i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,662 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 4:33:07 GMT
ollie morales Avatar



they have to protect the town. no matter what. [break][break]

his blaziken surges forward in his honor. with a fierce battle cry, he releases a flurry of devastating strikes, each one more ferocious than the last. in ollie’s hand, the MEGA STONE had given him glows with heat and fury, as his pokemon MEGA EVOLVES. [break][break]

ollie shouts valiantly out from behind , full of heart and determination, his eyes blazing green fire from beneath her cold flame. [break][break]

“don’t give up!” [break][break]

and they don’t. [break][break]

their foes fall, and the city cries out in relief and cheer. [break][break]

they win. [break][break]


they become heroes. [break][break]

ollie had never considered himself a hero. of course, he’d always wanted to be, but what boy didn’t? he’d grown up on the farm in pallet town, spent days in reading nooks listening to ma tell stories of knights and monsters and the glory of heroism. [break][break]

but when the townfolk surround them, thrusting makeshift crowns atop their heads, there is no denying it. they crown him king and @ penelope his queen. his hands close around hers before he lifts in into the air, grinning from cheek to cheek. [break][break]

“hail our king! hail our queen!” [break][break]

to protect MOTOSTOKE forever more. [break][break]

together, entrusted.

but do they trust each other?


he approaches her. [break][break]

it’s their makeshift throne room, the only building in the city that’s not yet in shambles. they might as well make the city a home as they wait to get back to their real home – at least that’s the way ollie thinks about it. [break][break]

“hey,” he says after they finish talking about the latest developments. [break][break]

working on healing injured pokemon, mobilizing the workforce to repair their defenses, even who’d quickly become an invaluable method of communication between cities. [break][break]

but when they’re done, he lingers. she doesn’t look up at him just yet, too engrossed in the scrolls they’ve just recovered, but sure enough it’s impossible to ignore his hovering. the way his eyes graze over hers, insistent, determined. [break][break]

“what is it, ollie?” her voices sounds exasperated. tired. a little like the councilwoman he remembered her as, and something different still. [break][break]

he pushes forward anyway. someone has to. [break][break]

“what - ” he starts, fingers fumbled around a scroll. “what are we, penny? i need to know.” [break][break]

she looks at him, then smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. [break][break]

“we’re friends, of course.” [break][break]

friends. [break][break]

“of course,” he says, a bit numbly, smiling back. his don’t reach his eyes either.



TO : [break][break]

it’s hard. we work together all the time, but i never know what she’s thinking. i can’t tell! you’d think things would be easier now since we’re both ‘royalty’ together, but it’s just. it’s so hard. [break][break]

i’m not smart enough for this. [break][break]

i want to run.


but he doesn’t leave. he persists. he has to. the town people are relying on him, and he’s their king. [break][break]

ollie takes the job as seriously as he can, quickly taking over the mantle of the same charming, charismatic prince that had graced the town in the early days. he’s everyone’s king, chatting alongside them and addressing the petty squabbles that arise. every day, he brings freshly baked bread to the square as everyone works together to combine their efforts to restore the town. [break][break]

they hope. [break]
they hope against hope. [break]
but each passing day begins to wear them away still. [break][break]

quickly claims title to the royal advisor, and their staunchest ally. ollie has always liked him, and his usefulness in rebuilding the town’s militia is indisputable. but even as close as they are, ollie can only rely on him for so much. there’s no , there’s no to spill his worries to. his concerns. [break][break]

no . no . [break][break]

he misses his friends sorely. [break][break]

he finds friendship in an unlikely source. not , but his sobble jonesy. there’s just something warm and welcoming about those blue, oceanic eyes. the they remind him just enough of for him to open up a bit. [break][break]

“it’s okay,” he tells jonesy, placing a hand over the sobble’s head with a smile. “i can do this. i told her i’d be by her side no matter what - and i meant it.” [break][break]


TO : [break][break]

i miss you. how’s ro? how’s bo? you guys doing okay? [break][break]

send some pies to sometime - i know he never remembers to eat. [break][break]

told us more of her theories. you know, she’s wicked smart? ’s here too - maybe rocket’s not as scary as you thought. [break][break]

i wish you were here. [break][break]

you’d put my head on straight. [break][break]

love, [break]


he tries to get over it. [break][break]

they’re friends, he tells himself, so he ends up spending time with his other friends. forging bonds both new and old. [break][break]

when approaches and says she’s found some injured, abandoned pokemon and wants to start up PROJECT HOME again - here - he obliges. he’s the king, of course he has to help. and as a ranger captain, bonding with pokemon has always been his strong suit. [break][break]

rumors float - the famous popstar and beloved . it seems an obvious choice as any. even though both deny both claims, laughing it away, saying that they’re just friends. but the way that ollie smiles at her, and the way that she blushes, seems to speak of something more. [break][break]

townfolk whisper. [break][break]

some say they spotted the two walking along the city’s bridge, standing on the border outside. holding hands, kissing, spinning her in the air until her laughter trickles through motostoke like a song. [break][break]

hope, they say, it’s what they need. [break][break]


not what they deserve. [break][break]


“mels, i can’t,” he says, shaking his head. “you’re too good for me.” [break][break]

“good?” she repeats. good? what does that mean?” [break][break]

the king’s eyes are somber. [break][break]

“i’m sorry.”


he just loves her too much.


his feelings don’t fade. [break][break]

in fact, like a low-burning fire, they endure over time. [break][break]

no matter how distant penny was acting, he stayed by her side no matter what. as king and queen, they worked together closely and often. it was only a matter of time before they fell into routine like they had before. [break][break]

he never brought it up again, the idea of them, but he’d never given it up on him either. it was impossible not to, when it came to them. [break][break]

they spend a lot of time together, just because of work, but also because they fall into a routine. it becomes normal for the two to be seen side-by-side in public, either solving disputes or discussing politics or working on the defenses alongside and the others. [break][break]

but they spend time together behind closed doors too. [break][break]

strategy meetings turn into long nights as the pour over the scroll that calyrex had given them. there’s no end in sight, it seems, no matter how hard their scientists work to find a way back to the present. but ollie keeps her hopeful, and she keeps him practical, and together they bring their kingdom back together. [break][break]


and slowly but surely, overtime, they grow back together. [break][break]

the light returns to penny’s eyes, like it has before. ollie doesn’t know why but it’s like the old penny returns to him. [break][break]

he can’t quite explain how it happens either. one of them realize that they can’t just rely on their scientists to unveil the prophecy, so they start to do it together. spending late nights in the royal library, together they pour over the reports from their scientists, from the adventurers outside, to the prophecy itself. a secret, a clue, anything they can get their hands on. [break][break]

temporary become permanent, and they realize that it may be a while before they can ever return home. the idea of home shifts too - from hoenn, to motostoke, to the throne that they share together. [break][break]


“i have to go. i’m an avatar, ollie!” [break][break]

they discover dynite ore and the importance for their ability to dynamax. however, venturing into the power spot was a dangerous thing indeed - fraught with disaster and death. they agreed that they would send their strongest soldiers into the cavern, the ones that could defend against dynamax or gigantamax pokemon without worry. [break][break]

but then penny said she wanted to go. penny said she had to. [break][break]

they glare at each other until she wins. the sun gives into the moon; he grabs their pokebelts.[break][break]

“okay,” he says, reaching for her hand. “but together.” [break][break]


summer turns to winter turns to spring. [break][break]

they spend more and more time together, until they are practically inseparable. wherever the queen goes, her lionheart follows. [break][break]

some say they can catch the king and queen late at night in the library, long after everyone has fallen asleep. work, they say when asked, and it is. but it is also something more, something that has already burned for the two of them, long before they were sucked up into that sword.

one of the royal staff mention witnessing them dancing in the library late at night. but there’s no music. there’s no anything - just the sound of laughter and joy as ollie spins penny like he used to when they were dating. [break][break]

together, they forget. they forget about hoenn, about the war, about the problems that plague them. [break][break]

in those moments, there is no one else. it’s only them — spinning, entwined, infinite. [break][break]


hey ollie? [break][break]

mm? [break][break]

kiss me. [break][break]


he kisses her. [break][break]

she looks at him, full of daring, and it stokes a fire in his chest. he pushes her against a bookshelf and kisses her like his life depends on it. [break][break]

it’s full of fire and heartbreak; he pushes all his feelings into the kiss from the past year, from the past decade of their lives. he’s loved her, he’s always loved her, and he wants her to know it. [break][break]

and maybe, from the way she kisses him back, he knows she loves him too.




“marry me.” [break][break]

“what?” she laughs, turning around, only to find himself kneeling on the floor before her. In front of everyone. In front of the guard, their advisors, and even the townsfolk. “we’re already royalty.” [break][break]

“so? marry me anyways,” he says, lips twisted into a smile. In his hands, a brilliant diamond ring, and her heart surges. [break][break]

“of course. of course i’ll marry you, ollie.” [break][break]

grinning, he leaps up and slides the ring into her finger. he pulls her up and swings her around, laughing, as the crowd cheers.


they wed in celebration. [break][break]

surely, MOTOSTOKE starts to be renown as the city of love, as the king and queen’s feelings for each other finally reach it’s pinnacle. [break][break]

long over his feelings about , ollie asks the former ranger to be his best man. is ’s closest confidant and maid of honor, so that’s no surprise. [break][break]

jonesy’s the ring bearer. [break][break]


he dances with in the reception, reminded of the night they’d spent together, sharing drinks and secrets. [break][break]

she was like - she’d seen in long before he had. [break][break]

she’d have to be heartless to keep a grudge against you. [break][break]

no one could hate you, ollie. [break][break]

“thank you,” ollie whispers, pressing a grateful kiss against her cheek.


when he takes his wife’s hand in his, headed back to the dance floor, his gaze glance over at . [break][break]

spins her in a twirl, drawing a trickle of laughter from his throat, and ollie smiles. [break][break]

her eyes catch his too - [break][break]

and she smiles back. [break][break]


his letters to don’t stop. they never really did. [break][break]

but now they’re more hopeful. happier, even. [break][break]

he talks about him and penny, talks about their wedding and then later, their kids. two of them. a daughter named evelyn, after , and a son named caleb. [break][break]

eve and cal. [break][break]

the lights of his life. [break][break]

he could only wished caleb would be here to see it.



necrozoma arrives. [break][break]

but they’re ready. and have strengthened their defenses, having spent the better part of the decade preparing for the unnatural beasts that climbed out of the power spot. [break][break]

he and stand side by side, ready to face this threat together. to protect their home, their people, and their family. [break][break]


“is this it?” ollie looks up to see the friendly face of jonesy and his trainer walking towards them. but was more than a trainer. he was the royal blacksmith and weapon forger. he was a friend. [break][break]

handed over to him is a beautiful bow, much more ornate than his usual one. but what drew ollie’s attention to it was the shimmering forest-green orb that sat in it’s center, powering the black metals that were flecked around the weapon’s bronze. in some light it looked ethereal and wooden. [break][break]

the magnificent visage of a staraptor was curved around the face of it, and resolute black crystals served at it’s eyes - [break][break]

his heart squeezed. [break][break]

it was tabs. tabasco, the staraptor that he’d lost at mt. pyre. [break][break]

he looked to his friend, and grinned wide. [break][break]

“it’s perfect.”






• MOTOSTOKE (w/ ) [break][break]
• apologize shiverly for the most indulgent piece of fiction i've written ever (pt 1) [break][break]
• PELLIE FOREVER — they become king and queen, fall in love, have two kids named after and . [break][break]
• as king, ollie becomes "king of the people" - is charismatic, charming, and all around lovable. [break][break]
• works alongside many others, with as his military advisor, for science, the blacksmith and jonesy his bffl. [break][break]



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december 21st
wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
223 posts
Cain Toman DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 5:52:56 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar

though the sheen of poison still plagued the cityscape, the conflict—by glance, at the very least—seemed to finally subside. the chaos of it all had initially left him with fleeting footing beneath him as the beast owned by his superior had been struck, leaving him at the mercy of gravity for several, panicked moments before his golurk returned from her crusade, immediately catching him before jetting back down to the earth.[break][break]

with blood boiling amidst stress and adrenaline, alike, he cast a glare among the ravaged state of the area with a touch of the selfsame impatience and the like that so often plagued his demeanor. low, softened murmurs escaped the his lips from beneath the fabric of the mask he wore before he turned his attention towards the corpse of the selfsame bird that was felled—[break][break]

and, by extension, the one that had arisen from its metaphorical ashes.[break][break]

his brows furrowed in confusion and skepticism, alike, as it bounded towards him so eagerly, the trills leaving it sounding clear within his ears as it approached him. the expression upon his face further contorted as it only seemed intent with garnering contact, nudging his leg no matter how many times he attempted to kick it back, even if gently.[break][break]

eventually, he breathed a slow, heavy sigh while peeling the hat atop his head off while closing his eyes.[break][break]

fuck me, man.[break][break]


more time than he would've preferred.[break]
far more time than he would've preferred.[break][break]

from galar he hailed, and to galar he returned. truthfully speaking, it only turned out to be the most begrudged of ironies, yet as the time passed on, the more he realized that the reality of returning to all that he'd built from tooth and claw had likely been nothing more than a fever dream— perhaps even one as feverish as the selfsame one he'd found himself within. within the beginning days, he found himself idling towards the outliers of the society the lot of the newfound motostoke population had found themselves within.[break][break]

royalty was crowned.[break]
defenses were further fortified.[break]
even those previously allied and hostile seemed to make ends meet.[break][break]

little interest in the lot of it all at first, if not at a complete loss towards it. for all he cared, they could all cater and boast to the masses of the shadows of their former lives— the power influence that came with it all. there were roles to play in the new society, and as far as he was concerned, he'd always vied for a spotlight that strayed from its own glory.[break][break]

so he did what he did best:[break]

days of scouring the familiar-yet-not bounds of the city, whether near or far. days of surveying the local fauna and beasts, though not without concern for his own wellbeing. amidst the scent of blood had been where he found himself most comfortable, so he idled himself within it commonly; many catches being the fruits of his labor between trips to and from the city walls. at some point, there seemed to be someone— —attempting to round up the locale in an attempt to gain a proper sense of rationing and resources.[break][break]

a fine opportunity to gain a proper, steady footing.[break][break]

one he embraced eagerly with open arms for an elongated spell or so, all before word of the selfsame guard he'd heard of made further rounds. unsurprising, clearly, given that any kingdom was nothing without its defenses, just as any place back home—the modern time—was nothing without their legions to defend them. an opportunity to fight, simple and clean.[break][break]

so if fighters were what and his masses needed, then a fighter they would have— and even more he would ensure they'd procure.[break]
better to keep himself in practice, rather than rot away with the state of the world.[break][break]

(v - x.)

and so the years continued on.[break][break]

military. resources. the balance between both had been struck as well as possible, yet in the end, it had been the former that pushed for more and more of his attention with the prophecies and other issues that had arisen as swiftly as they were quelled; beasts of burden emerging from whatever crevices they could slither from to be singed by the light of day. in the light of it all, however, he was there.[break][break]

...for once, needed.[break][break]

it was an odd feeling, to say the least. from rags to riches, then vice versa, then vice versa of that vice versa, once more. to be handed nothing and greedily have taken everything, only to have the reverse become his reality within the years that passed in his warped home... to have a sense of purpose aside from survival was awe-inspiring to him. to have a reason to fight for a people, and to defend those of whom he'd originally seen to be stuck with.[break][break]

...all for survival.[break]
all for unity.[break][break]

a change. a change, a change, a change— and one that, in the grand scheme of things, he realized had been something he'd never quite experienced, yet never quite rejected as it finally revealed itself to him. to be a beast so eager to sink his claws within the flesh of the monster called life had been nothing short of rewarding and riveting in years long passed— yet to be a beast so eager to brandish his claws for those of like minds and struggles had been another circumstance, entirely.[break][break]

and so he found himself in the face of prophecy.[break][break]

scarred plentiful, and scarred proud, he readied himself and the forces meant for necrozma alongside the man he'd approached so long ago by then— and by plume's side of the selfsame bird—nemain—that deemed him its caretaker with little care for opinions, as well. the fight had been fought, tried and true. battles upon battles, and yet they still stood tall.[break][break]

and from within their ashes had there been a trophy borne upon his being, not too long after; a glistening set of gauntlets as deep as the very night that threatened them so easily within those trying times. it shone within the light so brilliantly upon his form, and even more so as he familiarized himself with them amidst their flourishes and flames made manifest, lashing so vibrantly before forming into an emblazoned sword.[break][break]

a bitter blade, turned just a little less bitter over the years.[break][break]


  • The Drip(tm) is officially abandoned
  • smoker is his timeskip look
  • g!zapdos is begrudgingly fondly named nemain
  • year one: basically doing his own shit before helping with resources + hunting, and soon after that, militaristic bolstering.
  • years five through ten: becomes more involved with the military + guard. look at him, having a Development Arc(tm). love that for him.
  • crafted weapon: a pair of armored gauntlets (bitter blade)

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedsword

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,621 posts
part of
TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 6:13:12 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
Just one more time before I go...

Time passes them over after their victory, but with it comes a lull in the pace of their displacement here. Peace finds them for a time, allowing others to be crowned as kings, lavished and praised for their deeds, while elsewhere the struggle continues. Adrian finds it especially disheartening that CALYREX does not make a third return—namely for the sake that such an auspicious would, one might hope, herald their return to Hoenn proper. But no such release existed.[break][break]

With little recourse, Adrian settles in with those closest to him, finding himself pleasantly surprised when takes the first step towards a proposal that was a long time coming. With this development came a fresh wave of complacency with this little life they had now eked out for themselves. One might think they had, even for the little hiccups, found peace for themselves.[break][break]

And yet while they had found in each other a lasting sanctuary, he would be forever plagued by thoughts of home, and of the things lost to time...[break][break]


tags ADRIAN manages to adapt for the short term of ONE YEAR, spending a much needed respite with family and loved ones. But within TEN YEARS he quickly finds himself tired of fighting, drained of his usual charisma after years spent without what were once essential amenities or access to modern commodities. ADRIAN keeps a piece of jagged BLACK CRYSTAL (KNOCK OFF) as an impromptu shiv.[break]


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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 6:58:51 GMT
a short lived victory is still just that, victory. derek finds time to rest on his laurels, and though catastrophe is easy to come by in this place... motostoke still stands.


yet one conflict after another puts manpower and resources at stake. derek, suffering from idle hands and idle mind, learns to melt down and work metals into a useful shape. over time, and time was something they had plenty of, he would become something of a master at his forge in motostoke.


there isn't much to do with time off in this place. training his pokemon is moot, as the only test of strength they need is the next incursion of pokemon rising from the sludge. it's penelope who occupies derek when he isn't working hard at his forge. they reminisce. speak the inner truths of what this place has robbed them of. their lives. but they also spoke of what it has promised...

none of it compares to when they kissed. derek doesn't know how or why it came to pass. if feared she might lose a friend to this place. perhaps it was just a token, or some kind of gesture. but there is far worse for him to worry about than what that kiss meant.


necrozma. this fabled black knight has been fended off before. and with great casualties, once more. all the cities rejoice, placing crown on king and queen. but no crown for him. nor queen. instead it is who is given penelope's hand, and his honor is to be the best man. there are many feelings to process. so much time spent in this place. derek feigned joy and stood there with a smile like he always did. but he is not happy in this place. it's hard to be, even if jonesy was still around to raise his spirits.

much time is spent gathering resources. ventures into the power spot and elsewhere. all the while derek is unsure of what to make of himself. he stook his claim in every gamble with nothing to show for it but a steelix that could no longer fight. poisoned, even though it should have been immune. it's almost insulting. motostoke may not have given derek a crown, but now he could make one for himself. fixed upon his creation was a pronged pommel, resembling that of a crown. only his would be worn at the hip, a symbol made in secret.


derek struggles coming to terms with this new life.
derek spends time with penny, the brief moment they shared giving him hope where none should exist.
occupies himself by learning how to smith weapons/etc with this story's potent minerals, and by gathering some black metal, dynite ore(?), etc from the power spot and elsewhere.
forges a weapon capable of casting water pledge.
he is the best man at penny and ollie's wedding. fought back any urge to object, mostly unwilling to ruin jonesy's day as the ringbearer. also it's a bad look for someone chosen to be the best man...
bottles up any of the inner envy/jealousy & hate he feels, but they are there.


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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,611 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 7:00:29 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]

With the war seemingly won Razz breaths a sigh of relief as he thanks Reshiram for their work before they come to land down. Once the dust is settled and done it feels loud as the civilians cheer. The young man first happy to help before suddenly they start kneeling to both him and , seeming to praise them both for their aide. When given a makeshift crown Razz wants to say no, but as it was these people seemed to have so little. That this all seemed like a way to give them hope and leadership in a time when they had none and Razz couldn't find it in his heart to refuse. [break][break]

Couldn't be that much different than his current job right? [break][break]


Turns out while there were some similarities it was definitely not the same. The first month feeling hard as it seemed had suffered medical issues during the first battle. She didn't share what and he didn't want to pry, it was about focusing on trying to keep this place up float for now until they could find a way back. Something that didn't seem too likely when Calyrex seemed to give a warning that all of this wasn't over just yet. [break][break]

Something made clear as like clockwork attacks kept coming and going and each time they had to work together in order to protect the city. Razz realizing early on this felt more like a war ground than anything else. Wondering if falling back on old traditions were the way to go. And while he had no family back home to really worry about there were his pokemon that he wished he had time to think about as the new 'king' he felt he didn't have time to really think about it. Too much to take into account with others coming to him and Summer for information and organization of what they should do. Thankfully he fell on the more logical side of things but more often than not the pressure took it's toll. [break][break]

His biggest saving grace being his dinners with and , where he made sure to often bring along, as his only real place to relax. Even if the older woman would tease him on his new title. Though with how close he had been getting with others as well as the time used bonding with Reshiram he finally found it safe to come out with his real name to them as well as his old background. For the first time in a long time finding the truth almost freeing despite their poisonous cage. [break][break]

Though this definitely didn't stop the stress from slowly turning his hair white way too young. [break][break]


As time had gone on Raziel has slowly gotten used to working with in being in charge of matters. Raziel often using some spare time to help train any from Hoenn who wanted it, or civilians who chose to follow. The young man using all the survival tips he has learned in war in Kanto, as well as his time as a Ranger to help others learn ways to defend themselves in the Raids that came by. [break][break]

He isn't sure in the end if all that training helped when it came to Necrozma coming to their land. Raziel trying to used the previous times he encountered the creature in Hoenn in order to fight back. Sure some were lost but thankfully those he has learned to come close to kept on going. Raziel making sure to be a sturdy stone in a time of hardship before the new BLACK METAL is found. Using old knowledge he would help any who wanted help with design, though he limited his interaction with it as it had seemed wanted to take charge there. Probably for the best as he still had to spread himself thin as the whole city was prepping for the next attack. The king using his time between tinkering with his own weapon as well as checking in with the others to make sure everything was running smoothly with their defenses and more. [break][break]

His last stop being that of to check in with any possible medical treatments that were being worked on. He gives a small chuckle as well as a roll of his eyes, which he had finally become comfortable enough with his scar to allow it to be out in the open. "Haha very funny," he muses as he walks up next to her, huffing as he clearly wasn't amused by her new grown smoking habit. The king taking it out of her hand before exploding the small cigarette within his hand with Reshiram's blessing. "These are bad for you, if you're going to smoke at least use one of mine, I'd offer it now but Salem hates it," he goes on as he looks to the older cat who still hangs on the King's shoulder even after all these years. The meowstic giving a 'disgusted' face as he sticks his tongue out at both of them. [break][break]

As she shows off her medkit Razz taps the now reenforced crown, "Figured if the people want me to keep wearing it after all these years might as well make it for more than just show"


[break]+ Sygna Suit
[break]+ In CIRCHESTER
[break]+ Has come clean about his first name and past to those close to him.
[break]+ Reverted back into old habits that allowed him to survive the War in Kanto, and teaching his survival and combat Knowledge to both Civilians and those from Hoenn (should they want it).
[break]+ Tries adjusting to the whole 'King' thing as he would try to be a rock for others despite his own feelings.
[break]+ Razz reenforces the makeshift CROWN he was given in order to be able to use PSYCHIC.



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Adel or Della
February 21
Ballonlea City
18 height
18 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @adelaide
Adelaide Whiteley
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 10:29:47 GMT
Adelaide Whiteley Avatar

[attr="class","header"]The Huntress Is On The Prowl...


Adelaide could watch as her luxray took a serious blow from the Galarian zapdos. She knew the feline was serious as she returned her to her pokeball. However that was she had gotten from drawing the ire of a legendary pokemon. [break][break] It didn't take too long eventually for the fight to stop. The glory bestow onto those of this fake Galar didn't really matter to her as would to most. She know free to rest for a moment in time and enjoy the peace.[break][break]

Adelaide would grow in the years to come taking up her knightly duties. Something she didn't really get the change in her old life. Before she hated and even despite however now she thought of it as the best to serve Galar. As the year went by she almost grew up become an radiant woman. Able to put a smile onto just about anymore face. There were times she offer marriage however she could be taken away from her duty. Her heart would dream of true love that could never seem to find. However she showered her friends with love only a good friend could.  

[break][break] Adelaide was a close penpal to  . She knew he was going through dark times. If she travel over there and aid in suffering she would but with the poison and politics. There was nothing else she could about. The woman almost took time to tone her skills for the day they were needed and that make when necrozma  attack. Her heart for lives lost however in the end the legendary they were able find a away and make weapons to fight for the fight. Her owe weapons was bow with the able to normal arrow into Misty Explosion. She pray she will never to use it but before she doesn't shake the feeling of dark time ahead. [break][break] 

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TR! DL![break]Adelaide lived her life rather content after the battle. She became knight keep in touch with a few good friends. She would later gain a weapon then being a bow with the power of making arrow into misty explosion.[break]B1dQd_34



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January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
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TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 12:56:46 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]The Charizard collapses with a roar. Soon enough, the army disappears with it. The air around him is stifling in its silence. Only the pounding of his heart and sharp blade of his shame are palpable. Then, all at once, the sensations rush back in. His sister is burrowing into his arm and thanking him. She says something about he gave her courage.

What a bunch of bologna.

He’d be on the other side of the wall if she hadn’t been up there. There was nothing to be proud of. He didn’t do anything important. No. Biscotti Kingsley was put to the chest and he failed. He didn’t draw Excalibur from the stone; he’d cut his hand on its blade. But he couldn’t find the words to correct his sister. None of them felt right. Telling her Santa was fake was one thing, but shattering a straw totem she seemed to desperately need? “Yeah. Heroic. That’s me.”

Then, someone’s applauding. A few people bow. Biscotti’s cheeks color in response. He even goes as far as to bow back, drawing bug-eyed stares from a few of the peasants. Old ladies press their lips to his cheek and mutter thanks in rushed antiquated English. It all happens so fast. And, when he collapses into his hastily constructed cot, it’s with the weight of questions and an undeserved mantle.

The moon is full.

One Month Later

Biscotti has the ruins of the bakery in decent shape. Or, to be accurate, they have it in decent shape. The townspeople’s willingness to help is enough to keep up the rain. Pretty soon, the smell of fresh baked goods fills the street. As time goes on, the fanciful cupcakes become serviceable bread. No point in drawing silly things in frosting when the world was ending.

When done working for the day, he paces the streets, amazed by how small Motostoke suddenly feels. Surprisingly, is a regular visitor to the bakery. As time passed, his nerves around her began to calm.

She becomes just another Kingsley. A friend he feels he can rely on.

He helps out where he can. Pushing an old woman in a wheelchair there. Using his eldest sister’s love of soap making and camp showers to stop them from smelling like spoiled onions. But, as the other “royals” find their groove, he still feels out of place. Like a Vullaby stuck in a Taillow’s nest.

When the full moon appears again, it suddenly feels so real. Tears sprang unbidden to his eyes as he shatters. He wonders what his family is thinking about at home. How long it will be before he sees them again?

A Year Later

His ability to walk off injuries earns him the title Revenant King. But, no matter how many times war comes, it still churns his stomach.

Sometimes, he takes breaks to do silly things. Play kick the can with kids in the alley. Put on a stupid shadow puppet show in the square—something he definitely didn’t have the dexterity for. With all these competent people around, he doesn’t see a reason to go all out. Until speaks up.

“Biscotti, they look up to you. You need to take this seriously.” The princess’s words cut him to the bone. She was right. That stuff didn’t matter.

He tried so hard to be the king he saw around him. To imitate the prim and proper bearing of the other royals. A dour figure who had no time to play. He regularly attended weapons training with @thomas. His lanky build quickly shifted to something muscular. Dark armor was crafted for him, making him feel like a child in dress-up. And the only time he enjoyed it was when the helmet fell too low, blinding him. It made the kids laugh.

Tears fell from his shadowed helm on the eve of his first battle. Beneath him, an Incineroar was twisted in pain. Poison had eaten through its skin, leaving its jaw exposed in a nasty, macabre grin. Next to that, a little shoe jutted out. The owner was unrecognizable, its body marred by fiery scratches.

Whispers rippled through the crowd. He was studded with wounds. A shard of rock jutted through his shoulder. They called him a zombie. Some shrunk back. But, again and again, he stood back up. The townspeople asked what they should do. Turned to him for advice.

The helm dropped to the ground. He wasn’t cut out to be king. But—when he tripped over his cape—laughter erupted. As he lifted his eyes, he found dour, worried faces peering back at him. Biscotti wiped his tears away and smiled. Even as his insides wept, he forced himself to grin. He stuck his tongue out.

A child laughs. For the first time in months, his heart stirs. Suddenly, he isn’t some distant, frightening figure. He’s just another dork willing to lend a hand. This is what he was here for.

Every court needed a jester.

Five Years Later

What scraps weren’t repurposed in weapons or defenses became Biscotti’s domain. A thousand scars dot his hands from a thousand lessons learned. From a carpentry novice, he becomes competent at turning scraps into something useful. First, there’s a set of swings built from deceased Pokemon hides and twisted pieces of metal.

A slide and small series of ramps follow. He also manages to coax some creativity out of the townspeople. Once a month, they gather in the square for a talent show. It’s at one of these that he meets the Galarian peasant girl with spring-green eyes and curly hair. She always hides her laugh behind her hands, as if embarrassed the world would see.

When he finishes the golf course, she’s holding his hand. Biscotti wondered how long it’d take for him to ask her name. Gods, he sucked at those.

Gone is the Revenant King. Now, he's the King of Smiles.

Ten Years Later

Necrozma came back. He creamed them. The city was left in ruins. And, just like that, his wife is gone. There'd be no more bleating laughs to warm up the dinner table.

He'd never get to anticipate the child he never knew was coming.

Even clowns  cried sometimes.

STELLA: This spear was crafted in memory of Biscotti’s wife. It shares her name. As her death was the result of his inaccuracy—a centimeter awry in a vital battle, it is imbued with a move that cannot miss: Swift. When lifted, this spear summons a swirl of sharp bits of light that always hit the enemy where intended (unless they’re immune). What these attacks lack in power, they make up in spread and interruption. The spear has a star-shaped cross guard and a garishly painted hilt.
But, for them, he smiled.


  • Gets put through the combat wringer by @thomas
  • Becomes close friends with Elise
  • Tries to be a serious, no-nonsense king for a while, becoming the 'Revenant King'. Finds it takes a toll on his soul.
  • Looks like a patchwork quilt of injuries by the time they're done
  • Marries a silly young girl who hates laughing because she bleats like a sheep
  • Starts focusing on entertainment, organizing theater shows and building things like ice rinks and miniature golf courses
  • His wife dies in the Necrozma attack. His heart breaks.
  • The townspeople craft him Stella, a spear embued with Swift.



[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #D7262B; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aaron faust DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @aaron
aaron faust
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 16:42:24 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
becoming exalted among those in ballonlea doesn't change aaron that much. maybe more annoying — especially to people like — but otherwise still boyish, immature, not quite befitting the spot beside a professional like . still, he skirts by with his charm like he always does, winning the hearts of the people and, at some point, the white-haired woman spearheading their rule.

he doesn't really start growing up until their first child is born. holding them in his arms, feeling his throat get tight as the desire to call and tell her he finally did something with his life comes over him. even as hoenn fades into a dreamlike memory as the years go by, he doesn't stop thinking about her. he does better for her and for illeana and for, most importantly, their kid.

in the tenth year, illeana asks him to leave her to her research. the writing has been on the wall for a long time, but he's been trying to ignore the signs. there's hurt in his face, then a reproachful acceptance of their crumbling relationship. there's a city to run and three kids to raise, so he has little energy to argue her decision. he doesn't really understand her desire to return home when life is so good here, but he hopes she finds whatever she needs to.

in the wake of the necrozma attack, he has the black metal fragments melted into a sword imbued with the ability to discharge lightning with each swing. for the first time in too many years, his smile is a lopsided, boyish smirk as he throws his weight into it and watches electricity crackle along its blade.

[break]+ location: ballonlea
[break]+ aareana 🤴🏻♥️👸👶👶👶💔😭🌌
[break]+ makes poggers discharge sword
[break]+ mobile post I'm sorry

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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castelia city, unova
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TAG WITH @athena
athena oswald
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 19:06:53 GMT
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"Ah, fuck."[break][break]

It's the last thing Athena manages to say before the Zapdos plucks up her and her mount and tosses them into the barricade like ragdolls.[break][break]

By the time they come to the battle is already over. She curses as she picks herself up and recalls her Stoutland, head still aching and body sore. The townspeople are celebrating all around them, which means they must have won, but that brings her no comfort. Personally, she had failed.[break][break]

Roving eyes spot , who had looked ready to piss himself the last time she saw him, being crowned king. Her eyes roll, then narrow. Why the people would choose such a milquetoast nothing as their ruler makes no sense.[break][break]


The walls of Hammerlocke are already beginning to feel like a cage.[break][break]

Athena ventures outside as often as they're able, but it's perilous work every time. Still, she persists. Always looking for a way out, always trying to strenghten herself and her team. Always pushing herself to the brink and beyond, never satisfied with the modicums of progress that come about.[break][break]

Her humiliating defeat at Zapdos' beak fuels her. For a self proclaimed god killer to have fallen so easily is endlessly embarrassing. Athena vows to never allow it to happen again


It becomes clear that they're never going to make it out of here.[break][break]

With this begrudging realization comes eventual acceptance. And with it, routine. What had started as mere survival slowly becomes a life, a home. A year isn't enough to dampen her memories of Unova, but they begin to feel more distant— almost wistful. Like a far-off place only visited in dreams, if she's so lucky.[break][break]

Athena's favorite haunt becomes the Hammerlocke stadium. At first it's to keep an eye on the power spots. Then, it becomes a place to train. Eventually, it becomes more of a home than anywhere else in Hammerlocke.[break][break]

She begins to host little competitions— bracket battles for anyone itching for a spar. Eventually, however, she begins to draw in other townspeople. Those who want to learn to battle with Pokemon, either for sport or to help defend the city. And little by little, the stadium transforms into a proper gym.[break][break]

Athena is a social creature by heart, however, and even constant battling isn't enough to satiate them. They find themselves craving companionship and, eventually, the warmth of another's bed.[break][break]

In an ironic twist of events, that bed happens to belong to more often than not. Their relationship is contentious, but they do say that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. It's enough to keep Athena entertained, at least, and she prefers things this way. No strings.[break][break]

Perhaps it's because, even though it seems unlikely, they still believe that they'll one day be able to escape.[break][break]


The Gym Leader of Hammerlocke Stadium is renowned around the city and other settlements for her battling prowess. Ten long years have refined raw talent into devastating skill, sharpened into a point.[break][break]

They train the youth in Hammerlocke to battle and test their might against those that had come here with them in rousing matches that attract large crowds. It's good for the city to find respite in the sport, and it keeps them sharp when outside threats attack.[break][break]

Dynamaxed Pokemon that emerge from the power spot are quickly and decisively dealt with by the gym's leader and the rest of the city guard. But despite being a fanatic for Pokemon battles, they fight alongside their team with just as much gusto, taking down the sludge-ridden enemies with precise and powerful blows.[break][break]

This dedication, and their similar lines of work, lead her to forming a close relationship with and , the latter of which sends his daughter into their care.[break][break]

Her name is also Athena, and her namesake immediately takes her under their wing.[break][break]

And then Necrozma comes.[break][break]

Athena is among the first to defend her city against so great a threat. And this time, she doesn't go down easily. But although determined to slay the legendary, their desires do not come to pass. However, the creature grants her another opportunity when it finally departs.[break][break]

Forging and artistry isn't really part of the gym leader's expansive skillset. But they're rather proud of the weapon they mangage to forge from the black armor left behind. Their style of fighting is up close and personaly, so it only makes sense for them to develop brass knuckles capable of delivering a devastating close combat to anyone that tries to fuck with her.[break][break]

Their relationship with continues, though it remains tenuous at best. At least it gives her a place to spend the nights, for even when she pushes past thirty Athena has no desire to settle down. Often she wonders why the royal hasn't married and produced himself an heir but frankly, she doesn't care.[break][break]

Things are good, and though this isn't the life she ever would have envisioned for herself, it isn't terrible.




in hammerlocke. eventually takes over the hammerlocke stadium and turns it into a pseudo gym, hosting competitions and jousts and other sporting events. after a while, accepts the responsibility of naming herself a gym leader and regularly helps lead the efforts to protect hammerlocke.[break]
becomes frenemies with benefits with @remiel. occasionally it seems that their relationship might develop into something more, but they argue too much for it to be healthy.[break]
develops brass knuckles that can use close combat


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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2023 0:00:51 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
SELENA'S MAKES A SPEEDY DESCENT INTERVENED BY PODARGE'S ASSISTANCE who helps her glide through the long, deep tunnel. Selena can still hear the noise from the arena until everything is silent: what remains is the deafening silence and the faint light of magenta coming from below.

Upon closer inspection, the flooring looks like a mushy surface that mimics... an organ? A heart, perhaps? Is this our way out? Selena wastes no time mulling over the possibilities and begins hitting it with the injured Flutter Mane's remaining STORED POWER.

What comes out, however, is more poisonous sludge creeping towards every living thing that forces her way out of the tunnel. Recalling Podarge and shifting to Akhys, the Naganadel provides a reliable ride upwards.

Upon ascending, the Battle at Hammerlocke is already over. A mob of Galarian peasants surround the power spot, waiting for her arrival. Selena is surprised. When she finally gets off the dragon, one of the peasant leaders presents himself in-front of her and offers her what looks like a crown. They all bow down as they speak in unison, "All Hail Queen Selena the Intuitive."



SELENA SETTLES QUITE EASILY AS A MONARCH, her actions bordering on sensitivity and wariness of the situation. Sure, the people has crowned her, but the responsibility of carrying such task falls upon her shoulders when she has no idea what to do with the situation also.

At least, the HIGH KING CALYREX shows up. He presents the three kings and the queen of Hammerlocke the prophecy that awaits all of them. The Black Knight and the Skeleton? A major canine?

has not prepared them for any of these. He did not mention anything about a Black Knight and a Skeleton, only about the Galarian dogs and the ruinous monsters.

The prophecy may have sound ominous and mysterious but at least it is not that vague. Looking back at , it is clear to hear that are to have a plan in winning this war, capturing the dogs, and getting out of this nightmare.



SELENA HAS COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT BEING A HERO is no easy task. There are moments where she begins to wonder what is happening in the real world now that almost everyone is absorbed into this hellhole. And it has been a lingering thought for the next year, the next three years, and within the ten years that has already gone by.

Despite all the challenges and doubts of her leadership (mostly by herself, and perhaps a few others), Selena still strives to be useful.

She has just come back from a recon mission with the troops she has organized and trained herself. While recon attempts to explore the extends of their land in which the poison has not creeped in, their main goal is to guard and explore the Power Spot she has first encountered herself. They will also be the first to harvest Dynite Ores should these present themselves in the chasm.

The organization is already at its ninth year and their forces continue to grow strong. This is an extension of the spy network she creates for herself that are loyal and compliant to her wishes and commands. She is to see every action and intention of all the people around her, especially the Leagues of significant power.

While the other monarchs like and are privy to all her affairs, all information pertinent to her goals as a Rocket member are filtered in. , however, is a different case: Selena trusts him enough to be her second when things do not go her way.

The damage that the previous attack of the NECROZMA proves to be a traumatizing event that makes the best and the worst of her constituents. A lot has died in the attack. A lot of families has lost their loved ones. At this point, no one can even count the number of deaths they have survived.

At least NECROZMA proved useful when it leaves a cluster of black metal chunks. Most Hoennians know better in using this as a weapon: Selena makes herself a BLACK METAL PENDANT, crafted by a trusted jeweler. She begins to wonder the effects of the artifact, but it has been clear that it gives her the power to LEVITATE when she wishes.

The long wait is wearing her down but Selena continues to put herself in high spirits: after all, much of the prophecy has not yet occured.

They will eventually find their way out.




- SELENA descends and sees the organ; FLUTTER MANE uses STORED POWER at the organ
- SELENA recalls FLUTTER MANE and calls NAGANADEL to ride towards the surface
- SELENA is crowned as a QUEEN by the peasants


- SELENA receives CALYREX and its PROPHECY and takes note of the verses of importance to her; huddles the information with to make a plan


- SELENA creates a network of spies that informs her about the happenings in Hammerlocke, a system she creates to help her survive in a League-dominated locale
- SELENA creates a recon troop from these spies to explore and guard the power spot which will be harvesting DYNITE ORE should there be present (some information are open for and as well but are filtered in)
- SELENA asks the local jeweler to create her a BLACK METAL PENDANT from the metal, giving her the ability to use TELEKINESIS

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2023 0:13:38 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
They said time healed all wounds. For that, Remiel supposed he should consider himself lucky for this strange dream of a memory they lived in. Though it certainly didn't feel that way. In fact, for the first year or so, this haunting place only seemed to exacerbate his pain.

His FATHER. The GALARIAN soldiers he'd sent to die during the MEGALOPOLAN WAR. . The POLITICANS he had killed during his time in TEAM ROCKET. The GALARIANS that died during the DARKEST DAY.

They were all the specters of his torment.

He said he'd never accept it. But, despite a powerful panic attack that helps him out of, guilt and shame compel him to. He'd already failed the Galarian people countless times. The least he could do was atone for his mistakes here; he'd be a lowly coward not to.

So heavy is the head that wears the crown.


It is only when CALYREX arrives with his words of PROPHECY that Remiel is truly inspired to fuel his motivations with good. This wasn't so bad, he supposed. Though he finds himself wondering how and were, or missing the company of from time to time, at least he had and here to support him. He even forms a strong professional relationship with and as king.

Even ZEKROM was committed.

They could do a lot together. They could make the best of a bad situation and build an IDEAL world.

♔ ♔ ♔



Finding the inspiration to do better was one thing. Keeping that inspiration together, day after day, when you were already so broken to begin with, was the hard part.

Rather than directly help the people he was so ashamed to even look at, King buries himself in research, women (namely when she wasn't in a mood about him), and empty bottles of wine. Before long, his relationships begin to fracture as he becomes a recluse.

ZEKROM feels betrayed.

The BLACK YIN had devoted himself to this alternate GALAR only to find that his chosen avatar was lacking. The weight of responsibility it is left with fills the dragon with bitter anger. One night, tensions escalate  between the Dark Black and his patron. A wine bottle is cast before shattering against obsidian scales. Thunder roars and lightning strikes, and a startling ultimatum is made in their wake:


As if summoned and enflamed by these emotions, however, another GIGANTAMAX CHARIZARD awakens and descends upon HAMMERLOCKE. The Dark Black and his patron put aside their argument to deal with the threat— perhaps for the last time together. But their inner turmoil surfaces before long. King Remiel, in particular, is forced to face the specters of his torment once more and stave off another panic.

But things do not end well.

The king loses his left arm in the battle. When he's on the precipice of death, Zekrom shields him from a fiery inferno with its wings. The violent lightning storm (FUSION BOLT) that follows puts an end to the threat. When the smoke clears, the two are found side by side before being ferried off to begin their long road to recovery. It is a road beset with regrets and apologies. One that, ultimately, leads them to understanding and forgiveness for one another.

Before they do better, they must be better. Not just for themselves, but for the people they are sworn to protect: the people of HOENN and GALAR. They must become a pair to be IDEALIZED before building their IDEAL WORLD.

♔ ♔ ♔





The king and ZEKROM the SCORCHED WINGED have dedicated a decade of their lives to realizing the IDEAL WORLD they've promised in the face of so much adversity. When they haven't been TRAINING their abilities and pushing themselves past the limit, the pair have conducted extensive RESEARCH into the history of this GALAR, scrutinized all the PROPHECIES and PASSAGES at their disposal, and formed an elite guard of knights called the IRON BANNER.

The latter is put to use when NECROZOMA attacks and, though they suffer tremendous casualties, manage to aid in fighting it back. Remiel's resolve is once again weakened in the aftermath, however. If they couldn't fell NECROZOMA, then what had all of this been for? The catastrophe nearly drives him back into the arms of his old vices.

It isn't until he saves a kind baker and her son from the clutches of poisoned Pokémon that things begin to change for the better again. After some time, the two help the king cope with the losses he'd endured. Not just recently either. The oneD that had continued to haunt him from that life he'd lived just a decade ago: the so-called specters of his torment. They, too, would transform into a reminder:

To live on nobly in their stead.

It's with this reminder firmly in his heart that the king returns to his throne anew. Using the fragments recovered in the last battle, he forges a blade imbued with this resolve and calls it LIFE'S LIMIT. Afterward, he uses his past experience as an ARCHAEOLOGIST to map out the extensive CATACOMBS beneath HAMMERLOCKE and repurpose them as an EMERGENCY BUNKER/ESCAPE ROUTE for its civilians.

When it's all said and done, takes his place as HIGH COMMANDER of the IRON BANNER with ZEKROM and tasks them with the protection of the STONE CANINE emerging from their city. The PROPHESIZED CONFLICT between the BLACK KNIGHT and the SKELETON would come any day now... and they remained vigilant for it.



finally accepts the CROWN and helps preside over HAMMERLOCKE with the others.
remains ASHAMED of his PANIC ATTACK during the initial conflict and continues to be racked with GUILT over the death of his FATHER, his COMRADES, GALARIAN SOLIDERS/CITIZENS, and .
is present when CALYREX arrives and is INSPIRED to do better.
SHINY ZEKROM continues to defend and inspire the people of Galar beside his KING.

♔◓ and SHINY ZEKROM make the most of their situation and hope to build an IDEAL WORLD here despite the challenges ahead.


buries himself in RESEARCH, WINE, and the selfish company of as the situation grows more dire.
SHINY ZEKROM confronts and threatens to 'put him out of his misery' if he does not face the guilt and pain eating him up inside.
♔◓ and SHINY ZEKROM are brought to their breaking point when another GIGANTAMAX CHARIZARD attacks. This proves to be the catalyst they needed to undergo massive change.
loses his LEFT ARM.
SHINY ZEKROM suffers sever burns on its wings.

♔◓ As they recover, and SHINY ZEKROM promise to do better by each other— and, more importantly, the people of GALAR and HOENN.


♔◓ and SHINY ZEKROM have trained together for a DECADE, pushing their abilities past their limits in defense of HAMMERLOCKE.
♔◓ Together, and SHINY ZEKROM have formed an ELITE GUARD of KNIGHTS called the IRON BANNER that they summon to confront HAMMERLOCKE's NECROZOMA.
♔ Thanks to a chance meeting with a kind BAKER and her SON, learns to process his feelings in a healthy way and live on nobly in honour of those who have sacrificed everything for him.
♔ Afterward, helps design a SWORD capable of using DRACO METEOR.

He names it LIFE'S LIMIT.

♔ Despite a newfound emotional maturity, continues to believe he does not deserve love or true happiness for his mistakes, and keeps things the way they are with .
uses his former life experience as an ARCHAEOLOGIST to discover and reinforce the underground catacombs beneath the castle as an EMERGENCY BUNKER for the people of HAMMERLOCKE with several escape routes.

♔◓ SHINY ZEKROM, the IRON BANNER, and prepare for the PROPHESIZED conflict by setting up defenses around the STONE CANINE


🍒 using X0 SALAC BERRY
🧥 is wearing a black ensemble with reinforced padding and a knightly sword

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blue, murk
october 29
goldenrod city, johto
lost dog (defector?)
death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit.
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blue murtagh
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2023 0:25:45 GMT
blue murtagh Avatar


one month in

Her frustration is a palpable thing. A creature that sits on her shoulder and stokes the irritability under her skin until she paces like a trapped animal in an enclosure. There are no kind words for those she has been sent here with. Except for maybe Theo, but even if she spares him the bite of her anger out of some warped sense of respect, she doesn’t say much to him, either.[break][break]

What purpose would it serve? She allowed herself the chance to lower her defenses with someone else only days before following the order to assist. It has been yanked clean out of her hands now. What is the point in allowing reprieve or consolation around any other person? It will come back to bite her too.[break][break]

It’s been one month and time drags on at an infinitesimal crawl. She is not clever or intelligent enough to put together a way out. All she knows is that the effort to physically leave doesn’t allow them much. The leash is short, the enclosure is small.[break][break]

She wants to go home.[break][break]

She’s traveled Motostoke from end to end now because she doesn’t know how to stay still, but this is nothing new. It has always been an issue of hers. That restlessness riddles her with exhaustion that furthers the anger, and so she picks unnecessary fights. Doesn’t matter who or why, just that the scraps occur.[break][break]

During them, everything else becomes background noise. White static sound that doesn’t matter, so she doesn’t have to think. And then she slinks back to where she and Theo have hunkered down to sleep it off. Rinse, repeat.[break][break]

(continued here)[break][break]

and so it all goes on…and on

Time passes unbearably slow at first. The chip on her digs deep. Accepting the fact that she isn’t going anywhere fast is one that she chafes at. Helping Theo study the toxins and resources found around Motostoke isn’t exactly something that sparks her interest. It feels more like a struggle—she isn’t intellectually quick. Learning doesn’t come naturally, but when forced to slow her pace to something milder, it affords her the chance to learn.[break][break]

Before long, her hands learn to do something other than brace into fists.[break][break]

But as the bend rounds toward ten years, the war hammer sits—left alone and unused unless call truly rises for her to use it. Its meteor mash doesn’t charge up quite as often anymore. All that anger faded into tentative reluctance alongside Theo’s continual patience. Then it becomes some semblance of acceptance. Her tongues dulls into something that isn’t so sharp. In him, she finds more than a mentor—a companion and friend.[break][break]

It all comes in waves after that.[break][break]

Connection with others who found themselves in the old city aren’t threats to her anymore. She dances around a careful camaraderie with , the queen herself. Then others. She fights less, except for when the call rises for help. Then she retreats quietly—returning to the quiet and the comfort of the impossible life she’s somehow cobbled together.[break][break]

And for the first time in Blue’s life, she figures out what it means to rest. That unattainable feeling of calm settles like a balm on her bones. Smiles come easier. She doesn’t treat everything and anything like she’s a skittish creature on the verge of lashing out.[break][break]

No matter the time that passes, though, her only regret is that isn’t there to see it.


+ restless and grieving angry the first few years. picks a lot of pointless fights, loses her eye like that? [break]
+ starts out the reluctant assistant to roomie, ’s studies on the poisons in the sludge in the dynite ores[break]
+ grows to like it and finds herself of actually learning discipline, though she still has a mad temper.[break]
+ always steps up to assist in the yearly fights against threats[break]
+ choice of weapon is a war hammer with meteor mash[break]


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2023 0:59:35 GMT



TIME IS NOT A PRISON. it is freedom. an opportunity to sever the restrictions that come with countless obligations. it is the chance to deep dive into obsession.

the notion that their bondage to this realm is paramount to punishment is forbidden in ballonea’s observatory. this sacred place becomes his home. an abode with singular purpose–to understand this plague and what was done to overcome this disaster.

outside of their innate survival, nothing else matters. it reminds him of his childhood. when he refused to be a SILPH. simple times when the world was truly his cloyster.

routines are early to abide by at first:

prepare for battle. remain vigilant. always ready for the next attack. and, when the battle subsides for a brief respite, that’s when fernando finds them time to eat and sleep. always done hastily. never too far from being deployed.

that’s all there is to life. eat. sleep. fight. whether that means on ground zero, or in anticipation of it, his life is beholden to that ritual. it shows in the way he steers clear of and ’s coronation. how he never really engages with the peasantry like tries to do.

not unless it has something to do with DYNAMAXing.

after all, why bother?

that’s what they’re here for. the selfless ‘heroes’ of yore.

in the same mindset of , he becomes a recluse. but he’s not a fabled witch reduced to rare sightings. he becomes a different type of mad. an eccentric scientist who resorts to primitive methods of unraveling the truth.

he works like a dog but the boy does not buckle. truly unfortunate that his services are wasted on the wrong side.

kill the pokemon before it can revert from DYNAMAX. feed it the ALTERED MUSHROOMS. what happens when a pokemon ingest toxic residue?

there is no limit to what fernando is willing to test. after all, ‘this isn’t real.’ as long as it does not affect those sucked into this realm, then they should be fine. the rest of them? mere NPCs, as would call them.

but they have a part to play. it’s their perspective that will set them free, he decides. will it be the gallant efforts of and ? or is the compassionate tale of a more compelling tale?

it takes months to understand the CALYREX’s words. the lack of affirmation–the fact they are still here, waiting–stirs doubt. makes him backtrack as he contradicts himself in due time. but as long as the parchment last, he writes down his notes. the OBSERVATORY NOTES become a jumbled mess of several writers. the queen, , has her own contributions to them.

no matter where they disagree, some points become obvious.

when NECROZMA attacks, seeking out the POWER SPOT, how could they not see the resemblance to their version of the DARKEST DAY? what other details lie in this lost piece of history.

were the ULTRA BEAST in MOSSDEEP DYNAMAXed as well? what is the connection between ULTRA SPACE and GALAR?

but routines cannot be infinite. even the strongest wills require variance. the joy of pleasure: the body, the mind, and the soul.

some look for companionship. fernando is not one of them. as long as there is work, he is content. able to focus his attention fully into an endless vacuum. then weakness of the body can be handled by his own hands.

but it is who wears him down. constant visits. constant babbling. the way her sunshine smile erodes over the years does not escape his notice. but it sets having melted through his standoffish exterior. breaking him in a way that repeats his past.

on some nights, can hear the rustling. the frantic way they tuck deep into the observatory to try and sully each other before the city bell’s ring for a new attack. fernando silph, is not a man who spares even a minute on something that is not the future. his love life is the same.

and, with few choices, they are okay with that. making the best of what they have.

love does not have to be perfect. just fulfilling. something he can never be but that’s what relationships are. partners filling in for the other when one fall shorts.

that’s his . able to see the man hiding behind the machine that no one else does.

not all companionship has to be romantic. or with people. pokemon are trusted partners. creatures who sacrifice time and time again as they march into battle. among them, his ZYGARDE proves the most enigmatic. he knows very little about it–nor does anyone else–but time builds an understanding.

what exactly is it?

a pokemon worthy of a SYGNA SUIT bond but unable to. truly perplexing.

it should come as no surprise that fernando does not engage in direct attacks. he remains in his ivory tower, always the observer. looking for where the pokemon came from. what behavior they exhibit this time. how he can change them by manipulating these ‘heroes’ like chess pieces.

when NECROZMA arrives, he too takes a back seat. the only time he wades in is when the darkness proves too blinding.

when ’s blacksmithing company creates his own weapon, he merely scoffs.


- spends his time learning more about this version of history.
- becomes very obsessive with his routine and schedule due to irregular raids.
- conducts experiments with in regard to the POISON, its affect on fauna (SPIRAL MUSHROOMS), the DYNAMAX CRYSTAL, and his LEGENDARY MARK.
- has try to approach each raid differently: kill the pokemon outright (if possible), let it rampage in a controlled environment to test duration, etc.
- avoids leaving the observatory unless necessary. occasionally collaborates with when she visits but puts a focus on her sticking to her QUEENLY duties.
- adds to the OBSERVATORY NOTES. spends more time with ZYGARDE to try and understand it.
- over years, breaks through his stoic routine. he opens up but doesn’t compromise. they never notice that his balls don’t work and remains childless.
- prioritizes OBSERVING NECROZMA when it attacks rather than outright joining in. tracks the direction of the routine raids.
- has ’s blacksmith guild create him a weaponized SPY GLASS (FUTURE SIGHT).
- starts to feel his BOND WITH MEWTWO waver.


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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
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1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2023 3:36:56 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]The first month sets a a dangerous precedent.

At the high-king's arrival, Greyson dives into the strange fortune. He'd never considered himself overly intelligent or wise, and the poem only confirmed such.

Still, he tries; the fear of being trapped here holding his spirit hostage tighter and tighter with each passing day.


The first year is the hardest.

It passes like molasses, and with it, the maelstrom of emotions that bubbled in his chest only worsen.

Greyson becomes particularly more secluded, escaping from the bustle of civilization in longer spans each time. Duty and guilt-bound, he still fights to defend the settlement, but that too changes him.

Face-to-face when the constant horrors and stress of a never-ending war, he slowly began to slip. He smiled less; he gave less quarter; he delved into vices that he swore he never would.

More than anything though, he begins to resent The Hero of Many Battles.




It's sometime after the arrival of necrozma - the black knight, as it's coined here - that Greyson faces one of his greatest failures. A glancing blow results in his incapacitation, and only his blastoise's sacrifice keeps him from dying completely. The turtle takes a spear of consildated darkness through his cut, sharpnel buring itself in Greyson's eye in the process.

In one fell swoop Greyson loses his greatest defender and half of his vision. It compounds onto his grief and Greyson retreats to his own isolation.

The city doesn't lack defenders — his Delphox takes the field, enacting her trainers will, the years having turned the witch into something of a Matron. Those interested in witchcraft and magic seek her guidance, and a small coven of pokemon forms just outside of the cities limits, the mushroom groves the perfect place to explore their wiccan side.

Greyson meditates beneath the Delphox's guidance. His bruised and battered psyche looks for a peace — any peace he could get his hands on — as his mind works.

He thinks often about his parents. Had his mother recovered from her illness, or had it taken her? Did they grieve his death? No doubt he'd have been listed as "missing in action."

What of ? Did she escape somehow? Did she use the circumstances of this raid to her advantage? Rockets presence was thick here, so perhaps she could've fought her way out.

He gave thought to the war back in hoenn. Every member of their upper hierarchy was here, trapped. Was the same for Rocket? Did they lose Hoenn, like they lost Kanto, because they weren't there to fight?

He gave that thought the least of his time. They'd been fighting their own war here, after all.

But the saying is true: Time heals all wounds.

Grief still hung tightly to him, a shroud that would never truly be gone forever, but when he reemerged into society the weight of the world was lessened.

The Necrozma's shard — an item he'd kept on him all of this time — was forged into something that would make it so he was never caught out of place again.



He hones himself, both body and mind, to become the best version of himself he could be. Greyson was no legendary swordsman; no awe-inspiring leader. But he fought. Every single chance, he fought. Every battlefield he touched was a chance to save lives, to work to the legend that would guide them on their way home. His ability to teleport was key not only to his survival, but also his success; the blade in his hands following each displacement of space with brutal swiftness.

Each time his unwelcomed passenger begins to rear its ugly head, he sinks himself back into his meditation. Greyson tempers himself against the never-ending flood of emotions, knowing that if they slip, then he likely won't recover from it again.

When not meditating, Greyson makes himself busy. He gardens, maintaining the grounds of not only his home but in many areas of the city. Losing her hive was a devastaing blow for the Vespiquen, but still she thrives.

His blastoise retires from fighting, becoming something of a mascot of ballolea's children. He is their bulwark; their turtle-car.

Greyson goes to the strange boulder that appeared suddenly quite often, looking to parse its meaning; it's purpose. He journals often, conveying his feelings to text. He even goes so far as to send a letter, utilizing @navy's presence. In one particular note, he apologizes to for his anger and wishes her well. Ten years has the tendency to change feelings easily.

Most of all though, he wishes, and wants, for a pathway home.




Lets grief and anger consume him in the first year.[break]
Fights Necrozma and loses an eye, and permanently disables his Blastoise.[break]
Embraces meditation and personal growth; honing mind and body.[break]
Crafts a flower braclet to allow him the use of teleport[break]
Takes up gardening both in his home outside of the city, as well as in areas within. Vespiquen helps him.[break]
Delphox forms a coven of sorts for those interested in wiccan, human and pokemon alike.[break]
Greyson attempts to parse the meaning of the riddle/poem/fortune, getting frustrated at his own shortcomings.[break]
Visits the Boulder Dog image to parse its meaning.[break]
Writes in journals and sends letters to others.[break]
Thinks about his family, , and the war in Hoenn; grieves their loss, and missing out on his own life. [break]


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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
In this and every life
I choose us every time
1m62 / 5'3 height
1m62 / 5'3 height
Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
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TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2023 4:08:05 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
As surprised as she’d been by her Riolu’s display, and the bond she’d never dared relay upon when it came to her safety but Spica still acted upon, as surprised she was when Ballonea’s townfolk spurred themselves and pushed past her to fight back the hordes of corrupted mon with their new heroes.
Their bravado was contagious, she found, as her feet dragged her onward together with her Riolu. To combat. To glory. And in the end, merely to live another day.
But her bravado lingered once the fighting had stilled and the damages had been dealt. Insomuch that when she saw huddled over something, the faintest sounds of a newborn hatchling gracing the world, she was too eager to find out. Ettie’s protective snarl had kept her from approaching any further, and the cheer confusion etched upon her face at the surprisingly aggressive display was one she shared with some of the pokémon present around the girl. Hers, presumably.
It would dawn on Brynn a little too late she’d overstepped certain unspoken boundaries. And in the time that followed, she’d make sure to apologize, and right the wrong done.
In the days that followed;[break]
Brynn would do what she did best; calculate the damages done. To herself. To her surroundings.To others. Oddly enough, she does nothing with the information she manages to gather. Instead she finds herself wandering aimlessly more than once, her focus set on a purpose, and on an answer to feelings she’s yet to find.
When days turned into Months;[break]
The Unovan would find reason for her being. Or at the very least, her purpose; Volta Inc’s expertise in medical equipment and the subsequent machinery tied into it have been drilled into her subconscious, and it’s only then she finally starts returning to herself. A budding friendship with follows with it as she explains the 101’s of her craft to the resident healer. In the end, she regains her passion for the craft through her work, and even dares pen down the ins and outs of whatever she could salvage for the other cities to use.
The prophecy shared by the Calyrex too becomes one of the many stones she carries along in her metaphorical backpack, dragged into a silent knowing.
After Years;[break]
Even though the attacks have become more frequent, Brynnhildr does not seem to miss the fact that their return to Hoenn has become an impossible dream. All she left behind there were fears and miseries that could never touch her here; whilst the dystopian Galar had given her far more than her previous life had.
Battle prowess.
Especially that last one has become a driving force behind her mindset.
Her biggest hurdle yet, she realized, had been these feelings festering within her. By the time she realized what they truly meant, she had been ashamed she’d let so much time pass before telling how she truly felt about him.
It seemed like she hadn’t been the only one to struggle with them. And as the years slinked past she only grew stronger in her resolve. Brynnhildr, contrary to their time in Hoenn, had finally become his rock in turn; whenever the worry for his daughters or their past lives overtook him, she would ground him. As he did to her, too.
With their bond, she flourished.
In all those years he taught her many things, too. How to love anew, how to defend herself -and eventually others-, how to wield weaponry of all kinds, the basics of his own crafts, stories and histories of Galar,...
It was odd how among the chaos, Brynnhildr had found herself becoming more healed than she’d ever been broken when peace reigned.
Yet she would never forget.
The 10 Year Mark - Present;

She’d tried not to wake him when she’d left to check upon the pokémon center and whatever she could salvage from the damage done to the machinery by the Necrozma’s attack. Yet she found her lover staring out the windows, to the wreckage that had once been a proud Ballonea. Even from here she could feel the worry and defeat in his being.
”Gwyar…” she spoke softly, approaching the knight.
Her hand would search his, fingers intertwining as she sat back down on the bedside. She’d join his silence and gently lean her head unto his shoulder, careful not to irk any of the many wounds littering his body.
He’d reprimand her if he knew she’d entertain the guilt of not having been there sooner when the Black Knight attacked, so she remained quiet, instead squeezing his hand. They would survive this, like they had all others.
They had no choice.




+ Taken aback by growling [break]
+ Spends the first few days wandering, lost in her own head[break]
+ After months: Finds purpose in helping by fixing the Pokémon Center’s machinery[break]
+ Becomes Ballonea’s tech support on all things medical (equipment) [break]
+ Writes a How-To manual on fixing the machinery for the Pale Rider to distribute to other cities[break]
+ After Years: Becomes ’s loving rock [break]
+ Tagteamed with to keep the Pokémon Center as up-to-date as possible [break]
+ Fights alongside Ballonea’s knights every now and then [break]
+ Has twin chained daggers (Extreme Speed) forged[break]



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