i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 5:34:27 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


Being tied up in bed is nothing new, but it’s not fun this time around.[break][break]

Luka is the last of her cell to wake, groggy and only semi-conscious as her eyes adjust to darkness and the smell of damp and mold. She tries to sit, only to feel a weight pressing against her throat. Looking down, she vaguely recognizes the toxic chain that binds her— the same had poisoned so many innocents this past month. The same that had burst from her own chest months ago.[break][break]

Her first instinct is to panic. Her breath comes shallow, her heart bursting against her ribs with a painful thrum. Her cellmates are a firsthand audience to a few pathetic whimpers, though she tries her best to swallow her fear and focus, focus.[break][break]

Sadly, it’s the utterance by that snaps her out of it, if only because the name seems to haunt her everywhere. She wants to ask why this other woman is calling for , but holds her tongue. If the prince has made yet another conquest, it’s none of her business.[break][break]

Besides, now is not the time for petty drama.[break][break]

Instead she tries to focus on the other two women in her cell, using them to ground herself. Misery loves company; she’s upset that others are suffering the same fate, but it’s at least reassuring to not be alone.[break][break]

”I aml.”/b] she answers weakly, testing her voice against the constraints of the chain. Shaking slightly, she sits up.[break][break]

”These chains…i-it was a while ago, but there was one…i-in my heart, I think, and it…” She shakes her head. ”S-sorry, that doesn’t make sense. What I mean is, um…t-they’ve been happening all around Hoenn, I think.”[break][break]

But this— the cell, the guards, the masks— this is all new. Luka’s legs tremble like a faun’s as she pushes herself off the bed and wanders towards the bars, peering out at the dim corridor in front of them.[break][break]

”Ah, I’m…I-I’m Luka, by the way.” Introductions almost seem silly at a time like this, but there’s a slight comfort in the formality of it. ”Do either of you know why we’re here?”



[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,632 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 8:16:50 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY



Lusamine Encounter Theme


THOSE IN THE WEAKLING WARD see a bulky dog, an astute monkey, and a fair pheasant ride the platform down. Briefly, the platform settles in the ward's center so that the crescent-marked canine can leave it. The OKIDOGI hauls several crates into the ward with ease. Each crate is clearly labeled: "FOR THE WEAKLING WARD".[break][break]

As the OKIDOGI showboats with a flex, its TOXIC CHAIN swinging from its neck like a scythe, the platform descends with the monkey and pheasant.[break][break]

THOSE IN THE DUMMY WARD would witness the arrival of their warden and its avian peer. Again, the platform stalls in the center. The MUNKIDORI'S TOXIC CHAIN spirals outward from its body, the thickest part rising above it like a beacon. Psychic powers emanate from its head and a magenta sheen slides across its eyes. With the powers of kinesis, it moves its own DUMMY WARD LABELED crates off into the ward before the platform descends.[break][break]

THOSE IN THE UGLY WARD would only see the pheasant alight upon the unsightly space. The FEZANDIPITI glides its gorgeous wing across its body, the TOXIC CHAINS extending outward from its breast like pageant ribbons. It laughs. Several Megalopolan guards deliver the UGLY WARD LABELED crates for the bird, while a couple of others carry the FEZANDIPITI as if it were royalty.[break][break]


The mysterious sound from before rings out from somewhere in the prison—and the platform begins to ascend back to where it came. Those who observe the platform's rise will notice that TERA CRYSTALS surround the hole in the ceiling. Ominously, they glimmer, as if watching you.


THOSE COUNTING THE GUARDS would be able to identify at least five in each ward though the number may vary. Furthermore, the circular shape of the ward and the placement of the cells may cause blindspots. The Megalopolan guards all sport grotesque TOXIC CHAINS on top of their futuristic attire (pictured above in the GIF). However, they do not appear to have any weapons.[break][break]

Some of the crates are opened, revealing several trays of puce-coloured mochi. As the OKIDOGI OR MUNKIDORI OR FEZANDIPITI look on with vested interest, other Megalopolan guards begin to bring the suspicious meals to each cell.[break][break]

A designated Megalopolan speaks on behalf of each ward's warden. They say the same thing: a rehearsed script, or lines fed by the same intoxication: "welcome to the weakling/dummy/ugly ward, your new forever home. you are all here because you have wronged us, people of hoenn. now you will work for us. you will sweat. you will bleed. all for us. your hard work will help us get back to where we belong. punishment will be doled out to the disobedient. punishment will smell and taste of the pain our kind felt in the three day war."[break][break]

In each ward, at least one prisoner would cry out in anger, in defiance, and in disgust at the arrival of their food. Thrown trays. Defiant yells. Before more rebellion spills through the cell bars, each of THE LOYAL THREE descend upon the obstinate.[break][break]

In the Weakling Ward, the OKIDOGI runs over to the cell. The canine swings its TOXIC CHAIN and weaves it through the bars of the cell. It wraps around the mutineer. As it guffaws and barks, the OKIDOGI pulls the prisoner through the too tight bars. Limbs break. Screams are muffled by crushing bones. When the body is pulled through, the punishment does not end. The OKIDOGI pulverizes what is left with its TOXIC CHAIN like a child at a whack-a-mole game.[break][break]

Unlike its brutish friend, the Dummy Ward's MUNKIDORI draws its prisoner through the bars with its mind. After several Gordy shrieks, the monkey finishes the rebel off by utilizing its psychic powers once more. Pained cries flare out from behind the prisoner's mask before they are silenced by a wet eruption of flesh. The mask clatters on the ground, finally untethered.[break][break]

FEZANDIPITI beguiles the disruptor. With an alluring gaze, the bird ATTRACTS the prisoner to come to the bars. A graceful beat of its wings releases pheromones that send them into a frenzy. Fatal attraction forces the prisoner through the bars at the expense of their body before they are finished off with a sharp strike of their wing.[break][break]

The Megalopolan guards seem to be looking away. Their TOXIC CHAINS pulse, and the whites of their eyes darken with a richer shade of magenta.[break][break]

Mochi is delivered. And it must be eaten.


THOSE WHO HAVE ATTEMPTED TO MEDDLE WITH THE TOXIC CHAINS connected to their bodies and their masks will find that it is durable. Whatever is inflicted to the chain can be felt by the wearer. The TOXIC CHAIN'S POISON seems to affect INFINITY ENERGY, the energy of all living things. 's studies with and others and the odd severance of Avatar abilities point toward that very hypothesis...[break][break]

Eating the MOCHI is surprisingly pleasant. Chewy, sweet, and peach-flavoured, the mochi is an unexpected delicacy in a dire den. However, one they are ingested, the poisons present within your bodies thrum. A part of your TOXIC CHAINS lunge for the bars and in a surreal scene, meld with them. The cell bar becomes a TOXIC CHAIN too, tethered to the ground and entrance of your cell. Effectively, you are chained to your cells like a dog on a rope.[break][break]

However, there is enough length of chain to allow you to move to the center of the ward to perform your work... The other crates are opened, and the designated Megalopolan informs you your tasks:[break][break]

THE WEAKLING WARD[break][break]

In the WEAKLING WARD, chunks of rocks, stones, dynite ore, and TERA CRYSTALS are pulled from the boxes. Prisoners must attempt to smash the heavy crystals to dislodge them from rocks and to break them apart. Throughout the arduous task, any shards or fragments must be placed back into the crate.

THE DUMMY WARD[break][break]
In the DUMMY WARD, small shards of TERA CRYSTALS are poured out of the remaining crates. They are scattered among other pebbles and grit that have snuck (or purposefully placed) into the boxes. Prisoners must sort the Tera Shards from other crystalline materials or rock and dynite ore. The shards are sharp—and no gloves have been given. Sorted shards must be placed back into the crate.

THE UGLY WARD[break][break]
In the UGLY WARD, small shards of TERA CRYSTALS, dull in lustre and caked in stone dust and the blood of prisoners who have sorted them prior to this endeavor, are scattered on the floor. Prisoners must polish these shards with the fabric of their clothes, their breath, and their hands. Polished shards must be placed back into the crate.

The body of the deceased prisoner has not been disposed.

The designated Megalopolan speaks once more: "each day, the best performing ward out of the weakling, dummy and ugly wards, will be given a great reward: a visit to the chamber of desires. there, you will be able to take off your masks. you will be able to breathe freely. you will be given a warm shower. there, you will be bestowed a taste of your greatest, deepest desires and latent powers.[break][break]

The other Megalopolans nod in unison as OKIDOGI picks its nose, MUNKIDORI taps its forehead, and FEZANDIPITI preens.[break][break]

"the toxic chain you wear already blesses you with potential. you best be thankful for the gift from the never-rot. thanks to it, we will return home."[break][break]


FOR THIS ROUND, your characters will eat mochi, work on their tasks, and engage with others in their ward. Feel free to have your ward's OKIDOGI, MUNKIDORI, FEZANDIPITI sabotage your efforts (e.g. tripping you, scrambling the sorted shards into rocks again, etc.).[break][break]

Your characters are allowed to communicate with each other. However, do note that the Megalopolan guards and their Pokemon Wardens are listening.[break][break]

The "best performing ward" will be determined by rolls/character actions/and more.


BELOW IS INFORMATION pertaining to each ward.

THE WEAKLING WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, OKIDOGI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "weak" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.

THE DUMMY WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, MUNKIDORI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "dumb" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.

THE UGLY WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, FEZANDIPITI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "ugly" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.



  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable).
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • more rules may be specified in the actual event thread.
  • [break]



APRIL 10TH, 11:59PM PST.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,087 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 9:00:29 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
The idea of being kept in prison by a monkey was something that Howard would've found absurd, given he could've easily punted it across the prison ward. If he was lucky, it'd hit the Tera Crystal structure above and get a concussion. That way, its ridiculously large forehead could swell even further with a concussion.

That was before it killed someone with its mind. The sound of creaking flesh stretching beyond its limit mixed with the sounds of splattering blood and meat made Howard want to hurl.

As the screams grew louder, the admin vomited into the toilet bowl. The sound would mix into an unholy symphony for and the surrounding cellmates. An orchestra of blood and gore was only enhanced by the sound of bile against a bowl. When he stopped, the toilet bowl was swimming with partially digested chunks of cheap ramen.

Disgusting. The mixture of poverty and imprisonment melded together in unholy matrimony.

"How the fuck...!?" Howard wiped his mouth as the cells morphed, becoming the same magenta chain he had seen dozens of times before. "...that's disgusting."

One death. There would be more. A statistical irrelevancy. Their story was lost, and there was little to weep for.

Mochi was passed into the cell, and Howard stared at it, then at Penelope. When faced with overwhelming power, there was nothing to do but bow. Better to live and be ruled rather than die in a moment of glory. How someone stood in their final moments was important, but a last stand here would do nothing.

He'd rather scrape than die painfully. He could bear the shame in Rocket, he could bear it here. What was the difference? That logic filled his soul as mochi filled his mouth. They'd need strength for what was coming.

"C'mon." He gestured at his cellmate, before walking across the floor towards the crates. Sandals clacked against the cool, uncaring floor. This job was easy enough. His hands were deft as he plucked chunks of stone from other valuable minerals. This was his job outside of prison. It was the same within.

For a moment, he felt guilty about such compliance. It would vanish quickly, but he acted on it before it would pass.

"Returning home." The admin laughed breathily as a chunk of Dynite Ore cut his palm. His voice was soft, but loud enough for a nearby guard to hear. "That won't happen. Time is a flat circle, and nothing will ever change. You can try to return home as often as you wish. It means nothing."

A drip of blood wetted the stones he sorted. As his eye flicked up to the warden, he felt a flicker of something familiar. A dream he had, long ago, when feasting on mochi.

Magenta foods dyed dreams violet, and left nothing behind.

"You're gonna try to make it home, over and over again. You'll never make it, because we've already won. Soon, there will be as many Quaestor Lucises as there are stars in the sky. Like the stars, they'll wink out, one by one." The admin gave a wry smile.

"But neither you nor those ships will never find the light you seek."

He wondered if he could kill his cellmate with a sharpened chunk of Dynite Ore.

Eating as much MOCHI as possible
Hating Penelope is cool actually
Referencing a vision from BMI
Complaining about Megalopolans
Prison is like being in Rocket LMFAO
Chatting with Howard is cool : )
Cutting his hand on a sharp rock

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,045 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 12:33:13 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

The loud whir of an elevated platform heralded the arrival of two wacky-looking Pokémon; a bird and a monkey. Instantly, Andrea’s body tensed up at the sight of the big-headed primate.
“YOU’RE the dummy! Give me back my clothes!” The former cosplayer yelled at their hairy warden as well as the blue-skinned alien speaking on its behalf. She was quickly silenced by the simian menace making an example of one of the more rebellious inmates.
Nauseated by the gruesome sight, the girl waited until the mouthpiece of her mask opened up, whereupon she emptied her stomach into the toilet like another inmate was currently doing. “This is horrible… we’re in Hell…” She mumbled between bouts of hurling.
As a tray of some very familiar mochi was presented to them, Andrea fought internally between her integrity and her debilitating hunger. In the end, she gave in and wolfed down the scrumptious rice cake, moans of satisfaction mixed in with regretful weeping. She did not stop eating even after being tethered to the bars via her Toxic Chain.
What choice did they have other than resigning to their fate? What choice did they have other than doing the menial labor that was required of them? Without their Pokémon, they had no hope of overpowering the great Munkidori.
But then, as a gleam of Tera Crystal amidst a pile of still unsorted rocks caught her eye, an idea began to form in her head. She remembered exploring Area Zero with and seeing what those otherworldly minerals were capable of doing first-hand. If they could miraculously create a fake Raikou out of thin air, then surely…
While the Megalopolan guards were being taunted by one , the dragon fanatic discreetly slid a small shard underneath her toes (those sandals came in handy after all), before raising her hand. “Excuse me, Mr. Monkey, sir? I have to go pee! I’ll be back in a sec!”
With that convenient excuse, she scurried back to her cell, holding back tears as the shard’s sharp edges cut her skin. While doing her business (or pretending to), she carefully stashed her stolen treasure behind the toilet.



- Dummy ward[break]
- No Pokémon, no Sygna Suit[break]
- Vomits into the toilet[break]
- Eats the mochi[break]
- Hides a small Tera Crystal shard underneath her toes[break]
- Runs back to her cell saying she needs to use the toilet[break]
- The shard is sharp, ouch![break]
- Hides the shard behind the toilet



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 13:14:01 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Disgust curls Cillian's lip with contempt.[break][break]

"Don't mistake my civility for camaraderie, Fox." He spits the title like a curse. "Your death has been ordered from on high. And I, unlike you, am loyal."[break][break]

If they weren't stuck in this wretched prison, his hands would already be reaching for Remiel's throat.[break][break]

"You knew the price of defection and chose to pay it. Your cousin's imprisonment was your fault."[break][break]

THE LOYAL THREE descend, and Cillian goes quiet. Only the DOG remains in their ward, the platform descending deeper. Were there at least two levels below them, then? How many above? He recalls three statues idolized by those under the sway of the TOXIC CHAIN. Did that mean that there were only three levels? Were they underground, or in a tower? He could see no windows, but—[break][break]

The MEGALOPOLAN GUARD speaks, marking them as the WEAKLING WARD.[break][break]

Weakling. The word cuts Cillian deep, though it does not show past his stoicism. All his life he has fought to be strong, to be worthy. Yet here, without his Avatar blessing, without his Shadows, he is only a man.[break][break]


And like ROCKET before them, the THREE ensure his compliance with brutal demonstration. Screaming, snapping bones, silence.[break][break]

This is a dance he's performed before, under the instruction of . Obedient. Blind. Loyal. It disgusts him how easily he slips back into the role of subservience, but it should not be such a surprise. Had put the MOCHI in his hands and told him to eat, would he not have done the same?[break][break]

It tastes better than he remembers. That troubles him. But not for long, as he's quickly jerked from his thoughts and off his feet as the TOXIC CHAIN drags him away from the sanctuary of the back wall and toward the door of the cell. A tether. A leash, to match the collar.[break][break]

When told to exit the cell and move toward the center, he does so silently and without objection. His will is tested when he spots his sisters, and , but he only casts them a look of horrified recognition before quietly submitting to the task. If he tries to block out the feel of the collar around his neck, the mask that makes his breath hot against his face, this could almost be soothing. Like separating fossils from the earth. But the work doesn't have to be soothing to be done well.[break][break]

He is nothing if not an excellent prisoner.[break][break]

Even when the OKIDOGI lumbers over and kicks a sorted crate, spilling its contents over the ward with a canine cackle, Cillian only goes tense with fury for a moment before survival instinct kicks in and he takes a slow breath, righting the crate and beginning to return its contents. Their cruel warden watches for a moment, its crossed arms still spattered with the blood of the defiant prisoner, before seemingly deciding it was satisfied with his compliance enough to harass someone else.[break][break]

And on and on it goes.[break][break]





He's a real bitch to Remiel, nothing new[break]
Rocket has prepared Cillian for subservience[break]
He eats the mochi and does the work without complaint[break]
Even when Okidogi fucks with him, he's a good lil prisoner


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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
628 posts
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 13:38:54 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

Nenet's fingers twitch back from Zev's neck as the Toxic Chain there pulses, and her own does in turn, momentarily taking her breath away. The next thing she registers is a piece of mochi pushed into her hands and Zev's before the Megalopolan moves to the next cell.
She can feel Zev gathering himself for a fight, and her free hand moves to steady him wordlessly - she cannot speak before a commotion breaks out and Fezandipiti quells the rebellion with a swift and merciless slice to the prisoner's neck.
Nenet pales. This isn't how she intends to die.
Looking to Zev, her voice hoarse and barely audible, she whispers to him, "Just watch." Her eyes hold his as she places the mochi into her mouth and chews - she's never hated the taste of peach quite so much as she does in this moment. "We need to wait until we've seen more - we're operating blind otherwise. Trust me. Please."
They needed to get out of this - and they needed to get out of this together.
Squeezing his hand, Nenet then moves to go and polish the tera crystals in the centre of the room. Her hands shake as she works and patiently observes their prison.


- .[break]
- Ugly Ward represent.[break]
- Nenet does not like the idea of going out via decapitation.[break]
- Zev asked to wait for the time being until they get more information.[break]
- Goes to polish tera crystals and carefully tries to watch their surroundings for more info.



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July 11
Castelia City, Unova
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
64 posts
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TAG WITH @michaeldavis
Michael Davis
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 14:43:18 GMT
Michael Davis Avatar

The whirring of machinery calls to Michael like a Siren's song. Through his visor he bears witness to the Pokemon with uncanny resemblances to the statues of Lavaridge; A muscular bipedal dog, a dark, mischievous monkey, and a graceful pheasant. All three Pokemon sported the Toxic chains, as did the humans who patrolled the ward.

If Michael remembered anything during the past month, it was that the Toxic Chains both empowered and enthralled their hosts. This very thought sent chills of fear down his spine. He couldn't help but wonder if he, too, like the others imprisoned in the gaol, would eventually succumb to the Toxic Chains. He feared that he, too, would unwittingly submit.

The tray of Mochi slid into his dingy cell. A look of disgust fell on the Mochi. Survival instincts and common sense raged war within the Cadet's mind. If he ate the Mochi, he might eventually turn into a zombie just like in Lavaridge Town. If he refused, he may very well suffer the same terrible fate of a slow, painful death. Or worse.

The story from the guards of the Three Day War did not ring any bells with the Cadet. But it was as clear as day; those imprisoned here were being punished for Hoenn's supposed actions. Michael wanted to scream in defiance. He wished to refute their methods and logic of the punishment of those who shared no blame for the events of the past.

The sudden gruesome act committed by the Okidogi pushed aside these dark and foreboding thoughts. Even in such an expansive space, the squelching and snapping of tearing sinew and breaking bones echoed for all hear. Michael could not tear his eyes away. Despite his brain screaming to not look on, he continued to do so in horror. The Cadet's stomach dropped and twisted more with each passing second until the screams finally stopped.

"We need to keep up our strength," he finally lamented in a call to and others in the Weakling Ward. "I can't remember the last time we had food. If we don't eat, we get punished. So we eat. Disobedience will lead to death. We have to comply if we want any chance of survival. We need to survive not only for us, but for our loved ones."

Just one Mochi, Michael reasoned. Just one and the effects of its toxins would have little effect on his mind and body. Just one to keep up his strength, no more. With a frown, he took an experimental nibble before chewing and swallowing. It was genuinely pleasant, with a flavor of peach. The Cadet then consumed the rest of the Mochi he held in his hand.

A Toxic Chain tethered itself to the collar on Michael's neck. How fitting it was that even in prison, there would be no fantasies of freedom. Michael's stomach turned again at the thought of obeying the Wardens and guards. He refused to believe himself as some obedient dog with a collar and chain keeping him in line. On the surface, he'd submit. But underneath, he strategized.

Choosing to comply tore Michael up inside. But what choice did he have? He would not die as a Martyr when he could bolster the survival of the others. The promise of the rewards went against his training. Yet again, he had no choice but to comply. So to work he went, using his bare hands to smash the rocks embedded with crystals. A wince and gasp would escape him every time he'd catch his fingers against the concrete. Bruises formed and crimson streaks stained the rocks from the cuts he would endure.

When he was sure no one was looking, he would attempt to sneak a sharp shard of crystal into his robes. Having protection may prove useful.


-Michael attempts to bolster the confidence of the others in the prison
-Michael eats ONE Mochi
-Michael attempts to smuggle a shard
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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 14:56:22 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


A plate of mochi is slid through the bars and laid before Noel and . As much as he wouldn't dare to consume something so obviously atrocious in this prison, based on the bloodied remains of the unlucky rebel, it looked like he didn't have much of a choice. [break][break]

His head turns to Elise, thinking for a moment on what the right course of action was.[break][break]

"Elise... let me go first. I'll make sure its safe for us to eat."[break][break]

With that said, he picks up a singular piece of mochi. He eyes it as if looking straight into the face of death, who knows just what it will do to him. Reluctantly, he places the food in his mouth, chewing on it quickly as if speed mattered whether or not any ill effects would occur. The purple donut is surprisingly tasty. If they weren't at any risk of dying, he might've eaten the entire batch.[break][break]

Then the pain hits. The toxin that lay dormant in his body now awoken and coursing through every part of him. A yell in anguish is followed up by his Toxic Chain latching itself onto their cell's bars. He had now become one with this place. After the process, the pain begins to subside although he's left in a cold sweat, panted breath leaving his mouth every so often. After a while he stands back up and sees the tether connecting him to the bars, leaving him thinking now that escape wouldn't be as simple anymore.[break][break]

After reassuring the princess that he was all right and after helping her through the same ordeal, it was time to begin work. As he stepped outside, he could hear familiar voices such as , , and . If they could just find a moment to group up, they might be able to put their strengths together to find a way out of here. But not now, not when there are so many eyes watching their every move.[break][break]

For now he can only comply with their demands. Immediately does he begin his work on separating the Tera Crystals from the stones in the crate. Diligently does he go about it, if what they said is true, there was more to this place than just this ward. He would do his best to reach that "chamber of desires" and learn all that he can there.[break][break]

While deep in thought, Okidogi suddenly appears before him. The brutish ogre lumbered over the small trainer. Noel could only look up, his eyes seething in anger with his hands wanting to lash out at their warden. Even with these rocks as weapons though, he would still be no match against the beast.[break][break]

Then more pain. A fierce punch lands straight against his gut, causing Noel to cough as the wind is knocked out of him. His hands let go of his tools and he holds onto his stomach to try and relieve the injury, but nothing would stop the Okidogi from laughing at his expensive. It then walks away, content with the mischief it had caused while Noel is left writhing in his misery.[break][break]

He was still too weak.

[attr="class","notes"]Weakling Ward[break][break]
Munch munch Mochi[break][break]
Helps out Elise as she eats her mochi then goes to work[break][break]
Okidogi punches him as a prank.[break][break]

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 15:19:59 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Taking a moment to catch his breath (as best he could), Hideo listened to his cellmate's explanations. "Right, the cannibals." He'd heard enough stories about them eating people to know the ones that invaded Hoenn were not to be trusted. "I heard Rocket is working with them, so this could be a Rocket thing too."

And he could still remember that weird vision in RKS of him being captured and interrogated by Rocket…though this situation didn't really feel all that similar.

He took in a deep breath - a bit of clarity reaching his mind. "You're right. We gotta know what we're dealing with first before we try anything."

And they were just about to receive a lesson; what he could only assume was their captor walked out from an elevator, the Megalopolans guarding them serving as its mouthpiece. "...we're the weakling ward?" Hideo muttered, his quiet words dripping with disgust.

He wasn't weak. He knew he wasn't weak.

Hideo took notice to the metal tray clanked in front of him, and he was hesitant to find out what was on that tray - and it sounded like someone else was as well.

And while Hideo couldn't see the consequences of open defiance, he could hear every sickening crack, every devastating crunch it would bring.

Reluctantly, he dug into his plate, the mochi being surprisingly tasty - and it allayed the hunger he'd been suppressing in his frantic search. What other option did he have?

Just work, do as he's told, and find a way out. Play the part of an ideal prisoner while he looked for whatever openings he could, just nod when they talk down to him and call him weak.

It's a life he's lived before.

(Though home life hadn't carried the risk of getting beaten to death for disobedience)

Hideo didn't fully realize what the chain around his neck attaching to the cell bars meant until he reached out to them, realizing the bars were gone - or rather, they were now part of the chain. He tugged on the chain, assessing how far the leash went. A good distance, but probably nowhere near far enough to escape this place.

As if he even knew the way out - or what was awaiting them outside of here.

Mochi properly masticated, Hideo made his way out, taking in as many full-breaths as he could before the mask once more covered his mouth. He didn't know what awaited him in the middle, but he could hear the other prisoners heading towards there. He tried to listen for any other voices, but between how many voices there were and the quality of their voices (thanks, masks), he couldn't tell if there was anyone else he knew here.

He could only hope someone would recognize him by chance, and tell him who they were.

Soon, their job was presented: break crystals.

Straightforward…if they were given any tools to work with. But Hideo already had an idea; he'd probe around for any rocks that he could pick up, grabbing one and using it to smash the larger rocks.

The next part, actually collecting the shards afterwards…that was the harder part. Hideo had to carefully probe around with his hands, trying to find every bit he broke off - but careful enough to not pierce his hands on a stray piece.

And just as he collected a handful of shards, a large, furry hand came from below, smacking his hands up, sending his collected shards everywhere. He could hear the dog laughing as he covered his head, trying to protect himself from the falling shards - and any other attacks the dog would make.

Fortunately, he got out with just a few scrapes on his hand, the dog walking off to antagonize someone else - someone it sounded like got a punch to the chest.

Quietly, Hideo once more searched for the shards. He didn't want to ask for help - doing so would make him look weak, and he had a feeling the dog would be the first one to answer his pleas.

The thought crossed his mind to try and smuggle some shards in his mouth to use later - but first, he needed to see if they'd be searched or inspected after their work.


Eats the mochi after hearing the consequences of not doing so being worse than not getting dessert
Damn it's just like being home (+murder)
Checks how far the chain goes before going to center
Damn too many voices (and masks muffling them) to tell who's who
Does his job, engages in rock-on-rock violence. Carefully probes for shards
Okidogi is an Okidick and knocks the shards out of his hands (before going over and decking )
Considers smuggling shards, but wants to check if they get frisked/searched afterwards first.

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 15:56:30 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar

Sitting there on the ground, her mask cast down, behind it a far away stare, Yuina didn't very well hear the rest of what the stranger said. He may have given a name? She couldn't think past the weight she felt in her chest, the panic, all of this, only giving her shadows an open platform to claw and tear into her. The darkness clung like a vice to the feeling of defeat, knowing that she had been taken and there was very well nothing that she could do about it, or apparently nothing she could have done about it at all.[break][break]
No one is looking for you...[break][break]
She had already been lost once before, and still had yet to be found... She worried every time she went to seek out a new distortion, that she would be lost again just the same... No memories, forced to start another life... Yuina wanted to fight against her shadows, surely it couldn't be true... Would she be lost here in this place, erased from another life like she never existed at all?[break][break]
Yuina and the stranger had little time to try and say anything else, the tone of the entire prison shifted when the platform came down, demanding the attention of each cell. Megalopolans worked to carry crates while a Pokemon of sorts moved along the dirtied floor, a bird. Adorned with a Toxic Chain.[break][break]
Turns out Yuina didn't need to try and explain her thoughts on why they might be there, one of the Megalopolans was all too pleased to tell them. Their imprisonment, their enslavement, was meant to benefit them with work... And insolence, disobedience was met with...[break]
There was little that could truly drown out the full effects of what the bird had done, Yuina shrunk in on herself, ducking out of view, covering her ears... The sound of a body pushing through the immoveable bars of the prison cell... It would likely haunt her for the rest of her life, and permeate into her other lives...[break][break]
The masks shifted, they were meant to eat the mochi... And now it was clear that they weren't meant to die here, not yet. Not until their work was complete. Yuina tried not to think too much of what the end result of all of this was...[break]
There was hesitation, she couldn't bear the thought of ingesting any thing that came from this place... But looking out to the open space in front of them, prisoners began to emerge, tethered to their cells, there was no other choice... And the advice from her cellmate, they didn't want their attention... Especially when an example had already been made.[break][break]
Stomaching only a piece or two, and in spite of how base she felt being tethered to her cell like an animal, Yuina did emerge from her cell, slowly, carefully... Others were already beginning the work they were set to do, Yuina didn't much care about being rewarded here, so long as she wasn't punished... She would hate to become accepting, or even greatful for a reward from her captors... The idea made her skin crawl.[break]
As she moved forward, Yuina looked around, she didn't dare speak out, she didn't move to approach anyone, but she did look for ribbons of pink hair () or locks of fiery orange (), and saw nothing, and that almost would have brought relief but... That didn't mean that they weren't there though somewhere else, as some of the shards laid out in front of them... Were already covered in blood...[break][break]
She kept her head down, choking on the occasional sting of tears that threatened to break her silence, there was no point in trying to make any waves when they still had so little information to go off of, her cellmate too seemed to have a fair idea of how this should all go... Keep quiet, keep under the radar, do just enough to not insight any backlash... And learn...[break]
Yuina gasped through her teeth though, dropping the shard that she had been working with, feeling the sting of the cut she just gave herself along her palm for not paying attention... Lesson one learned...




- Yuina's panic and defeat kicks her intruisve thoughts into high gear, mental state not great[break]
- Well, the megalopolans pretty much just said why they're all there, at least the surface level explanation[break]
- The warden is not playing... They will die for insubordination, that's a powerful motivator[break]
- Recognizes the mochi will not kill them, they're not meant to die until this "work" has been completed[break]
- Doesn't want to eat mochi... But does, and does not like being tethered to the cell like a doghouse[break]
- Yuina just wants to fly under the radar, she doesn't want to get punished, but she also doesn't like the idea of being rewarded... She doesn't want to be greatful to their captors, to rely on them, to depend on them...[break]
- Looks for pink and orange hair, does not see Desiree or Genevieve, but that doesn't mean they're not somewhere else[break]
- Not paying attention, Yuina cuts herself with the shard she was working on, it hurts[break]



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[newclass=".gunstest6 .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
290 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 16:03:49 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



It was only an idea. Seriously, why were people pointing out the holes in someone's theory? Though he still felt there was something to his theory. Who's to say they wouldn't end up as a meal in the long run? Perhaps they just needed something from them first before they were inevitably eaten.
"I guess," he said simply, making it clear that he didn't fully agree with her. Because even if they weren't in full control, no mastermind would be foolish enough to not know the kind of people that were working under them. "Even if they aren't in control, who's to say the real mastermind wouldn't order them to eat us after they get what they want from us? No real mastermind would go into a situation without at least knowing the type of people that work under them."
Oh, they needed something from them, that he could admit to. Unless, of course, this was all a ploy to have them let down their guard. There was that as well. Though he was betting more on the fact that they needed something from them. But what could they want from him? What could he give them?
Before he could think too much about it, that was when their jailer decided to show its face. With an unreadable expression, he watched as the platform descended with three Pokémon. The muscled dog Pokémon was the only one who got off, while the other two continued the ride below.
More cells below then.
Depending on how far the platform descended, perhaps it was a possible way out. He would have to keep that in mind. Not now though.
After the floor had closed up, his gaze immediately flickered to their jailer before dropping down to the crate the muscled dog Pokémon had. The universe hated him or was mocking him, that was the only explanation for all of this. Why else would he be deemed as weak by some Pokémon? Seriously, if he didn't know any better, he would think his father had escaped prison and turned himself into a Pokémon just to mock him. Aside from that being highly impossible, there were other flaws with that plan, the biggest one being his father only caring about making his life miserable.
As the Megalopolans spoke, he couldn't help but stare at them blankly. "Oh great, they're delusional. I've never even met any of them," he muttered under his breath.
Luckily for him, aside from being a bit snide at times, he wasn't the type to really rebel. And it soon became clear what would happen if they took things too far. As a few prisoners rampaged, his gaze flickered towards them. He was about to tell them to stop acting a fool when Okidogi grabbed them by its chain, forcefully pulling them through the bars. There was the sickening sound of snapping bones as the prisoner screamed before the screams were cut off as the Pokémon finished them off.
He wanted to look away but, like in some kind of horror movie, he had been unable to look away, only able to watch in horrified silence.
He barely registered a mochi being placed in his hand and being ordered to eat it. A small part of his mind complained about it being sweet and possibly drugged. The bigger part of his brain that was focused on survival told him to just deal with it and eat it because refusal would cause him to end up just like those prisoners.
Unable to quite hide his distaste for sweet things, he began to eat the mochi. There was one thing for sure, he was bound to hate sweet things even more after they found a way to escape this hellhole.
As the chain attached itself to the bars, the bars somehow becoming like the toxic chains, he glared at them like they had personally offended him. How typical, he had become even more of a prisoner.
After all that, they would be told to leave their cells and get to work. It was clear what they were meant to do. Were they supposed to break these with their hands? Sure, he had bulked up over the years, but that didn't mean he could break crystals with his bare hands.
"Perhaps if we slammed them against the ground, they will break," he suggested to his cellmate.
Before the other responded, the Megalopolan was speaking again. "I don't suppose that desire would be a way out of this mess?" he said, making it clear he was talking to his cellmate and not the Megalopolan.
As the Megalopolans spoke about him, he sighed. He still wasn't sure how this was his problem. He wasn't sure how he got into these messes. But if he was sure of one thing, it was this. He blamed his father.[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL; DR: in the weakling ward [break] contemplates the idea of them still being eaten in the long run. [break] considers the platform as a possible means of escape [break] calls the Megalopolans delusional under his breath [break] Watches the brutal death [break] forces himself to watch the mochi [break] suggested breaking the crystals by slamming them against the ground to his cellmate. [break] Keeps the chatting to his cellmate



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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 16:07:28 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

The sound of a descending platform drew Zev's attention away from his conversation with Nenet. Rising from the cot, he stood by the bars and watched as Megalopolans ferried large crates and a strange bird Pokémon from the platform. When one of the aliens spoke, Zev fixed them with all the murderous intensity he could muster. [break][break]

His usual stubbornness reared as the Megalopolan described how he and others were caged as punishment, that they would be forced to work. When one of the guards shoved mochi into his and Nenet's hands, he tensed, ready to fling it back with force. [break][break]

But Nenet's fingers gripped his arm, a silent plea. He glanced at her, only for both of them to turn at the sound of a clattering tray. One of the prisoners, masked and dressed in the same way, forced their way through the too-narrow opening between bars. Bones snapped and flesh tore apart. Agonized noises rang through the ward, until the bird Pokémon silenced them once and for all. [break][break]

Zev met Nenet's gaze and recognized the fear in her eyes. Fear he'd seen a hundred times in the faces of his prey. [break][break]

She was right. They had to observe, adapt, and plan before they could act. As furious as he was, his calm, methodical pragmatism was what they needed right then, not his anger. [break][break]

"Okay," he agreed, forcing down the instinctive urge to fight. He knew how to bide his time. He'd done it before as a soldier and he could do it again. "I'll follow your lead." [break][break]

Moments later, he'd eaten his mochi and followed Nenet out of the cell. Sitting next to her, he picked up a Tera Crystal shard and started polishing it on his sleeve. But his eyes roamed the ward ceaselessly, noticing the small, unique idiosyncrasies of each prisoner and trying to ascertain their identities. [break][break]

When the designated Megalopolan spoke once more, Zev listened carefully. An opportunity to take off the mask meant a window where they could break out of the prison. Hoping that Nenet was thinking along the same lines, he picked up the next unpolished shard. [break][break]


TAGS & ugly ward[break]
– Zev is in the UGLY WARD.[break]
– Almost makes a scene but Nenet stops him. Agrees to her plan to observe first, eats the mochi, and starts working.[break]
– Tries to figure out who's who among the other prisoners.



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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 16:18:27 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
Johanna was moments away from trying to shush her cellmate, but alas their warden managed to be quicker. A horrifying display of indifference toward the sanctity of life send Johanna into shock.

Nausea welled up within her, as she gasped for air. Her hand covered the mouthpiece on her mask and would have catched what content in her stomach would emerge if it hadn’t been empty already.

But the nausea died down with time and effort. She couldn’t afford to stay sick. She had to look past the horror and focus on the hope of escape. And so as Mochi was served, she ate it heartily, under the excuse that she would need the energy for her escape. It was surprisingly good, a fact she didn’t want to admit.

Luckily her mind was soon occupied with something else as she found herself further tethered to the bars and made to do manual labor. Tera Crystals were poured out to be picked through alongside other pebbles and such.

Johanna worked and worked. Worked as eagerly as one might sifting through such things. The Tera crystals were sharp, and cut easily as Johanna’s fingers soon learned. But that did not stop her. Much like her Cellmate , Johanna had ideas of weaponizing the Tera Crystals. Though hers were perhaps more down to earth and practical in nature.

First she looked for a particularly sharp one, one that could cut as well as pierce, but wouldn’t be too big to be noticed on her body.

When she found one in a size she felt happy with she began on the second part of her plan. Her eyes glanced around from time to time, making sure to do her best with keeping an eye on the wardens and the guards.

And when Andrea drew attention to herself by having to go to the toilet Johanna tried to sneak the Tera Crystal through the top hole of her Kitakami attire and wedge it somewhere, hopefully safely and unnoticed on her chest. All while trying to hide the itching pain of newly opened cut wounds made in the process.

When that quick little maneuver was done she returned to work as if nothing had happened even though she now had to deal with the discomfort of pain.

- Johanna feels sick after the display.
- Johanna eats Mochi and loathes to admit it tastes decent.
- Johanna is set to work, where she secret looks for a Tera-Crystal she can use as a makeshift prison-Shiv.
- While Andrea is calling attention to herself, she tries to sneak it into her clothes, hiding it somehow on her chest. (Or at least trying to)
- Johanna returns to work as if she doesn't have a weapon on her.


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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
144 posts
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TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 16:48:15 GMT
any thought of resisting the suspicious mochi is quashed as maki watches the monkey pokemon kill the stranger in her ward. unwilling to die in a place like this, she obediently eats the mochi and watches as it takes effect, furrowing her brow. it's occurring to her that this is no normal kidnapping, and that there will likely be no rescue coming.

out in the ward, she can see the others more clearly. unfortunately, there's nobody she recognizes. staying silent, she picks a spot and starts working. she observes how sharp the shards are, and how easily one might cut themself on them... taking hold of one, she observes it carefully, and then carefully slides it into her yukata between her breasts, stashing it away for later. its use as a potential weapon is far more important than worrying about it pricking her.

with that done, she sets about organizing things. she doesn't trust the promise of "the chamber of desires", at all, but she's trying to play as nice as possible in order to trick her warden into thinking she's compliant. she doesn't talk to anyone, and focuses on the task at hand.


hides a shard in her boobs.
gets to work.

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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
199 posts
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 17:54:02 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

At least the crazy girl seemed to have his back.

That was when the warden, a monkey with one of those chains around its head, greeted them.

Dummy Ward!? Andrew, known for his self-awareness, immediately took offense to being put in the Dummy Ward. But before he could protest, the unlucky inmate who did so first was quickly made an example of by the monkey. Andrew, who had been exposed to his fair share or gore, managed not to get sick at the sight of the violent death.

When the Mochi came, Andrew greedily ate the Mochi. It tasted really good. However, the price for doing so was being tethered to the cell.

The task set out for them wasn't pleasant in the slightest. Unprotected hands sorted through the rocks for sharp gems. Each time the streamer found one of the coveted shards, it cut into his fingers.

When the Munkidori undid all of his work, and mixed the once sorted shards from the debris back in, Andrew was furious. Despite this, all he could do was continue to work. He didn't want to die just yet. Not before he could get his Pokemon back, and get some payback on the stupid monkey, and its Megalopolan goons.

"Yo, how you holding up?", Andrew whispered to Ettie, as he worked.


notes: Andrew works, despite Munkidori's sabotage

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP