i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 18:35:03 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

there are rallying war cries as their wardens are eviscerated; blood-hunger and fury grow like malignant tumors on the survivors and they are reduced to bitter animals. poison infects their corpus, time folds over their shells, and freya splinters. fractures, bit by bit by bit.[break][break]

faces and eyes blur as the ground is taken from her. purple, insect-like arms wrap around her and she clings with bared teeth to the ultra beast that protects her. remembers the viscera of her own dragon on its stinger, fuel for the fire so that it might take down her enemy.[break][break]

her enemy, her enemy. where is he? she clambers through the rubble and she searches blearily for .[break][break]

her gums drip red. capillaries have exploded in her eyes. 'YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!' says someone, so close, pulling her away from a dozen different battlefields. time chases its tail - endless days and nights in a frozen wasteland, two decades of grief rewritten into new skin, soul devoured by body and made smaller and smaller, robbed of herself. her whole self. her every self. how they writhe, writhe inside her head.[break][break]

he does not pervert the air with a soliloquy. he rakes judgment and he scorns the puppet with their purple strings and she seethes, end them, end them, end them with hand outstretched, but he turns and he leaves.[break][break]

and is he stronger for it?[break][break]

i still remember when your eyes were bright with fire.*

she turned her back before and she lost love and heart and home. but i never ran, did i? she whispers, thinking of the glittering green eyes of a soulmate who - gauntleted fingers dig deep into her sides, searching for the strings so that she might pull them apart from the tangle. who am i who am i who am i anymore?[break][break]

ivy crawls closer. somewhere, amidst the turmoil, her name flashes a brilliant gold against ancient tablets of ruin. the molten metal of her eyes darken.[break][break]

fingers reach to pry the ball from her family's crest. the naganadel hisses lowly, venom trickling from stinger, urging violence over succor.[break][break]

'i forgive you! ...put down the chains'[break][break]
'you hurt us! you hurt our friends!'[break][break]
'kill her and burn the never-rot'[break][break]
'freedom should never come by shackling another!'[break][break]
'velmos!' monstrous teeth glint and light distorts. 'join us, then. together, we can take back what is ours.' the visionary shimmers - blue into indigo into black - and the future is a reality constructed by someone else. controlled by someone else.[break][break]

a snarl rips from her throat, hand flying away from her crest and towards her naganadel instead. micolash answers with a violent cry and a pulsing draconic light, fueled by the felled bodies from its stinger, sweeps towards the pecharunt and its companion.[break][break]

sever their bonds. free them, free us, free me.

freya delulu hours[break]
hearing snippets from others around[break]
nomi similar to zev / freya will remember that[break]
attack cyllora with beast boosted naganadel dragon pulse yerp


[attr="class","title"]FREYA [break] MORNINGSTAR

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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
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TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 18:45:57 GMT
thanks to everyone's combined attacks, the loyal three fall in a puddle of their own viscera, lost forever. maki takes grim satisfaction in a job well done, knowing the pokemon will never plague this world again.

she turns her attention to cyllora. just before she's able to command her houndoom to attack, the other megalopolans emerge, cowards no longer. their attacks beat against cyllora's shield. they're unable to finish the job before another megalopolan crashes in. this one is quickly subdued by pecharunt, whose chains maki dances around to avoid being hit. for now, waiting to see where the wind blows, maki withdraws her houndoom. this happens just as celebi is caught and dragged into the ship. maki's unable to keep up with what's happening as the ship rocks, and then... everything goes dark, as the ship crashes and she's caught in the chaos, thrown to the floor.

carefully, she climbs to her feet, trying to avoid setting off her injuries once more. there's some broken glass near her, which she grabs in case she needs use of a weapon. she can hear cyllora speak, but their words ring painfully in her ears. she doesn't care. she can't care. she doesn't trust any of the megalopolans, not after everything they've done. if she could kill cyllora with her bare hands, she would. she imagines how satisfying it would be to slit that throat and watch their life extinguish.

she can't get close herself, of course. pecharunt is still there. but she's not about to just let them walk free.

she can hear cillian's orders. maki snaps back to reality. she knows what she has to do; she pulls out a pokeball and releases her malamar. her best guess is that pecharunt is a poison type. ignoring the other megalopolan, she focuses her gaze solely on pecharunt and its charge. "psycho cut," she commands coldly. "hit both of them."

the malamar follows its orders, just as maki follows hers. it releases its psychic energy, a kinetic slash lunging towards both of their opponents. maki watches, a grim expression under her mask. end this.


malamar uses psycho cut on both!
she ignores the other megalopolans, not caring what happens to them.

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 18:58:55 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
The DEATH of the LOYAL THREE was far too quick for his tastes, but as their blood paints a gruesome portrait for dozens of feet outwards, Greyson's anger begins to flag.

An entire weeks worth of strain, stress, rage, and exhaustion all come at once. His eyes lift to the NEVER-ROT and their Megalopolan as the Cloned Pokemon assault and shatter its form, reducing it to size.

The battle comes to a head as more TOXIC CHAINS spear outwards but the combined will of so many people's SYGNA SUITS keep them at bay—until everything explodes.

His introduction to this alien world is explosive and painful, groans erupting all around him. Pushing himself to his feet he finds himself in the streets of some unknown city, zombie-like men and women already moving in their direction.

Static clings to the air due to 's manipulations; a deep feeling of resentment from ; but most of all, the hatred that swarms around clings to Greyson the longest.

It was an old friend to him at this point.

Catching sight of Rocket's most influential members—, , , and even —all standing side-by-side as they preach to the remnants of this alien race spurns that HATRED inside of them.

They wanted to rope these people to their side? To use Velmos—a name that rings with associations to Rocket—as their Puppet, no different than the Never-Rot?

He couldn't let them.

The League was already weakened. If they could rope in the very same people that sparked a multi-day war all those years ago? To prophesize Necrozma? Things would get far, far worse. He needed to turn this group against them as a whole.

Greyson wasn't touched by fate.

He could not see the future as clearly as some.

He did not command Death itself.

But he could do something—even if the ramifications could put all of Hoenn at risk. He'd shoulder those consequences if—or likely when—they came.

DEACTIVING HIS SYGNA SUIT, and returning his Comfey to her orb, he summons his Meowscarada once more. It takes a moment to find his target, spotting 's root-like whips moving in the same direction only strengthens his resolve. If Underboss Beckett wanted something he would do any, and everything he can, to ensure that wouldn't happen.

How pragmatic things became when you decided to take a life.

"There." A shaky finger points towards VELMOS. "Please help me one last time."

Meowscarada pulls a flower from seemingly out of no-where and it brims with power, a soft green glow pulsing from its edges. With a wave of her hand the flower disappears—reappearing a few feet above VELMOS, lingering for just a moment, before it EXPLODES.


HATRED acts like a shot of adrenaline, lasering in his focus to what Rocket wants most: VELMOS
Summons Meowscarada who uses FLOWER TRICK to SUBTLY have an explosive flower appear above VELMOS, ATTEMPTING TO KILL HIM and DELAY ROCKET'S GOALS and TURN MEGALOPOLANS AGAINST THEM/HOENN
Some political discourse goes through his mind, and the realization that deciding to kill someone was simple and pragmatic


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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 22:12:23 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Ah, yes. That was Hoenn. Big, scary things appeared. Everyone threw everything at it. And somehow, a lot of people survived. Many did not, but that was why Violet tended to compartmentalize. She still noticed those around her, but everyone but those she actually cared about near her faded into the background. It was a survival strategy. It was necessary. It was what she had to do to survive. Hence, she did not hesitate to let them enter the grey, as she focused on the bright one next to her.
Which was good enough, at least at first. Her Iron Crown carried the Gallade to battle and got to wreck havoc on the equipment around them to boot. Clearly, that satisfied the Pokemon that still resented this place for having been suspended like that. It had only recently been caught, after all, coming to Hoenn in an army from who-knew-where. It probably did not truly know itself. But ending up like this…it felt very dissatisfied with anything. For the time being, it let all of that out on the big dumb ape and the lab about them, destroying wantonly as it kept the Gallade close enough to break the mask, too.[break]
As such, it also sneered triumphantly when that mask fell with a satisfying splat of sorts. Only the trainer did not join in on that, at first. Because, well…
“Heh. I probably should have dodged after all,” Vio mused to herself as she noticed the mochi impacting. She could have done so. Maybe. Potentially. Honestly, she did not know. She’d seen that coming from the side, opposite of where Elaine was. And for once, she had been plagued with a kind of indecision that she did not know well. [break]
The smart thing to do was just to move out of the way. Either Elaine did too, or the other was hit and not herself. That was how Violet had lived these past years. That was the essence of the one she had chosen to be. Yet, she also was no longer that person. There was the old, memories that had come to the forefront from beneath the seas. There was the new, in part informed by an ephemeral, parallel present and future she did not truly remember. That new one she did not yet fully understand.
Was that one a person that would take the hit for another? She honestly did not know. She could not know. It did not get to that point, after all. Just that bit of hesitation was enough for her to struck, sway a little as she found chains springing forth from the mochi. She just barely had enough time to move her hand between the chain and her throat, where it was trying to do whatever. It restricted her, at the very least, as she fought that, going to a knee and suddenly finding herself desperately trying to get it off.[break]
She certainly did not do it alone. But by the time they got it off, she did not have more time than giving a look of appreciation before they were suddenly thrown down again anyway.
That was the second time she crash landed with something resembling a space ship.
Best not to think about that. Instead, she tried to cushion her fall as best as possible as she took in what all was happening around her in all that chaos. Things did briefly shift again as there was a lull in the fighting. Violet did not completely get all that happened, but she could figure out the gist of it as she took deep breaths, recuperating from the mochi attack. Fortunately, that lull also allowed her to think.
And, of course, part of her wanted nothing more than to hurt those back that had hurt her. Obviously, she was not alone in that. It was an almost overwhelming feeling emanating from those who held deepest grudges. Deep down, she knew that the best thing to do would be to actually converse briefly what it would even mean to not fight. But that was impossible now. She had studied…people. And she knew what kind of momentum these sorts of things took on. The first dominoes were already falling. Some forgave and did not do a thing, but others already started to attack.[break]
ordered an attack.[break]
It would be utterly trivial to just conform to that. Part of her was relieved to be able to hear that, despite them not having reliable comms right then. She could just leave the decision to another. Simple as that.
And yet, she found herself oddly…hesitant to do so. “There can’t be forgiveness”, she muttered to herself, continuing even more quietly amidst resurgent chaos so that only would be able to hear, if the other remained close-by. “But I refuse to break to this place. To be manipulated by the hate they cultivated.” Violet, personally, would have allowed for violence to die down.[break]
But she had not exactly trained that Iron Crown too well yet. And it was still incredibly mad, not just because of what had happened to it, but also the attack on its trainer. And since Violet was too caught up in her troubles there, she never gave any commands not to attack - so the valiant steel type braced itself once more before sending more steely beams at the target of its ire.

  • Hit by mochi chains, struggles against them and needs help
  • Crash landing, ruminating the choice and while Violet does not want to give into anger, Iron Crown chooses violence (attack)
  • Hears Gavins call to attack, and thanks to Iron Crown accidentally heeds that




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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 23:40:36 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

The corners of Pamplemousse's mouth quirked up on his otherwise blank face as the wardens were slain. That their deaths had been brutal and horrific only hightened his sense of satisfaction.[break][break]

As the ship accelerated, Jack's Aggron grabbed him in a protective embrace before the crash. As he regained his feet, he found no signs of serious injury. Pamplemousse did not care about the sight of Ultra Megalopolis outside the window or the dangers that lurked outside. That was a problem for another time, his mind focused linearly on the threat before them.[break][break]

He scanned the area, searching for Diamandis' location after the crash. He headed to her, his eyes sweeping impassively past the red-headed betrayer , and the monstrous form of Necrozma. Jack's screaming in the back of his mind intensified each time the thing was in view and Pamplemousse's head throbbed from the way the man battered around in his head. The scream turned to a wail as Pamplemousse's eyes silently tracked past , until he finally caught sight of Diamandis.[break][break]

This would be easier if Jack would just shut the fuck up.[break][break]

Arriving next to Diamandis, he coldly whispered, "Caesar fucking salad," before gesturing to Jack's Aggron.[break][break]

The Aggron lunged forward toward the Pecharunt in a dragon rush, carrying Pamplemousse's vengeance with it.




– pamplemousse doesn't care about anything else, his purpose is to finish the job[break]
– jack is internally screaming after recognizing zev and seeing necrozma[break]
vote: kill cyllora/pecharunt[break]
– aggron uses dragon rush on pecharunt



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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 0:15:27 GMT
Shred Avatar
[googlefont=Rubik Burned]The masquerade is over.

Shining masks break, as do those that carry them. One battle ends, and another begins. Cyllora and their parasite are trying desperately to hold it all together, to keep control of the situation. Yet, the precarious tower that was built is already crumbling, and no matter how hard they try, its collapse can't be stopped.

The Loyal Three fall. The Dynergy barrier falls. The chains fall. The facade falls. And then, everyone falls.

And that includes you, too. Mercifully, it's a soft landing. It still hurts like hell, but it doesn't break anything that wasn't already broken. It takes a minute for the shock to wear off, and another minute to wriggle out from the rubble, but before long, you've freed yourself, from the wreckage and the prison alike. You're not exactly happy about where you've escaped to, though.

"Fuck me..."

Back in a Megalopolis. Grander than the Lesser, darker than the dream. So, is the the Ultra Megalopolis? It dredges up bad memories of your miserly escapdes with , and worse memories of... Well, the last two days. Two days? Huh. Felt like more.

But they aren't over yet. You've still got a job to do.

Mustering what little energy you have left, you shamble forth to the final confrontation. To kill Cyllora. To destroy the Never-rot. To ensure that the Toxic Chain is eradicated from this world, and that it'll never return.

They try to struggle, to fight. They lash out like cornered Rattata starting down a Meowth. A Toxic Chain latches itself to your body, but what's the point? It's spread too thin. One chain might dominate one person, but a hundred cannot control a hundred. Do they really think they can stand up to and ? Could they even stop or ? No. It couldn't even slow them down. It can't even slow you. They're reduced to begging and pleading and grovelling, asking for mercy, but it all falls on deaf ears. This is the end of the line. They'll go no further.

As attacks rain down upon Cyllora and the Never-Rot, you feel a strange calm wash over you. Like you're at the end of the storm, and can see the sunny day on the other side. It's almost... relaxing. You idly reach for your Pokeballs, but they're not the movements of an executioner swinging their axe down. They're that of a victory lap, of a winner raising their hands high into the air as they cross the finish line.

And then, amidst the havoc, your eyes settle upon Velmos. Shit, Velmos! That inspires a little urgency in you, getting you pick a Pokeball and pull it free from your belt. Can't have him dying after everything you've been through. Not before you give him an earful. Finding the source of this nonsense and not telling you a word about it... Cheeky fucker. You really underestimated him. Still, you suppose he did help out in the end. You owe him another bowl of soup for th--

You blink, and when you next open your eyes, a glowing flower is above him, radiating killing intent. SHIT, VELMOS!

You throw your Pokeball, and out comes your Raging Bolt.


Before you "CLAP" can leave your mouth, the booming blast of lightning is already fired, tearing out from the mouth of the Paradox and screeching straight towards the Flower Trick. Will it be able to destroy it before it can detonate? Hell, will destroying it even help? Fucking... What the fuck. What the FUCK! WHY? WHY?!

The calm is gone. The storm clouds are rolling back and the sunny day is getting further away. You are the furthest thing from relaxed. And when you turn to scan the battlefield, you see only one Meowscarada, and only one man it could belong to.


Elite Four. Member of the League. SCUM.

Just like them. Just fucking like them, isn't it? You were both in this together, but the moment, THE MOMENT they could fuck you over, they fucking do it. Fucking pricks, fucking, why? WHY FUCKING VELMOS?! He didn't fucking do anything, he's... GHH... HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! He just HELPED them! He was Toxic Chained too, just like the rest of you! So why? Why target HIM?!

They're just like them. Cyllora and the League. Both trying to hold you down. Trying to imprison you. They stand from up high and look upon the low, deeming them "weak" and "dumb" and "ugly", and punishing them for it. But Cyllora is going to die today. What about ? Or , or , or , or the rest of them? They'll keep going. They'll keep doing what they've always done. They're just as guilty as the Never-rot, but they? They get to leave. They get to live. They get to see tomorrow.

No. You're wrong.


Watching the arm of the League move to crush an innocent inspires such pure rage within you. A small, sensible part of you knows you shouldn't pick this fight. You're beaten, you're drained, and you're exhausted. You have so little left to give, but that doesn't matter anymore. Even as the last of the kindling fades, you will continue to burn. Even as the rain lashes down upon you, you will continue to burn. Even as their boots stomp upon your embers, you will continue to burn.



You lurch forward, muster all the power you can into your arm, and swing it as hard as you can at Greyson.


TL;DR - Shred is about to go kill Cyllora, but OOPS! He was reminded of how much he hates the League by Greyson C. Connors!!! Trying to protect Velmos by Thunderclapping the Flower Trick and throwing a punch at Greyson. Though he didn't originally intend to, he does spare Cyllora, Pecharunt, and the Megalopolans.
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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 3:10:46 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar


Howls pierced the air as the Okidogi was joined by more familiar—horrifying--shapes. Aubre’s brief respite into clarity was blurred by those howls. She staggered backward. This time, she was not greeted by arms of corroding metal but by the warm, living hands of her husband. As he tugged her away, the redhead did not resist. She murmured softly beneath her breath as her mind flickered between the world of the present, the past, and what seemed a dark future.

The SNAP of Fezandipiti’s neck echoed through the bulkhead. With Leon beside her, Aubre watches as the Megalopans race into the hallway. Some part of her—the part not drowning in a puddle of memories—wonders if her words had anything to do with that. As she squeezes herself tightly, she manages to see a flash of yellow as a chained Heliolisk vanishes around a corner. “Kick her ass, Al.” The doctor murmurs woozily.

Any amazement she might have felt at the emergency of Celebi is short-lived. The light is blinding even in hiding. “!?” The world is plunged into darkness as she and Leon are thrown against the bulkhead. Her head cracks against dull metal as they slide to rest beside one of the emptied tubes. Fresh blood soon mixes with green goo.

Outside, the Swampert suffers a similar fate. As she’s sent flying, one can see the guilt in her eyes. She hadn’t been trying to kill the monkey. That wasn’t what she wanted. Any further thoughts of morality vanish as they skid across the earth into Ultra Megapolis.

When Aubre awakens, she can’t help but take a moment to admire the sky. It’s beautiful. Somehow still bright even without the sun. A sense of exhaustion fills her body. It was emotional. Physical. Mental. She was tired of living in a time loop and somehow had gotten caught in another one. At this point, it was easier to count what didn’t hurt. But as stubborn as McKenna was, she managed to push herself into a sitting position.

Then, the blue-skinned woman offered them a deal.

Words filtered in and out as she took in the battlefield. Out of firing range, it felt like she was watching a movie. She barely noticed as Leon lifted behind her. “Hahahaha!” She felt another bout of hiccuping laughter coming on. It's teary and maddened. There was a choice before them, and it was familiar. She recalls the fiery death that had been a few votes away from being her own.

It almost felt like that vote had been useless. Take them out of their cells, give them a little power, and the cycle starts all over again. Even she was pulsating with hatred for this place and the woman before her. It wasn’t all or either. She hated the feeling. It felt even more sickening than the toxin that ran through her veins.

She didn't like it. And, she couldn't live with herself if it won. This woman deserved to be brought to justice, but that didn't mean tearing her apart like rabid dogs.
Green eyes catch the glimmer of a flower trick. The lightning makes it more obvious, the deep shadows highlighting the fractured ground. ‘Serena!” The redhead croaks as the axolotl moves to obey. Debris falls from Serena’s body as she gives the Bisharp some space. Its Mud Bomb is quick and precise, a bullet looking to knock the explosive aside.

A vain, weak attempt at shattering the cycle.

She shrugs away the net with a few weak movements. A hand reaches up to grab her husband’s scarred hand. Tired and beaten down, the redhead’s answer to this conundrum is a single word. One punctuated by the echo of a gunshot. “Trust.”



Pretty sure her brain's broken[break]
Bursts out laughing at Cyllora's question[break]
Swampert uses Mud Bomb to try and stop 's flower bomb (she's just tired of the stupid fighting)[break]
Votes to trust let the Megalopans handle it[break]

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 5:06:35 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar


Beyond Hell's End

She had watched at everything tumbled. The masks shattered. The three wardens had fallen to the ground and died unceremonious deaths as they were crushed, cleaved, and decapitated. But it was not over yet.

Though she and her Pokemon had avoided the chains, Violet had not. Though their Pokemon had valiantly taken down the Toxic Three, they had not been without damage.

"Violet!" Immediately after seeing this, Elaine ran as fast as she could to her, injuries be damned, and grabbed at the chain. It was almost instinctual that she had placed her hand between the chain that was encroaching on Violet's neck. "I've got you."

With calm precision, she helped Violet pull off the chain and tossed it aside. Taking a moment to sigh from relief, she reciprocated Violet's appreciation with a soft gaze of her own.

The world around them seemed to move forward. The Megalopolans had taken down the so-called never-rot. The captain of the ship had let out their own throes of hatred and frustration. After all, they had been betrayed by the people they had sought to protect.

And throughout it all, the pangs of pity struck at the chords of her soul.

But, all of that ground to a halt in one moment as among the chaos and the lights, a very familiar sounding alarm had begun to ring. And then all began to come tumbling down.


She had cried out as she attempted to keep Violet as close to her as possible.

The world around her sped up. A light enveloped everything around her.

And then...



The Megalopolans in the dream were right. The place she had opened her eyes to was merely a hollow shell of the place in the dream. Bereft of light and hope, all that stood there were the remnants of what was once a civilization.

That was the impression Elaine had as she slowly opened her eyes. She had been thrown sprawled out onto the ground. Her body was aching all over and yet this was hardly anywhere near as bad as when she took hits from Ogerpon.

She had cuts all over her face. Her clothes were also cut in various places revealing trails of blood falling from them and dying her own clothes. Her sandals had seemingly flown off during the crash as even her feet had cuts. She forced herself back up, panting and realized that she had once again escaped another crash without anything dangerous.

Hell, at least this time, she hadn't broken any bones and screamed out from the pain. Though, the last time this happened, she hadn't had any dangerous visceral injuries either.

Holding onto her chest where she felt the most pain and stumbling around, she found Siegfried knocked out out cold and returned him to his Pokeball.

Shortly after, she found Violet and walked up to her offering her a hand to help her stand and a shounder to lean on.

Cyllora's ultimatum once again struck her heart. But it was not any pangs of sympathy. She did not find any room in her heart to find them worth treating them as equal.

What struck her was the negativity that stemmed from pure pity.

Yes, at the pathetic display before her, that was all she could truly feel towards them.

After being imprisoned, coming to her breaking point, and facing death many times over the last seven days, that was all it boiled down to.

Neither hatred. Nor anger. Nor sadness. Nor fear. Nor bloodlust. Nor envy. Nor shame. Nor bitterness. Nor guilt.

The red-haired weakling was beyond exhausted and had not the energy to spare for any of that. Even the grudges that permeated through the prisoner population like some mass psychosis could not take root in her. She was not some pure-hearted saint who would not let it take root. Her soul had been run to the ground too much to ever let something so energy-intense grow within her.

All she could feel at the end of it was the pity one had towards someone who attempted to get too close to the sun and came crashing to terra firma.

“There can’t be forgiveness," she heard Violet muttering to herself. “But I refuse to break to this place. To be manipulated by the hate they cultivated.”

"Yeah, Violet. That's right. I don't care how weak we were deemed, but we're not going to to break. To do so would be our complete defeat."

She smiled at Violet before looking at the impending carnage before her. Others had commanded to attack. There was a chance that the majority would.

It was a pitiful situation all around. The Megalopolans who had placed their trust in someone stronger to guide them to a brighter future and a brighter home. The captain who had taken things to the extreme for that end and now lay here at the mercy of everyone they wronged. The many prisoners letting out the pain of seven long days of agony with pure violence.

All she really could feel was pity.

But that was why she had to try something. She could not just stand by while it all ended in further bloodshed and tragedy. Otherwise, why had she ever wanted to grow stronger in the first place? Elaine Highland was not that kind of apathetic person who would simply turn her head away and let the blood flow.

"Ginga! Use Psychic to stop as many of the attacks as possible."

She had tossed out her trusty partner and ordered the Metagross to block as many attacks as possible with its own.

There was a good chance that this attack would be meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but she could not let this stand. The weakling would exert her will upon the world, no matter how futile it looked.

That was what it meant to keep living, after all.

  • Elaine helps Violet tear off the chains afflicting her
  • Gallade is knocked out in the crash
  • Elaine is injured and in pain, but her injuries are mostly superficial
  • Elaine finds Violet and helps her up
  • Elaine sends out Metagross and orders it to use Psychic on the attacks towards Cyllora
  • Elaine chooses to Spare Cyllora and Pecharunt for the sake of staving further tragedy and letting the surviving Megalopolans chase a semblance of a future
  • Elaine will not break here. The weakling would exert her will upon the world. No matter how meaningless it was.


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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
736 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 5:42:20 GMT
[attr="class","pilotsb desiree"]

i’m afraid they’re gonna find you[break]
and there’s nothing that i can do




Mental turmoil existed in tandem with the satisfaction brought upon by watching the wardens fall one by one, masks untethered and split with the strength of undying human instinct. The feeling of despair that had been reaping chaos beneath her skin since their capture bloomed with grudges of malice and vitriol- she did not know how to feel pulling from the winding pit of energy, the pit of past and present killers, once more. In doing so to regain her freedom, to avoid becoming shackled by the chains of the afterlife, it had to be done- even if it led tears to manifest.[break][break]

It hurt knowing the lengths she had to go to secure her fantasies- securing the world of love that she unfalteringly believed could exist once more while casting out the things that went against them. The alarms blared within the baneful ordeal, ears soaking in the sound but unwilling to be stifled.. there was no dying to be done today, no stifling of the senses. To be rewarded with a vacation with and the rest of the girls, the beautiful souls she had sworn upon, she needed to be sober mind, body, and soul.[break][break]

'We can't die..'[break][break]

So she watched with teary eyes, goosebumps manifesting on the skin as she held onto Hatterene's ribbon arm until she could not any longer. Falling into the rubble, feeling the air her body had desperately sought wander into her lungs, she sputtered a dry cough as she crept upward- removing a large rock that had fortunately only, left a bruise. "Pample.. Ina..? Genny..?" A shot of fear crept up her spine as she looked around, looking for someone- something, anything.[break][break]

'No dying like this..'[break][break]

There was, yet she was not alone. She was accompanied by a familiar green creature, one that she had encountered once before; one that could tamper with the veils of time. Celebi was the reason that she had ended up in these chambers today, yet more importantly, the reason she had been spared the descent into the afterlife. One of the good ones, a seldom few, or so she believed- for it had saved her from losing her head in the days of the amethyst chains before. When the chains had spread into the forest and embedded into the necks of the tree-welling monkeys with a knack for painting, when they had tried to claim her.[break][break]

"It.. saved my life, once," she said softly, stilly pulling sharp stones that rested in her hair, ".. and may it save yours, too.."[break][break]

May it be the protector that she would never be able to be. The times that she had sworn to the cosmos to protect those she loved led her to take ownership of seeing them all here; perhaps it was divine punishment of unworthiness, or the universe spitting in her face in the most bitter, unimaginable way possible. Tears resonated with the pain that crept inside, emulsified by the crumbled bones resting within her arm. Diamandis was born as a means to protect, to preserve- but what was it that needed protecting? She believed herself to be a failure in all her successes.[break][break]

If she had not been a failure, they would not be here- not in this darkened city, not in the shadow of Megalopolans pleading for their lives after forsaking humanity time and time again. "Pamplemousse..?" she gasped at his approach, heartbeat intensifying, ".. is it.. time..?"[break][break]

Was it that the unwound Megalopolan executives went against the world of love she wished to foster? Were they, as a concept, unable to feel empathy for the innocent and unable to learn? Diamandis wished to get her revenge after playing the game more than anything else in the hours, days, and weeks that they endured such torment; would slaughtering them in the name of retribution, bringing justice upon them, allow Desiree, her real self, to still be the embodiment of love she wished to become? Or would it only cause her grief to run deeper in knowing just how humanly they were at their core, even with their wretched diet and ideals?[break][break]

None of that mattered anymore- just the cultivation of the ceasar salad they had all been waiting for, dying for. All with a pink pecha on top in the form of a beautiful garnish. It was a ticket to the world of love- that which the Megalopolans and the never-rot had no place in. They did not spare sincerities and generosity in their time as prison puppetmasters, and only so many cheeks could be turned before rotting from the inside out.[break][break]

"Get your fill, Pamplemousse.. Gloss," she said softly in support of 's wishes, crumbling a z-crystal she removed from a slot of her purse in her palm, ".. bloom for me."[break][break]

Channeling the extent of the shattered gem, the Hatterene joined the Aggron at its side with the sharpness of rose thorns in its eyes. It spun a magical leaf into a bloom of doom, sending its grand spell toward the Pecharunt without hesitation.[break][break]

'It does not belong in the world which I seek.'[break][break]


♡ struggles with the lengths she has to and will have to go to create the world she seeks: love world. through the discourse in her mind that comes with killing again, she finds and celebi after the fall. she wishes for the creature to be the protector of yuina she believes she never has/will been/be, and for it to save her life as it has for hers in PP: Grafaiai. is very insecure. 's approach reminds her of what must be done though- what diamandis would do, what she was waiting for. the unwound megalopolans and pecharunt have no place in the world of love, so she votes to kill them via Z CRYSTAL CRUSHING HATTERENE MAGICAL LEAF -> BLOOM DOOM flung @ pecharunt ~~!


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
341 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 19:05:45 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

He shouldn't have felt good. He shouldn't have felt the palpable relief that threatened to sweep him off his feet as he watched Okidogi lose control of the Cornerstone Mask and become literally crushed by the weight of its own ambitions. He did, though, a tiny thrill, a shred of victory after time-condensed days of labor, humiliation, exhaustion, and pain.
The next wave of mochi bursting into netlike chains caused him to retch, the accumulated illness of repeated exposure to the chains throughout April rearing its head against him once more, but between his attempts to shred the chains apart and Nemo's bulky frame assisting, they soon littered the floor around him in pieces.
Then they crashed, and everything littered the floor around him in pieces. Coughing, he pulled himself free of the debris, his ears ringing, and looked around frantically. was there, leaning on Other-Beau, but Nemo? Where was his Swampert? A weary exhale left him as he saw the amphibian emerge, battered and devoid of his Mega Evolution, but alive.
The politics and machinations of these aliens were beyond him - he had little context and even less understanding of what had transpired and had yet to transpire, but he knew that if the Pecharunt were allowed to attack once more, they'd be in the same boat all over again.
Then Cyllora's anger turned into bargaining, a desperate, manic proposal. They were all of them worn down by the experience, but what was the right call? Being sent home, away from this mess, sounded like a dream to him, but if left unchecked, would they just be setting themselves up for a worse crisis when the Megalopolans got a new ship?
No. Beau moved toward Eddie and his Tauros, his free arm raising to rest his hand on the other man's shoulder. "Let's just get outta here. There's been enough. It's enough."



Wants to SPARE the Megalopolans and go home.[break]
Still stands near Eddie, doesn't want him or himself to be alone rn




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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 19:47:46 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]When the Dynamaxed Loyal Three were successfully defeated, their masks smashed, Aurelie sagged in relief. She hadn't been sure they would make it, but it seemed the combined efforts of the Legendary Pokemon and Sygna Suits were enough to break all three masks in one fell swoop. Despite her injuries and exhaustion, the redhead had just enough presence of mind to dodge the Pecharunt's chains.

When they crash-landed in Ultra Megalopolis and the Celebi allied itself with , all Aurelie could think was that, a mere year ago, she could barely remember who these Legendary Pokemon even were. And now... This reminded her of when Rocket and League joined forces against the Kyurem, and Palkia appeared to choose another mortal ally too. She watched in awe and wonder, but no longer with surprise.

When Cyllora pleaded for mercy, Aurelie hesitated. She hated her and the Pecharunt for all they'd done and all they'd inflicted on their prisoners, of course. And yet... Of all people, she could understand the urge to go home—and the lengths you might go to achieve it.

No, she couldn't punish them for that.

Others seemed perfectly willing to do it, though. To her surprise, she saw among the ones seeking vengeance, as well as...was that ? With a Calyrex? Was she the League member it had allied with? And hers actually did her bidding?

Consider my mind blown, she thought muzzily.

For herself, though, Aurelie shook her head and folded her arms, choosing to spare the Megalopolans. Despite the orders from the underbosses, she hesitated to even attack Cyllora and the Pecharunt. After all, Cyllora had said, "If you leave me and my people alone, we'll send you back. Safely."

"Yes, let's just go home," she sighed aloud. "This has dragged on long enough. All I want to do is sleep in my own bed again.

She raised an eyebrow at and , before glancing at as well. "Unless one of you has any bright ideas about how to do that on our own, should we really be killing the one who probably has the power to send us home? All of us? Even if she did wrong us by putting us in prison?"



- No longer in the Ugly Ward!
- Surprised by some people choosing vengeance, and even more surprised to see Elise's Calyrex actually being one of her own Pokemon
- Votes for MERCY
- Ignorant of Zev's alliance with Illeana and her Palkia, asks the Rockets if they have any brilliant ideas to get home without Cyllora's help

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,511 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 20:25:11 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
[attr="class","space annal"]

idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword




leave them alone? [break][break]all around her, the crowd erupts with shouts, each voice pushing and pulling against a decision that had already been cemented in her mind long before the prison ship ran itself aground. she looks down at herself, at the weakened TOXIC CHAIN coiled around her, and wonders how putting them back in chains is meant convince anyone. [break][break]fuck no.[break][break]there's only one insurance against them becoming threats again in the future. mercy is exploitable, but the finality of death is not. her eyes shift toward her aurorus as she calls out to it. the ice-type fights against its binds, its neck purpling beneath the toxic chain, but meets her eye during its struggling. [break][break]a ripple passes through the crowd as sets off a chain reaction. she presses during the distraction, eyes darting from her pokemon to cyllora, pecharunt, and the chained megalopolans. [break][break]"kill them!"[break][break]the aurorus stomps a foot. the ground beneath their oppressors rumbles with an impending stone edge, indiscriminate of the proposed innocence of some of those standing above it. [break][break]

[attr="class","oocnotestwo"]• VOTE: ATTACK/DEFEAT CYLLORA AND THE PECHARUNT[break] aurorus is using stone edge on them[break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
628 posts
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 2:10:02 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

Nenet feels little by way of emotion as the Loyal Three meet their grisly fates. It seemed Cyllora and the Never-Rot were next, but the next thing she knew the ship was crashing down around them and her heart leapt into her throat.
She's barely given a chance to think before she's being pulled into the Shard of Necrozma's arms, and she only just manages to recall her Pyroar before she's cradled in crystal. Curling in on herself, she can feel the weight of the ship's impact and hear the screeching of metal; it's only through the guardianship of Necrozma that she emerges unscathed.
She winces subtly as the sound of mindless Megalopolans fills the air in the distance - it's only a matter of time before they're discovered, drawn to the Hoennites by the hellish sound of the crash. Keeping one hand on the crystal-black Necrozma, she stands with unsteady feet until she stands behind Zev, observing now beside him. Her masks remains in place, thankfully, continuing to conceal her identity.
"We should study them instead," Nenet murmurs, but her voice does not carry and she does not lift it to contradict her husband. Instead, she looks to her Clefable as he is released from his Pokeball, and Life Dew pulses through the area.


- , .[break]
- Nenet remains MASKED.[break]
- Nenet votes to SPARE them. But not very loudly.[break]
- Clefable uses LIFE DEW for those in the general area.



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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 4:08:38 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Despite the seemingly impossible task at hand, everyone managed to come together, and destroy the masks, along with their former tormentors.

"Yeah! Get fucking shit on!", Andrew called out, celebrating the deaths of the Wardens.

Before they could turn their attention to the Megalopolan General, the situation became even more hectic. The ship's window was breached, and a Celebi was ripped into the ship. Andrew's Metagross did its best to shield their master from what was to come.

When Andrew came to, his Metagross got up first, before helping their master back onto their back. Despite the embrace of the Toxic Chains, and the looming threat of maddened Megalopolans, Andrew only felt rage towards their former captor.

"Fuck you, bitch! You're not getting off that easy!", Andrew declared.

As the Zekrom pried the shell of the Pecharunt open, the Metagross concentrated for a moment, before unleashing a Psychic 'bullet' towards the exposed 'core' of the Pecharunt.

"Die, motherfucker!"


notes: Andrew celebrates the deaths of the Wardens
Andrew hangs on for dear life
Andrew comes to with his Metagross in Ultra Megalopolis
Andrew chooses to kill Cyllora & Pecharunt
Metagross fires a Psychic burst into the 'core' of the Pecharunt, after Zekrom exposes it

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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,931 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 13:14:53 GMT
Navy Avatar







The last thing he remembers before a brief fade to black is a triumphant whoop. Their captors have fallen, and their chains are thrown off. Somewhere along the way, their ship makes contact with its destination, and he clocks out for a brief nap.[break][break]
When he comes to, he feels pain. ’s numbing agent has worn off. Searching around for the Mother Beast, he cannot find her in the rubble. All he can see is the pageantry of Cyllora’s speech and the pathetic creature whimpering behind her, shooting out chains that Arthur lazily deflects. This battle is over. It does not take a warrior to see that.[break][break]
Cyllora and her people’s lives are placed in the hands of those she tormented. Feeling the pinpricks of pain across his body, many of which will flourish into new scars, it is hard not to bear a grudge. It would be so easy to hate them. He sees that hatred in the eyes of friend and foe alike. A monster clad in black which men call rallies the people with a speech.[break][break]
Even if some follow, not enough will. This promises to be a massacre. Attacks start to fire before out at the Megalopolin and her captive Pokemon. Among them he sees a red chain. Though he might be stuck on the ground, his eyes still work. Following them to their conclusion, he sees and Uxie. Beside him are and .[break][break]
Those bastards made ‘em avatars?[break][break]
Were it not for that thought, and those chains, he would simply lay there. Nothing he can do would shape the battle. No grand speech will persuade them from their course. has the right of it: say your piece and leave.[break][break]
But if he does that, while those kids have that determined look in their eyes, they’re on their own. There’ll be hell to pay. He’s always had a weak spot for kids. Fumbling for a pokeball, he does the only thing he can. Shuwen, his Urshifu, appears in a flash of red. Looking from Navy, the bear’s eyes find the chain. They pivot to where the chain stretches, and Shuwen knows what he must do.[break][break]
Arceus, I might be sending him to his death.[break][break]
Shuwen sees it too, yet still he runs. Trusting in his Urshifu, Navy turns to the children graced with the red light of the lakes and shouts a frantic command.[break][break]
Don’t know what you kids are doing, but do it quick! It’s about to be a bloodbath in here!”[break][break]
Shuwen rushes ahead of the attacks, raising a protective barrier of sheer fighting spirit. It will hold for a moment, if that, but perhaps it will give or the time they need.



notes about this post

Navy wakes up in the rubble. He contemplates simply walking away like did before spotting 's toxic chain, along with and . Thinks they've been made avatars, know kids well enough to know they're about to pull something. While everyone attacks Cyllora and Pecharunt, he sends out Urshifu, who tries to cover Cyllora with protect in an attempt to buy Eris and Cass time. Vote: Spare

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP