i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the hiker
april eighteenth
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how deep
the bullet lies
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you don't wanna hurt me?
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TAG WITH @francie
francie myrtle
POSTED ON May 28, 2023 15:23:13 GMT
francie myrtle Avatar



when the guy just kinda ignores them and flaunts off, francie notices that glow but doesn't say much. she tags along with , trying to find as they get closer to whatever's glowing.[break][break]

so many things glowing she's beginning to think she needs to invest in some kinda glowing rock of some kind. those exist, apparently, and she kinda wants one; envy's a bitch.[break][break]

her hisiuan arcanine's fur rustles. she tries to calm it with pets but he's on edge; it must be the pokémon before them and that has her biting her bottom lip, trying to listen, but so much is happening and she feels a little lost.[break][break]

she must stand on her own, stand her ground. but one question lingers and she doesn't even realize she's asking it to the legendary himself because the question's mostly mumbled under her breath;[break][break]

"where's ?"

+ HISUIAN!ARTICUNO is out[break]
+ looks around for [break]



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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 6:43:07 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Route 10 (Approaching Wyndon) - Pokémon Sword and Shield


:[break]"How do we prevent ruination?"[break][break]
:[break]"You are not the only one that has lost their home to a calamitous Pokémon. I, too, have lost Petalburg Woods, my home, to ruination at the hands of a malefic god. What is the key to reversing the ruination?"

"i do not know what you speak of. ruination? if you mean to say the fate that befell my realm, then, i do not know if it is possible. when our land fell into disarray, it happened suddenly and from the very heart of this land.” The Calyrex frowns, a paw stroking its steed's indigo neck.[break][break]

"i wonder if this tragedy is able to be reversed at all... have we crossed the point of no return?”[break][break]

:[break]"As for my question. I would just like to know. Is all of this real or is it some kind of vision?"[break][break]
:[break]"You called this a reminiscence. Does that mean this has already happened, or can we still prevent it?"[break][break]
:[break]"what is your purpose for existing in this reminiscence, and do you continue to exist outside of it?"[break][break]
:[break]"Is this your memory or the hero's memory?"

"ah, you have stumbled upon the truth of the matter then. this place, the people and pokemon here? they are only as real and malleable as memories are."[break][break]

The Calyex's answers piece together like cryptic blocks: "i shall continue to subsist here, though it is not my memory, nor is it a hero's. it is the sword's."[break][break]

:[break]"Why were all the other… all the other places laid to waste, was there something hidden in those locations?"[break][break]
:[break]"Your royal majesty, am I to assume that Hammerlocke will share the same state like Wyndon?"[break][break]
:[break]"What 'ruined' your kingdom?"[break][break]
:[break]"What caused the ruination of your kingdom?"[break][break]
:[break]"What happened to the other cities. I mean if they fell with you here, what can we do?"[break][break]
:[break]"Can you tell us what makes these cities different from the rest that are now in ruins?"[break][break]
:[break]"What do the pillars of light represent?"[break][break]
:[break]"The black knight! H- how is it related to the knight of pure light, if at all?"[break][break]
:[break]"What is the cause of that poison? It seems like it is pervasive here."[break][break]
:[break]"What on Hoenn will we be facing once we arrive at these cities?"

"what has survived has survived by chance. when the skeleton emerged from the deep, it brought with it a putrid pollution that overtook our people and pokemon."[break][break]

The Calyrex cringes. Its head is heavy, the inside of its buds sloughing off slowly but surely like a rotting oil from where the crystal is embedded.[break][break]

"the purple beacons mark openings to the deep, whence the skeleton came. inside them, large rumblings can be heard though i dare not investigate them in my current state."[break][break]

The Spectrier whinnies, hooves pulling away from the slight pool of poison near 's location.[break][break]

"a radiant knight came from the skies, but we do not know where it went. perhaps it was slain by the skeleton or overtaken by the sludge. the knight of pure light disappeared without a trace. only afterward, did the black knight come to be." The Calyex stares off toward the stadium tunnels forlornly. "in our cities, expect a scared and demoralized people. expect creatures to emerge from the deep, the poison. they need your help."[break][break]

:[break]"The hero you speak of is the knight of pure light, isn't it? They got a name?"[break][break]
:[break]"Who is she (hero of many battles)?"[break][break]
:[break]"By doing this will this save her or will she...die?"[break][break]
:[break]"Where is the dog Pokemon who wields a sword?"

"we do not know its name, its titles." The Calyrex says. "but i do know the name of our hero: zacian. it must be resting somewhere after its countless battles with the skelly. interred in stone, biding its time, somewhere in this realm where i do not know. your stories will allow zacian the strength to return."[break][break]

:[break]"Can you show us the way to prevent the destruction of all the universes without sacrificing our own?"[break][break]
:[break]"Will the same ruin befall our world?"[break][break]
:[break]"Are our loved ones in a similar situation like this one in Hoenn? Or is this something yet to come to us?"[break][break]
:[break]"What do you know of Arceus and how we can find it?"[break][break]
:[break]"How do we kill it?"

"all universes? is there not only one? intriguing... your presence in this memory is evidence enough of stranger things. i do not know if the same disaster will come to your loved ones. disasters are but a notch on the wheel of fortune. they are great resets. perhaps this memory reflects in some manner your world?"[break][break]

The Calyrex nods his head by scholastic angle.[break][break]

"arceus' luminance is what guides and protects all pokemon, but it blinds it too. attempting to find it within the infinite universe means risking that you will be perceived in turn. i do not know why you desire to kill arceus, or if you can as simple humans."[break][break]

:[break]"How does one master dynamax energy?"[break][break]
:[break]"Do you know anything of how those beasts came to be confined within The Border, or how they escaped, High King?"[break][break]
:[break]"You wouldn’t happen to have seen a moose with a bowl on its head kicking around in here, would you?"[break][break]
:[break]"What’s so important about that tomb that they’d cross the sea to come defend it? Put another way, what are the aims of the two heroes? … what’s the deal with this carrot?"[break][break]

"what is dynamax energy? i have never gleaned such a force... but any energy must be converted or contained into a survivable shape before it can be used."[break][break]

The Calyrex crosses its small arms as the SPECTRIER trots around as if the King were pacing around in thought.[break][break]

"ah, the carrot. feed it to my steed."[break][break]

From the SPECTRIER, the Calyrex dismounts. The horse moves toward Michael, its hooves—detached at the pasterns—shift as their spectral shrouds billow about with every step.[break][break]

"make good use of my SPECTRIER to bring zacian back. i will be fine."[break][break]

Should feed the SPECTRIER with the carrot, or allow someone else too, they will be able to use this noble steed for the event.

The Calyrex does not appear to know anything about the "tomb" had mentioned, or anything related to the battle that had transpired before their warp.

:[break]"If we're ever in need of your wisdom— is there any way for us to contact you?"[break][break]
:[break]"Will we see you again after this?"[break][break]
:[break]"What kinda King lets their great Hero fail? Doesn't her failure reflect on you as well?"[break][break]

"i will visit ballonlea first. then circhester. onward to hammerlocke, then to motostoke. every month i will conduct this tour."[break][break]

At the criticism levied at the loss of its hero, the Calyrex's expression sags with melancholy.[break][break]

"i have had many failings. that is why i am not remembered anymore. but a good king allows their subjects some degree of freedom. the heroes of our worlds do not need to do the things that they do, but they do so anyway. how can i stop such indomitable will?"[break][break]

:[break]"How much time will we have to resolve this?"[break][break]
:[break]"And if our 'acts of heroism' aren't enough to bring her back, what happens to us then?"[break][break]
:[break]"How do we get out of here?"[break][break]
:[break]"What the fuck is going on?"[break][break]
:[break]"What is that (GLOWING CRYSTAL) and may I have it?"

"you will have as long as you live. bringing zacian back can allow this memory's story to end. that is the only way out... i apologize for your predicaments. i understand how harrowing of an experience this may be."[break][break]

The Calyrex blinks and plucks the fragment from his head. It shivers. Poison drips from where it was embedded:[break][break]

"i am unsure. it must have struck me one day—but my head is so big i am oft unaware of what falls upon it. it is of the same make as the openings in the purple beacons." Though the king does not answer 's question, his LEGENDARY MARK seems attracted to the crystal too.[break][break]

The King gifts the crystal to . In its reddish pink center, two lines can be seen connected by a single dot. The crystal's sharp edges are moist with the king's blood:

Those who desire the choice to be made for them are pushed into the beams by Calyrex's PSYCHIC force. Others leave by their own accord. No matter where they go, there will be battles. There will be strife. For now though, the Calyrex slumps to a rest. It breathes heavily, taking its time to recuperate against the wooden statue. The king fights a tear as it falls asleep.


THE WHIMSICAL HAVEN IN THE GLIMWOOD is now a grove of despair and death. It is a dark city: nestled so deep in the wood, some of the only light comes from surviving bioluminescent shrooms. Half-timbered cottages in Tudor style are set against thick tree roots. This city is the only city that will have a clear sight of the night sky; there is an observatory high up in the trees only made accessible by a spiraling staircase of mushrooms.[break][break]

However, much of the flora that had adorned the city's streets now withers and wilts from the flooding of poisonous sludge. There are modern day conveniences here. Poke Centers. A stadium. Old street lights. However, the residents here seem to be of old Galarian peasantry.[break][break]

They hide from hand-like manifestations that emerge from the sludge. They are not Pokemon—no, they are pronged manifestations of what had slumbered in the deep. They aim to grasp anything that nears them; however, they are easy to down by GROUND or PSYCHIC-TYPE MOVES.[break][break]

A POWER SPOT, a stone well-like structure is in the middle of Ballonea Stadium. It continuously pours poison that spills into the city and surrounding areas. Stone and scabbed over dried toxin prevents access or a view into it.


THE FOLLOWING ARE SUGGESTIONS for actions your characters can take. You are not limited to these actions.[break][break]




CIRCHESTER WAS ONCE A CITY OF GRACEFUL BEAUTY. Snow no longer falls in beautiful flakes here; instead, ash descends upon its various ruins. Modern day amenities can be found in the city. The stadium, poke Centers, hotels, and sullen cafes. Strangely, the people in this city seem out of place, for they look like old Galarian peasantry.[break][break]

However, according to local residents, the Hero's Bath, the famed hot spring of Circhester, is where the Hero of Many battles was rumored to have rested in its fight against the skeleton. The bath is now polluted with horrible poisons.[break][break]

They hide from hand-like manifestations that emerge from the sludge. They are not Pokemon—no, they are pronged manifestations of what had slumbered in the deep. They aim to grasp anything that nears them; however, they are easy to down by GROUND or PSYCHIC-TYPE MOVES.[break][break]

A POWER SPOT, a stone well-like structure is in the middle of Circhester Stadium. It continuously pours poison that spills into the city and surrounding areas. Stone and scabbed over dried toxin prevents access or a view into it.


THE FOLLOWING ARE SUGGESTIONS for actions your characters can take. You are not limited to these actions.[break][break]




THE ONCE THRIVING CITY OF HAMMERLOCKE now stands as a somber shell of its former graundeur. Arriving here, one can see familiar modern day luxuries. Broken down Poke Centers. Street lights. Towering walls and parapet walks have crumbled in parts, the castle stone weathered and worn by fissures. However, the people who peek out of ragged structures seem anything but contemporary, for they appear to be of Galarian peasantry.[break][break]

They hide from hand-like manifestations that emerge from the sludge. They are not Pokemon—no, they are pronged manifestations of what had slumbered in the deep. They aim to grasp anything that nears them; however, they are easy to down by GROUND or PSYCHIC-TYPE MOVES.[break][break]

In the west side of the city, two heavy double doors can be opened to a set of stone stairs. Climbing these stairs and opening another set of wooden doors will reveal the HAMMERLOCKE VAULT; however, the chamber and its four tapestries are smothered in bubbling poisons.[break][break]

The Castle-Stadium of Hammerlocke has a POWER SPOT too; however, it is embedded into the castle wall. It continuously oozes poison from its stone cap. Stone and scabbed over dried toxin prevents access or a view into it.[break][break]


THE FOLLOWING ARE SUGGESTIONS for actions your characters can take. You are not limited to these actions.[break][break]




MOTOSTOKE WAS ONCE THE CAPITAL FOR INDUSTRY. However, it is now a tragic testament to the destruction of this world. Its steam machinations churn sludge in channels where water once was.[break][break]

Steam is now replaced with putrid smoke. The train that runs through the city is an old steam train too. No one seems to be on it; however, it continually spills poison from within its cars.[break][break]

There are still modern day services in the city: the stadium. Poke Centers. Factories. The people who still live here, however, seem like they do not belong here, for they are dressed like Galarian peasantry. They hide from hand-like manifestations that emerge from the sludge. They are not Pokemon—no, they are pronged manifestations of what had slumbered in the deep. They aim to grasp anything that nears them; however, they are easy to down by GROUND or PSYCHIC-TYPE MOVES.[break][break]

Motostoke is close to a GALARIAN MINE; several carts of mined ore can be found in the MOTOSTOKE OUTSKIRTS to the east, where a broken down brick bridge prevents further traversal to the caves.[break][break]

A POWER SPOT is present within MOTOSTOKE'S STADIUM as well. In its grassy interior, stone and scabbed over dried toxin prevents access or a view into it.


THE FOLLOWING ARE SUGGESTIONS for actions your characters can take. You are not limited to these actions.[break][break]




FOR THIS ROUND, your post can encompass actions taken within several hours and until it is one hour after sundown.[break][break]

Feel free to perform multiple actions—but designate ONE ACTION YOU WILL BE FOCUSING ON.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


MAY 31ST - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 7:07:09 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

Shock and awe take over his expression, even if the helmet covers it all from sight. Calyrex's revelations change the circumstances of their plight and suddenly he is nervous- anxious about their situation. He alludes to long would they be in the memory? How long away form home? "Wait- does that mean- will months pass outside this memory-" he began to sputter, mostly to himself, terrified somehow at the thought of losing time. First his body, now more years of his life? [break][break]

But he comforts himself with the thought that maybe this is just a dream. A joint dream. And inside dreams one often found themselves at a loss for time. Decades could pass in an instant, all feeling more natural than anything else in the world. Until you wake up with a start. That's what this is: a dream. And that thought, even if it isn't right, comforts him. [break][break]

But once Calyrex plucks the jewel out of its head, the scene changes. They're sent on their way. For who knows how long. Hammerlocke is in disarray. Sludge hands- monsters? infest the city and there's much to be studied and analyzed. Paxton takes priority over what he deems most important. A quick glance about and he deems that maybe the CASTLE STADIUM is the best place to bolster up, if only for that strange POWER SPOT and the sludge near it. He speaks into the comms for all League personnel. "Cassidy reporting in, I will be making it my priority to investigate the CASTLE STADIUM. Should I and others who join be able to clear it, we can move the people of Hammerlocke form whatever shelters they have now to something more easily defensible and keep them away from the city walls."

He give a glance at the peasantry along the way. "I make no promises about our efforts, but we are not here to harm you." he says. Paxton does not make an inspiring promises. He does not cut his own heart open and bleed for the people. But he gives a small nod to some that he is not there to make things worse. Beginning with soft words and strained pleasantries, he speaks to those he can approach to confer about the CASTLE STADIUM before making his way there. "Hopper, TELEPORT us there and see what we can gather form that glowing."

What he finds isn't any better than the rest of the city. What looks like layers and layers of dried toxin creates some sort of disgusting plug. "I guess...loosen it with PSYCHIC for now." he said, keeping clear of ooze and glancing around for extra help. If there's any sort of sign of what this is or where it came from, he's ignorant to it, spending most of his time circling the building for entry and seeing what he can glean from the locals before bringing it back to share. Occasionally, should he see anything useful for fortification elsewhere he may pipe up on comms. Though he stays fairly active on his own, thinking through problems on his own and preferring to listen to idle chatter instead of participating in it unless referenced directly.



+ @many taggus | SHRIEKINGGG and ready to get my shit rocked [break][break]


- WHAT YEARS??? MONTHS?? HUH??? [break]
- assess the sitch in hammerlocke [break]
- tells all league comms he's heading to the CASTLE STADIUM to investigate POWER STOP [break]
- tries to talk to the galar peasantry but keeps his words REALISTIC [break]
- has Hopper the PORYGON TELEPORT him there [break]
- asks his PORYGON to start pulling at stone and old toxins with PSYCHIC [break]
- will spend most of the day circling around the stadium to try to improve its situation [break]
- will speak when spoken to, and occasionally provide input if he can to help other groups working [break]
- probably forgets to eat



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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 8:02:39 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]The Circhester of his memories was far different than the reminiscence in which he found himself standing. A constant drift of beautiful snow was replaced with the dour blanket of ash that fell from the skies, coating the buildings in their muted grey color. Amber eyes glanced about for familiar faces, ones that hadn't come with him such as and . [break][break]

"Hey, Angelo and Skyler!" He raised a hand, waving to his friend and their partner. "Oh, you too Razz!"[break][break]

Having , , and along gave him confidence, but it wasn't until he saw that his heart fluttered ever so slightly. The two of them hadn't been able to see much of each other since the defection, for both of their protection. Could they afford to come together now? Who knew what members of Team Rocket were in their midst.[break][break]

Rowan's Slowbro returned to their Pokéball, another of his Pokémon appearing in a flash of light. [break][break]

"Sirocco, do your thing, please." The Pelipper soared upwards into the sky, their DRIZZLE hoping to create a cleansing rain to wash away the ash and poison, intended to INSPIRE HOPE to the denizens that still lingered in the remains of the town.[break][break]

"I'm going to help with the spring, yell if you need anything." He commented to and specifically, but as well to anyone else who desired to overhear.[break][break]

Sirocco swooped back down from the skies, following their trainer into the spring. "We're going to try to overflow the water, wash out the poison, alright?" The Pokémon let out an affirmative squawk before taking roost on one of the stone edges and beginning to unleash a steady stream of HYDRO PUMP into the pool.[break][break]



· Continues to ignore the poison, assuming it would have infected him by now if it could (monka?).[break][break]
· Said hello to friends, sad he can't love on Adrian.[break][break]
· Returned Slowbro and brought out Pelipper.[break][break]
· Pelipper's Drizzle ability triggers, hoping to create a cleansing rain, wash away the ash and poison from the streets (INSPIRE THE PEASANTRY).[break][break]
· Directed Pelipper to use Hydro Pump on the springs to overflow the water and have the poison flow out (CLEAR THE POISON SLUDGE FROM THE HOT SPRING).


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Mika, Mick
october 30th
mauville city
5’11” height
5’11” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
130 posts
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TAG WITH @mikael
mikael rosenberg
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 16:57:16 GMT
mikael rosenberg Avatar

[attr="class","header"]YOU WERE GONE TOO SOON


Arriving in Circhester he looked around. This place was not what he was expecting. It was hard to believe that a place once so pretty could turn out like this. Taking note of all the poison he withdrew Selene back into her pokeball before sending out Aurora. The psychic type would be better at a job like this than any of his other Pokémon.
”Mikael reporting in, I’m heading over to deal with the weird manifestations. Anyone feel free to join me,” he said into the comms. Now that he had relayed what he was going to do he made his way towards some of the poisons hands coming out of the sludge. But made sure to keep some distance as well.
He was unaware what these things were capable of. Would they bypass his Pokémon and attack him instead if he got too close. It was best to approach with caution in an unknown situation. His sharp gaze took in the weird manifestations before he turned his attention to the espeon at his side.
”Aurora start using psychic on the poison hands,” he told the feline pokemon. Having her orders the espeon directed her attention to the manifestations. Powering up the move psychic she sent it towards one of the poison hands hoping to get rid of it.
While his partner took on the poison hands he kept an eye on their surroundings. He also made sure to keep his comms on so he could listen to any reports. Even if he probably wouldn’t interact on the comms much himself not being the most talkative of people.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL;DR: Arrives in Circhester[break]
Takes note of the situation and returns umbreon replacing her with espeon[break]
Reports that he is going to take care of the poison hands and hints at getting assistance[break]
Orders his espeon to attack the poison hands with Psychic [break]
His espeon using psychic



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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,903 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 17:23:46 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Through the king answering her question that the cities were filled with putrid pollution and that his people were scared and demoralized, he wanted them to save Galar and its people. Before she could answer the king, the Calyrex’s Psychic would send her and the rest of the group from Wyndon’s stadium since the king needed to rest.[break][break]

The Psychic from the king would take her and the others to Hammerlocke as the once thriving city was now crumbling down and the people in it were not from the modern age, but were dressed like Galarian peasantry. If was there in Hammerlocke, Elise would gently pop his limp arm back with her tone being apologetic. “My apologies, I did not think anyone else came to help you, but is your arm all better? We must help the peasantry as well."[break][break]

Returning her Ceruledge back in his Pokeball, she sends out Flayn the Gardevoir to help her with the scared and demoralized peasants who were hiding in the ragged structures for shelter from the poisonous hands.[break][break]

A Calm Mind from the psychic type would try to ease the peasantry’s fears. “Please rest your fears. and I will endeavor to help you all and even if you are not one of our people, I will always do the same when I am the royal ambassador.” From helping the peasants get inspired to trust in the group for dealing with the pollution that his majesty spoke of, the royal would go over to the west side of the city during the day to have Flayn open the heavy doors with Psychic to the Hammerlocke Vault. Ascending up to the stone stairs, the royal and her Gardevoir finds the wooden doors to open up and sees the poisonous sludge covering the four tapestries and the stone chamber.[break][break]

The poison hands come out of the sludge as the strong Psychic blasts from the Gardevoir tear them out before they could cause her trainer harm as the woman would spend most of the day cleaning out the four tapestries with her Gardevoir’s help, the Life Dew aiming to wash away the sludge off each of the tapestries and some of the chamber's walls.[break][break]


@rustedsword [break][break]


- Pops 's arm back into place[break]
- returns Ceruledge back and sends Gardevoir out to use Calm Mind over the Galarian peasantry and help inspire them[break]
- goes to the Hammerlocke Vault to clean out the poisonous sludge on the tapestries and some of the vault's chamber with Gardevoir using Life Dew. (primary action)[break]
- Gardevoir blasts the poison hands with Psychic



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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 22:31:23 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

"For as long as we live?" Visceral denial tears through her ribcage, claws its way past her throat on serrated edges. Skyler stands preternaturally still, white-knuckled and furious. 

Here? In this fucked up, Arceus-forsaken nowhere?

Thankfully the captain's sent away before she has the chance to enact any act of violence - like wringing that pompous turnip's neck.

"Fuck." Fingers dive into her mass of unruly hair in frustration, pushing it away from her face. Then, slightly louder and with far more gusto. "Fuck." 

A smaller group of people has been moved alongside her to this diseased Circhester. Surveying it reveals a surprising number of familiar faces. "Rowan?" She turns to the young man when he calls out. "And Razz, you're here too!" 

With 's and 's presence, things seem marginally better. 's too. They needed all capable hands on deck. Also-

The sight stalls Skyler for a moment. Blink, and you'd miss it. But it's there, in that half a second, that an impish half-grin tugs at her mouth, courtesy of one

"I'm going to talk to some of these- villagers," she tells and  and anyone else in the vicinity who might be interested. "I'll be back soon." Fingertips find Angelo's hand, squeezing it lightly before wandering off.

Better to make herself useful than to think of Calyrex's warning. A lifetime. A fucking lifetime.

Skyler wanders the streets and it doesn't take long for the scenario to paint itself: a city at the mercy of hostile incursions, corrupted by strange entities. Her voice crackles through the comms, distorted with static. "I'm going to set up some barricades in the city, feel free to help out." Then, after a few seconds. "Actually, anyone have a map?"

Regardless, Kyogre's ominous shadow would soon follow Skyler amid historical buildings. Ash and soot catch on blue scales as its Sheer Cold grows thick spikes of ice between apartment buildings. 

Barricades indeed. 

The leviathan's Drizzle is an icy shower that mixes with Pelipper's ( 's) in an attempt to cleanse the surrounding streets. 

"Anything?" She asks , pulling her recently acquired raincoat closer to her body.


urshifu is recalled
skyler recognizes some faces
skyler moves away to talk to some villagers
gets the picture of what's been happening in the city
calls forth kyogre to create icy barricades with SHEER COLD (main action: PREPARE DEFENSES. THE CITY WILL BE ATTACKED NEXT MOD POST.)
kyogre's ability drizzle helps cleanse the poison in the streets

[newclass=.skyler] [/newclass][newclass=.skyler b] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler i] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler a] text-transform:uppercase!important; [/newclass]
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 0:43:13 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

's steady hands on Nomi's hips were a sudden dizzying distraction, and Nomi blushed as she finished speaking. Then the Calyrex actually answered, looking directly at her, and the Head Scientist was drawn back into the current moment.[break][break]
"Arceus' luminance is what guides and protects all Pokémon, but it blinds it too. Attempting to find it within the infinite universe means risking that you will be perceived in turn."[break][break]
Nomi narrowed her eyes. What did it mean by "be perceived in turn"? The phrasing had a somewhat ominous feeling to it that sent a shiver down her spine, but before Nomi could ask for clarification another woman demanded to know how they could kill Arceus. Nomi's head snapped towards ; she vaguely recognized her as one of the League's Elite Four. Nomi had the same reaction to the woman's question as the Calyrex: she had no idea why someone would want to kill Arceus - she could not fathom doing such a thing, especially not before they learned everything possible about the nature of their universe and the potential worlds-ending apocalypse from it. She would need to keep tabs on this woman.[break][break]
And then, without warning, Nomi, Parker and their Pokémon were thrust into a portal of bright light.[break][break][break][break]
When she opened her eyes again, Nomi found that she was in another wintery location, except...a powdery grey substance fell from the sky instead of snow.[break][break]
Their landscape - a dreary version of Galar's Circhester - had a gloomy cast to it, as if it had weathered many long and arduous storms. It reminded Nomi of a woman who had once been beautiful, but who's face was now wrinkled and lined by a lifetime of various hardships. Directly in front of them was a steaming pool of water surrounded by elegant stone, as if it were more shrine than bath. Nomi recognized it immediately.[break][break]
"The Hero's Bath..." she murmured. The hot spring she had promised Parker was here.[break][break] did not look particularly inviting. The water was an ugly toxic shade of purple, cloudy and thick with sludge. What had once been pure was now horribly corrupted. Nomi turned to Parker, her smile playfully flirtatious.[break][break]
"Damn, guess we won't get to skinny dip just yet."[break][break]
...Bringing Zacian back can allow this memory's story to end. That is the only way out...[break][break]
The Calyrex's words echoed in Nomi's mind as she crouched by the bath's edge to further investigate the tainted water. If Zacian was the Hero of Many Battles, and this bath was the mythological resting place for when it needed to heal during its fight against the skeleton, then reversing whatever corruption was happening seemed the next logical step in their strange journey. She was about to take out a Pokeball but stopped.[break][break]
Cleaning the bath was only one part of the equation. What was causing the damage in the first place?[break][break]
"We should look for the origin of the poison," Nomi realized. "If we find that, we can ensure that the entire city - including the hot spring - can be purified, without risk of the poison coming right back."[break][break][break][break]
It took the pair of women several hours of following the poison's trail through the quiet streets of Circhester to find what Nomi was sure had to be its origin point: a stone well-like structure in the middle of Circhester Stadium from which the dark, viscous toxin poured in a thick, continuous stream into the ground, running back into the city like some kind of demonic river. It smelled horrible, and Nomi wrinkled her nose as she approached. She could not quite reach the inner chamber of the well, it was blocked by fallen stone and dried toxin.[break][break]
"Attention fellow Rockets," Nomi said into her comms. She had no idea if the radio system would still be working, or who else amongst their ranks had even landed in Circhester with them, but it was worth a shot. "I've found the spot where the poison corrupting this city and the Hero's Bath seems to originate. Rally to Circhester Stadium to help me eliminate it. Do NOT attempt to purify the bath - it will only become corrupted again if we do not stop the poison at its source."[break][break]
With that done, Nomi returned her Unown and released Trillium, her Togekiss. As she activatied the Tera Orb at her wrist for an extra boost of power, Trillium began to glow a bright fiery orange, his body crystallizing, a crown of brilliant carnelian roses forming on his head. She pointed at the well.[break][break]
"Unclog it," she commanded. He chirped, then sent a Fire TERA BLAST directly at the blockage.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SWORD


Nomi is wearing black tactical gear with a black mask, her pink hair tied up under a hat[break]
Nomi's question about Arceus is actually answered! But before she can ask a follow up question, her attention is drawn to the woman who asked about killing it. has been perceived by Nomi...[break]
Nomi and are beamed away[break]
Upon arriving in CIRCHESTER, Nomi and land at the corrupted The Hero's Bath[break]
Nomi realizes cleaning the bath might bring Zacian back, but in order to permanently do that, they need to stop the poison at its source[break]
Nomi goes in search of the source of the poison (Parker at her side); finds the POWER SPOT in the middle of the stadium[break]
Nomi uses the Rocket comms to communicate with any fellow Rockets (, , ) who may have also landed in Circhester about rallying to the stadium to attempt to get rid of the poison[break]
PRIMARY ACTION / PROMPT MET: ATTEMPT TO UNCLOG THE POWER SPOT (Terastallized Togekiss uses a Fire-powered TERA BLAST on the stone/dried toxins clogging the Power Spot) - 1x Salac used



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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 1:54:13 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Hello, Balloonlea!

"... Oh my." Gwyar said as they all emerged from the portals.

Few of the bioluminescent shrooms that he remembered so well from the town remained to light their path. The beautiful flora that had once adorned the streets had wilted under the relentless decay brought by toxic sludge.

Not a window remained un-boarded and not soul wandered the streets.

In other words— not a single good sign.

"... This bodes poorly. We should introduce ourselves to the locals before anything else." He suggested to the group.

They needed information, stat. Not scaring the locals was by doing as they pleased would probably be good, too.

"I'll go. Does anybody wish to accompany me?" He asked. His gaze briefly lingered on .

If he recalled right, she was an avatar that could heal. Useful, if one needed to make a memorable first impression.

The warmth of 's digits eventually brought his gaze back to her. He smiled and squeezed her hand before letting go.

Palming a pokeball, a bright light spread through the darkened streets moments later, the knight now holding an Aegislash in hand.

"Shall we?"

Whatever the answer, Gwyar marched forward and deeper into town. He still remembered the streets, and he was glad that, discounting the dead flora and occasional pool of sludge, they had not changed much.

Except for when the poison attempted to kill you directly, anyway.

One too many close encounters with hands of venom had him taking violent swipes at the nearest pools of sludge on sight.

Eventually, he reached an abode. And so, he firmly rang his knuckles across the wooden doors.

He got a funny, unexpected little interaction out of it.

It took a moment to convince whoever stood behind the door to open, but he managed. And when it did, the knight gave his brightest smile and folded an arm over his chest, sure that even his Aegislash' own glow paled in comparison.

Secondary Actions


"Hail fellow, well met!" The blonde knight boomed.

Why? He couldn't help but fall into character. The moment he saw the man, he knew something was whack.

The tudor-style housing of Balloonlea was a renovated remnant of an era— not an accurate representation of the town's state. So why in the world did the man before him look more at home at Hoenn's ren-faire than the town itself?

"A memory indeed." Gwyar said to himself as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully, following his dicussion with the man. His gaze drifted north, towards were the peasant had signaled the chief's home to be.

His next goal. As he began to walk there, he opeened up the League comms.

I just spoke with one of the locals.

Despite the pokemon center and the Balloonlea stadium, the man spoke and dressed like a peasant from centuries past.

Regardless, I am on my way to speak with the Town Chief. He mentioned there were several injurd... and sick. Over.

If did not join him earlier, then this was certainly an attempt at kicking her into gear.

He eventually arrived at the Chief's shack.

"This knight of Galar greets the chief of Balloonlea." Courtesy above all else. "My comrades and I've tredged far from the cities of the north on the beseechment of the High King."

His sword gleamed brightly as he smiled confidently.

"There's much to speak, my friend— if we are to rid you and your own of your woes."

Hours later...

Primary Action


... That's all the Chief had to share.

I worry about the irregularity of these 'attacks'. He could not elaborate on the nature of them.


He was sauntering through the middle of the Balloonlea stadium as he finished his report, dragging behind him a particular item he had picked from the town's smithy on the way there.

He approached one of the few landmark locations mentioned by the chief— the local well.

Or... the power spot, for those more acquainted with Galarian League traditions. Of which he was something of an old hand.

Toxic gunk poured out of it occasionally, a little too often if some of the villagers were asked, and made it unadvisable to approach.

He had asked around a bit

"Come, Glastrier." The man intoned as he threw down a pokeball, summoning the frozen steed to the field. Gwyar gestured towards the sludge covered field spread out before them. "Free it over."

Reeling back, the Glastrier released a thunderous neigh before bringing its front hooves crashing down onto the soil, splintering beneath its crushing force. Ice and frost spread out wards in waves, rolling over grass and poison without prejudice, freezing both solid.

"Wonderful job." He said with a smile, dropping the several items he carried behind him, before reaching for his comms.

's channel:
Miss Shalin, if you would be so kind? I could use your help now.

With that message sent, the man grabbed the first of the items he had borrowed from the smithy— a chained harness.

And smiled at Glastrier.

"... Don't give me that look, it won't take long."

Moments later, the Glastrier found the chains of its harness firmly wound around spikes, deeply embedded stone and frozen, dried over toxin. And with Shalin's and her Flygon's help...

They would begin their attempt and unclogging the Power Spot.

Some more Hours later...

Secondary Actions


Gwyar would join the efforts to prepare defenses for the city, utilizing his Glastrier and a large boulder to assist others in plowing out a moat around the town.

-Primary action: UNCLOG THE POWER POINT.

-Gwyar arrives and suggests they greet the locals. Looks at specially since she has healing powers. Great for first impressions.
-Uses his Lumina!Aegislash as a torch.
-Gwyar greets a local, who then tells him where the chief is. He speaks to the chief about what's been going on.
-Gwyar passes what he's learned from the chief to the rest of the group.
-Gwyar speaks with @shalin at some point about the power spot. (Though it was mostly me speaking with Raikou OOC lol)
-Gwyar swings by a smithy for some mouse-ke-tools that will be useful later.
-Later meaning right now. It's a harness, chains and some ice pick-esque items! We're towing this bad boy open!
-Freezes the surroundings around the power spot with Glastrier's Icicle crash.
-Attempts to unclog the power spot with Shalin's help.
-Later helps however he can with setting up defenses. Tears of the Kingdom has married me to the horse harness so he uses it to tear up a moat with a big rock. Maybe it was around, maybe someone made it with his pokemon, but I choose to believe it happened :pepechu:
-Sorry for the long post. Trust me, no one regrets it more than me.

So much typing.

If u got this far by actually reading everything, thank u so much...

-forgot to f-kin roll LOL


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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,956 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 6:18:48 GMT
Navy Avatar


Ow—” Navy grits his teeth as Melody twists his ear. The pain isn’t so bad, but it’s an ambush. He wasn’t expecting her to do that.[break][break]

Most shinobi worth their salt would try and break their Lord out of this predicament. Hattori snickers. Not every day you see your tough-as-nails Lord treated like a petulant schoolboy.[break][break]

It’s-It’s obvious that he’s-” Stopping himself with a sigh, he makes a more deliberate effort to break free, eventually standing up. “Guess it doesn’t matter. We’ll have to figure the rest out ourselves.”[break][break]

It’s only now that he notices . She’s right there. She’s safe. As the crowd disperses to go through the portals to their different cities, all Navy can do is hug her. He thought he’d lost her once again.[break][break]

Baki! Thank Arceus. I thought Silph did you in when he collapsed the tomb.” A horse snorts impatiently. It has no eyes, but it seems fixating on the carrot Navy holds. Taking a cautious step towards the creature, he barely gets his hand out before the horse gobbles it up, greedily eating the carrot as if it hasn’t eaten in eons.[break][break]

I think I remember Lopez or somebody having one of these.” Navy reflects. Spectrier looks down at him expectantly. Picking Tsubaki up, Navy jumps onto the steed, putting the girl behind him. Hattori is recalled into his ball.[break][break]

Yo, High King, this guy got a name?” He takes the high king’s silence as a ‘no’. Guess it’s on him to name the steed, then. Calyrex’s psychic power starts nudging him towards one of the portals. Seeing which way the wind is blowing, he urges the steed on.[break][break]

, eat your heart out.” What name would fit such a creature? He remembers an old game he played when he was a kid, based on an older book. Its main character was a knight, and it had a steed like this. A dark creature, half-ghost, half-living.[break][break]

Run like a southern wind, Valkyrie!” So it is named, and so it answers his command, breaking into a rush towards the portal. Navy and Tsubaki are carried across space to the destination meant for them.[break][break]

His first impression of this place is that he hates the smell. Smog clogs the air. Factories pump noxious fumes everywhere. Rivers run with filth. That this place, with peasantry that look utterly terrified, has survived this long seems a miracle – as the king said.[break][break]

Huh.” He looks to the people who have also chosen this destination. , , . Three of the elite 4. Well, two elite 4 and the strongest trainer in the region. The sight of Katherine makes him grin.[break][break]

I look forward to seeing you in action, Fairburne.” It’s one thing to watch televised battles. It’s another to watch a fellow warrior fight on a real battlefield. Real wars are never published in the papers, or so a famous poet says.[break][break]

Councilwoman, I’m gonna have a look around. Do some scouting. Think that’s the best way to use Valkyrie here.” Navy strokes the Spectrier’s mane as he speaks to . “Melody, you can come too, if you want. Same goes for anyone else. C’mon, Baki. Valkyrie.” Whether or anyone else follows along, Navy tours the city on Valkyrie’s back.[break][break]

Arceus, is she quick. There’s a reason this creature is the stuff of legends. When he finds a street long enough to urge the horse to a full gallop, Spectrier puts lesser steeds to shame. His own Rapidash, Silver Bullet, couldn’t beat this thing in a race.[break][break]

Navy and Tsubaki are accosted by the occasional hand. It seems familiar. The sight of it claws at the pit of Navy’s stomach. There’s something terrifying. Valkyrie has no tolerance for these creatures. It tramples over them when they get in their way.[break][break]

Y’know, Baki, I dunno how Lopez and the rest do it.” He reflects to his junior. “They all train stuff like Valkyrie here. They make it look so effortless.” Valkyrie seems amused by the words.[break][break]

Eventually, he sees the train speeding through the town. It chugs its course on a set pattern. Navy settles on this as what he’ll do with the rest of his day. Stopping this train in a safe place seems a fine use of a mount like this.[break][break]

This is Navidson.” He calls over the League’s comm channels. “I’ve spotted a runaway train. Gonna stop it somewhere away from the civilian centers. I’ll send coordinates when I’ve got it stopped.”[break][break]

Urging Valkyrie on along the train tracks, he marvels once more at the black steed’s speed. He could get used to this. Dreadful a steed as she is, he feels free on her back. The knights of old Galar were onto something. Josh was onto something.[break][break]

He’s alongside the train before he knows it. Studying its pattern. Watching where it cycles. Eventually, he settles on a point where he’ll stop the train. He comes up with a plan, coaches Tsubaki on its intricacies.[break][break]

And then, he jumps. Riding alongside the locomotive, Navy sees the place where a conductor would step on board. Steadying himself for the reckless jump to come, he leaps…[break][break]

…and lands on the bottom step. He almost loses his balance, but catches a rail along the edge. Steadying himself, he goes for the controls. There’s a brake there, if he’s guessed the era correctly. Gripping that brake, he pulls. Tries to stop the train.[break][break]

While this act of heroism is ongoing, maybe Tsubaki will notice that Valkyrie is silently gathering power as the day fades. If this steed can speak, she says nothing. She merely watches the sky and plots. Although her king is noble, Calyrex’s steed can hatch a nasty plot. Valkyrie has slowly been pulling dark power towards herself all day.[break][break]


+ gets yoinked by [break]
Makes friends with Spectrier and names it Valkyrie.[break]
Jumps on top of Spectrier, takes with him.[break]
Arrives in Motostoke.[break]
Briefly speaks to , , and .[break]
Sets off to scout the city.[break]
Minor action: Tramples any claws in his path.[break]
Major Action/Focus: Navy attempts to board and stop the train. He does this at a safe spot away from any civilians.[break]
Spectrier uses nasty plot, perhaps aware it will soon need to unleash its power.



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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 7:13:11 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

Even with Aidan's question being answered by the almighty King, it still felt as if nothing had been answered, he should have expect cryptic answers in the first place, very much like the books of old that he read when he was a child. In fact this whole scenario was starting to feel awfully like a fairy tale, small idea that Aidan would keep to himself, especially since he was just about to be raptured. "I'll see you guys on the other side."[break][break]

As the light beams unraptured them into what Aidan could only guess was Circhester. Putting his hand out to only realize what was falling from the sky wasn't snow at all, explaining why everything had been painted in a shad of grey, ash ad soot paved their way in every direction. Aida could quickly start questioning if they could even save a place that had fell into such great ruin. Snapping back from his poignant mind set as several people around him sprung into action, very much like the heroes that Calyrex had spoken about. [break][break]

Retreating his Gengar back to it's pokeball and letting his Alakazam take it's place, Aidan was ready to start helping out with the hands that inevitably appear from the hot springs but a voice rang from the Rocket comms. A voice he wasn't exactly familiar with but a voice that he'd listen to regardless. "Hey mud boy! Careful with the hands, yeah?" Aidan would say before turning back and heading towards the Circhester Stadium, his Alakazam following him. It had felt okay to leave them behind, everyone there looked capable enough.[break][break]

Making it to the Circhester Stadium just in time to witness a strange Togekiss attacking a blockade. "I heard the comms and came to help out." Aidan would say still unsure who exactly was the one taking the lead here but understanding that team effort was required. "As we break the blockage more hands are bound to start attacking us, I can take care of those as you clear our way?" Aidan would say looking towards , readying his Alakazam to attack at any sign of movement from the poison hands. "Hit em' with Psychic" He'd command his pokemon.[break][break]





  • Outfit: One Masky Boi
  • Chosen Place: Circhester
  • Reminisces about how close this all feels to a fairy tale.
  • Is inspired by those that jumped to action in the blink of an eye.
  • Switched his Gengar for a Alakazam.
  • Left and went towards Circhester Stadium as he was commanded.
  • Quickly offered help to fight the poison hands alongside Nomi as she tried to unclog a blockage (ATTEMPT TO UNCLOG THE POWER SPOT.)
  • (MAIN FOCUS) Making sure to attack and clear out any hands that tries to attack while she clears their path (ATTACK THE POISON HANDS)
  • Alakazam is told to use Psychic


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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 13:23:12 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
As he took in the sight of the grim city, the words of King Calyrex replayed in Callan's mind. The riddles would haunt him, he knew.

Being trapped in this toxic nightmare for the rest of his existence was not on his list of preferred outcomes.

Their newfound 'dominion', as bestowed by Calyrex, meant they were to assume leadership of the city's remaining inhabitants.

Callan turned to face his team just as Navidson started his scouting mission. Callan turns towards the councilwomen, and , "Kat, Penny, I'm going to have a look around as well." He addressed the councilwomen, briefly waves his phone, before heading out. "Let's keep in touch."

Callan navigated the grimy cityscape with determination etched on his face. Venturing northward, he sought the highest points where life had once throbbed through the city. Dilapidated structures rose around him, skeletal monuments of Motostoke's former glory.

An imposing structure stretched upwards, its weathered exterior housing the remnants of civilization – a Pokémon Center, a large hotel dubbed Budew Drop Inn, and a factory tucked between the two. This was their salvation, a starting point for survival.

The faces he encountered inside the building were more rags than flesh, expressions of desolation etched into their gaunt features. They wore remnants of clothing, ragged hempen and woolen scraps hanging off their frail forms. As he approached the figure who seemed to be in charge, his words rang out in the unnerving silence of the building. "We're here to help."

An echo of surprise rippled through the gathered crowd. Callan found himself studying their faces, trying to decipher the enigma that Calyrex had spoken of.

This was a dream, a nightmarish realm where they were the only real entities. Yet, these phantasmal peasants were the key to their survival. They were memories, after all, pictures from the blade.

What seemed to be the case, was that they needed to protect these residents, shield them from the toxic threats lurking outside.

He had witnessed them, the monstrous sludge hands that had tried to seize him as he journeyed through the city.

His Iron Valiant, Galahad, had dispatched several of these monstrous threats, but there were more – an army of poisonous nightmares waiting to engulf them.

"We need your help." His gaze met each of their eyes, an unspoken plea for unity echoing in his words. "We need to mobilize your efforts to help defend this city. How many of you can work?"

The response was slow, but it was a start. He grouped them, breaking them into smaller units based on their capabilities. Assigning tasks became a rhythmic pattern – salvage, ration, heavy lifting, construction, trainers, etcetera.

Callan strategized a tactical approach. They needed to construct barricades, solid fortifications to protect the city from the monstrous hands emerging from the sludge.

He envisioned three critical points — one towards the west, opening out to Motostoke's Route. A second to the east, the origin of the poisonous onslaught by the stadium; and the final checkpoint outside the train station, a problem area that Hoenn's new fledged gym leader, , seemed to have undertaken with the Spectrier from King Calyrex.

Callan requested a map from the locals, then drew upon it, sending it to the group.

"Here's a layout of Motostoke, from one of the civilians here." Callan sent, through their communications.

Callan rallied the inhabitants of Motostoke, guiding them in the construction of the barricades. With each passing moment, the barricades took shape, raw materials salvaged from the nearby factory by the Pokemon Center transformed into structures of defense. Callan summoned his Ninetales, using her powerful FREEZE DRY to bind the barricades, an icy reinforcement to the makeshift blockades into solid, singular structures.

Hopefully, the makeshift fortifications were enough, for now.

"Some updates." Callan typed into comms.

"A portion of the residents have been using a hotel as living quarter. An enormous amount of the sludge creatures seem to be coming fromn Motostoke Stadium in the Northeast.

I've FORTIFIED the sections around the northwest. It has a Pokemon Center, is nearby the hotel, has materials in a factory right next to it, and is at a high altitude so there's no issue with the poisoned water underneath.

I suggest we take this area for the time being. Here's an updated map."

"How are things on everyone else's end?"


+ Callan heads northwest.
+ Makes contact with the residents.
+ Callan finds a Pokemon Center and living quarters in nearby area.

+ Mobilizes the residents to construct barricades.
+ Uses Ninetales' FREEZE DRY to solidify the steel barricades into checkpoints.
+ Sends a map and updates it to the rest of the group for their reference.
+ Asks for the status of everyone else.

[googlefont=Playfair Display]


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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,148 posts
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 14:29:02 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar

So this Great King didn't know how things were in their universe. Summer knew that the possibility was there, but it still left her disappointed. Her mind began to wander for a moment. Her friends, her family... . Were they all safe in Hoenn? Did anyone realize that she was gone?[break][break]

Of course, she didn't realize that was on the same battlefield she stood on mere yards away.[break][break]

Her head jerked up. "Months? What do you mean, months?" Summer spat out. "We can't be stuck here forever!"[break][break]

The only way out was to bring ZACIAN back, and the only time they had was their lives? Fuck. Fuck! Summer glared at the CALYREX before storming off, not hearing any of the other questions it answered. There she sat, cooling her head until it was time to leave for Circhester.[break][break]


The Circhester Summer knew was beautiful and snowy. It was full of life and beauty, with children playing in the snow while adults enjoyed their time about in cafes or shopping. There was ash to replace the snow. The city itself looked like a corpse of itself. It made her stomach churn as she looked around, the citizens there appearing the complete opposite of how she remembered.[break][break]

With a small scoff, she stepped away, trying to figure out what to do first. Luckily, came into her comms to guide her. Listening, she nodded to herself before responding. "Copy. I'm on my way to meet you."[break][break]

Summer made quick strides to the bath, catching site of the Rocket scientist and her TOGEKISS there. The telltale signs of terastallization on the Pokemon glimmered in the dull light as she nodded to Nomi. "I'm here to assist."[break][break]

She released her ABSOL. "Frigg, charge FUTURE SIGHT. Attack the toxins when ready." With a small bark, her Pokemon began to focus her energy onto the toxins, building up her power before releasing the psychic energy to the toxic build up before them.

[attr="class","tag"] &



- contemplates the calyrex's answer: is safe?[break]
- doesn't realize is here[break]
- lands in circhester and is stunned by the change[break]
- copy that, [break]
- goes to unclog the power spot[break]
- ABSOL uses FUTURE SIGHT to attack the toxins clogging the power spot


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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 19:10:23 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

Shouts of questions demanding answers rang out from all directions. The Calyrex takes time to answer them all, or at least most. Maverick leans heavily on his massive six foot seven HOUNDOOM, feeling the ache from the previous attack. Despite the pain, the brunt scarred man listens to reach question and answer. His eyes widen when the king picked who should care of his horse, the man mentally sighing that he wasn’t picked. And as the king gave the council men an item, it seems the other thing to do now is pick a beam.[break][break]

Getting himself together, the burnt scarred man hobbled his way to the beam of choice. Azula emitted a low growl, uncomfortable with what has happened and what was going on. Maverick’s hand extended out to his canine, tapping her on the skull before he motioned for her to follow. She grunted, but did so. He took in a deep breath, stepping forward into the light and letting it do its magic.[break][break]

The teleportation didn’t hurt. In fact, the burnt scarred man felt nothing. Warm crimson colored orbs opened, taking back by their new surrounds. A prosperous city now abandoned, falling apart from years of neglect or from years of unpleasant wars. The houndoom by his side let out another series of grumbling growls, her body tense as her nostrils flared to scent out the area. Maverick reached out for her, his gaze still on their surrounds as he patted her shoulder blade. In the corner of his eye, he spots someone or something looking at him through broken windows. What has happened?[break][break]

Suddenly, hand like figures reach out from the thick toxic sludge. Maverick and Azula quick to back away from them as they reached out to grab them. Maverick pulled his shirt over his mouth and nose, the scent overpowering everything and anything. “Azula,” the man mumbled through his shirt, “You should return. Rest up. This poison can kill you.” At the mention of being recalled, the canine barred her teeth at him. Like hell she was going to be trapped in a ball when he himself, was still injured. He met her intense gaze, unwilling to back down. “Now.” He reached into his pocket, tapping the ball onto her. The canine grumbled, but did has he asked.[break][break]

With her put away for now, his attention turned to these strange manifestations. “I don’t have ground type with me,” the man spoke up, eying these hands, “But maybe Akaza will be less resistant to them.” Plucking out the SHADOW HISUI ARCANINE’s ball, the beast materialized within seconds. His dark gaze took in his surrounds, emitting a low growl. “Akaza, these things are terrorizing this place. Bite them with PSYCHIC FANG.” The canine’s muzzle parted, fangs encased int he pink energy. And as a hand reached out to grab them, teeth came crushing down on the hand. It let out a scream, shattering into pieces. One down, several more to go.[break][break]


[attr="class","bottom"]@teamzacian at route 120.[break]
maverick joins team hammerlocke. houndoom is recalled. shadow hisui arcanine is out. arcanine attacks the poison hands with psychic fang.[break]

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
541 posts
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 19:50:05 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar

The Calyrex addresses everyone it can in the time it has. Everything here is as real as memory. It doesn’t know a fucking thing about anything else. In fact, Kepler’s taught it something. “Oh,” he manages, as he and the Calyrex trade slightly mirrored wondrous looks; beneath the swell of pride he feels a pinch of irritation.
“Look, I know I’m the smartest guy in the room, but this isn’t the best time!” He squeaks, mind whirling, spinning, trying to piece together the clues.
He doesn’t know much about the Galar region but he’s studied anomalies all over the world-- generally, their effect on climate and weather patterns, but he has a basic grasp on Planet Altering Events and-- “When it emerged from the deep… skeleton… Galar... Calyrex, is the skeleton--,” but it’s too late, obviously, and he’s subsumed by the freaky teleportation beam and next thing he knows he’s fucking in the smoked out ruins (he assumes it didn’t always look like this) of Hammerlocke.
There’s so much to take in all at once that he starts to get overwhelmed with the information he expects his brain to parse. Somewhere up above, there’s a sun trying to beam down through clouds of smoke. The city smells rank, like a huge bonfire mixed with something acrid and bitter that makes Kepler cough into his arm.
“This is what they based Bloodborne off of, bet.”
Something grips at his ankles and he shrieks and jumps, pulling free from the grasping fingers-- but not for long, as more seem to crawl towards him, merging and conglomerating in a terrifying amalgam of fingers and palms. “Shit, shit, shit! What the fuck!” he scrabbles for his Pokemon belt, making an educated guess as the typage of these things (when in doubt, type advantage it out) and swaps Ahamkara for Pluto, the Beheeyem beeping comfortingly as she takes up a position behind him, shooting psybeams from around his body to blast at the demonic digits and send them splattering away.
“...I smell shenanigans,” he says, half-joking as he covers his mouth against the rank stench of poison, ash, and unwashed survivor. He begins to pick his way through the streets, looking for other people from his own time, Pluto blasting the hands as they emerge and lurch towards them.
“Operative Somnium reporting,” he queued over comms, triple-checking his bodycams and making sure everything was still running (he had to prise some gunk out of his right-side cams) “anyone have a fresh fucking idea what is going on?”


so many tags [break][break]


- tries to ask calyrex for more info about the skeleton before being bamfed away[break]
- arrives in yharnam hammerlocke. starts patrolling the streets, essentially. swaps gyarados for beheeyem
- beheeyem:
and by that i mean she starts attacking the shadow hands with psychic attacks



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing