i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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june 04
mt. silver, johto
interpol engineer
critical mass of hearts and minds
5'2", 158cm height
5'2", 158cm height
there's a pretty big twist at the end. i doubt you'll like it.
294 posts
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TAG WITH @yujin
Yujin Ha
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 21:36:42 GMT
Yujin Ha Avatar

“Ha. Yujin Ha,” she introduces herself in kind to Robin.[break][break]

Names are all they have to rely upon as Melody charges forward with the daunting task of preoccupying necrozma, of all things. Hopefully, names will bind them so strongly to this life so that they won’t be swept away into the next.[break][break]

The first attack is the retaliation of flame by ‘s moltres. Their perch blackens with flame as the group flees riding on Melody’s TAILWIND—Yujin holding on to her pokemon for dear life as it blocks the worst of it with its body.[break][break]

At their next location, the voice of her darling crackles through communications; and Niola always knows where to hit them. Dynatree be damned, she wants Rockets to perish.[break][break]

Yujin points down at the distress call below her, to the submarine trying to descend, to the gyarados attacking the HBIC agent, and repeats that mantra born in ash and offered to her own maligned higher power.[break][break]

Let me point my finger at something and have it removed from this world. Maybe then, I’ll forgive what you took from me.[break][break]

Another enhanced ELECTRO SHOT beams across the shattered cityscape, aimed towards the ROCKET SUBMARINE and electrifying the vast rising waters around it.[break][break]

And then lands.[break][break]

The ground quakes. The air is filled with black. Another figure, hidden, arrives. A dark eye opens in the sky.[break][break]

“Fuck—” is all Yujin can say before she lifts into the air, hand wrapped around a glowing spine of her archaludon as an anchor while it entrenches itself into the ground, bridge-form.[break][break]


Location: H2 -> H4[break]
Interact: Grouped with . Attacked area near . Now facing [break][break]
tl;dr yujin follows melody and robin to H4. she takes some damage from barnaby's moltres.[break]
yujin hears niola's call and uses another tera-enhanced, rain-enhanced electro shot towards the rocket submarine and razz/theo in the waters near it.[break]
then zev/nenet arrive and she's being dragged into the air, unable to do anything further.[break][break]


[attr="class","bottom"]see above tags [break]

[newclass=".yujin"]--accent:#366bcb; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

[newclass=".yujin blockquote"]width:320px; height:auto; background-color: #292929; text-align: justify; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 30px; padding-bottom: 40px; padding-top: 25px; border-left: 5px #252525 solid; border-right: 5px #252525 solid;border-top: 5px #252525 solid; line-height: 15.5px; letter-spacing: .7px; font-size:12px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".yujin .top"]background-color:var(--accent); background-image:url(; background-size: cover; width: 370px; height: 68px; text-align: center; margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: -50px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 0px; border-radius: 25px 25px 0px 0px; border: 5px #252525 solid;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".yujin .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
854 posts
robin coello DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @robin
robin coello
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 23:11:42 GMT
robin coello Avatar

Yujin Ha. Robin almost says 'nice to meet you,' but the words are ash on her tongue. Fittingly, Moltres rains fire. Robin and Jellicent both do their best to scatter away from its flames, and thankfully, the deity continues in its warpath and doesn't stick around to ensure they're incinerated. Both of them bear scorch marks. "This position isn't easy to protect." She voices her concern with passing glances at the sky.

The only god to worry about, however, has made himself known. The black crystalline nightmare approaches. Distantly, the man's voice registers in her subconscious. It trickles slowly to her conscious mind, buried in the mountain of worries she faces currently. She's juggling her team and the enemies and the rising sea beneath them -- has to be down there, but Robin can't possibly see her best friend from this position. She wants desperately to check, and this desperation blinds her: she doesn't realize how close the Celesteela is until its using giga drain; it pulls the remaining life from her Jellicent.

"Fuck. Fucking fuck!" She returned it to its pokeball and sent out Sinistea. "You didn't listen to me before, but I need you now. Melody needs you!" Necrozma looms over them like a dark cloud, and the man lands before Melody to attack her. Robin points, nearly hysterical, "HELP US!"

Sinistea should hesitate given what she's witness Robin become, but Sin has also met Melody, and so the corrupted teacup obeys. Sinistea generates dancing miniors and sinisteas around the cliff, a silly illusion designed to confuse.

an entertaining illusion fills the area. it inflicts confusion and makes all sound-based moves super-effective for two turns.

[While my wrists/forearms recover, I'm gonna try to keep these brief but PLEASE reach out if I've missed an interaction!]

In H4 with ( )
Robin and Jellicent take damage from the onslaught of attacks; Jellicent finally faints at Nenet's giga drain.
Robin brings out Sinistea instead. She opts to help Melody and generate confusion against their enemies instead of fighting Nenet directly.
SINISTEA uses Z-MOVE: BREAD AND CIRCUSES - sound based moves are super effective for two turns (1/2)
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,737 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 2:42:08 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







Horror of the realization fills his mind, just as he realizes that the tree is dying trying to defend the dynamax tree. A steel beam from pierces his shoulder. The blood from the wound filling the water around him. He whips around to look at the one who shot it at him and spots gwyar with a sygnasuit. [break][break]

He had two choices, revenge for that strike or saving xerneas. How ironic, a choice like this was the very reason xerneas had left him. He's paralyzed by the choice of satisfying his bloodlust or defend against an onslaught. @howard's words fill his mind "Will you be a sword or a shield?"[break][break]

"I will be what I need to be." he says as he instead recalls his SILVALLY into it's pokeball. He gives the bird with his middle finger and continues to swim towards the tree. The water continued to rise, it was high enough that he was able to stand on the top of it. [break][break]

With each passing second it's vitality continue to drain. He tries to pour his own energy into the tree but it was hopeless, his blessing was gone. As his blood drips onto the tree and washes away he whispers to it "Please, Xerneas, I beg you wake up. Please I dont want you to die because of me. I don't want us to go our separate ways because I was a fool." he says as the stream of blood slips down his arm and onto the tree.[break][break]

"Don't sacrifice yourself for this war, that's the lesson you wanted to impart on me wasn't it? It doesn't need to be this way..." he says as suddenly he realizes what he must do. He rises resolute, a fierce deterimation fills his mind and he goes on comms specifically to . "I am going to be defending this tree with my life, Beast wolf is requesting back up at the petrified tree of xerneas. Admin Jayden, can you create weapons for me to throw at the enemy to fight from a distance? I am going to provide more infinity energy to the tree." as he pulls out one of his pokeballs. [break][break]

His old friend was going to be helping him today, his audino that has been with him since the very start of his journey, his nurse, his caring figure. He pats her head and rubs it as she MEGA EVOLVES "Mega audino, please use your heal pulse and provide xerneas with as much energy as you can." he asks as it nods in response with it's amber eyes and starts to feed xerneas energy. He has no idea how well this would work since it was submerged but at least he gave it a fighting chance to wake up. [break][break]




notes about this post

using 1 salac berry

[newclass=.bryanpog3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border:solid 3px #363636;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right;}.bryanpog3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.bryanpog3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.bryanpog3-1 { position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.bryanpog3-title { font:800 40px Poppins;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#705684;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.bryanpog3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:165px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.bryanpog3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-165px; }.bryanpog3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.bryanpog3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.bryanpog3-tagged a:hover { color:#705684!important; }.bryanpog3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#606060;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.bryanpog3-pkmn { margin:30px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.bryanpog3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.bryanpog3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.bryanpog3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.bryanpog3-post { color:#dbdbdb;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.bryanpog3-post i { color:#705684; }.bryanpog3-post b { color:#705684;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.bryanpog3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:80px;width:80px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.bryanpog3-icon img { height:80px;width:80px;border-radius:3px;}.bryanpog3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#2b2b2b;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#dbdbdb;font-size:45px; }.bryanpog3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;font:12px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#dbdbdb;height:75px; }.bryanpog3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#705684;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.bryanpog3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.bryanpog3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.bryanpog3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#705684!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]
-Bryan is hit by gwyar's steel beam attack in the shoulder and causing him to bleed. [break]
-Realizes he can either stay and get revenge or defend and try to save xerneas, remembers his discussion with @howard that influence shis decisionn[break]
- Gives gwyar the bird and continues to swim towards f4 and stands on the top of the tree as the water continues to rise[break]
-Recalls silvally and mega evolves his audino and orders it to use HEAL PULSE to provide energy to the infinity tree[break]
-makes a call to all rockets to fall back onto the tree and defend it with their lives and to kill kyogre to stop this rain.[break]··
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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,511 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 2:47:36 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia annal"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

mew transforms. its glowing silhouette bubbles amorphously as it stretches impossibly taller, taking vague shapes of other pokemon before it finally solidifies into the formidable outline of palkia. raikou's reflect shatters, but mew repays the ashen beast in kind as it completes its metamorphosis, launching forward to dispel the remaining energy against its gemmed spaulder. [break][break]and then, with a cry that reminds annalise of the horrors that befell mt. pyre, mew demonstrates its birthright as the primogenitor, commanding space to unravel in a wide, pink-tinged arc. it's an echo of palkia's true power, but it's enough to weather against the encroaching rockets temporarily. [break][break] is right, though. they're losing. they will lose, if mew continues to be targeted as it has been. she clenches her jaw, resistant against their reality, and swipes the side of her hand against her cheek. [break][break]"i know," she relents, just loud enough for him to hear her over 's rallying cry, over the roar of her false god as a springtide storm whistles through the streets and sacred sword meets mew's scaled arm. she glances down at the blood dyeing the creases of her palm, shed by 's eternal floette. "maybe we should—" [break][break]kyogre drowns her out as it plunges into the center of sootopolis, driving the water up toward their level with a nauseating wave of primal energy. groudon appears, contesting the rising sea, then bursts from a portal, turning the tide with pink-tinged fists. palkia follows after, its pressure drawing mew's gaze. [break][break]there's a ripple of split-second uncertainty from mew, cloaked in the space-god's image, but it smooths away as their allegiance is consolidated by palkia's protective spatial rend.[break][break]annalise, meanwhile, glances at . she expects to find some semblance of security in his presence, but the strange, distracted look on his face makes her expression pinch with worry. she reaches out for his arm, a concerned "matias?" on her tongue, but her own attention diverts soon after as comes to her side. [break][break]the tension in her face yields ever so slightly, grateful for her arrival. there's a thousand things she wants to say — about mew, about kyogre — but there's no time. mew turns, putting its back to and , and tears the air open with a spatial rend to try and swallow the light of ruin into the yawning mouth of unraveling reality.


[attr="class","icon-league"] location: F-2, top area[break]mewkia puts itself between leaguers and jayfern[break]anna is cut up by petal dance + kicked in the side by walsh earlier (for ferns perusal smirkie)[break]mew 🤝 palkia 🤝 spatial rend [break]mew turns back to face the crater wall and uses spatial rend to try and send alba's light of ruin somewhere else




[newclass=".annal"] --accent:#FFB546; [/newclass]

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[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-2037 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(!important; [/newclass]

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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
287 posts
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 4:19:54 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

The water level was rising once more as more and more of Sootopolis was going to end up as one of the aquarium decorations for bigger fish at this rate. "This isn't good. The water level is rising fast. We gotta get to higher ground." The Kyogre had its sights set on something as Gwendolyn looked at it just in time for its beached body to suddenly surge forwards. The walls leading outside of the city had fully come unblocked, allowing the rising water level to overtake much more than it had before. Not only that, but it had dislodged several large rock formations that had been been stopped from falling upon them. One of which was growing larger.

"Ethernet, above you!" The Xurkitree raised its head at the incoming boulder hurtling towards them. It recoiled its extended wire arms off of the ledge it was hooked into and then blasted the falling obstacle with a THUNDERBOLT. While mildly successful, the action had not caused enough of the boulder to break due to the speed at which it was used. The downslides crashed into the Xurkitree, slamming it out of its Ingrain and knocking it out. "Shit! No, no, no..." She took off in a dead sprint to the edge, holding up its pokeball. Its dead body in the water would no doubt spell the death of countless people still in the water here. She couldn't live with that on her mind and did what came naturally.

"This is going to suck...but I'm not letting anybody else get left behind."

Gwen jumped from the cliff-side and dove to catch up with the Ultra Beast as the winds were howling across. The falling debris was behind her, falling at a faster speed than she had been. The ranger held a pokeball up to try and get Xurkitree inside of the pokeball before its body could hit the water and electrocute everything nearby. With the endless blues fast approaching she forced herself down even faster and tapped the button once she had a clear shot at the Ultra Beast. To her relief, the Xurkitree's form disappeared back into the ball which she quickly set back into her belt.

Her eyes took her to the debris above, coming down on her from above. It was still pretty large to break down, and the sheer amount of rocks coming down on her meant that this wasn't going to be a fun time. Gwen braced herself for the impact and closed her eyes tight. This could be it. Her final act. Gwen's heart was racing, the dreadful feeling that she wouldn't be able to return home came across her mind. The worries and fear that took hold of her very soul. Her mouth opened loud and gave every last bit of energy into her (hopefully not) final words.

"ROBIN!" Gwen called out. "I LOVE-"

An explosion of water of rubble came from E2 and E3, as the remaining boulders crashed into the water, alongside Gwen's form vanishing into the water.


Location: E2 => E3

• Notes the rising water level as the wall breaks down
• Her Xurkitree is KO'd from the resulting landslide and falls down the cliffside
• Gwen jumps after the Xurkitree and dives in with the falling debris to recall her Pokemon back into the ball before it electrocutes everybody in the water
• Gets the Xurkitree back in the ball and fears for her life
• Shouts to tell Robin her feelings before her form disappears into the water

, | mentioned:      
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,637 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 4:27:11 GMT
ollie morales Avatar


[attr="class","sweetwater ollie"]



[attr="class","textbody"] Oh fuck.

[break][break] Ollie had kicked off the ground without thinking about it, not realizing that his trajectory that had been off. The MYSTICAL FIRE that had been sent barreling towards them was suddenly much closer than he ever realized it being —

[break][break] And suddenly, just like that, the whole world was on fire.


[break][break] The scream of agony tore from his throat, unwittingly getting leaked into the LEAGUE COMMS that had been turned on ever since he breached Sootopolis Bay. His words of courage and pride, meant to bolster his Rangers and fellow League allies, were being used against him as his suffering was broadcasted for all to listen to.

[break][break] , , , , — anyone listening into the communication channels, who weren't too absorbed by their own fights, might have unwittingly paid witness to the sudden carnage of the League's only Head Ranger, engulfed in violent flame.

[break][break] The wind and rain that whipped around them lessened the attack's impact, but not enough to fully shield him from the searing pain of his burning flesh.

[break][break] 'Am I going to die like this? Am I going to die here?'

[break][break] 'Without even telling Penny that I -'

[break][break] Suddenly, as if some divine force had intervened, the fabric of space and time ripped apart and unraveled. In an instant, the heat, fire, and searing agony of 's brutal attack vanished. It wasn't like a healing balm had soothed his skin; it was as if the pain had never existed at all.

[break][break] Crumpled on the floor, the Head Ranger blinked, feeling dizzy and nauseous at the whiplash. He let out groan, hand on his head, as he stared at the rain that continued to pelt against white sheetrock around him.

[break][break] Was it the rain? Had KYOGRE'S TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR saved him? Extinguished the flame of Rocket's fury?

[break][break] But no, that wasn't right. His armor was still blackened by charcoal, torn into pieces, and he could still feel the dull throb of something hurting beneath his uniform. He glimpsed the sight of something green and floating.

[break][break] And of course, just beside it, was . His friend.

[break][break] Yuina. She saved me.

[break][break] Suddenly, warmth spread through him like wildfire, the sweet comfort of friendship and loyalty surging through him like nothing else. It gave him the strength to will himself to his feet, even as the world around them was suddenly cast into DARKNESS by will of NECROZOMA and godly influence. He opened his mouth to thank her but instead was distracted as seemed to shoot across the crater like a shooting star, and Ollie's attention, once again, was stolen.

[break][break] His eyes snapped quickly to the other group on this side of the crater, only a couple feet away from them.

[break][break] . . .

[break][break] And who was that? Was that — ?

[break][break] "Necrozma's avatar," he blurted, a little too loudly, into the League communications channel.

[break][break] "Yuina!" he called and glanced quickly at the Rocket that was steadfastly approaching from the other side. . Fuck. They were being backed into a corner on both sides. "Watch my back!"

[break][break] "Mocha! Help Melly!"

[break][break] The Head Ranger swiftly reached for his belt, swapping his injured Pokémon for another. He hurled the Pokéball into the air, and it cracked open in the space between his group and 's. In a burst of brilliant light, his trusted Wyrdeer emerged with a resonant bellow of solidarity. Its horns glowed a magnificent white, and in an instant, a STARRY DOME materialized, enveloping everyone nearby in a protective barrier.

wyrdeer summons a protective dome formed of shimmering stars. this shield envelops wyrdeer and its allies, protecting them for a duration of time as well as healing them.

[break] Ollie pushed himself to his feet, shooting a defiant glare at . Starlight gleamed off the gold of his armor, as whatever remained of his injuries were healed by his pokemon's touch.

[break][break] "You won’t win this war," he said, his voice rough with stubborn determination. "I won’t let you."

[break][break] Even in absolute darkness, light would still find a way.




[break][break] ollie is like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH into the comms when ameena hits him with a MYSTICAL FIRE BLAST at close range RAHHH! (it being a mega move + close range is what causes the pain, but it is buffeted by the rain and thanks to 's super cool distortion time blinks). hes SAVED by yuina YAY FOR THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!!

[break][break] ollie pays it forward by swapping his dragonite (who was also injured by the attack) for his wyrdeer, who uses it's Z-MOVE: STARRY SHIELD to create a protective/healing barrier around him and 's group (mainly focusing on the LEAGUE CHAMPION! LETS GO MELODY MIRO!)

[break][break] he goes grr at

[break] [break][break]



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may 26
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 4:32:35 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


Paxton can do nothing but watch, pulling the bolt back and loading another round in the chamber just to be ready. It's all up to Coniebear now. He afford a glance across the crater. From the surrounding his friends near the Palkia due and Groudon, to Kyogre breaking free of it's beaching to Rayquaza versus Necrozma. Legendaries smash into each other, with overwhelming size. If only they could tap into the DYNAMAX. He decided to give it a minute more before moving, and looks for an available mark while his partner does battle. [break][break]

The battle between Moltres and Rayquaza rages and he watched and clash. He doens't see where Freya ends up, eyes on the Rocket avatar as he falls, trailing and waiting. He hesitated, watching as another Rocket? ( ) caught the Admin. They fly away a little smoother than the Admin had fallen. "2 for 1 deal." he said to himself, barrel trailing the pair before he fires, trying to hurt both with the same angled shot.[break][break]

Coniebear, meanwhile, is ecstatic, at the first blood of battle. Her second head growls and drools trying top tighten it's grip, aiming to crush and pop. She can't manage to hold on when the Hare King smashed the shield, spiky prongs biting into her flesh. She's forced to release is, but she's not down for the count, eyes big and alert as she locked onto the psychic type before the fog rolled in. [break][break]

At first there's panic, but the fog began block her vision. She sought out her target, stilling herself as she clung to one of the giant branches. The neighing was eerie, sending shivers down her spine. Her head coiled around protectively watching her back. It creates a familiar horse that sets it's eyes with its master on the cliffside, towards her trainer. The Mawile let out a scream of protest, half because it was being abandoned mid fight, and half because her trainer was in immanent danger. [break][break]

Paxton sees the horse and deer duo rushing before the air began to grow hotter. 's Dragonite throws a FIRE PUNCH as the GLACIAL LANCE continues approaching. He did his best to scramble out of the way. The keystone on his body began to glow as his Mawile prepare to give chase, boosting herself as she jumped off the DYNATREE to get back to her trainer and intercept. Iridescent energy glowed, enveloping the Mawile as she transformed and snarled both her heads at the Ice Rider Calryex trying her hardest to reach them both, preparing another CRUNCH as she tried to look for hold. Whether it was the deer rider or the cliffsides didn't matter anymore. [break][break]

Paxton, while having complete faith in Conie, still moves as fast as he can to put distance between himself and the deer king. As the waters raise, Paxton moves to C2, hoping to lead the Calyrex and his steed further up the cliffs and away from the major battle that was occurring near the tree. "Keep moving up! The waters are ris-" he cut himself off as the Kyogre splashed into the center of the crated and suddenly the water bloomed upwards in one fell swoop, submerging the XERNEAS tree. [break][break]



+ @various | hehehe [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- paxton lets coniebear his mawile take over calyrex fight while he checks in on the rest of sooty[break]
- watches admin bee and aurelie fall and shoots at them [break]
- notices Calyrex changing targets gets up [break]
- sees oliver's dragonite fire punch butis still RUNNING FOR C2[break]
- Coniebear the Mawile MEGAEVOLVES (1/3) to boost her jump towards her trainer and try to crunch land on Ice Rider Calyrex again or get on the cliffs to link up with Paxton [break]
- use one salac plz

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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the Harbinger
october 28th
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 4:33:24 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Members of the League challenge his claims, and Cillian relishes in the ability to further make his stand.[break][break]


's Basculegion rams into Lugia in that moment, and Cillian's balance upon her back is tested. A THUNDER PUNCH staggers the legend further when he almost rights himself, and this gives the opening she needs to PUNCH the underboss in the jaw.[break][break]

It topples him, and he slips.[break][break]

He falls into the water.[break][break]

He's terrified of drowning, but he would've been fine. He's a strong swimmer.[break][break]

Except he doesn't notice 's spatial meddling. Doesn't know that when he tries to swim up, to break the surface of the water, he is only consigning himself to the depths.[break][break]

Lugia notices far too late, forced to take a moment to RECOVER from two devastating blows. When she tries to dive into the water after her chosen, she instead finds himself soaring upwards. She corrects herself after several seconds of confusion, but it's enough time.[break][break]

Cillian starts to run out of air. His lungs are burning. Surely he hadn't sunk that deep after the fall? Panic sets in as his chest aches for breath he can't take.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]BATTLE OF SOOTOPOLIS



Desired location: D-2.[break]
Forgive any lack in quality for this post.[break]
SHADOW LUGIA has to RECOVER, so can't help Cillian when he swims DOWN instead of UP after being knocked into the water.[break]
Without intervention, he'll start to DROWN.


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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church tonight
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6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 4:58:11 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Durandal falls, her mission completed despite the pain. The powerful blow, even dampened by 's efforts. Her shell cracks, rough hewn stone chipping as she crashes into the water.[break][break]

"Cillian!" Tempest calls, over the din. Water sloshes around him. He sees strike him in the distance. Tempest's blood boils, a snarl forming on his lips, but then Cillian crashes into the water. Without hesitation, he dives into the water.[break][break]

He pushes forwards, unaware of 's meddling, and goes backwards instead. Panic overtakes him before he rights himself; backwards is forwards. He fists Cillian's shirt and takes a deep breath, then tries to shove his rebreather between Cillian's teeth. If only one of them could have air, his husband needed it more right now.[break][break]

He tries to actually pull him upwards, to meet Lugia coming down.[break][break]

Zipping through the water, Durandal settles herself on Lugia's back. A PROTECT is brought up around the fellow Shadow, keeping her from further harm until she can reach their Trainers.

[attr="class","tag"]@battle OF SOOTY



🔗 Temp is trying to RESCUE CILLIAN[break]
🔗 He figures out the spatial fuckery and gives Cillian his rebreather and starts to pull him actually upwards[break]
🔗 Trying to meet up with Lugia so she can drag them out of there[break]
🔗 Meanwhile, Durandal (Kabutops) falls into the water below and is badly hurt[break]
🔗 She swims towards Temp and meets Lugia, attaching herself to Lugia's back underwater[break]
🔗 Kabutops uses Protect to meet Lugia from harm while she Recovers


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 4:59:01 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] [break]


He says no more knowing full well the other won't give his opinion much mind. They weren't equals here, never had been, for the moment their relationship was the same as back then. Theo gives orders and he needed to obey, well partially at least as their agreement from before should have him safe from completely having to hurt those on his side. Or so he thinks while he allows himself a moment to watch the chaos go on before gives him the order. "Excuse you?" he ask as there was no way he could've heard him correctly. "I told you I wouldn't be hurting my allies," he argues back their deal from before, as it was he already told his pokemon to just do as his mentor asked he shouldn't be part of the deal. [break][break]

However he pauses when the old man shows him the Light Stone once more. There feels like a threat of the other simply dropping the stone over the flooding Sootopolis now into account completely ruining any chance he had to help Reshiram and repay his debt. Its no wonder the other allowed him to keep his equipment. Theo knew he would be able to pull his strings to get him to do what he wanted in the end. "Fiiiine," he hisses, his displeasure clear in his tone as he now actually has to think of a battle plan. [break][break]

Razz pats and whistles when he notices the electric shot coming from a different group, hoping the gyrados would listen in moving them out of the way. After he would look to Umber, "Oi you see her down there?" he points to , "She is your best friend for now got that?" he questions his shadow obstagoon who chuckles in dark glee before he whistles his order and the shadow pokemon dives down into the sea. Within an instant she summons up a large wave with SURF intending to swallow the agent and her pokemon, sending them crashing back to the cliffs to get her far enough that she couldn't hold the submarine. [break][break]


im sorry...

Are the only words that go through his head as he orders the attack himself. Once he has the stone from Theo he can explain his actions to the league later, but if Theo messed with the stone now then he had no chance of repaying his debt to Reshiram. And, just for this moment, his old bond with them meant more than some leaguer he didn't know. Especially without his communicator he had been completely isolated from the league with no way of knowing their plans, their pain, their groups. [break][break]

Right now it was just and his orders.[break][break]





+ @ sootopolis Raid [break]

[break]+ At first has no intention of hurting
[break]+ Not until Theo reminds him why he's the one in control.
[break]+ Razz tries to order Theo's Gyrados to move away from 's electric shot
[break]+ Orders the Shadow Obstagoon to use SURF to engulf and push back to land in hopes of the dhelmise letting go of the sub.
[break]+ x1 Salac
[break]+ The agreeance to have theo show him light stone to manipulate was agreed to in dms

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[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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July 9
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 5:45:59 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




Her attacks against the tree were effective, removing pieces of the bark and as the fire on the electro shot on the tree spread, she grins. However that smile quickly fades as suddenly a green light restores the parts of the tree they destroyed and she's unsure as to why. [break][break]

launches himself into the battle, covering himself in his wicked armor as he calls out to her. He was challenging her. She panics at first and quickly erects a barrier in front of herself. a metallic scratching noise can be heard as sparks fly off of surface of the barrier as it tries to stand resolute against zev's onslaught. "Trying to rush my stage? A bit desperate of a move. The tree IS that important huh?" she tries to taunt him and appear confident. fires another electro shot towards the submarine to try and cripple their forces "Beautiful job!" she compliments. [break][break]

As the crystals continue to encroach on Melody's barrier, cracks start to form and some crystals slice at Melody as she tries to make her next move. However, her allies come to her aid. launches an attack in the darkness of the area and Melody's voice suddenly feels stronger. sees her being attacked and creates a barrier of shimmering stars that replace the holes in her barrier as well and start to restore her cuts and shields against the z-move necrozma had used. [break][break]

"Thank you guys!" she calls out as Melody needs to start to think about what to do. If they continued to fight like this, everyone was at risk of being killed by this man and worse, consumed by the creature paired with him. [break][break]

She pulls out her conducting baton and points it to . "And here I thought that would be the one to face me, I wanted to settle my score with him."[break][break]

With a flick of her baton she creates a platform out of the stones she used earlier and stands on it. "Continue to support me and or handle his friend! I'll handle attacking him." [break][break]

She ascends upwards and moves towards the south on her platform and takes in a deep breath. She screams, magnifying the sound to a high enough volume that it would attack both zev and necrozma with an EAR PIERCING SHRIEK she limits the range of the sound as well to try and not catch others in the cross fire [break][break]


Meloetta flies up besides her and joins in the onslaught by adding in an curse in melody's voice by using ALLURING VOICE on necrozma in the midst of the attack to try and limit his options. [break][break]



notes about this post


[newclass=.Melodypog3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border:solid 3px #363636;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right;}.Melodypog3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.Melodypog3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.Melodypog3-1 { position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.Melodypog3-title { font:800 40px Poppins;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#ffa8cc;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.Melodypog3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:165px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.Melodypog3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-165px; }.Melodypog3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.Melodypog3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.Melodypog3-tagged a:hover { color:#ffa8cc!important; }.Melodypog3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#606060;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.Melodypog3-pkmn { margin:30px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.Melodypog3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.Melodypog3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.Melodypog3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.Melodypog3-post { color:#dbdbdb;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.Melodypog3-post i { color:#72b4ff; }.Melodypog3-post b { color:#ffa8cc;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.Melodypog3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:80px;width:80px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.Melodypog3-icon img { height:80px;width:80px;border-radius:3px;}.Melodypog3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#2b2b2b;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#dbdbdb;font-size:45px; }.Melodypog3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;font:12px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#dbdbdb;height:75px; }.Melodypog3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#ffa8cc;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.Melodypog3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.Melodypog3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.Melodypog3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#ffa8cc!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]

. Melody thanks her allies for the support ( for blocking the z-move and for / for the offense and support) [break]
. Gathers up the rocks from earlier again and creates a platform so she can fly in the air.[break]
.Tells the others to either continue supporting her or attack
. Melody takes in a deep breath and screams and uses her ability to magnify the sound to an ear piercing shriek that could cause damage to zev and necrozma (?) [break]
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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,926 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 5:56:04 GMT
Navy Avatar







He sees reflected in ’s eyes his own hatred, his own malice. Shred Zeppelin, or whatever he shall call himself in the aftermath of his violent rebirth, is wild and pure and free. He is a thing that shall live liberated and die on his own terms. As the tide surges up to take him, with ’s blade coming for him and at his back, he feels a pang of envy.[break][break]
Envy gives way to fear and a reminder he himself has doled upon those blessed as he is blessed. An insidious voice reminds him that he is human as his hand reaches up and instead kicks down. ’s powers do not discriminate, and he paws madly at air, wishing he could breathe.[break][break]
Shred, he thinks, we’ve made a big damn mess of things. You should be in Galar, rocking the circuit. Spikemuth needs a gym leader like you.[break][break]
He flails madly, unaware of how Zacian crumples to the ground as the tide rises around her. ’s curse and her burns singe the hero of many battles. She breathes, searching for her sworn sword brother. All she sees is , who rushes to save the fallen warrior.[break][break]
When she grabs him, pulls him up, he mistakes her for a Primarina. Old legends say they rescued sailors, or tempted them into the water. Either way, with her by his side, he manages to kick up, heaving in a hefty lungful of air, and feels cold.[break][break]
has found new prey. Some part of him with his wounded pride wants to rush after the newcrowned king and continue their fight. Some part of him surges with a fierce protective desire to interpose himself between and . The great love of his life is no damsel, or he would not love her so.[break][break]
No, there’s another role they have to play. Kyogre bears down on…on…on…[break][break]
Entei. He sees the Leviathan dive down. It pursues Entei, an unknown woman, and with a god’s fanaticism.[break][break]
Genny.” He says through mouthfuls of water spilling from his lungs. “We’re saving those two.” Zacian, who has rushed to his side, looks towards the dyna tree. Her king is there, firing off his lances. He rides a Glastrier, launching lances across the field. Her eyes fall upon Kyogre and she understands the urgency of the matter.[break][break]
And if the League don’t like us doing that, we’ll make a better League.”[break][break]
He climbs on Zacian. They are both weak. They face overwhelming odds, even with Groudon now on the field. Madness reigns in every direction, and he and this wolf hero and Genevieve are not but mortals wishing to make a difference.[break][break]
during battle, navy and his pokemon gain steady regenerative power and offensive power. if facing hopeless odds or serving a higher cause, the amount and rate of regeneration and power increases drastically. however, after the battle is over, they may require slumber for a period of time (up to teddie's discretion) to recover.

What mad times. Above them is the black knight. Rayquaza, hero of Navy’s childhood, lies fallen into slumber in the water. Groudon, who murdered his first friend, charges towards Kyogre with the same purpose as Navy. What times these are, what times will chronicle in a far away future when this war has been fought.[break][break]
Zacian’s wounds seem to heal. The burns are not so bad. Zacian moves towards the great primal Leviathan, adjusting as best she can to the spatial anomalies forced upon them. Ascalon glows in Zacian’s maw, its twin just as bright in Navy’s hand. They hum together, vibrating as power gathers. calls his service shackles, but to Navy it is his liberation.[break][break]
A beam of light splits the storm, two mortals interposing themselves between a god and those it pursues as best they can. Light gathers, and it expands towards Kyogre.[break][break]
Blade of Promised Victory[break]
Zacian harnesses the full power of her sword, ascalon, and unleashes a blast of fae light. all foes in the path of the sword beam take critical damage.



notes about this post

Location: D2 -> D4 in pursuit of Kyogre. Navy is knocked into the water. Zacian is overwhelmed by Shred. Lowest moment ensues. Genny saves Navy. Pulled back up. Sees the crazy stuff going on all around them. Sees a civilian () being pursued by Kyogre and resolves to protect them. Climbs onto Zacian, implores Genny to come with her. Genny can hop on if she wants. Avatar powers kick in. Adjusts for illeana's anomaly as best he can. Interposes himself between Kyogre & Tsuru/Entei/Noel, uses his Z-Move: Blade of Promised Victory to cover Entei's retreat towards the dyna tree. Shiv u can glacial lance me if u want smile.

[newclass=.Navypog3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border:solid 3px #363636;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right;}.Navypog3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.Navypog3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.Navypog3-1 { position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.Navypog3-title { font:800 40px Poppins;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#d84545;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.Navypog3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:165px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.Navypog3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-165px; }.Navypog3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.Navypog3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.Navypog3-tagged a:hover { color:#d84545!important; }.Navypog3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#606060;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.Navypog3-pkmn { margin:30px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.Navypog3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.Navypog3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.Navypog3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.Navypog3-post { color:#dbdbdb;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.Navypog3-post i { color:#d84545; }.Navypog3-post b { color:#d84545;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.Navypog3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:80px;width:80px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.Navypog3-icon img { height:80px;width:80px;border-radius:3px;}.Navypog3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#2b2b2b;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#dbdbdb;font-size:45px; }.Navypog3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;font:12px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#dbdbdb;height:75px; }.Navypog3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#d84545;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.Navypog3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.Navypog3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.Navypog3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#d84545!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]

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fen (mille)
dee/dem/der, they/them
march 9th
mossdeep city
office worker (cracker)
5' height
5' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
443 posts
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TAG WITH @fenelle
Fenelle Miller
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 6:45:52 GMT
Fenelle Miller Avatar
[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Fenelle pats Dondozo as he comes to a halt. A wave of icy chill comes and assists them not to crash into spikes further, a wave that dee doesn't have to look for an origin for - it's a sure sign of 's arrival, if 's rally is also another indication.

Dee jumps from Dondozo for the moment, wanting to allow it to rest as the water levels continue to rise - it doesn't necessarily make sense, dee can't help but think and wonder, or maybe Hoenn at large is underwater, or they're sinking land rather than rising water. But it's not like Legendaries obey any rulings ...

In Dondozo's stead, a Grimmsnarl appears - dee allows one moment for him to take in the situation as they've come face to face with several gods. Rayquaza. A false Palkia. The actual Palkia, dee can only assume. Dee stays on this uppder edge, balancing precariously sometimes but feeling fairly safe with Grimmsnarl's massive hair strands as dee nods.

Texts blinks across der vision as der world remains silent, merely touched by the cries and faces dee can see.

Grimmsnarl-Spirit Break at Mew-Palkia, dee orders to attack , and then grabs and holds onto one strand of black hair - so tight that the shaking of der hand might be deafened by the tension. The Grimmsnarl obeys immediately. A pink ball of energy forms, sparkling and glittery - fairy-like. But as it's tossed and hopefully finds it's target, it would twist to a darker hue, until it's fully corrupted by thoughts of defeat.

tl;dr edge of F2 (doesn't move)
- earth spikes harm is not as bad bc of jayden's ice constructs/winds
- recalls dondozo
- calls for grimmsnarl who uses spirit break on mewkia
- holds a strand of der grimmsnarl's hair tight (scared af)
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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,605 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 6:47:46 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
[attr="class","prophet susge"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[player]!_%20Remaster%20%20Pok%C3%A9mon%20Diamond%20%26%20Pearl.mp3[/player]Search for the Red Gyarados! Pokemon Diamond & Pearl[break][break]

Adrian casts a most disbelieving glare at Remiel Calcifet as he abandons the fight—likely heading for the Dyna Tree, or the petrified Xerneas—or some other more pressing point of conflict.[break][break]

Get back here, dammit![break][break]

...But the decision comes at a cost. Remiel's Garchomp remains behind after being grounded, contending with Greninja. In a frenzied assault, Greninja is able to nimbly avoid most attacks—until finally a BREAKING SWIPE catches it on the back foot. The telling blow sends the diminutive creature sprawling backwards, already weakened and battle-weary as it was...[break][break]

...I don't have time for this![break][break]

In a fit of rage, Adrian withdraws Greninja hastily before brandishing another pokeball. Appearing from the shimmering light that poured forth was a shining Gyarados, FUROR, which snarled at the Garchomp as its girth violently displaced the rising sea water in a spray of chilling brine.[break][break]

And in that same moment, something about his wardrobe reacted, and they achieved synchronization; The Sygna Suit was active.[break][break]

Garchomp was well-trained and an adaptive pokemon, and was certain to aggress them further—distracting them from their greater goal.[break][break]

"FUROR, GET RID OF IT; DRAGON TAIL!"[break][break]


Adrian communicates a reckless aggression that resonates with Furor's deep-seated RAGE, and the connection harmonizes intent with execution: Its tail flexes back before swathing forward, a draconid's devastating strength directed towards Garchomp to force it out of combat: DRAGON TAIL!

In the aftermath of the attack, the sea waters surge up to their level. Adrian sees Rayquaza falling from out of the sky. The Dyna Tree is burning, but some strange spell incessantly magicked away the flames to replenish the tree...[break][break]

That was where he was needed now.[break][break]


"Furor, we're heading out—to me!"[break][break]

Riding Gyarados was no small feat, but he managed. Surging along the open sea, the looming tree and clashing beasts and titans ravage the skyline beneath a torrent of rain and thunder—in the midst of it all, he feels so small.[break][break]


pulls him back into the right mindset, and he lifts his chin higher.[break][break][break]



[attr="class","nametag"] [break]ADRIAN'S SYGNA SUIT[break]
Agility/Speed assisted by TAILWIND[break]Adrian smolders with RAGE[break]
After Garchomp retaliates, fainting a battle-worn Greninja, Adrian unleashes Gyarados and attempts knocking away Garchomp with DRAGON TAIL![break][break]
Due to the rising sea levels, Adrian disembarks atop Gyarados and heads towards the Dyna Tree/Petrified Xerneas, hoping to lend a hand to Bryan Delarosa and the rest of Team Rocket rallying at the center of Sootopolis...




[newclass=".susge"] --accent:#7F6779; [/newclass]

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[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-537 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(!important; [/newclass]
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,394 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 8:10:37 GMT
jayden cross Avatar


[attr="class","bloodmoon rocketchar"]



[attr="class","lyrics"] it takes a monster [break]
to destroy a monster

"i'm the one that's going to save hoenn."

[break][break] "save hoenn?" the cursed snarls back at the volatile. "is that what you were doing when you killed ?"

[break][break] his ICE CONSTRUCTS slice forward in the form of spinning blades, bolstered by HATE and the blizzard that howls around them, reaching out with metaphorical claws to sink in and control whoever dares to breathe in it's bitterly noxious air. such RUINOUS power can't even be countered by another legendary’s reflective protection, as if the spirit of lingers, still yearning to influence the battle even in death.

[break][break] jayden bares his fangs, his face twisting into the same furious expression he had when he mistook for under the influence of poisonous mochi.

[break][break] "when you were busy being compromised by ?"

[break][break] the moment he says it, however, as if willed into existence by a GRUDGE-filled god, the earth-spikes conjured by groudon's avatar EXPLODE. they kick off like violent fireworks, causing the world beneath his and 's feet to rock from the impact. fingers brush against meraxes scales, heart lurching as they are forced to adjust to the sudden movement, and the sudden throat-drying heat that escalates through the air, as a result of their enemies DESOLATE LAND.

[break][break] but it doesn't matter how much the sun tries to end the winter that rages in jayden's chest. the sight of such mangled humanity is enough to bring the stirrings of HATRED to pulse through his veins. the HATRED that undeniably lurks between himself and , just as it had in that prismatic prison, when she tried to suck his very life-force from his veins.

[break][break] "and you —"

[break][break] ice crystallizes around his fists, eyes sharp with loathing emotion, even in the absence of cold. as he glares at , steam sparks from the FROZEN GAUTLETS that begin to manifest around his fists. however, without warning, the air is abruptly knocked out of his lungs as MEW morphs into a god that knows all too well —

[break][break] flashes of memory in a torn and sundered world, of illuminating pink hues, and crystallized ruby rivulets that mend together the broken spatial rifts —

[break][break] and while it is nothing like that of (and jayden knows it, he knows it all too well), the fake palkia's SPATIAL REND strikes him and .

[break][break] "watch out!" he hisses, attempting to maintain his balance atop the airborne creature.

[break][break] but perhaps it is jayden who should have watched because, suddenly, as if beckoned by the strings of fate, the real alchemist appears. pink fists collide with ICY HATE as both arms are thrown up in protection. but it is too late. catching him off guard, she swings those frenzied rageful fists and sends him spiraling off of meraxes' back — away from , away from his chosen, away from all that he holds dear —

[break][break] FOOLISH BOY.


[break][break] torrential downpour pelts his body as he is shoved out of the radius of - groudon's DROUGHT, back towards kyogre's raging seas. luckily, before he befalls the same end as his ill-fated brother , he is saved. it is deja-vu, almost, the feeling of such plush fur beneath his bloody body, of such solid warmth rather than plunging ice-cold water.

[break][break] it's CHIEN-PAO. of course it is.

[break][break] with gone and 's RAYQUAZA dragged from the sky, there is no point in staying by 's side. such weak influence was meaningless in the fact of such mouthwatering HATE — the same hate that no-doubt manifested like blackened flowers in all foolishly weak human hearts. even 's so-called GOOD soldiers were not immune.

[break][break] hatred bleeds, even where love resides.

[break][break] in . in . in . in .

[break][break] it is all felt. 's growing disdain and distrust for the league. 's resentment for reality, for the loss that is surely to come. 's lingering hostility for rocket, for the idiocy he imagines of , and the league as a whole.

[break][break] of the frenzied, uncontrolled, maddened mind that festers within , like a poisoned basin threatening to spill over.

[break][break] 's fists strike — but at what cost? the HATRED that lingers beneath her touch cures and soothes whatever pain that has cut apart his skin, stitching himself back together, as the cold returns to him. it gathers around him in pale flurries as he glares sharply back up at the earth pillar for where he has left his lover.

[break][break] icy blue eyes meet that of an impassioned , begging - no, demanding for his return.

[break][break] and what kind of senpai would he be to to deny him?

[break][break] the samurai's voice rings through the air with purpose, following that of 's.

[break][break] FOR ROCKET.

[break][break] ice gathers beneath the ruinous beast's massive paws as they are propelled upwards towards the sky, the icy pillar shooting them skyward. back towards .
[break][break] FOR HOENN.

[break][break] heat steams off the ice that gathers around his body, his HATEFUL BLIZZARD fighting ruthlessly against the DROUGHT.
[break][break] FOR ME.

but isn't looking at him. he's looking elsewhere.

[break][break] he wasn't even paying attention.


nearly a year ago, in the cave of origin, before those fangs had sewn into his flesh. as nightmares had manifested around those that he had loved, his own had appeared before him. his father. .

[break][break] cuts of glimmering violent amber.

[break][break] 'you're nothing.'

[break][break] 'i don't even remember your name.'


across sootopolis' raging seas, against the unbearable howling winds, CHIEN PAO'S guttural roar reverberated behind its avatar. together they landed with a thunderous crash, the ground quaking from the impact, as RUINATION surged outward like a relentless storm.

[break][break] "REMEMBER MY NAME, !"

[break][break] without hesitation, he lunged forward, drawing his arm back. the avatar's icy knuckles transformed into a glacial spear, which he drove straight into ' spine.




location: F2 NEAR (and whoever else) [break]

[break][break] • jayden is hit with MEWKIA'S SPATIAL REND alongside (and whatever else lou decides to do during this time); jayden is knocked off by 's FISTS OF RAGE!!

[break][break] • feeling the HATRED from 's FLYING FISTS OF FURY accidentally heals jayden and CHIEN PAO leaves to save jayden from falling into the ocean!! (DEJA VU FROM PRELUDE?) he and chien pao return back TO THE FIGHT and then jayden sees and has a flash-back from disseminate and tries to stab him with a GLACIAL SPEAR to his back while chien pao uses RUINATION




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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP