i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 18:27:45 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar


character's curry entry

thread summary: roy expresses his frustration with freya's reluctance to take on the role of avatar. roy is introduced to rayquaza, an important figure of his culture, and announces that he's going to join the rangers.[break]

why is it important?: this thread establishes that both roy and freya understand that they are not alone and they are willing to support each other if the situation requires it. roy was also able to meet rayquaza and announce the beginning of his new arc that has him becoming a ranger.

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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,441 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 18:37:44 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

gunner's curry entry

Together with , Gunner evacuates Petalburg General Hospital after receiving intel about an imminent airstrike. Unfortunately, the airstrike hits before the two men can get all patients and staff to a safe distance. Surrounded by the injured and dead, Gunner's PTSD triggers; he snaps, killing several Rocket grunts using the power of his Sygna Suit.
Gunner's trauma from the Kanto War has been a recurring motif in his threads, even if it's not always referenced; it always informs the choices he makes and the feelings on which he acts. However, never before has a thread brought the trauma to the surface in such a visceral way.

On top of that, this thread finally allows me to depict Gunner as the "dark paladin" trope I created him to embody. He is righteous and lawful, he protects the innocent and defends his home... but he is also hateful and vengeful, unable to see that the horrors he inflicts upon his enemies are the same ones they inflict upon those he wishes to protect.

Thank you to Skyline for this amazing opportunity to show Gunner in this manner! I always enjoy bouncing off your excellent writing. ❤️
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March 03
Viridian City
5'08" height
5'08" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
62 posts
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TAG WITH @mark
Mark Cunningham
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 18:47:02 GMT
Mark Cunningham Avatar


character's curry entry

thread summary: mark assists ameena by discovering a mole from within her company.[break]

why is it important?: mark is able to display his skills to ameena, which opens up avenues for them to work together again in the future. mark also shows interest in her dream technology which furthers his goals towards potentially reverse engineering the seal stone and the power of RKS.

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she / her
august 1
Goldenrod City, Johto
casino owner
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
When someone says you can't do it, do it twice. And take pictures.
722 posts
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TAG WITH @yumi
Yumi Hasegawa
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 19:22:32 GMT
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yumi's curry entry

Yumi and Hitoshi catch up with each other on recent happenings, including his induction into S.P.E.C.T.R.A. It's a strange interaction for both of them, as up until recent months, they have always been by each other's side. This conversation highlights Hitoshi's growing independence and, as a result, explores new feelings both of them must grapple with.
When a person changes and grows, they do not do it in a vacuum. Their change affects the people around them, especially those who have known them for a long time. Yumi has always taken Hitoshi for granted, but as Hoenn has forced them both to grow into the people they were always meant to be, she must now deal with the reality that he might not always be her loyal dog.
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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
643 posts
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 20:30:19 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

TFW Prelude: Petalburg Scenario A-1

's curry entry

thread summary: Jack, still controlled by his alternate personality Pamplemousse, heads to Petalburg in the hopes of fighting Team Rocket. Instead, he finds himself evacuating Petalburg General before a planned airstrike on the hospital. During the evacuation, he struggles to physically carry a child who is unwilling to leave statues of the Loyal Three behind. Pamplemousse callously leaves the child behind to be killed in the airstrike before regrouping with to take down the Genesect that bombed the hospital and go up against a group of Rockets. Before Pamplemousse can strike a decisive blow, he is interrupted by an earthquake and the need to save Gunner from falling debris.[break]

why is it important?: The heavy action and conflict of the thread really showcased Pamplemousse's differences from Jack - from leaving the child behind to the cold way he fought Team Rocket in the streets. In this thread, Jack is also able to exert real pressure on Pamplemousse's actions, forcing him to save Gunner instead of killing the Rocket leader. It sets up further tension between Jack's desires and Pamplemousse's control that will hopefully be resolved through the war narrative.

It was also a good opportunity for Jack and Gunner to continue working together after their past assignments. <3
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july 27
Driftveil City, Unova
when it's time to shoot, quit yappin'
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TAG WITH @montgomery
Montgomery James
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 23:49:11 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar


montgomery's curry entry

thread summary: Montgomery arrives to Mossdeep on a tip off that team Rocket is causing trouble in the area. When he reports in, he finds himself confronted with an igniting flame, . He realizes that she's a member of team Rocket, and their game of cat and mouse has to come to an end.

The two dance between battling each other and fighting off threats in the midst of the interdream space. They encounter what their dream, being together, could look like. However, Montgomery makes the decision to stick with his will and renders Ameena unconscious, winning the battle but breaking both their hearts at the dawn of the war.[break]

why is it important?: Montgomery's past is something he has been running away from since he left Unova, and there's not much to know about it besides the obvious fact: he's a Rocket defector looking for something that he believes Hoenn can provide. /Ghostfinch gave me the opportunity to finally reveal something about him, even if it's just a small tidbit of information: his true name is Stetson, and he's searching for redemption. This was also his first time fighting against Rocket since his defection.

This thread is setting up the building blocks for future emotional conflict down the line for the up and coming deputy. It turns out Ameena is far more bewitching than he initially thought, and her pleas for him to step away from justice will become something that he cannot ignore in the future.

Inner conflict will continue to boil inside of him. Montgomery knows he can't run from the past or the future no matter how hard he tries. and Ameena is going to make sure of that, come the war and what happens after that. Now that he knows that she's a member of team Rocket, his ideals and beliefs will be tested. Will he become the man he hopes to be? Or will this one individual knock him down?

Ghostfinch made this thread so fun to write, and I cannot wait to continue writing with her. I'm very excited to see what happens between Montgomery and Ameena come the war and post-war.
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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 0:11:47 GMT
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Nenet's's curry entry

thread summary: Nenet acts as a double agent for Rocket throughout Prelude. By utilising her resources at the Space Center she directs both organisations to extensively further their goals, but in reality she works with to steal satellite blueprints that she rarely as access to.

acted as the perfect cover for her League persona and let Nenet be publicly visible helping the League. [break]

why is it important?: Nenet has been poised for some time as an inside agent for Rocket into Mossdeep's Observatory and Space Center, and this event has really been able to explore that. This thread takes place after her argument with Zev about the importance of the Space Center and her own work, and Prelude really highlights where she stands in her workplace and what she's willing to do to advance her own motives.

There have been some quiet rumblings that have questioned her alliances, as it's no secret she once dated Zev. Prelude shows Nenet ingratiating herself to both organisations while also showing off her knowledge of the Space Center, and penchant for manipulation while thinking on her feet.
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raph, rafe
August 3
castelia, unova
meat shield
Vibe checker
you have brought
sin to heaven
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
-- and doom upon all the world,
205 posts
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TAG WITH @raphael
raphael dos plumas
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 0:20:06 GMT
raphael dos plumas Avatar

ominous ornithology

's curry entry


...his wounds healed, and he stood
and gathered up the ashes, and carried them...

- apotheosis 2:16

thread summary: Raph hasn't heard from Mint for a while. Like, nothing. Not a peep. Fearing he's been ghosted, he goes to Mint's apartment to get a proof of life or break it off officially, for good, and discovers the problem is something else entirely.[break]

why is it important?: Kimmy managed to trigger two and a half of my trapcards in one single thread.

I on draw a lot of religious references-- fiction or otherwise-- for Raph. His name, first and foremost: (though he is also named after my favorite ninja turtle) Raphael the archangel, who guarded the gates of Eden with his flaming sword (fucking listen, crowley was raphael, no i am not taking criticism on this) who slew the principal demon Asmodeus, who cast the false angel Azazel from heaven (don't get me started on this one) etc etc etc. None of that is really important in the long run but RAPHAEL IS THE ANGEL OF HEALING. He is the angel of medicine. And that's what he's kind of been, specifically for Mint-- more of, like, the angel of selfcare, but-- and it's magnified tenfold in this thread.

Honestly the fact that Mint is an avatar now and has wings growing out of his body is, like, the least important thing in this thread, but I digress.

We tie back into angels, here, with Mint's seraph wings, and the second aspect of religion that I draw on for Raph in regards to Mint which is this idea of divine worship. Of a love so searing and blinding that it blocks out everything else, this concept of mortal human vs. the divine, the patron saint of liars and fakes, like, i can't even find the words to define the devotion. Set counter to this is Mint's personal background with religion and his own views of his Avatarhood and how much he DETESTS the sort of religious idolization.

The core theme for their relationship, from Raph and my POV, has been you have brought sin to heaven and doom upon all the world, which is from Threnodies 8:5 of the Chant of Light, but I've kind of twisted the meaning. The literal context, in a nutshell, is 'humanity breaks into the throne of god and sullies it with their mortalness and in retaliation releases great sickness upon the world'. But for Raph, it means more that he wants to worship Mint like the god he feels he is but also wants him carnally, personally, like a human does; and the doom upon all the world is just Raph's eternal damnation of loving this man.


TRAP CARD NUMBER TWO IS BIRDS AND FEATHER CARE. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE birds. I was going to get my avian specialty but that's a lot of schoolwork. One of the most important things of having pet birds is feather care! So I got to teach Kimmy a bit about that, and how nutrition/stress plays a big part in healthy feather development, and then I got to let Raph be a little freak about birds, too.

My 1/2 a trapcard is prescription drugs and controlled substances because a bitch did not get a 98% in pharmacology for nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!


oh and also mint tells raph hes a rocket and raph defects offscreen. this is not as cool tho

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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
341 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 1:31:00 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar


beau's curry entry

thread summary: On a (relatively) routine mission to break up a poaching ring, Beau and encounter unexpected resistance in the form of a poacher wielding a MEGA METAGROSS. Beau's tried-and-true Pangoro suffers grievous injuries in the course of trying to defeat it, and Orson the Kubfu, in a moment of selfless defiance, shields his mentor and evolves as a result.[break]

why is it important?: Beau is furthering his commitment to the Rangers and the League, as this is not his first foray with Gunner. It brings back painful memories of the Dawn of the Darkest Day, where his Stufful perished due to his inability to properly train and protect it. He thought surely that the same would happen to Orson, but history is not liable to repeat itself in these circumstances. Orson's evolution, Torben's eventual survival, and Gunner's staunch support have Beau realize how he's grown as a trainer and as a person, and allow him to reflect that he's stronger than he sometimes suspects.

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 1:52:41 GMT
mint frost Avatar


's curry entry

thread summary:

tl;dr yeah they had gay sex, keep scrolling

Set months' after the events of SCIAMACHY, Mint has been actively ghosting and putting his civilian life on hiatus. Galarian Articuno's patronage while a bond, has also come with a hefty price. The strange vestigial wings that have sprouted form him are hard to deal with and serve as a new development concerning PROJECT INFINITY. As head of the project, he's been overindulging in his own body, breaking it down to its bare essences for the sake of science and study.

Mint has been pushing himself to the brink to understand every strange new detail about himself as well as the extend of his own new abilities to help hide these strange features from the world. But his obsession with his own work has alienated some of the closest civilian connections he has.

why is it important?: this thread is so triggering to mint i can't


I explored a bit the many aliases of in SCIAMACHY, but it comes back to haunt in this thread. As his career has progresses in Rocket, Mint has taken great pains to protect his identity from the world. From taking on an exclusive alias and matching look, to literally ripping away the memories of those that knew him ( ), he's made the separation of both names a top priority.

the streamer, is an easy identity to keep. Having quit his job in daycare, he has the freedom to work as he pleases from home or while out and about. He can hold weird schedules and still claim he's too busy to meet up. His civilian persona affords him necessary flexibility to continue his work as Beast, recruiting the desperate, destroying obstacles, and gathering intel for future operations or even his own project.

It's also very clearly the person he has handcrafted and believes he is meant to be. There's been many references to not only the crafting so , but also the care he has and the gratitude he feels towards for allowing him such a drastic change in life style. In every timeline, Fern is as much of a constant as is. This makes the association with Neon all the more dangerous as it has the potential to rip away everything he's worked for. Freedom, flexibility, and friendship.

Raphael, while thankfully does not care, is still a major source of anxiety, especially with traits of Neon he can't hide. He can only manipulate and coerce for so long. So when he breaks in finds him amid major growing pains, Mint's anxiety sky rockets. Even if he knows Raphael could never hurt him, he has also hand crafted himself for him and hidden away what he perceives as a very dark, and even disturbing part of himself. Not to mention, if and when the League reports of a new avatar ono the rampage, the tell tale wings would give him away to Raph. And he's not sure how Raphael would react to Rocket.


Adding onto the complications of his Rocket's identity being out, Raphael and Mint are already strained enough lovers as it is. While claiming to not be as naïve as he once was, Mint has still been left behind by many a questionable man. His subconscious loneliness and longing has made him a perfect target ripe for manipulation.

This has cost him and manifested in an aloofness to keep romantic interests at bay. He will indulge, even pursue, but at the end of the day he will retreat back into his apartment alone, unfulfilled but at least able to bury the feeling under distraction upon distraction.

Throughout the entire relationship, Raphael has indulged and allowed Mint to keep him at arm's length, finding it a better option than never seeing him again. Mint, consequently, has taken advantage of this, pushing selfishly to keep Raphael around but not allowing himself to invest or divulge what he really feels. Mint has gotten away with keeping their bond nebulous, moving swiftly to avoid discussions of feelings or their futures if he saw Raphael try.

THIS THREAD FUCKS THAT UP!!!!! Raphael can only indulge Mint so long until he starts hurting himself again. And that is just something Raph is unwilling to stand by and watch. It all comes to a head when Mint tries one more time to wave it all away and Raph can't. Mint can't talk his way out of this with anything but the truth and that fact terrifies him. As unwilling as he is to speak on how he feels, Mint offers up the truth. As much as he didn't want to, everything he was too scared to talk about pushes him to be honest. But even then, it's only Rocket, and not how he truly feels about Raphael.

Luckily, it's enough to keep him around and he's allowed to continue working in the unspoken. For now.


i'll write in threes if i want to tch.

im gonna go fucking insane i love raphmint and i love ominous ornithology because if you really think about it, all of this stems back to Michaelis Fisk, that fucking bitch. Mint is so protective of his own identity, but also reluctant to take major risks in things he really used to crave when he was with the Fisks.

Anyone who's heard me discuss his love life knows Michaelis was naïve as he was overworked and undersocialized. And while he had a fiancé at one point ( ) my boy has always had insanely unrealistic expectation of his 'true' love. Even after Mint claims 'michaelis is dead', echoes of him manifest in the gravitational pull his siblings still have on him or the way he interacts with his love interests, particularly Dionysus aka Father Winter the 2nd.

It;s just funny how much work Mint puts into himself but still actually hasn't fully 'fixed' what he thought to be broken and i just eat that shit up idgafffff LMAO i'll write 10 more cybers and every single one of them will be mint going through it and then getting pile driven IDC!!!!!

anyway tysm ceej for writing this with me we truly only put out bangers. first andronyx now raphmint. every reply i get on oo just fucking sends me because even without the biblical references some of your post replies are just so poetic idc how to MEASURE UP!!!! can't wait to see what happens next because BOOHOO mint low key mad raph joined rocket but what can ya do bitch.

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November 16
Verdanturf Town
do no harm
unless you justify it
5'10" height
5'10" height
Developing the cure to your miserable existence.
175 posts
Rhys Collins DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rhys
Rhys Collins
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 1:52:47 GMT
Rhys Collins Avatar

TFW: Petalburg Scenario B-8

rhys's curry entry

thread summary: At the Petalburg warfront, Rhys has been tasked with obtaining supplies and intelligence, and destroying patient records in his wake. Granted, the hospital is not to see the end of the day, so anything he misses will likely be taken care of in the subsequent airstrike. He begins with snatching medical records of any League members whose name he recognizes, killing an inquisitive nurse in the process. , a paramedic, asks for his aid in saving a survivor, but the sight of her - everything he was meant to be and ultimately wasn't - sends him into a self-important rage. They do battle, and with the airstrike looming, he is forced to retreat, her words burning in his ears.[break]

why is it important?: This was a lot of things for Rhys. His first 'big' mission for Rocket, operating on his own. A return to a place where he might have flourished, had his life not taken the turn it did. A bitter reminder that said life is completely beyond him now, and he's only to be met with pity and derision by those who ARE doing what he dreamed of, once. Ultimately, this thread - PVP-focused as it might have been - represents a choice for Rhys, a stepping-off point where he stops pitying himself, stops the 'what if you could go back' voice in the back of his mind, and commits himself fully to the path he's chosen. He's not mature, he's not honed, but he's convicted, and I think this is going to influence the way he behaves and the choices he makes going forward for a long time to come.

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January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Search and Rescue / EMT
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
322 posts
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TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 2:07:50 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

TFW: Petalburg Scenario B-8

Georgette's curry entry

thread summary: Georgette goes where help is needed, and that eventually lands her in the Petalburg hospital. While running a code on a man who ultimately dies, Georgette beseeches to help save the man's life to no avail. It turns out they couldn't be more opposite of one another, and the vows they've both taken to do no harm aren't as equally cherished.[break]

why is it important?: GIGI'S BACK! Haven't spent the last two years in Kalos the war drew Georgette back to Hoenn where she's had confrontation after confrontation. Gigi firmly believes in the League and what it stands for, and despite being tiny she looms large in a fight. Refusing to back down until certain everyone is safe and out of the hospital, this thread wonderfully highlights her convictions and strengths. Thank you mcfuzzled for letting me jump on this thread with him!!! <3

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may 7th
hau’oli city, alola
rooksexual (demi)
lilycove gym leader
gym leader
his hands keep turning into birds and flying away from him. eventually the birds must land.
1,736 posts
lam logan DOLLARS
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lam logan
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 2:27:07 GMT
lam logan Avatar


character's curry entry

thread summary: in the aftermath of the draft notice, robin unexpectedly turns up at lam's door with a gift. naturally, it's a bit weightier than the transfer of an altaria from one to another, and lam gets to see the vulnerability that robin hides behind the jokes and razzing they often subject one another to.[break]

why is it important?: okay so the thing is-- i love, i LOVE SIBLING DYNAMICS. lam is a character i've written different iterations of, and one of the most consistent things about him is that he thrives as a brother and a nurturer when it comes to someone he considers family. on hoenn, though his relationship with his little brother () isn't completely estranged, it is still strained by distance and from differences in how they each view their childhood. so it is actually a special thing for his connection with to have started developing a more sibling-like bond!

but i digress!! from the start, lam and robin have had a pretty playful dynamic - and it's always been fun to play on that with ghostfinch! it really went up a notch during BOTL (tho for real, that honorary badge IS hers) however, offering the opportunity for lam to see the younger, more vulnerable parts of robin that are uncertain and apprehensive of what's coming down the pike paved the way for a lot of internal conflict that has already been growing in lam for some time. they are both the sort of people to put their own worries on the backburner, or subdue them for the sake of saving face, or putting on a braver front - something that lam was able to recognize in robin.

seizing the chance to offer caution and speak on his own insecurities and experiences not only allowed robin to find someone to confide in and have in her corner, but also provided lam space to offer support and frank honesty rather than sugar coating war, and to consider the ramifications that comes with someone so young willingly walking into the front lines.

there's resulting concern, there's protectiveness. And also something a little forlorn at the prospect of robin experiencing similar losses as he did when he first became more involved in league affairs during post-dorm. then, naturally, they cycle back to their natural teasing dynamic and i feel that this honestly really highlights the fluidity of how siblings often work. rarely static in one mode for long, there's just enough time to show that you're in their corner no matter the odds before you're heckling them about their fashion choices in the next breath.

really tho, I JUST HAVE A LOT OF FOUND FAM FEELINGS!! and i am so so happy with the bond they have manifested, even if robin threatens to blow up the lilycove gym constantly. and it's been a blast to develop and write out with ghostfinch, and i am pretty hype for whatever chaos is coming next because i'm sure it'll be a doozy <3

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 2:35:29 GMT
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paxton's curry entry

thread summary: visits Paxton in his office shortly after the launch of PROJECT SAPPHIRE. He meets with her to discuss PROJECT SAPPHIRE as well as ask her to participate in it as a shard holder. [break]

why is it important?:

As always I love writing with Lunar. I like our threads progression into Elise and Paxton's relationship, especially when they started off pretty badly in a really dangerous battle. Although frustrated, and snippy, Paxton of course prioritized her safety as the rookie in their relationship.

since then, it's been really fun having Paxton and Elise interact. Even if he can't be present all the time, he's always attentive and willing to reciprocate any good will Elise has or assist her with anything she may need.

In this thread it's cool to see how much Elise has matured or at least, attempted to stick to professionalism when speaking with Paxton. I think Elise really activates Paxton's 'older brother' instincts. That along with how he tends to have a knack for reading people and can tell Elsie genuinely wants to improve, makes him want to offer help when he can.

Even if Paxton is a recluse at times, he's not someone that is afraid to ask for help and tries to encourage and guide people who come to him the best way he can. He's not perfect, but much like in Kanto, he tries to be there for others to lean on if they need to. He's always kept an eye or ear out for Elise, even looping her in during WAR NOTICE to make sure she was safe.

I also think the interactions between Elise and Charles are so cute LMAO. Paxton may think Calyrex is a little weird looking but he is polite and that's alright with him. Anyway I love their little bonding moments. I think Paxton really thrives as a chill older brother figure and it's always nice to touch upon that instinct every so often.

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,083 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 3:07:29 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


character's curry entry

thread summary: 's experiment with Regice spirals out of control. Several Rockets, tasked with causing a distraction in the town, and several members of the League / Dewford natives who have come to defend it, must come together to fight the giant berserk Regice, and reckon with the consequences of playing with a power nobody understands... [break]

why is it important?: I genuinely loved everyone's writing here, eeryone was phenomenal. It's a long topic, but well worth the read, and the intermission of Garden of Avalon makes the turn halfway through so exciting to read. I really liked the stakes involved, especially as Tsubaki grapples with having to defend her adopted home from another threat. Everywhere she puts down roots seems to get ruined, from Galar to Saffron, and this just adds to her feeling of helplessness.

I had so much fun here, put together an amazing event, and the ramifications for Dewford-adjacent characters is huge. Granite cave is ruined, the town is wrecked, and all of Dewford's staunch protectors had to rally together to repel this existential threat to the town. Meanwhile, the Rockets tasked with wrecking the town put their differences aside, and ended up instrumental in stopping Regice alongside the natives.




it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP