i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 8:48:47 GMT
Ettie Avatar
The ground below everyone heaves, and the pack split from one another. Distantly, Ettie can hear the startled yelps and caws of the others cut off from the fighting - only a handful, those closest to Ettie, are still within line of sight. But even then, the earth seems keen on further splitting them - and when Anne moves in an attempt to regroup with those still present...

... She and Ettie both let out a yelp as jagged earth rises up, slamming into the wolf's chest, cutting at her wiry fur, and sending them both tumbling to the ground...!

Ettie's eyes widen, and she scampers to Anne's side. "Sister?!" She barks with alarm, a soft whine of concern plain to hear in her voice. She can smell that metallic copper - sees where it had struck Anne, where it split skin and drew blood...

... And yet, when Anne draws in a breath - even if it trails off in a pained whine - it's still something that Ettie finds relief in. She'll be okay. She just needs healing - and likely some rest. But as the wildchild glances up to Anat, opens her mouth to call to the Lucario--

-- Something reverberates through the air. Something that reaches down to her very heart, and chills it. The world around her twists and shifts dizzying and wildly - before going dark...


... When Ettie comes to, it's someplace else. Civilization - but not the sort that Ettie is familiar with. It is larger - much larger - large enough that the surrounding walls of the stadium feel like they could encompass what she knows of Mauville all on its own. And yet, it is dead - so very dead, in a way that makes the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. This is not where she belongs. This is not where anyone belongs.

But for the time being, her focus is on her pack - or at least, those that are present. A glance around shows that only those who had remained near Ettie before the earth began to encompass them were present - though she could still feel where Scarlet is sheathed at her back, and her shadow wavers with Delle's presence as well. Already, Anat is checking on Anne - a Heal Pulse tending to the wolf's wounds. Duke and Aurien, meanwhile, are both unsettled - glancing around, on guard.

Ettie smooths out some of Anne's fur though - watching as Anat is able to stitch her back together. "Is okay?" She asks softly.

And Anne, in response, considers the question - before nodding. Her chest hurts - there is still a bit of pain, when she takes in a deep breath. But she can stand it, for now - all for the pack. But even that being said...

Glancing to the others - namely Duke, Aurien, and Anat - she barks for them to return to their pokeballs, where it's safer. And though her packmates are unsure - they agree, allowing themselves to be recalled.

With this, Ettie nods - satisfied - before glancing to her surroundings once more. Nearby, a statue stands - a statue with a trough before it. She recognizes the trough for what it is - had some set up, for some of his pokemon, back at his gym! Usually they had food or water in them - but she'd blink as had his sobble fill it with water.

Briefly, she glances to the statue. Then back to the trough. Briefly curious, she'd pull out some food - berries - and lay them along the edge of the trough, like an offering. Maybe someone or something else would appreciate some food and water?
- Dusk Lycanroc is struck in the chest by some jagged earth whilst trying to regroup the pack.
- After being yoinked into the stadium, Lucario uses Heal Pulse to heal Dusk Lycanroc.
- Afterwards Lycanroc tells the others - Jolteon, Primarina, and Lucario - to return to their balls for their safety.
- Ettie notices the trough - and since it's already filled up with water by , leaves some berries on the edge. Someone'll appreciate em, right?
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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,443 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 13:10:17 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

An ominous bell tolled, resonating from the Ruinous Beast.[break][break]

Thanks to Kahadin's WIDE GUARD, Gunner witnessed the attack from the Pokémon known as Ting-Lu before it brought him to his knees. He gritted his teeth, struggling to resist the incredible pull downward, but to no avail.[break][break]

Trembling with effort, he looked up just in time to watch Zacian's great blade swing toward the dog's enemy. A spark of hope filled Gunner at the sight, only for it to be extinguished as the sword turned black with RUINATION.[break][break]

Then everything went dark.[break][break]

Groaning, Gunner came to consciousness on a hard, uneven surface. He blinked open his eyes to find himself on a set of long steps. Slowly, he sat up, the muscles of his back and shoulders aching.[break][break]

Something about his surroundings seemed familiar, as if he'd seen it before in photos. Rising to his feet, he gazed at the ash-covered bleachers and ruined field for a long moment before it hit him: Wyndon Stadium in Galar.[break][break]

Gunner tapped his earpiece. "Lancer reporting in. I'm in Wyndon Stadium, though it doesn't look right. Anyone else here?"[break][break] He did not see or nearby.[break][break]

Down on the field, a large statue towered above some individuals gathered around it. With his Iron Valiant at his side, the agent started down the steps toward them. To his Pokémon, he instructed, "Kahadin, if any hostiles approach, take them down with NIGHT SLASH."[break][break]

The Iron Valiant nodded, readying its blades.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted sword


Gunner is wearing League tactical gear + mask[break]
Tries to check in over LEAGUE comms[break]
Iron Valiant is prepared to use NIGHT SLASH on any enemy Pokemon that attack



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[newclass=".gunner2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,148 posts
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 13:29:30 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar

Before Summer could make it to , another Rocket member was swooping in to attack. She wasn't going to make it in time. Her legs were still wobbling, like a toddler trying to learn how to walk for the first time, as she lunged forward to put herself in between the attack. She would take the brunt if she had to.[break][break]

Forget ZACIAN, forget TING-LU. All she could think about was . How she deserved better than this.[break][break]

However, several attacks seemed to batter away the onslaught heading for the girl. Summer stumbled, looking back to see someone she didn't recognize (). She'd have to thank him later, because before she could make another move, the cervine creature released a tolling sound, echoing deep in her heart.[break][break]

"Frigg, DETECT—" But before Summer could finish her words, she was pulled to the ground by a force stronger than gravity. She screamed, piercing the air as her fear consumed her again. They were dead, and their ghosts were haunting her.[break][break]

... there was pure hatred in his eyes. "You're a liar. You're just like the rest of them."[break][break]


When Summer regained consciousness, she found herself in a spot she recognized from trips to Galar. But why were they here? Coughing from the ash pouring over her, Summer slowly pushed herself up, looking around with Frigg at her side. "Use DETECT. Protect from anything, in case that beast shows up again."[break][break]

She staggered to her feet. "Eris! Where are you?"

[attr="class","tag"] &



- about to sacrifice herself to protect [break]
- sees protect her, we gonna chat[break]
- ABSOL attempts DETECT but fails due to TING-LU's energy release[break]
- witnesses her fears again as she is drug to the ground[break]
- regains consciousness and recognizes wyndon stadium[break]
- ABSOL uses DETECT[break]
- tries to find and possibly as well


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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 13:31:48 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

The attacks seem to be going well at first. Despite how every toll of the bowl squeezed his heart in a primal fear, he didn't bow to it. And though he would never admit it to her, the presence of , as well as people like and was appreciated. [break][break]

More capable trainers join the fray, and he's just about to unsling his rifle when something changes. That barely held back fear increased tremendously, and despite himself he and his Octillery drop to the ground under a crushing pressure that forces him down and wheezing. There's little relief, especially when Gunner's WIDE GUARD breaks. Then the final toll rings and despite his defiance he loses consciousness.

He comes to with a snap as he moves to his knees arm up defensively as he tried to get his bearings. The grass crunches underneath and he felt…heavy. The air is unnatural. This is vivid, more so than in Ultra Deep Sea. Pings hit the comms and he gets up, relaying his location. Eyes on the sky and the bleachers despite how abandoned they are. "Lancer, Cassidy here, no major injuries. Move with caution, should this be the work of Interdream Mist we'll have Paradoxes swarming us soon." He said. Though trainers are already up and moving.

The statue is the obvious move right now, so he stays put, preferring to stay at a distance in the edge of the bleachers and what looks to be a locker room entrance. " , , and any other League personnel at the statue, prepare for fire. Rocket will most likely take interest as well." He added as more and more people came. It's good enough cover for now. He begins to load a round and takes aim as Rocket begins their own investigation. "Lancer, engaging suppressive fire." Even muffled, there's still a distinct crack as the shot fires and kicks up a spray of dirt directly in front of . In the scope, he feels the recognition as one of the Rocket's that'd tracked him down in Ultra Deep Sea. Hopefully that other one ( ) would be here to save him again. His Octillery prepares as well laucnhing a far flung GUNK SHOT towards approaching Rockets to keep them away from the middle.



+ | SHRIEKINGGG and ready to get my shit rocked [break][break]


- thankful for his comapnions but blacks out anyway [break]
- wakes up towards one of the locker room exits, sets up in it to snipe [break]
- advises caution in case of rocket and paradoxes [break]
- begins taking pot shots at ashley [break]
- atreenstrup the octillery uses GUNK SHOT [break]



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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 13:35:18 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]regardless of the councilwoman's original intent, 's storm does more than stop him from retrieving the shards; grubs hover in disarray, their defense order faltering beneath friendly fire.
"pay attention to your own actions councilwoman. you've just scattered an entire line of defense." he chastises with a growl, turning his attention from the woman to the ever evolving battlefield.
he has just enough time to take stock of the battle before his eyes land on the zacian, the metal of its blade catching a glint of harsh sunlight. he lets himself feel a modicum of hope - that this will end here and now - before that, like the heroes blade before his very eyes, shatters.
then the world is shifting.
as his brain works overtime to understand what just happened, an immediate, sense consuming wrongness slithers over his skin. the stadium comes into focus all at once and his vertigo only worsens.
"viv?" the beat of insectoid wings fills his chest with the comfortable vibrations and he lets loose a near imperceptible sigh of relief. "thanks for your help, and.. sorry." his apology isn't on his own behalf, and the vespiquen is consumed in crimson light.
's and 's voices come over the intercom in his ear, and greyson listens with passive interest while his eyes scan the surroundings. as alien as this place was, he can't help but consider that a choice few individuals had turned their attacks on zacian.
the unknown bad actors presented an even bigger threat here than ever before.
he releases an umbreon, her rings lit with shining cobalt. at his command, a MOONLIGHT creates a beacon of hearth.
comms temporarily clear, he speaks.
"come to me if you're injured - just follow the giant beam of moonlight. rocket agents are suspected to be intermingled in our group, so keep your eyes open."[break][break]the sound of fighting breaking out already nearly forces him to sigh.



[break] greyson bites back verbally to .[break]
recalls vespiquen.[break]
uses moonlight as a beacon for his fellow league members to both heal and gather, with a warning to watch for rocket.[break]



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[newclass=.char-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #d4a53c; [/newclass]
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Mika, Mick
october 30th
mauville city
5’11” height
5’11” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
130 posts
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TAG WITH @mikael
mikael rosenberg
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 13:56:00 GMT
mikael rosenberg Avatar

[attr="class","header"]YOU WERE GONE TOO SOON


The young male frowned at how little affect the combined attack of him and had on the strange looking Pokémon. The bowl Pokémon seemed to be more durable than he had anticipated. Though he supposed that was what one would get of a Pokémon that was powerful enough to go toe to toe with a legendary like Zacian.
He wanted to help the sword wielding legendary but none of the attacks him and the others were doing seemed to be making a difference. ”The Pokémon is proving to be stronger than we anticipated,” he said keeping his eyes fixed on the unknown Pokémon.
Due to this he was able to see the odd Pokémon’s attack coming and was able to prevent harm from befalling him or Selene. He sighed before his gaze flickered towards where the scarred man was. ”You okay?” he inquired of , despite the fact that he didn’t know the older male he still showed concern for his well being.
A sound drew his attention back towards the Pokémon and his eyes widened with shock as he noticed Zacian’s sword shatter. Before he could recover from his shock the sword pulsed and him and Selene were sucked into the sword
He came to to Selene nudging his face with her head. He groaned pulsing himself up into a sitting position. He blinked as he took in his surroundings and looked around. It was some kind of stadium and a nagging voice in the back of his mind told him he should recognize it from a travelers guide he had once read but he couldn’t place why it was familiar.
The knight was still a bit out of it from getting sucked into the sword. Eventually though his mind cleared and the first thing he noticed was the lack of either Pokémon. Nor did he see the guy he had been fighting beside before. Hopefully the scarred man was okay.
Finally getting to his feet he looked around. Okay his first priority should be to make sure him and Selene were okay. Both were okay perhaps a little bruised from landing here but nothing that would hamper either of them. A voice over his comms alerts him to other members of the league. So this was Wyndon Stadium, now he realized why it seemed familiar.
”Mikael reporting in, suffered no injuries, I hope everyone is doing well as well, he said into his comms deciding to get straight to the point. No point in beating around the bush. Especially in a situation like his.
”Selene be ready to be on the attack if the need arises. We can’t be sure what kind of dangers we’ll come across,” he told his umbreon companion.
The umbreon in response simply fell in beside him. The implication clear that she would keep her and her trainer safe from harm.
[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL;DR: Notices the little affect the combined move of him and Maverick has[break]
Avoids injury from Ting-Lu’s attack[break]
Inquires about wellbeing after said attack[break]
Wakes up in Wyndon Stadium[break]
Figures out where he is thanks to [break]
Tells his umbreon to be prepared to attack



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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 14:03:03 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Goodbye, Galar.


He had gone for the neck, but the moose hadn't been as defenseless as he had hoped. A slight shift, and Galatine crashed into the bowl instead. It rung through him, the reverberations rattling through his arms.

He was dragged back to the darkest day without any warning. Then as now, an irresistible something that could not be ignored or compartmentalized assaulted him.

But while it had paralyzed him then, now... it galvanized him.

A rush of energy welled up in him as the goosebumps spread over his skin, his legs pushing off to leap back as the earth shattered underneath his heel, the ruinous beast unleashing its power upon them.

His heart beat loud over the cacophony of conflict around him as an eldritch grip descended upon all of them and brought his leap to a halt, bringing him to his knees upon the soil. Gravity seemed to double and triple and quadruple, whatever was needed to keep them all in the ruinous beast's death trap.

This feeling... the feeling which had been beaten and overexposed out of him throughout his younger years... Ah.

This was fear. Real fear— primal fear. Of death, of the unknown, of ruin.

It was gut wrenching. paralyzing. Mindnumbing... All that, yes.

But. Most of all—

It was thrilling.

Every single muscle in his body roared to life as the earth upturned upon them, becoming a tomb of dirt around them.

"Galatine." He breathed softly to his Aegislash, its eye glowering a glimmering blue as the tomb slowly enclosed around him, darkness swallowing him whole.

And promptly spitting him out as hair cracks of dark black spread over the rock, a blade tinted in shadows pulling out of the cracks with the large knight in tow.

Just in time for Zacian to come flying at the Bowl creature—

Everything went white after that.

"What a wretched creature." Gwyar said as he slowly lowered his sword, before dropping it and letting it disappear into his shadow. Despite his words and the loud beating in his chest, despite the heightened awareness of his mortality that was slowly fading away— his smile stretched ever so slightly. "It could've simply ended us then and there."

Instead, it chose to try and bury them. A slow, terrifying and agonizing death. Bloody psycho moose.

He wanted to fight it again. It wasn't around, however. Neither was Zacian, for that matter. Last he saw of the sword hero, she had been forced into the same form he had fought her as back in the Cloud, her sword corroded and shattered.

His eyes narrowed. Thrills aside— Zacian and Zamacenta were too important to Galar and its people to allow them to be lost.

Speaking of which, however...

"Wyndon...?" He realized briefly. Except... not. This was not Wyndon. Wyndon was the crown jewel of Galar. Its capital, its economic center and largest metropolis, and the home to its greatest, most beloved stadium. "Not quite."

It would never fall without the whole world knowing about it.

A construct? An alternate reality, perhaps? Hopefully nothing that proved impossible to get out of.

Either way, such explanations might explain the statue at the center of the stadium. That had never been there during the 10 years he spent in the Major Circuit.

There were messages over the comms. Leaguers reaching out, seeking others. The knight paid it no heed for the moment, more interested in the statue at the center.

The closer he got, the more familiar it became.

A horse and a rider. A Spectrier,


"Is that...?" He muttered, slowly tilting his head. It felt... familiar, though he had never seen anything quite like it.

A rider atop a Spectrier... His mind was telling him he should know this.


"Spectrier." He muttered softly as he grabbed a pokeball, before gently letting it fall. His own phantom equine appeared before him, and the statue.

Pokemon were wiser than most gave them credit for. Gwyar knew this well— he had been raised with two of them as siblings and 'play'mates.

Perhaps the Spectrier knew something that he didn't.

"Know anything about this... being?" He asked softly even as he approached the trough, kneeling before it.

He dragged a digit over the inside surface, humming to himself.

Was he overthinking things...? It didn't matter, he supposed. He felt reverence for the statue before him. And nothing in Hoenn— or wherever this was— ever happened for no reason.

He sighed, before unhooking his furred coat. He stared at it pensively for a moment, before finally sighing and rolling his eyes. He could buy another one.

Gently, he pressed the fur against the inside of the wooden trough, and began to drag it across its surface, absorbing the soot and ash into it as he worked to clean it up.

He saw 's offering for a moment, and smiled approvingly at her.

"Most kind, young Lady." He said. "Might I be so bold as to burden you further? I'm afraid I lacked the foresight to bring any water type pokemon with me. Did you happen to bring any? I would like to fill this with water."

He threw the now black and dirty coat onto his shoulder. He would find somewhere to properly discard of it later.

Fortunately, they didn't need to wait for such— one filled it up for them!

"Oh! Good show, young man! Very apprecia—"


"... Fair enough!" He said with a laugh.


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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
890 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 16:29:31 GMT
Shred Avatar
Every second, the madness just seems to keep on escalating. More attacks fired off, more defenses thrown up to protect the attacks, more tricks and traps set up across the battlefield, and more maneuvers meant to disable said hazards. Trying to pay attention to it all would make your head spin, so you mostly just try to block it all out. Focus on the Tomb. Focus on running. Focus on getting there before anyone else.

Course, that's easier said than done. Your best efforts are hindered by and her Ariados, who attempts to barricade your path with a Sticky Web. Not very polite of her, is it? Didn't her parents ever teach her manners? That forces you to pump the brakes, your heels skidding across the ground as you try to slow down. Fortunately, and his Cinderace's Court Change clear the blockage, which is polite, but alas, the damage is already done - Your momentum is already hindered. You try to pick up the pace again, but by the time you're even close to the cave's entrance, and his Gyarados have already shut the path forward.

Wanker. Who the hell does this guy think he is? This little scrub? This nerd? He's a proper arsehole, that's what he is. You have half a mind to smack him one for getting in your way. In fact, your hand is already moving towards Toxtricity's Pokeball, ready to pick this fight...

...For better or for worse, you never get the chance. No, the ground beneath your feet bursts out, jagged stones slamming into your legs as you're sent flying upwards. Needless to say, it hurts quite badly, but that's a pittance compared to the gaping chasm it leaves behind, an earthen prison meant to bury you alive. Panic and adrenaline both kick in, and you quickly scramble to avoid a grisly end.

It never comes. But, that doesn't mean you've escaped.


As soon as you hit the ground, you immediately jerk upright. This isn't that chaotic battlefield, nor is it a tomb buried deep within the earth. No, the floor beneath you is grimy concrete, and you're surrounded by cheap plastic chairs that are warped and cracked. No, this is a different kind of battlefield entirely - A stadium. It's weird to say, but this is giving you an eerie sense of deja vu.

You try to pull yourself up to your feet, but that's easier said than done. Your legs are thrashed - Your left has it much worse than the right, but the right isn't exactly doing great, either. You can maybe manage an enthusastic limp, but that's hardly ideal, given the circumstances. If that bastard of a moose comes back, you're practically a sitting duck. Still, you won't be much better just sitting around here, will you? No, a limp is better than nothing. It'll have to do.

As you drag yourself up to your knees, you get a better view of your surroundings, and you almost can't believe it: This is Wyndon Stadium! You would know it anywhere. The League Finals always happened here, along with the other big matches. Sitting in front of the TV and watching the battles that took place here is practically a core memory to you. Except, well, this isn't really how you remember it looking. If you were trying to be nice, you'd say it had seen better days. If you weren't, you'd call it a shithole. What the hell is even going on here? How'd you get from Hoenn to here in the first place? And how are you supposed to get back?

But ultimately, that's secondary, because there's bigger fish to fry. The League dogs are coalescing in the middle, and you know for a fact they won't take kindly to a Rocket strolling up to join them. That's a problem for obvious reasons. Strength in numbers is going to be necessary to get out of here, but they'd sooner play their stupid faction games than work for the common good. How very typical of them.

Still, better with them than alone. You'll have to get creative, but you'll make it work. Time for a little bit of acting.

First off, you rip the mask off your face and throw it away. That's the most obvious indicator that you're a Rocket, after all. Then, you make up your backstory - Your name is Jack Sabbath, you're an aspiring reporter, and you came here to get the big scoop, which is how you got caught up in this mess. Finally, you tie your jacket around your waist, and hastily put up your hair into a ponytail. Why? Honestly, just felt right, y'know? Felt like a Jack Sabbath thing to do. Gotta look the part, and that part isn't similar to Shred Zeppelin in the slightest. Really, you feel like you need a flannel and a beanie to fit the part, but you've got to work with what you have.

And, well, that's that. Nothing left to do but commit. So, standing up, you proceed to nonchalantly march-limp out of the stands, down the many steps, and clamber down the barricades to the pitch. This'll be an uphill battle, but you'll get through it. You're slick. You're smooth. You're charismatic, in a certain sense of the word. You'll talk your way through this. You approach the shrine and the group in the middle--

--Fuck, that's . Why the hell is he here? Just your luck. Of all the people you could've met here, it's the one guy who might be able to see through your admittedly flimsy disguise. Tch... No, it's fine. You'll still make it work. He might have a hunch, but surely, he's not stupid enough to call you out at a time like this. You're kindred spirits, and you're stuck in this shithole together. He's not going to fuck you over if it's not going to benefit him.

"Evening, fellas." You greet the group, your voice settling on some terrible mixture of a passable Wyndon accent and the worst Castelian accent known to man. As you walk, you're seemingly unbothered by the threat posed by the Octillery, nor the Iron Valiant, nor the Umbreon. Of course, that's just more pantomime - If any of them, Trainer or Pokemon, are a little too trigger-happy, then you're up the creek without a paddle. So, here's hoping cooler heads prevail, eh? "Quite the pickle we've got ourselves in, huh? Anyone mind catching me up to speed on the deets?"

...You don't think you like Jack Sabbath very much, but alas, he's all you've got right now.

TL;DR - Shred Zeppelin gets wrecked, gets isekai'd to his home country, dons the stunning disguise of Jack Sabbath, amateur reporter, and attempts to act like he belongs with the League group.

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 18:48:47 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]"It can't be..." [break][break]

Amber eyes widened with bewilderment as he came to recognize their changed surroundings. The stadium and the skyline surrounding the structure was unmistakable to someone who'd grown up in the area, they were in Galar.[break][break]

They were in Wyndon.[break][break]

Rowan's heart raced, pounding against his chest like a trapped bird desperately seeking escape. The stadium around him seemed to shrink, its walls closing in as if threatening to suffocate him. The air grew thin, each breath becoming shallower and more labored. A torrent of thoughts flooded his mind, swirling and colliding with overwhelming force, leaving him unable to grasp a single coherent response.[break][break]

Vision blurred, edges blending together as if seen through a haze of uncertainty. Rowan's legs, once sturdy pillars of support, turned into wobbly stilts that gave way beneath him. He collapsed onto his knees, grasping the grass between both hands in an attempt to hold onto the earth as though he'd drift away otherwise.[break][break]

's voice was a distant whisper as she spoke to the nearby , overshadowed by the thumping of a heartbeat in his ears. wouldn't help him,  wasn't among the League's forces and couldn't afford to be seen with him, he was alone. It was in this moment that he truly felt the absence of in his life. [break][break]

Sensing the breakdown of their trainer, Argos the Slowbro appeared in a flash of light, releasing themselves from the Pokéball. The Slowbro huddled close to Rowan, placing both hand on them and using AMNESIA in an attempt to soothe his mind, hoping to help him forget about the panic they were suffering. [break][break]



· Rowan is having a panic attack, oops.[break]
· Slowbro used Amnesia on Rowan to help him forget his panic.


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 19:05:10 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Familiar voices will only get her to hesitate for all but a second before they're knocked away. And she'll fall gracelessly like a baby bird from its nest, barely scrambling back to her feet when it hits -[break][break]

That horrible wrenching of her guts as dread cracks like a whip through her veins.[break][break]

She won't ever find her voice as her eyes flick towards and , her words hooked deep in her throat when she hears something shattering, when she tries so desperately to reach for her Wooper. It all falls away: The sight of a sword rusting, the visage of the canine legendary crumbling. Neither nightmares nor monsters chase her, leaving plenty of room for something else to nest within her heart.[break][break]

Heroes aren't infallible - How many times has Hoenn taught her this lesson?[break][break]


She awakes to ash and dust, a horrible burning sensation in her lungs that makes her choke. The din of the crowd is nothing but an unintelligible mess of words being thrown about, a crimson gaze briefly sweeping about before catching a glimpse of Lyra lying not too far away.[break][break]

Pain gnaws at her nerves as she hurriedly crawls over, her knees scraping over stubbled remnants of grass as she tries to scoop the Wooper into her arms. Pulse is the first thing she senses, a faint rhythm that keeps going with the gentle rise and fall of the little one's chest. Lyra isn't quite awake but she isn't fighting for her life either, that much is certain by the verdict of the Comfey called upon. Faint murmurs and woops are lost upon Eris as she takes out her pokeball, recalling the Wooper before daring to direct her gaze to her surroundings.[break][break]

A wooden trough sits not too far away and with it, several familiar faces. Though and his Iron Valiant seem less than welcoming, the allure of being able to stick with someone she knows far outweighs the fear of having a blade driven through her chest. If she can somehow survive a Beedrill attack, even if it's just by the skin of her skin, she'll take her chances on this bet.[break][break]

"Derek? Gwyar..." She sticks closer towards their side as she approaches, keeping her hands in clear view as Chloris floats beside her. And without so much as a prompt, the Comfey begins to offer aid for those nearby with a gentle shower of Floral Healing.[break][break]

She doesn't even think to pose the question if they're okay: One's clearly got their head all in a mess while the other is laughing and simply taking in the atmosphere. If she hadn't realised just how severe the situation might be, she might have also given in to her nerves and shut down right there and then.[break][break]

Since idle hands will find no work in the restoration of the trough, all that's left for her to do is simply keep her mind busy and do what she does in situations like this - Observe the statue for any carvings, dare to reach out and touch it even if she shakes.


BgaNACPX (3 salacs, good enough POG)[break][break]
✧ Wearing sygna suit pog[break]
✧ Banished to the shadow realm[break]
✧ Checks on Wooper, injured and dazed[break]
✧ Swaps Wooper for Comfey[break]
✧ Notes defending the statue and trough[break]
✧ Dares to approach anyways, hands out, no tricks... just because and are there[break]
✧ Comfey uses FLORAL HEALING for anyone near the statue[break]
✧ She TOUCHA DA STATUE - Looking for carvings if any
[attr="class","adrie-note"]goodbye galar

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 19:20:59 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

A sound rung out, loud and alien, and with it came pain.[break][break]
Nomi felt her body being tugged downwards, as if gravity itself was increasing at an immense rate. was also falling, and on instinct, Nomi reached for the other woman. Valerian's LIGHT SCREEN shimmered, protecting Nomi and Parker from grievous injury as they impacted against the hard ground, but then it shattered in a burst of sparkling light and the Sylveon was also knocked prone.[break][break]
Nomi held tight to Parker's arm, her knuckles white, expression fearful. She opened her mouth to speak but then -- [break][break]
Everything went dark.[break][break][break][break]
Nomi's eyes snapped open. "Parker?"[break][break]
To Nomi's relief, her bodyguard was still there, sprawled next to her on the ground. Valerian and Amulius were both with them, as well, looking exhausted. Nomi returned Val to his Pokeball; though she knew he would be cross with her later, he needed a respite after that massive attack by the ruinous God. He'd almost died on Meteno. She refused to let that happen again.[break][break]
As Nomi looked around, pulling herself to her feet, she immediately realized that their surroundings had changed. They were no longer near the Ancient Tomb; in fact, they no longer seemed to be in Hoenn. They were in the midst of a giant stadium, the sort of place where professional sports, Pokémon battles, and concerts might take place. Her eyes widened. She knew this stadium; it was a well-known location, often televised.[break][break]
"We're in Galar," she murmured in shock. "This is Wyndon Stadium."[break][break]
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.[break][break]
"Except...that's impossible." But, as she'd learned countless times over the last few months, nothing was truly impossible. Not when one had access to the Interdream Zone and all of its millions of possibilities. Not when one had stolen power from legendary Pokemon that could rip holes through time and space.[break][break]
Not when one worked for Arceus, God of all universes.[break][break]
"Parker, I think the DRK Triad might be behind this," she warned the other woman. She'd tried to explain to her about the origin point, and what she knew of the DRK Triad's plans for Hoenn. Parker should have some understanding of how dire their situation might be. "This might not be real. We might a dream. Some kind of virtual reality."[break][break]
Nomi took out a Pokeball and released her UNOWN-N. She turned to it, meeting its singular eye with conviction.[break][break]
"Warn me immediately if you sense any portals to the Unown Dimension opening."[break][break]
The Triad would not escape her notice, not if she could help it. But knowing their penchant for dramatics - and given their location - she had a foreboding feeling that she and Parker and anyone else who'd landed here were about to become part of some kind of spectacle...[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SWORD


Nomi is wearing black tactical gear with a black mask, her pink hair tied up under a hat[break]
Nomi holds onto as they both get thrown to the ground by the Ting-Lu's attack[break]
After getting sucked into the sword, Nomi recognizes their surroundings as Galar's Wyndon Stadium. Immediately assuming they've been transported to an alternate reality, Nomi warns Parker that this could be the DRK Triad's doing[break]
Nomi returns her Sylveon and releases her UNOWN-N[break]
In anticipation of any DRK Triad shenanigans, Nomi requests that the Unown-N warn her if it senses the opening of any portals to the Unown dimension (i.e. the DRK Triad arriving)



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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 21:21:57 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Miraculously, Thomas and Kalameet manage to avoid being injured by the Ting-Lu's retaliatory attack. But any sort of counterattack would go out the window, as the beasts clashed one last time, and everyone was sucked into the ruined Sword.

Thomas would wake up, sprawled out on Kalameet's back, who had also stirred awake. Thomas could feel the sense of decay in the air, as he took in his surroundings. Wyndon Stadium, a place Thomas was familiar with, if only from the charity events his family would drag him to as a child.

"This can't be real.", muttered Thomas, as he slid off the back of his dragon, recalling it. He would send out Mordred, his Ceruledge in its place.

Thomas took note of the statue. It looked like one of the two steeds, with some mysterious Pokemon, if it even was one, on its back.

"Kaz! Kaz, you read me!", Thomas called out to his partner, hoping the vigilante was okay.


notes: Thomas and Hydreigon avoid the Ting-Lu's attack
Thomas calls out to

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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
591 posts
aaron faust DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @aaron
aaron faust
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 21:54:18 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
aaron sucks in a sharp breath as ting-lu's baneful ringing forces him to his knees. like an otherworldly gravitation pull, the keening sound calls him closer to the ground. he places his palms against the dirt, but he can do little else but struggle against the weight pressed upon his back. [break][break]
sharp pain blossoms along his arm as rocks thrust up through the ground to meet at a point above his head. at his belt, the button on his feraligatr's pokeball blinks as she's fainted and drawn back into the capsule. before he can call out another pokeball, his heart beats hard against his ribs and a wave of dizziness washes over him, slumping him against the tomb he's encased in.
he blinks back to consciousness. above him is the familiar petal roof of wyndon stadium. he's seen it so many times from watching the championship cup, but he's never been here in person — wait.
he sits upright. [break][break]"where the fuck am i?"
he struggles to his feet with a wince as pain returns to the cut running up his arm. the warm stickiness of blood is quickly spreading up his sleeve, prompting his hurried approach to the beacon of moonlight and the familiar face standing under it.
"yo," he greets nonchalantly, like he's not covered in his own blood. the moonlight slows the bleeding and eases the hammer of his heart against his ribs, giving him the opportunity to look around. they're at wyndon stadium (somehow) and there's a statue in the center of it.[break][break] he can already see people gathering at the trough before it.
"what's the plan?" he asks, releasing his xatu beside him. the psychic-type makes a wish to aid in the healing of those around them. "should we go fuck with that statue too?"
[attr="class","annalooc"] + feraligatr faints and aaron gets hurt[break]+ reunites with 😍
[break]+ releases xatu
[break]+ xatu uses wish
[break]+ aaron chitchats with greyson + whoever is around about the next step

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 4:17:39 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he wakes up in the middle of the stadium, after which, he immediately scurries backwards to the edge of the clearing. it wasn't time to take the spotlight yet, so he figures he must keep in the shadows for a while.

he settles on his own corner as everyone busies themselves, trying to blend in as a common league civilian that got themselves into this mess through curiosity. the espeon by his side is recalled, and in its place comes his cherrim.

"let's get this out of the way while we can. lucky chant, please!"

the overcast cherrim does a little dance and a sparkle or so later, luck has blessed them. priam has pretty much believed that starting now, he'll get the incredible luck regardless of what the roll of the dice brings him.

priam starts to walk around the perimeter of the stadium, leaving the investigation of the statue to the curious. coins from earlier clink on his pockets

instead, he looks around for anything that seems interesting enough. after all, he's just waiting for the right moment to be the main character, and the moment isn't there yet.

  • priam is in his sygna suit
  • moves away from the center to the edge of the stadium
  • recalls espeon for cherrim
  • cherrim uses lucky chant
  • priam walks around the perimeter doing perception checks



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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,888 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 5:24:31 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
With her SYGNA SUITED rider passed out in the saddle, Sandy does the one thing she knows will arouse her trainer: roar using her wings. It was cacophonous, raucous vibration that , , and others may have recognized. Shalin's suit in this case worked against her, its properties of letting her withstand extreme motion dulling force that would have abruptly woken her up.

Seeing little alternative, the Flygon landed near the center of the stadium, not far from the statue, and buzzing up a storm. Her wings vanished from going at full BOOMBURST speed, vibration so fast and powerful that multiple sonic booms layered on top of one another shuddered all around the stadium. It would have been nearly impossible for anyone present to miss. Sandy's body shook with such power that, even through her suit, it was enough to rouse Shalin to meaningful awareness. "Wuh..." she moaned as she unsteadily observed her surroundings: a derelict stadium of gargantuan proportions.

"Where... am... I?"


- Shalin's Flygon, sensing her unconsciousness, lands near the stadium's center and looses a BOOMBURST to arouse her trainer. It hurts a little, even with her SYGNA SUIT, but she does wake up.
- Shalin needs help! She does not feel well.

{WC: 163}
{PC: 2}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Shalin          Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Flit            Yanmega           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good
Queen Zing      Beedrill**        Good
Treble          Kommo-o           Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Levy            Milotic           Good

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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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