i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,864 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 3:17:20 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar



Their friends were saved... But the battle was far from over as the zombies had run off and the strange jellyfish creatures had burst into sparkling shimmers, leaving them alone in the cavern. They were going to pursue the real problem now, knowing that the Ursaluna removed was not the cause for what had happened here. There was much more going on, and Yuina, like the others, were here to get to the bottom of it.[break]
Relieved to see that her friends and were alright, Daikenki had moved back to Yuina's side, shimmering in sparkling blue energy as the Ursaluna chose to remain close to . In that quick, quiet moment while everyone was trying to make sure that the rest of their party was alright, Yuina held out the medical corps patch she had again, comparing it to the one that was wrapped in the Ursaluna's fur.[break][break]
"This uniform... You're not a wild Pokemon... Did this, does this, uniform belong to your human," she wondered aloud, looking up to the bear, it wasn't aggressive at all, it seemed very comfortable now around the group of humans, that didn't speak to being a wild Pokemon at all. Daikenki was ready to take charge over the Ursaluna removed, having noted its familiar scent, for he himself was not that far removed from a time-space distortion, how recent had one happened in the area?[break]
Moving forward was the only way that they were going to put any of this to rest, so as Daikenki's terastal energy glowed and shimmered, hopefully casting a little bit of light in the dark tunnel, Yuina followed along with the group of faces that she did recognize in and others.[break][break]
"Sticking together is the only way we're getting out of this now. There's way too many different threats around here. Except for our friend now," Yuina nodded, looking again to the Ursaluna removed, still wondering why it looked so much different from the image she could put in her minds eye? She was also still wondering how she really knew what an Ursaluna was to begin with, and why the swatch of tattered fabric she held still seemed more than just familiar to her...[break]
"I thought those... Things, those jellyfish things and those... zombies were only in the other ultra dimension... At least that's where they should stay...," Yuina shuttered, having visited a handful of places in that other dimension, and she didn't want more of the monsters that lay in wait in those desolate places to find their way here...

Yuina is Taking Path 2![break]
Daikenki the H!Samurott is active and still Terastalized in Water Type[break]
Yuina is following along with , , and the others that have formed a little group[break]
She especially wants to stay close to the Ursaluna removed, and tries to present her found Medical Corps Patch to the Ursaluna to see if it recognizes it? Is it part of the same uniform? Did it belong to the Ursaluna's human? Daikenki ensures the Ursaluna that they will continue to keep it safe[break]
Yuina is careful walking along the path, keeping a hold of Daikenki and stepping carefully trying not to trip over the vegetation that grows along the walls. Daikenki glows some with Tera Energy and maybe lights up the tunnel in a little sparkling blue?[break]


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,236 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 3:42:05 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Unlike , only gets himself a shy nod in response, her eyes glazing over his appearance and determining that he's... probably not that hurt? He makes somewhat of an interesting choice to join in the water (something about the waters must be nice), and for a moment, she wonders if that's because he's believing in that ceasefire that comes whenever they get into horrible situations like this. Temp sure doesn't seem like the kind to pull tricks. After all, he's got waiting for him back home. It'd be pretty stupid to go out dying to megalopolans in some dark, dank cave like this.[break][break]

Oh, but the suggestion to stick with is met with somewhat of a sour look. Not because she doesn't like him or anything, she barely knows the man other than the fact he has a whole bunch of Audinos. That and he almost arrested her once... and he has one of the scarier resting faces that she's seen around the region.[break][break]

There comes a thought, that maybe if anyone goes crazy because of the bad touch™, she'd really doesn't want to be standing next to him.[break][break]

And so she'll skitter off, thinking of maybe heading towards but instead veering a little off path when she sees in pain. Wiping whatever water and muck residing on her palm on her shirt, she'll reach out to take their hand.[break][break]

"You can also lean on me if you need to." Quiet words to El mean that she's grown accustomed to their presence, or at least, the fear of being eaten is more than the fear she has of them. But she's not done yet, her other free hand latching onto Isaac as she squints at him. "Isaac, stay here. There's also megalopolans coming from behind."[break][break]

Just in case, she'll whisper to Chloris, leaving it up to the Comfey to weave together several Grass Knots to trap the path behind them with mildly inconvenient trip wires.
✧ Comfey still terastalised (Fairy pog)[break]

✧ Comfey sets up Grass Knots to try and trip up any enemies that follow after them

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 4:01:33 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El's cheeks flush as Isaac praises them, and comments on them 'going ape like that' - almost melting under the attention. "I... I can't sit around doing nothing, while people're in danger," They responded modestly, a shy but appreciative smile on their face. "Even if I'm not a pokemon, it doesn't mean I can't fight, right?"

But, perhaps they should leave at least some of the fighting to their pokemon - too much exertion and their knee was sure to give out. Thus, the support Isaac offers is met with an appreciative nod. "I... probably overdid it, tossing the table," They admit with a sheepish laugh. "It was a little heavier than it looked." Whatever metal it was made of, it was certainly something.

But, they were ready to take it a bit easier, until the time came to fight again.

Meanwhile, it seemed that Artio was curious about their newfound ursine ally. She must have found some sort of kinship in the fellow bipedal bear - for when heads down the second tunnel with bear in tow, she's suddenly turning around and chattering in El's direction!

El blinks a bit, glancing over to Artio - before smiling with endearment, reaching down to pat her on the head. "You want to follow after them?" They'd ask - chuckling when they get an eager little nod in response. She must've been pretty charmed with the Ursaluna, huh?

Either way, the second path definitely seemed the most ideal of the two - it would be easier on them, as opposed to treading through swampy waters. It also helped that Isaac wanted to go that direction; they were gonna stick to their brother's side where they could help it. So, following his lead, El would begin heading down the tunnel alongside Artio as they listened to him talk about the Megalopolans...

... But, they pause with surprise when a hand suddenly takes their free one - and they glance down with a little blink to see .

At her soft words, they smile - giving her hand a brief reassuring squeeze. "I'll be okay - I just need to take it a little easy - but thank you." They reassure her with appreciation - briefly gesturing with the cane they are leaning against in their other hand. They wouldn't want to burden a kid - especially not when their cane would do the job just fine - but the sentiments still warm their heart.

"What about you? How're you feeling?" They ask Eris in turn, to check in with her. Being snatched up like that would probably be pretty frightening, especially for a younger child. "I can bring my Togekiss out to heal us, if you'd like." They were sure Akero would be happy to see Eris again, too - everyone was a friend to him.

Her added warning to Isaac, though, does remind them that the group isn't exactly safe yet. Glancing to Artio, they mention "Let us know if you sense anything, okay?"

Artio's gaze snaps away from Ursaluna to glance in El's direction, before she nods - giving a little salute. She's ready to Detect any danger in the dark - be it from up ahead, or behind them.
- Chitchat with Isaac, accepts his offer to let him take point.
- Kubfu is curious about Ursaluna, cause fellow bipedal bear. Wants to follow after when Ursaluna leaves with
- El follows Isaac and Kubfu down Path 2
- Hand grabbed! Holds 's hand, and asks her how she's feeling
- Kubfu uses Detect so that she can anticipate + warn about any incoming dangers
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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,088 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 4:14:20 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar



The gloom congeals. [break][break]

In the face of a feral beast that turns out to be not-quite-so-feral, and bodies that turn out to be not-quite-dead, things are turned on their head. Nothing makes sense anymore. [break][break]

Tsubaki watches the bear dive beneath the surface, and the Gengar that lives in her shadow envelops her and follows suit. She doesn't complain. She doesn't know what to say at this point. She just follows along.[break][break]

All pretense of this being an ordinary mystery were tossed aside with the realization that wasn't just an insane conspiracy theorist. That he might have a point. [break][break]

Anything can happen now.[break][break]

Under the Swamp[break][break]

The Ursaluna is not our enemy...[break][break]

"Yeah, it sure seems that way." Tsubaki replies to Thomas, walking from the shadows. [break][break]

She looks at her surroundings. The abject ruins of a Megalopolan base stare back at her, like something tore through it with a shotgun of some kind. She can tell by the wounds, by the damage to Megalopolan structures that seem so out of place here, that these holes were made by something of a large caliber. [break][break]

And yet, she doesn't recall anyone with a gun above the surface...[break][break]

"... Coins?"[break][break]

She almost stops to inspect the bodies, but there's no time. Everything hits her at once, like a freight train. The wanted posters on the walls, the fake bodies up above, the real ones at the bottom of the swamp. And of course...[break][break]

The enchanting, pearlescent body of a Nihilego still suspended in midair.[break][break]

It fills her with dread. Memories of the Ultra Deep Sea come rushing back, and she has to brace herself to not lose her balance. Some might not know its significance, others might be desensitized to it. But to her, it represents that sea of dreams still lying at the bottom of her adopted home, at the bottom of Granite Cave. A sea she's fallen into more times than she can count. Though she's left Dewford in 's capable hands, she still feels responsible for it. And if these things are cropping up elsewhere, if they're not contained to the sea, then...[break][break]

She can do nothing but stare at the Nihilego's form as it swirls into the air and shatters with the light of a Tera Crystal. Only then does she stop and pay attention to what everyone is saying.[break][break]

The group start speaking of things she's not knowledgeable of. speaks about a war she wasn't here for. informs the rest of them in more detail. Tsubaki holds her tongue. There's ignorance, and then there's stupidity. She can excuse the former. Running a bit job in Rocket in another region for most of your childhood will do that. But choosing to not believe your eyes makes your firmly among the latter, and she can't afford that. [break][break]

It isn't until she's told more that she feels fit to interject, first towards and then , though anyone can hear her.[break][break]

"A ship... almost like... the one at the bottom of the Ultra Deep Sea? The... what was it called again... uhh, Quaestor Lucis! That's it!"[break][break]

She's surprised at herself that she can remember its name.[break][break]

She had been aboard its derelict ruins. It had been where she'd seen the corpse of a Megalopolan for the first time. It was where she recovered her own Nihilego, still a hatchling. She had no idea of its importance at the time. But she can remember its name. That much is seared into her memory. She'll never forget it.[break][break]

"So that's what it was for."[break][break]

She frowns. [break][break]

Maybe one day she'll venture to the depths again. This time, on purpose rather than in a waking dream. But it's too soon for that now. She's made a promise to and to keep herself grounded in this world for a while, rather than alternate dimensions and dreams. But that gets messy in a situation like this, when they're coming here... [break][break]

She hangs near the Ursaluna her Gengar put to sleep. There are a few familiar faces she didn't realize were here, both for good at bad. She acknowledges , , and . But nobody seems willing to fight one another over faction alliances at the moment. She scoffs at that, and follows the bear, and by extension. [break][break]

Sagisou, her Gengar, stares at everyone with a malicious grin, turning in midair, sticking out its tongue at . Once. Twice. Three times. It seems delighted by the dour mood, feeding off of the confusion and the heightened emotions at the bottom of the cave. Whether it will help or whether it will just enjoy the show... that remains to be seen.[break][break]

+ Baki is filled in on the history of Megalopolans. She's a kid with a poor education, so she's processing everything. [break]
+ Baki mentions the Quaestor Lucis I, a wreck in the Ultra Deep Sea. It's her only point of reference for any of this.[break]
+ Baki heads down Path 2 with the Ursaluna, while her Gengar feeds off of everyone's complicated emotions.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 4:33:55 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As his teeth sink into the purple meat(?) his mouth and nostrils are greeted with a smelly aroma and Kaz starts to gag. His whole throat feels like its about to lose a lot more than the lunch he had today but falling from the jellyfish's grip manages to keep his food down as he watches the rest of the people gathered launch their assault. He keeps himself down low to the ground as attacks and even coins go flying everywhere as he hears one of the Megalopolans say something.

They wanted to go home.

Well he wished they would go home too but he didn't think the ones that did show up would want to be leaving. He was sure they had a deal with Rocket or something. These were thoughts that needed a bit more time to reflect on as his stomach churned again as he crawled along the floor. Once things calmed down he used one of the megalopolan workbenches to help keep himself steady as he pulled himself up to his feet. As he took in heavy breaths to ease his body he saw all the coins that had found their way to the bench's surface and took a few into his hand to run a finger over them. Looked real enough so he might as well keep some for pocket change, and as he did he unearthed one of the shiny machines that these other worldly visitors worked on.

" it...your bill for your meal." The analogy might have not been accurate but whatever, taking one of them with him would probably piss off one of them at the very least. That was some payback for trying to turn him into food again.

As he watched everyone get their bearings he walked over to to observe the Ursaluna who seemed to reciprocate some affection to him for saving it. "Damn man, you outta be a Pokemon whisperer with how ya did that." Maybe there was merit to owning a whole farm full of Audinos. Giving him a thumbs up he sees the two paths laid out before them all and thinks to himself.

However his Ninetails gives him pause as it nudges him while walking with a slight limp. A sprain from being dropped by their captives most likely. "Alright, take a breather. We're gonna need firepower here." Opening up another ball came out his Blastoise who stretched every limb out of his shell. "If anyone's heading down to get a dip in the water just stay behind Jolly here, he's wide enough to cover a few of us!"

The Blastoise let out a prideful snort from its nostrils as the pair slowly entered the watery path and Kaz kept his chin up to keep his mouth clear of any bad water as his Blastoise lead him down the path.


    * he's feeling the effects of eating toxic chain
    * megalopolans phone home???
    * pockets a few coins and even a shiny machine (maybe?) cause money is money gimmie that cash
    * gives a thumbs up to and goes down path 1
    * swaps out ninetails with blastoise to act as a meat shield in the water.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,177 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 5:11:32 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"I... I..." Howard sputtered as Shred ran off, before slumping his head. Arceus could not stop from showing off. He hoped his colleague tripped on a rock. At least he still had Grigori. Sweet, loyal Grigori. If a Nihilego appeared, Grigori would tackle it while Howard ran off.

If the enforcer was lucky, Howard might even come back.

He was right, though. In a moment of delusion, the video had been cool and would totally look rad on Howard's floundering Amigo page. It would look great next to the photo of the cool rock he had found, and the cabbage he had eaten last week. For Shred, it would likely get him a couple more followers.

Yet he was already envisioning what he'd hear if he went back to Team Rocket and that video was up.

He would enter 's office, and the man would likely impale him with his crazy crystal magic. As the Rocket Beast left the office, he would kick several Growlithes. At the doorway, he would turn to Howard's corpse and tell him to clean the mess up.

Not ideal.

Oh well, he'd just snatch Shred's phone as soon as he got the chance. In the meantime...

"Bear!" Howard scrambled towards it, eye gleaming brightly. He looked like a kid in a candy store. He inspected it, ignoring and her Gengar in favor for the bear. "Aha! So the bone structure is like this... I wonder how those markings affect the skull! How insightful!"

He nodded and scratched his chin.

"So, do you have 206 bones or 215? Oh man, an interview with the missing link! I'm gonna publish such a good paper! I'll be rolling in research grants after this!"

Path 2 SQUAD
Inspecting the bear
Fuck you Gengar
Ignoring the aliens and Toxic Chains in favor of BEAR
Too focused to pay attention to and .
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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 5:16:15 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
Being dragged down…
Tough guys didn’t scream, even after a couple decades as a grown man, he couldn’t help but squel, it was a short sound. The leg he had held over his shoulder was tied down even closer to him, the stink of death clung to him even without the slightest bit of provocation, it stood there without him.
”The hell is going on?”
The strangeness, the words being exchanged, none of it truly made sense to him. Their world? The strange tentacles? He had no choice, even with the tentacles at play still holding him down, still holding a dead leg to his person…
”Umbreon, Helping Hand. You pick the best option, we’ll get out of this.” He left it up to his pokemon to pick, she had the instincts, he was just the trainer in this situation, the wisdom of a beast would have to be his guide.
Or maybe whatever rolled in his system would make the choice for him.



Kouji struggles, Umbreon picks whoever is the best option for Helping Hand. [break]
I gotta double roll, worst one counts.[break]



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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 5:37:43 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

Looking from an outside perspective really gave Aidan the ideology that everyone really was fighting their own battles, on the physical and metaphysical sense, of course some had help from outside sources but in the end everyone had their own world and views reasons to stay alive and it was a beautiful thing.[break][break]

Aidan was no different from those around him, fighting to the bitter end, thankfully that bitter end didn't come today. As the Nihilego decided to burst into glitter Aidan heard a familiar voice, perhaps it was time to take a little breather for once. "Took your time getting here, didn't want to take the zombie route?" Aidan said with a smirk, likely still hidden by now drying mud. "I wouldn't dare take that title from you." The Rocket member would say flicking mud from his hair towards .[break][break]

He could sense the tension building up in the cave between their small group and people that came and went but he was glad to see that things were being buried for the time being, perhaps something to do with their survival being on the line. It wasn't his place to intervene, some may even have called it a canon event.[break][break]

Without the time to take in the tourist like sights of the cave, Aidan would give out a heavy sigh as soon as he watched Rowan pick the path once again. Waving towards his Metagross to follow him towards the deep swampy way. "Of course you pick this one!" Aidan would say towards just anyone but would know it was towards him. No time for questions right now though, it was tiime to move deeper.[break][break]




  • Going down PATH ONE
  • Outfit: One disguised boy
  • Meets up with Rowan once again.
  • Doesn't really understand what is happening.
  • Still have plenty of questions that will have to wait.


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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
591 posts
aaron faust DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @aaron
aaron faust
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 5:52:05 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
[attr="class","annalpostbody"]aaron's xatu breaks his binds with psychic, but he hardly has time to relish his freedom. as he struggles to rise up and out of the mud, he's suddenly, confusingly, pelted by coins. he raises an arm instinctively to block his head from getting struck, but that makes him slip back onto the ground. [break][break]
"ow!" he gets his feet underneath him, opportunistically trying to swipe up some money while he's still doubled-over. the first of the month is coming up and is going to get his half even if it's covered in dirt and alien goo. "ouch!"
aaron straightens up once the clattering of coins falls silent. the alien-zombies are dead, he observes, and everyone who isn't dead is shuffling toward the forked path ahead. he follows the group going down the lit path single-mindedly, hoping he won't have a second horrible time in questionably deep water.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + taking disadvantage [break]
+ trying to steal some coins[break]
+ going down path one with his xatu [break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,634 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 6:26:22 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

It ends as quickly as it began. The underbog now teeming with trainers, the tunnels' occupants stood no match. Though there was much to take away from their brief exchange, Adrian would notice largely the missing posters hanging around, and focusing solely on his own escape—as was fortuitously forthcoming.[break][break]

"Thanks for the save," is all he would mutter as he and the others worked in tandem to free themselves. The lines blurred down here—members of Rocket and the League muddling together through the filth—and he wanted nothing more than to be separate them. His eyes lock consciously with , and then the submerged path. Guess I'll take those chances. Though he manages to catch Rykker's gaze as he scans those around them, he doesn't catch glimpse of Xiura. Hmmmm...[break][break]

"Break a leg down there," he imparts on Benoit before heading towards the adjoining pathway. Enfeebled gait and all, Adrian finds himself staring down the waters, overhearing and 's exchange. He was also intrigued by the idea of an ice path over the waters. Another trainer present () seconds the idea, but none are equipped to take advantage of it...[break][break]

Without a means to pursue this route, Adrian decides to send his GYARADOS into the water ahead of himself, to perhaps rouse the attention of any bottom-dwelling cretins that might be awaiting them. While awaiting the results of this effort, Adrian stares idly at the distant light, and in the darkness he feels... an acute sense of general malaise.[break][break]

Though he would feel isolated should the others venture deeper before he was satisfied of its safety, he did at least have the assurance that many of them had laid well placed traps to cover their egress.


THE SWAMP[break]ADRIAN chooses PATH ONE[break]GYARADOS enters the water FIRST[break]ADRIAN remains at PATH START

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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December 25
Hammerlocke City, Galar
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
63 posts
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TAG WITH @cadeyrn
Cadeyrn Osmond
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 9:37:48 GMT
Cadeyrn Osmond Avatar

Cinder looked back at Elise as she spoke after a moment the fire typed nodded her head. It wasn't her fault the royal got escaped by those disgusting barbarians however she wasn't about to let  her mother slip out of her slight yet either. Call her overprotective but right now the dragoness wasn't taking anything change. She knew Cade would do the same maybe not trying to burn anything that stood in the way she did but other then than yeah. [break][break] "That is true. Cinder is the wild one or better called the "raging" one." Cade had remained silent listening to the other input and  well as  and . As i expected many would rather not enter the water for a second time aside those who either seemed here for the thrill or other personal issues. "Then it's settled I will take the second path with the both of you. Sticking together seemed to be the best option right now."[break][break] The knight remained courteous although Elise words managed to bring out a faint blush on his cheeks. "There  isno need to apologize, my lineage. It happens it's why we're here. However...don't expect Cinder to let you off her for a while least with the dark look she giving."

[attr="class","ooc"]  [break][break] Cade's charizard accept Eilse's apology her standoffish kinda of way. Cade remained silent for listen to want others have to say about the path alongside Elise and Thomas input. Since they all in agreement he goes on the path 2 with them. Cade also telling Elise shouldn't expect Cinder to let her go so early for a while.

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
331 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 13:26:55 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar


Bad Moon Rising

When he properly came to, the chaos was over. More fortune for Alba Evovae: looking at the bodies of some of the Megalopolans, the coin wounds seemed more like bullet holes in some cases. Maybe he'd just been grazed by one, maybe the coin just happened to hit him in a way where it couldn't fly through him. It didn't matter too much, the outcome remained the same; he would live another day.[break][break]

Which path to take? Which question to follow? The bear had taken a liking to , trudging into the darkness with him, but the campfire's light down the other route intrigued him. The only people that could light that fire were the aliens, right? It would be a shame to leave the Ursaluna behind, but its doppelganger would have to suffice. Besides, visitors from beyond the stars? That was more his kind of speed.



Local man simply does not die: "I expect it to happen anyday now"[break]
Going down Path 1 so I can feed some campers a poisonous creature to make my cards busted[break]
Kind of a nothingburger but dw about it😔


[break][break]@area 1 gang



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the crimson dragon
january 19th
pyrite town, orre
6’7” height
6’7” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
120 posts
ryker hayes DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ryker
ryker hayes
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 15:39:32 GMT
ryker hayes Avatar

[attr="class","header"]RATHER BE THE HUNTER THAN THE PREY


As he looked around, he caught 's gaze. The younger male seemed to be fine, so he let his gaze sweep the others to see if he could spot . He couldn't find her. It didn't help that people kept moving around. Trying to find one person when people wouldn't stay still was impossible. Oh well, he supposed she would either catch up or go with the other group.
Speaking of which, he needed to decide which path he should take. He glanced at both of them, taking in what each path had to offer. He went over the pros and cons of each path in his head. One path had a light down it, a campfire if the light was anything to go by, while the other path was dark. The path with light had water in it that looked pretty deep, which, considering what had led them here, might not be the best thing. One could never know what was hiding in the water.
On that note, the same could be said about the dark path. The path was dark, so anything could be lying in wait. Both paths had their risks. But he would rather be able to see those risks coming. So the lit path it was. He would just have to go for another swim and get all wet again, unless someone could freeze the water like someone suggested.
Looking down the lit path, he returned Ares and released Fenris from his Pokéball. The Mabosstiff had a good nose on him, so he was hoping that despite the water, his sense of smell would alert him and anyone who was with him to any dangers. One could only hope, after all.
As Fenris sniffed around the tunnel entrance, he decided to take the time to note who was going down the same path as him. Most he didn't know. However, he did notice that was going down the same path as him.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Debates internally on what path to take [break] Decides to take path one [break] Returns Gallade and sends Mabosstiff out



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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 16:33:18 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar
maybe its his worsening myopia, or his newly-acquired concussion has conveniently unlocked some unholy manner of divine farsight, or maybe its maybelline. nagi sees four paths wavering above the ground ahead of him instead of two. [break][break]

he blinks, squints. brushes a knuckle over his temple, where a timely HEAL PULSE from 's hatterene had halted the evolution of the welt — enshrining it unto eternity on nagi’s sweat-stained, mudstreaked forehead as a thumb-sized grape instead of the golf ball it was destined to become. [break][break]

wait, no, five paths. cool. [break][break]

“smaug,” he says, with the earnest, indulgent tone of a lillipup owner about to take their beloved puppy out for a run at the dog park, if the dog park was in hell, and also on fire. “you pick.” [break][break]

smaug’s sweet dragonite face — pleasant, round, the cartoon picture beside the word “friend” in a children’s dictionary — settles with infinite semantic precision into an expression that can be read only as saying, i would rather stand in the way of a second murder roulette. [break][break]

no bullets are forthcoming. [break][break]

smaug grabs nagi by the scruff of his hood, and sets him in front of the third path — which, judging by the muttered conversation he can hear around him, should actually be the second. [break][break]

job done, smaug returns himself to his pokéball. in his place, an illumina eevee trots in front of nagi, lighting up the darkened path with a SPOTLIGHT.[break][break]




・really sorry for the late post !! overtime kicking my butt :sob: [break]
・nagi head hurty. taking disadvantage [break]
・heading down path 2, using eevee’s SPOTLIGHT to light the way ahead


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She / Her
June 10
Ecruteak City, Johto
Ace / ?-romantic
Boba Cafe Barista
May you always know pain as temporary and laughter better.
340 posts
part of
TAG WITH @xiura
Xiura Balfaltin
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 16:50:32 GMT
Xiura Balfaltin Avatar
Confused by Aurelie's kiss and subdued by Jack's disappointed demeanor, Xiura gently squeezed Aurelie's hand, saying, "Jack must have been really excited and relieved to see you. I'm so happy you're safe, and he is, too." She gave Aurelie a worried smile, but tried to convey thankfulness in her expression for the gift Aurelie had given her.

Aurelie left to make her rounds and collect information so Xiura ran up to Jack and asked Gardevoir to perform a Heal Pulse to heal his injuries. "I'm so sorry about Poe," she said, touching his jaw gently to make sure nothing was broken, watching as his split lip mended. She hoped her friendship with him wasn't damaged badly, either. "Can we stay together for the future? I can heal the both of you if anything else happens," she asked, reluctant to separate from either of her dear friends.
She glanced over to see people choosing which path they would go down. She briefly waved to and to wish them safety. "Good luck," she said, "I'll be going down the other path. Hopefully we see each other on the other side."
Xiura followed behind , picking the second path. She gazed down the wall of vegetation and prepared her Gardevoir for whatever was going to happen next.

| [break][break]


- Choosing Path Two[break]
- Xiura follows and asks to come along[break]
- Her Gardevoir uses Heal Pulse on .[break]



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