i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,621 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 6:14:48 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
Just one more time before I go...

Adrian is yet to arrive at the stadium when the warning bells ring out, sounding the call to arms as the city is rushed by pokemon adorned in crystals of stygian make. His Unown-M spreads its unfluence thin, unable to make the difference he might've hoped for—and so he makes the determination to stow it away, withdrawing the pokemon in favor of something more suited to the tasks ahead.[break][break]

He bursts into a sprint towards the nearest city wall, abandoning those at the stadium to their fate, as he rushes to fortify an undermanned portion of the perimeter. Scores of unremarkable, highly volatile pokemon begin pouring from beyond the horizon—stretching further than he can see in the dystopic lens of this world. It's enough to make one lose hope, if the peasantry is to be believed.[break][break]

And though Adrian may find himself wanting to buckle under the pressure, he instead hurtles a slightly tarnished pokeball skywardly, causing it to erupt in an arc of light before a tremendous creature fills the sky with its meandrous form; his Gyarados, Furor, descends from on high with a noted grace to its movements...[break][break]



...ducking its head, allowing its tail to follow through, flicking its girth with a ground-shuddering thrashing as it pounded against the earth with its gargantuan strength.[break][break]

Feeling the ground tremble beneath his wobbly knees, his mind is fuzzy as his focus is tunneled on the pokemon, unable to go to the lengths and understand the situation further—to pursue the source of this virulence. Instead, he only hopes what he's doing is enough to stem the tide...[break][break]

NHXv5p_1 + 10

tags ADRIAN defends the city from VIOLENT POKEMON using GYARADOS' weight to cause an EARTHQUAKE that may or may not dig up and gouge the earth to form trenches and pitfalls where it gouges and rends the earth[break]


template by punki

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december 21st
wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
223 posts
Cain Toman DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 6:16:41 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar

by the look of it, big boss man knew what he was talking about.[break][break]
figures. it would've been worrying, otherwise.[break][break]

while the underboss sought to reach for the varied crystals lodged throughout the area, he, himself, simply stayed put— because honestly speaking, what other choice did he have? overextend his bounds when someone else already had collection under lock and key? risk falling into the sludge and likely melting alive?[break][break]

it's a fucking metal way to go, but fuck if i'm dying here, of all places.[break][break]

and so with his aegislash in either hand for the moment, he simply remained upon the back of the naganadel alongside and his superior (again, not like he had much choice, otherwise), biding his time until they took their leave. with a careful eye on their surroundings once the beast began to embark upon its flight once more, kept the shield before him while absentmindedly spinning the blade within his grasp.[break][break]

then came the action.[break][break]

action and a command, by the sound of it. far be it for him to object to the hierarchy (at least in those moments), so with a quick, yet deepened breath, he nodded while tapping his fingers against the capsules upon his belt once more, a familiar spark enveloping the aegislash and taking it from his hold, instead replacing it with a golurk amidst a secondary, similar flash.[break][break]

"shatter aid," had been the sole words to leave his mouth before the goliath nodded, floating briefly before disappearing for a brief moment, its trail little more than a ghastly ether.[break][break]

moments after, it appeared above head before careening down towards the armies, gradually tucking itself inward with arms lifted. they beat against the earth amidst the poisoned pokemon, prompting an earthquake to ripple through the ground on impact.[break][break]


  • The Drip(tm)
  • me? forgetting my post 'tilt he last second? haha... hahaha...
  • very quick observance hours in the cave
  • heading back to the action with The Rocket Squad(tm)
  • aegislash is recalled.
  • golurk is sent out.
  • golurk uses earthquake as close to the center of the army as possible
  • roll: 97 + 10 = 107? assuming a 100 cap??
  • code breaking hours again lessgooooo

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedsword

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 6:57:17 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Peasants, now inspired, fill the streets of HAMMERLOCKE below and cheer in unison. Remiel smiles at the sight. Despite being manifestations of a memory, these are his people— though certainly not as he knew them. Regardless, to see them filled with hope in such a dark reality is a sight that warms his heart.

This was something he had never known he was missing when he'd been a part of TEAM ROCKET. In fact, the actions they would have had him take on MT. PYRE that fateful day seemed to be this glorious moment's antithesis.

Realizing the HAMMERLOCKE VAULT might contain some answers towards the fate of this GALAR, however, the crown prince telepathically urges ZEKROM to fly off towards it. There he regroups with his and briefly greets a new face ( ) before scanning the tapestries they've cleaned off. "I've never seen these before..." He remarks, squinting slightly at the images and text upon them as he commits it all to his own memory.

Further study, however, is interrupted by the ring of warning bells. Outside, ZEKROM takes to the skies to grant himself a better vantage point. Once there, the black dragon spots the SWARM of poisoned Pokémon and the GALARIAN ZAPDOS determined to tear down the barricades.

Remiel, in the meantime, rushes to a window nearby when he spots the telltale glow of a GIGANTAMAX Pokémon in the distance. When the profile of a giant poisoned CHARIZARD comes into view, the color seems to drain from his face in an instant as traumatic scenes flash through his mind.

One night; one bad decision.

It cost him his friends. It cost him his father. It cost him his morality. And a GIGANTAMAX CHARIZARD had been the one to take it all away.

It couldn't be the same one... could it? The den had been destroyed. Itcouldn'tbe thesameone. No itcouldn't. Itwas dead! He'd opiuthis behind him itwasd dead! Itwasdead!

Hands grip the stone balcony's edge until knuckles turn white. Rapid irregular heartbeats cause his chest to heave as he desperately tries to focus on simply breathing correctly. He fixates on a minuscule crack in the stone— but all he can see is the fire. All he can hear is the screaming.


ZEKROM telepathically roars, meeting the GALARIAN ZAPDOS and its accompanying SWARM head-on as his turbine loudly whirs. Raising a single winged hand, the Dark Black Pokémon strikes them all backward with a powerful BREAKING SWIPE in defense of HAMMERLOCKE.


flies off to the HAMMERLOCKE VAULT to witness the tapestries!
sees the GIGANTAMAX CHARIZARD in the distance and has a PANIC ATTACK!



🍒 using X3 SALAC BERRY
🧥 is wearing a black ensemble with reinforced padding and a knightly sword

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 9:20:13 GMT



THERE ARE MANY TRICKS TO THIS POISON. the subject of galar’s plight resides in the nuance. a mysterious vileness that spurges throughout the land. a sentient plague that’s affect on local fauna cannot be understated.

it is one thing to kill outright. that is poison’s purpose. but to change an organism? that is an intricacy unheard of until the POISON PATROLS of the ULTRA BEAST WARS.

quiet observation starts to connect the dots. reminds him of ’s work during her tenure in team rocket. mere coincidence, possibly. related work? too hard to say.

but an idea is sprouted. taken root deep within the bubbling cauldron of this toxic takeover.

our safety comes first,” he speaks to both priam and league comms. “the civilians are figments of our memories. as long as we survive, we can fight another day.

a bold conjecture spoken with a confidence curated by the HIGH KING’s answer. fernando has no clue how true his claims may be but these galarians mean nothing to him. their death, a very real possibility, may be essential to his story.

what he cannot lose is one of the limited actors alongside him.

he follows after but refrains from taking into the skies. his run down the spiral stairs of the observatory means he’ll end up there well after the earlier responders. fortunately, his ZYGARDE is much faster. he leaves the pokemon to confront the VENASAUR on its own accord.

when the ZYGARDE arrives, it does so behind the likes of and . the ground around them grumbles with a coarse groan. what life still resides here is weak and fading. nevertheless, it wells up at the ZYGARDE’S howl, erupting underneath the VENASAUR with LAND’S WRATH.

- notices the MUSHROOM's changed appearance
- tell league comms to prioritize their own safety
- starts to head toward VENASAUR
- ZYGARDE heads there before fern


AHDHJy2q + 15 = 60
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blue, murk
october 29
goldenrod city, johto
lost dog (defector?)
death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit.
339 posts
blue murtagh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @blue
blue murtagh
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 15:00:50 GMT
blue murtagh Avatar


[attr="class","star2"]Unlike , Blue isn’t eager to stay on the back of the naganadel, so when Theo descends, so does she. Eager to have her feet return to the earth, even if it’s only for a short period of time. Crystals embedded in the cave walls glitter and pique her curiosity. Maybe if she was more nature-inclined, she’d find herself in awe.[break][break]

Instead, her reaction is more akin to that of a greedy weasel, bent on picking up something shiny. Z-crystals Theo says, and that sails right over her head, but she picks up a few small pieces—both shiny and blackened—and shoves them in her jacket pocket.[break][break]

Mirroring his actions like a little, angry shadow.[break][break]

A few fall loose, though, and plop into what she thinks is a normal puddle. Until the liquid sizzles and absorbs the rocks with a noxious ferocity. Oh. Nope. Backtracking toward the overgrown bug again, she doesn’t protest when it’s time to roll out once more.[break][break]

But of course there’s more disarray when they return than when they had left. Poisoned Pokémon besiege Motostoke with relentless furor. Not that Blue expects them to do much about it. It’s not their problem, after all.[break][break]

So when insists they should help, it gives her pause, but enough to stop her from following the order. It simply clashes with what she’s come to understand of him.[breaK][break]

Her nidoking flies out of his pokeball once again, and descends into the fray as draco meteors hurtle downward. As with the sludge hand, he uses earth power on the heels of the earthquake unleashed by ’s golurk. Ripping up and disrupting already rocky ground under the feet of the incoming Pokémon.

+ blue also does her best to pocket some crystals. both good and defunct bc she doesn’t know the difference [break]
+ ok that was nice time to go back[break]
+ is slightly perplexed by ’s willingness to help[break]
+ nidoking uses earth power AGAIN!! hopefully in tandem with Cain’s earthquake to further unsteady the ground[break]
+10 to roll total = 35


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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
In this and every life
I choose us every time
1m62 / 5'3 height
1m62 / 5'3 height
Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
150 posts
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TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 23:29:38 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Brynn's patrolling the city when the first signs of the horde of corrupted mons appear; rather than retreating to the safety of the pokémon center however, she does what her curiosity bids her to do and wanders towards the make-shift barricades. The vibrating earth below her feet should prove enough of a warning as what's to come, and even though it kicks her instincts into an overdrive to seek cover, she ignores it fully.

When the orange-feather bird attacks the barricade like it's nothing more than a step-stone an explosion occurs behind them, a gigantic pokémon rising from its center. The Unovan halts only temporarily, casting a look behind her, then looking at the Drilbur at her side. Although the better choice, the anxiety simmering inside her calls for Spica to return to her side. Switching out Delta goes swiftly, the mole pokémon not bothering with the sudden shift, while the smaller aura pokémon taking its stead immediately takes to its trainer and the chaos happening beyond the defensive walls.

The gigantimaxed pokémon behind them roars, but the Unovan ignores it, not wishing to divide her attention between two fronts. It never bodes well whenever she does. Instead she takes to the barricades as well, crawling on top of them just in time to watch 's Claydol blast a destructive beam into the stampede of corrupted mons before them.

The power of the move unsteadies her, and as a part of the barricade shifts so does she, toppling head first into the horde of pokémon below. There's not time to wonder as she scrambles to her feet, watching as surrounding mons shift their aim from the barricade towards her, but they're soon mowed down by a barrage of strikes from Spica's Meteor Mash from above as it jumps down to protect Brynnhildr. It plops down in front of her, nailing its hero landing and reading itself to fight off any who dare draw near.


KZH2WrzX +15


+Heads towards the barricades[break]
+Switches Drilbur for Riolu[break]
+Makes a tumble down the barricade, into the stampeding pokémon[break]
+Riolu jumps down and uses Meteor Mash on surrounding pokémon[break]



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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 4:32:42 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Route 10 (Approaching Wyndon) - Pokémon Sword and Shield


IN BALLONLEA, the army breaks through the wood, splintering trees with their liquid miasma. These poison-coated Pokemon—or are they creations of poison entirely?—breach 's STONE WALLS.[break][break]

Like zombies, they slam into the rock formations, splattering toxic waste with every strike. 's ANCIENT POWER BOULDERS manage to hold them off further—while some fall into 's MOATS, immediately polluting them with fetid murkiness.[break][break]

's HYDREIGON capitalizes on their disadvantaged state. From the skies, she and her dragon lunge toward the split army with a devastating TRI-ATTACK.[break][break]

Before more of the army can overwhelm the city, 's RIOLU tumbles into the fray. Other BALLONLEA CITIZENS dash in from the sides as a METEOR MASH smashes into a crowd of troops.[break][break]

Before they can be overwhelmed however, 's CLAYDOL activates its Z-MOVE: ANNIHILATION. The statue-like sentinel fires a searing PSYCHIC-TYPE laser across the tangle, incinerating and disentigrating a considerable wave of POISON POKEMON into pools of sludge.[break][break]

Inside the city, a GIGANTAMAX VENUSAUR emerges from the stadium. With every step, plants and buildings are crushed. Quickly, takes the skies with . On CHARIZARD, a FIRE SPIN lands on the gargantuan amphibian. A loud groan emerges from the plant toad's throat as it swings a thick vine toward the CHARIZARD.[break][break]

Due to its immense, and his CHARIZARD can not outrun it. But they are able to cover enough distance for 's SHINY GOLURK to use a Z-MOVE: NEVER-ENDING NIGHTMARE. Deep-seated grudges manifest ensnare the VENUSAUR as a VINE KNOCKS OUT THE CHARIZARD from the sky...[break][break]

As the GOLURK'S Z-MOVE keeps the VENUSAUR from shifting, calls upon his ILLUMINA AEGISLASH. A SPOTLIGHT allows the brilliant bulwark to TAUNT the VENUSAUR, forcing its massive vines to pursue the AEGISLASH instead.[break][break]

The FIRE SPIN burns the gigantic frog once more, aggravating the grand flower blooming from its back. POLLEN spreads across the entire city, forcing those who inhale it to sneeze and struggle. In midst the pollen showering about, manages to order his ZYGARDE to keep the toad in place with LAND'S WRATH. The gathered energy of the land collides with the VENUSAUR as soars overhead.[break][break]

, empowered by her SYGNA SUIT & FLYGON manage to BRAVELY blow the pollen away from those attacking the VENUSAUR. This proves to be pivotal, for it grants and her ARAQUANID space to use their Z-MOVE: SAVAGE SPIN-OUT. [break][break]

Powerful threads of silk strike and bind the VENUSAUR. Before it can retract its vines from chasing and his AEGISLASH, 's VESPIQUEN manages to succeed in using its PHEROMONES to subdue the VENUSAUR. Eventually, with the help of the peasantry and the other trainers, the GIGANTAMAX VENUSAUR REVERTS dramatically, shrinking in sudden intervals, before laying unconscious on the ground.[break][break]

Outside, the GALARIAN ZAPDOS takes notice of and her HYDREIGON. It rubs its feathers together, producing an ear-splitting crackling sound. It rushes toward the BALLONLEA ROCK WALL and launches off of it, pulverizing a sizable segment in the process. It arcs toward the flying dragon and slams into it with a THUNDEROUS KICK to knock it out.[break][break]

The GALARIAN ZAPDOS lands in BALLONLEA with a thunderous crash. 's PRIMARINA gets up and close and personal with a PLAY ROUGH; the strikes slam into its BLACK ARMOR, knocking off several of its plates.[break][break]

Shrieking, the ZAPDOS kicks the PRIMARINA AWAY with its claws—but the Pokemon luckily does not faint. With its armors loosened, takes advantage from above. He leaps off the OBSERVATORY and is caught by his SHADOW BRAVIARY. An OBSIDIAN WING strikes across its weakened black plating and petrifies a stretch on its breast.[break][break]

Once again, the GALARIAN ZAPDOS sprints and leaps with stunning speed. A THUNDEROUS KICK strikes 's BRAVIARY, causing it to faint; however, the opening and vulnerability exposed by and allow a chance to down the electric avian.[break][break]

After her AERODACTYL MEGA EVOLVES, she commands it to launch a HYPER BEAM. From its heavy jaw, a surge of energy is fired and strikes the GALARIAN ZAPDOS on the chest to knock it out within the city.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
cleansing sludge and claw by earth, pool and mind,[break]
walls art hath raised to protect us i'm told.[break]
as speeches forge our hearts so bold[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with thund'rous forks and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant venusaur didst appeareth,[break]
bringing vine and pollen to our ballonlea.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break]


IN CIRCHESTER, the army of poison collides relentlessly against the glacial barricades of 's creation. They deliver themselves onto spikes of ice, dribbling toxins wantonly and without much thought.[break][break]

's scouting has allowed the party to take action swiftly. 's reliable GYARADOS has seen many battles and this one is no different. With its weight, it causes an EARTHQUAKE to scatter the army. Trenches, fissures, and chasms disrupt the formation of these toxic troops, allowing 's RESHIRAM to soar into the fray.[break][break]

A BLUE FLARE erupts from its mouth as it flies. Flames melt these poison Pokemon into sludge as the inspired townsfolk rush in with their own Pokemon to combat the weak.[break][break]

Within the city, a mini-drama transpires in THE HERO'S BATH. After 's KINGER MEGA EVOLVES, the trainer falls into the bath as hallucinations overtake his faculties. As imagines drowning him, returns his ESPEON to assist . However, attempting to rescue a drowning man can be a risky endeavor; as the spring water splashes about from 's panic, is pulled under by him unwittingly.[break][break]

Thankfully, and her SHADOW MIME JR. manage to pull him out in time. The PSYCHIC ENERGY is enough to save both and from filling their lungs with water—no matter how healing they are purported to be. A tick of poison settles on the poor clown, and the SHADOW MIME JR., with a content and exhausted smile, FAINTS.[break][break]

The GIGANTAMAX KINGLER breaks through the stadium with a heavy claw. Bearded with bubbles and briny froth, the crustacean swings it claw toward and her HISUIAN ZOROARK. A BITTER MALICE strikes against the claw to divert it slightly—but the Pokemon's immense strength allows the limb to resume its trajectory.[break][break]

However, narrowly avoids being crushed alongside her Pokemon. 's PIDGEOT MEGA EVOLVES, summoning a uproarious HURRICANE that strikes the crab and forces the claw away from in the nick of time.[break][break]

Angrily, the red sclera of the KINGLER glow. Its appearance is similar to its MEGA EVOLVED FORM— but the sheer size and scope of this Pokemon almost makes its appearance foreign. Wholly unfamiliar. 's MEGA EVOLVED KINGLER looks at its mirrored enemy... and uses a GUILLOTINE that severs a portion of the GIGANTAMAX KINGLER'S LEG.[break][break]

The enemy cries out with a loud, resounding bass. A G-MAX FOAM BURST bursts out through its beard. A frothy wave descends onto CIRCHESTER, punching through wood and stone.[break][break]

and fight through the brine. The former's TERASTALLIZED TOGEKISS uses SAFEGUARD. A veil of protection covers , , , , and . Sludge kicked up from the GIGANTAMAX KINGLER'S STEPS AND ATTACKS strike the sanctified shield and slough off futilely.[break][break]

however, takes the offensive. Her NIDOQUEEN cries out as it lands a powerful SUPERPOWER on the KINGLER, forcing it to stumble backward like a Boston Dynamics Robot being kicked.[break][break]

As it stumbles, 's URSHIFU TERASTALLIZES into the ELECTRIC-TYPE. Its crystalline shape channels this new boon into an earth-shattering THUNDER PUNCH that forces the GIGANTAMAX KINGLER to revert back to its "normal form": a regular KINGLER, now knocked out cold.[break][break]

On the outskirts, distracts the GALARIAN ZAPDOS with his INVISIBLE LATIOS. He keeps his communication lines open with the rest of the League as LUSTER PURGES strike the Pokemon from various angles.[break][break]

The GALARIAN ZAPDOS however, is keen. Clever. Armored in black, it manages to dash and leap, talons first. It strikes the LATIOS from its invisible veil with a THUNDEROUS KICK, but miraculously, the Pokemon stays afloat and DOES NOT FAINT.[break][break]

A KYOGRE'S SHEER COLD helps clear the reinforcements behind the ZAPDOS and prevents it from acting further on 's Pokemon. Rain batters the battlefield from the leviathan's DRIZZLE as attempts to strike from cover. Her MESPRIT uses a MYSTICAL POWER, a radiant emission of PSYCHIC ENERGY that unfortunately, gives away her position.[break][break]

However, the black plating it sports, thanks to the residual damage, begins to tear off.[break][break]

The GALARIAN ZAPDOS is struck, causing it to shriek and rub its feathers together. Electricity courses through its body as it sprints toward her location. It lands with a thunderous crash, instantly shattering any walls of ice nearby.[break][break]

However, 's ALAKAZAM is quick to respond. MEGA EVOLVING, the Pokemon fires a potent PSYBEAM at the bird; it pierces through a vulnerability in its armor with a precise shot. As it thrashes about defiantly, lashes of electricity fail to paralyze 's MEGA ALAKAZAM thanks to 's TOGEKISS' SAFEGUARD and finally, the ZAPDOS is subdued.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to maketh walls of ice and eyes in the sky,[break]
the eye below strikes the poison palms.[break]
wat'r floweth to act as balms.[break]
the poison well now sees the sunne.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Clad in the black knight's armor did a bird[break]
arrive, with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant kingler did appear,[break]
bringing brine and froth to Circhester.[break]
Our heroes fought back, and protected our town[break]
And so we did bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shall be remembered?[break]


AGAINST THE HISTORIC WALLS OF HAMMERLOCKE, the malodorous army clash. These Pokemon developed from memories dissolved within the sludge are of a one-track, hungry mind.[break][break]

Thankfully, 's RALTS has managed, in tandem with the townsfolk, to fill in weak spots in the city's defenses. Still, it won't be long until the army pushes through.[break][break]

However, 's TORNADUS is summoned. The shard of TORNADUS is not a discreet presence—but combined with with a TORNADUS FEATHER & THE POKEMON'S BLEAKWIND STORM, the armies are guarded against and scattered.[break][break]

However, inside the city's walls, a GIGANTAMAX CHARIZARD has been unleashed from the POWER SPOT. is first to engage with it, brave as he is. His ARMAROUGE clasps its cannons togethers and fires an AURA SPHERE straight at the dragon's eye. It pops it clean out of its socket with a noxious splash—and in brutal retaliation, it swings its entire tail.[break][break]

The tail clobbers the stadium and knocks the ARMAROUGE out instantly upon impact. Debris falls as the half-blinded dragon attempts to leave the stadium—but and his KLEFKI FAIRY LOCK the CHARIZARD within the field.[break][break]

Within this pink prison, 's TYRANITAR summons a SANDSTORM with its ability. A ROCK SLIDE clashes against the CHARIZARD, who retaliates with a G-MAX WILDFIRE. Fires sear 's TYRANITAR, engulfing it in a plume of smoke and flame and although the Pokemon does not faint, it now knows the sheer power of this creature.[break][break]

's FLUTTER MANE flutters through the sand and flame. Narrowly avoiding tendrils of fire, the Paradox Pokemon summons a STORED POWER that descends upon the dragon like a divine spear.[break][break]

The CHARIZARD roars, clawing at the FLUTTER MANE as the earth trembles beneath its feet. The Pokemon diverts toward the POWER SPOT in which has leaped into. follows up with her MEGA EVOLVED ALTARIA. Billowing with fluff, the dragon uses a DRAGON BREATH that blinds the CHARIZARD further with its obscuring fire.[break][break]

Immediately, takes advantage of the dragon's blind spot. The former Gym Leader's SHADOW HISUIAN ARCANINE leaps through the field as the battle rages on... and with a ferocious snarl, HEAD SMASHES the CHARIZARD.[break][break]

It's enough to take the beast down finally. It snarls, huffing flames defiantly before it begins to revert to its normal size. On the field, the CHARIZARD lays fainted.[break][break]

In the outskirts, the GALARIAN ZAPDOS tears at the barricades. The BLACK ARMOR it sports is an impressive defense. During the battle, the ZAPDOS is quick to overtake 's LUXRAY. The ELECTRIC TERRAIN pulses on the field—but despite the lion's INTIMIDATION, the ZAPDOS kicks the LUXRAY into unconsciousness.[break][break]

An ICE FANG from 's STOUTLAND grounds it briefly. Ice crusts over its leg—but the bird is quick to PLUCK the dog with its sharp beak. Angrily, it tosses the canine about before launching it toward the barricade to faint it.[break][break]

and join forces in the sky. Holding 's hand, the latter commands the DRAGONITE they ride on to THUNDER WAVE. 's BEHEEYEM joins with a THUNDERBOLT of its own. A violent shackle of lightning descends upon the bird, forcing it to squawk with aggravation.[break][break]

The BLACK PLATING manages to protect it from a more severe PARALYSIS. However, as 's NOIVERN swerves toward it, the ZAPDOS responds with an instantaneous dash. The AIR SLASH misses as the ZAPDOS leaps and launches off the dragon with a THUNDEROUS KICK in mid-air, fainting it.[break][break]

Another THUNDEROUS KICK collides with and 's DRAGONITE & BEHEEYEM, forcing them out of the skies with their unconscious partners.[break][break]

's ZEKROM clashes with the ZAPDOS as its owner panics. A BREAKING SWIPE collides with the ZAPDOS in mid-air, forcing it to the ground once more. The BLACK ARMOR breaks, revealing a spot exposing its spiky plumage.[break][break]

When it lands, it skids across the earth. and his SLITHER WING are prepared. By the barricades, the Paradox Pokemon is quick to strike with a FIRST IMPRESSION. The BUG-TYPE certainly makes an impression indeed, for the attack manages to strike the ZAPDOS' EXPOSED BODY.[break][break]

Finally, the ZAPDOS FAINTS and HAMMERLOCKE IS PROTECTED.[break][break]


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to repaireth our walls and scout our skies.[break]
Dragons inspireth nay feareth, nay ire.[break]
On full stomachs, our people parry palms[break]
the castle mure well clear'd with nay qualms,[break]
the vault reveals tapestries two.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Clad in the black knight's armor did a bird[break]
arrive, with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Charizard did appear,[break]
bringing hellish flame to old Hammerlocke.[break]
Our heroes fought back, and protected our town[break]
And so we did bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shall be remembered?[break]


MOTOSTOKE, THE CITY OF STEAM AND INDUSTRY launches defensive preparations immediately. and are quick to create barricades.[break][break]

THE VIRULENT HORDE RAKES THEMSELVES on the barricades created under 's command. They strike with limb and skull, leaving odious splotches of poison against the palisades that had also assisted with.[break][break]

These defenses are pivotal to slow the advancement into MOTOSTOKE. , and return from their excursion into the mines. Having collected ores and what appears to be Z-CRYSTALS, the Rockets launch themselves into battle.[break][break]

soars on his NAGANADEL. From above, DRACO METEORS crash into the army, immediately obliterating several Pokemon into pools of sludge. and combine their Pokemon's attacks. Valiantly, their NIDOKING and GOLURK raze the earth. EARTH POWER erupts underneath several poison-platoons; however, the GOLURK manages to strike a critical line within the terrain. The earth opens up and disrupts the army severely as an EARTHQUAKE tears the poison Pokemon apart.[break][break]

However, the GALARIAN ZAPDOS detects the trio as a threat. Sometime during the battle, the ZAPDOS dashes through, leaping off of a MOTOSTOKE BUILDING to THUNDEROUS KICK both NIDOKING AND NAGANADEL with a loud uproarious crack.[break][break]

The two Pokemon faint, while the GOLURK manages to narrowly evade another swing of talons as a FREEZE-DRY slows the bird's leg. The GALARIAN ZAPDOS shrieks and kicks the earth. Several boulders erupt and are hurled (ANCIENT POWER) toward the MR. RIME with incredible speed, knocking it out cold.[break][break]

, back from the unusual "Distortion World" she ventured into, releases her NIHILEGO. The Ultra Beast, wriggles its appendages as a DAZZLING GLEAM strikes the darting, charging GALARIAN ZAPDOS. A PLATE OF BLACK ARMOR falls, previously chilled and weakened.[break][break]

Before the ZAPDOS lunges for and her NIHILEGO, is quick to intervene. His BLAZIKEN MEGA EVOLVES and clashes against the ZAPDOS in a brief contest of strength. However, the CLOSE COMBAT the BLAZIKEN executes manages to strike the weakened armor before subduing the ZAPDOS entirely on the battlefield.[break][break]

Within MOTOSTOKE, witnesses the GIGANTAMAX GARBODOR first. It lurches toward the TRAIN STATION, crushing bleachers and a large segment of the stadium wall.[break][break]

darts toward the middle of the city with his TOXTRICITY. The TAUNT works as it attracts the GARBODOR away from the main POKECENTER.[break][break]

At the same time, is quick to use the stadium's sound system. As he reassures the people of MOTOSTOKE, he goads the GARBODOR too as his SPECTRIER gallops toward the moving GARBODOR.[break][break]

An empowered SHADOW BALL from the steed strikes the GARBODOR from behind: 's strategic intention. 's DELPHOX takes advantage of the distraction, a PSYSHOCK pummeling into the poisonous mass. It is further slowed by the webbing constructed between buildings. 's ARIADOS' TOXIC THREADS prevent the Pokemon from crushing further districts.[break][break]

In retaliation, the GARBODOR uses a G-MAX MALODOR. A fetid stench accompanies a tsunami of sewage that leaks out from the GARBODOR'S BODY, striking 's DELPHOX and narrowly missing . Though the DELPHOX DOES NOT FAINT, the smell is horrible.[break][break]

The G-MAX MALODOR breaks apart the TOXIC THREADS that had prepared with her spider. Infuriated by the residual webbing clinging to its body, the GARBODOR plucks a CORVIKNIGHT TAXI that it had absorbed into its body.[break][break]

Angrily, it is thrown at the ARIADOS, which dodges it narrowly; however, when the GARBODOR looks for a TRAIN TO THROW, it can not find it within the chaos, SPARING 'S ARIADOS.[break][break]

By , commands her COBALION strike at the GARBODOR too. A gleaming SACRED SWORD pierces through the creature, exposing more sludge. As the GARBODOR grabs a AEROPLANE to throw back at and , springs into his action.[break][break]

The continual TAUNTING from and allow the STEELIX to land a critical hit in the GARBODOR'S taint. An EARTH POWER erupts through its body, forcing the creature to fall unconscious and revert to an ordinary form. An ordinary size...


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to maketh bulwarks f'r threats uninvit'd.[break]
Two young nobles greeteth each home[break]
while one young sir unearths the well's tomb.[break]
Some expl're the caves east to findeth heavenly scales,[break]
as the bleeding train is clott'd and did push off its rails[break]
What more shalt beest remembered[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with thund'rous forks and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Garbod'r didst appeareth,[break]
bringing stench and sludge to Motostoke's sph're. [break]
Our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]


THE DRUMMING OF WAR FINALLY SUBSIDES. As the remaining threats dissipate into poisonous waste, each township erupts into merry cheers.

Upon closer inspection, the GALARIAN ZAPDOS are not simply unconscious. They are dead. Some can surmise that the BLACK PLATING was responsible for their demises, as if the black armor converted the GALARIAN ZAPDOS into thralls for whatever power they came from.

However, within their feathery plumes, an egg would eventually hatch. An infantile GALARIAN ZAPDOS would emerge and immediately imprint on those who carry their mother's scent due to the feather they possess: and . Others would be imprinted on by their close proximity to the ZAPDOS, or by luck: and .

Those who had inspired the peasantry—or were instrumental in cleaning THE HERO'S BATH initially are suddenly swarmed by the townspeople. In reverence, they kneel to the following characters: and in BALLONLEA. and in CIRCHESTER. , , and in HAMMERLOCKE and and in MOTOSTOKE.[break][break]

They are granted makeshift crowns. No matter what the situation, the townspeople of each city will consider them as ROYALTY, rulers of each territory.[break][break]

IN HAMMERLOCKE, descends into the deep. It is a long perilous fall that is thankfully slowed by her FLUTTER MANE who acts as a paraglider for her to grab onto. The deep is incredibly dark, but it is illuminated by what appears to be a pulsing organ. Should it be eliminated, would be able to see a copious amount of sludge emerging from a hideous organ akin to that of a heart.[break][break]

is inevitably forced to ascend as the surrounding sludge crawls toward her, as if wanting to swallow her whole. The beam of light pierces out of the POWER SPOT and ascends into the sky...[break][break]

Eventually, time begins to pass in the memory like a relentless current.


THE CALYREX THEY MET IN WYNDON arrives to each settlement. The High King meets with the royalty in each of the land, who then dispenses the information to everyone else. It does not look well, riddled with uncurable poison, but it is strong enough to offer a prophecy. One that it has attuned to psychically due to the efforts of our heroes:[break][break]

In the realm of feudal memory, a prophecy unfurls,[break]
Of a kingdom beset by darkness, where chaos swirls.[break]
The Black Knight would rise and attack,[break]
Bringing warriors to their knees, their strength turned to lack.[break][break]

Yet from the shattered armor, a sword and shield would be forged,[break]
Forged with The Black Knight's power, dispelling all gloom.[break]
They'd unlock the secret of new heights, a celestial key,[break]
Transforming heroes into giants, mighty and free.[break][break]

The stars would hold the tales, secrets of cosmic design,[break]
Guiding the chosen champions, their destinies intertwined.[break]
Through celestial revelations, wisdom would be found,[break]
Unveiling truths and legends, their significance profound.[break][break]

Before the final clash 'twixt The Black Knight & Skeleton's dread,[break]
They'd read the constellations, their meaning widespread.[break]
Armed with sword and shield, their purpose crystal-clear,[break]
They'd vanquish chaos, restore the realm, dispelling fear.[break][break]

Thus, the prophecy beckoned the heroes, bold and brave,[break]
To shape their destiny, the kingdom to save.[break]
With resolve unyielding and celestial insight,[break]
They'd forge their legends, in the darkest night.[break][break]

Amidst the chaos and strife, a choice they must confront,[break]
To side with The Black Knight or The Skeleton, their path to confront.[break]
For destiny's tapestry weaves an intricate dance,[break]
And the heroes must decide, in this fateful circumstance.[break][break]

When poison overcomes the land, hope dwindling in its might,[break]
And all seems lost in shadows, engulfed by endless night,[break]
The major canine shall emerge from stone, a beacon of heroic splendor,[break]
To tear the long lasting memory asunder.

Sadly, the CALYREX does not return in subsequent months. Many fear that it has passed on.[break][break]

Many attempt to understand the prophecy as they rebuild their new lives in this memory.



ONE YEAR PASSES. The attacks on each township have increased, bringing with them, more and more aggressive Pokemon created from the sludge.[break][break]

and anyone else involved in the observatory will discover that the notes in the lab gradually fill with information. The pages fill in with STAR CHARTS that reveal the location of astronomical objects such as stars, constellations... galaxies. The PATTERN WITHIN THE DYNAMAX CRYSTAL holds corresponds with a part of a constellation labeled ★CMa.[break][break]

Further investigation or research may reveal that the sky is similar to what can be observed in the real world—but this particular constellation does not exist there. More constellations can be charted through careful observation.[break][break]

The DYNITE ORE , and have discovered appear to important for the ability to DYNAMAX; however, our heroes will not be able to learn how to dynamax yet. DYNITE ORE can be found in the deep, down the POWER SPOT as well. Heading down into the caverns will allow trainers to mine more of this ore, while also defending against DYNAMAXED OR GIGANTAMAXED POKEMON in the cavern. The pulsating organ does not seem to be able to be penetrated by normal attacks or metals...[break][break]

Throughout the year, the occasional threat from the deep will emerge as a DYNAMAXED POKEMON that must be defeated.



ONE DECADE PASSES. Eventually, a NECROZMA appears at each of the settlements. The townspeople cry out in fear of THE BLACK KNIGHT, worried that it may lure in a cataclysmic conflict with what they deem THE SKELETON. The NECROZMA is drawn by the LIGHT EMANATING FROM EACH POWER SPOT and will stop at nothing to get there even if there are attempts to reason with it.[break][break]

While the assault is relentless, eventually THIS VERSION OF NECROZMA would give up and move on, but not without massive casualties in the town. However, it leaves countless BLACK METALS in the aftermath...[break][break]

These metals can be forged to create new weaponry and defensive equipment and in this memory, can be imbued with the INFINITY ENERGY of Pokemon. Though this technique would normally not work in the real world, the nature of this realm allows it to be done.

Furthermore, a mysterious boulder begins to emerge from the earth in each town. It begins to slowly chip away to reveal canine-like features...[break][break]

Over time, 's DISTORTION WORLD will fill in. Though it is never restored to its former glory, the memory fills it in enough to make it somewhat... livable. During this time, her GIRATINA will identify the sludge to belong conclusively to its sibling, ETERNATUS. However, it spares details for now, careful not to be loose-lipped. Its relation to it is one of neutrality... for now, that is.[break][break]

More breakthroughs begin to develop through the investigation of the stars and of the DYNITE ORES. It is evident that the prophesied "final clash" will come eventually as the poison begins to consume more of the region of Galar. Your characters must prepare for this final battle between "The Skeleton" and "The Black Knight".


IN YOUR POST, you may detail what your characters are doing for the first ten years. Do not feel restricted to any action. Also imagine any information not dispensed (e.g. the parchment strips in the first few rounds) has been distributed to everyone by this mod post.[break][break]

You may choose to have your post focus in the immediate period after ten years, focus on brief summaries of each period, or whatever way you'd like to approach your post. However, please be reasonable with your TL;DRs and with will be able to include in his mod post.[break][break]

Lastly, all of your Pokemon can be healed for this MOD POST. However, after the final jump, be aware that POKEMON THAT HAVE BEEN KNOCKED OUT OR POISONED may be unusable for the last stretch of the raid aside from special exceptions.


Though this time skip is long, your characters do not need to be dramatically affected by their experience after the raid is over. The raid's events may begin to fade like a dream (though this is up to player discretion).



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


JUNE 14TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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played by


December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
890 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 6:50:28 GMT
Shred Avatar
Amidst the chaos of battle, Zapdos is beaten and battered by a dozen or so attacks, but Slither Wing is the one who earns the decisive blow. Its fist plunges deep into the chink in the armour, crashing into the flesh beneath, and with that single forceful blow, the "legend" is slain. You hold the dubious honour of killing this fallen myth.

And you know what? It feels damn good.

Once you're sure the battlefield has settled, you make your way down from the walls to join your Paradox Pokemon. Within this mass grave of melting bodies, only the corpse of the legend remains solid, but make no mistake, it is nevertheless dead. Without much thought, you crouch down and, with some effort, tear the head of the bird from its body. You never got a trophy for battling with "Moltres", and you'll be damn sure that you get one for beating "Zapdos", even if they aren't what they really were. You'll mount the skull somewhere when you get back home. You're not sure where, but you'll find a place for it.

Slither Wing watches the display impassively. It lacks its usual eagerness. It seems less like an excitable Yamper and more akin to a sombre Murkrow. You've heard the Rocket Scientists talk a lot of bollocks about how Paradox Pokemon are somehow tied to a realm of thought beyond understanding, connected deeply to the emotion of the public consciousness. You don't believe a word of that shit, but if you did, that'd certainly bode ill, wouldn't it.

"Don't worry, bud." You murmur, idly reached down to scratch the scruff of your dinosaur-bug-extradimensional-monster. "We'll get out of here soon. Just gotta wrap things up here..."




Well, fuck me if I wasn't wrong about that, huh?

Alright, time to play catch-up on the past ten years, yeah? My name is Jack Sabbath, but my proper title is Sir Sabbath of the Black. That sounds like a long story, doesn't it? An agonisingly long story. Too fucking long. But, hey, you're the one stuck in my head here, so keep quiet and listen, and I'll try and keep it short.

So, people keep chatting all this shite about a "hero", right? This grand mythology of tripe? The Black Knight, the Hero of Many Battles, and don't dare get me started on that fucking skeleton nonsense. Point being, everyone stuck in this shithole because that hero won't get their ass in gear and fulfil the legend, or the prophecy, or whatever the hell it is. The High King said we needed to be heroic to fix things, but personally, I was plenty heroic for the better part of six months, and others kept being heroic for far longer, and when you add that all up, things didn't get better for shit. Just another lie told to us by royalty. So, yeah. The hero isn't coming to save us. We're stuck filming a movie where the lead actor won't arrive.

So, fuck it. I'm going to become the Black Knight, or the Hero of Many Battles, or the skeleton, or whatever. I'm going to brute force the shit out of this legend. I'm going to get out of here. I'm going to get even with that fucking Bowl Deer, and I'm going to make it pay for trying to fuck with me.

That's the gist of it, anyway. I committed to the bit nine years ago. Started studying up on all kind of local legends in ways I hadn't since I was a child. Granted, there's not much to read up on, considering how much of this place is in ruins, and it doesn't help that I'm not much of a scholar, but I've picked up on scraps and filled in the gaps. And, if I dare say so, I've done a damn good job of filling the role. Even if the sham of a "royalty" won't admit it, I'm practically a knight, and I'm plenty black in a metaphorical sense. On top of that, I've participated in many battles over the years, and as far as the peasants are concerned, I may as well be a hero. As for the skeleton... Well, the Zapdos skull makes a nice little helmet, but I'm short on other sources of bones. People aren't eager to donate to my cause. Look, just... Just don't think about the skeleton, alright? I don't really think the skeleton part matters.

Some of them call me mad. Is it mad to try and fix problems in the world? Maybe Shred Zeppelin would've been content to coast on his laurels and live in a corrupt world, but Jack Sabbath won't tolerate that shit. The rest might be content to wallow in their misery as they wait for a hero who will never arrive, but I'm not. I'm going to solve problems. I'm going to fix shit. That's what I'm going to do. Well? Is it mad to be a hero? Is it? No. If anything, I'm the only sane one here.

Except, well, I'm not really feeling very heroic right now. See, that little fight with Necrozma we just had? Didn't go great for me. Got thrashed pretty bad. Wasn't my finest moment. Couldn't put it down. On the bright side, I got a chunk of that weird black metal out of it. Right now, the smiths and the boffins are working on forging it into something I'm going to call The Axe of Last Respects. It's the missing piece of this puzzle. The thing that's going to push me over the edge and let me become who I need to be. I'll finally finish the story. I'll be plenty black knight, plenty hero of many battles, and... Fuck, man, stop asking about the skeleton, alright? I don't know. I just don't know. I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE SKELETON. STOP ASKING ME ABOUT THE FUCKING SKELETON, OKAY? I DON'T GET THE SKELETON. STOP FUCKING MENTIONING IT. I'LL FUCKING HURT YOU IF YOU MENTION IT AGAIN. DON'T. FUCKING. TALK. ABOUT. THE. SKELETON.


I'm not insane.

I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane?

"...Doublade, am I insane?"

"Nay, sire! Amongst the rabble, thou art the very picture of sanity! So long as you stay thy course, you shall doubtlessly arrive at the tomorrow you dare seek. This, I promise you!"

...Yeah, I'm not insane.


TL;DR - Jack Sabbath is going through a borderline experimental ramble of a post, detailing his efforts to become the Hero of Many Black Skeleton Knight Battles, his forging of the Axe of Last Respects - an axe imbued with the Pokemon move Last Respects - and his sanity, which is very much intact. More concretely, he spent the better part of the last ten years attempting to study the mythology of the land, partaking in the many battles Hammerlocke is subjected to, and generally trying to improve himself in the unsubtle sense.
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 11:41:03 GMT
Ettie Avatar
The great bird has fallen - and with it, the army that it commanded. Even as Ettie navigates the pools of poison to investigate the Galarian Zapdos, she recognizes that it is dead. That it is no longer breathing, that Anat can no longer sense its aura. This fact is distantly saddening - and yet... Even if there is no longer life to be found from the Zapdos, there is life all the same - and this fact has Anat encouraging the group onward.

And amongst the feathers of the fallen beast... Is an egg. An egg that is already hatching - as if this were a phoenix being borne anew. And from it, comes a hatchling Galarian Zapdos - precocial feathers slick and wet, and large round eyes gazing upward. The newborn cheeps softly, slowly and carefully staggering up onto its feet. It takes one, then two, then three steps towards Ettie - each one less shaky than the last - staring up at her with wide eyes...

... Like it thinks her its mother, Ettie realizes. She's never had to care for an avian like this baby Zapdos - during her time amongst her old pack, she's always helped her mother look after newborn Rockruffs. But all the same, knowing that this small fragile life is looking to her - that this is her new responsibility - calls to a maternal side she never thought about until now.

Reaching down, Ettie picks up the hatchling in her arms - cradles it close, protectively. When it curls against her chest, she nuzzles it - the tips of her claw-like nails carefully combing through the feathers to groom them.

So caught up in her maternal instincts - even as she begins to carry the child back into Ballonlea - it's like Ettie's usual friendly nature has taken a turn. Cause when someone she doesn't recognize - - strays too closely, she snarls at her. She bares her teeth to warn her off - much like her mother would to newer pack members who got too close to her pups - and holds the Zapdos closer, protective.

Even Anne - for all of the lycanroc's distrust of humans - appears a bit surprised at this reaction from Ettie, blinking owlishly. And Anat, meanwhile, just gently pats Ettie on the shoulder to soothe her - casting Brynn an apologetic gaze.

But once those lingering know to make way, Ettie returns into the village - ready to tend to her child...

A Passing Year...

... With the passage of time, following days are spent in a quickly-formed yet consistent routine. Anat stays home to tend to newborn Miya and tend to those injured at home, while Ettie and the other pokemon hunt and gather at first light. When the sun begins to set, the pack returns - usually with food and supplies in tow, even if the pickings are sometimes thin.

And once home, Ettie tends to little Miya - feeding her, playing with her, teaching her. The wildchild is inseparable from her child once the two have the time to be together - and she proves to be greatly protective of Miya, as well. Only those Ettie can immediately recognize - such as or - are allowed near the hatchling. Others have to gain her trust - or otherwise risk being clawed or even bitten by her - to get close to Miya.

And when night has properly set in, the pack comes together - cuddling close to sleep, trusting that the village beyond will keep a watchful eye. The only one who remains awake is Delle - her ghostly form having no need of much sleep, leading to her sometimes taking the time to wander through the darkened streets.

But as time passes, and the days tick off more and more, the absences in the pack become more and more obvious. The lack of an excitable Duchess, or spitfire Ruffian, or mischievous Adrae - these absences are a painful void that lingers in Ettie's heart. When these feelings become too much to bear, is when the pack does something different. Come evening - before it comes time to retire for the night - the pack moves for the outskirts of Ballonlea. And gathered together as one...

... They howl, a longing and saddened keen that fills the air. A call, for their missing packmates who they had been separated from - as if in the hopes that they'll get a response of some form.

And yet, each time, silence reigns. A silence that follows them, as they return to the den for sleep...

A Passing Decade...

... But with time, things change - and Ettie is no different. She gets older. Slightly taller, even - if still noticeably small. As it turned out, surviving in a blighted land meant that one's diet was sometimes limited - and as her diet as a child affected her growth, so too did her diet here. Yet, this wasn't to say that she became weak.

No - even if speed was her niche, she was still fit. She was a huntress, and the work she did proved it. She was a wolf, and the teeth and claws she bared proved it. She was a packleader, whose thoughts were going to not only her own pokemon - but the village as a whole, and how to provide for it.

But she changes even beyond a physical level. On a mental level, she quickly develops from the interactions with those around her. Words become easier to come by, bit by bit - her sentences becoming fuller and more structured. Reading - though it's something she struggles with - becomes a little more feasible, day by day. Though, her handwriting often puts doctor shorthands to shame - a chickenscratch that few are able to decipher.

Her puppylike nature is tempered, as well - she is still friendly and exciteable during downtime. But most of all, she thinks of the pack. And as she gets older, the term 'pack' comes to include others. The other trainers, the peasants, their pokemon - everyone in Ballonlea is her pack.

As a result, she proves to be protective of them - at the first sign of danger, she's often the first one out to act in one's defense. Snarling and roaring, she will change into the fray to cut down these strange poison-formed Pokemon, the blades of Scarlet held in either hand.

Miya, meanwhile, grows bit by bit. Even after her tenth birthday, she isn't quite fully grown - but she is still large, enough to match Ettie's height. She is also old enough to venture away from the nest, so to speak - often joining Ettie on hunts closer to Ballonlea's territory. And even if she is still young, her claws and beak are still plenty fearsome.

Having grown amongst the pack, Miya comes to have a cooperative personality - easily meshing in and eager to assist on some shape or form. (She, perhaps, also comes to have a weakness for sweets like the ones that often shares with her.) She is energetic, and sometimes seems as though she doesn't know what to do with that energy, but is earnest all the same. Being able to work with others is where she truly shines - no matter the task...

Necrozma's Arrival...

To fight against the Black Knight is a harrowing one - the blood of packmates, innocents, spilt. Though Ettie's pokemon pull through, she can't help but find herself frustrated and shaken, at the prospect of those still lost in the mess. How could she possibly protect her pack, against such a threat? Against something on the same scale, as these clashing gods?

And yet, the fight is not without its boons. Fragments of blackened metal, that can be imbued with life-energy to take on the powers of pokemon - forged into weapons and armor and tools alike. Even if there are those concerned about using the metal though...

"... Don't waste prey." She speaks simply, then - picking up one of the pieces and staring deeply into it. "We use every part. Make the most of it." To be wasteful was not an option in this day and age - one couldn't afford to be picky about what they could get their hands on. If they had to be prepared for the fight ahead, they had to use what they had to its fullest.

Thus, when the time comes for her weapon to be made... Ettie chooses a set of gauntlets - ordinary chainmail layered with plates of blackened metal for a balance of flexibility and defense, and each finger ending in sharpened claws modeled like that of a Lycanroc's. Wearing them, she feels every bit more the wolf she is at heart... And she is unafraid to embrace it.
Gif below; warning for flashy!

The next hunt she goes on, it is alongside her pack as a fellow beast in all but shape. Teeth bared and claws readied, she is unafraid to lead the charge when danger raises its head - cutting down the first Poison-Pokemon she runs into with a vicious flurry of blows from Accelerock. When she howls to call to her pack, it feels like it rings out all the more strongly, all the more clearly.

Was she still human, or was she more pokemon, now?

Regardless... With the appearance of the boulders, and the chatter amongst her pack, it becomes evident to Ettie that the final clash comes closer with each passing day - as more and more of the poison consumes this memory. And with the tools to fight alongside her pokemon - her family - she feels a bit more prepared to face it. The pack would survive - she would make sure of it, one way or another.
- Ettie quickly takes in the baby zapdos, names her Miya. Is greatly protective of her for the first years - to the point of snarling/growling at strangers who get too close to Miya.

- She continues hunting/gathering/scouting for Ballonlea - Anat staying home to watch over Miya when Ettie is out and about while Miya is still smol.

- Ettie + her pokemon miss the rest of the pack dearly - when the feelings get strong, they howl in the evening to let it out + as if hoping they'd call back.

- As Ettie gets older, she grows a little bit - though not by a lot. Gains a greater grasp on human language, and on writing/reading; but her handwriting sucks. Comes to regard the whole village (both trainers + peasants) as her packmates and becomes protective of them.

- As Miya grows big enough to fend for herself, she begins joining Ettie on hunts closer to the village. Proves to be cooperative, earnest, and energetic, albeit sometimes to the point of bouncing off the walls. Has a weakness for sweets.

- When Necrozma attacks, Ettie's a bit frustrated/shaken at the casualties. Wonders how one could possibly protect the pack against fights on the scale of a god.

- Makes a pair of clawed gauntlets modeled after lycanrocs that give her Accelerock. Acknowledges that people might be spooked about the metals but believes you shouldn't waste prey, especially when pickings are already thin.

- Immediately embraces her inner beast in fighting alongside her pokemon with the gauntlets. Feels a bit more encouraged about the idea of facing the eventual final clash with this power upgrade.

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Mika, Mick
october 30th
mauville city
5’11” height
5’11” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mikael
mikael rosenberg
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 16:00:10 GMT
mikael rosenberg Avatar

[attr="class","header"]YOU WERE GONE TOO SOON


To his relief someone else came to help. Momentarily distracted he opened his mouth to thank the new person. The distraction cost him though with the younger male’s thrashing pulling him under. Luckily he was pulled out in time and once he had gotten over the shock of having gone under he noticed had been pulled out as well.
Wiping water out of his eyes he turned his attention to knowing it was because of her he hadn’t drowned. ”Thanks,” he said as he got up realizing he had lost his ponytail holder during his dip when his hair fell into his face. He pushed it out of his face and made sure it would stay out of his face before taking notice of what was going on around them.
His eyes darted between the two battles as he wondered what to do. Before he could come to a decision it was all over. As the battles were won he relaxed. Though he did feel a bit bad that he hadn’t helped defend the city. While he felt bad about it he couldn’t bring himself to regret stopping to help , he wouldn’t had been able to live with himself if he hadn’t stopped to help.
Speaking of he inquired about Rowan’s wellbeing after turning back towards the two. Hopefully the younger male was fine now. Once he had gotten a response on that he would realize he didn’t know who the other to were. ”Oh right, my name is Mikael Rosenberg.”
With his attention fixed on and he would miss the ascent to royalty for some people. He would find out later of course after everything had settled down a bit.

10 years later
Ten years. It’s hard to believe ten years has passed. Not much has changed for me appearance wise in ten years. Which I believe is due to the fact I had moisturized daily. A bit weird for a guy but I know but I liked coming off as presentable and good skin care is one of the first steps in my book.
The one thing that has changed is that I have resumed my duties of a knight. Sure I have never seen myself as not being a knight but I hadn’t really been one in the eyes of others. Or at least that’s what I tell myself. It has become a mantra these days, among other things.
Being a knight for different people is strange. As a knight I will fight on the frontlines. Fighting on the frontlines keeps me busy. Keeps me from thinking about certain things. Because I noticed when I’m not busy it’s easier to think about stuff I don’t want to think about. Especially when they ended up losing someone.
In those times I will just think of my family and old friends from my homeland and how I had failed them. To keep my guilt over everything from consuming my I will write letters to the people outside Circhester that I know. Of course I will only write out letters to people I know is in this twisted version of Galor like and .
Whenever the chance arose he would have the letters sent off. Keeping busy and the letters was basically the only thing keeping him sane at first. In the beginning he knew if he hadn’t had either of those things the guilt would have eaten at him until there was nothing left. But he would keep on pretending everything was okay not wanting to burden anyone with his problems.
While I prefer sending letters with the occasional video message thrown in. I know a lot of people prefer just sending video messages. For that reason I’ve loaned out my Magneton over the course of ten years for people to charge up their phones. I’ve even allowed my Magneton to be lent out to the other towns under the condition that they always make their way back to me of course. I don’t mind since ever little bit helps and I enjoy helping people.
After more time passed I had started to warm up to the others that were stuck here with me. There was something about fighting beside others that made it nearly impossible not to warm up to the person. Some I would be closer to than others. While others I would’ve had a harder time warming up to due to differing views.
Some I even warmed up to enough that I would form a city watch with them. With all the attacks going in doing so would be for the best. While I don’t mind patrolling anytime that I’m needed I prefer doing the night watch. It’s not like I get much sleep anyway. If I try to sleep all I see is the faces of the people I lost. So I prefer just to avoid sleep when I can. I’m probably going on three days without sleep at this point, something I’ve made sure to keep hidden. Because I know….
As the alarms sound once more he would pause in writing his journal entry and go confront the new threat.

Necrozma’s Arrival
Necrozma was a hard foe to beat. But we managed to pull through. We stayed on the attack until we drove him away. Later I’ll probably talk to and some of the others about making the city more protected. Maybe some weapons for the people so they don’t have to rely some heavily on their Pokémon.
Oh right speaking of weapons a new way of crafting weapons has been discovered. So perhaps that will be a huge help. I decided to get my own weapon made. It’s a sword no surprise there. But a way to craft Pokémon moves into the weapon was discovered, so at least that’s new.
The sword is light blue looking like it was fashioned after ice. Which in a sense it was. The move freeze-dry was a huge inspiration for the weapon. It should prove effective if Necrozma shows its face again. I don’t think it will but you can never know for sure. After having written the journal entry he would put down his writing utensil and think back over everything that had happened.[break][break] 6ByabceN

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + tl;dr: is pulled under by Rowan[break] but is saved and thanks Serena[break] notices the battles but they’re over before he can help whoops[break] continues to interact with and [break] ten years passes making him 36 and during that time he’s resumed his duties as a knight [break] tries to keep in touch with friends not in Circhester [break] Lends out his Magneton as a power source for people’s phones over the decade [break] Makes friends among the people stuck with him in Circhester[break] Makes a sword with freeze-dry as the inspiration[break] mentions of and Circhester gang



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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 16:25:38 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar

The smell of burning feathers fills the air as tendrils of smoke wisp up off of the Zapdos, but Kepler knows, instantly, it’s not enough. He leans forward to wrap his arms around Ash because he’s been here, he’s been in this funnel chute of retribution, and he knows payback is coming.

Zapdos moves like a lightning bolt, itself, and with a few rakes of its sharp talons and thrusts of its powerful legs they’re knocked out of the sky and tumbling down, down, down. Pluto’s last-minute protect bubble shatters uselessly into iridescent fragments.

Ash’s Dragonite takes most of the brunt of the damage when they hit the ground, but it’s still jarring. Kepler’s got his face tucked into the space between Ash’s shoulderblades and the impact bounces them both back, knocking his teeth together and making him black out for a few seconds. He must slide or fall because next thing he knows he’s staring up at the mottled sky and something is touching his head.

He thinks, at first, it’s Ash, running fingers through his hair, so he opens his sore jaw to say he’s alive, he’s okay--

--and then something sticks its feathery head in his mouth and he sits up, spluttering, coughing.

Sitting down so its feet are subsumed in feathers, the baby Zapdos cocks its head and looks at him, curious, expecting.

“What the fuck do you wa--,”

It opens its beak and begins the machine gun screams of a hungry baby bird.

“Holy shit-- fuck-- just shh, okay, shh, come here.”

He pulls the chick into his lap and forces his sore limbs to curl up and make a protective nest for it, which seems, for the moment, to placate it, as it settles down with a pleased quork.

“What the shit.”

People are swarming, now, and he has to crawl backwards out of the way of a chaos of legs and petticoats, wincing with each movement because he’s sore, damn it. They’re cutting in between him and Ash and he doesn’t like that but theyre… happy. Jubilant. Joyful.

So he pops his elbow on his knee and rests his chin in his hand and strokes his little chicken as he watches the commonfolk king his boyfriend.


It becomes rather obvious they’re not going anywhere. Ash is a king, now, anyway, and Kepler has Chocobo to take care of. At night they sleep in a gratuitous bed with the little Zapdos nestled between their chests.

For the first little bit, Kepler is dying. Not-- not literally. Well. Sort of, not literally. But there’s no wifi. No computers. No science. He also did leave his heart meds at home so he has to, you know, cope with that. But if he stays locked in his room with nothing to do he’s going to go fucking insane so he throws himself into the rebuilding and planning and, it turns out, he’s actually pretty good at it.

He spends equally as much time learning and dealing with the prophecy delivered by Calyrex: he’s always been good at puzzles. He hand-prints copies for everyone that he can think of from their world so that everyone can work together on it, if they want.

“Talk about personal growth,” he remarks to Chocobo one night as the little bird is digging into its nightly meal. He’s gotten so much bigger in just the span of a few weeks.


One day, Ash proposes. They’re a few months in and just off the back end of a particularly close call with a Dynamaxed Grimmsnarl that did a significant amount of damage. Kepler, and his now big-enough-to-ride Chocobo, have been repurposed from city planning to front-line fighters, something he never, in a million years, ever thought he’d be doing.

He slides off the back of his brave steed and is swept up into Ash’s arms.

“Gah, careful, I’m filthy,” he says into his boyfriend’s neck, though he goes into the hug like a dying man to water, and makes a small noise of sadness when it’s gone as Ash drops to one knee. They’re surrounded by gentry, milling about seeking to reconnect with loved ones, get medical attention, or await further commands from their king. A large crowd has gathered.

“Holy shit. Holy shit, Ashley.” He’s literally shaking, the excitement lancing through him bringing tears to his eyes. “Yes, yes, of course, I-- yes, always, always and forever--,” and he rambles on a bit more before his voice breaks and he’s crying from joy and they fall together, again, always and forever. Around them, the people clap and cheer, though some stoop to whisper in the ear of the person next to them: their king? Marrying a commoner? In these desperate times?

Chocobo thinks humans are very silly and struts off to find something to eat.


Kepler is a queen, now, though he really acts more like a royal advisor. His science background is immensely helpful when it comes not only to fortifying defenses but also doing normal-- well, normal for this timeline-- things like rerouting sewage, planning streets, rationing supplies; his intimate familiarity with doctors offices from a youth spent riddled with health problems helps him help others who are sick and injured. And, of course, whenever danger comes knocking, as it so often does, he rides into battle on his trusty, clucky steed, inspiring those behind him like only a true knight on his giant chicken can.

Then it shows up.

They see it coming soon enough to give a little advanced warning. Its jagged outline throws horrible shadows through the murky sun.

“Necrozma,” Kepler confirms, exhaling and tugging at his ponytail.

The battle is hard and tenuous. Many lives are lost. They don’t win so much as they stalemate long enough for it to lose interest and move on. In the aftermath, Kepler and Chocobo help collect the metallic fragments left behind, as well as the injured, and the dead.

“I feel like things are coming to a head,” he confides to Ash later that night in their bedroom, as he looms over a table of black stones trying to figure out what to do with them. “Like the memory is ending. I don’t know. Do you want to go back?”

Because he isn’t sure if he does.

Not long after, a strange totem begins to writhe its way out of the earth, like a splinter beginning to fester and be forced from the body. It brings with it the same amount of foreboding that Necrozma’s presence had, though less fear of imminent demise.

No matter what he does, Kepler can’t escape this feeling that things are advancing rapidly to a point of no return. The anxiety subsumes him, and its what drives him to create his dark ore weapon-- inspired by his first impressions of Hammerlocke all those years ago: the Blade of Mercy, a shortsword-esque design that can be pulled apart into twin daggers, like scissors splitting at their fulcrum point. With help from Pluto, he imbues them with Psychic energy, allowing for short bursts of ranged damage much like psycho cut.

Despite the lingering anxiety like the shadow of death hovering over their heads, life must go on.




- hammerlocke
- immediate: kepler and ash are knocked down by Zapdos' kick. they land on Ash's Dragonite (like it literally breaks their fall). Kepler wakes up to a fluffy head being shoved in his mouth (baby bird asking for food hee hee). Watches Ash become king.[break]
- first month: Kepler undergoes a metamorphosis because there's little to no tech in this world so he has to make himself useful. Helps with city planning, infrastructure, becomes sort of an advisor. Chocobo grows. [break]
- Ash and Kepler get MARRIED! He's a queen now. [break]
- Ten years: Kepler evolves into a frontline fighter with new confidence and skills. Becomes sort of a guard captain or w/e. [break]
- Creates a version of the Blade of Mercy from Bloodborne which is like a shortsword that can become two short blades. It's Pokemon move is psycho cut.



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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 19:35:26 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

By the time Maverick arrived on scene, many of the others in the area have already taken the gigantamax charizard down a peg or two. In fact, the fiery dragon was already missing an eye and weakened dramatically. However, the burnt scarred man wasn’t going to take a chance. He orders for his hisuian arcanine to hit it hard with a head smash, the canine charging in without hesitation and crashing into the might beast. His hard head collides into the beast, knocking the charizard out cold. Reaching into his pocket, Maverick plucks an empty sphere. He tossed it at the charizard, curious if it was catchable.[break][break]

Whether the charizard was catchable or not, didn’t really matter in the end. What mattered was that they have one the fight. The burnt scarred man let out a heavy sigh of relief, praising his battle worn canine for his work and determination to show the charizard who was boss. And as the man praises his canine and recalled him into his sphere for a well earned rest, news spread that the other teams conquer the front lines. They have taken down both the army and the galarian zapdos that lead them. For now, it would seem that Hammerlocke was safe.[break][break]

Typical of the ex gym leader, the man attempted the Hero’s Bath and congratulated the few who had been recognized by the people as true heroes of the town. The man wouldn’t admit it, but he was envies of those who gained something from this hard fought battle. Whether it was a baby galarian zapdos or simply recognized for their work in this war, Mav felt that he has been casted aside as he always was. Honestly, he was just grateful that none of his pokemon have died this time around. In the end, it didn’t matter. Hommerlocke was safe. Right?[break][break]

A MONTH has blown by before the man knew it. The sight of the Calyrex was hopeful, Maverick ready to return home and take a shower then a nap. However, the sickly king arrived only to read a prophecy then head out. It left him wondering, are they ever going home?[break][break]

Despite their victory, the attacks kept coming over the course of the next YEAR. More and more pokemon emerged from the toxic sludge left behind, the creatures even more aggressive than before. In some ways, it reminded him of the distortion domes. The pokemon with the red glowing eyes, just as aggressive if not more. Of course, the man knew his own strengths and his own weaknesses. He left the smarts of the team handle the research crap, the burnt scarred man taking on the front lines of defending and attacking the crazy pokemon that kept appearing. He even join in on a few expeditions to collect some rare resource called DYNITE ORE for himself. Who knows if this stuff will come in handy later.[break][break]

Before he knew it, a DECADE had past by. And unfortunately, time had not been good to him. At the ripe age of forty, the man continues to do his best to hold onto what his new life was. Always fighting. Despite his age, the only indication of his years of war are dark bags under his eyes and grey hairs that have began to reveal themselves in his mop of black hair on his head. Of course, the appearance of Necrozma didn’t help at all.[break][break]

Maverick and his pokemon gave the fight their all, yet no one was ready for the massive amount of casualties that was claimed after they had won the fight. On the plus side, it leaves behind BLACK METALS that can be forged into weaponry and defensive equipment powered by pokemon INFINITY ENERGY. It was advice to use this to create your very own, preparing for the final battle that was glooming over them.[break][break]

Learning how to forge your won weapon proved difficult, the smithy arts not for those of that faint of heart. And after many hours if not days of work, Maverick crafty his own weapon. It was a set of TWO LONG SWORDS, giving him the ability to DUEL WEILD them if he desires. Laced and merged into the BLACK METALS, the ex gym leader uses the power of his shadow houndoom moved called SHADOW BREAK to leave him with a nice set of onyx obsidian looking blades. The razor sharp edges of the blades take on a dark purple shadowy aura, shattering whatever or whoever it touches on contract. It fit him like a glove. And as soon as the blades were done, Maverick spend the rest of his days practicing how to use them properly, being sure he was using them to the fullest potential both attacking and defensing. He declared the pair of swords be called Endless Nightmares. Not very creative, but it was good enough for him.[break][break]


[attr="class","bottom"]@teamzacian at route 120.[break]
team hammerlock. maverick continues to fight over the years. he crafts two long swords made with the move shadow break.[break]

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,445 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 20:26:29 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

Silence returned to Circhester as the hostile Pokémon fell. The gigantic Kingler reverted back to its normal size. Dust settled, and a stillness fell upon the scene like a shroud. Gunner exhaled, feeling exhausted deep in his bones.[break][break]

The peasantry were first to react. Cheering and clapping, they stormed the street and crowded around one of the Rangers () and . Cries of "Hail the king and queen!" filled the air, and two people threw makeshift crowns atop their heads.[break][break]

Gunner's eyes locked with Summer's, and all at once, he realized he'd ripped away his own cover in an attempt to save his own skin. A mix of embarrassment and fury washed over him. Embarrassment because he'd been forced into this position, and the returning fury of her presence in the first place.[break][break]

Storming over, his boots heavy against the cobblestone, Gunner seized Summer by the arm. "We need to talk," he said in a voice that brooked no argument.[break][break]



They lost the baby.[break][break]

After their abrupt breakup on the day the Galarian Zapdos had attacked, Gunner had avoided Summer, stubbornly refusing to speak with her if he had to be in her presence. He'd made an exception when he heard news she was at the hospital. That she had miscarried.[break][break]

Their conversation had not gone well. Gunner's first reaction had not been horror or concern for her safety, but relief that he didn't have to be a father. The guilt was enough for him to drive them further apart from each other.[break][break]

Months passed. Gigantic Pokémon continued to appear and assault the city. Gunner ended up organizing and running the city watch with . Working together with , who scouted the area outside Circhester, and , who helped repair and reinforce the ice walls with Kyogre, they kept themselves busy.[break][break]



Gunner eventually got to know everyone who'd also come to this false Galar through Zacian's Sword, including other members of Team Rocket. He'd even had a fleeting dalliance with , but it ended when he realized nothing could repair the hole in his heart.[break][break]

He spent the next decade commanding the city guard, catching moments of normalcy with his friends or brother , and wondering what mischief was up to. The peasant woman who spent nights with him looked a little bit like her, but she didn't know him like Mila did. It made him miss her even more.[break][break]

On one overcast day, Gunner stood on the city wall overlooking the destruction Necrozma had left in its wake. His men were still tallying the body count, but it was already tremendous. Frustration built up inside him, but ten years had taught him how to keep his head cool despite whatever anger brewed beneath the surface.[break][break]

He turned to and . Over the last ten years, they had adapted well to being the city's leaders. And as captain of the city watch, Gunner reported to them. Thankfully, the rift between him and Summer had mended, at least to the point where they could converse amicably.[break][break]

"It will take some time to rebuild. We lost a lot of good men and women in the attack," he told them, bitterness in his tone. "I'll be reworking shifts and wall coverage today while patches up the holes in our defenses."[break][break]

After delivering the rest of his report, he excused himself. A short walk to the city's market square brought him to the forges where blacksmiths worked tirelessly to create new weapons and armor to replace what had been lost or damaged. There, stood among them.[break][break]

The woman had once been his worst enemy as a Head Scientist for Team Rocket, but circumstances had forced both sides to put aside their animosities. Her recent work designing special weapons and defensive equipment had proven valuable.[break][break]

Gunner smiled at her as he approached, but before he could say anything, one of the blacksmiths interrupted, carrying a shield. Large enough to protect his entire torso, it was styled like the shield of a knight from legend.[break][break]

"It's done, sir, as you requested," the older man said, handing it to Gunner.[break][break]

He took the shield and strapped it to his arm. It was strangely light but seemed sturdy. "Thank you," Gunner said. He smashed his fist against the front of it, and a WIDE GUARD activated, shimmering briefly around everyone present.[break][break]

Gunner smiled. "It's perfect."[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted sword


Gunner is wearing League tactical gear + mask medieval clothes[break]
LOCATION: Circhester[break]
Over the next 10 years, Gunner and Summer break up, they lose the baby, don't talk for a while, but slowly mend their relationship into a friendship[break]
Gunner organizes and runs the city watch, working with Mikael, Angelo, and Skyler[break]
Using Necrozma's dark fragments, he makes a SHIELD OF WIDE GUARD



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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2023 0:53:45 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

10 Years later

10 years.

He rose from the bed with a grunt, his ribcage screaming in protest as it stretched to accommodate each breath he took, the many bandages around it doing little to support so many fractures.

He could feel the weight of his age in his every step, his knees lightly protesting as he came to stand before the windowsill.

An advanced age, lacking diet and what felt like a lifetime on an eternal battlefield had done little but tear his body down.

He grumbled as morning's chill made his pores stand on end, missing 's familiar warmth. Staring out into the dawn, Gwyar felt his heart clench.

A gaping hole had been blown through their ramparts. Barely covered by rocks and scaffolding, not enough time had passed yet for them to repair a wall they had been building up and refining for over a decade. Not with as few people left as they had remaining.

Buildings still laid in ruins around the town center were the bulk of the fighting had occurred. The smell of blood and gore hadn't been completely washed away just yet.

The craftsmen guild he had founded nearly 10 years ago had been split in half by an errant attack, its foyer destroyed.

A large hole had been blasted through 's pokemon center, though whatever machinery was left inside had been mercifully untouched.

Not a single building in the city could be said to have come entirely unscathed from the assault.

So many men and women and children had perished.

Over the many years, he had almost forgotten the fact that this was not real. It and the people within it were transient. A memory. At least— they were supposed to be.

But it hurt nonetheless. For so many he had taken in as students, so many with whom he had bonded over the years, whom he had seen grow to adulthood, start families of their own—

So, so many had perished.

At the hands of the so called 'Black Knight'.


The first month...

And the first few battles that came with it had been emboldening.

They were to be the heroes of the story unfolding right before them. The legends that would empower Zacian and Zamacenta and return them to their former glory.

Armies and titans alike came in unreasonable, unpredictable waves, and they repelled each and every one, to the gasping excitement and celebration of the peasants around them.

The first of what should've been many visits from the High King of Galar came, went, and never occurred again. A prophecy was all they had left to remember him by, promising an ending to the memory.

At the time, the prophecy had filled them all with hope.

They had sung the verses within the tavern in merriment, engaged in deep philosophical and speculative dialogue on its several meanings, and looked to the ever changing stars from within the observatory, as if to find themselves amongst them as future heroes of Galar.

The prophecy spoke of swords and shields, knights and skeletons, weapons forged by their own hands, and choices that would forever alter the course of the memory's story, forever.

It claimed the heroes of many battles would free them from this memory. In short—

It promised salvation.

The night the prophecy was revealed, his sword slashed vibrantly through the moonlit night's sky, taking to his training with reinvigorated spirit.

The first year...

Came and went before they even realized it.

His sword's vigor wavered as the sun dawned upon a new year.

Things were... strange.

Calyrex's second visit never came. None could say for certain what had occurred, but they could guess. To this day, he still offered prayers at the beginning of each month, hoping the King of bountiful harvests had found peace in his last moments.

They were trapped. Galar's effigy remained indistinguishable from reality.

The prophecy? Unless they were misinterpreting, they had yet to see the second verse.

But that was not to say that nothing had changed.

The frequency of the attacks grew each month. They were not allowed a moment of respite.

Armies of sludge from above, titans from the deep down below.

The walls they had made to protect he village were always in need of repairs. The sick and the wounded needed constant care. The people of the town needed to be fed and governed.

All that and much more, and it all rested upon the heroes' shoulders.

It couldn't last. They could not dissuade the unending hordes if exhaustion claimed them. To continue to burn the candle on both ends would be their folly.

The peasants around them couldn't just be their charges. All hands were needed on deck.

Gwyar approached Queen and King @faust with his own plans. Their support would make it all the easier.

He had taken upon himself the task of gathering the village's craftsmen and artisans.

He gathered as many of such people as there were to be found within Ballonlea and founded their first Craftsman Guild.

The knight the guild was officially founded, Gwyar wielded his sword with disciplined focus. Neither vigorous nor unspirited. With renewed sense of purpose, the image of and Ser Cobalion embedded in s steeled heart.

The lessons had imparted upon him became some of the most important knowledge he had ever earned. He taught others, as she had him, and learned from others in turn, amassing apprentices and masters alike.

The Smiths, the tailors and seamstresses, the cobblers, the builders, the self-styled architects and wannabe engineers.

Such titles might've been too lofty for the uneducated lot of peasants that made the bulk of those that had stepped up to the task, but if a task is performed enough times, even a dunce can eventually master it.

Done under the guidance of someone who does know what they're doing and it actually does not take long to create some respectable apprentices.

The lack of iron ores could not stop the budding industry he intended to build up.

What Ballonlea lacked in steel, it made up for in Dynite Ore, ripe for use if one was bold enough to take it. From the depths of the power spot, that is.

And that was were and , bold adventurers and explorers of the depths, came in.

With the conjoined strength of them and their followers, Gwyar led his own men into the first mining oriented expedition of the depths.

There was no time to waste— A Dynite industry awaited.

5 Years...

They were slow. Methodical.


Too much time. His daughters— How were they now...? A question that had a way of sneaking into his thoughts with far too much frequency. Perhaps the only faces he could remember with painful clarity.

The frequency of the attacks continued to rise. No longer could they be caught off guard by them, but they weighed on them all the same— himself, specially.

He was not getting any your. The closer he came to his 50s, the more cumbersome his heavy, muscular frame became. The more the bones beneath ached and creaked.

Any one night, his knees might creak. Any other, his hip might ache. Yet another, his back might stiffen.

Dull aches that many other men experienced far earlier in life finally came to him. New, unwanted experiences he had hoped to never deal with. Decades of training and healthy living slowly being undone by circumstance.

At an age were he, more than anyone, required proper food, and proper rest, he had found himself in a blighted, medieval warzone, fighting for his life nearly every day. A critical lack of nutrition, combined with an excess of manual labor and fierce, life or death combat was eroding his aged body, chipping away at his health.

If their circumstances prevented his nutrition, his own work ethic prevented his rest. Stubbornly, perhaps foolishly, he refused to let age be an excuse.

He worked the forge from mornings to afternoons.

The smiths he had trained into barely passable apprentices a decade prior had become experts in their own right, and in the process of teaching all he knew to all who asked, he had mastered all he had ever learned.

He trained others from afternoons to evenings. The heroes were not all equally well versed in battle, and not every peasant fit the mold of an artisan— some desired to fight.

He was a combat teacher back in Hoenn— He had taught many, and would continue to do so in the false Galar. Armor and knight arms, Martial arts and general conditioning, pokemon battling... he laid out his expertise for all and obtained keen insight for his efforts. , , , , ... Them and many others, he trained, bringing everything he had learned in Hoenn. At some point, his skills as an instructor had fully blossomed without his realizing, and his martial knowledge grew... even as his body slowly decayed.

He trained himself from evenings to well into the night.

He burned the candle on both ends. Were his body dulled, his spirit burnt brighter. The image of a half-remembered and Ser Terrakion, young and stronger than most could dream, was vague and fuzzy in his mind eye, yet pushing him to fight against his aging body through sheer vigour all the same.

Spirit alone, however, could not trump aging.

As the years passed... His body slowed. His strength waned. His stamina lessened. His bones ached.

The images of his Melody and Kyle, Cobalion and Terrakion, body and spirit, wavered; began losing what clarity they had left.

As his training stalled, so did he, becoming trapped in a frustrating cycle of bottled up self-doubt. Was any of what they were doing accomplishing anything? Were they all wasting time in their current efforts? He wasn't getting any younger. Would he become old and useless before they saw an end to this memory? Would... would he die before ever seeing his daughters again?

He wasn't the kind to show weakness. To share his personal baggage with others or confide in men and women much younger than him, whom he barely knew. Even as they got into their 5th year of communal living, it did not feel as though he had grown particularly close to many of his fellow heroes.

Except for one.

— a woman for whom he had once upon a time served as a bastion and a rock, a security blanket with whom she couldn't seem to be able to be without.

How ironic, that she would become perhaps the only reason he did not lose all hope in the end.

From charge, to friend, to confidante, to... so much more. At some point, she had become his world, his rock, his lifeline. The love of his life. The one person in whom he could confide his doubts, his shames, his feelings of weakness and fears for the future...

Had he accepted the world around them completely, perhaps he would've tried to start a family with her, then and there. But the strength she gave him, ironically, prevented it so. He would start a family with her, he had decided— in the real world.

With a renewed will, on one night he raised his sword once more. An image of a man and a sword came. Vague, a shadow more than anything else. was as massive as ever, if nothing else. Dame Virizion's silhouette, just as striking.

Spirit could not trump the body. The mind, however, could temper it. His blade drew a straight, unshaken line before him.

10 years...

Time had flown after that.

Once upon a time, Ballonlea had been but a small forest settlement, slowly being swallowed by a toxic swamp.

But it had blossomed like a rose in the battlefield. Becoming a fortress worthy of being the heroes' home, the capital of steel— It was a shining jewel Gwyar was sure the High King would've surely praised.

, the man he had chosen to follow, had not turned out to be the leader he had expected. A reclusive scientist, he and Illeana Reyes had seemed to change roles from the moment they had arrived.

Gwyar cared little. The man studied Dynergy with a stubborn zeal that was admirable— the blonde made sure to always attempt to grill for information when able. His studies were of great interest to the man— particularly were Dynite was concerned.

The King and Queen hadn't been getting along, recently. The peasantry worried— Gwyar did not. He was sure they would patch things up eventually.

And if they didn't— it didn't truly matter.

His students amongst the heroes had all grown tremendously. , , , , his beloved ... they had all become fine warriors who wouldn't have been found wanting anywhere in the world.

His smithing had reached heights he couldn't even have imagined when he first approached Aurelie. He had underestimated the craft, looking back. There was always more to learn. Techniques to develop and exchange.

His sword... it had evolved.

Body, Spirit, Mind. Though the faces of , and had mostly faded from his memory, their silhouettes and those of the swords of justice remained crystal clear.

His body's decay could not be stopped. His swordsmanship had to be tempered with wisdom, strengthened with spirit.

Needless movements were shed. Instincts and perceptions were sharpened. Basics were polished to a crystal clear sheen. Sharpness gave way to smooth, flowing motions. Constant strength turned to explosive force.

He didn't know which came first, true mastery or peace of mind.

There was confidence in him. A strong certainty that they would see things through to the end. Something was coming. The prophecy would make itself known soon.

When it finally came however, he could not've foreseen how it would go.


"... That'll take a while." He sighed, staring up at the destruction that had ravaged the guild before trudging into the town's largest smithy.

The place was conspicuously empty. The hundreds of smiths that had once filled the large workshop were now either grievously injured, or dead.

All but a few remained to work, their hammers coming down onto burning hot black metal in synchronized strikes, all of them working with a singular purpose.

They did not even acknowledge the man that had taught them their craft as they worked— such was the strength of their focus. Staring at them work, the man eventually reached for his own hammer and took in a deep breath, feeling his freshly healed, still sensitive torso protest.

It wasn't painful enough to be debilitating, however.

Good enough.

"Show me the heroes' requests." He said to one of the smiths as he approached, moving to synch his own hammer with the rest as he took over the man's spot.

A list was laid out besides him, the man reiterating for him each and every request.

Not just from heroes of Ballonlea, but those from the 3 other settlements as well. 's services were more useful now than ever.

After 10 years, finally, the prophecy had advanced. This was the Black Knight's power. The arms to dispel all gloom. The secret to new heights, to the celestial key—

Each and every one had to be masterpiece. If not in form, in function.

Steam filled the workshop as the last of the weapons was quenched and tempered, the men staring unblinkingly at it before all but one collapsed on their rears, exhaustion overtaking them all.

Gwyar alone remained standing, staring into the steam with frightening intensity.

As if peering into interdream mist, he saw his hope reflected upon the steam curtain, all familiar green eyes and bright smiles greeting him home.

It had costed much, but they were finally moving forward. The prophecy advanced. The story was progressing.

One step closer to home.

"Beautiful, gentlemen. Truly beautiful."

He gripped the finely crafted handle and raised the still glowing hot blade, the heat wafting off its edge sizzling against his skin. An extremely long, thin blade. Not quite a longsword, not quite an estoc, not quite a zweihander.

Everything he had learned in the past 10 years, in the past several weeks of working with black metal, put into a sword that seemed almost fantastical. Every single item was. It wasn't something that could be made with mortal hands— he remained certain he was no demigod.

This world truly wasn't real— that night, it was to his advantage.

That night, the wizened swordsman finally, truly grasped his sword as an extension of himself. Understood just a little more the nature of the energy residing within all living things. And wielded his sword with the excitable vigor of decades past.

TL;DR: Oh boy, here we go.

-Gwyar wakes up. It's been 10 years, he has a cool beard and feels old.

-Also, he's beaten to a pulp.

-Gwyar looks over the landscape from his window.

-It looks like shit. Black Knight rekt EVERYTHING.

1 Month
-Flash back to way back, when only a month had passed.

-He remember when they first got the prophecy.

-Gwyar trained with the sword.

1 year
-The heroes can't do everything.

-So Gwyar founded a craftsmen guild to pump out shit they need.

-God bless for being his smithing teacher.


- and helped a lot with that.

-Thinks of and Cobalion as he trains his body.

5 Years
-War and malnutrition are taking their toll.

-Gwyar is feeling his age. Aches and pains are beginning to pop up. He's beginning to slow down.

-The guild has flourished, creating a strong dynaironworks and artisan industry within Ballonlea for upkeep, repair, production and innovation.

-Gwyar added combat training to the list of things he does.

-He taught a lot of civilians, as well as some of the heroes. Notable among them are , , , and . More to come(?)

-All this teaching led to him blossoming as an instructor, developing better skills as a mentor as well as further mastering and more thoroughly understanding his own abilities. Good, seeing how his body's decaying.

-Thinks of and terrakion, trying to supplant youthful vigour with sheer spirit.

-Came to rely on emotionally as he opened up to her over the 5 years, falling in love eventually and becoming an item with her, regaining his hope.

-Thinks of and Virizion, realizing thanks to Brynn that he must accept the reality of his aging body. He tempers his body and spirit with wisdom of the mind, and trains to adapt his style to his circumstances.

10 years
-Ballonlea has become a fortress.

-Appreciate work with Dynergy. Constantly tries to learn more, specially about Dynite, from the man's assistant, .

-doesn't think much about the drama between the king and queen.

-appreciates the growth of his students.

-His style has flourished, becoming infinitely more polished over the past 5 years. No wasted energy or movements. flowing swordplay, explosive force with no waste...

-lol they all got rekt by the black knight anyway. L+ratio+they_fell_off_their_horses

-Gets healed up by off screen.

-Goes down to the smithy.

-Joins the rest of the smiths still remaining and on their feet.

-Begins the arduous process of crafting the Black Steel weapons and armor for heroes of both Ballonlea as well as other settlements, determined to make them his life's work and greatest master pieces.

-Crafts his own weapon last.

-Wields it under moonlight, feeling light as a feather for the first time in years.

GWYAR'S WEAPON AND EFFECT: An extremely light, thin and long blade with an elegant guard and pommel. , Ability: Swords dance.

I'm sorry y'all had to endure this long ass post. Thank you kindly if you did read it.


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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2023 1:26:55 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar

Summer had no idea what was happening. Everything was a blur to her. One moment, she was about to be crushed by the giant claws of the GIGANTAMAX KINGLER, staring helplessly ahead. Then she was saved, later she learned by ’s Pokémon.[break][break]

She made a note to herself to thank him later. Because as soon as she turned, trying to say something, anything to , a hoard of people showed up. They swarmed her and , chanting something about a king and…[break][break]


There was confusion in her gaze, and Summer felt her chest growing tight with panic as claustrophobia gripped her like a vice. However, a hand gripped her and pulled her away from the celebration. For a moment, she could breathe a sigh of relief. Until she heard his voice.[break][break]

”Gunner… I can’t, please. Not right now,” she began to beg. And never begged.[break][break]



There were rumors that Circhester's queen had come down with a sickness. But in truth, while her body was ill, the poison had reached the one thing she wished to desperately protect. Her happiness was completely stripped away from her.[break][break]

The public would know that she was hospitalized, but they wouldn't know the true details. Not many present knew what the truth had been, except for and . The staff protected her rights, but per their queen's request, they did reach out to .[break][break]

It had been a mistake. Summer wished she had never talked to him about it. His words only hurt her more, as she screamed and cried at him. She had thrown items across the room and told him to leave, to never speak to her again. That was impossible, given their situation.[break][break]

But she could dream.[break][break]

After recovering, Summer would return and lead attacks against the gigantamax Pokemon with her team. She was a fearless leader, not afraid to go into battle alongside the peasantry or her comrades. And she had much to thank for and for scouting and setting up defenses...[break][break]

And, perhaps, even .[break][break]



Through the coming years, Summer grew more concerned with the disappearance of CALYREX. The attacks continued, yet there seemed to be no more words of wisdom. It had promised monthly visits, but that had happened only one time.[break][break]

The war between the poisonous beasts took a toll on not just Galar but her own life as well. There was a man she met who reminded her of , with blonde hair and a tall physique. She thought they could be happy, but before they could make their vow and wed, the war tore it apart. He was killed on the front lines. The ring he'd given to her as a promise would dangle around her neck as a promise and a reminder.[break][break]

She vowed to focus only on the people of Circhester. That's what he would have wanted. And becoming attached again would only cause more pain and suffering in the end. So flings and brief moments of romance were enough to satisfy her, with the likes of , , and others.[break][break]

The queen would look disapprovingly at 's new habit. And, eventually, she and would manage to rekindle some sort of friendship. She grew to appreciate him and his wisdom when it came to protecting Circhester. There were no more tensions, no more hatred. Just... peace.[break][break]

Summer stood at the city wall, looking at the ruins that NECROZMA had left behind. There was a slight frown upon her lips, her arms crossed over her chest. How long had it been now since CALYREX had visited them? Ten years now? She looked at .[break][break]

"The people... they called it the Black Knight. Do you believe its the same thing that the CALYREX told us about, all that time ago?" she spoke to him, looking at the black metal scattered across the field.[break][break]

"Could the leftover metal be what we're looking for?"[break][break]

Summer's thought was interrupted as she glanced to . She offered a smile, though it seemed tired. "Thank you, Gunner. Your work is greatly appreciated. Let me know if you need any help. I'll come look after I tend to things here."[break][break]

Her weapon rested at her hip, holstered closely. A sharp rapier, infused with psychic energy, pulsed as a reminder. There, it would use PSYCHO CUT-like power to rip through her enemies, shredding them with intense power.

[attr="class","tag"]rusted sword - circhester



- summer x gunner argument immediately after the ZAPDOS attack[break]
- summer loses the baby due to poisoning; tense relationship with gunner[break]
- takes her role as queen seriously for the people of circhester[break]
- is this attack related to the prophecy and what they're look for?[break]
- weapon: rapier infused with PSYCHO CUT


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