i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 0:13:31 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Howard’s passion always infected Grigori like a cold: without warning, without intention (hopefully), and without terrible side effects. But all those traits were positive, in his eyes. Even if his interest lay more in its current state than what brought it to its current state. Difference in passions, he presumed.

This feeling lasted for only a short while. Up until the walls grew eyes and every hair on his body stood at attention. Most people thought these to be made of grass, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. Their poisonous nature was never in question, but they were actually composed of rock. Most likely due to their natural habitat of caves and other damp areas–

Scizor!” His metallic friend popped out of the Poke Ball without so much as a warning. Grigori shook his head. Right. Not the time. Scizor wouldn’t be happy, and then no one would be happy.

Mr. Howard, Mr. Howard?! Where did you go?!” he frantically scanned the dim cave. Even with the gas that slowly brought his lungs to a standstill, that wide hat was impossible to miss. He had hidden behind someone else. Thank goodness! That meant he could worry about everyone else without needing to worry about ‘Howard and everyone else’.

Scizor, Bullet Punch! Get us an out, please!”

As the bug, itself not impervious to the toxic vapors, proceeded to ruthlessly tear through the rock flowers with the weird chain, Grigori helped make sure no one got left behind in the cave. Including the Ursaluna.

 - Howard you're so cool and smart and handsome how do you do it
 - I mean oh no, that's a whole lot of Glimmora!
 - Scizor wants to smack Grigori, but instead listens to him and Bullet Punches any Glimmora in their way further
 - Grigori makes sure no one gets left behind in the very dangerous chemicals


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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,088 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 0:30:27 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu"]Tsubaki shakes her head at , hiding even though there's so much to learn. He's the expert, the polymath, the self-proclaimed linchpin of history! He could, at the very least, act dignified about it all![break][break]

"Yo, Howard! Don't be a coward, you egghead! You can learn more by doing than in your books, right? Now's as good a time as any!" She gives the deputy a firm push forward from behind , grinning at 's attempts to pump him up. She loves the enthusiasm from the young girl, doesn't mind the language in the least. She was saying far worse things at her age.[break][break]

buys them a little time to think. Tsubaki takes a step toward the wall of pokemon and adjusts her glasses where her keystone lies, breathing a soft sigh just in case. Not yet. But if Howi can't figure out the ball, and they're unable to repel the attack, then...[break][break]

"You can tell too, can't ya? There's somethin' weird about those pokemon. Look at the way they glow."[break][break]

The light reminds her of something, although she can't quite place it... [break][break]

Tsubaki's Gengar nods along to her question, feeding off of the growing sense of fear and frustration in the air, tension built by the pressure of fending off an attack by the swarm. But she's faced so much worse in the depths of the Ultra Deep Sea, confronting hordes of these very pokemon before... [break][break]

"Oi, Merlo! Watch out, hittin' 'em head-on like that! Sagi, sweep the hallway! Quick!"[break][break]

Tsubaki steps forward, her Gengar responding with an eager nod. The sharp barbs that come out when you smack 'em around are a memory she'd like to forget. [break][break]

All of the negative emotions of the party her Gengar has been feeding on condense into a toxic morass at her command, a curse seeping into the ground beneath Tsubaki's feet as Sagisou unleashes a Sludge Wave to sweep away any toxic barbs leftover from their attacks on the Glimmora.[break][break]


+ Baki heads down Path 2 with the Ursaluna, while her Gengar feeds off of everyone's complicated emotions.[break]
+ Baki nudges forward, acts as moral support. [break]
+ Baki grins at 's bad language.[break]
+ Baki muses on the strange color of the Glimmora.[break]
+ Baki chides 's hasty physical attack, commands her Gengar to sweep the hallway with a Sludge Wave made of bad emotions to wash away any Toxic Spikes that come from the Glimmora.


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,634 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 0:41:27 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

Sooner than later he must begin wading through the waters after the other trainers, catching up with his GYARADOS and the rest of the trainers making up their present company. Though he cannot see well enough to know, the water leaves the sensation of grime where it soaks through his attire, weighing him down. It rapidly drops his body temperature, and he can feel his limbs growing heavy as it rises to chest height. The dorsals of GYARADOS help to push back any sinking feelings otherwise, and yet...[break][break]

A cry goes out, and something plunks into the placid. There's a moment of dread, staring into those murky thalossophobian depths, and knowing something indeed lurked in the dark below. It may have only been moments before he felt the iron vise wrench at his own ankles—dragging him to his death. He would have to count on his GYARADOS to rescue him.[break][break]

He hoped it would not come to that.[break][break]

"FUROR, fight back!" Though he cannot see these DHELMISE with their magenta markings, he can be sure something moves unseen, and hopes that GYARADOS is suitably equipped to detect them—to find them in their dwelling. Adrian can feel something tethering itself then, and it is only moments before something begins to drag him under...[break][break]

A hand reaches out over the waterline, but his fingers fail to clasp to anything. One last breath savored before clenching his eyes and mouth shut as if with irons, his legs kicking wildly before he can take the time to think through the situation. With its great size and strength, GYARADOS is difficult to restrain, using the gnashing fangs of its BITE to shred any bindings on itself or ADRIAN, if it is able.[break][break]



PATH ONE[break]ADRIAN is NEAR THE REAR[break]GYARADOS uses BITE*[break]*To rip apart any bindings, etc.

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]·
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Forty Five
March 26
Castelia City, Unova
Musical Artist
I'm just a holy fool
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TAG WITH @ambrosia
Ambrose Hendrix
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 2:32:30 GMT
Ambrose Hendrix Avatar
It was a good thing Ambrose was wearing a poncho, otherwise wading through chest-high water would be really annoying right now! Ambrose was trying to stay positive, using mental reaffirmations of his genius to distract himself from the fact that his pants and boots were likely ruined. Osborne on the other hand made no attempts at being positive, wearing his distaste like a party mask.

They, along with the other fools who decided to take this route, trueged along as quickly as they could. Osborne was having a much harder time than his master, with the sensation of wet fur nearly bringing him to tears. The zoroark glanced downward to distract himself, which quickly proved to be a huge mistake.

A ghostly visage was staring back at him! Osborne's eyes bugged out of his skull as he latched into Ambrose, nearly dragging him under water. Ambrose let out a sharp click of his tongue as he shook his scardy-cat partner off. "What's the big idea? You know I don't do piggy back rides! Not since the incident."

Ambrose looked back, and Osborne would point frantically at the water. Of course when Ambrose looked he would see nothing, causing him to scoff at poor Osborne. "Oh come now Oz, nothing could possibly be lurking in this muck. They'd have to be insane--or dead."

Right on cue, Anchor Shits would begin bursting all around the search party. One shot grabbed Anbrose by the shoulder, threatening to pull him under the water. Ambrose stood form, pulling with all his might to avoid a watery grave. "Osborne, I'm sorry for doubting you. Save me please!" It was not at all what Osborne had seen but he appreciated the apology nevertheless. Osborne jumped forward, flailing his claws to Night Slash hopefully free his master as well as anyone else who struggled to break free from their assailants.


--Zoroark sees spooky ghosts in the water!
--Ambrose is hooked by an Anchor Shot, Zoroark used Night Slash to break him and anyone else nearby free.
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January 3
131 height
131 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 3:39:10 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
"Nice to meet you, Genny." Vanilla smiled at @genvieve. "I'm Vanilla. Welcome to the group." With the group setting out, Vanilla walking along with the group within a group of friends. She was between and , trying to walk along with as much of her innocence as she could manage. The depths were a fairly spooky place, although the many footsteps had really filled the empty space up with human life. The paws of the Ursaluna behind them was safety that they could hopefully help the Pokémon. The path was lit with some help from their huge party, as some Pokémon illuminated the way. Their voyage into the depths came to a halt upon a discovery in the dark.

"What are those?" she asked as the Glimmora would appear and start launching attacks at the people in their home. Not one to turn down a fight, even if a little shaken, Vanilla threw out her trusty Altaria into the fray. "Let's clear some space, Cauli!" The Altaria would quickly shake its plumage at the group of poison-types, creating gusts of air towards the group as Vanilla would hold onto something and steady herself through the barrage launched at the Pokemon.


| |

↳ Greets and welcomes her to the group
↳ Walks along with everyone in Group 2
↳ Summons her ALTARIA and uses HURRICANE at the group of Glimmora

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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 5:13:59 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

Blocking the path behind them was a very interesting and good idea, it would be unfortunate if they had to turn back at some point. To say that he was regretting his choice was an understatement, with every heavy step he took, with every push he made in the water. He missed the sun, the dry land and some dry underwear.[break][break]

"So the plan is just to keep swimming?" Not exactly enjoying the idea of not being able to know what exactly lurked around and under them, and from past experience h knew he was about to get dragged down under again, the undead slip and slide is what he would call it if anyone asked, and he had done it on purpose.[break][break]

"We're about to fuck around and find out aren't weeeeeeee?" Aidan would say looking towards as the anchors and chains shot up from under the murky waters. Quickly, Aidan would signal his METAGROSS to make a move and try to catch a DHELMISE by surprise with a HAMMER ARM. Hopefully being fast enough to not get taken down himself, not again to depths of the water.[break][break]





  • Going down PATH ONE
  • Outfit: One disguised boy
  • Thinks taking down the wall behind them was a good idea.
  • Feels like he is very much out of his comfort zone
  • Hates that he'll probably get dragged down again
  • Metagross uses HAMMER ARM on a Dhelmise


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[newclass=.aidan4 .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 5:26:17 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
With the prior Detect, Artio takes notice of something up ahead - something suspicious. The smell of acrid poison, the barest rustle ahead... But of course, there's only so much time as the Kubfu glances back to El with a bark-like shout, before the hidden Glimmora emerge from the foliage!

Still - even as chaos reigns in the form of things such as cowering, cursing at him, and encouraging it (which they would be sure to scold later) - El tries to act quick, already having a good idea of what to anticipate from the poison-types even before they attack. They switch Artio out for Akero - already calling out a command "Safeguard!"

Could they have had Artio - or even Yggy - fight the Glimmora directly? Certainly; but they were more concerned about what would happen in the aftermath. Perhaps if they were fast enough to get Safeguard off, they could prevent the poison?

Thus, the Togekiss would begin to let out a verdant glow - attempting to protect as many people as she could.
- Kubfu warns El about the Glimmora
- Upon noticing the Glimmora, El switches out for Togekiss and attempts to Safeguard asap to protect as many people as possible from being poisoned.
- replacing 20 with salac
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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 16:51:12 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

the pirouetting glimmora are a kaleidoscope of motion and colour; another ten-pound straw on the scoliotic camel's back that is nagi's burgeoning migraine. [break][break]

(the poison is a twenty-pound cherry crowning the precarious haystack.)[break][break]

he switches his pokémon out with a hurried flick of his wrist. his galarian mr. mime clicks his icy heels against the floor. the pink mist of a MISTY TERRAIN swirls, eddying among the toxic fumes. [break][break]

magenta glitters in the fog, streaking his vision with contrails of light. like a magpie to a ruby ring — a hook to an open, roving eye — nagi's gaze is tugged, a hapless fish on a whirring reel, towards the glimmora's glowing markings.[break][break]

"that's not usual, is it?" he says aloud, with a look towards .[break][break]

did they grow here — bioluminescence unspurling in their genetic code after generations in the ink-dark of the cave, branching the family tree into a variant stalk?[break][break]

blue skin, workbenches; bodies floating in a swamp, waiting for someone to wander into the murk. [break][break]

— or were they put here?




・rolling with disadvantage[break]
・galarian mr. mime uses misty terrain to attempt to neutralise the fumes[break]
・looking at the markings with an expression like :0[break]
・wonders if the glimmora are native to the cave — or if they were put here[break]
・using 1 salac


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,754 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 17:40:26 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"] Amber eyes didn't dare look into the darkened waters below as he waded through, fixed on the form of in case their truce was nothing more than a ruse. Rowan wouldn't be caught off guard, not if he could help it. Ludicolo saunted though next to him, remaining alert as though the Pokèmon could sense the tension between them in the air.[break][break]

Silence lingered between them. After all, what was there to say? Tempest and himself were far beyond pleasantries and small talk, and as much as Rowan wanted to enquire about 's wellbeing, he couldn't bring himself to form the words. At least was here, a reminder that there was some family that still cared for him, and wouldn't abandon him because of the choices he made. [Break][break]

It was 's voice that roused him from contemplation, glancing towards the man. "Nowhere to go but forward." Rowan responded, unaware of the dangers that lurked nearby. [break][break]

As the Dhelmise revealed themselves, Rowan cursed underneath his breath. The seaweed wrapped around his ankles and before he could act, the Ranger was dragged underneath the water. A stream of bubbles escaped his mouth as he attempted to shout a command to his Pokèmon, one that went unheard. [Break][break]

Still, that didn't stop the Ludicolo from acting. Verdant energy gathered around the anchor-like Pokèmon as Bolero began to drain their essence in return, utilizing GIGA DRAIN in an attempt to balance the scales in their favor.[break][break]



- Rowan is pulled under by the Dhelmise.[break]
- Ludicolo uses Giga Drain on the attacking Dhelmise.


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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 18:03:13 GMT
While others press into unknown domain, the ranger stands back to assess whatever is to come next. Resistance is expected, and his hands quickly work to bring out a more favorable champion when the glimmora make their move.

The mortal spins go everywhere, and he doesn't bother trying to determine the trajectory to dodge. Or even defend from it. Instead a device summons forth his flygon once more, looking to overcome the hurdle with a breaking swipe.


- path 2 baybeeeeeeee
- also eyeing vacant (tagger what do you see boy)
- switches out grimmsnarl for flygon in the backro
- uses breaking swipe to bludgeon glimmora
- derek might be hit by the poison idk (roll check or smth i guess)
- salacing once to replace 8
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 22:19:30 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



Eventually, and thanks more to her Spectrier than anything else, Luka is freed.[break][break]

However, the attacks from the Megalopians and Nihilego have proven too much for the poor girl, even with the protection of her sygna suit. Secure on the back of her spectral mount, Luka slumps forwards, held up only by the tendrils of ghostly energy that serve as reins. Slipping in and out of consciousness, she can barely manage to direct her steed in any proper direction, but seems to indicate that they should follow and those with him.[break][break]

And so they do, though the journey is fraught with more danger. Luckily, her Spectrier has a far better sense of self-preservation than Luka does, and is far hardier. While she struggles to remain conscious, they nimbly leap out of the way of waves of poison, another phantom force utilized to slip invisibly out of the line of fire, and to lay an aggressive strike against the Glimmora and any other attackers.[break][break]

- wearing a sygna suit[break]
- fish is still in recovery so SHORT LATE POST HERE WE GO…[break]
- on path 2![break]
- passed out on spectrier OTL[break]
- spectrier uses phantom force again to evade the poison and attack any enemies[break]
- used one salac


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 23:30:48 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

The path ahead was getting treacherous, freedom wasn’t something that came easily, Umbreon he could trust in, she was proving her mettle again and again. He gave her a pat on the top of the head, exhaustion would kick in…
But they could wait a little until that moment struck.
But they weren’t the only ones struggling, he patted the cowboy man on the back without looking at him. ”You seem like the kind of guy that’d get off on all of these mysteries later.”
There were a lot of familiar faces here, but his eyes were stuck forward, he didn’t want to get caught out and dragged to an almost tentacled death for having his guard down. Umbreon seemed to be of the same mind, just as the Glimmora began to show up.
There it was. ”Use Snarl, then we’ll make the most of your synchronise.”



Umbreon uses snarl.[break]
Kouji tries to make use of Umbreon's ability.[break]



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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
331 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 0:11:29 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar


Bad Moon Rising

"I'll need a nice, long bath after this…" With bath bombs, plural. And whatever other dark alchemy Alba would need to rid himself of the shadow of this swamp water. Of course he should have accounted for chest-high water and diving when he'd spent all that money… A coat and boots only protected you from so much water; hopefully the muck wouldn't damage them. Though as was somewhat typical now, there was something wanting to do more significant damage to him than that.[break][break]

"Those markings…" Not something typical Dhelmise had, and while he was struggling to remember the scene after the Murder Roulette situation, hadn't the Nihilego been sporting something in a similar colour?[break][break]

"Can't exactly examine it here and now, but maybe we can drag one of these back with us…" In the meantime, that wicked Blood Moon shone again, almost as if Ditto was trying to show-off its new body's unique talents.



Hrmm hmm… thinky thinky…[break]
Ditto using Blood Moon because signature move pog?


[break][break]@area 1 gang



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December 25
Hammerlocke City, Galar
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
63 posts
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TAG WITH @cadeyrn
Cadeyrn Osmond
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 2:02:01 GMT
Cadeyrn Osmond Avatar

Cadeyn knew dawn well he called it. There was no way in hell there wasn't something. He didn't didn't expected this to be bloody Glimmora of all things. He would love to have been plants than Cinder might have a fighting change unlike him. He was covered by the poison. Having inhaled so much of it, it could literally brought him to knees cough. He knew it. He got seriously poisoned. "Dammit..." [break][break]

He hoped that those would decided path 1 weren't as much trouble as they were right now. "Wait- Glimmora!? What are those markings? Wait out for the toxic Debris!" Cinder roared enraged at the stupid creatures for poison her trainer however she took his risk with beating her wings. Should any Toxic Debris  ran down she used hurricane to try and blow it away from everyone.

[attr="class","ooc"] Yiz8mj3I[break][break] Summary: Cade got badly poisoned as on his knees cough while his Charizard is furious. If any Toxic Debris comes from the glimmora then hurricane is used to try and repeal it back. 

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 7:42:04 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]BLOOD, MUD & IRON



Field (Late Night) - Pokémon Legends: Arceus


BEFORE THE PATH IS TAKEN, attempts to investigate the SHINY MACHINES of any logos or model numbers. However, she only finds odd MEGALOPOLAN MECHANICAL PARTS. These parts seem brand new and unlike the rest of the machine; any logo that can be seen is one that seems Megalopolan: prismatic and triangular or circular and lined like circuitry diagrams.[break][break]

AS TRAINERS PASS THROUGH THE WATERS, any apparition's image is torn through by lunging DHELMISE. Their corrupted bodies and vines are deflected by 's SERPERIOR. The snake's tail flicks toward them as a violent green blur, while 's XATU strikes several back with a SUPER-EFFECTIVE OMINOUS WIND.[break][break]

's ORICORIO takes flight in the narrow space, protecting itself and its owner with an AIR CUTTER. These winds help carry 's RIOLU as a BLAZE KICK lands a potent smack on the swamp denizen targeting its owner.[break][break]

As the swamp waters gurgle with aggressive turbulence, 's SHADOW ALAKAZAM emerges from its capsule. A dark barrier manifests around it, protecting it from a pouncing DHELMISE as its PSYCHO CUT frees its owner, who manages to kick the Pokemon away in time. [break][break]

Meanwhile, 's infamous GHOLDENGO bides enough time for its owner to grab one of the DHELMISE'S CHAINS. When the chain retracts, the man is dragged through the water at high speeds, getting him to eventual safety.[break][break]

Others are not so lucky. The following trainers and their mentioned Pokemon have their health sapped and will be unable to HEAL until the end of the event:
& Zoroark, & Gyarados, & Ludicolo, @elliot & Whimsicott, & Metagross, & Dragonite

Eventually, these trainers free themselves or each other. 's URSHIFU manages to break and his dragon free, but not before the effects of these corrupted Pokemon settle. However, is saved by and his HISUIAN GOODRA. Its shell and fierce constitution rescues both its trainer, and his MABOSTIFF before they can be siphoned of life force.[break][break]

As everyone makes it to the end of the path, 's DITTO in BLOODMOON URSALUNA form, manages a BLOOD MOON attack that crashes into the waters. A wave develops, surging back to push the DHELMISE away as the last trainer and Pokemon manage to climb out (or grapple outward in 's case) onto dry-ish ground.


THE GLIMMORA TURN ON THOSE IN PATH TWO. Their unusual forms, alien yet alluring, spin like deadly crystalline parasols. 's GALLADE leaves a SUBSTITUTE, tricking several of their attackers into targeting it instead. The Lady of the Forge is quick to grab her friends' hands as they rush toward the end of the trail. As they race past tangled plants and muddy pits, 's MISMAGIUS pushes encroaching GLIMMORA away with its PSYCHIC while 's GARDEVOIR expands the ghost's efforts, creating a wide blade to clear threats like a snowplow. [break][break]

's KUBFU is quick to DETECT danger, allowing its trainer time to call upon their TOGEKISS. The Fairy Pokemon uses SAFEGUARD as poison is rendered ineffective on themselves; similarly, 's COMFEY uses AROMATHERAPY to counteract the toxins laced on the GLIMMORA'S sharp stone petals.[break][break]

Through the route, and her SPECTRIER manages to evade the GLIMMORA with a PHANTOM FORCE as 's FLYGON swings its thick tail. The dragon's immense strength protects itself and its owner, providing an opening for the former gym leader to run. Similarly, 's HANGRY MODE MORPEKO spins up an AURA WHEEL. Like a rogue wheel springing out of a crashed vehicle, it smashes into the incoming GLIMMORA to clear a momentarily safe path.[break][break]

and narrowly avoid being poisoned too. The former and his GOLISOPOD fight through the horde. Quick slashes of brine allow them to march through with halted breath. 's HATTERENE swings the clawed tentacle attached to its head. PSYCHO CUTS join the LIQUIDATION as they evade aggression with grace and bravery. TOXIC DEBRIS does indeed scatter across the ground. Before others can step on them, 's GENGAR is pivotal in protecting those who attempt to evacuate. Her GENGAR sweeps the floor with its SLUDGE WAVE, granting true safe passage.[break][break]

This SLUDGE WAVE helps continually clean the way. While 's SCIZOR BULLET PUNCHES the incoming Ore Pokemon with stunning precision, and his IRON VALIANT continuously protect their allies. Again, the toxic detritus spewing from the GLIMMORA are cleared by 's GENGAR.[break][break]

An incensed 's FENNEKIN fires PSYSHOCKS that crash upon these creatures like fireworks. Nearby, 's GOLURK smashes an incoming GLIMMORA with a ZEN HEABDUTT, granting him much needed time. 's HISUIAN SAMUROTT continues to cleave through their enemies, its TERASTALLIZED STATE casting splendorous glimmers across the cave.[break][break]

As she attempts to protect the BLOODMOON URSALUNA, she indeed sees that a piece of the same uniform (MEDICAL CORPS) is stuck to its matted fur.[break][break]

However, a sneaky GLIMMORA descends from above. Its yellow eyes "open" from within their cone-like glass. With an alien cry, it spews POISON onto the BEAR. As the URSALUNA wails, clawing at nothing, the glow of its eye tracing arcs of verdant light into the air, finds a way to make the GIGATON BALL work. As and her HATTERENE fend off more incoming GLIMMORA with their exuberant, pink flair, the bear is summoned into it—and for a BRIEF TIME, THE URSALUNA CAN BE TRANSPORTED SAFELY.[break][break]


THE BLOODMOON URSALUNA HAS "THREE LIVES". Should the Ursaluna lose ALL THREE LIVES, it will die.[break][break]


The Ursaluna is currently safe in the GIGATON BALL held by ; however, it will not be able to stay for long.

With royal confidence, demonstrates her growth as a trainer. With her MISMAGIUS in tow, she skillfully weaves through the GLIMMORA. However, her handsome guard, assists with her protection. While some TOXIC DEBRIS come their way, his CHARIZARD blasts them back with a HURRICANE... but there is just too much:[break][break]

The following trainers and their mentioned Pokemon are BADLY POISONED:
& Altaria, & Charizard, & Galarian Mr. Mime, and & Umbreon

Despite MISTY TERRAINS and SYNCHRONIZE, the poison infects them all... It is potent. Unique. It takes time to settle as it searches for what they desire...

NOTE: map is a representation and not 1:1 (ignore items/props).


THOSE IN PATH ONE stumble upon a small campfire. It's still lit, though the flame is on the way out. Above the pit, a macabre sight: a rod-skewered limb (arm or leg? who knows?) now burnt to a crisp.[break][break]

However, around the fire are six metallic cages. Their aesthetic is similar to that of a STAKATAKA; however, these are no Ultra Beasts. Within each cage, several prisoners are held and can be viewed through transparent openings. They do not look Megalopolan; however, in one cage, a man can be seen huddled over his knees. He looks like SPENCER MODELL, one of the missing men.[break][break]

He is quick to speak: "oh thank heavens, we're saved! please... let us out!"[break][break]

More journals and papers can be found scattered about. The SHARDS that were discovered above ground can also be found here too, so deep beneath the earth.[break][break]

The area here dramatically drops off into a deep chamber. Below the cliff, TERA CRYSTALS glitter everywhere and surround a large MEGALOPOLAN SPACE SHIP. It is much too far to get to for now.[break][break]


IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF WHAT TO DO THIS ROUND, feel free to engage in some of the following:[break][break]

  • attempt to nurse each other's injuries.
  • [break]
  • attempt to piece together what has happened and what is going on.
  • [break]
  • interact with the prisoner(s).
  • [break]
  • attempt to create a safe passage from your level and down the cliff.



THOSE IN PATH TWO stumble upon a stunning section of the swamp cave. Like a secluded, subterranean grove, grasses grow freely among TERA CRYSTALS. Here, a never before seen plant is found. HERBA MYSTICA PLANTS grow in abundance here. Pink sweet, bitter green, salty white, sour yellow, and spicy red variants can be seen.[break][break]

Curiously, in the middle of the grove, a large metal bowl can be found. A dead Megalopolan with a TOXIC CHAIN wrapped around their neck can be seen draped over it. A metal mallet lays by their feet. What is in the bowl?[break][break]

The SHARDS that were discovered above ground can also be found here too, so deep beneath the earth.[break][break]

The area here dramatically drops off into a deep chamber. Below the cliff, TERA CRYSTALS glitter everywhere and surround a large MEGALOPOLAN SPACE SHIP. It is much too far to get to for now.[break][break]


IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF WHAT TO DO THIS ROUND, feel free to engage in some of the following:[break][break]

  • attempt to nurse each other's injuries.
  • [break]
  • attempt to piece together what has happened and what is going on.
  • [break]
  • investigate the bowl, megalopolan, mallet, the herba mystica plants
  • [break]
  • attempt to create a safe passage from your level and down the cliff.



LASTLY, THE FOLLOWING TRAINERS will experience the toxic infection they received from their initial kidnapping and/or recent injuries growing. They will begin to LONG FOR A CHARACTERISTIC/TRAIT THEY DO NOT HAVE (e.g. CLEVERNESS, HEALTH, MUSCLE, SWIFTNESS, ETC.)...




  • [break]
  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling lies upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • please ROLL ONCE this round.
  • [break]


POST BY[break][break]OCTOBER 24TH, 11:59PM PST.


has been removed from the raid.

has missed 1 ROUND.[break]
has missed 1 ROUND.[break]
has missed 1 ROUND.[break]
has missed 1 ROUND.[break]
has missed 1 ROUND.

MISSING TWO ROUNDS will cause your character to be ICly ejected from the raid from this point onward.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing