i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 10:53:23 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]LETTERS TO FATHER WINTER



- 🎼 Battle! Christmas | Pokémon Masters EX


AROUND HOENN, never before seen flyers are stacked near convenience stores, newspaper stands, or posted on poles. They beckon readers to send LETTERS TO FATHER WINTER. The instructions ask that these letters be sent to the following address:

NORTH POLE H0H 0H0[break]

The instructions state that these letters should contain a wish list for the holiday season. These desired gifts can range from physical things to the abstract. Whether it be a Pokémon, a brand new car, love, or anything else...[break][break]

Father Winter asks that you also include a return address— for he may write back![break][break]

(click and drag the image to a new tab to view it at full size)

Furthermore, a crossword is included, adorned with colouring book Pokémon. The flyers suggest that should you INCLUDE THE CROSSWORD'S ANSWERS (CORRECT WORDS) in your letter, you may receive something special!



FOR THIS MINI-EVENT/ACTIVITY, post a letter from your character that is addressed to Father Winter. In the letter, include what your character is wishing for this holiday season.[break][break]

All of your characters can participate; however, please LABEL THE ONE CHARACTER'S LETTER YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE FROM FATHER WINTER FOR, should have time to write personal responses back.

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December 31
60 height
60 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Nia Acadia DOLLARS
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Nia Acadia
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 11:40:06 GMT
Nia Acadia Avatar
[attr="class","prismatic d-theme"]
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The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh Away

Dear Father Winter.

The obliquity of this message might confuse even the brightest mind but please bear with me as I just need someone to spill all my worries even if the recipient is an unknown figure such as you. I had dreams that my current life is not my actual life - A deeper mystery deeply rooted within me. It bothers me so much but all of my family dismiss that notion and claim that it is just an illusion that I just made up out of insomniac episode. I love my mama and papa and I truly want to believe that they don't have anything to hide from me.

I wish that my dream can go away bothering me and let me have a good night's sleep. So, I won't get woken up at the midnight with cold sweat dripping down from a memory that I should not have. What should I do?

I don't know why I am sending you this but here I am.

Return address:

[attr="class","prism-notes"]this is a note
[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
creatures of habit, carrion flowers, growing from repeated crimes.
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 12:54:00 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Written in a somewhat sloppier hand during a Rocket Christmas party, no doubt, care has been taken to avoid misspellings and there are blots of pen ink from long pauses on the page.

I'm afraid you'll have to excuse any obliquity on my part; I'm very drunk and this was a dare. Doubtless I'll end up confused if this ever receives a response — not that I'm under the illusion it will — but that's part of what makes it so amusing.

So, what do I wish for? What are my dreams?

Power, of course. It's always power. Control.

But that's not a thing that can be delivered, now is it?

Enjoy your holidays, whoever you are.

had a thought about rockets getting drunk and being dumb together and couldn't resist
feel free to join in on the shenanigans, fellow rockets
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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
INTERPOL Agent / Police Deputy Chief
Lieutenant Officer
With daughters!
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
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Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 13:23:06 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Dear Father Winter,

I pray this letter finds you well.

In my hometown of Freezington, children are raised on stories of one such as you. Children need dreams and wonder when faced the otherwise dreary circumstances of our home- though I myself was never allowed a chance to wallow in this wonderful delusion.

I allowed myself the joy of spoiling my daughters with such tales, however, and it is my hope that even to this day, they still believe, no matter how fantastical it may seem.

Unfortunately, I've never been a great father; my job often keeps me away. I've missed more than a few important moments in their lives, and I've always regretted it.

But I'm sure you've grown tired of reading by now, so allow me cease this obliquity and be simply direct:

My wish is for my children to have a wonderful christmas this season. I cannot be with them this year- something that has happened in the past.

It is my hope that these holidays are so wonderful, they do not even notice I'm not there. Yes, that would perhaps be for the best.

I do not expect to hear back from you, nor for my wishes to come true. As I said before, I was never allowed the chance to indulge such wonderful delusions.

Still, I thank you for the chance to spill my heart on the paper. It was somewhat cathartic, if saddening.

Merry Christmas,

EBC does want this to get a reply if possible though, lol.

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 15:19:27 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Dear Father Winter,

The fact that I am even writing this is proof I've lost all sense of realism and sanity, I guess.

I know you're not real.

I know you're a fuckin' made-up children's story mom n' dad came up with to appease me and Roman when we were kids. You gave us hope, we put our faith in you, and you'd supposedly make our dreams come true.

But when I grew up, I realized that that was all a lie. You don't exist, dude. You're just a story. All of those 'dreams' of ours that we were told you had a hand in were just our parents lying to us and giving you all of the credit for their efforts.

You were a delusion I let myself trust and believe in, and it sucks. You suck.

But even still, here I am, confused and alone, looking to you for some semblance of guidance, I guess. This is so goddamn stupid.

Excuse my poor manners and my obliquity, Father Winter, for I have clearly sinned:

I wish, for the sake of my brother, that wherever he is, he is safe now. I wish, too, for insight on what happened to him, and for the strength to overcome this grief that clouds my judgment. I'm beyond material things, I just want to know that I am doing the right thing. I miss him fiercely, but I'm trying.

Please, give me the strength to make him proud.

@father winter
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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 15:52:09 GMT


I am not under the delusion that my wishes will come true because I write you.

Wishes are not something we throw down a well, never to see the light again.

They are something we wear on our sleeve, or roll them up to make happen.

We have dreams at night to remind us that we do not live in, or for the dark.

That there is something waiting for us. Or waiting on us, when we wake.

But if I were to convey a wish to you, it would be to do away with the depravity.

To make right the wrongs of those who commit to their moral turpitude.

Not by your own hands, but by those who've been willing all this time.

By my hands, the very same I write you with.


Derek Hoffman
P.O. BOX 14387

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Dom, Nic, Nicky
May 19
35 height
35 height
let's not forget we're flying.
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Dominic Grey DOLLARS
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Dominic Grey
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 19:17:56 GMT
Dominic Grey Avatar

Dear Father Winter,

This is probably silly. Father Winter is a children's story. A lie parents tell their kids so they'll behave. But maybe it's not fair to assume you were born out of obliquity. I believed, anyway. Probably still do somewhere deep down. Why else would I be writing this letter?

Maybe writing this down will make Father Winter—make you—more than an illusion. How many people need to speak their dreams out loud before they become realities? Or maybe it's all real from the very beginning, who knows.

This was silly.

Well, since you're fake anyway, no sense in holding back on the wishes, right? I hope for the complete and utter destruction of Team Rocket. They cause nothing but harm and bring nothing but pain. They're a force of evil in the world and my life—and the lives of my friends—would be completely different were it not for them.

Oh, also, a Fire-type would be nice. Lighting campfires the old fashioned way sucks.

Happy Holidays,

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 23:26:31 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
smudges of ink, crayon, and paw prints decorate the letter. the writing is sloppy, unpracticed, but legible enough. envision temp, hunched over his apartment's counter, with puppies helping him by painting and yipping and dictating what he writes. they have dreams of treats and bones, and when his pokemon had picked up the paper, temp found obliquity to reply. not to shatter their delusions, they would have treats aplenty, even if this 'father winter' didn't reply. the illusions needed to be kept up.

Dear Father Winter,

Hi! I'm not really all that good at letter writing and don't know what to put down here! I'm writing this for my pups! They're hoping for some really tasty kibble and new chew toys!

I think I'm supposed to put what I want here, too, but I can't think of anything I want for myself! Am I allowed to put down for other people?

I want @piper to have the best holiday ever this year. Kid deserves it after all she's been through.

needs to get a good night's sleep. He just works too hard all the time. I'm always worried he'll end up passing out somewhere.

I met recently and she was nice! I hope she has a good holiday, too, and that her concerts go great! I heard people tell showbiz folks to break their legs all the time and that seems mean. I don't want her leg to break!

I've met a few times, too! He's been a nice guy when we've talked. He even let me pet his dogs! He's a famous Champion and all, but I have to wonder if he needs a break. Make sure he's able to rest, too! (You should also try and pet his dogs. They're really good at being pet!)

I hope my whole town is safe and happy! Wish for no surprise storms for us, please!

And lastly I hope the Corsola have a smooth migration this year!

- Temp

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
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295 height
wage war on gravity
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Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2021 1:29:02 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
Dear Father Winter,

After a certain age, when apathy seemed very cool and mature to my teenage self, I’d set you aside as a collective illusion, to be discarded with other childish things like dreams and passions and Dragonite lunchboxes.

I’ve since grown up a little, and decided that, contrary to the obliquity of youth, believing in things is cool actually, and that I’d like to do it more if I can. I don’t want to ask for anything big after not writing for so long, so I’ll just ask for enough to get by, at least for the winter.

And maybe this Dragonite ornament. I don’t have anywhere to put it; I just think it’s neat.

Locke Jamison

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2021 8:40:33 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
A nondistinctive postcard is received by Father Winter, and on it is a photograph of Hoenn as observed from a satellite in perigee. Even reduced to a flat, two-dimensional representation Hoenn is more than a tholus amidst a sea of undae. On the reverse side is a letter meant for the big man himself, sent by an anonymous citizen.
Father Winter,
My hope is that this letter finds you well. I would not ask much of you, but I will express one of my only dreams for Hoenn. While many seek out what illusions or distractions offer them comforts, I simply wish for a return to normalcy. For a semblance of peace in our time.

Hoenn has endured more than can be said on one postcard; has suffered losses and an overarching obliquity. Many have been driven into desperation by these events, resorting to unscrupulous means. The Hoenn of today is not the Hoenn of yesteryear; we are lost.

We are living in a nightmare; who am I to judge how others cope with that?

Would that we could go back... If only it were that simple.
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2021 17:35:23 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
The letter arrives in a rather colourful envelope, one decorated with doodles of legendary pokemon and Skitties amongst many other Christmas symbols. Containing the wishes of a child that has almost forgotten what it means to believe in an urban legend, the writing is somewhat scrawled but kept as legible as possible. Even the return address is written in some kind of glitter ink...

And perhaps, the smell of cinnamon cookies that had lingered on their hands has been imprinted onto the letter itself.

Dear Father Winter,

I'm really sorry I haven't written to you in a while! Life got really messy and stuff but I think you probably know about it, don't you? I hope this doesn't make you sad! I didn't mean to bring up sad stuff, I just wanted to write to tell you I'm doing much better now! I think?

Do you like crossword puzzles? Is this the special edition you only find on Sundays at the North Pole that you got stuck on? Is that why you gave one out and told us to solve it? That's kinda cheating! But I solved it anyways so... I checked the dictionary for the most of it! Obliquity is a big word, is that why you couldn't solve it either? Me neither! I had to ask the adults what it meant!

Anyways, I think you can solve them rest with that big word out of the way, right? If you can deliver presents to everyone in the world in the span of a night, you can big brain this for sure!

I know it's a bit selfish for me to want to ask for something this year, especially when I haven't shared cookies with you the last few years. But I'll make sure all the cookies are ready and waiting for when you visit, so please hear me out! This year, I wanna be able to spend the winter holidays with everyone I like! And for no one to be lonely during this special time! It can't be an illusion! We have to be there, in person! Or it won't work!

It's kinda dumb to wish that everyone can be happy, but I'm gonna do that anyways! I hope that people have good dreams and that they'll be able to find happiness with the people they spend time with. I hope that people who are looking for love will find it! I hope that all the pokemon in the world will stay healthy and comfy through the cold winter! And if they're cold, could you give them scarves and mittens? So they can keep extra warm!

And my last wish is more for myself, if you're still reading. Over the last few years, I've learnt that I'm really weak! Like super, super weak! I couldn't help a lot of people, I couldn't save a lot of pokemon and I've also hurt others too. I don't think you'd be able to make me super strong, or fast, or able to magically save people so I'll start small. I hope that you can help me be a little more braver. Brave enough to stop people from doing bad things, brave enough to fight danger even when I'm scared, brave enough to save those I care about. Cos even if I'm strong, it won't matter if I'm scared, right?

Also, I really hope you can visit! It's okay if you're busy though! If you do visit, I'll have lots of cookies waiting for you. I'll even pack them so you can bring them back for all your helpers too! Even though you're always asking people what they want for Yule, I also wanna ask what do you want? Then we can exchange gifts!! I'll be your not-so-secret secret santa!! That sounds fun, right?

Hoping for your happiness with lots of wishes and love,
Eris Rosmontis Halla
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
fortree gym leader
gym leader
חקל דמא
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Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2021 1:38:41 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

To Дед Мороз:[break][break]

I know that in my native language you are called something else (the stories I know of have you running around wearing blue instead of red, plus you’re accompanied in some retellings by Snegurochka who is either your granddaughter or someone very special to you, it varies) and that Christmas celebrations for us don’t exactly start on the 25th of December as the rest of everyone else who celebrates it does, but…[break][break]


I don’t know if I’m crazy or losing it writing to you.[break][break]

Me, a guy who just turned twenty-eight recently. Twenty-eight years.[break][break]

I am… honestly surprised I lived this long, considering what I’m struggling with my entire life. This one thing—they all thought I was a goner right from the time I was born, but I refused to back down.[break][break]

I faced life head-on, no regrets.[break][break]

Running away from Mistralton has been the best decision I ever made. I didn’t want to be stuck in a bubble forever. I wanted to chase my dreams, but still, I feel like I’m missing something.[break][break]

The only thing I really want, the one thing I wish for—[break][break]

Is for the courage and strength to protect those I care about.[break][break]

Especially him.[break][break]

I know I’ve been much of a coward, only taking to the battle from the sidelines and not facing death head-on (but then again, if you were born with what I have, then charging recklessly head-on into dire situations isn’t exactly something I can freely do because I can bleed to death from something as small as a minor injury) but I want to change that.[break][break]

I don’t want to be on the sidelines anymore, limited by my blood.[break][break]

So please, if you do really exist—and aren’t just an illusion—[break][break]

Grant me that one wish![break][break]

Алексей Николаевич Иванов

PS: I would also be surprised (and honored) should you deign me with a reply of your own.

[attr="class","ooc-area"] Written by someone who knows the existence of multiverses is not anymore just a concept, but a reality — an obliquity of a wish. There’s this tiny little part that never grew up after all, some small shred of childish innocence that never really left. tag1, tag2

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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aaron faust DOLLARS
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aaron faust
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2021 2:12:56 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
Dear Father Winter,

I'm writing to you because I'm in desparate need of a GF. Despite my best efforts I still haven't found one. I don't care who she is as long as shes hot, rich and knows how to use an air fryer.  Also can you please give  a promotion so he stops annoying me about rent?

Only do the Greyson thing if your feeling extra ge je jenerus getting a GF is my #1 wish. Thanks bro!


PS Im 6'3 if that helps
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2021 19:29:29 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Santa? Father winter? w/e yur name is,
Nice crosword. Yo u one of tem “unown report' fuckers or somsethign?
kinda sick to prey eon kids’ illusions like that but who an I to judge? bank preys on illusions all the damn time. Good job. 10/10. A+!!
what’s the fuckin goal tho??? Ive wasted so mch time lookin into ur report bs….
Maybe i’m too drunk and reading 2 much into all this. i ogt this gin and let me tell you.. thats some good shit.
Anyway! you want me to rite my dreams or watever, right? dunno, man. i just want 2 b free of all the family bs and do what i want. success blabla just live mmy bgoddamn life. Ooo… not having these brain bubbles would be great too!! Actual things tho??? maybe some rlly strong pokemon, feel like i’m gonna need mroe of those soon…
Also! Obliquity? kinda efukcd up to put a word tvhat obscure in a crossword for kids. i know it teaches them vocab n all but daaamn.
guess thats all
felices fiestas. joyjeuses fêtes, happy holidays, all of that
Martín Marzán del Mar

P.S: givin u my office address cause I dont trust you with my home one. Nothing personal!




Drunk Rocket shenanigans? Today we learn that Mars is even more of a paranoid conspiracy theorist when drunk... ​
[break]Misspelling things for this hurt me


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Lord Valentine
December 31
Reign Industries CEO
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Elegance and brutality, my dear - The perfect combination.
15 posts
part of
TAG WITH @athanasios
Athanasios Valentine
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2021 8:28:28 GMT
Athanasios Valentine Avatar

Elegance Brutality




written for


To the esteemed Father Winter, [break][break]

Season's greetings to you once more, O Lord Winter - I may be in a new land veritably overflowing with fascinating prospects, but it would be beyond churlish of me to let our little tradition slide even for that, no?[break][break]

As you no doubt are well accustomed to by now, my requests are the same as ever; Power, knowledge, immortality, opportunities, and interesting times. Why settle for stocking fillers, after all? You possess no illusion as to the extent of my dreams, I am sure.[break][break]

I write this to you in the snow, with the card propped upon my knee, as I wait for the latest in an endless procession of new acquaintances - An evening dalliance in the frost and drifting snowflakes, which I am sure you would approve of.[break][break]

Anastasia and Charlemagne send their love, and ask for the power of speech, as is their custom. I shall acquire another ribbon for her, and a new hairbrush for him - He does go through them rather swiftly. Not that I can blame him, really, given what he has to contend with.[break][break]

My offer to grant a wish of yours in turn still stands, of course, so long as it is within my capabilities, and remains relatively free from obliquity - Or, at least, the sort that we may get caught for.[break][break]

Until next year,[break][break]
Lord Athanasios Valentine[break]
Reign Industries, Hoenn Division HQ[break]

[attr="class","curragebot"]Response to Atha, pls, if you have time <3


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