i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
808 height
808 height
39,523 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 6:50:09 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]BLOOD, MUD & IRON



Field (Late Night) - Pokémon Legends: Arceus


THE WEATHER INSTITUTE has announced a BLOOD MOON for this fateful night. However, rain & fog have been forecasted to roll into the area, threatening to obfuscate dangerous stretches of swamp and the unforgiving thicket that faces the parties hunting what the media has dubbed the Bloodmoon Beast. It is already raining and foggy by the time you all arrive.[break][break]

To make matters more dire, missing reports of several civilians have been dispatched:[break]
From left to right:[break]
Spencer Modell, male, 74 | Junichi Sato, male, 29 | Minako Sato, female, 28

The missing persons were last sighted in the area around nightfall, several weeks ago. Local authorities have asked that should any intel about their whereabouts be found, to report to your local Ranger's outpost or police immediately.[break][break]

There are TWO PATHS into the wetland that your characters will be able to enter from:

YOU MUST CHOOSE which starting area you'd like your characters to start in: Starting Area 1 or Starting Area 2.


SHOULD YOUR CHARACTER DECIDE TO ENTER VIA STARTING AREA 1, they would see a rickety wooden bridge crossing a stretch of swamp to the east. Ancient swamp trees and stilt grass smother the muddy earth. On tree branches, SEEDOT huddle together to hide from the rain.[break][break]

This area is more open and less constricted by the surrounding wood. As the rain graces the ground, your noses are struck by the musk of petrichor. Though you are surrounded by your fellow investigators, you can not help but feel like your every move is being watched by something... or someone.


SHOULD YOUR CHARACTER DECIDE TO ENTER VIA STARTING AREA 2, they would find themselves funneled into a cramped area of the wetland. Swamp White Oak grow among skunk cabbage and thick grasses. A LOTAD spies you from a small pond, its eyes hovering just above the murky waterline.[break][break]

Grime and muck cakes your shoes, raising the earthen smell to your nostrils. Ahead, a muddy path created overtime by hikers ascends a small hill. However, the fog has begun to weave in between the trees like ghostly scarves. Though you are surrounded by your fellow investigators, you can not help but feel like your every move is being watched by something... or someone.




  • directly approach/interact/converse with other characters.
  • [break]
  • provide compelling openings for other characters to interact.
  • [break]
  • prepare for the rainy weather/wear appropriate gear.
  • [break]
  • reflect on what your characters may know; have them theorize about what is going on.
  • [break]
  • investigate the area.
  • [break]




  • [break]
  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • [break]
  • please WRITE IN YOUR NOTES IN BOLD WHICH AREA your character is in.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling lies upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • more rules may be specified later on.
  • [break]


POST BY[break][break]SEPTEMBER 17TH, 11:59PM PST.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
2,245 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 7:09:47 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Frankly, if Howard had been stuck on Route 119, he would've let himself get announced as missing too. It was far better than confessing that you were within a thirty kilometer radius of the Weather Institute.

Howard hated meteorologists.

The archaeologist's western explorer aesthetic made him stick out like a sore thumb, especially given the fact that his backpack towered over him and was complete with everything that someone needed to survive in the Hoennese wilderness. Sleeping bags, iodine, crackers, and a mountain of trail mix that would allow Howard to feast for hours.

"I'll show them! I'll show everyone!" Howard muttered loudly as he ate a slice of beef jerky. Delicious, for 7 PD a piece. "I'm gonna prove that this is an ancient relative to modern Ursaring!"

Howard had a few other theories, but historians were good at one thing: latching onto their own theory and continuously bleating until people universally agreed that they were correct. He'd confirm that this bear existed, he'd get the money he was promised, and then he'd continue his study on ancient funeral urns.

A faultless plan. Howard eyed a Lotad floating in a pond and tossed it a scrap of jerky. An offering for what lied ahead.

Area 2
Notes: Overprepared Howard! Feeding Lotads, talking to himself loudly. @area2squad

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 7:14:38 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the rain pours it belts against the material of a tarp as its set up where the group came in to give them a bit of cover from the pouring rain. Kazimir had offered to help set it up to give them a sort of makeshift base that they could use while searching out in these neck of the woods. With the way the weather was acting up it was probably needed more now than ever. "And...done!"

Plunging the final stake into the ground the tall man wiped his brow despite the rest of his body being soaked, "That outta keep us dry mostly. And it should be nice cover if our missing folks find us instead." That was wishful thinking but someone on the team needed to be optimistic and keep up the team morale.

While he was busy making sure their little plastic shelter was set up he looked back at his Urshifu who was standing on the wooden bridge facing the open plain in front of them. His fur was completely drenched but the stern look in his eye didn't seem all that too bothered by it. Instead they just kept focused on the woods around them, scanning them to try and detect anything that might be out there whether it be their missing people or this supposed beast that was out there hungry for blood.

Because this bear was hungry for some bloodthirsty beast jerky.


    [*] starting out in starting area 1!
    [*] setting up a tarp and shelter to keep everyone dry!
    [*] Domon the Urshifu is using detect to scan the area!

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
562 posts
aaron faust DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @aaron
aaron faust
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 8:07:41 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
's jerky attracts more than just lotads. wide-eyed and reverent, a pikachu sidles up through the mud beside the archaeologist, discreet as a neon sign. she wants a piece — no, she wants the whole bag. her chest lowers to the muck, poised to jump, only to be shocked out of it by the sound of her trainer's voice: [break][break]
"don't you dare fucking do it!"
aaron stomps around the perimeter of the pond, mud sucking at his shoes, and sweeps up his pokemon before she can do irreparable harm to the weirdly-dressed guy muttering to himself and to his stash of jerky, which aaron notices with a wishful, lingering glance as he straightens back up.[break][break]
"sorry, bro," he says nonchalantly, seemingly immune to the way his pikachu tries to wrestle out of his grasp. her claws scrabble against his raincoat impotently as he sizes up his fellow beast hunter. he looks a little too prepared to spend the rest of his life out here.
[break][break]"you here for the moonblood beast, too?"[break][break]
[attr="class","annalooc"] + starting area 2 [break]
+ aaron and his pikachu bother [break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,504 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 8:50:32 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

her disguise was simple but drastic in effect. an old wig from the star soiree returned her to something ironically natural, and she could have easily been ’s twin if not for their years apart.[break][break]

as she poked around, she listened to conversations between raindrops. one familiar voice stood out when she nearly passed by. a quick glance was all it took to recognize the owner as  .[break][break]

mud squelched under her boots as she began to cut the distance–but then there was a pikachu that beat her there, and a stranger () cursing loudly after it. immediately pivoting, she opted to move on, hoping neither of them had noticed her change her mind.[break][break]

nearby, djall the houndoom trotted through puddles, nose low. odor sleuth was powerful, but so was the obscuring force of the rain. it was a race to what clues might be left.[break][break]

• starting at area 2[break]
• wearing blonde wig as disguise[break]
• begins to approach but changes her mind when beats her there[break]
• houndoom is out and using odor sleuth[break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-houndoom"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-genesect"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-alakazam"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ teravolt edm artist ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
673 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 10:31:35 GMT

Feeling the glimmering droplets of the rain against her tattoed cheeks, Desiree found herself accompanied by two familiar faces, and - she found solace in the fact that there would be others looking to quell the oddities that she already acquainted with, even through the anxieties that bubbled within. A gentle tug at the fluffy puffer jacket's hood would cause it to release once her curious footsteps and wish to take a small break from the downpour led her and her accompanying Hatterene under the tarp, lighting up a cigarette just close enough for to be in earshot.[break][break]

"Thank you for setting this up, it'll be nice for some calm before the blood moon's storm ♡~" She'd smile, flickering her remnants of ash. Not straying too far from her trainer, the whimsical Hatterene would appear serious amidst the rainfall; her beading eyes would look out into the winding branches of the ancient trees, looking for something of a peculiar nature. It was as if she was trying to be the perceptive witch in the background of the perceptive fighter Urshifu, hat and all.[break][break]

Shooting the stranger a curious glance, followed by those that she'd traveled with, she'd clasp her hands together. "Shall we talk about what everyone knows, what everyone thinks? ♡ Assuming you're here due to the rumors and theories online about tonight, oh the grim nature of it all, hm. I've only heard accounts of this supposed beast's evil hurt it's afflicted on those in the community, but I can't help but wonder- is there something causing it to act this way, like a parasite of nature, or could it just be one with chaos? I mean, if it actually is real."[break][break]

Desiree's words sounded poetic accompanied by such a Kalosian accent, but worry and fear would be woven within delicately. A hope to learn more, to prepare more while the sun's rays still painted the crying skies.



- arrives at area 1 after traveling with and [break]
- approaches under the tarp alongside her hatterene[break]
- gives thanks as hatterene tries to perceive their surroundings[break]
- expresses wonder if the monstrous pokemon is under the influence of an intervenous psychological phenomenon and to hear any other hunches to anyone in earshot!



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played by


October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,547 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 11:27:39 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Joining Desiree and Vanilla was the former member of the Elite Four, Thomas Benoit. With rain rolling off of his hooded raincoat, the Kalosian's expression remained as stern and focused as ever. Admittedly, he wasn't exactly comfortable with Vanilla or Desiree putting themselves in this sort of danger, but he couldn't exactly dissuade them, either. He figured the best way to make sure they were safe, and to sate his own curiosity, was to join them.

Thomas would follow the pink-haired woman to the tent. Behind him was his Ceruledge, Mordred. The black knight looked up at the rainy sky in visible irritation.

"Kazimir, good to see you again.", Thomas greeted the Pokkenger, offering the musclebound man a fistbump. As Desiree and Vanilla would find out, the two were very familiar with one another.

Thomas silently listened as Desiree shared her own speculation about the situation at hand.

"I have to wonder if this has something to do with the recent Megalopolan sightings. Rather than using Pokeballs to tame their Pokemon, they use Nihilego and Naganadel-family Neurotoxins to subjugate them. Could well be the case, whether this is some kind of guerilla warfare campaign on their part, or an attempt to subjugate a Wild Pokemon gone wrong.", he'd add.

He'd flash open a bag containing syringes with Antidote contained within.

"Kaz, were you able to access any reports on the damage caused by the perpetrator?", Thomas inquired. He figured the Ranger among them would have access to such information. But if anyone else had that intel on hand, he'd gladly hear them out.

notes: Thomas is starting in Area 1
Thomas arrives with Desiree and Vanilla
Thomas joins Desiree to greet Kazimir
Thomas greets Kazimir warmly
Thomas offers his speculation, while showing he brought Antidote
Thomas asks Kazimir if he accessed any reports
Ceruledge stands guard

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Ji-Won Ki
April 8th
Cerulean City, Kanto
You'll need it
like a craving
5'8 height
5'8 height
Maybe somehow I came off too strong to you~
218 posts
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TAG WITH @tori
Victoria Beckett
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 13:13:26 GMT
Victoria Beckett Avatar

More people were here than she initially thought it would be. [break][break]

Of course, she was aware that of the bounty for capturing the dangerous pokémon in the area, hell Rocket had their own plans for being here as well. It was just that Tori hadn't expected so many willing bodies to show up to a supposed 'danger zone'. Perhaps there were more likeminded individuals in Hoenn than she thought. [break][break]

Plus, money was always a good motivator. [break][break]

Speaking of which, she'd heard word that her friend would be here too. She'd have to find her later. The area she had chosen to venture through was crowded with flora and brush. Victoria pulled her hood lower over her head to help shield from the steady rain. Mud caked and coated her boots as she slushed her way through the swamp with other 'investigators' in tow. She spied some familiar faces despite the disguise, like , who was sneaking away from a stranger () who was talking to himself. In fact, she looked an awful lot like her friend now that she got a better look.[break][break]

Tori also distanced herself from the noise, she felt a little on edge because it felt like eyes were on her but she wasn't exactly sure form where. Regardless, she quickly made her way towards , opting to stick near familiar faces. "Mind if I hang with you?" she spoke softly as she neared the scientist. "I'm Tori." she softly introduced herself.[break][break]

She'd never interacted with her before but she had heard plenty of things, mostly gossips, from grunts and the like. Especially since some pertained information about her father, . Nearby Osiris kept a close watch on their surroundings. It would seem he was just as on edge as his trainer. He preemptively used QUICK GUARD on them just for added secruity.

[attr="class","tag"]blood, mud, & iron


𓆩♡𓆪 starting from area 2[break]
𓆩♡𓆪 tl;dr:[break]
- Tori feels like she's being watched[break]
- Wants to stay away from loud noises but opts for grouping up instead of being alone. Interacts with [break]
- Her Lucario is on edge too, uses QUICK GUARD on Tori & Lulu's small party as safety measure.[break]

𓆩♡𓆪 tactical gear w/ hood & mask



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[newclass=".tori1 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".tori1 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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the crimson dragon
january 19th
pyrite town, orre
6’7” height
6’7” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
118 posts
ryker hayes DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @ryker
ryker hayes
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 14:15:05 GMT
ryker hayes Avatar

[attr="class","header"]RATHER BE THE HUNTER THAN THE PREY


Hunting for some beast wasn't the way he thought he would be spending his night. When he had heard about the reports, he had been quick to add his name to the list of those who were going to investigate. Any Pokémon that could cause that much havoc had to be incredibly powerful, and he was curious about what kind of Pokémon could cause so much destruction. Perhaps anything he found out would be useful to Team Rocket.
He didn't care where he ended up, so he chose a path at random. Now that he was standing around, he took in his surroundings. He could see a swamp not too far to the east, and luckily there seemed to be a bridge that crossed over it, because he didn't want to wade through any swamps.
As he heard a group of people conversing nearby, his attention momentarily drifted away from the scenery and to the people. The small group was huddled in the shelter that one guy had set up. Two of them seemed to be already familiar with each other, but that wasn't what had drawn his attention. It was the woman's voice that had caught his attention.
Considering their purpose for being out there and the weather, he felt the woman was a bit too cheerful. Or maybe that was just him. Trying to converse with so many people wasn't exactly what he would call fun, so he decided to return his attention to their surroundings. He would keep watch while they conversed. At least someone should keep watch.
It wasn't like it would be much of a problem. The green raincoat he wore with the hood up would ensure he didn't get soaked to the bone. Besides the raincoat, he was also wearing rain boots, which he didn't really care for. But it was better to be prepared than comfortable. Rain boots had just never been a shoe he had been comfortable with.
Realizing he had let his mind drift, he mentally shook himself. Now was not the time to let his guard down. What they were out there for could be closer than they thought. He had a feeling of being watched, and not by the Gallade that stood by his side either. Then again, Ares wasn't looking at him anyway, more interested in helping him keep lookout and staring out at the scenery.
Although the fact that he had altered his appearance a bit might be the reason for his partner Pokémon's lack of attention to him, he hadn't done much. He had just used non-prescription contacts to change his eyes from amber to green as a safety precaution. He had opted not to do anything with his hair, considering the fact that he planned on keeping his hood up the whole time.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + •Is starting in Area 1[break]
•Notices the small group consisting of , , but doesn’t approach[break]
•Decides to stand watch with his Gallade[break]
•Open to interaction



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 14:18:37 GMT
Deleted Avatar
elliot wasn't used to such severe weather. sure he had his share of helping out on the farm in the rain. but out here it was a bit too much. he wasn't under the watchful gaze of his father he helped secure the barn doors during a storm. instead, he was knee deep in thick, consuming, mud. being belted by powerful rainfall. with nothing but his appropriate weather attire to help stave off the uncomfortableness of the marsh. [break][break]he was not the only one out here of course. there were plenty of people here to help out. but it did not soothe the feeling of iciness in his gut. like someone dropped a nevermelting ice stone in the pits of his stomach. perhaps it was just his nerves of his first ever mission? he couldn't quite say. but he hoped the feeling went away soon. to help cope with his feelings of restlessness, he kept his newest partner: a whismiscott beside him. hoping it's presence would soothe his fears and sudden worries. if, only.
something was wrong. something was here. he couldn't tell what or where. but he felt like he was being watched. eyeing his surroundings he notices a familiar face. one of the people who inspired him to become a ranger. even if it was by accident. he wanted to do good and help pokemon and people alike. so thomas was a good push in the direction of his career choice. however, he opted out on speaking to the man. and instead kept a bit further away. a bit shy and a bit nervous.
that being said, elliot kept an alert look. noticing only the seedot who made their homes in the trees. no danger yet. but how long would it last?

[attr="class","annalooc"] + starting in area 1 [break]
+ chilling with his whimiscott[break]
notices but doesn't approach due to sudden nerves.

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @elliot

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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niko, nikki
august 26
mossdeep city
data entry lackey
rising star
by the time i awoke, i had become a poisonous insect
86 posts
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TAG WITH @nikola
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 18:51:00 GMT
is this a group of investigators, or a search party? nikola heard about the people who have disappeared, and though there's some concern for them faintly in their head, they're mostly focused on discovering the cause. treat the disease itself, not the symptoms, they figure. they've followed other people to area 2, and they gaze around at the strangers nearby. their umbreon is at their side, lighting the way with her faint blue glow. if only i had a pokemon who knew defog... it's getting harder and harder to see.

as they're walking, they trip over a tree branch and fall face-first into the muck with a startled yelp. the ground squelches underneath them; they're uninjured, but their glasses are covered in mud and they can't see even after they pick themself up off the ground. nikola lets out a pathetic little whine and tries to clean the lens on their jacket, but... their jacket is muddy too.

luna, their umbreon, noses at them. "does anybody have something i can use to clean my glasses...?" nikola calls out into the fog.
nikola is in AREA 2.
they've tripped and gotten all muddy.
their shiny umbreon is with them.
they're asking if anyone can help clean their glasses.

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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
782 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
Shred Zeppelin
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 19:35:11 GMT
Shred Zeppelin Avatar
It's a long trudge to get where you need to go, and in weather as bad as this, it feels even longer. You're soaked by rain from head to toe, and you're splattered in mud from toe to head. It's really put a damper on your mood, y'know? These are hardly the kind of conditions you want to be monster hunting in. It's harshing your vibes.

But, hey, you can't really complain. Not with the crazy check you'll be cashing if you manage to bag this beast. And that's just the payout for the bounty! You've already got a whole elaborate plan for how to escalate that higher: First a few dozen media appearances, then a few dozen more sponsorship deals, and finally ending on a cushy TV show that'll pay you more than you're worth. Then the licensing fees for your likeness will start coming in, and then you'll REALLY be in the green.

At least, that's the idea, anyway. You've got to find the thing first before you can profit off it. To that end, you've "recruited" to act as your "assistant" in this endeavour. With his brains, his brawn, and your complete lack of scruples, you'll be done here in no time.

Or, you would be, if it wasn't for all this walking. The damned bastard taxi driver wouldn't take his shitty cab all the way into the wetlands, so you've been walking for the past thirty minutes straight. Fucking asshole. Doesn't he know you need all the stamina you can get for this monster hunt?

"Gregory, are we there yet?"

TL;DR: Shred walks and whines with to Area 1.
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Ranger Cadet
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,532 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 20:48:43 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Since most of the other rangers were going to be taking part in investigating for the missing civilians last sighted around the wetlands around nightfall. On top of the blood moon being present for the night, rain and fog were going to be a little tiresome to deal with. The fog, especially, could make it harder to see where she would be going. “I would hope the Bloodmoon Beast from the media reports wouldn’t be difficult to deal with if we have to go through this rain and fog.” The royal ambassador makes some talk with her personal bodyguard when she would come over to the swamp.[break][break]

Lysithea floats beside her as the Gastly notes that there were others in the group who appeared to be fellow investigators already there in the vicinity. “Nevertheless, I do think we should stick together. Your protection is always needed, Sir Osmond.” Elise spoke again to the red-headed knight since she did feel safer with him around. There were several others in the other group that she was familiar with Vanilla as a little sister figure and Thomas being there too. [break][break]

Josh would've suggested that she should bring a mount with her for easy travel, so the royal ambassador brought along her Absol. Her Mismagius was a good option for another fighter in case there was danger since Mana was one of her most strongest Pokemon out of her team. Sayori's mega evolution made her speed a lot more faster too.[break][break]

did give her some homework to read through as study material, so she brings out her smartphone to read through the drops of rain hitting her body, arms and legs. Maybe this wasn't the best time, but Elise wasn't about to make Howard upset if she didn't go through the study material that he sent through his email.

@bloodmudiron [break][break]


- Makes some small talk with while they've arrived to Area 1.[break]
- Just chilling with her Gastly.[break]
- Notices and are there but doesn't talk much with them yet.[break]
- She's also reading the study material Howard gave her on her smartphone.



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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
340 posts
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 22:07:03 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
If it weren’t for the conditions of their environment, the fact that he found out about this through Shred hoping to 'make bank', or how they had walked for long enough to nearly kill his good mood, Gregori would’ve been a lot happier given the task.

Rarely did the opportunity to do good AND not step on the ever-present toes of his association arise. Even better when the thing he had to intervene in didn’t involve a person. His heart went out to the victims of this dastardly bear, but it was too late for them. Now it was critical they find the newest round of missing people.

And equipped with tall rubber boots, at least his feet only contended with the thick sweat that built up from a hike through the bog. The positives were important. “Mr. Shred, I’m afraid my answer is still the same as it was two minutes ago: We’ll arrive when we do.

That wasn’t a lie. They would very much arrive to the small search party in time. However, he was sure they’d taken a wrong turn along the way. Or went straight when they weren’t supposed to. And with Shred, he couldn’t reveal that his capabilities for travel without a GPS were… poor, to say the least.

Shred would call him the ‘result of a failed chainsaw-lobotomy’, and he wasn’t about to be yelled at when he'd need the strength for when they did find their target. Maybe he should’ve brought a map to this thing after all.

The rain made the consideration a moot one. It’d just get ruined in the rainfall, which the grunt had no protection from. Oh, to be a Seedot that huddled for cover underneath the leaves above. “The search party wouldn't leave without accounting for all the members that signed up, right Mr. Shred? That would just be disastrous, given the circumstances.

 - Grigori and Shred approach Area 1.
 - However, they are lost as fuck. Unable to find the main group (we are going to get jump scared by freddy fazbear)


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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,102 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 22:47:11 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The blood moon rises once again
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Despite her good intentions and best attempts, it turned out Aurelie was still quite bad at reading maps with only one good eye. Especially hard-to-read maps that had been folded and crinkled one too many times. Even more so when she and the map were both being soaked in a downpour.

Having learned from past missions and adventures to come prepared, the red-haired smith arrived at Route 119 with the dripping map in one hand, a backpack of supplies (granola bars, a canteen of water, news accounts of the rampaging Pokemon, a tiny first-aid kit, and of course, several knives of her own design), and a machete in the other hand. She'd forged the machete herself especially for this search, with a 14-inch curved blade of 1075 high-carbon steel and a sturdy handle of polished walnut. With it in her hand, Aurelie felt utterly confident in her ability to hack away at any jungle vines, branches, and general vegetation that might stand in her way of finding the so-called Bloodmoon Beast.

So of course, she stumbled through pouring rain and squishing mud onto a hill overlooking a cramped area of the wetland, where a muddy path led to a pond filled with Lotad. Aurelie looked wildly at the map, whose ink was already running, and back at her surroundings. Where was the rickety bridge? Or the densely thicketed wood full of ancient swamp trees that she'd prepared for?

Somewhere in an entirely different part of Route 119, evidently.

"I swear to Arceus, someday I'm going to learn to not be an idiot and read a damn map," Aurelie muttered aloud in annoyance. Eyeing the aforesaid map, she grumbled, "You are no help to me at all. And you..."

She looked down ruefully at her machete and then at the swamp oaks in the distance and shrugged. "We'll just have to see, I guess."

For now, Aurelie decided she should figure out if she was at least in somewhere near the right place or not. With the obscuring rain and her clearly questionable navigation skills, she didn't want to find out she was nowhere near where the murderous Pokemon was said to be hiding. Squinting her uncovered eye, she saw and lingering near the pond of Lotad.

Without a second thought, she started boldly walking toward them, squelching through the muck and grime with a grimace. As soon as she was within hailing distance, she paused to try futilely to scrape mud off her boots onto a nearby fallen log. "Hey," she called out in a low voice to the two figures.

"I think I may have gotten lost in all this rain and taken a wrong turn—or several wrong turns, probably—somewhere along the way," she said with a wry, self-effacing chuckle. "Uh, can you tell me if I'm at least generally in the right place? This is Route 119, right? Where the Bloodmoon Beast's supposed to be?"


- Arrives in AREA 2
- Wearing button-down shirt, cargo pants, boots, and sunglasses (Outfit ref) and carrying machete
- Sucks at navigating and got lost in the swamp, but at least manages to arrive in one piece
- Asks and if she's at least in the right route

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay