff of lilacs on the breeze.[break][break]

Gunner's Alakazam noticed his trainer faint. Shouting in alarm, the Psychic-type Pokémon beckoned at other League personnel nearby for their assistance. Though various healing moves had patched up the smaller cuts along Gunner's body, major wounds still needed tending, including the stab wound through his left forearm. He would need to get to a hospital — fast.



- Wearing black tactical gear + mask covering his face for anonymity.[break]
- Gunner passes out and needs to go to a hospital!



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2022 16:37:25 GMT
Deleted Avatar

The bastard — "Father Winter" was dead, or so Elio hoped. A strange, insane, part of him felt a monster like him wouldn't stay dead. And if he did come back in some manner one day, hopefully, Elio would be more prepared.
That aside, the worst of things seemed to be over. The meteor was gone, the weird legendary pokemon had fled, and all that remained were two factions picking up the pieces of this strange new world.
In the distance, several feet away laid the corpse of the older woman lay prone and lifeless. Her pale face was sheet white, framed by her thick, black, hair. She looked just as beautiful in death. Though now in a haunting way.
Something familiar yet foreign twisted in Elio's gut at the sight. As he forced himself to push down the strange emotion that attempted to claw its way up from his stomach.
And yet, he resisted. Forcing himself to look away as the uneasiness became slightly easier to bear.
A tiny part of him wanted to at least give her the dignity of a burial. But truth be told, as her former opponent and an enemy of the League it wouldn't look good to show such respect. In fact, it would appear as a greater insult. 'Besides... They probably have it handled anyways.'
In the end, she would just end up as another grave amongst many on Mt Pyre. A perished soul left to rest on a lonely mountain. Elio only hoped she found peace in her last moments. It was the only thing he could handle to think about her.
Pushing his tempestuous emotions aside, his masked face stared off into the distance. Seeing, yet not at all. Forcing himself to focus on the here and now the mafioso stopped caring about the past or future and instead found himself making his way down the mountain.
Everyone could continue their spat with one another. Elio didn't want anything to do with it right now. If he got punished then that was something he would face in the coming morrow. Right now, the blazing soul of his was naught but embers.
And as the ashes of regret choked his lungs and smothered his thoughts. Elio realized something in crystal clarity:
He had some important things he needed to do.



- Wearing his cracked mask and slightly torn-up black outfit.[break]
- Elio is left to ponder.[break]
- Sees 's corpse and feels guilt.[break]
- Decides he's done with the craziness of the recent events and leaves.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing