i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2023 18:50:23 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Unfortunately for those concerned:

The moment the cave seemed like it was going to close them all in, one of their number was struck with paralysis… because of something that had happened previously.

Flashbacks started playing in the back of his mind and he had to bite down a scream because why, oh why of all times did his claustrophobia choose to rear its ugly-ass head now while they were all down here?!

Due to him being frozen in his tracks, he barely noticed get into a comical pile-up trying to get back on the ground; he’d also missed ’s ‘dynamic entry’ aboard what looked like to be a Pokémon… that was a motorbike? What?

(No, seriously, what?!)

…this also meant he’d very narrowly missed getting knocked off his feet thanks to a certain spectral presence quickly engulfing him in a defensive formation and meeting once he’d managed to get out with little to no damage on his part (physically).

(Mentally, though? Haha.)

“Thanks, Cal,” he mouthed quietly to the other man before quashing his panic down the best he could. No time to lose his damned head, especially down here!

The strange… Pokémon (yes let’s put it at that) released a burst of scalding-hot water that appeared similar to a Hydro Pump but not quite so as well, before everyone started either repelling or attacking whatever it was from a distance…

What a time to be useless!

Realizing that he may have the worst best chance to go after it, he concentrated for a few moments, and the molting wings of ‘ice’ appear once more before he leapt into the air. Never mind if his flight pattern was going to be skewed due to the way the wings were ‘shedding’ and looked banged-up and the worse for wear…

“I don’t know about any of you, but shouldn’t we keep whatever that is within our sights in case we all get led into a trap, or something?” he suggested from his airborne position.

Where one presence failed, another emerged—in the form of wild magic the ‘blessings’ he shared with the Iceborne Mirage. Not at all perfect, however a swarm of irregularly-sized icicles were now floating in mid-air behind him, before they were sent flying through the air, aimed at the strange… beast.

(He had no other words to describe it, really.)

Lars.exe has an internal breakdown moment due to the cave seemingly closing in on them—thanks claustrophobia
• which therefore caused him to miss some comical moments; however he gets saved thanks to Callan’s Marshadow’s Detect before the Breaking Swipe knocks him off his feet
• (this is what you get for zoning out due to internal panic in the face of fear!)
• thanks Callan for saving his ass before deciding to do something really stupid risky which is;
• he is now airborne with the tattered wings of ice, and sends a barrage of ‘ice shards’ after the strange Pokémon (Walking Wake; not that he knows what it is)

@tags up there as mentioned
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2023 19:48:16 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

"This is definitely an improvement," she answers , sincere as can be. If she had to sit through more bickering, the captain thinks, she might just start considering switching sides and become the villain she was always meant to be.

We'll leave that for an AU.

The creature is one that bears no resemblance to anything she's seen before - a fact that hardly phases her after three years of consistently walking on the edge of a looming apocalypse.

The book does give her pause, if only because people seem to be gunning for it.


A flash of silver quickly scans the crystalline surroundings, stepping back at the hiss of scalding water. The edges of the cavern press closer, all sharp edges and distorted reflections. Not the best place for a leviathan to fight. 

Skyler's sharp whistle materializes Dhelmise to her side, ghostly tendrils of seaweed curling around her limbs. 's Tailwind whips them into a frenzy of movement.

The creature's whip-like tail snaps overhead, forcing her to duck and roll behind a cluster of crystal-like formations. Dhelmise's tendrils attempt to snag onto one of its tail as it passes by.

"Curse 'em." 

A single orange eye swivels her way. Beyond, shadows coalesce into a facsimile of reaching hands, attempting to pull the creature down into an invisible ocean - and Curse of the Drowned it.

tendrils of ghostly kelp strike nearby opponents' souls, temporarily turning them weak to water-type moves and disabling healing.
- this is way better than a meeting
- everyone going after a book? nerds
- skyler dodges incoming attack using 's tailwind boost
- dhelmise uses curse of the drowned on walking wake
[newclass=.skyler] [/newclass][newclass=.skyler b] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler i] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler a] text-transform:uppercase!important; [/newclass]
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 8:30:57 GMT



FERNANDO IS QUICK TO MOVE. the unfurling breeze of ’s TAILWIND is the perfect suitor to his frantic dance. it demands him to bring a certain deftness to his step, narrowly edging out the scalding heat that hisses when it passes.

the dampness of his hair is a testament to the attack’s potency. sweat trickles his brow. the tight crispness of his suit jacket slackens from the inadvertent dry cleaning, giving way to the pulls and pushes of ’s handiwork. his magical acupuncture loosens up sore muscles—as if he hadn’t fallen at all—and makes him feel spry again.

to me,” shouts to his trusted partner.

the KECLEON sprints back to his position, crawling up his outstretched arm. with a hoist that’s been practiced since their travels up mount silver, fernando flings his pokemon into the air, allowing it to cast an elongated shadow between the twinkling sheen of countless TERA CRYSTALS. what snakes forward is more than a small silhouette.

it is the unobstructed SHADOW SNEAK that adds another layer to the flashier attacks heading toward the hostile WALKING WAKE.


  • fernando dodges thanks to 's TAILWIND
  • throws his KECLEON into the air to cast a longer shadow

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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 8:54:51 GMT
Navy Avatar

From where he stands on the other side of the dragon, the sheriff sees the seeds of his hastily thought up plan take root. AQUA is mobilizing. The world’s deadliest collection of trainers mobilize their Pokemon to take on this threat. This creature, which so looks like one of Kyle’s guardians, will be forced to make a choice: turn and lash at him, or focus fire on the rest of those gathered here.[break][break]
Either way, it’s a losing proposition. In war, a pincer maneuver has merit. Regardless of whether he or can grab the book, he has to get ready for what comes next: pain. If not for him, then for his Pokemon.[break][break]
Lizzy, girl. Shed your tail.” Jumping off, she nods, spins, and leaves behind a shadowy substitute in her place. Out comes an Urshifu in her place, bellowing a war cry. Shuwen finds this battlefield much more to his liking. His dark fur shines in the light of a hundred tera crystals.


+ AQUA Pog[break]
Whether or not the book ends up with Illeana or him, Navy turns back to look at Walking Wake.[break]
Cyclizar uses Shed Tail[break]
Regenerator procs for Cyclizar.[break]
Urshifu pops out thanks to Shed Tail.



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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 16:59:05 GMT

"I can't deny it's more exciting," she sighed, then slipped on a grim grin, echoing 's appreciation to the chaos, "just so long we all make it to the other side."
joined their little group -- , herself, and -- and there's no denying the pressure that's released from her shoulders.

From there, the battle continued to expand; many sent forth their own beasts to block, redirect, or attack the morphed suicune; some, like and , took it upon themselves to reach for the book; Penelope chose neither.

"Thanks for the lift!"

Her voice just barely soared above the ripping winds sent out by 's Latios. With it's boost, she tugged on 's shirt and made her slide across the floor, dodging the tides that threatened to rend into her. Her Charizard did the same, though his parry was bedazzled by an expert spiral into the air above, then a swoop back down beside her.


Habit urged her to follow the trend of attacks, making her own mark, either by a flying move or brazen torrent of flames, but instincts held a different opinion.

One string, one tug, and Penelope's bones were reduced to splintered wood and metal joints, a marionette crafted to it's puppetmaster's liking. Her head twisted, and sight of the book is gained, and something inside her twisted. Harsh contortions swallowed her inners and her eyes narrowed down on the imagery; the brazen foolishness disguised as heroics. 's words replayed in her head.

Another string is pulled, and her gaze was returned to the beast. Another tug, and her finger flicked inward.


Then another.

Pop! Pop!

The air around Penelope grew to sweltering levels as bubbles of raging magma erupted around the suicune. They grew in size with each addition to it's roster, embers spitting out every which way. While the majority originally made it's target known, the more the bubbles grew, the more they jutted backwards, leaking toward the book. It all happened so fast; one second, they were all coalescing in one spot, teeth barred with a purpose, then within the next, with only one additional flick, another bubble erupted right below the book.

[attr="class","ooc"] @charname [break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-charizard"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

- Penny is happy greyson joins the squad :)[break]
- Penny uses 's tailwind to dodge, tugging Ollie along, and her charizard does the same, then lands down beside her[break]
- 's comment on 's heroism 'triggers' memory of mt chimney, causing a surge of emotions, and for Chi-yu to take control, controlling penelope's instincts and decision making (turning her into a puppet, in a sense) [break]
- her aim was to use magma avatar abilities to attack suicune, but chiyu pushes her[break]
- magma bubbles surround suicune + one magma bubble erupts under the book

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,609 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2023 6:09:04 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar



"interesting," Razz comments as he takes in the sights of the cavern, noting the crystals that resembled terastalization and wonders how it could have been used to transfer them all there. If it were the doing of the DRK Triad or if nature itself was against them trying to keep their reality going. As some crystals seem to grow to encourage them one away Razz just follows the rest of the group, keeping near the end to try and watch their flank as with Salem out he knew they'd fit a more supporting roll. [break][break]

This was defiantly not first rodeo as by the sight of the book he can't help but see this as a trap, and sure enough by the roar Razz has Salem ready up. Razz doing jumping forward to avoid the first attack then trying his best to get behind and Tapu Lele for protection from the BREAKING SWIPE. [break][break]

To help their allies Salem gives everyone a HELPING HAND to power up the group's pokemon.


+ @ aqua
[break]+ Sygna Suit
[break]+ Jumps forward and attempts to get behind and Tapu Lele when BREAKING SWIPE hits.
[break]+ Salem uses HELPING HAND to powerup allies.



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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2023 7:56:36 GMT



with the help of 's TAILWIND, matias is able to evade the incoming attacks. quickly, his hand finds a pokeball on his belt, and the charizard that emerges lifts into the air.[break][break]

briefly, he looks around, though his attention falls quickly on . she has the right idea.[break][break]

"got it," he responds to 's instruction. no DESOLATE LAND comes this time, but the earth does tremble slightly as he begins to manipulate it.[break][break]

even if resistance meets him, stubbornly, he summons an EARTH SPIKE to carry the HARDCOVER BOOK up into the air where a perfectly timed Z-MOVE hits it.[break][break]

charizard traps the target in a vortex of flames that BURNS and BINDS the target. this prevents them from escaping.

charizard's HURRIFERNO looks to engulf the book, rushing past it only to attempt to do the same to the SUICUNE.[break][break]

and through it all, the moment his EARTH SPIKE makes contact with the HARDCOVER BOOK, he snaps his fingers, causing an EXPLOSION.[break][break]

- matias uses EARTH SPIKE to impale the book + carry it up into the air[break]
- EARTH SPIKE proceeds to EXPLODE[break]
- charizard uses Z-MOVE: HURRIFERNO on book + suicune


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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2023 8:54:17 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Edit: IF Penelope’s or Matias’ Hurriferno begins to burn the book before Navy or Penelope gets to it.

"You fucking morons." Callan cusses. Directing it to and .

Before is able to destroy the book, a black, condensed shadow ripples underneath the earth spike.

The Z-Move Hurriferno produces light, condensing the shadow to be underneath the book, with the spike at the center, it creates room, space, for which Renarin, his Marshadow, to act.

The Shadows under the book slink upwards, swallowing it just as the EARTH SPIKE explodes, to re-appear in Marshadow's hands with SPECTRAL THIEF.

+ Callan cusses when he sees the flames engulf the book from Hurriferno.
+ His Marshadow uses SPECTRAL THIEF to steal the book from its own shadow generated from the EARTH SPIKE.


[googlefont=Playfair Display]

pokemon & movesets:
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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,661 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2023 4:08:14 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

is heavier than expected, and the two collide ceremoniously into the floor in a heap of dust on the ground.

[break][break] "ngh," ollie grunts, a mimicry of his councilman, grasping the other man's outstretched palm firmly onto his own. "thanks."

[break][break] there's hardly enough time to react, though, because suddenly is coming for them. tera-crystals reflect in cuts of emerald as the tunnel opens to the inner chamber. his eyes widen with surprise.

[break][break] "what the —"

[break][break] his head jerks at at his words, then back to who is running straight into danger.

[break][break] "hey! careful!"

[break][break] thanks to 's TAILWIND, ollie and countless others are able to avoid the set of attacks coming for them, but shortly after, more problems occur. he blinks as he watches 's skill manifest alongside — was it planned? — as lava bubbles under their feet.

[break][break] for a sudden, split-second, a memory assaults him. the sight of him and in a throne room, murmurs of a fish, of a release, of a confession.

[break][break] "penny!"

[break][break] a hand reaches out, snapping to penny's wrist as he looks at her, shaking his head wordlessly.

[break][break] as water coalesces with fire, ollie stands in front of the councilwoman. he reaches for his pokeball to return tofu and release his venusaur. a PETAL BLIZZARD rips forth towards the suicune, either to attack the creature or hold the book upright.

[attr="class","ooc"] + ollie notices smth is wrong w penny (ty cap PERMISSION) and tries to tug her out of her manic state [break]
+ venusaur uses PETAL BLIZZARD at suicune n book hehe

[attr="class","fas fa-heartbeat"]


[attr="class","milkhcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2023 0:03:59 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

 Well, this wasn’t good. A shiver trickled down Eva’s spin as pulled away. Her emerald gaze diverted to the likes of and first as soon as she adjusted to darkness. It quickly ran across the remainder of their party as people sounded off they were alright. She twitched in the direction of the fallen , but her brother beat her to it.

A knot curled in her stomach when the eerie howl of an angry beast echoed off the cavern’s walls. Rayqauza had settled above the group, hovering like a coiled Arbok. Their golden eyes flashes towards the familiar Latios, nodding to their fellow Hoenn guardian in recognition.

The god is a protective deity. A low growl rumbles through their neck, crescendoing to a more fearsome roar that rattles the cavern around them. They wouldn’t be intimidated by the foreign beast. This was their home, their region, their people.

The threat will perish.

Rayquaza cared little for the mortal object. The book disappeared from the deity’s gaze and their focus narrowed on the strange creature thundering towards them. A shift in the air, a TAILWIND from guides them swiftly. The air cracks with electricity. Thick, bright bolts of THUNDER erupted from their horns. The tera crystals flashed white under the intense light of the attacks and the whole cavern lit up for a breath. The THUNDER was aimed down the throat of the HYDRO STEAM as it splashed against the dragon’s emerald scales. Water was a wonderful conduit for electricity.

Where Rayquaza ignored the tome of potential knowledge, Eva became focused on it. Knowledge was power. With so many things they failed to understand, what answers could it provide?

No harm ever came from reading a book - right?

Between ’s TAILWIND and the vortex of ’s HURRIFERNO, the cavern is bathed in her element: the wind. She’s too focused to notice the shift in the shadows, and too paranoid to rely on an ally. A pillar of wind follows her command up beneath the book to try and dislodge it from the EARTH SPIKE. A twist of hands bends the current to try and shoot the book back towards her where she would try to catch it. Unfortunately, her focus leaves her vulnerable to the BREAKING SWIPE of the WALKING WAKE.

+ Rayquaza says hi to Latios
+ Rayquaza uses THUNDER on Walking Wake, aimed down the HYDRO STEAM to conduct the electricity and attempt to PARALYZE it
+ Eva uses the winds provided by HURRIFERNO and TAILWIND to try and scoop up the book and pull it towards her to catch
+ She is left vulnerable to the BREAKING SWIPE

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,600 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2023 1:18:46 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"even if that's somehow a power source or something for these creatures, i don't think we should destroy it just yet," he tells from beside . "we're an elite team. we can survive for a while until we see what's inside of it."

he doubts it'll disintegrate anyways, and that it's something mythical or the like. it just presents itself as a key item in a video game, and being spawned inside the otherworldly terastral cavern gives the book a vibe that it's indestructible for being part of the setting, but that's just his imagination working.

he turns to another source of discord for the group, recalling his smeargle in the mean time.

"livy," he calls by her name after 's attempt to ground her back. "you don't mind if we stay back during these encounters, right?"

it's a similar role he has taken. kyle wonders if penny would take it as an insult, given that she's been on edge since the meeting. they do say something about too many cooks in the kitchen.

while he lets go in the scuffle with just a safety net of being revived should things go south, as well as using everyone else's tendency to shield for his own convenience, he lets entei go the moment that the hydro steam dissipates.

entei, the volcano pokemon, would surely be able to resist the fiery hazard cooked up by both and .

extreme speed lets entei go straight from the back to the walking wake's face. up close and personal, it intercepts the move hitting to exert its pressure over it.

how close are you to the original?, kyle wonders as the clash between the pseudo-suicune and entei gives time for the latter to read the opposition. are we related or not?

  • tells matias to wait before destroying the book (late)
  • invites penny to hang out with him beside
  • entei uses extreme speed to get up close and personal
  • blocks for dreva
  • uses entei to assess walking wake's similarity to suicune


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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2023 1:35:58 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
The thought doesn't linger long. With a quick exhale, he returns the decidueye. A comfey takes its place. A quick nod to is enough to agree to her request.
Still, there was too much was happening in such a confined space. The odds of a burn or dose of paralysis from these stray attacks were too high.
A safeguard erects itself on their side of the field, a warm feeling accompanied by the smell of spring. It'd be enough for now.



Returned Decidueye; released Comfey.[break]Uses SAFEGUARD.[break]


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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2023 9:02:41 GMT



's warning comes a little too late as he watches the cascading flames sweep across the cavern, intense, strong, and reminiscent of when he had incinerated 's relicanth, and just like then, he feels no guilt nor remorse.[break][break]

his heart does, however, drop at the sight of rushing toward the book.[break][break]


charizard dives in, empowered by TAIWIND, but its objective shifts when it sees saved by 's entei. with its HURRIFERNO still swirling, a following INFERNO looks to leave nothing in its wake.[break][break]

growing agitated, matias slams his hand into the ground, summoning EARTH SPIKES that look to impale the suicune. and as per usual, they EXPLODE shortly after.[break][break]

- charizard uses INFERNO to empower the previous Z-MOVE: HURRIFERNO to try and burn/kill the suicune[break]
- matias tries to impale suicune with EARTH SPIKES that detonate shortly after


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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
628 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2023 5:32:00 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]AN AQUA ASSEMBLY PT. 4



AREA ZERO: Remix ► Pokémon Scarlet & Violet


KYLE: "but isn't this one of the pokemon that appeared on that game?"

"i think you're right. this pokemon did appear, if we can call it one." The Commissioner says to . Though she did not play the game herself, reports of Dr. Holo's Rondez-view of Luv route describe a creature that matches the grisly visage of the one that opposes them now.[break][break]

Quickly, it is apparent that the phone screen did no justice to this creature, for the WALKING WAKE is a staggering beast in person. It towers above with primal claws. Every roar is as loud as an erupting geyser.[break][break]

SEVERAL ATTEMPT TO RECOVER THE MYSTERIOUS BOOK. On the gales of 's TAILWIND, rushes forth on his SHIFT GEARED CYCLIZAR. He slides beneath the behemoth with his vehicular lizard and his hand thrusts outward for the book.[break][break]

In a matter of seconds, several things occur.

The TERA CRYSTALS grow from their barnacle-like podium. As if attempting to seize the tome for themselves, the crystals crawl to keep it stuck. Still, the book is splayed open by the emerging MAGMA BUBBLE and EARTH SPIKE. manages to grasp a page, tearing a raggedy patch of it from the spine as he skids away.[break][break]

Immediately, the intense heat that emanates from 's MAGMA BUBBLE sets the tome aflame. The EARTH SPIKE surges from the ground. From its shadow, 's MARSHADOW lunges out to grab a burning piece of the page, unable to take the entire book in time.[break][break]

commands his CHARIZARD to use its Z-MOVE. A vortex of flames spirals outward toward the book as it is bored through by the spike; however, 's MEW manages to PSYCHIC the tome out of the fire's initial reach. Nevertheless, the flames are quick to catch up, but a PETAL BLIZZARD from 's VENUSAUR grants the book enough aerial lift to bring the smoldering book to and the rest of the party before more damage could be incurred.[break][break]

Thankfully, 's ENTEI manages to protect the HEAD PROFESSOR when it contests the swinging tails.[break][break]

's page fragment reads:
...time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow....[break]
...the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.

's page fragment reads:
...with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Charizard did appear,[break]
bringing hellish flame...

The remainder of the book's main, surviving text:
...another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
cleansing sludge and claw by...[break]
walls art hath raised to protect us i'm told.[break]
...forge our hearts so bold[break]
What more shalt beest...[break]

The remaining pages of the book are burned or torn apart. However, inspecting through the remaining cinders, one can see pieces of drawings, including one that appears to be a bastardized rendition of the drawing of SUICUNE on 's napkin a long time ago...[break][break]

Upon the book being touched, 's suspicions prove to be correct. To mess with a dragon's hoard in its own lair is a sure recipe for enraging it.


'S MARSHADOW PROTECTS and from the HYDRO STEAM. While some are able to dodge on their own like and , others dodge the scalding strike thanks to 's own TAILWIND. The bestowed powers of LATIAS billow throughout the chamber as steam hangs in the air.[break][break]

The BREAKING SWIPE swings, colliding with and/or his Pokemon, and/or his TAPU LELE. Though the island guardian is able to execute its NATURE'S MADNESS due to the MEOWSTIC'S HELPING HAND, it underestimates the sheer strength of this PARADOX POKEMON.[break][break]


The TERA CRYSTALS remain resolute, though shards chip from the expanding shockwave. Together, alongside a strategic THUNDER channeled through the HYDRO STREAM from 's RAYQUAZA, they force the WALKING WAKE back as it NOBLE ROARS in pain.[break][break]

's ICE SHARDS, though weakened by the deteriorated bond between himself, clash against the stumbling WALKING WAKE'S SCALES. As it screeches, 's ROARING MOON fires a DRACO METEOR, landing upon the creature with potent effect. Thus, the DRAGON-TYPING is seemingly affirmed.[break][break]

After an EXTREME SPEED, 's ENTEI can determine that the WALKING WAKE is indeed remarkably similar to a SUICUNE. However, the similarities end with its appearance. Nothing else about this creature suggests that its origins are connected with the real life SUICUNE that once breathed and lived in this universe.[break][break]

As 's CHATOT returns with a PARTING SHOT, the creature contends with vortex of flames from 's CHARIZARD and the ghostly kelp of 's DHELMISE'S Z-MOVE. The SPIRIT SHACKLE from 's DECIDUEYE and TELEKINESIS from 's LATIOS assists with pinning it in place.[break][break]

's KECLEON emerges from its elongated shadow. The chameleon SHADOW SNEAK slams into the paradoxical monster with a loud thwack. The combined attacks are enough for the WALKING WAKE to decide that it has been pushed into a corner...[break][break]

As a SAFEGUARD is erected by COMFEY, the WALKING WAKE is quick to summon a SUNNY DAY. The cave chamber grows humid and hot. The muggy air is thick as it is sucked into the lungs, but the WALKING WAKE is unphased. Instead, it appears to empower itself significantly. Though HEALING is disabled by 's DHELMISE, everyone can see the beast is still hardy.[break][break]

The dragon evades attempts to kill the creature. As and shift partners, the creature launches its next attack.[break][break]

Haphazardly, the WALKING WAKE charges toward everyone, first chasing , , and (who may possess the remains of the book) and those closest to them. A HYDRO STEAM is loosed from its terrible jaws— and although one may suspect its strength to be weakened, the beam of boiling water is thicker and stronger than ever before.[break][break]

Swiftly, before it can be retaliated against, the dragon leaps onto a nearby TERA CRYSTAL FORMATION chipped away by 's TAPU LELE. Its claws scratch the glimmering deposit as it suddenly becomes encased in crystalline light. A CHANDELIER-LIKE GEM FORMATION sprouts from its head.[break][break]

Like a dragon, it breathes a FLAMETHROWER to burn everyone to a crisp.


YOU MUST ROLL this round to avoid being burned. Any rolls less than 50 (1-49) will result in your character or your Pokemon being burned.[break][break]

If you are currently wearing a SYGNA SUIT or activate your SYGNA SUIT in the next round, you will have advantage on this roll (roll two times and take the higher value).



CURRENTLY, this event will have the following rules:[break][break]
  • there is no posting order; however, be conscientious to some degree of other players' response time. however, preserving momentum should take priority.
  • remember, in-character actions (or lack of actions) will have natural narrative consequences.
  • you can only bring 3 POKEMON.
  • 1 pokemon out at a time.
  • 1 move per pokemon.
  • too long; don't read (tl;dr) notes are required.
  • bold/highlight Pokémon moves/abilities in posts.
  • please only POST A MAXIMUM OF 2X this round.

Please remember, these rules are tentative and subject to change.


There will be no specified deadline before the next "moderator post". However, try to post within three or so days.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2023 6:06:33 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]she watches in mild horror as the book is subsequently charred to shit - smoldering pages, cover, and all. whatever bit mew tries to grab burns its hands and without hesitation, she calls for mew to come back. a quick burst of healing mist eases the small burns on its hands until they're gone.

and unfortunately, the burning book is the least of their problems.

the walking wake turns, unleashing a hydro steam upon them. she yelps, darting closer to in an attempt to dodge it. mew's swapped quickly for her shiny golurk, who rumbles low as it joins them. it does little to deter the walking wake, who has begun chasing toward her, , and .


not good.

her head turns toward , a pleading question on her lips:

"you got anything to protect with?"

even if he doesn't... a good offense is better than a good defense, she reasons. it prompts her eyes to dart to her golurk, its presence almost comforting in the moment.

"never-ending nightmare."

the golurk rumbles once before shadows begin to gather. they seep toward walking wake, z-move: never-ending nightmare looking to stop walking wake. if they can trap it, perhaps the remaining powerhouses can finish the job.

aqua assembly.

tl;dr |

- bigger yikes
- swaps mew for shiny golurk
- tries to dodge the hydro steam
- help greyson, pls
- shiny golurk uses z-move: never-ending nightmare in an attempt to stop walking wake
- we done for, bois

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing