i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
827 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 3:34:24 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

The compliment from Thomas is taken with a little smile, the hug shared was friendly, with a pat on the back for the man.[break][break]

The commotion by the bar... sheesh. A lot really was going down over there. A little too much for Genny to pop over. But when both of her girliegangs talk, first with Desi's comment on the dark-haired one having eyes for her, a puff of red hits her cheeks. Her hands move towards her cheeks. Oh she's blushing. And Yuina's idea to go over and talk to him.[break][break]

She's a mess, and her heart is beating all over the place, like a wrecking ball trying to get out of her chest, and she takes a deep breath.[break][break]

With a whisper to Yuina, all she has to say is his name. And Yuina knows who now.[break][break]

She realizes that no, she won't go disturb him. He looked busy. Not to mention, the other one was gone now. "Maybe later?" She can't keep putting it off, she really can't. She knows she can't. God he looks good. Does he smell good? Wait, why is she on smell again? She's BEEN here. 'Stop Genny, it was ONE time!'[break][break]

When she kissed his cheek afterwards too... and she still had the shirt too...[break][break]


A healthy distraction, eyes going over to as she stared a moment. Apparently, Thomas had some gripes with the guy, but Genny had never met him before. Uncertain why he'd think so, she bubbles back up, hazel eyes now on the ladies nearest to Mr. Silph. She should really go talk to them, they looked beautiful tonight, both and .[break][break]

No more avoiding it.[break][break]

"I'll get a drink in a bit. I have someone I want to really speak with." Taking a breath in, a sharp, SHARP inhale, she makes her way over to both ladies. Her legs are shaking. And her heart is all over the place. And when she gets another glass of eggnog, because of course she does to help the nerves, she finally gets nearest them both... with half the glass now empty.[break][break]

"Hi!" She's trembling, poor girl... terrified. Like what if she made a bad impression? "M-May I join you?" Does she look pathetic? She hopes she doesn't. She really looked up to her.

, , , , , , , [break][break]


- OUTFIT[break]
- Compliment goes well! Genny is busy shaking at the idea. The last time they really talked, she kissed his cheek, and she kept his shirt.[break]
- Yup... distraction time. Hey, look. Fernando Silph! And Dr. Eva and Freya! Neat![break]
- Breaking off from the girlie gang a bit, letting them know she'll have a drink in a bit, she snatches some eggnog, and trots on over.[break]
- Asks both Dr. Eva Morales and Freya if she can join them. She's so nervous, she's like a Deerling in headlights...



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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 3:42:02 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


The name was not immediately recognizable to him, he felt as though the name was somewhere banked inside his mind, but he thought nothing of it for the time being. A waft of smoke slips its way into Noel's nose, causing the young trainer to cough ever so slightly before his lungs became cleared of the filthy hazard.[break][break]

"Sorry... You'd think I'd be used to the smoke based on the people I've met and been around with. But I'm Noel Parker, it's nice to meet you. And as for me... well, crowds have never been my style. I find it best to be in quiet places like out here. Not that I mind you or talking of course. It's always great to have company."[break][break]

He was a tough case to crack. His short responses signaled to Noel that Fernando was not one to speak so freely like he did. Even so, he extends an arm out as a simple greeting, unsure of whether the man would accept or not, but he would at least try.

[attr="class","notes"]Coughs a little from the smoke[break][break]
Introduces and explains himself[break][break]
Attempts a handshake towards

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
part of
TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 10:13:07 GMT




it's the only appropriate reaction he can think of to 's warning because it feels out of place, as though sprung from the blue. fitting, he supposes, considering the man's patronage.[break][break]

when the group disperses and all that remains is and perhaps , he looks back at the sherrif, chuckling.[break][break]

"not sure why everyone thinks i'm going to start a fight. you been talking shit about me, navidson?"[break][break]

NOTES //[break]
- outfit + santa hat + no shoes[break]
- with navy and kaz&el(?)


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played by

✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty five ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
740 posts
part of
TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 10:32:00 GMT

It helped to know that she wasn't the only one feeling the reddening of her cheeks and the whimsical nature of attraction. Watching experience that feeling was heartwarming, bringing her to crave the moment she had been dreaming of as of late- but she knew she wasn't going to let the party conclude, even though she was awaiting the fate of the music draw. With all the time that she had been spending at his side training, working on herself.. why would she wait, when she knew her feelings with utmost clarity?[break][break]

Desiree could not help but let out a chuckle at Yuina's endearing compliment, blush blossoming like vibrant roses upon her cheeks, intensifying- she saw it as a bit of a mental blessing between her and her bestie, even if it initially caught her off guard. Hand slowly drifting from the grasp of 's, her heels clacked as she picked up the bottom of her dress and ran over to and raised her rings of crystalline up to her ear if she were to allow it.[break][break]

The champagne made her feel warm, heightening her bubbling excitement. "Just wait til' we dance, ♡" she whispered softly, indulging in the delight she felt on the inside. There was not a dark thought in the world, just the beating heart endowed in pink flame. Moving back to meet Thomas's side once more while attempting to hold his arm, she listened to the warning of with an open mind. Something she'd wish to ask him about later for complete context, though with his dealings with the man who wished and attempted to bring ruin to her career, she trusted his judgment. What a delight, as he seemed to be leaving the presence of councilwoman and another she had yet to learn the name of, .[break][break]

Though they appeared to be in an interesting predicament, or at least what she thought she perceived, being fed thoughts of the council sprouted conversations she had been meaning to seek out. Curious audiences, even though she learned in her endeavors in the music industry how much of an annoyance delving into work was at lovely parties like this one. There was a bit of intimidation when wishing to speak with those so far up the totem pole, but she feared this would be one of the only opportunities to do so. looked to have made her way over, so that was at least something, but she didn't want to intrude as she previously claimed she wished to speak with them too.[break][break]

So her physical touch moved to pluck one of her idol photocards from her purse and a pen, and she got to work on writing the message she wished to convey on the back of it. Dark pink ink sprawled across the paper in a graceful cursive, and words soon turned to delicate sentences. "I'll be right back, Thomas. I have to give this lil' note to someone~" She said to her date with a smile, taking to the packed crowd some more. There was no need to keep such things from Thomas, so she wasn't that particular in keeping it from if his eyes were to wander. Shooting out small, momentary puffs of pollen as Desiree walked to the now trio, the Floette was excited to see the blooms it helped grow be provided to such dazzling souls.[break][break]

"Blossoms, for the two of you, ♡" she spoke with dazzling eyes to and , holding out twin herba mystica sprouts to them. "My apologies for the interruption, just wanted to pop by and say hi~ ♡ I've been wishing to speak with a member of the council as of late, but I'd hate to make this night all about work for you. Read this whenever you'd like, but I understand if it's too much to ask, miss Morningstar." Rambling, she would hold out the photocard with the filled back of text to the councilwoman with a smile, having sat down her glass.[break][break]

The letter reads:[break]
I've learned that there is a Hoenn organization called the Aqua Initiative, and that some trainers are granted opportunities to aid in the training of legendary pokemon. I'm on a little quest to prepare for the cosmic horrors that I was made aware of the night of the blood moon right outside of Fortree and everything that I've seen behind the rifts, to prove to myself strength gained can coexist with infinite love and if my training I've taken to has helped. I am more than willing to do such things if the league is in need, and it could prove beneficial to us both.[break][break]

It's a little particulière, I'm sorry if this is too out of the blue or on the nose. I would just love to put all of my assets to use and train harder. The world we live in is a scary one, but I believe love will trump all with the right stepping stones taken. If you've read this, thank you for giving me time, regardless of if I get a future audience with you or not.[break][break]

Desiree Blooms[break]
(700) 303-3892
p.s. the number is gonna send u to my pr manager, she'll send u my number once she confirms you're the one that got this!! xoxo[break]

As she tried to give Freya the photocard, the music that was playing drifted into slower melodies, bringing her heart to beat faster and faster. "I promised someone a dance, I'll be around, though, ♡" she said, turning to leave the conversation wished to have to the three of them, ".. get that networking, babes!" Encouragement and a little heart shape of her fingers were her parting gifts to her bestie, wandering through the sea of bodies to her destination that was . She hoped that first interaction wasn't unsatisfactory, though her mind was filled with millions of glistening dew droplets upon the flowers in the shape of hearts.[break][break]

"A song came quicker than I thought ♡," she softly spoke, raising a hand out to him as an invitation, ".. dance with me?"

(cc: )[break][break]


- omg blushy besties... oh, the effects of likeness <3[break]
- runs to yuina to whisper excitements, she caught her a lil off guard tho![break]
- fernando is an asshole? at least he's walking away from the people she wanted to talk to, then.[break]
- shit she doesn't wanna interrupt.. did the asshole do something? oh and gene wants to talk to them too![break]
- in person letters are so in right now. goes to freya and eva, offering them cuttings of her pink herba mystica plant and greetings. slips freya a curious note, as she doesn't wanna barge into her bestie's upcoming convo more![break]
- omg the music??! runs back to thomas and asks to dance.



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played by


Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,903 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 16:22:21 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

When her beloved arrived with his Pokemon, she gives a smile as he talks about the presents he gave to the holiday party’s Christmas tree. “Hello Sir Osmond, I’d knew you’ll come and it’s very nice that you’ve gotten gifts for the Christmas tree.” A wave of greeting came to the two Pokemon that were with him before she sees the other women disperse to go off and interact with the other people in the party. With so many people having their own conversations, maybe it was time for her to have some alone time with her personal guard too.[break][break]

Her Mismagius goes over to help Ivy the Dreepy with the presents as the Galarian princess gives the knight a gentle smile. “Did you want to dance? I think we can find somewhere quieter for our time together.” She offered with her hand taking his and feeling the warmth coming from his own. With everything that had happened the past month over the faction conflict between League and Rockets, Elise really needed the break off thinking of her own weaknesses.

@holidayparty [break][break]


- None.



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[newclass=".elisetest3 .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 17:25:31 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thankfully, Fernando seemed to move onto a different group rather quickly. Thomas gave her a smile and a nod, as she went off to work her magic with the Councilwoman. A part of him wanted to greet her as well, to attempt to reconnect with her, after their last run-in at The Border. Though perhaps he'd have to save it for another time. After all, would she even want anything to do with the Wraith?

A slow song snapped Thomas out of his thoughts. The Kalosian weaved through the crowds, meeting the artist in the middle. He'd gently take her hand, before starting to dance with her. As they danced to the song, Thomas couldn't help but gaze into the eyes of the idol.

For the time being, he'd bask in the magic of the moment.

notes: -Thomas contemplates greeting Freya, but holds off
-Thomas meets Desiree in the middle
-Thomas dances with Desiree

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 17:54:41 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"oi, oi, oi!"

his voice got increasingly loud before releases him from her grip.

he turns to face her with a smile. "that's no way for you to behave around the champion either," he'd throw back at her in jest. "you didn't tell me you were back! since when?"

he turns to and starts talking about him while in front of him, all while maintaining eye contact.

"if someone really misses me, i would assume they would have either informed me, or at the very least made an appearance specifically to surprise me."

kyle wonders if he should continue shading alex in front of himself, but since he's with a date, he decides to give him some breathing room and avoid cramping his style in front of .

"do you want to get drinks?" he asks , voice much more energetic that it should be. "i think i can handle more alcohol now than before." hopefully, they had something he can handle, like cranberry flavored ones.

he turns back to alex. "you owe me, like, a lot, just so you know."

  • banters with eve + alex
  • invites eve for drinks bc bro code, leaving alex with illie
  • warns alex that he owes him

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,840 posts
part of
TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 18:40:15 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar



Standing there in their small circle, was practically buzzing, Yuina could feel it through the grip the fiery red head had on her arm, her feelings were so strong for whomever she was thinking about. She whispered a name to Yuina, regretfully it was a name she didn't recognize... She didn't know which of the gentleman off to the side still she was speaking to, but she could at least surmize that it wasn't Navy or Matias. In a quick shift though, Genevieve was off in another direction, moving towards and a woman Yuina had never met before, and she could understand. Not only was this a gathering for social sake, but Genny was an Elite Ranger too, it wasn't out of the question that there was still a bit of professionalism here to make connections and catch up on some of the more important things.[break][break]
For a moment, that left Yuina with and , but it seemed Desiree too had something important she needed to tend to before moving out to the dance floor with Thomas, and Yuina smiled fondly, she was so happy for her best friend, she loved love so much, and being able to have that love for herself so she could give it to someone else, platonically or otherwise, it was so important to her...[break][break]
Yuina took out a Pokeball that she had brought with her for the event, Moroe the Zorua festively matched the twinkling silver and blue decor with her own blue and white fur, and she held the fox in her arms for only a moment as she looked out to Desiree and Thomas. The pinkette had mentioned a 'tradition'? A 'custom'? She wasn't sure what the right phrase for it was, but she explained Mistletoe to Yuina, with a certain hope and whimsy in her tone as they were getting ready earlier that day.[break]
"Watch Desiree for me, okay Moroe? She deserves all of the love that she has for everyone else around her," Yuina spoke softly for the fox, and the ghost was off, silently trailing the pinkette at Yuina's wish for her best friend to enjoy the evening.[break][break]
For that moment then, Yuina was alone as their small group had dispersed for just a little bit she was sure, but all at once again she was made aware still of how few people she actually knew... She wondered, had arrived yet?[break][break]
Softly moving through the small groups of people, Yuina still smiled at the whimsy of the night, the decorations that adorned every corner, garlands, colored velvet bags with golden ropes, the twinkling stars above the telescope.[break][break]
Glancing back around at a section of the bar, Yuina felt a small flutter in her chest, had come to the party, he sat there with two younger trainers that she did recognize, was in the swamps that night, she remembered the girl and her Luxray, and , they escaped a band of rockets that day during the war. She began to move towards them, having hoped very much that Doug would come along to the party, but she stopped short of coming into proximity, he was speaking with someone else at the moment, she remembered from the Volcano before.[break]
She didn't want to interrupt... That would be rude, it wasn't as if they were to attend the party together or anything like that...[break][break]
Instead she moved just down the way, finding herself she believed in the proximity perhaps of the guy that might have mentioned, though she still didn't know whom in particular Genny was referring to, but she waited a moment before looking to catch 's attention, it looked like he was keeping the bar and drinks?[break]
"Hi, hope you don't mind another patron... What kind of festive drink would you recommend," Yuina wondered with a soft smile, it wasn't until that very moment that she realized she had no idea if she even liked drinks let alone remembering if she'd ever had one before... She wasn't sure what to order.

Holiday Party![break]
Dress, Hair[break]
Advent Calendar Day 14: Mention Bags[break]


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 21:00:09 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar





IT IS A CHORUS OF JINGLING BELLS that serves to capture the attention of tonight’s merry guests. They precede the announcement of the one who steps up to the wreath-adorned podium: royal archaeologist in a cozy outfit matching the holiday season. The jingling slowly quiets as he adjusts the mic and sweeps his blue-eyed gaze across the multitude of faces.[break][break]

“Thank you all for coming this evening,” He begins, casting a handsome smile over the crowd. Turning to across the room, the exiled prince nods. “And a warm thank you to Councilwoman Livy and Head Ranger for allowing me to share this with you.”[break][break]

Returning his attention to the festive partygoers, Remiel continues. “It has been my duty, since becoming a citizen of this great region, to repay Hoenn for all of the grace it has shown me and countless others. And tonight I would like to unveil the results of that purpose: archaeological findings from the SKY PILLAR that I hope may aid in reconnecting Hoenn and its people to their ancient Draconid roots.”[break][break]

A jaunty orchestral tune plays as the large dome-shaped ceiling above spreads open as far as it will go, inviting the magical moonlight and a light curtain of snow that drifts down from above. Measures are in place to ensure the snow dissipates before it reaches the telescope below. Or, for that matter, the 12 STONE TABLETS that are finally unveiled shortly thereafter.[break][break]


Each tablet depicts a dragon and they surround the telescope in a perfect circle upon their pedestals. There is a plaque at each one designating the dates for which each applies, alongside some other pertinent information:[break][break]

DURALUDON: March 21–April 19[break]
Duraludon are known for their independence and strong sense of self. They value their freedom and are often driven by a desire to carve out their own path in life. Therefore, Duraludon are known for their bold and assertive nature. Confident and courageous, they can be quite competitive and enjoy challenges, often thriving in environments where they can showcase their skills and determination.[break][break]

AMPHAROS: April 20–May 20[break]
Ampharos are often associated with a strong sense of loyalty and dedication, particularly in their relationships and friendships. They are often seen as reliable, stable, and down-to-earth in their approach to life. They are known for their appreciation of comfort and the finer things in life. Ampharos often have a strong aesthetic sense and may enjoy indulging in sensory pleasures such as good food, music, and art.[break][break]

HYDREIGON: May 21–June 21[break]
Hydreigon are known for their agility of mind and ability to see multiple perspectives on a given issue. This can make them skilled at negotiation and diplomacy. Hydreigon can also be seen as restless and easily bored. They thrive in stimulating environments and may seek out variety and excitement in their experiences.[break][break]

DRAGONAIR: June 22–July 22[break]
Dragonair are known for their nurturing and empathetic nature. They are often seen as deeply caring, sensitive, and attuned to the emotions of those around them. Dragonair can also be seen as imaginative and creative, with a rich inner world and a strong connection to their emotions. They may express themselves through artistic pursuits or find solace in creative endeavors.[break][break]

TYRANTRUM: July 23–August 22[break]
Tyrantrum are often seen as confident, charismatic individuals who naturally draw attention and admiration. They have a magnetic presence and are comfortable taking the lead in various situations. Tyrantrum can sometimes be perceived as prideful or attention-seeking. Their strong personalities may also lead to clashes with others who share a similar desire for recognition.[break][break]

DRAGONITE: August 23–September 22[break]
Dragonite are often known for their analytical mindset and attention to detail. They have a keen eye for precision and a methodical approach to tasks and problem-solving. They may possess a strong ability to analyze situations and people, often paying close attention to the nuances of their environment.[break][break]

FLYGON: September 23–October 23[break]
Flygon are typically inclined toward fairness and justice. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and may strive to create equitable solutions in their relationships and the broader world. They have a natural ability to navigate social situations with grace and tact, and they often seek harmony and balance in their interactions.[break][break]

GARCHOMP: October 24–November 21[break]
Garchomp are known for their passionate and intense nature. They often approach life with fervor and are deeply committed to their interests, relationships, and pursuits. They may have a mysterious quality that draws others to them and can be skilled at keeping others intrigued by their complexities.[break][break]

DRAGAPULT: November 22–December 21[break]
Individuals born under the sign of Dragapult are often drawn to philosophical and intellectual pursuits. They may have a deep interest in understanding the world around them, exploring different belief systems, and seeking knowledge. They are also typically known for their honesty and straightforward communication style. They may value truth and authenticity in their interactions with others and can be direct in expressing their thoughts and feelings.[break][break]

DRUDDIGON: December 22–January 19[break]
Druddigon tend to have a practical and grounded outlook on life. They are often focused on tangible results and may approach situations with a sense of realism and pragmatism. Druddigon may have a respect for tradition and may value principles of respect and integrity. They can also be known for their ambitious nature and strong drive to achieve their goals.[break][break]

GOODRA: January 20–February 18[break]
Goodra are known for their independent and free-spirited nature. They often value their freedom and may have a strong desire to express their individuality. Goodra may embrace their uniqueness and may have a penchant for unconventional or eccentric behavior. They may be open-minded and may challenge traditional norms and expectations.[break][break]

KINGDRA: February 19–March 20[break]
Kingdra are often characterized by their empathy and compassion. They may be sensitive to the emotions of others and are often willing to offer support and understanding. Individuals born under the sign of Kingdra may also demonstrate adaptability and versatility in their approach to various situations and challenges. They may be open to new experiences and may be able to adjust to changing circumstances.

"Ladies and gentlemen: the DRACONID ZODIAC."

Jolly fanfare continues to play as League-appointed attendants set up a line (and security for the precious archaeological artifacts) with red velvet rope. Remiel leans into the mic one last time as he gestures to a red-headed woman with a seemingly permanent scowl standing beside him at the podium. "A special thank you to NIOLA TOLSTOY, THE NATIONAL MUSEUM, and Doctor for helping me make this possible. Fate, as it would have it, steered the CONJUNCTION OF THE DRACONID ZODIAC to this one special night. Niola has offered to host zodiac readings for anyone interested, and the observatory has allowed the use of its telescope to view them."[break][break]

Raising a glass of sparkling green afterward, the same that had nearly spilled across his cardigan, the crown prince toasts a certain woman from across the room. "And lastly, I would like to commend Councilwoman for aiding us in discovering, translating, and paying our respects to these precious monuments. May they usher in a new era of wonderful collaboration for us all.[break][break]

Happy Hoennyule everyone!"


The Conjuction of the Draconid Zodiac is here! It is an event thousands of years in the making where, as the YEAR OF THE DRAGON is on the precipice of being ushered in, the constellations representing each Draconid zodiac emerge from the cosmos to congregate together in the night sky above. Archaeologists are still debating how this zodiac was used, and if it was the only zodiac used in Draconid culture.[break][break]

Guests of the holiday party are encouraged to step up and place a single palm against the tablet representing their respective zodiac! Legend has it that these tablets can attune to the aura of people and bestow a lifetime of luck. Furthermore, every guest who does so is offered a personal reading from NIOLA TOLSTOY (the resident 'Zodiac Maniac') regarding a single topic (romance, family, wealth, goals, etc.) and a chance to peer through the observatory telescope at their constellation as well.[break][break]


Partygoers may treat their reading as a ‘prompt’ and complete it before the end of the event for a chance at a single dice roll. If you roll a 100, please let know on Discord/DM's![break][break]

For example: [break][break]

In his FIRST post, Remiel places his hand against the Ampharos tablet. Afterward, he takes a peek through the telescope to enjoy its constellation before meeting the Zodiac Maniac at the table nearby. “I would like to conduct a reading about LOVE.”[break][break]

(the following reading is made in a MOD POST as soon as DECEMBER 18TH, 11:59PM PST)
Niola Tolstoy (Zodiac Maniac): Ampharos, you may find that your relationships are taking on a more serious tone today. It's a good day to have open and honest conversations about your feelings and where you see the relationship going. Keep an open mind and be willing to explore the potential for something meaningful with this person.[break][break]

In his SECOND/FOLLOW-UP post, Remiel completes this prompt by having a conversation with Ollie Morales regarding how thankful he is for his help in the Amnesty Program, but he would like to be offered the chance to prove his dedication further. He discusses wanting to strengthen their brotherly bond in the coming year by working together towards a shared goal and placing more trust in each other.[break][break]

Having bolded, italicized, or paraphrased this in a quote, Remiel executes a dice roll in that same post.





🎁 optional event[BREAK][break]
🎁 prompt based[BREAK][break]
🎁 ZODIAC READINGS will be posted as soon as DECEMBER 20TH, 11:59PM PST[BREAK][break]


🎁 draconids[break][break]
🎁 archaeology[break][break]
🎁 sky pillar[break][break]
🎁 national museum of natural history[break][break]

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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,956 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 21:01:32 GMT
Navy Avatar







The world around him is a blur. Lovers quarrel with subtle jabs. The young, such as and try to speak to him. Those with whom he might forge some understanding, like , are ignored until they leave.[break][break]
Everything seems to fade into the white hum of background noise. Everything save ’s words, , and a low hum of a faraway sea.[break][break]
Despite everything, he listens to Matias. Pulling a nearby bottle towards him, he pours. Straight whiskey. He needs the burn. Burning lets you know you’re alive. Wolfing it down, it feels like diesel fuel pours into him. It settles in his stomach like a well of dragonfire.[break][break]
Talking shit? What is this, high school?” He speaks low, so that the words do not carry far. With all the inevitable melodrama of humanity playing out around him, he doubts anyone will care for the words of a mere sheriff.[break][break]
You’re wrong for what you did, and you know it. That’s the long and short of things.


notes about this post


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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty five ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
740 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 21:51:41 GMT

Taking his hand with a delicate grasp and beginning to dance, Desiree would wrap her hands around his shoulder blades and bask in his visions, stars lining the white ink across her cheeks. It was a feeling unlike any other, of true magic; she had anticipated this moment for quite some time, just as she did running around giving gifts of the rare pink flora like a mailwoman delivering parcels to all of her clientele. But to finally feel it flourish within her heart was much more indulgent done than said, the warmth of his existence bringing a barrage of light.[break][break]

Looking into 's eyes with all the love in the world, her fingers would rustle through the tufts of his hair lining his neck, blush flourishing below her gaze. "Telling you how thankful I am for you will never be enough for me, Thomas, ♡" she said softly, swaying back and forth with the music, ".. every time I leave your presence, my thoughts always lead me back to you." All the time that he spent protecting her and training her left an impression on her heart, one that shone outward from the darkness that once kept it tucked away. He was never a distraction from the grim veil, he was one to embrace it and help her cast it away. They were both people on a mission to atone for their past sins- but the person she had grown to know was a beautiful person, and she was able to acknowledge the place he had in her heart with complete clarity.[break][break]

"You're the first person I ever had a real conversation with in Hoenn, after everything that led me here. When you let me light my cigarette on the sword of your Ceruledge on Route 120, where our friendship was born. ♡" Her words were bound by a smile, a glistening teardrop of happiness leaving her golden eyes. "And to think we've been through so much together since that first day of July.. you'll never know how grateful I truly feel every time I look at you, how I've been able to bloom with the touch of your hand. You're my sun in the sea of stars, my hero." As they danced she buried her head into his shoulder, an embrace of love that she never wished to let run away. He was always there, and she forever wanted to be there for him. Love bubbled through the champagne in her bloodstream, the feeling of a thousand petals of a pink rose.



- a moment of reflection and fluttering heartbeat



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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 22:07:29 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo took a seat, nodding. "Nice to meet you too, Isaac," he said, trying to think back to why 's voice sounded familiar. He was pretty sure Isaac hadn't been a challenger at some point, so maybe he heard it somewhere else? "And of course I'm Littleroot's finest gym leader! Didn't have one before I came by!"

Though he did recall there being one a couple years ago - before he was doing the gym circuit.

As he quietly awaited his and 's drinks (and Elga's snacks), someone came up to them, offering snacks. Hideo's Beheeyem didn't even hesitate to float up, perusing the plate offered. "Well, we do have some spaces open," Hideo said, "so if you wanna give it a shot, go ahead! Always glad to get new challengers - 'specially if they give us food! Though, uh, the nontraditional's got a bit of a waitlist, so stories might wait."

His Beheeyem settled on a few tepigs-in-a-blanket, the wrapped mini-hotdogs psychically lifted off the plate. One floated to where its mouth should be, and it pressed the finger food in.


When its hand moved off his face, there wasn't a speck of food remaining.

As the Beheeyem gradually un-existensed the food into its face, Hideo turned to , taking a sip of his soda. "Don't underestimate it, Doug," he said, "'specially if you don't plan on living like a monk the rest of your life." It was a strange thing to say, even for him, but Doug being a celibate monk felt goofy - but also, appropriate?

A weird thought.

There were some voices off to the side, seeming to argue with each other - but he'd long since missed the context of the arguing, sticking to his own little bubble of food and drink.

Until the tablet announcement.

"Sounds cool," Hideo noted. "You guys wanna try it out?"

The offer was extended to everyone around them - no harm in trying out something like that, right?

Hideo tries to remember where he's heard 's voice, but can't
His Beheeyem takes a few (te)pigs-in-a-blanket from 's plate
His Beheeyem unexistence-s them into its mouth(?)
More teasing for
Asks if people want to try the zodiac tablet stuff
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 22:18:24 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar



's words catch the attention of another besides . Kaz's eyes dart over to the bar counter and then back to the avatar of a land titan. Did something happen between the both of them? It was 's words that added more kindling to this small flame that was starting to smell.

Today was a day for celebration and already tension was in the air.

That wasn't good.

"Oi oi ease up fellas. No need to bring that drama here. And I thought ya said it was bit too early for drinks sheriff." From the way he talked though Kaz couldn't blame him for trying to drink to calm himself down. There was fire in them, and not the good kind. So he not only let go of Matias after feeling the elbow to his ribs he huddled up with Navy and poured himself a small glass from the bottle he had. Keeping an eye on both the Elite Four member and the Gym Leader.

"Hey man something happen between you two? You sound like you wanna arrest the guy." His voice is just as low so that the aged sheriff would hopefully be the only one to hear him. Concern was both in his eyes and words. Whatever Meowth was in the bag tonight it did not sound pretty and should probably stay inside for just a few more hours.

@mega social
- kaz hears some drama
- time to be nosy about it

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 23:36:50 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

As the two sway to the music together, Thomas practically falls into a trance. In this moment, Desiree is the one thing that matters to him, above all else. The love in her gaze filling him with happiness. His eyes gaze back into hers with reciprocated love and appreciation.

"Oh, Desiree.", he began. "Every moment we spend brings me nothing but joy. I always look forward to an opportunity to spend time with you. I cherish the time we get to spend together, and I can only hope I can make you as happy as you make me.", he'd tell her.

He remembered their first meeting. Looking back on it, the meeting between the two was practically magical. Torrential rain stopping dead in its tracks, right before he ran into her. Her first visit to his Ranch, the way she handled herself around his Pokemon, brought a smile to his face. And though they had their share of disagreements, they had ultimately come out on top. She had become the one person he looked forward to spending time with the most.

"Desiree, words cannot begin to describe how grateful I am that you stepped into my life. You've been such a wonderful friend to me. How you've given me a chance, despite how rough I can be. Seeing you grow, become stronger - blossom, makes me so proud of you.", he'd continue.

"Desiree Blooms, you - you're the light that shines brightly through my darkness."

Thomas, allowing himself to give into his emotions, to take a chance, leaned in to give Desiree a kiss on her lips.

notes: -Thomas continues dancing with Desiree
-Thomas goes in for the kiss

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 3:29:17 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Drinks, drama, drivel. For some reason, it's gotten hard to ignore the happenings around her.[break][break]

You're imagining things.[break][break]

A long and slow sip of her own slushie fills the gap of conversation, the urge to blow bubbles back into the cup heavily resisted as she watches Elga eviscerate a pretzel. Had she gotten their pokemon hooked on those snacks?[break][break]

Idle thoughts spiral with time, her attention hooked by the colourful cocktail umbrellas offered. One for her own drink, another two for boredom, the toothpick edges laid across one another. Then an idea begins to brew, another two umbrellas grabbed as she rummages around in her pockets for...[break][break]


Ferociously pink and Skitty-patterned, she begins sticking it all together with a passion. Disposable straws swiped from over the counter, her creation begins to resembles a very flat vehicle, the mismatched umbrellas fanned out as wheels.[break][break]

Though she smiles at her creation, she gets a little shy when she looks back up at and . And when she holds it close, swivelling around with the hopes of showing Navy, she sees danger in his eyes. A bottle of whiskey, concern on 's face.[break][break]


Despite everything has done in his past, he has yet to lift a finger right now. What she feels now is worry for the sheriff - Strong emotions and alcohol don't tend to mix. Her hands move, a question woven into her signs even as she asks it aloud.[break][break]

"You okay?"
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || || || outfit

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing