i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2023 22:17:22 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

lulu quirked a brow at ’s request to leash her dog. djall would eat the whole bloodmoon trail? “we should hope so. then there won’t be anywhere for the beast to hide.” she’d tell him to harness his rat, but civility was half of her disguise.[break][break]

eyes briefly met ’s, an understanding stranger. her nod was returned with the trace of a smirk, before ’s concern captured her attention. ”hopefully not. it doesn’t look very fresh at least...”[break][break]

meanwhile, her houndoom fit as many bones as he could in his jowls before bounding back, where they were presented at lulu’s feet proudly. she eyed them, unsure if they’d been picked clean by her own dog or something else.[break][break]

”more bones,” she announced to the leg investigators, looking back up in time to see , nearly dropped by the weight of the small ball in his hand. her brow furrowed. ”what's tha—“ she began to ask, but the clear sight of the bear interrupted her question.[break][break]

quickly, she returned her houndoom, acknowledging his efforts with a quick, "good boy." genesect was released instead, her best bet at keeping up with the target in such deep muck.[break][break]

”follow it. quickly.”[break][break]

the mechanical bug levitated with magnet rise and folded upward, compactifying its body before zooming through the air in pursuit of the blood moon ursaluna.[break][break]

lulu watched as charged enthusiastically into the swamp as well, wielding a frying pan and with strange treasure still in tow. she was slower to follow, as the idea of wading through the water was disgusting. nevertheless, she was too curious to stay behind. there was the matter of the hunt, and if howard was mauled, she wanted to be the one to recover the ball from his person.[break][break]

”shall we?” she asked and , nodding towards the promise of chaos. [break][break]


• at area 2[break]
• wearing blonde wig as disguise[break]
• houndoom brings bones to the group[break]
• lulu sees blood moon ursaluna, switches out houndoom for genesect[break]
genesect uses magnet rise over the water, follows blood moon ursaluna[break]
• lulu follows slower cause swampwater[break][break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-houndoom"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-genesect"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-alakazam"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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She / Her
June 10
Ecruteak City, Johto
Ace / ?-romantic
Boba Cafe Barista
May you always know pain as temporary and laughter better.
340 posts
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TAG WITH @xiura
Xiura Balfaltin
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2023 1:28:14 GMT
Xiura Balfaltin Avatar
In her anxiousness about the situation, Xiura felt herself growing more muddled in her thoughts and words. "My mistake; I meant my Gardevoir," she apologized to . She grinned at him lightheartedly, though inside she was rattled by the thought she might not be focused enough on the present danger.
Looking around at the others exploring the swamp, she felt a frail ray of hope shine through the darkness, that together, they would prevail—perhaps it was an added benefit of ’s Sunny Day. But her outlook plummeted as they came upon the next obstacle in their path.
Xiura let out a choked sob, her hands covering her mouth in shock at the garden of water-bloated corpses floating among the mire. The open, veiny eyes were stuck fast in swollen orbitals, each one a bulbous flower emerging from its calyx. The fingers, cheeks, and noses, chewed upon by scavengers and gnawed by decay.
"No," she wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. This was too much. She had never witnessed this much carnage, not even... not even in her childhood, with the worst of her mother's punishments for ill-performing minions and traitors. She stayed silent, her chin trembling under the cover of her hands.
Before she could finish processing the sight before her, an Ursaring-like creature appeared, trampling through and disturbing the corpse garden, churning the water with its immense mass and sending the bodies bobbling in the water like gruesome bath toys. Xiura held back a retch as the bodies drifted nearer to shore, beckoning the explorers closer.
Her Sableye Jin cackled—an echo of her internal scream, from stress and anguish, emotions pulled taut like a guitar string. She reached out to him—to comfort or be comforted, she was not certain. Instead, he grazed past her, in his own measure of comfort, to pursue the monstrous bear, utilizing the agility and subtlety of Shadow Sneak to catch up and attack the creature. Xiura could not call out to him anymore, lest she give away his position and ruin the element of surprise.
Instead, she fought to take strength from her Pokemon's determination. She spotted the Light Screen summoned by ’s Gholdengo and waved wildly to him, hoping a few panels would appear before their group. To her relief, a path forward appeared, and she took a few cautious steps on its surface, testing its stability, before racing towards the Ursaluna and her Sableye. "Let's go!" she called out to her companions, and . There was strength and safety in numbers, she knew. And if she lost Jin, she’d never forgive herself.

| | [break][break]


- Area 1[break]
- Her Sableye Jin uses Shadow Sneak, attacking the Ursaring[break]
- Xiura takes up on the opportunity to move forward/fast track to get mauled by a bear. She asks and to come along to help subdue the creature, which is presumably guilty. The perpetrator always returns to the scene of the crime?



[newclass=".lucinatest3"]--accent:#BB7AEB;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
241 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2023 15:49:40 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oliver gave a very unimpressed look. "It's not about strength or smarts, but maturity. There's a reason there's recommended ages for movies, video games, and even some music albums. Even some art galleries have age restrictions because of the content in that section of the gallery. This isn't a scene for a child. There's enough children with PTSD around, there's no need to create more..." With that, he'd leave the guy to his digging, getting something heavy. He'd leave him and the little one be. Everyone went to their investigations. More bones and stuff. Then they saw something.  Including two bodies that fit the descriptions of Junichi and Minako Sato.

Moving on, they soon found a creature. It looked like an Ursaluna. But not quite. It was digging something up. Before he could say something about everyone needing to wait, the creature noticed them, and started to run, going through a swampy water filled with bodies. used Grass Knot to try to stop it and contain it, someone else was using Confuse Ray, and someone from the other side looked like they were attacking it. Sighing heavily, he just yelled at everyon. "Everyone calm down! Stop attacking it! Just follow it for now!" Some weren't attacking it, thankfully, just following. Returning Breloom, he released Dragonite, hopped on, and pursued. Hopefully, people would listen to him, but he doubted it. However likely it was that this was the culprit, it wasn't a garuntee.

Oliver responds back to , proceeds to leave it there.
Yells at peeps to chill out and not attack it, and just follow it.
Returns Breloom, releases Dragonite, hops  on his back, and follows Ursaluna by air.


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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
643 posts
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2023 22:57:37 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar



Jack trudged ahead as their search party continued forward into the swamp. Catching sight of up ahead, he rushed to catch up with her and share information but any conversation was cut short as he came into view of the floating bodies seemingly filling the swamp. At once all the terrors and the overwhelming feelings of despair he had been suppressing since his return from Galar surged to the surface, freezing him in place, unable to break away from the horrific scene. Instead he watched the action unfold as the strange pokemon appeared and people gave chase with pokemon assisting their trainers any way that they could.[break][break]

Fighting for control over his emotions, Jack took a deep breath and watched as @elliot went into the water to recover bodies. Nodding to himself, he swapped Mismagius back into her pokeball and released Poe. "Let's get these bodies back to shore," he said quietly to his Corviknight before the pokemon took to the air, hovered over a corpse, and dropped down like a giant claw game to grab it. Jack shucked off his rain poncho and carefully lowered himself into the water, shivering with a cold that had nothing to do with the temperature. Wading slowly to his fellow Ranger, he gave Elliot a respectful nod. "Good thought," he remarked before reaching out to help pull another corpse back to shore.




Jack swaps out Mismagius for Corviknight and sends the raven pokemon to help pull bodies out of the water.[break]
Jack jumps in to help Elliot recover more bodies.[break]

[newclass=.jackpost]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".jackpost .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,212 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2023 23:13:27 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The blood moon rises once again
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Taking the proffered shard from and turning it over carefully in her hands, Aurelie nodded in agreement with his assessment. "That's what I was thinking too. Anything that comes out of those distortions and start doing...this..." She gestured toward the group of people and Pokemon around the dismembered leg and shook her head ruefully.

"Definitely dangerous. And probably different from anything we've seen before, if what I've heard about how those distortions can transform Pokemon is at all accurate." Then she pursed her lips and nodded at thoughtfully.

"You're right, though," Aurelie continued, turning toward them as they stood beside her atop their Torterra's shell. "We usually do hear about distortions very quickly! And I hadn't heard about anything in this area, except the Beast. So, either the distortion it came from closed up almost instantly behind it, or there's something else going on..."

She shuddered and looked up toward the rest of the group, which was starting to advance deeper into the swamp. Carefully putting the shard away, she started following the others cautiously, feeling safer surrounded by the main body of the group rather than serving as an advance scout. Aurelie arrived at the main area of the swamp in time to watch as the bizarre, almost eldritch-looking URSALUNA growled and dug something up from the earth.

Aurelie gasped openly in shock when she saw it was a corpse. Was it missing a leg? She squinted her eye intently, but from this vantage point, with mud and water clinging to it, she couldn't tell.

To her astonishment, the BLOODMOON URSALUNA with the green light glowing from its head and the red circle on its forehead didn't roar in anger or charge at them when it saw them. Instead, the great beast fled away from them. Aurelie was no expert on Pokemon behavior in the wild, but...

"Is it...scared of us?" the red-haired smith blurted out, staring wide-eyed at the URSALUNA. "It almost looks like it's trying to get away from us. Like it's hoping to find safety in the center of the swamp, with all the..." She grimaced. "All the corpses."

Driven by curiosity, Aurelie hurried forward toward the edge of the swamp, pausing beside and watching with amusement as dashed headlong into the swamp shouting about an interview. The red-haired smith made a face as she regarded the murky, rank waters confronting them all. With her free hand, she pulled out a Pokeball and summoned her MILOTIC forth.

Though the beautiful Pokemon seemed to pout at the prospect of skimming through the foul, corpse-filled water, it settled into the swamp calmly enough. Aurelie gratefully climbed onto its back, clinging tightly to its neck. The thought of losing her grip and falling into the swamp was unthinkable.

"Let's head into the swamp after that…creature. But move slowly," she told her MILOTIC, "and don't do anything aggressive. I want to watch how it reacts to us..."

On the other side of the swamp, Aurelie could hear someone screaming about calming down. The voice reminded her of the others on her side, still contemplating ways to cross the swamp. She looked back at everyone left in AREA 2 and patted her MILOTIC'S back. "Umm, does anyone else want a ride into the swamp?" she offered. "Coralie should be able to carry one more rider."



- Locatedin AREA 2
- Wearing button-down shirt, cargo pants, boots, and sunglasses (Outfit ref) and carrying machete
- Agrees with about how dangerous the Beast could be if it came out of a distortion, but also agrees with that they had no warning there was a distortion even in the area
- Follows the search party and sees the URSALUNA, which she interprets as retreating from their group in fear when it sees them
- Releases her MILOTIC to follow the URSALUNA but not attack it yet, before pausing and offering a ride to someone else

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
409 posts
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 1:22:11 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]As she stared at the other two pictures on the phone, Aubre frowned. “Who took these pictures?” The pair were already dead at that point, or, at least, unconscious. And, she doubted a monster of this size could take one. Unfortunately, only the wind heard the question. The camera ended up around her neck, where it’d stay for the rest of the hunt.

When the water deepened, the redhead would pause at its edge. The unknown—the things beneath the murky depths—inspired a sense of caution. A thousand different horrific scenarios flashed through her mind, each one more horrific than the last. Unbeknownst to her, she’d soon be viewing something beyond her imagination.

As the other trainers took flight, Aubre turned to face her Jumpluff. “Maggie, are you okay taking a break? Taking a minute to dry off?” With a chirp, she recalled the grass type. In its place, a heavily scarred Gyarados emerged. His eyes peered suspiciously at the swamp around them. “Chester? Are you—I know we discussed this earlier, but I don’t want to—” The great beast made a noise. Something Aubre knew to be laughter. He dipped his head low enough to allow the doctor to climb aboard. “Thank you.” With a grunt, she pulled herself onto the water-type’s back.

In moments, the air snake was gliding past the others in the group. His intimidating presence sent what creatures were visible sinking beneath the surface. But he could not scare the dead. A gasp tore from Aubre’s throat as she recognized the bloated bobbing things for what they were. “!?” Her voice was tiny, uncertain. “Oh, Arceus. These poor people. What happened?” The Gyarados roared as he sighted the Ursaluna. Following his gaze, the redhead nudged him to where @rowan dug at the exposed corpse.

As they approached, the doctor fumbled for her phone. Punched in three digits. “I’d like to report a—” Her voice shook as a small corpse caught her eyes. She tried her best to swallow her tears. “--a few—I’m sorry, Arceus—” The female voice on the other end pushed. “Around a dozen murders. We’re at, well, near, trail marker 109.” The hands buried in the Gyarados’s scales shook.

Something about this situation seemed wrong. The bear had chosen to run instead of attacking. And, while bears buried corpses, it woldn’t typically do it somewhere like this. Then, there was the pictures to worry about.

Shouting and barbarism drew the doctor’s eyes. As suspected, people were quick to turn to the pitchfork mentality. “Chester, can you—” With a grunt, she dropped into the muck beside Rowan. “--stop the bear with a Whirlpool? But don’t hurt it! I just—it seems as confused as we are.” Maybe they could talk to it. Maybe they could reason with it.

In other words, she agreed with .

But, for now, there was something to investigate. “Hang on, sir. Let me help.” Though not strong, determination allowed her to tug the body free. The sucking sound was the most disgusting thing she’d ever heard. It’s not going to hurt you. Even if it’s cold. Even if it’s stiff. This isn’t a person anymore. Bile threatened as the person’s tongue lolled out. On Aubre’s shoulder, her Oricorio tried to sing a soothing song.

"GRWAAAAAAAAARWGH!" With a deafening roar—meant to draw attention—her Gyarados moved to fence the Ursaluna with the very waters that comprised his home. It then turned a steely eye on the trainers attempting to hurt it. His little Rattata wanted it to come to no harm, and he'd had enough of war. Hopefully, the swirling waters would provide some armor from the people surrounding it.

[attr="class","samjer","samjertag"]Area 1
  • Questions who took the last two pictures and hangs her camera from her neck [li]Climbs aboard Chester the Gyarados
  • Steels herself at the sight of the corpses, trying not to cry.
  • Assists Rowan in uncovering the body
  • Has the Gyarados summon a whirlpool, using it to partially protect the bear
  • Calls 911 to report a TON of murders

[newclass=.samjer] font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain] margin: 0 auto; width:350px;background-color:#272727;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:14px;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertag] text-align:right;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom: -15px; padding-top: 15px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjermain b] color: #69A534; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain i] color: #69A534; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer u] text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #E0F3FC; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 10px Poppins!important; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjerpoke] width:440px;height:60px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px; background-color: #69A534;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertop] width:440px;height:50px;background-color: #69A534;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px;[/newclass]
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,903 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 4:12:41 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Her search for the remnants would come up with a terrifying discovery of cracked and fragmented bones with their marrow sucked clean. Since her guard had found the same with her, the ambassador would come to share her findings with the rest of the group when she had gotten back to their side. “I would like to divulge my findings to you all. While I was searching for remnants, I’ve found bones without their marrow and they were sucked clean of it. I…have a terrible feeling that we may have found a shallow grave of some sort.” Elise gives the information to , , and the others in the group.[break][break]

Her Gastly floats back to her side while the small ghost looks at the other people going towards the watery swamp filled with bodies. A sight of the Blood Moon Ursaluna moving to the center of the swamp would make her feel a bit cautious in going towards it though the investigation of two of the bodies being similar to the missing persons they were tasked to find was something to find out about.[break][break]

With Lysithea following her in walking up to one of the bodies that looked like the missing guy with dark hair next to his significant other, the Galarian Ambassador begins to do an examination of the male’s body to determine if it really was the missing victim they had to find from the dispatch.[break][break]


@bloodmudiron [break][break]


- Area 1[break]
- Divulges information about the bones sucked of marrow to , , and the rest of the area 1 gang.[break]
- Investigates one of the bodies in the watery swamp to figure out if this was the missing person they wwere dispatched to find.[break]



[newclass=".elisetest3"]--accent:#d143d8;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".elisetest3 .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 4:16:44 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


After saving @elliot from his almost sticky demise, Noel looks up to see the two-legged beast making its way towards the center of the swamp, all sorts of tattered bodies littered throughout the area. The sight was almost too much for Noel, how could one Pokemon cause so much destruction? His knees felt weak as he stared in horror at the creature tossing bodies around like it was nothing. If he was any normal person his instincts would tell him to run, to flee from danger, but he knew he couldn't run away and let this monster be loose for more innocent people to be hurt by.[break][break]

"Ugh... This stench, I-" he holds his hand up to his nose in order to block the smell but to no avail "We've got to stop this animal before anyone else gets hurt. With all of us together and those on the other side, I'm sure we'll triumph."[break][break]

He says out loud as a sort of battle cry, upon seeing a multitude of trainers rushing forward, eager to attack, he starts to do the same. Releasing his Glaceon out onto the field, he orders it to use Icy Wind in order to freeze bits and pieces of the toxic sludge and create platforms for people and Pokemon to jump on, including himself and his Glaceon. He follows alongside everyone else, running and hopping across the new icy puddles, ready to take on this ferocious foe.[break][break]


[attr="class","notes"]Area 1 gang[break][break]
Is scared at first of the Ursaluna but decides to face it head on[break][break]
Glaceon uses Icy Wind to make small puddles on the way to Ursaluna and Noel goes across them

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[newclass=".leaguechar"] --accent:#FFB546!important [/newclass]
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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,087 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 5:22:59 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu"]Area 1[break][break]

Tsubaki gently folds the remnants of the ear in a handkerchief and puts it in her bag, taking care to be respectful of the still-watching eyes of MINAKO SATO. She recognizes her face from the missing persons photos. She is the person they're looking for, and it's not a good sign.[break][break]

"Don't worry... we'll help resolve this whole mess. I promise."[break][break]

She speaks as if she's talking to Minako herself, though her appearance is just an illusion. Koyo lets the girl's image dissipate, returning to Tsubaki's shoulders as she thinks carefully on that bit of info. [break][break]

Minako Sato...[break][break]

The sound of conspiracy from causes her to step away from the group, avoiding the thought. [break][break]

"The clues don't speak to that. It's a leap."[break][break]

The motive, the deeper meaning of this all... there aren't any clues to lead in that direction. So far, it's a missing person's case. It doesn't need to be complicated by those with delusions, those who express their grief and trauma in unhealthy ways by bringing everything back to the war, or the existences of alternate dimensions.[break][break]

She secretly hopes, deep down, that he's wrong. For her own sake. [break][break]

She's had enough trouble with alternate dimensions.[break][break]

"Let's keep looking for now. We can only get a good picture of events if we uncover more clues. Speculation won't help anything."[break][break]

She gazes out at the swamp, at the floating logs on the murky surface of the water. [break][break]

Consider the facts. Jumping to conclusions makes it harder to find the truth.[break][break]

She blinks as the sun comes through the clouds. That's when it hits her. She almost doesn't wanna believe it at first, but... believing her intuition has served her well so far. [break][break]


She leaps into action suddenly, not waiting to scan the rest of the swamp before she jumps from the cliff. Koyo floats over her shoulder, holding her in the air with its extrasensory as she skims the water. She quickly, desperately scans the bodies, searching for the likeness of...[break][break]

"... Minako Sato."[break][break]

She stops above her, breath caught in her throat. It's the stench of death. She covers her mouth with her sleeve and looks to the next body. A man who looks very much like Junichi floats beside her. But... there's more bodies here than were reported missing. Many more. [break][break]

It fills her heart with dread.[break][break]

She looks up, trying to count them all, when the frantic splashing of a giant pokemon suddenly attracts her attention. She stops and freezes, caught out in the open in the middle of the swamp, staring down the bear pokemon. Thankfully, it hasn't noticed her yet.[break][break]


+ #Area1gang [break]
+ Baki notices the bodies floating in the muck.[break]
+ Baki's Zorua (Koyo) uses extrasensory to break her leap off the cliff, and allow her to float over the surface of the pond to inspect the bodies. [break]
+ Identifies what looks like Minako and Junichi Sato's bodies, but is caught in the open when she hears the Bloodmoon Ursaluna nearby. She freezes.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 10:58:10 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The mystery of the poison would probably be worked on once they were done with searching for this beast so Kazimir followed his Ninetails further in and soon came across the swamp as he could feel his foot suddenly dip into the water. As he tried to get his bearings and not fall into murky waters a strong scent hit his nose. It was familiar in a way, something he knows but hasn't smelled in a very good while. It smelled like death.

Then the swamp around him was illuminated with light and sure enough Kaz's hunch was correct, though he really wish he was wrong about it. Before him lay bodies strewn about floating about in the water looking like they were just dumped here by the number of them that he could spot. "Holy..." They were bound to find bodies at some point or another but this wasn't exactly something he thought they'd come across. After all this many bodies in one place looked like some sort of dump site.

He moved further into the swamp as his Ninetails returned to his side but stayed where they wouldn't be swimming in bodies like Kazimir was as he walked through them. It wasn't long till he came across two that struck a sense of familiarity to not just him but it seemed like a few others as more and more people found their way to the swamp. "It looks like our couple. Kinda hard to tell a little..." There was one way to check but handling dead bodies wasn't something he was too keen on had to be done, so Kaz turned over the corpses as and joined him.

As his heart sinks the sound of heavy footsteps keeps it from going into an abyss.

His head snaps around and sees a beast resembling a bear suddenly charge through the swamp at full speed. Its charge alone pushes a few of the bodies away and Kaz is quick to extend a hand and a whistle towards it as his mind switches priority. "Storm! Slow that thing down!" the ninetails barks as small orbs of fire suddenly ignite around it and the will-o-wisps are sent flying towards the charging bear to burn it and keep it from moving any further as well as tell it to keep its distance from them.


    * uh oh! corpses!
    * joins in on examining junichi's(?) and minako's(?) corpses
    * stormbringer uses will-o-wisp on the bloodmoon ursaluna!


[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 16:09:08 GMT

Listening in as he moves for the very front of the vanguard, Derek overhears talk about all the corpses and bones. He would have even remained idly by to discover more of their findings, had he not watched flitting across the landscape so recklessly.

These people are fucking crazy.

If they weren't blitzing towards the very thing that was leaving a sea of corpses, then they were struggling to wade through the waist-high mudland. The risk of getting stuck, or being too slow to avoid the bear if it charged... They were both quite the gamble.

Derek instead switches out pokemon, choosing to FLY upon the dragon to keep a close watch over it's behavior. Oh, and for a better look at the mud-covered species.


- hears about corpses & bones
- watches desiree glide away recklessly towards bear
- switches pokemon to FLY, following/observing the bear
- wonders what the hecc this muddy bear thing is
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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 0:02:32 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
I… I see,” Grigori said in response to . No leader? And with a very dangerous Pokémon on the prowl? Then… who called for this search party? This was either the most poorly organized search and rescue effort in years, or something else was afoot. Not that he would know, nor would he find out tonight– he wasn’t here to play hero.

But based on some of the movement from his ‘party’ ( , why are you running towards it with barely disguised glee?!), his hopes were quickly dashed against the rocks. “Thanks, then I’ll go up ahead and see what’s going on.

Across the bridge, through the trees, to the center of the swamp he jogged. His Druddigon had been returned as soon as he had seen Shred on his way across the murky waters, but something wedged in the back of his head thought it poorly decided. After all, he was in an unknown place on the hunt for a deadly force. Why retreat Brick when he could need him but not have him?

He kept away from the rest of the group, right up until he reached the second bridge. Grigori wasn’t the first to bear witness to this… massacre, but at least he didn’t feel as nauseous as some. The stench of death, (un)fortunately, had been repressed by the overall murk and filth. The rain helped plenty as well, the damp air and constant noise and distraction.

But it couldn’t distract from the massive… monster. Oh how he loathed the term, but the green skull and the way it barreled through the mud and water with the rain and moon above, how else to describe it? Much like a scene out of a fairy tale.

What to do, what to do? Some already went on the offensive. Some went for the bodies. And were those other people in the distance, on the opposite side of the open cesspit of death and decay?

Arceus above, help us all,” Grigori muttered underneath the rain. Since he had just arrived and had little clue on how best to help everyone, he instead stood firm. Surrounded by constant movement, yet alone all the same. He released another Pokémon from his ball, a mighty Kingambit. The dark water came up to its upper chest, but it stood tall and proud.

Pumpkin, if you see a body… move it off to the side. Please.

Enough guts and gore exploded while the bear ran across the swamp. Perhaps one or two families could have a whole person to bury, instead of a mashed pile.

 - Doesn't like that there is not a dedicated leader for a search group.
 - Retreats his Druddigon, and goes off on his own ahead at a fast pace.
 - Reaches the second bridge right before the open area, and shrimply looks at all the horror.
 - Doesn't immediately do anything (Pretend I spent my entire turn moving idk), but releases a Kingambit into the water in preparation for anything.
 - Grigori does the eyes emoji and waits (Anyone nearby is free to interact, and if you don't I'll do it anyway!)

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 16:13:05 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

A beast.[break][break]

Tempest wrinkles his nose at the eagerness to attack the thing. If it was fleeing, the last thing they wanted to do was corner it. Of course, that seemed to be just what everyone else was aiming for. Even going as far as attacking it. He agreed with the blond who cried out in protest () but decided to keep his opinions to himself.[break][break]

A quick look over the scenery.[break][break]

"You guys be careful. I'm going to check out those bodies in the water. Something is weird about them." If they were fresher, where was all the bloating and rot? The maggots? This should have been the perfect place for it...[break][break]

Skipper is called back into his pokeball, not wanting to drag the baby pokemon out into the water. Instead, Compass comes out. The tall Firagarif would be his companion for this- both for her height to help get them through the water and for their bond. There is a rush of energy and a small glow, his Sygna Suit manifesting around him. The olde knight suit's thick armor skirt dragged in the murky water, but it would be fine. It hummed with life, Tempest pushing all his bravery in his partner.[break][break]

With the beast hopefully distracted, and with other people examining the more familiar bodies, Tempest hopped into the water. It was sticky and wet as he sank down, making it hard to slog through. Thick mud tried to pull his feet under, but eventually he did make it to his goal- the floating bodies.[break][break]

"Compass, cover me." The Firagarif snorted in his ear as she leaned her long neck down to chuff in his hair. Then she pulled back, tense and ready to smack a Thief should anything try and attack them.[break][break]

The bodies were gross but Tempest had seen worse. So he worked on flipping over the nearest one to him to try and examine.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]@mud blood iron



🔗 route 2 gang[break]
🔗 parts ways with the peeps he had been hanging with[break]
🔗 thinks something is fishy but isn't sure what[break]
🔗 calls back riolu and calls out firagarif[break]
🔗 activates his sygna suit just in case (firafarig)[break]
🔗 walks into the water to try and examine the floating bodies[break]
🔗 firagarif holds a Thief for if something attacks him[break]
🔗 feeling BRAVE (sygna)


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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 16:59:03 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar
indignance is a pinprick in the arch of his heel. [break][break]

a better person would pull the splinter out, shrug off the misunderstanding. nagi harboured no doubts of ’s competence, had vouched for her right to misadventure mere moments before. he knew, for a fact, that between them both, he was more likely to die face-down and forgotten after tripping on a tree root in the swamp.[break][break]

but nagi is nagi, so while makes his case to for responsible adult stewardship of unattended minors, nagi drives his foot into it. until the spur digs into flesh — lets the sharp sting of irritation buoy him above the churning surf of terror, dull the stench of sulphur lingering in his sinuses — and picks the low road.[break][break]

“if necrophilia is your hobby,” he says. “i’m not one to kinkshame.” [break][break]

the tight-lipped robotic monotone of his retort is drowned out by the man’s shriek. nagi manages not to jump, if only because his foot is stuck fast in the mud, and makes the mistake of looking towards the direction howard scampers, screaming, off into.[break][break]

his gaze skitters: a pale hand, fingers splayed open like the petals of a lotus. a foot, one mud-stained shoe still on. oh, no, he thinks, a single, feverish, desperate wish, as he stares at a putrefied face. into wide, unstaring eyes. i hope it didn’t hurt.[break][break]

he thinks, it did, didn't it?[break][break]

he takes one step, two, cold water sinking into his socks as he wades into mud, exchanging his eevee for his galarian mr. mime. as rescuers like and @elliot attempt to fish the corpses out of the water, a PROTECT shimmers over the bodies, trying — like on the opposing bank — to keep as many as possible intact from the rampaging ursuluna and the elements. [break][break]

to spare them, at least, these last hurts. [break][break]


[break]・#area2[break]・kinkshames [break]・uses PROTECT to assist rescuers recovering corpses[break]


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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
591 posts
aaron faust DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @aaron
aaron faust
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 20:42:37 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
the exchange between and distracts aaron before he can argue with . fossil kissing? kinkshaming? he doesn’t know what the fuck that even means, but he still stares at them dumbfounded. he thought would always be the number one weirdo in his life, but this researcher guy is rapidly climbing toward the top. [break][break]as moves on from her leg-poking activities, aaron straightens up and checks on his pikachu. she’s half-disappeared beneath a bush, following the earthy scent of whatever presence she’s sniffed out in the heart of the swamp. with a chagrined sigh, he follows after her until the hunched figure of the bloodmoon beast comes into view. [break][break]
ducks behind him with a shriek that makes him tense up worse than the matted creature in front of them does.
”what the actual fuck, dude?!” he snaps, turning on a heel to face his companion. irritation bleeds into confusion as he sees him brandishing a frying pan in the bear’s direction. there’s no way he’s about to try and fight the bear with that, right?[break][break]
and then, before he can ask, the researcher runs off after the bloodmoon beast.
fuck, he thinks, running in after him without a second thought. he fumbles for the poke balls attached to his belt and swaps his pikachu for his xatu. [break][break]"don't let that big backpack fucker get eaten, okay?" he orders breathlessly as cold water surges up around his thighs. the psychic-type separates from aaron, flying ahead to keep pace with . her eyes glow with psychic energy, but the attack is withheld as defense.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + starting area 2 [break]
+ aaron learns a new word [break]
+ aaron follows his pikachu to the swamp zone and then gets jumpscared by screaming [break]
+ aaron chases after @howard into the water and swaps his pikachu for xatu [break]
+ xatu is prepared to use psychic to protect pogpog[break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing