i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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January 9th
senior ranger
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 7:00:02 GMT
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Move after move was used against the three wardens that had made their lives theirs, until finally they managed to break through. However, before he could be relieved, the mochi that had struck him earlier ensnared him in chains similar to what he felt netting would be like.
He immediately fought the chain, his stubborn nature allowing him to break free. Seeing as Volt was also ensnared, he would go to help the Zebstrika out. Pulling against the chain, he would be able to loosen it enough to enable Volt to break free the rest of the way on his own.
He then turned towards the loyal three just in time to see their demise.
As the loyal three were killed in some form or fashion—the Okidogi being crushed, the Munkidori being cleaved in half, and the Fezandipiti getting its neck broken—Ever flinched.
Being a person who abhorred violence, he wasn’t really comfortable with the idea of killing. Even if he was starting to realize that it was kind of avoidable,.
Still looking at the carnage, he had to wonder if that was really the way things had been.
‘They deserved it,’ a voice whispered in the back of his mind.
Stiffening, he looked away from the bodies of the loyal three. Why would he think something like that?
Sure, they had abducted them. It took them away from their families, making them worry. His own grandparents were probably worried sick. Sure, they weren’t really old due to having had his mother when they were fairly young, but what if all that worth caused them to have a heart attack or something?
Just the thought of his grandparents worrying made his stomach churn. His parents did so much for him. They had been more of a parent to him than his own father, despite the fact that they could’ve easily been seen from his father's point of view.
The more he thought about his grandparents, the worse he felt. Until all of those bad feelings were suddenly replaced with a slow, burning anger.
How dare they make his grandparents worry like that?
As the remaining foes tried to protect themselves by putting up another barrier, he braced himself for another attack. However, before he could issue any kind of order, the Megalopolans, along with the cloned Pokémon, attacked their adversaries. With many attacks, the enemy's defenses were broken through.
Still, he wasn’t about to let his guard down, even if they seemed defeated. As he saw the chains flying towards everyone and their Pokémon to pierce them, he was glad he hadn’t. However, before the chains could pierce anyone, something happened.
The chains just stopped.
Confused, he looked around to see a small Pokémon being dragged across the ground. Grounding his teeth together, he shot a glare towards Cyllora and Pecharunt. Before he could say or do anything, he was suddenly thrust to the ground as the ship accelerated and crashed to the ground.
Blinking away black spots, he pushed himself up into an upright position with his good arm. Pain radiated through his broken arm as he considered that he had once again landed on it.
Shaking away the lingering effects of the nausea the pain had wrought, he looked around. However, upon looking outside, he would still be clueless as to where they were. It would only be upon looking harder that he would recognize the place. It definitely resembled the place they had dreamed about—a much darker place than the one in their dreams, though.
Remembering Volt, he would look to see him out cold on the floor. Due to the poisoning as well as the crash landing, he wasn’t doing so well. It seemed the crash landing had injured him pretty badly. Wincing, he would return Volt back to his pokeball before making his way to exit the ship.
As he left the ship, he let his gaze continue to sweep their surroundings, only looking away when Megalopolans were ensnared. Even if controlled, he couldn’t help but feel contempt for all the Megalopolans, especially Cyllora, who was so willing to sacrifice her own people.
And for what?
Just to get home?
People who used people just like his father. They were the kind of people who didn’t care about anyone but themselves. Sure, they would claim otherwise, but their actions always gave away their true natures.
He was tired.
Tired of it all?
Tired of the strong oppressing the wing?
Well, no more. He wouldn’t stand for it.
His thoughts were clouded with a weird anger, but he didn’t notice. All he saw were the people who had made them suffer. As Cyllora tried to cut a deal with them, he stared blankly at her.
Was she being serious?
After everything they had put them through,?
Usually, Ever would take the deal; after all, he wasn’t a violent person. However, as beaten as he was, he couldn’t fight the grudge-induced rage channeled by Elizabeth, which made it impossible for him to think clearly. All he saw were the people who took joy in beating people down.
“You think just sending us home is good enough? You think you’re innocent of the pain you caused just because you weren’t directly attacking us. You were still aligned with the wardens that made our lives hell. You’re as guilty as they are, and you beg for mercy. Why should we grant you mercy after everything you put us through? After you were so willing to sacrifice your own for your own agenda," he spat, his eyes narrowing.
What was wrong with bad guys wanting to escape punishment? “Those with wicked hearts must be punished.”
Without saying anything else, he would take out another pokeball, releasing Flash from theirs. “Make them pay,” he told the Zeraora.
Seeing the condition their trainer was in, Flash shot towards Pecharunt and Cyllora, encasing their fists in the list, and moved to attack the two.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL;DR: Injuries: Broken arm (left), a few broken ribs, a few gashes and brushes, a few burns, badly poisoned [break] struggles with the idea that the three wardens deserved to die. [break] Fueled by angry breaks himself out of the chains and helps Volt enough with his chains to enable him to break out in his own. [break] returns Volt back to his pokeball after they crash landed. [break] Cyllora pleads for mercy and Ever influenced by ’s and Chien Po’s abilities isn’t having it. [break] Zeraora uses Plasma Fist against Cyllora and Pecharunt [break] Vote: Defeat Cyllora and Pecharunt



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 7:30:54 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The CORNERSTONE OKIDOGI and Resheph violently collided, both inflicting horrific pain upon one another. As tightly as the fates cut at the thread of the Dragonair's life, a royal purple light surrounding it repelled their scissors.

It was not yet the Dragonair's time to die.

Feeling the ship accelerate, Josh braced himself against his good side, protecting his bad arm against the violent impact to come. Without the pressure of Stealth Rocks cutting into it, his good arm held. Where he found himself, though, was not Hoenn. It was ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS. It may not have been possible to be farther away from Hoenn. Would he have to strike a new life here?


He would commandeer a ship and the know-how to get it to Hoenn. Whether directly or through scaring the ever-loving hell out of a Megalopolan. And he was going to take as many of his friends home with him as possible. The chains of the NEVER-ROT flew toward Josh and his Dragonair. Invigorated by AZELF's energy, they did not control him as they once did.

Listening to Cyllora's plea, Josh guffawed. "You whisked all of us away from Hoenn. We're not just responsible for our own lives. Many of us have the lives of thousands of people in our hands. Mauville's citizens rely on me, the Rangers I oversee, and Officers I work with to keep its borders safe from megalomaniacs like you."

The appearance of WO-CHIEN and its Avatar, , fed Josh's mind an emotion he had not gorged on since the fateful day he attempted to take the life of . Utterly BITTER and RESENTFUL toward Cyllora, architect of the Champion's imprisonment, his mind was consumed by the Scorned and her Patron. "You separated Mauville's, and Hoenn's people from what kept them going. What mattered to them. You tried to take away everything from us. But you have failed."

The Knight of Thunder withdrew Resheph and plucked the RAINBOW FEATHER from between threads of his inert Sygna Suit. Raising it above his head with the hand connected to his good arm, he drew the Sign's first stroke: from above his head to level with his stomach, straight down.

"You have ruined an unspeakable number of lives forever. Even if the prisoners you despicably lifted from Hoenn recover physically, they will have to endure the psychological trauma you caused for the rest of their lives."

He drew the Sign's second stroke: diagonally from stomach level to his right side, at upper chest level.

"You faked the deaths of countless Pokémon as a scare tactic," Josh barked, his mind almost completely enveloped in the Ruinous Beast's GRUDGES. "It would have been better to discover that the Pokémon had been killed later rather than hang it over their heads. Have you not heard the saying that a happy worker is a productive worker? Or was it never about the work in the first place?!"

He drew the Sign's third stroke: straight across his body, ending at his left side, at upper chest level.


He drew the Sign's fourth and final stroke: a diagonal at an angle to the second stroke, back across his body. Electrified ash hung from the air in the shape of the sign, forming a distinct feline shape and would be able to recognize instantly from having pillaged the Gym Leader's dream. A deafening, murderous-sounding clamor left the big cat's gaping maw between his knife-like fangs.


His GRUDGE boiling over into anger, Josh spat at Cyllora. "COWER IN FEAR OF THE RECEIVING END OF YOUR OWN CRUELTY!!" Drawing on the Beast's SAVAGERY, Swift launched his monochrome body toward Pecharunt and Cyllora at lightning speed, mercilessly raking at them with his sharp, pointed claws with such haste the entranced Champion expected they would not be able to even process before his legendary partner was on top of them.


Swift the RAIKOU has regained the move QUICK ATTACK.


- Josh protects his bad arm against the impact of the crash.
- Josh winds up in Ultra Megalopolis and forms a plan to hijack a ship and crew to return to Hoenn.
- 's presence instills in Josh a GRUDGE against the Megalopolans that had controlled the Loyal Three.
- Josh draws Raikou's Sign with the Rainbow Feather and sics the electric tiger upon them.
- The passing of Sacred Ash Raikou from to Josh is now PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE.
- Raikou regains the move QUICK ATTACK.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Raikiri       Zeraora        Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Mastema       Togekiss       KO
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 8:00:27 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









With the OKIDOGI crushed beneath the weight of its broken mask, and ZEKROM are quick to shift their attention back to CYLLORA and PECHARUNT. Though not before the former got a chance to turn to and CALYREX, granting them a thankful nod. "Well done, cousin," He states, stepping closer to help take off the TOXIC CHAINS that had netted themselves around her.[break][break]

"But keep your wits up. It's not over yet."

Jogging over to next, Remiel helps remove her own TOXIC CHAIN netting before gently grasping her by the shoulders. "You've been poisoned..." He frowns, assessing her fatigued state with worry in his blue eyes. "I suppose you'll be stubborn if I ask you to sit the rest of this out behind ZEKROM and I?" The prince adds with a hint of a smile.[break][break]

"Please don't overexert yourself, Diana... I've already lost somebody I loved to the MEGALOPOLANS. I won't lose you, too." He assures her with a determined look, releasing her from his grip before turning back around. "I'd stay and look after you myself, but... ZEKROM and I have unfinished business with them," He states as electricity begins to crackle around his body.[break][break]

"This should be over shortly."[break][break]


The mochi-splattered royal scoffs at ADMIN FOX's decision to show mercy. The one time that TEAM ROCKET's penchant for violence was welcomed, and was falling short in his predecessor's eyes. At least had enough sense to take up arms against the vile entity that had imposed its will upon them, he thought. And, though the idea of attacking while he was entangled was tempting, Remiel's hatred toward MEGALOPOLAN's had a sharper edge than his hatred toward his former friend.[break][break]

They had taken from him, after all, and poisoned his patron through torture.

Regardless, though neither of them knew it, was having a deeper effect on them still. The sheer cold of his HATRED had infected them back in the SILENT ICELANDS. It was part of the reason why their decision came so easily.[break][break]

Despite the desperate TOXIC CHAINS that are thrown at them like webbing, and ZEKROM show no fear. The former lifts a chain holding his TERA ORB, facilitating the STEEL-TYPE TERASTALLIZATION of the BLACK YIN just as they are ensnared. But, alas, the chains prove weaker than before and are simply tugged off.[break][break]

Forming a crackling BOLT in his hand, as his eyes flared blue with electricity, Remiel glares at CYLLORA. "After everything they've put us through, justice is required." He declares to everyone who will hear him. "They must not be allowed to subject anyone else to the horrors we experienced ever again," The royal adds as his multi-winged dragon takes its place behind him.[break][break]

Iron-scaled and shimmering, ZEKROM summons his PSYCHIC power again in preparation for the assault to come. Though they strategically wait for and to finish their assaults before issuing their own.[break][break]

"And for that to happen..." Remiel continues, his power surging in the shadow of ZEKROM's own.[break][break]



Without hesitation, the EXACTING reels his arm back before casting his bolt straight at CYLLORA. ZEKROM, in the meantime, reaches out with his hands to telekinetically seize PECHARUNT's shell and PRY IT OPEN. In the wake of his attack, Remiel sharply turns to face the others, casting a wary look at the possessed MEGALOPOLANS.[break][break]

"Someone strike the core! NOW!"

NOTES ♔[break][break]

  • helps & with their TOXIC CHAINS
  • scoffs at the new ADMIN FOX for showing mercy
  • declares his intent to ATTACK both PECHARUNT & CYLLORA
  • casts a LIGHTNING BOLT at CYLLORA 🏷️
  • ZEKROM uses PSYCHIC to pry PECHARUNT's shell open 🏷️
  • calls for someone to KILL PECHARUNT quickly while it's exposed


[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY ⛓️


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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 9:02:07 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
Johanna watched as the combined might of Hoenn rained against the villainous masks of their former-wardens. The masks broke, the Wardens died. And though she wanted to let herself be at ease another Dynamazed Monster stood before them.

Johanna tried to ready herself against the weight of her own Gengar. Steadying her legs, calming her ragged breath. “This isn’t over yet.” She would remind both Pokémon.

But before they could begin another attack others joined the fray. The new allies brought confusion to her at first. Had she missed something? Had she while wallowing in self-pity allowed others in need to go unnoticed. How could she have done that? SHE was supposed to help people.

She was not given much time to ponder as the Toxic Chains threaten to turn her and her Pokémon into holed-mochi. Through nimble skill and ghostly agility Gengar saved her from this fate. Quickly pulling her into his arms and carrying her like a white-ghost-knight carrying a Princess.

Claydol too dodged as best he could LEVITATE’ing away from the danger.

For a precious moment they seemed safe. Then they were all forced to the ground as the whole prison crashed onto its destination. Gengar made sure to become the pillow that protected its trainer from further danger.

“Thank you.” Johanna said, giving the ghost a grateful but weak smile. The Gengar gave its signature wide grin in response and forced itself back on its feet, still carrying its trainer in its arms.

They were not given long to appreciate still being alive as Cyllora and The Pecharunt rose once more. Chains attempted to bind Johanna, Gengar, Claydol and the rest of her Pokemon. And at first Johanna feared she might succumb. But then she felt it. The pull was weak. She could push through and break them even weak as she was.

The same could not be said for their temporary allies. Though the spectacle was a grim threat. Johanna couldn’t help but empathize with Cyrolla’s words. Misguided as Cyrolla’s actions may have been, Johanna on some level thought she understood where they came from. Had her heart been colder, she might have done similar if it meant she could make her home Region a better place.

But what could Johanna do now? To attack Cyrolla and end it here and now would be the same as proclaiming that not everyone can be saved, not everyone deserves second chances. And if that was the case how could she possibly decide who was deserving and who wasn’t?

While she was paralyzed with decision making people began to attack, raining their grudges down on Cyrolla. She was certain she even saw summoning a Raikou. She didn’t have time nor bandwidth enough to be surprised at that point. No, she had but one thing to do. If even kindhearted people like Josh were succumbing to anger, hatred and grudges. She had to become a lighthouse that guided people toward a different path.

“Put me down, Retnauh, I need to stand up.” She whispered. The Gengar looked surprised, then worried at first. But it complied, putting its trainer down on her own two legs, making sure that even through her wobbling she would stay up.

“Clay don’t hurt anyone, okay?”

The Claydol nodded.

Johanna then took a deep breath and yelled as loudly as she possibly could, hoping to be heard over the sound of attacks.

“I know you meant well! But this was and still is not the way! Can’t you see that you caused pain and suffering to everyone, even your own people, your own friends! - ”

The strain of speaking grew but she would not back down.

“- I know some people won’t forgive you. But I forgive you! I understand why you did this and if you just put down the chains I am sure we can come together and find a way that will help everyone!”

- Johanna is surprised by their new allies.
- Realizes she had been blinded by her own self-pity to help others.
- Saved by Gengar from all the dangerous bits.
- Starts emphasizing with Cyllora
- Tries to do talk-no-jutsu on Cyllora

- INJURIES: Several STEALTH ROCK's embedded in her back like knives. (Using Gengar to keep herself upright standing)

Punished Pokemon:


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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 12:09:07 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilots eddiepp"]

alive with love tonight




For all of his bravado, Eddie realized that his Tauros' strike was just a drop in the bucket compared to the overwhelming forces that surrounded them. A fractal monster of black crystal; a smoldering bird swathed in red flames of ire; a draconic scion of ideals. If their foes seemed to possess impossible strength, then their allies were impossibly stronger still. Eddie was too awed by the spectacle of it all to notice the flinging of mochi, though he did notice the new wave of sickness that washed over him. He grimaced against it as the ship lurched and crashed. [break][break]

He barely registered the shouting of their foe as he staggered to his feet, blinded by pain in the first moment, then by fear for his Pokemon and cellmate in the next. But once he found the Tauros emerging from the rubble unscathed, and his Copperajah next, and Beau after, Eddie stopped to listen to the protestations of their captor. His legs buckled a little beneath him, and he slung his arm over his Tauros' side to catch himself. [break][break]

Eddie wanted to fight, wanted to scream, because all he could think of for a moment was of the torture that had been brought down upon them. They had been battered, and bruised, and they could enact their righteous god damn fury for it all, and he was sure that he could call another of his team members to deal some crushing blow and end this, once and for all. [break][break]

But then Eddie realized that maybe he was a little out of his depth. [break][break]

He stood in the presence of gods and their mortal vassals on the ground of an alien world. Why should he have the audacity to think his voice was of any importance? Who the hell did he think he was, posturing as some self-righteous hero? He, who had been a simpering, self-pitying mongrel for half of his time spent here. He, who had played at being some terrific guardian for his friend, only to find himself hardly able to care for anyone. [break][break]

Greater men and women than he prepared to lunge at the little peach-creature and its alien companion. But Eddie just stood, leaning against the side of his black bull, and something in his gut churned with some unspoken stubbornness. Justice or mercy, huh? His single moment of fury was snuffed out; Eddie already knew what his decision would be, [break][break]

“You do what you gotta,” he said softly, inclining his head toward his cellmate, “But I think I'm done with all'a this shit.” [break][break]

His bleeding heart and sundered ego would probably be the death of him someday. [break][break]


NOTES: [break]
Sad boi hours, who up? [break]
Eddie really starts to realize how insignificant he is in the grand scheme of things [break]
Checks on his Pkmn and Beau after the crash (bcus when doesn't he lmao) [break]
Initially pissed but then just starts feeling kinda defeated and tired [break]


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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,045 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 12:32:05 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

Another rough landing. How many more of those could they take before their bones shattered just like the masks? Andrea’s Hydreigon had shielded its trainer with its body, chunks of debris falling off its heavily bruised back. “Thanks for saving me, Chomper…”
One of the Frenzy Plant branches had snapped off in the crash, and was claimed by Ogerpon. Though still tearful over the loss of her masks, the ogress’ eyes glinted with determination. Thorny vines coiled around her wooden stick like barbed wire around a baseball bat.
Meanwhile, the young PokéManiac frantically searched for any familiar faces amongst the wreckage of the prison-ship. “Is everyone alright?! Josh, Johanna, Ettie, Elise, Eris, Navy, Baki, Ms. Lulu?!” She hollered the names of everyone she knew, including .
How relieved she was to hear the latter’s voice, as she implored her fellow Hoennians to show mercy to their captors. Right, the Lousy Three had been slain, but Cyllora and the never-rot were still alive and kicking, and making a last ditch attempt to salvage their dream.
The idea of mercy was appalling to , whose overflowing GRUDGES corrupted everything around her. Blinded to the anguish of the blue-skinned race, all Andrea could think of were their own seven days of hellish torture. The sight of the mangled corpses of their former wardens was not enough to sate her thirst for vengeance.
“You hurt us! You hurt our friends! You hurt Pon!” The dragon maiden bared her fangs, bitter tears streaming down her cheeks, while her pupils narrowed into borderline reptilian slits. “And you don’t even feel bad about any of that! What did we ever do to you?!”
Her words were a lot more visceral than the well-thought-out responses of and Carter (), fueled by Chomper’s RAGE that had become her own. Out of everyone present, knew first-hand how dangerous it was for a human to sync up with a Dragon-type Pokémon. And out of everyone present, had seen what this seemingly benign girl was capable of when those primal, draconic instincts took over.
Indeed, their enemies would reap what they had sown. And they had sown dragon’s teeth.
“RAAAAAWR!! DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!!!!” Infinity Energy coursing through her veins, the Sygna Suited woman lunged at Cyllora with the full ferocity of a rampaging Hydreigon, ready to deliver a lethal Crunch on the Megalopolan General’s throat.
Ogerpon also went on the offensive, wielding her newly reconstructed Ivy Cudgel with remarkable ease. Perhaps the Oni of unknown origin was bound to Pecharunt by one of the many strings of fate. Perhaps, across all universes, their species were destined to be mortal adversaries.
As and his obsidian patron provided an opening, the enraged ogress tore through Toxic Chain after Toxic Chain, before swinging her mighty mallet vertically, targeting the squishy main body of her peachy arch-nemesis.



- Dummy ward FREEDOM!!![break]
- SYGNA DRIP[break]
- INJURIES: Andrea has suffered burns on her arms from Hearthflame Masks's flame as well as bruises from Ogerpon's retaliation.[break]
- Crash landed on Ultra Megalopolis OUCH![break]
- The masks were all destroyed :sadge:[break]
- Using the Frenzy Plant branch as a base, Ogerpon reconstructs her cudgel[break]
- 's GRUDGES plus syncing up with Hydreigon makes Andrea very angy[break]
- With tier three Sygna Suit active, Andrea attempts to Crunch on Cyllora's throat[break]
- Ogerpon attacks Pecharunt's exposed main body with Ivy Cudgel[break]



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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,710 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 13:25:42 GMT
[attr="class","uglytheo prisonertheo"]

i'm standing on the ashes of who i used to be



rising from the debris caused by the sudden crash, the underboss attempts to find his bearings. his hand brushes over pokeballs on his belt, recalling his ceruledge in favor of his gyarados. the red-scaled water-type coils protectively around the underboss, ready to strike.[break][break]

he observes.[break][break]

presented with a chance at diplomacy, the underboss considers their options, weighing each carefully while he stares down CYLLORA and the PECHARUNT behind her.[break][break]

sparing them would allow them a chance to rebuild their home, and should ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS thrive once more, they could prove to be an incredible ally.[break][break]

meandering his way over to , he delivers the beast a clear directive loud enough for others to overhear.[break][break]

"spare them."[break][break]

this is the only olive branch he will offer to the MEGALOPOLANS in hopes that they survive this, rebuild, and one day return as allies to TEAM ROCKET.[break][break]

but as for their de facto leader:[break][break]

"kill her," he whistles, harkening back to wartime, "and burn the never-rot."[break][break]

despite his desire to control the uncontrollable, he knows he cannot rely on the NEVER-ROT to help him achieve as much.[break][break]

gyrados' POWER WHIP lashes out, attempting to find VELMOS to rip them free. the megalopolans need a leader, after all, and who better than someone who had already aligned themselves with TEAM ROCKET.[break][break]


ugly ward[break]
. left arm broken[break]
. theo spares megalopolans hoping to make a permanent ally[break]
. theo tells zev & necrozma to spare megalopolans[break]
. theo calls out to kill cyllora and the never-rot[break]
. ACTION: gyarados uses power whip to try and free velmos


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 13:55:45 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


Cillian calls out to Rocket's Megalopolan ally as he's snared by chains. Before the underboss can act with the intention of assisting, however, the ship's hull is breached and they're sent hurtling violently to the ground.[break][break]

He lays there, stunned, and wheezes gasps of fresh air into lungs that inflate agonizingly against broken ribs. Lugia's tail swipes close to him, allowing him to grasp one of its bone-white spikes to be hauled back to his feet. Everything hurts. And he's so fucking ANGRY.[break][break]

Though he shakes off the effect of the MOCHI and the TOXIC CHAINS, festering GRUDGES and HATRED poison just as well. It is only 's compassion toward the Megalopolans that encourages him to consider sparing Cyllora at all. Eyes of burning gold sear into them. He can sense the sincerity behind their words. He knows what it is to fight for a cause.[break][break]

Then a whistle, sharp and familiar, draws his attention. He locks eyes with , sees 's attack from the corner of his eye, and he makes his choice. His cause, TEAM ROCKET, will always come first.[break][break]

LUGIA VANISHES in a swirl of umbral smoke, replaced by Cillian's signature SHADOW DHELMISE. It's his turn to whistle, and he follows it with a click of his tongue. Having heard 's cry, an ANCHOR SHOT fires directly toward PECHARUNT'S CORE as 's OGERPON similarly dives in for an attack.[break][break]

Any opponent that Dhelmise successfully uses a TRAPPING MOVE on will receive increased damage from attacks from other Pokémon for a brief period of time.

"ROCKET!" he snarls, to anyone in earshot. "SPARE THE MEGALOPOLANS. BUT KILL THEM."[break][break]

He gestures sharply toward Cyllora and their charge.[break][break]

They would pay for daring to imprison Rocket's finest.[break][break]





Briefly considers mercy but underbosses stick together.[break]
ORDERS ROCKETS WHO WISH TO HEAR (so that those who don't want to defy orders but also want to spare are safe) to KILL CYLLORA AND PECHARUNT, but SPARE THE OTHER MEGALOPOLANS.[break]
SHADOW LUGIA is swapped for SHADOW DHELMISE.[break]
In particular hoping to assist and Ogerpon!


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 14:35:00 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Chaos ensued as Zachary witnessed his allies ban together-- and were all able to destroy the masks on all 3 targets. It was a very odd cause-and effect result as after the masks were destroyed, all three of them seemed to crumble. In a rather bloody and disturbing scene, eachone was crushed and killed by the weight of the overall power from themselves and their enemies. Zachary cringed and looked away briefly, as did the poor Mime Jr. who covered his eyes. [break][break] Happy's Light Screen was a smart idea as the PECHARUNT launched more and more Moochi at them! However, Happy was able to dance around the onslaught of that poison junk! While others were not as lucky, the Light Screen reduced their potency greatly. It was a smart move. [break][break] There was a lot happening at once-- a hole in the ship most of all and things came in and out. Happy was almost sucked up into the air from the decompression-- and luckily Zachary reached out and grabbed the Mime Jr. "Miiiiiiiiiie!!" Happy cried over the vaccume of space. Zachary held on tight-- and soon light flash, violent shaking. [break][break] Were they going to crash and die in a fiery inferno of space?[break][break] CRRAAASHH!![break][break]
[break][break] They rose up from the impact, the ship in shambles and now exposing their new surroundings. It was actually very smart perhaps to have gone with a full protection of Reflect & Light Screen. It might of lessened the impact for them personally and spared them some injuries. They were now in none other than the Megalopolis-- in the same dire state as they suspected. [break][break] It was then things got worse as the poison pokemon acted-- and lunged chains at them all! Zachary gasped as he and Happy were once again bound in the chains! Zachary gripped the ones around his neck, trying to break free. Unlike before, he resisted it more, and gave a genuine effort to hold on as the leader gave them a choice. Spare him, let his people go-- and they would leave. They all had suffered enough. [break][break] Zachary, bound, looked over to the other Megalopians who were huddled on the ship-- along with the new pokemon cloned from them. They stood loyally by their new masters, some sincerely-- like how Zachary and his pokemon were. He even saw the Clone of Happy standing besides a small child, acting protectively of them. [break][break] A tear fell from Zachary's eye as he listened, but he knew something important. [break][break] "You brought your people here... to give them the strength to retake their home. I can't fault you for that-- but how did you do it?" Zachary asked rhetorically, his gaze showed resolve as he pulled against the chains. "You kidnapped us. Drugged us. Took away our friends and family. Mascaraded killing our dear friends! Enslaved us! Beat us and nearly killed us! Tell me, is this the example you wish to lead your people!? " Zachary slowly shouted, his own Willpower refusing to allow him to accept this. "I hold no hatred to your people for wanting to save their home. But you choose to subjugate us instead of ask for help! I can't speak for some, but I know this much! What you have done is UNFORGIVABLE! I want to see your people safe-- but you do not deserve it! " [break][break] Gripping his chains tightly, Zachary pulled and tore with his body-- and soon, the poison chains snapped, falling to the ground! Following suit, the little Mime Jr also freed himself with an adorable squeak and pull of his arms. [break][break][break][break] "Freedom should never come by shackling another!" Zachary declared with dramatic resolve. "Let's do it, Happy!" Zachary cried. [break][break] "AYE!!" The Mime Jr. cheered with equal resolve wearing his new little mask. [break][break] Many had already fought and choosen-- some choosing to let him win, but no. This was not about mercy-- it was about doing the right thing. Even if they had allowed Cyllora to go free-- he would use his Pokemon to infect every other Megalopian remaining likely. He couldn't accept that. It had to end. [break][break] Joining 's side, he saw as he conjured none other than a Legendary Pokemon-- Raikou. A legend he knew from Johto! His eyes were wide with that. He was going to have a little talk and fandom over him later to learn he was the owner of that legendary tiger! More of a relief, had acted to attempt to free the hostage "Velmos" which was a better advantage. Their issue was not with him and it was wiser to save him. He was grateful for that! [break][break] That left Zachary free to target the problem of their woes . As uses his pokemon to pry open the shell of Pecharunt-- it was their chance! Zachary and Happy stepped up to the plate, prepared to strike. "Happy-- use Psybeam! " Zachary cried, pointing at the core of the pokemon! [break][break] The Mime Jr. gave a cry as it gathered its little hands together. A spark of psychic light took shape, flashing several colors. Finally it pushed its hands out-- fiery a beam of multi-colors aimed right for the poison Pokemon. As a type-advantage, it was the best method to try and deal a significant damage. But more so-- Psybeam ability to perhaps Confuse the Pecharunt would give others an advantage! Josh was willing to fight, and was right to. Others were not so much-- and justified. In the end, they had to act on what was right. [break][break] For Zachary, leaving the Megalopians in the leadership of a madman and a pokemon that enslaved their will was not the answer! [break][break]



Zachary and Happy avoid Poison [break]
Zachary joins besides Josh and surprised by seeing his Raikou. [break]
Applause for saving Velmos-- and can act to attack. [break]
Zachary breaks chains and speaks proudly :P "Freedom can never be bought by chaining another." [break]
Mime Jr. uses Psybeam on Pecharunt's exposed body. Attempting to use it to Confuse the pokemon and perhaps weaken its hold on others. [break]
Reflect: 3/5 posts remaining from activation. Light Screen: 2/5 posts remaining from activation. [break]
Vote: Attack CYLLORA AND THE PECHARUNT. -- However, sparing the other Megalopians and their new pOkemon clone friends. They were just as much prisoners as they were, and the real cause was Cyllora and Percharunt! Letting those two run free would be a mistake! [break]

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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,871 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 14:48:23 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","calcifet elise"]


The holy sword only protects the king,[break]
It is the king's power that protects the country.




Seeing the Okidogi crushed under the weight of the Cornerstone Mask that he once wore, the royal ambassador gets words of praise from her cousin. “Thank you for your praise, cousin. You and Zekrom did well too.” She nods to both her cousin and his patron, the Black Yin Pokemon who stood along the ’s side. From the way that the dragon fought against the Okidogi along with her shard, Elise felt pretty inspired by the dragon. [break][break]

Almost as if she too was drawing from his strength and valor. The ship that they were on makes a rough landing onto a city filled with Megalopolans and Pokemon by them.[break][break]

She’s thankful that her cousin helped her with the Toxic Chains that matted onto her body when the ambassador hears the pleading cries of the female Megalopolan and the shrinking size of the Pokemon. ’s call comes to the Galarian royal and Elise replies first. “I’m alright, Andrea!” Her cousin and his patron were trying to kill both the Megalopolan and her cohort and while others were willing to kill, some were sparing the two of them from their uncertain doom. [break][break]

Turning her attention onto the Pokemon beside the Megalopolan, it’s clear that this thing, the Pecharunt, was the cause of their suffering and torment in prison along with the Megalopolan.[break][break]

“You’ve hurt everyone during our time in prison, but not only that, you have the audacity to hurt my people as well.” [break][break]

From the ambassador’s anger that she felt during their days of hell along with her responsibility for her people, she will not show mercy on those who dared harm her friends and the people she’s responsible for. [break][break]

“I will not be merciful in giving you your final sweet release of death.” [break][break]

The shard of Calyrex floats alongside the Galarian Ambassador, his gaze upon the two was furious along with his handler. Particles of blue shining light rise up from the Psychic attack that Charles prepares to unleash onto the female Megalopolan and the Pecharunt, waiting until , , and everyone else had finished their attacks before he will send it.[break][break]

And when the shard of Calyrex’s bulbous crown glows into a radiant light green, the King of Bountiful Harvests’ divine anger creates a luminous beam of blue Psychic energy aimed at tearing both the female Megapolan and the Pecharunt apart.


@tags [break][break]

Weakling Ward WE'RE FREEEEEE[break]
♔ Elise thanks her cousin and his patron.[break]
♔ Charles (shard Calyrex) attacks Cyllora and Pecharunt with Psychic along with the rest of the "Cyllora and Pecharunt must die" group.[break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 15:12:19 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

The masks shattered. The prison wardens fell, their bodies mutilated. Cyllora's screams of rage drowned amid the indignant roars of their people, mutinous against their supposed savior. Zev watched with grim satisfaction as they tore down the Dynamaxing Never-Rot, breaking through its barrier. [break][break]

But Cyllora's death at the hands of their people did not come to pass, even with Velmos' keen maneuver. Toxic Chains saved Cyllora and brought the whole ship hurtling into a crash landing. [break][break]

Zev whirled around, but his Necrozma shard, reading his thoughts, moved faster. As it returned to its normal size, it scooped up in its large claws to protect her from the collision. He himself needed no protection; his crystalline body soaked the impact, leaving him unhurt and standing amid the wreckage. [break][break]

For the first time, he laid eyes on Ultra Megalopolis. Gazing upon it brought forth memories that were not his own—of eonic agony, of existential sundering. At their heels came a storm of wrath. Then GRUDGE followed, as did HATE. [break][break]

After depositing Nenet safely on the ground, Zev's Necrozma shard rose into the air, an all-too-real reminder of the city's terrible history. Of the Megalopolans' disastrous fate. Cold eyes of ancient starlight snapped to Cyllora and the Never-Rot, observing them as a predator assesses prey. Their plea fell on deaf ears. [break][break]

But 's and 's order did not. Zev turned his head to consider the Megalopolans first, then Velmos, still struggling against their bonds. 's words echoed in his ears. "How can the DRK Triad hope to stand against us, when we are united?" [break][break]

He needed more pieces for the chessboard, and the Megalopolans were suitable pawns. [break][break]

"Velmos," the Devourer said, his voice carrying with dreadful purpose in the stillness of that ruined city, "you told us once that you had pinned your hopes on the Blinding One. That it can restore your people and the glory of your city." [break][break]

Above him, the shard of Necrozma began to gather light, brilliant and beautiful amid the oppressive darkness. [break][break]

"Join us, then. Together, we can take back what is ours." [break][break]

Necrozma's PRISMATIC LASER lanced through the air, striking Cyllora and the Never-Rot's exposed core. [break][break]


TAGS – prismatic penitentiary[break]
Zev's status as Necrozma Avatar is VISIBLE FOR ALL TO SEE.[break]
– Zev is FULLY ARMORED: nothing can break through his defense, and things that hit him may take damage on impact.[break]
– Addresses Velmos, inviting the Megalopolans to join him + Necrozma.[break]
– Necrozma uses PRISMATIC LASER on Cyllora and Pecharunt.



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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 16:01:36 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

He meets the ground once again.[break][break]

As those around him start to stir and get up, Tempest is still. Harsh, rattling gasps leave his mouth. It's hard to breath and his chest aches. The already sickening weakness from earlier compounding more and more.[break][break]

Skipper helps pulls Tempest to his feet, the Lucario's ears perked up and twitching with worry.[break][break]

Slumping upwards, Tempest holds his chest as he leans against his pokemon for support. He can feel the loose rattling when he breathes even now, feel the sharp pain of something stabbing his insides. They make their way closer to once again, but hang back; he's in no condition be on the front-lines with the rest.[break][break]

"Cyllora, you might have good intentions- but you're a shit leader." He isn't sure that she can hear him over the din of the background noise, the raising of other voices. His own voice comes out with a raspy, airy quality that isn't usual.[break][break]

"Skipper, keep the other Megalopilans away." The ones who still had the chains, who were controlled, he didn't trust for Cyllora not to try and use them.[break][break]

And without their soldiers, the Civilians would be left here to fend for themselves.[break][break]

Nodding, the Lucario helped sit Tempest down again before shaking himself to ready himself. A burst of light and energy, both from the Lucario and from the Mega Bracelet that Tempest is squeezing in his fist, and Skipper finds himself in a new, more powerful form. He cries out, then rushes forward.[break][break]

Dipping and darting, Skipper does his best to avoid the other pokemon's attacks and he pushes behind the woman. A Wide Guard barrier is raised - but not with the intention of protecting the general.

[attr="class","tag"]@ PRISMATIC



🔗 Temp is very physically fucked up. Can't move around much on his own.[break]
🔗 Still around + the Dynamax gang but hangs back cause he knows he shouldn't be on the front lines at the moment.[break]
🔗 Tell Cyllora she's a shit leader again. Skipper (Lucario) MEGA EVOLVES.[break]
🔗 Skipper (Lucario) aims to get between Cyllora and the rest of the Megalopilans (especially those still toxic chained) and use WIDE GUARD.[break]
🔗 This isn't to protect her, but to keep the rest of the Megalopilans from interfering with the beatdown.[break]
🔗 Vote: Kill Cyllora/Never-Rot, but spare everyone else.[break]


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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 16:25:14 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar



[attr="class","oocnotes"]> FREEDOM![break][break]TLDR[break][break]
✦ Nomi is glad the Loyal Three are defeated. Good riddance! [break][break]✦ She realizes that the DRK Triad really aren't behind this; decides to stand back and watch Velmos and the Megalopolians do their thing, but everything is interrupted by the crash landing[break][break]✦ Teleports briefly to the Unown Dimension to avoid getting killed by the impact[break][break]✦ Returns to find they actually made it to Ultra Megalopolis; notices and Celebi, files away that info for later[break][break]✦ Realizes instantly what is trying to do, and decides to support him. Hoenn will have a better chance defeating the DRK Triad if they also have the Megalopolians on their side![break][break]✦ Uses her Avatar powers to make it seem as if Ultra Megalopolis is rebuilding itself AS Zevcrozma tries to convince the Megalopolians to follow them[break][break]✦ While Nomi does this, Kallistatus uses its Z-Move (Divine Imminence) on Cyllora and Pecharunt[break][break]✦ Kallistatus (Shiny Unown-K) is Terastallized into the STELLAR TERA TYPE[break][break]

Nomi stared coldly at the crushed Okidogi, the bisected Munkidori, and the snapped neck of the Fezandipiti. Ignorant of the Ogerpon's grief, and unaffected by the gruesome brutality of the scene before her, she merely felt relief.[break][break]
"Good riddance," she murmured, turning away. They would become distant memories of pain and suffering, and she had no intention of giving them even a second more of her time.[break][break]
You've made this personal! You've allied yourself with that monster?![break][break]
She had, hadn't she. All of Rocket had. And they ought not take that alliance for granted - for Necrozma and her Unown shared a common purpose: bring the DRK Triad to justice.[break][break]
But Holo and her people were not responsible for the prison, the TOXIC CHAINS, nor the poisonous mochi. Nomi was sure of it now, as all of the puzzle pieces began to fall neatly into place. This was a nightmare built upon a hopeful dream; such things often became twisted, as zealousness overwhelmed reason, obsession overcame altruism. Cyllora had made themself a villainous martyr for their people, and now they were paying the ultimate price.[break][break]
For even the Megalopolians, led by the recognizable face of Velmos, were attacking them, the cloned Pokemon aiding them as they halted the DYNAMAX attempt of the sinister Pecharunt. Victory seemed imminent, but then - [break][break]
Starlight and the scent of cedar. A flash of green. And then: a great, momentous crash.
Realizing what was about to happen, Nomi teleported briefly into the Unown Dimension, its swirling galaxies a welcoming, familiar sight. The transfer allowed her to avoid grievous injury, but only for an instant. She returned within seconds, wobbling on shaky knees, taking in the sheer scale of destruction around her: the crumpled ship now in various states of rubble and debris.[break][break]
Deja-vu rocked her senses as she realized where they had landed. The ruins of Ultra Megalopolis. They'd really done it: the Megalopolians had returned home.[break][break]
Out of the corner of her eye, Nomi noticed awash in the glow of time's sacred spirit. Didn't Underboss Fiorelli kill Celebi? Nomi thought, momentarily confused. Perhaps this one came from another universe. She'd have to look into it later.[break][break]
For now, she turned her attention towards her fellow Rockets - , , and the newly inducted were nearby. Cyllora was wailing some new plea - realizing their defeat, they begged for the former prisoners to stand down and leave the Megalopolians to their own fate.[break][break]
Many began to attack anyway, but the living void stood stoically before the masses, and Nomi understood from the moment they began to speak, what their intention was.[break][break]
Clever! All this time, she had been keen on uniting Rocket and League against the DRK Triad, but why not the Megalopolians, too? was wise to make use of them, and at least for the time being, Necrozma and her Unown were on the same side.[break][break]
Blue crystal shimmered around Nomi, an ethereal echo of Zev's own armor.[break][break]
Nomi can COMMAND reality to change according to her bidding and with the help of her unown.[break][break]
Examples of reality alterations include manifesting illusions, altering the landscape, terrain, weather, manifest an object, or cause an object to disappear, etc.). This can not affect people or pokemon.[break][break]
Eventually, reality will revert back to normal. she can only use this ability once per thread (or more with roleplay partner permission).
As the Devourer addressed their would-be followers, the ruined city began to rebuild itself. Skyscrapers sprouted out of the ground like massive, metallic flowers, shattered windows and broken doors re-knit, and all the various establishments in the surrounding area were restored to their former glory. Neon blue lights flashed, as a long-dormant beast of progress and innovation began to stir once more.[break][break]
Let them see the power of this promise, the potential of such a leader. Let them believe their doom could also be their salvation.[break][break]
Kallistatus turned its singular eye on Cyllora and the Pecharunt. Perhaps because it had some semblance of divine foresight, or perhaps because it simply wanted revenge for its capture - same as its mistress - it began to glow. A dome of cosmic possibility sprung up around the Megalopolian and their toxic companion, trapping them within.[break][break]
DIVINE IMMANENCE: the unown summons a domain of alternate reality that descends over a small area, trapping targets within it. For a brief period of time, any targeted Pokemon within take damage over time.
For Hoenn, Nomi and Kallistatus resonated as one.[break][break]




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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 18:03:26 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The Z-Crystal shattered into dust, Uxie's Z-move striking at the Okidogi. Hideo could feel the mask fall from he was running, though he couldn't hear the Okidogi be crushed under the mask's weight.

The small bit of hope 's words imparted swelled with that small telepathic pulse he received from Azelf. He'd already accepted Azelf wasn't going to wake up, and he could intuit that this was a parting gift from Azelf, yet he could still do something.

The bitterness of failure still stuck in his heart - but now it had something to contest it. They may have failed to save Azelf…
but Azelf was here, with them.

The fall of the other two captors spelled the end of this fight, Uxie floating back to Hideo's side. Hideo now had at least enough focus to listen to their remaining jailor rant about the situation, and even attempt to continue the fight. But it seemed the other Megalopolans weren't as keen to that idea, and he didn't have to lift a finger to help.

Which was good, because he needed his hands to help cushion the sudden crash. Hideo hit the ground - though Uxie helped cushion the blow.

It wouldn't take long for him to come-to, and Uxie was quick to fill him in on the situation: the ship they were in was destroyed, and they were now in Ultra Megalopolis.

And that Megalopolan responsible for all this was still standing, along with the Pokemon that let out all those chains. The remaining Megalopolans were abandoning them, the Pokemon clones following along.

A brief thought reached the forefront of his mind: were his own Pokemons' clones among them?

Uxie gave him the answer: yes. Most of them were paired with Megalopolan children, his Beheeyem's clone in particular assisting one child who seemed to be walking with a limp.

He could trust his Pokemon to keep them safe.

He could not trust the Megalopolan masterminding all this to remain their leader. Even if their words were sincere, there was no assurance they wouldn't just do this all over again with the surviving Megalopolans.

Uxie was able to help keep his mind straight, to help him focus on the main threat: the one that was throwing chains out at everyone. One found its way onto Hideo, but it did little to slow him, his arm raised up, pointing towards the Pecharunt.

That small bit of energy he was imparted flowed through his body: from his heart, through his chest, through his arm, into his hand.

He pointed his thumb and index finger in the shape of a pistol, towards the Pecharunt. The Mystical Power coalesced around his hand, building up in his finger - before firing forth as a Red Chain, aiming to wrap around the Pecharunt.

And once he felt it wrap around the target, he'd immediately grab the chain with his other hand - and try to pull the Pecharunt from all those who aimed to kill it.

He wanted to get rid of the threat - but he wasn't out for blood like so many others. He wanted to capture it.

But would his own strength be enough? He could feel Uxie grab on to the chain as well, pulling, but there was no doubt a Pokemon with this much power would be a hard one to reel in…

" me with this!"


Hope and Willpower help stave off Hideo's despair.
Uxie fills Hideo in on the situation
Hideo's fine with letting Megalopolans go - but doesn't trust Cyllora
Choice: ATTACK/DEFEAT CYLLORA AND THE PECHARUNT - however, is attempting to do so non-lethally.
Main Action: Hideo uses Mystical Power to Red Chain Pecharunt - and is trying to pull it away from the people trying to kill it.
(Uxie is helping him pull the chain back by physically pulling the chain)

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August 17th
Alto Mare
Time is money. You are a waste of both.
32 posts
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TAG WITH @leonsettentrione
Leon Settentrioné
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 18:19:41 GMT
Leon Settentrioné Avatar

Find an opening, break through, get Aubre away. It was a simple plan and one that he, in his weary mind at least, thought a fairly good one. But it was too easy, wasn't it? Not a single godsdamned thing about this entire affair had been easy, or gone even remotely to plan. Why in the fuck would it start now? Clear he was going mad, expecting a different result now of all times. Because as he felt his way along the wall, grip tight on his wife, poisoned blood dripping down his face, chaos ensued.

Explosions, searing light, spatial distortions, anything one could possibly conceive of ripped through the comparatively tiny chamber. It was all he could do to stay upright, let alone continue his search, and so he simply braced himself against the wall, pulling Aubre close once more, despite her protests. When eventually things settled, somewhat at least, it was to a tidal wave of blood washing over his shoes and the crushing thud of gigantic bodies slamming into the floor. His eyes turned towards the carnage, frustration welling rather than relief once more. He'd been unable to strike even a single blow against the bastard baboon. In fact he'd been just as useless as he had been the entire time they were hear. His lust for retribution was unsated and it roiled within him like a starving viper. It had been a long time since he'd been so furious.

Of course, he was provided no time to dwell on it. Once more these idiots decided to make their lack of intelligence manifest and next he knew the void was screaming in. What happened next was a blur of light and sound that he remembered almost nothing of. He'd tightened his grip on Aubre, wrapping her body in his, that much he knew. Beyond that there was nothing by the blinding light of Ultra Space and the ear rending screech of 'something' violently becoming 'nothing'.

The next he knew, that 'something' became deep, throbbing pain. The impact had fractured his still fragile bones once more and, though nowhere near as bad as the last time, simply drawing breath was now an exceedingly taxing affair. But he pushed that aside, for his own pain was irrelevant. First he had to make sure Aubre was alright, hoping that his own body had softened the blows for her. Next he scanned the rubble for Tiberius, spotting the Bisharp shrugging off debris that had covered him as he in turn had covered Aubre's Swampert. Leon sighed in relief, shallow that it was, that things had not turned out worse.

In but a moment the sounds returned; first distant shrieks and cries, then closer words. He barely paid attention to the architect of their misery; he simply no longer cared. Were it other circumstances he would have simply put a bullet in their brainpan and went on his way, but as it was that somehow did not seem viable. Aubre certainly would not approve. And beyond that, he felt it was...lacking. As with his plan before it was simply too easy. Instead he pushed himself to his feet, gritting his teeth against the pain, and nodded at Tiberius.

Needing no further instruction the Bisharp launched forward, its razor sharp blades aiming to slice through the tendrils connecting the seed pokémon to the other aliens. Meanwhile Leon ripped himself free from the toxic vines covering his own body. With a practiced motion he drew his pistol, aiming it first at the Pecharunt, and then straight up. His primary hope here was to simply silence the deafening mewling of the self righteous idiots surrounding him. "Let them have her. We are done here." Without another word he turned back, offering his wife a hand up, This had all gone on too long.
⚰︎ divider made by milky!

*His plans never work out
*Oh yay more broken bones
*Is done with this shit
*Has his Bisharp sever the tendrils holding the free Megalopolans
*Fires his pistol to try and get some attention, and votes to let the aliens tear her apart themselves

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP