i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,404 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 10:02:43 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

"Team Rocket, stand down."[break][break]

Cillian hesitates, the fire of battle still searing through his bloodstream. Around him, the umbral tentacles of a SHADOW HOLD twist threateningly toward nearby members of the League — then retract.[break][break]

He does not like the forced cooperation with the League, the partial loss of a city that should be theirs, but a loyal dog will not bite when muzzled by its master. He trembles from an excess of adrenaline, breathing hard with wild eyes.[break][break]

It's over, he communicates with Lugia, whose red glare reflects his own dissatisfaction.[break][break]

But she folds. Not for Walsh, but for her Avatar.
His heart aches for the home that will never be the same. The rising seas will have destroyed his library, ruined their furniture, smashed windows and warped floors. They, like Sootopolis itself, will need to rebuild. No amount of effort would bring back everything the seas have destroyed.[break][break]

He finds in the aftermath so they might grieve their loss together.

[attr="class","tag"]BATTLE OF SOOTOPOLIS



Epilogue post, Cillian is angy about compromise but stands down b/c he's Rocket's bitch.[break]
Real sadge about his house, he looks for Temp to be upset about it together.


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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,046 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 12:41:07 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

The hand that hauled Zev from the water possessed a strength born from adrenaline and desperation. Only when he was fully on the Celesteela did he recognize Nenet's outfit and voice; only then did he allow himself a slight reprieve against her body. [break][break]

Slowly, the crystals relinquished their protective hold on his cells, returning them to their normal state. He watched the green Dynergy barrier shatter with calculating blue eyes. [break][break]

Some ancient instinct deep within him knew the light was healing. Sure enough, Necrozma stole some into itself, recovering from the grievous wounds inflicted by and her Meloetta. [break][break]

Then, having seen what it needed to see, the great abomination ripped a hole in the fabric of reality. But before it departed, it cast a long look at Palkia, its thoughts indecipherable even to its Avatar. [break][break]

Aboard Nenet's Celesteela, Zev observed the reemergence of Sootopolis land from the retreating seawater. Primal Kyogre, seemingly pacified, released both and . The Rocket Boss' voice resonated over the comms: "Stand down." [break][break]

Words were not enough to quell the rage within Zev at losing Mossdeep. These Primal Beasts—Kyogre and Rayquaza—had forced him to abandon his plans there. One day, they would pay. [break][break]

In blood and soul.

TAGS [break]
– Zev is FULLY ARMORED: nothing can break through his defense, and things that hit him may take damage on impact.[break]
– Necrozma leaves, satisfied, but not before acknowledging Palkia.[break]
– Zev is still mad about losing Mossdeep and blames Kyogre (and to a lesser extent, Rayquaza and the League) for the change in plans.



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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,584 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 14:45:44 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
the surprise for the entei comes unexpectedly in the form of .

it wanted to scowl. to turn around and leave. to defer further involvement. it has already tampered enough with the event given that it doesn't have a reason to participate in this scuffle, but it all ends with the same entity that has overcome its code and rewritten functions.

ho-oh, and by extension, entei, may not have approved of the gym leader, but the emergent has. the same indulgent favoritism that brought entei to investigate cave of origin for the sake of ho-oh's avatar brings it to soften down and see josh in the same lens as saw him.

a cleansing sacred fire bursts from entei, applying the same first aid that tamed the primal poisoning in .

entei leans down, allowing josh's weight to position himself on his back. as quick as entei has shifted his opinions on matters he shouldn't have been complicating, he turns around and leaves the scene.

josh would soon find itself in front of his gym, having no witnesses for entei's delivery.

  • purifies josh of any poisoning
  • takes josh to mauville
  • extreme speeds away from sootopolis


[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-162 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(!important; [/newclass]
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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,825 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 21:49:13 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Her muscles burned from trying to cling to Daikenki's figure, her body ached from the exertion of treading through the surging waves. Yuina's chest tightened with every breath, every cough rasping against her raw throat and how much her lungs seethed at the amount of sea water she'd taken in.[break]
No matter how hard he tried, Daikenki too struggled to both ortient himself in the water to a point to keep Yuina's head above water, there was no point of calm that he could reach back to try and help her up to his back... He had started trying to head for solid ground, the edges of the crater that were still there in the near distance, and hoped that he could make it there in time.[break][break]
Just then, a voice caught the Samurott's attention, Daikenki looked back with sharp eyes and a snarl on arched jowls, he was on edge, rightfully so and didn't know who was approaching just yet. Yuina heard the voice too, but she felt movement before she could truly understand who it was that had come to help her. A strained cough through gritted teeth, only working with one arm as the other had been hurt at the shoulder by falling rocks, Yuina slumped against the back of Daikenki's neck with heaving breaths, finally able to garner just the smallest bit of stability.[break][break]
The waters began to recede, the storm began to fade, and Yuina looked out to find Thomas beside her in the water, having helped her back onto Daikeni.[break]
"Thomas...," she acknowledged first, her voice hoarse, but able to relax, if only just. It seemed that everything was coming to a pinnacle, the battle quelled, but that gave way to floods of comms reports coming in as the smoke began to clear and the dust began to settle.[break][break]
"We should... find somewhere to go...," Yuina offered first, anywhere that wasn't in the middle of the crater, anywhere that wasn't in the aftermath of what had taken place... Anywhere that...[break][break]
'civillian casualties--- reports of dynergy in.... petalburg general bombed...'[break][break]
Yuina hadn't been paying too much attention to the comms, she was sure there would be ample reports from everything that had happened between Sootopolis and Petalburg... But she stiffened and grew cold at the mention of Petalburg General...[break][break]
"No...," she coughed, not only was Desiree in Petalburg but so was Doug... and that was his hospital...[break]
"Thomas, we-- have to get to Pet-alburg, now," she struggled through heaving, raw breaths, but the urgency was there. They couldn't waste any time.



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,691 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 22:50:50 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









Where his hand had once reached for the storm above, it now reached for and the LIGHT STONE in his pocket, growing ever distant as gravity embraced him closer. If there was one way to obtain the IDEAL WORLD he sought... was almost certain the LIGHT STONE was the other half of the key he needed. With IDEALS and TRUTH, his conquest over TEAM ROCKET would be absolute.[break][break]

But, alas, the raging sea below grants him a cold splash of reality instead. The haunting silhouette of a modern-day ATLANTIS greets him in the deep blue dark below the waves. Then, injured and weary, the EXACTING fights for his life as he tries to swim toward the DYNA TREE.[break][break]

But his muscles burn and ache.[break][break]

His body is weak.

And, soon, he finds himself swallowing the waters of SOOTOPOLIS CITY, floating listlessly in the deep dark where his HATRED had landed him.[break][break]


Struck at point-blank rage with a DRAGON PULSE, DAMKINA is blasted out of the sky. As a result, and are free of the matriarch's outrage, though it still manages to use the last of its strength to glide toward the only perch it saw: the DYNA TREE. As she passes over the sunken city below, however, her senses pick up the silhouette of her master's limp body.[BREAK][BREAK]

And, below him, something large emerges from the depths to make contact. Unsure whether to be relieved or worried, the Garchomp eventually falls unconscious before crashing into the DYNA TREE.[BREAK][BREAK]



Then, suddenly, a desperate gasping for air between choked coughs.

After blinking awake, finds himself curled up beside his unconscious GARCHOMP. The two lay at the trunk of a large DYNA TREE branch that now acted as a lifesaver against the waves. ZEKROM stands protectively before them, dripping wet and aquatic blue as he turns his gaze to the KYOGRE that has reemerged. After recalling Damkina into her Luxury Ball, Remiel, too, watches as the raging sea quells and the clouds subside.[BREAK][BREAK]

Since losing consciousness and nearly drowning, it seems and have come to some sort of agreement.[BREAK][BREAK]


After all that had happened, now they wanted fucking co-operation?

Weakly, the EXACTING picks himself up on two feet, setting a single clenched fist against the DYNA TREE as he SPITS in their direction with a glare.[BREAK][BREAK]






[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]BATTLE OF SOOTOPOLIS ♔



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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
287 posts
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 0:27:52 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Gishath spotted Navy signaling over to him as the Garchomp swam over to the waving male. The Zacian standing behind him had cut the previous shockwave in two and protected them both somewhat from the forces at work. With a sudden jerk of its back, Gwen's body flopped onto the raft with an unceremonious thud, the fallen ranger remaining still for a moment. There was very little to go off of that the Garchomp hadn't dumped a corpse onto the raft. Even his eyes watched her with concern. But after a few seconds of nothing happening, a wet, gurgling noise could be heard.

Gwen weakly rolled onto her side with a pained ground and retched up enough salt water to fill an aquarium, just expelling everything that had entered her system. It went on and on, the sounds of her choking on another mouthful of water lasting for what seemed like an eternity, before collapsing back onto the raft in an unresponsive mess. Gishath would have shown his support, until yet another Origin Pulse would rock through the area, yet again. He wasn't immune to it, feeling the energy slam across his body as everything nearby rocked from the force of the attack.

He held onto the raft to steady it in case of over tipping and allowed Navy to slowly make his way back over towards the League ships where Gwen could hopefully receive treatment. The girl was still out like a light and possessed serious looking wounds alongside a missing arm.


Location: E3

• Gwen lives!

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 0:41:22 GMT
ana fell Avatar
Everything happening feels like it’s a dream. Attacks and shields, shouts and screams, all of it faded behind the thick curtain of the blood in her ears, the hiss of pneumatic circuitry, the solid thunk, thunk, thunk of her fist against Kyogre’s stupid head. Like she could reach in and grab its brain. Like she could reach in and pull out, alive.

She doesn’t even notice the thing’s gone down. She just knows that she felt something strong, something impossible, something that took the most scattered, broken pieces of herself and made them whole again, and now it was gone. Gone forever.

And why wouldn’t this stupid fucking thing die already!?

Kyogre’s mouth raises, mid-punch. She rocks forward on her fist. The pistons in her shoulder follow due programming and expand, pushing her backwards. And she falls-- not through the hundreds of feet of air to her death, as she thought-- expected, hoped-- but about fourteen feet down to splash on her back in the water. She goes under for a few seconds, before the buoyancy of the salt, and the psychic-pocket floaties in her arm and leg activating, float her to the top.

The salt burns her eyes, but she blinks them open, lays static, a corpse in the water.

Something tickles at the back of her brain.

Should my Harmonious King die before dawn, all of Alfidel will learn exactly what it means to despair beneath my Night Court.

Fire grips her. Burns through her veins. Peace be damned. She can still kill somebody. She can kill many somebodies.

She thrashes, once, pushing herself upright in the water--

--and Freya is there. Her head crowns Kyogre’s teeth-- but not in the way she’d thought.

There’s a split second where she thinks she’s imagining things. There’s a split second where she thinks she’s dead, that they both are, that this is them, walking into the afterlife. But then, her afterlife would either be a lot hotter, or have a lot more broody men with undercuts in it.

The third second brings with it pain-- the salt in her eyes, on her tongue, the weight of her prosthetic where it fits snugly against her arm, her slamming pulse, the cold weight of her leg.

Do you know what devotion looks like? Does it look like eyes glistening with unshed tears? Or the torn surface of a throat screamed raw? Or hands splitting open on sharp teeth as you clamber into the belly of the beast, spreading blood over pink tongue-flesh like the mark of the summer lamb over the doorways of the innocent? Is it being wet to your abdomen in saliva and salt water because you’re scared to breathe and shatter the illusion, to blow it all away?

Is it kneeling in the mouth of a monster that would be called a god, yet pales in comparison to that which, for whom, you would sacrifice everything?

- Thank you everyone who tried to help her out! She's just beyond mortal ken, at this point.

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,165 posts
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 1:11:01 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

eternal eclipse - the ritual

the water laps at opal scales, running like little rivers around thick, pearly teeth. freya sways, looking down as the last of the black ink leaves her eyes. her heart thunders once, twice, and then she inhales sharply, fresh tears springing forth as the borrowed energy coursing through her drains in an agonizing flash.[break][break]

malformed, malignant claws shed chitin into human fingers. her bones ache and groan, shifting slowly - meticulous, concentrated pain lances through her and all the while declan stands beside her, unscathed. untouched.[break][break]

she hears snippets of his voice through the creaking of her own body cobbling itself together - stand down. our city and our people. cooperation. petalburg.[break][break]

and a foul, horrible anger festers inside of her heart. bent haunches snap upright as her spine unfurls and though she wants nothing more than to scream, she manages to straighten with barely contained composure.[break][break]

"ca - crk" she starts, though her jaw jolts back into place with a sickening crack, cutting her off. squelching muscle and sinew slither over bone. her teeth recede; sharp little points prod at her already-lacerated mouth. through a grimace, she continues.[break][break]

"cassidy, stand down. shift all able-bodied men and women to search and rescue operations." she pauses, sizing up the rocket boss. "rocket operatives will not impede you."[break][break]

questions come flooding through the channel. freya growls and pulls the device from her ears, holding it in stained crimson hands.[break][break]

i'll still remain.
her palm glows a faint blue from where she'd made the pact. it mocks her impossible promise with all of its inevitabilities, a price she must and still isn't ready to pay. golden scales wrap around her wrist and through the haze of blood and tears trickling from her eyes, they almost look like chains. [break][break]

how long has she run from the gods, from that poisonous pink mist?[break][break]

- fernando's fingers around her throat. upon her compliance, upon her begging, upon her undoing, would he sate her with that blinding, binding madness. and afterwards, after her betrayal, tapu fini's offering, with its webbed hand outstretched then turned malignant by divine right upon her refusal, had left her bathed in the blood of her dragons. [break][break]

only to be here, at last, thrust once again into the deep.[break][break]

she clutches her chest and her sygna suit slowly folds over the wounds of her own making, but she does not fear the holes she put in her own chest. she fears, if she is not too careful, she might lose her heart. somewhere nearby is lyune, and his dizzying frenzy turns her vision scarlet. [break][break]

she could lose herself again, let all the rest of it fade, waxen wings melted and shaped into manacles, and wouldn't it, after all this time, be so glorious a fall? but how could she do that? how could she do that to - [break][break]

ana's body, half of her glinting in the light of parted clouds, falls in front of her. her breath hitches, holding fast, and she is unable to step forward because her legs are still not wholly her legs. [break][break]

"men like you have tried to shackle me before," she murmurs; in there lay an unspoken promise, an always-and-forever rebellion. [break][break]

she licks her lips, tasting copper.[break][break]

water drips down the kyogre's gaping maw. one falls onto her cheek, trailing pink. bloodshot golds rest on the shape of a receding eldritch shadow and she lifts her chin, then looks to her side, eyeing him wearily. "how long before you realize you've chained the wrong monster?"[break][break]

and when ana clambers over teeth, across this once-sacred ground, freya kneels. she takes hands that feel like hers no longer and she folds against ana, cut and mangled mouth to forehead, and promises, "i'm here."[break][break]

but that feels a lie too. 



[attr="class","title"]FREYA [break] MORNINGSTAR

[attr="class","milkyycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 1:53:39 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


He loses sight of Conniebear in the shit storm that follows but he sees the fruits of their efforts. That strange green barrier aorund the island city shatters. He moves his hand to pull another pokeball, feeling the dynaband he owned hum with sudden energy. But before he can unleash his partner, banking on Rocket holding some kind of Dyna spot aorund sootopolis, the ceasefire rings out. Freya's voice comes back, and he turns to look over at the Kyogre, somehow pacified. [break][break]

He sees  with , survived. With who orders his own forces down. His body is cold with shock, watching Declan move without Freya lunging. But muscle memory kicks in, as does protocol so practiced its written into his bones. He lifts a hand to his ear piece. "Freya I- Understood." he clams his mouth shut, fists clench. [break][break]

And then he sort of deflates. All the fire and the hate and the wicked grin at finally getting his shots to hit- it all disappears. He steps out of the shoes of a soldier and back into what he had become. A leader. Or well, a manager. Taking care of the minutia for those that couldn't. Stepping in when others could not. But someone had to get the numbers. Of their dead, of their injured. Or how many civilians displaced and how many pokemon murdered. [break][break]

"Everyone, you heard our councilwoman. Let's get a body collection point started by the roots of the Dynatree." He returns Connibear, who falls to his feet, panting with exhaustion. He delivers a well deserved pat on the head and a promise of treats in the future before swapping out with his Magnezone. Joules becomes an excellent beacon, large and loud enough to grab attention and attempt to gather personnel for accountability. [break][break]

Paxton focuses on this. It keeps him calm, grounded. He can ignore the Rocket near him he's not allowed to touch, despite every instinct demanding he do. [break][break]


+ @various | hehehe [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- yaya calyrex shot, pax happy
- Paxton sees Gwyar and tries to grab him to help keep his head above water [break]
- 's DAZZLIGN GLEAM hits and sends him rocketing back in the water [break]
- surfaces just in time to see eaten and screams in disbelief [break]
- watches drop to attack kyogre but its too massive [break]
- the water recede enough for him to let go of [break]
- sees the glowing green still on the tree and swaps targets [break]
- communicates to allies what's happening to it [break]
- drops extra gear at the roots and stabs the tree[break]
- conniebear uses last of her mega evo to burst jump above the tree and drop down with IRON HEAD to destroy the tree [break]
- conniebear the mawile MEGA EVOLVES (3/3) [break]
- paxton currently on D4 [break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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declan walsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 2:16:01 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

"we have chained ourselves to each other." winds billow past his pale face and echo in haunting operettas against sootopolis' chamber. "your stalactite. my stalagmite."[break][break]

and these eternal relics shall be placed back into the cave. one for morningstar. one for walsh. the tainted orb, now poisoned perpetually by the boss' intervention, has led kyogre—and freya to rocket.[break][break]

truth be told, perhaps the league could have turned the tides with their pokemon. among them, a thunderous dragon, heroes of old, and hoenn's ancient keepers... [break][break]

but rocket has dreadful arms of their own. fearsome birds born from shadow and imagination. a flower of infinite bloom and eyes that scry and sculpt reality. a cosmic horror of pure, endless black.[break][break]

of course, a pokemon does not need to be of legends to become one. even a doublade can slay the strongest of creatures, the strongest of trainers in the tempest of war.[break][break]

it is clear that should the battle have continued, the city would have been razed entirely. how could the league risk a pyrrhic victory? how could rocket risk losing a home? all of this, swaddled in the ice-cold prophecy supposedly so dependent on the city's survival, has scabbed this outcome salty for all sides.[break][break]

before the councilwoman departs, the boss says one thing: "beware your head professor. she is as dishonest as she is monstrous. one may dare to say even worse a monster than you are."[break][break]

and soon, walsh fades into shadow. a meeting must be planned.[break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon darkrai"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 2:22:56 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

Caleb is intimately familiar with the feeling of wanting to die, so it's really no surprise when he recognizes it in the frenzied eyes of as she falls off the Leviathan. It would be a mercy, wouldn't it? To die here, die now, die fighting, die for something.[break][break]
Except that's the thing: Freya specifically ordered him not to die for her, or for her city, or for her people. She'd made him promise he would not do that, and he has a feeling - call it intuition, call it kinship, call it destiny - that she'd want the same for this woman.[break][break]
This woman who he does know (- Ana, her name is Ana - ), because he's seen her at the Draciary, their paths having crossed, perhaps, a dozen times; footsteps leading them, slowly but surely, to this exact moment: a fixed point in time in which they both will bear witness to what can only be described as a resurrection.[break][break]
He has a plan - or so he thinks. He'll go to her, gather Ana up in his arms, haul her onto Lyra's back, and get her to higher ground. Even if he has to take her, kicking and screaming, he'll make sure she lives. He'll - [break][break]
Kyogre's maw opens, the rains cease, and Caleb watches someone - not dark, but beautiful and terrible as the dawn - emerge from within.[break][break]
And he thinks, she looks lonely, followed up by, something's wrong. It isn't the receding of teeth too big for a human mouth, too sharp and too feral; it isn't the scales or the claws or the agonizing way her bones re-shape themselves into something resembling a mortal; it isn't the fact that stands next to her, a man anyone in the League ought to kill on sight.[break][break]
It's the resignation. It's the kneeling, and the holding, and the oaths ripe for the breaking. It's the sudden understanding that she's not theirs anymore, not really, not like before.[break][break]
But one thing remains, one thing will always remain. Whatever contract the devil made her sign in blood, she doesn't have to carry that weight on her own. He fades, becomes shadow, and Caleb doesn't care. He only has eyes for the woman who told him to hold onto his anger, let it make him strong.[break][break]
"Freya," he speaks her name like a prayer. What is faith, really, but another modality of love? "Mrith wux."[break][break]
You're not alone.




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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 3:46:08 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar



Despite it all, the next thing she knew, she was not stuck floating under the veil of deep seas, but resting upon the ground. Despite the fact that her back was resting against something and despite the fact that the rains had begun to slow, she couldn't help but feel a pall of discomfort at it all.

Her head turned to the side and as she looked past her outstretched arm, she could see the waters continuing to recede. Kyogre had been contained and at the end of it all, she had slept through the finale, dragged down to what were formerly depths by divine light.

And yet she still lived.

It truly was all a farce. The fact that it had ended like this after so many people had lost their lives. The fact that she had failed to save someone who was right before her eyes. The fact that she had ended up in this state despite her declarations.

"Some declaration that was." She couldn't help but sneer. She pressed her hand down as the sound of wet clothing slapped against the floor.

She could move, so she would do just that. Forcing herself, she could feel a trickle of warm liquid flowing down her head. It was a something familiar that should have not been there. A thin line of blood flowed down from her head.

But that was it. Despite seemingly taking Origin Pulse point blank, she had survived virtually unscathed.

But she would not chalk that up to something like that to coincidence or a farce. To do so would be an insult to the Kingdra that was now sitting leaned against one of the city's many crater walls. The sea dragon was down, but not out.

After all, it was by her effort that Elaine was in the shape she was. None of that could be chalked up to miracles or coincidences.

Though Elaine was a weakling and a failure, her Pokemon were, by no means, slouches. To insinuate that would have been a far deeper insult than anything anyone could have levied at Elaine herself.

"Get some rest for now. Every single one of you deserve it."

After returning the Pokemon who had carried her this far, she stood herself back up. Her eyes fell upon the rubble and the remnants of a flood that could have been described in religious texts.

She shook off a bit of the water covering her hair and her body before stopping herself and reaching into her pockets.


As she tapped her hands on the device, it still functioned. The fingerprint recognition worked perfectly.

"Hold on, hold on."

She opened up the file explorer and tapped through a few of the registry paths until she found it.

"It still works!"

Not only were the phone and the microSD functioning without issue, but the entirety of the data inside had been left uncorrupted.


She couldn't keep going like this. She had been running through Hoenn alone and each time, she was discarded by the world. Left to rot as the divine chaos roiled around her. She had walked that independent path ever since the incident that drove her to leave Sinnoh.

"I can't let this miracle go to waste."

She had something she could use. There were people here who wanted that item she had been safekeeping.

Pride was meaningless. After all, her fraudulent pride was what got her this far. So, she had to use it to get what she couldn't alone.

The backing of an organization, even if it was corrupt, would be better than her powerless independence. And luckily for her, there were many such groups crossing paths here.

"Let's see. How can I use this as a bargaining chip?"

She promptly opened the folder. But the moment she did, all it spoke was gibberish.

As she saw the two filenames, she frowned.

Achgv Kxrwdn iyo Trhklm Iiurkvypt Evwkmk eqc Zwddqryw

Twftodpm Nzvfaicttxlnj Ttdb (Jpxy Kbxdsewyd)

Elaine frowned for a moment.

Right. He encrypted all of the files.

But at the bottom of the list of files was a separate one. Decryptor.exe

Elaine was no expert on cyphers. She had a few guesses on which ones were being used. It had to be something simple that the scientist could arrange on short notice. But the fact that some sort of decryption program had been included was a blessing in its own right.

Clicking on that, it prompted only one thing.

Enter Key.

Elaine wracked her mind for a bit. What kind of key would someone like him create?









She was running out of time. Every incorrect guess was a loss of time. People would soon disperse and she would be left alone in enemy territory with nothing to show for it.


She began to walk towards the north, with her eyes focused on the phone. There had to be something. Perhaps it was something she had overlooked. Perhaps it was in something he had said.

There was a chance that he had tried to pass on the key to her as well.

Her mind pored through everything that scientist had said before life faded from his body.

"It can't be..."

There was a singular phrase that he had said, one that had driven her to this point. One that had been a curse upon her from the beginning.

She typed in a string of letters.

And the decryptor accepted it, removing the veil of gibberish to leave behind something comprehensible.


That was why he had said it. From the very beginning, he had never placed a curse upon her. He had known that his time was coming to an end even when he had placed those files onto the SD card. So his parting words had to be something else.

Curses and wishes were often two sides of the same coin. So, perhaps she had been looking at it from the wrong side.

What he left behind wasn't a curse.

It was a hopeful wish for the person who would come to him. He, too, was a small person in the grand scheme of things. So, at the very least, she had to make sure that simple wish could leave some meaning behind.

I can't keep going like this.

There's absolutely no way.

So, while this may not necessarily be something you would have done. I'll take this road. So just watch me.

Boats carrying injured League members and corpses were leaving. Some members of the League were flying out on their Pokemon. Relief had come to many as the citizenry were finally trying to return to their senses of normalcy amidst the battle's denouement.

She had even seen the girl she had failed to save being carried out. Injured and definitely the worse for wear, but alive.

Perhaps the greatest sin she had committed that day and the result was not the worst case scenario. The great weight upon her heart grew many sizes lighter as she came to that realization, but that ultimately changed nothing.

Neither the fact that she had failed nor what she had to do now had changed.

So, she did not leave Sootopolis posthaste like the rest. She simply sat on the fragmented edge of the crater overlooking the central exit through which everyone seemed to be leaving.

And eventually, from her bird's eye vantage, she had caught someone. It could have been anyone, but getting her was probably the best bet.

"So Miss Councilwoman." Elaine kept her face looking out at the sea, though her eyes drew to Councilwoman Livy at her side. Her hand waved a microSD card around a bit before she enclosed it in her fist, making sure she had seen it. "People in Mossdeep had died over things like this. And yet, here we are at the end of all of this chaos."

Elaine took a deep sigh.

"A roster and a list. Some Rockets killed innocents to get their hands on something like this. Feels a bit trivial in the grand scheme of things, but perhaps you guys wanted this back. Something like this doesn't suit my hands in the end."

  • Current spot: B4->C2
  • Elaine wakes up and returns her Pokemon
  • Elaine figures out the decryption key for the intel she had recieved.
  • Elaine witnesses being evacuated to safety, much to her relief
  • Elaine approaches

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,861 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 16:20:12 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Like the Great One's SACRED FIRE that burned away the weakness in Josh's heart the day he transformed in front of the Emergent, the Beast's SACRED FIRE cleansed his left arm, While the white fire soothed him, his full strength temporarily returned, leaving him in a euphoric high he had not experienced since he first sat on Swift's thundercloud in the late 's halls now plastered in 's accolades.

Holding onto Entei's brown, thick fur, the Gym Leader braced himself for a run that would have paralyzed his left arm were it not for the white fire surrounding it. The Beast dashed down Sootopolis' crater wall, Josh feeling like he was being pushed into the back of his mount's head. At the bottom of the wall, he felt like he was fired out of a cannon as fire-type engaged EXTREME SPEED so fast that he could run on water. He knew Suicune to be capable of running on water, but not Entei. What a pleasant surprise! He would have to try that once he figured out how to get his Raikou to use the move; he doubted a simple Quick Attack would be fast enough.

He wanted to let out a whoop like he did when he was on Swift's back for the first time, both in Kyle's possession and his own. But he did not. He knew Entei was only ferrying him back to the mainland so he could get the care he needed. Even so, the speed demon savored every moment as Mossdeep and even Lilycove flew by. As he suspected, the speed felt in between Suicune and Raikou: a good balance of speed and turning. Paired with the fire emperor's bottomless endurance, the EXTREME SPEED lasted a lot longer than his Raikou's. All the way from Sootopolis, he never stopped.

Even for his temporarily full-strength body, it was a bit much for Josh as he was to withstand. The left down Route 123 powerfully yanked him to one side, making his knuckles turn white from taking the turn at speed. His blurred legs gave the illusion of his back being still, but it was far from it, numbness climbing up the Gym Leader's body. Lake Pyre was no obstacle for him, either.

At last pumping the brakes and returning to his normal, but still blistering, top speed when Mauville's skyline came into sight, Entei made a right turn around the densely populated city to stay out of sight. The legendary creature dropped Josh off at the top of his Gym's Operations Center. He slid off Entei's back and gave the gentle giant a big hug. "Entei... thank you. Is there one more thing you can tell me? Is... is Kyle alive?"

LOCATION: Mauville City
- Josh is temporarily at full strength as he rides Entei back to Mauville Gym.
- Josh asks Entei if Kyle is still alive.

{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sigmund       Iron Crown     Fair
Swift         Raikou         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Deceased
Kairi         Vaporeon       Good
Aleph         Type: Null     KO
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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,730 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 17:33:05 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Declan and Freya both emerged from the mouth of the beast. The news that Sootopolis was 'shared' between the two of them, that the city had become a neutral ground, prompted Thomas to frown. He did not trust Declan, nor Rocket, to not stab them in the back. It was in their nature. But he had little say in the matter. Little choice, but to make the most of a bad situation.

"Yuina, are you gonna be okay?", Thomas asked the curator.

That was when he heard the bombshell drop. Petalburg had fallen to Rocket. The realization made him sick with worry. Were his friends okay? How many people made it out? What were the casualties on their end.

"I'll get us back to mainland!", Thomas told his friend.

Though a part of him wished to stick around, to help deal with the fallout of the battle, the fact that the fate of their friends was up in the air troubled him, above all else.

Thomas, with Yuina in tow, exited the city, heading back to Lilycove as fast as Ermac could take them.

notes: -Sees Freya and Declan emerge from Kyogre
-Has a bad feeling about the arrangement, but realizes it's for the best
-Thomas asks Yuina if she'll be okay
-Thomas hears the news of Petalburg, worries about , , , and others
-Thomas sets off with Yuina to go back to the mainland

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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 17:35:28 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar
As Roy and Zygarde turned to face , they barely had time to register the danger before she was upon them. In a blur of movement, the assassin summoned her Lucario to the battlefield, immediately triggering its Mega Evolution. Both Roy and Zygarde instinctively shifted into a defensive stance, but the lucario’s sudden use of Extreme Speed closed the gap between them in an instant. Zygarde took the brunt of the attack, gritting through the pain as it retaliated, summoning emerald projectiles from the earth. The two canines clashed fiercely, but the lucario's Mega Evolution and bipedal agility gave it a clear edge in the fight.

"Don’t let him win," Roy urged his partner, his voice tight with determination.

The battle between Roy and Tori mirrored the struggle between their pokemon. ’s strikes were relentless, each one aimed with precision and purpose, as if she were desperate to keep her true identity hidden. Roy, on the other hand, found himself on the defensive, barely able to keep up with her furious assault. The shock of recognition had rooted him in place. Why had she done this? Why had she taken his cousin from him? He refused to let himself believe that was so easily deceived.

"I don’t want to fight you," he managed to say, his voice strained and filled with uncertainty.

But the battle raged on, driven by forces beyond his control. Just as it seemed that all hope was lost, the waters that had consumed Sootopolis began to recede, returning to their previous levels. Roy turned his head, catching sight of his cousin and the leader of Team Rocket. A sudden order echoed across the city, halting the chaos and bringing the fighting to an abrupt end.

Roy stood down, stunned by the sight of his cousin's return. The shock of seeing her alive after everything left him momentarily speechless. Then he grins, revealing the canines underneath.

[attr="class","zygarde-notes"]⬢ Located in D-3
⬢ Roy is using Zygarde
⬢ Roy fights
⬢ Zygarde fights Lucario
⬢ Stops fighting
⬢ Notices Freya survived




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