i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 4:05:44 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


For the most part, he manages to lend proper firing cover to his comrades, even if he didn't know all them quite as well as . Still, it's not good enough to protect everyone. A few stray Ultra Beasts smash their stealth rocks into him knocking him off balance and shredding his already thin, short kimono. Blood trickles and the bruises begin to show immediately on his fair skin. Porcelain broken and weakened from the suffering the prison had put him through. He's smashed backwards, away from the chaos surrounding the OGERPON. He barely sees the flurry of friendly fire and calls out a weak, "Stop it! We need to work together-" his words are cut short with a choke as the floor gives way an they all begin to fall. Shock freezes his body like a deerling in headlights, but where his mind falters, his body takes over. [break][break]

Honed, muscle memory spreads into the temporary tendrils sprouting out the knot around his back. His breathing hitches but the tendrils move to protect their temporary master, expanding and stabbing into rock for leverage, adjusting his body and trying to lessen the effects of gravity. The chains expand as far as they can, reaching towards the ground while the top two curly protectively aorund him. Sharp points smash into the ground and the ends attached to Paxton are allowed to let him fall only to yank him upwards as if ready to slingshot him. The movement is rough, but the chains wrap tighter before yanking him back down. And so Paxton bounces seemingly on nothing, trying to expend momentum before he's deposited on the ground, light headed and breathing fast, but alive and walking. [break][break]

That's the last act they do as it seems, as Paxton gathers his bearings and sees sight of his beloved partner, Joules, AZELF's EXPANDING FORCE hits, cutting off his toxic chains. Well, better down here than mid drop. He doesn't have time to think on it too hard, as debris and people fell all around him. " !" he screamed trying to break her fall. He braces himself, breathing hard as his Magnezone wakes and races towards him. leading the rest of his team back. Hearing his screams of concern his Dragapult zip[s forward, trying to catch onto the blonde's kimono and help lessen the impact of her fall on his trainer. [break][break]


"I told you I'd cover you." He responded, gruffly as he wheezed in relief. But it's not over as another girl follows her lead, so close to Anna's. "Shit!!" As Annalise rights herself he positions himself under ready to grab her. This time Hopper, his Porygon TELEPORTS to her side gently poking her arm before transporting her into the cradle of arms that was Paxton's outstretched limbs. Then there's a pop. He's flushed, panicked and bleeding, but still holds strong when Hopper deposits his charge and he helps set her down as well. "Let's get the fuck out of here, kid." He shakes, arm limp as it remains out of his socket and he struggled to remember how to walk. His Magnezone inspects the arm, sensitive before Paxton with one arm, pops it back in. Pain radiates out of him in a guttural scream. Safe to say, he's not using that ar anytime soon. [break][break]

He returns all his pokemon for now moving quickly to find the exit and ignoring everything else unless somebody called out to him. He was feeling way better mentally, but his body was showing signs of disrepair. It's only natural after a week of barely nourishing mochi, hard labor, and uncomfortable sleep. He's quick to investigate the adjacent rooms staring hard and nervous at the megalopolans. He's not sure what the grabber arms do but he's not intent on finding out. "I just want my stuff." he said, arms up slightly though his expression was a harsh glare. [break][break]

"And to not be eaten alive." he added, suspicious of the megalopolans and their intentions. Though, it was strange they were all....very very young or...very very old. As someone gives him what he points at, grey sweatpants he eagerly pulls over his bare legs and ties together he asks, "Are you people...hostages? Why haven't you left yet it's all going to shit anyway?" he questioned. [break][break]

As he tries to speak it seems futile to interact. Various human colleagues rightly fuck that up either beating the aliens ( ), or attempting to kidnap their young ( ). He doesn't interfere. The equipment msut be returned and if the megalopolans eat a random sociopath for daring touch their young they'd be right to do so. As attempts to plead with them, he tries to assist, gruff as he may look. "It's fine if you don't know any of this. They are the young and elderly. Please get out-" the sounds of crashing and dynamxing, rumbling and screaming fill the air."This is going to get ten times worse, and I doubt these- " and he points at their tech. "Grabber things will help you any. You need your Ultra Beasts." he is silent before adding. "We have General Smohke in custody, and while they are valuable to us, there are many among us who would see you as not." The waring is unspoken. If they stay, they'd be massacred. He looks to . A cannibal was still a cannibal. And with so many of them, they could still be a threat in their hungry state. Especially when most of them were bleeding or bruised from their escape efforts. Even now he tries to ignore the glistening of eyes as he moves around them. [break][break]

He doubts the hostages, or those he thinks are hostages, are of any help to them now. Whether or not they answer Yuina's questions is irrelevant, he sets to work. He's an investigator after all. He looks around high and low searching for anything somebody may have abandoned but not disposed of. Lost paperwork, manuals of the ship they're in, notes left, loose equipment hidden or tossed aside. Even something broken would be fixed by someone in their science department.





+ @everyone | using 2 salac [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- arm popped out of socket, pops it back in but its cooked rest of the raid [break]
- trying to get peple to stop attacking each other but FALLS[break]
- his pokemon reunite iwht him thank god [break]
- toxic chains do their last duty and keep him from going splat doc ock style [break]
- he catches annalise and OW??? [break]
- he catches mimi and OW OW OW thank you hopper [break]
- focused on getting his shit back [break]
- watches freya and ameena kill rapport instantly [break]
- joins yuina in trying to speak with the megalopolans, but offers amore realistic approach than yuina and michael [break]
- tells aliens to gtfo if they want to survive,
MAIN ACTION: trying to uncover any megalopolan information/tech whether it is through speaking with the megalopolans directly, or goign through the room quickly if/when they don't talk to him

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 4:18:34 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Pamplemousse shoved roughly at the membrane, forcing himself through and into the breeding chamber. Before, he had grown like a seed that Diamandis had planted in the fertile soil of Jack's despairing mind. He felt it fitting that he have his birth here, thrusting violently into this world of mimics and clones.[break][break]

The expanding force of the Azelf rocked him, ridding him of the toxic chain bearing 's eye. Pamplemousse no longer needed to watch, now was a time of action. As the pokemon began to wake around them, Pamplemousse felt Jack's flicker of hope as pokemon he recognized reawakened. The pokemon were reborn now too, pressing through the membranes, and for now they would be Pamplemousse's pokemon too. He nodded in approval to himself; Jack's pokemon were suitable weapons. Perhaps not as sharp a blade as some of the monsters here, but they would do.[break][break]

He felt the mask loosen too, but Pamplemousse left it on. This face was as good as any other. He did not need a face to fulfil his purpose this day. Looking around for Diamandis, he did not find her conveniently nearby so he went to one of the covered windows, pushing back the metal panel to see what could be seen.[break][break]

Whatever his view was, he would seek out Diamandis as the rumbling above grew closer. Better to fight with someone he trusted at his side.[break][break]




– pamplemousse reunites with jack's pokemon[break]
– pamplemousse goes opens the window paneling and looks out[break]
– after looking out the window, he goes looking for



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 10:48:24 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

His mind was one track everything happened so fast when they arrived at the bottom, but he saw them....He saw him....Draco.

Setting Ameena down so she could do whatever it was she wanted, he moved as fast as he could to the container that contained his pokemon, and was about to hack the tube to pieces before his wings vanished seemingly in thin air. So close....So close....Rage, fear, grief all bubbled up to the surface, and he was about to tear into the tubes with his bare hands before they all exploded thanks to Azelf's meddling. Upon seeing his dragon, he had so easily forgotten about the guardian, but none of that mattered. The only thing that mattered were the six pokemon in front of him.

In the midst of the chaos he returned Erebus before any of the League found out his affiliation with the creature, he still needed to keep appearances for the moment. Returning the others only Draco was left out, and he felt relief wash over his entire body, tears threatening to spill out of the corners of his eyes. Amor didn't realize just how lost he would be without his Dragon, but that didn't matter they were back together now.

A deep breath before a few tears spilled over, but he wiped them quickly, no point in getting emotional right now, he had to deal with it. There would be time later, but right now they had bigger fish to fry. was doing something, and he wasn't going to blow his cover to help her. If she wanted to kidnap a child in front of a bunch of League agents, she would have to sink or swim. No....He had an enemy to deal with, the one who took Draco from him, the one who had tried to split them apart.

Draco felt it to the ceaseless rage of being torn apart from his trainer. They had been together since he was an egg. They had been through it all, the fires, the loss, the disappointments, and the agony. They had laughed, cried, lost, and won together. The Never-Rot whatever that might be, had tried to take his treasure from him, and that would be a mistake that he would make it regret.

"Let's go Draco....We have answers to find...." With his dragon at his back he goes to find the room where is trying to steal a megalopolan child, and he frowns, but he walks over to one of the adults. "Where is the Never-Rot? How do I get to it?" Impatience coats his voice, and Draco flexes his wings behind his trainer to intimidate the blue person into answering. Amor would have his answers, and together with his pokemon he would have his vengeance on the one who tried to part them.


Amor reunites with his pokemon, Draco in particular.
Amor, and Draco go find the Megalopolans, and ask them where the Never-Rot is, so they can go punch it!
Draco is trying to help intimidate the Megalopolans into giving answers!
Amor is pretending to not know as she tries to steal a child, and is mentally sighing at her antics.
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miss monroe
june 7th
verdanturf town
ranger / daycare asst.
cadet / nurse
we came, we saw
we complicated...
5'11" height
5'11" height
mirror on the wall, tell me all the ways to stay away.
135 posts
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TAG WITH @noble
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 14:32:17 GMT

Scarce are the number of battles Petra has taken part in, and even fewer are those in which she tasted victory. As such, she is overwhelmingly relieved to find their side is not subject to incineration by the volatile flames of the Ogerpon (Mask).

OF course, this upside is quick to follow the previous trend, with the inmates finding themselves descending once more into the depths of this prison-factory-shitshow. Allowed to gather themselves, there is plenty for them all to take in. Tubes containing some of the prisoners that escaped safely from above also boast an array of pokemon... Including some of her own?!

Hesitation would surely be their downfall, so like the others, Petra gathers her pokemon and possessions before tuning in on the ongoings around them. An AZELF was imprisoned here with them, as well

Whatever it was, the Ogerpon creature faints next to . There is an obvious effort to help their fellow victims, which prompts Petra to join in. While unsure of how helpful it might be, as a novice trainer, she feels it's the only way to be of use to those inside the room.


- Petra is bewildered by the cloning/etc of pokemon.
- Spectates the OGERPON, of which she (as an ex-lorekeeper of hoenn) is unable to identify. Bewildered further.
- Petra's Blissey uses HEAL PULSE on OGERPON.


[attr="class","bottom"]PP: WEAKLING WARD[break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 15:04:04 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


His chains crack at those unfortunate to come across its way. , already being worse for wear, was subjected to the blue flames. Before they could cause any more damage, the ground crumbles away and everyone in the feeding pit is sent falling down deeper into the void. Whether due to a harsh landing or the overwhelming agony his mind was going under, Noel's consciousness fades and he enters into a brief slumber. [break][break]

He's woken up by the healing powers of Azelf, the Toxic Chain that plagued him now cured from his body. However, there was no healing the burns he inflicted on himself. Clutching the sides of his abdomen, his body still felt the remnant of the burns he incurred. His hands were marred beyond repair, with every movement they stung like a million needles poking into them, and bits of his clothes are charred off. Slowly does he get himself back up on his feet, with the assistance of a nearby wall to aid him.[break][break]

What he witnesses next was cruel of fate for him to see. There standing before him, was the crystal monster he had been searching for all this time, conversing with several other members as if they knew one another. Yet, for whatever reason, had now unveiled his face for all to see, one that would burn itself onto Noel's memory. In his state, he had no chance of fighting against the avatar. Quickly does he search around and find his belongings along with his beloved Pokemon just like all those around him.[break][break]

Before his broken hand could reach the Pokeball, his mint-colored Shaymin pops out and lands atop his shoulder, struck with worry this entire time with how long its been since they last saw each other. A quick Synthesis would attempt to soothe and heal whatever injury the trainer had.[break][break]

The mix of grief and happiness was enough for him to shed tears. He grabs hold of his partner and embraces it in a hug close to his chest. So much had gone wrong in such a short amount of time, and he was overjoyed to see his friend safe and sound.[break][break]

"I'm so glad you're here... I thought I lost you forever..."[break][break]

After their tender moment, his chin raises up and his eyes look back to the task at hand. His Shaymin jumps down and readies itself for battle. Noel taps onto his Tera orb to send a swirling flow of energy towards his Pokemon, covering it completely in crystals that change it into its Stellar Type. Even if this was selfish of him to do, this could be his only chance to take his revenge.[break][break]

"I don't care anymore, even if my body breaks I'll do anything to stop him." He says to himself.[break][break]

Suddenly, a rumbling could be heard from up above, whatever was up top seemed angry and was closing in fast. Something that could potentially be more formidable than himself.

Hands and body burned by his own power.[break][break]
Knocked out then wakes up to everything happening around him.[break][break]
Sees Zev and gets his things to fight him.[break][break]
Shaymin uses Synthesis to try and heal Noel then changes into Stellar Type.[break][break]
Gets ready to fight Zev but will be interrupted by whatever comes next.

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 17:41:03 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

The flames burn. His hold shatters.[break][break]

Tempest finds himself briefly unconscious. It couldn't be for more than a few moments. But he awakens on the ground the floor below, the taste of blood and grit and faint peach clinging to his tongue. He feels like he's lagging behind as he pushes himself upwards and standing, sluggish and dizzy. Something in his side and chest blaze with pain.[break][break]

The injuries he suffered previously catch up with him quickly. Groaning, he holds his arm across his stomach as he follows the sounds of footsteps into hidden rooms.[break][break]

He finds his pokemon, floating and asleep, then he hears a scream. Shuffling into the room with the megalopilans, he finds a different sort of chaos. Children huddle and cry in corners, large eyes staring out at them. In the distance, he had hear Lugia cry out; it reassures him that is out there, somewhere, safe.[break][break]

"That's mine." He places his hand on the shoulder of a Megalopilan, his Sygna Suit hanging off the woman in an unflattering way. She frowns at him but slowly strips it off. Thankfully, she isn't naked underneath. He doesn't put it on, too tired and sore, only holding it close to his chest with his pokeballs.[break][break]

Another sweep of his eyes around the room. Another self assessment.[break][break]

Stumbling to the back of the room, though the Megalopilans, Tempest collapses against the wall. He slides down to pant and rest against it, something grinding inside him. A thin stream of pink saliva escapes his lips and dribbles down his chin.[break][break]

He glances to the children again, to the adults, to the toys they use to defend themselves.[break][break]

"L-leave them alone." Tempest barks it out, voice gravely as he peels the mask off his face (finally) and tosses it to the side. He gives a withering glare at her attempted kidnapping but does little else; this is a statement to everyone in earshot. It makes no matter, since he can do little to fight in the state he is in.[break][break]

Grasping at the pokeballs in his hand, one slips from his grip and rolls to the side. The Dive Ball splits open after a moment, a fluffy Lucario manifesting into the room. His unkempt fur stands on end when he is assaulted by the Aura in the room. The fighting type rushes to his Trainer's side, kneeling down to try and support him.[break][break]

Tempest glances at one of the children again, then catches the eye of one of the adults.[break][break]

"You didn't bring these kids with you, did you? When you came from your home?"[break][break]

It seemed unfathomable, if you imagined them as purely invaders. But they were just trying to escape starvation and insanity, weren't they? Of course they would have kids with them. Hell, some of them were probably even born after they came to Hoenn.[break][break]

If Tempest guessed right, then the DRK Triad attacked them, and that made the Megalopilans even more distrustful, and then it led to the War. They were just on a desperate, last ditch effort to survive and the Triad set them up for failure. Set them up to be hated and killed.[break][break]

A deep, shaky sigh. His chest rattled. Breathing was hard.[break][break]

"The Megalopilans up above were scared and not in control of themselves. They need help. Can you use those devices to help them if they come here? I can't do much, but..." Tempest glanced at Skipper, the Lucario staring hard at his Trainer. The steel type nodded and went to stand by the door, erecting a Wide Guard to assist in protection. ".. I'll do my best to help get you guys home."

[attr="class","tag"]@ PRISMATIC



🔗 Tempest passed out from the efforts in the room above, woke up and All The Pain is happening to him. Very weak and not able to do much.[break]
🔗 Gets his pokemon + stuff back. Finds the room with the Megalopilans. Tells everyone to fuck off and leave them alone, then collapses against the wall in the back.[break]
🔗 Tries to talk to the Megalopilans and ask them questions. Also asks if they can help save the ones with the Toxic Chains. Promises to help protect them and try to get them home.[break]
🔗 Calls out his Lucario, Skipper, who readies a Wide Guard by the door to help protect everyone inside.


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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 17:57:36 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

Like oil and vinegar, the two draconids blend together when heavily shaken. Separately, they are formidable, but when combined, their strength multiplies, creating an unstoppable force. As if choreographed, the two cousins operate flawlessly around each other. Freya unleashes her dragonflame into their foe, while Roy maneuvers around it, delivering a flurry of powerful blows.

It was as if they were built for this very scenario. The blood that ran through their veins came from a long line of tamers who often went toe-to-toe with powerful pokemon like this one. Roy would prefer no other comrade in this all-out brawl against Ogerpon and the ultra beasts that surrounded it.

Then, the floor beneath them shatters. Freya is the first to fall, and as Roy reaches out, the support beneath his feet crumbles into debris. Both draconids are tossed into the room below. Upon impact, the chains around them evaporate, releasing them from their hold but stripping them of their new powers. Roy's fingers attempt to grip his palm as he feels the strength drain from his body.

Roy does not use his mouth to respond to his cousin's words. Instead, he only nods. As soon as he catches a glimpse of the pokemon locked away in the various chambers, the glass containers suddenly explode, and the pokemon break free. However, Roy is not done. In his mind, escape is only possible through absolution, and the culprits responsible are still alive.

In a similar fashion to his cousin, Roy's desire for revenge and escape materializes into a ferocious naganadel behind him. The summoned ultra beast could taste a familiar scent in the air. A predator was reunited with its prey. The visor of the creature refracted the limited light from the dim room, adding a menacing tone to Roy's own glare through the darkness. The two draconids, now side by side with their ultra beasts, are prepared to finish what they started and ensure their escape.


[attr="class","pkmnlgndsnote"]- fights ogerpon with
- falls into the next room
- doesn't look for balmung
- his naganadel appears (like 's) as he's about to beat some megalopan ass.


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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,435 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 18:00:23 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
The AMETHYST ORB fades as his will reaches its limit. Plagued by the POISON, he dry heaves onto the cold steel of the floor. Nothing comes.

With clear fatigue Greyson makes his way to the hole. The fathomless depths send his gut spinning, but he'd already resolved at this point to escape—nothing would keep him from fulfilling that task.

He wasn't sure where was at this point, but did it really matter? Their temporary alliance was soon to end. With that in mind, he leaps.

The fall puts his balls in his throat—or at the very least, it feels that way—and when he lands it's hard. Palms and knees scrape, bones ringing, flesh bruised. A sound involuntarily leaves his throat, one he would not admit to making under normal circumstances.

An emerald glow pieces the blackness and, as realization dawns, shock carves sharp lines with Greyson's face. Pain momentarily forgotten, he moves to the tubes, eyes searching. Finally, he finds what he was looking for—his Pokémon.

A sphere of force keeps him from ripping the tubes open himself, and slowly his Pokémon emerge from their stasis. Exhaustion was clear on their faces, so with a small smile reserved for each one of them, he returns the majority to their ball, leaving only his Meowscarda.

"Fel." His voice was choked with emotion—fear and relief in equal measure—and Greyson lays a single hand atop the grass-type's head. "I'm sorry you got wrapped up in this, but, I'm afraid we're not done yet." Surprisingly, the words come easier than he'd thought, the poison now gone.

Strange energy swells around them as multiple people Dynamax. Greyson turns to regard the fellow survivors and his breath hitches, blood running cold in his veins.


Worse, it wasn't alone, standing multiple stories high alongside a rising shadow that was clearly a Lugia. The PRESSURE became clear, but the weight of it was nothing compared to the one that constricts his heart and lungs.

Rage—unbridled and untempered—thaws his frozen blood and turns it into magma. A fist forms at his side, shaking with the torrent of adrenaline flooding through him.

He had a chance. A moment. They weren't looking. If he just—

One look at his Meowscarda and he hesitates. She was tired, but more than that, she was ill-equipped to handle not one, but two deific Pokémon.

Breath trembling, Greyson pushes that anger down to the deepest, darkest pits of himself. He wouldn't erase it—no, it would be fuel for the revenge he would take on . And, even if it had been years since their last meeting, 's fate would be no different than his companion.

Focusing on what he can, Greyson turns to the group of Megalopolans. Children, elderly, infirm—they were no less prisoner than the rest of them. Did that mean he could trust them? No. But he certainly wouldn't allow the men and women around him to take advantage.


She responds to his will, a FRENZY PLANT pushing through the cracks of the ground beneath them. Large vines and branches, thick and brimming with power, seek to coil around the likes of , , and anyone else who aims to target the hostages—League, or otherwise.

"Enough. They are under my protection. If you want something from them, you'll have to go through me, won't you?"

Nobody was going to stand in his way of getting the answers he wanted from these people.


Freaks the fuck out about LUGIA and NECROZMA, ready to do battle before he realizes how outmatched he currently is.
Promises to pay and back in full force, not forgetting his previous encounters with the two.
Turns his attention to the Megalopolans, and to the likes of and , as well as anyone who wishes to mess with them
A FRENZY PLANT seeks to wrap around everyone deemed a threat to the hostage's existences—League or Rocket. (feel free to let any current actions or moments happen, or use this as a means to filter or negate it!)


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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 18:01:21 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
Johanna’s sole focus had been on helping . Perhaps her desire blinded her. But how could it not? She could feel how close they were getting to being able to help. All she needed to do was reach out and grab the opportunity.

Then her right side erupted into a cascade of pain before her vision picked up what had decided to strike her down. She might have cursed had she known he was the cause. But in that instant she only cursed her own luck and prayed that Andrea could take it from there.

Before she could get back up the floor beneath her crumbled and she fell. She fell fast and fell hard. Her landing wasn’t smooth and if the gut wrenching pain that it caused didn’t do enough, then the debris that fell upon her like a stony rain certainly did. Sharp pieces of broken STEALTH ROCK dug into her back giving her the appearance of a sandshall-fanatic, and the few parts of her not stabbed were showered in blunt rocks that broke or bruised the remaining skin.

For a brief moment she was certain the rocks would be the end of her. Her body certainly felt like it wanted to give up. But while her body might have been broken her spirit had yet to bend. She had friends she needed to save. Dying could wait until then, after all she had already done it once. She pushed herself up, made herself stand on painfully wobbly legs. Her back screamed in searing pain as it begged her not to do anything. But she did not heed her back’s weakness. She made her way alongside the rest to the fleshy tubes that held her Pokemon.

The moment she laid eyes upon the sight of her friends floating in green liquid inside those tubes, she jumped at them like she had in the dreamworld. Desperate to get them all out. But it was only when Azelf did its thing that her wish was granted. It mattered not to her that she felt herself drenched in the liquid. She hugged them all, each and every one of them, and Retnauh especially. She felt tears of happiness flow freely down her cheeks.

But happiness was short-lived. Johanna and her Pokemon knew it. But the only one out of the group to have the willpower to break the moment was Claydol. It wiped away Johanna’s tears and with its Claydol gesticulations reminded her that things weren’t over yet.

“Right. Reunion celebration will have to wait until we get home.” Johanna forced a sniffled painful smile. They all nodded in agreement. “Let's go find your Pokéballs and my equipment…” But she fell to her knees before she could take another step. Both Claydol and Gengar were quick to try and catch her.

“I am okay, the injuries are just catching up.” Johanna reassured them. There was no reason to lie about it; it was quite obvious. She could feel the jagged pain in her back, several things had gotten stuck in there. She couldn’t see what it was, but she wasn’t certain that it was a good idea to remove it. “I just need a moment.”

While Johanna took a moment to recuperate, Gengar rushed out into the room quickly following another group there that led him to the RESUPPLY room. He got in there, got her things and rushed back. By the time Gengar returned Johanna was bathed in sweat and breathing heavily. But she pushed herself to stand up and re-equip all of her things. Gengar’s ghostly grip stabilized her in the process.

By now she could hear the violence coming closer. She retrieved all Pokemon back into their Pokéballs save for Claydol (The to-be attacker) and Gengar (it’s ball was destroyed). Others were starting to make preparations to fight, and she would be one of them.

“Clay, the moment whatever it is that is coming breaks through I want you to use ANNIHILATION on it full force. Do not worry about me or anyone else.” They did not have the luxury of considering how to minimize collateral damage.

And so Clayold aimed toward the ceiling, a small shining sphere of condensed energy held between outstretched arms, ready to fire at a moments notice.

- Johanna is swiped away by Nihilego, curses her own luck.
- Johanna falls as the Feeding Pit floor crumbles.
- Rocky debris showers onto her, broken STEALTH ROCK stabs her in the back giving her a hardcore sandslash-cosplay.
- Johanna's Indomitable human spirit lets her continue, and she reunites with her Pokemon.
- Injuries are catching up, and so Gengar searches for and brings Johanna's equipment back to her.
- Claydol is ordered to fire the Z-move: ANNIHILATION on the approaching enemy when they break through.
- Claydol readies the Z-MOVE: ANNIHILATION.

Punished Pokemon:


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 19:00:04 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]

[attr="class","lyrics"] not a god's chosen [break] but a god's cursed




[attr="class","postbox"] WEAKNESS stacks in his heart, nothing but sheer WILL keeping him alive as he falls to his knees under the brutal embrace of the TOXIC CHAIN. What remaining energy he has is siphoned away into a boon of nightmarish energy, rippling outwards in threatening lashes of light.

[break][break] The world cascades into chaos.

[break][break] While he is no longer the CURSED in this prison, no doubt, someone else has it's hold on him. Sinking it's claws into him, devouring everything that remains.

[break][break] As pain unfurls behind his eyes, he turns to glimpse the searing hatred in 's gaze. A brimming pool of loathing entwined with righteous fury shimmers, rippling like dark gems. He knows it well. It stirs something deep within his heart — like a broken songbird, it warbles a memory long since buried.

[break][break] A memory of standing in a flowered field of glimmering Crystablooms. Of her lying to him. Of her promising a future to the League that he knows does not exist.

[break][break] The lies that people like her and undoubtedly fed to the unsuspecting.

[break][break] He bares his teeth.

[break][break] "Don't be foolish," he growls. "You're too weak."

[break][break] She doesn't have any power here.

[break][break] He doesn't have any power here.

[break][break] CRACK!

[break][break] Fast as a whip, his savior appears, the flash of gorgeous teal reflecting in his crystal blue eyes.

[break][break] Fern.

[break][break] Of course, it would be to come to his rescue. Of course, it would be who would soften his already hardened heart. It was the that he did not deserve who would be his only salvation.

[break][break] Sweetness heals the frayed tethers of his fractured heart, keeping him whole.

[break][break] His head turns. He glimpses the sight of , and writhing violently together on the floor, tangled in an embrace of limbs.

[break][break] There's no time to question it. There's no time to breathe. Before he can process what's happening, is already dragging him away towards escape. Energy floods back into him as they plunge into the darkness, slamming into the concrete so hard that his thoughts echo in his ears.

[break][break] You are weak.
[break][break] You are powerless.
[break][break] You cannot exist without me.

[break][break] Perhaps it's his endurance, forged for years by Kanto's suffering, or the echoes of history guiding him to rise again after each fall. Either way, he finds it natural to get back up again. The admin rises, groggily and all, to see exactly where they have been deposited from that hole.

[break][break] "Duck," He says, turning immediately to his lover. "Are you okay?"

[break][break] For a moment, he looks down at them, his expression free of pain or hurt, as if expelling all that terror had somehow brought healing in its wake.

[break][break] His vision is clear.

[break][break] And then Azelf's tube EXPLODES, a blaze of fluorescent green light flooding the pit, igniting the indominable WILL within Jayden, burning for release. The energy spreads across the room in a dazzling display of light, undoubtedly touching every other prisoner with that same dormant power.

[break][break] Drawn back by this destined strand, the admin's expression contorts into agony. Pain etches across his features and gradually, his limbs grow numb. The toxic chains constricting his body crumble into frost, frozen crystals cutting into his cheekbones.

[break][break] His eyes fade from deep cobalt into chilling blue.

[break][break] All the Pokemon are released from their prisons too, their toxic chains withering away to ash. Like the others, Jayden finds himself reuniting with them, but it's not them that matter. Even far across the room, as it's paws touch concrete, CHIEN PAO'S devastating influence is inevitable.

[break][break] Here, there is no , no , no to stoke his hatred and draw it's power. No, that damned 's heroic efforts are too strong in this place, their loving influence too potent.

[break][break] It's deadly gaze snaps instead to the closest thing they can see. The WILL of a child screaming, begging, for another's to stay alive. AZELF.

[break][break] The cavernous pit rumbles with the effort of the violent smashing above. Something is coming. Something is coming. Something is coming.

[break][break] THERE IS NO TIME.

[break][break] But there is no need for time, because Jayden has already seen her. Her cries split through the air cleanly, cutting straight through to him, and he can feel the HATRED and resentment of all his past memories unfold behind his eyes. It imbues him with sudden power, glimmering white frost in the palm of his hand. And before he knows what he is doing, he is aiming a beam of hateful FROST directly towards the back of ' head.




[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] attacking eris with avatar ice beam (rper perm received) [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] feel free to attack jayden POG [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] lots of exposition here, sorry it's so long lol. tldr; jayden was sucked by , saved him, chien pao appears and is like GRR REMEMBER HATE? LOL? and jayden's like oh yeah, hatred, and attacks eris [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] also jayden is UNMASKED [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] UGLY WARD



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 19:05:00 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar



[attr="class","oocnotes"]> FREEDOM![break][break]TLDR[break][break]✦ Nomi has PTSD! It causes a flashback of Penny attacking her when says her title aloud. She snaps out of it and tells Andrea to be careful, before leaving behind Ogerpon and the other prisoners clustered around her[break][break]✦ Sees leaving, but the floor crumbles before she can follow him[break][break]✦ Lands nearby to test tubes holding her Pokemon. Realizes this area must be a lab, using her scientific expertise to understand the cloning situation[break][break]✦ Azelf's EXPANDING FORCE causes Nomi's TOXIC CHAIN to fall away, restoring her Avatar powers[break][break]✦ When her Pokemon reunite with her, she immediately uses her powers to see what is up to[break][break]✦ Spoiler alert: Parker is not okay! (Thank you to Crow for writing that part! <3)[break][break]✦ Nomi starts to lose control of her emotions, which begins to fracture reality, but the Unown draw her attention to and Necrozma, which stops her from doing anything too crazy (yet)[break][break]✦ Once she has her stuff back, she considers teleporting home but decides that she cannot leave until she knows for sure if the DRK Triad are behind the prison/toxic chains/etc[break][break]✦ Kallistatus (Shiny Unown-K) Terastallizes into the STELLAR TERA TYPE


We meet again, Visionary.[break][break]
That cruel, razor-edged voice that had held her fate between vengeful, flame-tipped fingers echoed in her mind, and Nomi almost lost her composure. The threads of trauma tightened around her psyche like a mental noose, and she whirled around, expecting to see right behind her.[break][break]
Ms. Visionary! What’s with the new hair?![break][break]
Wait, no. It wasn't that voice calling out her Avatar title: it was . Nomi snapped back to the present, heart hammering, realizing that she and Andrea - and many others, in fact - were locked in battle with the Ogerpon, attempting to free it...or injure it...or perhaps both.[break][break]
The sprinklers activated, dousing everyone in the vicinity in a frigid, cleansing shower. The cold water sharpened Nomi's senses, as if she were waking from a dream (within a dream within a dream), and she soon realized that the Ogerpon was no longer a threat. Andrea would be able to handle her going forward.[break][break]
"Be careful," Nomi called out to Andrea, separating herself from the cluster of trainers closest to the now-subdued ogre. She dashed away, catching sight of disappearing into a hole in the ground, but before she could decide whether or not she should follow him, the floor crumbled beneath her feet - making the decision for her.[break][break]
The first thing she noticed were the tubes. She blinked, seeing double. No...there were duplicates: of Pokemon. Their Pokemon. For she recognized familiar faces, instantly drawn to the suspended, sleeping forms of Valerian, Trillium, Ash, Mercury, Mîr, and - [break][break]
"Kallistatus!" She cried out for the shiny Unown-K, rushing forward to press her palms to the glass. There was a second, identical shiny Unown-K in the adjacent tube, which caused a shiver to run down Nomi's spine. She instantly understood what was going on here, for she was a scientist, and this was obviously a laboratory.[break][break]
"Clones," she breathed, with a mix of horror and fascination.[break][break]
A sudden wave of energy, a massive EXPANDING FORCE, knocked Nomi back a step. She coughed, wincing from a sudden pain in her chest. But then the most remarkable thing happened: the TOXIC CHAIN that had been a blessing and curse, fell to the ground (beside the remnants of her mask), finally removed from her flesh.[break][break]
As soon as it was gone, Nomi felt them. All of them. The Collective, humming with power, dancing within a hidden galaxy, singing for her to join them - innumerable and infinite, the language of God.[break][break]
Tears welled in her eyes as Kallistatus floated down to meet her. The real one, not the clone. Around her, Valerian and the others emerged, at her side in an instant.[break][break]
"Parker," she begged of the shiny Unown-K. "I need to know if she's okay - "[break][break]
Her eyes rolled back - activating the familiar vertigo of switching her vision - and looked through the eye of one of the Unown she'd assigned to watch over Parker since Penelope's attack.[break][break]

she has her fingers twisted in his shirt. there's sweat on her brow, dribbling over her lips, and her hair lay flat and smeared over her forehead. his back is against the wall, toes barely on the ground anymore, and he looks at her and he tries to say something, but blood comes up instead. a wet fount of it from his nose, making his words blubber into incoherency.[break][break]
there's money on the table. he's saying, when the words become tangible, "i already gave you the fuckin' money," and she's saying, "it's not enough. it's not enough and you fucking know it, bax, and they're gonna have your goddamn head and i can't do a fucking thing about it," and he's saying, "i know, i know, please. please, but i can't find one of my couriers and he was supposed to bring the last of it and - "[break][break]
she hits him again. hard. and again. and again and again and she's crying now, too, screaming, "where is it where is it where is it where is she where is she where the fuck is she, bax?" because she can't take it anymore. can't take the waiting. can't take not knowing. can't take the person she becomes without her.[break][break]
he says, "parker, please," and her arms come down, gored and wet and so, so red and then -
Nomi gasped, eyes returning to their normal crimson. The tears that had welled upon seeing her Pokemon had made wet streaks along her cheeks. She was shaking, she realized. Hands balled into fists. Anger and sorrow and exhaustion and frustration and love threatened to overwhelm her. Too much emotion. She could feel reality beginning to fracture around her, tiny hairline cracks of glittering blue.[break][break]
Something tugged on her awareness. Kallistatus and Mîr had turned away, looking across the room towards a figure swathed in void-black crystal. , she recognized. And beside him? Necrozma in all its sharpened, world-ending glory.[break][break]
"What will they do?" She wondered aloud, as if caught in a trance. "When they see that their doom has returned?" The Megalopolians, where were they?[break][break]
Valerian nudged her arm. She let the Sylveon lead her to her things, stashed away in a small side chamber. She returned her Pokemon, save for Kallistatus, who continued to float beside her. She picked up her Tera Orb and sucked in a breath.[break][break]
She could go now. She could teleport out of this horrible place, leave behind everyone else, find Parker and make things better again. She had her power back, it was within her right. It was more than reasonable.[break][break]
The Tera Orb began to activate, and Kallistatus shimmered with the light of a thousand stars.[break][break]
"Not yet," she vowed to herself. "We aren't leaving until we know if they're behind this."[break][break]
If the DRK Triad were here, she would make them pay.[break][break]



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,327 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 21:21:00 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

who's afraid of little old me? [break]
well, you should be




as the aftermath of her spatial erosion settles and the nihilego begin to decay, she finds herself ignoring 's concerned instructions and further places herself into harm's way. it results in a stray nihilego tentacle whipping across her body. she hisses in pain, stumbling backward as toxin seeps through every limb. she finds, in uneasy terms, her body to be crumbling beneath the unfortunate price of her own decaying powers and an overindulgence of toxins.


and while the floor gives way, she drops unceremoniously to the floor below. the collision elicits a soft oof sound from the alchemist before, during, and after she rolls into a heap against the rubble.


standing takes more effort than she'd care to admit. she sways, tentatively reaching full height, and tries to square her shoulders back. somehow they feel heavier than before - a newfound weight she thought lost.


relief comes quickly as she realizes the surroundings and the pokemon held within tubes. her entire team: safe and sound. palkia beckons as it, with the rest of her pokemon, begin to awaken. and with the help of azelf, their toxic chains fall away as the pokemon leave their confined spaces to rejoin the chaos...


and despite the comfort she has taken in growing accustomed to her powers, she has never been prepared for the ebb and overwhelming flow of them rushing back in all at once. it burns, she realizes, with eyes squeezed shut and a agonized expression overtaking her features. the mind further fractures - the price, one might reason, paid for this blessed curse - and she feels the small crumbs of control she had slipping right through her fingers and onto the floor.


as palkia rights itself next to her, pink pearls on its shoulders igniting with unrestrained spatial energy, the alchemist finds herself unable to control the spread of her own power. what had been intended as small shields for those closest to her end up as large pillars of translucent pink scattered and thrown into the ground around the field. they're a preparation, perhaps, for the inevitable arrival of their adversaries.


of note, she can see the translucent spatial shields have found themselves protecting the prisoners as they prepare for the incoming threat about to break through the walls. should anyone choose to use them, they would find that the spatial shields will shatter if pushed too far. and as she sweeps her eyes across the field, she notices one in particular has wormed its way in front of . her hand rises as if she wants to shatter it, a brief pulse of hatred for the rocket admin, but her hand falls away for if it shatters, it will be from the onslaught of retaliation from and not her own vindictive will.


and despite herself, the alchemist finds herself drawn to her spatial counterpart and his beloved. she drifts, in a subtle sort of manner, toward as necrozma dynamaxes. her hands ignite pink in tandem with palkia's shoulders, spatial energy called upon as the walls around them begin to quake with the approaching arrival of their final adversaries.


an unspoken truce of cosmic entities rises like bile in the back of the throat and she claws both hands into the reality around them. spatial properties are gathered up in bundles of entangled vines and she tears at them until the result is a disorienting zone of fluctuating gravity & directions arching across the battlefield toward where their enemies will inevitably show. while she works through spatial properties and bends them to her will, palkia angles itself somewhere to the side of necrozma and prepares to unleash a spatial rend toward where their enemies will appear.

tldr |[break]
gets smacked by stray nihilego tentacle, reunites with pokemon & palkia yippee, toxic chain falls off and she is losing her mind w the rush of spatial powers coming back, brings spatial shields up across the field for people to hide behind should they need to, one shield in particular tries to protect from but it will shatter once hit by 's attack![break][break]

main action: after throwing up spatial shields, illeana begins to grab spatial properties and morph them into disorienting zones of fluctuating gravity & directions as an aid to while palkia prepares to use spatial rend against incoming enemies.

[attr="class","oocnotes"]|Zg914fL [break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
628 posts
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 21:29:40 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

Eyeing , Nenet nonetheless stayed silent as her husband touched his ribs. If he wanted to suffer in silence that was his business for now. He could walk and still help to escape which is all that mattered at present.
Before them, Pokemon suspended in green liquid captured Nenet's attention moments before Zev directed her and towards them. She moved quickly, uncertain whether to touch the toxic chain wrapped beasts until the team was exuded from the fleshy tubes and their toxic chains sloughed away. "Haunani," Nenet whispered, her hands extending to stroke the lioness's chin and cheeks with fondness.
A brief glance at Zev revealed him covered in crystals once more and relief washed over Nenet; his connection to Necrozma evidently restored. Following into the adjoining room, her stomach drops as they find the Megalopolans huddled together in terror. She watched, torn briefly as ripped a child away from their family, but ultimately turned a blind eye.
Farah wasn't here to concern herself over.
Instead, Nenet moved to stand near , , and with Zev, focusing instead on their immediate surroundings. Dynamaxed Pokemon filled the ship and, feeling somewhat protected by the surrounding Rockets, Nenet moved to the nearest window and attempted to rip open the shutter. One glance outside would help determine exactly where they were, and whether it was safe to order Zev to rip through the hull.
As she fumbled with the window, Nenet orders her Pyroar to terastallise.


- Finds her Pokemon and keeps Pyroar out.[break]
- Sees Ameena try and kidnap a Megalopolan but doesn't intervene. Briefly laments her parallel universe daughter but gets back to business.[break]
- Keeps her mask on while standing amongst all the Rockets.[break]
- Tries to open a nearby window to see outside![break]
- Pyroar terastallises into a GROUND TYPE and is ready to attack



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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 22:30:12 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

Whatever answer might have given her confession was swallowed in the chaos of battle. Flower petals zipped towards the raging OGERPON, and amidst the floral barrage of knives, the Pokemon's retaliation struck her with a swift, resounding blow.[break][break]

Her hand lost 's, and screaming, she collapsed towards the lower floor against her will. Her fingers outstretched, vainly grasping at empty air.[break][break]


The plummeting fall hit her with sickening impact. Purple bruises blossomed along her exposed skin, visible proof of her injuries as she winced. All the hope that had buoyed her seemed brittle now and too-easily-broken, until the expanding of AZELF'S WILL swept through her. Alive, she reminded herself, though she couldn't make herself move, no matter how much she begged herself to. You're still alive. There's still a way out.[break][break]

Her TOXIC CHAIN unshackled abruptly and she let out a gasp of relief, turning to see a familiar silhouette drawing towards her. She attempted to right herself before that figure could get too close, another grimace pulling on her features as she put weight on a bad leg. The futile act ended as quickly as it began, and she curled into herself defensively, cursing her body for betraying her.[break][break]

"You dare succumb? When we have waited in the shadows for you?" that inner voice she'd strengthened in her dreams rebuked her. "We, who have been forged by AGONY and RESENTMENT, do not accept defeat so easily."[break][break]

When she glanced up, meeting that unmistakable ochre gaze with her own emerald green, a flood of old emotions overwhelmed her in an instant. Of course. Love had only ever punished her, hadn't it? That much remained true.[break][break]

Yes. It was indisputable fact. No happiness awaited her, not within the WELLSPRING MASK and not outside this prison's walls, either.[break][break]

Every indignity she'd ever suffered lit up in her mind with picture-perfect clarity. Each grudge she'd borne for every name on the Tablets of Ruin reignited. She remembered the shape of every dream that had festered into a nightmare, and her heart ached for the injustice of all this humiliation and suffering as she stumbled up to her knees.[break][break]

With its eyes alone, Wo-chien smiled a cruelly glittering and lightless smile.[break][break]

"Remember what has been done to US. Remember how WE have SUFFERED. For that is OUR strength, and OUR power."[break][break]

Slowly, she began to feel the swollen pain of her body start to abate, vitality flooding through her the more she dwelled and ruminated upon her own misery.[break][break]

Consumed as she was by her own self-restoration, she failed to realize another familiar figure had drawn her way.[break][break]

That of her former cellmate -- .[break][break]


[attr="class","ooc"] [break][break]
Prismatic Penitentiary (TLDR)

- FAILED ROLL ACTION: Ogerpon's retaliation tossed Elisabeth back to the lower level, causing her to shatter her leg.[break][break]
- Screams for Barnaby as she falls, her hand losing his. Love briefly gives way to DESPAIR, until Azelf's will makes her HOPE.[break][break]
- Wo-chien slithers to her, uses flood of GRUDGES to heal her. Hooray for parasitic bonding over mutual suffering?[break][break]
- Doesn't realize is literally RIGHT THERE, woops.


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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
part of
Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 22:54:17 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar

It's the only steadfast recurring in this world for her. Mental. Physical. Poison, broken bones, and broken ego. All things she had allowed to get to her in ways she never should have. Even the Nihilego, who were not even in her near path, had their Stealth Rocks tear through her fleshin awful ways. A cut on her cheek, some on her arms; shallow, but present. A more nasty gash on her abdomen, a chunk of debris that came with the Stealth Rocks but had done far more damage than anticipated. She had already been halfway through the flesh-walled tube by the time she realised she was bleeding;

It was the second thing she bandaged when she broke through the liquified tube at the end, the first being her bruised ego as she released her pokémon from their responsive vats. Especially so in her Tyranitar's eyes as it watched how she nearly crumbled when the chain and poison dissipated, nothing supporting the broken bones.

Kyrenai's mask fell, both literally and figuratively.

The clatter of the mask on her face, and the face of pain behind it, one that was trained to never show that emotion and bite through it, now let it all out. Shallow, laboured breaths follow as she sinks to her knees, but surrounded -and likewise covered from view- by her team, she allows the pain to wash all over her. And just as labouriously, she rises again.

The figurative mask back on again.

It's the paleness and the bags underneath her eyes that hint at what she's hiding, for those who care to look.

The Megalopolans in the adjacent room seem none the wiser as they scream when the screen is opened, fear visible in all their eyes. What gives her pause are the children present, even more scared than the adults among them. Although she's aware of the continued strife between Hoenians and Megalopolans, she takes pity on the children and keeps the largest of her mons outside of the room, depending on Talasa to retrieve her gear.

The Carracosta supports her trainer dutifully, and upon returning the rest of her team to their pokéballs, Kyrenai decides to leave the trembling Megalopolans to themselves, and goes to search for the one she followed into the flesh tube earlier.

"Seems like we're not out of the woods just yet... ready to rumble on even grounds?" she asks , looking up at the direction of the smashing sounds. Beside her, her Carracosta readies itself, throwing up a protective barrier around her two women.


- Is hurt by Nihilego Stealth Rocks before hopping in the tube
- Content the poison is lifted, still in a world of pain though
- Supported by her Carracosta
- Is worried about the Megalopolian children
- Joins up with again
- Carracosta uses a preemptive Protect

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