i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2023 23:37:30 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
1. Don't like 'em, most people who wear 'em have hairy ass legs, get a razor.
2. Next.
3. Never. You can't ever wash away your past.
4. Iron Jugulis.
5. , Two boxes of medicine.
6. A knife, my wallet, and a set of keys.
7. Got three of 'em, all older. Hate 'em, fucking traitors.
8. I don't.
9. I don't see a point in naming 'em, An absol's an Absol.
10. None of your business...(Yes.)
11. White
12. What's anime?
13. That's a hard question...I think Konikoni has a great sound bu-, I mean none of them, I ain't listening to no music.
14. Forever, if it ain't croaked yet, it ain't gonna.
15. Why'd you ever choose to fight?
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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
he him
spikemuth, galar
don't even try it
5'7/170cm height
5'7/170cm height
I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
176 posts
dylan sayer DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dylan
dylan sayer
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2023 9:36:14 GMT
dylan sayer Avatar
1. "Better be jean shorts."
2. "I took on three Volcanion and lived."
3. "Sin is, like honor, a fake idea that gets people hurt. If someone does something bad you gotta kick their ass."
4. "I kinda hate... Seviper."
5. " and and ."
6. "Phone. Wallet. Keys. Vape. Box cutter. Switchblade."
7. "My brother was the good son. But I'm in my bag. I'm spending his rent on shoes. But being an anesthesiologist is cool too."
8. "I want a larger than life presence, whether I'm dead or alive. I want mine to be the tombstone goth kids take pics at."
9. "No."
10. "No."
11. "Purple. Like... the Grimer purple."
12. "Death Note."
13. "Killer is unlike anything else on the record."
14. "Act as if you're already dead. It'll make dying easier."
Suggestion: Do you believe in the afterlife?

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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2023 10:36:06 GMT
Navy Avatar

Survey #1 - What is your opinion on shorts?

Not my style. Just never liked wearing them. You'll get all kinds of cuts and bug bites.

Survey #2 - What was your proudest moment?

Three things tie for the spot: The day my brother graduated high school, the day got named top champ, the day my kids were born.

Survey #3 - Do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven?

Death's the only thing that's final.

Survey #4 - Which Pokemon species do you detest?

Stakataka. Hate that thing. Killed my Gyarados.

Survey #5 - Who or what 3 objects would you bring with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?

, a microbikini in her measurements, and a pokeball containing my Greninja. Everything else would sort itself out.

Survey #6 - What do you have in your pockets?

Huh. Knife, pokeballs, beef jerky. Wallet. Got my trainer card in there.

Survey #7 - Do you have a sibling, or someone like one? If so, what's your relationship like?

There's a hole in my heart where Gabe's supposed to be.

Survey #8 - How would you like to be remembered after you die?

A warrior. A decent guy.

Survey #9 - Do you name your Pokemon? Why, or why not? Do you follow a certain theme?

I ask a few peeps for advice. helps me with historical names. helps me with names from mythology. gives me weird Kanto names.

Survey #10 - Are you a virgin?

If a guy that's got at least two kids can be a virgin, sure.



Survey #12 - What is your favorite anime?

Don't watch anime. Well...I guess the movies Ghibli makes are pretty good. Real works of art.

Survey #13 - ORACELIES SOLAR has released her final album titled X. Out of the tracklist, which is your favourite song and why?

Too new for me.

Survey #14 - How much time do you think Hoenn has left?

Not my place to know how long's left on the clock. All I know's this: whoever tries to turn the clock to midnight, I'll fight you. I'll fight you again and again. Trust me, I'm a lot more stubborn than you are.

Suggestions - Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.

What's your favorite movie?
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november 7th
lavender town
freelance author
i follow you into the dark
105 posts
Victor Haas DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @victorh
Victor Haas
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 15:41:15 GMT
Victor Haas Avatar



tue. 14

passerby analytics hq #5


1. What is your opinion on shorts? [break]
Makes my legs feel too exposed. More power to other people if they like them, though.
2. What was your proudest moment? [break]
The day I married my wife.

3. Do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven? [break]
Nah, there's definitely some things you can do that are totally beyond fixing or forgiving. It's not a long list, but it's there.

4. Which Pokemon species do you detest? [break]
'Detest' is a strong word, but Hypno kinda freaks me out.

5. Who or what 3 objects would you bring with you if you were stuck on a deserted island? [break]
A pack of writing utensils, some paper, and my Pokemon.

6. What do you have in your pockets? [break]
Uhhh, lemme check... A half-empty pack of cigarettes, my phone, the keys to my old house, some loose change, aaaaand my wallet. No, wait, I think there's also some lint at the bottom. And a little eraser shaped like an Elgyem - ew, I think it's more lint than eraser, at this point.

7. Do you have a sibling, or someone like one? If so, what's your relationship like? [break]
No, I don't have any siblings.

8. How would you like to be remembered after you die? [break]
I don't. Does that count as an answer?

9. Do you name your Pokemon? Why, or why not? Do you follow a certain theme? [break]
It'd be kinda weird not to name them, right? It's like not naming your kid or something. I try and pick names that fit their personalities, though, uh, out of the two Pokemon I currently have, I only picked the names of one of them.

10. Are you a virgin? [break]
No. [break][break]

Brown? Or orange.[break][break]

12. What is your favorite anime? [break]
I don't watch anime. [break][break]

13. Oracelies Solar has released her final album titled X. Out of the tracklist, which is your favorite song and why? [break]
Huh, hadn't really listened to her til I did this survey, but I skimmed a couple of the tracks and Thank You Song was pretty good. [break][break]

14. How much time do you think Hoenn has left? [break]
Like, negative time. It's shocking that this hellhole didn't go under years ago.[break][break]

Suggestions? [break]
Do you believe in life after death?



who doesn't like talking about themselves?

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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
904 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2023 9:54:45 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar

Survey #1 - What is your opinion on shorts?

i am not of short height desist

Survey #2 - What was your proudest moment?


Survey #3 - Do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven?

stain blood are hard to wash out

Survey #4 - Which Pokemon species do you detest?


Survey #5 - Who or what 3 objects would you bring with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?

sword, sword,

Survey #6 - What do you have in your pockets?

lint, cola, cellular phone, tanto

Survey #7 - Do you have a sibling, or someone like one? If so, what's your relationship like?

i love my sister very much she is nice girl her kids are very nice and if you mess with them youll die

Survey #8 - How would you like to be remembered after you die?

i cant die cuz yumi said i cant

Survey #9 - Do you name your Pokemon? Why, or why not? Do you follow a certain theme?

cool sword names

Survey #10 - Are you a virgin?

i do not like olive oil



Survey #12 - What is your favorite anime?


Survey #13 - ORACELIES SOLAR has released her final album titled X. Out of the tracklist, which is your favourite song and why?

x gonna give it to ya

Survey #14 - How much time do you think Hoenn has left?

many years this question is dumb

Suggestions - Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.

if you were given one stopwatch could you beat a rapidash in a fight
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✥ des ✥

✥ mari ✥
✥ she/her ✥
✥ seventy six ✥
✥ february first ✥
✥ slateport, hoenn ✥
✥ heterosexual ✥
✥ tea house op ✥
✥ associate ✥
crept away from you
✥ 4'11" ✥ height
✥ 4'11" ✥ height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
82 posts
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TAG WITH @marilyn
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 6:04:59 GMT


Survey #1 - What is your opinion on shorts?

Shorts above the knee are immodest. Yadda yadda heat regulation, you won't catch me in shorts. Not classy.

Survey #2 - What was your proudest moment?

Giving birth to both of my children.

Survey #3 - Do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven?


Survey #4 - Which Pokemon species do you detest?

Chatot, annoying!

Survey #5 - Who or what 3 objects would you bring with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?

My tea set, my Golurk, and my cane.

Survey #6 - What do you have in your pockets?

Lint and a broken pearl necklace. Damn youngin's tried to steal it from me!

Survey #7 - Do you have a sibling, or someone like one? If so, what's your relationship like?

I have a younger sister. We don't talk anymore though, she has a distaste for me after what transpired in our twenties.

Survey #8 - How would you like to be remembered after you die?

The best mother and grandmother in the world. And the granny you don't fuck with.

Survey #9 - Do you name your Pokemon? Why, or why not? Do you follow a certain theme?

I do! I name all of my Sinistea and Polteageist after types of teas, and the rest I tend to give names as if I were naming my children. Nice, classy names, like Ludwig and Valeria.

Survey #10 - Are you a virgin?

How dare you ask a woman of my age such a question! I said I have kids, use your common sense.



Survey #12 - What is your favorite anime?

What is anime? I've only met one Annie May in my life, she was a wee disrespectful.

Survey #13 - ORACELIES SOLAR has released her final album titled X. Out of the tracklist, which is your favorite song and why?

I don't listen to music made by the younger generations.

Survey #14 - How much time do you think Hoenn has left?

Maybe.. ten years? Five, now that I'm released from prison.

Suggestions - Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.

How many elderly people have you held open doors for in the past week?

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 16:15:49 GMT
"Do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven?"

redemption is a hollow ideal. live with your sins and embrace the consequences of what you've done.

"Which Pokemon species do you detest?"

sunkern. its beady eyes are creepy as fuck. i'm secretly glad elisabeth's died.

"Do you have a sibling, or someone like one? If so, what's your relationship like?"

strained. undeserving of that redemption mentioned earlier. he'll pay for what he's done.

"Are you a virgin?"

i haven't been for a very long time.

"How much time do you think Hoenn has left?"

who's to say? but i'll try to extend it for as long as possible.

"Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."

would you save our universe, even if it meant that all other universes would be destroyed?

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2023 0:45:36 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
All answered ICly

Survey #1 - What is your opinion on shorts?

Love them! Just don't wear them up north during the winter months. Fallarbor and Mossdeep still get cold in the winter!

Survey #2 - What was your proudest moment?

The day I at last met 's Raikou. Meeting my childhood idol was the most liberating feeling in the world.

Survey #3 - Do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven?

I believe anyone can be redeemed if they truly want to. Only those who double down on their transgressions are truly irredeemable. To be forgiven, one must seek forgiveness. Those who do not so deserve the punishment that comes with their sins.

Survey #4 - Which Pokemon species do you detest?

I cannot stand Pikachu. Raichu are cool, but I just cannot stand Pikachu.

Survey #5 - Who or what 3 objects would you bring with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?

, , and . Three of the best friends I have.

Survey #7 - Do you have a sibling, or someone like one? If so, what's your relationship like?

I'm an only child. At times it's lonely, but not having to share things is in its own way nice.

Survey #8 - How would you like to be remembered after you die?

The fastest Pokémon Trainer who ever lived.

Survey #9 - Do you name your Pokemon? Why, or why not? Do you follow a certain theme?

I do. Every single one of them. While I don't have a naming convention, I like to use names that highlight personalities I see in Pokémon. If that doesn't fit, then I fall back on names from a hodgepodge of my favorite IPs.



Survey #13 - ORACELIES SOLAR has released her final album titled X. Out of the tracklist, which is your favourite song and why?

Haven't listened to it yet!

Survey #14 - How much time do you think Hoenn has left?

As long as we keep fighting, Hoenn has as much time as we're willing to put into it.

Suggestions - Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.

What's your favorite way to travel?
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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,890 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2023 0:56:32 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
All answered ICly

Survey #1 - What is your opinion on shorts?

Comfy in the heat!

Survey #2 - What was your proudest moment?

The day I took Rustboro's Captain seat. I was apprehensive about even joining the Rangers to begin with. Never thought I'd be in such an important leadership position. Thank you all.

Survey #3 - Do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven?

Yes, for anyone. Even the most sinister people can be shown the wrong of their ways and be made right.

Survey #4 - Which Pokemon species do you detest?

Never given it a thought!

Survey #5 - Who or what 3 objects would you bring with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?

Already did this with , , and my survival skills!

Survey #7 - Do you have a sibling, or someone like one? If so, what's your relationship like?

Nope! I don't think anyone would want to live off-grid with me.

Survey #8 - How would you like to be remembered after you die?

The wildest Pokémon rider in Hoenn!

Survey #9 - Do you name your Pokemon? Why, or why not? Do you follow a certain theme?

I do! Pokémon are our equals - they deserve to have names they can be uniquely remembered by.



Survey #14 - How much time do you think Hoenn has left?

It has as much time as we're willing to fight for it!

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2023 1:42:06 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]1) "They're . . . pants, I guess? You wear 'em when it's hot, you don't when it's cold, and if you're lucky they make your ass look like a million bucks. The hell has such strong opinions on this? Who's writing this crud?"[break][break]

2) "Now THIS is a question! Ask me now, ask me again, my answer's always going to be the same. Saving ' life, and if I'm lucky, giving her a chance at a fresh start. Nobody deserves to just be written off. Especially not a child."[break][break]

3) "Forgiveness isn't up to you. It's up to the people around you, and they can give it or take it away whenever they damn well please. Redemption, though? Even the worst person can still do some good in this world as long as they're still alive and kicking."[break][break]

4) "Genesect and Type: Nulls shouldn't exist. That isn't their faults, though. So screw anyone who holds it against them."[break][break]

5) "If I'm stuck on a deserted island, it's because I want to be. So I'm bringing all my best friends for a big damn beach party! , , get over here!"[break][break]

6) "Okay, seriously, why do you care so much about my pants and what's in them? My phone? My wallet? I swear, if this is all foreshadowing The Day The Pants Attacked Hoenn . . ."[break][break]

7) "Family's not about blood. It's about choice. Luckily for me, 's both. I left the nest on shaky terms, but now that we're back in each other's lives we're stronger than ever. Caleb and Aurelie are like the older siblings I've never had. Ash and I are pretty much twin disasters. And where do I even begin with Eris?"[break]

". . . Guess I've found a pretty big family for myself, huh?"[break][break]

8) "Someone who looked the world in the eye and stared it down until it blinked."[break][break]

9) "Of course I name them! How would you feel if someone was like 'Hey! Human! No, not that other human, you human!' As for how I do it? I just kinda . . . say shit, until something sticks with 'em. I'm not gonna name a Pokemon something they don't like just to stick to a theme."[break][break]

10) "If you're trying to peep what's in my pants this badly, take me out to dinner. Fucking creep."[break][break]

11) "Changes by the year, but cool blues and purples have been my faves lately. Thank Arceus you didn't ask about this back when I was in my orange phase. Ugh."[break][break]

12) "That's way more an El question than a me question. I feel like half the time, I lose interest halfway through. But can you blame a guy? The best bits are always at the beginning!"[break][break]

13) "It's gotta be the Thank You Song, because that one came from the heart. Godspeed out there, and good job sticking it to the publishing label."[break][break]

14) "Hoenn's got all the time in the world left, and if this is you Macros Cosmos fuckos giggling some Rendez-Vous Cyberchase bullshit plans to try and end it yourselves, I'm going to put you through a table."[break][break]

Suggestions) "My suggestion is to download Tinder and stop asking about what's in peoples' pants."[break][break]

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2023 15:10:42 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar

Survey #1 - What is your opinion on shorts?

They're comfy and easy to wear? I wear them all the time, unless it gets cold out.

Survey #2 - What was your proudest moment?

The first time I won a badge. Got it before I properly started the Gym Circuit, and it was a non-traditional challenge too. Not what I thought my first Gym was gonna be like.

Survey #3 - Do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven?

It's never wrong to try and redeem yourself if you did something bad. You just gotta make sure to stop doing bad things first.

Survey #4 - Which Pokemon species do you detest?

I'm not a fan of Pokemon that have a lot of sharp edges on them. Gotta be careful not to lose a finger when petting them.

Survey #5 - Who or what 3 objects would you bring with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?

Knife, firestarter, a pot. Or if we're allowed to bring Pokeballs, I'd bring a Pokeball with my Beheeyem, a Pokeball with my Lycanroc, and a Pokeball with my Ralts.

Survey #6 - What do you have in your pockets?

Wallet, keys, phone, pokeballs.

Survey #7 - Do you have a sibling, or someone like one? If so, what's your relationship like?

Oh boy I have a lot of them. I have a pretty good relationship with all of them, though it's been a long time since I talked to any of them.

Survey #8 - How would you like to be remembered after you die?

As someone who helped others excel. I used to be someone that wanted to stand on top, but now, I feel better helping others become their best selves.

Survey #9 - Do you name your Pokemon? Why, or why not? Do you follow a certain theme?

Most of them, yeah. I just kinda go with whatever sounds good.

Survey #10 - Are you a virgin?

Uhhhhhh I think so?


Color doesn't really matter much to me but my Pokemon are telling me to say yellow so I'll say yellow.

Survey #12 - What is your favorite anime?

I can't watch anime, but I did listen to this one anime about a boy with an eye that could command people to do something. The voice acting was really cheesy but really fun to listen to!

Survey #13 - ORACELIES SOLAR has released her final album titled X. Out of the tracklist, which is your favourite song and why?

I only listened to a few songs, but Cranes In The Sky sounded pretty good!

Survey #14 - How much time do you think Hoenn has left?

As much time as we fight for.

Suggestions - Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.

Is the person you are now, the person you wanted to be when you were younger?
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2023 2:58:50 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
lulu would not answer these questions icly at this point, so i do these oocly!

survey #1 - what is your opinion on shorts?

lulu has no strong opinion on shorts, but doesn’t reveal her legs because of tattoos relating to the galarian mafia and crimes she went to prison and is still wanted for.

survey #2 - what was your proudest moment?

the completion of the infinity generator. the success of the infinity energy propulsion system is probably a close second, but the failures of the meteno mission and heavy criticism from the public have prevented lulu from taking more pride in it.

survey #3 - do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven?

lulu believes some people, like herself and many in rocket, don't deserve redemption. she is uncertain what forgiveness might be given to mortals by divine beings.

survey #4 - which pokemon species do you detest?

hates rotom, cramorant, malamar, kecleon, espeon, mantine, and probably more.

survey #5 - who or what 3 objects would you bring with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?

tequila, cigarettes, lighter. she’d figure it out.

survey #6 - what do you have in your pockets?

notepad, tiny pencil, silver cigarette case, zippo lighter, stabby knife.

survey #7 - do you have a sibling, or someone like one? if so, what's your relationship like?

she is sister to , half-sister to , and sister-in-law to . her relationship is good with , but the others not so much… time heals all?

survey #8 - how would you like to be remembered after you die?

too much shame to want to be remembered.

survey #9 - do you name your pokemon? why, or why not? do you follow a certain theme?

lulu has named 4 out of her 206 pokemon: three houndoom named gorgo, djall, and shade, and her poipole penrose. there is no specific theme. she named them because they are her closest companions and she loves them very much.

survey #10 - are you a virgin?

the trouble that could have been avoided…

survey #11 - what is your favorite color?

they’re all fine

survey #12 - what is your favorite anime?

lulu is not a fan of tv and if she did sit down to watch something, it wouldn’t be anime. it would be battlebots

survey #13 - oracelies solar has released her final album titled x. out of the tracklist, which is your favourite song and why?

she isn’t much of a music fan either. entertainment cuts into work hours.

survey #14 - how much time do you think hoenn has left?

lulu believes the world could end at any second and most people aren’t worried enough about it¬–but maybe it’s a good thing because mass panic would also probably suck.

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August 17th
Alto Mare
Time is money. You are a waste of both.
33 posts
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TAG WITH @leonsettentrione
Leon Settentrioné
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2023 19:11:20 GMT
Leon Settentrioné Avatar
1. It varies with circumstance.
2. The birth of my daughter.
3. I would like to believe that in some circumstances it is possible. Some things cannot be undone, however.
4. I do not care enough to detest any.
5. Aetius, Tiberius. Victoria
6. My wallet.
7. Yes. We are close.
8. Well.
9. No, they select their own.
10. No.
11. White.
12. N/A
13. I have no taste for 'pop' music.
14. Little.
15. I do not.
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December 21st
Mahogany Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Axel Steele DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @axelsteele
Axel Steele
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2023 19:19:05 GMT
Axel Steele Avatar
1. Tactically inadvisable.
2. N/A
3. I believe its a nice thing to believe, but wholly ridiculous.
4. N/A
5. Ares, Fafnir, Thor
6. Necessities.
7. Yes. We are loyal to the end.
8. I wouldn't.
9. No, they are independent beings capable of their own decisions.
10. No.
11. Black.
12. N/A
13. It's not metal.
14. More information is required, but from appearances; not alot.
15. Negative.
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 5:32:03 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


What is your opinion on shorts?

1. They're okay! I like skirts and dresses better, but they're much better than pants!

What was your proudest moment?

2. Hmm...the first time I won a contest, I think? It made me feel so proud of myself and my Pokemon!

Do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven?

3. Of course. It's hard to forgive sometimes, but I don't believe any human is born evil, which means everyone should have a chance to redeem themselves. Whether or not they're forgiven by the people they've wronged is another story, I think.

Which Pokemon species do you detest?

4. That's mean! Every Pokemon has qualities that make them charming!

Who or what 3 objects would you bring with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?

5. phone, some matches...and food?

What do you have in your pockets?

6. This dress actually has pockets! But all it can really fit is some lip gloss and a few pieces of candy.

Do you have a sibling, or someone like one? If so, what's your relationship like?

7. My best friend in Kalos is the closest I've had to a sibling. I miss him a lot more lately...

How would you like to be remembered after you die?

8. As someone who made the world a little kinder for those still in it.

Do you name your Pokemon? Why, or why not? Do you follow a certain theme?

9. Of course! All my Pokemon are named after different sweets!

Are you a virgin?

10. EH???


11. Pink!

What is your favorite anime?

12. Sailor moon!

ORACELIES SOLAR has released her final album titled X. Listen to it here. Out of the tracklist, which is your favourite song and why?

13. Oooo, I haven't listened yet! But thanks for the rec!

How much time do you think Hoenn has left?

14. I think Hoenn will last as long as it still has people fighting for it.

Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.

Suggest: Do you believe in love at first sight?
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