i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
628 posts
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2023 21:44:05 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

Nenet stares at the carnage wrought between her Lunatone's attack and and 's resulting Coin Chaos. Eyeing the men, especially as Shred crows, she shakes her head and looks away.
In the distance she finally spies 's red hair, but before she can even consider going over to check on her the woman is kissing a different woman. A little laugh sounds from Nenet, and she turns her attention instead to the paths laid out before the group.
A campfire shines at the end of Path One, a welcomed sight that feels even more of a trap than the darkness that spills forth from Path Two. Well, she's never feared the darkness, and it can be lit anyways.
Nenet chooses Path Two.
She recalls her Lunatone and releases her Hatterene. With a word from Nenet, the after-effects of a Dazzling Gleam attempt to beat back the darkness of the path.


- Nenet gives spares a judgy look for Shred and Howard (sorry boys, I support your antics even if Nenet doesn't).[break]
- Spies Aurelie but doesn't interrupt her reunion.[break]
- Chooses Path Two.[break]
- Attempts to banish some of the darkness down Path Two with a Dazzling Gleam.



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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 1:34:08 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Throwing the pennies was an impressive plan indeed. Unfortunately, it may have been a bit too impressive. As soon as Cambria could wiggle herself free, she grabbed Isaac to shelter him from the incoming storm. It would be a relentless onslaught, but at least with her help Isaac would be safe and sound.[break][break]

At least, Isaac thought that was what was going on here. In actuality, Cambria's embrace was so she could find her Pokeball atop his belt. She pressed the button just in time to be taken in, her Emergency Exit keeping her safe and sound from the rain of coins. That meant poor Isaac took some change directly to the face. Poor guy looked like he'd been headbutt by a Meowth by the time all was said and done.[break][break]

"Seriously, Cam?" The Golisopod's mouthparts flittered bashfully as Isaac sent her back out of her ball. "That was cold."[break][break]

At least his humans wouldn't abandon him like his Pokemon did. Isaac returned 's tight, protective hug, shoring up the side where their stance was most uneven. Did they get hurt? Fuck, he'd have to check on them later. For now, he was happy to see them. "Okay?" he asked, a proud smirk on his face. "If anything, I'm impressed. Never thought I'd see you go ape like that."[break][break]

Maybe they'd gone too ape. Yep. That was definitely pain. At their stagger and hiss, Isaac gave them a soft pat on the shoulder. "Hey. I got you, alright?" he said. "I'll take the lead for a bit so you can rest up. We might need that table flipping strength later."[break][break]

, too, had lingered, and she spoke sense. "Less swamp water, the better," he agreed, considering both El's injury and his own near-drowning experience. Yeah, no. He'd had his fill of swamp water for an eternity. "So I'm down to follow your lead on that one."[break][break]

"As for the unidentified flying assholes? I'm betting a ship too, yeah. The rift to that other Megalopolis takes us there in, like, an instant, right? So if it worked like that, they wouldn't need to keep us around for a quick bite. Even if there is a rift, it could be Arceus-knows-where from here."[break][break]

Suddenly, Isaac was glad those trips to the Wilds never dumped him into the cold vacuum of space. New fear unlocked.[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac eats the pennies. Disadvantage![break]
Isaac gives El a big old hug and offers to take the lead so they can rest their fresh injury off.[break]
Isaac agrees with Genny on both Path 2 and her assessment of the Megalopians' intent.

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

[newclass=".isaac2"] --color:#c4c067; [/newclass]
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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 2:14:18 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori prayed Declan Walsh never conspired with the likes that produced Saturday Morning cartoons. As silly as such a hope might’ve seemed to an outsider, the reality spoke otherwise: many had fallen to their ‘Murder Roulette’. Many a foe– and even some allies. His Kingambit one of them.

She must’ve gotten bonked on the head during the assault. The grunt grimaced at her position, flat as a pancake and blade pointed upward. He quickly retreated the Pokémon as to avoid someone tripping and decapitating themselves on the blade. More for his sanity than hers; she would’ve relished such an accident.

Mr. Shred, once again, it is Grigori,” the man corrected through an unamused look. Slowly, he went to the video section of Shred’s phone (and past all the silly memes and illicit images) and replayed the video in all its ‘glory’ to the man. Through dark lighting and a slight tremble that pervaded the entire video, it did clearly show the Claydol and Gholdengo's attack and its many, many victims.

And then he pushed it into Shred’s hands. “Watch it on your own time. While I admit your ‘stunt’ was effective, you’ve racked up quite the collateral damage. Me included.

Hopefully, they caught on to the numerous stares pointed directly towards them, and even who called them out justly. Great. Everyone probably thought him directly part of this endeavor.

But… at the end of the day, they had prevailed, and the strangers were done for. But someone earlier mentioned something about ‘reinforcements’ behind them? Which meant they’d likely attack them if they dared venture back outside. Looked like the cave split into two distinct paths. Not that he could make out either of them from his immediate position.

Mr. Shred, Mr. Howard, I recommend we follow the large Ursaluna wherever it goes. The Pokémon seems to know more about this situation than any of us. Somehow.

But before he did that, the far wall caught his eye. Grigori closed the distance and investigated the numerous Missing Persons Posters, many now dotted with thin needles. Grigori grimaced. With any luck, these strangers had faked them all in some attempt to lure more people out here. He carefully pulled the papers out from around the needles. Those left behind either had too many needles that punctured the stone to make it feasible to take them, or had been destroyed in the attacks altogether.

 - Sorry Kingambit but I am NOT eating shit just so I can write you being violent for seven more rounds. Kingambit has fainted due to the Murder Roulette attack!
 - Chides Shred, but starts the video and hands his phone back
 - Hopes that no one hates him as well not trying to stop them and even recording it
 - Unless Howard and Shred have objections or different plans, Grigori will go down Path 2 with the Ursaluna and Thomas
 - Also walks over and tries to take some of the Missing Peoples posters (any that weren't destroyed, if they exist)
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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty five ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
743 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 9:06:15 GMT

Desiree raspily giggled in elation when pulled her in for a hug, burying her head into the orangette's shoulder; she wanted to focus on the good more than any of the darkness that coated the floors of the illuminated cavern, finding solace in the embraces of friendship that followed the scare of potentially facing the face of death. With the energies that had entered, the peering of glaring eyes that she could see over Gene's shoulder and the pelting of coins that had once prevailed, she had a feeling that more snakes resided in the chambers than the Megalopolans littered in the rocks and riches- but grudges could not be forever in such dire circumstances. Finding a way to escape the depths was much more important than confrontation and speculation of the motives of those who had not spoken up against and 's nefarious yet effective activities. Those two did not even deserve to be gazed upon.[break][break]

It helped that all of the freed captives, including herself, did not have to face the fate of being food to such a grotesque group of hostile individuals. "They.. wished to go home? To a galaxy far, far away? Aliens.. hm." She pondered, reminiscing on the conspiracies and extraterrestrial-fearing moments she had had all those months ago in a cavern not quite as eccentric as this one with ; those fears were seemingly not as unrealistic as she had thought, proven by the corpses of the blue hue. "I'm glad the bear is on our side regardless, all the rumors seemed to have cloaked my vision.. it's quite precious, now taking it past face value ♡." She smiled, hands clasped together.[break][break]

Due to her prior request, Hatterene attempted to bestow a glimmering array of a rose-hued HEALING PULSE on her trainer and anyone else close enough that had expressed the need for healing after the attack of the murder roulette. Feeling the psychic energies ripple against her skin, they felt just as they did all those times before- intoxicating, alluring in all the best of ways. Being one to indulge in the organic inhalation of the sweet mists, aromas, and wafting ripples of fairy and psychic energies, it felt like just what she needed after being faced with the aliens and their wish for cannibalization. Even better than a cigarette.[break][break]

"I'm coming with ♡~" Desiree met her hand with the fairy type's, following 's wish to go down path two- which seemed to be a popular opinion, and there was always said to be safety in numbers. Turning to look behind her as she advanced with the ex-elite four, she met the gaze of , , and with an invitation of an outstretched palm adorned in crystalline rings. "Gene, Yuina, Vanilla, wanna come too, stick together and all of ce camaraderie? ♡" She asked politely, trying to push down the fears of being lost in the depths with no escape. There was no way to trust anyone other than those she had already known here, so finding power in surrounding herself with those she knew she could was what she felt to be the only option.

(cc: )[break][break]


- hugs and perceives some of the dirty looks being shot across the room and how some people didn't seem to care of and 's murder roulette, snakes?[break]
- acknowledges megalopolan discussion and realizes she wasn't that far off in a conspiracy theory of hers that she had of aliens days after moving to hoenn with POG??[break]
- teehee bear cute actually..[break]
- hatterene attempts to cast HEAL PULSE on desiree and anyone surrounding in need of healing.[break]
- and desiree tries to get a lil kick from the heal pulse's effects bc she loves huffing aura..[break]
- accompanies to path two and invites , , and to stick together in the path! strength in numbers and trust for anyone outside her already knowing circle -1



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,236 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 9:30:56 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]"Yeah? A little nauseous-" And a little uneasy with how looks over her. "-but nothing bad seems to be happening."[break][break]

Is something bad supposed to be happening? Other than the whole 'they might be getting collapsed upon by megalopolan backup' or 'look out for more cursed dollar-store jellicent', at the very least. How was it that had put it? They touch you and make you want to fight a lot? She can't hear that voice harping in her head, and she really prays that she won't any time soon.[break][break]

"Those looked like fake Nihilego? Made from interdream mist cos of the tera crystals or something..."[break][break]

Perhaps, that might even explain the purple chain that she's never seen on a wild Nihilego - A warped creation of someone's imagination, much like those paradox pokemon. Either way, they don't seem to have much time to investigate what remains. Her attention wanders, quick steps leading her over to some of the tables as she absentmindedly picks up and examines a shiny machine.[break][break]

Just how long have they been here? It comes off as weird that they were mass purchasing shiny machines... If she's able to, she might just pocket it.[break][break]

Then comes the whole choice of picking paths. In a situation as tense as this, instincts tell her that sticking with everyone else is ideal. Add on the fact that the waters, though lit, seem a little too deep for her to be comfortable taking her chances. Props to those who wish to brave it even after the whole deal of zombies in the water.[break][break]

Her eyes flick over the crowd, settling on , and . Things will be fine as long as she stays close, right?
✧ Doesn't feel anything yet?[break]
✧ Looking at a shiny machine on the table, might just pocket it if she can[break]
✧ Following , and (most likely PATH 2?)

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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January 3
131 height
131 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
300 posts
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 10:01:22 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
Well, it looks like the Ursaluna had accepted their little offering. Vanilla watched intently while hoping that they wouldn't be played by this Pokemon and end up like the others dragged down into the swampy depths. She sighed and looked to as everyone could begin to descend into the murky waters. Like any person here, the teen followed suit and once again, sunk her head underneath the surface.

She'd need a rose bath after this...

Vanilla popped into the area with everyone else, spotting the ink haired idol nearby, . She run over with Thomas, waving her hands. "Desiree!" While she did let some semblance of relief wash over her, there were still others not accounted for. Still, it was nice to know that at least some of them were safe. The girl smirked at Desiree and allowed Thomas to have a moment with his girls hugging him. A part of her missed Proxii, who no doubt would be teasing the guy. She wondered if her RotomDex slash emotional support Pokemon would ever get angry at her for leaving him behind on dangerous missions like these.

"That Ursaluna is pretty cool." Vanilla said, turning to look at it in admiration. No wonder people always loved Teddyursa, if its final evolution looked so cool. She continued doing her thing and would remain quiet, just trying to process everything that was happening, including not to think about it. She shook her head as Thomas went about listing off a game plan for everyone. But more importantly, Vanilla wondered just how far the Megaopoleons would go. Were they as extreme as Rocket would go? One would only hope not.

With the plan met, Vanilla had wondered what her next move should be. Maybe was nearby and needed help? The Galarian was royalty after all, and they were pretty close. But invited her and some others to their planned route as Vanilla frowned. The Hatterene's Healing Mists had worked wonders though. Vanilla was still affected by what she had been through, but somehow with the mists, it seemed a bit more trivial. She smiled to herself at the comfort and gave her answer.

"I'd love to." Vanilla said, nodding at the singer and superstar. They had a little group going now! "Thomas would drag me along anyway, even if I didn't want to go." She had avoided that other phrase that came to mind. The teen hurried by and , hoping that the other two people would join them as they went into the darker paths.

| |

↳ Feeds the Ursaluna snacks and follows into the depths
↳ Pops out and rushes over to make sure is okay
↳ Enjoys the Hatterene's HEALING MISTS while feeling her mental state slowly begin to heal
↳ Surprised by 's offer and accepts, tagging along with her and

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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
409 posts
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 10:37:08 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]What’s the Lucis II? The fact that they were food did not bother her as much as the idea that she’d be taken. Why are they doing all of this? Why not just pick up someone the old-fashioned way. Her hands trembled. Killing her was one thing, but the doctor could not live in chains. That was why she fought so strongly against the Ultra Beast’s gelatinous hold.

Ricardo and the Ludicolo’s dance sent the Megalopans scrambling against one another. In confusion, tentacles began to clasp desperately at one another. A few of them lunged for their compatriots. “Thank—thank you, Riccy.” Aubre gasped with a smile. The Nihelego around her seemed to be unsure of what to do next. Its magenta tongue pulsated irregularly against her skin.

As their captors fell, Aubre’s mind was racing a mile ahead. Surprisingly, she felt little sympathy for the Megalopans—only a strange sense of displaced empathy. The sight of the bodies should have made her nauseous. But, right now, there were important things to worry about. Her frantic planning did not skip a beat as the Nihelego embracing her vanished in a shower of elemental waste. A gasp of air brought fresh air into her lungs. Or, well, as fresh as a swampy cave could be, anyway.

Free of his bonds, and deprived of enemies, the elderly Gyarados turned his rage on what was left: the equipment. WIth a snarl, he drenched the machines in water, taking a chunk out of one with his teeth. For once, the normally placid creature showed why his species were known for their rage.

There were murmurs of reinforcements. And the corpses in the swamp had been far from exhausted. “Chester, use Whirlpool to block the—” The Gyarados moved to obey, churning the water outside into a maelstrom. “...the…entrance.” But the redhead didn’t hear him. Plate-sized pupils sunk to pinpricks as ’s Charizard unleashed a burst of flames and fire. Her own back lit up with pain, the illusion of attack almost sending her to her knees.

Any words said to her—including 's encouragement—were just white noise. Somewhere in the chaos, she returned the beleaguered Gyarados. These close quarters didn’t give him room to maneuver.

The air of damp was suddenly tinged with the smell of wet dog. The offers of healing went ignored. The blood from her mauled shoulder soon joined the furrows bitten nails dug into her skin. Count to 10, Aubre. Now. She tried. But it was hard to catch her—-to do what her therapist said—in a place like this. Grounding was hard when everything felt surreal.

Run! Run! Some of those words blurred into a hound’s hungry howl. She swallowed. Shook her head to clear some of the cobwebs.

“Corio?” Ricardo turned from his socializing with his dance partner to see his trainer take a few shambling steps. His head tilted as he watched her approach the lit tunnel. It didn’t matter that the other one was what she’d prefer. She just wanted water. It’d hopefully put the fire out. Not in her right mind—and eager to get away from that--she moved to run onto the now-cooled swamp water.

With a noise of alarm, Ricardo took to the air to hover over her shoulder. Bright eyes peered suspiciously down at the water. He prepared an air cutter as his trainer sank into the water. If she felt the cold water, she didn’t show it. The ghosts of her past scared her far more than the aliens of the present.


  • Has her Gyaradios use whirlpool to block the entrance and returns him due to space issues
  • Has a bad case of PTSD flashbacks
  • Takes Path 1 to avoid the Charizard (ghost fire is okay)
  • Chester tries to murder the machinery
  • Plunges straight into the water
  • Ricardo prepares an Air Cutter in case anything sus happens

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,219 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 18:15:07 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The blood moon rises once again
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Aurelie winced when she saw the upset—or vexed? Troubled? Or at least uncomfortable?—look on 's face. It wouldn't be the first time her unthinking, impetuous actions landed her in trouble with someone she cared for, of course. That didn't make the realization and the aftermath any more fun, though.

Before she could go after him to explain, let alone give him his own kiss, Jack had stalked away to check on another Ranger who was injured by the coin-storm. Absentmindedly tucking one of the Megalopolan devices into her pocket, Aurelie headed back toward the main group to see if anyone else needed a HEALING PULSE. Many other healers had also offered to help, so everyone would likely be taken care of.

When spoke up about her Pokemon being able to burn through the vegetation, Aurelie nodded appreciatively. The red-haired smith then paused to listen to the Ranger's explanation. "A spacecraft," Aurelie echoed uncertainly.

"It makes you wonder what those Megalopolans came here for the first place, if not to feast on...well, us," she mused aloud, shuddering at the unbidden image of someone slicing into a prime cut of Aurelie. "And where the spaceship would be. Is it possible they somehow have an underground or underwater hangar down here?"

She looked around in the crowd for , found the lovely astrobiologist's familiar face, and raised an eyebrow questioningly, wondering if Nenet's expertise extended to spaceships as well as extraterrestrial Pokemon. Then Aurelie continued, looking back at Genevieve, "Either way, if you're heading down the path with the vegetation, then I'll keep you company." She smiled and nodded at the informative Ranger.

As Aurelie walked forward to peer down the second tunnel, she heard snatches of conversation from Jack and the Ranger he was still talking with. She drew toward them, close enough to overhear their last exchange: the other Ranger asking for orders. With uncharacteristic tact, she paused and hesitated.

Maybe not the best time to grab him and give him a big smooch, she thought, sighing but also smirking. Instead, Aurelie settled for passing near Jack, kissing him on the cheek, and flashing him a quick, grateful smile before politely withdrawing. At least this way, he still gets a kiss. But now...

Aurelie turned back toward the path filled with vegetation, beckoning her Gallade to stand beside her with its blade-like arms at the ready. "Anyone else coming this way?"


- Absentmindedly holds on to one of the Megalopolan devices she'd been examining
- Listens to Genny's explanation and theories attentively, and wonders aloud why the Megapolans are here and where their spaceship is hiding
- Gives Jack a quick kiss on the cheek in an attempt to make up for earlier
- Decides to head down PATH 2
- Wearing button-down shirt, cargo pants, boots, and sunglasses (Outfit ref) but lost her machete...but hopefully finds it soon

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,177 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 21:49:53 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Man." Howard scratched his chin thoughtfully as aliens and allies alike bled out across the battlefield. "We're so fucking cool."

As everyone threw out their disdain against Howard and Shred, Howard's head slumped slightly. It had been really cool! They had been so cool! Look at the amount of enemies that they had defeated! Yet people had been yelling at him! Was this what Shred dealt with? Was this what it meant to suffer from success?

Yet he slumped his hand and pat Claydol on the head, before returning it to its ball.

"I'm sorry... I thought it would help." Howard's Golurk appeared, awfully cramped within the cave. Suddenly, the Golurk's fist became engulfed in ice. With a gentle tap, the water was frozen. There! He was helping! Looking at both paths, Howard scratched his chin thoughtfully. Darkness or water? He could freeze water, but his Golurk was heavy. He checked his Pokemon.

Ghost. Psychic. Flying. He looked towards the cave filled with ominous shadows.


He checked his belt again. Rock. Rock. Rock. He looked towards the cave filled with water.


Sheepishly stuffing as many coins into his pocket as possible, Howard began walking towards the scary path. He was not afraid of the dark. He wasn't! He was afraid of what was inside the dark. Maybe he could hide behind and . He gave a watery thumbs up as he trudged past.

Man. He had been super cool, but at what cost? What was coolness if you violated the Geneva Convention? Maybe he could atone by throwing himself in the water and drowning himself.

"We're gonna get so many likes on the internets after this." He told Shred as an attempt to bolster morale.

Picking the DARK path (Path 2)
"I'm based... but at what cost?"
Freezing water with Golurk's Ice Punch.
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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
894 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 23:08:36 GMT
Shred Avatar
As soon as Grigori loosens his grip on your phone, you immediately snatch it back, like an overeager child stealing a pack of Pokemon cards. And, despite his request and/or warning, you immediately turn around to review the footage. As you watch the plainly shot video depicting your controversial combination attack, a single thought lingers in your mind.

Holy SHIT, you are so fucking cool. You definitely have a chance.


Eventually, the Pokedollar signs fade from your eyes, and you snap back to reality. What are people talking about? Something something, splitting up, something something, two paths, something something, kill more aliens? That seems like the gist of it, anyway. It seems like Howard and Grigori are going to follow along with the majority, along with the bear, and all the people who hate your guts for daring to inconveinence them... Hm. Not a tempting prospect. Lucky for you, you're dubiously a contrarian, obviously a bad decision maker, and undeniably averse to the consequences of your actions.

"Alright fellas, we'll hit this one like a seven-ten split." You declare to the members of Team Griwarred (NAME STILL PENDING), as though that's a real saying that people actually say. "You two take one tunnel, I'll take the other tunnel, and together, we'll get to the bottom of this mystery. After that? That's when the money rolls in."

And just like that, without a word of further explanation, you're already walking towards the bright and wet path. Well, formerly wet, now icy. Nice of Howard to spare you the trouble of setting up those screens, though! After Making It Rain that much, Chester C. Coins is probably...

 "...Chester, what are you doing?"

"SHHH! Keep it down, chap." The doll whispers, still as a rock. "Haven't you heard the chit-chat? These people aren't too fond of me after our joint venture with the Crumble Corporation! Why, if they get their hands on me, they'll probably sentence me to the guillotine there and then!"

"Yeah, someone's REALLY going to assassinate YOU, of all people..." You grumble. Playing along, you bend down to pick up the Substitute, and almost throw your back out in the proces. Despite how light and fluffy it looks, it's still got all the weight of a Gholdengo. Lucky for you, he shed a good few pounds and pennies during the fight, or you'd be dragging him across the floor right now. Instead, you can just barely manage to pick him up in your arms, like a box full of bricks, or an overweight Purrloin. "Just keep quiet, alright? I'll make sure nobody murders you, you little weirdo."

And so, you scurry along down the first path, over the frozen water, and into what lies ahead.

TL;DR - Gholdengo uses Substitute, Shred goes down Path 1, and abandons his allies to be a hipster.
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,754 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 23:59:21 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]A sigh of relief escaped Rowan's mouth as the violence came to an end, seemingly with everyone relatively unscathed. "You okay, Eris?" He called out to , eyes searching for the others he'd been worried about. was in good company with the young historian, offering his sister a small nod and smile to ensure her that he wouldn't have let anything serious happen to her, factions or disguises be damned. [break][break]

"How about you, Aidan?" His gaze rested upon the other Rocket that didn't want him dead, offering a small smirk towards "Who's the mud boy now?" Rowan winked.[break][break]

Any sense of joviality drained from Rowan the moment he saw approach, instinctively resting a hand on the short-sword at his hip. His training with the blade was fledgling, but Tempest didn't know that. "Tempest." He responded, actively attempting not to dead-name them out of spite in order to keep the air between them amicable.[break][break]

What came next, Rowan didn't expect. An eyebrow rose at the proposition, eyes slowly turning downwards toward their extended hand. For a brief moment, he saw the old Temp. The man that made him laugh in that cargo container, the one he knew would make his brother happy, 's true love. Perhaps it was this sentimental memory, or possibly the rapid maturing he'd done the last few months, but Rowan took their hand in his own with a firm grip. [break][break]

"Don't make me regret this." A warning, but perhaps something else. An extension of his trust, a chance at forgiveness? Rowan didn't know for sure, but the mixed emotions of the moment made his stomach churn with unease. Instinctively, eyes flicked to for reaction.[break][break]

As the Ludicolo trotted back to Rowan's side, the trainer turned towards the area behind them, at 's request. "Bolero, can you help?" A verdant aura pulled in energy from their surroundings as the Ludicolo shook and shimmied with a soft dance. After a few moments, they unleashed the energy in the form of NATURE POWER, looking to create an eruption of EARTH POWER in an attempt to collapse the path behind them and delay reinforcements.[break][break]

"Shall we?" He asked Tempest Quinn.[break][break]


  • Checked on Eris, Aidan and Lulu.
  • Approached by Temp, accepted temporary truce.
  • LUCICOLO used NATURE POWER as EARTH POWER attempting to collapse the path behind them, slowing reinforcements.
  • Going down PATH ONE.


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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 2:04:13 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


Noel was purposely pacing himself back more away from the rest of the group, more specifically and . He wanted to sneakily follow his way in whatever path the pair were going to take. He thought to himself how he couldn't afford them to do anymore dangerous stunts such as the Gholdengo and Claydol fiasco. In an effort to protect himself and the others around him, he releases his Hisuian Goodra to walk alongside him, ready to act as a Shelter with its shell in case anything were to come their way or from the dreaded duo.[break][break]

Yet in front of him came a fork in the road and not only that, the ones he had been tailing this whole time decided to take different paths. He watched as the two started walking in opposite directions and for a few seconds debated on which he himself should take. Deciding that the owner of the Gholdengo was the more deadly he follows behind, still far enough for him to hopefully not detect Noel. He would be sure to protect his allies as best he could from whatever peril may come their way.

[attr="class","notes"]Heads towards Path 1 to follow Shred and will do his best to protect the party from whatever may happen.[break][break]
Hisuian Goodra will use Shelter if anything happens along the way.

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,726 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 2:50:34 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

’s eyes were met, and she was glad to see him alright. however, her gaze quickly fell away. amongst others, they did not know each other.[break][break]

”i felt nauseous too,” she nodded to . uh oh. ”fake nihilego… i hope you’re right.”[break][break]

the girl ran off, predictably. lulu followed a few paces, not to chase her down, but to join her in inspecting the shiny machines. they had been colleagues once.[break][break]

as she studied, her ears were open. she listened to ’s questionable plan, as he looted alien jaws nearby. listened to others as they speculated about the spaceship. she did not contribute.[break][break]

catching the handshake out of the corner of her eye, her head then snapped in the direction of and . it should have been heartwarming. she should have been smiling. instead, rowan would find her staring back with shock and concern.[break][break]

the league had mostly gathered towards the other path. was this temp’s attempt at leading rowan into an ambush? he was smarter than that, right?[break][break]

”eris...” she would not ask her to join them towards light set by megalopolans, into a situation that looked like it might go south even without further enemy attack. ”i suggest you go with .”[break][break]

she met the former elite four’s eyes carefully, wondering what he was thinking. as parties began to depart, her gaze fell away. a pokeball released her shadow alakazam, and she turned to follow her own.[break]

• inspects shiny machines with eris[break]
• stares at temp and rowan, unsure what to do or think about their alliance[break]
• suggests eris go to path 2 cause area 1 team bout to die one way or another[break]
releases shadow alakazam[break]
• goes with path 1 group[break][break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-houndoom"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-genesect"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-alakazam"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
457 posts
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 3:08:05 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori returned to the main group, which looked to be on their way down the dark path. And when Shred announced his intentions, he groaned. “Mr. Shred, that seems like a terrible idea. Don’t you think it best to earn the goodwill of your–

Too late. The man already trudged towards the path less traveled by. For no good reason. Light and illumination were cold comforts if you couldn’t swim. Or if something or someone pulled you underneath and held you there long enough. And considering the experience nearly all of them had in the last few minutes…

And he carried around a Substitute that strained his muscles and would surely throw out his back if he didn’t stop lifting with it. A vein on Grigori's forehead bulged, but he barely managed to hold back a slew of insults. A twinge of shame joined the vein on his head.

Only a twinge, though. It was still, in his eyes, an incredibly foolish idea.

Do not fret, Mr. Howard,” Grigori attempted to comfort the one of the two who seemed capable of serious remorse. “I’m sure you had good intentions. Maybe save the move for a more advantageous scenario? A greater ratio of enemy to ally?

Hopefully, the dark path they started down was not paved with these good intentions.

Also," Grigori leaned closer and whispered into Howard's ear, "speaking of internet fame, remind me to have Shred delete that video. Or encrypt it. I’m sure you understand the reasons, yes?” 

Team Rocket was the sole reason. Safety hazard. Surely a shame for the pair, as their attack had been mildly amusing in the moments before it started to hit their companions. And their Pokémon. Then HIS Pokémon. Messy affair. But not nearly as messy as them getting an exclusive meeting with Declan Walsh in the privacy of his remote office, with convenient access to a trash chute that lead right into the massive dumpster in the bowels of their headquarters.


 - Tells Shred he is a fucking idiot but does not actually try to stop him
 - Attempts to comfort Howard a little
 - Also tells Howard their attack is a safety risk to their identities and they should make sure the video of it never sees the light of day
 - Still has all those Missing Persons Posters as they follow the Ursaluna onto the Dark Path
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Forty Five
March 26
Castelia City, Unova
Musical Artist
I'm just a holy fool
32 posts
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TAG WITH @ambrosia
Ambrose Hendrix
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 3:12:20 GMT
Ambrose Hendrix Avatar
Osborne's pulsing wave of darkness was a success, freeing both himself and his master! Ambrose ripped himself away from the demon jelly as it crumbled under the shockwave, landing on the ground with the grace of a youthful swan. The rock star stood up fully, unleashing an melodic roar normally used to invoke the Metal Gods during a concert. This was his battle cry, a declaration of all out war against the enemy! Ambrose prepared to brawl--only to realize that his enemies were mostly taken care lf already.

Vicious gold coins had split most of these mysterious blue bastards into splinters, meaning there would be no need for Ambrose's battle prowess that for sure exists and is not just in his head. As a few stray coins rolled his way, Ambrose decided that his efforts would be better spent--raising some funds. He began to greedily gather the stray coins, stuffing them in his pockets as he giggled with glee. Osborne observed his master's boorish scrounging and huffed, slowly picking up a few coins for himself. You never know when you might need them.

As the battle came to a close, so did Ambrose and Osborne's hunt for currency. As they looked up, they quickly realized that the search party was shuffling down two separate paths--one dark and one not so dark. Ambrose was unsure which way to go, both ways seemed just terrible. However, his mind would be made up as he saw a certain talkative stranger from before walking into one of the paths. Ambrose grinned fiendishly, motioning for Osborne to follow. There was still a chance to have some fun.

--Ambrose and Osborne gather up what coins they can. Never say no to a payday.
--Ambrose goes down Path 1, following the string of fate connecting himself and
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing