i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 7:29:30 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









The severity of their situation hadn't settled in for until now. After their jailers laugh and BEAT his fellow inmate to a pulp, however, FEAR begins to creep in. He'd escaped dangerous circumstances before but what if he never escaped this one? Was this where life as he knew it would finally come to an end?[break][break]

The RAGE he'd felt for had numbed him to this raw FEAR earlier. Now he nearly felt immobilized by it.[break][break]

He gazes across the room to the masked woman standing beside the beaten inmate. He can't know that it's but he knows she'll have to share a cell with that bloody mess.[break][break]

"T-This place is a madhouse..." The Galarian mutters, clenching his fists.[break][break]

Meanwhile, the workday may be done, but the results of their competition certainly seem to strike a nerve with their warden OKIDOGI. The royal watches in horror as several of his fellow inmates are hoisted up by their chains soon thereafter. Then he pays witness to the punishment for their misdeeds, slightly wincing when their respective Pokémon partners are smashed to bits with a mallet.[break][break]

The execution of the BLOODMOON URSALUNA sparks interest in Remiel, but he refrains from any further investigation. Playing along was the top priority for now. At least until he figured out a solid plan of some sort.[break][break]

So, when his ward is presented with a DILEMMA, the EX-ADMIN takes a deep breath and provides his input. "Why would we FORSAKE each other? Despite our affiliations in the world we left behind, we're all in this together here." He adds, not quite believing it entirely himself as he casts a brief look at standing beside him. Nevertheless, he continues:[break][break]

"We should TRUST the UGLY ward to do what's right and carry the weight of our punishment equally. Let's show our captors that humanity is more resilient and united than they thought!"[break][break]

Voting for: TRUST

[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY ⛓️


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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 8:30:57 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
For a brief blissfully ignorant moment she thought her plan had worked. She thought she had succeeded in hiding the Tera-Crystal-soon-to-be-Shiv. And so she steeled her resolve with dreams of success as she heard an unknown prisoner () fall to the heavy hand of injustice.

Her heart ached for the prisoner, and with each blow delivered she felt her body tighten in empathy. But she kept working, kept pretending to be good, and as the workday reached its conclusion she resigned herself to success.

Unfortunately success would not be hers on this day. The workday competition concluded, a victor was declared. And had that been the only thing to happen, she would have been happy. But it wasn’t. Somehow, they had spotted her crime. And so she found herself being dragged for a short moment until the dragging turned to hoisting, lifting her closer and closer to the Tera Crystals in the ceiling. Unfortunately for her she got a really good look at the crystals and what would follow.

But first the Toxic Chains tighten, and her body starts moving on its own. She tries to fight it, tries to keep it hidden. But her body would not listen, and so she retrieves the hidden shard from her chest. She feels a sudden tingling gush of warmth running down, quickly followed by itchy stinging. It seemed that the crystal made had reopened.

And had that been the only punishment, then she would have been fine with it. But luck would not have it be so, as the Tera Crystals began to project imagery, imagery showcasing the punishment.

A Pokeball was placed in the Mochi-bowl and an image of a Gengar would flash. And as the Megalopolans raised their hammer Johanna would begin to scream. “No, no, not that! Don’t please, take ME, TAK…”


Johanna fell quiet the moment she saw the Pokéball be crushed and heard the sound of ghostly-’flesh’ Tears began to run like a quiet stream behind her mask. Retnauh was gone. One of her oldest companions. As cliche as it were she found herself remembering all the good times they had had, even some of the bad times. Retnauh had been there during the Rocket Days. And now he is gone. GONE. Johanna barely noticed the rest of the punishments being doled out. The fog of grief was too thick to see through.

But not thick enough to protect her against the fall as she is dropped roughly back on the dummy-ward floor. As if clarity suddenly hits her she realizes that the punishment is over, and their wardens expect them to move on.

The wardens were cruel to expect that. But their cruelty made it easier to push past the grief and latch onto the anger growing at the injustice of it all. She may have been broken at first, but the clarity of anger wisened her enough to know Retnauh wouldn’t want her to wallow in his death.

And so she hauled herself up from the floor and followed the rest of the dummies to the center where they were given a choice. A cruel choice, but an easy one. She preached working together outside the prison, and she was not about to prove those words hollow inside the prison.

She steeled her voice and resolve for clarity in both before she spoke. “I VOTE TRUST.” The words emerged loud and clear, though a strain of held-back sadness were still quite clear in it.

- Johanna thinks she succeeded in stealing.
- She did not. Big oof.
- Johanna's Gengar is the unfortunate victim of the punishment, and she cries out begging for them to take her instead.
- They do not. Big Sadge
- Johanna hauls her ass over to the voting circle and votes: TRUST

Punished Pokemon:


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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 8:32:21 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Amor watched a stony expression as the punishments were doled out as they finished working. Those who had tried to steal had one of their pokemon killed, and mentally he was relieved that he had told to behave.....They had to play the long game if they were going to get a chance at freedom. Patience....They needed patience, but after everyone just witnessed this, he didn't think they were going to be as patient as they should be. Emotions overrode the logical part of peoples brains. He had tried to reason with others just once in the Cyberchase, and he had failed miserably only two had listened, and agreed with him.

"We need to vote trust...." He spoke very clearly, and loudly for everyone in his ward to hear him. "We need to vote trust, because if we vote forsake, and you have loved ones in that ward....You are potentially sentencing them to die....So we need to vote trust, and hope that someone over there comes to the same conclusion as I have...." Both of the wards voting trust was the only way they all got out of here alive.

They would endure pain sure, they would be battered, and bruised, but they would survive to fight another day. His hunch that stealing, and the like would be sussed out was correct. So his patience had payed off, had he used the rest of his Ward like guinea pigs? Yes. But they now had valuable intel, and they were still alive....

"This is the only way we live....Battered, and bruised, but alive. If I'm wrong, then maybe the warden will let me shoulder the punishment alone...." He attempted to drive that home, but in the end whether he managed to move their hearts, and minds would be up to them. "I vote Trust...."

Not knowing who was in the other ward was a disadvantage, but he hoped someone over there would be able to see what he did. If not then he would try to bargain with the warden so only he was punished.

Dummy Ward represent!
Amor is trying to appeal to the peoples!
Amor says that if his plan fails he will try to bargain with the Munki to shoulder the punishment on his own.
Amor votes Trust!
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 8:34:27 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



Seeing his cellmate get hurt, he stiffened. He was prepared to go over to her and would have if he wasn't aware of what might happen if he did. He could easily have a target on his own back if he did so. Still, his gaze would trail after his cellmate as she went to talk to a few other prisoners, women judging from their body shapes.
Still keeping an eye on his cellmate, he continued to work.
He worked until it was deemed they had worked enough and it was time for them to return to their cells. Upon returning to their cells, he was completely prepared to inquire about his cellmate's well-being. However, it seemed he would have to stick a pin in his worries for now, at least.
Fear. Pain. Anger.
All of these emotions jolted against one another for dominance.
He didn't show it though. He couldn't. He couldn't allow them to know they got to him. If they knew they got to you, they won. If they knew they got to you, they had power over you.
Still, blood roared in his ears as he watched certain people around him get beaten within an inch of their lives.
That almost made him react.
It was only due to the self-control he had obtained while dealing with his father that he was able to remain rooted to the spot. The same spot he had been in when he had been led back to the cell.
However, the destruction of the Pokémon got a reaction out of him. Without even fully registering what he was doing, he was already at the bars.
Nothing else but him, the Megalopolans, and the warden existed at this moment. Everything else was drowned out, even the responses people in his own ward might give.
"I don't give a damn what you do to me, but leave everyone else alone. You can’t just think we would decide to forsake other people. We’re not heartless monsters here, even if I don’t trust them on a personal level I’m choosing to put my faith in the dummy ward. I’m voting for TRUST"
The words were loud; in his anger, he had no problem speaking up. Some might think him stupid for offering to take the full heat. It was clear they had no plans on killing any of them. It would mean more work for them, since they would probably have to find someone to replace him.
No, the objective was to keep them alive. However, that didn't mean they wouldn't inflict pain upon them.
The thought of others suffering, he couldn't stand it. He already knew what it was like to be beaten within an inch of his life.
Why should everyone suffer?
If they needed an example, he would volunteer.
It was the least he could do for those stuck here that he might care about. Even the thought of strangers suffering made his insides churn uncomfortably.
Maybe his father was right.
He was too soft. How else would one explain such a decision to throw himself in between a bullet and the person it was intended for? Figuratively speaking, of course.
Still, if that softness made him weak, then he didn't want to be strong.[break] @weakling ward @dummy ward @ungly ward (basically everyone)

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL;DR: Worries about his cellmate. [break] watches over from afar her while he continues to work, doesn’t want to draw attention to himself [break] doesn’t like others getting hurt [break] volunteers as tribute to take the punishment. [break] Says a bit more than necessary when voting to trust the dummy ward



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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 8:36:07 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][newclass=".emapokemonteam"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
There's no hiding from the gruesome violence enacted now. Cass looks at Thea, glad that there's been no opportunity, glad that she's made a right choice, but now ... If Thea would try to shelter Knight from what's going on, she'd help her, but otherwise, she'd just hold both hands tightly, knowing their friends insufferable call for justice. She just hopes it won't result in martyrdom.

As a screen lights up and depicts- pokémon. She stares at their warden with a crazed look in her eyes, piercing through the mask, even if they might not pay attention. She feels all of her muscles tense at once, and her hands holding Knight's and Thea's would notice it, as her grip is almost crushing with strength she never displayed before.

She lets out a snort as she hears the vote - really now? She bites her lip, barely just remembering to not break skin, as she shakes her head. That's just ridiculous. Not even a proper prisoner's dilemma, just stupid. Trying to release the tension in her body, she breathes out, then looks at Knight and Thea. It's so stupid, everything is so stupid. What the hell is that choice?

It's psychological, she decides, just like everything here. Sickening, spreading like poison in the mind ... she'll have to ... (some part of her must be safe. She can't let them get to here there ...)

"Trust," she votes.

tl;dr dummy ward
- will help thea if she tries to guard knight from what's going on
- generally holds knight and thea by hand or arm if allowed
- upon seeing the pokémon on display, her grip tightens a lot
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July 19th
Fortree City
student (private school)
Single (not looking)
163cm height
163cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Knight Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @knight
Knight Naito
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 8:46:56 GMT
Knight Naito Avatar

A lot happened.[break][break]

Knight couldn't believe it that some people tried to steal the shards and, of course, were punished for doing so. He was pretty dumb himself (hence the ward) but come on! Couldn't be trusted for five minutes? People were idiots![break][break]

Though, even he had to admit, the punishment seemed pretty brutal. Knight winced as the people were strung up and he gazed at the large Tera Shard crystals on the ceiling.[break][break]

He was spared punishment simply because he had done as he was told but it seemed their ward hadn't done enough to get the nice reward. Knight sighed as he stood with Thea and Cass, watching their captor to see what would happen next.[break][break]

The whole ordeal with breaking the Poké balls is lost on him for a second... Until he realised that they had a Pokémon inside, "Wha--" That was... What? He couldn't understand why they'd do that![break][break]

And then his ultimate weakness was revealed when he had to listen to the Megalopolan spew all this information at them.[break][break]

It was a lot for someone like him to take in and Kay simply tugged on his ear, head empty, and somewhere a distant, upbeat song played in his head. [break][break]

"Huh?" Why had Cass said trust like that? Knight took a second, or five, to catch up with what was happening and shrugged, "Trust!" He broke into a grin. This was another game? Trust or Foresaken...?[break][break]

Well, naturally, he'd trust. That was just who he was as a person.




knight witnesses the punishments and, while he feels bad, he thinks people should have done as they were told (for now).[break]
he zones out for a bit because it's a lot of words[break]
votes trust![break]



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July 6
Accumula Town
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @sylviacousteau
Sylvia Cousteau
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 8:52:01 GMT
Sylvia Cousteau Avatar
What a strange thing to awaken in! Sylvia had been asleep like a good agent of chaos as the bomb soon dropped that she wasn't where she had been before. There she was, all caught nicely by one and sitting inside of a League jail cell. So imagine her surprise when she woke up to the sight of another woman in her cell. She arose slowly, hands feeling over the mask on her face while the woman greeting her had a muffled voice, hoping she was well. "Yep! Just fine!~" she said cheerfully, pushing herself on two feet while the work in front of them began. Her toxic chain hooked into the wall as their commands were given. "Oop! Better clock in!~"

Some time later and the Pokémon all would cry out to signal for an end for everybody to work. She had been a good little worker bee just doing her job while the wardens would start dishing out punishments to all of those little escapee. Sylvia's eyes traveled to the screens plastered on the walls of all the people who had then been being beaten senselessly, having their Pokémon being hammered to death in their Pokeballs. It was probably a good idea that the mask was on, as that grin on her face was wide enough to border on being somewhat alarming. "Yeah, the torture is kind of rough. But that's how you get stronger, after all!" The thought sounded perfectly reasonable to her, but others probably wouldn't have seen it the same way.

A vote was placed before them, as everyone in her Dummy Ward was subjected to a little decision: Save or Forsake the other Ward. Everybody else may have been a little bit hesitant about voting, but not Sylvia! "Aha, so it's one of these games, huh?" She said confidently. The woman marched right forward with a cocky grin forward while pointing to the air. "This is obviously an easy decision!"

Sylvia votes: FORSAKE


  • Woke up and was a perfect little worker
  • Watched other people lose their Pokemon in such awful ways
  • Thrilled at the idea of becoming stronger through this personal hell
  • Given the chance to vote to punish the Weakling Ward, immediately votes to FORSAKE.

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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
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Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 9:47:20 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar



The Dummy Ward was living up to its name, because Alba was surrounded by a bunch of gormless idiots. All those people, hoisted into the air like thieves at the gallows… What a waste. He wasn’t planning on staying in this hellhole forever, but he wasn’t going to suffer because of some harebrained scheme to steal some crystals, either.[break][break]

But the worst of all the idiots was the idiot trying to talk about the vote. At least the Tera thieves were only shooting themselves in the foot — this guy was holding a gun to each and every one of them.[break][break]

“And why the hell would it do that? If you seriously think the warden will listen to you, that chain must be cutting off the circulation to your brain. Look at what happens when you try and break the game they’re playing; don’t eat the mochi, and you die horrifically. Try and steal, and you get your Pokémon killed. What are you gonna bargain with? What could you possibly offer, when the wardens are here to make us suffer, and when you only have the clothes on your back?” Alba forces his voice to be even as he speaks. Look level-headed, look in control… look like more than just someone trying to avoid the crack of the whip.[break][break]

“The most logical choice in every situation is to pick ‘forsake’. No matter what we pick, there’s always a fifty-fifty chance we get the harsh punishment, but we can only completely avoid it by forsaking. I know Mr. Martyr over there was talking about loved ones in the other wards… but we don’t know that, and they don’t know that.” The most logical choice in every situation is to pick ‘forsake’, therefore, they had to assume that the other ward would also pick ‘forsake’. In that case, it didn’t matter what they picked; they’d always have to suffer the harsh punishment. But that didn’t really help with the sell, did it?[break][break]

“Not to mention… it’s a punishment, not an execution. They’re keeping us alive so we can work, and there are what, a few dozen people in this ward? Why would they kill so many people, so many workers, just because of a single vote?” So many assumptions, none of them making sense… The worst kind of idiot was an idiot with a cause.[break][break]

With his ramble to the rest of the ward over, Alba turns to look at . “You get where I’m coming from, right? You get why we have to forsake?”



In the Dummy Ward![break]
Everyone here except me is an idiot[break]
Questions ’s plan about trusting and taking all the punishment [break]
Makes his case for why they should forsake, talks to specifically because cellbuddies smile[break]




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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,871 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 9:48:17 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","calcifet elise"]


The holy sword only protects the king,[break]
It is the king's power that protects the country.




Through the dimmed visor, the ambassador is able to see the prisoners that stole the Tera Shards from the cart and the body of one prisoner that acted out get their punishment. The horror comes with the execution of the punished prisoners’ Pokemon in their Pokeballs as a mallet smashes the Pokeballs to pieces. She couldn’t imagine that to happen to each of the prisoners’ Pokemon as fear comes over to the diplomat.[break][break]

She can’t allow it to happen to the shard Calyrex. The importance of keeping him safe from the warden and his guards would be clear.[break][break]

Some voices come out of the cells and while she tries very hard to pick out some that were familiar to her, the voice of her elder cousin makes her very worried. Had been taken at the same time as she was? The former prince tries to give the rest of their ward a pep talk through the loss of several of the punished prisoners’ Pokemon.[break][break]

“Cousin?” The Galarian Ambassador finally calls out to the one that she considers family than her own aunt and Remiel’s other siblings, her cousins. “Is that you? Please tell me you are alright!” She’s afraid that if her cousin acts out too, he would receive the same punishment like the rest of the prisoners that tried in defiance. [break][break]

But most of all, she doesn’t want to leave her people behind. When the opportunity to vote comes to the prisoners, the ambassador comes to a conclusion that she had done every time in her work at the embassy as she gets herself to the center along with the prisoners.[break][break]

“I vote that we should put our trust in them.” Her decision was already made. She doesn’t want to doom the other ward to a very hard punishment and she hopes that would make the right choice too.[break][break]


♔ Weakling Ward[break]
♔ Recognizes Remiel's voice and calls out to him[break]
♔ Votes Trust


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 10:08:25 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

"That would require being the best performing ward," had said of her plan, but as the events played out before them, realized to her sick satisfaction this was not strictly true.[break][break]

"Given our competition, we need only avoid acting incompetent," she murmured back with mild amusement, mentally filing away the notes he'd given regarding Hoenn's history. The councilman's muffled voice echoed at a familiarity she didn't have the mental energy to process; it was enough, perhaps, to know neither intended to die here. That made them temporary allies.[break][break]

At the very least, the presence of made the idea that she was sharing a cell with a Megalopolan plant unlikely. She'd be grateful to him for that, and for his obedience to their captors, if nothing else.[break][break]

She spared a glance to the man at the other side of her, the soft words of having eased the worst of her apprehension, then exhaled as she turned to the macabre spectacle before them.[break][break]

Immunity from punishment granted her clarity of thought. What little knowledge they had of each ward manifested itself best in the two most brutish displays of violence showcased on the screen.[break][break]

The body of , devoid of its wrappings, was uniquely recognizable though it was beaten and battered -- how many of Hoenn's populace had burns of that intensity?[break][break]

she suspected from his muscular build, though with far less confidence. This however cemented her selection.[break][break]

"I vote for the Dummy ward," she announced, and this time her voice rang with a conviction that had been lacking in her previously. In this, the familiar poise of the underboss returned as she coolly stepped forward, dispassionate and without remorse for the condemned. "The insolence of its 'heroism' should not be spared."[break][break]

Ironic, that 's penchant for liberation was what compelled her to subjugate his ward with him.[break][break]

The incoherent ramblings of 's protests earned a glaring turn of her head, and her voice turned cruel and biting as she recognized its source. If the mask hadn't shrouded her smile, he'd have seen its cat-like gleam as she regarded him.[break][break]

"And I must thank you, Navidson. By announcing your intent to sacrifice our lives to spare your friends, you have earned my vote should we ever have to Forsake one of our own."[break][break]

The slop of viscera dropping from the above wards oozed its way downwards, and her eyes followed it, watching as what remained of the brave and the foolish was swept away.[break][break]

"If you are not with us, you are against us. That puts you at twenty against one. I'd be mindful of those odds, if I were you."[break][break]

Not that any of this theater mattered. Not when the Chamber of Desires was so painfully, achingly close, and the possibility of salvation with it.

Prismatic Penitentiary: Ugly Ward (TLDR)

- Recognizes , is weirdly okay with it seeing as he is being helpful and resourceful and they all need to not die. Doesn't acknowledge that she recognizes him though.[break][break]
- Visibly calmed down by the presence of .[break][break]
- No complicated feelings about being the best performing ward. Just relief.[break][break]
- Confidently votes DUMMY WARDS due to recognizing and protecting her own. And also because she's pretty sure she recognizes and hey, if we can get rid of a traitor? Two birds, one stone![break][break]
- Tells he just told the entire ward he's willing to sell them downriver to save his friends, and so if the time ever comes, she's writing his name down to be FORSAKEN. And twenty other people probably feel the same. (It's like he never grew up watching Survivor, fr.)[break][break]
- Would be recognizable by anyone who knows her voice at this point.[break][break]


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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,045 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 10:13:33 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

The retainer Munkidori was more like a clown. Not even children were spared from its cruel pranking. The sight of the other inmates being mistreated filled Andrea with a slow-burning rage, which came to a tipping point when one of them () was psychically beaten to a pulp.
“How dare you treat them like that--” Her attempt to stand up for her fellow dummies was met with derisive laughter from the esper ape and its brainwashed puppets. Brave defiance gave way to terror when their captors spoke of penalization, exposing her as a smuggler.
The young PokéManiac was hoisted by her Toxic Chain, her legs dangling in the air. She watched helplessly as a bunch of Pokéballs were brought into a mortar and smashed into bits of metal. One of them was the ball containing Meatloaf, her treasured Salamence.
“Don’t do it…” She desperately tried to scream at the hammer-wielding Megalopolans, but the magenta chain tightly wrapped around her throat like a boa constrictor made it so that only choking noises left her mouth.
After the awful punishment had been doled out, Andrea fell back on the floor with a sickening thud that rattled every bone in her body. Groaning in pain, she willed herself to sit up, tears trailing down the bottom part of her mask. “I’m sorry, Meatloaf… I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m…” The girl broke into sobs, blaming herself for the loss of an irreplaceable companion.
In the wake of what had happened, the plummeting bodies of deceased prisoners were barely even an afterthought. The thing that brought her out of her depressive spiral was the debate between saying they should retain unity against a system that sought to divide them, while argued they should look out for themselves.
The trainer of dragons glared back at Munkidori as the latter jabbed her side, making no attempt to hide her sheer contempt and hatred. Before, she might have been willing to give this funny monkey and its ilk the benefit of a doubt, but they had made the mistake of going after her friends.
“Trust.” She voted, making sure they could hear her ‘annoying voice’ loud and clear.
Despite what their wardens claimed, she was determined to escape her ‘karmic fate’ one way or another, if only so she could make them pay for all the lives they had taken.


- Dummy ward[break]
- No Pokémon, no Sygna Suit[break]
- Tries to stand up for dummy gang and gets laughed at[break]
- Meatloaf is seemingly killed[break]
- Votes TRUST



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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 12:00:05 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar

Being left alone to her own thoughts was her own personal hell... Inescapable, just like the tether around her neck, binding her to her shadows. Binding her to her intrusive thoughts, to the ugliness that lay inside.[break]
Yuina hardly dared to move, stuck somewhere between abject fear and the intention to keep herself as out of the way as possible. She only moved to grab the next crystal to work on, raking it along the fabric of the uniform they were all forced to wear, but little else. There was nothing else for her, not right now, not when she had already scanned the room, taking in how many of them were there, trapped, captive... Alone...[break][break]
No one is looking for you...
The silence, save for the occasional whisper among other prisoners was deafening. Even the clatter of the shards they were polishing began to fall into the shuttering quiet that Yuina was struggling not to drown in. Focus... Focus on literally anything else... There were no windows, no natural light anywhere, and the platform moved up and down. Were they underground and going up was the way out? Or was there more beneath them? The tera crystals seemed to be a power source maybe for the platform? Where were the tera crystals coming from...[break][break]
You'll be lost here...
The Megalopolans were wearing toxic chains too, she didn't remember the toxic chains affecting them in the caves beneath the swamp... Were they afflicted too? The bird seemed to be in charge, watching it strut around the room, even the Megalopolans seemed to keep a distance unless beckoned by it. They weren't even trying to go after the body that... Don't look at the body, don't look at the body...[break][break]
Erased from this life, just like before...
The bird, the toxic chain that hung from its feathers... It looked familiar, where had she seen it before...? The statues, within Rusturf tunnel, there was the bird, a canine? There was a third one... what was it...[break][break]
Nothing but a shadow...
Just polish the crystals, just do the work, focus on the work, don't focus on the blood...[break][break]
Alone, alone, alone, alone....[break][break]

It wasn't until she felt the sting of the cut on her hand that Yuina blinked, she almost hadn't been breathing it felt like, her chest heavy, eyes bleary with tears. The physical pain of the cut was almost welcome, she just needed anything other than the suffocating pain of her thoughts, anything to bring her out of the depths...[break][break]
She had been trapped there within herself for... How long had it been, an hour? A couple...? Yuina nearly jumped as there was movement beside her, someone coming closer to her, her cellmate... His words didn't register, she barely heard him, but where she might have flinched to draw her hand away as he grasped onto it, Yuina froze entirely.[break][break]
Her heart stopped, his fingers brushing over her skin felt... No... But for the first time, looking at him... really looking at him outside of the darkness of their cell, sitting more upright... The color of his hair, the texture, the way it fell over the mask and across his shoulders...[break]
No... the hold on her wrist, he was turning over her arm, a scar that didn't mean anything to anyone else... And... and... he too had a scar, the edges of it along his chest just above the uniform they wore...[break][break]
She couldn't find her voice, it was lost within her fear, but the silence of everything stopping around her was so loud she wanted to scream.[break]
The fabric wrapped around her hand, it stung, but nothing was more painful than knowing...[break][break]
'No... please no...'[break][break]
Her eyes darted around them, his hands held hers within them, clasped together for a moment, they couldn't do anything, they couldn't say anything, they weren't safe, what if the megalopolans noticed, they... They would use that against them, wouldn't they...[break][break]
'No, please, don't let go, don't let go, don't let me go!'[break][break]
His hands left hers, she was trembling, her head cast down. She brought her injured hand into her lap, cradling it with her other, her shoulders shook in a silent sob. It was killing her knowing how close they were, but how easy it would be for them to be separated... How easy it would be to lose each other...[break]
"T-thank you...," was all her small, broken voice could manage. This was a new kind of personal hell...[break][break]

Before anything else could be said or done, the bird gave a loud call, everything ceased, they were done with their work for the day... And their ward had supposedly performed the best. However, that didn't mean that the other wards apparently had performed on par, in fact... Another example was being made.[break][break]
There were 'thieves' in the other wards, Yuina's eyes glanced to the crystals, what had they been trying to do? But as a 'screen' of sorts flickered along the tera crystals above them, more megalopolans to do the bidding of the toxic chain that marred them, it was impossible to look away.[break][break]
One by one, Pokeballs were smashed to pieces, unrecognizable, irrepairable, and the Pokemon inside... Yuina's heart ached. She only waited to see if any of her own Pokemon would have appeared, if only to continue to spite the lot of them for nothing else... She wondered if the Naganadel that she kept close with her, would suffer the same fate, or if they would recognize it as their own... And then, they spoke of past transgressions... One final Pokeball... A gigaton ball...[break][break]
"No...," Yuina breathed, she recognized it anywhere, knew who it belonged to, knew the Ursaluna within its confinements... Crushed... Her fists clenched, another piece of hisui squandered by them...[break][break]
And yet, now they were supposed to accept a reward, their ward had performed to satisfaction, and they would be lead to this chamber by the nooses that formed one long chain of them around their necks. Yuina did grasp Doug's hand though, without hesitation, her fingers intertwined with his... She needed it...[break][break]
And then they were given a choice, as the 'screen' flicked again, the other wards could be seen, antagonized by two other Pokemon and their toxic chains, held just like they were... They were to be punished... And they were supposed to make the choice? Monsters...[break]
Emboldened by holding his hand firmly in her grasp, enraged by knowing what had just happened to the Ursaluna, Yuina didn't care much for the snide remarks of a woman within their ward (), the way she regarded that she know knew was with them... He was right...[break][break]
"No, you won't make us sacrifice each other," Yuina spoke to the megalopolans, especially when she could imagine that none of them mattered in the end of this, none of them will be alive when this was all over.[break]
"If choosing none of us means punishing all of us, then so be it," she returned, she wouldn't dare vote against the other wards who were just like them in the end, turning them all against each other would only make this that much harder.[break][break]
"You will pay, murderers," she finished, foreign words, but her intent was clear... A threat. They'd already erased her kin, the Hisuians from the swamps... She wasn't going to let them go in vain either, they deserved to be remembered for what happened to them.



- Yuina realizes who is there with her, who her cellmate is...[break]
- Watches Doug the Bloodmoon Ursaluna's Gigaton ball get smashed by the megalopolans, she's furious[break]
- Would they do the same to the Naganadel that she harbors?[break]
- She will not turn against one of the other wards, they're all there, and they all won't matter in the end. If they turn on each other now, there's no chance of getting out alive. Yuina does not vote for a ward[break]
- 'You will pay, murderers', Yuina makes a threat in Hisuian



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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 12:02:23 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

A cruel joke. She wanted to make something of herself once. To stand up for what was right, and fix the world. Yet, here within their prisonscape, nothing but hell awaits them. One rebel attempted to fight back, a man she neither met nor knew. ... and this was the end result. She could do nothing. She was powerless.[break][break]

Her heart ached. But coldly, she has to turn her back. Boiling, the entire time. To watch this ravenous dog beat and brutalize this man, and she feels her fury mounting. Bubbling. Hatred courses through her veins. Hostile red eyes watch the ordeal.[break][break]

If this was how it was in the Weakling Ward... did anyone else handle it better?[break][break]

'Don't.' It takes everything in herself not to lose it. If she had seen what happened in Dummy Ward, though... perhaps she'd have made herself a casualty, and proved her dummy status more.[break][break]

All she can do, is grit her teeth, plant her feet, and bear it all.[break][break]

Before too long... it's time to judge them. And it's clear, by the way the wild hound in the middle snarls and growls, that they failed. The Weak Wards proved their weakness. And so, the peanlties would begin. A harsh punishment to come... especially, for those lifted as thieves. Her cold vigil watches on, as their every attempt to stash and steal, to smuggle, was thrown away. Punishment?[break][break]


One by one, the punished receive their punishment. Until the Bloodmoon Ursaluna shows on screen. Revenge. She closes her eyes, but the sickening sound of crunching metal and that meaty noise plagues her mind. Not seeing it personally only makes her cringe worse, the imagination filling the blanks.[break][break]

Now though, comes a game.[break][break]

Trust or Forsake. The rules of the game were simple. Choose one, or the other. Picking trust, means everyone in the Dummy and Weakling Wards get punished equally. Forsake, means both sides get it worse. But if one betrays another... one side will be safe. The other, gets a brutal punishment.[break][break]

If this were a year ago, the better nature in Genny would have bore the pain and strife of full-on trust. But every time she has trusted, every time she has allowed vulnerability, she is punished for it. By Rocket. By her enemies. Time and time again, she loses more and more. More bodies, more deaths. She's tired of the misery and strife. She wasn't quick to trust anymore.[break][break]

She shoots a glare to the speaking Megalopolan. She's smart. She's not willing to suffer the same fate as the other guy, but enough to hope that the speaking Megalopolan can feel the murderous vibe she's giving off.[break][break]


She's devising a way to off every Megalopolan here. Her facial expression, what little is visible, hides nothing. She doesn't care if she suffers this torture. She refuses to move herself on the board until the time comes.



- Weak Ward[break]
- Shred got MESSED UP, dog. Genny is not kosher with that, but what can she do? Get almost dead too?[break]
- Does her work, but seeing as they fail, she watches that Okidogi get angy. And now, thieves? Getting punished?[break]
- Bruh. They're killing innocent Pokemon over that... fury and anger boil under the skin.[break]
- A little game of Trust or Forsake? Well... Genny isn't exactly trusting anymore. And the situation makes it worse.[break]
- Picks TRUST. The Megalopolan can see, Genny is angy.



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 13:45:40 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

They are not chosen.[break][break]

Cillian's skin crawls as the Okidogi growls discontent. Would they be punished for their inability to measure up?[break][break]

He feels relief when others are yanked up by their chains, instead. He had looked away when their warden had beaten within an inch of his life, but now recognizes the body that hangs limp from its chain.[break][break]

Fury and frustration build within. He wants to help his fellow Rockets, his siblings, but can only watch as those who'd sought to rebel are punished for their sins. Idiots, he thinks, but with an empathy borne of personal experience. He bore the scars of 's punishments, and now these fools would face the same. The wardens' decree is so similar to Rocket's that if Cillian closed his eyes, he could be back in Kanto.[break][break]

If you defy us, we will break you.[break][break]

Cillian has already been broken.[break][break]

"Prisoner's dilemma," he recognizes. "Classic."[break][break]

The only way to avoid punishment would be to forsake the other ward and hope them foolish enough to trust. But to Cillian, the far safer option is clear.[break][break]

"TRUST." He speaks loud and clear, his voice resonating with the strength of leadership. Quieter, to those close enough to hear him, he says, "I have learned that this world is full of idealists. Their naivety may shield us from the greater punishment."




Glad he isn't the one getting beaten/punished[break]
Picks TRUST in hopes of a lesser punishment


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]mEUBI7QS
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 14:27:23 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
is really the only person priam gets close to, and it doesn't seem surprising when he turns out to be the person priam holds hands with.

"you guys are actually abstainin' after seein' all that?!"

they may be playing a game, but the house always wins. adding rules that don't correspond to what was already laid out risks the same punishment they've already seen on the screen.

priam wasn't a masochist. suffering doesn't make an enjoyable afternoon for him.

"if you wanna play hero, how about we stay alive instead? can't really protect your friends if you're already beaten black and blue, y'know."

beneath the mask, his expression is hidden. the devil's advocate plays, leaning to the side of realism and logic than blind optimism if it meant staying alive.

"maybe the chamber of desires has something that you guys want, like, i dunno, whatever it is you desire?" fairness? justice? salvation? their righteousness doesn't seem to know no bounds, even if it meant sacrificing the innocent people within their ward. "please, please, please, please! don't waste this opportunity for us!"

priam casts his vote. "dummy!"

  • behaves himself
  • suggests that the chamber of desires can be their hope to better their position (to save people or otherwise)
  • doesn't play games in case that opportunity is taken away from them
  • votes dummy

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP