i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 0:59:51 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar ended up sleeping on his own, which was the based case scenario in his mind. The serenity of his night in solitude provided him with plenty of rest, and he would awaken in top form once the dawn arrived. Oscar emerged from his tent fully ready to work: sleeves were rolled upward, jean legs were tucked into boots, sunglasses were reflecting the sun, and a lollipop was firmly grasped between his teeth. He even had himself a cowboy hat, you know to protect his darling pale face from the sun. 

Oscar was kinda slow around breakfast; the lollipop lasted a very long time so he had to finish it before eating. Once his belly was filled though he set off to find and his crew. Oscar would not dare choose somewhere to work unless he knew there would be entertainment waiting. He searched for about five minutes before realizing that he did not have any supplies ready for the day. 

He ran back to his tent, filling his backpack with the resources required for a long day's work: water bottles, trail food, sunscreen, and like four gallon bags worth of lollipops. He emerged again, fully prepared, and once more sought out his friend. Luckily it did not take long, Oscar spotted him and his posse heading toward the Game Trail. Oscar trotted forth to catch up.


--Going down the Game Trail
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 1:13:00 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

The ranger’s explanations about “measures put in place for confidentiality” made little sense to Mars, and while he wondered what in the world did a small island have to be confidential about and if those measures were even legal, he did no more than smile and wish Zinnia a good night. He hadn’t come here to have discussions like those.
He also hadn’t come here for a vacation, as the poor installations made obvious. Good company or not, a tent is still a tent, and by the time morning comes, it sure takes some effort to put on his ‘nice guy’ façade and act like all is well and good and he isn’t dealing with some serious back pain. Is that a sign of age?!
Things do get better once they have breakfast, though. And they especially get better when seeing all those unusual variants of pokémon. Pink. So marketable! It’s like a poacher’s treasure trove! Mars can’t help but start making estimates about how much those would sell for in an auction or even in the black market…
For a second there, one can almost see the pokédollar signs in his eyes.
”Barnaby, look at the Ponyta.” He nods towards the game trail that has been obstructed by a fallen tree, noticing the herd of blush-coloured Ponyta with manes of fuchsia flames. He barely waits for ’s response before heading that way, having always had a certain fondness for equine pokémon. In fact, he reaches for a Luxury Ball, calling out an Spectrier of cerise-coloured mane.
”Arion, why don’t you keep the Ponyta company while we help with the game trail?” He smiles, patting the ghostly horse’s side before approaching the GAME TRAIL with his Persian. There, he meets up with , and when greeting his friend and fellow businessman, a comment is whispered for only him to hear: ”Bet those pink pokémon would sell for a ton.”
Then, while helping to clear the trail, he smiles at the group, and most particularly, at .
”Ah, if it isn’t my favourite pilot! Fancy running into you here, Angelo.”
It’s no surprise at all. Mars had seen him on the boat, after all.



[break]- Zinnia is SUS
[break]- Ouchies sleeping in tent
[break]- Gets those dollar sign eyes when seeing pink pokémon $$
[break]- Going to help with the GAME TRAIL
[break]- Spectrier is hanging out with the Ponyta


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 1:44:30 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Bon Voyage
As was her custom most nights, Elisabeth found sleep eluded her. It wasn't unpleasant, however, to lie awake in the tent and listen to the ambient sounds of island life all around her. It stirred her imagination, keeping her from dwelling on darker thoughts that often crept in at late night hours. Something that the mere presence of did much to mitigate alone, in and of itself.

Regardless of her insomniac tendencies, the gardener was an early riser. She found herself one of the first to join the others, listening as their guide explained Pinkan Island's namesake and the ways in which they might assist.

At the mention of damaged plots of land, however, Elisabeth's eyebrows raised. "That sounds exactly like the sort of problem we can sort out, Gigi," she said to her friend, reaching for a few tools she had brought with her. Gardening gloves, shears, and a shovel were all placed into her satchel and shouldered as the florist calmly walked forward to where Zinnia indicated, indicating for Gigi to join her.

Even journeying to this new part of the island was a pleasure, the rare flora and fauna each a breathtaking backdrop even for such mundane work.

Like any morning in her flower shop's gardens, Elisabeth methodically worked her way through the brambles, wood, and stone littered about the soil, making way for the berry bushes to thrive anew. Only then did she bring her attention to the individual plants, pruning damaged leaves and stems to allow for them to grow once more.

Elisabeth was so contented in her work she had begun to hum without realizing it.


  • Early riser!
  • Helping the berry bushes like the good gardener she is.
  • Invited bestie to join.
  • Humming like a Disney princess because she can.

[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 2:04:28 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]she wakes a little later than the group. typically not a morning person, it's no surprise she looks slightly exhausted. where's the coffee when you need it?

joining the rest of the group with , she's yawning every now and then as zinnia talks. sleep gradually releases her from its clutches long enough for her to pay attention to the history of the island itself.

and as pink pokemon make themselves known, she's growing more excited. such pretty creatures. her mind wanders to their genetic structure, to wanting to see what it holds. are the berries simply dying them pink or is it more complicated than that? do the berries they eat somehow alter their phenotypes?

by the end of the explanation, she's distracted and barely listening. the group begins to break off into smaller clusters, ready to work. and she, just now snapping to attention, turns to with a small smile.

"let's get to work," she murmurs. boundaries keep her from reaching for the reporter's hand but she steps closer to initiate the team aspect of their sleeping arrangement.

as she's about to pick between the jobs, catches her eye. he's familiar, a welcome teammate after the tiered tearoom experience. he also looks to be heading to comfort the frightened vulpix. without hesitation, she steps forward to join him.

"need some help?" her smile widens and she gestures for penelope to follow.

her golurk moves to begin helping rebuild the bridge while illeana looks to offer some gentle pets for the vulpix while they wait.

pinkan adventure.

- excited!
- pink pink pink
- good meow meow morning!
- tries to drag with her to do a job together
- joining in helping the vulpix
- golurk helps rebuild the bridge

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 2:08:05 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
416 for @pinklan
Years of having nowhere to sleep but wherever he happened to be at night prepared Locke for restful night, regardless of how good of a roommate @artemis proved to be. In fact, the company of so many other people only soothed him into one of his deepest sleeps in months, which no two am rumblings could break.

It's because of that he was able to wake with more cheer than most, and all of the uniquely-colored Pokémon that greeted him as he stepped outside only made his morning even better.

"Look at these Pidgey! Pinkgey?" He called out to his bunkmate. "Oh-I know!" He stopped cooing to pull out one of the two Pokeballs they were allowed on this trip, summoning a bright magenta Delibird near the flock. "Kringle-Kringle, take a look at this! They're just like you!"

The penguin still stuck out quite a bit amongst the smaller birds, but seemed delighted nonetheless at having company a little closer on the color wheel. The rest of breakfast went on like that-a lot ooing and awing over the pink Pokémon, but ultimately uneventful. A welcome change of pace for the arrivals from Hoenn.

But of course they weren't here to sit around-there was work to be done! And plenty of it-enough that Locke felt a bit unsure where to start. The group would ultimately decide for them, as the majority seemed to pass over the ruined berry plots for more glamorous tasks.

It also didn't escape their notice that their lavender-haired bunk buddy had also yet to pick a chore.

"Me 'n Kringle-Kringle are gonna go help with that garden," they offered with a welcoming smile. "It doesn't look like there's a lot of folks over there, so we could probably use some extra hands if ya don't mind getting dirty!"

Whether Artemis decided to accompany them or not, Locke made their way to the upturned farmland, waving to , , and (and ?) as they joined them. They gave Kringle-Kringle an encouraging pat, gesturing towards the Happiny that was already hard at work. "Go ahead and help pick up all the good berries-but don't eat any okay?"

While the Delibird shyly waddled over to accompany the baby Pokémon, Locke rolled up their sleeves and set to work helping clear the land of weeds and debris. It wasn't all that different from helping their grandmother clear Vermilion's community gardens after a rough storm-only they wouldn’t be able to take any nice before and after photos.

- Locke's having a good time!
- Summons his Delibird to meet other pink Pokémon
- Goes to help with the berry plots and invites @artemis to join them
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 2:30:52 GMT
"I'll be right out." He called back to as he left their shared tent to get some breakfast. His bunkmate had been holding his lower back in an odd way, but Barnaby didn't think much of it given the positions they'd slept in the night before and their uncomfortable accommodations.

Before starting his day, Barnaby was fiddling with a large electronic device he'd packed away for the trip. It was a drone, meant to be manned by his ROTOM, Esprit, to document the island and their adventures here. Testing it now, the drone had power, was still able to be turned on and manipulated by the ROTOM, but its ability to record video was compromised. At best, it was only able to pick up staticky images and crackled background noise. Just great.

It seemed this journalist would have to do things old school.

With a sigh, Barnaby tucked the device into the duffel bag in his tent. He wouldn't be needing it anytime soon. Instead, he packed a weather resistant journal and waterproof pens into a smaller hiking backpack, among other necessities, and then set out to join the group around their campsite.

A wonderfully roseate morning greeted him; everywhere there was pink, from the foliage to the various species of Pokémon lingering around the area. It was all rather foreign, but in a charming and refreshing way. Barnaby took a moment to take a few notes before following Zinnia and the rest to begin the relief efforts for the day.

Given the options, Barnaby decided to follow down the GAME TRAIL (but not before casting a longing glance toward the pink VULPIX in the distance). The path was riddled with fallen trees and branches, making it hard for the local wildlife to traverse. He instructed Gabrielle to begin cutting the larger logs into smaller pieces using SWIFT. After his pleasant chat by the fire last night, Barnaby himself had a mind to collect tinder for the fire this evening. He'd likely pass by and while doing so, to which he'd offer the two women a pleasant smile.

He looked up when Mars beckoned, seeing the beautiful PONYTA farther up the trail. "Oh," Barnaby breathed out, truly marveled by the sight. "They're gorgeous."

If the blush-colored ponies weren't enough, his friend then revealed another rarity to boggle at: SPECTRIER! "Where have you been hiding this one, Martín?" He asked, gently patting the spectral horse's rump before it trotted off to join the PONYTA. "I'm jealous!"

• drone doesn't work :C
• helping on the GAME TRAIL
PERSIAN using SWIFT to cut larger logs
• jelly of SPECTRIER

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January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Search and Rescue / EMT
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
322 posts
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TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 3:29:57 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

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@ tags

strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim


The night passes easily once Georgette has padded down for bed, the lull of insects and the soft breeze rolling off the ocean lulling her to sleep. And while not the most refreshing sleep she's ever obtained - who could ever claim to feel truly rested after sleeping in a tent in a strange and new place - the young woman is up at nearly the same time as her companion. She spends a quiet morning going through her routine, followed by warming some water on the campfire to make tea before facing the day.
A guide, Zinnia, eventually offers the options for the day's work, and Georgette looks up to Elisabeth, mirth touching her expression. "It does, Elisabeth," she agrees with a nod, the smaller woman following after her friend to aid with the plantwork.
As she settles into the job beside Elisabeth, Georgette pauses to give a warm smile and wave before returning to her work. Her expression thoughtful, Gigi releases her Mudsdale and then stands to find baskets to lash to the mare's shoulders. Flashing her nearby workers a bright smile, she announces softly, "Clementine can haul away the clippings and brush."
With that spoken she begins to take loads to make a single pile of deadwood and damaged plantlife, collecting it in one place for ease.


+ Goes with Elisa to work with the plants![break]
+ Waves to Locke and whoever else is nearby [break]
+ Releases her Mudsdale to help haul away the brush and make a tidy pile

but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 3:38:17 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
bunking with proves simple, and effective. greyson spends an hour or so at the campfire at night, sharing a short, uncomfortably awkward time with . but, after a while, their conversation smooths out and ends with small bits of laugher.
with the next day coming bright and early, and the fact he's taking this as a vacation, the hesitation in their troop leaders words go unnoticed - or, at the very minimum, unspoken of.
it's a no brain that he chooses to help fix the berry patch along the likes of , and the many others. his love of gardening had carried him far, and this would be no exceptiton.
settling down he gets to work, hands deep in the soil, humming a tune that resonates from... well, he doesn't know quite, but it's catchy.

[attr="class","notes"]@adventure[break]no brain, just vibes.[break]at the BERRY PATCH.[break][break]hpoAqY_A


[newclass=".greyson"] --accent:#7c98b2; [/newclass]

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 3:40:06 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Might as well be comfortable.

He slept well enough. Time to work.

He had followed alongside everyone else whilst listening intently to the Head Ranger's every word, eyes alight with curiosity at every unusual thing he came upon.

After a while however, the pink began losing its splendor, leavijg Gwyar feeling relatively calm, if underwhelmed.

Raki was the complete opposite, entirely enraptured by his colorful surroundings, and Gawain was utterly indifferent, entirely enraptured by his Game Girl™ and PorkyMon™.

Soon, 4 tasks had been laid out for the group, with everyone free to spread each other out as they saw fit.

The bridge building team quickly filled up with volunteers, and one led the Pidgey Nests' reconstruction efforts... He wasn't feeling comfortable enough to hang around there just yet— not when the whole point of the trip was to rest up and get some calm, at any rate.
Ultimately, the man somehow found himself plucking up berries.

-too much of a bitch to talk to Eva
- 6+ feet, 200+ pounds, picking up berries. These jobs were not spread out with equity in mind lmao

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played by


Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 3:51:17 GMT

As the golden sun dipped down into the rolling hills of this foreign island, Penelope kept up, wishing to spend a few hours by the fire pit, knees pressed up against her chest. There was an indescribable quiet that came with nightfall - one that whispered familiar comforts far beyond anything else. To those who joined her, she'd try to mingle and mesh laughs together, always preferring to share the warmth of jovial conversation than bask in the quiet, alone.

When magnet and yellow painted the sky, Penelope rose up from the rough sleep arrangements, weariness crusting her eyes. It took a bit of jostling on her end to fully jolt herself back to life, but in due time, she was up and ready to work.
Revitalized by the sweet scent of the balmy spring air, the woman smiled as she followed towards the crowd. Whenever her eyes would catch 's, a much fiercer expression would emerge, as she'd snatch the opportunity to remind him of their objective: to write  everything down for later. This happened more than an handful of times as Zinna droned on about the pinkan berries. 
Eventually, after a overly detailed explanation, the crowd dispersed once more, allowing the two women to continue on their way. Turning, she offered a matching smile to . "Sounds good!~"
The woman followed the head scientist over to the river bank, where several other people gathered. Some, like , held hidden tales behind their eyes, while others required no further explanation to garner the reporter's attention.
Out of the ladder category, two notable faces emerged.
"I'll be right back," she whispered into the scientist's ear. Lips fixing into a journalistic smile, the woman inched her way towards and , who were both stuck mending the bridge a few paces over. As she did, two Pokémon emerged from her pockets; a Garchomp and Dragonite, both which were given hushed directives to help aid the ongoing efforts.
Hands tugging her hair into a loose bun, the woman approached the duo. "Mind if I help out?"
She didn't wait for an answer.


[attr="class","ooc"] @charname [break]
-spends the night by the fire, talking to anyone who would join [break]
- follows illeana to the explaination[break]
- stares at nagi to WRITE THIS SHIT DOWN [break]
- joins illeana in mending the bridge [break]
- only to leave illeana n go network/work w matias n thomas

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-ditto"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 4:25:02 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","ollieollie"] "Ollie!"

[break][break] His head whips around at the sound of his name ( ) but when he turns, he can't pick out where he heard it from. There are plenty of people in the camp, enough to disguise the sound of his voice, even if it does sound like the utterance came from someone familiar. Perhaps too familiar.

[break][break] " — EVA?!" the ranger shouts almost as soon as he recognizes his sister, just as waves at him. It takes everything in him not to go spring over — but once again, they're being t old that its time for dinner and probably bedtime. Perhaps now it not the time to interrogate his dear sister, but damn if he was going to let her get away again. Tomorrow, he tells himself.

[break][break] Soon enough, they all gather to their designated tent at the end of the night and Ollie finds himself bunking up with cool guy . Luckily for the Hoenn champion, Ollie knocks out like a light — it was a busy day after all.

[break][break] Tomorrow arrives, perhaps sooner than expected, and Ollie is an early riser. Well, today. Because he has plans. Emerald eyes immediately search for his sister's as breakfast is being made, and as Zinnia explains their tasks for the day. He's sent to go assist in helping rebuild broken nests and much like those nests, to repair his broken relationship with his sister.

[break][break] He's piling a bundle of twigs and branche to his Wydeer's pack, when he sees the flash of familiar blond hair. Hell if he was going to let her get away again.

[break][break] Ollie runs after her, only to be stopped by ... well, gravity. She was up in the trees - once again far away from him.

[break][break] "Eva!" he shouts. "Get down here!"

[attr="class","ooc"] #PINKANRAID [break]
( )


[break][break] — helps in getting supplie and rebuilding bird nests
[break][break] — sry im vacation mode hoefully this is ok
[break][break] — ollie is like wtf sis


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[newclass=".pkmnollie"] z-index:1; margin-top:-30px; [/newclass]
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
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luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 4:46:57 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


It's pink![break][break]

Luka doesn't even care about being woken up so early, and with barely any sleep. The moment her gaze meets the pink babies milling about their campsite, she's in love.[break][break]

"Oh my gosh!" she squeals, grabbing 's arm and bouncing on her heels. "Look at them!"[break][break]

It's like this place was made for her...like the moderator of a certain event wanted to put her on an island of all pink. Weird.[break][break]

She barely listens to the ranger's explanation, barely tastes her breakfast as she inhales it without chewing. Instead she tries to tempt some of the pinkan pokemon towards her with soft coos and offerings of toast, and does get several of the zigzagoon to crowd around her. Ah, she can die happy now...[break][break]

A tiny pink Joltik settles on her shoulder as they head out to work, and she nearly cries. This place is perfect.[break][break]

The berry patches initially draw her eye, since she's not the type for any excessive physical labor. But in the end, the sakura-pink vulpix win her heart, and she drags Remiel with her towards the broken bridge. With a merry wave towards , and , she too crouches near the pink foxes with and . can go do the hard labor with the others...[break][break]

But she does give them some help. Her Musharna floats boards over the river with ease, helping to lay them into place without the danger of stepping on an unfinished bridge. In the meantime, Luka mimics Illeana in doting on the Vulpix, offering them plenty of soft head scratches as soon as they warm up to her.[break][break]

"They're so cute..."[break][break]
[break][break]- falling in love w pink cuties[break]- taking the bridge path![break][break]


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 4:54:41 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
He was passed out with Adontis curled up on his chest, and the pair were snoozing comfortably, he didn't here wake up, or anyone else for that matter. In fact had the slight pressure from his chest not been alleviated by his Pikachu waking up he might have slept all day. Alas the soon were up, and about checking out everything that this new island had to offer. Even he had to admit the apperance of pink pokemon was strange, but he had seen stranger things in this region during his time. So he just admired them for a moment, and when they were given a choice of jobs he tapped his cheek.

"What do you think? Should we go help clear the game trail for those Ponyta?" It didn't seem like many people were doing that.

"Pi Pi Pika Pikachu!" Adontis exclaimed happily before taking his perch on Amor's shoulder. A little chuckle left him as he released Draco from his pokeball.

"Draco you're the muscle! Let's go help clear out that trail, and gather some firewood while we're at it!" He exclaimed to both of his pokemon as they made their way over to the others that were doing the same task.

Short post
Amor definitely slept in with Adontis
He, and his two pokemon are going to help clear the game trail for the Ponyta, and gather firewood.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 5:19:21 GMT
Deleted Avatar

artemis' sleep doesn't come easily, but not through any fault of locke's. nerves about sleeping in a new place coupled with the lack of someone () close to him means that, for a while, he's left trying to force himself to drift off to sleep. when he does, not long before the rumble of thunder, his sleep is peaceful enough- up until the rude, cowbell-related awakening.[break][break]

his bunkmate seems more cheerful than artemis himself is when he wakes up, but any remaining drowsiness is washed away as he pushes himself out of the tent at locke's call to see the pink pokemon in question.[break][break]

they're so....well. pink.[break][break]

he fumbles for his phone, just for a second, before remembering that pictures would be prevented and practically deflating. if he could, he thinks he would have taken all the pictures in the world of the pink pokemon scurrying about.[break][break]

it does take a second for him to drag his attention away from them, and even then its because of locke's question. jolting a little- he had already almost forgotten about the tasks- he gives a little nod in response, feeling grateful to locke for helping him out not once but twice, before reaching to call out solaris.[break][break]

the espeon seems less than happy about her rest being interrupted, yawning with a tiny squeak, but she follows artemis over to the berry plots nonetheless. as he gets closer, he lifts up a hand to greet the group (, , and -and locke, obviously) before he gets to work trying to figure out where to even start.[break][break]

solaris, at least, seems to have a better idea of what to do as she goes to join the other pokemon helping- even if she does seem grumpy about it.[break][break]

- artemis falls asleep after some struggling[break]
- is rudely waken up and his mood is lifted at the sight of the pkmn[break]
- he wants to take a picture of these pink pkmn so bad you don't understand[break]
- takes locke up on their offer to join them at the berry plots[break]
- doesn't know what to do bc he's a rich boy but it's okay bc solaris has it under control[break][break]


[attr="class","fa solid fa-cat"]


[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 5:40:37 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

"Thanks, darling," Remiel responds, pausing from his sketching to briefly rub noses with his girlfriend.

Back at the
CAMPFIRE, the royal snorts in response to 's remark of monsters. Though a brief glance to their dark surroundings might suggest he is not entirely dismissive of the idea. The island was rumoured to be full of surprises, after all. He would be foolhardy to think he knew exactly what to expect.

Instead, the prince nods in agreement with . "I can see that. Though one doesn't walk into the tall grass without a Pokémon for protection, do they Rosie?" He smiles, shifting a look towards the playful Applin rolling circles around them. "And it's pleasant to see you again, too, Mr. Finch." He adds, returning his attention to the journalist.

As the night goes on, Remiel exchanges pleasantries with and introduces himself and to . The time spent socializing is short but sweet. Before too long, the aforementioned pair head to their bunk to catch some early sleep. 

Remiel had woken up at the crack of dawn himself, ever the early-bird, and was lacing his boots by the time ZINNIA had begun ringing her bell. Wearing a wind-and-water resistant anorak with brown hiking pants, he exits his bunk alongside Luka and marvels at the pink Pokémon surrounding them, too. Though certainly not quite as much as his girlfriend.

When breakfast is served, the prince eats a handful of fruit, and sips a few spoonful's of porridge, before doing his best to ensure Luka gets something in her stomach, too. They would need sustenance for the workday to come, of that much he was certain. Eventually, the time comes to head out, and he is quick to grab his pack and go with towards the bridge project.

Once there, Remiel assesses the damage done to said bridge for a moment... before regarding the others who have come to help as well. and are there, and he casts a nod in greeting to both if they should glance his way. When it comes to and , however, the royal offers a wave. "Good morning. It's nice to see you two."

Not one to dawdle while work was getting done, however, the ambassador summons ROSIE the red APPLIN and HYPERION the ILLUMINA TYRUNT. The gem-spiked dinosaur is still very much a juvenile, of course, and immediately tries to initiate play with 's DRAGONITE and GARCHOMP. Though its master is quick to call it back to his side with a sharp whistle.

As attempts to form a bond with the local wildlife, Remiel teaches Hyperion to fetch him large logs in its mouth that he can help rebuild the bridge with. Rosie, in the meantime, is instructed to bind these logs firm and tight with vines from her LEECH SEED. After working up a sweat, they all back away from the structure to gauge their progress so far.

The sooner they were finished, the sooner Remiel could go exploring for ruins. Or so he thought.


greets + introduces himself and to before bedtime
heads to the BRIDGE with
greets , , , and before helping rebuild
ILLUMINA TYRUNT brings a supply of logs
APPLIN binds the logs tight to the bridge with LEECH SEED


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing