i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 7:27:40 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
the floor breaks, and priam falls on his back. he arcs his back and writhes in pain, but shouts and cries of new discoveries quickly pick him back up.

eyes happen on the azelf, watching its expanding force free them all from their constraints. a hand grasps his neck, now void of the control of the chain. mixed feelings well up, but suppression comes as natural as breathing for priam conrad.

one objective was done. the next instruction is indirectly given to him by his mark.

he feels his body burning much worse, comparable to the uncomfortable sensation of being nearby the heart of ultra deep sea. it reacts to one thing, and one thing only. sweating, he pulls out one of his pokemon from the tubes.


the ultra beast had emerged from one of the tubes. it was the same pokemon who first graced the region with its gigantic proportions, and it will be the one to do the same in this prison.


the guzzlord takes up the vat that had burst out from the pipes, using it up as fuel for its next attack. before it can be fired, dynamax occurs on the ultra beast.

max ooze awaits for its target.

priam turns feverish, almost agitated in a sense. his mark does no favors but to point him to the direction of the power spot, which he indirectly shares by using it almost immediately.

  • falls on the ground
  • forces himself to scramble to his guzzlord
  • guzzlord uses belch after drinking leftover vat
  • priam dynamaxes guzzlord
  • belch turns to max ooze. holds it in until assailants arrive.
  • indirectly shows the power spot by using it


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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 7:53:38 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Unfortunately for Andrew, his decision in attempting to handle the Stealth Rocks ended up with them exploding around him, slicing him up. Furthermore, Andrew was consumed by the floor opening, rather than having the time to make the leap of faith. Miraculously, he fell without breaking any bones. But the fall itself battered the already injured man greatly.

For a while, Andrew wanted to just lay there. A part of him just wanted to give up at that moment. He was in too much pain, felt too sick, and too demoralized to go on. That was when the Expanding Force consumed him, and everyone else. Andrew's Toxic Chain shriveled up, and fell off of him. His mask fell limply to the floor, with an unceremonious clang.

Moments later, thanks to , Andrew was reunited with his Pokemon. "Stag? King? Queen? Metagross? Charizard? Rotom?", Andrew croaked, as he looked up to see his Pokemon surrounding him, their bodies still wet from the liquid they were suspended in.

The Nidoking helped Andrew onto the back of the Metagross, who made its way to reunite with the others. They ended up where the non-combatant Megalopolans were huddled up. The Pinsir, seeing Andrew's gear, quickly grabbed it. "Thanks.", Andrew told the Pinsir weakly. Pokeballs, his phone, and a pair of boxers. Andrew recalled all of his Pokemon, with the exception of his Metagross. He then clipped his belt around his waist, choosing to keep his prison uniform, until they got back to his apartment.

When he heard the ruckus from above, the badly battered and cut up Andrew was filled with a sudden fire.

"Right, it's fuckin' payback time!", Andrew declared. "Metagross, use Agility!", the streamer commanded.

In the time that they had, the Metagross meditated, and attempted to optimize its mobility for the coming battle.


tags: @tag
notes: Andrew cut up by Stealth Rocks
Andrew further injured by falling
Lays there in pain, while looking around slowly
Feels his chain whither and fall off
Reunited, and it feels so good
Andrew carried by his Metagross
Grabs his Pokeballs, recalls all but Metagross
Metagross prepares itself for battle, as the smashing gets closer

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,092 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 7:57:44 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
The pit began to crumble under the weight of the battle waged in Grigori Sokolov's heart.

"YOU...!" Howard snarled as he pushed the older grunt down into the crumbling stone. The battle with Ogerpon was forgotten about. No time to perceive it. No time to remember it. No time to focus on it. He pushed the older man deeper into crumbling infrastructure. Grigori was strong. Inhumanly so. He could throw Howard like a rag doll if he wanted to, but he did not. "YOU FORGET YOURSELF. REMEMBER YOUR VOW, OLD MAN."

Grigori had promised to grow wings one day. Howard had too, once. Those dreams had been forgotten as they realized that their circumstances in life could not change. A vision flashed in his mind as he imagined his body dashed against the stone. Something that was bound to come true if he didn't.

This was one path that they'd walk. Together. Their wings had been clipped. Grigori's had been clipped thirty years ago. Howard never had wings to fly away with.

"You promised me..." Him. Poison coursed through his system like a plague. "...wake up. FLY."

The floor collapsed.

and flew.

When Howard hit the ground, he felt his back pop as something dislocated. When he attempted to move his left shoulder, he realized that was it. His fingers could move, but it was painful. Miserable. It reminded him of getting thrashed by at the gym.

Pain. He could live with pain. Pain was the essence of life. It was proof that his heart was still beating.

He saw , , and congregate around the sprite. He would've pointed and whooped if possible, but there was too much to do. Too many things to accomplish. Howard's gaze landed on a specific tube. His eye widened from beneath the mask. His soul curdled, died, and revived within the span of moments.

"Doug?" Howard's voice was a whisper. "Is that you?"

He did not dare to dream, but he did not dare look away. Slowly, he stumbled forward.

Past Azelf.

Past those reuniting with their Pokémon.

Past and . Past and his mark.

Past and Ogerpon. He stopped.

"Show them your toukon, Andrea." There were no other words to be shared.

He walked past them all. They did not matter in this precise moments. The context of their struggle were forgotten in favor of this particular moment. He did not care about the completion of a foretold prophecy. He did not care about the freedom of a deity.

All that mattered was a Bloodmoon Ursaluna sitting in front of him.

He felt his Toxic Chain begin to curdle and wilt under the effects of Azelf's power. His vision began to flicker and die out as he approached the Bloodmoon Ursaluna. His blessing was gone, and so soon? He should've been enraged. He wouldn't be able to foretell if Doug was a trap or a fake.

He did not care.

"Doug." The Toxic Chain wilted. "DOUG!"

"Grrr?"" The Bloodmoon Ursaluna yawned and gave him a side-eye. "Grrrr."

The Toxic Chain snapped as the Bloodmoon Ursaluna licked him.

"Hey, buddy." Howard gave the bear a hug as he felt his mask loosen. "Missed you."


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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
518 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 9:42:21 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][newclass=".emapokemonteam"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
"Uh, I think that's- uh, don't sweat it," Cass replies to remarks her smell, not connecting it to her purple-ing skin, but the fact that she still sniffs garbage smell coming from her, given the ability her toxic chain granted her.

She is surprised that the other teen actually joins with her, but nods - in absence of her dearest friends, she does value some company as she rushes towards the most disgusting water slide of her life time. And while she can avoid any injuries from the stealth rock due to her ability's clarity, she can only barely dodge Nihilego that suddenly appeared next to her, brushing her arms, leaving them with burning sensations.

The fleshy feeling around her as she descends after Ettie's O.K. is ... truly an experience that she'll have a hard time forgetting. The "dark slide" of the water park is definitely off-limits forever now, as well. Shortly after Ettie, she lands in the pool of cold, green liquid - and frowns, but doesn't dare opening her mouth until she's escaped it, following after Ettie and following that pull. It's softened now that she's down, leaving room in her headspace to make use of the other part of the clarity that poison gives her.

The sight of the breeding pit is ... unnerving. And confirming. Suspicions that have lingered in the back of her mind are now made manifest, and she feels a bit of a relief about that. Now, the threat is imminent. Now, the threat feels real. The pokémon here are ... duplicated. The Toxic Chains just like the ones she's seen outside of these green-liquid confinements ... and she swallows, her throat dry.

Who ... was freed from the toxic chains?

But she has no way of telling if the breakable toxic chains back then are the same as here. Or if maybe, the ones here are made to last. Like they simply did trial runs before. Would you still love me if I was a clone?

She focuses up at Ettie's call, and sees her depart in the direction of a Lycanroc. Right, she's so close- she can't let herself be distracted. She now finally takes off the loosely hanging mask, but still holds onto it. Her finger presses into the spot where she's collected her tears before, and she runs. The pull is still here, even if it is frayed now - maybe one of them is poison-tinged, but ... she moves onward, soon finding herself running into the same direction as and . And there they are.


She feels like she's left all alone with her thoughts now, without the delirious singsong in her mind now that she's reached her goal - a goal. But she feels it connected to her pokémon, too, who are, somewhere, trapped. Her eyes are then drawn to the two younger teens with her, who both display a glowing mark all of a sudden - there's something going on, and Cass feels incredibly confused by everything. Nonetheless, she'd hover with her hands over Eris, wondering if it'd be good to touch her. "Hey, it'll be alright," she whispers this and other sweet nonsense, trying to calm her down.

And then. A voice. In her mind.


Her hands are balled to fists so tight that her knuckles turn white, as she stands rigid - only for a moment more. Green goo is blasted in her face as Azelf bursts the tube with all the will they mustered, and she quickly turns away, using the mask in her hand as a way to "shield" herself. And there, glancing at her hands holding the mask, she notices it. Light skin met with where she, indeed, actually, has turned purple. So no hallucination.

"You're purple and covered in green goo. Bad combination."

As the poison is purged from their systems, as they all are now truly freed from the Toxic Chains, she sees it flicker for a moment. A painful fantasy echoing within her. It's what she dreams of, wakes from with tears in her eyes. What would you do? And then it's gone, like such a dream.

Azelf's fall distracts Cass from how not all of the purple fades from her. Seeing that Eris got Azelf caught, she looks around. Pokémon start emerging from their tubes, but curiously, the toxic chained versions do not move ... She thinks of Trubbish eyes. Her Jon's eyes. Hostile towards her. She still feels affection like sorrow, deeply carved into her brain.

"Yes," she agrees with Eris, snap back - but ... there's nothing she could do. She doesn't let it show, however, giving Eris and Hideo a thumbs-up in the most dire times, "We'll make it." Even with the poison washed away from her, her mind feels clear. She's about to continue speaking some nonsense to sound she has a plan as two things happen at once.

Mesprit appears and uses Wish.

Pit, pat, pitter, patter ... She almost collapses into tears on the spot as her eyes finally land on the trash bag she's been looking for for weeks it feels like, looking disoriented and determined as ever. He's soon picked up by friendly claws, as her Fletchinder Effie helps to get him to Cass faster. Cass only sees the yellow shadow of her Emolga Saude briefly, exchanging information with Effie before hurrying elsewhere. They probably broke out amongst the first, she thinks before fully weeping as she buries her face in plastic, warm, stinky and alive. And she feels him wiggling in her arms. Small, determined creature. "I can't ... you can't Pain Split with me, silly," she laughs and sobs, seeing as he seems to try his damnest. Never in her life has anything felt so right.

Unbeknowst to her, her Charcadet Delilah and Tinkatuff Sona have answered 's and Anne's Call of the Pack, followed by her Comfey Martin. The trio has no idea what happened, but Saude has briefly stopped by them to fill them in on some details, and they quickly go to find and 's pokémon. They'd try to quickly explain, but frankly, both Del and Sona suck at it and just keep pointing upwards. Martin's doing a slightly better job, but even he is a bit at a loss. Admittedly, Saude, in the first place, hasn't been too detailed before rushing off back to Effie.

She smiles as Ettie stops nearby, too, reaching out a hand to her. She's relieved to see that her other pokémon are with them, too, feeling the last bits of tension finally fade from her body. "Uh, yeah, back to the pack." She lingers a bit awkwardly around Azelf, Eris and Hideo, pointing at Ettie, "Oh, uh, do you wanna come with?" she asks, but also looks at Ettie if she'd allow that. She still isn't sure what happened, but the words linger in her mind.

She can't stay for much longer here, even if her eyes are also drawn towards where Jon has emerged. (A Toxic Chained Trubbish, just like Jon.) However, she has to see if her friends are safe. ... that is until something unexpected happens. She sees in the distance, as he seems to move to attack - Eris?! She squeezes Jon in her arms tighter, her head whipping around to see the child and Azelf, unconscious-

"EFFIE!" she shouts, bewildered still, but determined. "-Tailwind!" And the Fletchinder leaps into action, as agile and quick as ever. Her Gale Wing beat creating the Tailwind is like a hurried heart beat, pumping adrenaline through the body - empowering, bordering on dizzying as she flies to soften the blow, divert it, disperse it.


tl;dr flesh tube > breeding pit
- enters the flesh tube after ettie
- parts with ettie, makes her way towards azelf and joins up with hideo and eris
-- ponders the nature of clones, wondering if chained mons from before/pp threads were clones or original
- confused what's happening with azelf/eris/hideo, gets blasted by goo as azelf frees itself
-- impacted by azelf's words & peaceful hoenn vision, clenches fist
- pretends to have a plan (lying), then fully collapses as she sees jon as mesprit shows up
- effie delivers jon to cass, who weeps and hugs him tight
- del, sona & martin are briefed by saude and start gathering thea and knight's pokémon, join up with ettie and her pack
- as ettie shows up, saddles up as well, extending the offer to eris/hideo/azelf if allowed by ettie
- sees jayden going for an attack
- MAIN ACTION effie uses tailwind (empowered by gale wings?) to try and thwart jayden's attack

toxic chain ability: with you to
toxic chain ability: with you to cass smells like a trash bag (lol) close-up and floral hues farther away. there's faint, flickering illusions around her, mirroring her team before this happened. while still fighting against physical and mental exhaustion and despair, persevering's a tad bit easier on herself at the moment as she has a smelly reminder of herself and who she still is missing, giving her a clear goal. she is more nimble and speedier, allowing her to progress faster.
if allowed, she feels a pull into "the right direction" - either to azelf to help (or even her pokémon).
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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,710 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 9:54:05 GMT
[attr="class","uglytheo prisonertheo"]

i'm standing on the ashes of who i used to be



his stomach lurches as the floor gives, the fall brief as he crashes into the ground below. he lands on his left arm and the crack that follows is resounding, followed by stabs of pain along with a strained grunt as he lays on the ground.[break][break]

he seethes, turning to hold his broken left arm against him as he struggles to get back to his feet. stripped of his shadowy tendrils and the TOXIC CHAIN, he feels both weakened yet relieved at the same time.[break][break]

in the corner of his eye, he sees a megalopolan donning his sygna suit; the glare he gives them is enough for them to start stripping, but he won't be able to wear it in time.[break][break]

his ceruledge joins his side, and together, they stand.[break][break]

"priam —"[break][break]

the directive to leave never sounds as he quickly understands the position they're in. duty binds him more than the TOXIC CHAINS ever could.[break][break]

still holding his broken left arm, he scrambles to the grunt, and though no tendril may connect them, he still shows his support.[break][break]

with a click of his tongue, ceruledge slips into its SHADOW SNEAK only to DYNAMAX, growing in size to join 's guzzlord.[break][break]

together, they hold the line.[break][break]

MAX PHANTASM awaits its target.[break][break]


ugly ward[break]
. theo falls and breaks his left arm[break]
. no time to wear his sygna suit[break]
. theo joins priam[break]
. ceruledge dynamaxes[break]
. shadow sneak turns into max phantasm; holds it until assailants arrive


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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,047 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 13:16:57 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

A familiar voice coming from the unfamiliar face of disclosed the ogre’s weakness, namely its vermilion vizard. “Ms. Visionary?! What’s with the new hair?! AIEEEE!!” Andrea’s bafflement gave way to searing agony, as her arms were brushed by unforgiving flames.
The hellfire was extinguished by a cold deluge from above. The ‘shower’ that had once been a source of anguish now felt like a blessing on her red, blistered skin. The pain was washed away, leaving just her scars along with the bruises from Ogerpon’s thrashing as ghastly mementos.
Thanks to everyone’s combined efforts, the Hearthflame Mask shattered into a million, unrecoverable pieces. The chaotic scuffle came to an end when the floor crumbled underneath them, sending their group plummeting to the grotesque cloning facility below.
“OW! What… is this place?” Dozens of Pokémon were suspended in vats of viridescent fluid that pulsated like living organs. One of them was their guardian angel, whose awakened powers freed them at long last from the shackles of toxicity and despair.
Andrea’s eyes locked with the star-shaped pupils of the orange-faced Oni, who received a pat on the head. “Yes… Pon.” She then nodded gratefully at all who had aided in this impossible endeavor, but especially , who’d held on to the very end. “Thanks for not giving up on her.”
Saved from everlasting torment, the ogress passed out. At first, her new caretaker feared for the worst, but her hushed snoring put those worries to rest. The wood-legged creature slept like a log (pun intended). Even ’s empowering howl didn’t wake her up.
“Pon… zzzz… Pon… zzzz…”
Letting a sleeping Ogerpon perch on her shoulders, Andrea joined the rest of her Pokémon emerging from the fleshy tubes in what was a tearful reunion. “Chomper, Regina, Enteisaurus, Savage, Mothman, I’m so glad to see you again! And Meatloaf, you’re alive! I knew it!” The dragon lover rejoiced, throwing her arms around the confused Salamence.
The PokéManiac nodded at as well, who cradled an exhausted Azelf in her arms. She was initially puzzled when addressed her, but recognized him from her dream. “Carter…?” She couldn’t help but smile when the PokéMart employee (it’s a long story) reunited with his beloved bear.
All was not well. Her worried gaze fell on Chomper’s Toxic Chained twin, who bade his time inside his artificial womb, awaiting his birth. It was prudent to destroy those clones--those affronts to nature--but what right did they have to snuff out a life before it even had a chance to be born? Against logic’s cruel edict, she decided to leave them be.
Instead, the eccentric trainer rushed into the secluded room to retrieve her Sygna Suit and other personal items, paying no mind to the terrified Megalopolans cowering in the shadows. Her dragons formed a protective phalanx around her, preventing any voyeurs from glimpsing her bare form while she changed clothes.
All except Chomper, that is, who observed her with the attentiveness of an overprotective brother. Noting the countless abuses etched across the girl’s body got the Hydreigon mightily Worked Up, his blood boiling with inexorable hatred directed against those responsible.
The final battle was imminent, and it would be a bloodbath.



- Dummy ward FREEDOM!!![break]
- INJURIES: Andrea has suffered burns on her arms from Hearthflame Masks's flame as well as bruises from Ogerpon's retaliation.[break]
- Ogerpon remains asleep[break]
- Andrea reunites with her Pokemon and Meatloaf is alive POG[break]
- Decides not to kill the unborn clones because it would be immoral[break]
- Retrieves her Sygna Suit and other personal items from the secluded room[break]
- Begins to change clothes (no peeping!!!)[break]
- Chomper (Hydreigon) uses Work Up in preparation of the final battle



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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 14:30:21 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","calcifet elise"]


The holy sword only protects the king,[break]
It is the king's power that protects the country.




Vines from the creature hit her back and the kicks hit at her, but Elise has to go through the pain. She wants to help the ogress as much as and the others do, but that creature escapes away from her. Elise doesn’t give chase to the creature since she feels the Expanding Force from another source hit her. Her toxic chain dissipates into the air while she no longer gets her radiant sword from the power it gives her. [break][break]

The broken wooden floor gives way when Elise falls down to the area below the Feeding Pit. She sees the tubes around her hold various Pokemon with toxic chains on them. The diplomat figures that this was the same thing shown in her dream with all of her Pokemon being shown in green tubes filled with odd liquid.[break][break]

And the ambassador is greeted with the sight of her six Pokemon returning to her along with and her pack of canines helping to lead them to her. Embracing all of her Pokemon, tears stream down her face as Elise hugs them close. “I’m…so happy that you are all alright.” Towards the wild child and the canine pack, Elise expresses her gratitude. “Thank you, Ettie.”[break][break]

After she is able to get the Pokeballs that held her Pokemon, the ambassador returns her Mismagius, Glastrier, Marshadow, Gengar, and Lurantis back to their Moon Ball and Dusk Balls. She also gets her Mega Tiara and Tera Orb back in time for what’s to come.[break][break]

Elise is very happy to reunite with her beloved shard of Calyrex when she hugs the king tight. “I missed you so much, Charles.”[break][break]

“Cro-rown… Crorownro…” A reply comes from the shard Calyrex. From the looks of it, Charles is happier to reunite back with her too.[break][break]

“I’m so happy that you’re safe and sound.” Elise holds onto the Calyrex for a wile in an embrace before the ambassador lets him go.[break][break]

“Let’s see how our green friend is doing.” The female royal ushers the hare king with her when Elise meets up with along with the exhausted ogress. She does see that both and are injured by attacks. "I would hope the injuries are not too serious." She'd address both of them though it doesn't look like anything is a grave injury for her.[break][break]

A look of concern comes onto the forms of the two hurt young ladies though she has to focus on what’s happening for the final battle. Healing both of them can wait a bit. “Help out Chomper with Helping Hand.” Her command to the shard of Calyrex reaches the hare king when he dances around the shiny Hydreigon. Helping Hand invigorates the dragon type specialist’s three headed green and black dragon with a buff to his offense too.


@tags [break][break]

Weakling Ward WE'RE FREEEEEE[break]
♔ RIP, lost the toxic chain ability.[break]
♔ Falls down to the Breeding Pit[break]
♔ Elise gets a tearful reunion with her Pokemon.[break]
♔ She's concerned for the two girlies' injuries.[break]
♔ Charles (Shard Calyrex) buffs Chomper (Andrea's shiny Hydreigon) with Helping Hand!


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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
292 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 15:17:19 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



The poison made it difficult to help, but if Ever was anything, he was stubborn. So he didn’t give up on helping Ogerpon.
Not even when he was burned with the intense heat from the hearthflame mask the Ogerpon wore. Or when he was tossed aside like a rag doll by the Ogerpon.
He hit the ground hard then. Hard enough to get the wind knocked out of him. But that isn’t why he was seeing stars. No, he was seeing stars because his injured arm hit the ground, sending a wave of dizzying pain through him.
He pushed back the nausea and waited for the pain to recede. Soon enough, he was used to the more numb feeling that he was used to. The feeling that came from having a high pain tolerance.
Blinking to clear his muddled thoughts, he was about to get up and rejoin the fray when the masked creature slammed into him again. He winced as the Ogerpon’s vine slammed into where there were a few cracked ribs. Hopefully, they weren’t just broken. But knowing his luck, they had.
Probably due to his frenzied state, it didn’t waste much time on him, instead going off to attack someone else. He seemed to be less able to stop himself than before. Probably because something had spooked it. And they had gotten it pretty calm too.
Pushing aside his annoyance at their work being undone, he pushed himself to his feet. Gritting his teeth, he started to track Ogerpon out. He still wasn’t about to give up on helping it.
Along the way, he would come across as struggling. Being the kind of person he was, he would help them out. This usually meant purposefully throwing himself in harm's way to protect someone. Which led him to get more wounds than he would have otherwise.
Most of them were gashes he got from the Nihilego's tentacles. Wincing, he paused to rip parts of his top off to tie off the gashes the tentacles had left along his body. He was reluctant to show people the scars he had acquired over the years, but if it was that or if he ended up bleeding out, he would take the former.
After tending to his injuries a bit, he would immediately resume his search for Ogerpon. When he eventually found him, he would find the mask gone. As well as the chain. It would only be then that he would realize his own chain was gone as well, and seemingly the effects of poison as well.
Seeing that Ogerpon seemed to be in good hands with , he would simply walk off. He wasn’t a social person by any means and didn’t want to burden anyone with his presence, so he simply took his leave to get to the lower floor. The easiest path would probably be the hole in the floor.
As he approached the hole, a sudden wave of dizziness as the adrenaline left his system would cause him to black out. When he came back to his senses a few minutes later, he would find himself in the feeding pit, making him realize he must have fallen through the hole in the ground when he blacked out.
Wasn’t that just embarrassing?
Wincing, he got up and checked himself over. His arm was still very much broken. The ribs are probably broken at this point. There are a few burns that may or may not join his collection of scars. His collection of gashes, some of which have already begun to scar. And the newer gashes had begun to bleed again, probably due to hurting the ground when he fell.
Before he could worry too much about stopping the bleeding again, a few familiar cries would cause him to jerk his head up. And they all were. His Pokémon.
Ignoring how damaged his body was, he ran towards his Pokémon, tripping over his feet a few times due to the state he was in, but managing to catch himself before he could fall.
Throwing himself at his Pokémon, he would hold each of them close as he basked in their presence once more. He was especially happy to see Rook, who had been his rock through so much. Celestia would only allow this for so long before she decided she needed to set him up to fight.
As Celestia’s Heal Pulse washed over him, he breathed a sigh of relief. Sure, it didn’t fully heal him, but it did heal him enough that there was no longer any fear of collapsing. Especially not from blood loss since it stopped his injuries from bleeding once more.
Giving each of his Pokémon a one-last hug, he would return his Pokémon to their pokeballs once he had them in his possession, with the exception of Volt, whom he decided to keep by his side.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Hurt by Ogerpon’s retaliation, Ogerpon’s Hearthflame mask flame, Nihilego's tentacles, Hurt trying to protect other people, The leap to the lower floor (more like fall) [break] Injuries: Broken arm (left), a few broken ribs, gashes, blood loss (lessened after getting healed) [break] reunited with his Pokémon after falling into the feeding pit [break] Trips over his own feet a few times in his rush to reunite with them (endeavor), Galarian Rapidash uses Heal Pulse on him and alievetes a few of his injuries [break] Returns all of his Pokémon to their pokeballs with the exception of his Zebstrika



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,412 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 16:01:48 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

As the lavender barrier erected by fades, frigid water erupts from bursting pipes. Cillian lets out a cry of triumph and grins at ... but that blazing smile falters as the floor rumbles beneath them.[break][break]

Without his Avatar powers, Cillian feels sluggish and slow to react. The ground splits beneath him and he falls onto a bed of debris, rough edges cutting at exposed skin and blunt force inspiring later bruising. He lays there for a moment, winded and stunned.[break][break]

Slowly, he drags himself up, gingerly checking for further breaks. Though his ribs scream in agony and he limps on an injured leg, there is nothing critical. Nothing to stop him from pressing forward, agonizing though that effort might be.[break][break]

A strong spirit falters at the sight of a leviathan submerged in green liquid, and then he's sprinting despite the pain in his leg. It gives out when he gets close, sending him crashing into the ground. He slams a fist against the tube.[break][break]


TOXIC CHAINS strangle the Guardian's great neck, her ruby eyes closed. Further chains bind her wings and curl between the spikes of her tail. As Cillian reaches her, Azelf's EXPANDING FORCE explodes throughout the room.[break][break]

Chains break and masks shatter. A brilliant rush of INFINITY ENERGY surges through him, filling the void left by the absence of the chain's power. PRESSURE makes his ears pop as Lugia's wings snap open, casting her Avatar in comforting shadow as he struggles back to his feet.[break][break]

"You're OK," he breathes, relieved.[break][break]

You are not.[break][break]

She eyes him critically, but the sounds of violent destruction overhead cuts their reunion short. Surveying the room, Cillian notices as 's Guzzlord grows to immense size. It reminds him of the THREE DAY WAR.[break][break]

"Gonna look for a way out."[break][break]

He joins a group approaching a door in the pit, surprised by the screams that greet them when it's opened.[break][break]

"Chill out," he says dismissively. He's leaning his weight against his good leg, breathing heavy. "Not here for you, just looking for an exit." His attention zeroes in on a familiar belt of luxury balls with one particularly eye-catching, currently empty Beast Ball. "And that's my shit."[break][break]

They don't stop him from grabbing up the belt, and one of them gives up Cillian's DYNAMAX BAND when he spots them wearing it.[break][break]

Though she'd indulged in Rocket's supply of DYNAMAX CANDIES, Lugia has yet to utilize the phenomenon since the memory of Galar.[break][break]

Time to change that.[break][break]

"Hey!" he calls out, directed toward fellow Rockets but loud enough for anyone to hear. "They've got our stuff stored back here."[break][break]

He holds up his arm in demonstration, the band gleaming around his wrist, and then activates its power.[break][break]

In a dark reflection of Azelf's EXPANDING FORCE, SHADOW MIASMA pours from Cillian and wreathes his patron in purple-black fog.[break][break]

Lugia lets out a deep cry of challenge as energy surges through her. Her wings shield those that stand beneath her, and she turns her ruby gaze toward the collapsed floor above. Toward the sound of something approaching. Frost builds in the back of her throat, and she expels breath as an ICY WIND to challenge its descent.[break][break]





Falls and gets scraped up + fucks up his leg, on top of the broken ribs[break]
Definitely makes his ankle worse sprinting toward Lugia[break]
Azelf is a bro and reunites them[break]
Cillian goes looking for an exit, finds the Megalopolans + retrieves his gear before calling out to others that their stuff is nearby.[break]
MAIN ACTION: DYNAMAXES LUGIA to serve as a defensive wall [8/8 BARRIER SEGMENTS][break]
She sends an ICY WIND upward to hopefully slow the descent of whatever's coming at them.[break]
If it's too much feel free to retcon/ask me to edit!


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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 16:19:46 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

The floor below was farther than Zev had anticipated. He fumbled his landing a second time, slamming hard against stone. Pain shot through him from somewhere in his ribs. Gritting his teeth, he took a moment longer than he wanted to breathe through the ache and regain his focus. [break][break]

Standing, the man touched the left side of his chest and winced. He guessed he'd broken a rib or two, but it was a concern for later. [break][break]

As he took in the sight of the numerous tubes, revelation dawned on him. Suspended in their green liquid were all manner of Pokémon, each one locked in slumber, some of them wreathed in Toxic Chains. [break][break]

Zev turned to and the other woman who landed near them. A Rocket grunt, , if he remembered her voice correctly. [break][break]

"Our Pokémon," was all he said to convey his intention before starting off to find his team. [break][break]

It did not take him long to locate his Necrozma shard, its angular body wrapped entirely in Toxic Chains. He approached it without regard for others who might notice, trying to find a way to free it. But then the sound of shattering glass filled the room, and the air pulsed with psychic energy. [break][break]

All around Zev, the captured Pokémon emerged from their tubes. The fleshy chain around his neck withered in moments and sloughed off. The weakness in his body evaporated, though the pain in his ribs remained. [break][break]

And then he felt his mind rip wide open as the psychic link with the real Necrozma was restored. Emotions and memories poured into him, both incomprehensibly alien and intimately familiar. His skin itched as crystals spread across his body, covering him from the neck down. Inside him, his ribcage reinforced itself with living metal. [break][break]


Reaching up a clawed hand, Zev tore off his mask. He threw it onto the floor and turned to . His eyes were hard as steel and cold with the promise of retribution. "Stick close to me," he told her, before walking away to assess the situation. [break][break]

A shout from drew Zev's attention. He followed the underboss' voice into an adjoining room where a group of frightened Megalopolans huddled together. He stared them down, his Necrozma shard looming above him like a terrible shadow. [break][break]

At first, he did not address them as he collected his possessions. Then he stood over them, authoritative, tyrannical. "Where are we?" he demanded. "How do we get out of here?" [break][break]

Noise from the floor above heralded approaching hostiles. Leaving the smaller chamber, Zev felt the change in energy before he saw the Dynamaxed Pokémon—'s Guzzlord, 's Ceruledge, 's Lugia. Zev's gaze snapped to the towering creatures, his hunger spiking at the taste of Dynergy in the air. [break][break]

Stepping up between Theo and Cillian, Zev activated his own Dynamax Band. His Necrozma shard grew to monstrous size, mimicking the real one. In the black void of its silhouette, its prism-like eyes flickered with the full spectrum of colors. [break][break]

As soon as the enemy entered, Necrozma's GRAVITY would pin them down. [break][break]


TAGS – prismatic penitentiary[break]
– Zev is in the UGLY WARD FREE.[break]
– Reunited with his Pokémon, including his Necrozma shard.[break]
– Rips off his mask as soon as the Toxic Chain sloughs off and the poisonining subsides. He is reconnected with the real Necrozma and covers himself from the neck down with his crystal armor.[break]
– Collects his things and demands to know where they are and how to escape from the frightened Megalopolans.[break]
– Stands with Theo and Cillian. Zev's status as Necrozma Avatar is VISIBLE FOR ALL TO SEE.[break]
– Necrozma shard DYNAMAXES and prepares to use GRAVITY as soon as enemies enter.



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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 16:26:26 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She had expected to see Azelf on a silver platter. As it was, its healing pulse cleansed her of the sickness that had invaded her body so quickly, and it removed the power of her toxic chain, too. It healed the gash on her upper left arm from debris in the pit, though it left a scar not far from the gunshot wound she had earned earlier this year. Chainless, maskless, and in 's arms, she had little to complain about. [break][break]

There were a few by Azelf, and Ameena didn't think she would have an opportunity to do anything of note with the deity; all she wanted to ask would not be for League ears. [break][break]

She looked around to see the breeding tubes and the dark room. There was a large variety of equipment and pokemon, and Ameena thankfully had little trouble reclaiming her own pink pokeballs and the team inside. As for the dark room, well, that was an obligatory search. "I know where I am going," she said in case Amor was concerned for her plan. She moved to it immediately. The room was filled with Megalopolans, many with odd little grabbers. They were cowering. Did they fear the gods, or the ones oppressed by them?[break][break]

Megalopolans held answers to questions Ameena didn't even know how to ask. "In case everything blows up in your faces as it rightfully should, I will just take this fella off your hands." She grabbed at the stunned child - maybe 10? who knew if Megalopolans aged normally - with the full intent of abduction.

TAGS [break]
NOTES – action: reclaiming pokemon, ***KIDNAPPING A MEGALOPOLAN CHILD*** (if i can't claim and kidnap, just kidnap)[break]at6WfWeU



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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
406 posts
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 16:27:02 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar


She notices the shield left by Tempest, and fractured memories captured as her husband is similarly protected.
The cloak and automaton slow the doctor’s fall. She lands on her feet but soon collapses against the cold floor of the breeding room. Amber and red dances in her eyes as the firefight rages above. Detached, panicked eyes watch as cracks spread across the ceiling as the fighting comes to an end. She lets out a pained gasp as the thing collapses, but the silver being’s torso keeps her mostly safe from falling debris. A few angry lines of red roll down her cheeks and shoulders as rock bites into them.

As the fire and dust fade, some semblance of logic returns. Shaking herself free—as if shedding a spell—the present slowly filters in. Briefly, her eyes flicker to her husband’s form. A tired hand rises in a teary greeting. “You all right?” He isn’t a pile of ash and is standing, so he seems to be better than earlier. They’d talk quickly and quietly. A scarred finger would eventually rise to touch her lips. [break][break]

Embarrassment and shame give her face deeper shadows than the lingering influence of the cloak. If John’s nearby, she refuses to meet his eyes. What a useless piece of shit. Eight years of training, and you can’t even help one Pokemon.
Fortunately, it seems Ogerpon is okay. She offers an apologetic smile to and it as they pass. If she sees @tempest, she will offer a teary word of gratitude.
As her eyes sight the tubes, she gasps. Tears of joy pour forth. “Al!” Pushing the oddities aside for a moment, she rushes the tubes. Around the time her hands touch the outside, Azelf’s power explodes forth. But the removal of the chain is nothing compared to the return of her lifelong companion.
Soon, he’s lying in a pile of goo at her feet—the rest of it rubbed across her prison uniform. Blue eyes blink tiredly awake as the lizard looks at her. Though there’s no paper around, he knows how to make his feelings known.
‘You look terrible.’ Clawed hands clumsily sign as he shakes off the doldrums. His trainer just lets out a happy sob in response. Then, his sight settles on the toxic chained clone in the tube beside him. His frill extends suspiciously. ‘What’s with ugly over here?’ With a look of consternation, the doctor reaches toward the clone and, if able, tries to pull it out.
Soon, her other Pokemon find her way to her. The Farigiraf nuzzles her red hair as the Jumpluff takes to the sky. Aubre, however, is fixated on the clone. Science experiments or not, these were Pokemon. Not just that, they were poisoned--tools of some monster whose face they didn’t know.
As someone shouts about discovered possessions, Aubre offers up a nod to her friends. The Heliolisk ignores the dramatic kidnapping as he shoves past the door to grab Aubre and her loser husband’s stuff. Though struggling, he manages to bring this back to them. Her faux leather doctor’s bag drags on the ground behind him. The doctor's jacket is slid on with a grateful familiarity when it gets to her. As the screaming started in the adjacent room, the redhead was tempted to rush over. If he sees blood, he tosses bandages. This includes tossing a ball of gauze at and a sling at .
[break][break]She even moves to intervene. Images of this woman grabbing Mikky flash. Her teeth grit together as she moves to do something. "Hey! Put the--" Her voice rises in volume when a webbed claw digs into her leg. 'D-o-g at twelve o'clock!' The lizard jerks his head to the left just as the wild child makes her move.

Ettie's howl sends terror rushing through the doctor's limbs. Any thoughts of helping vanish as she closes her eyes shut and tries to breathe. Two eyes. Ten fingers. Leon's behind you. Smell his clothes? Listen to him breathing. This continues until the padding of the hound is behind her. By then, the situation in the room seems to have simmered down to a boil. Her chance to help is gone, just like always. [break][break] Her mind returns to Azelf. “Let me see them. Please.” She murmurs a word of thanks to the little creature as she reaches in her bang for anything that might help. Eventually, she settles on a potion. “It looks like it’s just exhaustion, but—” She presses the bottle into ’s hand as the noises above them grow louder. “--this might come in handy.”
Her jaw sets as her hand settles on her belt. The terrorists rush to form a line of defense, inspiring her to do the same. Then she wonders if ’s Lugia is in pain. “Leon.” There’s a steely will to her voice. Her hand tightens into a shaking fist. She knows he’ll probably argue. “--I’m done letting these monsters have their way.” With them. With their Pokemon. With the poor displaced Megalopans.

After glancing wordlessly between her Pokemon, she returns all but her Swampert. “I’m even more tired of running.” Being a coward. If they didn’t stop them now, they’d just do it again. Hurt more people. Traumatize another group. Running didn’t guarantee they’d be any safer. But she'd just get in the way, huh? Fighting wasn't her Forte and the hallway was clogged with Pokemon.

"Serena? Can you help out?" After being briefed on the situation, the Swampert is fuming. She nods. "Stay safe." Joining the vanguard at the entrance, the Swampert waits beneath the shadow of the Guzzlord. Taking a deep breath, she prepares to unleash a Screech.

"Good luck." Aubre murmurs this softly to the Swampert as she backs up toward the retreating group.




Filled with shame by her actions[break] Gets scraped up by the falling debris[break] Lays on the ground for a moment listening to the onslaught above [break] Says hi to her husband as the ground falls in and thanks for helping them[break] Stiffens when begins her howling and closes her eyes shut to avoid a repeat of earlier[break][break]Has Al distribute potions and bandages to people who need it [break] Goes to investigate the clones but is stopped by Axelf's fall and goes to check on them. Offers a potion.[break] Apologizes to Leon and goes to stand with the defenders (finds it ironic so man of them are seen as 'monsters')[break] Has her Swampert use Screech at the pursuers as she retreats to safer ground[break]

[newclass=.gunstest1]font:10.5px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
883 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 20:47:17 GMT
Shred Avatar
[googlefont=Rubik Burned]In hindsight, maybe throwing yourself down the mysterious flesh tube wasn't your brightest idea. As you splash and sink into the vat, the change from burning heat to chilling cold delivers and unpleasant shock to your body, forcing a gasp of pain out of you. Immediately, the strange green fluid rushes through your open mouth and into your throat, and that gasp is soon followed by a choke.

You struggle. You thrash and flail in an attempt to swim back to the surface, to no avail. Oh, God... This is it, isn't it? You're gonna die. All that struggle and survival and humiliation and heroism and endurance and escape, only to drown in a few feet of fluid mere moments before you can claim your freedom? Is this really how it ends?!

No. Thankfully.

But, eventually, after the most torturous minute of your life, you stop trying to move up and instead move down. You push your way through the membrane, like a larvae ripping through its egg, and spill out onto the floor. "Birthed". Or, maybe "discharged"?

Whatever the case, you're cold and miserable and tired and hurt and your wounds are drenched in some kind of horrid amniotic fluid. But, you're not dead. Yet.

To that end, you spend the next few minutes retching and hacking and coughing. Bile, blood, and green goo alike are dredged from your body and pour out on the floor. All your injuries are finally catching up to you. Even if you aren't dying, it feels like you are. As the last gout of sick bursts from your mouth, you slump down to the ground and lay there for a moment...

...You think... You're going to pass out now...




"omg (°ロ°) mr shred!!!"



...Or maybe you can keep going, just a little longer.


"youre hurt (º □ º l|l) we need to go find mr slowbro and--"

You interrupt the hex nut as you pull him into the most sincere hug you've ever given in forty-one years.

"m-mr shred (¯ . ¯;) are you crying?"

"No... J-jus got some stuff in my eyes, is all..."

It's the ugliest you've ever cried. Perhaps the ugliest that anyone has ever cried. As the tears fall down your burnt face, they wash away what little mystique you might have had. It certainly isn't a sight that's becoming of a Rocket Beast. But, fuck it. Just this once, just for a few seconds, you don't have to be Shred Zeppelin. You can just be you.

But eventually, the time for you passes, and as the Toxic Chain fades from your neck, you pull yourself to your feet. Something malicious burns in your eyes. The same look that and saw back in the Great Chasm.

You step into the dark room full of Megalopolans barren, and step out fully armed. Bandages crudely wrapped around you skin, Pokeballs by your waist, Mega Medallion around your neck and Tera Orb in hand, with Meltan on your shoulder and Walking Wake by your side. Emboldened by the sight of one of its oh-so-distant cousins Dynamaxing, the Paradox Pokemon lets out a raccuous Dragon Cheer, stoking the dragonfire of those that share its mythic ancestry. And though you are no dragon, it stokes the fire within you, too.

You raise an orichalchum-marked arm up to the crumbling ceiling. Funny - Even though several floors and a thousand feet separate you from the false sun, it still feels so close. As though it's still shining above you, even now. The mere thought of it makes your bronze-burnt fingers twitch.

It's time--


You clench your hand into a fist, and imagine the shadow of the Toxic Chain being burnt away by the shining heat of an apex star.



TL;DR - Shred reunites with his Meltan, has an :ureshii: moment, gears up, preps for the oncoming raid boss fight with a Walking Wake Dragon Cheer, and does something unique and intriguing :salmonsmirk:

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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
736 posts
part of
TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 21:24:38 GMT
[attr="class","pilotsb desiree"]

i’m afraid they’re gonna find you[break]
and there’s nothing that i can do




There, of course, had to be a puppetmaster following within their wake; lurking in the corners, watching their every move they took in their desperate survival. Desiree did not need to say anything further to convince herself it would be true, even if she could not see anything she had not seen before through her curtain of tears. did not deserve to have his strings cut without ridding those who wove them between their fingers, nobody did.[break][break]

So she swung above the fiery chassis until she could not anymore, dancing upon the caps of the Nihilego while navigating the folds of her toxic silk. The Stealth Rocks pattered against her skin and tore off the upper layers with each hit; coincidentally enough, a strike for each rock she had destroyed during her little wage-off with the cosmos within the den of dragons. One for weakness, one for codependence, one for fear, one for hatred, one for naivety, one for shame, and one for pain. Each strike spun discordance and the true nature of their current reality into her physical being, the cosmos whispering into her ear that what she had left behind never really left after all.[break][break]

It stung during her numbness, but nothing she could feel surmounted the pain that came with the idea of failing all those she had sworn upon; what she had sacrificed was null and void, but it did not matter. With the rain came the sliding of the silk, the falling as the floor collapsed and dropped her alongside anyone and everyone else that had faced off against the masked being. It did not matter what happened to her as long as her dimly lit light was not stifled. Though the falling and the flinging of jagged rocks left her with bloody cuts, painted over the scars manifested by her father's actions, and a very obvious breaking of an arm, she had not died.[break][break]

"Pamplemousse? Myrtille..? Where..," she called out as the rubble fell, rolling to avoid a crumble at the expense of a pained wince, ".. did we..?"[break][break]

They were farther away than she had anticipated beside her crumbling pillar. Yet, this gap of searching through teary cascades allowed her to see far into the chamber- not only had been accompanied by the masked beast, but there were tubes upon tubes of the creatures every victim had been captured alongside. Some of the beings she spotted in the tubes appeared to be those she had never seen before, massive, gargantuan. It imposed the questioning of who this kind of otherworldly punishment was truly for.. and better yet, if she had arrived in the chamber of divines upon divines.[break][break]

@cillian's guidance in the form of words snapped her into the reality that her blossoms existed in these tubes as well. Cradling her broken arm as she ran through the slits that came between the madness, the momentary peace that loomed before the spilling of blood, the breath of fresh air came. She did not know how, but her mask fell as did her chain- and though she could no longer gracefully weave as the pain caught up, her mind felt free. Leaving a trail of crimson droplets as she ran to an unmistakable tube, tears continued to cascade.[break][break]

"Gloss..," her heart skipped a beat, ".. we'll get out of here, my blossoms.. the forest will have no bounds here.. but we must protect the fruits.."[break][break]

There was no time to change, even if her favorite, original clothes were sitting right there. She left everything that could be replaced other than her purse as it had too many valuables inside- and ran into the fray after settling the remaining of her blooms into their orbs. Tying her long strands back with her mega scrunchie she ran, scanning, looking for them. Giants were appearing, getting ready for whatever would come next. They were best avoided by running upon the outskirts, taking a small yet risky opening between the sides of multiple dynamaxed until she was at 's side.[break][break]

"I'm no angel," she said softly in her approach, wiping a tear from her worn, makeup-less face, ".. but I've got you. No dying today, just like last time.."[break][break]

Psychedelic webs weaved in the form of a HEAL PULSE, brought upon by the freed, overconfident Hatterene. It brought the cuts to scabs easily enough, but her arm remained limped and only partially numbed.. it could help anyone who needed it. That was all that mattered at this moment- other than the things that seemed to be approaching from above.[break][break]

If only there was a way to escape without a fight- without impending doom. Yet, the world was never so fortunate.. ever.[break][break]


♡ gets gashes by stealth rocks and breaks an arm when falling to the lower levels.[break]
♡ tries to call out to and but they are kinda far away..[break]
♡ notices legendaries in tubes with all the others. who tf has she been captured with? LOOL[break]
♡ reunited with mons and belongings! guides them with orders to protect the fruits (her loves).[break]
♡ HATTERENE IS OUT. runs to be by .[break]
MAIN ACTION: Hatterene attempts to use HEAL PULSE on Desiree's injuries and anyone/anything else nearby.[break]
♡ Anticipates big fight hehe turgle turgle!


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,173 posts
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 0:06:11 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

gods, it feels so good to burn. enemies are cut down in front of her. a familiar sensation festers at the cinders of her dragonfire - hatred - and she welcomes it with open arms, eyes and arms and heart ablaze in the face of their adversary. she forgets which one of her she is, and when she sees , it is through the lens of a past far sweeter than the one she carries.[break][break]

they move seamlessly around one another, feinting and lunging as though they were never strangers. the world is a frenzy around them, a whirling display of violence and savagery, and she could live in those precious seconds for an eternity, feeding off of the anger, watching fire eat into fire and burrow into flesh.[break][break]

but the earth breaks. she falls, hand reaching out as her toxic chain goes up in smoke, her cousin's name bleated from dry, cracked lips and a throat sore from disuse.[break][break]

they're not afforded time to collect themselves proper. she takes in information quickly because she must, but when she can wrench the mask free from her face, she screams and she throws it upon the ground and she smashes it - stomping, over and over and over again. the chain around her neck has melted away, leaving a smell like burned rubber and a purple mark on her skin.[break][break]

"we get out or we die," she says, voice rough as she staggers past .[break][break]

she is not kind to the woman she finds wearing her sygna suit. she leaves her with several broken fingers and a scored red face, swaddled by a cowering gaggle of other megalopolans who dare not pick a fight with the escapees. as freya grabs her choker, her lips twist. she fits the cool metal around her neck and graces the pokeball at its center, but rather than pull lyune from his sanctuary, she reaches for another.[break][break]

the brutal ultra beast manifests behind her, eyes glowing fervently at the scent of blood in the air.

- fights w her Fellow Draconid :poochywag:[break]
- falls down ouchie[break]
- trauma[break]
- gets her pokemon back n lets out micolash, host of the nightmare naganadel yippee


[attr="class","title"]FREYA [break] MORNINGSTAR

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP